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Transit Service Contracting Dec 1988

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Transit Service Contracting

Cream-Skimming or Deficit-Skimming?

December 1988

Prepared by
Robert Cervero
Institute of Urban and Regional Development
University of California, Berkeley
Berkeley, California 94720

Prepared for
University Research and Training Program
Urban Mass Transportation Administration
U.S. Department of Transportation
Washington, D.C. 20590

Distributed in Cooperation with
Technology Sharing Program
U.S. Department of Transportation
Washington, D.C. 20590


                         Executive Summary

                   Transit Service Contracting,.
                Cream-Skimming or Deficit Skimming?

                          Robert Cervero
                University of California, Berkeley
                           December 1988

     The overall fiscal decline in America's mass transit industry,
some argue, is endemic of a public sector that lacks any incentive
to cut costs, innovate, and respond to changing patterns of demand. 
More and more, transit authorities around the country are
attempting to inject greater competition into their transit systems
by contracting out bus routes to private firms.  Recent experiences
suggest that competitive contracting can not only contain runaway
cost increases but capture new ridership markets as well.

     Standing in the way of any widespread acceptance of
competitive contracting, however, is the commonly voiced argument
that private companies will skim the cream -- generally considered
to be rush hour markets -- away from public entities.  This compels
one to ask first whether there are many profitable public -transit
services around the country from which to skim any cream? Or are
private contractors skimmers of deficits who turn losses into

     The aim of this research is to help resolve this controversy
using a balance of empirical analysis and
analyses.  The cream-skimming argument, we believe, rests on
several questionable assumptions about urban transit's costs and
performance characteristics.  First and foremost is the belief that
there are significant numbers of publicly operated routes and
services across the country that are generating a profit.  A second
tenable assumption is that America's public transit industry is a
natural monopoly - that is, there are inherent economies of scale
and consequently lower unit costs that can be realized only by
allowing a single exclusive franchiser to exist.  The final
assumption is that public transit authorities will somehow lose
control over their services and become vulnerable to predatory
competitors who "steal them away".  Our belief is that these
assumptions are groundless.

     This study addresses the cream-skimming topic only with
respect to fixed-route bus transit services, the bread-and-butter
of the transit industry.  Particular attention is given to studying
the cost and performance characteristics of peak-hour, express
services because many transit managers view them as their "cream",
ostensibly because buses are generally full and workers are at
their busiest during the rush period.

Context or Transit Service Contracting in the U.S.

     Triggering the national interest in competitive contracting
have been the dramatic declines in the transit industry's fiscal
health over the past decade.  The cost of operating the nation's
public transit systems increased more than threefold between 1975
and 1985, even though ridership remained more or less constant over
that period.  During the first half of the 1980's, the fastest real
dollar cost increases were for fringe benefits, materials and
supplies, utilities, and insurance.  Virtually every indicator of
productivity has declined as well.  Between 1975 and 1985, for
instance, transit labor productivity dropped sharply from 13,618
vehicle miles of service per worker to 9,364.

     Competitive contracting has been touted by many advocates as
the most promising way of reversing these declines.  In theory, two
levels of benefits should redound to public agencies


engaged in competitive contracting.  The immediate benefits, called
first-order benefits, should result from substituting lower cost
privately operated services for comparable publicly operated ones. 
By spurring competition, contracting should also produce second-
order benefits by prodding public entities to get their own fiscal
houses in order so that they can win back services.  As discussed
in Chapter 2 of the report, a number of empirical studies have
confirmed these benefits.

     Today, an estimated one-third of all public agencies which
sponsor transit services are engaged in some form of transit
service contracting.  While the majority of service contracting is
for demand-responsive transit, over 20 percent of fixed-route
systems nationwide also contract for fixed-route services, p y
peak-only express runs.  Only five systems with fleets sizes
exceeding 100 contract out all of their fixed-route services. 
There are only two precedents, moreover, where a pre-existing
publicly operated fixed-route service has been converted over to
private operation.

     Of the studies conducted to date on the cost and performance
impacts of transit service contracting, most have found real cost
savings m the range of 10 to 50 percent.  Since few large transit
properties actually engage in service contracting on a significant
scale, the aggregate nationwide cost savings from contracting have
fairly modest, well under 10 percent.

Profitability of Public Transit Operations in the U.S.

     Since the cream-s g argument rests on the belief that there
are profitable publicly operated bus routes in the U.S., a major
component of this research involved investigating whether this is
so.  To date, little research has been conducted on this question. 
In this study, profitability is measured in terms of the degree to
which farebox revenues exceed the direct, day-to-day operating
expenses that are not sunk and are avoidable should services be
contracted out.  Direct operating expenses include labor, energy,
materials costs for operating and maintaining vehicles as well as
use-related depreciation for any vehicles used in providing
services.  All outlays for fixed facilities like maintenance
garages as well as all administrative functions are ignored because
such costs could not be instantaneously eliminated if a transit
agency contracted out a specific set of services to a private

     For the empirical phase of the research, detailed 1987 cost
and revenue data were compiled for 76 of the highest ridership
peak-only, express routes and 76 of the highest ridership all-day
local routes for 25 transit properties with over 100 vehicles. 
Cost models were developed for each property using vehicle hours,
vehicle miles, and peak vehicles as input factors.  A set of
allocation rules were established based on recent research on
causal factors related to the encumbrance of expenses and uniformly
applied to all transit systems studied.

     In all, only ten transit routes were found to either cover or
exceed their direct, day-to-day operating costs from farebox
receipts.  These profitable or break-even routes were operated by
five of the 25 agencies -- WMATA (Washington, D.C. area), SEPTA
(Philadelphia area), GRT (Richmond area), MTC (Minneapolis-St. 
Paul area), and Westchester County (NY), with the latter being a
wholly private franchised operation.  In all, these routes
comprised less than one percent, or 0.0076, of total routes
operated by the 25 case study sites.  Thus even when the most
conservative approach to estimating costs is adopted, fewer than
one percent of the nation's fixed-route transit services are
estimated to make a profit or break even.

     With few exceptions, profitable publicly operated routes
shared common demand-side characteristics.  Nearly all serve highly
transit-dependent populations, as evidenced by the low median
incomes and high shares of minority residents along the
neighborhoods they Thisect.  Population and employment densities
are consistently high along profitable corridors, anywhere between
30 percent and 100 percent above the net densities of the principal
city served by the transit system.  Equally important, profitable
routes usually connect the region's central business


district, serving a number of employment clusters and major
activity centers along the way.  With the exception of two peak-
express routes that were found to be profitable, average trip
lengths tend to be quite short along profitable routes, generally
in the range of 2 to 4 miles.  Such high rates of seat turnover
produce high revenue yields, especially under flat fare systems. 
Given that the poor make up a large share of the patrons on these
routes, then, these pricing policies are inherently regressive. 
Finally, all successful routes average high load factors, generally
well over 1.2 during the peak period and in the range of 0.70 to
0.90 during most of the mid-day.

     Overall, profitable routes have none of the characteristics of
the kinds of services that would be most subject to contracting. 
No cases exist where transit managers have selectively contracted
out routes with high load factors serving short-haul trips along
dense corridors with transit-dependent households.  Rather,
competitive contracting of fixed-route transit services, as
practiced to date, has been limited primarily to new, start-up
services targeted at low-density suburban markets.  Thus, the gap
between the cream-skimming argument and the reality of contracting
is fairly wide.

The Scale Economies Argument Against Contracting

     A classical argument against privatization is that public
transit properties enjoy economies of scale that can only be reaped
by limiting the number of entrants into the urban mass
transportation market.  Research seems to discredit this argument. 
For the most part, economies in the bus transit sector can only be
found when outputs are expressed in terms of patronage.  When
additional demand requires the start-up of new services or the
expansion of existing ones, extra equipment has to be purchased,
the work force has to be expanded, and additional mileage and
hours- of service have to be logged.  As a result, this and other
research unequivocally show that unit costs of delivering bus
services rise when vehicle-miles are increased, particularly in the
case of large transit properties.  In this study, for instance, it
was found that for both peak and local services, the average cost
per vehicle mile rises from $1.48 for transit properties with fewer
than 250 vehicles to over twice as much -- $3.79 -- for transit
systems with more than 500 vehicles. This tendency toward declining
scale economies thus appears to hold even when patronage levels are
controlled for (since the analysis is based on only high ridership
routes).  Besides paying higher penalties for split-shift and part-
time work duties, bigger transit operators also appear to pay a
penalty for the slower speeds and stop-and-go conditions they
endure -- generally in the way of higher maintenance costs, fuel
consumption rates, liability insurance rates, and driver wage

     This and other research clearly point to the fact that the
peak period is urban transit's nemesis, sustaining far greater
deficit rates than the midday.  Besides shedding expensive peak
loads from public transit agencies, competitive contracting could
provide many commuters with a higher quality service than that
offered by conventional buses.  While standard buses often sit idle
during the midday and on weekends, the premium buses operated by
private firms can be put to use as special charters to recreational
sites during the midday.  To the extent paratransit serves a peak-
period supplements, these vehicles could also provide more
specialized curb-to-curb services for elderly and disabled
populations during the non-peak.  Thus, load-shedding would not
only help to reduce deficits, it would also likely enhance the
quality of off-peak travel for many groups.

Challenging Other Arguments Against Competitive Contracting

     Contracting is sometimes misconstrued to mean public
involvement in the transit arena is somehow lost.  To the contrary,
public authorities remain the financial sponsors of contracted
services.  The actually delivery of services, however, is performed
by the lowest bidder who meets acceptable performance standards. 
For six of the nation's major transit jurisdictions currently
involved with contracting fixed-route services on a significant
scale, all were found to be sponsors


of the contracted services.  They also designed all contracted
routes, set headways and schedules, and determined what fares would
be charged.  In all cases, contracts could be rescinded for failure
to comply with the terms and conditions of the contract.  Overall,
the oversight of all aspects of transit services rests with the
public entity undertaking contracting.  As long as this is so,
every safeguard is in place to prevent cream-skimming.  Very
simply, public entities govern what is contracted and what isn't,
allowing them to save their best performing services for in-house

     For cream-skimming to occur, it is of course necessary that a
pre-existing publicly operated fixed-route service be transferred
to private operation.  As practiced to date, nearly every fixed-
route service that has been bid out was a new, supplemental
service.  Of the two cases where a already-existing public bus
route was taken over by a private firm in both instances the routes
were among the agencies' (Houston Metro and Norfolk's TRT) poorest
performing routes.  Clearly, then, as practiced to date,
competitive contracting of pre-established bus services has
involved deficit-skimming rather than cream-skimming.

     Other criticisms lodged against competitive contracting were
also investigated in this research.  Some contend that private
operators will deliver lower quality of service than public
operators.  Explicit performance standards related to on-time
arrivals, safety, maintenance, and the like have prevented this. 
In the case of Houston Metro, evidence suggests that general
service quality has actually improved following private takeover of
park-and-ride express routes.

     Others perceived service contracting as a threat to organized
labor and a de facto violation of UMTA's Section 13(c) labor
protection legislation.  To date, however, there is no single case
of a transit employee having been furloughed directly as a result
of service contracting.  Still others contend that as contracting
becomes more widespread, the overheads and labor costs of private
firm will eventually rise as their workers begin to unionize.  In
general, periodic re-bidding of contracts have provided an
effective safety valve for controlling costs.  Moreover, rather
than private sector costs rising, in some cases the public sector's
costs fell in order to become more competitive (which in the case
of two properties meant eventually winning back services from
private firms.


     The three main findings of this research which render the
cream-s g argument meaningless are:

     (1)  There are very, very few profitable fixed-route bus
services in the U.S. from which any "cream" could possibly be
skimmed. Even when only the direct operating portions of total
costs are considered, less than one percent of all fixed-route bus
services currently operated by medium and large size transit
agencies in the U.S. make a profit or break even.

     (2)  There is little evidence of any significant economies of
scale in the transit industry, particularly for large transit
agencies, meaning there is no real economic justification
protecting transit properties from competition.  This and other
research show consistently that unit costs of delivering bus
services rise when vehicle miles increase.  Thus, private, firms 
that assist in serving high-deficit peak loads should help reduce
the scale of public operations to a more cost efficient level.

     (3)  In all instances to date, public agencies control which
routes private bidders are given an opportunity to take over,
meaning that agencies have retained . their best performing routes
for in-house operation. By remaining the funding sponsors, public
authorities are in a position to hold back any routes they so
choose from possible bidding.  Experiences to date show that only
the highest deficit, poorest performing routes are ever contracted.


     Overall, it is concluded that competitive contracting of
fixed-route transit services, as practiced today and in the
foreseeable future, actually results in deficit-skimming.  Rather
than ruthless predators, contractors are actually friends of the
public transit sector.  They take over the least productive routes
and usually deliver a comparable or better quality of service at a
lower deficit rate.



     Many people were generous with their time in helping us
conduct this research.  Our special thanks goes to the staffs of
over thirty public transit agencies who kindly supplied cost and
revenue data in support of our analysis.  We owe a particular debt
of gratitude to William Lyons of the Transportation Systems Center
who provided us with unpublished Section 15 data and helped us wade
through reams of statistical accounts.  Subhash Mundle and Janet
Krause of Mundle and Associates of Philadelphia kindly provided us
background data on route cost allocation models.  Sharon Jacobs of
Houston Metro and Burton Sexton of.  WMATA were very accommodating
in helping us carry out the case study phases of the research.  The
names of others deserving of special recognition have surely been
left out, but to all of those who helped us through the drudgery of
compiling information, we extend our thanks.

     Robert Cervero was the Principal Investigator of the project
and wrote the research report.  John Greitzer provided research
assistance on cost modeling in chapter three and the case studies
presented in chapter five.  All of the maps were prepared by Cherie
Seamans. The views and opinions expressed in the report are solely
the author's and do not necessarily reflect those of the U.S.
Department of Transportation, Urban Mass Transportation

                         Table of Contents


Executive Summary
Table of Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii
List of Figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ix
List of Tables. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x

Chapter One:   The Cream-Skimming Debate. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
     1.1  Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
     1.2  Research Focus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
     1.3  Report Outline. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Chapter Two:   The Context of Transit Service
     Contracting in the U.S.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

     2.1  Fiscal and Performance Trends
          in America's Transit Industry . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
     2.2  Potential Benefits of Competitive
          Contracting of Transit Service                          9
     2.3  Scope of Transit Service Contracting in the U.S.. . . .14

Chapter Three: Profitability of Public Transit Operations in
                    the U.S.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19

     3.1  Introduction: Previous Work on
               the Profitability of Transit Operations. . . . . .19
     3.2  Specifying Profitability. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
     3.3  Investigating the Incidence
               of Profitability: Methodology. . . . . . . . . . .23
     3.4  Comparison of Route Characteristics
               Among Express and Local Services . . . . . . . . .30
     3.5  Level of Profitability. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31
     3.6  Summary Comparison of Performance
                    Among Local Versus Express Routes . . . . . .34
     3.7  Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34

Chapter Four:  Probing the Scale Economies
                    Argument Against Contracting. . . . . . . . .38

     4.1  Past Research on Economies of Scale
               in the U.S. Transit Industry . . . . . . . . . . .38
     4.2  Evidence of Scale Economies from Case Studies . . . . .39
     4.3  Comparison of Average Cost and
               Deficit Rates Among Transit Properties . . . . . .41
     4.4  Conclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44

Chapter Five:  Characteristics of Profitable Bus Routes . . . . .46

     5.1  Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46

     5.2  Southeast Pennsylvania
               Transportation Authority (SEPTA) . . . . . . . . .47
     5.3  Greater Richmond Transit Company. . . . . . . . . . . .52
     5.4  Washington Metropolitan Area
               Transit Authority (WMATA). . . . . . . . . . . . .57
     5.5  Minneapolis St. Paul Metropolitan
               Transit Commission (MTC) . . . . . . . . . . . . .62
     5.6  Conclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63


                   Table of Contents (continued)

Chapter Six:   Challenging Other Arguments
                    Against Competitive Contracting . . . . . . .66
     6.1  Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66
     6.2  Oversight of Competitive Contracts. . . . . . . . . . .66
     6.3  Agency Control of Contracted Services:
               Example of Houston Metro . . . . . . . . . . . . .67
     6.4  Experiences With Transferring a
               Public Operated Fixed-Route Service. . . . . . . .68
     6.5  Concerns Over Deterioration
               of Service Quality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .69
     6.6  Concerns Over Labor Protection. . . . . . . . . . . . .70
     6.7  Concerns Over Eventual Contractor Cost Increases. . . .70
     6.8  Conclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .71

Chapter Seven: Research Conclusions: Competitive Contracting
                    and Deficit-Skimming. . . . . . . . . . . . .73
     7.1 Debunking the Cream-Skimming Myth. . . . . . . . . . . .73
     7.2  Contracting and Deficit-Skimming. . . . . . . . . . . .73

References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75

Appendix A     Transit Agencies Examined in the Research,
                    Listing by Headquarters City and
                         Peak Fleet Size. . . . . . . . . . . . .81
Appendix B     Variables Used in the Analysis . . . . . . . . . .83
Appendix C     Three-Factor Cost Allocation Model,
                    Calculated for Seattle Metro and Denver RTD .84
Appendix D     Cost Allocation Models for Analysis. . . . . . . .87

List of Figures                                                Page

2.1  Financial Trends in the U.S. Transit Industry, 1975-1985 . . 8
2.2  Breakdown of Operating Expenses for U.S.
          Transit Industry, 1980 and 1985 . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.3  First and Second Order Benefits of Competitive Contracting .10
3.1  Trade-off of Cost Recovery Rate and Total Operating Deficit.22
5.1  Locations of SEPTA's Three Profitable Bus Routes . . . . . .49
5.2  Percent White and Non-White Households
          for SEPTA Route Corridors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51
5.3  Locations of GRT's Four Profitable or
          Near-Profitable Bus Routes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53
5.4  Percent White and Non-White Households
          for GRT Route Corridors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56
5.5    Locations of WMATA's Three Profitable Bus Routes . . . . .59
5.6  Percent White and Non-White Households
          for WMATA Route Corridors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .61
5.7    Location of MTC's Route 21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63

                          List of Tables


3.1  Listing of 25 Case Sties, by Vehicle Fleet Size Class. . . .24
3.2  Typical Two-Variable Cost Allocation Model . . . . . . . . .27
3.3  Typical nm-Variable Cost Allocation Model. . . . . . . . . .28
3.4  Comparison of Average Daily Route Characteristics
          Among Peak-Only Express and AR-Day Local Routes . . . .31
3.5  Comparison of Average Daily
          Route Characteristics by Fleet Size . . . . . . . . . .32
3.6  Bus Routes With Cost Recovery Ratios Above 0.75. . . . . . .33
3.7  Comparison of Average Performance
          Characteristics Among Express versus Local Routes . . .35
4.1  Comparison of Financial Performance Indicators by Fleet Size40
4.2  Comparison of Peak Passenger Cost Factors. . . . . . . . . .42
4.3  Comparison of Peak Passenger Deficit Factors . . . . . . . .43
5.1  Listing of Case Sites by Vehicle Fleet Size Class. . . . . .48
5.2  Average Income Indicators for SEPTA's Three
          Profitable Routes and At-Large Service Area . . . . . .50
5.3  Residential and Employment Densities Along
          SEPTA's Three Profitable Routes and for Philadelphia. .50
5.4  Average Income Indicators for GRT's Two
          Profitable Local Routes and At-Large Service Area . . .54
5.5  Ridership and Corridor Household Characteristics of
          Four Profitable Routes and for GRT Service Area . . . .55
5.6  Residential and Employment Densities Along GRT's
          Two Profitable Local Routes and for the GRT Service Area55
5.7  Average Income Indicators for WMATA's Three Profitable
          Local Routes, Washington, D.C., and SMSA. . . . . . . .60
5.8  Residential and Employment Densities Along MTA's
          Three Profitable Local Routes and for Washington, D.C..60

                            Chapter One

                     The Cream-Skimming Debate

1.1  Introduction

A growing body of evidence suggests that private contracting of
urban transit services can substantially reduce operating deficits
and inject a healthy dose of competition into America's troubled
transit industry.  As federal funding assistance continues to
shrink and pressure mounts to eliminate waste and inefficiencies in
current service and pricing practices, many observers contend that
private contracting offers the best hope for restoring the
industry's fiscal health of decades earlier when the private
sector's role in America's transit scene was far more prominent
(Lave, 1985; Orski, et al., 1985; Teal, et al., 1986; Guskind,
1987; Cervero, 1988; Teal, 1988).

     A commonly voiced argument against private contracting and
greater competition is that free-wheeling entrepreneurs will "skim
the cream" from public transit operators by taking away the most
lucrative services.  Some critics contend that private firms,
whether unwittingly or not, will engage in predatory competition
that will ultimately undermine the nation's transit industry.  If
predators skim, away money-making services, the argument goes,
public transit agencies will be left with the money losers, thus
leading to even higher operating deficits.

     This cream-skimming argument has long been used by the transit
industry to protect its position as a publicly sanctioned
monopoly -- first, to squelch competition from jitneys in the early
1900's and later to keep a lid on the number of taxi permits issued
during the depression years of the 1930's (Eckert and Hilton, 1972;
Cervero, 1985).  Protestations that free competition would lead to
violent taxi wars and unscrupulous pricing practices were common. 
Over time, taxis, jitneys, and private buses have fallen under
government control in the belief that their ascendancy would harm
common-carrier public transit services and threaten public safety. 
Regulations which restrict the entry of private transit operators
into the local market or which create an oligopoly by granting
limited numbers of franchises have become firmly entrenched in most
American cities.

     The underlying economic rationale for shielding public transit
operators from competition is that they are natural monopolies --
that is, they enjoy economies of scale (where average costs decline
as demand increases), as do water and electric utilities.  Under
such conditions, a sole operator can most efficiently and
inexpensively provide services.  If numerous competitors were
allowed into the urban transportation market, pundits contend, they
would seek to serve only the most lucrative routes and corridors,
leaving the "dregs" to public transit agencies.  However, a single
transportation company would serve the public interest by operating
both money-making and money-losing services, a practice commonly
called cross-subsidization.  To ensure high levels of
transportation throughout an urban region, then, regulators argue
that the public has an obligation to protect public transit
carriers from excessive competition and ensure that they receive an
adequate rate of return.

     What prompted a reversal of thinking about the role of the
private sector in the urban transit field was the steady decline in
the fiscal health of America's transit industry during the 1970's. 
Because of spiralling deficits, federal subsidies to urban transit
jumped from $132 million in 1970 to over $3.2 billion in 1982, a
2,400 percent increase (American Public Transit Association, 1982). 
Skyrocketing deficits, some argued, were endemic of a public sector
that lacked any incentive to contain costs, innovate, and respond
to changing patterns of demand and cost.  Research generally
confirmed this.  Studies showed that, in general, operating
subsidies have led to higher labor costs, unproductive work
practices, lax management, unjustifiably low fares, and the un-
business like expansion of services into marginal, low-density
markets (Bly, et al., 1980;


Pickrell, 1983; Cervero, 1983; Pucher, et al., 1983).  Public
subsidies, critics maintained, have shielded local transit
authorities from the responsibility for bringing down deficits, and
removed any incentive to change entrenched fare and service
practices and to adapt to new markets.

     Partly in response to these charges, privatization has become
the centerpiece of federal urban transit policy in the United
States since 1980.  In a marked departure from past policies, the
leadership of the federal Urban Mass Transportation Administration
has strongly advocated maximum private sector participation in the
delivery and financing of public transportation facilities and
services (Teal, 1986).  A watershed in this regard was the issuance
of the Federal Private Enterprise Participation Policy Statement in
1984 which holds that "when developing federally assisted mass
transportation plans and programs, UMTA grantees should give timely
and fair consideration to the comments on proposals of interested
private enterprise entities in order to achieve maximum feasible
private participation".1 This statement gave rise to a number of
initiatives to enlist the private sector's involvement in the urban
transit field, perhaps the most controversial of which has been the
contracting out of fixed-route bus services.

     The threat of work assignments being transferred from the
public to the private sector, in particular, has spurred vocal
labor opposition to the contracting out of services.  However, the
intent of contracting is less one of eliminating public jobs than
one of injecting competition in the transportation sector. 
Transferring transit services from a public authority to a single
franchise firm, in and of itself, is likely to produce few tangible
benefits.  Indeed, the substitution of a private transit monopoly
for a public one will neither lower costs or improve performance. 
As being promoted in the transit field, contracting's aim is not to
necessarily return public services to private carriers but rather
to enlist private organizations in the delivery and financing of
transportation services and facilities.  Without exception, control
over service and fare practices remains in the public sector. 
Private sector involvement is substantially limited to the actual
delivery of services.  Thus, the overarching objective is to end
the public sector's monopoly of urban transit services and replace
it with a policy of competition.

     This dramatic turnabout in federal transit policy has brought
with it a renewal of charges that privatization will hurt public
operators and encourage cream-skimming.  According to Kenneth
Moore, head of the 165,000 member-strong United Transportation

     We're very concerned that the private carriers will come in
     and want to bid on the most lucrative routes in the
     properties.  They will leave the less desirable routes -- the
     ones that can't make money -- for the public entity to
     operate.  And that's just going to harm the public, because
     it's going to cause deterioration of service (Ryan, 1987, p.

Representative William Lehman, chairman of the Transportation
Subcommittee of the U.S. House of Representative's Committee on
Appropriations, echoed these sentiments when he stated that
privately operated transit services were desirable only "... as
long as they do not drain off the best routes from the public
transportation [operators] so that public transportation is just
left with the more costly type of routes."2 Critics of
privatization have also invoked the cream-skimming argument in
contending that private vendors have little interest in public
welfare and seek only to make profits:

     No contractor is interested in picking up the homeless from
     the streets, halting illegal immigration, or taking on the
     problem of drug abuse in the schools.  Government always gets
     the [unprofitable] jobs of society (Goodsell, 1986, p. 20).

It is against this backdrop of competing arguments as to whether
competitive contracting of transit services will improve the fiscal
position of public transit agencies or


"skim their cream" that this research has been conducted.  The
cream-skimming debate remains an obstacle to the widespread
acceptance of competitive contracting of services in the transit
field and thus deserves to be studied in some degree of depth.  The
intent of this report is to help resolve the debate by articulating
the extent to which competitive contracting would generally be
financially beneficial or harmful to America's transit industry.

1.2  Research Focus

It is believed that the competitive contracting of transit services
that remain under the control of public agencies would help to
appreciably lower operating deficits.  Thus, this research
postulates that competitive contracting would lead to-deficit-
skimming" rather than "cream-skimming".

     The cream-skimming argument, we believe, rests on several
questionable assumptions about urban transit's cost and performance
characteristics.  First and foremost is the belief that there are
significant numbers of publicly operated routes and services across
the country that are generating a profit.  We believe there are
very few.  A second tenable assumption is that public transit is a
natural monopoly - that is, there are inherent economies of scale
in the transit industry and consequently lower unit costs can be
realized by allowing a single exclusive franchiser, typically a
public authority, to operate free from any head-to-head
competition.  Our belief is that public transit should no longer be
considered a natural monopoly in the pure sense of the word in
large part because there is little evidence of scale economies. 
The final argument that deserves scrutiny is that transit relies on
the principle of cross-subsidization to fulfill its public service
mandate -- profitable routes help cover the losses sustained on
money-losing routes to the benefit of the community at large. 
Again, the argument goes, allowing private service providers to
enter the transit marketplace will siphon away the most lucrative
services to the detriment of the larger public interest.  This
point, of course, hinges on the premise that privatization involves
an open "free-for-all" where private firms can go after any route
or service they choose.  We contend that as practiced to date, all
public agencies that have engaged in contracting have retained full
control over their services and have judiciously bid out routes or
services that would incur too large of a deficit if operated in

     This research probes the extent to which the assumptions upon
which the cream-skimming argument is built are empirically
supported.  Combining literature reviews and case studies with cost
and performance data compiled for a sample of U.S. transit
properties, the analysis focuses on the degree to which the cream-
skimming argument seems to be fact or fiction.  Specifically, three
main questions are addressed: are there hardly any profitable
publicly operated transit routes in the U.S. from which to skim any
cream? is there evidence of economies of scale to justify
protecting public transit agencies from competition? and are there
any cases where public agencies have given up control of profitable
or near-profitable services to private firms? To the extent that
each of these questions can be answered with a "no", it is felt
that the cream-skimming objections to service contracting can be
laid to rest.

     Besides the cream-skimming argument, a number of criticisms
have been frequently aired against contracting.  These include: (1)
overall service quality will deteriorate; (2) the position of
transit labor will worsen; and (3) private provider costs will
eventually rise to near the level of public service costs.  This
research looks into these criticisms as well.

     It should be noted that this study addresses the cream-
skimming topic only with respect to fixed-route bus transit
services.  In general, the debate has focused on fixed-route bus
operations since they represent the bread-and-butter of the transit
industry, accounting for well over 80 percent of all transit
passengers served and vehicle miles operated in the U.S. (American
Public Transit Association, 1987).  While private companies operate


(DAR) services throughout the country, cream-skimming charges are
rarely leveled against these firm since it is widely accepted that
DAR encumbers high deficits per passenger.  Rail transit services
were omitted from the analysis since their cost structures are
fundamentally different from those of bus transit systems owing to
their capital-intensiveness.  Additionally, since rail transit is
widely held to enjoy scale economies.(at least when outputs are
measured in terms of ridership) and the start-up costs of building
a system are so enormous, rail transit takes on many
characteristics of a natural monopoly.  The fact that no urban rail
transit routes in the U.S. are competitively contracted out by
public transit agencies suggest that the cream-skimming debate is a
non-issue in this sector.

     Within the fixed-route bus transit sector, the cream-s g
argument against private contracting is linked primarily to the
bidding out of peak-hour, express services.  There is a common
belief among many transit managers and board members that the peak
is their ft cream", mainly because buses are usually filled and
workers are at their busiest at that time (Oram, 1979; Cervero,
1982b; Lave, 1985).  While rush-hour buses often have standing-room
only, midday and late-evening buses sometimes only carry a few
riders at a time.  Furthermore, the fares charged for commuter
express services are usually much higher than local fares, often by
as much as a factor of two.  Thus, the combination of a higher
average load factor and a higher average fare has understandably
led many to view peak express runs as money-makers.

     A careful look at the cost of operating these services,
however, begins to suggest otherwise.  Peak-only express services
typically make one to three stops in the morning to pick up riders,
quite often at suburban park-and-ride lots.  Buses then proceed in
a "closed-door" (i.e., non-stop) mode to a central business
district or major employment center.  The evening outbound trip is
simply the reverse.  Peak express runs are characteristically so
long that only one trip per vehicle is possible during the morning
or evening hour.  Because of restrictive work rules, scheduling
complexities, and low off-peak demand, drivers working these shifts
end up being paid up to four hours for a single hour or so of
revenue service.  Since riders travel only in a single direction,
buses frequently make the return trip empty.  When one accounts for
the labor cost penalties, deadhead, and layover allowances
associated with peak-only express runs, these services no longer
appear so solvent.  One study found that it cost 2.5 times as much
to provide a passenger with express service than local service,
giving rise to an average subsidy that is nearly four times as high
(General Accounting Office, 1981).  While publicly operated express
services have historically been plagued by high deficits, another
studied found a number of instances where private companies were
operating peak express services at a profit (Urban Mobility
Corporation, 1985).

     Because the cream-skimming debate centers largely around peak-
express services, the empirical phases of the research concentrates
on comparing cost recovery differences between the most heavily
patronized peak-express versus all-day local services for a sample
of transit properties across the U.S. If the bulk of transit
services that have been competitively contracted out to date are
peak-express and these services are shown to be money-losers and
return smaller shares of their costs through the farebox than their
all-day local counterparts, the cream-skimming argument becomes
groundless. Thus, a comparative examination of the cost and
performance characteristics of heavily patronized peak-express
versus all-day local services forms the empirical core of this

     In addition to directly testing the validity of assumptions
behind the cream-skimming argument, this research probes some of
the operating and contextual characteristics of the few profitable
publicly operated fixed-route bus transit routes in the U.S.
Particular attention is given to factors shaping the demand for
travel on profitable routes, namely levels of transit dependency
and various land use attributes of the corridors served.  It is
hypothesized that 11 profitable" or "near-profitable" services
operate along dense urban corridors dotted with major
activity centers wherein vehicles are generally full and the
average distance travel by passengers is relatively short. 
Qualitative case evaluations of "profitable" routes are presented


for services in Philadelphia (PA), Washington, D.C., Richmond (VA),
and Minneapolis-St.  Paul (MN).

     Experiences of the Houston Metro transit agency and five other
public entities which are engaged in the competitive contracting of
fixed-route bus services are presented as a separate case analysis. 
Houston Metro offers an excellent case setting for further probing
some of the other criticisms lodged against the contracting of
peak-express services since it has one of the largest (in terms of
both service miles and ridership) and longest standing pro of
privately contracted express bus services in the country.  It is
also one of only two American public transit agency to convert an
already-existing fixed route service from public to private
operation.  In addition to assessing Houston's and the other
agencies' experiences to date with competitive bidding of services,
the case study also focuses on the contractual agreements struck
between Houston Metro and private carriers to gauge the degree to
which public agencies maintain control over service standards and

     Finally, it should be mentioned that while privatization takes
many forms, this research examined the cream-skimming controversy
only with regard to competitive contracting of transit services. 
Besides contracting for the operation of bus runs, privatization of
urban transit can also involve subcontracting of specialized
services (e.g., maintenance), private buyout or takeover of a
public service, franchising of new services, removal of taxi and
jitney entry restrictions, and more.  Since the cream-skimming
issues centers around private operators taking over lucrative
services that have historically been under a transit agency's
jurisdiction, this study concentrates on the financial implications
of contracting out specific bus routes and service types.

1.3  Report Outline

The report is divided into six remaining chapters.  Chapter Two
sets a context for studying competitive contracting by describing
its national scope, potential benefits, and various financial
factors that prompted the federal government to actively promote
privatization of the nation's mass transit sector.  The third
chapter investigates the incidence of profitability among U.S.
transit properties with 75 or more revenue vehicles.  After
presenting different ways of measuring profitability, the chapter
discusses the methods employed in deriving direct, day-today
operating costs for specific high ridership routes that were
studied.  The chapter closes with a listing and assessment of the
profitable bus routes that were identified and a summary comparison
of fiscal performance among all-day versus peak-express routes.

     Chapter Four further probes the viability of the cream-
skimming argument by investigating the degree to which economies of
scale appear to exist within the U.S. transit industry.  Evidence
on scale economies for 25 case sites is presented based on an
analysis of how unit costs vary as a function of fleet size.  As a
follow-up to the third chapter, Chapter Five presents the demand-
side characteristics of profitable routes for four transit
properties.  Routes are described primarily in terms of the level
of transit-dependency of their customer base, their average load
factors, average length of trips, and surrounding population and
employment densities.

     Chapter Six addresses other issues which appear to invalidate
the cream-s argument.  Particular emphasis is placed on defining
the degree to which public agencies engaged in contracting retain
control over route design, performance standards, and pricing.  The
few experiences to date with transferring a pre-existing publicly
operated bus route to a private service-provider are examined to
assess the financial implications of such a switch.  Chapter Six
also examines the soundness of other arguments lodged against
service contracting, including concerns over possible deterioration
of service quality and eventual contractor cost increases.  Chapter
Seven concludes the report with a summary of the research findings
and an


overall appraisal of the extent to which competitive contracting
involves cream-skimming versus deficit-skimming.


1.   Quoted in: "Contracting Cuts Costs," Metro, September/October,
1985, p. 86.

2.   Hearings before Subcommittee on the Department of
Transportation and Related Agencies of the Committee on
Appropriations, U.S. House of Representatives, May 1, 1985, Part 7,
pp. 645-646.  Quoted in: Pickrell (1986).


                            Chapter Two

      The Context of Transit Service Contracting in the U.S.

2.1  Fiscal and Performance Trends in America's Transit Industry

The clear impetus behind the privatization movement has been the
dramatic financial and performance declines experienced by
America's public transit industry over the past twenty year. This
section briefly discusses these declines for the nation as a whole.

Financial Trends

     The cost of operating the nation's public transit systems
increased more than threefold between 1975 and 1985, even though
ridership remained more or less constant over this period. Figure
2.1 shows that the total operating cost (excluding capital
expenditures) exceeded $12 billion in 1985.  In the same year,
passenger fares generated around $4.6 billion, meaning about 39
percent of costs were recovered through the farebox (i.e., farebox
recovery rate = .39). When other sources of in-house revenue (e.g.,
advertising, rental income) are combined with fares, the total
deficit in 1985 amounted to $6.7 billion.  In constant 1985
dollars, this represents nearly a doubling of the total operating
deficit since 1980.

     To make up the $6.7 billion deficit in 1985, 86.5 percent of
operating assistance came from state and local governments, with
the remaining subsidy covered by the federal treasury.  In keeping
with UMTA's policy of reducing local dependency on federal
operating assistance, the federal share of total operating
subsidies fell from around 30 percent in 1980 to under 15 percent
five years later.

     While costs have continually escalated over the past two
decades, ridership on surface transit in the U.S. has remained
fairly constant since 1965, hovering at around 6 billion passenger
trips per year.  Expressed in constant 1985 dollars, the average
operating cost per trip mom than doubled from 81 cents in 1980 to
$1.69 in 1985.  Over the same period, the average revenue per trip
grew by only 41 percent (in constant dollars).

     The breakdown of expenses for operating public transit
services in the U.S. in both 1980 and 1985 are shown in Figure 2.2.
Expressed in constant 1985 dollars, the figure shows that every
expense item increased over this period, although fuel and
lubricant costs remained more or less the same.  During the first
half of the 1980's, the fastest real dollar increases were for
fringe benefits, materials and supplies, and the "other" category
of expenses (e.g., utilities, liability costs, and rents).  The
share of expenses going for salaries and fuel declined by between 2
and 4 percentage points over the 1980-1985 period.

     The inflation-adjusted expenditures for labor (salaries and
benefits) grew only slightly faster than the number of transit
employees between 1980 and 1985 -- 44 percent versus 40 percent. 
In general, the labor compensation package cost about the same in
both years.  In 1985 dollars, transit workers averaged annual
salaries and benefits worth $32,350 in 1980 and $33,350 in 1985. 
Annual compensation levels have been the highest in the nation's
Northeast and Pacific Coast regions and in metropolitan areas with
populations above one million (Urban Mass Transportation
Administration, 1988).

     When expenses are indexed to vehicle mileage over time, it is
apparent that each dollar invested in the transit sector is buying
less service.  Expressed in constant 1985 dollars, every


Click HERE for graphic.

Click HERE for graphic.


mile of transit service devoted to carrying passengers cost $3.25
in 1975, $3.57 in 1980, and $4.92 in 1985.  Thus, even when
controlling for inflation, every dollar sunk into America's public
transit industry today buys far fewer passengers and miles of
service than a decade ago.

Operating Performance

     Performance can also be gauged in terms of various non-
financial indicators, such as vehicle miles of service per employee
(a measure of labor productivity) and passengers per vehicle (a
measure of vehicle productivity).  In general, indicators which
translate resource inputs (e.g., labor, vehicle, fuel) into service
outputs (e.g., vehicle miles, vehicle hours) are referred to as
efficiency measures (Fielding, et al., 1978).  Indicators which
express service utilization (e.g., revenue passengers, passenger-
miles) as a function of service inputs (e.g., employees, vehicle
miles, operating expenses) are typically called effectiveness

     Between 1975 and 1985, transit labor productivity dropped
sharply in the U.S. Over this period, the annual revenue vehicle
miles of service per full-time-equivalent employee fell from 13,618
to 9,364.  The sharpest declines in labor productivity have
generally been recorded in the nation's largest cities (Urban Mass
Transportation Administration, 1988).  Of course, labor
productivity is highly sensitive to such factors as work rules,
personnel management practices, and levels of deadheading.  While
work rules are controllable through labor negotiations, factors
such as the amount of deadheading are shaped in part by exogenous
forces like the suburbanization of employment and residences.

     Between 1980 and 1985, the number of passenger boardings per
vehicle mile of service has fallen by about 4 percent - from 3.76
to 3.64. This decline occurred in all parts of the country except
the Northeast and in all size classes of cities except those above
one million population (Urban Mass Transportation Administration,
1988).  The higher level of service effectiveness in large
Northeast cities like New York and Boston largely reflects their
provision of higher capacity rail services as well as their high
average residential and employment densities.

     Another effectiveness indicator is vehicle utilization. 
During the first half of the 1980's, vehicle utilization rates
slipped by around 25 percent when expressed in terms of total
passenger miles per vehicle.  In 1980, each transit vehicle
registered around 530,000 passenger miles; by 1985, this figure
dipped to 424,000.  Part of this decline can be explained by the
slight decrease in average trip lengths made by transit -- from
4.65 miles in 1980 to 4.53 miles in 1985.  Declining load factors
and the accumulation of spare fleets of vehicles, however, likely
account for most of the drop-off.

2.2  Potential Benefits of Competitive Contracting of Transit

     In large part because of the transit industry's declining
fiscal health and operating performance, competitive contracting
has been touted by many advocates as the most promising way of
reversing these declines.  In theory, two levels of benefit should
redound to public agencies that competitively contract out
transportation services.  The immediate benefits, called first-
order benefits, should result from substituting lower cost
privately operated services for comparable publicly operated ones. 
By spurring competition, however, contracting should also produce
second-order benefits.  To the extent the public sector's input
costs and work practices are out of line with those of the private
sector, for example, wage and work rule concessions might be
expected.  The very survival instincts of public agencies and
organized labor in some instances might exert downward pressures on
expenses and prompt various productivity improvements.  As the
public agency becomes more competitive, even a stronger cost
discipline is exerted on the private sector, further driving down
expenses and inducing additional productivity gains.  In principle,
then, competitive contracting gives rise to efficiency mindfulness
in both public and private sectors to


the benefit of society at large.

     Figure 2.3 presents a normative model of competitive
contracting's likely first and second order benefits in the urban
transit field (Cervero, 1986).  The engine that propels the process
is competition.  Competition drives down costs when the contract is
first awarded and continues to contain them as contracts are
periodically rebid.  To remain competitive, firms must hold the
line on costs, maintain lean overheads, and tailor their capital
acquisitions so as to assure a profit. They are also more inclined
to aggressively pursue new customers and carve out market niches. 
Studies show, for instance, that firms engaged in contracting use
luxury buses for special charter services during weekends and off-
peak hours and as premium-quality commuter buses for the general
public during rush hours; thus, contracting has resulted in firms
efficiently using available bus capacity over nearly the entire
week (Giuliano and Teal, 1985).

     With a public monopoly, there is no real incentive to be
efficient.  Especially when insulated by subsidies and dedicated
assistance, public managers need not fret over declining
productivity or rising deficits.  Notes one observer: "even private
monopolies ... are goaded to some extent by the profit motive,
whereas in the public sector the prerogatives of supplying inputs
tend to be more important and to bear heavily on the production
process than either do the profit motive or the objectives of
satisfying consumers" (Fitch, 1975, p. 403).  Indeed, the success
of a noncompetitive public enterprise is often gauged by the size
of a manager's budget and work force rather than the net return on


                       First-Order Benefits:

               -    Service cost savings
               -    Increased productivity
               -    Service flexibility

                      Second-Order Benefits:

               -    Cost containment
               -    Work rule changes
               -    Increased public sector productivity
               -    Service innovation

Figure 2.3.    First and Second Order Benefits of Competitive


     In principle, there is no reason why private firms should be
able to operate at lower costs than government agencies or
franchises.  In fact, public transit agencies enjoy several
advantages over their private sector counterparts, including lower
borrowing costs (due to their tax exempt status) and high rates of
capital subsidies.  The reason costs are not lower, quite simply,
is because a profit stimulus is absent, the very thing which spurs
private operators to curb expenses, aggressively seek out
customers, and innovate.

     It is important to stress that competitive contracting does
not mean public abandonment of mass transit.  The overarching goal
of mass transit authorities should always be to move as many people
as safely and efficiently as possible within available resources. 
While governments can support this goal through careful strategic
planning and financial assistance of operations, this does not
necessarily mean they should directly operate each bus run
themselves.  Government's role should be one of sponsorship - to
see what should be done is in fact done.  The question as to who
should actually deliver the services can best be answered in the
marketplace through competition.

Expected First-Order Benefits

     Three chief first-order benefits are listed in Figure 2.3 that
could be expected from transit service contracting: (1) cost
savings; (2) increased productivity; and (3) greater flexibility.

     (1)  Cost Savings: Most of the cost savings from competitive
contracting stem from lower labor compensation as well as work rule
conventions which are less favorable to private sector than public
sector employees.  Wage rates are sometimes 50 percent lower and
employer-paid benefits are substantially less for private drivers
than for transit agency drivers who perform similar duties.  This
is particularly so when private workers are non-unionized.  Besides
receiving lower wage rates, studies show that private transit
employees also rarely receive split-shift or spreadtime pay
premiums and generally accrue overtime only after twelve hours
(Giuliano and Teal, 1985).  There also tend to be fewer
restrictions on hiring part-time help in the private sector, an
important consideration given the extreme peaking of transit
demand.  Additionally, private drivers can frequently be assigned
light maintenance and other tasks during off-peak hours, whereas
public transit workers are almost universally precluded from such
work by featherbedding labor clauses.

     Labor cost savings of 23 percent to 70 percent have been
recorded for public transit services transferred to small bus
companies using non-unionized drivers (Cox, 1983; Teal, 1985). 
Even private firms operating under exclusive franchises have been
found to have lower average wage rates and fewer work rule
penalties than their public sector counterparts (Pucher and
Markstedt, 1983; Perry, 1984).

     The cost savings conferred by competitive contracting are by
no means unique to public transit.  Contracting is today used for a
wide array of government services - sweeping streets, refuge
disposal running golf courses, police protection, school
transportation, among others.  The city of Pasadena, California,
for instance, contracts out 21 percent of its $130 million annual
operating budget.  Local officials discovered they could save
around $250,000 per year, or 25 percent of expenses, by hiring
janitorial services (Main, 1985).  And currently, more than 40
percent of all school trips in the U.S. are provided by private
operators -- accounting for more riders than are carried by public
mass transit -- at an estimated savings in the hundreds of millions
of dollars (Metro, 1985).

     (2)  Higher productivity: By most measures, productivity -
i.e., the efficiency in which resource inputs are translated into
service outputs -- is comparatively high in the private sector. 
For instance, since many private firms use available fleets during
the midday, evening, and weekends for special charter services,
their levels of vehicle productivity are normally higher than those
of public transit agencies -- i.e., more road miles of service per
vehicle are logged each year.


     Similarly, careful attention to scheduling in the private
sector often reduces deadheading and results in more revenue miles
of service per vehicle.  Moreover, regular inspections and
management oversight typically result in higher maintenance

     (3)  Service flexibility: With contracting, transit agencies
are able to experiment more freely with new services.  If a service
proves to be unproductive, it can easily be eliminated by
discontinuing the contract without any major backlash among public
employees.  Such flexibility is particularly important in view of
the rapid demographic, economic, and spatial changes that are
demonstrably changing travel patterns, such as the increase in
inter-suburban commuting (Rothenberg, 1986; Pisarski, 1987).

Second-Order Benefits

     While less attention has been given to the ripple effects of
competitive contracting, in part because contracting is still in
its infancy, a number of second-order benefits can nevertheless be
expected.  Figure 2.3 lists four of them: (1) cost containment; (2)
work rule changes; (3) increased public sector productivity; and
(4) service innovation.

     (1)  Cost containment: The primary ripple effect of
competitive contracting should be the exertion of a market
discipline on input costs (labor, supplies, rents) within the
contracting public agency itself.  Because of competition, public
agencies will find it necessary to contain costs, forcing managers
to hold the line on purchases and drive harder bargains at the wage
negotiations table.  There is certainly enough precedence to expect
this based on experiences in other industries and common carriers
of transportation.  Stiff competition from abroad, for instance,
pressured Detroit's automobile manufacturers to take "belt-
tightening" measures to contain costs in the early 1980's.  To
remain competitive, most were able to win significant wage and
fringe benefit concessions from labor.  Similarly, deregulation of
the nation's airline industry has increased competition to the
point where a number of drastic cost-cutting steps have been taken
by different carriers, including wage rollbacks and the elimination
of automatic cost-of-living allowances.

     Because current employees stand to lose either real wages or
their jobs, not surprisingly much of the resistance to competitive
contracting has come from organized labor.  Because of Section
13(c) of the Urban Mass Transportation Act, which protects transit
workers from being banned by public policy actions, the ability of
competitive contracting to exert a discipline on wage rates and
size of transit agencies' payrolls remains uncertain.  Notably,
13(c) has been used by labor as a powerful bargaining chip for
preserving a public monopoly of all transit jobs.  Accordingly, as
long as the 13(c) requirement remains in its current form, any
phasing-in of competitive contracting will likely be bound by the
natural rate of employee attrition.  The greatest resistance to
contracting has generally been in large urban areas with
politically potent labor unions, notably cities in the nation's
northeast and midwest regions.

     Some critics also discount the ability of contracting to
contain wages, arguing that private sector costs will also
eventually increase (Vuchic, 1986). this could occur, for instance,
in small areas where there is an absence of competition because
only one private firm has chosen to bid on a contract.  Moreover,
as a private firm wins more contracts and expands its workforce,
employees are more likely to organize into unions; consequently,
the argument goes, their costs will begin to rise as they
experience some of the scale diseconomies facing large public
monopolies and the threat of worker strikes looms.  At least five
cases of this have already been documented (U.S. Department of
Transportation, 1985).  Another possible scenario is that some
competitors will deliberately underbid to win the contract, only to
come back to the agency for additional funds after services have
been initiated under the threat that they will go bankrupt. 
Unforeseen administrative costs that were not included in the
negotiated contract have forced private firms to renege on
contracts in several instances and prompted others to scrimp on
services (Richard, 1980).  In general, the periodic rebidding of
contracts should provide an effective safety


valve for preventing this.  Moreover, experienced managers would
most likely become leery of bargain-basement offers and could weed
out unqualified bidders by writing certain performance standards
into contracts.

     Notwithstanding these concerns, specific second-order cost
impacts that could be expected from competitive contracting
include: wage rollbacks; elimination or reductions in automatic
COLAS; job reclassifications; creation of non-unionized work
positions; establishment of new wage structures for those hired
after a certain date; changes in holiday and sick pay; - and
revision of benefit packages.

     The most notable example of a second-order benefit in the
transit field is the case of the regional transit authority in the
Norfolk, Virginia area (Tidewater Regional Transit) which was able
to win back paratransit services previously contracted out to a
private taxi company because labor agreed to major concessions
(Cervero, 1986; Talley, 1986).  With the private take-over of dial-
a-ride services, public employees recognized that their own future
livelihoods were at stake unless the agency became more efficiency
minded.  Workers agreed to created a new minibus operator position
at a comparatively low starting salary, with no work rules, no pay
for out-of-service time, and reduced benefits.  Talley (1986)
estimated that every 10 percent increase in the service contracted
out by the local transit agency led to a 1.5 percent decrease in
its in-house worker compensation package.  Able to underbid the
taxi service which won the agency's dial-a-ride services only five
years earlier, today nearly all transit services operated in the
Norfolk, Virginia area are publicly operated.  Similarly, the
public transit agency in Dallas was able to win back some services
previously contracted out because of the ripple benefits of
competition.  Competitive contracting in San Diego has likewise
spawned some wage concessions by the city's transit workers during
the 1980's (Orski, et al., 1985).  Lastly, contracting for
municipal services has spurred internal cost savings in at least
one other instance.  In 1977, officials in Phoenix opened up areas
of the city to refuge contracting.  With time, as the city's public
works department entered its own bid, it became more and more
competitive.  In 1984, the department actually won back a section
of the city that had previously been contracted out (Main, 1985).

     (2)  Work rule changes: Competitive contracting could also be
expected to prod unions into accepting certain work rule
concessions.  These might include: repeals of contract restrictions
on hiring part-time workers; bilateral agreements to increase the
share of part-time employees; reduced spreadtime, split-shift, or
overtime pay premiums; reductions in guaranteed or combination time
pay provisions; and relaxation of straight-time requirements for a
fixed percentage of peak period drivers.  Changes in part-time
employment practices could prove particularly remunerative to
public transit agencies.  Studies consistently show the marginal
cost of peak services to be exorbitant, on the order of two to
three times as high as marginal costs in the off-peak (Morlok, et
al., 1971; Oram, 1979; Cherwony, et al., 1981).  Peak-only express
services are even higher, up to four times as costly as regular
route services on a per mile basis (Urban Mobility Corporation,

     At least three precedents can be found wherein competitive
contracting, or the threat of introducing it, gave rise to work
rule concessions (Cervero, 1986).  In an attempt to recapture dial-
a-ride services bid out to a private taxi company, public transit
workers in the Norfolk, Virginia area agreed to the hiring of part-
time workers and the reduction of guaranteed pay from 8 hours to
7.5 hours.  In San Diego, competitive contracting induced workers
to eliminate automatic COLAS, increase part-time employment by
nearly one-quarter, and lower spreadtime pay penalties.  And in
Portland, Oregon, Tri-Met drivers agreed to increase the share of
part-time workers from 14 percent to 24 percent of the workforce in
order to limit Tri-Met's contracting of demand-responsive services.

     (3)  Increased public sector productivity: Competition could
also be expected to induce productivity gains in the public sector. 
For example, transit agencies might be expected to improve their
scheduling through practices such as route interlining in order to
remain competitive, giving


rise to both vehicle and labor productivity gains.  Lower rates of
absenteeism that resulted from a competitive environment, moreover,
would raise productivity by lowering the size of an agency's extra
board.  In the case of Fort Wayne, Indiana, for example,
absenteeism rates dropped dramatically when the public agency began
competitively contracting out replacement mm (Cox, 1988).

     (4)  Service innovation: Competition would also likely spur
assorted service and fare innovations on the public side.  Regional
transit agencies, for instance, might attempt to carve out new
service niches for themselves by tailoring services to special
markets.  In the case of suburban settings, this might take the
form of developing a timed-transfer networks using business parks
and shopping mars for on-site transit centers and connection
points.  Or differentiated fare structures, such as midday
discounts, might be introduced to encourage off-peak ridership. 
With the discipline of competition, public transit agencies could
be expected to devise better ways of delivering and pricing its
services to the benefit of everyone.

2.3  Scope of Transit Service Contracting in the U.S.

Prevalence of Contracting

     Because of these expected benefits, competitive contracting of
mass transit services is already widespread and is practiced in a
number of different contexts.  One of the earliest surveys on the
magnitude of private contracting in the U.S. transit industry was
conducted by the American Public Transit Association (APTA).  A
1983 survey of APTA members revealed that: 48 percent contracted
out elderly and handicapped services; 27 percent contracted out
other revenue services; 41 percent contracted out body repairs; 35
percent contracted out machine overhauls; and 75 percent contracted
out a range of administrative functions (Metro, 1985).

     The most comprehensive survey so far on contracting in the
transit field was carried out in late-1985 by Teal, et al. (1986). 
From a survey of over 1,000 public agencies, the authors found that
35 percent contract for some or all of their services.  While the
majority of service contracting is for demand-responsive transit,
an estimated 22 percent of fixed-route systems nationwide also
contract for fixed-route services, primarily peak-only express

     Teal, et al. (1986) found that contracting is most prevalent
among smaller systems -- 28 percent of operators with 50 or fewer
vehicles contract, compared to only 9 percent of larger systems. 
When large transit agencies engage in service contracting, it is
almost invariably for specialized demand-responsive vans. 
Accordingly, contracted services nationwide make up only 5 percent
of transit operating expenditures and just 9 percent of total
service miles.  In general, the authors found that contracting is
concentrated among municipal and county governments which sponsor
relatively small transit operations.  Transit agencies with access
to federal subsidies are less likely to contract.

     California leads the nation in transit service contracting --
an estimated 200 of the nation's 375 different public transit
agencies contract out some portion of their operations (Teal,
1986).  Collectively, however, contracted services account for less
than 4 percent of the state's total transit operating budget.  Over
80 percent of California's contracts involve demand-responsive
services, split evenly between those which are available to the
general public and those reserved exclusively for elderly and
disabled customers.  The contracting of entire fixed-route
operations were found to be most common in small areas whereas
express service contracting tended to be concentrated around large
cities.  While far fewer single-purpose transit agencies in
California contract than cities and counties, those that do
represent over 40 percent of transit mileage operated in the state. 
Finally, another survey found that the dollar mount spent on
transit service contracts in California is significant, totaling
over $100 million in 1986 and averaging nearly one-quarter of total
operating expenditures (System, 1986).


Of the nation's public transit agencies with more than 100
vehicles, only five -- Phoenix, Honolulu, Charlotte, Springfield
(MA), and Westchester County (NY) -- are known to contract for all
of their services, and the latter two contract with franchise
operators (Teal, 1986).  Westchester County's is probably the most
ambitious program, with over 321 buses being operated by between
five and eight private firms (Orski, 1985; Teal, 1985).  Where
substantial portions of a large transit agency's services are
contracted, they tend to be limited to demand-responsive (DRT)
services.  In California, transit districts in Orange, Riverside,
San Bernardino, and San Diego Counties let bids for all of their
DRT services.  The Orange County Transit District (OCTD) runs the
nation's largest DRT system, with five private operators competing
annually to operate 130 vehicles.

     By comparison, few transit agencies in the U.S. contract out
any type of fixed-route services, and where such practices do exist
they are usually limited to express services.  The regional transit
authorities in Houston and Dallas engage in the greatest amount of
contracting of commuter bus services in the U.S., with each
contracting out for the operation of over 75 buses each day.  In
California, the San Mateo County Transit Authority (SamTrans) has
contracted for many years with Greyhound to operate over fifty
commuter buses along trunk lines serving one of the main corridors
to downtown San Francisco.  Farther north in Marin County, Golden
Gate Transit has contracted for commuter subscription bus service,
involving 15 to 25 vehicles, since the early 1970's.

     Only two precedents can be found where a public transit agency
shifted an existing service from agency operation to contract
operation.  In 1979, the Tidewater Regional Transit (TRT) agency in
the Norfolk, Virginia area contracted out eight previously existing
dial-a-ride runs, two fixed route transit services, and a ferry
shuttle to private firms.  As noted earlier, because TRT's workers
conceded to giving up certain work rule privileges and a lower wage
scale for drivers of mini-vans, these services returned back to
public operation in the mid-1980's.  Houston represents the other
case where publicly operated runs were bid out to private vendors. 
Its experiences are discussed in detail in Chapter Six.  Because of
the dearth of public-to-private switches of fixed route operations,
it is difficult to gauge the cost difference of public versus
private operations of an identical service.  As discussed next,
most estimates are based on unit cost comparisons of operating
comparable types of services, albeit it is rarely possible to
control for actual differences in the operating environment.

Cost and Performance Impacts

     Although largely anecdotal, evidence on the cost and
performance impacts of transit service contracting has generally
been encouraging, confirming many of the hypothesized benefits
discussed earlier in this chapter.  Of the studies conducted to
date, most have found savings in the range of 10 to 50 percent
based on methods ranging from simple comparisons of unit costs to
the use of fairly advanced cost allocation models (McKnight and
Paaswell, 1984; Teal, et al., 1984; Teal, et al., 1986).  Studies
show that cost savings depend crucially on the size of the transit
agency in question.  Giuliano and Teal (1987), for instance,
estimated that transit systems of 250 or more systems could save 25
to 50 percent of their costs when contracting out all fixed-route
bus services.  With 20 percent of these agencies' total service
contracted, cost savings would be far less, in the 5 to 10 percent
range.  The authors note, however, that since few large transit
agencies in the U.S. contract out more than 5 percent of their
services, there is little empirical evidence to substantiate the
benefits that would accrue from meaningful-scale contracting.

Demand-Responsive Contracting

     Most of the evidence on the cost savings of competitive
contracting has been documented for demand-responsive (DRT)
services.  From the literature, the following benefits have been


for DRT contracting:

     (*) Following Orange County Transit District's contracting of
     DRT services, total annual costs of operating over 100 van-
     size vehicles declined 4 percent within one year (Teal, 1987). 
     In San Bernardino County, since the local transit authority
     began contracting DRT services in 1980, DRT costs have
     increased at less than the rate of inflation whereas non--
     contracted fixed-route services have risen at over twice the
     inflation rate (Cervero, 1986),

     (*) The City of Los Angeles, unhappy the regional transit
     district's costly downtown shuttle service, replaced it in
     1985 with the DASH wide-body van service operated by
     Diversified Paratransit.  The new privately contracted service
     cost the city $100,000 less per year than what the regional
     agency charged.  Ridership on the downtown circulator
     increased 20 percent following the changeover to private
     operations and operating deficits fell 15 percent within one
     year of letting the new contract (U.S. Department of
     Transportation, 1986).

     (*) In Chicago, the Mayor's Office of Senior Citizens
     competitively bids out special transportation services to
     private providers at a cost savings of 50 percent to 67
     percent over the cost of identical service provided by the
     Chicago Transit Authority (Johnson and Pikarsky, 1985).

     (*) Portland's Tri-Met saved an estimated $4.50 per trip from
     its own cost of about $10 per trip when it contracted out its
     curb-to-curb service for disabled persons (Bladikas and
     Berman, 1987).

Regular Fixed-Route Contracting

     Some of the more significant findings of the cost savings of
contracting out regular fixedroute services are presented below:

     (*) San Diego Transit (STD), a city-owned public corporation,
     competes with five private firms for all services outside of
     San Diego's city limits.  Since 1981 when the bidding process
     began, SDT's operations have shrunk from 49 to 29 fixed
     routes.  SDT managers maintain that because of competition,
     the agency's mean salary level has gone from the second to the
     twenty-seventh highest in the nation, a figure more in line
     with SDT's relative size and budget (Cervero, 1986).

     (*) Yolo County, in the Sacramento area, reduced its transit
     operating costs by 38 percent when it decided in 1982 to
     procure services from ATE Management and Service Company
     rather than Sacramento Regional Transit (Morlok, 1985).  In
     1986, ATE operated 14 buses over six routes at one-half the
     cost that the County previously paid Sacramento Transit.

     (*) Hammond, Indiana contracted all of its fixed-route transit
     services in late 1982.  The cost savings were large enough --
     41 percent in the first year -- that the city decided to
     expand the system.  The combination of fare changes and
     improved service also led to a 33 percent one-year increase in
     ridership (Orski, et al., 1985).

     (*) In 1986, Fort Wayne, Indiana's transit agency began
     contracting with a private company to supply drivers for some
     of its fixed routes.  Within two years, the cost per mile
     declined 27 percent (in real dollars) and patronage increased
     by more than 40 percent (Cox, 1988).

     (*) During 1986-1987, Carson, California contracted its six
     route local transit system for under $25 per hour, nearly two
     thirds less than the estimated hourly cost that the Southern
     California Rapid Transit District (SCRTD) incurs in operating
     local fixed-route services (Cox, 1987).


     (*) Fairfax County, Virginia is saving over 60 percent by
     competitively contracting its local bus system instead of
     obtaining service from the Washington Metropolitan Area
     Transit Authority ($2.00 per vehicle mile versus $3.37 per
     vehicle mile) (Cox, 1987).

Express and Commuter Bus Contracting

     Since this research project addresses the cream-s g debate
primarily with reference to peak-only express services, it is
revealing to also look at the evidence on the cost savings and
overall benefits related to contracting out these services.  Some
of the major findings to date are presented below.

     (*) Golden Gate Transit (GGT) saves an estimated 25 percent by
     procuring subscription bus services from private companies
     rather than operating them in-house, in large part because the
     $7 hourly wage rate (1985 dollars) earned by most contractor
     drivers is considerably less than what GGT pays its drivers
     (Teal, 1985; Cervero, 1986).

     (*) Since 1974, the San Mateo County Transit District
     (SamTrans) has contracted peakexpress bus services out to
     Greyhound.  These contracted service represent about 22
     percent of SamTrans's peak bus fleet and total operating
     expenditures.  The 1986 contract rate was $2.75 per vehicle-
     mile of service, compared to a $3.05 per vehicle-mile cost
     encumbered by SamTrans itself (Cianfichi, 1986).

     (*) Los Angeles County competitively contracts for a peak
     express service to the Santa Clarita Valley.  Costs are 57
     percent less than publicly operated services, with subsidy
     savings of 73 percent (Orski, et al., 1985; Cox, 1987).

     (*) The most transit-dependent city in the U.S., New York,
     encourages private firms to operate express services.  These
     firms not only provide more frequent and more comfortable
     services than city-operated ones, but they do so at a profit,
     without any government aid (Walder, 1985; Morlok and Viton,

     (*) Snohomish County, Washington, recently entered into a
     long-term contract with a private operator for a fifty-bus
     commuter service previously obtained from the Seattle regional
     transit authority.  Although service levels have remained
     constant, the county was able to reduce its annual
     expenditures for these services by more than 50 percent (Teal,
     1986; Ringo, 1988).

     (*) The Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) has estimated that
     the contracting for labor and maintenance from Trailways to
     operate commuter express services saves the agency around $10
     million per year (Guskind, 1987).

     (*) Houston Metro is saving an estimated 34 percent by
     competitively contracting out its park-and-ride express
     services.  The full cost of contracted park-and-ride service,
     including capital and administration, is $4.66 per revenue
     mile compared to $7.07 per revenue mile for internally
     produced service (in 1986 dollars).  Over the long run, Metro
     estimates they will save $27 per revenue-hour contracted
     (Sheehan, 1986; Cox, 1987).

     (*) In the United Kingdom, competitive bidding of inter-city
     bus services was estimated to have reduced operating costs by
     an average of 20 percent within the first year of deregulation
     (Gomez-Ibanez and Meyer, 1987).

     It should be re-emphasized that making cost comparisons before
and after contracting or between public and private agencies for
comparable services can be a hazardous undertaking. Vehicle types
and service quality very often vary.  Costing and accounting
procedures also tend to


differ among public and private entities.  Moreover, while the
vehicle purchases of public transit agencies are heavily
subsidized, such is not usually the case for private this. In
addition, the length of driver experiences and training are not
always comparable between public and private firm.  Certainly
differences in levels of unionization also account for significant
cost differences in many cases.  Notwithstanding these caveats, the
preponderance of evidence clearly suggests that even modest levels
of competitive transit contracting have been associated with
significant cost savings.  To the matter of whether there appears
to be any grounds to the "cream-skimming" argument against
competitive contracting that might discredit the purported benefits
described so far, we turn to the next chapter.


1.   The statistics presented in this section are drawn mainly from
the American Public Transit Association (1987) and prior editions
of the Transit Fact Book.


                           Chapter Three

      Profitability of Public Transit Operations in the U.S.

3.1  Introduction: Previous Work on the Profitability of Transit

As discussed in the first chapter, the cream-skimming argument
against competitive contracting of transit services rests on the
belief that there are profitable bus routes in the U.S. While there
has been little rigorous research on this question to date, the
conventional wisdom is that there are very few bus operations which
cover their fully allocated costs.1 Pickrell (1986) addressed this
very question in an earlier analysis of the cream-skimming
controversy.  Pickrell compared revenues to costs for twelve
different public transit operators across eight metropolitan areas
during the period stretching between 1979 and 1984.  The author
concentrated on the profitability of services by examining whether
revenues exceeded costs for a number different services types -
express, in-town peak and off-peak, suburban peak and off-peak,
cross-town peak and off-peak, radial peak and off-peak, and
commuter rail.  Pickrell (1986, p. 26) found that none of the
categories of transit services produced farebox revenues sufficient
to cover day-to-day operating expenses and thus concluded that
"there is apparently very little if an "cream to skim" from current
public transit operations".

     While Pickrell's work has raised serious doubts about the
profitability of public transit operations in the U.S., it alone
has not been able to resolve the cream-skimming debate for several
reasons.  One, Pickrell's sample size was fairly small, spanning
transit operations in eight major cities -- three in California,
four in the northeast, and one in the midwest.  Since the author
relied largely on cost models developed by other researchers to
generate cost estimates, his analysis was restricted mainly to
cases where there were published details on cost equations. 
Second, Pickrell studied profitability for types of services rather
than individual routes.  That is, he lumped together revenue and
cost records for all routes under a particular service type and
drew an inference about the profitability of each service type. 
While this provided valuable insights into the general cost
recovery levels of types of services, it said little about the
profitability of individual routes.  For the most part, contracting
of fixed-route services is done on a route-by-route basis, enabling
transit managers to judiciously select which bus runs to contract
out (Teal, et al., 1986).  Rarely is an entire set of services
contracted out carte blanche.  In large, dense cities where the
potential for breaking even or generating a profit might be the
highest, the general tendency has been for transit agencies to
competitively bid out individual routes on a periodic basis to
multiple vendors.  By looking at the profitability issue for
individual bus routes for a larger number of transit properties in
the U.S., it is felt that the analysis presented in this chapter
provides a refinement to that presented by Pickrell.

     While there appears to be no published evidence to date of
profitable public transit operations in the U.S., several studies
have found private operators of conventional bus services who clear
a profit (Morlok and Viton, 1980, 1985; Walder, 1985; Urban
Mobility Corporation, 1985).  Morlok and Viton (1985) found 19
express bus routes operated by private carriers in the New York
metropolitan area which generated profits ranging from 15 percent
to 24 percent in 1972.  AR 19 routes operated over long distances
with highly peaked traffic, the very services that public operators
have been historically shown to incur their highest deficits (Oram,
1979; Cervero, 1982b).  Based on an assumed range of fares and
service levels, Morlok and Viton concluded that operators of
conventional large buses, with the same costs as existing publicly
owned operators, could operate a service profitably at corridor
passenger volumes down to 2,000 passengers per hour during typical
peak periods.

A more recent study by the Urban Mobility Corporation (1985)
further confirmed the


potential profitability of operating peak, express services.  Using
fully allocated costs, the authors of the report found that
contrary to common belief, un-subsidized express commuter bus
services were functioning in at least ten metropolitan areas in the
U.S., including New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Boston, and
Norfolk.  They estimated that if all peak services operated by
seven of the jurisdictions under study were converted to private
operations, over $27 million in public subsidies could be saved
annually.  In general, both of these above-cited studies concluded
that self-sustaining commuter bus operations were feasible when the
following conditions existed: 1) high demand levels, normally
involving load factors of 80 percent or higher; 2) little short-
term demand fluctuation; 3) long-haul runs, typically 15-20 miles
in each direction with few intermediate stops; and 4) a high
concentration of trip destinations, such as a central business
district or a large suburban employment center.

     At least several studies conducted to date thus concluded that
their are a number of privately operated peak-only, commuter bus
services in the country that more than cover their fully allocated
operating costs.  Ironically, these peak-hour, express services are
the very ones that public transit agencies are commonly felt to
incur their highest deficits with (Oram, 1979; Morlok and Viton,
1982; Cervero, 1982b).  The clear inference, then, is that the
competitive contracting of peak, express services to private firms
would likely result in the conversion of high-deficit services into
profit generators in a number of instances.  To the matter of
whether there are many public transit routes in the U.S. from which
it is conceivable that profits could be skimmed away, we turn to
the remainder of this chapter.

3.2  Specifying Profitability

Defining  Revenues Versus Costs

At its simplest level, profitability exists when a transit agency
generates revenues sufficient to cover its direct operating costs. 
Normally, this means an agency receiving enough farebox,
advertising, and other receipts to offset its outlays for labor
compensation, fuel, materials, and other factor inputs as well as
to cover the debt and depreciation it incurred for capital
expenditures.  Historically, U.S. transit properties have received
federal and state grants that cover as much as 80 percent of the
purchase cost of rolling stock and other capital acquisitions.  To
a large extent, then, capital purchases are considered to be one-
time, sunk investments that are largely subsidized by it others"
and thus are generally ignored by agencies when assessing the
fiscal performance of services.  Similarly, overhead expenses, such
as for administration, are also usually perceived as sunk and
unavoidable by transit agencies, in large part because union
pressures and the self survival instincts of transit managers
retard efforts to cut back administrative staffs and overhead
expenses even when services are reduced, whether through private
contracting or the elimination of high-deficit services.

     In recognition of these realities, this study examines
profitability in terms of the degree to which farebox revenues
exceed the direct, day-to-day operating expenses that are not sunk
and are avoidable should services be contracted out.  Adopting the
convention used by Pickrell (1986), direct operating expenses
include labor, energy, and materials costs for operating and
maintaining vehicles as well as use-related depreciation and debt
service of any vehicles used in providing services.  All outlays
for fixed facilities (e.g., repair garages, headquarters) as well
as all expenses for administrative functions (e.g., accounting,
planning, supervision) are excluded in this analysis.  As Pickrell
notes, this more conservative definition of costs most closely
match the expenses that would instantaneously be eliminated if a
transit agency contracted out a specific set of services to a
private vendor.  For example, if a transit agency contracted out
the operation and maintenance of buses used on two specific routes,
it would immediately save the labor, fuel, and supply expenses of
running these buses, along with the ability to reduce its outlays
for new vehicle purchases by reassigning buses used on these
contracted routes to new services or deploying them as backups. 
The agency's count of administrative workers and its inventory of
garages and other fixed facilities


would likely be unaffected by the private takeover of these
services.2 In many ways, then, this approach to cost estimation is
geared toward evaluating the "short-term" potential cost-savings
impacts of competitive contracting.

     It should be emphasized that this approach to defining cost is
generous in the sense that it is favorable to showing that some
publicly operated services are profitable.  To the extent the of
other" cost categories were included in the analysis, then the
likelihood of an agency generating operating revenues which exceed
costs would be less.

Revenue-Cost Ratios Versus Absolute Differences

     The business world commonly views profitability in terms of
returns on investment -revenues received as a percent of all
variable and appropriately amortized fixed cost inputs.  Thus, a 20
percent return on investment for any given time period means that
revenues earned exceed input costs by one-fifth.  Transit managers
use a similar index in gauging the financial solvency of their
operations, usually expressed as an "operating ratio" -- operating
revenues divided by operating costs (typically absent any capital
debt service or depreciation).  In 1985, the average operating
ratio for America's transit industry as a whole was 0.446 -- nearly
45 percent of total operating costs were recovered from fares,
advertising, rents, and other sources.3 Since this ratio indicates
the share of operating expenses recovered from major revenue
sources, the term "cost recovery rate" is also sometimes used. 
Since this latter term more closely captures the idea of recovering
operating expenses, it is adopted in the remainder of this report. 
As used here, however, only passenger revenues are considered in
order to reflect the share of direct, day-to-day operating costs
recovered from the farebox.

     A point of confusion that perpetuates the cream-skimming
controversy is that systemwide cost recovery rates may increase
following private take-over of services.  Even when this is the
case, as long as contracted services fail to meet their cost, the
relinquishment of these services would be financially beneficial to
the public sector, lowering total deficits.  Thus is a
misconception related to using cost recovery rates as a barometer
of fiscal health.  Just because these rates fall does not
necessarily mean that a transit property is financially worse off. 
On the contrary, to the extent an unsubsidized private firm takes
over deficit services, both public and private sectors benefit. 
Accordingly, the more appropriate gauge of the fiscal implications
of competitive contracting is the change in the total deficit

     To pursue this point a bit further, consider transit agency
XYZ which operates 50 express routes and 50 local routes.  To keep
things simple, suppose each route costs $1,000 per day to operate,
producing a daily total cost of $100,000 for XYZ to deliver its
services.  Let's further assume that all routes carry 700 riders
per day.  Express routes correct $1 from each passenger whereas
local routes charge only 50 cents per ride.  Under this scenario,
we find that $52,500 is generated each day from the farebox,
producing a cost recovery rate of 0.525 and a daily deficit of
$47,500.  Furthermore, there appears to be a differential recovery
rate: express services return 70 percent of their costs through the
farebox while local services recover only 35 percent.

     Given these numbers, one could well understand why transit
managers might be hesitant to contract out their express services. 
The fact remains, however, as long as express services are
sustaining losses, the changeover to unsubsidized private
operations would still help curb deficits.  Figure 3.1 suggests by
approximately how much.  The graph shows the trade-off between
XYZ's cost recovery rate and total operating deficit under a number
of scenarios involving the contracting out of express services. 
The numbers next to the line in the graph signify the percent of
express services that are presumed to be contracted.  Thus, if 30
percent of XYZ's express services were taken over by a private
firm, its cost recovery rate would fall to under 0.50 and its total
daily deficit would likewise drop to $44,500.  If 90 percent of
express services were contracted out, the graph shows that while
the recovery rate would be about 0.38, daily deficits would
plummet, to


Click HERE for graphic.

$34,000.  Therefore, the 90 percent contracting scenario would
involve a total decline in XYZ's deficit from $47,500 to $34,000, a
28 percent decrease.  Conceivably, XYZ could subsidize the private
operator which takes over express routes at a rate of $13,499 for
all 50 routes (or $269.98 per route) and still reduce its total
daily deficit while ensuring both services are provided.

     It should be noted that under the above scenario, XYZ's
changeover from 0 to 90 percent contracting of express runs would
result in the agency's deficit per passenger rising from $0.64 to
$0.81.4 Again, the inclination of XYZ's transit managers might be
against widespread contracting of express services to preserve a
lower deficit per rider figure.  In reality, however, the apparent
decline in XYZ's financial health is likely to be. more of a
reflection of the misallocation of total costs among express versus
local services.  As discussed earlier in the report, numerous
studies show that peak-only, express services tend to be far
costlier on a unit basis than otherwise comparable all-day, local
services because of the labor penalty costs associated with paying
peakperiod workers guaranteed 8 hours pay or split shift bonuses
(Cherwony and Mundle, 1978; Reilly, 1977; Cervero, 1982a).  When
such cost factors are properly allocated to peak-period services
only, studies indicate that the daily costs of operating express
services can increase by a factor of two or more.  One study, for
example, found that it generally cost 250 percent more to provide a
passenger with express service than local service (General
Accounting Office, 1981).  In the above example, then, cost
recovery rates could very well increase and both total deficits and
deficit per passengers could decline if costs were reallocated to
attribute more of XYZ's labor compensate n expenses to the express
services.  In short, as long as "press services operate in the red,
there is no "cream" to skim- to the extent costs are properly
attributed to express services, the cost recovery rates and overall
financial picture of public transit agencies could be expected to
improve as well.


3.3   Investigating the Incidence of Profitability: Methodology

Selection of Case Sites

     Clearly, a prerequisite for making a profit on any transit
service is high ridership.  By and large, transit services with
high levels of patronage are found in fairly large urban areas with
enough density and well defined activity centers to create a
significant customer base (Pushkarev and Zupan, 1977; Morlok and
Viton, 1980).  Accordingly, this study limited the case sites to
all U.S. public transit properties with 1985 fleets of 75 or more
motor buses based on Section 15 published statistics - 76 transit
properties in all (Urban Mass Transportation Administration, 1986). 
Each of these agencies was queried as to whether they operate both
peak-only express services and all-day local services.  Those which
did not provide both types of service were eliminated from further

     Since it was expected that public transit routes which cover
relatively high shares of costs through the farebox were limited to
heavily patronized ones and in order to keep the number of data
cases manageable, data was sought only on the highest ridership
routes for the remaining agencies.  Through both written and
telephone correspondence, the 76 agencies were asked to provide
route-level cost and revenue data for their three highest-patronage
peak-only express routes and their three highest-patronage all-day
local routes.  In all, 25 of the eligible agencies were found to
have at least three peak-only express services and to disaggregate
operating data on a route-by-route basis.  About a dozen agencies
which operate peak-only express runs consider these routes to be
part of a larger family of routes that revert to local service
during off-peak hours.  Since none of these agencies maintained
separate route statistics for the peak-hour portion of the service,
they were also eliminated from further consideration.  The 25 case
study sites used in the analysis, grouped together in terms of
vehicle size classes, are listed in Table 3.1. (See Appendix A for
the complete name, fleet size, and headquarters location of each
case study site.)

     In all. a data base made up of 76 peak-only express routes and
76 all-day local routes was created from the 25 U.S. transit
properties used in this analysis.  The data base consisted mainly
of fiscal year 1987 data on average daily operating costs, farebox
revenue, ridership, and service inputs (e.g., vehicle miles) for
each route.  The range of data submitted by the 25 transit
properties studied in this analysis and variables that were created
from the submitted data are presented in Appendix B.

Estimating Route-Level Operating Costs

Problems in Measuring Route-Level Costs

     While fairly accurate records are maintained on the daily
revenue receipts collected from the farebox of a transit property's
routes, comparable data unfortunately is rarely available on the
cost end.  In all cases, the route costs submitted by transit
agencies were estimates, not actual measured costs.  For a host of
reasons, transit operators do not maintain records on the actual
cost of operating individual routes.  One major reason is that
since bus drivers accrue different wage rates depending on their
years of service, the cost of any one route would be largely
dependent upon how driver tours were assigned and rotated. 
Logically, "average" labor costs should be associated with each
route.  Additionally, since buses are frequently interlined, or
switched from one route to another during the day, assigning
maintenance costs to particular routes can become problematic. 
Furthermore, administrative and supervisory costs cannot be easily
apportioned among numerous routes for which a manager is
responsible.  Even fuel costs are difficult to assign to a
particular route; while a route's daily mileage is usually known,
varying traffic conditions and ages of vehicles effect the fuel
efficiencies of different routes.  To compile accurate cost data on
each route, moreover, would require a highly elaborate accounting
system which would likely be


                             Table 3.1

       Listing of 25 Case Sites, by Vehicle Fleet Size Class

Vehicle Fleet
Size Class     Transit Agency

> 1,000        Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority    
               (Washington D.C., Maryland, Virginia)

               Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority
               (Philadelphia region)

500 - 999      Metro Seattle (Seattle region)

               Metropolitan Transit Commission (Minneapolis-St.
               Paul region)

               Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County   
               (Houston region)

               Denver Regional Transit District (Denver region)

               Bi-State Development Agency (St. Louis, Missouri,

250 - 499      PACE (Chicago region)

               Santa Clara County Transportation Agency (Santa
               Clara County, Calif.)

               Orange County Transit District (Orange County,

               Central Ohio Transit Authority (Columbus region)

               Utah Transit Authority (Salt Lake City region)

               Phoenix Transit (Phoenix region)

< 250          Westchester County Department of Transportation   
               (White Plains region)

               Golden Gate Transit Bus Division (San Francisco




Vehicle Fleet
Size Class                Transit Agency

< 250          Southeastern Michigan Transportation Authority    
               (Detroit region)

               Sacramento Regional Transit District (Sacramento

               Jacksonville Transportation Authority (Jacksonville

               Greater Richmond Transit Company (Richmond region)

               Tidewater Regional Transit System (Norfolk-Virginia
               Beach region)

               Hillsborough Area Regional Transit Authority (Tampa

               SunTran (Tucson region)

               Fort Worth Transportation Authority (Fort Worth

               Metro Tulsa Transit Authority (Tulsa region)

               Transit Authority of Northern Kentucky (Fort Wright
               region, Kentucky, Ohio)

Notes:    Vehicle fleet size includes motor buses only, as reported
          in UMTA (1986).  Jurisdictions do not cross state lines
          except where noted.


prohibitively expensive and yield somewhat dubious results since
cost factors such as driver wage rates vary among routes.  For all
of these reasons, route-level operating costs are more often than
not estimated by breaking down a transit agency's annual operating
costs, a practice normally known as "cost allocation".

Cost Allocation Approaches

     Cost allocation methods vary widely throughout the nation's
transit industry.  To date, no universal set of guidelines has
emerged which specifies precisely which costs should be considered. 
While UMTA has established guidelines for its annual Section 15
reporting program, they only govern the collection and maintenance
of systemwide data.  Typically, transit agencies estimate the cost
of a specific route on an ad hoc basis whenever a service change is
being contemplated.

     Route-level cost allocation methods range from simple unit
cost estimates based on a single variable to fairly complex
multivariable models (Miller and Rea, 1973; Levinson, 1978;
Cervero, 1982a).  Typically, expense items are segregated into
subcategories such as labor, maintenance, and fuel.  Subcategories
are then stratified among several variables, such as vehicle hours
or vehicles miles of service, which are considered causally linked
to the encumbrance of expenses in each subcategory.  A
multivariable equation can then be derived by calculating a unit
coefficient for each factor of production (e.g., by dividing the
total cost of all subcategories by, say, vehicle miles).

     Single-variable cost estimates are of limited usefulness in
comparing routes within a transit agency.  Since a simple average
cost is derived, these estimates can mask significant variations in
the cost structures of different services, such as peak-only
express and all-day local services.  The most common approach is to
estimate costs based on two variables.  Table 3.2 presents a
typical two factor model based on vehicle miles and vehicle hours
as input measures.  Since both miles and hours of service are
determinants of average speeds, two variable equations can reflect
differences in the operating environments of various routes.  As
shown in the hypothetical model presented in Table 3.3, the three
factor equations typically add a route's count of peak vehicles as
the third predictor of costs.  This is done chiefly to account for
such overhead costs as administration, insurance, and physical
plant, all of which normally vary most closely with fleet size
rather than with miles or hours of operation.

     The choice of a cost model can obviously significantly affect
route cost estimates.  In general, estimates are most sensitive to
the choice of cost models when services are quite heterogenous;
where a particular route is similar to an agency's "average" route,
different cost models have been found to produce fairly similar
results (Cherwony and Mundle, 1980).

     Besides the number of allocation variables that should enter
into an equation, opinions often differ on which costs should be
associated with which input factors.  Almost without exception,
drivers' wages and benefits are assigned to the vehicle hour
factor.  Mechanics' pay, fuel, lubrication, and tire expenses are
almost always assigned to vehicle miles.  Research, however, has
shown that fuel and lubrication costs vary more as a function of
the number of vehicles in a fleet than with vehicle miles traveled
(Gephart, 1984; Purdy and Wiegmann, 1986).

     Finally, not all transit agencies include the same cost
components in their models.  Some properties include depreciation,
debt service, and other costs of vehicle ownership in their models
while others don't.  And while most include administrative expenses
and the cost of casualty and liability insurance in their accounts,
a few exclude them under the belief that they are not expenses
directly encountered in running buses in the literal sense. 
Notwithstanding these differences, the majority of transit
properties typically use similar types of cost models with similar
cost components and similar attribution rules.


                             Table 3.2

            Typical Two-Variable Cost Allocation Model

                                            Annual costs associated
                                                 with each variable

                         Allocation          Vehicle        Vehicle
Cost Subcategory         Variable            Hours          Miles

Vehicle operations       Hours               $10,000,000

Transportation admin.    Hours                   500,000

Vehicle maintenance      Miles                           $4,000,000

Maintenance admin.       Miles                              600,000

Total annual costs:                $10,500,000           $4,600,000

Total annual service inputs:           400,000            6,000,000
                                   vehicle hours      vehicle miles


$10,500,000 / 400,000 vehicle hours = $26.25 per vehicle hour

$4,600,000 / 6,000,000 vehicle miles = SO.77 per vehicle mile


($26.25 x vehicle hours) + ($0.77 x vehicle miles)


                             Table 3.3
           Typical Three-Variable Cost Allocation Model

                                            Annual costs associated
                                                 with each variable

                    Allocation     Vehicle   Vehicle           Peak
Cost Subcategory    Variable       Hours     Miles         Vehicles

Vehicle operations  Hours     $40,000,000

Transport. admin.   Hours         200,000

Scheduling          Hours         100,000

Vehicle maintenance Miles                    $10,000,000

Maintenance admin.  Miles                        150,000

Accident repair     Miles                         50,000

Servicing vehicles  Vehicles                             $2,000,000

Fare Collections    Vehicles                                100,000

Insurance           Vehicles                              1,000,000

Total Annual Costs:           $40,300,000    $10,200,000 $3,100,000

Total Annual Service Inputs:       500,000     8,000,000        275
                              vehicle hours  vehicle miles     peak


$40,300,000/ 500,000 vehicle hours = $80.60 per vehicle hour

$10,200,000/ 8,000,000 vehicle miles = $1.27 per vehicle mile

$3,100,000/ 275 vehicles = $11,273 per vehicle (annual); then

$11,273/ 365 service days = $30.88 per vehicle (daily)


($80.60 x daily vehicle hours) + ($1.27 x daily vehicle miles) +
($30.88 x peak vehicles)


Cost Models Employed

     As discussed in section 3.2, cost estimates were derived for
this analysis to reflect the short-term cost impacts that public
transit agencies might experience from contracting out their
services.  This meant the exclusion of administrative overhead
costs and all capital expenditures except those directly related to
usage, such as the depreciation on rolling stock.  The inclusion of
use-related depreciation reflects the costs that public transit
agencies could save by foregoing new vehicle purchases or
redeploying vehicles to other routes when services are contracted
and where private operators provide their own vehicles.

     In order to maintain consistency in the estimation of costs, a
uniform cost allocation model was developed for each of the 25
transit properties which were studied.  The three input factors
used in estimating costs for each of the 25 agencies were: (1)
daily total (in-service and out-of-service) vehicle miles; daily
total (in-service and out-of-service) vehicle hours; and daily
number of vehicles operating during the peak period.  The approach
used is a variant of the cost allocation methodology developed by
Mundle and Associates for an UMTA research project on private
contracting carried out by the Urban Mobility Corporation (1985).6
Under this approach, the three input factors are assumed to be
causally linked to the encumbrance of the following costs:

     (1)  Vehicle Hours: transportation administration; revenue
     vehicle movement control; scheduling of transportation
     operations; and revenue vehicle operation (primarily drivers'
     wages and fringe benefits).

     (2)  Vehicle Miles: vehicle maintenance administration;
     inspection and maintenance of vehicles; accident repairs to
     vehicles; vandalism repairs to vehicles; and maintenance of
     vehicle movement control systems.

     (3)  Peak Vehicles: servicing revenue vehicles (chiefly fuel
     and lubrication); maintenance of fare collecting equipment;
     ticketing and fare collection; and insurance.

All of these costs would likely be absorbed by private contractors
which took over both the operation and maintenance of certain
services and used their own vehicles.  Examples of initial cost
models that were derived using these cost allocation rules for two
transit agencies included in the analysis -- Seattle Metro and
Denver's Regional Transit District (RTD) - are presented in
Appendix C.

     Computing a three-factor cost model for each agency was a data
intensive process.  A few agencies provided all of the required
cost details based on their Level A submissions to UMTA's Section
15 "Uniform System of Accounts and Records and Reporting Systems". 
However, Level A submissions, which contain the maximum amount of
detail requested by UMTA, are not required and thus are voluntarily
provided.  For those remaining transit properties which had less
detailed cost data, more precise breakdowns were estimated from
data tapes made available by the U.S.D.O.T.'s Transportation
Systems Center.7

     The final adjustments made to each agency's model were the
exclusion of general overhead administrative costs and the
inclusion of use-related depreciation expenses.8 Again, the
omission of administrative and other overhead expenditures reflects
the fact that these expenses would unlikely decline in proportion
to any reduction in vehicle requirements that resulted from the
contracting out of services, at least in the near term.  Over the
long run, such expenses n-Light fall, although probably no faster
than the natural rate of employee attrition.  The inclusion of use-
related depreciation reflected the fact that buses normally
depreciate directly in proportion to the amount of miles they log
and these mileage-related expenses can be avoided through
contracting.  A use-related depreciation cost of 37.5 cents per
mile was included in the vehicle mileage factor of each model based
on findings from research by Pickrell (1986).9 This figure was
based a straight-line depreciation calculation assuming a new bus
costs $150,000 with a useful service life of 400,000


miles and adopting a social discount rate of 7 percent.

     When refining cost models, researchers sometimes also use a
peak cost adjustment factor to more accurately reflect differences
in the effective wage rates and productivity levels of bus drivers
during peak versus off-peak periods (Cherwony and Mundle, 1978;
Cervero, 1982a).  This factor acknowledges that labor costs,
although paid at a standard hourly rate, effectively vary by time-
of day since peak work activities lead to more spread-time and
over-time duties, which result in more pay hours per vehicle hour
of operation.  It also reflects the fact that higher levels of
deadheading and work rule restrictions which limit the number and
duration of split shifts raise hourly costs during the peak. 
Collectively, these factors have been shown to raise the cost of
peak period operations by around 20 percent (Cherwony and Mundle,
1978; Cervero, 1982a).  In order to take a more conservative
approach, however, this study did not divide cost estimates into
peak and off-peak components and thus did not apply a 20 percent
peak inflation index.  To do so would have worsened the financial
performance of peak-only express services relative to all-day local
operations.  As mentioned previously, since these cost
differentials are rarely directly acknowledged by transit officials
when considering the potential financial impacts of contracting out
peak services, we felt it would be most appropriate to exclude them
in this analysis.  Nonetheless, if it can be shown that peak-only
express services are outperformed even when these cost adjustments
are ignored, no one can challenge the analysis on the basis that
the assumptions of the cost models were "stacked against" peak-only
express services.

     The final cost models developed for each of the 25 case study
transit properties used in this study are presented in Appendix D.
In addition to presenting the three factor cost equations computed
for each transit property, Appendix D also shows the average daily
cost estimates derived for the three highest-patronized peak-only
express routes and the three highest-patronized all-day local
routes of each agency.10

3.4  Comparison of Route Characteristics Among Express and Local

     Before presenting the findings on the level of profitability
among the transit routes studied, it is instructive to first
compare the operating characteristics of these routes.  Table 3.4
presents some of the operating features of the 76 express routes
and 76 local routes in terms of the daily average: vehicle miles,
vehicle hours, number of peak vehicles in operation, and travel
speeds." Table 3.4 indicates that the all-day local routes that
were studied average more than three times the daily vehicle miles
as their peak-only counterparts and nearly six times the hours,
although they use only twice the number of buses.  As expected,
average speeds of express routes are significantly greater than
those of local routes.  The slower average speeds of local routes
reflect the more frequent stopping and closer spacing of stops
along these routes in addition to the greater reliance of express
services on limited-access freeways for the line-haul portions of
the journey.  When daily hours and miles are used as output
measures, local services average a significantly higher rate of
vehicle productivity.  Based on the standard deviation statistics
(in parentheses), there is far greater variation in all of these
indicators (with the expectation of average speeds) for express
than local services.

     Breaking these statistics down by fleet size is further
revealing.  Table 3.5 shows that larger transit systems tend to
operate both local and express services at slower speeds,
ostensibly because of the higher levels of congestion in which most
big bus systems operate in.  Additionally, the table shows that
while the average number of miles, hours, and peak vehicles
increase with fleet size among all-day local services, there really
is little difference in these characteristics among small and mid-
size operators of peak-only services.  Only among properties with
500 or more vehicles does the scale of express services appear to
be significantly higher.


                             Table 3.4

         Comparison of Average Daily Route Characteristics
         Among Peak-Only Express and All-Day Local Routes

                    Mean      Mean      Mean      Mean
                    Vehicle   Vehicle   Peak      Speed
Service             Miles     Hours     Vehicles  (m.p.h.)

Peak-only express   573.25    27.66     7.59      20.02
                    (519..54) (23.28)   (7.10)    (5.32)

All-day local       1,951.92  158.63    15.51     12.90
                    (1,147.81)(102.56)  (10.56)   (3.16)

NOTES:    Figures in parentheses are standard deviations.

          Differences between means for each variable are
          significant at the .01 level.

          For peak-only express, N = 76; for all-day local, N = 76.

3.5  Level of Profitability

     Merging the daily passenger revenue and estimated operating
cost of each route studied yielded an index of profitability -- a
cost recovery rate.  As discussed earlier in this chapter, a
recovery rate above one indicates a profit is being generated while
a rate below one signifies that a deficit is being incurred.

     Table 3.6 lists the 24 high-patronage routes which were found
to recover at least three-quarters of operating costs through the
farebox.  In all, only 10 of the 152 routes examined in this study,
or 6.6 percent, were found to either make a profit or break even. 
These ten routes were split among five of the 25 case study transit
agencies.  Two of these agencies operated the largest bus systems
studied: the Southeast Pennsylvania Transit Authority (SEPTA)
serving the greater Philadelphia area, with three profitable all-
day local routes; and the Washington Metropolitan Area
Transportation Authority (WMATA), also with dime money-makers. 
Minneapolis's Metropolitan Transit Authority (MTA) also was found
to operate a profitable route.  While all three of these transit
properties maintain relatively large operations, the other two
systems registering a profitable service -- Greater Richmond
Transit (GRT) and Westchester County (NY) Transit -- are
comparatively small.  GRT operates one money-making express
service, another express service that breaks even, and three local
services that are nearly profitable (with cost recovery rates
exceeding 0.90). While Westchester County was found to operate a
profitable local route, it is noteworthy that this route (along
with all other Westchester County services) is operated by a
private franchiser.


                             Table 3.5
  Comparison of Average Daily Route Characteristics by Fleet Size

                    Mean      Mean      Mean
Fleet               Vehicle   Vehicle   Peak      Speed
Size      Route     Miles     Hours     Vehicles  (m.p.h.)

Under 250
          Peak      430.58    17.93     5.29      21.30
                    (519.66)  (17.63)   (5.29)    (6.14)

          Local     1,318.59  90.03     8.76      14.23
                    (770.43)  (4039)    (3.89)    (3.34)

          Peak      412.48    22.07     5.14      18.44
                    (283.67)  (13.67)   (2.06)    (4.34)

          Local     2,328.62  169.28    15.95     13.49
                    (1,266.11) (93.52)  (7.57)    (1.31)

          Peak      898.21    45.12     12.71     20.07
                    (544.74)  (26.92)   (9.19)    (4.72)

          Local     2,600.62  259.05    26.00     10.17
                    (1,041.82) (96.40)  (11.96)   (2.35)

Notes:    Figures in parentheses are standard deviations.

          Differences between means within each variable and fleet
          size group are significant at the .01 level.

          For fleets under 250: N = 31 for peak, N = 34 for local.
          For fleets 250 - 499: N = 21 for peak, N = 21 for local.
          For fleets of 500 +: N = 24 for peak, N = 21 for local.


                             Table 3.6
          Bus Routes With Cost Recovery Ratios Above 0.75

                                        Cost2    (Profit)
Transit1      Service                  Recovery  Per
Agency                   Route Name     Ratio     Rider

WMATA          Local     Benning Road   2.21      $(0.44)
SEPTA          Local     33             1.65      (0-30)
SEPTA          Local     52             1.52      (0-26)
SEPTA          Local     C              1.44      (0.23)
WMATA          Local     Pennsylvania
                              Avenue    1.37      (0-22)
WMATA          Local     Georgia/
                              7th Street 1.27     (0.17)
Richmond       Peak      26 (Parham Road) 1.27    (0.27)
Westchester    Local     20             1.15      (0.09)
MTC            Local     21             1.10      (0.06)
Richmond       Peak      67 (Chappenham)  1.00    (0.00)
Richmond       Local     37 (Chamberlayne) .98    0.01
Tidewater      Local     20-25           .95      0.04
Richmond       Local     34 (Highland Park).94    0.03
Richmond       Local     6-53 Broad/Main   .92    0.05
Houston        Peak      212 Seton Lake  .90      0.18
Houston        Peak      205 Kingwood    .88      0.30
Westchester    local     1               .87      0.12
MTC            Local     18              .86      0.11
MTC            Local     5               .82      0.15
WMATA          Peak      Lincolnia/
                             North Fairfax .81    0.25
BI-STATE       Local     3070 Grand      .80      0.11
TANK           Local     6               .78      0.18
WMATA          Peak      South Capitol
                              Street     .77      0.24
Westchester    Local     40              .77      0.21


1 See Appendix A for identification of transit agencies.

2 Cost recovery ratio = passenger revenues divided by estimated
operating cost.


     By far, the most profitable route studied was WMATA's "Benning
Road", an all-day, local service that covers more than twice its
costs through the farebox at an estimated profit of 44 cents per
passenger.  The next most profitable route was SEPTA's "33", also
an all-day local service which clears around 30 cents per
passenger.  Aside from Greater Richmond Transit, no other transit
agency studied operated any money-making express routes. 
Richmond's express route "26" was found to make a profit of around
27 cents for every rider carried.12 Factors which might account
for the profitability of these and other money-making routes listed
in Table 3.6 are discussed in Chapter 5.

     In summary, very few of the public transit routes which were
studied were found to clear a profit.  Given that the 25 case study
transit systems had a combined total of 1,310 fixed routes, then
the 10 profitable routes comprised less than one percent, or .0076,
of total routes in operation.  It bears repeating that the cost
models used were fairly conservative.  If the administrative and
total capital costs attributable to each route were included the
analysis, then the number of profitable routes would have likely
been far less.  Moreover, peak-only express services would likely
have shown even poorer financial performance had a 20 percent peak
period cost penalty been attached. Thus even when the most
conservative approach to estimating costs is adopted, fewer than
one percent of the nation's fixed-route transit services are
estimated to make a profit or break even.

3.6  Summary Comparison of Performance Among Local Versus Express

     Since the cream-skimming argument reflects a hesitancy to
allow private operators take over peak-express routes, it is
insightful to see how these services fare relative to all-day local
ones in terms of various performance indicators.  Averaging among
all 76 peak routes and all 76 local routes in the data base, Table
3.7 presents this comparison.

     Table 3.7 shows that all-day local services outperformed peak
express-only services on virtually every measure.13 The highest-
patronage local services, for instance, covered around 38 percent
more of their costs through the farebox -- 0.58 versus 0.42. The
differential would have doubtlessly been higher had cost penalties
been incorporated into the costs of peak-only express services. 
Furthermore, the average cost per hour for peak-only routes was 45
percent higher than that of all-day local routes.  Local routes,
moreover, average around twice as many passengers per dollar of
expenditure and only about one-half the subsidy per rider as peak-
only routes.

     The only measure in which peak-only express routes
outperformed all-day local ones is when average costs are expressed
on a per-mile basis.  On average, the total costs per mile are
around 13 percent less for peak versus local services.  This
difference obviously reflects the slower average speeds of most
local routes.  With slower speeds, it ends up costing a transit
agency more to pay a driver to cover ten miles on a surface street
as opposed to ten miles on a freeway flier.  Maintenance costs also
tend to increase in the stop-and-go traffic conditions experienced
by local routes.  Regardless, it is noteworthy that the average
costs per mile differ only by 13 percent even though the average
speeds of express services were previously shown to be (in Table
3.4) over 55 percent as fast.

3.7  Summary

After adopting a fairly conservative approach to estimating the
costs of the highest-patronized routes of 25 transit agencies
across the U.S., it was found that very few routes produce farebox
revenues sufficient to cover even the direct, day-to-day operating
expenses incurred by public agencies.  It is estimated that less
than one percent of all fixed-route services currently operated in
the U.S. today either cover their direct costs through the farebox
or return a profit.  On the whole, there is very little potential
"cream to skim" from public transit agencies under any competitive
contracting scenario.


                             Table 3.7
         Comparison of Average Performance Characteristics
                 Among Express versus Local Routes

                   Overall Financial Performance

                         Deficit        Cost
                         Per            Recovery
Service                  Rider          Ratio

Peak                     $1.62          .42
Local                    $0.75          .58

                      Effectiveness Measures

               Riders    Riders    Revenue   Riders
               Per       Per       Per       Per
Service        Mile      Dollar    Mile      Vehicle

Peak           1.34      0.51      $1.09     87.73
Local          3.21      1.04      $1.83     381.73

                        Efficiency Measures

               Cost      Cost      Cost      Miles
               Per       Per       Per       Per
Service        Mile      Hour      Rider     Vehicle

Peak           $2.58     $50.05    $2.49     78.54
Local          $2.96     $36.72    $1.22     136.36

Notes:    All figures are mean values.

          For peak-only express, N = 65; for all-day local, N = 76.


     On average, the 152 highest-patronized routes analyzed in this
study recovered only 50 percent of their direct daily operating
costs.  The cost recovery rates of peak-only express services
tended to fall appreciably below those of all-day local services. 
On average, the highest-patronized express services incurred a
deficit of $1.62 for every passenger carried.  It seems ironic,
then, that deficits are so high on the very services that public
transit agencies seem most reluctant to give up under the banner of
"cream-skimming".  Equally ironic is the fact that peak-only
express services are exactly the market niche that private firms
have shown the most interest in assuming and which research has
shown can be operated at a profit by private entrepreneurs.  This
finding clearly lends credence to the counter-argument that
competitive contracting would, almost without exception, involve
deficit-skimming rather than cream-skimming.  To probe the argument
even further with regards to whether or not scale economies exist,
we turn to the next chapter.


1.   Fully allocated costs represent the total cost incurred in
producing a specific product or delivering a specific service,
including direct costs of labor, capital, and material resources
and a portion of the shared cost of labor, capital, and materials
used in the delivery of the range of services produced by an
organization.  Adopted as pan of UMTA's Private Enterprise Policy
(Federal Register, Volume 45, No. 205), these costs have been
defined by Price Waterhouse (1987).

2.   In the long run, the potential cost savings of contracting
carried out on a large scale could create increments of savings to
the public sector that are "lumpy" and substantial enough to induce
a scaling back of administrative functions and the overall physical

3.   Total operating revenues were $5.378 billion while total
operating costs were $12.057 billion (American Public Transit
Authority, 1987).

4.   $0.64 = $47,500/(35,000 express + 35,000 local) passengers.
$0.81 = $34,000/(7,000 express + 35,000 local) passengers.

5.   No precise limits were set as to the number or spacing of
stops for express as opposed to local services.  Classifications of
routes as either express or local were based simply on the
designations given by each transit agency.

6.   The primary variation was the attribution of some bus
servicing costs (chiefly fuel and lubrication) to the peak vehicle
rather the vehicle miles factor.

7.   These disaggregate cost estimates were derived by breaking
down Section 15 Level B, C, and R submissions according to pro-
rated Level A cost subcategories among peer groups of U.S. transit
properties.  For instance, Level R reporting agencies (who furnish
only the minimum required information) only provide data on total
maintenance costs and not the vehicle servicing cost components. 
Servicing costs had to be estimated in order to assign them to the
peak vehicle variable.  Detailed data from Level A agencies with
fleet sizes of 500 to 1,000 vehicles revealed that servicing costs
comprised, on average, 14.8 percent of total maintenance expenses. 
Using this average figure, servicing costs were subtracted from the
reported maintenance expenses of Level R reporting transit systems
and assigned to each agency's peak vehicle variable.

8.   Overhead costs related directly to vehicle maintenance were
retained to reflect the conversion of vehicle maintenance functions
to private firms under competitive contracting.


9.   This figure was adjusted slightly to reflect 1987 dollars. 
While this adjustment accounted for vehicle depreciation, no
adjustment was made for capital interest expenses on the grounds
that vehicle purchases are heavily subsidized and thus these costs
are effectively hidden from the ledgers of many transit agencies. 
Although depreciation related expenses can be lowered by foregoing
or delaying new vehicle acquisitions when existing services are
contracted, the interest payments on prior purchases are still

10.  Cost models are presented in Appendix D in the rank-size order
of the transit agencies listed in , with the exception of the first
two examples.  The cost models of these two cases Bi-State
Development Corporation in the St. Louis area and the Westchester
County (NY) Department of Transportation -- are shown in more
detail to reveal exactly how final cost equations were derived.

11.  Throughout the remainder of this report, both vehicle miles
and vehicle hours are expressed as aggregate totals (both in-
service and out-of-service).

12.  Greater Richmond Transit registered a higher average cost
recovery rate than any other agency studied, ostensibly because it
is run by a private management firm with a cost reduction mandate. 
See the case studies in Chapter 5 for further discussions of the
Greater Richmond Transit agency .

13.  An "effectiveness" measure reveals how well resource inputs
are translated into measures of service utilization (such as
ridership and revenues).  An "efficiency" indicator translates
service inputs (e.g., costs, vehicles) into service outputs (e.g.,
miles, hours).  See Fielding, et al. (1978) for further discussions
on these indicators.


                           Chapter Four

     Probing the Scale Economies Argument Against Contracting

4.1  Past Research on Economies of Scale in the US.  Transit

     As discussed in the first chapter, another argument sometimes
voiced against competitive contracting is that transit properties
enjoy economies of scale that can only be reaped by limiting the
number of entrants into the urban mass transportation market.  To
the extent that public transit functions as a natural monopoly, its
average or unit costs should decline with increasing volumes of
output and accordingly a single entity should be able to most
efficiently provide the service.1 Such has been the logic
historically used to shield public transit agencies from direct
head-to-head competition from private taxi and bus companies.

     While early research conducted on the existence of economies
of scale in the transit industry was inconclusive, more recent work
suggests there are generally declining returns on investment for
larger transit systems.  One of the first studies demonstrating
scale economies in the transit industry was conducted by Wells, et
al. (1972).  Using national data from 1960-1969, the authors found
tendencies toward transit scale economies by finding that the cost
per mile declined as vehicle mileage increased for ten of eleven
American transit systems studied.  Lee and Steedman (1970) likewise
revealed decreasing unit cost characteristics among larger British
transit systems during the same approximate time period.  Most
subsequent studies, however, have revealed the opposite.  Studies
by Koshal (1972), Wabe and Coles (1975), and Fravel (1978) found
larger bus systems to exhibit proportionally higher costs as fleet
size increases, owing ostensibly to the greater surface street
congestion and stronger union pressures on driver wages experienced
by bigger systems.

     The existence or absence of scale economies depends, in part,
on the output measure selected.  When output is expressed in terra
of passengers or any other measure of service utilization, studies
generally show that unit costs fall as ridership increases.  This
is often more a reflection of declining service quality (in terms
of level of crowding) than any inherent productivity gain. 
Accordingly, most recent studies have used service or capacity
related measures such as vehicle miles or vehicle hours when
investigating the existence of economies of scale.  Using a cross-
section of 87 U.S. bus properties, Williams (1979) estimated a
short-run, variable cost function which produced a cost elasticity
of 0.467 as a function of bus-miles (e.g., every ten percent
increase in bus miles is associated with a 4.67 percent increase in
variable costs).  A similar cross-sectional study by Viton (1981)
found cost elasticities in the range of 0.51 to 0.60 as a function
of bus-miles for 54 U.S. transit properties.  Using translog cost
models for multiple indices of output and time series data, several
more recent analyses have generally confirmed the tendency toward
diseconomies of scale with respect to vehicle miles among larger
transit properties (Berechman, 1982; Berechman and Giuliano, 1982;
Talley and Anderson, 1986).

     To summarize, the general consensus among transportation
analysts appears to be that there is little evidence of economies
of scale in the U.S. transit industry (Oram, 1979; McGillivary, et
al., 1980; Berechman, 1982).  When output is measured with respect
to revenue passengers, slight productivity gains can be found. 
However, when the output measure "vehicle miles" is used, a more
intuitive measure in the sense that costs are more directly related
to the production of miles, the industry is generally characterized
by decreasing returns to scale, particularly for large systems.  To
the extent, then, operating costs increase at a faster rate than
revenues as services are expanded, public transit agencies would
benefit financially by load-shedding -- i.e., contracting out
incremental services that incur relatively high deficits, such as
peak-hour express runs. in some instances, this might involve the
conversion of a deficit-producing public operation to a profit-


making private operation.  Because many private firms are able to
deploy drivers and vehicles for special charter services rather
than letting resources sit idle during the midday, there's
sufficient evidence that such load-shedding practices can lead to a
win-win situation for both the public and private sector (Teal and
Giuliano, 1985).

4.2  Evidence on Scale Economies from Case Sites

To further probe the scale economy issue, some of the performance
indicators presented in the prior chapter were compared among
vehicle size groups in addition to express versus local services. 
Table 4.1 shows that the average cost recovery ratio (based on the
highest-patronage services) seesaws for both peak-express and all-
day local services: it falls from the smallest to the mid-size
operators and then rebounds to reach its highest average level for
the biggest properties.2 Because they enjoy significantly higher
ridership levels, transit agencies with more than 500 vehicles
ostensibly do the best job of covering the costs of their most
heavily utilized services.  Correspondingly, the table also reveals
that the big systems average the lowest deficit per rider on their
highest-patronized routes.

     Most relevant to the scale economies question are the changes
in average unit costs as a function of fleet size for these high-
ridership routes.  For both peak and local services, the average
cost per rider is substantially lower for big properties than
smaller ones.  This seems to confirm the findings of other
researchers that scale economies exist when output is expressed in
terms of patronage. (The average weekday ridership volumes for the
high-patronage routes studied were: 2,415 for small fleet, 6 733
for medium-sized ones, and 13,254 for the largest ones).  It must
be cautioned that these figures are based on a cross-sectional
comparison across transit properties rather than measuring changes
in unit costs within an agency as it begins serving larger
increments of passengers.  Nonetheless, the clear inference appears
to be that as more people ride a system, the cost per rider
plummets since the marginal cost of carrying each additional rider
is practically zero as long as excess capacity exists.  That is,
scale economies should exist when output is measured in terms of
riders whether comparing unit costs across different sizes of
transit operators at one point in time or within a single transit
at different points in time.

     Also consistent with the findings of other researchers is the
steady increase in average cost per mile as a function of fleet
size.  Table 4.1 shows that the tendency toward scale diseconomies
when output is measured in terms of mileage holds for peak-express
and all-day local services alike.  It should be emphasized that
this relationship holds when patronage levels are controlled for
since the analysis is based on high-patronage routes.  While the
marginal costs of serving additional passengers on heavily used
routes appear to drop as agencies get bigger, the extra cost of
logging additional miles appears to increase. this is probably due
in part to the affects of the higher density, more congested
environs in which larger transit systems tend to operate.  Big
transit operations appear to pay a penalty for the slower speeds
and stop-and-go conditions they endure -generally in the way of
higher maintenance costs, fuel consumption rates, liability
insurance rates, and driver wage scales.

     It is noteworthy that diseconomies of scale appear to be more
severe among the highest patronized all-day services versus their
peak-express counterparts.  That is, the average cost per mile
incurred on the busiest local routes of the very largest transit
properties was about 30 percent higher than the average of mid-size
operators.  For peak-express services, the differential was only
around 8 percent.  While it appears that economies could be gained
by shedding the loads of peakexpress services, the potential
financial benefits from contracting out extra local services could
be even greater in some instances.3

     In summary, the analysis of this section appears to lend
further credence to the potential benefits of load-shedding and
casts further doubt about the credibility of the cream-skimming
argument.  Overall, high-demand, peak-hour services appear to be
the disproportionately the highest


                             Table 4.1
   Comparison of Financial Performance Indicators by Fleet Size

                              Fleet Size
                         Under               Over
                         250       250-499   500
Indicator                Buses     Buses     Buses     F    Prob.


Average cost recovery ratio  .45     .27       .52   7.837  .001
Average cost/rider       $2.97     $2.78     $2.17   1.701  .386
Average cost/mile        $2.31     $2.74     $2.94   7.685  .001
Average deficit/rider    $1.58     $2.23     $1.13   4.094  .021

No. of high-ridership routes  31      21        24

All-Day Local.

Average cost recovery ratio  .50     .46       .83   7.363  .001
Average cost/rider       $1.56     $1.08     $0.83   7.901  .001
Average cost/mile        $1.48     $2.91     $3.79  34.707  .000
Average deficit/rider    $0.89     $0.67     $0.54   1.922  .154

No. of high-ridership routes  34      21        21

Notes:    Cost recovery ratio = farebox revenue divided by direct,
          day-to-day operating costs.

          Cost/rider = operating costs divided by revenue-paying
          passengers (unlinked trips).

          Cost/mile = operating cost divided by total vehicle

          Deficit/rider = (operating cost - passenger revenue)
          divided by revenue-paying passengers.


cost services and accordingly the biggest money-losers.  Most
transit agencies would profit by shedding some of their peak-period
demand to private operators through contracting arrangements.  This
particularly holds when there are pressures to open up new services
or expand existing ones.  Rather than incurring high extra costs
for logging new bus miles, the findings of this and other research
suggest that more and more public transit agencies would be better
off contracting additional services to the lowest bidder.

4.3  Comparison of Average Cost and Deficit Rates Among Transit

     The prior chapter showed that the average cost per passenger
was considerably higher for heavily-patronized express services
than for heavily-patronized local ones.  Even when the inflationary
effects of restrictive work rules are not attributed to peak
services, the analysis demonstrated that peak-only services tend to
incur much higher deficits per rider than their local service
counterparts.  Clearly, this finding further suggests that there
are greater diseconomies involved in serving high-demand peak-only
services than high-demand local ones.

     This section probes this notion a bit further by comparing the
average cost per passenger for the three highest ridership peak-
only versus all-day local services of each transit property.  Table
4.2 shows the peak passenger cost factor -- the ratio of average
cost per peak-express rider to the average cost per local rider -
for all 25 case study transit properties.  For all except two
agencies, Sacramento RTD and Utah Transit, the highest ridership
express routes were more costly to serve on a per passenger basis
than the highest ridership local ones.  On average, it appears that
most transit systems incur more than double the cost per rider on
their busiest express routes than they do on their busiest local

     The relatively poor performance of Sacramento RTD's local
routes is mainly attributable to one high patronage service --
route 34 -- that is far more costly to operate than the other two
local routes included in the analysis.  Because route 34 operates
in some low-density settings seven days a week, it logs nearly
twice the daily vehicle hours yet only has a comparable patronage
level as the other two local routes.  Utah Transit's relative poor
local route performance can likewise be attributed to one unusually
expensive local route that serves suburban markets - route 24.

     Table 4.3 shows that the average deficit per peak-express
versus all-day local rider also varies considerably across twenty
of the case sites. (Excluded from the table are SEPTA, WMATA,
Westchester County Transit, Minneapolis MTC, and Greater Richmond
Transit, all of which were found to operate profitable routes and
therefore would have registered negative deficits.) On average,
patrons of the busiest peak-express routes produce deficits that
are over twice as high as do passengers of the busiest all-day
local routes.  No clear pattern emerged as a function of fleet
size, suggesting that this general relationship holds for small and
large transit properties alike.

     The highest peak passenger deficit factor was calculated at
9.8 for Jacksonville Transit (also the transit property registering
the highest peak passenger cost differential in Table 4.2). This
nearly ten-fold differential can be largely attributable to the
fact that Jacksonville Transit's dime highest patronage express
routes carry only around one-twentieth as many daily passengers as
the agency's three busiest local routes, while their total daily
operating costs are not as varied.  Other agencies that operate
high-deficit peak-only services include Santa Clara County Transit,
Orange County Transit, and Tidewater Transit.


                             Table 4.2
             Comparison of Peak Passenger Cost Factors

                           Average Cost
                           (in dollars)
                        Per Passenger for:
                          Peak Passenger
Transit Agency           Peak      Local     Cost Factor

Jacksonville             5.93      1.00      5.9
Santa Clara              6.90      1.56      4.4
SEPTA                    2.12      0.49      4.3
Tidewater Transit        3.29      0.95      3.5
Bi-State Development     2.48      0.74      3.3
Orange County Transit    3.78      1.19      3.2
Seattle Metro            2.64      1.03      2.6
Houston Metro            2.29      0.92      2.5
HART                     2.36      1.00      2.4
Minneapolis MTC          1.86      0.76      2.4
Phoenix Transit          2.25      0.95      2.4
Central Ohio             2.12      0.90      2.3
WMATA                    1.21      0.52      2.3
Tucson Suntran           2.13      0.93      2.3
PACE                     1.84      0.93      2.0
Fort Worth               3.01      1.51      2.0
Metro Tulsa              3.26      1.73      1.9
Denver RTD               2.49      1.34      1.9
Westchester County       1.36      0.80      1.7
Greater Richmond         0.87      0.55      1.6
Northern Kentucky        1.76      1.16      1.5
SEMTA                    4.23      3.62      1.2
Golden Gate Transit      3.25      2.95      1.1
Sacramento RTD           1.91      1.93      1.0
Utah Transit             1.22      1.25      1.0

     Total Average       2.66      1.23      2.2

Note:     Peak Passenger Cost Factor = average cost per peak rider
          divided by the average cost per local rider.


                             Table 4.3

           Comparison of Peak Passenger Deficit Factors

                          Average Deficit
                           (in dollars)
                        Per Passenger for:
                                                     Peak Passenger
Transit Agency           Peak           Local        Deficit Factor

Jacksonville             3.63           0.37           9.8
Tidewater Transit        2.15           0.32           6.7
Bi-State Development     1.75           0.31           5.6
Santa Clara County       6.32           1.26           5.0
Orange County Transit    3.32           0.75           4.4
Seattle Metro            1.94           0.59           3.3
Phoenix Transit          1.48           0.48           3.1
PACE                     1.39           0.49           2.8
Central Ohio             1.58           0.56           2.8
HART                     1.46           0.54           2.7
Tucson Suntran           1.54           0.59           2.6
Fort Worth               2.44           1.04           2.3
Northern Kentucky        1.13           0.53           2.1
Metro Tulsa              2.41           1.28           1.9
Denver RTD               1.59           0.96           1.6
Houston Metro            0.71           0.59           1.2
Utah Transit             0.93           0.84           1.1
Sacramento RTD           1.11           1.00           1.1
SEMTA                    2.62           2.61           1.0
Golden Gate Transit      0.96           1.63           0.6

     Total Average       2.02           0.84           2.4

Note:     Peak Passenger Deficit Factor =  average deficit per peak
          rider divided by the average deficit per local rider.


4.4  Conclusion

     The analyses contained in this chapter, when coupled with the
findings of other researchers, provide compelling evidence that
declining economies of scale generally characterize the nation's
transit industry.  For the most part, economies can only be found
when outputs are expressed in terms of patronage.  As long as
vehicle capacity is under-utilized, it is logical that transit
properties can reap productivity benefits by attracting new
customers.  However, the marginal cost of attracting new customers
when a system is at or near capacity could be substantially higher
than the average cost estimates produced using aggregate analyses,
such as in this study.  When additional demand requires the start-
up of new services or the expansion of existing ones, extra
equipment has to be purchased, the work force has to be expanded,
and additional mileage and hours of service have to be logged.  As
a result, this and other research unequivocally show that the unit
costs of delivering bus services rise when vehicle-miles are
increased, particularly in the case of large transit properties.

     The analysis contained in this chapter, it should be noted,
differs from other research on scale economies in the transit
industry on several grounds.  For one, it was based on comparing
unit costs variations among a subset of services for multiple
transit agencies, specifically by contrasting costs among a handful
of peak-express and all-day local routes.  Additionally, the routes
that were studied for each agency represented the three highest
ridership bus lines for both types of services.  Thus, the analysis
offered insights into unit cost variations at the high end of the
ridership spectrum.  The general finding that peak-express services
incur units costs that are roughly twice the units costs of all-day
local services is consistent with evidence from other researchers,
perhaps with the twist that the relationship holds even when the
busiest services are examined.

     Overall, there appears to be little justification for treating
urban mass transit as a natural monopoly.  The absence of any
inherent increasing returns to scale suggests there is little
grounds for protecting public transit agencies from competition,
particularly when the peak loads that these agencies risk losing
are consistently found to be inordinately costly to serve. 
Shedding some of these costly loads to the private sector would
appear to generate the first and second order benefits hypothesized
in the second chapter: initially, overall deficits would fall to
the extent private sector labor and capital inputs, whose costs are
tempered by the forces of competition, fall below those of the
public sectors; and eventually, by ridding itself of high deficit
services and competing with others for peak period services,
pressures should be exerted on the internal costs of the transit
agency that begin to make them more competitive with private

     All evidence points to the fact that the peak period continues
to be urban transit's nemesis, in large part because costs increase
faster than fares when conditions become more crowded and
restrictive work rules often require time-and-half pay for
spreading drivers' duties over the morning and evening peaks. 
Besides shedding expensive peak loads from public transit agencies,
competitive contracting could provide many commuters with a higher
quality service than that offered by conventional buses.  Many
private subscription buses that serve suburban commuter markets,
for instance, offer riders padded, guaranteed seats and door-to-
door service.  The fact that most commuters are far more service
sensitive than price sensitive indicates that more Americans might
be willing to patronize transit ff the quality of the ride was
improved (Mayworm, et al., 1980).  While standard buses often sit
idle during the midday and on weekends, the premium buses operated
by private firms can be put to use as special charters to museums,
sports events, theme parks, and other recreational sites.  To the
extent that the urban transportation market is deregulated to allow
the entry of shared-ride taxis, jitneys, and private dial-a-vans,
efficiency gains would be supplemented by other social benefits. 
While such paratransit modes could be used to handle some peak
period commuter demands, they could also provide more specialized
curb-to-curb services for elderly and handicapped populations.  The
expansion of paratransit options would clearly benefit most cities
by offering a supplement to peak-hour transit operations while also
providing an important off-peak service to disadvantaged persons
(Oram, 1979; Teal, 1983; Cervero, 1985).



1.   The four basic properties of any natural monopoly are: a large
fixed capital investment; non-storable services; fluctuating
demands with heavy peak loads; and inherent increasing returns to
scale (Mooring, 1970; Kahn, 1971).

2.   The statistical results presented in this section are based on
an Analysis of Variance (ANOVA).  F statistics and probability
values signify the overall strength of association between the
performance indicators shown and the fleet size variable.

3.   It bears repeating that these inferences are made by comparing
differences in unit costs across properties at one point in time
rather than longitudinally within a particular transit agency. 
Since load-shedding normally occurs within a single agency, one
must be cautious in inferring that the results of this analysis
justify such practices.  Still, to the extent that declining scale
economies exist within a transit agency, the rationale behind load-
shedding should nonetheless hold.


                           Chapter Five:

             Characteristics of Profitable Bus Routes

5.1  Introduction

     The prior two chapters found that there is very little "cream
to skim" under the contracting out of public transit services. 
Peak-only express services, the very ones which public agencies
seem to be most concerned about protecting and are thus the source
of much of the cream-skimming debate, were generally found to be
the most deficit-prone services.  Overall, the busiest all-day
local services were found to outperform the busiest peak-only
express services by a factor of two to four, depending on the
particular measure of performance.  Further, of the ten bus routes
that were found to be profitable, eight operated all day on surface
streets.  Of the two peak-only express routes that were profitable,
both were operated by Greater Richmond Transit, all of whose routes
performed well in the study.

     Given that local routes are more productive than express
routes, and that so few routes of any kind appear to cover their
costs through the farebox, this chapter investigates what factors
might account for the profitability of these stellar routes.  In
contrast to the two previous chapters, emphasis is placed primarily
on the demand side of the equation -- how socio-demographic
factors, urban land uses, and the geographic distribution of
residences and employment might be giving rise to high levels of
demand and thus profitable services. vehicle costs certainly vary
as a function of operating conditions, for the most part input
costs are incurred at a similar rate within a transit agency (e.g.,
roughly the same cost per gallon of fuel or 10,000 miles of wheel
tread wear).  Since most of the agencies charge more or less a flat
fare, generally distinguishing fares between express and local bus
services and exacting a small peak surcharge, the effects of
pricing structures on profitability are not directly considered. 
To a large extent, then, this analysis focuses on the influences of
various exogenous factors that are outside a transit agency's
control on levels of profitability -- namely, user demographics,
spatial patterns of urban activities, and land use densities.

     As will be evident from the individual route-by-route case
summaries presented in this chapter, virtually all eleven of the
profitable or near-profitable routes that are discussed serve a
population base with relatively high shares of minorities and low-
income households when compared to the region at large in which
they operate.  To a large extent, profitable routes serve highly
captive markets where automobile alternatives are limited. 
Further, these transit-dependent populations appear to ride buses
for relatively short trips, producing high farebox returns per
mile.  By and large, profitable local routes traverse numerous
activity centers such as retail plazas and schools as well as well-
defined residential clusters and employment hubs.  Such operating
environments are the polar opposites of typical peak-only express
routes which originate in residential neighborhoods and then close
their doors until they reach the employment destinations.  On all-
day local routes serving short hop trips, seats turn over
frequently, generating relatively high revenue yields.

     Equally important are the effects of land use intensities. 
Successful bus routes generally operate along corridors with high
average population and employment densities.  Most connect central
business districts (CBDs) with densely populated neighborhoods and
intensively developed jobs centers.  While some exceptions to these
rules were found, the chief demand-side prerequisites for a
profitable service appear to be a large transit-dependent
population, short-haul trip making between multiple activity
centers, and generally high densities along the route's corridor.


     The following sections describe some of these features for
each of the profitable routes of the four transit agencies:
Southeast Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (SEPTA); Greater
Richmond Transit Company; Washington Metropolitan Area
Transportation Authority (WMATA); and the Metropolitan Transit
Comniission (MTC) serving the Twin Cities.  As a prelude to the
discussions which follow, Table 5.1 lists the eleven profitable or
near-profitable routes and present summary performance statistics
for each.1

5.2  Southeast Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (SEPTA)

     SEPTA is the regional public transit operator for Philadelphia
and its Pennsylvanian suburbs.  SEPTA is the fifth largest transit
system in the country, with a fleet of about 1,100 motor coaches
operating along 108 bus routes.  Besides conventional motor bus
services, SEPTA also operates streetcars, electric trolley buses,
elevated and underground rail transit, and heavy rail commuter
trains.  The agency was formed in 1968 to assume the operations of
several privately owned transit companies that were failing
financially.  In 1987, SEPTA carried around 200 annual unlinked
passenger trips, serving a district with a population of
approximately 4.7 million persons.  SEPTA charges a basic local
fare of $1.25 for bus and trolley, plus 30 cents for each suburban
zone that is crossed.2 For the system as a whole, SEPTA recovered
47 percent of its 1987 fully allocated operating costs through
passenger fares.

     Three of SEPTA's routes were found to generate a profit:
Routes C, 33, and 52.  Figure 5.1 shows the general location of
these routes in the Philadelphia area, along with some of the major
activity points along each route.  Two of the routes, C and 52,
connect low-income minority neighborhoods with downtown
Philadelphia and other employment centers.  The third route, 52,
runs entirely within several low-income, mixed residential-
commercial neighborhoods in predominantly black West Philadelphia. 
As with virtually all of the profitable routes found in this
research, SEPTA's three money-making bus lines traverse
neighborhoods with average household incomes well below the city's
average and with relatively large minority concentrations (see
Table 5.2 and Figure 5.2). AU three profitable routes, moreover,
cover fairly long distances and average frequent headways (as short
as 4 minutes during the peak and 10 minutes during the off-peak
along trunk-line segments).  Frequent boardings and alightings give
rise to relatively high average passenger counts per vehicle mile -
- 8.9 to 10.8, generally around 40 percent higher than SEPTA's
systemwide average.  As shown in Table 5.3, high densities also
generally characterize the corridors along each of the routes. 
Transit-dependency, short-haul trip-making, and dense land uses
thus appear to be the key factors behind the financial successes of
these three SEPTA routes.

Route C

     Route C is a long-distance north-south line, connecting the
Cheltenham Mall at the city's northern boundary with the
Philadelphia Naval Shipyard at the city's southern edge.  From the
north, Route C runs along Broad Street, Philadelphia's principal
north-south arterial.  It passes through largely black residential
neighborhoods in North Philadelphia, through Chinatown, skirts
Temple University, and then the western portion of downtown.  The
route continues through a number of commercial corridors and
residential clusters in the southern half of the city, paralleling
the Delaware River for much of its path.  In addition to downtown
and the Naval Shipyard, Route C also intersects several medical
centers, schools, retail plazas, and SEPTA commuter rail stations. 
Veterans Stadium, the city's professional sports facility, is also
served by Route C.3

     Weekday services commence shortly after 5 a.m. each morning. 
Headways range from 5 to 15 minutes until around 5:30 p.m. when
they change to around 25 to 30 minutes along the extreme northern
section of the route (with primary stops retaining headways to 10
to 15 minutes).  Service to the Naval Shipyard ceases at about 6
p.m.. Late-night "owl" services extend until nearly 3:00 a.m. at
selected stops.4


Click HERE for graphic.


Click HERE for graphic.


                             Table 5.2

               Average Income Indicators for SEPTA's
         Three Profitable Routes and At-Large Service Area

                      1980 Median Income per
                             Household    Capita

Route C                       $14,082       $6,105
Route 33                      13,455         6,387
Route 52                      13,137         4,582

SMSA                          21,192         7,458
Philadelphia City             16,258         6,053

Note:     Bus route data are based on averages computed from all
          census tracts that are traversed by or which directly
          border each route.  SMSA signifies the Standardized
          Metropolitan Statistical Area for greater Philadelphia.

Sources:  U.S. Bureau of the Census (1983) and Delaware Valley
          Regional Planning Commission (1988).

                             Table 5.3

            Residential and Employment Densities Along
       SEPTA's Three Profitable Routes and for Philadelphia

                    Population     Households     Employment
                    per acre       per acre       per acre

Route C             39             16             38
Route 33            29             11             49
Route 52            45             15             5

Philadelphia City   21             8              10

Note:     All data are for 1980 and are based on averages computed
          from all census tracts that are traversed by or which
          directly border each route.  Densities are net of public
          lands, parks, open space, and restricted-use areas.  SMSA
          signifies the Standardized Metropolitan Statistical Area
          for greater Philadelphia.

Source:   Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (1988).


Click HERE for graphic.

     Table 5.2 showed that the median 1980 household income for the
census tracts served by Route C was about one-third less than that
of the Philadelphia metropolitan area at-large.  Average
residential densities, moreover, are 86 percent higher than for the
City of Philadelphia as a whole (Table 5.3). From Figure 5.2, it is
seen that 55 percent of the immediately adjacent population served
by Route C is non-white, compared to 42 percent of the city's
population.  High densities and high shares of transit-dependent
residents have given rise to an average count of 8.82 passengers
per vehicle mile on Route C, compared to around 6.4 for SEPTA as a

Route 33

     This route, around 4 straightline miles from end-to-end,
connects several residential neighborhoods in North Philadelphia
with downtown.  At the north end, Route 33 originates in the
Nicetown residential area, heads south along both 19th and 22nd
Streets, makes an abrupt turn to the east through the heart of
downtown Philadelphia along Market Street, and terminates near the
waterfront at Front Street on the city's eastern edge.  Like Route
C, Route 33 crosses a number of SEPTA bus routes and commuter rail
stations along its stretch.  Girard College is also directly served
by the route.

     Route 33 operates nearly around-the-clock, beginning shortly
after 4 a.m. and continuing until around 3 am.  Both weekday and
weekend headways range from 8 to 15 minutes until the evening. 
Buses run around one-half an hour apart during the late-night.


     Tables 5.2 and 5.3 show the degree to which neighborhoods
along the Route 33 corridor are more transit-dependent and denser
than the region at-large: median household incomes are around 37
below the SMSA average, average residential densities are around 38
percent higher than those of the city as a whole, and average
employment densities are nearly 5 times as high.  Because of the
relatively short-haul travel, moreover, Route 33 averages 10.7
passengers per vehicle mile, a rate that is two-third's higher than
SEPTA's overall average.  Finally, over 80 of the residents living
adjacent to Route 33 are non-white, a far greater proportion than
for the city or SMSA.

Route 52

     This route, around 4 lineal miles in length, runs in a
northwest to southeast direction in a part of the city made up
almost entirely of black households.  The central part of the
corridor is dotted by small retail shops, wholesaling, and some
light industry.  The southern terminus, at Woodland Avenue, serves
a mixed-use neighborhood near the Schuylkill River.  Route 52
connects several regional commuter rail and subway stations as well
as other SEPTA bus routes.  Route 52 operates around-the-clock
seven days a week.

     As shown in Table 5.2, Route 52's immediate service area
registers the lowest average incomes, highest share of minorities,
and highest average population densities of any of the profitable
route service areas studied.  Population densities, in fact, are
more than double Philadelphia's average.  Per capita income along
the corridor is only around 60 per cent of the regional average. 
Based on boarding-alighting surveys conducted by SEPTA, the average
trip length of 2.2 miles along Route 52 is roughly one-half the
system's average.  In summary, then, a large population of captive
users making short-hop trips along a fairly dense residential and
mixed-use corridor have enabled Route 52 to cover 152 percent of
its costs through the farebox.

5.3  Greater Richmond Transit Company

Greater Richmond Transit (GRT) was established in 1973 to take over
the operations of the Virginia Transit Company, a private firm
which was facing bankruptcy at the time.  GRT has continued a
longstanding tradition of providing Richmond's residents urban mass
transit services, dating back to 1888 when the world's first
electric streetcar line began operations.  Today, a private
contractor, ATE Management and Service Company, manages a fleet of
over 200 buses along 27 fixed routes for GRT, under the policy
direction of the agency's board of directors.  ATE Management has
retained its contract with GRT since 1973 under a periodic
rebidding process.  In 1987, GRT carried slightly over 25 million
unlinked passenger trips.  GRT's local bus fare is 75 centers. 
Most express services cost $1.25 per trip.

     By national standards, GRT appears to be a fairly efficient
operation.  The systemwide cost recovery ratio is around 0.58,
considerably higher than that of other peers.  GRT staff attribute
the system's fiscal health to a no-frills operation and continuity
of management.  Several agency officials worked previously for the
Virginia Transit Company and have accumulated over 40 years of work
experiences with managing mass transit in Richmond.  Besides having
a highly cost conscious management firm g the operations, the
existence of a number of top GRT managers who previously worked in
the private sector has evidently instilled an efficiency-minded
work ethos within the agency.

     Two of GRT's peak-express routes were found to be profitable
and two of its all-day local routes were found to be near-
profitable (covering over 90 percent of their costs).  The two
moneymaking routes are: Route 26 (Parham Road Express) and Route 67
(Chippenham Express).  The two all-day locals which nearly cover
their costs are: Route 34 (Highland Park-Hull Street) and Route 37
(Chamberlayne).  Figure 5.3 maps the location of these four routes
while Tables 5.4


Click HERE for graphic.


                             Table 5.4

              Average Income Indicators for GRT's Two
         Profitable Local Routes and At-Large Service Area

                      1980 Median Income per
                             Household    Capita

Route 34                      $15,404       $6,086
Route 37                      14,141         6,429

SMSA                          21,475         7,804
Richmond City                 17,677         7,073

Note:     Bus route data are based on averages computed from all
          census tracts that are traversed by or which directly
          border each route.  SMSA signifies the Standardized
          Metropolitan Statistical Area for greater Richmond.

Source:   U.S. Bureau of the Census (1993) and unpublished survey
          data provided by the Greater Richmond Transit Company.

through 5.6 and Figure 5.4 summarize some of the pertinent socio-
demographic and land use characteristics of the corridors served by
most of the routes.  In general, GRT's most lucrative all day local
routes serve largely non-white, low-income populations residing
along corridors with high average densities.  Some of the
characteristics of all four profitable routes are detailed below.

Route 26 (Parham Road Express)

     This peak-only commuter service originates at a park-and-ride
lot in suburban Westbriar in Henrico County, northwest of Richmond,
then operates non-stop as a "freeway flier" along Interstate 64,
ending in downtown Richmond with stops near the Federal Building
and numerous Virginia state government offices.  Route 26 operates
only on weekdays from 6:30 a.m. to 8:25 a.m. and from 4 p.m. to
5:45 p.m. During this period, buses depart every eight minutes in
the morning and every seven minutes in the evening.

     In contrast to other profitable services, Route 26 clearly
does not serve a captive, transit dependent population.  Household
incomes and auto-availability rates (Table 5.5) are relatively
high.  Women comprise 69 percent of the route's ridership.  Route
26's success is clearly due less to the socio-demographic and land
use make-up of the corridor and more to GRT's internal cost-
efficiency and the route's connection of two hubs.  For a one-way
fare of $1.25, Route 26 offers a high-speed connection between
several well-defined residential subdivisions and a number of
geographically clustered government office centers.  It averages
load factors between 0.95 and 1.00, meaning there is little wasted
capacity.5 While Route 26's farebox revenue receipts per vehicle
mile are relatively low, the efficiency in which the service is
offered has produced a comparably low operating cost per mile.


                             Table 5.5

        Ridership and Corridor Household Characteristics of
          Four Profitable Routes and for GRT Service Area

                                                         Percent of
                         Percent of RidersHouseholds With Less Than
                              Female    Non-White  2 Workers 2 Cars

Route 26 (Peak)          69        3              27             29
Route 67 (Peak)          76        49             59             65
Route 34 (Local)         75        98             50             66
Route 37 (Local)         65        85             60             70

GRT Service Area         54        36             34             58

Note:     Household data are based on household characteristics of
          the riders surveyed from GRT's 1985 On-Board Ridership

Source:   1985 On-Board Ridership Survey, unpublished results,
          Greater Richmond Transit Company.

                             Table 5.6

            Residential and Employment Densities Along
  GRT's Two Profitable Local Routes and for the GRT Service Area

                    Population     Households     Employment
                    per acre       per acre       per acre

Route 34             8.1           3.4             5.5
Route 37            19.8           9.6            22.4

GRT Service Area     6.6           2.6             3.5

Note:     All data are 1985 projections from the 1980 census and
          are based on averages computed from all census tracts
          that are traversed by or which directly border each
          route.  The densities statistics shown are estimates
          adapted from gross density figures and are net of public
          lands, parks, open space, and restricted-use areas.

Source:   Richmond Regional Planning District Commission (1985).


Click HERE for graphic.

Route 67 (Chippenham express)

     This peak-only commuter line operates slightly longer hours
than does the Parham Road Express route, but less frequently,
departing every 20 minutes in both the morning and evening periods. 
Morning service operates from 7 am. to 9:30 a.m. and evening
servicing runs from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. The route picks up passengers
at the Chippenham Mall near the city's western boundary, follows a
local arterial in a mainly closed-door, skip-stop manner, and
connects to downtown Richmond, where it stops at a commercial
center at Broad and Foushee Streets.  Because it uses local streets
over most of its distance, the fare for the Chippenham Express is
75 cents, just as for local routes.

     Like the Parham Road Express, the Chippenham line also draws
ridership that is mostly female.  In contrast, however, nearly one-
half of the express run's ridership is non-white (see Table 5.5).
About 65 percent of the line's riders, moreover, come from
households with no cars or only one car, suggesting the corridor is
made up of a higher percentage of transit-dependent customers than
is the case for most peak-only express lines.  While the Chippenham
route is operated as cost efficiently as the Parham Road line, its
relatively high transit-captive ridership base has produced high
enough load factors during the three and one-half hour service
period to allow the route to break even.


Route 34

     This all-day local route connects several modest income
neighborhoods in the northern and southern parts of Richmond to the
city's center.  Route 34 begins operating at 5:05 am. and continues
until midnight.  Headways range from 8 to 15 minutes throughout the
day, and then increase to 20 minutes during the evening and half an
hour during the late-night.6 In addition to the downtown area,
Route 34 serves a regional hospital, several large-scale shopping
malls, and a couple of commercial districts.

     Around 75 percent of Route 34's patrons are females and 98
percent are non-white, both of which are much higher than GRT's
systemwide averages.  Median family incomes along the Route 34
corridor are around 13 percent lower than the city's average and 28
percent lower than the SMSA's average.

     From a 1985 on-board ridership survey, it was found that
nearly two-thirds of all passenger trips aboard Route 34 were bound
for downtown Richmond.  Despite the route's length and orientation
to downtown, there still were a relatively large number of short-
haul trips -- the average trip distance was just over three miles,
about one-quarter shorter than GRT's average for non-express
routes.  Besides the prevalence of short distance trip-making,
Route 34's financial success can also be attribute to its high
average load factor -- around 71 passengers per hour, the highest
of all of GRT's routes.  Route 34 also has the highest proportion
of "transit-oriented" riders per route area population -- 95
percent, in all.  This index, measured by GRT planners from the
ridership questionnaires, reflects the proportion of residents who
regularly ride the bus and would have to forego a significant share
of trips if bus service was not available.  Overall, Route 34
clearly serves one of the most transit-dependent segments of
Richmond's population.

Route 37

     This north-south route connects the Azalea Mall at its
northern terminus with the heart of downtown Richmond at its
southern end.  Route 37 operates along Chamberlayne Avenue for much
of its distance, passing numerous retail plazas and residential
neighborhoods along the way.  Weekday service begins at 5:45 a.m.
and continues until around quarter after midnight.  Buses operate 8
minutes apart during peak periods, 30 minutes apart at the mid-day,
and on 50 minute intervals during the late-night period.

     Much of Route 37's clientele appears captive: median household
incomes are 35 percent below the regional average, 85 percent of
patrons are non-white, and 70 percent live in residences with one
or no automobiles.  Route 37 also traverses a relatively high-
density corridor.  According to Table 5.6, average population
densities along the Route 37 corridor are three times higher than
those of GRT's entire service area, while employment densities are
over six times as high.

5.4  Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA)

WMATA, with a fleet of over 1,500 motor coaches, operates the
fourth largest regional bus enterprise in the nation.  Formed
through a Congressionally approved interstate compact in 1966 to
plan, finance, and operate public transit in and around the
nation's capital, WMATA has emerged as a unique multi-
jurisdictional agency.  The District of Columbia, northern
Virginia, and suburban Maryland are represented by two directors
and two alternates on WMATA's Board.  In a sense, each jurisdiction
"buys" its transit services from WMATA, as much or as little as it
is willing to subsidize.

     WMATA formally began operating public transit services when
four different private bus companies were acquired in late 1973. 
Annual ridership has grown from 116 million to over 200 million
since public acquisition and the expansion of services.  Besides
its 1,500-plus buses which


operate on over 400 basic bus routes, WMATA operates a rapid rail
transit system, serving over 350,000 passengers per weekday on the
60 mile system.7 In 1987, WMATA met 48 percent of its bus
operating costs through fares, a relatively high recovery rate by
national standards.  Currently, the local bus fare within the
District is 75 cents, plus a zonal surcharge for crossing suburban
districts or state boundaries.  A 5 cents surcharge is also
collected during peak hours.8

     Three of WMATA's all-day local routes were found to generate a
profit: Benning Road, Pennsylvania Avenue, and Georgia/7th Streets. 
In fact, Benning Road was found to be, by far, the most profitable
route studied, returning over twice its direct, day-to-day
operating costs through the farebox.  As shown in Figure 5.5, all
three of TA's profitable routes connect predominantly residential
areas of the district to major government offices, commercial
centers, and Metrorail stations along some of the District's
principal arterials.

     Tables 5.7 and 5.8, along with Figure 5.6, summarize some of
the major demographic and density characteristics of WMATA's three
profitable routes in relation to the District as a whole.  While
the Benning Road and Georgia/7th Street lines clearly serve high
shares of minority and low-income households, at least relative to
the District at large and the metropolitan area as a whole, the
Pennsylvania Avenue route is of a different character.  WMATA's
Pennsylvania route serves corridors with high densities, high
average incomes, and high shares of non-whites.  In general, the
route caters to professionals and federal employees headed to
government offices and other job centers, as well as other major
activity centers (such as George Washington University)
concentrated near or along Pennsylvania Avenue.  In the case of all
three profitable routes, peak period load factors exceed 1.5, while
off-peak passengers account for between 70 percent and 90 percent
of capacity, on average.  Thus, high densities and a cluster of
activities along the corridor have led to profitable operations in
the case of the Pennsylvania Avenue route, whereas the high
incidence of transit-dependency has ostensibly led to the financial
success of the Benning Road and Georgia/7th Street lines. 
Characteristics of these three profitable all-day local routes are
elaborated upon below.

Benning Road

     WMATA provides extensive service on its Benning Road line,
which consists of several sub-routes.  The Benning Road X1 line
runs east and west between the Potomac Park area in the District's
northwest and the Minnesota Avenue Metrorail station in the
northeast.  For the most part, this line operates along
Constitution Avenue, H Street, and Benning Road.  It serves the
Federal Triangle government complex and Amtrak's Union Station,
among other key activity centers.  The X3 branch of the Benning
Road route runs on a northwest-southeast axis between the McLean
Gardens district (along Wisconsin Avenue) and the Minnesota Avenue
Metrorail station.  The X3 route passes through Woodley Park and
the predominantly minority Adams-Morgan neighborhoods.  The X2, C4,
and X5 branches of the Benning Road line connect between Lafayette
Square near the White House to the Capitol Heights Metrorail
station to the east.  Overall, the Benning Road functions as a
lifeline between low-income neighborhoods and various retail,
entertainment, and employment centers as well as an important
feeder connection to the Metrorail system.

     From Table 5.7, it is seen that median household incomes along
the corridors served by Benning Road are 16 percent below the
District's average and 34 percent below the SMSA's average.  The
corridor's share of minority households is comparatively high.

     Table 5.8 shows that both residential and employment densities
markedly exceed the District's averages.  On a census tract by
census tract basis, the number of jobs are fairly evenly
interspersed along the Benning Road corridor.  Although average
trip length data were not available for the Benning Road line, it
is likely that a sizeable number of employed riders make short
trips since zones with the most jobs also tend to be the ones with
the most housing units.  During interviews, several WMATA officials
stated that the high boarding-alighting counts along


Click HERE for graphic.


                             Table 5.7

            Average Income Indicators for WMATA's Three
        Profitable Local Routes, Washington, D.C., and SMSA

                      1980 Median Income per
                             Household     Capita

Benning Road             $18,765        $7,445
Pennsylvania Avenue       26,703        14,228
Georgia/7th Streets       20,170         8,469

SMSA                      27,837        10,249
Washington, D.C.          21,982         8,960

Note:     Bus route data are based on averages computed from all
          census tracts that are traversed by or which directly
          border each route.  SMSA signifies the Standardized
          Metropolitan Statistical Area for the greater Washington,
          D.C. area.

Source:   U.S. Bureau of the Census (1983).

                             Table 5.8

            Residential and Employment Densities Along
  WMATA's Three Profitable Local Routes and for Washington, D.C.

                            Population  Households     Employment
            per sq. mile   per sq. mile   per sq. mile

Benning Road        15,489     6,371         18,663
Pennsylvania Avenue 11,396    11,795         23,733
Georgia/7th Street  13,790     5,941         13,672

District of Columbia  10,967   4,506         11,993

Note:     All data are 1986 projections derived from the 1980
          census and are based on averages computed from all census
          tracts that are traversed by or which directly border
          each route.  Densities are estimates are based on usable
          space which excludes lakes, public parks, and other no-
          developable areas.

Source:   Washington Metropolitan Area Council of Governments


Click HERE for graphic.

certain segments of the route likely reflected a high incidence of
short-haul trip-making.  With high turnover, WMATA is able to
continually re-sell bus seats along the Benning Road corridor,
apparently at a very high profit margin.

Georgia/7th Streets

     This line connects the Silver Spring, Maryland Metrorail
station north of the District with the L'Enfant Plaza Metrorail
station near a cluster of federal offices.  Formerly a streetcar
route, the line has operated along Georgia and 7th Streets for over
50 years and has become a firmly entrenched service.  Neighborhoods
along the northern portion of the route are made up primarily of
low-income households interspersed by fight retail.  Service
operates nearly around-the-clock seven days a week, with peak
headways of eight minutes and off-peak headways of 14 minutes.

     As with the Benning Road line, the Georgia/7th Street line
serves a population with appreciably lower average incomes and
which reside at higher average densities than the typical District
resident.  Although average trip distances appear to be a little
longer than those on the other two profitable WMATA routes, the
Georgia/7th Street line also averages a high peak hour load factor
of 1.4 and off-peak load factor of 0.75.


Pennsylvania Avenue

     WMATA's Pennsylvania Avenue line Thisects the heart of the
District, traversing a historically significant corridor dotted by
colonial townhouses, stately government buildings, midrise office
towers, modem retail centers, and public plazas.  Beginning near
the Maryland border, the route runs through several upscale
neighborhoods and commercial districts before turning east along
Pennsylvania Avenue.  The route then proceeds to the Naylor Gardens
and Shipley Terrace neighborhoods in the southeastern part of the
district, passing numerous employment clusters along the way,
including the Federal Triangle complex, Capitol Mall, and the
Lafayette Square area.  In all, five Metrorail stations are
directly served the route.  In a way, the Pennsylvania Avenue line
more closely resembles a special commuter ran than an all-purpose
service since it connects established residential neighborhoods at
both ends with major employment centers in the District's interior.

     For the most part, the residential neighborhoods which
surround the Pennsylvania line shatter the stereotype developed so
far that profitable routes only serve highly transit-dependent
populations.  On average, household incomes along the corridor are
one-quarter higher than the regional average.  The corridor's high
median incomes, it should be noted, was inflated by four very
affluent census tracts near the District's employment core.  High
on and off counts made by WMATA's corp of route checkers along
Pennsylvania Avenue suggest that average trip lengths are generally
short, probably in the 1.5 to 2 mile range.  Overall, the lesson
offer by the Pennsylvania Avenue line appears to be that a profit
can be generated even along corridors made up of choice riders as
long as numerous high-density activity centers are inter-connected
and most trips are short in length.  Restricted parking and the
high cost of vehicle ownership in the District no doubt partly
account for the financial success of this and other inner-city TA
routes as well.

5.5  Minneapolis-St.  Paul Metropolitan Transit Commission (MTC)

MTC operates an active fleet of 955 motor buses on 129 fixed routes
through Minneapolis, St. Paul, and surrounding suburbs.  Created in
1967 to take over the operations of a fledgling private transit
system, the agency's role has grown to the point where it provides
services to more than a dozen municipalities within a 15 mile
radius of downtown Minneapolis on a contract basis.  MTC's monthly
ridership presently stands at around 6 minion.  In 1987, MTC
recovered around one-third of its fully allocated operating costs
through farebox receipts.  MTC's basic bus fare is 60 cents, plus a
15 cents surcharge for peak hour travel.  Zonal surcharges are also
levied for intersuburban travel.  The highest fare is $1.25 for
peak hour express travel.

     One of MTC's all-day local routes, the 21 line, was found to
cover its day-to-day operating costs through the farebox.  Some of
the pertinent features of this route are outlined below.

Route 21

     Route 21 runs in an east-west direction, connecting a minority
neighborhood south of downtown Minneapolis, across the Mississippi
River, to downtown St. Paul (see Figure 5.7). The route has a long
ridership tradition.  It began as a streetcar line in 1905 and has
attracted a loyal following of customers ever since.  Because of
the Lake Street Bridge's structural deficiencies, Route 21's buses
do not cross the Mississippi River; rather, passengers must
transfer to a special shuttle to span the bridge.9 Despite this
inconvenience, passenger loads remain quite high along the ten mile

     Like most profitable routes identified in this study, Route
21's high patronage levels and financial success stems in large
part from the highly transit-dependent population it serves.  A
1983 MTC survey showed that the route served riders with the lowest
income profile of any other route: 43 percent of riders lived in
households with annual incomes below $10,000 (Metropolitan Transit


Click HERE for graphic.

Commission, 1983).  The 1980 median household income of census
tracts directly served by Route 21 or else contiguous to it,
moreover, was found to be $16,801, 30 percent below the regional
average.  Additionally, approximately 21 percent of residents
living in these nearby neighborhoods were non-whites, compared to
10 percent for the City of St. Paul and 13 percent for the City of

     Finally, the on-board survey showed that Route 21's passengers
average relatively short trips, despite the route's 10 mile end-to-
end length.  The mean trip distance on Route 21 is only 3.4, below
MTC's average of 4.5 miles.10 This average, however, is inflated
by a small number of passengers who travel over ten miles.  Over
one-third of Route 21's customers travel between 2 and 3 miles, and
nearly 15 percent travel under one mile.  As with other all-day
local routes analyzed in this chapter, short-haul journeys, when
coupled with high load factors, produce sufficient revenues to
operate in the black.

5.6  Conclusion

     The analysis in this chapter focussed on characteristics of
profitable routes that appear to effect the demand for transit
travel.  With few exceptions, profitable routes share a number of
common characteristics:

     (1)  They serve highly transit-dependent populations, as
     evidenced by the low median incomes and high shares of
     minority residents along the neighborhoods they Thisect.  In
     general, median household incomes in neighborhoods abutting
     these profitable routes are between 20 percent and 40 percent
     lower than those of principal city served by the public
     transit system.

     (2)  Population and employment densities are consistently high
     along profitable corridors, anywhere between 30 percent and
     100 percent higher than the net densities of the principal
     city served by the public transit system.  Equally important,
     profitable routes usually connect the region's central
     business district, serving a number of employment clusters and
     major activity centers along the way.


     (3)  With the exception of the two peak-express services,
     average trip -lengths tend to be quite short along profitable
     routes, generally in the range of 2 to 4 miles.  Such high
     rates of seat turnover produce high revenue yields, especially
     under flat fare systems.

     (4)  All successful routes average high load factors,
     generally well over 1.2 during the peak period and in the
     range of 0.70 to 0.90 during most of the mid-day.

     The two general exceptions to these findings were the Parham
Road express line in Richmond and the Pennsylvania Avenue line in
Washington, D.C. Neither route serves highly transit-dependent
populations, although some low income households rely on the
Pennsylvania Avenue line.  In the case of the Parham Road express
service, its financial success is likely due as much to the
internal cost-efficiencies of the Greater Richmond Transit Company
as to any one factor on the demand side.  Regardless, the Parham
Road express run enjoys consistently high load factors and like
some of the other profitable routes, directly services a large
government employment complex.

     It is noteworthy that some of these characteristics of
profitable public transit services match those discussed by the
Urban Mobility Corporation (1985) and Morlok and Viton (1985) for
profitable private express bus services.  Regardless of whether a
public agency or private firm operates the service or whether buses
operate on a frequent-stop basis on local streets or a limited-stop
basis on freeways, high load factors and the interconnection of
major activity nodes are key ingredients of any profitable bus

     The finding that profitable routes often consist of low-
income, minority residents making short-haul trips raises an
important policy question.  Under the customary flat fare
arrangement, those making short trips are to a large extent cross-
subsidizing the journeys of those making longer ones (Cervero,
1982b).  The incidence of this cross-subsidy is clearly regressive
when the short distance users average fairly low income, as in the
case of this study.  To some extent, then, the high fare returns
per mile of travel generated by the profitable routes discussed in
this chapter are used to cover the low revenues (and high deficits)
per mile of travel incurred by long-haul suburban routes, many of
which are express operations.  A fairer arrangement would be to
introduce distance-based fares that would lower the cost of short
trips and raise the cost of longer ones.  While this would likely
cause most of the money-making routes discussed in this chapter to
fall below the break-even mark, at the same time the deficit level
of suburban routes would fall.  Thus, distance-based pricing could
increase the overall cost recovery rate of a transit agency while
reducing the regressivity of current flat fare arrangements
(Cervero, 1981).

     In close, profitable routes have none of the characteristics
of the kinds of services that would be most subject to contracting. 
No case exists where transit managers have contracted out routes
with high load factors serving short-haul trips along dense
corridors with transit-dependent households.  Rather, competitive
contracting of fixed-route transit services, as practiced to date,
has been limited primarily to new, start-up services targeted at
low-density suburban markets (Teal, et al., 1986).  Thus, the gap
between the contentions of the "cream-skimming" argument and the
reality of contracting to date seems fairly wide.  Very simply, the
kinds of fixed-route services that might be conceivably contracted
out to private firms would not encompass the markets which are
served by the profitable routes discussed in this chapter.  To the
matter of what other arguments might be lodged against contracting
under the aegis of "cream-skimming", we turn to chapter six.



     1.  The routes discussed in this chapter do not exactly
correspond to those listed previously in the third chapter.  First,
Westchester County's profitable route is not discussed because the
County's transit services are wholely privately operated.  The
focus of this report is on public transit operations and the threat
that possible cream-s g could pose to them.  Additionally, two
near-profitable Greater Richmand Transit (GRI) routes are discussed
since it makes sense to examine them in that two other profitable
GRT routes are presented in the section and the two near-profitable
ones are reasonably similar in character.

     2.  SEPTA's commuter rail fares range from $1.50 to $2.50
during the off-peak and $3.00 during the peak period.

     3.  A shorter version of Route C, interspersed with regular
runs, omits the extreme northern and southern stops, concentrating
just on the residential areas north and south of downtown and
downtown itself.  Because of this, these nearby neighborhoods enjoy
shorter headways (five to ten n-dnutes for most of the day) than do
the neighborhoods farther north and south.

     4.  Route C's weekend service is almost as frequent, operating
at headways of about half an hour at its extremities and about 12
to 15 minutes at the primary stops in North Philadelphia and
downtown.  Owl service extends to 1:20 a.m. southbound and 2:35
a.rrl northbound.

     5.  A load factor represents the percent of passengers to per-
cent of seats within a vehicle.  A value of one signifies that
every seat is filled and there are no standees in the bus.

     6.  Route 34's weekend service runs from 5:10 a.m- to 11:30
p.m. with headways of 15 to 25 minutes on Saturdays.  Uniform 27
minute headways are maintained on Sundays and holidays.

     7.  WMATA's rail system will eventually extented to 101 one-
way miles when the system is completed, slated sometime during the

     8.  Peak surcharges are also collected on zonal fares.  During
rush hours, Metrobus fares range from 80 cents to $2.50, depending
upon distance traveled.  During the off-peak, they range from 75 
cents to $1.60. Metrorail's fares range from 80 cents to $1.10
during the off-peak and 80 cents to     $2.40 during the peak

     9.  The analysis for Route 21 in this report was based on cost
data collected for 1986, the year prior to the initiation of the
shuttle bus arrangement.  Thus, no cost adjustments were made for
the special operation of a connecting shuttle service.  If the
expenses related to operating this shuttle were included, it is
unlikely that WC's Route 21 would still be able to cover its
direct, day-to-day operating costs through fare payments.

     10.  Trip length estimates were derived from average travel
fim data collected for riders and Route 21's average operating


                            Chapter Six

    Challenging Other Arguments Against Competitive Contracting

6.1  Introduction

     Besides the fear of cream-skimming, a host of other arguments
have been lodged against competitive contracting of transit
services, including the belief that service quality will
deteriorate, the position of transit workers will worsen, and
private sector costs will eventually escalate as they begin
experiencing some of the diseconomies of taking on a larger scale
of transit operations.  To address these questions, it makes
obvious sense to look at the experiences of transit properties that
have practiced contracting.  This chapter briefly examines the
experiences to date of some of the nation's transit agencies and
government bodies actively involved in the competitive contracting
of fixed-route bus transit services: Metropolitan Transit Authority
of Harris County (Houston Metro); Dallas Area Regional Transit
(DART); Westchester County (NY) Transit; Tidewater (VA) Regional
Transit (TRT); San Diego County Transit; and Johnson County (KN)
Transit.  Because it has been letting competitive bids for express
services for around a decade, particular emphasis is placed on the
experiences of Houston Metro in the discussions which follow.

     These six agencies represent most of the population of public
entities that contracted for fixed-route bus services in 1987 on a
significant scale.  Collectively, 18 private contractors or
franchise companies presently offer services on 145 different
routes among these six jurisdictions, with 51 of the contracted
routes consisting of all-day local services.

     Before probing these additional arguments against contracting,
one other issue directly related to the cream-skimming controversy
is discussed in this chapter.  This is the matter of the degree to
which transit properties or political jurisdictions involved with
contracting retain control over service and pricing practices.  As
discussed in the first chapter, lingering behind the cream-skimming
argument is the notion that contracting would eventually evolve
into a "free-for-all" where private firm could go after any route
or service they so choose.  Our contention is that, as practiced to
date, contracting is a closely controlled activity, with public
entities carefully screening the services they allow to be
contracted and bidding out only a select number of high-deficit
routes.  The experiences of the six transit jurisdictions examined
in this chapter allow this question to be addressed below.

6.2  Oversight of Competitive Contracts

Contracting is sometimes misconstrued to mean that public
involvement in the transit arena is somehow lost (Kolderie, 1986). 
This misconception has unfortunately fueled the cream-skimming
controversy.  Central to the idea of contracting is the separation
of "sponsorship" from .,provision".  Sponsorship relates to the
promotion and financial support of a service, in particular a
commitment to make u any deficits that might exist.  Provision, on
the other hand, involves the matter of who will actually deliver
the service - that is, maintain and operate the buses.  Under
contracting, sponsorship remains with the public sector, signifying
there is a continuing social commitment to maintaining and perhaps
even enhancing public transit services in an area.  The lowest
bidder who meets certain minimum performance standards, however,
becomes the provider of the service.  To the user, it shouldn't
matter whether public or private employees are delivering the
service as long as buses are reasonably clean, safe, and on time. 
Very simply, contracting aims to substitute the lowest cost,
competitively determined operation for higher cost, monopolized


     For the six transit jurisdictions studied that currently
engage in contracting, all were found to be sponsors of the
contracted services.  That is, they paid private contractors a set
fee for delivering a stipulated set of services, received all fare
receipts, and covered any resulting deficits internally.  They also
designed all contracted routes, set headways and schedules, and
determined what fares would be charged.  In all cases, contracts
could be rescinded for failure to comply with the terms and
conditions of the contracts.  Moreover, all contracts that were
studied expressly prohibited private service-providers from
changing fare levels or structures.  While in four of the cases,
private contractors were not allowed to change services in any way
over the duration of the contract, Westchester County and Johnson
County permit changes to be made as long as they were first
approved by the public entity.  In sum, then, the oversight of all
aspects of transit services rests with the public entity
undertaking contracting.  As long as this is the case, every
safeguard is in place to prevent cream-skimming.  Very simply,
public entities govern what is contracted and what isn't, allowing
them to save their best performing services for in-house operation.

6.3  Agency Control of Contracted Services: Example of Houston

Background on Metro's Contracting Program

     The Houston Metro offers insights into the degree of agency
control of contracts.  Metro has been involved in competitively
contracting of fixed-route services about as long as any transit
property in the country.  Since 1979, Metro has contracted with
private firms for a substantial portion of its express services. 
Most -services connect suburban park-and-ride lots in northern
Houston to downtown via High-Occupancy-Vehicle (HOV) lanes. 
Houston Metro's entry into the contracting business was prompted by
the area's explosive growth in the late-1970's and early 1980's,
fueled by the petroleum industry's boom.  Metro had promised new
commute services to a number of suburbs but did not have the
equipment or staff to operate then-L Rather than hire new drivers,
Metro instead embarked on a load-shedding program, using the
available capacity of areawide charter bus companies as peak hour

     Initially, Metro granted contracts involving 120 buses on 12
express routes making 430 runs daily (Cervero, 1986).  Five private
charter firm operated these services, although these firms
eventually consolidated into two companies.  Since Metro needed to
start up these new services quickly, it agreed to terms favorable
to the contractors.

     After the contracts ended in 1984, Metro itself absorbed some
of the express bus runs.  Services involving only 75 buses operated
by two charter companies - Texas Busline and Kerville Bus Company -
- were contracted out.  Several factors accounted for this
retrenchment in contracting.  One, the Houston area's economy
experienced a sharp downturn in 1984 because of falling gasoline
prices, resulting in ridership loses.  Equally important, private
operators' costs were comparably high to those of Houston Metro in
1984, ranging from $61 to $99 per vehicle hour.  As private firms
began securing contracts, drivers began unionizing and pushing for
salaries comparable those of Metro's drivers.  They also won
guaranteed eight hour pay provisions, which made companies
vulnerable to the cost impacts of peaking.  Additionally, as part
of each contract, vendors had to supply their own vehicles.  Metro
generally insisted on the operation of new, premium-quality
coaches.  Since firms were guaranteed only dime year contracts,
they were forced to depreciate equipment over a short time span. 
Finally, in-house cost estimates made by Metro staff were found to
overstate the cost advantages of contracting, resulting in the
conversion of some routes to Metro.

     Currently, eight of the original 12 routes are contracted to
GLK Contract Services, Inc., a consortium formed by Kerville Bus
Lines and Greyhound.  Metro advertised the routes as separate
contracts, however GLK chose to bid on all eight routes together,
with a winning bid of $71.82 per revenue vehicle hour, slightly
below that of the outgoing contractor who had experienced
unionization.  This rate, however, is considerably below the nearly
$100 fully allocated cost that


Metro incurs in operating an express bus over a single revenue
hour.  In all, GLK has agreed to operate 89 buses on the eight
express routes for three years, with Metro holding an option to
extend the contract for two more years.  The contract is a turnkey
package in which GLK not only operates the routes but provides
maintenance at its own yards.  In addition to the GLK contract,
Metro has contracted out an all-day local circulator route in Clear
Lake, a suburban community, since 1982 to a small private firm As
discussed in the next section, this is one of the two examples
nationwide where a previously publicly operated service was turned
over to a private operator.

Metro Oversight of Services

     For all of the contracts it has entered into to date, Houston
Metro has retained complete control over all policy matters related
to fares, route design, headways, and general service quality. 
Metro can change fares or route configurations at any time during a
contract period; if such changes add to the contractor's operation
cost, the company can notify Metro, whereupon the agency can set a
new payment rate if one seems justified.

     The specific language of Metro's contract with GLK that
pertains to public sector control is the following:

          The Contractor shall provide commuter bus service in a
     safe, courteous, and reliable manner and in accordance with
     the schedules provided by METRO's Scheduling Department. 
     METRO representatives may from time to time ride in the
     Contractor's buses with or without prior notice to the
     Contractor to ensure compliance with the Contract.  METRO
     representatives may also attend safety and training sessions
     conducted by the Contractor to monitor and participate in the

          During the Contract period, METRO may elect to modify the
     [contracted] routes, schedules, or estimated revenue service
     hours.  Modifications may include, but are not necessarily
     limited to, the following: extending, deleting or adding
     routes or portions of routes, and expanding or decreasing
     revenue hours.2

     Where contractors use their own buses, they keep their company
logos on the vehicles.  Metro affiliation is indicated by a framed
placard mounted on the rear of the bus and a route indicator sign
and block number on the front of the bus.  By retaining its own
logo, GLK is free to use its buses for charter work outside of the
peak period.

     In sum, then, as long as transit agencies engaged in
contracting enter into a legally binding agreement such as Metro's,
every safeguard should be in place to prevent cream-skimming.  Very
simply, agencies will be able to decide which routes to contract
out and the pricing and service characteristics of the contracted

6.4  Experiences With Transferring a Publicly Operated Fixed-Route

     For cream-skimming to occur, it is of course necessary that a
pre-existing publicly operated fixed-route service be converted
over to a privately operated one.  As practiced to date, nearly
every fixed-route service that has been bid out was a new, start-up
service.  In most instances, the restriction of competitive
contracting to new bus routes has been a concession to organized
labor to prevent any litigation over possible violation of UMTA's
Section 13(c) labor protection legislation.  Clearly, then, the
dearth of cases involving the contracting out of pre-existing


means there really are no possibilities for cream-skimming,
particularly in light of the fact that new routes usually suffer
low ridership counts and high deficits.

     Over the last several decades, there appears to be only two
examples where a pre-existing publicly operated transit service was
competitively bid out to a private contractor.3 The first agency
to convert unproductive publicly operated bus routes to private
operation was the Tidewater Regional,Transit (TRI) in the Norfolk-
Virginia Beach area (Cervero, 1986).  In the early 1980's, TRT
transferred several dial-a-ride operations and two fixed-route bus
lines to a taxi company to operate as eight dial-a-ride modules
involving 13 vans.  As a consequence, TRT reduced its deficit per
passenger by 64 percent below their previous levels between 1979
and 1981 (Teal, 1985; Cervero, 1986).  Because of the ripple
effects, TRT was able to get its own fiscal house in order and win
back nearly all of the previously contracted operations. 
Presently, TRT only contracts out one fixed route service in
Portsmouth which serves around 250 passengers per day.  The
contractor's direct operating cost is around $18 per revenue hour
for the two buses the company operates.  By comparison, the two
runs operated by TRT for a nearly identical Portsmouth bus route is
almost twice as high -- $35 per revenue hour (Talley, 1986).

     The other example of a public-to-private conversion of a pre-
existing bus line is Houston's Metro contracting out of the Clear
Lake Shuttle.  The company awarded the Clear Lake Shuttle contract,
Sierra Stagecoaches, Inc., operates at roughly one-half the hourly
rate of Houston Metro's own costs for local circulator services --
$20 per revenue hour versus $45.  It is noteworthy that when the
contract was let, the Clear Lake Shuttle was the poorest performing
route in the Metro system based on its cost recovery ratio, which
was 6.4 percent.  Because the Clear Lake Shuttle continues to be
plagued by low ridership and high deficits, Metro plans to
discontinue the service sometime in 1989.

     It is clear, then, that as practiced to date, competitive
contracting of pre-existing bus services has involved deficit-
skimming rather than cream-skimming.  In fact, services that have
been converted from public to private operations have been deficit
riddled.  As long as public transit agencies retain control over
what gets contracted and at what price, there should be little
occasion for any cream-skimming to occur.

6.5  Concerns Over Deterioration of Service Quality

Critics of competitive contracting often contend that private
operators will deliver lower quality service than public operators. 
There is little evidence to support this.  Without exception,
transit agencies write requirements into all contracts to ensure
that service quality will remain comparable to services provided by
public operators.  In the case of all six transit properties that
were studied, contracts contained specific legal language that held
contractors responsible for meeting a stipulated number of explicit
performance standards in terms of on-time arrivals, safety,
maintenance, and the like.  AR contracts also contained specific
penalties that would be levied for non-compliance as well as
provisions for terminating the agreement in the event service
quality deteriorated.

     In the case of Houston Metro, for instance, the contract
requires that each contractor achieve the following: 98 percent on-
time operations (defined as no more than five minutes behind
scheduled arrival time); an average of at least 25,000 miles
between road service calls; a maximum of 2.2 accidents per 100,000
miles; and a variety of equipment specification standards
prohibiting such deficiencies as tom seats, cracked mirrors or
windshields, and inadequate air conditioning systems.  Failure to
meet any of these standards results in loss of the contractual
payment for all affected trips, plus punitive damages, such as $40
per trips for each incidence of a bus leaving any stop before its
scheduled departure time.4

Houston Metro has found that contractors usually meet the vast
majority of its performance


standards.  In a typical month, the agency docks a contractor
around $600 for violations, a minuscule amount considering the
present contractor bills Metro for around $500,000 worth of service
each month.  Nonetheless, a corp of checkers monitors contracted
services on a regular basis to ensure Metro's express service
quality remains high.

     The general perception of Metro management is that, ff
anything, service quality has improved on most express routes
following contracting.  For instance, the prior contractor,
National Transit, averaged a 99 percent on-time performance rate
and over 35,000 miles between road calls, both well above Metro's
own in-house standards.  Problems have generally only been
encountered when contractors occasionally slack off a month or so
before the termination of a contract that will not be renewed.  By
and large, one would expect private entrepreneurs to be more
responsive to the service preferences of transit consumers than a
public monopoly.  Particularly in the case of peak-hour commuter
markets, charter bus companies are accustomed to providing
discriminating, often affluent, customers with punctual services,
clean and comfortable surroundings, and a guaranteed seat.  Houston
Metro's experiences generally seem to confirm this.

6.6  Concerns Over Labor Protection

Competitive contracting has been perceived as a threat to organized
labor.  Some critics contend that competitive contracting violates
the provisions of Section 13(c) of the federal Urban Mass
Transportation Act which expressly protects transit workers from
being harmed or displaced by actions of any public agency receiving
federal funding.  While Section 13(c) itself does not constrain the
ability of transit agencies to engage in service contracting as
long as workers are not displaced, it nonetheless has created a
climate that discourages any kind of contracting that might
conceivably worsen the position of public employees (Teal, 1986).

     To date, there is no single case of a transit employee having
lost his or her job directly because of service contracting.  This
is due in large part to the fact that the overwhelming majority of
contracts let to date have involved the operation of new,
supplemental services.  Thus, transit agencies that have contracted
out services to date have been in a status quo rather than a
retracted posture.  Of the cases where previously existing services
have been contracted out to private firms, discussed in section 6.4
above, no employees were let go as a consequence.  With both TRT
and Houston Metro, agency drivers of the contracted routes were
reassigned to other tour duties following private take-over.

     In sum, the contention that public sector employees will be
harmed by contracting is unfounded.  Over the long run, of course,
transit agencies might be able to reduce the size of their labor
force at the natural attrition rate.  Such a phased policy of
expanded service contracting would not run afoul of either the
letter or intent of Section 13(c).  With time, then, service
contracting would likely involve a shift in the composition of the
nation's transit work force from public to private sector
employment.  This shift, however, would only occur as new employees
are hired rather than through any forced displacement of public
sector workers into the private sector.

6.7  Concerns Over Eventual Contractor Cost Increases

Some observers have argued that as competitive contracting gains
momentum, the costs of the private sector will rise to the levels
found in the public sector.  As private firms grow and take on new
markets, the argument goes, their overheads and labor costs will
eventually rise as their workers begin to unionize and they begin
to experience some of the scale diseconomies associated with public
transit operations.

     While this has occurred in a few instances, in most cases the
effects of competition have been felt more on the public sector
than private sector side.  That is, experiences show that the


public sector's unit cost generally falls to the level of the
private sector's rather than the private sector's unit cost rising
to that of the transit agency.  For example, when TRT (in the
Norfolk, Virginia area) substituted private dial-a-ride services
for a previous publicly operated fixed-route service, labor became
alarmed (Cervero, 1986).  This move marked an unprecedented entry
of efficiency-minded entrepreneurs into what had historically been
TRT's sole province.  Believing that their own livelihoods might be
at stake, driver's immediately filed a suit alleging infringement
of their Section 13(c) protectionist rights.  Since no public
employees were fired and there were demonstrable cost savings to
the agency from contracting, the courts ruled in TRT's favor. 
Seeing the writing on the wall, TRT's labor representatives agreed
to several major concessions.  One, guaranteed pay was reduced from
8 to 7.5 hours.  Second, a minibus operator position was created at
a starting salary of $4 per hour, with no work rule restrictions
and reduced benefits.  Since minibus drivers receive no out-of-
service compensation, TRT's average ratio of in-service hours to
pay hours rose from 0.87 in 1983 to 0.93 in 1984 (Talley, 1986). 
As a result, TRT's minibus paratransit division was able to
competitively win back dial-a-ride services from private taxi
companies in 1985.

     Where the unit costs of private contractors begin to rise
because of unionization pressures, periodic rebidding of contracts
would seem, in most cases, to provide an effective safety valve for
controlling costs.  In the case of Houston Metro, for instance, the
two original contractors became unionized after receiving Metro's
express services contract.  When the routes were rebid, these
companies were underbid by newer, non-unionized firms.  Moreover,
Metro has been able to win back some of its originally contracted
services by lowering some its in-house expenses so as to become
competitive.  Among the transit agencies engaged in fixed-route
contracting that were studied, all issued requests for new bids on
a periodic basis, usually every two or three years.  Such rebidding
enables competitive contracting to continue holding costs in check.

     Of course, for the forces of competition to be felt, there
must be a sufficient number of firms willing to submit bids.  Among
the six public entities engaged in fixed-route contracting that
were studied, between 3 and 8 private firms bid on virtually every
contract that was auctioned off.  In roughly half of the cases, the
existing contractor came in with the lowest bid.  Overall, as long
as a highly competitive environment is maintained, contracting
should prevent any significant cost escalation within either the
public or private sector from occurring.

6.8  Conclusion

     In this chapter, some of the "other" arguments lodged against
competitive contracting under the banner of cream-skimming were
probed.  It was found that public agencies engaged in service
contracting maintain such tight reigns over what private entities
do that there are few opportunities for the public sector be hurt,
whether through cream-skimming or some other predatory practice. 
By remaining the funding sponsors of all transit services, agencies
can ensure that none of their best performing routes go out to bid. 
Experiences show that only the highest deficit, lowest ridership
routes are contracted.  Such controls also allow public entities to
closely scrutinize the performance of private contractors.  When
safety or service quality are compromised, agencies can exact
penalties against contractors or terminate the agreement.

     In addition, for cream-skimming to occur, a pre-existing
public transit service must be converted to private operation. 
There have only been a few instances where this has actually
occurred.  As practiced to date, contracting has almost exclusively
involved the bidding out of new, supplemental services.  In the few
cases where a public-to-private conversion of fixed-route service
took place, services were among the poorest performing ones within
the agency and no public sector employees were furloughed as a

     By and large, service quality seems to have remained unchanged
or improved slightly following contracting.  Explicit performance
standards written into every fixed-route service


contract have guaranteed this.  Through periodic rebidding,
moreover, transit agencies have managed to maintain a competitive
enough environment to ensure that the unit costs of delivering
service remain under control as the scope of contracting enlarges. 
In sum, there appears to be no "other" justifiable grounds for
dismissing competitive contracting under the guise of cream-


1.   DART, which contracts services to Trailways Commuter Transit,
Inc., accounts for 52 of the routes.  Westchester County, which
operates as a franchise, contracts out services for 38 routes.  The
remaining four public entities bid out no more than 20 fixed-route

2.   Metropolitan Transit Authority.  Invitation for Bids for
Commuter Bus Service.  Metro Invitation for Bids No. 88H032B. 
Exhibit "A", Scope of Service, Computer Bus Service, March 17,
1988, p. 2.

3.   This statement is based on an extensive literature review and
telephone contacts with transit agencies around the country known
to contract out services.

4.   A host of other penalties are exact for non-compliance.  Late
departures: If a bus departs from a stop between five and ten
minutes late, the penalty is $30 per trip.  If the departure is 10
to 15 minutes late, the penalty is $50 per trip.  Incomplete trips:
If a bus departs more than 15 minutes late, or fails to complete
the trip, the contractor does not receive the contractual payment
for that trip.  Missed trips: If the contractor cannot meet a
pullout due to shortage of buses, it forgoes the contractual
payment for that trip and pays an additional $100 fine.  However,
if the contractor provides Metro with at least 90 minutes advance
notice of a missed pullout, the additional penalty is waived, and
the contractor loses only the contractual payment for the trip. 
Deficient buses: If any bus on any trip fails to comply with all
vehicle standards set forth by Metro, a penalty of $50 per
violation is assessed.  Such violations could include dirty buses,
inadequate air conditioning, cracked mirrors or windows, tom seats,
or inoperative lights.  Fleet shortage: If the contractor fails to
maintain the total fleet required by the contract, including not
only the scheduled vehicles but a 10 percent spare vehicle
requirement, a penalty of $200 per violation is assessed.  In the
GLK contract, the company must maintain a fleet of 89 route buses
plus ten percent of that amount as spares, for a total of 99 buses.


                           Chapter Seven

                       Research Conclusions:
           Competitive Contracting and Deficit-Skimming

7.1  Debunking the Cream-Skimming Myth

The cream-skimming argument against competitive contracting rests
on a number of assumptions that are unsupported.  The absence of
significant numbers of profitable routes and general scale
economies in the transit industry, coupled with strict public
sector control of all aspects of service delivery and pricing, make
cream-skimming a virtual impossibility.

     The three main findings of this research which render the
cream-skimming argument meaningless are summarized below:

     (1)  There are very, very few profitable fixed-route bus
services in the U.S. from which any "cream" could possibly be
skimmed. Even when  only, operating portions of total costs are
considered, nearly all bus routes in the U.S. are plagued by
deficits.  In fact, less than one percent of all fixed-route bus
services currently operated by medium and large size transit
agencies in the U.S. cover or exceed their direct, day-to-day
operating expenses through passenger fares.

     (2)  There is little evidence of any significant economies Of
scale in the transit industry, particular agencies, meaning there
is no real economic justification for protecting transit properties
from competition. This and other research show unequivocally that
the unit cost of delivering bus services rise when vehicle miles
are increased.  The absence of any inherent increasing returns to
scale means there is no real grounds for creating a public
monopoly, particularly given that the peak loads agencies risk
losing are inordinately costly to serve.

     (3)  In all instances to date, public agencies control which
routes private bidders are given an opportunity to take over,
meaning that, without exception, agencies have retained their best
performing routes for in-house operation. By remaining the funding
sponsors of all transit services, public authorities are in a
position to hold back any routes they so choose from possible
bidding.  Experiences to date show that only the highest deficit,
poorest performing routes are ever contracted.  Moreover, only new
services with high start-up costs and unproven track records end up
being contracted.  There have only been two instances where pre-
existing bus routes were contracted out for private operation, and
in both cases the routes were among the agencies' poorest
performing.  Further, public agencies maintain control over all
aspects of service delivery and pricing when contracts are let and
impose strict penalties for non-compliance.  Thus, public entities
not only determine what gets contracted out, but the nature and
price of the services that the traveling public receives.

     To the extent any of these conditions exists, there is
virtually no chance that cream-skimming could occur.  To date,
these conditions hold for every conceivable situation where transit
service contracting might take place.  There is no compelling
reason not to believe this will also be the case in the future.

7.2  Contracting and Deficit-Skimming

     Overall, this research has found that competitive contracting
of fixed-route transit services, as practiced today as well as the
foreseeable future, actually results in deficit-skimming.  Rather


than ruthless predators, contractors are actually friends of the
public transit sector.  They take over the least productive routes
and usually deliver a comparable quality of service at a lower
deficit rate - and without causing any public employees to be
furloughed or disrupting the continued operations on non-contracted
bus services.

     This research also found that deficits per rider tend to be
the highest on the very services that the private sector has shown
the greatest interest in providing -- peak-only, express routes. 
This is mainly because firms can provide service-conscientious
riders a high quality door-to-door ride on premium coaches during
the peak and deploy the vehicles for special charter operations to
recreational sites and the like during the midday, late-evening,
and weekends.  Thus, charter companies benefit by making full use
of their buses and drivers throughout the week while the public
sector gains by shedding high-deficit routes to lower-cost vendors. 
In general, competitive contracting of peak period services should
result in a win-win situation for both the public and private

     In closing, regulatory constraints in the urban transportation
markets need to be relaxed.  To the extent more charter buses,
shared-ride taxis, jitneys, and private dial-a-vans are allowed to
compete for peak hour customers, the riding public should
materially benefit.  Besides shedding expensive peak loads from
public transit agencies, opening up the market to more private
firms would provide more commuters with a higher quality service
than that offered by conventional bus transit.  Since paratransit
modes would begin to provide services which are more competitive
with those of the private automobile, overall vehicle occupancy
levels within a region would eventually increase, yielding such
social benefits as reduced congestion, cleaner air, and fuel
savings.  Growth in the paratransit sector would also mean that
more specialized curb-to-curb services would be available for
disabled persons and older Americans, the latter being one of the
fastest growing age groups in the nation.  In summary, increased
competitive contracting of bus services would not only aid public
transit systems by reducing their deficits, it would probably also
lead to the expansion of paratransit services in this nation,
benefitting the commuter, the elderly, the disabled, and the public
at large.



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                            Appendix A

            Transit Agencies Examined in the Research,
          Listed by Headquarters City and Peak Fleet Size

Agency                                                        Fleet

Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA)        1,378
     Washington, D.C.

Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (SEPTA)    1,112
     Philadelphia, PA

Metro Seattle                                                   920
     Seattle, WA

Metropolitan Transit Commission (MTC)                           826
     Minneapolis, MN

Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County                 659
     Houston, TX

Denver Regional Transit District (RTD                           635
     Denver, CO

Bi-State Development Corporation                                634
     St. Louis, MO

PACE                                                            473
     Arlington Heights, IL

Santa Clara County Transportation Agency                        402
     San Jose, CA

Orange County Transit District                                  325
     Garden Grove, CA

Central Ohio Transit Authority                                  287
     Columbus, OH

Utah Transit Authority                                          275
     Salt Lake City, UT

Phoenix Transit                                                 274
     Phoenix, AZ

Westchester County Department of Transportation                 250
     White Plains, NY


                      Appendix A (continued)

Agency                                                        Fleet

Golden Gate Transit Bus Division                                210
     San RafaeL CA

Southeastern Michigan Transportation Authority (SEMTA)          203
     Detroit, MI

Sacramento Regional Transit District (RTD)                      184
     Sacramento, CA

Jacksonville Transportation Authority                           151
     Jacksonville, FL

Greater Richmond Transit Company                                150
     Richmond, VA

Tidewater Regional Transit System                               147
     Norfolk, VA

Hillsborough Area Regional Transit Authority (HART)             135
     Tampa, FL

SunTran                                                         120
     Tucson, AZ

Fort Worth Transportation Authority                             102
     Forth Worth, TX

Metro Tulsa Transit Authority                                    84
     Tulsa, OK

Transit Authority of Northern Kentucky (TANK)                    80
     Fort Wright, KY

Peak Fleet Size is the number of motorbuses, including articulated
motorbuses, available for peak service.


                            Appendix B

                  Variables Used in the Analysis

Variables Submitted by Transit Agencies.

Ridership (revenue-paying)
Operating Cost
Farebox Revenue
Total Vehicle Miles
Total Vehicle Hours
Peak Vehicles in Operation

Variables Calculated from Submitted-Data:

Cost Recovery Ratio
Cost per Vehicle Mile
Cost per Vehicle Hour
Cost per Rider
Deficit per Rider
Vehicle Miles per Dollar of Expenditure
Riders per Dollar of Expenditure
Riders per Vehicle Hour
Riders per Vehicle Mile
Revenue per Vehicle Mile


                            Appendix C

                Three-Factor Cost Allocation Model,
            Calculated for Seattle Metro and Denver RTD

                      Example: Seattle Metro

                              Variable and Dollar Amount Allocated:

                         Vehicle        Vehicle        Peak
UMTA Cost Function       Hours          Miles          Vehicles

Administration           $4,653,420

Revenue Vehicle
Movement Control         $2,189,916

Scheduling Transp.
Operations               $1,968,456

Revenue Vehicle
Operation                $51,159,691

Vehicle Maintenance
Administration                          $3,153,753

Servicing Revenue
Vehicles                                                 $3,760,328

Inspection and
of Revenue Vehicles                     $12,860,003

Accident Repairs to
Vehicles                                $355,229

Vandalism Repairs to
Vehicles                                $72,581

Maintenance of
Vehicle Movement
Control Systems                         $101,580

Maintenance of Fare
Collecting Equipment                                        $87,253

Ticketing Fare Collection                                  $502,056

Insurance                                                   $75,809

Total Allocated Costs:   $59,971,483    $16,523,146      $4,425,446

Divide by 1985 Totals:   2,068,700       31,245,900             920
                         vehicle hours  vehicle miles      vehicles

Unit Costs:              $28.99              $0.53         $4810.27
                    per vehicle hour    per vehicle mileper vehicle


                      Appendix C (continued)

                     Seattle Metro (continued)

Allocate annual $4810-27 per-vehicle cost among 250 weekdays for
peak routes, and among 365 days for all-day local routes operating
seven days a week.

$4810.27 / 250 = $18.86 per vehicle for peak-only routes
$4810.27 / 365 = $13.18 per vehicle for all-day local routes

Final Model:

Daily Peak Route Cost =
$28.99 x daily route vehicle hours + $ 0.53 x daily route vehicle
miles + $18.86 x vehicles used on route

Daily Local Route Cost =
$28.99 x daily route vehicle hours + $ 0.53 x daily route vehicle
miles + $13.18 x vehicles used on route

                       Computed Route Costs:

                    Daily     Daily     Daily
                    Vehicle   Vehicle   Peak      Daily
Route     Type      Hours     Miles     Vehicles  Cost

41        Peak      75.0      1,374     12        $3,129
177       Peak      78.0      1,956     10        $3,486
301       Peak      40.0      805        8        $1,737
7         Local     390.0     3,568     31        $13,606
10-12     Local     166.0     1,028     12        $5,515
3-4       Local     207.0     1,372     16        $6,939


                      Appendix C (continued)

                        Example Denver RTD

Final Model:

Daily Peak Route Cost =
$25.81 x daily route vehicle hours + S 0.76 x daily route vehicle
miles + $27.15 x vehicles used on route

Daily Local Route Cost =
$25.81 x daily route vehicle hours + $ 0.76 x daily route vehicle
miles + $18.97 x vehicles used on route

                       Computed Route Costs:

                    Daily     Daily     Daily
                    Vehicle   Vehicle   Peak      Daily
Route     Type      Hours     Miles     Vehicles  cost

90x       Peak      41.1      925       9         $2,008
120X      Peak      13.7      349       3         $700
59X       Peak      18.9      409       4         907
15        Local     220.4     2,358     13        $7,727
30        Local     194.9     2,650     12        $7,272
0         Local     198.0     2,435     13        $7,208


                            Appendix D

                Cost Allocation Models for Analysis

               Example:  Bi-State Development Corp.

                              Variable and Dollar Amount Allocated:
                         Vehicle        Vehicle        Peak
UMTA Cost Function       HOUR           Miles          Vehicles

Revenue Vehicle
     Movement Control    $148,949

Scheduling Transp.
     Operations          $326,444

Revenue Vehicle
     Operation        $41,623,890

Revenue Vehicle Maintenance             $16,729,170
     (Minus Administration)

Servicing Revenue Vehicles                               $1,867,469

Casualty and Liability Insurance        $2,319,578

Total Allocated Costs:   $42,099,283    $16,729,170      $4,187,047

Divide by 1985 Totals:   1,781,700      4,652,100               634
                         vehicle hours  vehicle miles      vehicles

Unit Costs:              $23.63                $0.68      $6,604.17
                         per vehicle hour    + $0.37*   per vehicle
                                     per vehicle mile

Allocate annual $6,604.17 per-vehicle cost among 250 annual service
days for peak routes, and among 365 service days for all- day local
routes operating seven days a week.

$6,604.17 / 250 = $26.42 per vehicle for peak-only routes
$6,604.17 / 365 = $18.09 per vehicle for all-day local routes

* use-related depreciation cost per mile, added to all transit
systems in the database.


                      Appendix D (continued)

              Bi-State Development Corp. (continued)

Final Model:

Daily Peak Route Cost =

$23.63 x daily route vehicle hours + $ 1.05 x daily route vehicle
miles + $26.42 x vehicles used on route

Daily Local Route Cost =
$23.63 x daily route vehicle hours + $1.05 x daily route vehicle
miles + $18.09 x vehicles used on route

                       Computed Route Costs:

                              Daily     Daily     Daily
                              Vehicle   Vehicle   Peak      Daily
Route               Type      Hours     Miles     Vehicles  Cost

4560 Belleville     Peak      30.7      623       12        $1,697
4504 O'Fallon       Peak      313       654       9         1,664
4530 Pontoon        Peak      28.4      461       8         1,366
3070 Grand          Local     178.1     1,655     17        6,254
3095 Kings          Local     210.2     2,427     18        7,841
3560 Belleville     Peak      167.4     2,301     20        6,733


                      Appendix D (continued)

  Example.  Westchester County (NY) Department of Transportation

                              Variable and Dollar Amount Allocated:
                              Vehicle        Vehicle           Peak
UMTA Cost Function            Hours          Mile          Vehicles

Vehicle Operations            $18,849,396
minus 6% (Administration)     - $1,130,964

Vehicle Operations            $17,718,432

Vehicle Maintenance                           $6,985,364
     minus 14.84% (Servicing)                -$1,036,628
     minus 14.30% (Administration)           - $ 850,669
Vehicle Maintenance                           $5,098,067

Servicing Revenue Vehicles                               $1,036,628

Casualty and Liability                                   $1,367,505
Total Allocated Costs:   $17,718,432    $5,098,067       $2,404,133

Divide by 1985 Totals:   765,000        11,006,800              250
                    vehicle hours       vehicle miles      vehicles

Unit Costs:              $23.16         $0.46             $9,616.53
               per vehicle hour         + 0.37*         per vehicle
                              per vehicle mile

Allocate total $9,616 annual cost per vehicle over 250 weekdays for
peak-only express routes, or 365 days for all-day local routes
operating seven days a week.

$9,616.53/ 250 = $38.47 per vehicle for peak-only routes
$9,616.53/ 365 = $26.35 per vehicle for all-day local routes

* use-related deprecation, added to all systems in database.


                      Appendix D (continued)

                  Westchester County (continued)

Final Model:

Daily Peak Route Cost =
$23.16 x daily vehicle hours + $ 0.83 x daily vehicle miles +
$38.47 x vehicles used on route

Daily Local Route Cost =
$23.16 x daily vehicle hours + $ 0.83 x daily vehicle miles +
$26.35 x vehicles used on route

                       Computed Route Costs:

                    Daily     Daily     Daily
                    Vehicle   Vehicle   Peak      Daily
Route     Type      Hours     Miles     Vehicles  Cost

41        Peak      20.1      303       6         $948
3         Peak      30.4      644       9         $1,585
62        Peak      15.2      272       7         $847
20        Local     189.9     2,357     15        $6,750
1         Local     115.5     1,621     19        $4,521
40        Local     118.7     1,580     14        $4,429


                      Appendix D (continued)

       Washington Metropolitan Ama Transit Authority (WMATA)

Final Model:

Daily Peak Route Cost =
$28.10 x daily route vehicle hours + $ 1.08 x daily route vehicle
miles + $34.16 x vehicles used on route

Daily Route Cost =
$28.10 x daily route vehicle hours + $ 1.08 x daily route vehicle
miles + $23.47 x vehicles used on route

                       Computed Route Costs;

                              Daily     Daily     Daily
                              Vehicle   Vehicle   Peak      Daily
Route               Type      Hours     miles     Vehicles  cost

Lincoln-N.Fairfax   Peak      93.8      1,602     22        $5,120
South Capitol       Peak      71.6      958       14        $3,526
11th St. Bridge     Peak      79.4      988       15        $3,812
Pennsylvania Ave.   Local     314.8     3,109     54        $13,471
Benning Road        Local     183.0     1,739     29        $7,701
Georgia-7th         Local     255.1     2,236     45        $10,639


                      Appendix D (continued)

        Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority

Final Model:

Daily Peak Route Cost =
$19.86 x daily route vehicle hours + $ 1.12 x daily route vehicle
miles + $21.03 x vehicles used on route

Daily Local Route Cost =
$19.86 x daily route vehicle hours + $ 1.12 x daily route vehicle
miles + $14.41 x vehicles used on route

                       Computed Route Costs:

                    Daily     Daily     Daily
                    Vehicle   Vehicle   Peak      Daily
Route     Type      Hours     Miles     Vehicles  Cost

44G       Peak      33.0      458       5         $1,273
4         Peak      5.6       78        2         $241
126       Peak      5.0       79        1         $209
C         Local     526.1     4,431     46        $16,074
52        Local     297.8     2,175     26        $8,725
33        Local     294.5     1,855     24        $8,272


                      Appendix D (continued)

                           Seattle Metro
Final Model:

Daily Peak Route Cost =
$26.74 x daily route vehicle hours + $ 0.94 x daily route vehicle
miles + $25.55 x vehicles used on route

Daily Local Route Cost =
$26.74 x daily route vehicle hours + $ 0.94 x daily route vehicle
miles + $17.50 x vehicles used on route

                       Computed Route Costs:

                    Daily     Daily     Daily
                    Vehicle   Vehicle   Peak      Daily
Route     Type      Hours     Miles     Vehicles  Cost

41        Peak      75.0      1,374     12        $3,604
177       Peak      78.0      1,956     10        $4,180
301       Peak      40.0      805       8         $2,031
7         Local     390.0     3,568     31        $14,325
10-12     Local     166.0     1,028     12        $5,615
3-4       Local     207.0     1,372     16        $7,105


                      Appendix D (continued)

            Minneapolis Metropolitan Transit Commission

Final Model:

Daily Peak Route Cost =
$25.09 x daily route vehicle hours + $ 1.00 x daily route vehicle
miles + $15.06 x vehicles used on route

Daily Local Route Cost =
$25.09 x daily route vehicle hours + $ 1.00 x daily route vehicle
miles + $1031 x vehicles used on route

                       Computed Route Costs:

                         Daily     Daily     Daily
                         Vehicle   Vehicle   Peak      Daily
Route          Type      Hours     Miles     Vehicles  Cost

26 West River  Peak      75.0      1,564     15        $3,672
47 Express     Peak      88.3      1,402     11        $3,781
35B Express    Peak      32.5      552       8         $1,488
5              Local     4343      5,544     36        $16,812
18             Local     336.5     3,881     36        $12,695
21             Local     261.8     2,598     23        $9,404


                      Appendix D (continued)

              Houston metropolitan Transit Authority

Final Model:

Daily Peak Route Cost =
$22.97 x daily route vehicle hours + $ 0.97 x daily route vehicle
miles + $30.63 x vehicles used on route

Daily Local Route Cost =
$22.97 x daily route vehicle hours + S 0.97 x daily route vehicle
miles + $20.98 x vehicles used on route

                       Computed Route Costs:

                         Daily     Daily     Daily
                         Vehicle   Vehicle   Peak      Daily
Route          Type      Hours     Miles     Vehicles  cost

212 Seton      Peak      45.0      1,224     30   $3,140
204 Spring     Peak      61.9      1,822     36   $4,292
205 Kingwood   Peak      56.3      1,460     30   $3,628
82 Westheimer  Local     226.1     2,618     29   $8,341
25 Richmond    Local     195.5     2,299     19   $7,119
52 Scott       Local     182.6     2,335     27   $7,026
201 North
     Shepherd  Peak      39.1      913       21   $2,427
261 West Loop  Peak      27.0      630       14   $1,660
59 SW Freeway  Peak      12.6      270       6    $735


                      Appendix D (continued)

                            Denver RTD

Final Model:

Daily Peak Route Cost =
$25.06 x daily route vehicle hours + $ 1.20 x daily route vehicle
miles + $27.00 x vehicles used on route

Daily Local Route Cost =
$25.06 x daily route vehicle hours + $ 1.20 x daily route vehicle
miles + $18.49 x vehicles used on route

                       Computed Route Costs:

                         Daily     Daily     Daily
                         Vehicle   Vehicle   Peak      Daily
Route          Type      Hours     Miles     Vehicles  Cost

90x            Peak      41.1      925       9         $2,383
120X           Peak      13.7      349       3         $843
59X            Peak      18.9      409       4         $1,072
15 East Colfax Local     220.4     2,358     13        $8,593
30 South Fed   Local     194.9     2,650     12        $8,286
0 South
     Broadway  Local     198.0     2,435     13        $8,124


                      Appendix D (continued)


Final Model:

Daily Peak Route Cost =
$22.40 x daily route vehicle hours + S 1.13 x daily route vehicle
miles + $30.61 x vehicles used on route

Daily Local Route Cost =
$22.40 x daily route vehicle hours + $ 1.13 x daily route vehicle
miles + $20.96 x vehicles used on route

                       Computed Route Costs:

                         Daily     Daily     Daily
                         Vehicle   Vehicle   Peak      Daily
Route          Type      Hours     Miles     Vehicles  cost

223 Elk/River  Peak      32.6      287       5         $1,208
325 25th AvenuePeak      22.0      302       3         $926
312 Ogden      Peak      7.1       66        1         $264
290/1 Touhy    Local     109.7     1,467     11        $4,345
270 Milwaukee  Local     96.9      1,044     8         $3,518
307 Harlem     Local     107.2     1,475     11        $4,299


                      Appendix D (continued)

                  Santa Clara County (C4) Transit

Final Model:

Daily Peak Route Cost =
$30.17 x daily route vehicle hours + $ 137 x daily route vehicle
miles + $45.20 x vehicles used on route

Daily Local Route Cost =
$30.17 x daily route vehicle hours + S 137 x daily route vehicle
miles + $30.96 x vehicles used on route

                       Computed Route Costs:

                    Daily     Daily     Daily
                    Vehicle   Vehicle   Peak      Daily
Route     Type      Hours     Miles     Vehicles  Cost

142       Peak      101.4     1,945     11        $6,221
101       Peak      52.1      1,046     8         $3,366
104       Peak      37.5      881       5         $2,564
22        Local     27.8      601       5         $1,817
70        Local     430.4     5,375     30        $21,278
64        Local     168.2     2,728     11        $9,152


                      Appendix D (continued)

                Orange County (CA) Transit District

Final Model:

Daily Peak Route Cost =
$29.05 x daily route vehicle hours + $ 0.90 x daily route vehicle
miles + $34.93 x vehicles used on route

Daily Local Route Cost =
$29.05 x daily route vehicle hours + $ 0.90 x daily route vehicle
miles + $23.92 x vehicles used on route

                       Computed Route Costs:

                    Daily     Daily     Daily
                    Vehicle   Vehicle   Peak      Daily
Route     Type      Hours     Miles     Vehicles  Cost

59        Peak      48.4      863       5         $2,357
36        Peak      19.0      330       4         $989
78        Peak      26.7      623       2         $1,406
43        Local     261.3     3,677     25        $11,498
57        Local     212.1     3,227     20        $9,544
60        Local     154.5     2,132     12        $6,694


                      Appendix D (continued)

                  Central Ohio Transit Authority

Final Model:

Daily Peak Route Cost =
$25.78 x daily route vehicle hours + $ 0.70 x daily route vehicle
miles + $21.97 x vehicles used on route

Daily Local Route Cost =
$25.78 x daily route vehicle hours + $ 0.70 x daily route vehicle
miles + $15.05 x vehicles used on route

                       Computed Route Costs:

                              Daily     Daily     Daily
                              Vehicle   Vehicle   Peak      Daily
Route               Type      Hours     Miles     Vehicles  Cost

31 Worthington      Peak      13.7      285       8         $728
45 Reynoldsburg     Peak      34.7      678       8         $1,545
46 Eastland         Peak      24.6      440       5         $1,052
2 Main/North High   Local     315.0     4,262     36        $11,646
1 Cleveland         Local     238.1     3,232     22        $8,732
10 Broad Street     Local     215.3     3,117     23        $8,078


                      Appendix D (continued)

                      Utah Transit Authority

Final Model:

Daily Peak Route Cost =
$17.00 x daily route vehicle hours + $ 0.73 x daily route vehicle
miles + $20.99 x vehicles used on route

Daily Local Route Cost =
$17.00 x daily route vehicle hours + $ 0.73 x daily route vehicle
miles + $14.38 x vehicles used on route

                       Computed Route Costs:

                    Daily     Daily     Daily
                    Vehicle   Vehicle   Peak      Daily
Route     Type      Hours     Miles     Vehicles  Cost

55        Peak      14.4      295       6         $586
46        Peak      4.6       76        4         $218
63        Peak      6.5       77        4         $251
24        Local     75.4      986       12        $2,174
18        Local     20.8      214       7         $610
22        Local     38.1      411       9         $1,077


                      Appendix D (continued)

                          Phoenix Transit

Final Model:

Daily Peak Route Cost =
$22.79 x daily route vehicle hours + $ 0.87 x daily route vehicle
miles + $24.70 x vehicles used on route

Daily Local Route Cost =
$22.79 x daily route vehicle hours + $ 0.87 x daily route vehicle
miles + $16.92 x vehicles used on route

                       Computed Route Costs:

                    Daily     Daily     Daily
                    Vehicle   Vehicle   Peak      Daily
Route     Type      Hours     Miles     Vehicles  Cost

521       Peak      10.9      194       5         $541
500       Peak      10.1      197       3         $476
520       Peak      11.0      204       5         $552
29        Local     170.5     2,314     13        $6,119
41        Local     152.3     2,287     12        $5,664
17        Local     161.1     2,266     11        $5,829


                      Appendix D (continued)

                        Golden Gate Transit

Final Model:

Daily Peak Route Cost =
$40.54 x daily route vehicle hours + $ 0.78 x daily route vehicle
miles + $45.14 x vehicles used on route

Daily LoW Route Cost =
$40.54 x daily route vehicle hours + $ 0.78 x daily route vehicle
miles + $30.92 x vehicles used on route

                       Computed Route Costs:

                    Daily     Daily     Daily
                    Vehicle   Vehicle   Peak      Daily
Route     Type      Hours     Miles     Vehicles  Cost

4         Peak      39.2      1,255     20        $3,471
54        Peak      58.8      1,608     18        $4,450
74        Peak      66.7      2,118     20        $5,259
20        Local     126.0     1,918     10        $6,913
80        Local     145.2     3,425     14        $8,991
50        Local     101.4     1,945     11        $7,744


                      Appendix D (continued)

          Southeastern Michigan Transportation Authority

Final Model:

Daily Peak Route Cost =
$30.03 x daily route vehicle hours + S 0.99 x daily route vehicle
miles + $38.75 x vehicles used on route

Daily Local Route Cost =
$30.03 x daily route vehicle hours + $ 0.99 x daily route vehicle
miles + $26.54 x vehicles used on route

                       Computed Route Costs:

                         Daily     Daily     Daily
                         Vehicle   Vehicle   Peak      Daily
Route          Type      Hours     Miles     Vehicles  Cost

820            Peak      50.0      1,355     9         $3,192
851            Peak      39.0      1,000     7         $2,432
810            Peak      34.0      910       6         $2,154
440/450/460    Local     192.0     3,455     17        $9,637
200            Local     134.0     2,270     12        $6,590
560            Local     125.0     2,600     16        $6,752


                      Appendix D (continued)

               Sacramento Regional Transit District

Final Model:

Daily Peak Route Cost =
$28.54 x daily route vehicle hours i $ 0.76 x daily route vehicle
miles + $33.38 x vehicles used on route

Daily Local Route Cost =
$28.54 x daily route vehicle hours + $ 0.76 x daily route vehicle
miles + $22.86 x vehicles used on route

                       Computed Route Costs:

                    Daily     Daily     Daily
                    Vehicle   Vehicle   Peak      Daily
Route     Type      Hours     Miles     Vehicles  Cost

31        Peak      13.8      154       6         $711
108       Peak      17.5      487       6         $1,070
102       Peak      12.0      342       5         $769
30        Local     61.0      560       6         $2,304
34        Local     95.3      1,097     8         $3,736
51        Local     60.5      819       5         $2,463


                       Appendix D(continued)

               Jacksonville Transportation Authority

Final Model:

Daily Peak Route Cost =
$17.98 x daily route vehicle hours + $ 0.71 x daily route vehicle
miles + $22.79 x vehicles used on route

Daily Local Route Cost =
$17.98 x daily route vehicle hours + $ 0.71 x daily route vehicle
miles + $15.61 x vehicles used on route

                       Computed Route Costs:

                         Daily     Daily     Daily
                         Vehicle   Vehicle   Peak      Daily
Route          Type      Miles     Vehicles  Vehicles  Cost

Mandarin       Peak      8.5       234       3         $387
Orange Peak    Peak      6.5       178       2         $289
Blanding       Peak      6.5       118       2         $246
Northside 6    Local     80.5      1,096     7         $2,335
Northside 5    Local     74.0      950       6         $2,099
Beaches 1      Local     59.0      1,150     8         $2,002


                      Appendix D (continued)

                     Greater Richmond Transit
Final Model:

Daily Peak Route Cost =
$20.41 x daily route vehicle hours + $ 0.75 x daily route vehicle
miles + $17.75 x vehicles used on route

Daily Local Route Cost =
$20.41 x daily route vehicle hours + $ 0.75 x daily route vehicle
miles + $12.16 x vehicles used on route

                       Computed Route Costs:

                         Daily     Daily     Daily
                         Vehicle   Vehicle   Peak      Daily
Route          Type      Hours     Miles     Vehicles  cost

26             Peak      15.3      387       7         $727
67             Peak      6.0       99        3         $250
66             Peak      5.1       97        2         $212
34 Highland    Local     154.3     1,740     17        $4,661
6 Broad/Main   Local     108.8     1,154     10        $3,208
37 Chamberlane Local     51.5      567       7         $1,561


                      Appendix D (continued)

                         Tidewater Transit

Final Model:

Daily Peak Route Cost =
$18.59 x daily route vehicle hours + S 0.79 x daily route vehicle
miles + $25.05 x vehicles used on route

Daily Local Route Cost =
$18.59 x daily route vehicle hours + $ 0.79 x daily route vehicle
miles + $17.16 x vehicles used on route

                       Computed Route Costs:

                         Daily     Daily     Daily
                         Vehicle   Vehicle   Peak      Daily
Route          Type      Hours     Miles     Vehicles  cost

20 Express     Peak      10.0      196       2         $391
35-15          Peak      5.1       120       2         $240
1-23           Local     88.9      1,255     6         $2,747
15-35          Local     94.0      1,137     8         $2,783
20-25          Local     82.1      938       6         $2,370
3-25           Local     85.2      1,011     8         $2,520


                      Appendix D (continued)

          Hillsborough Area (FL) Transportation Authority

Final Model:

Daily Peak Route Cost =
$16.30 x daily route vehicle hours + $ 0.61 x daily route vehicle
miles + $22.47 x vehicles used on route

Daily Local Route Cost =
$16.30 x daily route vehicle hours + $ 0.61 x daily route vehicle
miles + $1539 x vehicles used on route

                       Computed Route Costs:

                         Daily     Daily     Daily
                         Vehicle   Vehicle   Peak      Daily
Route          Type      Hours     Miles     Vehicles   Cost

22X            Peak      35.0      412       4         $912
21X            Peak      11.6      303       4         $464
99X            Peak      17.7      442       3         $625
12 USF/22nd    Local     62.2      745       5         $1,545
1 Florida
     Avenue    Local     56.9      835       5         $1,514
5 USF/40th     Local     64.1      996       5         $1,729


                      Appendix D (continued)

                          Tucson Sun Tran

Final Model:

Daily Peak Route Cost =
$19.13 x daily route vehicle hours + $ 0.71 x daily route vehicle
miles + $17.67 x vehicles used on route

Daily Local Route Cost =
$19.13 x daily route vehicle hours + S 0.71 x daily route vehicle
miles + $12.10 x vehicles used on route

                       Computed Route Costs:

                         Daily     Daily     Daily
                         Vehicle   Vehicle   Peak      Daily
Route          Type      Hours     Miles     Vehicles  cost

Hughes         Peak      34.6      466       12        $1,205
Bear Canyon    Peak      2.5       26        1         $84
8              Local     1783      2,345     16        $5,269
4              Local     86.1      1,171     10        $2,599
3              Local     90.2      1,266     9         $2,733


                      Appendix D (continued)

                Fort Worth Transportation Authority

Final Model:

Daily Peak Route Cost =
$16.78 x daily route vehicle hours + S 0.74 x daily route vehicle
miles + $21.50 x vehicles used on route

Daily Local Route Cost =
$16.78 x daily route vehicle hours + $ 0.74 x daily route vehicle
miles + $14.73 x vehicles used on route

                       Computed Route Costs:

                    Daily     Daily     Daily
                    Vehicle   Vehicle   Peak      Daily
Route     Type      Hours     Miles     Vehicles  Cost

54        Peak      1.4       26        2         $86
61        Peak      1.0       19        2         $74
14        Peak      1.2       17        2         $76
38/73     Local     121.5     1,449     10        $3,258
33/57     Local     97.5      1,250     9         $2,694
32/58/59  Local     119.3     1,693     13        $3,446


                      Appendix D (continued)

               Metropolitan Tulsa Transit Authority

Final Model:

Daily Peak Route Cost =
$19.40 x daily route vehicle hours + S 0.86 x daily route vehicle
miles + $20.66 x vehicles used on route

Daily Local Route Cost =
$19.40 x daily route vehicle hours + $ 0.86 x daily route vehicle
miles + $14.15 x vehicles used on route

                       Computed Route Costs:

                    Daily     Daily     Daily
                    Vehicle   Vehicle   Peak      Daily
Route     Type      Hours     Miles     Vehicles  Cost

103       Peak      2,7       52        2         $138
107       Peak      3.8       65        2         $171
104       Peak      3.4       62        2         $161
1         Local     56.4      792       5         $1,846
20        Local     75.5      1,187     6         $2,570
5         Local     35.1      574       3         $1,217


                       Appendix D(continued)

              Transit Authority of Northern Kentucky

Final Model:

Daily Peak Route Cost =
$17.89 x daily route vehicle hours + $ 0.69 x daily route vehicle
miles + $15.58 x vehicles used on route

Daily Local Route Cost =
$17.89 x daily route vehicle hours + $ 0.69 x daily route vehicle
miles + $10.67 x vehicles used on route

                       Computed Route Costs:

                    Daily     Daily     Daily
                    Vehicle   Vehicle   Peak      Daily
Route     Type      Hours     Miles     Vehicles  Cost

1A        Peak      16.8      265       4         $546
1C        Peak      10.8      192       2         $357
1B        Peak      8.6       157       2         $293
24        Local     48.4      920       11        $1,618
6         Local     22.7      232       4         $609
5         Local     28.2      290       5         $758



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