
  • Fighting Ebola: A Grand Challenge for Development

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  • The Battle Against Ebola: On the Front Lines of an Epidemic

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  • Qualified medical professionals: click here if you would like to volunteer to work in West Africa

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  • Read the latest fact sheet on the West Africa Ebola Outbreak - Updated 10/08/2014

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  • United States Will Help Mobilize 100 Additional African Health Workers for the Ebola Outbreak

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How Can I Help?

Medical Volunteers

We are appealing to the medical community in the United States for assistance with the West Africa Ebola Outbreak. If you are a qualified medical professional and want to volunteer to work in West Africa, click here to contact reputable organizations who are active in the Ebola response through the Center for International Disaster Information (CIDI).

As part of a comprehensive and coordinated response to the 2014 Ebola outbreak in West Africa, the CDC is developing an introductory safety training course for licensed clinicians intending to work in an Ebola Treatment Unit (ETU) in Africa.


If you wish to donate money to organizations responding to the West Africa Ebola Outbreak, you can give to one of the Non-Governmental Organizations Responding to Ebola


We are calling on the global community to quickly deliver practical and cost-effective innovations that can help healthcare workers on the front lines provide better care and stop the spread of Ebola. Learn more about Fighting Ebola: A Grand Challenge for Development

The ongoing Ebola outbreak in West Africa is the largest and most-protracted ever recorded and it shows no signs of waning as the affected countries have been unable to control the outbreak on their own.

Since December 2013, Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria, and Sierra Leone have reported 8,011 suspected and confirmed cases. New cases continue to be recorded indicating that the outbreak – which has an overall fatality rate of 55%– has not been contained.

In response to the West Africa Ebola Outbreak, USAID has activated a Disaster Assistance Response Team (DART). The DART, comprising team members in Monrovia, Liberia, and Conakry, Guinea, will coordinate planning, operations, logistics, administrative issues, and other critical areas of the interagency response. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) will staff public health and medical response positions on the DART.

The spread of the deadly Ebola virus in Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone is also a reminder of the vast development needs that persist in some of the region's poorest countries despite rapid economic growth and investment. As a development agency, USAID is very concerned about the current Ebola outbreak in West Africa – and its potential for expansion – because of the health, economic, and social impacts this disease is having in the affected countries. We are guided by our Agency's mission statement - we partner to end extreme poverty and promote resilient democratic societies while advancing our security and prosperity – in our efforts to support countries’ efforts to build their resilience to this threat.

Last updated: October 10, 2014

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