[Joint House and Senate Hearing, 114 Congress]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]
NOVEMBER 17, 2015
Serial No. 114-43
Printed for the use of the Committee on Homeland Security
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Michael T. McCaul, Texas, Chairman
Lamar Smith, Texas Bennie G. Thompson, Mississippi
Peter T. King, New York Loretta Sanchez, California
Mike Rogers, Alabama Sheila Jackson Lee, Texas
Candice S. Miller, Michigan, Vice James R. Langevin, Rhode Island
Chair Brian Higgins, New York
Jeff Duncan, South Carolina Cedric L. Richmond, Louisiana
Tom Marino, Pennsylvania William R. Keating, Massachusetts
Lou Barletta, Pennsylvania Donald M. Payne, Jr., New Jersey
Scott Perry, Pennsylvania Filemon Vela, Texas
Curt Clawson, Florida Bonnie Watson Coleman, New Jersey
John Katko, New York Kathleen M. Rice, New York
Will Hurd, Texas Norma J. Torres, California
Earl L. ``Buddy'' Carter, Georgia
Mark Walker, North Carolina
Barry Loudermilk, Georgia
Martha McSally, Arizona
John Ratcliffe, Texas
Daniel M. Donovan, Jr., New York
Brendan P. Shields, Staff Director
Joan V. O'Hara, General Counsel
Michael S. Twinchek, Chief Clerk
I. Lanier Avant, Minority Staff Director
Scott Perry, Pennsylvania, Chairman
Jeff Duncan, South Carolina Bonnie Watson Coleman, New Jersey
Curt Clawson, Florida Cedric L. Richmond, Louisiana
Earl L. ``Buddy'' Carter, Georgia Norma J. Torres, California
Barry Loudermilk, Georgia Bennie G. Thompson, Mississippi
Michael T. McCaul, Texas (ex (ex officio)
Ryan Consaul, Subcommittee Staff Director
Dennis Terry, Subcommittee Clerk
Cedric C. Haynes, Minority Subcommittee Staff Director
Ron Johnson, Wisconsin, Chairman
John McCain, Arizona Thomas R. Carper, Delaware
Rob Portman, Ohio Claire McCaskill, Missouri
Rand Paul, Kentucky Jon Tester, Montana
James Lankford, Oklahoma Tammy Baldwin, Wisconsin
Michael B. Enzi, Wyoming Heidi Heitkamp, North Dakota
Kelly Ayotte, New Hampshire Cory A. Booker, New Jersey
Joni Ernst, Iowa Gary C. Peters, Michigan
Ben Sasse, Nebraska
Keith B. Ashdown, Staff Director
Gabrielle A. Batkin, Minority Staff Director
John P. Kilvington, Minority Deputy Staff Director
Laura W. Kilbride, Chief Clerk
Benjamin C. Grazda, Hearing Clerk
James Lankford, Oklahoma, Chairman
John McCain, Arizona Heidi Heitkamp, North Dakota
Rob Portman, Ohio Jon Tester, Montana
Michael B. Enzi, Wyoming Cory A. Booker, New Jersey
Joni Ernst, Iowa Gary C. Peters, Michigan
Ben Sasse, Nebraska
John Cuaderess, Staff Director
Eric Bursch, Minority Staff Director
Rachel Nitsche, Chief Clerk
The Honorable Scott Perry, a Representative in Congress From the
State of Pennsylvania, and Chairman, Subcommittee on Oversight
and Management Efficiency, Committee on Homeland Security, U.S.
House of Representatives:
Oral Statement................................................. 1
Prepared Statement............................................. 2
The Honorable James Lankford, a U.S. Senator From the State of
Oklahoma, and Chairman, Subcommittee on Regulatory Affairs and
Federal Management, Committee on Homeland Security and
Governmental Affairs, U.S. Senate:
Oral Statement................................................. 4
Prepared Statement............................................. 5
The Honorable Bonnie Watson Coleman, a Representative in Congress
From the State of New Jersey, and Ranking Member, Subcommittee
on Oversight and Management Efficiency, Committee on Homeland
Security, U.S. House of Representatives:
Oral Statement................................................. 6
Prepared Statement............................................. 7
The Honorable Heidi Heitkamp, a U.S. Senator From the State of
North Dakota, and Ranking Member, Subcommittee on Regulatory
Affairs and Federal Management, Committee on Homeland Security
and Governmental Affairs, U.S. Senate.......................... 8
The Honorable Bennie G. Thompson, a Representative in Congress
From the State of Mississippi, and Ranking Member, Committee on
Homeland Security, U.S. House of Representatives............... 9
Mr. Joseph P. Clancy, Director, United States Secret Service,
U.S. Department of Homeland Security:
Oral Statement................................................. 11
Prepared Statement............................................. 13
Mr. John Roth, Inspector General, Office of Inspector General,
U.S. Department of Homeland Security:
Oral Statement................................................. 21
Prepared Statement............................................. 23
Mr. Joel C. Willemssen, Managing Director, Information Technology
Issues, U.S. Government Accountability Office:
Oral Statement................................................. 28
Prepared Statement............................................. 30
Questions From Chairman Scott Perry for Joseph P. Clancy......... 65
Questions From Ranking Member Bennie G. Thompson for Joseph P.
Clancy......................................................... 68
Questions From Chairman Ron Johnson for Joseph P. Clancy......... 74
Questions From Chairman James Lankford for Joseph P. Clancy...... 74
Questions From Chairman Scott Perry for John Roth................ 76
Questions From Ranking Member Bennie G. Thompson for John Roth... 77
Questions From Chairman James Lankford for John Roth............. 79
Question From Chairman Ron Johnson for John Roth................. 80
Question From Chairman Scott Perry for Joel C. Willemssen........ 81
Questions From Ranking Member Bennie G. Thompson for Joel C.
Willemssen..................................................... 81
Questions From Chairman James Lankford for Joel C. Willemssen.... 83
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
U.S. House of Representatives,
Committee on Homeland Security,
Subcommittee on Oversight and Management
Efficiency, and
U.S. Senate,
Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental
Subcommittee on Regulatory Affairs and
Federal Management,
Washington, DC.
The subcommittees met, pursuant to call, at 10:01 a.m., in
Room 210, HVC, Hon. Scott Perry [Chairman of the House
Committee on Homeland Security, Subcommittee on Oversight and
Management Efficiency] presiding.
Present from the Subcommittee on Oversight and Management
Efficiency: Representatives Perry, Watson Coleman, Thompson,
Duncan, Clawson, Torres, Carter, and Loudermilk.
Present from the Subcommittee on Regulatory Affairs and
Federal Management: Senators Lankford, Heitkamp, Johnson, and
Mr. Perry. The House Committee on Homeland Security,
Subcommittee on Oversight and Management Efficiency and the
Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs,
Subcommittee on Regulatory Affairs and Federal Management will
come to order.
The purpose of this hearing is to examine failures at the
U.S. Secret Service and their implications Government-wide.
The Chair recognizes himself for an opening statement.
In September, the DHS Office of Inspector General, the OIG,
released a report on its 4-month-long investigation into
improper access and distribution of information within the
Secret Service. The findings were alarming.
Wide-spread violations of the Privacy Act and an agency
policy occurred by Secret Service employees who accessed and
distributed information on a Member of Congress' past
employment application and senior management did nothing
immediately to stop it.
Inspector General John Roth stated that the episode was
deeply disturbing. In addition, Director Clancy announced he
had a different account of what he initially told OIG.
Investigators subsequently had to re-interview Director Clancy
and issue an addendum to the report.
This incident leaves numerous questions unanswered. How did
this happen? Why did Secret Service leadership not act and why
and how did Director Clancy change his account almost
immediately after the IG's report was released? The American
people deserve answers. DHS must hold all employees involved
appropriately accountable.
As disturbing as this incident is, it is only one example
of other instances where Secret Service employees showed very
poor judgment and leadership failed to act.
Earlier this year, senior agents who may have been under
the influence of alcohol compromised an area at the White House
being investigated for a suspicious package. Director Clancy
was, again, not immediately informed.
Late last year, OIG also reported about a 2011 incident
where agents were diverted to investigate an accident at the
home of--correction--an incident at the home of the director's
assistant, which appeared to be a misuse of agency resources
and violation of the Federal Employee Code of Ethics.
The findings in the IG's latest report are yet another
example of damage to the American people's trust in the Secret
Service. When scandal after scandal emerges and the management
is ill-informed or fails to act, the American people have cause
for great concern. We entrust the Secret Service with
tremendous authorities and tools. When they abuse those
authorities, they violate their contract with the American
Because of the Service's recent failures, DHS Secretary Jeh
Johnson convened a panel of experts late last year to recommend
changes to improve the service. The panel made broad
recommendations in December 2014 related to training and
personnel, perimeter security, technology and operation, and
leadership. The panel's report provided a broad road map to
begin reforming the service. I expect Director Clancy to fully
explain today what progress has been made in implementing the
panel's recommendations.
While Congress has a responsibility to conduct rigorous
oversight of the latest incident, we must also understand what
is being done to improve the overall management of the Secret
I am also concerned that similar abuses and shortcomings
could occur in other Federal law enforcement agencies. It is
important to understand what policies and safeguards, if any,
are in place to prevent similar abuse regardless of whether it
is as a Member of Congress or one of our constituents back
home. If it happened at the Service, what is to say other
Federal agencies are any better?
Today's hearing must be about more than pointing fingers.
The American people have high expectations, as they should, for
the Secret Service and want the agency to be successful. Their
mission is absolutely critical to our Nation's well-being and,
as we saw from excellent work by Secret Service personnel
during the papal visit, and United States--correction--United
Nations General Assembly, the Service can succeed with proper
focus and leadership.
I look forward to hearing more from our witnesses on how
the Secret Service can best overcome recent obstacles to
improve the management and reform the culture of this critical
[The statement of Chairman Perry follows:]
Statement of Chairman Scott Perry
November 17, 2015
In September, the DHS Office of Inspector General (OIG) released a
report on its 4-month-long investigation into improper access and
distribution of information within the Secret Service. The findings
were alarming: Wide-spread violations of the Privacy Act and agency
policy occurred by Secret Service employees who accessed and
distributed information on a Member of Congress's past employment
application and senior management did nothing immediately to stop it.
Inspector General John Roth stated that the episode was ``deeply
disturbing.'' In addition, Director Clancy announced he had a different
account of what he initially told OIG. Investigators subsequently had
to reinterview Director Clancy and issue an addendum to the report.
This incident leaves numerous questions unanswered: How did this
happen, why did Secret Service leadership not act, and why and how did
Director Clancy change his account almost immediately after the IG's
report is released? The American people deserve answers. DHS must hold
all employees involved appropriately accountable. As disturbing as this
incident is, it is only one example of other instances where Secret
Service employees showed very poor judgment and leadership failed to
act. Earlier this year, senior agents who may have been under the
influence of alcohol, compromised an area at the White House being
investigated for a suspicious package. Director Clancy was again not
immediately informed. Late last year, OIG also reported about a 2011
incident where agents were diverted to investigate an incident at the
home of the director's assistant, which appeared to be a misuse of
agency resources and violation of the Federal employee Code of Ethics.
The findings in the IG's latest report are yet another example of
damage to the American people's trust in the Secret Service. When
scandal after scandal emerges and management is ill-informed or fails
to act, the American people have cause for great concern. We entrust
the Secret Service with tremendous authorities and tools. When they
abuse those authorities, they violate their contract with the American
Because of the Service's recent failures, DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson
convened a panel of experts late last year to recommend changes to
improve the Service. The panel made broad recommendations in December
2014 related to training and personnel; perimeter security, technology,
and operations; and leadership. The panel's report provided a broad
road map to begin reforming the Service. I expect Director Clancy to
fully explain today what progress has been made in implementing the
panel's recommendations. While Congress has a responsibility to conduct
rigorous oversight of the latest incident, we must also understand what
is being done to improve the overall management of the Secret Service.
I am also concerned that similar abuses and shortcomings could
occur in other Federal law enforcement agencies. It's important to
understand what policies and safeguards, if any, are in place to
prevent similar abuse regardless of whether it's a Member of Congress
or one of our constituents back home. If it happened at the Service,
what's to say other Federal agencies are any better?
Today's hearing must be about more than pointing fingers. The
American people have high expectations for the Secret Service and want
the agency to be successful. Their mission is absolutely critical to
our Nation's well-being and as we saw from the excellent work by Secret
Service personnel during the papal visit and United Nations General
Assembly, the Service can succeed with the proper focus and leadership.
I look forward to hearing more from our witnesses on how the Secret
Service can best overcome recent obstacles to improve the management
and reform the culture of this critical agency.
Mr. Perry. The Chair now recognizes the Chairman of the
Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs,
Subcommittee on Regulatory Affairs and Federal Management, the
gentleman from Oklahoma, Mr. Lankford, for his statement.
Senator Lankford. Chairman Perry, thank you very much.
Thanks for holding this joint hearing with our subcommittee, as
Good morning, everyone. I am trying to think of a more
awkward situation than how we are currently seated here but I
am sure there is a way through a separate room; we are so far
away from each other on this panel setting. I do appreciate
everyone here. Hopefully this will be an open dialogue as we
walk through this process together.
I do hope this also sheds some important light on the
situation where we are at, not only with the Secret Service but
Government-wide. At the outset, I would like to acknowledge the
essential role that Secret Service fills and its incredible
dedication to our country. We do appreciate very much the
service the Secret Service brings to our Nation and what it has
done historically and what it continues to do.
However, recent history of high-profile and embarrassing
scandals of the Secret Service and the latest DHS inspector
general findings of wrongdoing can't be swept under the rug, as
I know Secret Service is not doing.
IG's investigation revealed unauthorized database searches
of protected information began during a House Oversight and
Government Reform hearing in March of this year. In the days
that followed, many in the Secret Service continued to misuse
their authority to access the sensitive employment history of
Chairman Jason Chaffetz.
The IG's report noted that 60 instances of unauthorized
access to the database by 45 Secret Service employees had
violated the Privacy Act--excuse me--as well as an internal and
DHS policies. The report also noted that 18 senior Secret
Service executives failed to stop the unauthorized access or to
inform Director Clancy about the unauthorized accesses.
In fairness, the report does reflect that one special agent
instructed her subordinates to cease accessing the database. On
its face, such wide-spread violations of our law and the
public's trust are deeply disturbing. The IG did not question
those involved if this was the only time they have
inappropriately used the database.
In the internet age, everyone is concerned about the
possibility that personal information could be stolen or
misused. Our elite law enforcement agencies are not above the
law and those responsible must face appropriate consequences.
But, to me, there is a much bigger issue.
In these days, millions of Americans' personal data is
stored across many Government agencies. The GAO report released
earlier this year on the Government's Federal information
security showed alarming findings. From 2009 to 2014, the
number of information security incidents involving personally-
identifiable information reported by Federal agencies has more
than doubled.
GAO has stated that many agencies have largely failed to
fully implement the hundreds of recommendations previously made
to remedy security control vulnerabilities.
These security weaknesses continue to exist and the
protection of significant personal data of millions of
Americans housed by the IRS, HHS, the VA, and other agencies.
Just this month, the Social Security Administration's
Office of the Inspector General released a report showing that
the Social Security Administration paid monetary awards to 50
employees who were previously discovered to have accessed
personal information of others without authorization.
Fifty Federal employees who accessed the personal
information of others without authorization, yet, incredibly,
in the end, they were rewarded despite breaking the law.
In another troublesome example the Senate Homeland Security
Committee received testimony this year that a whistleblower was
retaliated against for shedding light on inadequate suicide
prevention practices at a V.A. hospital. This whistleblower
learned that V.A. employees illegally and improperly accessed
his private medical records after he brought to light the
shameful behavior occurring at the V.A. hospital where he
The question is now how do we fix this problem so that
Americans believe that Government will protect their
information and not use it for nefarious means? I am hopeful
today we can take a step forward to address this issue, and
would like to thank Director Clancy, Inspector General Roth,
and Mr. Willemssen for their testimony today.
I look forward to examining these challenges with each of
[The statement of Chairman Lankford follows:]
Statement of Chairman James Lankford
November 17, 2015
Good afternoon. I'd like to thank Chairman Perry for his
willingness to hold this important joint hearing with our subcommittee.
I'm hopeful that our efforts here today will shed light on how one of
our top law enforcement agencies failed to protect sensitive personal
information housed in internal databases.
At the outset, it is important to acknowledge the essential
security role that the Secret Service fills, and its on-going
dedication to our country. However, the recent history of high-profile
and embarrassing scandals at the Service and the latest DHS Inspector
General findings of wrong-doing cannot be swept under the rug. The IG's
investigation reveals that unauthorized database searches of protected
information began during a House Oversight and Government Reform
hearing in March of this year. In the days that followed, many at the
Secret Service continued to misuse their authority to access the
sensitive employment history of Chairman Jason Chaffetz. The IG's
report noted 60 instances of unauthorized access to the database by 45
Secret Service employees that violated the Privacy Act as well as
internal and DHS policies.
The report also noted that 18 senior Secret Service executives
failed to stop the unauthorized access or inform Director Clancy about
the unauthorized accesses. In fairness, the report does reflect that
one Special Agent instructed her subordinates to cease accessing the
database. On its face, such wide-spread violations of our law and the
public's trust are deeply disturbing. The IG did not question those
involved if this was the only time they have inappropriately used the
database. In the internet age, everyone is concerned about the
possibility that personal information could be stolen or misused.
Our elite law enforcement agencies are not above the law and those
responsible must face appropriate consequences. But to me, there is
also a much bigger issue for us to examine. These days millions of
Americans' personal data is stored not just on databases at the Secret
Service, but across many Government agencies. A GAO report released
earlier this year on the Government's Federal information security
showed alarming findings. From 2009 to 2014 the number of information
security incidents involving personally identifiable information
reported by Federal agencies has more than doubled. GAO has stated that
many agencies have largely failed to fully implement the hundreds of
recommendations previously made to remedy security control
These security weaknesses continue to exist in the protection of
the significant personal data of millions of Americans housed by the
IRS, HHS, the VA and other agencies. Just this month, the Social
Security Administration's Office of the Inspector General released a
report showing that the Social Security Administration paid monetary
awards to 50 employees who were previously discovered to have accessed
the personal information of others without authorization. Fifty Federal
employees who accessed the personal information of others, without
authorization and yet incredibly in the end they were rewarded despite
breaking the law. In another troublesome example, the Senate Homeland
Security Committee received testimony this year that a whistleblower
was retaliated against for shedding light on inadequate suicide
prevention practices at a V.A. hospital.
This whistleblower learned that V.A. employees illegally and
improperly accessed his private medical records after he brought to
light the shameful behavior occurring at the V.A. hospital where he
served. So it's not just the Secret Service that has employees who
illegally accessed private information, this behavior has occurred
across Government. The question is how do we fix this problem so that
Americans believe that Government will protect their information and
not use it to for nefarious means? I am hopeful today we can take a
step forward to address this issue.
I'd like to thank Director Clancy, Inspector General Roth, and Mr.
Willemssen for their testimony today. I look forward to examining these
challenges with each of you.
Mr. Perry. Chair now recognizes the Ranking Minority Member
of the House Committee on Homeland Security, Subcommittee on
Oversight and Management Efficiency, the gentlelady from New
Jersey, Mrs. Watson Coleman, for her statement.
Mrs. Watson Coleman. I want to thank you, Mr. Chairman, and
Chairman Lankford, and Ranking Member Heitkamp for holding
today's hearings.
Director Clancy, I want to first extend my condolences in
person on the loss of your father.
Director, Inspector General Roth, and Mr. Willemssen, I
thank you for your testimony. I also want to thank the men and
women of the Secret Service for their diligence and hard work
during the recent papal visit and the 70th anniversary of the
United Nations General Assembly.
As a Member of the Committee on Homeland Security and the
Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, I am well aware
of the gravity of the Secret Service's mission, particularly
regarding its duty to protect the President, along with foreign
dignitaries, and to oversee security at major events
domestically and abroad.
While I am confident that the overwhelming majority of the
men and women of the Secret Service both take their jobs
seriously and express the highest grade of professionalism, I
am appalled by the recent reports of operational lapses and
poor judgment by senior-level management.
It is obvious that there is a wide-spread lack of
consistent leadership and management within Secret Service.
However, this did not just begin under Director Clancy's
leadership. These issues have plagued the Secret Service for a
number of years.
Last year, Secretary Johnson commissioned the independent
panel to evaluate the Secret Service. According to the panel's
report, the Secret Service needed to undergo a cultural change,
and that included having leadership that was capable of
fostering greater accountability among all staff, of
modernizing administrative functions including adjusting the
hours special agents and uniformed division personnel must
work, and improving their training.
After the panel dismantled, the inspector general continued
to corroborate their findings. In 2015 alone, the inspector
general has issued two memoranda regarding misconduct among
senior Secret Service personnel and two Management Advisories.
The most recent Management Advisory was issued on October
21 when personnel were found sleeping on the job. The inspector
general found that staffing and scheduling practices of the
Secret Service contributes to officer fatigue and that this can
pose immediate danger to protectees.
Instead of addressing the root of the problem of having
overworked agents, the Secret Service considered the findings
an isolated incident. Furthermore, the inspector general's most
recent Management Advisory on improper database access of the
Secret Service shows that the agency has a deeply-rooted
cultural problem that is not being addressed.
The inspector general found that over 40 agents had
improperly accessed the personnel records of a Member of
Congress through an antiquated database.
According to the inspector general's findings, Secret
Service leadership including the director and the deputy
director did not recognize the severity of this situation and
dismissed that data breach as a rumor.
The inspector general found that instead of dealing with
this situation, the director of the Secret Service discussed
the improper database access with former directors at a
What is even far more glaring is the inspector general
found that the assistant director of training, appointed by
Director Clancy, to manage and direct all aspects of personnel
care, development, and operational capacity training for the
agencies, suggested that the information contained in this
database be leaked to embarrass a Congressman.
Mr. Chairman, while this incident is reprehensible, it is
not beneficial for us to be here today to speak about it in
isolation. We must have a broader, productive discussion about
the Secret Services' management and culture.
Finally, I know the Secret Service cannot improve without
help from Congress. Therefore, I need to know too, from the
director what he needs from us, to not only make the adequate
changes for staffing, but also the technological advances for
personal databases.
But I also need to know from the director what his plans
for the agency are when he has top-level management that turns
a blind eye instead of addressing issues.
With that Mr. Chairman, I yield back the balance of my
[The statement of Ranking Member Watson Coleman follows:]
Statement of Ranking Member Bonnie Watson Coleman
November 17, 2015
I also want to thank the men and women of the Secret Service for
their diligence and hard work during the recent Papal Visit and the
70th Anniversary of the United Nations General Assembly. As a Member of
the Committee on Homeland Security and the Committee on Oversight and
Government Reform, I am well aware of the gravity of the Secret
Service's mission, particularly regarding its duty to protect the
President along with foreign dignitaries, and to oversee security at
major events domestically and abroad.
While I am confident that the overwhelming majority of the men and
women of the Secret Service both take their jobs seriously and express
the highest grade of professionalism, I am appalled by the recent
reports of operational lapses and poor judgment by senior-level
It is obvious that there is a wide-spread lack of consistent
leadership and management within the Secret Service. However, this did
not just begin under Director Clancy's leadership. These issues have
plagued the Secret Service for a number of years. Last year, Secretary
Johnson commissioned an independent panel to evaluate the Secret
According to the Panel's report, the Secret Service needed to
undergo a cultural change, and that included having leadership that was
capable of fostering greater accountability among all staff, of
modernizing administrative functions, including adjusting the hours
Special Agents and Uniformed Division personnel must work, and
improving their training.
After the panel dismantled, the inspector general continued to
corroborate their findings. In 2015 alone, the inspector general has
issued two memoranda regarding misconduct among senior Secret Service
personnel and two management advisories.
The most recent management advisory was issued on October 21, when
personnel were found sleeping on the job. The inspector general found
that staffing and scheduling practices of the Secret Service
contributes to officer fatigue and this could pose immediate danger to
protectees. Instead of addressing the root of the problem of having
overworked agents, the Secret Service considered the findings an
isolated incident.
Furthermore, the inspector general's most recent management
advisory on Improper Database Access at the Secret Service shows that
the agency has a deeply-rooted cultural problem that is not being
addressed. The inspector general found that over 40 agents improperly
accessed the personnel records of a Member of Congress, through an
antiquated database.
According to the inspector general's findings, Secret Service
leadership including the director and the deputy director did not
recognize the severity of the situation and dismissed the data breach
as a rumor. The inspector general found that instead of dealing with
the situation, the director of the Secret Service discussed the
improper database access with former directors at a luncheon.
What is even far more glaring is the inspector general found that
the assistant director of training--appointed by Director Clancy to
manage and direct all aspects of personnel career development and
operational capacity training for the agency-suggested that the
information contained in this database be leaked to embarrass the
Mr. Chairman, while this incident is reprehensible, it is not
beneficial for us to be here today to speak about it in isolation. We
must have a broader, productive discussion about the Secret Service's
management and culture.
Finally, I know the Secret Service cannot improve without help from
Congress. Therefore, I need to know to from the director what he needs
from us to not only make the adequate changes for staffing but also the
technological advancements for personnel databases, but I also need to
know from the director what his plans for the agency are, when he has
top-level management that turns a blind eye instead of addressing
Mr. Perry. Chair thanks the gentlelady. The Chair now
recognizes the Ranking Minority Member of the Senate Committee
on Homeland Security and Governmental Affair's Subcommittee on
Regulatory Affairs and Federal Management, the gentlelady from
North Dakota, Ms. Heitkamp for any statement she may have.
Senator Heitkamp. Thank you Chairman Perry and Chairman
Lankford. Welcome Mr. Clancy, Mr. Roth, and Mr. Willemssen. I
first want to say thank you to the brave men and the brave
women who serve in the Secret Service. While I understand the
last few months and few years have been marked by high-profile
incidents of agency misconduct, I know, I know and you know the
majority of our agents work hard and put their life on the line
every day to protect the White House, past Presidents,
Presidential candidates, and many administration officials and
foreign dignitaries.
I also know first-hand as a former leader of a law
enforcement agency what the bad actions of a 2 or 3 or 4 agents
can do to the morale of an entire organization. I know that,
just looking at the faces behind you Mr. Clancy, I know the
effect that these high-profile discussions have had.
I am here in the spirit of, let's work together to make the
Secret Service what the Secret Service should be, the most
trusted law enforcement agency in America. Let's restore the
morale of your agents. Let's work together in a management
collaboration and cooperation to change this dynamic and once
again, have your agents stand tall if they tell their friends
and their neighbors that they work for the Secret Service.
That is a big part of why I am here today--is to remember
and remind I think everyone on this day that there are
literally thousands of men and women who every day walk
alongside cars, willing to sacrifice their life in protection
of leaders of this country. Nothing that can be done by one
person can take away the bravery of those men and women.
So clearly, we have some issues to discuss, there is no
doubt about it. Clearly, you have already heard the concerns
that we have here today. But my reason for being here and for
being interested in this topic is really to restore the morale
and restore the integrity of the Secret Service so that all the
brave men and women who have done nothing wrong in the Secret
Service can once again hold their heads high.
So with that, I yield back the balance of my time.
Mr. Perry. Chair thanks the gentlelady. The Chair now
recognizes the Ranking Minority Member of the House Committee
on Homeland Security. The gentleman from Mississippi, Mr.
Thompson for his statement.
Mr. Thompson. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman. I thank
the Oversight and Management Efficiency's Subcommittee and the
Senate Subcommittee on Regulatory Affairs and Federal
Management for holding today's hearing. I also welcome Director
Clancy and Inspector General Roth and Director Willemssen
I join my colleagues who have already said before me, in
thanking the men and women of the Secret Service for their
work, during both the papal visit and the 70th anniversary of
the United Nations. The dedication of the agents and officers
of the Secret Service is admirable.
Unfortunately, their tireless work is time and again
overshadowed by the exposure of symptomatic problems within the
agency. The issues that lie within the Secret Service existed
long before Director Clancy's appointment. However, as head of
the agency, Congress, the public, and officers and agents he
leads, hold him accountable.
Prior to Director Clancy's appointment, serious operational
lapses and leadership failures led to Secretary Johnson's
appointment of a independent panel to review the Secret
Service. This panel, known as the Protective Mission Panel, had
several glaring findings and recommendations.
One of these findings is what I have realized and
articulated through many years of oversight of the Secret
Service: The law enforcement agency needs to undergo a cultural
change that includes leadership that is capable of fostering
greater accountability.
The panel stated, ``The agency is starved for leadership.''
Unfortunately, is still seems that as if the Secret Service has
yet to be fed.
Since the Protective Mission panel completed its review,
the Office of the Inspector General has led investigations into
misconduct involving Secret Service supervisors on more than
one occasion.
The inspector general found that in March, at least 4
supervisors turned a blind eye when 2 veteran agents, including
the head of the President's protective detail, disrupted a bomb
investigation by allegedly driving impaired through a barricade
at the White House.
Last month, the inspector general found that at least 45
agents improperly accessed a 1980s mainframe database to
retrieve information in an attempt to embarrass a Member of
Congress. Of those agents who may have broken the law by
improperly accessing this database, approximately 18 of them
were at the GS-15 and SES levels.
The findings also concluded the director of the Secret
Service, his deputy director and his chief of staff failed to
take seriously that agents were discussing information about
the Congressman's personnel file.
The inspector general also made the finding that the
assistant director of training--the person appointed by
Director Clancy to manage and direct all aspects of personnel,
career development, and professionalism--suggested that the
information found in the database be leaked in retaliation to
Congressional oversight.
The IG's findings further illustrate that there is a lack
of leadership and accountability from the top down. In this
instance, very little leadership and accountability was shown.
Director Clancy has indicated that the Secret Service will be
expanding and undergoing a rigorous and necessary hiring phase.
The new hires will be looking to their leaders for guidance.
As the Secret Service expands, it is our responsibility as
Members of Congress to assist the Secret Service with adequate,
necessary funding for its mission. Both the Protective Mission
panel and the inspector general, have indicated that officer
fatigue can place protectees at risk.
The agency also needs to have the capacity to properly vet
employees before they begin work rather than continuing the
practice of having uncleared personnel working in sensitive
areas such as the White House.
The new recruits should represent America and have
opportunities for advancement. As of right now, the Secret
Service's direct diversity numbers are dismal. Furthermore, it
would be hard for the law enforcement agency's commitment to
equal opportunity and inclusion to be taken seriously with a
class-action, racial-discrimination lawsuit still hanging over
the Secret Service's head, and the Secret Service using every
delay tactic it can instead of resolving the lawsuit amicably.
There must be some sweeping changes made at the Secret
Service. I know the deeply-rooted problems will not cease
overnight, but we must get to the source of them instead of
continuously glossing over, putting on Band-Aids, and going
forward with business as usual.
I look forward to working with the Secret Service to
advance its mission. With that I yield back.
Mr. Perry. Chair thanks the gentleman. The Chairman reminds
other Members of the subcommittee that opening statements may
be submitted for the record.
We are pleased to have a distinguished panel of witnesses
before us today on this important topic. The witnesses' entire
written statements will appear in the record.
The Chair will introduce all of the witnesses first and
then recognize each of you for your testimony.
Mr. Joseph Clancy was appointed director of the United
States Secret Service in February 2015, after serving as acting
director since October 2014. Previously, Mr. Clancy served as
the special agent in charge of the Presidential Protective
division. Mr. Clancy began his career with the Secret Service
in 1984 in the Philadelphia field office.
The Honorable John Roth assumed the post of inspector
general for the Department of Homeland Security in March 2014.
Previously, Mr. Roth served as the director of the Office of
Criminal Investigations at the Food and Drug Administration and
as an assistant U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of
Welcome, Mr. Roth.
Mr. Joel Willemssen is managing director for the
information technology issues at the Government Accountability
Office, the GAO, where he leads the GAO's evaluations of
information technology across the Federal Government.
Since joining GAO in 1979, he has led numerous reviews of
information technology systems and management at a variety of
Federal agencies.
Welcome, Joel.
Thank you for being here today. The Chair now recognizes
Mr. Clancy for his opening statement.
Mr. Clancy. Good morning, Mr. Chairman, Chairman Lankford,
Chairman Perry, Chairman Johnson, Ranking Member Watson
Coleman, and Ranking Member Thompson, and distinguished Members
of the committee.
Thank you for the opportunity to testify today. I plan to
address the findings from the recent OIG report and the many
improvements implemented over the past year designed to address
the Protective Mission Panel findings.
I also look forward to discussing the numerous
organizational changes we have made at the United States Secret
Service, and would like to express my gratitude and recognize
the support of Secretary Johnson and the Congress in making
many of these changes possible.
I sit before you today a proud representative of the
thousands of men and women who selflessly execute the mission
of this agency on a daily basis. Recent accomplishments,
including 4 near-simultaneous Special Security Events
surrounding the papal visit and the United Nations General
Assembly, as well as a number of high-profile cyber
investigations serve to reinforce this feeling.
In fact, in addition to initiating protection of two
Presidential candidates last week, Secret Service personnel are
at this very moment deployed around the world ensuring the
President's safety while in Southeast Asia in yet another
example of their commitment and dedication to the mission.
Despite the Secret Service's many recent successes, I
recognize that the primary reason we are here today is to
address the misconduct detailed in the OIG's report. This
investigation arose from allegations that the Secret Service
employees inappropriately utilized an internal database to
access the applicant record of an individual who is now a
Member of Congress.
The misconduct outlined in the report is inexcusable and
unacceptable. This conduct is not supportive of the agency's
unique position of public trust. On behalf of the men and women
of the Secret Service, I would like to publicly renew my
apology for this breach of trust and affirm my commitment to
restoring it.
The OIG reported that these employees violated existing
Secret Service and DHS policies pertaining to the handling of
the Privacy-Act-protected information. At the time that these
violations occurred, relevant policies and procedures were in
place and could be found in a number of locations, including
the Secret Service Ethics Guide, the Table of Penalties, policy
manuals and required on-line training courses. I was angered by
the willful disregard of these policies and I am determined to
ensure that all employees are held to the highest standards of
professional conduct.
As I stated on prior occasions, I am committed to ensuring
the accountability in this matter regardless of rank or
seniority. Secretary Johnson and I stand together on this
point. To date, several dozen employees have been issued
disciplinary proposals relating to these events. More are on
the way. The discipline is being administered in accordance
with DHS and Secret Service policy, and I am confident that
these actions will be fair, appropriate, and completed in a
timely fashion.
A contributing factor that allowed multiple individuals to
improperly access this information was the nature of the
information system that housed the data. Secret Service
recognized this deficiency some years ago and began a process
to modernize its IT infrastructure to allow for such data to be
compartmentalized and restrict the access to those with an
official need to know. This process was completed this past
At this time, the MCI system has been officially retired.
With respect to applicant records, the number of employees with
access to the new system has been reduced by more than 95
Finally, much has been made of my statements and a decision
of the OIG to reopen the investigation on October 5, 2015.
Prior to publicly releasing the report on September 30, the OIG
provided a draft copy for my review which reflected my
statement that I became aware of the rumor on April 1.
As my colleagues and I reviewed the draft, I was reminded
that I had, in fact, been made aware of the rumor on March 25.
However, let me be clear that what I was made aware of was a
rumor with no indication of employees' misconduct or employees
accessing internal databases. In order to ensure the accuracy
of the report and knowing the concern it would cause, I took
the initiative to contact Mr. Roth prior to the report's
publication to ensure the report was accurate and correct on
this point.
With respect to the recommendations of the Protective
Mission Panel, tremendous progress has been made in all areas.
I am proud to say that we have significantly altered the way
the Secret Service is structured and managed. We have also made
strides in hiring new members of our workforce and expanding
training opportunities for current members.
I am also realistic in knowing that many of the changes we
are making will take time and that we must continue to
communicate these changes to our workforce.
In the interest of time, I will point you to my written
testimony submitted in advance of this hearing for a more
thorough description of this process and look forward to
discussing our progress on these recommendations with each of
you today.
I would like to close by remembering a remarkable leader
and true friend, former Assistant Director Jerry Parr. Jerry is
widely known for the decisive actions he took during the March
30, 1981, assassination attempt on President Ronald Reagan. The
decisions he made that day, including evacuating the President
directly to the hospital, likely saved the life of the
President. As I reflected on his passing, I had the opportunity
to review a speech he made to a graduating special agent
training class in 1994.
He stated, ``An organizational culture is a product of
time, successes, sufferings, failures and just plain hard work.
After a hundred years or so, deep roots are developed and a
corporate memory evolves. While another agency can purchase
persons, equipment and technology similar to the Secret
Service, it cannot buy this corporate memory. This is a
priceless commodity.''
As the men and women of this agency traverse these
challenging times, it is important to remember that culture
involves more than an agency's failures and that the successes
derived from hard work and dedication will prevail as the
lasting corporate memory of the Secret Service.
Thank you and I welcome any questions you may have.
[The prepared statement of Mr. Clancy follows:]
Prepared Statement of Joseph P. Clancy
November 17, 2015
Good afternoon, Chairman Lankford, Chairman Perry, Ranking Member
Heitkamp, Ranking Member Watson Coleman, and distinguished Members of
the committees. Thank you for the opportunity to testify today. I look
forward to discussing the on-going challenges at the United States
Secret Service (``Secret Service'') including those recently outlined
by the Department of Homeland Security (``DHS'') Office of Inspector
General (``OIG''). I am also prepared to elaborate on the
organizational changes and improvements implemented over the past year
to address them. I would like to express my gratitude and recognize the
support of Congress in making many of these changes possible.
I proudly sit before you today representing the thousands of men
and women who selflessly execute the mission of this agency on a daily
basis. Over the past 150 years, the Secret Service has established
itself as one of the most highly-regarded law enforcement agencies in
the world. Throughout our history, we have continued to answer the call
to serve our country, and through our work, have created a tradition of
excellence. The cornerstone of our success is the absolute dedication
to duty displayed by the men and women of this agency.
investigation into the improper access of a secret service data system
I would like at the outset to address the recent investigation by
the DHS OIG into allegations that Secret Service employees improperly
accessed and distributed information in internal databases. The
investigation found that a number of employees violated existing Secret
Service and DHS policies pertaining to the unauthorized access and
disclosure of information protected by the Privacy Act of 1974. The
behavior these employees exhibited is unacceptable. I am angered by the
underlying actions reflected in the OIG's findings and am committed to
ensuring that all employees are held to the highest standards of
professional conduct, whether on- or off-duty. Those we protect and the
public we serve expect us to live by our oaths and the values we have
established as an agency, and we should demand nothing less from each
other. We are better than the actions illustrated in this report and
people will be held accountable for their actions. We have made
necessary changes to technology in order to limit the potential for
future misconduct, and are implementing enhanced training. I will
continue to review policies, practices, and training to address
employee misconduct and demand the highest level of integrity of all
our employees.
On behalf of the men and women of the Secret Service, I would like
to publicly renew my apology for this breach of trust and confidence
and state my commitment to restoring it. I have heard loud and clear
the demand for accountability and need for timely, decisive
discipline--and I agree. I also understand that apologies and
expressions of anger are not enough. Secretary Jeh Johnson and I stand
together on this point. Appropriate discipline is being administered in
accordance with DHS and Secret Service policy. I am confident that the
actions regarding the individuals involved will be prompt, fair, and
On March 24, 2015, there were technological security deficiencies
within the Secret Service's primary internal database that contributed
to the unauthorized access of information. These internal
vulnerabilities have been addressed and the potential for similar
misconduct in the future mitigated. The Master Central Index (``MCI'')
was a mainframe application developed in 1984 that served as a central
searching application and case management system. More specifically,
MCI contained records from protective, investigative, and human capital
divisions and served as a single access point for investigators and
administrators. A significant deficiency of this arrangement was that
an MCI user had access to all of the data in MCI regardless of whether
it was necessary for that user's job function or not.
The Secret Service's Information Integration and Technology
Transformation (``IITT'') program was established in fiscal year 2010.
In recognition of the limitations of MCI and other mainframe
applications, the Secret Service initiated the Mainframe Application
Refactoring (``MAR'') project in 2011 to assess the existing 48
applications residing on the mainframe and migrate necessary
capabilities and accompanying data to a non-mainframe, secure, highly-
available and compartmentalized environment. DHS estimated the project
would take 10 years to complete. The Secret Service accelerated the MAR
project in 2013 and was able to achieve project closure on June 24,
2015. At that time, all employee mainframe access was revoked. The new
systems are completely operational, and all legacy data has been
migrated to new platforms where data is locked down and access to data
is dependent upon job function. Protective, investigative, and human
capital records reside in different systems and internal controls have
now been implemented to restrict access to those systems in two ways.
Now access is: (1) Limited to the respective directorates responsible
for the information; and/or (2) based on the role of the system user
within the organization. Shutdown of MCI began at the end of July, and
it was fully powered down on August 12, 2015. Disassembly of the
mainframe began in August, and it was physically removed from the data
center on September 16, 2015.
The OIG report also cited the need for improved and more frequent
training related to unauthorized access of sensitive data. We have been
working to reiterate and reinforce existing policies and training. This
includes the long-standing, existing policy regarding the proper access
to databases and handling of Privacy Act protected information, which
is clearly stated in the Secret Service Ethics Guide, in the Table of
Penalties, and within the Secret Service Manual sections related to
rules of behavior with respect to the use of information technology.
Employees are required to certify annually that they have reviewed
these manual sections.
At the time of the conduct in question, the Secret Service was
already providing a 1-hour briefing to Special Agent and Uniformed
Division Training Classes that includes material on the Privacy Act. A
senior Government Information Specialist from the Freedom of
Information Act and Privacy Act Branch of the Office of Government and
Public Affairs teaches the class and focuses, in part, on PII, with
comprehensive instructional material on the subject added to the
content in approximately 2012. A 1-hour in-service on-line training
titled ``IT Security Awareness'' is required as part of the agency's
adherence to the Federal Information Security Management Act
(``FISMA''). The course outlines the role of Federal employees in the
protection of information and in ensuring the secure operation of
Federal information systems. The Privacy Act is also discussed during
in-service ethics classes administered to the field by Secret Service
Office of Chief Counsel instructors. Further, DHS requires Secret
Service employees to complete annual in-service on-line training
titled, ``Privacy at DHS: Protecting Personal Information.'' This
training was incorporated into the required curriculum in 2012 and
covers proper handling of PII. While the class is annually required,
due to the gravity of the findings in the OIG report, I instructed the
workforce in an official message on October 16 to retake the class by
November 30.
Additionally, at my direction enhanced briefings regarding the
Privacy Act are now being provided to Special Agent and Uniformed
Division Training Classes by Office of Chief Counsel instructors. A
permanent curriculum is being developed and a formal class for
candidate and in-service employee training is anticipated in the near
Finally, I would like to address my statements and the decision of
the OIG to reopen the investigation on October 5, 2015. Prior to the
public release of the report on September 30, 2015, the OIG provided me
a draft electronic copy of the report for review. I received this draft
report from the OIG during the National Special Security Events
(``NSSEs'') in New York City associated with the Pope's visit and the
UN General Assembly. During the process of reviewing the draft, I was
reminded by a colleague that I had been informed of a rumor regarding
the individual's application history on March 25. While I myself do not
recall hearing of this rumor, several others have confirmed that I did,
and that it was a general rumor about the individual's past
application; it did not relate to USSS employees improperly accessing
databases or sharing protected information. In order to ensure accuracy
within the report, on my own initiative I contacted the OIG to correct
the record. I did not make the decision to contact the OIG blindly and
was fully aware that additional scrutiny would result from my doing so.
I made this decision because I feel that it is important to be as
forthcoming, accurate, and complete as possible. I expect this from my
employees and expect nothing less from myself.
The OIG published an addendum in October reporting its assessment
of the updated information pertaining to when I was made aware of this
rumor. Interviews with former directors, my deputy director, and my
former chief of staff only serve to corroborate that the information
available to me at the time was nothing more than a rumor. The
information was not attributed to a Secret Service data system or
indicative of any action--inappropriate or otherwise--by any Secret
Service employee. Nothing in the addendum contradicts what I have
maintained from the beginning--that at no time prior to April 2, was I
aware that potential misconduct could be the source of this rumor. When
I did learn of it, I began taking immediate action, contacting the OIG
and sending an official message to the workforce on the handling of
sensitive information.
fulfilling the independent protective mission panel's recommendations
I would now like to turn to the actions we have taken to implement
the recommendations of the independent Protective Mission Panel (the
``Panel''), which was established by Secretary Jeh Johnson following
the events of September 19, 2014 to undertake a broad review of the
Secret Service's protection of the White House complex. The Panel's
work, aided by full cooperation of the Secret Service and DHS,
concluded with the publication of the Report from the United States
Secret Service Protective Mission Panel to the Secretary of Homeland
Security (the ``Report''), issued on December 15, 2014.
The Report memorialized the findings and recommendations of the
Panel in three general areas: Training and Personnel; Technology,
Perimeter Security, and Operations; and Leadership. Upon receipt of the
Report, the Secret Service acknowledged and accepted the Panel's
findings and recommendations. A number of the issues found in the
review were recognized independently prior to the issuance of the
Report and were being addressed, while those that remained were
prioritized and incorporated into a strategic action plan designed to
fully implement the Panel's findings as time and resources permitted.
I am proud to say that we have significantly altered the way the
Secret Service is structured and managed since my return to the agency.
We have also made strides in hiring new members of our workforce, and
in expanding training opportunities for current members. I am also
realistic in knowing that the changes we are making will take time to
realize their full impact, particularly as they relate to staffing
levels, and that we must continue to communicate these changes to our
workforce. Some of the PMP recommendations will never be closed, as
they require a commitment to on-going evaluation, innovation, and
continuous improvement. I am hopeful that the structural changes we
have made to the Secret Service will foster an environment where this
perspective is not only valued, but also encouraged. I am committed to
this process and am certain that the Secret Service will emerge a
stronger agency with the continued support of the Department, the
administration, and the Congress.
Training and Personnel
I recognized early on in my tenure that many of the most serious
problems facing the Secret Service can be traced back to inadequate
staffing levels. Achieving appropriate staffing levels will allow the
workforce to undertake a level of training commensurate with the
mission and help to address the resultant effect on morale. Once
underway, the process is, to some extent, self-repairing in that as
morale improves, attrition rates will fall and staffing levels will
continue to increase toward desired levels.
In May 2015, to address staffing issues and following a wider
professionalization initiative in which I placed civilian specialists
in executive-level leadership positions, I implemented a reorganization
effort aimed at more efficiently recruiting and hiring special agents,
Uniformed Division (``UD'') officers, and administrative, professional,
and technical (``APT'') personnel. Both the Human Capital and
Recruitment Divisions were closed and their collective responsibilities
were redistributed to a number of new divisions. The Talent and
Employee Acquisition Management Division (``TAD'') is one such
division, and this reorganization has allowed its managers to focus
exclusively on recruiting and hiring diverse applicants to fill special
agent, UD, and APT positions. In the ensuing months, TAD has
implemented a modern recruitment strategy, including embracing social
media as a recruiting tool and budgeting fiscal year (``FY'') 2016
dollars towards an aggressive advertising campaign aimed at attracting
qualified applicants to the agency. Further, in order to avoid
bottlenecks and streamline the process of on-boarding qualified
applicants, the Secret Service is hiring contractors to serve as a
stop-gap solution for reviewing hiring qualifications through TAD and
monitoring background investigations through the Security Clearance
Division (``SCD'') until an adequate number of APTs can be hired and
trained to perform these functions.
Identifying our needs is a key element of supporting appropriate
staffing levels because it drives our budget requests and
justifications. In July, we completed the U.S. Secret Service Human
Capital Plan for fiscal year 2015 through 2019. This foundational
document identifies our strategy for increasing staffing levels, by
accounting for mission, training, and work/life balance requirements.
Consistent with the results of the PMP, our analysis suggests that
staffing levels must significantly increase over the next 5 years to
support not only our mission requirements but also our employee
training and work/life balance needs. We look forward to continuing our
work with the Department and Congress to secure the financial resources
necessary to support these enhanced staffing levels.
In response to the PMP recommendation that the Secret Service
increase the number of personnel assigned to UD and the Presidential
Protective Division (``PPD''), we worked closely with the Federal Law
Enforcement Training Center (``FLETC'') to schedule 10 special agent
classes with 195 agents and 8 UD classes with 151 officers in fiscal
year 2015, a significant increase from years immediately preceding.
Additionally, in fiscal year 2016, we have again asked FLETC for
increased numbers of trainee classes and hope to bring 12 special agent
and 12 UD classes on board this year. Today, the recommended personnel
increase to PPD is substantially complete, while efforts to reach net
gains that approach recommended levels in UD continue in the face of
greater challenges with respect to attrition and retention. Given this
challenge, the Secret Service recently introduced a UD retention bonus
and is engaged with the Department to develop additional programs
designed to incentivize members of our talented workforce to refrain
from separating prematurely from the agency.
A number of the Panel's recommendations were directed to training,
including conducting integrated training in realistic conditions, and
an increase in the overall amount of training received by agents and
officers assigned to protective functions. The Secret Service has
worked diligently to implement integrated training between the various
units assigned to the White House complex. Currently, 99% of UD
officers and technicians have completed specially created ``Emergency
Action/Building Defense'' training. Training for agents assigned to
permanent protective details has also increased with special agents on
the Presidential Protective Division receiving approximately 25% more
training in fiscal year 2015 than in fiscal year 2014. In order to more
realistically simulate the conditions in which our agents, officers,
and technicians operate, our fiscal year 2016 budget request includes
funds directed to the design and construction of a more permanent White
House training facility. Additionally, as staffing levels increase, the
number of training hours that personnel assigned to UD and protective
details receive will continue to increase accordingly. I firmly believe
that, given the nature of the Secret Service's integrated mission, the
importance of the amount and quality of training provided to our
workforce cannot be overstated.
Technology, Perimeter Security, and Operations
For the purposes of today's hearing, I will speak generally to the
Panel's recommendations on technology and perimeter security. The Panel
believed strongly, as do I, that operational issues related to the
protection of the White House should not be the subject of a detailed
public debate in their report or any other fora. I pledge to continue
to provide you and your staffs with relevant information in the proper
setting, at your request, as we move forward implementing these
recommendations. My No. 1 priority has been, and is, the protection of
the President, Vice President, and their families.
To address longer-range future technology needs, the Secret Service
will continue to partner with the Department's Science and Technology
Directorate, the Department of Defense, and our partners in the
intelligence community to ensure we are researching, developing, and
deploying cutting-edge technology.
The Secret Service has recognized the need for protective
enhancements to the White House complex fence and is currently working
with stakeholders to create a viable, long-term solution. This multi-
phase project began with the formation of requirements that are guiding
a formal study aimed at identifying various fence options. These
requirements encompassed security concerns identified by the Secret
Service, including efforts to delay intruders, as well as aesthetic and
historic concerns put forward by the National Park Service (``NPS'').
Working at a highly accelerated pace with the National Capital
Planning Commission (``NCPC''), the U.S. Commission of Fine Arts, and
the NPS, the Secret Service was able to not only secure approval for,
but also complete the installation of an interim improvement to the
fence that inhibits the ability of individuals to climb it. We also
worked with NPS to complete a study to identify the options for
permanent enhancements to perimeter security earlier this year. We are
moving forward with the design phase of this project, and look forward
to working with the NCPC to secure its approval in early 2016.
The majority of the recommendations contained in the Report fell
under the category of ``Leadership.'' Dynamic leadership that
encourages open communication, rewards innovation, values flexibility,
rejects insularity, and embraces personal accountability is vital to
the agency's long-term success. Based upon the Panel's review, and my
own assessments, I implemented several leadership changes in the Secret
Service executive management team earlier this year. These changes were
necessary to gain a fresh perspective on how we conduct business. The
Panel's recommendations on leadership have been incorporated into the
strategic action plan referenced above.
The Panel recommended that the agency should promote specialized
expertise in its budget, workforce, and technology functions. This
assessment has been embraced, and, through a professionalization
initiative, many executive positions formerly held by career law
enforcement agents are now held by civilians with the training and
experience necessary to effectively guide an organization of this size.
First and foremost, we established a new chief operating officer (COO)
position, a non-law enforcement Senior Executive Service (SES)-level
position that is equivalent to the deputy director. Along with the
creation of this position, we elevated the Office of the Chief
Financial Officer (CFO) to a directorate-level entity, created the
Office of Strategic Planning and Policy (OSP), and split the Office of
Human Resources and Training (HRT) into two directorate-level offices--
the Office of Human Resources (HUM) and the Office of Training (TNG).
By splitting HRT into two directorates, we are expecting to achieve
greater focus on two key areas of concern for the PMP--staffing and
training. In the revised organizational structure, the CFO, HUM, OSP,
and the chief information officer (CIO) are now aligned under the COO.
We will continue to evaluate our organizational structure and make
changes where it is necessary.
In addition to the structural changes, we used this opportunity to
evaluate the skills required for directorate-level leadership positions
to examine which would be best filled by non-law enforcement
professionals. As a result of this examination, three of our ten
directorates are led by non-law enforcement professionals, including
the CFO, OSP, and our Office of Technical Development and Mission
Support (TEC). Further, we have enhanced our executive-level
perspective by appointing non-law enforcement professionals to the SES-
level roles of CIO, deputy CIO, and component acquisition executive
(CAE), and are in the process of hiring for a newly-created SES-level
director of communications position.
One of the principal responsibilities of the CFO has been to start
the process for developing a zero-based budget as recommended by the
panel. This enormous undertaking is underway, and it is my hope that a
mission-based budget will begin to be implemented in the fiscal year
2018 budget cycle. Important steps have been taken in furtherance of
this goal, including the development of the previously mentioned Human
Capital Plan, and benchmarking Secret Service analytical capabilities,
staff resources, and planning activities with comparable organizations.
A common theme within the panel's recommendations on leadership was
the need for improved internal and external communication. I wholly
adopt this view and firmly believe that improved communication is
directly related to increased effectiveness and morale. I have affirmed
this priority to the executive management team, and my expectation and
message to them is that they do the same within their directorates. The
agency's priorities have been communicated externally through active
engagement with the Department, the administration, and Congress. This
outreach will continue, and future operational and managerial decisions
will be guided by these priorities.
Internally, I have personally visited many of our field offices,
all former Presidential protective details, and conducted video-
conferenced town hall meetings with the agency's workforce. I have
joined officers and agents at the White House complex and the Vice-
President's residence during their daily roll call. Earlier this year,
I met with field supervisors for an Investigative Issues Focus Group to
obtain a better understanding of the issues and concerns of the agents
in the field. I plan to continue to have an open and honest
conversation with members of our workforce about their concerns and
discuss what I can do to address them.
As part of our outreach to employees, we conducted a Work/Life
Assessment through a third-party contractor. The results of the 47
focus groups conducted under this effort provided us with a roadmap
that allowed us to identify and begin to act upon the concerns of our
workforce. In terms of delivering information, we have started sending
important email messages to affected employees' individual inboxes,
which allows them much easier access to information than was previously
available only via official messages accessible exclusively through a
networked connection to the Secret Service email server. Additionally,
we have started to leverage multimedia in our approach, including
creating videos to communicate major policy changes and initiatives.
Finally, just weeks ago, we launched a new web-based platform, Spark!,
which we expect will enhance two-way communication between the
workforce and leadership by providing a forum to raise ideas,
suggestions, and concerns. Employees should have every assurance that I
will continue to work to share information and feel it is my
responsibility to find solutions to the issues or concerns they voice.
Accountability is another issue that I believe the Panel was
rightly focused on due to its effects on workforce morale and
operational readiness. Even before the Panel issued its
recommendations, as a result of a number of incidents involving
personal conduct, my predecessors had already taken important steps to
address these issues. These steps were intended to increase
transparency, consistency, and fairness in disciplinary actions and
included the following:
A Professionalism Reinforcement Working Group (``PRWG'') was
initiated to conduct an objective and comprehensive review of
the agency's values and professional standards of conduct;
As a result of the PRWG, we created and published a
comprehensive ethics guide, initiated an active schedule of
ethics training, conducted integrity training, and implemented
a new centralized disciplinary policy including a Table of
Penalties (issued on 11/15/2013);
An ``Inspection Hotline'' was created and prominently
displayed on the Secret Service's Intranet Home page for
employees to report misconduct to the Secret Service Office of
Professional Responsibility or the DHS OIG and allow the agency
or the Department to initiate swift investigative or
administrative action;
Extensive training requirements for new supervisors were
created. Training includes mandatory completion of the DHS
leadership development program and the agency's 40-hour,
classroom-based Management and Emerging Leaders seminars. The
requirements also include the assignment of a senior-level
mentor to guide supervisors in the first year of their
The chief integrity officer position was established, and we
reinforced the importance of leadership and accountability with
supervisors and provided developmental training to over 5,000
employees; and
The ITG created a Discipline Analysis Report for Calendar
Year 2014, which we posted for all employees to view on our
intranet site. The posting of this report was the first time
the Secret Service made this type of data available for review
by the workforce and underscores our commitment to support a
culture of transparency within our workforce. We made this
decision in response to the concerns raised by the workforce
regarding the consistency and fairness of our discipline
As recommended by the Panel, we firmly believe that we can further
enhance and improve our performance by partnering with other
organizations to collect their best practices and leverage their
knowledge. We have greatly expanded our outreach efforts to learn from
the Department of Defense and intelligence community, particularly in
the areas of training and technology.
In the area of training, the Secret Service completed a number of
joint training exercises with entities that included representatives
from the military, Federal, State, and local law enforcement and other
protective agencies. Our employees benefited from the perspective of
the Department of Defense community during training opportunities at
their facilities. In other cases, like the security planning and
preparation preceding the Papal visit last month, our employees had a
chance to examine protective methodologies while observing security
officials from the Vatican. These efforts were in addition to the
opportunity to work with the security personnel who traveled with the
world leaders that attended the 70th United Nations General Assembly.
The Secret Service also has benefited from both existing and newly-
established relationships within the interagency and intelligence
communities and with the Department of Defense related to technology. A
few examples where we are currently leveraging these relationships
include the challenges with unmanned aerial vehicles (``UAV'') and
gunshot detection.
While the above summarizes our activities in a number of areas, the
totality of the actions we have taken since receiving the
recommendations of the PMP is substantial. Secret Service employees at
every level have been working hard not only to support our mission
requirements, but also to establish the foundation for significant
changes that will positively impact the Secret Service over the long-
mission excellence
In addition to working on the implementation of the Panel's
recommendations, one of my biggest priorities over the past year has
been to restore the Secret Service's reputation of mission excellence.
Thousands of special agents, uniformed officers, and civilian staff
successfully fulfill the integrated mission of this agency every day
throughout the world.
It is important to remember that protection is only a portion of
the integrated mission of the Secret Service. The expertise, maturity,
and judgment special agents develop as criminal investigators
conducting counterfeit currency, financial, or cyber crime
investigations are essential to the extremely critical and demanding
work of protecting our Nation's highest elected leaders, as well as
those world leaders who travel to our country.
Just 2 months ago, members of the Secret Service came together from
field offices across the country and throughout the world to
successfully execute security plans at 4, near-simultaneous NSSEs while
also protecting President Xi Jingping of China during his first state
visit to the United States. The planning for the 4 NSSEs spanned over 8
months. This is the first time in the history of the agency--or this
country--that such a feat has been accomplished.
The 4 NSSEs involved a monumental three city tour of Pope Francis
to Washington, DC, Philadelphia, PA, and New York, NY, as well as the
70th United Nations General Assembly. Agency personnel coordinated
security plans for the President, Vice-President, Pope, and
approximately 160 heads of state and over 80 spouses.
In addition to honing personnel who are able to serve as
specialists in the planning and staffing of protective operations, the
integrated mission serves another purpose. Agents in the field also
forge strong relationships with local law enforcement partners in
investigations that pay dividends when we need their assistance during
a protective visit. The Secret Service has long recognized that
partnerships and cooperation act as force multipliers in both our
protective and investigative missions. In this instance, with the need
for critical support from State and local partners, these relationships
proved to be invaluable.
Plans for the NSSEs in September involved bringing together 2,500
additional Federal law enforcement officers from other Federal
agencies, the support of dozens of State and local law enforcement
organizations, screening over 1 million people, and securing over 25
individual sites including the United States Capitol, Central Park and
Madison Square Garden in New York, and the Benjamin Franklin Parkway in
Philadelphia. At the same time, preparations were underway and continue
to be developed for upcoming Presidential trips with multiple stops in
Asia, Presidential and Vice-Presidential candidate protection, the two
National political conventions, and Presidential and Vice-Presidential
debate sites.
In addition to the 4 NSSEs, the Secret Service in fiscal year 2015
conducted over 6,245 protective visits. Protective details and field
agents ensured protection for over 5,981 domestic stops and
approximately 264 international stops. The Secret Service Uniformed
Division completed more than 677 magnetometer/X-ray operations
assignments, and screened more than 2,742,620 members of the public.
The Secret Service stopped approximately 2,847 weapons at magnetometer
checkpoints from entering secure venues. The protective mission was
also supported by over 6,617 protective surveys and approximately 136
protective intelligence arrests.
Additionally, Secret Service investigations continue to produce
Nationally and internationally significant results, much of them in
strong coordination with the Department of Justice, other law
enforcement agencies, and our public- and private-sector partners. Two
recent cases exemplify the work our agents do daily, in order to
protect our Nation's financial infrastructure.
In October, the Secret Service worked to apprehend and extradite
yet another alleged cyber criminal--Sergey Vovnenko. Vovnenko is
charged with conspiring to hack into the computer networks of
individual users and corporations to steal log-in credentials and
payment card data. According to the indictment, for almost 2 years,
Vovnenko and his conspirators operated an international criminal
organization that stole data, including user names and passwords for
bank accounts and other online services, as well as debit and credit
card numbers and personally identifiable information. To carry out this
crime, Vovnenko allegedly operated a ``botnet'' of more than 13,000
computers infected with malicious computer software programmed to gain
unauthorized access to other computers and to identify, store, and
export information from hacked computers.
In the same week that Vovnenko appeared in Federal court in Newark,
the Secret Service, in coordination with its partners in the Peruvian
National Police, arrested 4 suspects with ties to the production and
transportation of counterfeit U.S. currency. At the time of the
arrests, the suspects were traveling to the airport en route the United
States and allegedly possessed close to $850,000 of counterfeit U.S.
currency skillfully secreted in suitcase liners. According to Secret
Service records, one of the particular types of counterfeit notes
seized in this case has a passing history exceeding $34 million dating
back to 2009. These are just two examples of the agency's highly
successful investigative work for which hard-working personnel should
be commended.
As I look back over the past year, I see an agency in the midst of
reform. I wish that people could walk in my shoes for a day and see
what I see--a workforce with an uncompromising sense of duty and
commitment to its integrated mission.
Recently, the Secret Service lost a remarkable leader and true
friend in former Assistant Director Jerry Parr. Jerry is widely known
for the decisive actions taken during the March 30, 1981 assassination
attempt on President Ronald Reagan. The decisions he made that day,
including evacuating the President directly to the hospital, likely
saved the life of the President. As I reflected on his passing, I had
the opportunity to review a speech he made to a graduating special
agent training class in 1994. In that speech he spoke of culture. He
``An organizational culture is a product of time, successes,
sufferings, failures, and just plain hard work. After a hundred years
or so, deep roots are developed, and a corporate memory evolves. While
another agency can purchase persons, equipment, and technology similar
to the Secret Service, it cannot buy this corporate memory. This is a
priceless commodity.''
As the men and women of this agency traverse these challenging
times, I am heartened by the corporate memory of this great
organization. I am confident that through unparalleled dedication of
our personnel, and the actions we are taking to reform and improve, the
Secret Service will meet the standard of excellence that we have
established over our history and which our Nation's leaders and the
American people rightly expect of us.
Chairman Lankford, Chairman Perry, Ranking Member Heitkamp, and
Ranking Member Watson Coleman, this concludes my written testimony. I
welcome any questions you have at this time.
Mr. Perry. Thank you, Mr. Clancy.
The Chair now recognizes Mr. Roth for an opening statement.
Mr. Roth. Chairmen Lankford, Perry, and Johnson, Ranking
Members Heitkamp, Watson Coleman, and Thompson and Members of
the subcommittee, thank you for inviting me here today to
We have conducted a number of investigations, audits,
inspections of Secret Service programs and operations, and we
have a number of on-going projects. My written testimony
describes some of that work and discusses its implications.
For my oral remarks, I will discuss our investigation into
the allegations that the Secret Service agents improperly
accessed a restricted database to discover details about
Chairman Jason Chaffetz' application to the Secret Service, as
well as some other on-going work.
We found that the Chaffetz application entry contained
within a Secret Service database called the Master Central
Index was accessed by Secret Service employees on approximately
60 occasions between March 25 and April 2 of this year. We
concluded that the vast majority of those who accessed the
information did so in violation of the Privacy Act of 1974, as
well as Secret Service and DHS policy.
We identified one individual who acknowledged disclosing
information protected by the Privacy Act to an outside source.
However, because the number of individuals with access to this
information was so great, we were unable to identify others who
may have disclosed protected information to third parties.
We found that the access began minutes after Director
Clancy began testifying before the Committee on Oversight and
Government Reform on March 24, and continued in the days
following. Knowledge of Chairman Chaffetz' application was
wide-spread and fueled and confirmed by improper access to the
Secret Service database at issue.
We found that a number of senior managers knew agents were
accessing the MCI improperly and some of them accessed it
themselves. Other senior managers were aware that Chairman
Chaffetz once had applied at the Secret Service but they
apparently did not comprehend the seriousness of what was
developing. As a result, no one acted until it was too late to
stop this unauthorized and unlawful activity.
Our investigation also revealed that the MCI, a case
management tool implemented in 1984, did not have the audit and
access controls of a modern IT system or appropriately
segregate information. Such controls and segregation may have
prevented or at least minimized the behavior we discovered.
This also appears to run counter to the Privacy Act which
requires agencies to establish appropriate administrative,
technical, and physical safeguards to ensure the safety and--I
am sorry, the security and confidentiality of the records.
Additionally, the Secret Service must ensure that only
relevant records are maintained in these types of databases.
The Privacy Act requires that the agency maintain its records
only such information about an individual as is relevant and
necessary to accomplish a purpose of the agency.
The fact that the MCI had records of an unsuccessful
application from 12 years earlier which contained sensitive
information, the disclosure of which could lead to identity
theft, may violate this provision of the Privacy Act.
Finally, although all agents were trained in the use of the
system and received yearly refresher training, it was apparent
that many of the agents disregarded that training.
The Secret Service recently reported that it retired the
MCI and migrated all data to about 5 other Secret Service
information systems in September 2015. Our Office of
Information Technology Audits is currently conducting a
technical security assessment of the information systems that
the Secret Service now uses to store and retrieve this
information. We expect to complete that assessment and issue a
final report in February 2016.
Over the past year-and-a-half as part of our independent
oversight effort, we have investigated various incidents
involving allegations of misconduct by Secret Service employees
and other issues related to the Secret Service's organization
and mission. The results of our investigation and reviews point
to on-going organizational and management challenges. The
Secret Service has certainly taken steps to address these
challenges but not always successfully.
Additionally, we are reviewing 3 incidents involving
potential security lapses. For each incidence--incident--shots
being fired at the White House from Constitution Avenue, an
intruder jumping over the fence and entering the White House,
an armed guard coming in close proximity to the President--we
are determining whether the Secret Service followed its own
protective policies, what actions were taken to correct,
identify deficiencies and whether these corrections were
The ultimate aim of our review is to determine and
understand the root causes of these lapses. This fiscal year we
plan to issue 3 reports on these incidents, as well as a
capping report that identifies the root causes and includes any
other necessary overarching recommendations.
Mr. Chairman, this concludes my prepared statement. I
welcome any questions you or any other Members of the
subcommittees may have.
[The prepared statement of Mr. Roth follows:]
Prepared Statement of John Roth
November 17, 2015
Chairmen Lankford and Perry, Ranking Members Heitkamp and Watson
Coleman, and Members of the subcommittees: Thank you for inviting me
here today to discuss our on-going work involving the United States
Secret Service (Secret Service) and its Government-wide implications.
We have conducted a number of investigations, audits, and inspections
of Secret Service programs and operations, and we have a number of on-
going projects. My testimony today will describe some of that work and
discuss its implications.
allegations concerning access to chairman chaffetz' application file
As a result of our investigation, we determined that a Secret
Service database containing sensitive personally identifiable
information pertaining to Congressman Jason Chaffetz, Chairman of the
House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, was accessed by
Secret Service employees on approximately 60 occasions between March 25
and April 2 of this year.\1\ We concluded that a vast majority of those
who accessed the information did so in violation of the Privacy Act of
1974 (Privacy Act), as well as Secret Service and Department of
Homeland Security (DHS) policy. We also identified one individual who
acknowledged disclosing information protected by the Privacy Act to an
outside source. However, because the number of individuals with access
to this information was so great, we were unable to identify others who
may have disclosed protected information to third parties.
\1\ Memorandum, ``Investigation into the Improper Access and
Distribution of Information Contained Within a Secret Service Data
System'' (September 25, 2015).
We found that the access began minutes after Director Clancy began
testifying before the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform on
March 24 and continued in the days following. Knowledge of Chairman
Chaffetz' application was widespread and was fueled and confirmed by
improper access to the Secret Service database at issue, the Master
Central Index (MCI).
We found that a number of senior managers knew agents were
accessing the MCI improperly. For example, the special agent in charge
of the Washington Field Office (WFO) became aware on or about March 25
that several of her mid-level WFO supervisors had accessed or were
aware of the Chaffetz record, and she directed her subordinates to
cease any further access of the MCI record. No other Secret Service
personnel at WFO accessed the Chaffetz record after that date, but 25
others around the country did. Likewise, Deputy Assistant Director
Cynthia Wofford of the Office of Strategic Intelligence and Information
recalled hearing rumors of the Chaffetz application during the
director's March 24 testimony. After unsuccessfully searching the
internet for confirmation of the rumor, Wofford accessed the MCI on the
morning of March 25 and found the Chaffetz record. She attempted to
bring this to the attention of Deputy Director Magaw, but he told her
that he already knew about it.
However, other senior managers were aware that Chairman Chaffetz
had once applied to the Secret Service, but they apparently did not
comprehend the seriousness of what was developing. None of the senior
managers apparently understood that the rumors were being fueled and
confirmed by numerous agents who improperly accessed the protected MCI
record of the Chaffetz application. As a result, no one acted, until it
was too late, to stop this unauthorized and unlawful activity.
Our investigation also revealed that the MCI, a case management
tool implemented in 1984 to facilitate the Secret Service's
investigative process, did not have the audit and access controls of a
modern information technology (IT) system or appropriately segregate
the information. Such controls and segregation may have prevented or
minimized the behavior we discovered. This also appears to run counter
to the Privacy Act, which requires agencies to ``establish appropriate
administrative, technical, and physical safeguards to insure the
security and confidentiality of records.''
Additionally, the Secret Service must ensure that only relevant
records are maintained in these types of databases. The Privacy Act
requires that an agency ``maintain in its records only such information
about an individual as is relevant and necessary to accomplish a
purpose of the agency required to be accomplished.'' The fact that the
MCI had records of an unsuccessful application from 12 years earlier,
which contained sensitive information the disclosure of which could
lead to identity theft, may violate this provision of the Privacy Act.
Finally, although all agents were trained on use of the system and
received yearly refresher training, it was apparent that many of the
agents disregarded that training.
Our Office of Information Technology Audits is currently conducting
a technical security assessment of the information systems the Secret
Service now uses to store and retrieve investigative and criminal
history information. The Secret Service recently reported that it
retired the MCI and migrated all data to about 5 other Secret Service
information systems in September 2015. The objectives of our technical
assessment are to verify that the MCI is no longer in use, identify
which systems currently house MCI data, determine the level of physical
and system controls implemented to secure the data from further
instances of unauthorized access, and identify gaps in the security
posture. We also intend, to the extent possible, to understand the
security weaknesses in the MCI when it was operational. We expect to
complete our assessment and issue a final report in February 2016.
previous allegations of employee misconduct
Over the past several years, as part of our independent oversight
effort, we have investigated various incidents involving allegations of
misconduct by Secret Service employees. We have also reviewed other
issues related to the Secret Service's organization and mission that
raised the concern of Congress and the public. In sum, the results of
our investigations and reviews, as well as other incidents we were made
aware of, point to some on-going organizational and management
challenges. The Secret Service has certainly taken steps to address
these challenges, but not always successfully. These persistent
challenges may not be easy to resolve through expeditious action, such
as suspending employees and issuing new guidance. They may require more
fundamental change that addresses the root cause of the misconduct.
Allegation Into Agent Misconduct at the White House Complex on March 4,
We reviewed the actions of two Secret Service agents who on the
evening of March 4 had entered an area that had been secured as a
result of a suspicious package.\2\ We concluded that it was more likely
than not that both agents' judgment was impaired by alcohol. We found
that, notwithstanding their denials, both agents were observed by
uniformed officers as ``not right,'' and ``not making sense,'' had just
spent the previous 5 hours in a restaurant/bar in which one ran up a
significant bar tab, and that they drove into a crime scene inches from
what the rest of the Secret Service was treating as a potential
explosive device and which, under different circumstances, could have
endangered their own lives and those of the Uniformed Division (UD)
officers responding.
\2\ Memorandum, ``Investigation Into the Incident at the White
House Complex on March 4, 2015'' (May 6, 2015).
While each agent had a duty to report the incident to his superior,
neither did do so. We found that their failure to do so reflected
either poor judgment or an affirmative desire to hide their activities.
Allegation Into Misuse of Government Resources to Conduct Employee
Protection Operations
We also investigated an allegation that under an operation called
``Operation Moonlight'' Secret Service personnel and resources were
directed to conduct surveillance and records checks unrelated to the
Secret Service's mission.\3\ The complaint alleged that Secret Service
agents were instructed to use law enforcement databases and conduct
rotating surveillance shifts on a neighbor of the then-Executive Staff
Assistant to the former Secret Service Director. We did not find any
instances in which Secret Service agents approached the neighbor, nor
could we conclude that the neighbor's house was ever under direct
\3\ Memorandum, ``Allegations of Misuse of United States Secret
Service Resources'' (October 17, 2014).
Our ensuing investigation, however, revealed that personnel and
database resources were misused when Washington Field Office
``Prowler'' teams periodically checked on the executive staff assistant
at her residence for about 1 week in early July 2011. Our investigation
also showed these checks were initiated in response to a private
dispute and did not occur in the course of official duties or as a
result of the executive staff assistant's position. In addition, we
determined that the Prowler team agents were not investigating a
potential assault on the executive staff assistant; the agents commonly
described undertaking the checks because of an issue she was having
with her neighbor.
Secret Service personnel told us that the Prowler team checks did
not divert resources from essential functions and responsibilities or
negatively impact the Secret Service's mission. However, the checks on
the executive staff assistant in La Plata, Maryland--a 45-minute drive
from the White House--diverted Prowler personnel from the White House
area and its surroundings when, on 4 of 5 identified days, the
President was departing, arriving, or at the White House.
Allegations of Secret Service Misconduct in Cartagena, Colombia
We also investigated allegations that, in April 2012, during
preparations for President Obama's visit to Cartagena, Colombia, Secret
Service agents solicited prostitutes and engaged in other misconduct.
During our investigation, we independently identified Secret
Service personnel who directly supported the Cartagena visit and other
potential witnesses who may have had information about the Cartagena
trip. We identified the personnel directly involved in the incident, as
well as the potential witnesses, through documentary sources, including
official travel records, hotel registries, country clearance cables,
personnel assignments, and Secret Service and U.S. Embassy records.
As part of our investigation, we conducted 283 interviews of 251
Secret Service personnel. Based on our interviews and review of
records, we identified 13 Secret Service employees who had personal
encounters with female Colombian nationals consistent with the
misconduct reported. We determined that one of the female Colombian
nationals involved in the incident was known to the intelligence
community. However, we found no evidence that the actions of Secret
Service personnel had compromised any sensitive information.
Our investigation determined that 12 Secret Service employees met
13 female Colombian nationals at bars or clubs and returned with them
to their rooms at the Hotel Caribe or the Hilton Cartagena Hotel. In
addition, one Secret Service employee met a female Colombian national
at the apartment of a Drug Enforcement Administration special agent. We
interviewed the remaining 12 Secret Service employees who had personal
encounters with the 13 female Colombian nationals. Through our
interviews, we learned that following their encounters, 3 females left
the rooms without asking for money, 5 females asked for money and were
paid, and 4 females asked for money but were not paid. In addition, 1
female, who asked to be paid but was not, brought a Colombian police
officer to the door of the Secret Service employee's room; the employee
did not answer the door. As a result, she was paid by another Secret
Service employee and left. A fourteenth Secret Service employee, who
the Secret Service initially identified as involved in the misconduct,
was subsequently determined to have been misidentified.
Of the 13 employees accused of soliciting prostitutes in Cartagena,
3 were returned to duty with memoranda of counseling, after being
cleared of serious misconduct. Five employees had their security
clearance revoked because they either knowingly solicited prostitutes,
demonstrated lack of candor during the investigation, or both. Five
employees resigned or retired prior to the adjudication of their
security clearance. Several of these last 5 employees appealed their
adverse personnel actions to the United States Merit Systems Protection
After the incident, the Secret Service issued new guidance
regarding personal behavior, including a directive amending standards
of conduct with additional policies about off-duty conduct, briefings,
and supervision on foreign trips.
Other Misconduct by Secret Service Employees
Although we did not investigate them, 6 incidents that occurred
between June 2013 and June 2014 highlighted questionable conduct by
Secret Service employees that affected the Secret Service's protective
function. These incidents took place after the Secret Service
instituted new policies (in April 2012) on alcohol use, including
prohibiting use within 10 hours of reporting for duty and prohibiting
drinking at the protectee's hotel once a protective visit has begun
(but permitting drinking ``in moderate amounts'' while off-duty during
a protective mission).
In June 2013, 2 UD officers were found to have consumed
alcohol during an overseas mission, in violation of the 10-hour
rule regarding alcohol consumption. One of the officers, a
second-time offender, handled his rifle while under the
influence of alcohol. He received a 28-day suspension; the
other officer received a 7-day suspension.
In November 2013, a supervisory agent was involved in an
incident at the Hay Adams hotel in Washington, DC. The
supervisor began conversing with a woman at the hotel bar and
later accompanied the woman to her room. The woman solicited
the help of hotel security when she wanted the agent to leave
her room, reporting that he had a gun and she was frightened.
The agent left the room without incident. The Secret Service
conducted an inquiry and issued a letter of reprimand to the
In December 2013, 4 UD officers were found to have consumed
alcohol during a layover on an overseas mission, in violation
of the 10-hour rule regarding alcohol consumption. Four of
these officers were issued letters of reprimand; the fifth, a
second-time offender, was issued a 14-day suspension.
In March 2014, a UD officer was involved in a car accident
while driving a Government-rented vehicle during official
travel supporting a Presidential visit. The officer was found
to have consumed alcohol in the hours preceding the accident,
in violation of the 10-hour rule regarding alcohol consumption.
The officer was ultimately served with a 7-day suspension. This
officer was one of 10 others who were out together the evening
before the accident. Three of the other officers violated the
10-hour rule and a fourth misused a Government-rented vehicle.
These officers were issued suspensions ranging from 14 days to
35 days. One of the officers resigned.
In March 2014, an agent was sent back to Washington, DC,
after he was found unconscious outside his hotel room in The
Hague, Netherlands, while on official travel. When interviewed,
the agent said he went out to dinner at a restaurant with other
Secret Service personnel, during which he had several drinks.
After dinner, he and two other agents had several more drinks.
The agent could not remember leaving the restaurant or how he
got back to his hotel. All three agents were found to have
violated the 10-hour rule regarding alcohol consumption. The
agent who was found unconscious resigned from the Secret
Service. The other two agents were issued suspensions of 28
days and 30 days.
In June 2014, a UD officer flying while armed with his
Secret Service-issued handgun consumed 2 beers within the 10
hours prior to his flight. He consumed 1 beer at the airport
bar after checking in with the gate agent as an armed law
enforcement officer. He was issued a 14-day suspension.
review of systemic employee misconduct issues
Although after the Cartagena incident, the Secret Service
investigated the allegations of misconduct, took action against the
employees involved, and issued new guidance on personal behavior, other
underlying issues arose during our investigation. In particular, when
asked how the Secret Service dealt with misconduct allegations in
general, some employees alleged there was a culture of retaliation and
disparate treatment of employees, including directed punishment toward
complainants and those voicing concerns about Secret Service programs
and operations. Secret Service staff reported that the resulting
culture may have adversely impacted the employee retention rate.
Individuals we interviewed also reported that Secret Service officials
``whitewashed'' allegations of employee misconduct, effectively
downplaying and underreporting complaints to the Office of Inspector
General (OIG) so they would appear to be administrative and not
potentially criminal. These actions would, in turn, cause the
allegations to be returned to Secret Service internal affairs for
inquiry instead of OIG accepting them for investigation.
We decided to further examine these more general allegations, which
pointed to potentially more wide-spread problems. In December 2013, we
issued a report on our review of the Secret Service's efforts to
identify, mitigate, and address instances of misconduct and
inappropriate behavior. In our report, we described a situation in
which many employees were hesitant to report off-duty misconduct either
because of fear that they would be retaliated against or because they
felt management would do nothing about it. For example, in response to
one survey question, 56 percent of electronic survey respondents
indicated that they could report misconduct without fear of
retaliation, meaning that almost half of the workforce may have feared
retaliation for reporting misconduct.
In our survey, we also questioned employees about reporting
excessive alcohol consumption. Of the 138 electronic survey respondents
who personally observed excessive alcohol consumption, 118 (86 percent)
indicated they did not report the behavior. Respondents could select
multiple reasons for not reporting the behavior. Some frequently cited
reasons included:
66 respondents (56 percent) indicated the employee engaged
in the behavior while off-duty.
55 respondents (47 percent) did not believe that management
supported employees reporting the behavior.
47 respondents (40 percent) were afraid of reprisal or
Additionally, we reported that the Secret Service often
administered penalties that were less severe than the range of
recommended penalties at other Department law enforcement components.
We compared the Secret Service's disciplinary response for specific
infractions to penalties for similar infractions at U.S. Immigration
and Customs Enforcement (ICE), the Transportation Security
Administration (TSA), and U.S. Customs and Border Patrol (CBP).
From 2004 to 2013, the Secret Service administered discipline for a
single offense to one-time offenders 341 times. Most of the time, the
Secret Service imposed less severe penalties than one or more of these
components. Specifically:
In 265 of the 341 instances (78 percent), the Secret Service
administered less severe discipline than one or more of TSA's,
ICE's, and CBP's tables of penalties showed those components
would have administered. In 141 of these 265 instances (53
percent), the Secret Service administered less severe
discipline compared to all three components' tables of
For the remaining 76 of the 341 instances (22 percent), the
Secret Service administered discipline within or above what
TSA's, ICE's, and CBP's tables of penalties showed those
components would have administered.
As a result of our findings, we identified areas in which the
Secret Service needed better management controls for reporting
misconduct or inappropriate behavior and adjudicating and administering
disciplinary actions. We made 14 recommendations to improve the Secret
Service's processes for identifying, mitigating, and addressing
instances of misconduct and inappropriate behavior. Additionally, we
suggested the Secret Service continue to monitor and address excessive
alcohol consumption and personal conduct within its workforce.
The Secret Service concurred with all 14 recommendations and
implemented changes to its discipline program. Among the improvements,
the Secret Service created a table of penalties for determining
appropriate corrective, disciplinary, or adverse actions for common
offenses and established a centralized process within headquarters for
determining and implementing discipline for employee misconduct.
Because the Secret Service reformed its administrative discipline
process after our report was issued, we are unable to determine the
extent to which the pattern of imposing less severe discipline
Correcting underlying shortcomings in the discipline process and
ensuring fair and consistent discipline are vital to the stability of
any organization. As part of our performance plan for fiscal year 2016,
we intend to evaluate the strength of the Department's disciplinary
processes. We will focus on the depth and breadth of employees'
perceptions and attitudes about misconduct and the application of
discipline, DHS's established rules of conduct, and the application of
discipline across the Department.
other audit and inspection work involving secret service programs and
We have also conducted several audit and inspection reports
regarding Secret Service programmatic responsibilities, outside the
area of employee misconduct.
Management Alert on UD Officer Fatigue
We recently issued a management alert in which we identified UD
officer safety issues that impact officer safety and the Secret
Service's ability to meet its mission.
Specifically, during a site visit for an unrelated audit, we
observed two UD officers sleeping at their posts. Fatigue from travel,
overtime shifts, and long hours contributed to these incidents. The
Secret Service referred both officers for disciplinary action. We
brought this matter to the attention of the Secret Service because of
our concern that the staffing and scheduling process does not ensure
officers have adequate breaks while on duty and time off between
shifts. The Protective Mission Panel report, produced after the fence-
jumping incident, raised concerns that the UD was inadequately staffed,
necessitating significant overtime. We are concerned that the situation
has not improved since that report was issued in December 2014.
Inoperable Alarm at Protectee's Residence
In October 2014, we visited former President George H.W. Bush's
Houston residence in response to a complaint alleging alarms were
inoperable. During our visit, we identified issues with the alarm
system at the residence.
Specifically, an alarm, which had been installed around 1993, had
been inoperable for at least 13 months. During this time, the Secret
Service created a roving post to secure the residence, but the Secret
Service could not determine the exact time period between when the
alarm failed and the roving patrol started. We did not identify any
security breaches that occurred. However, we found problems with
identifying, reporting, and tracking alarm system malfunctions, and
with repairing and replacing alarm systems. Secret Service officials
also told us about security equipment problems, including the need for
substantial repairs and improvements, at other residences of former
future oig work related to the secret service
In addition to the work we have already completed, we intend to
conduct audits or evaluations of a number of other Secret Service
programs and operations:
On-going Reviews of Three Security Lapses.--We are reviewing
three incidents, one from November 2011 and two more that took
place in September 2014, all of which highlight security lapses
that raise serious concerns about the Secret Service's ability
to accomplish its protective mission. For each incident--shots
being fired at the White House from Constitution Avenue in
November 2011, an intruder jumping over the fence and entering
the White House in September 2014, and an armed guard coming in
close proximity to the President in September 2014--we are
determining whether the Secret Service followed its own
protective policies, what actions were taken to correct
identified deficiencies, and whether these corrections were
adequate. The ultimate aim of our reviews is to determine and
understand the root causes of these lapses, which may point to
more fundamental and on-going challenges to the Secret
Service's mission. This fiscal year, we plan to issue three
reports on these incidents, as well as a capping report that
identifies root causes and includes any other necessary,
overarching recommendations.
Radio Communications.--We are completing an audit to
determine the adequacy of Secret Service radio communications.
We will be recommending that the Secret Service upgrade its
existing radio communication systems and develop a strategy and
time line to continuously upgrade radio communication systems.
Protective Mission Panel Recommendations.--This fiscal year,
we plan to assess the implementation status of recommendations
from the Protective Mission Panel to the Secret Service
resulting from the September 2014 fence jumping incident.
Security Clearances.--In response to a Congressional
request, we will examine the Secret Service's practices of
hiring and deploying personnel without completing the security
clearance process. Specifically, we will review the process of
granting waivers for personnel to begin work without completing
the security clearance process, and the safeguards the Secret
Service uses to ensure that those personnel are not given
access to Classified information during the course of their
IT Integration and Transformation.--We will conduct an audit
to determine the extent to which the Secret Service's IT
Integration and Transformation (IITT) effort to modernize it
outdated IT infrastructure supports its investigative and
protective missions, goals, and objectives. Historically, the
IITT has faced challenges in planning, staffing, and
governance. In 2009, the DHS chief information officer
determined the effort lacked adequate planning, the development
schedule was too aggressive, and the program scope exceeded the
allocated budget. As a result of a prior OIG audit, in March
2011, we recommended that the Secret Service develop an IT
staffing plan, formalize its Executive Steering Committee, and
provide the Secret Service Chief Information Officer with the
component-wide IT budget and investment review authority needed
to ensure success of the IITT. Since our prior audit, the
Secret Service has reduced the scope of the IITT and is working
with the DHS Chief Financial Officer to ensure that planned
capabilities can be delivered within expected funding levels.
We expect to complete our audit and issue a final report in the
summer of 2016.
Mr. Chairmen, this concludes my prepared statement. I welcome any
questions you or other Members of the subcommittees may have.
Mr. Perry. Thank you, Mr. Roth.
The Chair now recognizes Mr. Willemssen for an opening
Mr. Willemssen. Thank you Chairman Perry, Chairman
Lankford, Ranking Member Watson Coleman, Ranking Member
Heitkamp, Chairman Johnson of the full committee, Ranking
Member Thompson of the full committee, Members of the
subcommittees, thank you for inviting GAO to testify today.
As requested, I will briefly summarize our statement on
information security across the Federal Government. GAO has had
long-standing concerns about the state of information security
in the Federal Government. We initially identified Federal
information security as a Government-wide high-risk area 18
years ago.
We subsequently expanded this high-risk designation to
include computerized systems supporting the Nation's critical
infrastructure and the protection of privacy and personally
identifiable information. The cyber threats facing our country
continue to be very serious.
The impact of these threats is highlighted by recent
incidents involving breaches of sensitive, personally
identifiable information and the sharp increase in information
security incidents reported by Federal agencies over the last
several years, which have risen from about 5,500 in 2006 to
about 67,000 in 2014.
Given the risks posed by external and internal threats in
the increasing number of incidents, it is crucial that Federal
agencies take appropriate steps to secure their systems and
data. However, we and inspectors general have continued to
identify significant weaknesses and needed security controls.
For example for fiscal year 2014, 19 of 24 major Federal
agencies declared information security as a material weakness
or significant deficiency. Most of these agencies have reported
weaknesses in the key control areas that we track, including
controls intended to prevent, limit, or detect unauthorized or
inappropriate access to networks and data. In particular, our
work has often shown that too many agency employees have too
much unnecessary access to too many systems and databases.
Agencies need to implement clear policies on access to
sensitive information and grant access permissions to users at
the minimum level necessary to perform legitimate job-related
tasks on a need-to-know basis. Deploying effective monitoring
and accountability mechanisms to track user activities on
networks and systems is also essential to ensuring that
improper access and usage are quickly detected and remedied.
To address the many information security weaknesses at
Federal agencies, GAO and inspectors general have made
thousands of recommendations. Over the last 6 years, GAO has
made about 2,000 recommendations to improve information
security programs and controls.
To date about 58 percent of these recommendations have been
implemented. Until agencies take actions to address weakness
and implement GAO and I.G. recommendations, Federal networks
and sensitive information, including personally identifiable
information, will be at increased risk from internal and
external threats.
Actions to implement recommendations will strengthen
systems and data security and reduce the risk of cyber
intrusions or attacks. That concludes the summary my statement
and I look forward to addressing the questions.
Thank you.
[The prepared statement of Mr. Willemssen follows:]
Prepared Statement of Joel C. Willemssen
November 17, 2015
Chairman Lankford, Chairman Perry, Ranking Members Heitkamp and
Watson Coleman, and Members of the subcommittees: Thank you for
inviting me to testify at today's hearing on on-going challenges at the
U.S. Secret Service and their Government-wide implications. As
requested, my statement today will address cyber threats and security
control weaknesses affecting Federal systems and information.
As you know, the Federal Government faces an evolving array of
cyber-based threats to its systems and data, as illustrated by
recently-reported data breaches at Federal agencies, which have
affected millions of current and former Federal employees, and the
increasing number of incidents reported by agencies. Such incidents
underscore the urgent need for effective implementation of information
security controls at Federal agencies.
Since 1997, we have designated Federal information security as a
Government-wide high-risk area, and in 2003 expanded this area to
include computerized systems supporting the Nation's critical
infrastructure. Most recently, in the February 2015 update to our high-
risk list, we further expanded this area to include protecting the
privacy of personally identifiable information (PII)\1\--that is,
personal information that is collected, maintained, and shared by both
Federal and non-Federal entities.\2\
\1\ Personally identifiable information is information about an
individual, including information that can be used to distinguish or
trace an individual's identity, such as name, Social Security number,
mother's maiden name, or biometric records, and any other personal
information that is linked or linkable to an individual.
\2\ See GAO, High-Risk Series: An Update, GAO-15-290 (Washington,
DC: Feb. 11, 2015).
In preparing this statement, we relied on our previous work
addressing cyber threats and Federal information security efforts. The
prior reports cited throughout this statement contain detailed
discussions of the scope of the work and the methodology used to carry
it out. All the work on which this statement is based was conducted in
accordance with generally-accepted Government auditing standards. Those
standards require that we plan and perform audits to obtain sufficient,
appropriate evidence to provide a reasonable basis for our findings and
conclusions based on our audit objectives. We believe that the evidence
obtained provides a reasonable basis for our findings and conclusions
based on our audit objectives. A list of related GAO products is
provided in attachment I.
As computer technology has advanced, the Federal Government has
become increasingly dependent on computerized information systems to
carry out operations and to process, maintain, and report essential
information. Federal agencies rely on computer systems to transmit
proprietary and other sensitive information, develop and maintain
intellectual capital, conduct operations, process business
transactions, transfer funds, and deliver services.
Ineffective protection of these information systems and networks
can impair delivery of vital services, and result in:
loss or theft of computer resources, assets, and funds;
inappropriate access to and disclosure, modification, or
destruction of sensitive information, such as personally
identifiable information;
disruption of essential operations supporting critical
infrastructure, National defense, or emergency services;
undermining of agency missions due to embarrassing incidents
that erode the public's confidence in Government;
use of computer resources for unauthorized purposes or to
launch attacks on other systems;
damage to networks and equipment; and
high costs for remediation.
Recognizing the importance of these issues, Congress enacted laws
intended to improve the protection of Federal information and systems.
These laws include the Federal Information Security Modernization Act
of 2014 (FISMA),\3\ which, among other things, authorizes the
Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to: (1) Assist the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) with overseeing and monitoring agencies'
implementation of security requirements; (2) operate the Federal
information security incident center; and (3) provide agencies with
operational and technical assistance, such as that for continuously
diagnosing and mitigating cyber threats and vulnerabilities. The act
also reiterated the 2002 FISMA requirement for the head of each agency
to provide information security protections commensurate with the risk
and magnitude of the harm resulting from unauthorized access, use,
disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction of the agency's
information or information systems.
\3\ The Federal Information Security Modernization Act of 2014
(Pub. L. No. 113-283, Dec. 18, 2014) (2014 FISMA) largely superseded
the very similar Federal Information Security Management Act of 2002
(Title III, Pub. L. No. 107-347, Dec. 17, 2002) (2002 FISMA).
In addition, the act continues the requirement for Federal agencies
to develop, document, and implement an agency-wide information security
program. The program is to provide security for the information and
information systems that support the operations and assets of the
agency, including those provided or managed by another agency,
contractor, or other source.
cyber threats to federal systems continue to evolve amid increasing
numbers of incidents
Risks to cyber-based assets can originate from unintentional or
intentional threats. Unintentional threats can be caused by, among
other things, natural disasters, defective computer or network
equipment, software coding errors, and the actions of careless or
poorly-trained employees. Intentional threats include both targeted and
untargeted attacks from a variety of sources, including criminal
groups, hackers, disgruntled employees and other organizational
insiders, foreign nations engaged in espionage and information warfare,
and terrorists.
These adversaries vary in terms of their capabilities, willingness
to act, and motives, which can include seeking monetary or personal
gain or pursuing a political, economic, or military advantage. For
example, organizational insiders can pose threats to an organization
since their position within the organization often allows them to gain
unrestricted access and cause damage to the targeted system, steal
system data, or disclose sensitive information without authorization.
The insider threat includes inappropriate actions by contractors hired
by the organization, as well as careless or poorly-trained employees.
As we reported in February 2015,\4\ since fiscal year 2006, the
number of information security incidents affecting systems supporting
the Federal Government has steadily increased each year: Rising from
5,503 in fiscal year 2006 to 67,168 in fiscal year 2014, an increase of
1,121 percent. Furthermore, the number of reported security incidents
involving PII at Federal agencies has more than doubled in recent
years--from 10,481 incidents in fiscal year 2009 to 27,624 incidents in
fiscal year 2014. (See fig 1.)
\4\ GAO, High-Risk Series: An Update, GAO-15-290 (Washington, DC:
February 2015).
These incidents and others like them can adversely affect National
security; damage public health and safety; and lead to inappropriate
access to and disclosure, modification, or destruction of sensitive
information. Recent examples highlight the impact of such incidents:
In June 2015, the Office of Personnel Management reported
that an intrusion into its systems affected the personnel
records of about 4.2 million current and former Federal
employees. The Director stated that a separate but related
incident involved the agency's background investigation systems
and compromised background investigation files for 21.5 million
In June 2015, the Commissioner of the Internal Revenue
Service testified that unauthorized third parties had gained
access to taxpayer information from its ``Get Transcript''
application. According to officials, criminals used taxpayer-
specific data acquired from non-Department sources to gain
unauthorized access to information on approximately 100,000 tax
accounts. This data included Social Security information, dates
of birth, and street addresses. In an August 2015 update, the
agency reported this number to be about 114,000 and that an
additional 220,000 accounts had been inappropriately accessed,
which brings the total to about 330,000 accounts.
In April 2015, the Department of Veterans Affairs' Office of
Inspector General reported that two contractors had improperly
accessed the agency's network from foreign countries using
personally-owned equipment.\5\
\5\ Department of Veterans Affairs, Office of Inspector General,
Administrative Investigation Improper Access to the VA Network by VA
Contractors from Foreign Countries Office of Information and Technology
Austin, TX, Report No. 13-01730-159 (Washington, DC: April 2015).
In February 2015, the director of national intelligence
stated that unauthorized computer intrusions were detected in
2014 on the networks of the Office of Personnel Management and
two of its contractors. The two contractors were involved in
processing sensitive PII related to National security
clearances for Federal employees.\6\
\6\ James R. Clapper, Director of National Intelligence, World-wide
Threat Assessment of the U.S. Intelligence Community, testimony before
the Senate Committee on Armed Services, February 26, 2015.
In September 2014, a cyber intrusion into the United States
Postal Service's information systems may have compromised PII
for more than 800,000 of its employees.\7\
\7\ Randy S. Miskanic, Secure Digital Solutions Vice President of
the United States Postal Service, Examining Data Security at the United
States Postal Service, testimony before the Subcommittee on Federal
Workforce, U.S. Postal Service and the Census, 113th Congress, November
19, 2014.
In October 2013, a wide-scale cybersecurity breach involving
a U.S. Food and Drug Administration system occurred that
exposed the PII of 14,000 user accounts.\8\
\8\ Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Inspector
General, Penetration Test of the Food and Drug Administration's
Computer Network, Report No. A-18-13-30331 (Washington, DC: October
information security weaknesses place federal systems and sensitive
data at risk
Given the risks posed by cyber threats and the increasing number of
incidents, it is crucial that Federal agencies take appropriate steps
to secure their systems and information. We and agency inspectors
general have identified numerous weaknesses in protecting Federal
information and systems. Agencies continue to have shortcomings in
assessing risks, developing and implementing security controls, and
monitoring results. Specifically, for fiscal year 2014, 19 of the 24
Federal agencies covered by the Chief Financial Officers Act \9\
reported that information security control deficiencies were either a
material weakness or a significant deficiency in internal controls over
their financial reporting.\10\ Moreover, inspectors general at 23 of
the 24 agencies cited information security as a major management
challenge for their agency.
\9\ The 24 agencies are the Departments of Agriculture, Commerce,
Defense, Education, Energy, Health and Human Services, Homeland
Security, Housing and Urban Development, the Interior, Justice, Labor,
State, Transportation, the Treasury, and Veterans Affairs; the
Environmental Protection Agency; General Services Administration;
National Aeronautics and Space Administration; National Science
Foundation; Nuclear Regulatory Commission; Office of Personnel
Management; Small Business Administration; Social Security
Administration; and the U.S. Agency for International Development.
\10\ A material weakness is a deficiency, or combination of
deficiencies, that results in more than a remote likelihood that a
material misstatement of the financial statements will not be prevented
or detected. A significant deficiency is a control deficiency, or
combination of control deficiencies, in internal control that is less
severe than a material weakness, yet important enough to merit
attention by those charged with governance. A control deficiency exists
when the design or operation of a control does not allow management or
employees, in the normal course of performing their assigned functions,
to prevent or detect and correct misstatements on a timely basis.
As we reported in September 2015, for fiscal year 2014, most of the
24 agencies had weaknesses in the 5 major categories of information
system controls.\11\ These control categories are: (1) Access controls,
which limit or detect access to computer resources (data, programs,
equipment, and facilities), thereby protecting them against
unauthorized modification, loss, and disclosure; (2) configuration
management controls, intended to prevent unauthorized changes to
information system resources (for example, software programs and
hardware configurations) and assure that software is current and known
vulnerabilities are patched; (3) segregation of duties, which prevents
a single individual from controlling all critical stages of a process
by splitting responsibilities between 2 or more organizational groups;
(4) contingency planning,\12\ which helps avoid significant disruptions
in computer-dependent operations; and (5) agency-wide security
management, which provides a framework for ensuring that risks are
understood and that effective controls are selected, implemented, and
operating as intended. (See fig. 2.)
\11\ GAO, Federal Information Security: Agencies Need to Correct
Weaknesses and Fully Implement Security Programs, GAO-15-714
(Washington, DC: Sept. 29, 2015).
\12\ Contingency planning for information systems is part of an
overall organizational program for achieving continuity of operations
for mission/business operations.
Access controls.--For fiscal year 2014, we, agencies, and
inspectors general reported weaknesses in the electronic and
physical controls to limit, prevent, or detect inappropriate
access to computer resources (data, equipment, and facilities),
thereby increasing their risk of unauthorized use,
modification, disclosure, and loss. Access controls involve the
6 critical elements described in table 1.
Element Description
Boundary Protection............... Boundary protection controls logical
connectivity into and out of
networks and controls connectivity
to and from devices that are
connected to a network. For
example, multiple firewalls can be
deployed to prevent both outsiders
and trusted insiders from gaining
unauthorized access to systems, and
intrusion detection and prevention
technologies can be deployed to
defend against attacks from the
User Identification and A computer system must be able to
Authentication. identify and authenticate different
users so that activities on the
system can be linked to specific
individuals. When an organization
assigns a unique user account to
specific users, the system is able
to distinguish one user from
another--a process called
identification. The system also
must establish the validity of a
user's claimed identity by
requesting some kind of
information, such as a password,
that is known only by the user--a
process known as authentication.
Multifactor authentication involves
using two or more factors to
achieve authentication. Factors
include something you know
(password or personal
identification number), something
you have (cryptographic
identification device or token), or
something you are (biometric). The
combination of identification and
authentication provides the basis
for establishing accountability and
for controlling access to the
Authorization..................... Authorization is the process of
granting or denying access rights
and permissions to a protected
resource, such as a network, a
system, an application, a function,
or a file. For example, operating
systems have some built-in
authorization features such as
permissions for files and folders.
Network devices, such as routers,
may have access control lists that
can be used to authorize users who
can access and perform certain
actions on the device.
Authorization controls help
implement the principle of ``least
privilege,'' which the National
Institute of Standards and
Technology describes as allowing
only authorized accesses for users
(or processes acting on behalf of
users) which are necessary to
accomplish assigned tasks in
accordance with organizational
missions and business functions.
Cryptography...................... Cryptography underlies many of the
mechanisms used to enforce the
confidentiality and integrity of
critical and sensitive information.
Examples of cryptographic services
are encryption, authentication,
digital signature, and key
management. Cryptographic tools
help control access to information
by making it unintelligible to
unauthorized users and by
protecting the integrity of
transmitted or stored information.
Auditing and Monitoring........... To establish individual
accountability, monitor compliance
with security policies, and
investigate security violations, it
is necessary to determine what,
when, and by whom specific actions
have been taken on a system.
Agencies do so by implementing
software that provides an audit
trail, or logs of system activity,
that they can use to determine the
source of a transaction or
attempted transaction and to
monitor users' activities.
Physical Security................. Physical security controls help
protect computer facilities and
resources from espionage, sabotage,
damage, and theft. Examples of
physical security controls include
perimeter fencing, surveillance
cameras, security guards, locks,
and procedures for granting or
denying individuals physical access
to computing resources. Physical
controls also include environmental
controls such as smoke detectors,
fire alarms, extinguishers, and
uninterruptible power supplies.
Considerations for perimeter
security include controlling
vehicular and pedestrian traffic.
In addition, visitors' access to
sensitive areas is to be managed
Source: GAO. GAO-16-194T
For fiscal year 2014, 12 agencies had weaknesses reported in
protecting their networks and system boundaries. For example, the
access control lists on one agency's firewall did not prevent traffic
coming or initiated from the public internet protocol addresses of a
contractor site and a U.S. telecom corporation from entering its
network. Additionally, 20 agencies, including DHS, had weaknesses
reported in their ability to appropriately identify and authenticate
system users. To illustrate, agencies had weak password controls, such
as using system passwords that had not been changed from the easily
guessable default passwords or did not expire.
Eighteen agencies, including DHS, had weaknesses reported in
authorization controls for fiscal year 2014. For example, one agency
had not consistently or in a timely manner removed, transferred, and/or
terminated employee and contractor access privileges from multiple
systems. Another agency also had granted access privileges
unnecessarily, which sometimes allowed users of an internal network to
read and write files containing sensitive system information. In fiscal
year 2014, 4 agencies had weaknesses reported in the use of encryption
for protecting data.
In addition, DHS and 18 other agencies had weaknesses reported in
implementing an effective audit and monitoring capability. For
instance, one agency did not sufficiently log security-relevant events
on the servers and network devices of a key system. Moreover, 10
agencies, including DHS, had weaknesses reported in their ability to
restrict physical access or harm to computer resources and protect them
from unauthorized loss or impairment. For example, a contractor of an
agency was granted physical access to a server room without the
required approval of the office director.
Configuration management.--For fiscal year 2014, 22
agencies, including DHS, had weaknesses reported in controls
that are intended to ensure that only authorized and fully-
tested software is placed in operation, software and hardware
is updated, information systems are monitored, patches are
applied to these systems to protect against known
vulnerabilities, and emergency changes are documented and
approved. For example, 17 agencies, including DHS, had
weaknesses reported with installing software patches and
implementing current versions of software in a timely manner.
Segregation of duties.--Fifteen agencies, including DHS, had
weaknesses in controls for segregation of duties. These
controls are the policies, procedures, and organizational
structure that help to ensure that one individual cannot
independently control all key aspects of a computer-related
operation and thereby take unauthorized actions or gain
unauthorized access to assets or records. For example, a
developer from one agency had been authorized inappropriate
access to the production environment of the agency's system.
Continuity of operations.--DHS and 17 other agencies had
weaknesses reported in controls for their continuity of
operations practices for fiscal year 2014. Specifically, 16
agencies did not have a comprehensive contingency plan. For
example, one agency's contingency plans had not been updated to
reflect changes in the system boundaries, roles, and
responsibilities, and lessons learned from testing contingency
plans at alternate processing and storage sites. Additionally,
15 agencies had not regularly tested their contingency plans.
Security management.--For fiscal year 2014, DHS and 22 other
agencies had weaknesses reported in security management, which
is an underlying cause for information security weaknesses
identified at Federal agencies. An agency-wide security
program, as required by FISMA, provides a framework for
assessing and managing risk, including developing and
implementing security policies and procedures, conducting
security awareness training, monitoring the adequacy of the
entity's computer-related controls through security tests and
evaluations, and implementing remedial actions as appropriate.
We have also identified inconsistencies with the Government's
approach to cybersecurity, including the following:
Overseeing the security controls of contractors providing IT
services.--In August 2014, we reported that 5 of 6 agencies we reviewed
were inconsistent in overseeing assessments of contractors'
implementation of security controls.\13\ This was partly because
agencies had not documented IT security procedures for effectively
overseeing contractor performance. In addition, according to OMB, 16 of
24 agency inspectors general determined that their agency's program for
managing contractor systems lacked at least one required element.
\13\ GAO, Information Security: Agencies Need to Improve Oversight
of Contractor Controls, GAO-14-612 (Washington, DC: Aug. 8, 2014).
Responding to cyber incidents.--In April 2014, we reported that the
24 agencies did not consistently demonstrate that they had effectively
responded to cyber incidents.\14\ Specifically, we estimated that
agencies had not completely documented actions taken in response to
detected incidents reported in fiscal year 2012 in about 65 percent of
cases.\15\ In addition, the 6 agencies we reviewed had not fully
developed comprehensive policies, plans, and procedures to guide their
incident response activities.
\14\ GAO, Information Security: Agencies Need to Improve Cyber
Incident Response Practices, GAO-14-354 (Washington, DC: Apr. 30,
\15\ This estimate was based on a statistical sample of cyber
incidents reported in fiscal year 2012, with 95 percent confidence that
the estimate falls between 58 and 72 percent.
Responding to breaches of PII.--In December 2013, we reported that
8 Federal agencies had inconsistently implemented policies and
procedures for responding to data breaches involving PII.\16\ In
addition, OMB requirements for reporting PII-related data breaches were
not always feasible or necessary. Thus, we concluded that agencies may
not be consistently taking actions to limit the risk to individuals
from PII-related data breaches and may be expending resources to meet
OMB reporting requirements that provide little value.
\16\ GAO, Information Security: Agency Responses to Breaches of
Personally Identifiable Information Need to Be More Consistent, GAO-14-
34 (Washington, DC: Dec. 9, 2013).
Over the last several years, we and agency inspectors general have
made thousands of recommendations to agencies aimed at improving their
implementation of information security controls. For example, we have
made about 2,000 recommendations over the last 6 years. These
recommendations identify actions for agencies to take in protecting
their information and systems. To illustrate, we and inspectors general
have made recommendations for agencies to correct weaknesses in
controls intended to prevent, limit, and detect unauthorized access to
computer resources, such as controls for protecting system boundaries,
identifying and authenticating users, authorizing users to access
systems, encrypting sensitive data, and auditing and monitoring
activity on their systems. We have also made recommendations for
agencies to implement their information security programs and protect
the privacy of PII held on their systems.
However, many agencies continue to have weaknesses in implementing
these controls in part because many of these recommendations remain
unimplemented. For example, about 42 percent of the recommendations we
have made during the last 6 years remain unimplemented. Until Federal
agencies take actions to implement the recommendations made by us and
the inspectors general--Federal systems and information, as well as
sensitive personal information about the public, will be at an
increased risk of compromise from cyber-based attacks and other
In conclusion, the dangers posed by a wide array of cyber threats
facing the Nation are heightened by weaknesses in the Federal
Government's approach to protecting its systems and information. While
recent Government-wide initiatives, including the 30-day Cybersecurity
Sprint,\17\ hold promise for bolstering the Federal cybersecurity
posture, it is important to note that no single technology or set of
practices is sufficient to protect against all these threats. A
``defense in depth'' strategy that includes well-trained personnel,
effective and consistently applied processes, and appropriately
implemented technologies is required. While agencies have elements of
such a strategy in place, more needs to be done to fully implement it
and to address existing weaknesses. In particular, implementing our and
agency inspectors general recommendations will strengthen agencies'
ability to protect their systems and information, reducing the risk of
a potentially devastating cyber attack.
\17\ In June 2015, the Federal Chief Information Officer launched
the 30-day Cybersecurity Sprint, during which agencies were to take
immediate actions to combat cyber threats within 30 days. Actions
included patching critical vulnerabilities, tightening policies and
practices for privileged users, and accelerating the implementation of
multifactor authentication.
Chairman Lankford, Chairman Perry, Ranking Members Heitkamp and
Watson Coleman, and Members of the subcommittees, this concludes my
statement. I would be happy to answer your questions.
Mr. Perry. Thank you Mr. Willemssen. Chair now recognizes
himself for some questions beginning with Mr. Roth.
Mr. Roth, how many subpoenas regarding the Chaffetz
incident and the MCI, the Master Central Index, how many
subpoenas were issued?
Mr. Roth. I believe it was only one subpoena.
Mr. Perry. So why if there were multiple individuals that
admittedly breached the information and may have compromised it
why would only one subpoena be issued? Why wouldn't there be
multiple subpoenas issued for multiple individuals?
Mr. Roth. Well, most of the information that we received
were from Government data systems so no subpoena would be
necessary. The only time we have to subpoena information is if
we were going to a third party, like a telephone record
provider for example.
Typically it is our policy in these kinds of circumstances
to have a level of predication before we go and subpoena
somebody's personal telephone records. We had predication only
on one individual rather than the hundreds who may have had
access to that information.
Mr. Perry. Even those who admitted to wrongdoing?
Mr. Roth. That is correct.
Mr. Perry. Was the Index searched for other improper access
Mr. Roth. It was not. The Index itself was created in 1984.
It did not have the ability to readily do the kinds of
forensics that you would do on a modern data system. In fact,
what we were required to do, that is what the administrators of
the database were required to do, were actually write scripts
or programs to be able to find access to this information.
It was a highly time-consuming kind of a thing and because
the--sort of the necessity for finding answers as quickly as we
could, we only restricted it to Chairman Chaffetz's name.
Mr. Perry. So then, based on that, would it be correct to
say that we have absolutely no idea at this point regarding
that data system, the Master Central Index, if any other
Americans or any other citizens have had similar things occur
regarding their personally identifiable information, whether it
was searched, whether it was divulged. We have no idea?
Mr. Roth. That is correct.
Mr. Perry. That is a bit unsettling. Director Clancy, are
you familiar with Operation Moonlight?
Mr. Clancy. Sir, I am familiar with some of the details of
that, yes.
Mr. Perry. Can you just inform us? I understand you have
got thousand of employees. This hearing is not meant to impugn
or besmirch the credibility of your agency. I think Americans
have traditionally and currently, have the highest regard and
want to have that. But how does that--something like that
happen? Can you?
Mr. Clancy. Yes sir.
Mr. Perry. So Secret Service agents used Government
information, accessed databases and then used equipment, time,
material to surveil essentially, a private citizen's property
without any due cause of anything. Is that essentially--I mean,
that is my narrative but what is yours? Then how does that
Mr. Clancy. Sir forgive me as I was not here during that
time frame so I am going to rely on some briefings when I first
came in as the acting director and it was found as the OIG's
report illustrates, people made very poor decisions. There was
misjudgment. It should not have happened and there were some
changes made in our management.
Mr. Perry. Well, I will tell you. I looked at--and I
imagine you are familiar with it. I am just going to read you
the subject, is ``Directive 2015-09, Disciplinary and Adverse
Actions''. Right?
Mr. Clancy. Yes sir.
Mr. Perry. It is from your agency and I guess it is moving
forward based on what has occurred regarding the information in
the data breach. I just wanted to give you a flavor of what I
see here: ``An employee is entitled to,'' ``the employee is
entitled to,'' ``the employee is entitled to''--I am just kind
of going through each paragraph----
``The employee will be provided with;'' ``the employee
shall have an opportunity to;'' ``the employee is entitled
to''. You kind-of get my gist, and the reason I say that is--
what I am wondering is and I think what a lot of Americans
wondering is what are the consequences of the actions of 45 or
41 employees who accessed Mr. Chaffetz's data and then whoever
disseminated it up to 60 times?
What are the consequences to those individuals? We see what
the employee's rights are.
Mr. Clancy. Yes.
Mr. Perry. Right?
Mr. Clancy. Yes sir.
Mr. Perry. But what are the consequences? How does Mr.
Chaffetz get his reputation back? What is going to happen to
these individuals? What is currently happening? Where do things
Mr. Clancy. Mr. Chairman, Secretary Johnson and I met and
talked about this in a true sense of transparency because
myself and my executive staff have been all interviewed in this
case. We made a joint decision that the Department of Homeland
Security would make the proposals. In this case I will tell
you--and I have heard the comments that were made today, of
reprehensible, disturbing, embarrassing.
I agree with everything that has been said here today and
my workforce does as well. In fact, this hearing today will
help me get this word out, the importance of protecting PII. We
have all this, the training and we have the ethics guides and
we go out and train are new recruits but a hearing like this
puts a definitive stamp on our failures.
In this case, the individuals to answer your questions, Mr.
Chairman, in this case, we are proposing, as of today,
approximately 42--I don't--don't hold me to that number,
approximately 42 will be issued a proposal of discipline
ranging from anywhere from 3 days to 12 days of a suspension.
Mr. Perry. So that is the maximum? The maximum is 12 days
of--I am going to--the Chair is going to indulge himself on the
time here a little bit. I am following a lot of questioning. So
the maximum penalty, the maximum of repercussion for doing--we
all know that when you look at these computer systems there is
a warning in front that this is to be used for official
business only and we all know.
Look, I hold as your folks do, a Secret security clearance,
Top Secret security clearance. Everybody in the rooms knows,
everybody in your agency knows that using this information for
what it was used for was incorrect, improper, unauthorized,
The most we can hope for, the most disciplinary--toughest,
disciplinary action right now is not a loss or revocation of
your Secret security clearance, not the loss of your
employment, it is 12 days suspension? I just want to be clear?
Is that correct?
Mr. Clancy. Mr. Chairman, that is for the Grades 15 and
below. Those proposals have been issued as of today I am pretty
sure on that. The SES-level folks have not had their discipline
proposed as of this date.
Mr. Perry. Is Mr. Lowery an SES-level employee?
Mr. Clancy. He is, yes.
Mr. Perry. What is the range of options of discipline or
consequence for Mr. Lowery, if you can inform--I am not asking
you to tell us which one it is because maybe you are still
completing your investigation, but what can we expect?
Mr. Clancy. The range goes from a letter of reprimand all
the way up to removal.
Mr. Perry. Thank you. The Chair now recognizes the
gentleman from Oklahoma.
Senator Lankford. Would like to defer my questioning time
to the Ranking Member. She has to be on the floor actually, of
the Senate in a little bit. Actually working through a bill, so
I would like to defer my time.
Mr. Perry. So ordered.
Senator Heitkamp. Thank you, Chairman Lankford.
Every one of the--Mr. Clancy--Director Clancy, every
incident that we know of, there seems like there wasn't an
adult in the room. That there was no one who provided that
voice of saying, ``Hey, guys, this is not the way to do this.
Hey, we have a responsibility that is higher.''
So while we look at management and we look at resources,
you said in your testimony, you talked about how the corporate
culture of the Secret Service is a priceless commodity.
Every day that priceless commodity gets threatened by
agents not willing to be the adult in the room, not willing to
be the person who stands up and says, knock it off. Because you
can't do it just from a management standpoint. You have got to
change the culture at the bottom and I think that is one of the
concerns we have.
Is that it seems like all of this has happened with a great
impunity and almost--you know, you can't touch me, you know, as
the Chairman just talked about, or it is okay to do this. So, I
want to know as we look at management changes, as we look at
systemic rules and policies, those rules and policies are only
as good as the commitment that people at every level within the
Secret Service have for change.
So what are you doing within the Secret Service to build
capacity for people to be the adult in the room, to stop this
at the source and say this is not what we do in the Secret
Mr. Clancy. Thank you, Senator. This discipline system that
we have in place now is relatively new. It is approximately 2
years old and then with--which includes a table of penalties.
In the past, discipline was handled at a more local level. Now
everything is funneled up to our Office of Integrity.
Senator Heitkamp. I don't mean to interrupt but I am not
talking about discipline. I am talking about culture and
obviously consequences are part of changing that culture. But
what about the integrity at every level? Of basically saying we
don't do this. We don't go to hotels and hire, you know, people
to service us.
We don't, you know, drive into the White House and disrupt
a major investigation. We don't access a Congressman's secret
records. We don't do that. Who is the person? How are we
training people at every level to stand up and stop this
behavior? Because I don't think we can do it just having
hearings like this.
I think we have got to restore this priceless commodity
that you are talking about, which is the integrity element of
the men and women at every level, knowing that it is their
responsibility to help maintain the integrity of the Secret
Mr. Clancy. I agree with you, Senator. We have to do more
in terms of communicating with our people. We can have all the
training exercises and all the on-line training, but for
example, I have been to approximately 10 of our field offices,
all of our protective details. I speak personally to our
agents. I walk around the White House, talk to the officers.
I meet all the recruits prior to their graduation, both
agent and UD. I tell them what they represent and what is
expected of them. But I have got to do more of that as well as
our staff. We have to just keep communicating, keep
communicating to our people.
Again, what the Congress is doing today is a help to us and
to our agency because again, the seriousness of what we have
done in this particular case, resonates by these types of
Senator Heitkamp. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Yield back.
Mr. Perry. The Chair thanks the gentlelady.
The Chair recognizes Mrs. Watson Coleman from New Jersey.
Mrs. Watson Coleman. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Mr. Director, I want to talk about the Protective Mission
Panel's recommendations. One of the things I think was noted in
the panel was that we needed new leadership. We needed
leadership from outside of this organization that didn't have
the long-term relationships that might be somehow influenced by
the relationships they did have and seeing it in a sort of
insular way.
You have a 27-year record or experience with the agency.
Clearly, you are an insider. There was a removal of a number of
deputies and they were replaced. The majority of the deputies
that were replaced were also from within the agency with long
service records.
My question is: How do we change the culture of the
organization if the very top leadership has been a part of that
culture and perhaps only sees this organization from within?
Would we have not been better served had you identified the
capacity to go to the outside and find people with certain
skills, leadership abilities, accountabilities that would have
transcended the relationships that individuals may have had?
Could that possibly have helped us to become more
efficient, more effective, and more accountable as an agency?
Mr. Clancy. Thank you for that question. I will tell you
that I respect if you, if many, that thought that this
position, the director's position, should have been someone
from the outside. There is good reason for that. I understand
I consider the fact that I left the Service for 3 years,
worked in private industry, has allowed me to bring in some
outside views on how to run a business and how to run this
agency. So what I did do is, first of all, I brought in a chief
operating officer, a civilian from outside the agency.
That COO, chief operating officer, is equivalent to the
deputy director. Additionally, we have created a lot of
subject-matter expert positions where traditionally, they
answer to agents--you know, prior to me arriving here, all of
the top-level security was run by agents. Some of them,
candidly, were not subject-matter experts.
For example, finance. We now have a chief financial officer
who does not answer directly to an assistant director who is an
agent, she is the chief financial officer. Chief technology
officer is an engineer, not an agent. The chief strategy
officer is a lawyer who is not an agent. There are a few others
as well.
So we have brought in, we are trying to bring in this
outside perspective to run this business but also move the
agents into our core mission of protection and investigations.
Mrs. Watson Coleman. So talk to me a little bit about your
ability to bring in not only new people into the agency, but
more diverse people. Because the information that I have read
regarding the Secret Service is that it is predominantly white
There is a small percentage of women and not very--not
consistent with across the board in Federal Government. What
are you doing to address the issue of lack of diversity in
terms of race and ethnicity and gender in positions? What are
you doing to address the long-standing and outstanding issue
with the civil rights complaints?
Mr. Clancy. Yes.
Mrs. Watson Coleman. Moving beyond them as opposed to using
the system to delay the implementation of the corrective
actions that could be taking place. Thank you.
Mr. Clancy. In terms of diversity, I think I would ask you
first to look at my executive staff. On that staff of
approximately 12 people, we have 5 African-Americans, 6
females. But going down throughout the ranks, you are correct.
We are not where we want to be with diversity.
So we are targeting universities that provide diversity for
us. We have shortened our hiring process where we can go to
these universities and over a weekend period of time, do a
testing, an interview and a polygraph if the first two steps
are met.
But we are targeting specific areas of the country to
really work on this diversity because we are deficient in that
area, certainly with females as well. We are working diligently
to try to improve that diversity.
Mrs. Watson Coleman. Thank you. I yield back for another.
Mr. Perry. Chair thanks the gentlelady. The Chair now
recognizes Mr. Johnson from Wisconsin.
Senator Johnson. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Inspector General
Roth, in your written testimony, you state that,``Information
was accessed by Secret Service employees on approximately 60
occasions between March 25 and April 2nd of this year.'' Then
you went on to say, ``We concluded that a vast majority of
those who accessed this information did so in violation of the
Privacy Act of 1974.''
What are the penalties for violating the Privacy Act of
Mr. Roth. There are civil penalties for the agency that is
involved if there is a wide-spread sort of gross negligence
standard. So there are civil penalties, that is monetary
penalties, for the agency involved. For individuals who
accessed the system--improperly, knowing that it was protected
under the Privacy Act that is a misdemeanor, which has a fine
as a penalty but no custodial sentence.
Senator Johnson. Is there any Department of Justice
investigation being undertaken right now to determine whether
those misdemeanors were in fact going to--are they going to be
Mr. Roth. No. During the course of our investigation we
presented a case, the most compelling case we had and it was
declined by the U.S. attorney's office.
Senator Johnson. Why would that be?
Mr. Roth. There are several reasons. First of all, each
individual agent has a Fifth Amendment right to not speak to us
if in fact he is under criminal jeopardy. So we could not
interview individuals, compel their interview, which we
ultimately had to do in this case for a lack of voluntary
So the level of evidence that the Department of Justice had
was not sufficient for them to move forward. Additionally, when
one looks at the penalty, it was simply a matter of competing
Senator Johnson. Director Clancy, you know, I got involved
in looking into the cultural problems with the Secret Service
back in early 2012 after the events at Cartagena. This is not
why I ran for the United States Senate, was to look into the
Secret Service. It is an agency that we all want to have a high
deal of credibility and note, as you stated in your testimony,
the culture--in many respects is almost, you know, beyond
I mean, it is a fabulous agency, they are doing great work.
But on the other hand, there is a real cultural problem. What
are you going to do about it? I mean, I hear communication. I
understand communication but actions speak far louder than
words. When we are just talking a disciplinary process when
there are violations of the Privacy Act and there are no
prosecutions of it.
There is nobody held to--even the misdemeanor penalties.
There is nothing more corrosive in an organization that has a
cultural problem when misdeeds go unpunished. So what actions
are going to be taken? This is 3 years now.
You know, Cartagena occurred in April 2012. We had 2013 and
2014 and 2015. Three years later, we have a number of members
of the Secret Service, violating the Privacy Act, violating DHS
and Secret Service procedures. It doesn't seem like we are
getting a handle on the cultural problem within the Secret
Mr. Roth. Senator, Mr. Chairman, thank you for that
We have removed people from the Secret Service. You
mentioned Cartagena, several were removed in that case. As of
today we are in the process of proposing a removal for an
individual, unrelated to this. People are removed in the Secret
This Table of Penalties--I know we have referred to it a
few times here, but we have used--we have benchmarked that with
other agencies, so we are--want to be consistent with what is
being done across the board.
Just recently, I published for the first time to our entire
workforce our integrity, the discipline over the past year, so
they can see what types of cases are out there, are supervisors
being disciplined equal to the work force. We are trying to be
transparent, again, that communication is critical here, but we
are trying to be more transparent, and driving home the point
that people will be held accountable.
In this case, they will be held accountable.
Senator Johnson. As the Chairman was pointing out, there
are an awful lot of protections for the employees, for the
actual agents, but again, it is hard to see the accountability.
Do you find that to be a problem? Are you constrained in
what actions you would like to take, based on all the
protections for the agents? I mean, should we have--should we
be looking at the law there, and making sure the agencies have
enough power to actually hold people accountable?
Mr. Roth. Well, I think the excepted service would give us,
would allow us to speed up that--the proposals in the
discipline process. I know sometimes we are delayed in the
process as we move forward.
Senator Johnson. So, you would like some ability to take
stronger action quicker?
Mr. Roth. Yes, yes, Mr. Chairman.
Senator Johnson. Good. I think we need to take that into
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Mr. Perry. The Chair thanks the gentlemen. The Chair now
recognizes the gentleman from Mississippi, Mr. Thompson.
Mr. Thompson. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman.
Almost to the Member before me, the conversation has been
about the culture of the organization, and I think it speaks to
whether or not internally, we can fix it, or do we just cover
it up?
I will get to specifics shortly.
Inspector Roth, in your review of the Secret Service, how
would you describe the culture within the Service, especially
at the Executive level?
Mr. Roth. As we noted in the report on the access to
Chairman Chaffetz's employment record, we found a number of
supervisors who, in fact, themselves had access to MCI. To me,
that was a very troubling incident; additionally a few people
then elevated their concerns, or the fact that this was being
used to a high enough level of management for something to be
So that was sort of certainly troubling behavior that we
Mr. Thompson. So, let me--so, we had senior-level people
accessing information, then we had that information being noted
by people above those individuals. It is your testimony that
nothing happened?
Mr. Roth. That is correct. I will give two examples, if I
The first was the special agent in charge of the Washington
field office, came to understand that some of her employees
were accessing the MCI to sort-of understand whether or not
that rumor existed.
She ordered her individuals--her subordinates to cut it
out. I think her exact words were knock it off, or quit fooling
around with the MCI database. In fact, that is what occurred in
the Washington field office.
Unfortunately, throughout the country, other individuals
were doing that, so that would be one example. The second
example is the special agent in charge of the Indianapolis
field division, who was, frankly, curious why it was that, in
his view, Chairman Chaffetz was so hard on Director Clancy.
He, just out of idle curiosity, accessed the database
himself to discover, in fact, that Chairman Chaffetz was a
prior applicant.
He did nothing with that information, did not elevate it
up, or do any other kind of conduct. There are number of
examples like that.
Mr. Thompson. Thank you very much.
So, Director Clancy, I hope you sense the membership's
concern about the culture, and I would hope that going forward,
you would take this hearing, as you said, as a moment of
instruction to try to fix it.
The men and women deserve it; they do a wonderful job. But
it is about leadership, and I think it is absolutely important.
As you know, I have been talking to you since this summer,
a little, small issue to some. It is relative to the fact that
we found out that there were 643 employees assigned to duty
that require a security clearance. They were working for the
Department without the completion of the clearances.
I had asked you for the demographics of those individuals.
As of this date, I don't have the information.
I know you have been busy, but can you give me some
indication when I can expect to receive the demographics of
those 643 employees?
Mr. Clancy. Yes, sir. First of all, my apologies that you
have not received that information--640 individuals, I am
assuming may be Department-wide, I think within the Secret
Service, we did have people working that did not have their
security clearances. I think it was much less than that, but we
will get you an answer in the coming days on that----
Mr. Thompson. Okay. Well, it was Department-wide over a 5-
year period, but my point is, some of us run up on men and
women around the country who indicate that, I am trying to get
employed with the Secret Service, but they tell me, I can't get
considered for employment, because I haven't been cleared.
I can't go to training, I can't do a lot of things. But it
troubles some of us when we are already employing people whose
job requires clearance on the other hand.
So, I don't know if that is favoritism or what. But it is
real concerning.
Mr. Clancy. I will follow up on that, sir.
I can tell you that we don't look at that, diversity, in
terms of who gets a security clearance, who does not.
In this case, the one that you referenced--and I will speak
for the Secret Service--we were delinquent as we went through
this hiring process, we did not get people their security
clearances in a timely manner.
Some--and they were assigned to positions outside of
Washington, for the most part. But what we have done, now, is
we have brought in some contractors, additional 14 contractors,
to ensure this never happens again where someone goes through
our training and--when they get their graduation--when they
graduate, they should have their clearance. So that has been
resolved now within the Secret Service.
Mr. Thompson. So--it is your testimony that--there is
nobody working for the Secret Service right now without a
security clearance?
Mr. Clancy. That is correct. To the best of my knowledge,
that is correct.
Mr. Thompson. Can you verify that for the committee?
Mr. Clancy. Yes. Yes, sir.
Mr. Thompson. Thank you. I yield back, Mr. Chair.
Mr. Perry. Chairman thanks the gentleman. The Chairman now
recognizes the gentleman from Georgia, Mr. Loudermilk.
Mr. Loudermilk. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, and thank you all
for being here.
This is especially troubling for me as we look back over
the history of this incredible agency, the Service. It is an
icon of what I think is American exceptionalism and the actions
that we have seen take place--of course, it tarnishes the
reputation of the Service, but more so, I think it really
tarnishes the image the American people have of what they have
always elevated as the exceptional service, not just in the
Nation, but in the world. I think it is imperative that we
address these issues, not just in hindsight but going forward
to make sure that we restore the trust of the American people,
the trust of Congress and the trust of the protectees.
Mr. Roth, you said something in your written statement that
really struck me here: ``The Secret Service has certainly taken
steps to address these challenges, but not always successfully.
These persistent challenges may not be easy to resolve through
expeditious actions, such as suspending employees and issuing
new guidance. They may require more fundamental change that
addresses the root of the misconduct.''
I think that is where we need to focus. What is the root,
in your opinion? What is the root of the problem?
Mr. Roth. When you look at guidance with regard to creating
an ethical culture, as they say, it comes in 3 sort-of
dimensions. One is tone at the top, which is not just at the
very top, but all through leadership of an organization. The
leaders have to set the exact right tone. The second is to have
a code of conduct and a code of ethics that is truly
meaningful. The third is to enforce that code of conduct, you
know, in a way that expresses to the rank-and-file that you
mean what you say with regard to that tone at the top.
So you have to look at all three of those things. As
Director Clancy said, I think the middle part, the code of
conduct was not there until Cartagena, and there have been
steps that they have taken since Cartagena to establish a more
rigorous policy.
So that is certainly an improvement that we think is well-
deserved or a positive step in the right direction. But again,
it has to be tone all the way through the organization, as well
as a meaningful enforcement of that code of conduct.
Mr. Loudermilk. I have a time line of misconduct that went
back just prior to Cartagena, but it goes back to 2011. Up
until that time, I don't recall if--there is misconduct in any
organization, but was there a history like we are seeing now,
Mr. Roth, that you were aware of, prior to the last, you know,
4 or 5 years?
Mr. Roth. I am not aware of it. I just don't have any
insight into it. Certainly, we are only as good as the audits
we do and the investigations we do and we didn't have anything
before that.
Mr. Loudermilk. Thank you.
Mr. Clancy, I applaud your efforts. You have got a
difficult task. You have been in the agency for quite a while.
Do you recall that there was the level or the consistency of
misconduct previously in the agency or is this just something
Mr. Clancy. I think any agency has always had some
misconduct, and the Secret Service has had misconduct in the
past. I think it has--more attention has been brought to this
misconduct in the last several years and I--and that is a good
thing, and I applaud the inspector general's office for that.
This has to be brought out in the open, these misconduct
episodes, otherwise we won't correct it. So--yes.
Mr. Loudermilk. You also--make sure I understood it right.
You said that you are trying to--benchmark your disciplinary
actions of other agencies. Is that what you were referring to
looking at other agencies?
Mr. Clancy. Yes, my understanding when the Table of
Penalties was built out, our legal team worked with other
agencies to see what they were doing from a discipline
standpoint, what their table penalties were. We took their best
ideas, best practices and built ours.
Mr. Loudermilk. I would suggest you guys have to be a
little stronger, a little better. It is the nature of the work
that you do is so important to this Nation. One last thing, I
think we have talked a lot about culture in here in the--and
that is true.
It is--look, I think what you are getting at is the culture
of the agency, it is the esprit de corps. It is--you are in the
Secret Service. You have an obligation to uphold the integrity,
the honor, and the dignity of this agency. I think that may be
what is missing somewhere.
Just real quickly. I was going over this time line and
there seems to be a common element with a lot of these. Look at
Cartagena. Alcohol was involved. June 2/13--of 2013, alcohol.
November 2013, abuse of alcohol. December 2013, alcohol. March,
alcohol. June 2014, alcohol. There seems to be this continual
cycle of alcohol abuse associated with this, which from my
experience in the military, usually indicates that there is a
morale issue. I will let you comment and I will yield back
after that.
Mr. Clancy. Yes. You are correct, Congressman. We do have a
morale issue, and a lot of it is because of our staffing, and
that is one of the things we need to do--work with our staffing
so that if we can build up the staffing level, we can get more
training, which our people want, get a better quality of life,
which will help their morale as well.
But again, to your point here today, the accountability in
discipline matters also helps that morale. Are we going to hold
people accountable? I will tell you, the episodes since I have
been here--you mentioned the March 4 incident where an
individual--two individuals after a retirement party drove onto
the White House. I can tell you that retirement parties now
are--I don't know of any that are taking place. People got that
This--what we are talking about today, PII. People are
getting this message. So unfortunately, it takes these
significant errors--misconduct to resonate sometimes with our
people. But I do want to also say one thing. Less than 1
percent of our people are involved in this misconduct. It
truly--99 percent, as some of you have mentioned today, are
doing the right thing. But that is--and they are working very
hard--but we have to focus on that less-than-1-percent, because
we are held at a very high--and rightfully so--we are at a high
Mr. Loudermilk. I hope you can get the Service back to the
point to where people aren't doing the right thing because they
are afraid of the discipline, but they are doing the right
thing because they are dedicated to the job, to the Service, to
the spirit of the service and their oath to the Constitution.
Thank you, sir. Mr. Chairman, I yield back.
Mr. Perry. The Chair thanks the gentleman. The Chair now
recognizes the gentlelady from California, Mrs. Torres.
Mrs. Torres. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Director Clancy, just
to be--to have some statistics here on the record. According to
the Partnership for Public Service, the agency is 74 percent
male. Is that correct?
Mr. Clancy. Seventy-five percent. I can--let me just check
that real quick. That sounds correct, but I--let me just----
Mrs. Torres. Seventy-two percent white, leaving it severely
out of step with other agencies. Women make up 25 percent of
the agency's workforce, but only about 11 percent of the agents
and uniformed officers.
Mr. Clancy. You are correct. Yes.
Mrs. Torres. You talked about your outreach efforts with
universities in targeting certain areas of the Nation. Have you
engaged an employment agency to help you or to advise you in
finding a more diverse workforce?
Mr. Clancy. I am not aware that we have done--taken that
step yet. It is a--it is an excellent suggestion that we may
look into.
I will tell you that when we go to these different areas of
the country, we have a very diverse group, recruiting group
that goes out to try to encourage females to apply as well as
across the board in diversity. So----
Mrs. Torres. Are you targeting also the military or----
Mr. Clancy. Yes.
Mrs. Torres [continuing]. Law enforcement agencies looking
for--you know, there are great people working in law
Mr. Clancy. Absolutely. We go to military bases, and again,
we run these, what we call ELACs, these Entry-Level Assessment
Centers, so that, for example, at a military base, if you want
to apply for a job with the Secret Service, we can do a testing
initially. If you pass the test, that very day, we can do a
super interview of you. If again, it looks like you are a good
candidate, then we will move you right to a polygraph, all
within a weekend to try to speed up that process.
But absolutely, the military bases--and we have found
personally that people that have had a military background
serve us very well.
Mrs. Torres. Well, they have a high work ethic.
Mr. Clancy. They do.
Mrs. Torres. They understand the pecking order, they
understand the need to serve.
I am disturbed by the incidents. I am happy to hear that it
is a reflection on less than 1 percent of the workforce, but by
no means does it make me feel better or safer. So would you say
you have an agent problem or do you have a management problem?
Mr. Clancy. It is a management problem, and it starts with
me. There is no question it is a management problem, it is a
leadership problem that I have got to find an answer to.
Mrs. Torres. Have you taken steps to ensure that when we
are clamping down on agents, that tougher disciplinary actions
are taken upon the people who supervise them?
Mr. Clancy. Yes. Supervisors are held accountable. Again
with this--we put this out--again, trying to be transparent--to
show our workforce how----
Mrs. Torres. Are there policies in place to ensure that
whistleblowers are protected?
Mr. Clancy. Yes. Everyone in the service knows that
whistleblowers perform a vital function, and they cannot be--
there is no retaliation, there is no--you know, you have got to
let them go, yes.
Mrs. Torres. So there are disciplinary steps that the
agency takes when the Department rules are violated.
Mr. Clancy. Yes.
Mrs. Torres. There are disciplinary steps that the
Department takes when our laws are broken.
Mr. Clancy. Yes.
Mrs. Torres. The agents are read Miranda rights. Is that
what you were referring to in an earlier question?
Mr. Clancy. No, they are not read Miranda rights. They are
read either Kalkines or Garrity, I will let the inspector
general correct here if I am wrong on that. But that is what
they are read, yes.
Mrs. Torres. I come from the civilian part of law
enforcement, so pardon. So criminal charges are filed, whether
they are felony charges or misdemeanor charges. What are your
steps? What steps do you take during that process?
Mr. Clancy. Well, if criminal charges are filed, we
typically immediately move to removing the security clearance
so that this individual can no longer have access to any of the
protected facilities, any access to any of our protectees, of
course, or any of our----
Mrs. Torres. So what happens to the rest of that immediate
department that are working with that employee now in the
process of a criminal investigation and their supervisors?
Mr. Clancy. If it is a--at that point, we don't have--we
remove all of their badges, we remove their equipment, and then
it goes through the normal course of the criminal justice
Mrs. Torres. My time is out. But I--what I am trying to
figure out is if you have a rotten apple, how do you ensure
that the whole bowl isn't bad?
Mr. Clancy. Yes. We can remove them very quickly in that
case when there are criminal charges. Mr. Chairman, if I could
just correct the record for one item. Ranking Member Thompson
had asked me about the security clearances. Our agents and
officers, some of them that are in training now have not had
their clearances settled. They will by graduation.
So anyone who graduates from our academy will have a
security clearance. But while they are going through training,
some of them may not have.
Mr. Thompson. But as of this summer when we talked, that
was not the case.
Mr. Clancy. That is correct. That was not the case. You are
absolutely correct. Yes.
Mr. Thompson. Thank you.
Mr. Perry. The Chair thanks the gentlelady. The Chair now
recognizes the gentleman from Florida, Mr. Clawson.
Mr. Clawson. Sorry to hear about your dad.
Mr. Clancy. Thank you, sir.
Mr. Clawson. Greatest generation.
Mr. Clancy. It was. I know many here have lost their
fathers from that generation, and I think we have all learned
from them.
Mr. Clawson. Was your dad a vet?
Mr. Clancy. He was, yes.
Mr. Clawson. Yes, I know all about this. I just lost my mom
and so, you know, it is the generation that the glass is half-
full, put the team first, work hard and go to church on Sunday
and the rest answers itself, right?
Mr. Clancy. Yes, sir. Absolutely.
Mr. Clawson. But we were lucky to have those kind of folks.
Mr. Clancy. Yes, sir. Thank you.
Mr. Clawson. Although, you know, we do a little bit for our
country now, they--without ever saying it, they remind us that
compared to what they did, we don't do much.
Mr. Clancy. That is correct. Yes, sir.
Mr. Clawson. I have full respect and admiration for you and
your dad.
I have always thought of organizational culture as being
the combination of performance and behavior, and therefore, how
your agency and your employees think of themselves is dependent
on those two things because they all see it.
When bad behavior is not dealt with quickly, it impacts
that culture and how we view each other because it discourages
good performers that--you know, that are doing their job every
Everything tells me that these incidents of bad behavior
ought to be isolated, put up in lights for everyone to see, and
that action needs to be taken quickly. That that really is the
responsibility of leadership. Therefore when it drags on and
on, when it drags on and on, it really sends a bad message to
this corporate culture that you referred to earlier.
Why so slow? I mean, you know, systematic, shmistamatic,
you know. You are the chief and you have got head of Homeland
Security. You know, I mean, let's go. Let's take some actions
so that you can do what is right and preserve the culture for
you all your great performers. Am I missing something on that?
Why so slow?
Mr. Clancy. No, you are correct. Again, certainly if there
is any criminal activity it is much quicker. We can remove
their security clearance right away. With other types of
misconduct as we are talking about in this case it does take
time for the full investigation.
Again, in transparency we had the OIG handle this
investigation to do a very thorough investigation, and then
once the investigation was completed, then we could move
forward with that discipline.
But under Title V, the employees, Federal employees, are
given certain rights, and we follow that process, but
eventually we get to where we need to be. Eventually we do get
to where we need to be.
Mr. Clawson. Well, it is going pretty slow for my taste,
and I think for the sake of your organization I would be
pushing this as hard as I can, because typical folks that run
large organizations don't understand this kind of length of
time for--you know, it just festers because you don't put it
behind you.
Mr. Clancy. Yes, sir.
Mr. Clawson. So, you know, my point is that is let's get
I have found in organizational change that if you don't
change a third of your people in positions of responsibility
you won't change the culture, because they are going to out-
wait you. They always out-wait you.
If you change more than 50 percent then you may have a
problem with the institutional memory that you discussed
I am really glad you brought diversity of thought and of
experience into your direct reports, but they will out-wait you
below that. So just, you know--no rule of thumb is 100 percent
for sure, but if I am sitting in your chair and not changing a
third of my managers, and you are thinking you are going to
change your organization, good luck. Don't believe it.
So you know, I don't know if you have thought of it in
numeric terms, but let's get--a performance culture going
without washing away the memory of the successes of the past. I
am all for having both, and I don't think if you implied this
in your early comments, I don't think you--it is one or the
other. Change your culture, and preserve the successes of the
past. Does that make sense?
Mr. Clancy. It does, yes, sir.
Mr. Clawson. Okay. Is there anything about what I have said
that you would disagree with?
Mr. Clancy. No, I wouldn't sir.
Mr. Clawson. Okay. Well, look, we want you to succeed. We
could talk all day about whether you should be in the job or
not, but you are in the job, and we need you to be successful.
So anything I can do, our group, we want you to succeed.
Look, I really like the tone at the top, so let's get them.
Mr. Clancy. Yes, sir.
Mr. Clawson. Thank you.
Mr. Perry. The Chair thanks the gentleman. The Chair thanks
the gentleman. The Chair now recognizes the gentleman from
Georgia, Mr. Carter.
Mr. Carter. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Thank all of you for
being here.
Mr. Clancy, how many times have--when did you get into the
office? When did you become the acting director?
Mr. Clancy. The acting director, October 6, I believe.
Mr. Carter. October 6?
Mr. Clancy. Of 2014.
Mr. Carter. Of 2014. How many times have you appeared
before Congress since then?
Mr. Clancy. I believe this may be my sixth or seventh.
Mr. Carter. You know, I have been here since January 6 and
I think this is the fourth time I have seen you. I am just--I
mean, obviously, we have got concerns here. There seems to be
an on-going problem.
Mr. Clancy. Yes.
Mr. Carter. As you might know, I am very fortunate to have
the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center in Glynco, Georgia,
my district. I am familiar with the training that takes place
with the Secret Service agents down there, and I think they do
an excellent job, but I also want to remind you of the
Protective Mission Panel that came out and actually said that
the amount of training that the Secret Service agents were
getting was far below what is should be.
In fact, I think at one time, they said it was equal to
only 25 minutes for each 1,300 uniformed officers?
Mr. Clancy. Yes.
Mr. Carter. What are we doing to change that?
Mr. Clancy. Well, you are absolutely correct, and I have
been down to your Federal Law Enforcement Training Center and
they do a great job down there, and they help us as we try to
build our staffing levels. In terms of what we have done--
uniformed division 99% have gone through a building defense
exercise training mission--it is a 10-hour block.
Additionally, approximately 700 of our uniformed officers
have gone through a 3-day training period where they do their
firearms, their emergency medicine, their control tactics--a
number of things.
The agents on the President's detail--we have increased the
number of agents on the President's detail by November--I am
sorry, by the second quarter--early January, we will have
increased the numbers there by 85, which is what was
recommended by the blue-ribbon panel, and that will help their
So we have increased training by 85 percent on the
President's detail in this past year.
Mr. Carter. Okay, well, specifically, let's get to what we
are here about today. That is about Chairman Chaffetz and that
Inspector Roth has stated that several of the agents that
violated the Secret Service and the Homeland Security policies
when they accessed his records. This was criminal offense,
don't you think?
Mr. Clancy. It is on the books as a criminal offense, yes.
Mr. Carter. It is on the books as a criminal offense.
Tell me what you have done. Have these people been fired?
Have they been disciplined at all? A criminal offense by an
agency that we hold to the highest standard.
You know, earlier--I am a little bit frustrated by some of
the things I have heard, here. Keep in mind that we, up here,
are experts at spin. And pivoting. My campaign manager--that
was his favorite word--pivot, pivot, pivot.
All of a sudden I heard you talking about data. If the data
had been better-protected--give me a break. If they wanted to
see this, they were gonna see it, I don't care how the data was
How can you let this go on? Why haven't you fired these
people? They knew this was wrong. Don't you agree? Don't you
agree? They knew this was wrong.
Mr. Clancy. I do agree, and certainly, there is misconduct
here, the discipline has been proposed for those GS-15 and
below. But the data is also important. As a side step.
Mr. Carter. I understand that, I respect that, and I
acknowledge that it is important, that it be protected.
But still, the basic premise here is that they knew what
they were doing was wrong.
Mr. Clancy. Yes. Looking at the OIG report, they should
have known what they were doing was wrong. Some of them, I
think, will acknowledge----
Mr. Carter. Should have known? To an agency that we
consider to be--to hold at the highest level?
Mr. Clancy. Right.
Mr. Carter. I just can't go along with that. I mean, even
you yourself said it was inexcusable and unacceptable. It is.
It deserves discipline.
Look, I am a small businessman. I have got employees as
well, and I can tell you, when something like this happens, and
I am not trying to tell you how to run your business, but you
know as well as I do that when you got a cancer, you gotta get
rid of it. Otherwise, it is going to destroy your whole
business. You have got to get rid of this cancer here. You have
got to set an example. You have got an opportunity right here
to set an example, because what they did was wrong. They knew
it was wrong. They deserve discipline. They deserve to be let
Mr. Clancy. They deserve discipline. We do look at the
whole picture here, too. The whole person.
Some of these people have spent 28 years with no discipline
in their history. Some of them self-reported. Some of them--
they are obviously all very remorseful.
But it was wrong? Yes. But we do look at the whole picture
and the whole person of their career.
Mr. Carter. I get that. I want to make sure that the
punishment fits the crime and I understand that, and you should
look at their whole career. But at the same time, again, you
have been here six times since you took office.
Mr. Clancy. Yes.
Mr. Carter. We want you to succeed. We don't want to see
you fail.
Mr. Clancy. Yes.
Mr. Carter. We don't want to see you here anymore. That is
essentially it. We want you to do this. We want you to do well,
but we gotta have your help.
Mr. Chairman, I yield back.
Mr. Perry. The Chair thanks the gentleman.
The Chair now recognizes the gentleman from Oklahoma,
Senator Lankford.
Senator Lankford. Gentlemen, thank you. Long day--we have
still got a little ways to go, to be able to bounce you some
questions, I appreciate it very much. Let me just state a
couple things that I picked up from a lot of the conversation
here today. Then I want to walk through multiple questions.
There are a lot of issues with Secret Service. That has
been well-documented, and I want to talk about that a little
I would say to you, I do disagree with one of the findings
of the panel, I do think someone from the inside needs to be
there to be able to fix it.
Someone from the outside that doesn't have the same law-
enforcement background or doesn't have the same sense of
corporate identity with Secret Service walks in as an outsider
and has a different opinion on it. Someone from the inside can
walk in and say I am one of us and part of us and can turn some
things around.
So I appreciate that you are there because there is
obviously work to be done. I am gonna come back to that in just
a little bit.
Mr. Roth, let me ask you a question. Is it your sense that
for these individuals that accessed this database it was the
first time for them to access it--this database like this? Did
anyone ever ask them, you know, gosh, did you just happen to
say, gosh, maybe I should go look at Jason Chaffetz' records?
Someone said, well I think, maybe, we could get access to that.
Or did this look like this was a pattern of behavior, that
if they are interested in someone they can go pull it?
Mr. Roth. I think it ran the gamut depending on the agent
we talked to. Some of them didn't think it was wrong at all
because what they called it was ``our database''. It was a
Secret Service database unlike, NCIC, or TECS, or one of the
other, sort-of larger criminal databases, this was run by the
Secret Service and saw nothing wrong with it.
Others didn't understand that it was wrong until after they
did it, and then they realized, well, I probably should not
have done it.
Senator Lankford. There is a training that happens multiple
times a year, both orally and electronically--there is, your
computer when you start it up there, it says this is for
official use only. It is still your perception that some
individuals just kind-of ignored all of that and said it is our
database, we can do with it what we want.
Mr. Roth. That is correct.
Senator Lankford. Okay. Well, the problem with that is, if
they can pull any Member of Congress, if they can pull any
individual there, that also means the new neighbor down the
street, I can go check my records and see if there is, you
know, something on the new neighbor down the street. When their
daughter starts dating some new guy they can go pull his family
and go pull the records on it.
If this is someone they don't like, they can pull the
What we saw from the VA--and we will talk about this with
GAO in just a moment--but the VA became a whistleblower there,
and we found out that their employees that were then just
pulling records, that were medical records on someone they
didn't like as a whistleblower in the process.
The challenge that we have here is access to data, you
know, it is official and nonofficial and how do we actually
direct this.
So, based on your perception and walking through this with
Secret Service--is it your perception this has been an on-going
issue for some employees just to be able to use that database
as just I can go look at it, whether it is official
nonofficial, and they blur those lines?
Mr. Roth. That is the sense we got from at least some of
the agents that we interviewed who had accessed the database.
Senator Lankford. Okay. Mr. Willemssen, how do we deal with
this? Social Security has identified 50 different individuals
that were given merit bonuses at the end of the year, but also
during the year had accessed information for unofficial
purposes and had looked people up.
VA has this issue, which we can talk about in greater
length--with someone grabbing information to be able to look at
it--that is a whistleblower.
How many agencies have good systems in place to be able to
audit, at least, how individuals access these sensitive
Mr. Willemssen. This particular access problem is probably
the most common issue that we see when we are doing detailed
information security audits. Too many people have access to
things they don't need access to. It is not part of their job
description. They don't have a need to know, but yet, they are
given access.
So access is a real issue. It is one that we--I would say
that is probably the most frequent one we come up with.
Another issue that is interesting in this case is when you
are collecting PII you--one of the things you do is end up
scheduling a records notice with NARA--National Archives and
Records Administration--to among other things, tell them how
long you are going to keep the files before you dispose of it.
I was kind-of curious about why an application file from
2003 would be kept 12 years later. Those kinds of things should
be disposed of fairly quickly. Hopefully, that is part of what
the Service will be doing going forward.
You are supposed to schedule those records out and dispose
of them at a certain date. Sometimes 1 year, sometimes 5 years.
Senator Lankford. Can you pause on that?
Mr. Clancy, has that been taken care of at this point?
There are two different sets of information. Both the
electronic records that are not applicable anymore, and paper
records, because it is my understanding that are still some
offices though the access point has been changed
electronically, if you go into a file room, those old
application files may still be there in paper form, as well.
Has that been dealt with as well?
Mr. Clancy. Yes, we are moving forward too, for example,
the applicants. Every 2 years those files will be purged. Right
now there is an investigation going on with the inspector
general, so some of that will be delayed slightly until they're
through the investigation, but that is the plan forward. Also,
again, with the applicants in mind, 95 percent of the people
that had access before no longer will have access because of
the new system.
Senator Lankford. Is that both paper and electronic for
those offices around the country, do they still have access to
paper records--somewhere in a filing cabinet?
Mr. Clancy. I will have to get back to you with a good
solid answer on that. I think we have moved away from a lot of
the paper, but let me give you a better answer.
Senator Lankford. Okay. That would be something wise to be
able to evaluate as well. Both the electronic version, the
access points, and then obviously the paper version to make
sure that that is also purged. It may be, just if you have
access to that room, you also have access to those files, and
it is part of the challenge here.
Let me come back to Mr. Willemssen.
Which agency would you identify and say this agency is a
good model example of how to handle personal identifiable
information? They are auditing well, they are tracking well,
they are a model agency?
Mr. Willemssen. Don't have one. No model agency.
Senator Lankford. That is somewhat depressing.
Mr. Willemssen. Yes, it is. Now, the more optimistic note,
since the OPM cyber disaster, this has become a major priority.
OMB has charged up, it has definitely elevated its priority on
this. Agency heads now recognize that this is a critical issue
that needs to be addressed.
You know, and when we first announced the information
security area as high-risk, first few years I was told, you
know, you are Chicken Little, the sky is falling.
I don't hear that anymore.
Senator Lankford. Sky fell.
Mr. Willemssen. Yes.
Senator Lankford. Okay. So the challenge that we have here
is dealing with--let me just give you one example of VA. This
is something GAO has for years and years identified issues with
Mr. Willemssen. Yes, sir.
Senator Lankford. How does this get better? How do we
prevent unauthorized access of medical information and of
private information for our veterans?
Mr. Willemssen. Veterans Affairs has a significantly high
percentage of systems that are considered high-impact systems--
that is, the disclosure of data or modification of the data
because of the medical records, is considered to be very severe
in terms of its possible impact if it is lost, stolen, or
reviewed by others.
Given that, you have to put much stricter controls in
place, including monitoring users and what they are doing, and
if they have any atypical patterns in use, and the----
Senator Lankford. Is this just an audit, or is this an
algorithm that is created?
Mr. Willemssen. This is an audit and an algorithm. You can
do it automatically.
Senator Lankford. Right.
Mr. Willemssen. It is contained in the National Institute
for Standards and Technology guidance for high-impact systems.
Like I said, VA has a significant percentage of high-impact
systems where you have got to put these kind of controls in
place to try to prevent the kind of situations that you
Senator Lankford. Mr. Chairman, I would like--I don't know
if we are going to do a second round of questions, but I do
have additional questions for Director Clancy as well.
Mr. Perry. If you don't mind, I will suspend.
Thank you, sir, and I will suspend your questions at the
time and recognize Mrs. Watson Coleman for a second round.
Mrs. Watson Coleman. Mr. Chairman, you know, I know we were
here. I know that my colleagues wanted us to sort-of focus on
what happened to Chairman Chaffetz.
I think if I were him--if I were he, I would probably want
this to just go away now. Take care of the business that needs
to be taken care of, discipline the people that need to be
disciplined, learn the lessons that you need to learn, but, you
know, I just really don't think he needs to have this or wants
to have this as a continuing story.
But it does speak to other issues that we are identifying,
and it does speak to a culture or way of thinking or way of
doing business or the way we--they--we perceive ourselves on
the inside that needs to be addressed. I know you have
expectations for that changing.
I would like to know any steps that you are actually taking
to change the culture in the form of action. What happens with
your executive level? What happens with the level beneath that,
the supervisory level? What happens with the rank-and-file
How are you addressing the need to get our agency to think
more differently about how we come to work? What we do at work?
We don't sleep at work. We don't sex text under any
circumstances. You know, we don't look into files that we don't
have a responsibility, a need to look into.
Is there going to be some sort of a fail-safe mechanism
that shows when the file is being accessed by someone who
shouldn't be, or has no reason to be? I would like to know some
steps that you are taking.
Thank you. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Mr. Clancy. I just think, in terms of the overall culture
here, one of the things we are doing is we are trying to have
our workforce take ownership of this agency. It is their
agency, and--let me just give you one example.
Just 3 or 4 weeks ago, we started a new program. It is a
crowdsourcing type of service on our intranet where our agents
and our officers and all of our employees--professional staff
can send in ideas, suggestions, what we should be doing better,
what should we be looking at, and then they get other people
from the workforce looking at that, and they can ``like'' that,
for--better term, and then it forces the executive staff to
look at that.
We have seen this as a very positive--already within a few
weeks, we have had close to 200 hits of--we call it Spark--
where people have taken ownership of their agency.
Now, I think that is where we have got to get to that
point. It is management, it is my leadership, but additionally,
it is the individuals who have to take ownership of this
agency. I will say again, 99 percent of our people do have that
Mrs. Watson Coleman. So, Mr. Clancy, I have been in the
Executive branch of Government, and I know it takes that kind
of expectation, but it takes a plan of action, and it takes
whether or not you are hiring people from the outside who look
at these issues and work through groups, and you work down
through the organization.
So at some point I would like to know if you are planning
to do those kinds of action steps.
Then the last question is--I really do want to know--is
there some sort of way that there is a notification of
accessing information when you are not--when it is out of order
for what you are doing, it is not related to your case? Your
identification number to get into it signals whether or not you
are or are not the right person to be accessing this
information? As a follow-up to Senator Lankford's concerns.
Mr. Clancy. My understanding is--and the other gentlemen in
here may be able to answer this better--but it requires
constant monitoring and auditing, and there is no automatic
notice that someone has accessed someone's data
inappropriately. It has to be constant monitoring.
Mrs. Watson Coleman. Who----
Mr. Clancy [continuing]. There is an administrator for each
of these buckets of information, and that administrator has to
control who has access--who has the need to know that
So it is up to the administrator--so with our human
resources, we have approximately 260 that would have access to
our applicant data with this new system, and that administrator
would have to ensure that anyone else who enters has access
they have approved.
Mrs. Watson Coleman. Thank you. Did you want to say
something to this, Mr. Roth--respond to this?
Mr. Roth. If I may--yes, if I may, just as an example, the
DHS TECS system is one in which, for example, if Director
Clancy had created a record there and then I accessed that
record, Director Clancy would get an e-mail that I was the one
who accessed the record.
So not only what Director Clancy was talking about, which
is--you know, you can run reports by the system administrator,
but there are also sort of real-time controls on modern IT
systems that weren't present in the MCI system.
Mrs. Watson Coleman. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I yield back.
Mr. Perry. Chair thanks the gentlelady from New Jersey.
Chair recognizes the gentleman Mr. Lankford.
Senator Lankford. Thank you.
I think the audit system is gonna be the key. At whatever
percentage that that is, to be able to have, for this computer
at this spot, here is everything that you ran, and that they
know at some point, someone is going to just spot-audit.
You can't go through all of it. There is not a need to go
through all of it. But just the simple accountability that sits
out there somewhere, to know there is an algorithm that is
running, to say, ``hey, there is a search for files that don't
seem to be consistent with official records.''
There is a spot audit occasionally, that you may come in
and face discipline, saying, ``you pulled records from your
neighbor down the street, or from someone you don't like.'' All
those things, I think, just become important.
We have a tremendous number of people that work in the
Federal workforce that are great people, that generally love
the country and love to be able to do what their job is. The
problem is these small--as Mr. Clancy, as you mentioned--the 1
percent on it.
I had to smile as we were walking through some of the
conversation about Secret Service and picking on Secret Service
today. I hope we are really not picking on you. This has become
the latest example of multiple examples, whether that be VA or
Social Security or others became the visual example again.
But I have to tell you, as I have listened to some of the
conversation on the dais about challenges with public-relations
nightmares and employees not doing their job and alcohol abuse
and everything else, we could, quite frankly, flip the tables,
and y'all could hold a hearing on Members of Congress and have
the same accusation.
I would assure you it is more than 1 percent of the Members
of Congress have some of these exact same issues. So this issue
is not--is a human behavior issue, but it is also a
professionalism issue of taking the task seriously.
So, Mr. Clancy, I am going to give you an unfair list, and
just to be able to walk through a few things, and I am going to
tell you this in advance--as I have tried to start walking
through some of the issues and the recommendations for the
Secret Service--it is the oldest law--oldest general law
enforcement entity in our country. It is an incredibly valuable
resource to our Nation.
But my fear is some changes that have been put in place
over the past several decades--it is not on your watch--have
brought about some morale shifts on it. What I am trying to
figure out is how do we shift morale back, and how do we get on
top of this? Otherwise, it is Whack-a-Mole with the different
issues all the time.
Overtime rules seem to come up over and over again as I
talk to different agents and individuals. Getting some sort of
standard practice with your counterpart agencies.
Accountability of leadership, so if there is a bad actor,
everyone knows that is not tolerable in our agency.
When you actually confront issues, everyone knows that is
the standard and we are going to live up to it. If there is a
bad apple, as has been stated, in the group, or someone that is
flippant about it, everyone kind of works down to that level.
Priority of new equipment and technology. I find that
Secret Service is not getting the top priority for some of the
newest technology and newest equipment among our DHS law
enforcement, and I think it is demeaning. That sends a false
message to Secret Service that they are not as valuable as some
of the other aspects of DHS.
Their responsibilities seem to be getting cluttered instead
of a clarity, where it has been historically, for protection
and for counterfeit duties. There seems to be other duties that
seem to be kind of creeping into it that distract from the core
mission here.
The consistent career track--that seems to be a consistent
theme that I have heard over and over again, that the career
track seems to change, so no one really knows what path they
are on here. Am I off on any of these at this point?
Mr. Clancy. No, you are correct, and I will just comment on
your last--the career track. We did bring in a workforce of
agents at different levels to try to look at the best career
track moving forward, and we have just announced, a couple
months ago, the new career track for our agents so that they
can plan their future.
That has been one of the problems. You don't know if you
are going to come to Washington, or will you be able to go to
Texas. So we are, again, listening to our workforce, trying to
find solutions.
Senator Lankford. That is one of the things you can do if
you are on the inside and you know full well what is happening.
But I would encourage in the career track--and y'all have
already examined this, and go from there--the possibility that
individuals that are on a previous career track still could
finish that out.
Mr. Clancy. Yes.
Senator Lankford. They can be grandfathered into that, or,
if they choose to shift to the other one, they could choose
that as well. That gives them the option and not feel like the
new guys got the new stuff, or whatever it may be, but also
have something to say, ``I started on this, I can actually
complete this and not feel like the rules are changing on me
again'' as they walk through.
This corporate identity is extremely important, and is
extremely valuable. What I fear is that there is a growing
sense of lack of importance of people that are incredibly
important to our Nation.
I never want Secret Service folks to feel like they just
guard doors for a living. They don't. They have an incredibly
valuable role, and the morale, and the--what you set--and the
role and the standard that you set will be incredibly important
for years to come.
If there is a silver lining in this, historically, Secret
Service have had a really bad time when a President was shot.
No one has been shot.
There are just some things that were messed up, and this is
unique moment for--publicly for the Secret Service to
reevaluate again, and go, ``Who are we? Where are we going?
What is our clear task?''
I would encourage you, if there are issues in working with
DHS and in the scheme of things, these committees need to know
it, because we want to make sure that all of the DHS families
all feel equal levels of importance.
Your Secret Service transitioned pretty quickly, I guess,
from working in the Treasury to DHS and all the restructuring
and you are now one of many rather than the big dog of
Treasury. That has both benefits and challenges, and we need to
know and to have some way to be able to help communicate in
that so that we can help actually engage in this because we are
not only advocates, but we are accountability in the process.
Today probably feels more like accountability, but we also
have the desire to be advocates on these roles. So we will need
to know that. Is that fair?
Mr. Clancy. That is fair, Mr. Chairman. If I could comment
on one thing there, sir.
Senator Lankford. Yes, sir.
Mr. Clancy. Just to give you some comfort--I know it has
given me comfort, but I went through this papal visit as well
as the U.N. General Asembly. I traveled with the Pope and I can
tell you, as I talk to our agents, our officers and our
professional staff, this was a defining moment for our agency.
As I talk to these people, I looked in their eyes, they wanted
to be successful. They know the issues that have been
highlighted, and rightfully so, over the past several years.
This was an unprecedented time in our history and our
people were determined to make this successful and we did this
for NSSEs without incident, and our people felt very proud
about that and I am very proud of our workforce.
Now having said that, we have got to correct these other
things too, and we will, but we have got people that are
working very hard for the American people.
Senator Lankford. Yes, you do, and we acknowledge that and
we understand that. But we also don't want anything to distract
Mr. Clancy. Yes, sir.
Senator Lankford. Mr. Willemssen, let me ask you this as
well. When we are talking about databases and we are talking
about access points, is there any independent agency or agency
that is an Executive agency that you think has a higher risk or
has no system of tracking this, old or new, that you look at
and say these--of the high-risk, these are the highest-risk?
Part of my question--are the independent agencies--do we
know for certain that they have auditing process? Because they
handle incredibly sensitive financial data on Americans.
Mr. Willemssen. I would point to those agencies who have
the most PII, personally identifiable information, as reason to
make sure that they are doing everything they can to protect
So you start with Social Security Administration, who has
PII on almost every citizen. Veterans Affairs you have already
mentioned, definitely an issue. Department of Education,
probably somewhat overlooked because they have a tremendous
amount of PII because of the student loans, not only on the
student, but sometimes on the parents.
So I would be most concerned about where the PII is the
most significant.
Senator Lankford. Let me ask you about things like SEC or
CFPB, fairly new entity for CFPB, they have a tremendous amount
of data.
Mr. Willemssen. Yes.
Senator Lankford. Do we know, on their employees, how they
have access and the limitations that they have?
Mr. Willemssen. We know that they have at least three sets
of data collection that includes PII, maybe more. Arbitration
case records, bank-deposit account and transaction-level data
and storefront payday loans.
Senator Lankford. What is their auditing process for their
employees inappropriately accessing that?
Mr. Willemssen. That is something we will have--we can
follow up on. We did make a recommendation in terms of the--we
previously had done work and we made a recommendation related
to their privacy-impact assessment.
Whenever you collect PII, you have got to do a privacy-
impact assessment that lets everyone know what are we
collecting, why are we collecting it, how are we going to use
it, how are we not going to use it, and when are we going to
dispose of it.
They had not fully done those when we had done our work, so
made a recommendation on that, and that is something I can
follow up on and see where they are at.
Senator Lankford. I know CFPB has just requested, again,
another incredibly large jump in the amount of information that
they are gathering on Americans and gathering on databases.
That seems to exceed even what was originally designed in Dodd-
Mr. Willemssen. Well, it may be more than what we had
mentioned in our report, then. They may have further expanded
Senator Lankford. It is a fairly recent expansion request
for additional information. What we are trying to figure out is
who has access to that, how often do they have access to that?
Mr. Willemssen. We can follow up for you on the that.
Senator Lankford. That would be very helpful to this
Mr. Willemssen. Yes, sir.
Senator Lankford. Gentlemen, I thank you for your
participation today.
Mr. Perry. The Chair thanks the gentleman from Oklahoma.
Before I close out, I have got a couple questions. Mr.
Willemssen, you know, you are from the Government
Accountability Office and I read through your information. I am
just wondering if you can provide any clarity on other agencies
regarding penalties, regarding accountability for actions that
have been--that they have engaged in regarding security
clearances? That might be out of your wheelhouse, and if it is,
that is----
Mr. Willemssen. Well, I can talk about numerous--some of
the major incidents over time. Probably the first major
incident we had with inappropriate browsing was at the IRS in
the mid-1990s. Several employees decided to start browsing
celebrities' tax returns, and actually, as a result of that,
there was an act passed, the Taxpayer Browsing Protection Act,
1997. That, among other things, has penalties of up to a $1,000
fine and imprisonment of not more than 1 year.
Mr. Perry. Do you know if anybody was ever prosecuted under
that? And was subjected to those penalties at all?
Mr. Willemssen. Do not know that, sir, but I can--we can
follow up on that with the IRS.
Mr. Perry. Well, I--actually, I wish you would, just so we
Director, you also mentioned that--I think you are--there
are some limitations, right, to what you can do regarding
accountability, regarding punishment for actions that are
beneath the standard? Is that correct?
Mr. Clancy. Yes. We are not able to fire at will.
Mr. Perry. You are not--okay. So we need to know, the
members of this board and Congress in general needs to know
what you need us to do for you to be successful, for you to
manage your force, okay? We need your direct recommendations
and that is, as I have said so many times in the room, we want
you to be successful, and if we are standing in the way, you
need to let us know what we can do, what we should do, so that
you could be successful.
You know, I have served for over 30 years the United States
military, if you are familiar with the Army, and I guarantee
you if there is a question of your security clearance and your
activity regarding the security clearance, that is suspended on
an interim basis, pending an investigation. If you are found to
have been at fault, and have breached, that is very serious. It
incredibly serious for the most minor infractions. It is not
meant to be a culture of punishment and fear, but it is meant
to keep honest people honest and to raise to the level of
importance those things that should be important.
I would just suggest that maybe that would be something
that you might want to look at for suspension of security
clearances, which I would imagine in your business, a
suspension of a security clearance, certainly on an interim
basis--maybe on an interim basis, but absolutely on a permanent
basis means loss of employment because you can't be employed
without it, right? And----
Mr. Clancy. That is correct, yes, sir.
Mr. Perry. That is correct, right? So that gets to where we
want to be. I would also say this. In looking at some of the
testimony, we are concerned about how fast you are getting the
information. You are the top dog and you are in charge and I
get it. But I will tell you this too. Whether it is in my
family, whether or, whether it is in the military, whether I
was running my business, bad information, bad news does not get
better with time.
There must be a culture of something happened, and who
needs to know and we get the information up to the top of the
chain as quickly as possible because you have got to be able to
do your job. You can't do it without the information. If your
subordinates don't know that that is your expectation, then we
are going to have--we are going to have this continuation of
this, which none of us want.
You are sitting here in front of us and you are defending
your agency and your agents, as we expect you to, as you
should. You will probably also note that 95 percent of your
time will be spent on 5 percent of your people. Director, I
have been out to your operation and I have been well impressed
and all of us really want to hold up the Secret Service as the
standard. We want that. Americans really desperately want that.
So these things are incredibly hurtful, so when we hear
them in the news, they are hurtful. There is a bigger picture
here and I think your agents, your employees need to understand
it is not their system. It is the taxpayers' database, and is
not their information, it is those individuals' information.
You don't own it, those individuals own it. To use it
willy-nilly is reprehensible in an age when, as the Senator
talked about, your--all these information that the governments
gather, the information that the private sector is gathering
and what happens to it and who owns it and the force of law
under the ACA, which says you must submit your information.
To think and to wonder that somebody might be using that
for their personal whatever, that is a problem. That is a
problem for the American citizen trusting their Government, and
your employees have a direct connection to that. They must--in
my opinion, they must understand that.
I want to just speak to this--you have been questioned a
couple times on diversity and also on filling your ranks and in
keeping your people employed and keeping them incentivized and
so on and so forth. We understand that you have challenges,
just like everybody does, complying with the law and filling
your ranks with the people that you want to have there. We
understand that. I would say from this person's perspective, we
want you, I want you to get the best. You get the best, all
right? You get the best to do the job.
Finally, I noticed a couple times you said you are trying
to be consistent with other agencies. I will tell you this,
sir. I understand where you want to be, but this is the Secret
Service, the premier organization of your type in the United
States Government, in the world.
How about if you lead? If you can't find somebody that
meets the standards you want to set in your agency around the
Government agencies, go outside. Make your own standard. If you
need help from us, you need to ask for it, all right?
Thank you very much for your time here. Gentlemen--again--I
thank you, the witnesses all for your very valuable testimony
and for the Members and their questions. Members may have some
additional questions for the witnesses and we will ask that you
respond to those in writing.
Without objection, this subcommittees stand adjourned.
[Whereupon, at 12:02 p.m., the subcommittees were
Questions From Chairman Scott Perry for Joseph P. Clancy
Question 1a. According to Secret Service officials, USSS policies
related to accessing and disclosing PII are available in the Secret
Service ethics manual distributed to USSS personnel and on the Secret
Service intranet site. In addition, Secret Service employees are
required to recertify their ethics training yearly.
What percentage of the workforce actually completes the yearly
recertification and what audit measures are in place to ensure the
workforce is recertifying?
Answer. Employees certify annually that they are aware of a variety
of agency policies via the SSF 3218, to include the agency manual
sections on Employee Responsibilities and Conduct, Table of Penalties,
and Discipline. These forms are subject to audit when agency offices
are inspected by the Office of Professional Responsibility's Inspection
With respect to ethics training, in calendar year 2014, the Office
of Chief Counsel (LEG) provided ethics training to 100% of those
employees required to receive it. In calendar year 2015, LEG targeted a
goal of 100% compliance and has provided in-person training to a total
of 587 employees. LEG reports the results of its training efforts
annually to the Office of Government Ethics.
With respect to required on-line training, the table below reflects
the percentage of the workforce that has completed each of the 3
identified courses that involve employee conduct and/or treatment of
personal information.
Privacy at DHS: Decision Making IT Security
Protecting Elements Awareness
Personal -------------------------------------
Information March 2015 was
Course Title ------------------- official rollout This on-line
This on-line for this yearly course is
course is required on-line required annually
required annually course
Employee Completions *................................. 5,604 5,563 5,385
Percent of the Workforce Completions for Fiscal Year 89% 88% 86%
2015 (Numbers include active and inactive employees
with no duplicates)...................................
* Totals represent ``unique employee completion'' (both active/inactive employees with no duplicates).
The enforcement mechanisms (or audit measures) to ensure the on-
line courses are completed are multi-tiered:
(1) Self-Check.--Employee logs onto learning management system
(LMS) regularly to ensure he/she is taking the courses by due
(2) Supervisory Check.--Supervisor logs onto LMS and reviews his/
her employee progress and/or the office Training Coordinator
provides the supervisor(s) with a non-compliant list.
(3) 2nd Supervisory Check (during evaluation process).--Supervisor
conducts the employee's mid-year and final evaluation, reviews
the status of prescribed/required training, and discusses any
other training the employee may need or want to improve or
develop his/her skill-set.
(4) Inspection Division Audit.--All field offices and protective
divisions are inspected every 4 years by the Inspection
Division (ISP). During the ISP review, on-line training is
audited to determine whether all employees have completed
mandatory LMS training.
Question 1b. What follow-up is conducted for non-compliant
employees who fail to complete the training?
Answer. Employees found to be non-compliant with required courses
could be held accountable in performance evaluations and could be
subject to discipline in accordance with the established Table of
Question 1c. How do senior officials hold mid-level management
accountable for ensuring their subordinates are aware of and operating
within USSS ethics policies?
Answer. Senior officials are responsible for communicating their
expectations, including adherence to Secret Service ethics policies, to
mid-level management during regular interactions, mid-year reviews, and
final reviews. Failure on the part of mid-level management to ensure
their subordinates are aware of and operating within those ethics
policies could be reflected in the manager's performance review and
could result in discipline under the Table of Penalties.
Question 2a. According to USSS staff, in 2007, an NSA review called
for the MCI system to be upgraded. Despite this recommendation, the
Secret Service did not begin to take any action related to upgrading
the system until 2011 and the MCI upgrade was not completed until June
of this year. Since fiscal year 2011, when the upgrade began, Congress
has appropriated over $227 million for USSS IT transformation.
How much of this appropriated sum was used to modernize the MCI
Answer. The MCI migration was part of the Mainframe Applications
Refactoring project which utilized approximately $13.49 million to
complete the migration into modernized systems with security controls
and audit logging. The out-year sustainment costs are $2 million per
Question 2b. Why did it take so long for MCI to be upgraded and why
did USSS wait 4 years after the NSA review to begin the upgrade? Was it
a funding issue, a personnel issue, an acquisition issue, a technical
issue, or something else?
Answer. The MCI upgrade was dependent on the availability of
modernization funds to obtain the appropriate assets to complete the
project. These funds were needed to obtain the equipment and skilled
personnel to take on the effort of transitioning from a period of
technological stabilization to modernization. The Secret Service's
Information Integration and Technology Transformation (``IITT'')
program was established in fiscal year 2010. In recognition of the
limitations of MCI and other mainframe applications, the Secret Service
initiated the Mainframe Application Refactoring (``MAR'') project in
2011 to assess the existing 48 applications residing on the mainframe
and migrate necessary capabilities and accompanying data to a non-
mainframe, secure, highly-available and compartmentalized environment.
DHS estimated the project would take 10 years to complete. The Secret
Service accelerated the MAR project in 2013 and was able to achieve
project closure on June 24, 2015.
Question 3a. Since becoming Director, you have launched a series of
communication initiatives to open lines of communication between senior
management and the rank-and-file USSS employees. These initiatives
include focus groups, an Ombudsman question line, and the new Spark!
tool. These actions would appear to ``clearly communicate agency
priorities'' and ``create more opportunities for offices and agents to
provide input on their mission'' as recommended by the Protective
Mission Panel.
What kind of buy-in and participation in these initiatives have you
seen from the rank-and-file employees?
Question 3b. What reforms, either completed or in process, have
been brought about as a result of these initiatives?
Answer. Given that sub-questions a and b are closely related, the
Secret Service will address these together.
On October 19, 2015, the Secret Service introduced the Spark!
Program, which is a crowdsourcing, web-based communication platform
that provides every employee with a virtual voice to make suggestions,
share ideas, and find solutions to elevate our mission and continue to
improve the agency. This new program allows senior management to
communicate directly with the entire workforce on what initiatives are
being pursued and what the agency's priorities are as they relate to
the posts on the site. The Spark! Program, although still in its
infancy, has already seen participation by 3,374 employees, which is
54% of the workforce.
Focus Groups
In October 2014, the Secret Service selected Eagle Hill Consulting
as the primary contractor to conduct a Work/Life Integration Assessment
beginning in November 2014. Eagle Hill conducted focus group interviews
throughout the Nation with Secret Service employees. A survey was
distributed garnering participation from approximately 57% of the total
Secret Service population. Eagle Hill completed its assessment in
December 2015.
Throughout this engagement, frequent communication with the Secret
Service workforce has been essential in providing the workforce
transparent, accurate information about the status of the work/life
assessment and its results. Regular updates from the director via e-
mail and a permanent work/life integration webpage on the Secret
Service intranet inform employees about near-term measures and next
steps as the organization responds to critical quality-of-life
concerns. For example, an agency-wide communication from the director
in response to focus group findings conveyed new initiatives to provide
greater clarity and transparency regarding the special agent
reassignment process, career track and promotion guidelines for law
enforcement personnel, permanent change of station move process,
hardship policy, and enhancements to the organization's telework
Now that the Eagle Hill engagement has concluded, focus group
results, survey data, and external research into Federal agency work/
life best practices will be presented to the Secret Service Executive
Staff. These efforts will inform a series of final recommendations to
be developed by Eagle Hill regarding development of a permanent Work/
Life Integration Program. Through the recently-established Work/Life
Working Group chaired by the deputy director, the organization will
consider in detail each of the recommendations and in 2016 begin
developing appropriate programmatic responses to enhance workforce
quality of life on a long-term basis.
Question 4a. The Protective Mission Panel recommended replacing the
fence surrounding the White House, stating, ``a better fence can
provide time, and time is crucial to the protective mission. Every
additional second of response time provided by a fence that is more
difficult to climb makes a material difference in ensuring the
President's safety and protecting the symbol that is the White House.''
The Panel also suggested the fence be replaced as quickly as possible.
Thus far however, the only changes have been the addition of some
spikes and bike racks which push the fence line out a few feet.
Please provide an update on the USSS plans to replace the fence.
Answer. In response to the September 19, 2014 incident and the
findings of the Protective Mission Panel, the Secret Service pursued
interim and long-term actions needed to address White House fence
To immediately increase the difficulty associated with jumping the
fence, the Secret Service installed temporary security enhancements on
the existing fence. These temporary measures were meant to bolster
security needs while a long-term solution is designed and implemented.
To permanently address all identified fence vulnerabilities, the
Secret Service, through the National Park Service (NPS), initiated an
engineering study to examine physical changes that would increase the
structural integrity of the White House fence against both individuals
and an organized, dynamic attack. The study concluded on May 28, 2015.
Based on the results of the study, the Secret Service decided to pursue
the design of two different permanent fence options. Both options will
be developed concurrently and in enough detail so that they can be
presented to NPS, the National Capital Planning Commission (NCPC), the
Commission of Fine Arts (CFA), the District of Columbia State Historic
Preservation Officer (DC SHPO), and others for consideration. Award of
the contract for the permanent fence design took place in September
Question 4b. When do you expect the project to be completed and at
what cost?
Answer. Prior to completion of the study and the latest fence-
jumping incident on November 26, 2015, the Secret Service estimated
that design, acquisition/contracting, and construction of the permanent
fence project would take a minimum of 28 months, potentially longer if
the NPS, the NCPC, and the CFA require revisions/modifications to the
proposed design.
After completion of the study, negotiations with the architect/
engineer responsible for the design of the permanent fence, additional
discussions with NPS (the Government agency with responsibility/
jurisdiction over the fence), as well as a review of the November 26,
2015 fence-jumping incident, the Secret Service now believes this
project will take longer than 28 months.
The concepts for the permanent fence design were based in part on
the security/anti-climb features incorporated into the interim fence
upgrades that were present during the November 26, 2015 fence-jumping
incident. Based on the results of this incident, the Secret Service
plans to re-evaluate the permanent design concepts, as well as assess
the effectiveness of additional features to be incorporated into the
new permanent fence.
The fiscal year 2016 Consolidated Appropriations Act included $8.2
million (available for 2 years) for security enhancements to the White
House fence. This estimate was developed prior to the completion of the
study and design phase of the project. Once the permanent design is
developed and additional details about the permanent fence are known,
the Secret Service will be better positioned to provide an estimated
total cost to replace the existing White House fence.
Question 5. As stated in the OIG addendum issued in October, Deputy
Director Magaw said he informed you on March 25 of the rumor that Rep.
Chaffetz had applied to the Secret Service. Why did you not take
immediate steps to learn more information about the nature and validity
of the rumor? Why did Deputy Director Magaw not inform you that the
rumor was the result of improper access and distribution of PII
information in the MCI database?
Answer. As previously reported to the DHS OIG, on March 25, 2015,
Deputy Director Magaw notified me of the rumor surrounding
Representative Chaffetz's application with the Secret Service. At that
time, I had no reason to believe that any Secret Service databases,
including MCI, had been accessed to obtain this information. Like
Deputy Director Magaw, I believed it to be an unsubstantiated rumor and
nothing more. In fact, both Deputy Director Magaw and I were not aware
that a Secret Service database had been accessed until April 2, 2015.
That same day, I sent an official message to the entire workforce
directing them to immediately cease all unauthorized access and
dissemination of sensitive information.
On April 3, 2015, I convened a meeting with his executive staff to
inform them of the situation. At this meeting, I reiterated the
importance of protecting sensitive PII and informed them that any
violations to Secret Service policy would not be tolerated.
Subsequently, the DHS OIG's investigation revealed that subsequent
to the April 2, 2015 official message, no additional personnel accessed
Representative Chaffetz's information.
Question 6. Why did Secret Service maintain applicant information
from 12 years prior in its systems? Why was such information not purged
or sent for archiving?
Answer. At the time of the events in question, the Secret Service
was still governed by records retention schedules requiring this type
of information be retained for 20 years. Due to the fact that these
schedules were vetted, approved, and signed by the National Archives
and Records Administration (NARA), adherence to these schedules was a
matter of legal compliance. New NARA-approved retention schedules have
now replaced the legacy schedules, and information relating to
applicants who are not hired is held only for 2 years, unless a formal
background investigation is conducted. If a formal background
investigation is conducted, the case file is held for 5 years.
Questions From Ranking Member Bennie G. Thompson for Joseph P. Clancy
Question 1. Director Clancy, it was recently reported that a
Uniformed Division officer was arrested for sending pornographic images
to a minor. Prior to his arrest, the Secret Service Office of
Professional Responsibility became aware of the investigation and
suspended the officer's security clearance and took his service weapon.
How did the Secret Service work with the authorities to make sure that
the investigation of this officer was not compromised since the Secret
Service took action before the officer was arrested and indicted?
Answer. On November 6, 2015, the Maryland State Police (MSP)
contacted the Secret Service to advise that they, in conjunction with
the Delaware State Police (DSP), and ICE's Homeland Security
Investigations (HSI) were conducting an investigation into potential
criminal misconduct by a USSS employee.
That day, representatives from the Office of Professional
Responsibility contacted the DHS OIG and advised that the USSS employee
was assigned to the White House Complex and the allegations against the
employee posed significant National security concerns. DHS OIG
requested that the USSS not take any administrative action against the
USSS employee as law enforcement involved in this investigation was
planning to execute a search warrant in less than 2 weeks. However, due
to the criminal nature of the allegations and the sensitivity of the
position held by the employee, the USSS made the decision to
immediately suspend the employee's security clearance and place him on
administrative leave.
Question 2. Director Clancy, it was recently reported that 2 USSS
agents were observed during a routine systems check sleeping at their
duty stations. This observation was so concerning, the DHS inspector
general issued a management alert, citing long overtime shifts, travel
fatigue, and a lack of water as some of the causes. What plans do you
have in place to address overtime concerns, particularly in the
Uniformed Division?
Answer. The Uniformed Division continues to evaluate overtime usage
across all Uniformed Division Branches with the goal of equitably
minimizing extensive overtime shifts and preserving days off. Each
Uniformed Division Branch manually tracks the overtime accumulation of
each officer per pay period as a current management practice. Every
effort is made to staff critical vacant assignments with personnel who
volunteer to work overtime prior rather than forcing personnel to work
The concept of consolidating all Uniformed Division scheduling
offices to gain efficiencies and cross level overtime between Branches
is currently under review. In addition, specialty function Uniformed
Division personnel are being temporarily reassigned to fill critical
assignments in an effort to reduce the amount of overtime hours as well
as cancelled days off.
Variable assignments, such as temporary magnetometer screening
details, typically result in short-notice protective travel and incur
overtime for personnel to replace or ``backfill'' Uniformed Division
personnel on TDY status. The Uniformed Division, as well as the Office
of Protective Operations, are reviewing current planning practices in
order to determine temporary magnetometer detail requirements as early
as possible in the protective advance planning process in order to
minimize overtime as a result of short-notice TDY travel.
Question 3. The Protective Mission Panel suggested an increase of
200 Uniformed Division officers as well as 85 Protective Division
officers. Has the Secret Service increased staffing since this
recommendation and by how many? Will this increase in staffing help
decrease the number of officers needed for long overtime shifts,
particularly in the Uniformed Division?
Answer. As of December 7, 2015, 176 UD Officers have been hired in
fiscal year 2015 and fiscal year 2016. The net gain from the influx of
these 176 additional personnel has been 28 additional officers assigned
to the White House. This represents a staffing increase of 4.8% at the
White House Branch. At this time, we anticipate hiring approximately
288 total officers in fiscal year 2016.
Although Uniformed Division personnel assigned to the White House
Branch has increased since the Protective Mission Panel report was
issued on December 15, 2014, the overall number of personnel assigned
to the Uniformed Division has decreased from 1,345 to the current
number of 1,323, as of December 7, 2015.
With respect to the Protective Mission Panel recommendation to
increase the Presidential Protective Division by 85 special agents,
this will be complete in the 2nd quarter of fiscal year 2016.
Question 4. The Protective Mission Panel recommended an
establishment of a leadership-development system to identify and train
the agency's future managers and leaders. How do you identify the
agency's future managers and leaders given that several of the agency's
current managers and leaders have been investigated for misconduct?
Answer. When there is an open position in the Senior Executive
Service (SES) ranks, the Secret Service Executive Resources Board (ERB)
reviews the list of employees who have received SES certification from
the Office of Personnel Management.
If an SES-certified employee is identified as being a viable
candidate to fill the vacancy, the ERB makes a recommendation to the
director for his consideration. If no current SES-certified employee is
identified as being a viable candidate to fill the vacancy, the ERB
makes a recommendation to the director to announce the vacancy to
external candidates.
For non-SES supervisory positions, special agent career progression
guidelines were established in September 2015, and a career track for
non-law enforcement personnel is currently under development.
Question 5. As outlined in the latest Federal Employee Viewpoint
Survey, the Department of Homeland Security is still struggling in
areas of morale and leadership. The Secret Service in particular has
been plagued with retention issues. Please describe what plan you have
in place to address retention and ensure the Service is recruiting top,
diverse talent?
Answer. A retention incentive program has been implemented for the
Uniformed Division. Under the plan, officers signed retention bonus
agreements in the amount of 5% of their annual salary and began
receiving that bonus, in part, every 90 days they remained on the job.
To date, over 90% of the eligible Uniformed Division members have
executed a service agreement and are participating in this program. In
addition, a comprehensive review of recruitment and retention
flexibilities available within the Federal Government is currently
being conducted.
The Talent and Employee Acquisition Management Division has
developed and implemented a fiscal year 2016 Recruitment and Outreach
Plan. The Plan outlines strategies that will guide the recruitment
activities necessary to ensure the Secret Service recruits a highly
qualified and diverse workforce that is representative of America. The
plan includes traditional outreach, such as attending National and
diversity-focused career fairs, information sessions and career fairs
at Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Hispanic-serving
institutions, and Tribal colleges and universities, liaison with
military Transition Assistance Program/Army Career Alumni Program (TAP/
ACAP) events, and attending National diversity conferences. In
addition, new opportunities in social media recruiting are being
leveraged to attract today's engaged candidates on LinkedIn, YouTube,
Twitter, and internet radio providers such as Pandora and iHeartRadio.
The strength of these platforms is their ability to target potential
applicants with the backgrounds and skill sets we seek.
The Entry Level Assessment Center (ELAC) will continue to be used
to process large groups of Special Agent and Uniformed Division Officer
applicants through the hiring process. Typically during an ELAC, the
applicant is administered 2 or more assessments of the hiring process
in a reduced amount of time. During fiscal year 2016, 6 UD ELACs have
been conducted with more than 460 applicants being processed to date.
The Recruitment and Outreach Plan is a living document and will be
updated and revised as necessary throughout the fiscal year to meet the
agency's goals in recruitment and hiring.
Question 6. It has been often stated that it is very difficult to
transition from the Uniformed Division to the President's Protected
Division. What percentage of agents in fact transfer from the Uniform
Division to the Protected Division? What special programs are in place
to support such a desire to transfer?
Answer. Uniformed Division officers do not ever transfer directly
to a special agent position in the Presidential Protective Division, a
permanent protective detail. In fact, no one applying for a law
enforcement position within the Secret Service is hired directly to a
position with a permanent protective detail. There is a period during
which the expertise, maturity, and judgment essential to the extremely
critical and demanding work of special agents protecting our Nation's
highest elected leaders is developed in field offices supporting
protective operations and conducting counterfeit currency, financial,
or cyber crime investigations as criminal investigators.
Uniformed Division officers do frequently go through the necessary
process to become special agents. Those Uniformed Division officers who
become special agents are required to go back to the Federal Law
Enforcement Training Center (FLETC) in Glynco, Georgia for the Criminal
Investigator Training Program course. After graduation from FLETC they
return to the U.S. Secret Service James J. Rowley Training Center
(JJRTC) to attend the Special Agent Training Course. Upon successful
graduation from the JJRTC the new agent is then assigned to a field
office for the first phase of their career. After their initial field
office assignment the agent is then transferred to a permanent
protective detail, like the Presidential Protective Division or
Protective Intelligence Division.
Question 7. In June of this year, it was reported that several
dozen USSS Uniform Division Officers were placed on duty at the White
House without completing the requisite security clearance process. In
fact, over the last 5 years, approximately 643 officers and agents have
been assigned to positions without the requisite security clearance.
Please provide the demographical information to include race and gender
for each officer and agent assigned to duty without a security
clearance over the last 5 years.
Answer. A report is being compiled and will follow.
Question 8. Are agents and officers presently required to have a
completed security clearance before being placed on duty? Please
provide the number of agents and officers currently on duty without a
security clearance, the specific post each agent or officer was
assigned, the date of the assignment, and the length of time the agent
or officer remained at this position without a clearance.
Answer. There are no agents or officers currently on duty without a
security clearance. Pursuant to Secret Service policy, SCD-02(01), DHS
has authorized the Secret Service to hire employees ``contingent upon
completion of a full-scope background investigation.'' Employees may be
hired under this contingency if the Secret Service has completed the
majority of a Single Scope Background Investigation (SSBI) and no
derogatory information was developed which could adversely impact the
candidate's ability to hold a Top Secret security clearance during the
course of the SSBI. Employees hired under this contingency status are
required to sign an SSF 4024, Conditional Access to Sensitive but
Unclassified Information Non-Disclosure Agreement, prior to reporting
for duty.
Question 9. In your testimony, you reference 14 contractors added
to Secret Service staff to help adjudicate security clearances. What is
the current average amount of time required by your staff to complete a
security clearance since the addition of the contractors?
Answer. In an effort to correct the record, it should be noted that
the statement in the testimony does not accurately reflect the number
of contractors added to Secret Service staff to help adjudicate
security clearances. The Security Clearances Division (SCD) is in the
process of on-boarding 24 contractors to assist in the security
clearance process. At this time, 11 are on board. The purpose of the
contractors is to process the high volume of applicants to the agency
to ensure adjudication before the personnel become operational while
staying within the 114-day Office of the Director of National
Intelligence (ODNI) standard.
Question 10. The Inspector General's memorandum on the improper
database access states that there was evidence of only 1 individual out
of 18 executive-level managers who attempted to inform the Director or
higher levels of the supervisory chain about the information or attempt
to remediate the activity. Do you find it concerning that some of your
senior leadership, which you personally appointed, did not see error in
this behavior?
Answer. The DHS OIG investigation found that 18 supervisors at the
GS-15 or Senior Executive Service level may have known about improper
database access but only one attempted to inform the director or higher
levels of the supervisory chain about the information or attempt to
remediate the activity. Additional investigation conducted by the
Secret Service Inspection Division, with the authorization of the DHS
OIG, included interviews of these supervisors which had not previously
been conducted by the DHS OIG. This supplemental investigation revealed
that other supervisors with knowledge of Secret Service employees
improperly accessing databases or sharing protected information ordered
their employees to immediately cease and desist accessing the database.
Further, the vast majority of supervisors did not receive information
that was attributable to a USSS data system, nor did they have any
awareness that the rumor originated through potential misconduct.
Regardless, as I stated in testimony before Congress, I am
committed to ensuring that all employees are held to the highest
standards of professional conduct, whether on or off duty. I believe
the behavior of the employees who violated existing Secret Service and
DHS policies pertaining to the unauthorized access and disclosure of
information protected by the Privacy Act of 1974 is unacceptable. I
also believe that supervisors who failed to advise employees to cease
and desist or attempt to inform higher levels of the supervisory chain
after obtaining actionable information are also culpable. Those we
protect and the public we serve expect us to live by our oaths and the
values we have established as an agency, and we should demand nothing
less from each other. We are better than the actions illustrated in
this report and people, responsible supervisors and line employees
alike, will be held accountable for their actions.
Question 11. Director Clancy, according to your testimony, when you
heard of Representative Chaffetz's application for the Secret Service
being discussed, you dismissed it as a rumor. However, according to the
OIG's memorandum, you discussed this rumor at a luncheon with former
directors of the Secret Service. Instead of investigating, you spread
the rumor. What does that say about the culture of professionalism of
the Secret Service?
Answer. I would like to address my statements and the decision of
the OIG to reopen the investigation on October 5, 2015. During the
process of reviewing the draft, I was reminded by a colleague that I
had been informed of a rumor regarding the individual's application
history on March 25. While I myself do not recall hearing of this
rumor, several others have confirmed that I did, and that it was a
general rumor about the individual's past application; it did not
relate to USSS employees improperly accessing databases or sharing
protected information. In order to ensure accuracy within the report,
on my own initiative I contacted the OIG to correct the record. I made
this decision because I feel that it is important to be as forthcoming,
accurate, and complete as possible. I expect this from my employees and
expect nothing less from myself.
The OIG published an addendum in October reporting its assessment
of the updated information pertaining to when I was made aware of this
rumor. Interviews with former directors, my deputy director, and my
former chief of staff only serve to corroborate that the information
available to me at the time was nothing more than a rumor. The
information was not attributed to a Secret Service data system or
indicative of any action--inappropriate or otherwise--by any Secret
Service employee. Nothing in the addendum contradicts what I have
maintained from the beginning--that at no time prior to April 2 was I
aware that this rumor originated in information obtained through
potential misconduct. When I did learn of it, I took immediate action,
contacting the OIG and sending an official message to the workforce on
the handling of sensitive information.
Question 12. According to the Inspector General's memorandum, the
personal file from the data leak was stored on the Secret Service
Master Central Index or MCI system. MCI is described as a ``1980s
vintage, electronic database and system of records.'' The National
Security Agency conducted an analysis of the Secret Service data system
in 2010. NSA concluded that the system was dated and fully operational
only 60 percent of the time. Why was the system not updated or removed
until July of this year, only after this particular data leak?
Answer. The MCI upgrade was part of the Secret Service's broader
effort to modernize its IT systems. This effort, known as the
Information Integration and Technology Transformation (``IITT'')
program, was established in fiscal year 2010. In recognition of the
limitations of MCI and other mainframe applications, the Secret Service
initiated the Mainframe Application Refactoring (``MAR'') project in
2011 to assess the existing 48 applications residing on the mainframe
and migrate necessary capabilities and accompanying data to a non-
mainframe, secure, highly-available and compartmentalized environment.
DHS estimated the project would take 10 years to complete. The Secret
Service accelerated the MAR project in 2013 and was able to achieve
project closure on June 24, 2015.
Question 13. What plans do you have in place regarding the MCI and
other outdated systems within the Secret Service? What parameters are
available to ensure such a gross mismanagement of access and authority
does not occur again?
Answer. On March 24, 2015, there were technological security
deficiencies within the Secret Service's primary internal database that
contributed to the unauthorized access of information. These internal
vulnerabilities have been addressed and the potential for similar
misconduct in the future mitigated. The MCI was a mainframe application
developed in 1984 that served as a central searching application and
case management system. More specifically, MCI contained records from
protective, investigative, and human capital divisions and served as a
single access point for investigators and administrators. A significant
deficiency of this arrangement was that an MCI user had access to all
of the data in MCI regardless of whether it was necessary for that
user's job function.
The Secret Service's Information Integration and Technology
Transformation (``IITT'') program was established in fiscal year 2010.
In recognition of the limitations of MCI and other mainframe
applications, the Secret Service initiated the Mainframe Application
Refactoring (``MAR'') project in 2011 to assess the existing 48
applications residing on the mainframe and migrate necessary
capabilities and accompanying data to a non-mainframe, secure, highly
available and compartmentalized environment. DHS estimated the project
would take 10 years to complete. The Secret Service accelerated the MAR
project in 2013 and was able to achieve project closure on June 24,
2015. At that time, all employee mainframe access was revoked. The new
systems are completely operational, and all legacy data has been
migrated to new platforms where data is locked down and access to data
is dependent upon job function. Protective, investigative, and human
capital records reside in different systems, and internal controls have
now been implemented to restrict access to those systems in two ways.
Now access is: (1) Limited to the respective directorates responsible
for the information; and/or (2) based on the role of the system user
within the organization. Shutdown of MCI began at the end of July, and
it was fully powered down on August 12, 2015. Disassembly of the
mainframe began in August 2015, and it was physically removed from the
data center on September 16, 2015.
Question 14. In the past, you have placed agents and officers on
administrative leave, suspended security clearances, and provided
limitations on technology when agents are under investigation. Please
explain your decision to not take immediate disciplinary action on the
senior-level management and the other personnel who were identified as
improperly accessing the MCI database.
Answer. Disciplinary action is taken only after investigation into
the facts and circumstances is complete. In conjunction with this
incident, the DHS OIG completed its investigation in later September
and provided the supporting documentation in early October. In this
instance, the agency did not have all of the information necessary from
the OIG to contemplate disciplinary action until October 7, 2015. Even
after receiving the information, in some cases, it was determined
further investigation by our Office of Professional Responsibility was
Question 15. In your testimony, you state that the likely maximum
disciplinary action each employee involved in the data breach will face
is 12 days suspension. Does the table of penalties address violations
of conduct that are also violations of law? Was there a discussion
within the Office of Integrity and/or the Department of Homeland
Security to revoke each individual's security clearance? If not, please
explain why.
Answer. The Table of Penalties does contain penalties that are
applicable for violations of law. The revocation of security clearances
is handled by the Security Clearance Division rather than the Office of
Integrity. Accordingly, there were no discussions within the Office of
Integrity or between the Office of Integrity and the Department of
Homeland Security regarding the revocation of security clearances.
Question 16. The improper database access issue seems to be an
issue with integrity, which means doing the right thing, even when no
one is looking. Please describe what trainings and communications are
provided to Service employees promoting integrity. Please also describe
how senior management promotes integrity to the workforce.
Answer. All senior executives, most Headquarters-based managers and
supervisors, and all field office and protective division special
agents in charge (SAICs) are required to receive ethics training every
year. Training includes the use of nonpublic information.
LEG provides in-person training to all Washington, DC-based
employees required to receive it (except when exigent circumstances
warrant written training). SAICs outside the Washington, DC, area are
required to participate in the Headquarters training sessions by
video--or teleconference. LEG also visits the field offices and
protective divisions in one domestic region each year to personally
train the SAICs and all available supervisors. SAICs are encouraged to
invite other available employees.
With respect to ethics training, in calendar year 2014, the Office
of Chief Counsel (LEG) provided ethics training to 100% of those
employees required to receive it. In calendar year 2015, LEG targeted a
goal of 100% compliance and provided in-person training to a total of
587 employees. LEG reports the results of its training efforts annually
to the Office of Government Ethics.
LEG oversees the publication and issuance of ``Standards of
Ethical, Professional, and Personal Conduct: A Desk Reference for
United States Secret Service Employees.'' The desk reference is a
comprehensive summary of the statutes, regulations, and policies that
govern employee conduct. When the desk reference was first published in
2013, every employee was issued a printed, bound copy of the book.
Subsequently, at the initial ethics briefing of the biweekly new
employee orientation, LEG has provided new employees with a printout of
the guide and referred them to the electronic version available on the
Secret Service Intranet.
Additionally, during the winter of 2012-2013, an instructor-led
course was developed entitled ``Standards of Conduct (Ethics).'' In
2013, this course was incorporated into many new recruit and in-service
courses as depicted in the table below:
Basic Courses
The basic course instructional blocks were entitled Ethical
Decision Making & Standards of Conduct
Special Agent Training Course.--2.5 hours
Uniformed Division Training Course.--2.5 hours
Mixed Basic Training Course.--3 hours
Protective Detail Training Course.--3 hours
Counter Assault Team Basic School.--2 hours
Counter Assault Team Cycle Training.--2 hours
In-Service Courses
The in-service course instructional blocks were entitled
Standards of Conduct
4th Shift Training.--2 hours
Firearms Instructor Training Course.--2 hours
Seminar for First-Line Supervisors.--45 minutes
SA Reintegration Course.--1.5 hours
UD In-Service Training Course.--1 hour
In addition to instructor-led training, there are also mandatory
on-line ethics courses available to all employees through the Learning
Management System (LMS). In April 2012, it became mandatory that all
employees traveling overseas to take the on-line course entitled
``Making Decisions Ethically.'' In March 2015, this course was replaced
with the on-line ethics course entitled ``Decision Making Elements,''
which became a mandatory, annual requirement for all USSS employees.
Question 17. The Secret Service has now replaced the MCI system and
95% of employees who once had access to the particular database in
question no longer have access. Of the employees who will continue to
have access, how many were implicated in this data breach? Please
explain your decision to allow these individuals to continue to have
access to sensitive information.
Answer. As discussed in the response to question 13, the MCI system
was fully shut down in August of 2015. All legacy data was migrated to
new platforms where data is locked down and access to data is dependent
upon job function. None of the individuals identified in the DHS OIG
investigation into the improper access and distribution of information
contained within a Secret Service database now have access to applicant
data information.
Questions From Chairman Ron Johnson for Joseph P. Clancy
Question 1. Inappropriate use of information systems is likely a
security violation. What is the status of any on-going security
clearance investigations and adjudications?
Answer. For the employees who were identified by the Department of
Homeland Security (DHS) Office of Inspector General (OIG) as being
involved in accessing a record containing personally identifiable
information (PII) in the internal database, security clearance warning
letters are being issued for inappropriate use of information systems.
Question 2. What is the reasoning for the Secret Service
maintaining records of unsuccessful applications for an extended period
of time that contain sensitive PII?
Does the Secret Service currently maintain similar records of
unsuccessful applications that are not deemed relevant?
Answer. At the time of the events in question, the Secret Service
was still governed by records retention schedules requiring this type
of information be retained for 20 years. Due to the fact that these
schedules were vetted, approved, and signed by the National Archives
and Records Administration (NARA), adherence to these schedules was a
matter of legal compliance. New NARA-approved retention schedules have
now replaced the legacy schedules, and information relating to
applicants who are not hired is held only for 2 years, unless a formal
background investigation is conducted. If a formal background
investigation is conducted, the case file is held for 5 years.
Question 3. Please describe the process to verify that Secret
Service employees have reviewed the Secret Service Ethics Guide on an
annual basis.
Answer. This guide was distributed electronically and in hard copy
in 2013 in response to one of the Professionalism Reinforcement Working
Group (PRWG) recommendations, which reads as follows:
``PRWG Recommendation.--Reinforcement of Ethical Behaviors: The USSS
notifies its workforce regarding policy changes on discipline,
including expectations on ethical behavior and conduct through issuance
of policy directives. However, the USSS should use multiple approaches
to reinforce the importance of ethical behavior and conduct at all
times. For example, the USSS should consider issuing all current
employees and all new employees a user-friendly, easy-to-read manual
highlighting the organization's core values, compliance principles,
standards of conduct, and the expectation that employees adhere to
standards of ethical conduct.''
The ethics guide provides a comprehensive summary of relevant
statutes, regulations, and policies. Many of the rules in the ethics
guide are contained in Secret Service manual sections to which
employees certify on an annual basis via SSF 3218.
Questions From Chairman James Lankford for Joseph P. Clancy
Question 1a. During your testimony you were asked if the Secret
Service maintains paper files with personally identifiable information
(PII) in addition to the PII stored on electronic databases.
Does the Secret Service still maintain paper files in any of its
offices containing personally identifiable information (PII)?
Answer. Yes.
Question 1b. If so, who has access to such files and how are those
files stored?
Answer. Access to records containing such information is generally
controlled by the access procedures set out under the Privacy Act of
1974, title 5 of the United States Code, section 552a (Privacy Act).
System of Record Notices (SORNs) required under the Privacy Act which
implicate record systems maintained by the Secret Service are published
by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the Office of Personnel
Management, and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. The SORN
sets forth the routine uses for access to each system as well as the
storage requirements for each system. Copies of Secret Service SORNs as
most recently published by DHS are attached.
Question 1c. If so, what security controls does the Secret Service
have in place to prevent, detect, and respond to the unauthorized
access of any paper files containing PII in any of its offices?
Answer. Most types of PII records have specific additional
regulatory storage, handling, and reporting protocols (e.g., storing in
a locked room with access controls/logs). Information put into inactive
storage includes a specific notation on National Archives form SF 135
that the files must be protected under the Privacy Act.
Question 2. In the context of Secret Service employee removal
authority, you testified that you would like greater ability to dismiss
employees that violate agency policy and the law.
What additional removal authority would assist you in changing the
current culture and ensure that agency policy and the law is respected?
Answer. While we believe that current law allows for a reasonable
process and means to remove employees from Federal employment in
misconduct cases, the pace of that removal action is often slow and
does not always foster a culture of accountability. For instance, when
a case has been referred to, and accepted by, the OIG for
investigation, the Secret Service can be delayed in taking action to
address instances of employee misconduct, including criminal
misconduct. In these instances the Secret Service must wait for the OIG
to fully complete their investigation and issue a report which may lack
the underlying evidence, sworn statements, and sometimes be in a
redacted format. We believe that, if OIG were to provide the Secret
Service with real-time information concerning evidence developed during
an OIG investigation, we would, in some cases, be able to take
expeditious disciplinary action against employees. For instance, if the
OIG provided the Secret Service with a sworn statement in which the
employee admits to the misconduct, the Secret Service could propose
disciplinary action in advance of a receiving a finalized, formal
report. In this regard, we will engage with OIG to explore this
possible change to existing procedure and any other changes that may
lead to a greater culture of accountability in the Service workforce.
Question 3. Concerning the topic of agency whistleblowers, you
stated ``everyone in the Service knows that whistleblowers perform a
vital function'' and ``there's no retaliation'' against them.
Can you explain the steps the Service is currently taking to ensure
that all whistleblowers are properly protected and shielded from
Answer. The Secret Service recognizes its obligation to protect the
rights afforded to employees in making protected disclosures, including
disclosures made to Congress, and values the benefits derived from the
resulting oversight.
The Secret Service is committed to creating open lines of
communication within the agency to ensure concerns raised at any level
receive the attention they deserve, and to ensure that employees who
bring concerns to light are praised for doing so, rather than
retaliated against.
Biennial training on certain Federal anti-discrimination and
``whistleblower'' protections is required by the No FEAR Act for all
Department of Homeland Security (DHS) employees. This No FEAR Act
course was developed by the DHS Office for Civil Rights and Civil
Liberties' (CRCL) Equal Employment Opportunity and Diversity Division
and its CRCL Institute based on an anti-harassment training course
created by the Central Intelligence Agency's Office for Equal
Employment Opportunity Office.
Further, an agency-wide message was issued on October 30, 2015,
regarding ``Whistleblower Protection Awareness'' which referenced
policy manual sections related to disclosures to Congress and included
a link to ``information to help employees easily determine what they
should report, how to report suspected issues, what training DHS
offers, [and] what legal protections are available . . . ''.
Additionally, Secret Service Manual guidelines requiring employees
to report misconduct or retaliation were reiterated to all employees in
an official message to the workforce on March 23, 2015. It is important
that employees recognize the agency's position on this issue, and
Director Clancy will continue to emphasize it to the workforce. The
Secret Service fully respects and supports the rights of
whistleblowers, and retaliation of any kind is not and will not be
tolerated. These rights and protections are clearly stated in the
Secret Service Ethics Guide, the Table of Penalties, and within the
Secret Service Manual.
Question 4a. Your testimony outlined that recent Secret Service
policy now requires the purging of applicant files every 2 years to
improve internal protections of personally identifiable information
(PII) housed on its databases.
When did this policy change?
Answer. This policy changed on October 1, 2015. Please note, at the
time of the events in question, the Secret Service was still governed
by records retention schedules requiring this type of information be
retained for 20 years. Due to the fact that these schedules were
vetted, approved, and signed by NARA, adherence to these schedules was
a matter of legal compliance. New NARA-approved retention schedules
have now replaced the legacy schedules, and information relating to
applicants who are not hired is held only for 2 years, unless a formal
background investigation is conducted. If a formal background
investigation is conducted, the case file is held for 5 years.
Question 4b. What additional policies and training does the Secret
Service have in place to ensure PII housed on its databases is not
improperly accessed?
Answer. A Secret Service Information Resources Management (IRM)
directive entitled ``IRM Privacy Act Review'' includes policy for
reviewing new IT systems or changes to existing IT systems to determine
Privacy Act impact. Related Secret Service and Department of Homeland
Security (DHS) directives help ensure awareness of and compliance with
PII regulations, through mechanisms such as the Privacy Threshold
Analysis/Privacy Impact Analysis processes.
Existing policies and training include longstanding guidance
regarding the proper access to databases and handling of Privacy Act
protected information, which is clearly stated in the Secret Service
Ethics Guide, in the Table of Penalties, and within the Secret Service
Manual sections related to rules of behavior with respect to the use of
information technology. Employees are required to certify annually that
they have reviewed these manual sections.
Additionally, the Secret Service provides a 1-hour briefing to
Special Agent and Uniformed Division Training Classes that includes
material on the Privacy Act. A senior Government Information Specialist
from the Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act Branch of the
Office of Government and Public Affairs teaches the class and focuses,
in part, on PII.
A 1-hour in-service on-line training titled ``IT Security
Awareness'' is required as part of the agency's Federal Information
Security Management Act (``FISMA'') obligations. The course outlines
the role of Federal employees in the protection of information and in
ensuring the secure operation of Federal information systems.
The Privacy Act is also discussed during in-service ethics classes
administered to the field by Secret Service Office of Chief Counsel
Further, DHS requires Secret Service employees to complete annual
in-service on-line training titled, ``Privacy at DHS: Protecting
Personal Information.'' This training was incorporated into the
required curriculum in 2012 and covers proper handling of PII.
Finally, in August, the agency began including a dedicated block of
instruction for the new Special Agent Training Classes regarding the
Release of Information. The class provides an overview of the Privacy
Act and the Freedom of Information Act, reviews employees'
responsibilities under those Acts and the consequences for failing to
fulfill them, and more generally, discusses the proper release and use
of information employees have access to. A similar block of instruction
for the Uniformed Division Training Classes was added in November.
Further, additional training is provided to new hires at Secret Service
New Employee Orientation.
Question 4c. Has the Secret Service implemented any additional
policies and training in response to recent improper and illegal
Answer. In light of the DHS OIG report of September 25, 2015, and
subsequent addendum of October 22, 2015, specific guidelines have been
established and are effective for processing disciplinary and adverse
actions resulting from the misuse of Secret Service database systems
and/or the unauthorized disclosure of sensitive information.
Additionally, and as stated above, in August, the agency began
including a dedicated block of instruction for the new Special Agent
Training Classes regarding the Release of Information. The class
provides an overview of the Privacy Act and the Freedom of Information
Act, reviews employees' responsibilities under those Acts and the
consequences for failing to fulfill them, and more generally, discusses
the proper release and use of information employees have access to. A
similar block of instruction for the Uniformed Division Training
Classes was added in November. Further, additional training is provided
to new hires at Secret Service New Employee Orientation.
Questions From Chairman Scott Perry for John Roth
Question 1a. After you issued the management alert on the Chaffetz
PII incident, Director Clancy contacted your office in order to revise
his recollection of events. This in turn caused you to reopen the
investigation and issue an addendum to the original report.
Has this ever occurred in any of your other reviews?
Answer. No.
Question 1b. Based on the conclusions in your addendum, would you
be comfortable updating the original conclusion in your report that
indicated Director Clancy was not aware of the improper PII access
until April 1? If so, when would you say Director Clancy became aware
of the incident?
Answer. The addendum serves as an update to the original report,
and concludes that on March 25, Director Clancy learned from at least 3
separate sources that Chairman Chaffetz may have applied to the Secret
Service. We are unable to conclude, because Director Clancy has no
memory of it, the degree to which he understood how widely the
information was being disseminated through the Secret Service, or
whether he understood that the discussion was being fueled and
confirmed by dozens of agents improperly accessing Secret Service data
Question 1c. Do you have concerns that Director Clancy provided a
false statement to your investigators when originally interviewed?
Answer. The earlier statement was inaccurate in that he originally
stated that he was ``fairly certain'' that he first learned of it on
April 1, the day before the media reports. We do not have any evidence
as to his state of mind at the time he made the statement.
Question 2a. On the OIG website, you list management alerts, which
are designed to ``inform senior DHS managers of conditions which pose
an immediate and serious threat of waste, fraud, and abuse in agency
programs.'' Since July 2014, of the 5 of the 15 management alerts have
involved the Secret Service. This is concerning given that the Service
is significantly smaller than other DHS components.
How do the USSS misconduct statistics compare to other agencies
within the Department?
Question 2b. In your opinion, and experience, do the Secret Service
misconduct statistics compare to other agencies of comparable size
across the Federal Government? Is it average, above average, below
Answer. We have not done a statistical comparison of misconduct
allegations and cases between Secret Service and other DHS components
or other agencies in the Federal Government. Certainly the allegations
involving the Secret Service that have come to light since the 2012
events in Cartagena, Colombia are of grave concern and our reviews over
the past several years point to on-going organizational and management
challenges. During the current fiscal year, we will continue our
oversight of the Secret Service, including a review of its
implementation of the recommendations of the Protective Mission Panel.
In addition, we intend to evaluate the strength of the Department's
disciplinary processes. We will focus this review on the depth and
breadth of employees' perceptions and attitudes about misconduct and
the application of discipline, DHS's established rules of conduct, and
the application of discipline across the Department.
Questions From Ranking Member Bennie G. Thompson for John Roth
Question 1. Since the Protective Mission Panel, you have had to be
involved in investigating the Secret Service for personnel misconduct.
You have also issued two management advisories for the agency in 2015.
Based on your investigations of the Secret Service, what is the agency
lacking? What does it need to change?
Answer. The Secret Service needs to understand the requirements for
building an ethical culture within their organization, which consists
of three elements: (1) Leaders (not just the top leader, but all
through the organization) who create a ``tone at the top'' and
demonstrate their commitment to an ethical culture by both words and
deed; (2) a commitment to both the words and the spirit of a meaningful
code of conduct; and (3) creating a system of accountability for all of
those in the organization--leaders and the rank and file--who deviate
from that.
I believe that the Secret Service needs improvement in all three
areas. That the leadership has not created the appropriate tone is
apparent from the significant number of senior leaders and managers who
did nothing once they found out about the conduct. We also had the
deputy director of the Secret Service who failed to provide information
during his initial interview. This sends the message to the rank and
file that such behavior, notwithstanding a written code of conduct, is
acceptable. While we are satisfied that the Secret Service has taken
steps since the Cartagena incident to establish a more uniform
discipline system, I believe that more could be done to ensure that
deviations from the code of conduct are addressed.
Additionally, for an organization to change--and I believe that the
Secret Service is in great need of change--the individuals within the
organization must understand that there is a need for change, and
individuals must be empowered to create that change. I do not see
within the upper levels of the organization such an understanding.
Typically, in those circumstances change does not occur until there is
a disruptive external event that forces the organization to change.
Question 2. Your office issues management alerts to senior
leadership of DHS when your office finds conditions that pose a serious
concern. You have issued management advisories for the Secret Service
in April 2015 and in October 2015. Your October 2015 management
advisory actually warns that protectees could be in immediate danger if
changes are not made. Looking at the Secret Service overall, what does
it say about the agency to have two management advisories issued in
such a short period of time?
Answer. Both management alerts were ultimately caused by Secret
Service's inability to execute basic management functions in support of
its mission. The April 2015 alert was the result of not replacing an
alarm system at a Presidential residence that had been installed in
1993. We found that the Secret Service did not have a formal system to
report and track security technical problems, maintenance and repair
needs, and upgrades. Likewise, we found that the staffing shortages
that we believe led to the officer fatigue issues were caused by the
lack of a staffing and hiring plan that first would understand the
number of personnel needed to staff the White House Complex without a
reliance on excessive overtime, and second, would ensure the necessary
administrative infrastructure to be able to efficiently hire to the
proper level.
Question 3. In October, you released a management alert after 2
agents were observed asleep on the job. You cited long overtime hours
and fatigue as a reason for your concern. The Secret Service publicly
stated it does not agree with your findings. Please describe how you
reached your conclusion and what caused your observations to rise to
the level of an alert.
Answer. The management alert occurred after we observed agents
asleep during 2 different site visits, at different locations, weeks
apart, on July 15 and August 11. As auditors are trained to do, we
looked to see if there may be a root cause for this. We found that the
overtime for 1 officer for the previous 8 weeks amounted to 157 hours--
an average of being required to work 60 hours per week for 8 straight
weeks. The second officer's overtime totaled 73 hours for the previous
6 weeks, for an average of 52 hours per week.
We also found that overtime among the Uniform Division has
substantially increased in the last few years. In fiscal year 2013, it
averaged 362 hours per position; in fiscal year 2015, it averaged 597.4
hours per position--a 39% increase in 3 years. We also found that the
problem was getting worse, not better. The overtime was necessary
because of a lack of officers; yet, in fiscal year 2015 the Uniform
Division lost 162 officers through attrition, but managed to hire only
152--a net loss of 10 officers. Finally, we found that until recently
the Secret Service had not engaged in a staffing plan or model to
understand the staffing level it would need to ensure that it did not
rely on excessive overtime to accomplish its mission.
Question 4. Does the Management Alert issued by your office
indicate any connection between these incidents and either absent or
ineffective Secret Service policies to ensure sustainable staffing
practices and work-life balance?
Answer. Yes. As I indicated in the answer to the last question, the
Uniform Division officers are being asked to take on an unsustainable
burden. What concerned us is the lack of effective response from the
Secret Service leadership. The Protective Mission Panel alerted the
Department to this a year ago, and yet, as evidenced by the failure to
hire even to the current level of attrition, the Secret Service has not
responded in a manner that recognizes the severity of the problem.
Hence, the management alert.
Question 5. Improving morale at DHS is of particular priority to
this committee and myself. You state in the management alert that USSS
reported that ``it recognizes that employee morale suffers when
decreased staffing levels result in increased overtime and travel
requirements, and decreased opportunities for training.'' In your time
investigating the Secret Service, have you observed times where morale
is in fact impacted? What factors would you say contribute to low
morale in the Service?
Answer. There is significantly low morale within the Secret
Service. As noted in the most recent results of the Federal Employee
Viewpoint Survey, the Secret Service is second to last. We believe that
the inability to address the fundamental management issues, including
outdated technology and insufficient staffing, is a significant driver
of poor morale.
Question 6. Based on your investigation, were personnel within the
Service sufficiently informed of the proper use of USSS computer
systems and the care needed for sensitive information, whether via
training, manuals, oral communications, etc.?
Answer. Yes. Secret Service policies include Information Technology
Rules of General Behavior that cover employees' use of all Secret
Service IT systems. The policy requires employees to safeguard
Sensitive, Classified, and privacy-related information against
unauthorized disclosure to the public. It further requires that all
Secret Service personnel acknowledge review and understanding of the
provisions enumerated in that policy upon entering on duty with the
Secret Service and annually thereafter. In addition, the Secret
Service's Table of Penalties includes penalties for unauthorized use of
a Government computer and disclosure of information in violation of the
Privacy Act.
Also applicable to the Secret Service are DHS-wide policies
contained in the DHS Handbook for Safeguarding Sensitive Personally
Identifiable Information, which also prohibits all employees from
browsing files containing Sensitive PII out of curiosity or for
personal reasons.
In addition to these policies, the log-on screen for the MCI
database contained specific warnings that the system could be used for
authorized Government business only.
Question 7. You state in your memorandum that although agents were
trained on use of the system and received yearly refresher trainings,
it was apparent that many of the agents disregarded that training. What
did you observe in your investigation that led you to this conclusion?
Answer. In response to interview questions by OIG agents, many of
the Secret Service employees who authorized Chairman Chaffetz' MCI
record without authorization insisted that their actions were
appropriate. Some acknowledged ignoring the warning banner on the MCI
logon screen. Others thought that accessing the database, even without
a legitimate business purpose, was okay because it was ``our
Question 8. Your office only reviewed the MCI system for those
individuals who accessed Congressman Chaffetz' personal file.
Therefore, it is possible that other individuals were also searched in
the database. Based on your review of the system and interviews with
Service employees, do you believe employees frequently utilized the MCI
system improperly, in particular to research individuals? If so, how
frequently do you believe this occurs?
Answer. Based on our interviews, it appeared that there was a
casual attitude about the rules regarding the use of the system. This
was obvious in the number of individuals who conducted improper
searches of Chairman Chaffetz' name. We found no reason that this did
not occur before for other individuals.
Question 9. Based on your experience in accountability and law
enforcement across the Federal Government, do you have any concerns
about these employees' status while under adjudication? As DHS
Inspector General, would you advise Department and Secret Service
leadership to change policies related to employees subject to
disciplinary review in any way?
Answer. The use of paid administrative leave for DHS employees
facing misconduct investigations and adjudications is a matter
currently being reviewed by the Government Accountability Office and we
look forward to reviewing the analysis and recommendations contained in
its upcoming report.
We should note that as a general matter, Federal law allows
agencies to suspend an employee indefinitely without pay if there is
reasonable cause to believe that a crime has been committed for which a
term of imprisonment may be imposed. Laws and policies regarding
employees subject to disciplinary review should ultimately be balanced
against critical due process safeguards to ensure fairness and
consistency to the Federal workforce.
Questions From Chairman James Lankford for John Roth
Question 1a. During your testimony you indicated that the MCI
database was unable to audit accesses without a specific program
written for each search term.
Since the migration to an updated database system, what audit
capability and checks (automatic or manual) are now in place?
Answer. We are currently conducting a technical security assessment
of the Secret Service's updated database systems that when complete,
will answer this question. Specifically, our Office of Information
Technology Audits is reviewing the information systems the Secret
Service currently uses to store and retrieve data and information
previously stored in the MCI database. Our assessment is designed: (1)
To verify that the MCI is in fact no longer in use, (2) identify which
systems currently house MCI data, (3) determine the level of physical
and system controls implemented to secure the data from further
instances of unauthorized access, and (4) identify gaps in the security
posture. We plan to issue our final report in February 2016, and I look
forward to discussing our conclusions with you and your staff at that
Question 1b. Based on your investigation, would a regularly
occurring, agency-wide OIG audit of PII searches help change Secret
Service culture regarding the protection of PII?
Answer. We believe that the best way to prevent future activity of
the type we saw here would be for Secret Service to focus to a greater
degree on its information security program. Modern data systems with
appropriate audit and access controls, when coupled with appropriate
agency processes, policies, and procedures, would prevent unauthorized
access to information. Every year, we audit, pursuant to the Federal
Information Security Act (FISMA), DHS' information systems. FISMA
requires IGs to perform evaluations of Departmental implementation of
the 11 program-level security authorization activities. DHS OIG
performs tests to determine how the Department's components are
implementing these activities.
From fiscal year 2013 to the present, Secret Service has done
poorly on these FISMA reviews compared with other DHS components. For
example, as of September 2015, USSS failed to meet the Department's
``security authorizations'' target of 100% for ``high value assets''
and 95% for ``all other FISMA systems'' as USSS only scored 75% and 58%
respectively. In addition, USSS only scored 38% in ``weakness
remediation,'' where the Department's target was 90%.
We believe that focusing on modernizing and securing Secret Service
data systems, in combination with training and other efforts to create
an ethical culture (such as a uniformly administered system for dealing
with deviations from a defined standard of conduct) are the best way to
change the culture with regard to the use of PII.
Question 1c. Based on your investigation, what recommendations
would you make to change Secret Service culture regarding PII?
Answer. As noted in the above question, the systems that the Secret
Service uses to store PII must have audit and access controls that help
ensure the security and confidentially of Privacy Act-protected
records. Training about PII and its appropriate handling and
safeguarding should be reinforced and reemphasized. Ultimately, change
will come when management does not tolerate the deliberate or grossly
negligent mishandling of PII and employees who violate Department and
Secret Service policies and/or the Privacy Act face disciplinary
consequences for their actions.
Question 2a. Your testimony reflects that agents seemed to consider
personal data on Secret Service databases as theirs to access as they
What training policy updates have been or should be made to correct
this mindset reflected in your investigation?
Answer. Our investigation did not determine what changes, if any,
Secret Service has made to their training policies as a result of this
incident. Our next FISMA audit will determine the overall level of
training Secret Service personnel receive.
Question 3a. The September 2015 Department of Homeland Security
(DHS) Office of the Inspector General (OIG) report titled
``Investigation into the Improper Access and Distribution of
Information Contained Within a Secret Service Data System'' did not
audit the 45 Secret Service employees for unauthorized access of
personally identifiable information on the agency's databases prior to
the Congressman Chaffetz matter starting on March 25, 2015.
Should DHS OIG conduct additional audits of these 45 Secret Service
employees for unauthorized accesses prior to this date?
Answer. We share the concern that it is possible that these
specific employees mishandled or accessed files without authorization
prior to this specific investigation--whether related to Chairman
Chaffetz or others. Due to the technical limitations of the MCI
database, it would be nearly impossible for us to conduct additional
audits of these 45 employees. Moreover, according to the Secret
Service, the MCI mainframe has been disassembled as of September 2015
so it is unclear whether additional audits can be performed on the
Question From Chairman Ron Johnson for John Roth
Question. The DHS OIG concluded that 4 of the 45 Secret Service
employees that accessed the PII information of Congressman Chaffetz
were authorized to do so. What was the criterion for determining if the
Secret Service employee that accessed the information of Congressman
Chaffetz in the MCI database was authorized or unauthorized?
Answer. To determine whether Secret Service employees were
authorized or unauthorized to access Chairman Chaffetz' information in
the MCI database, we analyzed whether they had an official purpose to
access the record. Officials who examined the record in connection with
the performance of assigned duties and who had to access the record in
order to perform those assigned duties properly were considered
For example, employees at a specific field office received a press
inquiry as to whether Chairman Chaffetz had applied to that office.
While the office appropriately declined to comment to the press, as
part of their due diligence, they accessed the system to determine
whether it was true. Likewise, one employee in headquarters was
directed by his superior to do so, as part of deciding what management
steps to take.
However, a number of supervisors accessed the information,
purportedly to determine whether the talk about Chairman Chaffetz was
true. Accessing the record in that circumstance was inappropriate and
not in connection with an official purpose because the truth or falsity
of the information was irrelevant to directing their subordinates to
use Secret Service data systems only for official Government purposes,
and not to satisfy personal curiosity. This was especially the case
since, with a few narrow exceptions, these supervisors did nothing with
this information, such as reporting it up the chain to their superiors.
Question From Chairman Scott Perry for Joel C. Willemssen
Question. Based on your expertise and what you have heard today,
how can agencies, and specifically DHS and the Secret Service, ensure
they have the proper internal security controls so that only the right
employees, with a need to know, can access sensitive information such
as PII?
Answer. Agencies first need to establish and communicate policies
for collecting, storing, accessing, using, and retaining personally
identifiable information (PII)\1\ and other sensitive information. The
policies should state when it is appropriate to access such
information, when it is not, and the consequences for willful
noncompliance. In addition, managers, supervisors, and employees should
be informed and trained regarding their respective responsibilities for
safeguarding PII.
\1\ PII is any information that can be used to distinguish or trace
an individual's identity, such as name, date and place of birth, Social
Security number, or other types of personal information that can be
linked to an individual, such as medical, educational, financial, and
employment information.
In addition, agencies, including the Department of Homeland
Security (DHS) and the Secret Service, can implement several protective
measures to control access to PII and other sensitive information. As
we reported in September 2015,\2\ access controls limit, prevent, or
detect inappropriate access to computer resources, including PII and
other sensitive information, thereby protecting them from unauthorized
use, modification, disclosure, and loss. These controls include
ensuring that only personnel with a need to know are authorized access
to sensitive information. Agencies implement authorization controls by,
for example, uniquely identifying all users, periodically reviewing
system access, disabling accounts of users who no longer need access,
and assigning the lowest level of permission necessary for a task.
\2\ GAO, Federal Information Security: Agencies Need to Correct
Weaknesses and Fully Implement Security Programs, GAO-15-714
(Washington, DC: Sept. 29, 2015).
Agencies should also implement audit and monitoring controls, which
establish individual accountability, monitor compliance with security
policies, and investigate security violations. These controls help
determine what, when, and by whom specific actions have been taken on a
system and can be used to monitor users' access of sensitive
information, including PII. To implement controls for monitoring
access, agencies can install software that provides an audit trail or
logs of system activity that can be used to determine the source of an
action or activity.
Questions From Ranking Member Bennie G. Thompson for Joel C. Willemssen
Question 1. GAO's September 2015 report on information security
speaks directly to weaknesses in limiting, preventing, and detecting
inappropriate access to computer resources. Please provide us with
examples of what other Federal agencies are doing to better monitor
inappropriate internal data access.
Answer. As we reported,\3\ agencies can monitor inappropriate data
access by implementing audit and monitoring controls. These controls
establish individual accountability, monitor compliance with security
policies, and investigate security violations. Audit and monitoring
controls help determine what, when, and by whom specific actions have
been taken on a system and can be used to monitor users' access to
sensitive information such as PII. In March 2015, we reported \4\ that
the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) continued to enhance its audit and
monitoring capability. Specifically, IRS had strengthened the audit and
monitoring processes of its mainframe by enabling the monitoring of
changes to certain controls over the management of data.
\3\ GAO-15-714.
\4\ GAO, Information Security: IRS Needs to Continue to Improve
Controls over Financial and Taxpayer Data, GAO-15-337 (Washington, DC:
Mar. 19, 2015).
In addition, the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration
(TIGTA) monitors access and refers instances of willful unauthorized
inspection of taxpayer data for administrative actions or prosecution.
For example, according to TIGTA, for fiscal years 2014 and 2015, its
Office of Investigations successfully prosecuted 15 investigations.
Seven of the 15 were for violating the Taxpayer Browsing Protection Act
of 1997.\5\ The remaining 8 were prosecuted for unauthorized access
related to the use of a Government computer.
\5\ The Taxpayer Browsing Protection Act was enacted on August 5,
1997, and made willful unauthorized inspection of taxpayer data
illegal. Pub. L. 105-35, 111 Stat. 1104 (1997).
Question 2. Your September 2015 report lists 5 different areas of
potential weaknesses in agency compliance: Did GAO's analysis find
weaknesses in compliance by DHS in any of these 5 areas, and if so,
which one(s)?
Answer. Yes, our analysis of agency, inspector general, and our
reports identified weaknesses at DHS for all 5 areas. These areas
included controls intended to: (1) Limit unauthorized access to agency
systems and information; (2) ensure that software and hardware are
authorized, updated, monitored, and securely configured; (3)
appropriately divide duties so that no single person can control all
aspects of a computer-related operation; (4) establish plans for
continuing information system operations in the event of a disaster,
and (5) provide a security management framework for understanding risks
and ensuring that controls are selected, implemented, and operating as
Question 3. Earlier this year, GAO released a report stating that
OMB, in consultation with DHS, should enhance its security program
reporting guidance and located information security weaknesses. Speak
to your findings as it relates to this particular data leak. What
improvements should DHS, and in particular the Secret Service,
implement in areas of access control, segregation of duties, and
security management?
Answer. Our findings do not specifically address the incident that
occurred at the Secret Service. However, the Federal Information
Security Modernization Act of 2014 (FISMA)\6\ now requires OMB to
include in its annual report to Congress a summary of major agency
information security incidents, such as the incident at the Secret
\6\ The Federal Information Security Modernization Act of 2014 was
enacted as Pub. L. No. 113-283 (Dec. 18, 2014). FISMA 2014 largely
supersedes the very similar Federal Information Security Management Act
of 2002 (FISMA 2002), Pub. L. No. 107-347, Title III (Dec. 17, 2002),
and expands the role and responsibilities of the Department of Homeland
Security, but retains many of the requirements for Federal agencies'
information security programs previously set by the 2002 law.
In September 2015, we reported \7\ on the adequacy of the
information security policies and practices of the 24 agencies covered
by the Chief Financial Officers (CFO) Act of 1990.\8\ Like most other
agencies, DHS had weaknesses in each of the 5 control areas we track,
including access controls, segregation of duties, and security
\7\ GAO-15-714.
\8\ The 24 Chief Financial Officers Act agencies are the
Departments of Agriculture, Commerce, Defense, Education, Energy,
Health and Human Services, Homeland Security, Housing and Urban
Development, the Interior, Justice, Labor, State, Transportation, the
Treasury, and Veterans Affairs; the Environmental Protection Agency;
General Services Administration; National Aeronautics and Space
Administration; National Science Foundation; Nuclear Regulatory
Commission; Office of Personnel Management; Small Business
Administration; Social Security Administration; and the U.S. Agency for
International Development.
To improve their access controls, DHS and the Secret Service should
ensure the enforcement of the principle of ``least privilege,'' where
employees are granted the minimum level of access necessary to perform
their duties. DHS and the Secret Service should also ensure that
incompatible duties are separated and that employees understand their
responsibilities. Separation of duties can be implemented through
formal operating procedures, supervision, and reviewing access
authorizations, among other things.
To improve security management activities, both DHS and the Secret
Service should ensure that they fully implement entity-wide information
security programs so that risks are understood and that effective
controls are selected, implemented, and operating as intended.
Question 4. Can you confirm that given the scope of GAO's
engagement, analysts collected information with regard to information-
security compliance by the Department of Homeland Security overall, and
did not collect any information with regard to Secret Service practices
Answer. As part of our audit of Federal agencies' implementation of
the provisions of FISMA, we collected information on the information
security efforts of the 24 Federal agencies covered by the CFO Act,
including DHS. However, we did not collect or receive any information
regarding specific security practices at the Secret Service.
Question 5. Does it seem reasonable to you to conclude that Secret
Service faces some of the management challenges highlighted in the
latest High-Risk Update, and that leaders of the Secret Service must
demonstrate the ``continued perseverance'' in improving agency
management culture that the Comptroller General calls for in the
Answer. Yes, it would be reasonable to conclude that the Secret
Service faces some of the same management challenges. For example, in
the most recent update to our High-Risk series \9\ we lauded DHS's
progress in strengthening its management functions, but concluded that
the Department still faces significant management challenges. Such
challenges include improving employee morale, a challenge that the
Secret Service could also face with its employees.
\9\ GAO, High-Risk Series: An Update, GAO-15-290 (Washington, DC:
Feb. 11, 2015).
For example, according to the Partnership for Public Service's 2015
rankings of the Best Places to Work in the Federal Government, the
Secret Service ranked 319 of 320 agency subcomponents Government-wide.
Additionally, according the Partnership for Public Service's analysis
of Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey data, employee satisfaction and
commitment among Secret Service employees consistently declined from
fiscal year 2011 through fiscal year 2015.
Question 6. In your testimony, you state that this particular
improper data access is the most common among agencies--too many
individuals having access to a broad range of data unrelated to their
job responsibilities. What solutions are available to fix this broad
information access and better monitor employees' use of data systems?
Answer. In September 2015, we reported \10\ that 22 of the 24 CFO
Act agencies had weaknesses with limiting, preventing, and detecting
unauthorized access to agency systems and information. Specifically, 18
agencies had weaknesses in controls that are intended to limit user
access to only that necessary for performing their work. When granting
access to users, agencies should provide only the minimum access
necessary for performing their duties. In addition, agencies should
implement audit and monitoring controls to monitor users' access of
sensitive information such as PII. These controls can help determine
what, when, and by whom specific actions have been taken on a system.
\10\ GAO-15-714.
Questions From Chairman James Lankford for Joel C. Willemssen
Question 1a. Your testimony reflects that the Social Security
Agency has personal identifying information (PII) on nearly every U.S.
citizen, and that agencies such as the VA, Department of Education, and
CFPB also house substantial amounts of PII.
What are the most effective means for auditing employee access of
PII at these agencies?
Answer. As we reported in September 2015,\11\ agencies should use
audit and monitoring controls to establish individual accountability,
monitor compliance with security policies, and investigate security
violations. These controls help determine what, when, and by whom
specific actions have been taken on a system and can be used to monitor
users' access of sensitive information, such as personally identifiable
information (PII).\12\
\11\ GAO, Federal Information Security: Agencies Need to Correct
Weaknesses and Fully Implement Security Programs, GAO-15-714
(Washington, DC: Sept. 29, 2015).
\12\ PII is any information that can be used to distinguish or
trace an individual's identity, such as name, date and place of birth,
Social Security number, or other types of personal information that can
be linked to an individual, such as medical, educational, financial,
and employment information.
To monitor users' access and actions, agencies can install software
that provides an audit trail or logs of system activity that can be
used to determine the source of an action or activity. Agencies can
also monitor users' access by implementing other technologies such as
network- and host-based intrusion detection systems, security event
correlation tools, and computer forensics. Network-based intrusion
detection systems capture or ``sniff'' and analyze network traffic in
various parts of a network.
Question 1b. Which Government-wide, unimplemented GAO
recommendations concerning PII protection should be put into place
Answer. We currently have 1 Government-wide PII-related
recommendation whose implementation status we are evaluating. This
recommendation was made to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) in
our 2013 report \13\ regarding our finding that the 8 agencies we
reviewed had inconsistently implemented data breach policies and
procedures. We recommended that, to improve the consistency and
effectiveness of Government-wide data breach response programs, OMB
should update its guidance on Federal agencies' responses to PII-
related data breaches. OMB neither agreed nor disagreed with our
\13\ GAO, Information Security: Agency Responses to Breaches of
Personally Identifiable Information Need to Be More Consistent, GAO-14-
34 (Washington, DC: Dec. 9, 2013).
According to OMB, it has set a date of March 16, 2016, for updating
its PII protection guidance to reflect current best practices and
recent lessons learned regarding privacy protections and data breach
Question 2a. You testified that it was perplexing to you why the
Secret Service would still have PII information on Congressman Chaffetz
from 2003, given the National Archives and Records Administration
(NARA) requirement to properly dispose of such information once it is
no longer needed.
How well are agencies complying with the NARA requirements to
dispose or archive personal information once it is no longer needed?
Answer. We have not performed work specifically addressing the
extent to which agencies are complying with the National Archives and
Records Administration's (NARA) requirements for disposing or archiving
personnel information that is no longer needed. However, in May 2015,
we reported that Federal agencies took actions toward implementing
requirements set forth in a NARA and OMB joint directive on managing
Government records.\14\ To illustrate:
\14\ GAO, Information Management: Additional Actions Are Needed to
Meet Requirements of the Managing Government Records Directive, GAO-15-
339 (Washington, DC: May 14, 2015).
Twenty-three of the 24 Federal agencies we reviewed
implemented the requirement to develop and begin implementing
plans to manage all permanent records in an electronic format.
Twenty-one of these 24 agencies implemented the requirement
to identify for transfer and reporting those permanent records
in existence for more than 30 years.
Twenty of the 24 agencies implemented the requirement to
identify all unscheduled records that have not been properly
\15\ Scheduling is the means by which agencies identify Federal
records, determine time frames for their disposition, and identify
permanent records of historical value that are to be transferred to
NARA for preservation and archiving. Unscheduled records are those
records that have not had their value assessed or their disposition
Nevertheless, 5 agencies we reviewed did not fully meet those
requirements, and we recommended that they and NARA take certain
corrective actions. We did not make any recommendations to the
Department of Homeland Security (DHS).
Question 3a. Under the Federal Information Security Modernization
Act of 2014 (FISMA) the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) is
required to maintain oversight responsibilities of Federal information
security programs and ensure minimum security requirements for
Government-wide information security programs and practices.
What is your assessment of OMB's fulfillment of these
responsibilities over the last several years?
Answer. During the 12 years from when the Federal Information
Security Management Act of 2002 (FISMA 2002) was enacted into law to
when it was largely replaced by FISMA 2014,\16\ Executive branch
oversight of agency information security has evolved. As part of its
FISMA 2002 oversight responsibilities, OMB issued annual instructions
for agencies and inspectors general to meet FISMA 2002 reporting
requirements. During that time we made recommendations to OMB for
improving its oversight of agencies' security programs. For example, in
2013 we recommended \17\ that OMB and DHS provide insight into
agencies' security programs by developing additional metrics for key
security areas such as those for periodically assessing risk and
developing subordinate security plans. We also recommended that metrics
for FISMA reporting be developed to allow inspectors general to report
on the effectiveness of agencies' information security programs. OMB
generally agreed with our recommendations. DHS also agreed with our
recommendations and identified the actions it had taken or planned to
take to address them.
\16\ The Federal Information Security Modernization Act of 2014 was
enacted as Pub. L. No. 113-283 (Dec. 18, 2014). FISMA 2014 largely
supersedes the very similar Federal Information Security Management Act
of 2002 (FISMA 2002), Pub. L. No. 107-347, Title III (Dec. 17, 2002),
and expands the role and responsibilities of the Department of Homeland
Security, but retains many of the requirements for Federal agencies'
information security programs previously set by the 2002 law.
\17\ GAO, Federal Information Security: Mixed Progress in
Implementing Program Components; Improved Metrics Needed to Measure
Effectiveness, GAO-13-776 (Washington, DC: Sept. 26, 2013).
In February 2013, we reported \18\ that when OMB transferred
several of its oversight responsibilities to DHS through a joint
memorandum,\19\ it was not clear how the two organizations would share
these responsibilities. In that report, we suggested that Congress
consider legislation to better define roles and responsibilities for
implementing and overseeing Federal information security programs. In
December 2014, Congress passed FISMA 2014 to improve cybersecurity and
clarify cybersecurity oversight roles and responsibilities, among other
\18\ GAO, Cybersecurity: National Strategy, Roles, and
Responsibilities Need to Be Better Defined and More Effectively
Implemented, GAO-13-187 (Washington, DC: Feb. 14, 2013).
\19\ OMB, Memorandum M-10-28, Clarifying Cybersecurity
Responsibilities and Activities of the Executive Office of the
President and the Department of Homeland Security (Washington, DC: July
6, 2010).
FISMA 2014 is intended to address the increasing sophistication of
cybersecurity attacks, promote the use of automated security tools with
the ability to continuously monitor and diagnose the security posture
of Federal agencies, and provide for improved oversight of Federal
agencies' information security programs. The act also clarifies and
assigns additional responsibilities to OMB, DHS, and Federal Executive
branch agencies.
In carrying out its FISMA responsibilities, OMB has increased its
efforts to oversee agencies' implementation of information security.
For example, OMB created the Cyber and National Security Team, called
the E-Gov Cyber Unit, to strengthen Federal cybersecurity through
targeted oversight and policy issuance. In September 2015, we reported
that OMB, along with DHS, had increased oversight and assistance to
Federal agencies in implementing and reporting on information security
\20\ GAO-15-714.
In June 2015, in response to the Office of Personnel Management
security breaches and to protect Federal systems from emerging threats,
the Federal Chief Information Officer launched a 30-day Cybersecurity
Sprint.\21\ As part of this effort, the Federal Chief Information
Officer instructed Federal agencies to immediately take a number of
steps to further protect Federal information and assets and to improve
the resilience of Federal networks.
\21\ In June 2015, the Federal Chief Information Officer launched
the 30-day Cybersecurity Sprint, during which agencies were to take
immediate actions to combat cyber threats within 30 days. Actions
included patching critical vulnerabilities, tightening policies and
practices for privileged users, and accelerating the implementation of
multi-factor authentication.
Most recently, in October 2015, OMB issued a cybersecurity strategy
implementation plan that is intended to strengthen Federal civilian
agencies' cybersecurity.\22\ The plan is to address Government-wide
cybersecurity gaps through five objectives: (1) Prioritized
identification and protection of high-value information and assets; (2)
timely detection of and rapid response to cyber incidents; (3) rapid
recovery from incidents when they occur and accelerated adoption of
lessons learned from the Cybersecurity Sprint assessment; (4)
recruitment and retention of the most highly-qualified cybersecurity
workforce; and (5) efficient and effective acquisition and deployment
of existing and emerging technology. The plan address our
recommendation that the White House develop an overarching strategy for
improving cybersecurity.\23\
\22\ OMB, Memorandum M-16-04, Cybersecurity Strategy and
Implementation Plan for the Federal Civilian Government (Washington,
DC: Oct 30, 2015).
\23\ GAO, Cybersecurity: National Strategy, Roles, and
Responsibilities Need to Be Better-Defined and More Effectively
Implemented, GAO-13-187 (Washington, DC: Feb. 14, 2013).
Question 3b. What GAO findings regarding OMB's oversight of
Government-wide information security programs demonstrate the greatest
risks for exposure of PII?
Answer. As previously mentioned, we reported \24\ that the 8
Federal agencies we reviewed generally developed, but inconsistently
implemented, policies and procedures for responding to data breaches
involving PII that addressed key practices specified by OMB and the
National Institute of Standards and Technology. We attributed agencies'
inconsistent implementation of data breach policies and procedures to
incomplete guidance from OMB.
\24\ GAO-14-34.
Also, in 2012, we reiterated \25\ our previous finding reported in
2008 \26\ that while the Privacy Act, the E-Government Act, and related
OMB guidance set minimum requirements for agencies, such laws and
guidance may not consistently protect PII in all circumstances of its
collection and use throughout the Federal Government and may not fully
adhere to key privacy principles. We stressed that unilateral action by
OMB might not be the best way to strike an appropriate balance between
the Government's need to collect, process, and share personally
identifiable information and the rights of individuals to know about
such collections and be assured that they are only for limited purposes
and uses. We suggested that Congress consider amending applicable laws
such as the Privacy Act and E-Government Act by:
\25\ GAO, Privacy: Federal Law Should Be Updated to Address
Changing Technology Landscape, GAO-12-961T (Washington, DC: July 31,
\26\ GAO, Privacy: Alternatives Exist for Enhancing Protection of
Personally Identifiable Information, GAO-08-536 (Washington, DC: May
19, 2008).
revising the scope of the laws to cover all PII collected,
used, and maintained by the Federal Government;
setting requirements to ensure that the collection and use
of personally identifiable information is limited to a stated
purpose; and
establishing additional mechanisms for informing the public
about privacy protections by revising requirements for the
structure and publication of public notices.