have reached the Federal Depository Library Program Electronic Collection
(FDLP/EC) Archive. This archive assures ongoing access to publications in the
FDLP/EC. Access to publications in the archive is available through GPO's suite
of cataloging and locator services, including the Catalog of U.S. Government
Publications (CGP).
Title: A legacy of lessons learned : Landstuhl
Regional Medical Center during wartime, 2001-2014
SuDoc Number: D 104.2:L 52
Item Number: 0351-A (online)
CGP System Number: 001010293
Permanent Public Access |
Title 44 of
the United States Code (44 U.S.C. Section 1911) stipulates that public access
to official Government information products disseminated through the Federal
Depository Library Program (FDLP) must be maintained permanently in regional
depository libraries and by depository libraries not served by a regional
library. Since online products are not physically distributed to depository
libraries for retention, GPO has assumed responsibility for the provision of
permanent access to Government information products residing on FDsys
servers. GPO's
permanent public access commitment is also met by bringing
agency-disseminated Internet resources under the purview of GPO and
incorporating them into a digital archive. GPO captures copies of agency
electronic information products, and creates PURLs so that users will be
automatically redirected to the archived products if the information is no
longer accessible on the agency Web site. Please refer to the report Managing
the FDLP Electronic Collection: A Policy and Planning Document for more
information. |
August 16, 2017