Feed Outlook ERS

This publication examines the season-average price, production, supply, use, and trade for feed grains in major exporting and importing countries. The report focuses on corn, but covers sorghum, barley, oats, hay, and wheat as well. Contains future projections production, supply, use, and trade made based on weather conditions and current agricultural and industrial developments. Subscribe to ERS e-mail notification service at https: https://www.ers.usda.gov/topics/farm-economy/commodity-outlook/email-notification/ to receive timely notification of newsletter availability. Related Data Feed Grains Database https://www.ers.usda.gov/data-products/feed-grains-database/ is a queryable database that contains monthly, quarterly, and annual data on prices, supply, and use of corn and other feed grains. This includes data published in the monthly Feed Outlook.

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E-mail Notification: Readers of ERS outlook reports have two ways they can receive an e-mail notice about release of reports and associated data. Receive timely notification (soon after the report is posted on the web) via USDA’s Economics, Statistics and Market Information System (which is housed at Cornell University’s Mann Library). Go to http://usda.mannlib.cornell.edu/MannUsda/aboutEmailService.do and follow the instructions to receive e-mail notices about ERS, Agricultural Marketing Service, National Agricultural Statistics Service, and World Agricultural Outlook Board products. Receive weekly notification (on Friday afternoon) via the ERS website. Go to http://www.ers.usda.gov/Updates/ and follow the instructions to receive notices about ERS outlook reports, Amber Waves magazine, and other reports and data products on specific topics. ERS also offers RSS (really simple syndication) feeds for all ERS products. Go to https://www.ers.usda.gov/rss-info/ to get started.

Frequency of Release:Monthly


Mar 13, 2025
Contact person name:Aaron M. Ates
Contact office name:Economic Research Service
Contact email:aaron.ates@usda.gov