[House Report 111-42]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]

111th Congress                                                   Report
                        HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES
 1st Session                                                     111-42


                   STATES CODE, ``PUBLIC CONTRACTS''


   March 23, 2009.--Referred to the House Calendar and ordered to be 


    Mr. Conyers, from the Committee on the Judiciary, submitted the 


                        [To accompany H.R. 1107]

    The Committee on the Judiciary, to whom was referred the 
bill (H.R. 1107) to enact certain laws relating to public 
contracts as title 41, United States Code, ``Public 
Contracts'', having considered the same, report favorably 
thereon and recommend that the bill do pass.


Purpose and Summary..............................................     2
Background and Need for Legislation..............................     2
Conformity With Original Intent..................................     2
Hearings.........................................................     3
Committee Consideration..........................................     3
Committee Votes..................................................     3
Committee Oversight Findings.....................................     3
New Budget Authority and Tax Expenditures........................     4
Committee Cost Estimate..........................................     4
Performance Goals and Objectives.................................     4
Constitutional Authority Statement...............................     4
Disposition Table................................................     4
Section-by-Section Explanation...................................    12


                          Purpose and Summary

    H.R. 1107 would enact certain laws relating to public 
contracts as title 41, United States Code, ``Public 

                  Background and Need for Legislation

    H.R. 1107 revises and restates certain laws relating to 
public contracts and re-enacts those laws as title 41, United 
States Code. The bill was prepared by the Office of the Law 
Revision Counsel of the House of Representatives, as part of 
its responsibility under 2 U.S.C. 285b to submit to the 
Committee on the Judiciary proposed bills to enact titles of 
the United States Code into positive law.
    This bill has undergone extensive review over several 
Congresses. Predecessor bills to H.R. 1107 were introduced in 
the 108th, 109th, and 110th Congresses -- H.R. 4320 in the 
108th, H.R. 5414 in the 109th, and H.R. 4779 in the 110th. H.R. 
4779 was ordered favorably reported by the Committee on July 
30, 2008.
    When H.R. 4779 was introduced, on December 18, 2007, 
Chairman Conyers placed an introductory statement in the 
Congressional Record inviting interested parties to review the 
bill and submit comments to the Law Revision Counsel. A number 
of comments were received, and the bill as ordered reported 
incorporated a number of revisions made in light of those 
    H.R. 1107 was introduced February 23, 2009, by Chairman 
Conyers and Ranking Member Smith. H.R. 1107 incorporates 
changes based on laws enacted during the 110th Congress. In 
addition, H.R. 1107 incorporates a number of revisions made in 
light of supplemental comments that were submitted to the 
Committee after the predecessor bill, H.R. 4779, had already 
been ordered reported.

                    Conformity With Original Intent

    In the drafting, the intent is to comply with the standard 
set forth in 2 U.S.C. 285b(1), that the restatement of existing 
law shall conform to ``the understood policy, intent, and 
purpose of the Congress in the original enactments, with such 
amendments and corrections as will remove ambiguities, 
contradictions, and other imperfections . . .''.
    In restating existing law, this bill consolidates various 
provisions of law which have been enacted separately over a 
period of many years, reorganizing them, conforming style and 
terminology, modernizing obsolete language, and correcting 
drafting errors. These changes are not intended to have 
substantive effect, or to impair in any way the precedential 
value of earlier judicial decisions or other interpretations.
    This bill is intended to restate existing law without 
substantive change. That enactment of a bill such as this does 
not make substantive change in the law, absent an unequivocal 
expression of Congressional intent to make such a change, has 
been repeatedly held in numerous cases, including the 
    Finley v. United States, 490 U.S. 545, 553-555 (1989).
    Cass v. United States, 417 U.S. 72, 81-82 (1974).
    Tidewater Oil Co. v. U.S., 409 U.S. 151, 161-162 (1972).
    United States v. Cook, 384 U.S. 257, 260 (1966).
    Fourco Glass Co. v. Transmirra Products Corp., 353 U.S. 
222, 226-227 (1957).
    Washington-Dulles Transportation, Ltd. v. Metropolitan 
Washington Airports Authority, 263 F.3d 371, 378-379 (4th Cir. 
    Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Co. v. United States, 
617 F.2d 485, 490-491 (7th Cir. 1980).
    Trailer Marine Transport Corp. v. Federal Maritime 
Commission, 602 F.2d 379, 383 (D.C. Cir. 1979).
    See also Norman J. Singer, Sutherland Statutory 
Construction, Sec. Sec. 28.10, 28.11 (6th ed. 2002).


    No hearings were held on H.R. 1107.

                        Committee Consideration

    On March 18, 2009, the Committee met in open session and 
ordered the bill, H.R. 1107, favorably reported, by a voice 
vote, a quorum being present.

                            Committee Votes

    In compliance with clause 3(b) of rule XIII of the Rules of 
the House of Representatives, the Committee advises that there 
were no recorded votes during the Committee's consideration of 
H.R. 1107.

                      Committee Oversight Findings

    In compliance with clause 3(c)(1) of rule XIII of the Rules 
of the House of Representatives, the Committee reports that the 
findings and recommendations of the Committee, based on 
oversight activities under clause 2(b)(1) of rule X of the 
Rules of the House of Representatives, are incorporated in the 
descriptive portions of this report.

               New Budget Authority and Tax Expenditures

    Clause 3(c)(2) of rule XIII of the Rules of the House of 
Representatives is inapplicable because H.R. 1107 does not 
provide new budget authority or an increase in tax 

                         Comittee Cost Estimate

    In compliance with clause 3(d)(2) of rule XIII of the Rules 
of the House of Representatives, the Committee estimates that 
no appreciable costs will be incurred in carrying out the bill, 
H.R. 1107, as it is not intended to make any substantive 
changes to the law. In compliance with clause 3(c)(3) of rule 
XIII of the Rules of the House of Representatives, the 
Committee advises that no estimate of the costs of implementing 
H.R. 1107 is available from the Congressional Budget Office.

                    Performance Goals and Objectives

    Clause 3(c)(4) of rule XIII of the Rules of the House of 
Representatives is inapplicable because H.R. 1107 does not 
authorize funding.

                   Constitutional Authority Statement

    Pursuant to clause 3(d)(1) of rule XIII of the Rules of the 
House of Representatives, the Committee finds the authority for 
this legislation in article I, section 8 of the Constitution.

                           Disposition Table

    The table below shows a disposition for each section of the 
United States Code affected by the bill. In addition, with 
respect to provisions of law set out as notes in the United 
States Code, the table shows a disposition for each provision 
restated as part of title 41.
    Where the disposition column shows a title 41 citation, it 
means the provision of law classified to the former United 
States Code section is being restated and reenacted as part of 
title 41 by section 3 of the bill. The provision is also 
included in the Schedule of Laws Repealed in section 7 of the 
    Where the disposition column shows ``Obsolete'', 
``Superseded'', or ``Unnecessary'', it means the provision of 
law classified to the former United States Code section is 
being omitted from the proposed revised title but is included 
in the Schedule of Laws Repealed in section 7 of the bill.
    Where the disposition column shows ``Limited interest'' or 
``Temporary'' or recommends transfer to another title, it means 
the provision of law classified to the former United States 
Code section is being omitted from the proposed revised title 
and is not included in the Schedule of Laws Repealed in section 
7 of the bill.

                            Disposition Table
 Former United States Code Section (title
      41 unless otherwise specified)                 Disposition
1 to 4a...................................  Previously repealed.
5, 5a.....................................  6101
6.........................................  Previously repealed.
6a(a).....................................  6102
6a(b) to (e)..............................  Previously repealed.
6a(f).....................................  6102
6a(g).....................................  Previously repealed.
6a(h).....................................  6102
6a(i).....................................  Previously repealed.
6a(j).....................................  6102
6a(k) to (n)..............................  Previously repealed.
6a(o).....................................  Superseded. Most recently
                                             based on Public Law 85-75,
                                             Sec. 101 (last par. on p.
                                             251), July, 1, 1957, 71
                                             Stat. 251, provided that
                                             41:5 would not apply to the
                                             Architect of the Capitol in
                                             the purchase of supplies
                                             and equipment or the
                                             procurement of services
                                             when the aggregate amount
                                             of supplies and equipment
                                             or services did not exceed
                                             $1,000. Superseded by 41:6a-
6a(p).....................................  Previously repealed.
6a-1......................................  6102
6a-2......................................  Transfer to 2:1816
6a-3, 6a-4................................  6102
6b(a).....................................  Obsolete. Provided that
                                             materials and equipment
                                             needed for control of
                                             emergency outbreaks of
                                             insects could be procured,
                                             without regard to 41:5,
                                             using amounts appropriated
                                             to carry out 7:148-148e.
                                             Provisions classified to
                                             7:148-148e have previously
                                             been repealed.
6b(b).....................................  Obsolete. Provided that 41:5
                                             would not apply to certain
                                             expenditures related to the
                                             Civilian Conservation
                                             Corps. The Corps was
                                             liquidated June 30, 1944.
6b(c).....................................  Limited interest. Provides
                                             that 41:5 does not apply to
                                             contracts for labor or
                                             supplies necessary to carry
                                             out operations on the
                                             Menominee Indian
                                             Reservation pursuant to
                                             ``the Act of March 28, 1908
                                             (35 Stat. 51)'' (probably
                                             means the Act of March 28,
                                             1908, ch. 111, 35 Stat. 51,
                                             which is not classified to
                                             the Code).
6b(d).....................................  6102
6b(e).....................................  Obsolete. Provision, which
                                             related to the employment
                                             of experts or consultants
                                             in the Canal Zone, was from
                                             the General Government
                                             Matters Appropriation Act,
                                             1962 (Public Law 87-125,
                                             title III, Sec. 301, 75
                                             Stat. 279). The provision
                                             was not repeated in
                                             subsequent appropriation
                                             acts and expired on June
                                             30, 1962.
6c to 6jj.................................  Previously repealed.
6kk.......................................  Superseded. Provisions
                                             classified to this section
                                             were contained in annual
                                             appropriation Acts. The
                                             provisions created an
                                             exemption from 41:5 and
                                             41:16 for certain purchases
                                             for the Botanic Garden when
                                             the amount involved did not
                                             exceed $50. With respect to
                                             an exemption from 41:5, the
                                             section appears to have
                                             been previously repealed by
                                             the Act of August 2, 1946,
                                             ch. 744, Sec. 9(b), 60
                                             Stat. 809. In any event,
                                             the section was superseded
                                             by 41:6a(b), which was
                                             subsequently repealed by
                                             the Act of October 31,
                                             1951, ch. 654, Sec. 1(107),
                                             65 Stat. 705.
6ll.......................................  Previously repealed.
6mm.......................................  Previously transferred to
                                             41:6b(d) prior to repeal.
7 to 7d...................................  Previously repealed.
8.........................................  6103
9.........................................  Previously repealed.
10........................................  Superseded. Provision
                                             related to preferential
                                             treatment of American
                                             material in contracts for
                                             public improvements.
                                             Superseded by 41:10a et
10a.......................................  8302
10b.......................................  8303
10b-1.....................................  Obsolete. Provided that a
                                             Federal agency shall not
                                             award certain procurement
                                             contracts. This section
                                             ceased to be effective on
                                             April 30, 1996. See section
                                             7004 of Public Law 100-418
                                             (102 Stat. 1552).
10b-2.....................................  8304
10b-3.....................................  8305
10c.......................................  8301
10d.......................................  8303
11........................................  6301
11a.......................................  6302
12........................................  6303
13........................................  6304
13a.......................................  Previously repealed.
14........................................  6301
15........................................  6305
16........................................  Previously repealed.
16a.......................................  Obsolete. Section authorized
                                             purchases by the Department
                                             of the Interior without
                                             compliance with 41:16,
                                             which was repealed.
16b.......................................  Obsolete. Section authorized
                                             purchases by the Botanic
                                             Garden without compliance
                                             with 41:16, which was
16c.......................................  Obsolete. Section authorized
                                             purchases by the Architect
                                             of the Capitol without
                                             compliance with 41:16,
                                             which was repealed.
16d.......................................  Obsolete. Section authorized
                                             purchases by the Bureau of
                                             Reclamation without
                                             compliance with 41:16,
                                             which was repealed.
17 to 21..................................  Previously repealed.
22........................................  6306
23........................................  6307
24........................................  6308
24a.......................................  Obsolete. Provided for
                                             cancellation on or before
                                             March 31, 1936, of
                                             contracts for
                                             transportation entered into
                                             prior to June 16, 1933.
25 to 27..................................  Previously repealed.
28 to 33..................................  Obsolete. The Act of June
                                             16, 1934, ch. 553, 48 Stat.
                                             974, consisting of sections
                                             1 through 6, which were
                                             classified to 41:28 through
                                             41:33, respectively,
                                             provided for settlement of
                                             certain claims related to
                                             contracts with the Federal
                                             Government made prior to
                                             August 10, 1933.
34........................................  Obsolete. Provision,
                                             consisting of the Act of
                                             August 29, 1935, ch. 815,
                                             49 Stat. 990, provided that
                                             bids made subject to codes
                                             of fair competition prior
                                             to August 29, 1935 should
                                             not be rejected where
                                             bidder agreed to be subject
                                             to Acts requiring
                                             observance of minimum
                                             wages, maximum hours, or
                                             limitations as to age of
                                             employees in performance of
                                             contracts with Federal
                                             agencies. Table III of the
                                             Code indicates that
                                             provision is classified to
                                             41:28 through 41:34.
                                             However, provision is
                                             classified only to 41:34.
                                             See text in 1940 edition of
                                             the Code and source
35 (matter before subsec. (a) less words    6502
 related to definition of ``agency of the
 United States'').
35 (matter before subsec. (a) related to    6501
 definition of ``agency of the United
35(a) to (d)..............................  6502
36........................................  6503
37........................................  6504
38........................................  6506
39........................................  6507
40........................................  6508
41........................................  6501
42........................................  6511
43........................................  6505
43a(a)....................................  6509
43a(b) (1st sentence).....................  6507
43a(b) (last sentence), (c)...............  6509
43b.......................................  6510
44........................................  Unnecessary. Severability
                                             provisions of laws included
                                             in the codification are
45........................................  6502
46........................................  8502
47........................................  8503
48........................................  8504
48a.......................................  8505
48b.......................................  8501
48c.......................................  8506
49, 50....................................  6309
51........................................  Unnecessary. Short titles of
                                             laws included in the
                                             codification are
52........................................  8701
53........................................  8702
54........................................  8707
55........................................  8706
56........................................  8705
57........................................  8703
58........................................  8704
101, 102(a)...............................  Obsolete. Provided for the
                                             settlement of claims under
                                             terminated contracts for
                                             war production during World
                                             War II.
102(b)....................................  Previously repealed.
103.......................................  Obsolete. Provided for the
                                             settlement of claims under
                                             terminated contracts for
                                             war production during World
                                             War II.
104(a)....................................  Previously repealed.
104(b) to 113(c)..........................  Obsolete. Provided for the
                                             settlement of claims under
                                             terminated contracts for
                                             war production during World
                                             War II.
113(d)....................................  Obsolete. Provided for the
                                             appointment and dutes of an
                                             Appeal Board. The Appeal
                                             Board was abolished no
                                             later than 9 months after
                                             July 14, 1952.
113(e) to 115.............................  Obsolete. Provided for the
                                             settlement of claims under
                                             terminated contracts for
                                             war production during World
                                             War II.
116.......................................  Previously repealed.
117, 118(a)...............................  Obsolete. Provided for the
                                             settlement of claims under
                                             terminated contracts for
                                             war production during World
                                             War II.
118(b)....................................  Previously repealed.
118(c) to 125.............................  Obsolete. Provided for the
                                             settlement of claims under
                                             terminated contracts for
                                             war production during World
                                             War II.
151 to 162................................  Previously repealed.
201 to 205................................  Previously transferred to
                                             40:471 to 475 prior to
211 to 213................................  Previously transferred to
                                             40:751 to 753 prior to
214.......................................  Previously transferred to
                                             44:391 prior to repeal.
215.......................................  Previously transferred to
                                             5:630c prior to repeal.
216.......................................  Previously transferred to
                                             5:630d and 40:754 prior to
217.......................................  Previously transferred to
                                             5:630e and 40:755 prior to
218.......................................  Previously transferred to
                                             5:630f prior to repeal.
219.......................................  Previously transferred to
                                             5:630g and 40:756 prior to
231 to 237................................  Previously transferred to
                                             40:481 to 488 prior to
238.......................................  Previously transferred to
                                             5:630h and 40:758 prior to
239 to 240................................  Previously transferred to
                                             40:489 to 492 prior to
251.......................................  Unnecessary. Sets out the
                                             purpose of the subchapter.
251 note (Pub. L. 110-252, Sec. 6102,       3509
251 note (Pub. L. 110-417, Sec. 867)......  4711
252(a)....................................  3101
252(b)....................................  3104
252(c)(1).................................  3106
252(c)(2).................................  3301
252a, 252b................................  3101
252c......................................  4709
253(a)....................................  3301
253(b)....................................  3303
253(c) to (f).............................  3304
253(g)....................................  3305
253(h)....................................  3301
253(i)....................................  3105
253(j)....................................  3304
253a......................................  3306
253a note (Pub. L. 108-136, Sec. 1428)....  3306
253b(a), (b)..............................  3701
253b(c)...................................  3702
253b(d)...................................  3703
253b(e)...................................  3704
253b(f)...................................  3705
253b(g) (related to 41:253b(e))...........  3704
253b(g) (related to 41:253b(f))...........  3705
253b(h)...................................  3706
253b(i)...................................  3707
253b(j)...................................  3308
253b(k), (l)..............................  3708
253b(m)...................................  4702
253c......................................  3311
253d......................................  4703
253e......................................  Previously repealed.
253f......................................  3310
253g......................................  4704
253h......................................  4103
253h note (Pub. L. 103-355, Sec. 1054(b)).  4102
253h note (Pub. L. 106-65, Sec. 804)......  4104
253h note (Pub. L. 110-417, Sec. 863(a)-    3302
253i......................................  4105
253i note (Pub. L. 109-364, Sec. 834(b),    4105
 (c) (related to (b)).
253j......................................  4106
253k......................................  4101
253l......................................  3902
253l-1 to 253l-8..........................  3904
253m......................................  3309
254(a)....................................  3901
254(b)....................................  3905
254 note (Pub. L. 110-417, Sec. 864(a),     3906
 (b), (d), (e), (f)(2), (g)).
254a......................................  4708
254b(a)...................................  3502
254b(b)...................................  3503
254b(c)...................................  3504
254b(d)...................................  3505
254b(e)...................................  3506
254b(f)...................................  3507
254b(g)...................................  3508
254b(h)...................................  3501
254b note (Pub. L. 110-417, Sec. 866).....  4710
254b note (Pub. L. 110-417, Sec. 868).....  3501
254c......................................  3903
254d......................................  4706
255(a)....................................  4501
255(b), (c)...............................  4502
255(d)....................................  4503
255(e)....................................  4504
255(f)....................................  4505
255(g)....................................  4506
256(a) to (d).............................  4303
256(e)....................................  4304
256(f)....................................  4305
256(g)....................................  4306
256(h)....................................  4307
256(i)....................................  4308
256(j)....................................  4309
256(k)....................................  4310
256(l)(1).................................  4301
256(l)(2).................................  4302
256(m)....................................  4301
256a......................................  4707
257.......................................  4701
258.......................................  Previously repealed.
259(a)....................................  151
259(b)....................................  152
259(c)(1).................................  111
259(c)(2).................................  112
259(c)(3).................................  114
259(c)(4).................................  107
259(c)(5).................................  113
259(c)(6).................................  116
259(c)(7).................................  109
259(c)(8), (9)............................  108
259(c)(10)................................  115
259(c)(11)................................  103
259(c)(12)................................  110
259(c)(13)................................  102
259(c)(14)................................  105
259(d)....................................  153
259(e)....................................  106
260.......................................  3101
261.......................................  3102
262.......................................  4701
263.......................................  3103
264.......................................  3307
264 note (Pub. L. 103-355, Sec. 8002).....  3307
264a (``commercial item'')................  103
264a (``nondevelopmental item'')..........  110
264a (``component'')......................  105
264a (``commercial component'')...........  102
264b......................................  3307
265.......................................  4705
266.......................................  3105
266a......................................  Temporary. Authorizes the
                                             head of an executive agency
                                             to enter into a share-in-
                                             savings contract for
                                             information technology.
                                             Those contracts may not be
                                             entered into after
                                             September 30, 2005.
271 to 274................................  Previously transferred to
                                             40:511 to 514 prior to
281 to 291................................  Previously transferred to
                                             44:392 to 402 prior to
321 to 322................................  Superseded. Provisions
                                             superseded by section 10 of
                                             the Contract Disputes Act
                                             of 1978 (41 U.S.C. 609).
                                             Congress intended to repeal
                                             provisions but, due to
                                             apparent oversight, repeal
                                             was not enacted. See Senate
                                             Report No. 95-1118 (1978
                                             U.S.C.C.A.N. p. 5235),
                                             especially page 34
                                             (``Section 14(i) repeals 41
                                             U.S.C. 321-322'') and pages
                                             2, 3, 13 to 15, and 30. See
                                             also, Nash, Jr., Schooner,
                                             and O'Brien, Government
                                             Contracts Reference Book,
                                             2d Ed., page 548.
351(a) (words before par. (1) related to    6702
351(a) (words before par. (1) related to    6703
 required contract terms), (1) to (5).
351(b)....................................  6704
352.......................................  6705
353.......................................  6707
354(a)....................................  6706
354(b)....................................  6705
355.......................................  6707
356.......................................  6702
357.......................................  6701
358.......................................  6707
401, 402..................................  Previously repealed.
403(1)....................................  133
403(2)....................................  111
403(3)....................................  112
403(4)....................................  114
403(5)....................................  132
403(6)....................................  107
403(7)....................................  113
403(8)....................................  116
403(9)....................................  109
403(10) (``item'', ``item of supply'')....  108
403(10) (``supplies'')....................  115
403(11)...................................  134
403(12)...................................  103
403(13)...................................  110
403(14)...................................  105
403(15)...................................  102
403(16)...................................  131
403(17)...................................  1301
404(a)....................................  1101
404(b)....................................  1102
405(a) to (c).............................  1121
405(d), (e)...............................  1122
405(f)....................................  1121
405(g)....................................  1122
405(h)(1).................................  1130
405(h)(2).................................  2305
405(i)....................................  1125
405(j)....................................  1126
405(k)....................................  1131
405 note (Pub. L. 108-136, Sec. 1431(b))..  1129
405 note (Pub. L. 110-417, Sec. 874(a))...  2311
405a (1st sentence).......................  1121
405a (last sentence)......................  1123
405b......................................  2304
405c(a), (c)..............................  2303
406.......................................  1701
407.......................................  Previously repealed.
408.......................................  1121
409.......................................  Previously repealed.
410.......................................  1101
411.......................................  1122
412(a)....................................  2307
412(b)....................................  2306
413.......................................  1124
414.......................................  1702
414a......................................  1706
414b(a) to (c)............................  1311
414b(d), (e)..............................  1312
415.......................................  Previously repealed.
416.......................................  1708
417.......................................  1712
417a......................................  1713
417b......................................  2313
418.......................................  1705
418a......................................  2302
418b......................................  1707
419.......................................  1709
420.......................................  Previously repealed.
421(a), (b)...............................  1302
421(c) to (f).............................  1303
422(a) to (e).............................  1501
422(f) to (h)(1)..........................  1502
422(h)(2) to (4)..........................  1503
422(i)....................................  Expired. Required the Cost
                                             Accounting Standards Board
                                             to submit an annual report
                                             to Congress on the
                                             activities and operations
                                             of the Board. Section 3003
                                             of the Federal Reports
                                             Elimination and Sunset Act
                                             of 1995 (31 U.S.C. 1113
                                             note) provided that subject
                                             to certain provisions, each
                                             provision of law requiring
                                             the submittal to Congress
                                             or a committee of Congress
                                             of an annual, semiannual,
                                             or periodic report
                                             specified in the list
                                             prepared by the Clerk of
                                             the House of
                                             Representatives for the
                                             first session of the 103d
                                             Congress (House Document
                                             No. 103-7) ceased to be
                                             effective on May 15, 2000.
422(j)....................................  1504
422(k)....................................  1505
422(l)....................................  1506
423(a), (b)...............................  2102
423(c)....................................  2103
423(d)....................................  2104
423(e)....................................  2105
423(f)....................................  2101
423(g)....................................  2106
423(h)....................................  2107
424.......................................  Previously repealed.
425.......................................  1304
426.......................................  2301
426a......................................  Previously repealed.
427.......................................  1901
428.......................................  1902
428a......................................  1903
428a note (Pub. L. 108-136, Sec. 1441)....  1904
429.......................................  1905
430.......................................  1906
431(a), (b)...............................  1907
431(c)....................................  104
431a......................................  1908
431a note (Pub. L. 108-375, Sec. 807(c))..  1908
432.......................................  1711
433.......................................  1703
433 notes (Pub. L. 108-136, Sec. Sec.       1703
 1412(a), 1413).
433 note (Pub. L. 108-136, Sec. 1414).....  1128
433a......................................  1704
433a note (Pub. L. 110-417, Sec. 869).....  1704
434.......................................  2308
435.......................................  1127
436.......................................  2309
437.......................................  2310
438.......................................  7105
439.......................................  1710
440.......................................  2312
501 to 509................................  Previously repealed.
601.......................................  7101
602, 603..................................  7102
604, 605..................................  7103
606.......................................  7104
607(a) to (e).............................  7105
607(f)....................................  7106
607(g)....................................  7107
608.......................................  7106
609(a)....................................  7104
609(b) to (f).............................  7107
610.......................................  7105
611, 611 note (Pub. L. 102-572, Sec.        7109
612.......................................  7108
613.......................................  Unnecessary. Severability
                                             provisions of laws included
                                             in the codification are
701.......................................  8102
702.......................................  8103
703.......................................  8104
704.......................................  8105
705.......................................  8106
706, 707..................................  8101


                     Section-by-Section Explanation

                      SECTION 1--TABLE OF CONTENTS

    Section 1 of the bill provides a table of contents for the 


    Section 2(a) of the bill provides that the purpose is to 
revise, codify, and enact certain general and permanent 
existing laws related to public contracts as title 41, United 
States Code, ``Public Contracts''.
    Section 2(b) of the bill provides a statement of intent 
with respect to the codification of existing law (see 
``Conformity With Original Intent'' above).


    Section 3 of the bill revises, codifies, and enacts certain 
general and permanent laws of the United States, related to 
public contracts, as title 41, United States Code. For each 
section of title 41, the source provision citations, along with 
any revision notes, are set out below.

                       TITLE 41--PUBLIC CONTRACTS

Subtitle                                                            Sec.
      FEDERAL PROCUREMENT POLICY.....................................101
      CONTRACT DISPUTES.............................................7101

                 Subtitle I--Federal Procurement Policy

                          Division A--General

Chapter                                                             Sec.

            Division B--Office of Federal Procurement Policy

      Establishment of Office and Authority and Functions of         11.
      Acquisition Councils..........................................1301
      Cost Accounting Standards.....................................1501
      Agency Responsibilities and Procedures........................1701
      Simplified Acquisition Procedures.............................1901
      Restrictions on Obtaining and Disclosing Certain Information..2101

                        Division C--Procurement

      Planning and Solicitation.....................................3301
      Truthful Cost and Pricing Data................................3501
      Awarding of Contracts.........................................3701
      Specific Types of Contracts...................................3901
      Task and Delivery Order Contracts.............................4101
      Allowable Costs...............................................4301
      Contract Financing............................................4501

                          Division A--General

                         CHAPTER 1--DEFINITIONS


101.  Administrator.
102.  Commercial component.
103.  Commercial item.
104.  Commercially available off-the-shelf item.
105.  Component.
106.  Federal Acquisition Regulation.
107.  Full and open competition.
108.  Item and item of supply.
109.  Major system.
110.  Nondevelopmental item.
111.  Procurement.
112.  Procurement system.
113.  Responsible source.
114.  Standards.
115.  Supplies.
116.  Technical data.


131.  Acquisition.
132.  Competitive procedures.
133.  Executive agency.
134.  Simplified acquisition threshold.


151.  Agency head.
152.  Competitive procedures.
153.  Simplified acquisition threshold.


                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
101...................  no source.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
102...................  41:259(c)(13).                 June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec.
                                                        309(c)(13), as
                                                        added Pub. L. 98-
                                                        369, title VII,
                                                        Sec. 2711(a)(3),
                                                        July 18, 1984,
                                                        98 Stat. 1180;
                                                        Pub. L. 98-577,
                                                        title V, Sec.
                                                        504(a)(4), Oct.
                                                        30, 1984, 98
                                                        Stat. 3086; Pub.
                                                        L. 103-355,
                                                        title I, Sec.
                                                        1551, Oct. 13,
                                                        1994, 108 Stat.
                        41:264a (``commercial          June 30, 1949,
                         component'').                  ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec. 314A
                                                        component''), as
                                                        added Pub. L.
                                                        103-355, title
                                                        VIII, Sec. 8202,
                                                        Oct. 13, 1994,
                                                        108 Stat. 3394.
                        41:403(15).                    Pub. L. 93-400,
                                                        Sec. 4(15), as
                                                        added Pub. L.
                                                        103-355, title
                                                        VIII, Sec.
                                                        8001(a), Oct.
                                                        13, 1994, 108
                                                        Stat. 3386.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
103...................  41:259(c)(11).                 June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec.
                                                        309(c)(11), as
                                                        added Pub. L. 98-
                                                        369, title VII,
                                                        Sec. 2711(a)(3),
                                                        July 18, 1984,
                                                        98 Stat. 1180;
                                                        Pub. L. 98-577,
                                                        title V, Sec.
                                                        504(a)(4), Oct.
                                                        30, 1984, 98
                                                        Stat. 3086; Pub.
                                                        L. 103-355,
                                                        title I, Sec.
                                                        1551, Oct. 13,
                                                        1994, 108 Stat.
                        41:264a (``commercial          June 30, 1949,
                         item'').                       ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec. 314A
                                                        item''), as
                                                        added Pub. L.
                                                        103-355, title
                                                        VIII, Sec. 8202,
                                                        Oct. 13, 1994,
                                                        108 Stat. 3394.
                        41:403(12).                    Pub. L. 93-400,
                                                        Sec. 4(12), as
                                                        added Pub. L.
                                                        103-355, title
                                                        VIII, Sec.
                                                        8001(a), Oct.
                                                        13, 1994, 108
                                                        Stat. 3385; Pub.
                                                        L. 104-106,
                                                        title XLII, Sec.
                                                        4204, Feb. 10,
                                                        1996, 110 Stat.
                                                        655; Pub. L. 106-
                                                        65, title VIII,
                                                        Sec. 805, Oct.
                                                        5, 1999, 113
                                                        Stat. 705; Pub.
                                                        L. 108-136,
                                                        title XIV, Sec.
                                                        1433, Nov. 24,
                                                        2003, 117 Stat.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
104...................  41:431(c).                     Pub. L. 93-400,
                                                        Sec. 35(c), as
                                                        added Pub. L.
                                                        104-106, title
                                                        XLII, Sec.
                                                        4203(a), Feb.
                                                        10, 1996, 110
                                                        Stat. 655.

    In paragraph (2), the words ``section 40102(4) of title 
46'' are substituted for ``section 3 of the Shipping Act of 
1984 (46 U.S.C. App. 1702)'' because of section 18(c) of Public 
Law 109-304 (46 U.S.C. note prec. 101).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
105...................  41:259(c)(14).                 June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec.
                                                        309(c)(14), as
                                                        added Pub. L. 98-
                                                        369, title VII,
                                                        Sec. 2711(a)(3),
                                                        July 18, 1984,
                                                        98 Stat. 1180;
                                                        Pub. L. 98-577,
                                                        title V, Sec.
                                                        504(a)(4), Oct.
                                                        30, 1984, 98
                                                        Stat. 3086; Pub.
                                                        L. 103-355,
                                                        title I, Sec.
                                                        1551, Oct. 13,
                                                        1994, 108 Stat.
                        41:264a (``component'').       June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec. 314A
                                                        as added Pub. L.
                                                        103-355, title
                                                        VIII, Sec. 8202,
                                                        Oct. 13, 1994,
                                                        108 Stat. 3394.
                        41:403(14).                    Pub. L. 93-400,
                                                        Sec. 4(14), as
                                                        added Pub. L.
                                                        103-355, title
                                                        VIII, Sec.
                                                        8001(a), Oct.
                                                        13, 1994, 108
                                                        Stat. 3386.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
106...................  41:259(e).                     June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec.
                                                        309(e), as added
                                                        Pub. L. 103-355,
                                                        title I, Sec.
                                                        1551, Oct. 13,
                                                        1994, 108 Stat.

    The defined term is made applicable to the subtitle because 
of the numerous references throughout the Office of Federal 
Procurement Policy Act (Public Law 93-400, 88 Stat. 796), 
restated in division B of this subtitle, and especially because 
of sections 6(a) and 25(c) of the Act, restated in sections 
1121 and 1303, respectively.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
107...................  41:259(c)(4).                  June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec.
                                                        309(c)(4), as
                                                        added Pub. L. 98-
                                                        369, title VII,
                                                        Sec. 2711(a)(3),
                                                        July 18, 1984,
                                                        98 Stat. 1180;
                                                        Pub. L. 98-577,
                                                        title V, Sec.
                                                        504(a)(4), Oct.
                                                        30, 1984, 98
                                                        Stat. 3086; Pub.
                                                        L. 103-355,
                                                        title I, Sec.
                                                        1551, Oct. 13,
                                                        1994, 108 Stat.
                        41:403(6).                     Pub. L. 93-400,
                                                        Sec. 4(6),
                                                        formerly Sec.
                                                        4(7), as added
                                                        Pub. L. 98-369,
                                                        title VII, Sec.
                                                        2731(3), July
                                                        18, 1984, 98
                                                        Stat. 1195; Pub.
                                                        L. 98-577, title
                                                        I, Sec. 102(1),
                                                        Oct. 30, 1984,
                                                        98 Stat. 3067;
                                                        redesignated as
                                                        Sec. 4(6), Pub.
                                                        L. 100-679, Sec.
                                                        3(c), Nov. 17,
                                                        1988, 102 Stat.
                                                        4056; Pub. L.
                                                        103-355, title
                                                        VIII, Sec.
                                                        Oct. 13, 1994,
                                                        108 Stat. 3386.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
108...................  41:259(c)(8), (9).             June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec.
                                                        309(c)(8), (9),
                                                        as added Pub. L.
                                                        98-369, title
                                                        VII, Sec.
                                                        2711(a)(3), July
                                                        18, 1984, 98
                                                        Stat. 1180; Pub.
                                                        L. 98-577, title
                                                        V, Sec.
                                                        504(a)(4), Oct.
                                                        30, 1984, 98
                                                        Stat. 3086; Pub.
                                                        L. 103-355,
                                                        title I, Sec.
                                                        1551, Oct. 13,
                                                        1994, 108 Stat.
                        41:403(10) (``item'', ``item   Pub. L. 93-400,
                         of supply'').                  Sec. 4(10)
                                                        ``item of
                                                        formerly Sec.
                                                        4(11), as added
                                                        Pub. L. 98-577,
                                                        title I, Sec.
                                                        102(3), Oct. 30,
                                                        1984, 98 Stat.
                                                        redesignated as
                                                        Sec. 4(10), Pub.
                                                        L. 100-679, Sec.
                                                        3(c), Nov. 17,
                                                        1988, 102 Stat.
                                                        4056; Pub. L.
                                                        103-355, title
                                                        VIII, Sec.
                                                        8001(b)(1), (2),
                                                        (4), Oct. 13,
                                                        1994, 108 Stat.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
109...................  41:259(c)(7).                  June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec.
                                                        309(c)(7), as
                                                        added Pub. L. 98-
                                                        369, title VII,
                                                        Sec. 2711(a)(3),
                                                        July 18, 1984,
                                                        98 Stat. 1180;
                                                        Pub. L. 98-577,
                                                        title V, Sec.
                                                        504(a)(4), Oct.
                                                        30, 1984, 98
                                                        Stat. 3086; Pub.
                                                        L. 103-355,
                                                        title I, Sec.
                                                        1551, Oct. 13,
                                                        1994, 108 Stat.
                        41:403(9).                     Pub. L. 93-400,
                                                        Sec. 4(9),
                                                        formerly Sec.
                                                        4(10), as added
                                                        Pub. L. 98-577,
                                                        title I, Sec.
                                                        102(3), Oct. 30,
                                                        1984, 98 Stat.
                                                        redesignated as
                                                        Sec. 4(9), Pub.
                                                        L. 100-679, Sec.
                                                        3(c), Nov. 17,
                                                        1988, 102 Stat.
                                                        4056; Pub. L.
                                                        103-355, title
                                                        VIII, Sec.
                                                        Oct. 13, 1994,
                                                        108 Stat. 3386.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
110...................  41:259(c)(12).                 June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec.
                                                        309(c)(12), as
                                                        added Pub. L. 98-
                                                        369, title VII,
                                                        Sec. 2711(a)(3),
                                                        July 18, 1984,
                                                        98 Stat. 1180;
                                                        Pub. L. 98-577,
                                                        title V, Sec.
                                                        504(a)(4), Oct.
                                                        30, 1984, 98
                                                        Stat. 3086; Pub.
                                                        L. 103-355,
                                                        title I, Sec.
                                                        1551, Oct. 13,
                                                        1994, 108 Stat.
                        41:264a (``nondevelopmental    June 30, 1949,
                         item'').                       ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec. 314A
                                                        tal item''), as
                                                        added Pub. L.
                                                        103-355, title
                                                        VIII, Sec. 8202,
                                                        Oct. 13, 1994,
                                                        108 Stat. 3394.
                        41:403(13).                    Pub. L. 93-400,
                                                        Sec. 4(13), as
                                                        added Pub. L.
                                                        103-355, title
                                                        VIII, Sec.
                                                        8001(a), Oct.
                                                        13, 1994, 108
                                                        Stat. 3385.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
111...................  41:259(c)(1).                  June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec.
                                                        309(c)(1), as
                                                        added Pub. L. 98-
                                                        369, title VII,
                                                        Sec. 2711(a)(3),
                                                        July 18, 1984,
                                                        98 Stat. 1180;
                                                        Pub. L. 98-577,
                                                        title V, Sec.
                                                        504(a)(4), Oct.
                                                        30, 1984, 98
                                                        Stat. 3086; Pub.
                                                        L. 103-355,
                                                        title I, Sec.
                                                        1551, Oct. 13,
                                                        1994, 108 Stat.
                        41:403(2).                     Pub. L. 93-400,
                                                        Sec. 4(2), Aug.
                                                        30, 1974, 88
                                                        Stat. 797; Pub.
                                                        L. 96-83, Sec.
                                                        3, Oct. 10,
                                                        1979, 93 Stat.
                                                        649; Pub. L. 98-
                                                        191, Sec. 4,
                                                        Dec. 1, 1983, 97
                                                        Stat. 1326; Pub.
                                                        L. 103-355,
                                                        title VIII, Sec.
                                                        Oct. 13, 1994,
                                                        108 Stat. 3386.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
112...................  41:259(c)(2).                  June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec.
                                                        309(c)(2), as
                                                        added Pub. L. 98-
                                                        369, title VII,
                                                        Sec. 2711(a)(3),
                                                        July 18, 1984,
                                                        98 Stat. 1180;
                                                        Pub. L. 98-577,
                                                        title V, Sec.
                                                        504(a)(4), Oct.
                                                        30, 1984, 98
                                                        Stat. 3086; Pub.
                                                        L. 103-355,
                                                        title I, Sec.
                                                        1551, Oct. 13,
                                                        1994, 108 Stat.
                        41:403(3).                     Pub. L. 93-400,
                                                        Sec. 4(3), Aug.
                                                        30, 1974, 88
                                                        Stat. 797; Pub.
                                                        L. 96-83, Sec.
                                                        3, Oct. 10,
                                                        1979, 93 Stat.
                                                        649; Pub. L. 98-
                                                        191, Sec. 4,
                                                        Dec. 1, 1983, 97
                                                        Stat. 1326; Pub.
                                                        L. 103-355,
                                                        title VIII, Sec.
                                                        Oct. 13, 1994,
                                                        108 Stat. 3386.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
113...................  41:259(c)(5).                  June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec.
                                                        309(c)(5), as
                                                        added Pub. L. 98-
                                                        369, title VII,
                                                        Sec. 2711(a)(3),
                                                        July 18, 1984,
                                                        98 Stat. 1180;
                                                        Pub. L. 98-577,
                                                        title V, Sec.
                                                        504(a)(4), Oct.
                                                        30, 1984, 98
                                                        Stat. 3086; Pub.
                                                        L. 103-355,
                                                        title I, Sec.
                                                        1551, Oct. 13,
                                                        1994, 108 Stat.
                        41:403(7).                     Pub. L. 93-400,
                                                        Sec. 4(7),
                                                        formerly Sec.
                                                        4(8), as added
                                                        Pub. L. 98-369,
                                                        title VII, Sec.
                                                        2731(3), July
                                                        18, 1984, 98
                                                        Stat. 1195; Pub.
                                                        L. 98-577, title
                                                        I, Sec. 102(2),
                                                        Oct. 30, 1984,
                                                        98 Stat. 3067;
                                                        redesignated as
                                                        Sec. 4(7), Pub.
                                                        L. 100-679, Sec.
                                                        3(c), Nov. 17,
                                                        1988, 102 Stat.
                                                        4056; Pub. L.
                                                        103-355, title
                                                        VIII, Sec.
                                                        Oct. 13, 1994,
                                                        108 Stat. 3386.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
114...................  41:259(c)(3).                  June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec.
                                                        309(c)(3), as
                                                        added Pub. L. 98-
                                                        369, title VII,
                                                        Sec. 2711(a)(3),
                                                        July 18, 1984,
                                                        98 Stat. 1180;
                                                        Pub. L. 98-577,
                                                        title V, Sec.
                                                        504(a)(4), Oct.
                                                        30, 1984, 98
                                                        Stat. 3086; Pub.
                                                        L. 103-355,
                                                        title I, Sec.
                                                        1551, Oct. 13,
                                                        1994, 108 Stat.
                        41:403(4).                     Pub. L. 93-400,
                                                        Sec. 4(4),
                                                        formerly Sec.
                                                        4(5), Aug. 30,
                                                        1974, 88 Stat.
                                                        797; Pub. L. 96-
                                                        83, Sec. 3, Oct.
                                                        10, 1979, 93
                                                        Stat. 649; Pub.
                                                        L. 98-191, Sec.
                                                        4, Dec. 1, 1983,
                                                        97 Stat. 1326;
                                                        Pub. L. 98-369,
                                                        title VII, Sec.
                                                        2731(2), July
                                                        18, 1984, 98
                                                        Stat. 1195;
                                                        redesignated as
                                                        Sec. 4(4), Pub.
                                                        L. 100-679, Sec.
                                                        3(c), Nov. 17,
                                                        1988, 102 Stat.
                                                        4056; Pub. L.
                                                        103-355, title
                                                        VIII, Sec.
                                                        8001(b)(1), (2),
                                                        (4), Oct. 13,
                                                        1994, 108 Stat.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
115...................  41:259(c)(10).                 June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec.
                                                        as added Pub. L.
                                                        98-369, title
                                                        VII, Sec.
                                                        2711(a)(3), July
                                                        18, 1984, 98
                                                        Stat. 1180; Pub.
                                                        L. 98-577, title
                                                        V, Sec.
                                                        504(a)(4), Oct.
                                                        30, 1984, 98
                                                        Stat. 3086; Pub.
                                                        L. 103-355,
                                                        title I, Sec.
                                                        1551, Oct. 13,
                                                        1994, 108 Stat.
                        41:403(10) (``supplies'').     Pub. L. 93-400,
                                                        Sec. 4(10)
                                                        formerly Sec.
                                                        4(11), as added
                                                        Pub. L. 98-577,
                                                        title I, Sec.
                                                        102(3), Oct. 30,
                                                        1984, 98 Stat.
                                                        redesignated as
                                                        Sec. 4(10), Pub.
                                                        L. 100-679, Sec.
                                                        3(c), Nov. 17,
                                                        1988, 102 Stat.
                                                        4056; Pub. L.
                                                        103-355, title
                                                        VIII, Sec.
                                                        8001(b)(1), (2),
                                                        (4), Oct. 13,
                                                        1994, 108 Stat.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
116...................  41:259(c)(6).                  June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec.
                                                        309(c)(6), as
                                                        added Pub. L. 98-
                                                        369, title VII,
                                                        Sec. 2711(a)(3),
                                                        July 18, 1984,
                                                        98 Stat. 1180;
                                                        Pub. L. 98-577,
                                                        title V, Sec.
                                                        504(a)(4), Oct.
                                                        30, 1984, 98
                                                        Stat. 3086; Pub.
                                                        L. 103-355,
                                                        title I, Sec.
                                                        1551, Oct. 13,
                                                        1994, 108 Stat.
                        41:403(8).                     Pub. L. 93-400,
                                                        Sec. 4(8),
                                                        formerly Sec.
                                                        4(9), as added
                                                        Pub. L. 98-577,
                                                        title I, Sec.
                                                        102(3), Oct. 30,
                                                        1984, 98 Stat.
                                                        redesignated as
                                                        Sec. 4(8), Pub.
                                                        L. 100-679, Sec.
                                                        3(c), Nov. 17,
                                                        1988, 102 Stat.
                                                        4056; Pub. L.
                                                        103-355, title
                                                        VIII, Sec.
                                                        Oct. 13, 1994,
                                                        108 Stat. 3386.


                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
131...................  41:403(16).                    Pub. L. 93-400,
                                                        Sec. 4(16), as
                                                        added Pub. L.
                                                        108-136, title
                                                        XIV, Sec. 1411,
                                                        Nov. 24, 2003,
                                                        117 Stat. 1663.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
132...................  41:403(5).                     Pub. L. 93-400,
                                                        Sec. 4(5),
                                                        formerly Sec.
                                                        4(6), as added
                                                        Pub. L. 98-369,
                                                        title VII, Sec.
                                                        2731(3), July
                                                        18, 1984, 98
                                                        Stat. 1195;
                                                        redesignated as
                                                        Sec. 4(5), Pub.
                                                        L. 100-679, Sec.
                                                        3(c), Nov. 17,
                                                        1988, 102 Stat.
                                                        4056; Pub. L.
                                                        103-355, title
                                                        VIII, Sec.
                                                        Oct. 13, 1994,
                                                        108 Stat. 3386.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
133...................  41:403(1).                     Pub. L. 93-400,
                                                        Sec. 4(1), Aug.
                                                        30, 1974, 88
                                                        Stat. 797; Pub.
                                                        L. 96-83, Sec.
                                                        3, Oct. 10,
                                                        1979, 93 Stat.
                                                        649; Pub. L. 98-
                                                        191, Sec. 4,
                                                        Dec. 1, 1983, 97
                                                        Stat. 1326; Pub.
                                                        L. 103-355,
                                                        title VIII, Sec.
                                                        Oct. 13, 1994,
                                                        108 Stat. 3386.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
134...................  41:403(11).                    Pub. L. 93-400,
                                                        Sec. 4(11), as
                                                        added Pub. L.
                                                        101-510, title
                                                        VIII, Sec.
                                                        806(a)(1), Nov.
                                                        5, 1990, 104
                                                        Stat. 1592; Pub.
                                                        L. 103-355,
                                                        title IV, Sec.
                                                        4001, title
                                                        VIII, Sec.
                                                        8001(b)(1), (2),
                                                        Oct. 13, 1994,
                                                        108 Stat. 3338,


                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
151...................  41:259(a).                     June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec.
                                                        309(a), 63 Stat.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
152...................  41:259(b).                     June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, Sec.
                                                        309(b), as added
                                                        Pub. L. 98-369,
                                                        title VII, Sec.
                                                        2711(a)(3), July
                                                        18, 1984, 98
                                                        Stat. 1180; Pub.
                                                        L. 98-577, Sec.
                                                        504(a)(3), Oct.
                                                        30, 1984, 98
                                                        Stat. 3086; Pub.
                                                        L. 105-85, title
                                                        X, Sec.
                                                        1073(g)(1), Nov.
                                                        18, 1997, 111
                                                        Stat. 1906.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
153(1)................  41:259(d)(1).                  June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec.
                                                        309(d)(1), as
                                                        added Pub. L.
                                                        103-355, title
                                                        I, Sec. 1551,
                                                        Oct. 13, 1994,
                                                        108 Stat. 3299;
                                                        Pub. L. 104-201,
                                                        title VIII, Sec.
                                                        807(b)(1), (2),
                                                        Sept. 23, 1996,
                                                        110 Stat. 2606.
153(2)................  41:259(d)(2).                  June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec.
                                                        309(d)(2), as
                                                        added Pub. L.
                                                        104-201, title
                                                        VIII, Sec.
                                                        807(b)(3), Sept.
                                                        23, 1996, 110
                                                        Stat. 2606.

    In paragraph (1), the words ``a contingency operation or'', 
and the text of 41 U.S.C. 259(d)(2)(A), are omitted because the 
increased simplified acquisition threshold established under 
section 32A of the Office of Federal Procurement Policy Act 
(Public Law 93-400) in the case of a contract to be awarded and 
performed, or purchase to be made, outside the United States in 
support of a contingency operation supersedes the threshold 
established under this section. Section 32A is restated as 
section 1903 of the revised title.

            Division B--Office of Federal Procurement Policy


                          SUBCHAPTER I--GENERAL

1101.  Office of Federal Procurement Policy.
1102.  Administrator.


1121.  General authority.
1122.  Functions.
1123.  Small business concerns.
1124.  Tests of innovative procurement methods and procedures.
1125.  Recipients of Federal grants or assistance.
1126.  Policy regarding consideration of contractor past performance.
1127.  Determining benchmark compensation amount.
1128.  Maintaining necessary capability with respect to acquisition of 
          architectural and engineering services.
1129.  Center of excellence in contracting for services.
1130.  Effect of division on other law.
1131.  Annual report.

                         SUBCHAPTER I--GENERAL

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
1101(a), (b)..........  41:404(a).                     Pub. L. 93-400,
                                                        Sec. (5)(a),
                                                        Aug. 30, 1974,
                                                        88 Stat. 797;
                                                        Pub. L. 104-106,
                                                        title XLIII,
                                                        Sec. 4305(a)(1),
                                                        Feb. 10, 1996,
                                                        110 Stat. 665.
1101(c)...............  41:410.                        Pub. L. 93-400,
                                                        Sec. 11, Aug.
                                                        30, 1974, 88
                                                        Stat. 799; Pub.
                                                        L. 96-83, Sec.
                                                        7, Oct. 10,
                                                        1979, 93 Stat
                                                        651; Pub. L. 98-
                                                        191, Sec. 6,
                                                        Dec. 1, 1983, 97
                                                        Stat 1329; Pub.
                                                        L. 100-679, Sec.
                                                        3(b), Nov. 17,
                                                        1988, 102 Stat
                                                        4056; Pub. L.
                                                        104-106, title
                                                        XLIII, Sec.
                                                        4305(c)(2), Feb.
                                                        10, 1996, 110
                                                        Stat. 665.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
1102..................  41:404(b).                     Pub. L. 93-400,
                                                        Sec. (5)(b),
                                                        Aug. 30, 1974,
                                                        88 Stat. 797.


                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
1121(a)-(c)(1)........  41:405(a).                     Pub. L. 93-400,
                                                        Sec. 6(a), Aug.
                                                        30, 1974, 88
                                                        Stat. 797; Pub.
                                                        L. 96-83, Sec.
                                                        4, Oct. 10,
                                                        1979, 93 Stat.
                                                        649; Pub. L. 98-
                                                        191, Sec. 5,
                                                        Dec. 1, 1983, 97
                                                        Stat. 1326; Pub.
                                                        L. 100-679, Sec.
                                                        3(a)(1), Nov.
                                                        17, 1988, 102
                                                        Stat. 4055.
1121(c)(2)............  41:405a (1st sentence).        Pub. L. 95-507,
                                                        title II, Sec.
                                                        222 (1st
                                                        sentence), Oct.
                                                        24, 1978, 92
                                                        Stat. 1771.
1121(c)(3)............  41:408.                        Pub. L. 93-400,
                                                        Sec. 9, Aug. 30,
                                                        1974, 88 Stat.
1121(d)...............  41:405(b).                     Pub. L. 93-400,
                                                        Sec. 6(b), Aug.
                                                        30, 1974, 88
                                                        Stat. 797; Pub.
                                                        L. 96-83, Sec.
                                                        4, Oct. 10,
                                                        1979, 93 Stat.
                                                        649; Pub. L. 98-
                                                        191, Sec. 5,
                                                        Dec. 1, 1983, 97
                                                        Stat. 1327; Pub.
                                                        L. 100-679, Sec.
                                                        3(a)(2), Nov.
                                                        17, 1988, 102
                                                        Stat. 4055; Pub.
                                                        L. 104-106,
                                                        title XLIII,
                                                        Sec. 4322(a)(1),
                                                        Feb. 10, 1996,
                                                        110 Stat. 677.
1121(e)...............  41:405(f).                     Pub. L. 93-400,
                                                        Sec. 6(f), Aug.
                                                        30, 1974, 88
                                                        Stat. 797; Pub.
                                                        L. 96-83, Sec.
                                                        4, Oct. 10,
                                                        1979, 93 Stat.
                                                        649; Pub. L. 98-
                                                        191, Sec. 5,
                                                        Dec. 1, 1983, 97
                                                        Stat. 1328; Pub.
                                                        L. 100-679, Sec.
                                                        3(a)(4), Nov.
                                                        17, 1988, 102
                                                        Stat. 4056; Pub.
                                                        L. 104-201,
                                                        title X, Sec.
                                                        Sept. 23, 1996,
                                                        110 Stat. 2661.
1121(f)...............  41:405(c).                     Pub. L. 93-400,
                                                        Sec. 6(c), Aug.
                                                        30, 1974, 88
                                                        Stat. 797; Pub.
                                                        L. 96-83, Sec.
                                                        4, Oct. 10,
                                                        1979, 93 Stat.
                                                        649; Pub. L. 98-
                                                        191, Sec. 5,
                                                        Dec. 1, 1983, 97
                                                        Stat. 1327.

    In subsection (c)(2), the text of 41:405a (1st sentence 
relating to promulgating a single, simplified, uniform Federal 
procurement regulation) is omitted as superseded by 41:405(a) 
because of section 11 of the Office of Federal Procurement 
Policy Act Amendments of 1979 (Public Law 96-83, 93 Stat. 652).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
1122(a)...............  41:405(d).                     Pub. L. 93-400,
                                                        Sec. 6(d), Aug.
                                                        30, 1974, 88
                                                        Stat. 797; Pub.
                                                        L. 96-83, Sec.
                                                        4, Oct. 10,
                                                        1979, 93 Stat.
                                                        649; Pub. L. 98-
                                                        191, Sec. 5,
                                                        Dec. 1, 1983, 97
                                                        Stat. 1327; Pub.
                                                        L. 100-679, Sec.
                                                        3(a)(3), Nov.
                                                        17, 1988, 102
                                                        Stat. 4055; Pub.
                                                        L. 103-355,
                                                        title V, Sec.
                                                        5091, title VII,
                                                        Sec. 7108, Oct.
                                                        13, 1994, 108
                                                        Stat. 3361,
                                                        3378; Pub. L.
                                                        104-106, title
                                                        XLIII, Sec. Sec.
                                                        4321(h)(1), (2),
                                                        Feb. 10, 1996,
                                                        110 Stat. 668,
                                                        675; Pub. L. 105-
                                                        85, title X,
                                                        Sec. 1073(g)(2)(
                                                        B), Nov. 18,
                                                        1997, 111 Stat.
                                                        1906; Pub. L.
                                                        105-135, title
                                                        VI, Sec.
                                                        604(f)(1), Dec.
                                                        2, 1997, 111
                                                        Stat. 2634.
1122(b)...............  41:405(e).                     Pub. L. 93-400,
                                                        Sec. 6(e), Aug.
                                                        30, 1974, 88
                                                        Stat. 797; Pub.
                                                        L. 96-83, Sec.
                                                        4, Oct. 10,
                                                        1979, 93 Stat.
                                                        649; Pub. L. 98-
                                                        191, Sec. 5,
                                                        Dec. 1, 1983, 97
                                                        Stat. 1328; Pub.
                                                        L. 98-369, title
                                                        VII, Sec.
                                                        2732(b)(1), July
                                                        18, 1984, 98
                                                        Stat. 1199.
1122(c)(1)............  41:405(g).                     Pub. L. 93-400,
                                                        Sec. 6(g), Aug.
                                                        30, 1974, 88
                                                        Stat. 797; Pub.
                                                        L. 96-83, Sec.
                                                        4, Oct. 10,
                                                        1979, 93 Stat.
                                                        649; Pub. L. 98-
                                                        191, Sec. 5,
                                                        Dec. 1, 1983, 97
                                                        Stat. 1328.
1122(c)(2)(A).........  41:411(b).                     Pub. L. 93-400,
                                                        Sec. 12, Aug.
                                                        30, 1974, 88
                                                        Stat. 799; Pub.
                                                        L. 96-83, Sec.
                                                        8, Oct. 10,
                                                        1979, 93 Stat.
                                                        652; Pub. L. 98-
                                                        191, Sec. 8(c),
                                                        Dec. 1, 1983, 97
                                                        Stat. 1331.
1122(c)(2)(B).........  41:411(a).

    In clause (12), the words ``small business concerns owned 
and controlled by service-disabled veterans'' are added to 
conform to section 15(g)(1) of the Small Business Act 

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
1123..................  41:405a (last sentence).       Pub. L. 95-507,
                                                        title II, Sec.
                                                        222 (last
                                                        sentence), Oct.
                                                        24, 1978, 92
                                                        Stat. 1771.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
1124(a)...............  41:413(a) (1st, 2d             Pub. L. 93-400,
                         sentences).                    Sec. 15, as
                                                        added Pub. L. 98-
                                                        191, Sec. 7,
                                                        Dec. 1, 1983, 97
                                                        Stat. 1329; Pub.
                                                        L. 104-201,
                                                        title X, Sec.
                                                        Sept. 23, 1996,
                                                        110 Stat. 2661.
1124(b)...............  41:413(a) (last sentence).
1124(c)...............  41:413(b).

    In subsection (c), the words ``Committee on Oversight and 
Government Reform'' are substituted for ``Committee on 
Government Operations'' on authority of section 1(a)(6) of 
Public Law 104-14 (2 U.S.C. note prec. 21), Rule X(1)(h) of the 
Rules of the House of Representatives, adopted by House 
Resolution No. 5 (106th Congress, January 6, 1999), and Rule 
X(1)(m) of the Rules of the House of Representatives, adopted 
by House Resolution No. 6 (110th Congress, January 5, 2007). 
The words ``Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental 
Affairs'' are substituted for ``Committee on Governmental 
Affairs'' on authority of Senate Resolution No. 445 (108th 
Congress, October 9, 2004).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
1125(a)...............  41:405(i)(1).                  Pub. L. 93-400,
                                                        Sec. 6(i), Aug.
                                                        30, 1974, 88
                                                        Stat. 797; Pub.
                                                        L. 96-83, Sec.
                                                        4, Oct. 10,
                                                        1979, 93 Stat.
                                                        649; Pub. L. 98-
                                                        191, Sec. 5,
                                                        Dec. 1, 1983, 97
                                                        Stat. 1328.
1125(b)...............  41:405(i)(2).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
1126(a)...............  41:405(j)(1).                  Pub. L. 93-400,
                                                        Sec. 6(j), as
                                                        added Pub. L.
                                                        103-355, title
                                                        I, Sec.
                                                        1091(b)(2), Oct.
                                                        13, 1994, 108
                                                        Stat. 3272.
1126(b)...............  41:405(j)(2).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
1127(a)(1)............  41:435(b).                     Pub. L. 93-400,
                                                        Sec. 39, as
                                                        added Pub. L.
                                                        105-85, title
                                                        VIII, Sec.
                                                        808(c)(1), Nov.
                                                        18, 1997, 111
                                                        Stat. 1837; Pub.
                                                        L. 105-261,
                                                        title VIII, Sec.
                                                        804(c)(1), Oct.
                                                        17, 1998, 112
                                                        Stat. 2083.
1127(a)(2)............  41:435(c)(3).
1127(a)(3)............  41:435(c)(1).
1127(a)(4)............  41:435(c)(5).
1127(a)(5)............  41:435(c)(4).
1127(a)(6)............  41:435(c)(2).
1127(b)...............  41:435(a).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
1128..................  41:433 note.                   Pub. L. 108-136,
                                                        title XIV, Sec.
                                                        1414, Nov. 24,
                                                        2003, 117 Stat.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
1129..................  41:405 note.                   Pub. L. 108-136,
                                                        title XIV, Sec.
                                                        1431(b), Nov.
                                                        24, 2003, 117
                                                        Stat. 1671.

    The words ``Not later than 180 days after the date of the 
enactment of this Act'' are omitted, and the word ``maintain'' 
is substituted for ``establish'', to eliminate obsolete words.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
1130..................  41:405(h)(1).                  Pub. L. 93-400,
                                                        Sec. 6(h)(1),
                                                        Aug. 30, 1974,
                                                        88 Stat. 797;
                                                        Pub. L. 96-83,
                                                        Sec. 4, Oct. 10,
                                                        1979, 93 Stat.
                                                        649; Pub. L. 98-
                                                        191, Sec. 5,
                                                        Dec. 1, 1983, 97
                                                        Stat. 1328; Pub.
                                                        L. 104-106,
                                                        title LVI, Sec.
                                                        5607(d), Feb.
                                                        10, 1996, 110
                                                        Stat. 702.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
1131..................  41:405(k).                     Pub. L. 93-400,
                                                        Sec. 6(k), as
                                                        added Pub. L.
                                                        103-355, title
                                                        V, Sec. 5051(b),
                                                        Oct. 13, 1994,
                                                        108 Stat. 3351;
                                                        Pub. L. 105-85,
                                                        title VIII, Sec.
                                                        851(b), Nov. 18,
                                                        1997, 111 Stat.

                    CHAPTER 13--ACQUISITION COUNCILS


1301.  Definition.
1302.  Establishment and membership.
1303.  Functions and authority.
1304.  Contract clauses and certifications.


1311.  Establishment and membership.
1312.  Functions.


                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
1301..................  41:403(17).                    Pub. L. 93-400,
                                                        Sec. 4(17), as
                                                        added Pub. L.
                                                        108-375, title
                                                        VIII, Sec.
                                                        807(b), Oct. 28,
                                                        2004, 118 Stat.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
1302(a)...............  41:421(a).                     Pub. L. 93-400,
                                                        Sec. 25(a), (b),
                                                        as added Pub. L.
                                                        100-679, Sec. 4,
                                                        Nov. 17, 1988,
                                                        102 Stat. 4056;
                                                        Pub. L. 101-510,
                                                        title VIII, Sec.
                                                        807, Nov. 5,
                                                        1990, 104 Stat.
                                                        1593; Pub. L.
                                                        104-106, title
                                                        XLIII, Sec.
                                                        4322(a)(2), Feb.
                                                        10, 1996, 110
                                                        Stat. 677.
1302(b)...............  41:421(b).

    In subsection (a), the words ``(hereinafter in this section 
referred to as the `Council')'' are omitted as unnecessary.
    In subsection (b)(2)(A)(i), the words ``Under Secretary of 
Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics'' are 
substituted for ``Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition 
and Technology'' because of section 911(a)(1) of the National 
Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2000 (Public Law 106-
65, 113 Stat. 717, 10 U.S.C. 133 note).
    In subsection (b)(2)(A)(ii), the cross-reference to section 
16(3) of the Office of Federal Procurement Policy Act 
(41:414(3)) is treated as a cross-reference to section 16(c) of 
the Act to reflect the amendment of section 16 by section 
1421(a)(1) of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal 
Year 2004 (Public Law 108-136, 117 Stat. 1666).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
1303(a)...............  41:421(c).                     Pub. L. 93-400,
                                                        Sec. 25(c)-(f),
                                                        as added Pub. L.
                                                        100-679, Sec. 4,
                                                        Nov. 17, 1988,
                                                        102 Stat. 4056;
                                                        Pub. L. 104-201,
                                                        title VIII, Sec.
                                                        822, title X,
                                                        Sec. 1074(f)(3),
                                                        Sept. 23, 1996,
                                                        110 Stat. 2609,
                                                        2661; Pub. L.
                                                        105-85, title
                                                        VIII, Sec.
                                                        841(d), Nov. 18,
                                                        1997, 111 Stat.
1303(b)...............  41:421(d).
1303(c)...............  41:421(e).
1303(d)...............  41:421(f).

    In subsection (a)(6), the text of 41:421(c)(6) (last 
sentence) is omitted because 41:407 was repealed by section 
4305(b) of the National Defense Authorization Act of Fiscal 
Year 1996 (Public Law 104-106, 110 Stat. 665).
    In subsection (b)(1)(A), the words ``after 60 days after 
November 17, 1988'' are omitted as obsolete.
    In subsection (b)(1)(B), the words ``(as that term is 
defined in section 3502(11) of title 44)'' are omitted because 
chapter 35 of title 44 was amended generally by the Paperwork 
Reduction Act of 1995 (Public Law 104-13, 109 Stat. 163) and 
44:3502 no longer defines ``information collection request''. 
The term ``information collection request'' is retained in this 
section of the revised title, however, because 44:ch. 35 still 
contains provisions about requests for collection of 

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
1304(a)...............  41:425(a).                     Pub. L. 93-400,
                                                        Sec. 29, as
                                                        added Pub. L.
                                                        103-355, title
                                                        I, Sec. 1093,
                                                        Oct. 13, 1994,
                                                        108 Stat. 3273;
                                                        Pub. L. 104-106,
                                                        title XLIII,
                                                        Sec. 4301(b)(2)(
                                                        A), (c), Feb.
                                                        10, 1996, 110
                                                        Stat. 657, 658.
1304(b)(1)............  41:425(b).
1304(b)(2), (3).......  41:425(c).


                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
1311(a)...............  41:414b(a).                    Pub. L. 93-400,
                                                        Sec. 16A(a)-(c),
                                                        as added Pub. L.
                                                        108-136, title
                                                        XIV, Sec.
                                                        1422(a), Nov.
                                                        24, 2003, 117
                                                        Stat. 1668.
1311(b)...............  41:414b(b)(1) (words before
                         comma), (2)-(5).
1311(c)(1)............  41:414b(b)(1) (words after
1311(c)(2)............  41:414b(c)(2).
1311(c)(3)............  41:414b(c)(1).
1311(c)(4)............  41:414b(c)(3).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
1312(a)...............  41:414b(d).                    Pub. L. 93-400,
                                                        Sec. 16A(d),
                                                        (e), as added
                                                        Pub. L. 108-136,
                                                        title XIV, Sec.
                                                        1422(a), Nov.
                                                        24, 2003, 117
                                                        Stat. 1668.
1312(b)...............  41:414b(e).


1501.  Cost Accounting Standards Board.
1502.  Cost accounting standards.
1503.  Contract price adjustment.
1504.  Effect on other standards and regulations.
1505.  Examinations.
1506.  Authorization of appropriations.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
1501(a)...............  41:422(a)(1) (1st sentence).   Pub. L. 93-400,
                                                        Sec. 26(a)-(e),
                                                        as added Pub. L.
                                                        100-679, Sec.
                                                        5(a), Nov. 17,
                                                        1988, 102 Stat.
1501(b)...............  41:422(a)(1) (last sentence),
1501(c)...............  41:422(b).
1501(d)...............  41:422(c).
1501(e)...............  41:422(d).
1501(f)...............  41:422(e).

    In subsection (b)(2), the text of 41:422(a)(2)(C) is 
omitted as obsolete.
    In subsection (b)(2)(A), the last sentence is substituted 
for ``of the initial members, two shall be appointed for terms 
of two years, one shall be appointed for a term of three years, 
and one shall be appointed for a term of four years'' because 
the initial members have already been appointed.
    In subsection (c)(2), the reference to section 5376 of 
title 5 is substituted for the reference to grade GS-18 of the 
General Schedule because of section 529 [title I, 
Sec. 101(c)(1)] of the Treasury, Postal Service, and General 
Government Appropriations Act, 1991 (Public Law 101-509, 104 
Stat. 1442, 5:5376 note).
    In subsection (f)(1), the words ``Except as otherwise 
provided in subsection (a) of this section'' are omitted 
because 41:422(a) does not provide any relevant exception.
    In subsection (f)(2), the words ``private sector'' are 
substituted for ``private life'' for consistency with 
subsection (b)(1)(B) of the revised section.
    In subsection (f)(3), the words ``Executive Schedule'' are 
substituted for ``Federal Executive Salary Schedule under 
section 5316 of title 5'' for consistency and to eliminate 
unnecessary words.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
1502(a)...............  41:422(f)(1), (3).             Pub. L. 93-400,
                                                        Sec. 26(f), as
                                                        added Pub. L.
                                                        100-679, Sec.
                                                        5(a), Nov. 17,
                                                        1988, 102 Stat.
                                                        4060; Pub. L.
                                                        103-355, title
                                                        II, Sec. 2453,
                                                        title VIII, Sec.
                                                        8301(d), Oct.
                                                        13, 1994, 108
                                                        Stat. 3326,
                                                        3397; Pub. L.
                                                        104-106, title
                                                        XLII, Sec. 4205,
                                                        title XLIII,
                                                        Sec. 4321(h)(4),
                                                        Feb. 10, 1996,
                                                        110 Stat. 656,
                                                        675; Pub. L 106-
                                                        65, title VIII,
                                                        Sec. 802(a),
                                                        (b), Oct. 5,
                                                        1999, 113 Stat.
                                                        701; Pub. L 109-
                                                        163, div. A,
                                                        title VIII, Sec.
                                                        822, Jan. 6,
                                                        2006, 119 Stat.
1502(b)(1)............  41:422(f)(2), (4).
1502(b)(2)............  41:422(f)(4).
1502(b)(3)............  41:422(f)(5).
1502(c)...............  41:422(g)(1).                  Pub. L. 93-400,
                                                        Sec. 26(g),
                                                        (h)(1), as added
                                                        Pub. L. 100-679,
                                                        Sec. 5(a), Nov.
                                                        17, 1988, 102
                                                        Stat. 4061.
1502(d)...............  41:422(g)(2) (1st, 2d
1502(e)...............  41:422(g)(2) (last sentence).
1502(f)...............  41:422(h)(1).
1502(g)...............  41:422(g)(3).

    In subsection (a)(1), the word ``make'' is omitted as being 
included in ``prescribe''.
    In subsection (b)(2)(A), the word ``categories'' is omitted 
as being included in ``classes''.
    In subsection (b)(3)(A)(ii), the words ``as in effect on or 
after the effective date of this paragraph'' are omitted as 

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
1503(a)...............  41:422(h)(2).                  Pub. L. 93-400,
                                                        Sec. 26(h)(2)-(4
                                                        ), as added Pub.
                                                        L. 100-679, Sec.
                                                        5(a), Nov. 17,
                                                        1988, 102 Stat.
1503(b)...............  41:422(h)(3).
1503(c)...............  41:422(h)(4).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
1504(a)...............  41:422(j)(1), (2).             Pub. L. 93-400,
                                                        Sec. 26(j), as
                                                        added Pub. L.
                                                        100-679, Sec.
                                                        5(a), Nov. 17,
                                                        1988, 102 Stat.
1504(b)...............  41:422(j)(3).
1504(c)...............  41:422(j)(4).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
1505..................  41:422(k).                     Pub. L. 93-400,
                                                        Sec. 26(k), as
                                                        added Pub. L.
                                                        100-679, Sec.
                                                        5(a), Nov. 17,
                                                        1988, 102 Stat.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
1506..................  41:422(l).                     Pub. L. 93-400,
                                                        Sec. 26(l), as
                                                        added Pub. L.
                                                        100-679, Sec.
                                                        5(a), Nov. 17,
                                                        1988, 102 Stat.


1701.  Cooperation with the Administrator.
1702.  Chief Acquisition Officers and senior procurement executives.
1703.  Acquisition workforce.
1704.  Planning and policy-making for acquisition workforce.
1705.  Advocates for competition.
1706.  Personnel evaluation.
1707.  Publication of proposed regulations.
1708.  Procurement notice.
1709.  Contracting functions performed by Federal personnel.
1710.  Public-private competition required before conversion to 
          contractor performance.
1711.  Value engineering.
1712.  Record requirements.
1713.  Procurement data.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
1701..................  41:406.                        Pub. L. 93-400,
                                                        Sec. 7, Aug. 30,
                                                        1974, 88 Stat.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
1702(a), (b)(1), (2)..  41:414(a).                     Pub. L. 93-400,
                                                        Sec. 16, as
                                                        added Pub. L. 98-
                                                        191, Sec. 7,
                                                        Dec. 1, 1983, 97
                                                        Stat. 1330; Pub.
                                                        L. 98-369, title
                                                        VII, Sec.
                                                        2732(b)(2), July
                                                        18, 1984, 98
                                                        Stat. 1199; Pub.
                                                        L. 108-136, div.
                                                        A, title XIV,
                                                        Sec. 1421(a)(1),
                                                        Nov. 24, 2003,
                                                        117 Stat. 1666.
1702(b)(3)............  41:414(b).
1702(c)...............  41:414(c).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
1703(a)...............  41:433(e) (last sentence).     Pub. L. 93-400,
                                                        Sec. 37(b)-(h)(2
                                                        ), as added Pub.
                                                        L. 104-106,
                                                        title XLIII,
                                                        Sec. 4307(a)(1),
                                                        Feb. 10, 1996,
                                                        110 Stat. 666.
1703(b)(1)............  41:433(a).                     Pub. L. 93-400,
                                                        Sec. 37(a), as
                                                        added Pub. L.
                                                        104-106, title
                                                        XLIII, Sec.
                                                        4307(a)(1), Feb.
                                                        10, 1996, 110
                                                        Stat. 666; Pub.
                                                        L. 109-163, div.
                                                        A, title VIII,
                                                        Sec. 821(b)(1),
                                                        Jan. 6, 2006,
                                                        119 Stat. 3386.
1703(b)(2)............  41:433(e) (1st sentence).
1703(c)...............  41:433(b).
1703(d)...............  41:433(c).
1703(e)...............  41:433(d).
1703(f)...............  41:433(f).
1703(g)...............  41:433(g).
1703(h)(1)............  41:433(h)(1)(A).
1703(h)(2)............  41:433(h)(2).
1703(h)(3)............  41:433(h)(1)(B).
1703(i)(1)............  41:433 note.                   Pub. L. 108-136,
                                                        div. A, title
                                                        XIV, Sec.
                                                        1412(a), Nov.
                                                        24, 2003, 117
                                                        Stat. 1664.
1703(i)(2)-(8)........  41:433(h)(3).                  Pub. L. 93-400,
                                                        Sec. 37(h)(3),
                                                        as added Pub. L.
                                                        108-136, div. A,
                                                        title XIV, Sec.
                                                        1412(b), Nov.
                                                        24, 2003, 117
                                                        Stat. 1664; Pub.
                                                        L. 109-163, div.
                                                        A, title VIII,
                                                        Sec. 821(a),
                                                        Jan. 6, 2006,
                                                        119 Stat. 3386;
                                                        Pub. L. 110-181,
                                                        div. A, title
                                                        VIII, Sec. 854,
                                                        Jan. 28, 2008,
                                                        122 Stat. 251.
1703(j)...............  41:433 note.                   Pub. L. 108-136,
                                                        div. A, title
                                                        XIV, Sec. 1413,
                                                        Nov. 24, 2003,
                                                        117 Stat. 1665;
                                                        Pub. L. 110-181,
                                                        div. A, title
                                                        VIII, Sec. 853,
                                                        title X, Sec.
                                                        1063(g)(2), Jan.
                                                        28, 2008, 122
                                                        Stat. 250, 323.
1703(k)...............  41:433(i).                     Pub. L. 93-400,
                                                        Sec. 37(i), as
                                                        added Pub. L.
                                                        109-313, Sec. 4,
                                                        Oct. 6, 2006,
                                                        120 Stat. 1737.

    In subsection (e), the word ``information'' the second time 
it appears is substituted for ``data'' for consistency in the 
    In subsection (i)(6), the words ``Office of Federal 
Procurement Policy'' are substituted for ``Office of Federal 
Acquisition Policy'' to provide the correct name of the office.
    In subsection (j), the text of 1413(c) of the National 
Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004 (Pub. L. 108-
136, 117 Stat. 1665) is omitted as obsolete.
    In subsection (k)(4), the words ``Committee on Oversight 
and Government Reform'' are substituted for ``Committee on 
Government Reform'' on authority of Rule X(1)(m) of the Rules 
of the House of Representatives, adopted by House Resolution 
No. 6 (110th Congress, January 5, 2007).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
1704(a)(1)............  no source.
1704(a)(2)............  41:433a(h).                    Pub. L. 110-181,
                                                        div. A, title
                                                        VIII, Sec. 855,
                                                        Jan. 28, 2008,
                                                        122 Stat. 251.
1704(b)-(f)...........  41:433a(a)-(e).
1704(g)...............  41:433a note.                  Pub. L. 110-417,
                                                        [div. A], title
                                                        VIII, Sec. 869,
                                                        Oct. 14, 2008,
                                                        122 Stat. 4553.
1704(h), (i)..........  41:433a(f), (g).

    In subsection (a), the definition of ``executive agency'' 
is omitted as unnecessary.
    In subsection (f)(1), the words ``Not later than 1 year 
after the date of the enactment of this Act'' are omitted as 
    In subsection (g)(2), the words ``Associate Administrator'' 
are substituted for ``Associate Administrator for Acquisition 
Workforce Programs designated under section 855(a) of the 
National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008 (Public 
Law 110-181; 122 Stat. 251; 41 U.S.C. 433(a))'' because of 
subsection (a)(1).
    In subsection (g)(3)(D), the reference to ``section 37(j) 
of the Office of Federal Procurement Policy Act'' is changed to 
``section 1703(g) of this title'' to correct an error in the 

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
1705..................  41:418.                        Pub. L. 93-400,
                                                        Sec. 20, as
                                                        added Pub. L. 98-
                                                        369, title VII,
                                                        Sec. 2732(a),
                                                        July 18, 1984,
                                                        98 Stat. 1197;
                                                        Pub. L. 103-355,
                                                        title VIII, Sec.
                                                        8303(a), Oct.
                                                        13, 1994, 108
                                                        Stat. 3398.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
1706..................  41:414a.                       Pub. L. 98-577,
                                                        title V, Sec.
                                                        502, Oct. 30,
                                                        1984, 98 Stat.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
1707..................  41:418b.                       Pub. L. 93-400,
                                                        Sec. 22, as
                                                        added Pub. L. 98-
                                                        577, title III,
                                                        Sec. 302(a),
                                                        Oct. 30, 1984,
                                                        98 Stat. 3076;
                                                        Pub. L. 103-355,
                                                        title V, Sec.
                                                        5092, Oct. 13,
                                                        1994, 108 Stat.
                                                        3362, as amended
                                                        Pub. L. 104-106,
                                                        title XLIII,
                                                        Sec. 4321(a)(9),
                                                        Feb. 10, 1996,
                                                        110 Stat. 671.

    In subsection (a)(2), the words ``Notwithstanding the 
preceding sentence'' are omitted as unnecessary.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
1708(a)...............  41:416(a)(1).                  Pub. L. 93-400,
                                                        Sec. 18, as
                                                        added Pub. L. 98-
                                                        369, title VII,
                                                        Sec. 2732(a),
                                                        July 18, 1984,
                                                        98 Stat. 1195;
                                                        Pub. L. 98-577,
                                                        title III, Sec.
                                                        303(a), Oct. 30,
                                                        1984, 98 Stat.
                                                        3077; Pub. L. 99-
                                                        500, Sec. 101(c)
                                                        [title X, Sec.
                                                        922(b), (d)(2)],
                                                        Oct. 18, 1986,
                                                        100 Stat. 1783-
                                                        151, 1783-152;
                                                        Pub. L. 99-591,
                                                        Sec. 101(c)
                                                        [title X, Sec.
                                                        922(b), (d)(2)],
                                                        Oct. 30, 1986,
                                                        100 Stat. 3341-
                                                        151, 3341-152;
                                                        Pub. L. 99-661,
                                                        title IX,
                                                        formerly title
                                                        IV, Sec. 922(b),
                                                        (d)(2), Nov. 14,
                                                        1986, 100 Stat.
                                                        3931, 3932,
                                                        renumbered title
                                                        IX, Pub. L. 100-
                                                        26, Sec. 3(5),
                                                        Apr. 21, 1987,
                                                        101 Stat. 273;
                                                        Pub. L. 101-510,
                                                        title VIII, Sec.
                                                        806(d), Nov. 5,
                                                        1990, 104 Stat.
                                                        1592; Pub. L.
                                                        103-355, title
                                                        I, Sec.
                                                        title IV, Sec.
                                                        Sec. 4201(b),
                                                        (c), 4202(a)-
                                                        (c), title VIII,
                                                        Sec. 8302, title
                                                        IX, Sec.
                                                        9001(b), Oct.
                                                        13, 1994, 108
                                                        Stat. 3265,
                                                        3344, 3398,
                                                        3402; Pub. L.
                                                        104-106, title
                                                        XLI, Sec.
                                                        4101(c), title
                                                        XLII, Sec.
                                                        4202(d), title
                                                        XLIII, Sec. Sec.
                                                        4321(h)(3), Feb.
                                                        10, 1996, 110
                                                        Stat. 642, 654,
                                                        670, 675; Pub.
                                                        L. 105-85, title
                                                        VIII, Sec.
                                                        850(e)(2), Nov.
                                                        18, 1997, 111
                                                        Stat. 1849; Pub.
                                                        L. 105-261,
                                                        title X, Sec.
                                                        1069(d)(1), Oct.
                                                        17, 1998, 112
                                                        Stat. 2136; Pub.
                                                        L. 106-398, Sec.
                                                        1 [[div. A],
                                                        title VIII, Sec.
                                                        810(a), (b)],
                                                        Oct. 30, 2000,
                                                        114 Stat. 1654A-
                                                        209; Pub. L 107-
                                                        296, title VIII,
                                                        Sec. 833(c)(2),
                                                        Nov. 25, 2002,
                                                        116 Stat. 2226.
1708(b)(1), (2).......  41:416(c).
1708(b)(3)............  no source.
1708(c)...............  41:416(b).
1708(d)...............  41:416(a)(2), (7).
1708(e)...............  41:416(a)(3), (5), (6).
1708(f)...............  41:416(a)(4).
1708(g)...............  41:416(d).

    In subsection (a)(3), the words ``under a basic agreement, 
basic ordering agreement, or similar arrangement'' are 
substituted for ``referred to in clause (A)(ii)'' for clarity. 
The words ``by the Secretary of Commerce'' are omitted as 
obsolete. The Secretary of Commerce no longer has 
responsibility for publishing notices of awards or orders. See 
revision note for subsection (d).
    In subsection (b)(2), the text of 41 U.S.C. 416(C)(1)(H) is 
omitted because the procurement authority of the Secretary of 
Homeland Security pursuant to the special procedures provided 
in section 833(c) of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (6 
U.S.C. 339(c)) expired on September 30, 2007.
    Subsection (b)(3) is added because of section 850(e)(3) of 
the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1998 
(Public Law 105-85, 111 Stat. 1849, 15:637 note), which in part 
provided that the amendments made by section 850(e)(2), which 
amended 41:416(c)(1), be implemented in a manner consistent 
with applicable international agreements.
    Subsection (d) is substituted for 41:416(a)(2) and (7) to 
eliminate unnecessary words. Federal Business Opportunities is 
the designated single point of universal electronic public 
access for publication of all procurement information and 
notices previously published by the Secretary of Commerce in 
the Commerce Business Daily. See 66 Fed. Reg. 27407, May 16, 
2001, 68 Fed. Reg. 56678, October 1, 2003, 48 CFR ch. 1, subch. 
B, part 5, and the special notice posted in CBDNet on December 
28, 2001, and printed on January 2, 2002. The special notice 
can be found by going to http://cbdnet.gpo.gov and clicking on 
``Federal Business Opportunities to replace the Commerce 
Business Daily''.
    In subsection (e)(1)(B)(i), the words ``required for a bid 
or proposal for a contract described in'' are substituted for 
``required by'' for clarity.
    In subsection (e)(1)(B)(ii), the words ``required for an 
order described in'' are substituted for ``required by'' for 

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
1709(a)...............  41:419(b).                     Pub. L. 93-400,
                                                        Sec. 23, as
                                                        added Pub. L.
                                                        103-355, title
                                                        VI, Sec.
                                                        6002(a), Oct.
                                                        13, 1994, 108
                                                        Stat. 3363.
1709(b)...............  41:419(a).
1709(c)...............  41:419(c).

    In subsection (a), before paragraph (1), the words 
``Personnel referred to in subsection (b) are'' are substituted 
for ``For purposes of subsection (a) of this section, the 
personnel described in this subsection are as follows'' to 
eliminate unnecessary words. In paragraph (3), the words `` 
employee from State or local governments'' are substituted for 
``person'' for clarity.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
1710..................  41:439.                        Pub. L. 93-400,
                                                        Sec. 43, as
                                                        added Pub. L.
                                                        110-181, title
                                                        III, Sec.
                                                        327(a), Jan. 28,
                                                        2008, 122 Stat.

    In the heading for subsection (d) and in subsection (d)(2), 
the words ``disabled people'' are substituted for ``handicapped 
persons'' for consistency with chapter 85 of the revised title.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
1711..................  41:432.                        Pub. L. 93-400,
                                                        Sec. 36, as
                                                        added Pub. L.
                                                        104-106, title
                                                        XLIII, Sec.
                                                        4306(a), Feb.
                                                        10, 1996, 110
                                                        Stat. 665.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
1712..................  41:417.                        Pub. L. 93-400,
                                                        Sec. 19, as
                                                        added Pub. L. 98-
                                                        369, title VII,
                                                        Sec. 2732(a),
                                                        July 18, 1984,
                                                        98 Stat. 1197;
                                                        Pub. L. 103-355,
                                                        title IV, Sec.
                                                        4403, Oct. 13,
                                                        1994, 108 Stat.
                                                        3349; Pub. L.
                                                        110-417, title
                                                        VIII, Sec.
                                                        874(b), Oct. 14,
                                                        2008, 122 Stat.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
1713(a)...............  41:417a(b).                    Pub. L. 100-533,
                                                        title V, Sec.
                                                        502, Oct. 25,
                                                        1988, 102 Stat.
                                                        2697; Pub. L.
                                                        105-135, title
                                                        VI, Sec.
                                                        604(f)(2), Dec.
                                                        2, 1997, 111
                                                        Stat. 2634.
1713(b)...............  41:417a(a).

    In subsection (b), the words ``socially and economically 
disadvantaged individuals'' are substituted for ``socially and 
economically disadvantaged businesses'' for consistency with 
the term set out in subsection (a).


1901.  Simplified acquisition procedures.
1902.  Procedures applicable to purchases below micro-purchase 
1903.  Special emergency procurement authority.
1904.  Certain transactions for defense against attack.
1905.  List of laws inapplicable to contracts or subcontracts not 
          greater than simplified acquisition threshold.
1906.  List of laws inapplicable to procurements of commercial items.
1907.  List of laws inapplicable to procurements of commercially 
          available off-the-shelf items.
1908.  Inflation adjustment of acquisition-related dollar thresholds.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
1901..................  41:427.                        Pub. L. 93-400,
                                                        Sec. 31, as
                                                        added Pub. L.
                                                        103-355, title
                                                        IV, Sec.
                                                        4201(a), Oct.
                                                        13, 1994, 108
                                                        Stat. 3342; Pub.
                                                        L. 104-106,
                                                        title XLII, Sec.
                                                        4202(c), title
                                                        XLIII, Sec.
                                                        4302(b), Feb.
                                                        10, 1996, 110
                                                        Stat. 653, 658,
                                                        as amended Pub.
                                                        L. 104-201,
                                                        title X, Sec.
                                                        1074(b)(6) (less
                                                        effective date),
                                                        Sept. 23, 1996,
                                                        110 Stat. 2660;
                                                        Pub. L. 105-85,
                                                        title VIII, Sec.
                                                        850(d), Nov. 18,
                                                        1997, 111 Stat.

    Section 31(e) of the Office of Federal Procurement Policy 
Act (41 U.S.C. 427(e)) is omitted as obsolete.
    In subsection (e)(2), the reference to section 253 of this 
title is limited to section 3303(e) of the revised title for 

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
1902..................  41:428.                        Pub. L. 93-400,
                                                        Sec. 32, as
                                                        added Pub. L.
                                                        103-355, title
                                                        IV, Sec.
                                                        4301(a), Oct.
                                                        13, 1994, 108
                                                        Stat. 3346; Pub.
                                                        L. 104-106,
                                                        title XLIII,
                                                        Sec. Sec. 4304(b
                                                        )(4), (c)(3),
                                                        4311, Feb. 10,
                                                        1996, 110 Stat.
                                                        664, 671.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
1903(a)...............  41:428a(a), (e).               Pub. L. 93-400,
                                                        Sec. 32A, as
                                                        added Pub. L.
                                                        108-136, title
                                                        XIV, Sec.
                                                        1443(a)(1), Nov.
                                                        24, 2003, 117
                                                        Stat. 1675; Pub.
                                                        L. 108-375,
                                                        title VIII, Sec.
                                                        822, Oct. 28,
                                                        2004, 118 Stat.
1903(b)...............  41:428a(b), (c).
1903(c)...............  41:428a(d).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
1904..................  41:428a note.                  Pub. L. 108-136,
                                                        title XIV, Sec.
                                                        1441, Nov. 24,
                                                        2003, 117 Stat.

    In subsection (a)(2), the reference to subsection (g) of 
section 845 of the National Defense Authorization Act for 
Fiscal Year 1994 (Public Law 103-160, 10 U.S.C. 2371 note) is 
changed to subsection (i) because of section 847(c)(1) of the 
National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2004 (Public 
Law 108-136, 117 Stat. 1554), which redesignated subsection (g) 
as subsection (h), and section 823(2) of the National Defense 
Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2006 (Public Law 109-163, 119 
Stat. 3387), which redesignated subsection (h) as subsection 
    In subsection (a)(3)(A), the words ``paragraph (2)'' are 
substituted for ``this paragraph'' to correct the cross-
    In subsection (a)(4)(A), the words ``to use the authority 
for such project'' are omitted as unnecessary.
    In subsection (c), the words ``Committee on Homeland 
Security and Governmental Affairs'' are substituted for 
``Committee on Governmental Affairs'' on authority of Senate 
Resolution No. 445 (108th Congress, October 9, 2004). The words 
``Committee on Oversight and Government Reform'' are 
substituted for ``Committee on Government Reform'' on authority 
of Rule X(1)(m) of the Rules of the House of Representatives, 
adopted by House Resolution No. 6 (110th Congress, January 5, 

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
1905(a)...............  no source.
1905(b)-(d)...........  41:429.                        Pub. L. 93-400,
                                                        Sec. 33, as
                                                        added Pub. L.
                                                        103-355, title
                                                        IV, Sec. 4101,
                                                        Oct. 13, 1994,
                                                        108 Stat. 3339.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
1906(a)...............  no source.
1906(b)-(e)...........  41:430.                        Pub. L. 93-400,
                                                        Sec. 34, as
                                                        added Pub. L.
                                                        103-355, title
                                                        VIII, Sec.
                                                        8003(a), Oct.
                                                        13, 1994, 108
                                                        Stat. 3388.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
1907..................  41:431(a), (b).                Pub. L. 93-400,
                                                        Sec. 35(a), (b),
                                                        as added Pub. L.
                                                        104-106, title
                                                        XLII, Sec.
                                                        4203(a), Feb.
                                                        10, 1996, 110
                                                        Stat. 654; Pub.
                                                        L. 105-85, title
                                                        X, Sec.
                                                        Nov. 18, 1997,
                                                        111 Stat. 1906.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
1908(a)...............  no source.
1908(b)(1)............  41:431a(c).                    Pub. L. 93-400,
                                                        Sec. 35A, as
                                                        added Pub. L.
                                                        108-375, title
                                                        VIII, Sec.
                                                        807(a)(1), Oct.
                                                        28, 2004, 118
                                                        Stat. 2010.
1908(b)(2)............  41:431a(d).
1908(b)(3)............  41:431a note.                  Pub. L. 108-375,
                                                        title VIII, Sec.
                                                        807(c)(1), Oct.
                                                        28, 2004, 118
                                                        Stat. 2011.
1908(c)(1), (2).......  41:431a(a).
1908(c)(3)............  41:431a note.                  Pub. L. 108-375,
                                                        title VIII, Sec.
                                                        807(c)(2), Oct.
                                                        28, 2004, 118
                                                        Stat. 2011.
1908(d)...............  41:431a(b).
1908(e)...............  41:431a(e).
1908(f)...............  41:431a(f).

    In subsection (c)(3), the words ``After the date of the 
enactment of this Act'' are omitted as obsolete.
    In subsection (e)(1), the words ``Secretary of Labor'' are 
substituted for ``Department of Labor'' because of 29:551.


2101.  Definitions.
2102.  Prohibitions on disclosing and obtaining procurement information.
2103.  Actions required of procurement officers when contacted regarding 
          non-Federal employment.
2104.  Prohibition on former official's acceptance of compensation from 
2105.  Penalties and administrative actions.
2106.  Reporting information believed to constitute evidence of offense.
2107.  Savings provisions.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
2101(1)...............  41:423(f)(5).                  Pub. L. 93-400,
                                                        Sec. 27(f), as
                                                        added Pub. L.
                                                        100-679, Sec.
                                                        6(a), Nov. 17,
                                                        1988, 102 Stat.
                                                        4063; Pub. L.
                                                        101-189, title
                                                        VIII, Sec.
                                                        Nov. 29, 1989,
                                                        103 Stat. 1495;
                                                        Pub. L. 101-510,
                                                        title XIV, Sec.
                                                        1484(l)(6), Nov.
                                                        5, 1990, 104
                                                        Stat. 1720; Pub.
                                                        L. 102-25, title
                                                        VII, Sec.
                                                        705(i), Apr. 6,
                                                        1991, 105 Stat.
                                                        121; Pub. L. 103-
                                                        355, title VIII,
                                                        Sec. 8301(e),
                                                        Oct. 13, 1994,
                                                        108 Stat. 3397;
                                                        Pub. L. 104-106,
                                                        title XLIII,
                                                        Sec. 4304(a),
                                                        Feb. 10, 1996,
                                                        110 Stat. 662.
2101(2)...............  41:423(f)(1).
2101(3)...............  41:423(f)(3).
2101(4)...............  41:423(f)(4).
2101(5)...............  41:423(f)(7).
2101(6)...............  41:423(f)(6).
2101(7)...............  41:423(f)(2).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
2102(a)...............  41:423(a).                     Pub. L. 93-400,
                                                        Sec. 27(a), (b),
                                                        as added Pub. L.
                                                        100-679, Sec.
                                                        6(a), Nov. 17,
                                                        1988, 102 Stat.
                                                        4063; Pub. L.
                                                        101-189, title
                                                        VIII, Sec.
                                                        Nov. 29, 1989,
                                                        103 Stat. 1495;
                                                        Pub. L. 101-510,
                                                        title XIV, Sec.
                                                        1484(l)(6), Nov.
                                                        5, 1990, 104
                                                        Stat. 1720; Pub.
                                                        L. 102-25, title
                                                        VII, Sec.
                                                        705(i), Apr. 6,
                                                        1991, 105 Stat.
                                                        121; Pub. L. 103-
                                                        355, title VIII,
                                                        Sec. 8301(e),
                                                        Oct. 13, 1994,
                                                        108 Stat. 3397;
                                                        Pub. L. 104-106,
                                                        title XLIII,
                                                        Sec. 4304(a),
                                                        Feb. 10, 1996,
                                                        110 Stat. 659;
                                                        Pub. L. 107-347,
                                                        title II, Sec.
                                                        209(d)(4), Dec.
                                                        17, 2002, 116
                                                        Stat. 2930.
2102(b)...............  41:423(b).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
2103(a)...............  41:423(c)(1).                  Pub. L. 93-400,
                                                        Sec. 27(c), as
                                                        added Pub. L.
                                                        100-679, Sec.
                                                        6(a), Nov. 17,
                                                        1988, 102 Stat.
                                                        4063; Pub. L.
                                                        101-189, title
                                                        VIII, Sec.
                                                        Nov. 29, 1989,
                                                        103 Stat. 1495;
                                                        Pub. L. 101-510,
                                                        title XIV, Sec.
                                                        1484(l)(6), Nov.
                                                        5, 1990, 104
                                                        Stat. 1720; Pub.
                                                        L. 102-25, title
                                                        VII, Sec.
                                                        705(i), Apr. 6,
                                                        1991, 105 Stat.
                                                        121; Pub. L. 103-
                                                        355, title VIII,
                                                        Sec. 8301(e),
                                                        Oct. 13, 1994,
                                                        108 Stat. 3397;
                                                        Pub. L. 104-106,
                                                        title XLIII,
                                                        Sec. 4304(a),
                                                        Feb. 10, 1996,
                                                        110 Stat. 660.
2103(b)...............  41:423(c)(2).
2103(c)...............  41:423(c)(3), (4).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
2104(a)...............  41:423(d)(1).                  Pub. L. 93-400,
                                                        Sec. 27(d), as
                                                        added Pub. L.
                                                        100-679, Sec.
                                                        6(a), Nov. 17,
                                                        1988, 102 Stat.
                                                        4063; Pub. L.
                                                        101-189, title
                                                        VIII, Sec.
                                                        Nov. 29, 1989,
                                                        103 Stat. 1495;
                                                        Pub. L. 101-510,
                                                        title XIV, Sec.
                                                        1484(l)(6), Nov.
                                                        5, 1990, 104
                                                        Stat. 1720; Pub.
                                                        L. 102-25, title
                                                        VII, Sec.
                                                        705(i), Apr. 6,
                                                        1991, 105 Stat.
                                                        121; Pub. L. 103-
                                                        355, title VIII,
                                                        Sec. 8301(e),
                                                        Oct. 13, 1994,
                                                        108 Stat. 3397;
                                                        Pub. L. 104-106,
                                                        title XLIII,
                                                        Sec. 4304(a),
                                                        Feb. 10, 1996,
                                                        110 Stat. 660.
2104(b)...............  41:423(d)(2).
2104(c)...............  41:423(d)(5).
2104(d)...............  41:423(d)(3), (4).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
2105(a)...............  41:423(e)(1).                  Pub. L. 93-400,
                                                        Sec. 27(e), as
                                                        added Pub. L.
                                                        100-679, Sec.
                                                        6(a), Nov. 17,
                                                        1988, 102 Stat.
                                                        4063; Pub. L.
                                                        101-189, title
                                                        VIII, Sec.
                                                        Nov. 29, 1989,
                                                        103 Stat. 1495;
                                                        Pub. L. 101-510,
                                                        title XIV, Sec.
                                                        1484(l)(6), Nov.
                                                        5, 1990, 104
                                                        Stat. 1720; Pub.
                                                        L. 102-25, title
                                                        VII, Sec.
                                                        705(i), Apr. 6,
                                                        1991, 105 Stat.
                                                        121; Pub. L. 103-
                                                        355, title VIII,
                                                        Sec. 8301(e),
                                                        Oct. 13, 1994,
                                                        108 Stat. 3397;
                                                        Pub. L. 104-106,
                                                        title XLIII,
                                                        Sec. 4304(a),
                                                        Feb. 10, 1996,
                                                        110 Stat. 661.
2105(b)...............  41:423(e)(2).
2105(c)...............  41:423(e)(3).

    In subsection (a), the word ``violates'' is substituted for 
``engages in conduct constituting a violation'' to eliminate 
unnecessary words.
    In subsection (b), the words ``liable to the Federal 
Government for'' are substituted for ``subject to'' for 
consistency in the revised title and with other titles of the 
United States Code.
    In subsecton (c)(1), the words ``has violated'' are 
substituted for ``has engaged in conduct constituting a 
violation'' to eliminate unnecessary words.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
2106..................  41:423(g).                     Pub. L. 93-400,
                                                        Sec. 27(g), as
                                                        added Pub. L.
                                                        100-679, Sec.
                                                        6(a), Nov. 17,
                                                        1988, 102 Stat.
                                                        4063; Pub. L.
                                                        101-189, title
                                                        VIII, Sec.
                                                        Nov. 29, 1989,
                                                        103 Stat. 1495;
                                                        Pub. L. 101-510,
                                                        title XIV, Sec.
                                                        1484(l)(6), Nov.
                                                        5, 1990, 104
                                                        Stat. 1720; Pub.
                                                        L. 102-25, title
                                                        VII, Sec.
                                                        705(i), Apr. 6,
                                                        1991, 105 Stat.
                                                        121; Pub. L. 103-
                                                        355, title VIII,
                                                        Sec. 8301(e),
                                                        Oct. 13, 1994,
                                                        108 Stat. 3397;
                                                        Pub. L. 104-106,
                                                        title XLIII,
                                                        Sec. 4304(a),
                                                        Feb. 10, 1996,
                                                        110 Stat. 663.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
2107..................  41:423(h).                     Pub. L. 93-400,
                                                        Sec. 27(h), as
                                                        added Pub. L.
                                                        100-679, Sec.
                                                        6(a), Nov. 17,
                                                        1988, 102 Stat.
                                                        4063; Pub. L.
                                                        101-189, title
                                                        VIII, Sec.
                                                        Nov. 29, 1989,
                                                        103 Stat. 1495;
                                                        Pub. L. 101-510,
                                                        title XIV, Sec.
                                                        1484(l)(6), Nov.
                                                        5, 1990, 104
                                                        Stat. 1720; Pub.
                                                        L. 102-25, title
                                                        VII, Sec.
                                                        705(i), Apr. 6,
                                                        1991, 105 Stat.
                                                        121; Pub. L. 103-
                                                        355, title VIII,
                                                        Sec. 8301(e),
                                                        Oct. 13, 1994,
                                                        108 Stat. 3397;
                                                        Pub. L. 104-106,
                                                        title XLIII,
                                                        Sec. 4304(a),
                                                        Feb. 10, 1996,
                                                        110 Stat. 663.

                       CHAPTER 23--MISCELLANEOUS

2301.  Use of electronic commerce in Federal procurement.
2302.  Rights in technical data.
2303.  Ethics safeguards related to contractor conflicts of interest.
2304.  Conflict of interest standards for consultants.
2305.  Authority of Director of Office of Management and Budget not 
2306.  Openness of meetings.
2307.  Comptroller General's access to information.
2308.  Modular contracting for information technology.
2309.  Protection of constitutional rights of contractors.
2310.  Performance-based contracts or task orders for services to be 
          treated as contracts for the procurement of commercial items.
2311.  Enhanced transparency on interagency contracting and other 
2312.  Contingency Contracting Corps.
2313.  Database for Federal agency contract and grant officers and 
          suspension and debarment officials.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
2301(a)...............  41:426(f).                     Pub. L. 93-400,
                                                        Sec. 30, as
                                                        added Pub. L.
                                                        103-355, title
                                                        IX, Sec.
                                                        9001(a), Oct.
                                                        13, 1994, 108
                                                        Stat. 3399; Pub.
                                                        L. 105-85, title
                                                        VIII, Sec.
                                                        850(a), Nov. 18,
                                                        1997, 111 Stat.
                                                        1847; Pub. L.
                                                        106-398, Sec. 1
                                                        [[div. A], title
                                                        VIII, Sec.
                                                        810(d)], Oct.
                                                        30, 2000, 114
                                                        Stat. 1654A-210.
2301(b)...............  41:426(a).
2301(c)...............  41:426(b).
2301(d)...............  41:426(c).
2301(e)...............  41:426(d).

    In this section, the text of 41:426(e) is omitted as 
obsolete because the last report was to be submitted not later 
than March 1, 2004.
    In subsection (c), the word ``executive'' is added for 
clarity and for consistency in the revised section.
    In subsection (e)(2), the words ``with respect to the 
agency systems, technologies, procedures, and processes 
established pursuant to this section'' are omitted as 

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
2302(a)...............  41:418a(a) (1st sentence).     Pub. L. 93-400,
                                                        Sec. 21, as
                                                        added Pub. L. 98-
                                                        577, title III,
                                                        Sec. 301(a),
                                                        Oct. 30, 1984,
                                                        98 Stat. 3074;
                                                        Pub. L. 99-145,
                                                        title IX, Sec.
                                                        961(d)(2), Nov.
                                                        8, 1985, 99
                                                        Stat. 704.
2302(b)...............  41:418a(a) (2d, last
2302(c)...............  41:418a(b).
2302(d)...............  41:418a(c).
2302(e)...............  41:418a(d).

    In subsection (a), the words ``Federal Acquisition 
Regulation'' are substituted for ``single system of Government-
wide procurement regulations as defined in section 403(4) of 
this title'' because section 3(a)(1) of the Office of Federal 
Procurement Policy Act Amendments of 1988 (Public Law 100-679, 
102 Stat. 4055) substituted ``Federal Acquisition Regulation'' 
for ``single system of Government-wide procurement 
regulations'' in section 6 of the Office of Federal Procurement 
Policy Act (Public Law 93-400, 88 Stat. 797, 41:406) and 
because section 3(c) of the Office of Federal Procurement 
Policy Act Amendments of 1988 (102 Stat. 4056) struck section 
4(4) of the Office of Federal Procurement Policy Act (88 Stat. 
797, 41:403(4)), as amended by section 4 of the Office of 
Federal Procurement Policy Act Amendments of 1983 (Public Law 
98-191, 97 Stat. 1326), which had defined ``single system of 
Government-wide procurement regulations''.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
2303(a)...............  no source.
2303(b), (c)..........  41:405c(a), (c).               Pub. L. 110-417,
                                                        [div. A], title
                                                        VIII, Sec.
                                                        841(a), (c),
                                                        Oct. 14, 2008,
                                                        122 Stat. 4537,

    In this section, the words ``relevant acquisition 
functions'' are substituted for ``acquisition functions closely 
associated with inherently governmental functions'' because of 
subsection (a).
    In subsection (b), the words ``Not later than 270 days 
after the date of the enactment of this Act'' are omitted 
because of section 6(f) of the bill.
    In subsection (b)(4)(A), the words ``Except as provided in 
subparagraph (B)'' are omitted as unnecessary.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
2304(a)...............  41:405b(a).                    Pub. L. 100-463,
                                                        title VIII, Sec.
                                                        8141, Oct. 1,
                                                        1988, 102 Stat.
2304(b)...............  41:405b(b).
2304(c)...............  41:405b(d).
2304(d)...............  41:405b(e).

    In this section, the text of 41:405b(c) is omitted as 
    In subsection (a), before paragraph (1), the words ``The 
Administrator shall prescribe under this division Government-
wide regulations'' are substituted for ``Not later than 90 days 
after October 1, 1988, the Administrator of the Office of 
Federal Procurement Policy shall issue a policy, and not later 
than 180 days thereafter Government-wide regulations shall be 
issued under the Office of Federal Procurement Policy Act (41 
U.S.C. 401 et seq.)'' to eliminate obsolete words.
    In subsection (b), before paragraph (1), the words ``the 
following types of consulting services'' are omitted as 
    In subsection (c)(2), the words ``Director of National 
Intelligence'' are substituted for ``Director of Central 
Intelligence'' because of section 1081(a) of the Intelligence 
Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 (Public Law 108-
458, 50 U.S.C. 401 note). The words ``each January 1'' are 
substituted for ``no later than January 1, 1990, and annually 
thereafter to eliminate obsolete and unnecessary words. The 
words ``exempted under paragraph (1)'' are substituted for 
``exempted from the regulations required by subsection (a) of 
this section in accordance with the provisions of this 
subsection'' to eliminate unnecessary words.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
2305..................  41:405(h)(2).                  Pub. L. 93-400,
                                                        Sec. 6(h)(2),
                                                        Aug. 30, 1974,
                                                        88 Stat. 797;
                                                        Pub. L. 96-83,
                                                        Sec. 4, Oct. 10,
                                                        1979, 93 Stat.
                                                        649; Pub. L. 98-
                                                        191, Sec. 5,
                                                        Dec. 1, 1983, 97
                                                        Stat. 1328.

    The words ``in effect on December 1, 1983'' are substituted 
for ``current'' for clarity.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
2306..................  41:412(b).                     Pub. L. 93-400,
                                                        Sec. 14(b), Aug.
                                                        30, 1974, 88
                                                        Stat. 800; Pub.
                                                        L. 96-83, Sec.
                                                        9, Oct. 10,
                                                        1979, 93 Stat.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
2307..................  41:412(a).                     Pub. L. 93-400,
                                                        Sec. 14(a), Aug.
                                                        30, 1974, 88
                                                        Stat. 800.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
2308..................  41:434.                        Pub. L. 93-400,
                                                        Sec. 38,
                                                        formerly Sec.
                                                        35, as added
                                                        Pub. L. 104-106,
                                                        title LII, Sec.
                                                        5202(a), Feb.
                                                        10, 1996, 110
                                                        Stat. 690;
                                                        renumbered Sec.
                                                        38, Pub. L. 104-
                                                        201, title X,
                                                        Sec. 1074(d)(1),
                                                        Sept. 23, 1996,
                                                        110 Stat. 2660.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
2309..................  41:436.                        Pub. L. 93-400,
                                                        Sec. 40,
                                                        formerly Sec.
                                                        39, as added
                                                        Pub. L. 105-277,
                                                        title III, Sec.
                                                        308(a), Oct. 21,
                                                        1998, 112 Stat.
                                                        renumbered Sec.
                                                        40, Pub. L. 108-
                                                        136, title XIV,
                                                        Sec. 1431(d)(2),
                                                        Nov. 24, 2003,
                                                        117 Stat. 1672.

    In subsection (a), the reference is to the Chemical Weapons 
Convention Implementation Act of 1998 rather than the Chemical 
Weapons Convention Implementation Act of 1997 to correct an 
error in the source provision.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
2310..................  41:437.                        Pub. L. 93-400,
                                                        Sec. 41, as
                                                        added Pub. L.
                                                        108-136, title
                                                        XIV, Sec.
                                                        1431(a), Nov.
                                                        24, 2003, 117
                                                        Stat. 1671.

    In subsection (c), the words ``Committees on Homeland 
Security and Governmental Affairs'' are substituted for 
``Committees on Governmental Affairs'' on authority of Senate 
Resolution No. 445 (108th Congress, October 9, 2004). The words 
``Committees on Oversight and Government Reform'' are 
substituted for ``Committees on Government Reform'' on 
authority of Rule X(1)(m) of the Rules of the House of 
Representatives, adopted by House Resolution No. 6 (110th 
Congress, January 5, 2007).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
2311..................  41:405 note.                   Pub. L. 110-417,
                                                        [div. A], title
                                                        VIII, Sec.
                                                        874(a), Oct. 14,
                                                        2008, 122 Stat.

    In the first sentence, the words ``Not later than one year 
after the date of enactment of this Act'' are omitted because 
of section 6(f) of the bill.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
2312 (except            41:440.                        Pub. L. 93-400,
 subsection (a)).                                       Sec. 44, as
                                                        added Pub. L.
                                                        110-417, [div.
                                                        A], title VIII,
                                                        Sec. 870(a),
                                                        Oct. 14, 2008,
                                                        122 Stat. 4554.
2312(a)...............  no source.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
2313..................  41:417b.                       Pub. L. 110-417,
                                                        [div. A], title
                                                        VIII, Sec. 872,
                                                        Oct. 14, 2008,
                                                        122 Stat. 4555.

    In subsection (a), the words ``not later than one year 
after the date of the enactment of this Act'' are omitted 
because of section 6(f) of the bill.
    In subsection (c)(7), the word ``practicable'' is 
substituted for ``practical'' to correct an error in the law.
    In subsection (f), the words ``Not later than one year 
after the date of the enactment of this Act'' are omitted 
because of section 6(f) of the bill. The words ``shall 
require'' are substituted for ``shall be amended to require'' 
to reflect the permanence of the provision.
    In subsection (f)(2), the words ``the information submitted 
under paragraph (1)'' are substituted for ``such information'' 
for clarity.

                        Division C--Procurement

                          CHAPTER 31--GENERAL

3101.  Applicability.
3102.  Delegation and assignment of powers, functions, and 
3103.  Acquisition programs.
3104.  Small business concerns.
3105.  New contracts and grants and merit-based selection procedures.
3106.  Erection, repair, or furnishing of public buildings and 
          improvements not authorized, and certain contracts not 
          permitted, by this division.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
3101(a)...............  41:252(a) (words before 1st    June 30, 1949,
                         semicolon).                    ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec.
                                                        302(a), 63 Stat.
                                                        393; July 12,
                                                        1952, ch. 703,
                                                        Sec. 1(m), 66
                                                        Stat. 594; Pub.
                                                        L. 85-800, Sec.
                                                        1, Aug. 28,
                                                        1958, 72 Stat.
                                                        966; Pub. L. 89-
                                                        343, Sec. 1,
                                                        Nov. 8, 1965, 79
                                                        Stat. 1303.
3101(b)(1)............  41:252a.                       June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec. 302A,
                                                        as added Pub. L.
                                                        103-355, title
                                                        IV, Sec. Sec.
                                                        4003, 4103(a),
                                                        Oct. 13, 1994,
                                                        108 Stat. 3338,
3101(b)(2)............  41:252b.                       June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec. 302B,
                                                        as added Pub. L.
                                                        103-355, title
                                                        IV, Sec.
                                                        4203(b), Oct.
                                                        13, 1994, 108
                                                        Stat. 3346.
3101(c)(1)............  41:252(a) (words after 1st
                         semicolon and before ``but
3101(c)(2)............  41:252(a) (words after
                         ``other law'').
                        41:260.                        June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec. 310,
                                                        63 Stat. 397;
                                                        July 12, 1952,
                                                        ch. 703, Sec.
                                                        1(m), (n), 66
                                                        Stat. 594; Pub.
                                                        L. 85-800, Sec.
                                                        6, Aug. 28,
                                                        1958, 72 Stat.
                                                        967; Pub. L. 89-
                                                        343, Sec. 5,
                                                        Nov. 8, 1965, 79
                                                        Stat. 1303; Pub.
                                                        L. 98-369, div.
                                                        B, title VII,
                                                        Sec. 2714(a)(6),
                                                        July 18, 1984,
                                                        98 Stat. 1185.

    In subsection (c)(1)(B), the words ``except as provided in 
paragraph (2)'' are added for clarity. The words ``section 
113(e) of title 40 or any other'' are omitted as unnecessary.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
3102..................  41:261.                        June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec. 311,
                                                        as added Pub. L.
                                                        103-355, title
                                                        I, Sec. 1552,
                                                        Oct. 13, 1994,
                                                        108 Stat. 3299.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
3103..................  41:263.                         June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec. 313,
                                                        as added Pub. L.
                                                        103-355, title
                                                        V, Sec. 5051(a),
                                                        Oct. 13, 1994,
                                                        108 Stat. 3351;
                                                        Pub. L. 105-85,
                                                        div. A, title
                                                        VIII, Sec.
                                                        851(a), Nov. 18,
                                                        1997, 111 Stat.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
3104..................  41:252(b).                     June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec.
                                                        302(b), 63 Stat.
                                                        393; July 12,
                                                        1952, ch. 703,
                                                        Sec. 1(m), 66
                                                        Stat. 594; Pub.
                                                        L. 98-369, div.
                                                        B, title VII,
                                                        Sec. 2714(a)(1)(
                                                        A), July 18,
                                                        1984, 98 Stat.

    The word ``declared'' is omitted as unnecessary.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
3105(a)...............  41:253(i)(1).                  June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec.
                                                        303(i), as added
                                                        Pub. L. 103-355,
                                                        title VII, Sec.
                                                        Oct. 13, 1994,
                                                        108 Stat. 3380;
                                                        Pub. L. 104-106,
                                                        title XLI, Sec.
                                                        4101(b)(1), Feb.
                                                        10, 1996, 110
                                                        Stat. 642.
                        41:266(a).                     June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec. 316,
                                                        as added Pub. L.
                                                        103-355, title
                                                        VII, Sec.
                                                        7203(b)(2), Oct.
                                                        13, 1994, 108
                                                        Stat. 3381; Pub.
                                                        L. 104-106,
                                                        title XLIII,
                                                        Sec. 4321(e)(9),
                                                        Feb. 10, 1996,
                                                        110 Stat. 675.
3105(b)...............  41:253(i)(3).
3105(c)...............  41:253(i)(2).
3105(d)...............  41:253(i)(4).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
3106..................  41:252(c)(1).                  June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec.
                                                        302(c)(1), 63
                                                        Stat. 393; July
                                                        12, 1952, ch.
                                                        703, Sec. 1(m),
                                                        66 Stat. 594;
                                                        Pub. L. 85-800,
                                                        Sec. Sec. 2, 3,
                                                        Aug. 28, 1958,
                                                        72 Stat. 966;
                                                        Pub. L. 89-343,
                                                        Sec. 2, Nov. 8,
                                                        1965, 79 Stat.
                                                        1303; Pub. L. 89-
                                                        348, Sec. 1(2),
                                                        Nov. 8, 1965, 79
                                                        Stat. 1310; Pub.
                                                        L. 90-268, Sec.
                                                        4, Mar. 16,
                                                        1968, 82 Stat.
                                                        50; Pub. L. 93-
                                                        356, Sec. 3,
                                                        July 25, 1974,
                                                        88 Stat. 390;
                                                        Pub. L. 98-191,
                                                        Sec. 9(a)(1),
                                                        Dec. 1, 1983, 97
                                                        Stat. 1331; Pub.
                                                        L. 98-369, div.
                                                        B, title VII,
                                                        Sec. 2714(a)(1)(
                                                        B), July 18,
                                                        1984, 98 Stat.

    In paragraph (1), the words ``but such authorization shall 
be required in the same manner as heretofore'' are omitted as 


3301.  Full and open competition.
3302.  Requirements for purchase of property and services pursuant to 
          multiple award contracts.
3303.  Exclusion of particular source or restriction of solicitation to 
          small business concerns.
3304.  Use of noncompetitive procedures.
3305.  Simplified procedures for small purchases.
3306.  Planning and solicitation requirements.
3307.  Preference for commercial items.
3308.  Planning for future competition in contracts for major systems.
3309.  Design-build selection procedures.
3310.  Quantities to order.
3311.  Qualification requirement.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
3301(a)...............  41:253(a)(1).                  June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec.
                                                        303(a), 63 Stat.
                                                        395; July 12,
                                                        1952, ch. 703,
                                                        Sec. 1(m), 66
                                                        Stat. 594; Pub.
                                                        L. 90-268, Sec.
                                                        2, Mar. 16,
                                                        1968, 82 Stat.
                                                        49; Pub. L. 98-
                                                        369, title VII,
                                                        Sec. 2711(a)(1),
                                                        July 18, 1984,
                                                        98 Stat. 1175;
                                                        Pub. L. 103-355,
                                                        title I, Sec.
                                                        1051(1), Oct.
                                                        13, 1994, 108
                                                        Stat. 3260.
3301(b)(1)............  41:253(a)(2).
3301(b)(2)............  41:252(c)(2).                  June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec.
                                                        302(c)(2), as
                                                        added Pub. L. 98-
                                                        369, title VII,
                                                        Sec. 2714(a)(1)(
                                                        B), July 18,
                                                        1984, 98 Stat.
3301(c)...............  41:253(h).                     June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec.
                                                        303(h), as added
                                                        Pub. L. 104-106,
                                                        title XLI, Sec.
                                                        4101(b)(2), Feb.
                                                        10, 1996, 110
                                                        Stat. 642.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
3302..................  41:253h note.                  Pub. L. 110-417,
                                                        [div. A], title
                                                        VIII, Sec.
                                                        863(a)-(e), Oct.
                                                        14, 2008, 122
                                                        Stat. 4547.

    In subsection (b), the words ``Not later than one year 
after the date of the enactment of this Act'' are omitted 
because of section 6(f) of the bill. The words ``shall 
require'' are substituted for ``shall be amended to require'' 
to reflect the permanence of the provision.
    In subsection (c)(2)(A), the words ``except as provided in 
paragraph (3)'' are omitted as unnecessary.
    In subsection (c)(3)(A), ``subsection (a)(3)(A)'' is 
substituted for ``subsection (d)(2)(A)'' for consistency in the 
revised title and to correct an error in the law.
    In subsection (d)(1), the words ``Not later than one year 
after the date of the enactment of this Act'' are omitted 
because of section 6(f) of the bill. The words ``shall 
require'' are substituted for ``shall be amended to require'' 
to reflect the permanence of the provision.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
3303..................  41:253(b).                     June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec.
                                                        303(b), 63 Stat.
                                                        395; July 12,
                                                        1952, ch. 703,
                                                        Sec. 1(m), 66
                                                        Stat. 594; Pub.
                                                        L. 90-268, Sec.
                                                        2, Mar. 16,
                                                        1968, 82 Stat.
                                                        49; Pub. L. 98-
                                                        369, title VII,
                                                        Sec. 2711(a)(1),
                                                        July 18, 1984,
                                                        98 Stat. 1175;
                                                        Pub. L. 98-577,
                                                        title V, Sec.
                                                        504(a)(1), Oct.
                                                        30, 1984, 98
                                                        Stat. 3086; Pub.
                                                        L. 103-355,
                                                        title I, Sec.
                                                        1052, Oct. 13,
                                                        1994, 108 Stat.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
3304(a)...............  41:253(c), (d)(2).             June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec. 303(c)-
                                                        (f), (j), 63
                                                        Stat. 395; July
                                                        12, 1952, ch.
                                                        703, Sec. 1(m),
                                                        66 Stat. 594;
                                                        Pub. L. 90-268,
                                                        Sec. 2, Mar. 16,
                                                        1968, 82 Stat.
                                                        49; Pub. L. 98-
                                                        369, title VII,
                                                        Sec. 2711(a)(1),
                                                        July 18, 1984,
                                                        98 Stat. 1176;
                                                        Pub. L. 98-577,
                                                        title V, Sec.
                                                        504(a)(2), Oct.
                                                        30, 1984, 98
                                                        Stat. 3086; Pub.
                                                        L. 99-145, title
                                                        IX, Sec.
                                                        961(a)(2), title
                                                        XIII, Sec.
                                                        1304(c)(2), Nov.
                                                        8, 1985, 99
                                                        Stat. 703, 742;
                                                        Pub. L. 103-355,
                                                        title I, Sec.
                                                        Sec. 1053,
                                                        1055(a), title
                                                        VII, Sec.
                                                        Oct. 13, 1994,
                                                        108 Stat. 3261,
                                                        3265, 3380; Pub.
                                                        L. 104-106,
                                                        title XLI, Sec.
                                                        4102(b), title
                                                        XLIII, Sec.
                                                        4321(e)(2), Feb.
                                                        10, 1996, 110
                                                        Stat. 643, 674;
                                                        Pub. L. 104-320,
                                                        Sec. Sec. 7(a)(2
                                                        ), 11(c)(2),
                                                        Oct. 19, 1996,
                                                        110 Stat. 3871,
                                                        3873; Pub. L.
                                                        110-181, div. A,
                                                        title VIII, Sec.
                                                        844(a), Jan. 28,
                                                        2008, 122 Stat.
                                                        239; Pub. L. 110-
                                                        417, [div. A],
                                                        title VIII, Sec.
                                                        862(a), Oct. 14,
                                                        2008, 122 Stat.
3304(b)...............  41:253(d)(1).
3304(c)...............  41:253(d)(3).
3304(d)...............  41:253(e).
3304(e)(1)............  41:253(f)(1).
3304(e)(2)............  41:253(f)(3).
3304(e)(3), (4).......  41:253(f)(2).
3304(e)(5)............  41:253(f)(4).
3304(f)...............  41:253(j).

    In subsection (a)(7), the words ``(who may not delegate the 
authority under this paragraph)'' are substituted for 
41:253(d)(2) to move the restriction closer to where it 
    In subsection (d)(1)(B)(i), the words ``advocate for 
competition'' are substituted for ``competition advocate'' for 
consistency with section 1705 of the revised title.
    In subsection (d)(1)(B)(ii), the reference to section 5376 
of title 5 is substituted for the reference to grade GS-16 or 
above under the General Schedule because of section 529 [title 
I, Sec. 101(c)(1)] of the Treasury, Postal Service and General 
Government Appropriations Act, 1991 (Public Law 101-509, 104 
Stat. 1442, 5 U.S.C. 5376 note).
    In subsection (d)(5)(B), the words ``and not in lieu of'' 
are omitted as unnecessary.
     In subsection (f)(2), the words ``referred to in 
subparagraph (A) of paragraph (1)'' are added for clarity.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
3305..................  41:253(g).                     June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec.
                                                        303(g), 63 Stat.
                                                        395; July 12,
                                                        1952, ch. 703,
                                                        Sec. 1(m), 66
                                                        Stat. 594; Pub.
                                                        L. 90-268, Sec.
                                                        2, Mar. 16,
                                                        1968, 82 Stat.
                                                        49; Pub. L. 98-
                                                        369, title VII,
                                                        Sec. 2711(a)(1),
                                                        July 18, 1984,
                                                        98 Stat. 1178;
                                                        Pub. L. 99-145,
                                                        title XIII, Sec.
                                                        1304(c)(3), Nov.
                                                        8, 1985, 99
                                                        Stat. 742; Pub.
                                                        L. 101-510,
                                                        title VIII, Sec.
                                                        806(c), Nov. 5,
                                                        1990, 104 Stat.
                                                        1592; Pub. L.
                                                        103-355, title
                                                        I, Sec. 1051(2),
                                                        title IV, Sec.
                                                        4402(a), Oct.
                                                        13, 1994, 108
                                                        Stat. 3260,
                                                        3348; Pub. L.
                                                        104-106, title
                                                        XLII, Sec.
                                                        4202(b)(1), Feb.
                                                        10, 1996, 110
                                                        Stat. 653; Pub.
                                                        L. 105-85, title
                                                        VIII, Sec.
                                                        Nov. 18, 1997,
                                                        111 Stat. 1850.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
3306(a)-(e)...........  41:253a.                       June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec. 303A,
                                                        as added Pub. L.
                                                        98-369, title
                                                        VII, Sec.
                                                        2711(a)(2), July
                                                        18, 1984, 98
                                                        Stat. 1178; Pub.
                                                        L. 103-355,
                                                        title I, Sec.
                                                        Sec. 1061(a),
                                                        (b), 1062, title
                                                        IV, Sec.
                                                        4402(b), Oct.
                                                        13, 1994, 108
                                                        Stat. 3266,
                                                        3267, 3348; Pub.
                                                        L. 104-106,
                                                        title XLII, Sec.
                                                        4202(b)(2), Feb.
                                                        10, 1996, 110
                                                        Stat. 653.
3306(f)...............  41:253a note.                  Pub. L. 108-136,
                                                        title XIV, Sec.
                                                        1428, Nov. 24,
                                                        2003, 117 Stat.

    In subsection (f)(2), the words ``Not later than 180 days 
after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Federal 
Acquisition Regulatory Council shall amend'' are omitted as 

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
3307(a)...............  41:264.                        June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec. Sec.
                                                        314, 314B, as
                                                        added Pub. L.
                                                        103-355, title
                                                        VIII, Sec. Sec.
                                                        8201, 8203, Oct.
                                                        13, 1994, 108
                                                        Stat. 3394.
3307(b)...............  41:264b(a).
3307(c)...............  41:264b(b).
3307(d)...............  41:264b(c).
3307(e)...............  41:264 note.                   Pub. L. 103-355,
                                                        title VIII, Sec.
                                                        8002, Oct. 13,
                                                        1994, 108 Stat.
                                                        3386; Pub. L.
                                                        108-136, title
                                                        XIV, 1432, Nov.
                                                        24, 2003, 117
                                                        Stat. 1672.

    Subsection (a)(1) is substituted for 41 U.S.C. 264(a) for 
    In subsection (e), the text of section 8002(f) of the 
Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act of 1994 (Public Law 103-
355, 41 U.S.C. 264 note) is omitted as obsolete.
    In subsection (e)(2)(B)(i) and (C)(i), the words ``as the 
case may be'' are omitted as unnecessary.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
3308..................  41:253b(j).                    June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec.
                                                        formerly Sec.
                                                        303B(f), as
                                                        added Pub. L. 98-
                                                        577, title II,
                                                        Sec. 201(a),
                                                        Oct. 30, 1984,
                                                        98 Stat. 3068;
                                                        redesignated as
                                                        Sec. 303B(g),
                                                        Pub. L. 103-355,
                                                        title I, Sec.
                                                        1064(1), Oct.
                                                        13, 1994, 108
                                                        Stat. 3268;
                                                        redesignated as
                                                        Sec. 303B(j),
                                                        Pub. L. 104-106,
                                                        title XLI, Sec.
                                                        4104(b)(2), Feb.
                                                        10, 1996, 110
                                                        Stat. 645.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
3309..................  41:253m.                       June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec. 303M,
                                                        as added Pub. L.
                                                        104-106, div. D,
                                                        title XLI, Sec.
                                                        4105(b)(1), Feb.
                                                        10, 1996, 110
                                                        Stat. 647.

    In subsections (a) and (c)(1), the words ``sections 1101 to 
1104 of title 40'' are substituted for ``the Brooks Architect-
Engineers Act (title IX of this Act)'' and ``the Brooks 
Architect-Engineers Act (40 U.S.C. 541 et seq.)'', 
respectively, because of section 5(c) of Public Law 107-217 (40 
U.S.C. note prec. 101) and for consistency with title 40.
    In subsection (c)(5), the reference to section 253b of this 
title is limited to chapter 37 of the revised title for 

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
3310..................  41:253f.                       June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec. 303F,
                                                        formerly Sec.
                                                        303G, as added
                                                        Pub. L. 98-577,
                                                        title II, Sec.
                                                        205(a), Oct. 30,
                                                        1984, 98 Stat.
                                                        3073; renumbered
                                                        Sec. 303F, Pub.
                                                        L. 99-145, title
                                                        XIII, Sec.
                                                        Nov. 8, 1985, 99
                                                        Stat. 742.

    In subsection (b), the words ``or quantities'' are omitted 
because of 1:1.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
3311..................  41:253c.                       June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec. 303C,
                                                        formerly Sec.
                                                        303D, as added
                                                        Pub. L. 98-577,
                                                        title II, Sec.
                                                        202(a), Oct. 30,
                                                        1984, 98 Stat.
                                                        3069; renumbered
                                                        Sec. 303C, Pub.
                                                        L. 99-145, title
                                                        XIII, Sec.
                                                        Nov. 8, 1985, 99
                                                        Stat. 742.

    In subsection (d)(1)(A), the words ``in the Commerce 
Business Daily'' are omitted as obsolete. See revision note for 
section 1708(d) of the revised title.


3501.  Definitions.
3502.  Required cost or pricing data and certification.
3503.  Exceptions.
3504.  Cost or pricing data on below-threshold contracts.
3505.  Submission of other information.
3506.  Price reductions for defective cost or pricing data.
3507.  Interest and penalties for certain overpayments.
3508.  Right to examine contractor records.
3509.  Notification of violations of Federal criminal law or 

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
3501(a)...............  41:254b(h).                    June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec.
                                                        formerly Sec.
                                                        304A(i), as
                                                        added Pub. L.
                                                        103-355, title
                                                        I, Sec.
                                                        1251(a)(2), Oct.
                                                        13, 1994, 108
                                                        Stat. 3284;
                                                        redesignated as
                                                        Sec. 304A(h),
                                                        Pub. L. 104-106,
                                                        title XLII, Sec.
                                                        Feb. 10, 1996,
                                                        110 Stat. 652.
3501(b)...............  41:254b note.                  Pub. L. 110-417,
                                                        [div. A], title
                                                        VIII, Sec. 868,
                                                        Oct. 14, 2008,
                                                        122 Stat. 4552.

    Subsection (a) of Pub. L. 110-417, Sec. 868 is omitted as 
    In subsection (b)(1), the words ``The Federal Acquisition 
Regulation'' are substituted for ``The regulations modified 
pursuant to subsection (a)'' for clarity and conformity with 
the revised title.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
3502..................  41:254b(a).                    June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec.
                                                        304A(a), as
                                                        added Pub. L.
                                                        103-355, title
                                                        I, Sec.
                                                        1251(a)(2), Oct.
                                                        13, 1994, 108
                                                        Stat. 3278; Pub.
                                                        L. 105-261, div.
                                                        A, title VIII,
                                                        Sec. 805(b),
                                                        Oct. 17, 1998,
                                                        112 Stat. 2083.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
3503..................  41:254b(b).                    June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec.
                                                        304A(b), as
                                                        added Pub. L.
                                                        103-355, title
                                                        I, Sec.
                                                        1251(a)(2), Oct.
                                                        13, 1994, 108
                                                        Stat. 3279; Pub.
                                                        L. 104-106,
                                                        title XLII, Sec.
                                                        4201(b)(1), Feb.
                                                        10, 1996, 110
                                                        Stat. 651.

    In subsection (b)(2), the words ``as the case may be'' are 
omitted as unnecessary.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
3504..................  41:254b(c).                    June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec.
                                                        304A(c), as
                                                        added Pub. L.
                                                        103-355, title
                                                        I, Sec.
                                                        1251(a)(2), Oct.
                                                        13, 1994, 108
                                                        Stat. 3280; Pub.
                                                        L. 104-106,
                                                        title XLII, Sec.
                                                        Sec. 4201(b)(1),
                                                        4321(e)(3), Feb.
                                                        10, 1996, 110
                                                        Stat. 651, 675.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
3505..................  41:254b(d).                    June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec.
                                                        304A(d), as
                                                        added Pub. L.
                                                        103-355, title
                                                        I, Sec.
                                                        1251(a)(2), Oct.
                                                        13, 1994, 108
                                                        Stat. 3281; Pub.
                                                        L. 104-106,
                                                        title XLII, Sec.
                                                        Sec. 4201(b)(1),
                                                        4321(e)(4), Feb.
                                                        10, 1996, 110
                                                        Stat. 652, 675;
                                                        Pub. L. 105-261,
                                                        div. A, title
                                                        VIII, Sec.
                                                        808(b), Oct. 17,
                                                        1998, 112 Stat.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
3506..................  41:254b(e).                    June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec.
                                                        304A(e), as
                                                        added Pub. L.
                                                        103-355, title
                                                        I, Sec.
                                                        1251(a)(2), Oct.
                                                        13, 1994, 108
                                                        Stat. 3282.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
3507..................  41:254b(f).                    June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec.
                                                        304A(f), as
                                                        added Pub. L.
                                                        103-355, title
                                                        I, Sec.
                                                        1251(a)(2), Oct.
                                                        13, 1994, 108
                                                        Stat. 3283.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
3508..................  41:254b(g).                    June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec.
                                                        304A(g), as
                                                        added Pub. L.
                                                        103-355, title
                                                        I, Sec.
                                                        1251(a)(2), Oct.
                                                        13, 1994, 108
                                                        Stat. 3283.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
3509..................  41:251 note.                   Pub. L. 110-252,
                                                        title VI, Sec.
                                                        Sec. 6102, 6103,
                                                        June 30, 2008,
                                                        122 Stat. 2386,

    In subsection (b), the words ``shall include'' are 
substituted for ``shall be amended'' and ``to include'' to 
reflect the permanence of the provision. The words ``within 180 
days after the date of the enactment of this Act'' are omitted 
as obsolete.

                   CHAPTER 37--AWARDING OF CONTRACTS

3701.  Basis of award and rejection.
3702.  Sealed bids.
3703.  Competitive proposals.
3704.  Post-award debriefings.
3705.  Pre-award debriefings.
3706.  Encouragement of alternative dispute resolution.
3707.  Antitrust violations.
3708.  Protests.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
3701(a)...............  41:253b(a).                    June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec.
                                                        303B(a), (b), as
                                                        added Pub. L. 98-
                                                        369, title VII,
                                                        Sec. 2711(a)(2),
                                                        July 18, 1984,
                                                        98 Stat. 1179;
                                                        Pub. L. 103-355,
                                                        title I, Sec.
                                                        1061(c)(1), Oct.
                                                        13, 1994, 108
                                                        Stat. 3267.
3701(b)...............  41:253b(b).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
3702(a)...............  41:253b(c) (1st sentence).     June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec.
                                                        303B(c), as
                                                        added Pub. L. 98-
                                                        369, title VII,
                                                        Sec. 2711(a)(2),
                                                        July 18, 1984,
                                                        98 Stat. 1179;
                                                        Pub. L. 103-355,
                                                        title I, Sec.
                                                        Sec. 1061(c)(2),
                                                        1063(a), Oct.
                                                        13, 1994, 108
                                                        Stat. 3267,
3702(b)...............  41:253b(c) (2d sentence).
3702(a)...............  41:253b(c) (3d, last

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
3703(a)...............  41:253b(d)(1).                 June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec.
                                                        303B(d), as
                                                        added Pub. L. 98-
                                                        369, title VII,
                                                        Sec. 2711(a)(2),
                                                        July 18, 1984,
                                                        98 Stat. 1180;
                                                        Pub. L. 103-355,
                                                        title I, Sec.
                                                        Sec. 1061(c)(3),
                                                        1063(b), Oct.
                                                        13, 1994, 108
                                                        Stat. 3267,
                                                        3268; Pub. L.
                                                        104-106, title
                                                        XLI, Sec.
                                                        4103(b), Feb.
                                                        10, 1996, 110
                                                        Stat. 644.
3703(b)...............  41:253b(d)(2).
3703(c)...............  41:253b(d)(3) (1st sentence).
3703(d)...............  41:253b(d)(3) (last

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
3704(a)...............  41:253b(e)(1) (1st sentence).  June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec.
                                                        303B(e), as
                                                        added Pub. L.
                                                        103-355, title
                                                        I, Sec. 1064(2),
                                                        Oct. 13, 1994,
                                                        108 Stat. 3268;
                                                        Pub. L. 104-106,
                                                        title XLI, Sec.
                                                        4104(b)(1), Feb.
                                                        10, 1996, 110
                                                        Stat. 645.
3704(b)...............  41:253b(e)(1) (last
3704(c)...............  41:253b(e)(2).
3704(d)...............  41:253b(e)(3).
3704(e)...............  41:253b(e)(4).
3704(f)...............  41:253b(e)(5).
3704(g)...............  41:253b(g) (related to         June 30, 1949,
                         41:253b(e)).                   ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec.
                                                        303B(g) (related
                                                        to Sec.
                                                        303B(e)), as
                                                        added Pub. L.
                                                        104-106, title
                                                        XLI, Sec.
                                                        4104(b)(3), Feb.
                                                        10, 1996, 110
                                                        Stat. 645.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
3705(a)...............  41:253b(f)(1) (1st sentence).  June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec.
                                                        303B(f), (g)
                                                        (related to Sec.
                                                        303B(f)), as
                                                        added Pub. L.
                                                        104-106, title
                                                        XLI, Sec.
                                                        4104(b)(3), Feb.
                                                        10, 1996, 110
                                                        Stat. 645.
3705(b)...............  41:253b(f)(1) (last
3705(c)...............  41:253b(f)(2).
3705(d)...............  41:253b(f)(3).
3705(e)...............  41:253b(f)(4).
3705(f)...............  41:253b(g) (related to

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
3706..................  41:253b(h).                    June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec.
                                                        303B(h), as
                                                        added Pub. L.
                                                        104-106, title
                                                        XLI, Sec.
                                                        4104(b)(3), Feb.
                                                        10, 1996, 110
                                                        Stat. 645.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
3707..................  41:253b(i).                    June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec.
                                                        formerly Sec.
                                                        303B(e), as
                                                        added Pub. L. 98-
                                                        369, title VII,
                                                        Sec. 2711(a)(2),
                                                        July 18, 1984,
                                                        98 Stat. 1180;
                                                        redesignated as
                                                        Sec. 303B(f),
                                                        Pub. L. 103-355,
                                                        title I, Sec.
                                                        1064(1), Oct.
                                                        13, 1994, 108
                                                        Stat. 3268;
                                                        redesignated as
                                                        Sec. 303B(i),
                                                        Pub. L. 104-106,
                                                        title XLI, Sec.
                                                        4104(b)(2), Feb.
                                                        10, 1996, 110
                                                        Stat. 645.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
3708(a)...............  41:253b(k).                    June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec.
                                                        formerly Sec.
                                                        303B(h), as
                                                        added Pub. L.
                                                        103-355, title
                                                        I, Sec. 1065,
                                                        Oct. 13, 1994,
                                                        108 Stat. 3269;
                                                        redesignated as
                                                        Sec. 303B(k),
                                                        Pub. L. 104-106,
                                                        title XLI, Sec.
                                                        4104(b)(2), Feb.
                                                        10, 1996, 110
                                                        Stat. 645; Pub.
                                                        L. 104-106,
                                                        title XLI, Sec.
                                                        5607(c), Feb.
                                                        10, 1996, 110
                                                        Stat. 701, as
                                                        amended Pub. L.
                                                        104-201, title
                                                        X, Sec.
                                                        1074(b)(7) (less
                                                        effective date),
                                                        Sept. 23, 1996,
                                                        110 Stat. 2660.
3708(b)...............  41:253b(l).                    June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec.
                                                        formerly Sec.
                                                        303B(i), as
                                                        added Pub. L.
                                                        103-355, title
                                                        I, Sec. 1066,
                                                        Oct. 13, 1994,
                                                        108 Stat. 3269;
                                                        redesignated as
                                                        Sec. 303B(l),
                                                        Pub. L. 104-106,
                                                        title XLI, Sec.
                                                        4104(b)(2), Feb.
                                                        10, 1996, 110
                                                        Stat. 645.


3901.  Contracts awarded using procedures other than sealed-bid 
3902.  Severable services contracts for periods crossing fiscal years.
3903.  Multiyear contracts.
3904.  Contract authority for severable services contracts and multiyear 
3905.  Cost contracts.
3906.  Cost-reimbursement contracts.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
3901..................  41:254(a).                     June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec.
                                                        304(a), 63 Stat.
                                                        395; Pub. L. 98-
                                                        369, div. B,
                                                        title VII, Sec.
                                                        (B), July 18,
                                                        1984, 98 Stat.
                                                        1184; Pub. L.
                                                        103-355, title
                                                        IV, Sec.
                                                        4103(c), title
                                                        VIII, Sec.
                                                        8204(b), Oct.
                                                        13, 1994, 108
                                                        Stat. 3341,

    In subsection (b)(2), the words ``in its discretion'' are 
omitted as unnecessary.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
3902..................  41:253l.                       June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec. 303L,
                                                        as added Pub. L.
                                                        103-355, title
                                                        I, Sec. 1073,
                                                        Oct. 13, 1994,
                                                        108 Stat. 3271,
                                                        as amended Pub.
                                                        L. 104-106,
                                                        title XLIII,
                                                        Sec. 4321(a)(1),
                                                        Feb. 10, 1996,
                                                        110 Stat. 671.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
3903(a)...............  41:254c(d) (1st sentence).     June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec. 304B,
                                                        as added Pub. L.
                                                        103-355, title
                                                        I, Sec. 1072,
                                                        Oct. 13, 1994,
                                                        108 Stat. 3270.
3903(b)...............  41:254c(a).
3903(c)...............  41:254c(b).
3903(d)...............  41:254c(c).
3903(e)...............  41:254c(d) (last sentence).
3903(f)...............  41:254c(e).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
3904(a)...............  41:253l-1.                     Pub. L. 105-18,
                                                        title II, Sec.
                                                        7004, June 12,
                                                        1997, 111 Stat.
3904(b)...............  41:253l-2.                     Pub. L. 106-57,
                                                        title II, Sec.
                                                        207, Sept. 29,
                                                        1999, 113 Stat.
3904(c)...............  41:253l-3.                     Pub. L. 106-554,
                                                        Sec. 1(a)(2)
                                                        [title I, Sec.
                                                        Sec. 101, 110],
                                                        Dec. 21, 2000,
                                                        114 Stat. 2763A-
                                                        100, 2763A-108.
3904(d)...............  41:253l-4.
3904(e)...............  41:253l-5.                     Pub. L. 108-7,
                                                        div. H, title I,
                                                        Sec. Sec. 5,
                                                        1002, 1202, Feb.
                                                        20, 2003, 117
                                                        Stat. 350, 357,
3904(f)...............  41:253l-6.
3904(g)...............  41:253l-7.
3904(h)...............  41:253l-8.                     Pub. L. 108-72,
                                                        Sec. 4, Aug. 15,
                                                        2003, 117 Stat.

    In subsections (a)-(c) and (e)-(h), the words ``procurement 
of severable services'' are substituted for ``acquisition of 
severable services'' for consistency with 41:253l, restated as 
section 3902 of the revised title.
    In subsection (c), the words ``During fiscal year 2001 and 
any succeeding fiscal year'' are omitted as obsolete.
    In subsection (d), the words ``Beginning on December 21, 
2000, and hereafter'' are omitted as obsolete.
    In subsection (e), the text of 41:253l-5(b) is omitted as 
    In subsection (f), the text of 41:253l-6(b) is omitted as 
    In subsection (g), the text of 41:253l-7(b) is omitted as 
    In subsection (h), the text of 41:253l-8(b) is omitted as 

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
3905(a)...............  41:254(b) (1st sentence words  June 30, 1949,
                         before 1st comma).             ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec.
                                                        304(b), 63 Stat.
                                                        395; July 12,
                                                        1952, ch. 703,
                                                        Sec. 1(m), 66
                                                        Stat. 594; Pub.
                                                        L. 103-355,
                                                        title I, Sec.
                                                        1071, title IV,
                                                        Sec. 4402(c),
                                                        title X, Sec.
                                                        10005(e), Oct.
                                                        13, 1994, 108
                                                        Stat. 3270,
                                                        3349, 3408.
3905(b)...............  41:254(b) (1st sentence words
                         after 1st comma).
3905(c)...............  41:254(b) (last sentence
                         words before semicolon).
3905(d)...............  41:254(b) (last sentence
                         words after semicolon).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
3906..................  41:254 note.                   Pub. L. 110-417,
                                                        [div. A], title
                                                        VIII, Sec.
                                                        864(a), (b),
                                                        (d), (e),
                                                        (f)(2), (g),
                                                        Oct. 14, 2008,
                                                        122 Stat. 4549.

    In subsection (b), the words ``Not later than 270 days 
after the date of the enactment of this Act'' are omitted 
because of section 6(f) of the bill. The words ``shall 
address'' are substituted for ``shall be revised to address'' 
to reflect the permanence of the provision.
    In subsection (d), the words ``Subject to subsection (f)'' 
are omitted as unnecessary.


4101.  Definitions.
4102.  Authorities or responsibilities not affected.
4103.  General authority.
4104.  Guidance on use of task and delivery order contracts.
4105.  Advisory and assistance services.
4106.  Orders.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
4101..................  41:253k.                       June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec. 303K,
                                                        as added Pub. L.
                                                        103-355, title
                                                        I, Sec. 1054(a),
                                                        Oct. 13, 1994,
                                                        108 Stat. 3265.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
4102..................  41:253h note.                  Pub. L. 103-355,
                                                        Sec. 1054(b),
                                                        Oct. 13, 1994,
                                                        108 Stat. 3265.

    The text of section 1054(b)(1) of the Federal Acquisition 
Streamlining Act of 1994 (Pub. L. 103-355, 41:253h note) is 
omitted as obsolete.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
4103..................  41:253h.                       June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec. 303H,
                                                        as added Pub. L.
                                                        103-355, title
                                                        I, Sec. 1054(a),
                                                        Oct. 13, 1994,
                                                        108 Stat. 3261;
                                                        Pub. L. 110-181,
                                                        title VIII, Sec.
                                                        843(b)(1), Jan.
                                                        28, 2008, 122
                                                        Stat. 238.

    In subsection (a), the words ``(as defined in section 253k 
of this title)'' are omitted as unnecessary.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
4104..................  41:253h note.                  Pub. L. 106-65,
                                                        div. A, title
                                                        VIII, Sec. 804,
                                                        Oct. 5, 1999,
                                                        113 Stat. 704.

    In this section, the text of section 804(d) of the National 
Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2000 (Pub. L. 106-65, 
41:253h note) is omitted as obsolete.
    In subsection (a), the words ``Not later than 180 days 
after the date of the enactment of this Act'' and ``be revised 
to'' are omitted as obsolete.
    In subsection (b)(1), the words ``this chapter and sections 
2304a to 2304d of title 10'' are substituted for ``the 
provisions of law referred to in that subsection'' for clarity.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
4105(a)...............  41:253i(i).                    June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec. 303I,
                                                        as added Pub. L.
                                                        103-355, title
                                                        I, Sec. 1054(a),
                                                        Oct. 13, 1994,
                                                        108 Stat. 3262.
4105(b)...............  41:253i(a).
4105(c)(1)............  41:253i(b).
4105(c)(2)............  41:253i note.                  Pub. L. 109-364,
                                                        div. A, title
                                                        VIII, Sec.
                                                        834(b), (c)
                                                        (related to
                                                        (b)), Oct. 17,
                                                        2006, 120 Stat.
4105(d)...............  41:253i(c).
4105(e)...............  41:253i(d).
4105(f)...............  41:253i(e).
4105(g)...............  41:253i(f).
4105(h)...............  41:253i(g).
4105(i)...............  41:253i(h).

    In subsection (b)(1), the words ``(as defined in section 
253k of this title)'' are omitted as unnecessary.
    In subsection (c)(2)(C), the words ``Committee on Oversight 
and Government Reform'' are substituted for ``Committee on 
Government Reform'' on authority of Rule X(1)(m) of the Rules 
of the House of Representatives, adopted by House Resolution 
No. 6 (110th Congress, January 5, 2007).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
4106(a)...............  41:253j(g).                    June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec. 303J,
                                                        as added Pub. L.
                                                        103-355, title
                                                        I, Sec. 1054(a),
                                                        Oct. 13, 1994,
                                                        108 Stat. 3264;
                                                        Pub. L. 110-181,
                                                        div. A, title
                                                        VIII, Sec.
                                                        843(b)(2), Jan.
                                                        28, 2008, 122
                                                        Stat. 238.
4106(b)...............  41:253j(a).
4106(c)...............  41:253j(b).
4106(d)...............  41:253j(d).
4106(e)...............  41:253j(c).
4106(f)...............  41:253j(e).
4106(g)...............  41:253j(f).

    In subsection (g)(2), the words ``advocate for 
competition'' are substituted for ``competition advocate'' for 
consistency with section 1705 of the revised title.

                      CHAPTER 43--ALLOWABLE COSTS

4301.  Definitions.
4302.  Adjustment of threshold amount of covered contract.
4303.  Effect of submission of unallowable costs.
4304.  Specific costs not allowable.
4305.  Required regulations.
4306.  Applicability of regulations to subcontractors.
4307.  Contractor certification.
4308.  Penalties for submission of cost known to be unallowable.
4309.  Burden of proof on contractor.
4310.  Proceeding costs not allowable.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
4301(1)...............  41:256(m)(1).                  June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec.
                                                        306(m), as added
                                                        Pub. L. 105-85,
                                                        title VIII, Sec.
                                                        808(b)(2), Nov.
                                                        18, 1997, 111
                                                        Stat. 1836; Pub.
                                                        L. 105-261,
                                                        title VIII, Sec.
                                                        804(b), Oct. 17,
                                                        1998, 112 Stat.
4301(2)...............  41:256(l)(1).                  June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec.
                                                        306(l)(1), as
                                                        added Pub. L.
                                                        100-700, Sec.
                                                        8(a)(1), Nov.
                                                        19, 1988, 102
                                                        Stat. 4634; Pub.
                                                        L. 103-355,
                                                        title II, Sec.
                                                        2151, Oct. 13,
                                                        1994, 108 Stat.
4301(3)...............  41:256(m)(3).
4301(4)...............  41:256(m)(2).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
4302..................  41:256(l)(2).                  June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec.
                                                        306(l)(2), as
                                                        added Pub. L.
                                                        100-700, Sec.
                                                        8(a)(1), Nov.
                                                        19, 1988, 102
                                                        Stat. 4634; Pub.
                                                        L. 103-355,
                                                        title II, Sec.
                                                        2151, Oct. 13,
                                                        1994, 108 Stat.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
4303(a)...............  41:256(a).                     June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec. 306(a)-
                                                        (d), as added
                                                        Pub. L. 100-700,
                                                        Sec. 8(a)(1),
                                                        Nov. 19, 1988,
                                                        102 Stat. 4634;
                                                        Pub. L. 103-355,
                                                        title II, Sec.
                                                        2151, Oct. 13,
                                                        1994, 108 Stat.
4303(b)...............  41:256(b).
4303(c)...............  41:256(c).
4303(d)...............  41:256(d).

    In subsection (a), the words ``(referred to in section 
421(c)(1) of this title)'' are omitted as unnecessary.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
4304..................  41:256(e).                     June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec.
                                                        306(e), as added
                                                        Pub. L. 100-700,
                                                        Sec. 8(a)(1),
                                                        Nov. 19, 1988,
                                                        102 Stat. 4634;
                                                        Pub. L. 103-355,
                                                        title II, Sec.
                                                        2151, Oct. 13,
                                                        1994, 108 Stat.
                                                        3310; Pub. L.
                                                        105-85, title
                                                        VIII, Sec.
                                                        808(b)(1), Nov.
                                                        18, 1997, 111
                                                        Stat. 1836.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
4305(a)...............  41:256(f)(1) (1st, 2d          June 30, 1949,
                         sentences).                    ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec.
                                                        306(f), as added
                                                        Pub. L. 100-700,
                                                        Sec. 8(a)(1),
                                                        Nov. 19, 1988,
                                                        102 Stat. 4634;
                                                        Pub. L. 103-355,
                                                        title II, Sec.
                                                        2151, Oct. 13,
                                                        1994, 108 Stat.
4305(b)...............  41:256(f)(1) (last sentence).
4305(c)...............  41:256(f)(2)-(4).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
4306..................  41:256(g).                     June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec.
                                                        306(g), as added
                                                        Pub. L. 100-700,
                                                        Sec. 8(a)(1),
                                                        Nov. 19, 1988,
                                                        102 Stat. 4634;
                                                        Pub. L. 103-355,
                                                        title II, Sec.
                                                        2151, Oct. 13,
                                                        1994, 108 Stat.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
4307..................  41:256(h).                     June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec.
                                                        306(h), as added
                                                        Pub. L. 100-700,
                                                        Sec. 8(a)(1),
                                                        Nov. 19, 1988,
                                                        102 Stat. 4634;
                                                        Pub. L. 103-355,
                                                        title II, Sec.
                                                        2151, Oct. 13,
                                                        1994, 108 Stat.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
4308..................  41:256(i).                     June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec.
                                                        306(i), as added
                                                        Pub. L. 100-700,
                                                        Sec. 8(a)(1),
                                                        Nov. 19, 1988,
                                                        102 Stat. 4634;
                                                        Pub. L. 103-355,
                                                        title II, Sec.
                                                        2151, Oct. 13,
                                                        1994, 108 Stat.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
4309..................  41:256(j).                     June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec.
                                                        306(j), as added
                                                        Pub. L. 100-700,
                                                        Sec. 8(a)(1),
                                                        Nov. 19, 1988,
                                                        102 Stat. 4634;
                                                        Pub. L. 103-355,
                                                        title II, Sec.
                                                        2151, Oct. 13,
                                                        1994, 108 Stat.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
4310(a)...............  41:256(k)(6).                  June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec.
                                                        306(k), as added
                                                        Pub. L. 100-700,
                                                        Sec. 8(a)(1),
                                                        Nov. 19, 1988,
                                                        102 Stat. 4634;
                                                        Pub. L. 103-355,
                                                        title II, Sec.
                                                        2151, Oct. 13,
                                                        1994, 108 Stat.
4310(b)...............  41:256(k)(1).
4310(c)...............  41:256(k)(2).
4310(d)...............  41:256(k)(3).
4310(e)...............  41:256(k)(4).
4310(f)...............  41:256(k)(5).

                     CHAPTER 45--CONTRACT FINANCING

4501.  Authority of executive agency.
4502.  Payment.
4503.  Security for advance payments.
4504.  Conditions for progress payments.
4505.  Payments for commercial items.
4506.  Action in case of fraud.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
4501..................  41:255(a).                     June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec.
                                                        305(a), 63 Stat.
                                                        396; July 12,
                                                        1952, ch. 703,
                                                        Sec. 1(m), 66
                                                        Stat. 594; Pub.
                                                        L. 85-800, Sec.
                                                        4, Aug. 28,
                                                        1958, 72 Stat.
                                                        966; Pub. L. 103-
                                                        355, title II,
                                                        Sec. 2051(a)(2),
                                                        (c), Oct. 13,
                                                        1994, 108 Stat.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
4502(a)...............  41:255(b).                     June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec.
                                                        305(b), as added
                                                        Pub. L. 103-355,
                                                        title II, Sec.
                                                        2051(b), Oct.
                                                        13, 1994, 108
                                                        Stat. 3304.
4502(b)...............  41:255(c).                     June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec.
                                                        305(c), 63 Stat.
                                                        396; July 12,
                                                        1952, ch. 703,
                                                        Sec. 1(m), 66
                                                        Stat. 594; Pub.
                                                        L. 85-800, Sec.
                                                        4, Aug. 28,
                                                        1958, 72 Stat.
                                                        966; Pub. L. 103-
                                                        355, title II,
                                                        Sec. 2051(a)(3),
                                                        (5), Oct. 13,
                                                        1994, 108 Stat.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
4503..................  41:255(d).                     June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec.
                                                        305(d), 63 Stat.
                                                        396; July 12,
                                                        1952, ch. 703,
                                                        Sec. 1(m), 66
                                                        Stat. 594; Pub.
                                                        L. 85-800, Sec.
                                                        4, Aug. 28,
                                                        1958, 72 Stat.
                                                        966; Pub. L. 103-
                                                        355, title II,
                                                        Sec. 2051(a)(4),
                                                        (5), (d), Oct.
                                                        13, 1994, 108
                                                        Stat. 3304.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
4504..................  41:255(e).                     June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec.
                                                        305(e), as added
                                                        Pub. L. 103-355,
                                                        title II, Sec.
                                                        2051(e), Oct.
                                                        13, 1994, 108
                                                        Stat. 3304, as
                                                        amended Pub. L.
                                                        104-106, title
                                                        XLIII, Sec.
                                                        4321(a)(4), Feb.
                                                        10, 1996, 110
                                                        Stat. 671.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
4505..................  41:255(f).                     June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec.
                                                        305(f), as added
                                                        Pub. L. 103-355,
                                                        title II, Sec.
                                                        2051(e), Oct.
                                                        13, 1994, 108
                                                        Stat. 3304, as
                                                        amended Pub. L.
                                                        104-106, title
                                                        XLIII, Sec.
                                                        4321(a)(4), Feb.
                                                        10, 1996, 110
                                                        Stat. 671.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
4506..................  41:255(g).                     June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec.
                                                        305(g), as added
                                                        Pub. L. 103-355,
                                                        title II, Sec.
                                                        2051(e), Oct.
                                                        13, 1994, 108
                                                        Stat. 3305, as
                                                        amended Pub. L.
                                                        104-106, title
                                                        XLIII, Sec.
                                                        4321(a)(4), Feb.
                                                        10, 1996, 110
                                                        Stat. 671.

                       CHAPTER 47--MISCELLANEOUS

4701.  Determinations and decisions.
4702.  Prohibition on release of contractor proposals.
4703.  Validation of proprietary data restrictions.
4704.  Prohibition of contractors limiting subcontractor sales directly 
          to Federal Government.
4705.  Protection of contractor employees from reprisal for disclosure 
          of certain information.
4706.  Examination of facilities and records of contractor.
4707.  Remission of liquidated damages.
4708.  Payment of reimbursable indirect costs in cost-type research and 
          development contracts with educational institutions.
4709.  Implementation of electronic commerce capability.
4710.  Limitations on tiering of subcontractors.
4711.  Linking of award and incentive fees to acquisition outcomes.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
4701..................  41:257.                        June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec. 307,
                                                        63 Stat. 396;
                                                        Pub. L. 85-800,
                                                        Sec. 5, Aug. 28,
                                                        1958, 72 Stat.
                                                        967; Pub. L. 89-
                                                        343, Sec. Sec.
                                                        3, 4, Nov. 8,
                                                        1965, 79 Stat.
                                                        1303; Pub. L. 98-
                                                        369, title VII,
                                                        Sec. 2714(a)(4),
                                                        July 18, 1984,
                                                        98 Stat. 1184;
                                                        Pub. L. 104-106,
                                                        title XLIII,
                                                        Sec. 4321(e)(6),
                                                        Feb. 10, 1996,
                                                        110 Stat. 675;
                                                        Pub. L. 104-316,
                                                        title I, Sec.
                                                        121(c), Oct. 19,
                                                        1996, 110 Stat.
                        41:262.                        June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec. 312,
                                                        as added Pub. L.
                                                        103-355, title
                                                        I, Sec. 1553,
                                                        Oct. 13, 1994,
                                                        108 Stat. 3300.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
4702(a)...............  41:253b(m)(3).                 June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec.
                                                        303B(m), as
                                                        added Pub. L.
                                                        104-201, title
                                                        VIII, Sec.
                                                        821(b), Sept.
                                                        23, 1996, 110
                                                        Stat. 2609.
4702(b)...............  41:253b(m)(1).
4702(c)...............  41:253b(m)(2).

    In subsection (b), the words ``Except as provided in 
paragraph (2)'' are omitted as unnecessary.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
4703(a)...............  41:253d(a).                    June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec. 303D,
                                                        formerly Sec.
                                                        303E, as added
                                                        Pub. L. 98-577,
                                                        title II, Sec.
                                                        203(a), Oct. 30,
                                                        1984, 98 Stat.
                                                        3071; renumbered
                                                        Sec. 303D, Pub.
                                                        L. 99-145, title
                                                        XIII, Sec.
                                                        Nov. 8, 1985, 99
                                                        Stat. 742.
4703(b)...............  41:253d(b).
4703(c)...............  41:253d(c) (1st sentence).
4703(d)...............  41:253d(c) (last sentence).
4703(e)...............  41:253d(d).
4703(f)...............  41:253d(e).
4703(g)...............  41:253d(f).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
4704(a)...............  41:253g(a).                    June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec.
                                                        303G(a), (b),
                                                        formerly Sec.
                                                        303H, as added
                                                        Pub. L. 98-577,
                                                        title II, Sec.
                                                        206(a), Oct. 30,
                                                        1984, 98 Stat.
                                                        3073; renumbered
                                                        Sec. 303G, Pub.
                                                        L. 99-145, title
                                                        XIII, Sec.
                                                        Nov. 8, 1985, 99
                                                        Stat. 742.
4704(b)...............  41:253g(b).
4704(c)...............  41:253g(c).                    June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec.
                                                        303G(c), as
                                                        added Pub. L.
                                                        103-355, title
                                                        IV, Sec.
                                                        4103(b), Oct.
                                                        13, 1994, 108
                                                        Stat. 3341.
4704(d)...............  41:253g(d).                    June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec.
                                                        303G(d), as
                                                        added Pub. L.
                                                        103-355, title
                                                        VIII, Sec.
                                                        8204(a), Oct.
                                                        13, 1994, 108
                                                        Stat. 3396.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
4705(a)...............  41:265(e).                     June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec. 315,
                                                        as added Pub. L.
                                                        103-355, title
                                                        VI, Sec. 6006,
                                                        Oct. 13, 1994,
                                                        108 Stat. 3365;
                                                        Pub. L. 104-106,
                                                        title XLIII,
                                                        Sec. 4321(e)(8),
                                                        Feb. 10, 1996,
                                                        110 Stat. 675.
4705(b)...............  41:265(a).
4705(c)...............  41:265(b).
4705(d)...............  41:265(c).
4705(e)...............  41:265(d).

    In subsection (d)(2), the word ``contractor'' is 
substituted for ``person'' for clarity and for consistency with 
subsection (d)(1).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
4706(a)...............  41:254d(i).                    June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec.
                                                        304C(a)(1), (b),
                                                        (g)-(i), as
                                                        added Pub. L.
                                                        103-355, title
                                                        II, Sec.
                                                        2251(a), Oct.
                                                        13, 1994, 108
                                                        Stat. 3318,
4706(b)(1)............  41:254d(a)(1).
4706(b)(2)............  41:254d(a)(2).                 June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec.
                                                        304C(a)(2), as
                                                        added Pub. L.
                                                        103-355, title
                                                        II, Sec.
                                                        2251(a), Oct.
                                                        13, 1994, 108
                                                        Stat. 3318; Pub.
                                                        L. 104-106,
                                                        title XLIII,
                                                        Sec. 4321(e)(5),
                                                        Feb. 10, 1996,
                                                        110 Stat. 675.
4706(c)...............  41:254d(b).
4706(d)...............  41:254d(c).                    June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec.
                                                        304C(c), as
                                                        added Pub. L.
                                                        103-355, title
                                                        II, Sec.
                                                        2251(a), Oct.
                                                        13, 1994, 108
                                                        Stat. 3319; Pub.
                                                        L. 110-417,
                                                        title VIII, Sec.
                                                        871(a), Oct. 14,
                                                        2008, 122
4706(e)...............  41:254d(d).                    June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec.
                                                        304C(d), as
                                                        added Pub. L.
                                                        103-355, title
                                                        II, Sec.
                                                        2251(a), Oct.
                                                        13, 1994, 108
                                                        Stat. 3319; Pub.
                                                        L. 104-201,
                                                        title VIII, Sec.
                                                        808(b), Sept.
                                                        23, 1996, 110
                                                        Stat. 2607.
4706(f)...............  41:254d(e).
4706(g)...............  41:254d(f).                    June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec.
                                                        304C(f), as
                                                        added and
                                                        amended Pub. L.
                                                        103-355, title
                                                        II, Sec.
                                                        2251(a), title
                                                        IV, Sec.
                                                        4103(d), Oct.
                                                        13, 1994, 108
                                                        Stat. 3320,
4706(h)...............  41:254d(g).
4706(i)...............  41:254d(h).

    In subsection (c)(4), the words ``Committee on Oversight 
and Government Reform'' are substituted for ``Committee on 
Government Operations'' on authority of section 1(a)(6) of 
Public Law 104-14 (2 U.S.C. note prec. 21), Rule X(1)(h) of the 
Rules of the House of Representatives, adopted by House 
Resolution No. 5 (106th Congress, January 6, 1999), and Rule 
X(1)(m) of the Rules of the House of Representatives, adopted 
by House Resolution No. 6 (110th Congress, January 5, 2007). 
The words ``Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental 
Affairs'' are substituted for ``Committee on Governmental 
Affairs'' on authority of Senate Resolution No. 445 (108th 
Congress, October 9, 2004).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
4707..................  41:256a.                       Sept. 5, 1950,
                                                        ch. 849, Sec.
                                                        10(a), 64 Stat.
                                                        591; Pub. L. 104-
                                                        316, title II,
                                                        Sec. 202(u),
                                                        Oct. 19, 1996,
                                                        110 Stat. 3845.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
4708..................  41:254a.                       Pub. L. 87-638,
                                                        Sept. 5, 1962,
                                                        76 Stat. 437.

    The words ``On and after September 5, 1962'' are omitted as 

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
4709..................  41:252c.                       June 30, 1949,
                                                        ch. 288, title
                                                        III, Sec. 302C,
                                                        as added Pub. L.
                                                        103-355, title
                                                        IX, Sec. 9003,
                                                        Oct. 13, 1994,
                                                        108 Stat. 3403;
                                                        Pub. L. 105-85,
                                                        title VIII, Sec.
                                                        Nov. 18, 1997,
                                                        111 Stat. 1850.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
4710..................  41:254b note.                  Pub. L. 110-417,
                                                        [div. A], title
                                                        VIII, Sec. 866,
                                                        Oct. 14, 2008,
                                                        122 Stat. 4551.

    In subsection (b), the words ``Not later than one year 
after the date of the enactment of this Act'' are omitted 
because of section 6(f) of the bill. The word ``shall'' is 
substituted for the words ``shall be amended'' to reflect the 
permanence of the provision.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
4711..................  41:251 note.                   Pub. L. 110-417,
                                                        [div. A], title
                                                        VIII, Sec. 867,
                                                        Oct. 14, 2008,
                                                        122 Stat. 4551.

    In subsection (b), the words ``Not later than 1 year after 
the date of the enactment of this Act'' are omitted because of 
section 6(f) of the bill. The words ``shall provide'' are 
substituted for ``shall be amended to provide'' to reflect the 
permanence of the provision.

         Subtitle II--Other Advertising and Contract Provisions

Chapter                                                             Sec.
      General Contract Provisions...................................6301
      Contracts for Materials, Supplies, Articles, and Equipment     65.
        Exceeding $10,000...........................................6501
      Service Contract Labor Standards..............................6701

                        CHAPTER 61--ADVERTISING

6101.  Advertising requirement for Federal Government purchases and 
6102.  Exceptions from advertising requirement.
6103.  Opening of bids.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
6101(a)...............  41:5a.                         Aug. 2, 1946, ch.
                                                        744, Sec. 18, 60
                                                        Stat. 811.
6101(b)-(d)...........  41:5.                          R.S. Sec. 3709;
                                                        Aug. 2, 1946,
                                                        ch. 744, Sec.
                                                        9(a), (c), 60
                                                        Stat. 809; June
                                                        30, 1949, ch.
                                                        288, title VI,
                                                        Sec. 602(f),
                                                        formerly title
                                                        V, Sec. 502(e),
                                                        63 Stat. 403,
                                                        renumbered title
                                                        VI, Sec. 602(f),
                                                        Sept. 5, 1950,
                                                        ch. 849, Sec.
                                                        Sec. 6(a), (b),
                                                        8(c), 64 Stat.
                                                        583, 591; Pub.
                                                        L. 85-800, Sec.
                                                        7, Aug. 28,
                                                        1958, 72 Stat.
                                                        967; Pub. L. 93-
                                                        356, Sec. 1,
                                                        July 25, 1974,
                                                        88 Stat. 390;
                                                        Pub. L. 98-191,
                                                        Sec. 9(b), Dec.
                                                        1, 1983, 97
                                                        Stat. 1332.

    In subsection (a), before paragraph (1), the words ``In 
this section'' are substituted for ``as used in this Act'' as 
the probable intent of Congress. Section 9(a) of the Act of 
August 2, 1946 (ch. 744, 60 Stat. 809) restated 41:5 generally 
and section 9(c) of the Act, an independent provision, was 
editorially added as the last paragraph of 41:5. The 
definitions which apply to ``as used in this Act'' are probably 
intended to apply also to 41:5 as restated by the Act. The 
definitions for ``department'' and ``continental United 
States'' are omitted because those terms do not appear in 41:5. 
In paragraph (1), the words ``section 9104 of title 31'' are 
substituted for ``section 104 of the Government Corporation 
Control Act, approved December 6, 1945'' because of section 
4(b) of Public Law. 97-258 (31 U.S.C. note prec. 101). In 
paragraphs (1) and (2), the word ``includes'' is substituted 
for ``shall be construed to include'' and for ``shall be 
construed as including'', respectively, to eliminate 
unnecessary words.
    In subsection (c), the words ``as authorized by section 29 
of the Surplus Property Act of 1944 (50 U.S.C. App. 1638)'' in 
section 3709 of the Revised Statutes are omitted because 
section 29 was repealed by section 602(a)(1) of the Federal 
Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949 (ch. 288, 63 
Stat. 399).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
6102(a)...............  41:6a(a).                      Oct. 10, 1940,
                                                        ch. 851, Sec.
                                                        2(a), 54 Stat.
                                                        1110; Oct. 31,
                                                        1951, ch. 654,
                                                        Sec. 3(8), 65
                                                        Stat. 708.
6102(b)...............  41:6a(f).                      Oct. 10, 1940,
                                                        ch. 851, Sec.
                                                        2(f), (j), 54
                                                        Stat. 1110.
6102(c)...............  41:6a(h).                      Oct. 10, 1940,
                                                        ch. 851, Sec.
                                                        2(h), 54 Stat.
                                                        1110; Oct. 31,
                                                        1951, ch. 654,
                                                        Sec. 3(9), 65
                                                        Stat. 708.
6102(d)...............  41:6a(j).
6102(e)...............  41:6a-1.                       Pub. L. 89-90,
                                                        (2d par. on p.
                                                        276), July 27,
                                                        1965, 79 Stat.
                                                        276; Pub. L. 93-
                                                        356, Sec. 2,
                                                        July 25, 1974,
                                                        88 Stat. 390;
                                                        Pub. L. 98-191,
                                                        Sec. 9(c), Dec.
                                                        1, 1983, 97
                                                        Stat. 1332.
6102(f)...............  41:6b(d).                      June 24, 1940,
                                                        ch. 412, 54
                                                        Stat. 504.
6102(g)...............  41:6a-3.                       Pub. L. 108-7,
                                                        div. H, title I,
                                                        Sec. Sec. 104,
                                                        1102, Feb. 20,
                                                        2003, 117 Stat.
                                                        354, 370.
6102(h)...............  41:6a-4.

    In subsections (a)-(d), the words ``under any appropriation 
Act'' are omitted as unnecessary.
    In subsection (e), the words ``On and after July 27, 1965'' 
are omitted as unnecessary. The words ``according to common 
business practice'' are substituted for ``in the manner common 
among businessmen'' for consistency in the revised title.
    In subsection (g), the words ``in any fiscal year'' are 
omitted as unnecessary.
    In subsection (h), the text of 41:6a-4(b) is omitted as 

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
6103..................  41:8.                          R.S. Sec. 3710.


6301.  Authorization requirement.
6302.  Contracts for fuel made by Secretary of the Army.
6303.  Certain contracts limited to appropriated amounts.
6304.  Certain contracts limited to one-year term.
6305.  Prohibition on transfer of contract and certain allowable 
6306.  Prohibition on Members of Congress making contracts with Federal 
6307.  Contracts with Federal Government-owned establishments and 
          availability of appropriations.
6308.  Contracts for transportation of Federal Government securities.
6309.  Honorable discharge certificate in lieu of birth certificate.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
6301(a)...............  41:11(a) (words before 2nd     R.S. Sec. 3732;
                         comma).                        Pub. L. 89-687,
                                                        title VI, Sec.
                                                        612(e), Oct. 15,
                                                        1966, 80 Stat.
                                                        993; Pub. L. 98-
                                                        557, Sec.
                                                        17(e)(1), (2),
                                                        Oct. 30, 1984,
                                                        98 Stat. 2868;
                                                        Pub. L. 104-106,
                                                        div. D, title
                                                        XLIII, Sec.
                                                        4322(b)(4), Feb.
                                                        10, 1996, 110
                                                        Stat. 677; Pub.
                                                        L. 109-241,
                                                        title IX, Sec.
                                                        902(c), July 11,
                                                        2006, 120 Stat.
6301(b)...............  41:11(a) (words after 2nd
                         comma), (b).
6301(c)...............  41:14.                         R.S. Sec. 3736.

    In subsection (b)(1)(A), the words ``Secretary of Defense'' 
are substituted for ``Department of Defense'' because of 
    In subsection (b)(1)(B), the words ``Secretary of Homeland 
Security'' are substituted for ``Department of Homeland 
Security'' because of section 102(a)(2) of the Homeland 
Security Act of 2002 (6 U.S.C. 112(a)(2)).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
6302..................  41:11a.                        June 30, 1921,
                                                        ch. 33, Sec. 1
                                                        (last proviso on
                                                        p. 78), 42 Stat.

    The words ``Secretary of the Army'' are substituted for 
``Secretary of War'' because of section 205(a) of the National 
Security Act of 1947 (ch. 343, 61 Stat. 501). Section 205(a) 
was repealed by section 53 of the Act of August 10, 1956 (ch. 
1041, 70A Stat. 676). Section 1 of the Act of August 10, 1956 
(70A Stat. 1) enacted Title 10, ``Armed Forces'', and under 
sections 3011 to 3013 of title 10, the Department of the Army 
remains under the administrative supervision of the Secretary 
of the Army.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
6303..................  41:12.                         R.S. Sec. 3733.

    The words ``the activity covered by the contract'' are 
substituted for ``the specific purpose'' for clarity.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
6304..................  41:13.                         R.S. Sec. 3735.

    The words ``an executive department shall not'' are 
substituted for ``it shall not be lawful for any of the 
executive departments to'' to state the legal prohibition 
directly and to eliminate unnecessary words.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
6305(a)...............  41:15(a).                      R.S. Sec. 3737;
                                                        Oct. 9, 1940,
                                                        ch. 779, Sec. 1,
                                                        54 Stat. 1029;
                                                        May 15, 1951,
                                                        ch. 75, 65 Stat.
                                                        41; Pub. L. 103-
                                                        355, title II,
                                                        Sec. 2451, Oct.
                                                        13, 1994, 108
                                                        Stat. 3324; Pub.
                                                        L. 104-106, div.
                                                        D, title XLIII,
                                                        Sec. 4321(i)(9),
                                                        Feb. 10, 1996,
                                                        110 Stat. 676.
6305(b)(1)............  41:15(b) (words before par.
                         (1) less words related to
                         minimum amount).
6305(b)(2)............  41:15(b) (words before par.
                         (1) related to minimum
6305(b)(3)............  41:15(b)(1).
6305(b)(4)............  41:15(b)(2) (related to full
                         balance due).
6305(b)(5)............  41:15(b)(2) (related to
                         single assignment).
6305(b)(6)............  41:15(b)(3).
6305(b)(7)............  41:15(c).
6305(b)(8)............  41:15(d).
6305(b)(9)(A).........  41:15(e).
6305(b)(9)(B).........  41:15(f) (less parenthetical
                         phrase in par. (3)).
6305(b)(9)(C).........  41:15(f) (parenthetical
                         phrase in par. (3)), (g).

    In subsection (a), the words ``The party to whom the 
Federal Government gives a contract or order'' are substituted 
for ``the party to whom such contract or order is given'' for 
clarity. The words ``A purported transfer in violation of this 
subsection'' are substituted for ``any such transfer'' because 
an actual transfer is precluded by this provision.
    In subsection (b)(1), the words ``amounts due from the 
Federal Government'' are substituted for ``moneys due or to 
become due from the United States or from any agency or 
department thereof'' to eliminate unnecessary words. The words 
``may be assigned'' are added to provide explicitly for 
authority that is necessarily implied by the source provision.
    In subsection (b)(3), the words ``in the case of any 
contract entered into after October 9, 1940'' are omitted as 
    In subsection (b)(5), the words ``participating in such 
financing'' are omitted as unnecessary.
    In subsection (b)(8), the words ``is not liable to make any 
refund to the Federal Government'' are substituted for ``no 
[liability] . . . shall create or impose any liability on the 
part of the assignee to make restitution, refund, or repayment 
to the United States of any amount heretofore since July 1, 
1950, or hereafter received under the assignment'' to eliminate 
unnecessary words. The words ``an assignor's liability to the 
Federal Government'' are substituted for ``liability of any 
nature of the assignor to the United States or any department 
or agency thereof'' for clarity and to eliminate unnecessary 
    In subsection (b)(9)(A), the words ``except any such 
contract under which full payment has been made'' are omitted 
as unnecessary because subsection (b)(8) precludes refund where 
full payment has already been made. The words ``payments made 
to an assignee under the contract'' are substituted for 
``payments to be made to the assignee of any moneys due or to 
become due under such contract'' to eliminate unnecessary 
    In subsection (b)(9)(B), the words ``When a `no reduction 
or setoff' provision as described in subparagraph (A) is 
included in a contract'' are substituted for ``If a provision 
described in subsection (e) of this section or a provision to 
the same general effect has been at any time heretofore or is 
hereafter included or inserted in any such contract'', the 
words ``payments to the assignee'' are substituted for 
``payments to be made thereafter to an assignee of any moneys 
due or to become due'', and the words ``an assignor's 
liability'' are substituted for ``any liability of any nature 
of the assignor to the United States or any department or 
agency thereof'', for clarity and to eliminate unnecessary 
    In subsection (b)(9)(C), the text of 40:15(g), which 
provided that nothing in 40:15 affected rights and obligations 
accrued before subsection (g) was added by the Act of May 15, 
1951 (ch. 75, 65 Stat. 41), is omitted as obsolete.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
6306(a)...............  41:22 (1st sentence).          R.S. Sec. 3741;
                                                        Feb. 27, 1877,
                                                        ch. 69, (16th
                                                        complete par. on
                                                        p. 249), 19
                                                        Stat. 249; Pub.
                                                        L. 103-355,
                                                        title VI, Sec.
                                                        6004, Oct. 13,
                                                        1994, 108 Stat.
                                                        3364; Pub. L.
                                                        104-106, div. D,
                                                        title XLIII,
                                                        Sec. 4321(i)(12)
                                                        , Feb. 10, 1996,
                                                        110 Stat. 676.
6306(b)...............  41:22 (last sentence).         Jan. 25, 1934,
                                                        ch. 5, (related
                                                        to R.S. Sec.
                                                        3741), 48 Stat.
                                                        337; June 27,
                                                        1934, ch. 847,
                                                        title V, Sec.
                                                        510, 48 Stat.
                                                        1264; Aug. 26,
                                                        1937, ch. 821,
                                                        50 Stat. 838.

    In subsection (b)(2), the words ``Emergency Farm Mortgage 
Act of 1933'' and ``Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation Act'' are 
omitted because all provisions of those Acts have previously 
been executed or repealed.
    In subsection (b)(2)(B), the words ``Farm Credit Act of 
1971 (12 U.S.C. 2001 et seq.)'' are substituted for ``Federal 
Farm Loan Act'' and ``Farm Credit Act of 1933'' because of 
section 5.40(a), formerly 5.26(a), of the Farm Credit Act of 
1971 (Pub. L. 92-181, 12 U.S.C. 2001 note).
    In subsection (b)(2)(C), the words ``Home Owners' Loan 
Act'' are substituted for ``Home Owners' Loan Act of 1933'' 
because of the amendment to 12:1461 made by Public Law 101-73.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
6307..................  41:23.                         June 5, 1920, ch.
                                                        240, (last par.
                                                        under heading
                                                        ``Purchase of
                                                        Manufactured at
                                                        Arsenals''), 41
                                                        Stat. 975.
                        .............................  July 1, 1922, ch.
                                                        259, (1st
                                                        proviso on p.
                                                        812), 42 Stat.

    The words ``heretofore or'' are omitted as obsolete. The 
word ``hereafter'' is omitted as unnecessary because the 
provision is restated as permanent law rather than as part of a 
fiscal year appropriation.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
6308..................  41:24.                         July 7, 1884, ch.
                                                        332, (words
                                                        after ``fifty
                                                        five thousand
                                                        dollars'' in 3d
                                                        par. under
                                                        Objects Under
                                                        the Treasury
                                                        23 Stat. 204.

    The words ``bullion, cash, or securities of the Federal 
Government'' are substituted for ``moneys, bullion, coin, 
notes, bonds, and other securities of the United States, and 
paper'' to eliminate unnecessary words. The word ``awarded'' is 
substituted for ``let'' to use more modern terminology.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
6309(a)...............  41:49.                         June 22, 1942,
                                                        ch. 432, Sec. 1,
                                                        56 Stat. 375.
6309(b)...............  41:50.                         June 22, 1942,
                                                        ch. 432, Sec. 2,
                                                        56 Stat. 376;
                                                        Pub. L. 97-31,
                                                        Sec. 12(16),
                                                        Aug. 6, 1981, 95
                                                        Stat. 154.

    In subsection (a), the words ``Air Force'' are added 
because of section 207(a) and (f) of the National Security Act 
of 1947 (ch. 343, 61 Stat. 502, 503). Section 207(a) and (f) 
was repealed by section 53 of the Act of August 10, 1956 (ch. 
1041, 70A Stat. 676). Section 1 of the Act of August 10, 1956 
(70A Stat. 1) enacted Title 10, ``Armed Forces'' and under 
subtitle D of title 10 the Department of the Air Force remained 
an independent administrative entity in the Department of 
    Subsection (b)(2)(B) is set out as a separate provision to 
clarify that the certification applies only to contracts other 
than contracts with the Federal Government. If the 
certification were to be construed as applying to all 
contracts, then the words ``under a contract with the United 
States or'' in section 2 of the Act of June 22, 1942, would be 
rendered meaningless.
    In subsection (b)(2)(B), the words ``Secretary of the 
Army'' are substituted for ``Secretary of War'', and the words 
``Secretary of the Air Force'' are added, because of sections 
205(a) and 207(a) and (f) of the National Security Act of 1947 
(ch. 343, 61 Stat. 501, 502, 503). Sections 205(a) and 207(a) 
and (f) were repealed by section 53 of the Act of August 10, 
1956 (ch. 1041, 70A Stat. 676). Section 1 of the Act of August 
10, 1956 (70A Stat. 1) enacted Title 10, ``Armed Forces'' and 
under sections 3010 to 3013 and 8010 to 8013 the Departments of 
the Army and Air Force remained under the administrative 
supervision of the Secretaries of the Army and Air Force, 
respectively. The words ``Secretary of the Department in which 
the Coast Guard is operating'' are substituted for ``Secretary 
of Transportation'' because of 6:468(b) and (h), 551(d), and 
552(d), 14:1 and 3, and the Department of Homeland Security 
Reorganization Plan of November 25, 2002 (H. Doc. No. 108-16, 
108th Cong., 1st Sess. (6 U.S.C. 542 note)).

                           EXCEEDING $10,000

6501.  Definitions.
6502.  Required contract terms.
6503.  Breach or violation of required contract terms.
6504.  Three-year prohibition on new contracts in case of breach or 
6505.  Exclusions.
6506.  Administrative provisions.
6507.  Hearing authority and procedures.
6508.  Authority to make exceptions.
6509.  Other procedures.
6510.  Manufacturers and regular dealers.
6511.  Effect on other law.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
6501(1)...............  41:35 (matter before subsec.   June 30, 1936,
                         (a) related to definition of   ch. 881, Sec. 1
                         ``agency of the United         (matter before
                         States'').                     subsec. (a)
                                                        related to
                                                        definition of
                                                        ``agency of the
                                                        States''), 49
                                                        Stat. 2036; Pub.
                                                        L. 103-355,
                                                        title VII, Sec.
                                                        7201(1), Oct.
                                                        13, 1994, 108
                                                        Stat. 3378.
6501(2)...............  41:41.                         June 30, 1936,
                                                        ch. 881, Sec. 7,
                                                        49 Stat. 2039;
                                                        Pub. L. 95-598,
                                                        title III, Sec.
                                                        326, Nov. 6,
                                                        1978, 92 Stat.
6501(3)...............  no source.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
6502 (matter before     41:35 (matter before subsec.   June 30, 1936,
 par. (1)).              (a) less words related to      ch. 881, Sec. 1
                         definition of ``agency of      (matter before
                         the United States'').          subsec. (a) less
                                                        words related to
                                                        definition of
                                                        ``agency of the
                                                        States''), (a),
                                                        49 Stat. 2036;
                                                        Pub. L. 103-355,
                                                        title VII, Sec.
                                                        7201(1), Oct.
                                                        13, 1994, 108
                                                        Stat. 3378.
6502(1)...............  41:35(a).
                        41:45.                         June 30, 1936,
                                                        ch. 881, Sec.
                                                        13, formerly
                                                        Sec. 11, 49
                                                        Stat. 2039;
                                                        renumbered Sec.
                                                        12, June 30,
                                                        1952, ch. 530,
                                                        title III, Sec.
                                                        301, 66 Stat.
                                                        308; renumbered
                                                        Sec. 13, Pub. L.
                                                        104-106, div. D,
                                                        title XLIII,
                                                        Sec. 4321(f)(1)(
                                                        B), Feb. 10,
                                                        1996, 110 Stat.
6502(2)-(4)...........  41:35(b)-(d).                  June 30, 1936,
                                                        ch. 881, Sec.
                                                        1(b)-(d), 49
                                                        Stat. 2036; May
                                                        13, 1942, ch.
                                                        306, 56 Stat.
                                                        277; Pub. L. 90-
                                                        351, title I,
                                                        Sec. 819(b),
                                                        formerly Sec.
                                                        827(b), as added
                                                        Pub. L. 96-157,
                                                        Sec. 2, Dec. 27,
                                                        1979, 93 Stat.
                                                        1215 and
                                                        renumbered Sec.
                                                        819(b), Pub. L.
                                                        98-473, title
                                                        II, Sec.
                                                        609B(f), Oct.
                                                        12, 1984, 98
                                                        Stat. 2093; Pub.
                                                        L. 99-145, title
                                                        XII, Sec.
                                                        1241(b), Nov. 8,
                                                        1985, 99 Stat.
                                                        734; Pub. L. 103-
                                                        355, title VII,
                                                        Sec. 7201(1),
                                                        Oct. 13, 1994,
                                                        108 Stat. 3378.

    In the matter before paragraph (1), the words ``and entered 
into'' are omitted as unnecessary.
    In paragraph (1), the words ``under the contract'' are 
substituted for ``used in the performance of the contract'' in 
41:35(a) to eliminate unnecessary words and for consistency in 
the chapter. The words ``Sections 35 to 45 of this title shall 
apply to all contracts entered into pursuant to invitations for 
bids issued on or after ninety days from June 30, 1936'' in 
41:45 are omitted as obsolete.
    In paragraph (2), the words ``under the contract'' are 
substituted for ``used in the performance of the contract'' to 
eliminate unnecessary words and for consistency in the chapter.
    In paragraph (3), the words ``No individual under 16 years 
of age'' are substituted for ``no male person under sixteen 
years of age and no female person under eighteen years of age'' 
to reflect the interpretation of this provision subsequent to 
enactment of civil rights laws such as section 703 of the Civil 
Rights Act of 1964 (42:2000e-2), as carried out by the 
Department of Labor through 41 C.F.R. Part 50-201.104. The 
words ``incarcerated individual'' are substituted for ``convict 
labor'' the first time the words appear because the term 
``convict labor'' is ambiguous and may be interpreted to 
include individuals who are not incarcerated. This would be an 
inappropriate interpretation because 41:35(c) provides an 
exception for ``convict labor'' that satisfies the conditions 
of 18:1761(c) regarding certain non-Federal prison work 
projects. The words ``or production'' are omitted for 
consistency with the source provisions for paragraphs (1) and 
(2) and because, in this context, the concept of ``production'' 
is included in the words ``manufacture or furnishing''. The 
words ``under the contract'' are substituted for ``included in 
such contract'' for consistency in the chapter.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
6503..................  41:36.                         June 30, 1936,
                                                        ch. 881, Sec. 2,
                                                        49 Stat. 2037.

    In subsection (b)(1), the words ``individual under 16 years 
of age'' are substituted for ``male person under sixteen years 
of age or each female person under eighteen years of age'' to 
reflect the interpretation of this provision subsequent to 
enactment of civil rights laws such as section 703 of the Civil 
Rights Act of 1964 (42:2000e-2), as carried out by the 
Department of Labor through 41 C.F.R. Part 50-201.104. The 
words ``incarcerated individual'' are substituted for ``convict 
laborer'' because of the exception to convict labor that 
satisfies the conditions of 18:1761(c). Section 1761 does not 
apply to non-incarcerated convicts.
    Subsection (b)(2) is substituted for ``a sum equal to the 
amount of any deductions, rebates, refunds, or underpayment of 
wages due to any employee engaged in the performance of such 
contract'' for consistency in the chapter.
    In subsection (c), the words ``made the contract'' and 
``make other contracts'' are substituted for ``entering into 
such contract'' and ``enter into other contracts'', 
respectively, for consistency in the revised title.
    In subsection (d), the words ``suit brought by the Attorney 
General'' are substituted for ``suits brought in the name of 
the United States of America by the Attorney General thereof'' 
to eliminate unnecessary words.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
6504..................  41:37.                         June 30, 1936,
                                                        ch. 881, Sec. 3,
                                                        49 Stat. 2037.

    In this section, the words ``or firms'' are omitted because 
of the definition of ``person'' in 41:41, restated in section 
6501 of the revised title.
    In subsection (a), the words ``or violated'' are added for 
consistency in the chapter.
    In subsection (b), the words ``contract described in 
section 6502 of this title'' are substituted for ``contracts'' 
to clarify the scope of the prohibition. The words ``the date 
of the determination by the Secretary that a breach or 
violation occurred'' are substituted for ``the date the 
Secretary of Labor determines such breach to have occurred'' to 
clarify that the three-year period begins with the date of the 
Secretary's determination and not with the date of the breach 
or violation. The words ``or violation'' are added for 
consistency in the chapter.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
6505..................  41:43.                         June 30, 1936,
                                                        ch. 881, Sec. 9,
                                                        49 Stat. 2039.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
6506..................  41:38.                         June 30, 1936,
                                                        ch. 881, Sec. 4,
                                                        49 Stat. 2038.

    In subsection (b), the word ``rules'' is omitted as 
included in ``regulations''.
    In subsection (c), the words ``and to prescribe rules and 
regulations with respect thereto'' are omitted as unnecessary 
because of subsection (b).
    In subsection (d), the words ``without regard to the 
provisions of the civil-service laws'', which appear in section 
4 of the Walsh-Healey Act (June 30, 1936, ch. 881, 49 Stat. 
2038), are omitted as obsolete because of Executive Order 8743, 
April 23, 1941 (5 U.S.C. 3301 note), issued by the President 
pursuant to the Act of November 26, 1940, ch. 919, title I, 
Sec. 1, 54 Stat. 1211. The words ``the Classification Act of 
1923'', which appear in section 4 of the Walsh-Healey Act (June 
30, 1936, ch. 881, 49 Stat. 2038), are considered to be a 
reference to the Classification Act of 1949 because of section 
1106(a) of the Classification Act of 1949 (Oct. 28, 1949, ch. 
782, 63 Stat. 972). The words ``chapter 51 and subchapter III 
of chapter 53 of title 5'' are substituted for the reference to 
the Classification Act of 1949 because of section 7(b) of 
Public Law 89-554 (5 U.S.C. note prec. 101).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
6507(a)...............  41:43a(b) (1st sentence).      June 30, 1936,
                                                        ch. 881, Sec.
                                                        10(b) (1st
                                                        sentence), as
                                                        added June 30,
                                                        1952, ch. 530,
                                                        title III, Sec.
                                                        301, 66 Stat.
                                                        308; Pub. L. 104-
                                                        106, div. D,
                                                        title XLIII,
                                                        Sec. 4321(f)(2),
                                                        Feb. 10, 1996,
                                                        110 Stat. 675.
6507(b)-(f)...........  41:39.                         June 30, 1936,
                                                        ch. 881, Sec. 5,
                                                        49 Stat. 2038.

    In subsection (d), the word ``contumacy'' is omitted as 
included in ``refuses or fails''. The words ``may bring an 
action to enforce the order'' are substituted for ``upon the 
application by'' for consistency in the revised title and with 
other titles of the United States Code. The words ``the United 
States District Court for the District of Columbia'' in section 
5 of the Act of June 30, 1936 (which were substituted for ``the 
Supreme Court of the District of Columbia'' by section 32(b) of 
the Act of June 25, 1948 (ch. 646, 62 Stat. 991), as amended by 
section 127 of the Act of May 24, 1949 (ch. 139, 63 Stat. 107), 
and which were were editorially omitted from 41:39) are omitted 
as included in ``a district court of the United States'' 
because of sections 88 and 132(a) of title 28, United States 
Code. The words ``within the court's judicial district''' are 
substituted for ``within the jurisdiction of which'' for 
clarity and for consistency in the revised title and with other 
titles of the United States Code. The words ``requiring the 
person to obey the order issued under subsection (c)'' are 
substituted for ``requiring such person to appear before him or 
representative designated by him, to produce evidence if, as, 
and when so ordered, and to give testimony relating to the 
matter under investigation or in question'' for clarity and to 
eliminate unnecessary words.
    In subsection (e), the duty to make findings of fact is 
restated as a duty of the Secretary (or the Secretary's 
representative). The grammatical structure of the last sentence 
of 41:39 seems to suggest that the court, rather than the 
Secretary (or the Secretary's representative), serves as fact 
finder. However, the provision taken as a whole indicates that 
it is the Secretary (or the Secretary's representative) who 
serves as fact finder. It is the Secretary (or the Secretary's 
representative) before whom hearings are held, witnesses 
testify, and evidence is produced. The court's involvement is 
limited to compelling recalcitrant witnesses ``to appear before 
him [the Secretary] or representative designated by him''. The 
restatement clarifies the generally accepted understanding that 
the Secretary (or the Secretary's representative) serves as 
fact finder (see, e.g., United States v. Sweet Briar, 92 F. 
Supp. 777, 780 (W.D.S.C. 1950) (``the Secretary `shall make 
findings of fact'''); Ready-Mix Concrete Company v. United 
States, 158 F. Supp. 571, 578 (Cl. Ct. 1958) (``the findings of 
the Department of Labor'')).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
6508(a)...............  41:40 (1st sentence).          June 30, 1936,
                                                        ch. 881, Sec. 6,
                                                        49 Stat. 2038;
                                                        June 28, 1940,
                                                        ch. 440, title
                                                        I, Sec. 13, 54
                                                        Stat. 681.
6508(b)...............  41:40 (2d sentence).
6508(c)...............  41:40 (3d sentence).
6508(d)...............  41:40 (last sentence less
6508(e)...............  41:40 (last sentence

    In subsection (a), the words ``an agency of the United 
States'' are substituted for ``the contracting agency or 
department'' for consistency in the chapter. Commas are 
inserted after ``exceptions'' and ``otherwise'' to clarify that 
the words ``when justice or the public interest will be 
served'' apply to exceptions in ``specific cases'' as well as 
``otherwise''. The word ``thereby'' is omitted as unnecessary.
    In subsection (b), the words ``an agency of the United 
States'' are substituted for ``the contracting agency'', and 
the words ``minimum wages'' are substituted for ``minimum rates 
of pay'', for consistency in the chapter.
    In subsection (c), the word ``rules'' is omitted as 
included in ``regulations''. The words ``as hereinbefore 
described'' are omitted as unnecessary. The words ``minimum 
wages'' are substituted for ``minimum rates of pay'' for 
consistency in the chapter.
    In subsection (d), the words ``received by any employee 
affected'' are omitted as unnecessary.
    In subsection (e), the words ``or all'' are omitted as 

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
6509(a)...............  41:43a(a).                     June 30, 1936,
                                                        ch. 881, Sec.
                                                        10(a), (b) (last
                                                        sentence), (c),
                                                        as added June
                                                        30, 1952, ch.
                                                        530, title III,
                                                        Sec. 301, 66
                                                        Stat. 308; Pub.
                                                        L. 103-355,
                                                        title VII, Sec.
                                                        7201(2), (3),
                                                        Oct. 13, 1994,
                                                        108 Stat. 3378.
6509(b)...............  41:43a(c).
6509(c)...............  41:43a(b) (last sentence).

    Subsection (a) is substituted for ``Notwithstanding any 
provision of section 4 of the Administrative Procedure Act, 
such Act shall be applicable in the administration of sections 
1 to 5 and 7 to 9 of this Act'' in section 10 of the Act of 
June 30, 1936 (ch. 881), for consistency in the revised title 
and because of section 7(b) of Public Law 89-554 (5 U.S.C. note 
prec. 101).
    In subsection (c), the words ``has the right of judicial 
review'' are substituted for ``Review . . . may be had'' for 
consistency with subsection (b) and with section 6510(b) of the 
revised title and because the review provided for in chapter 7 
of title 5 is denominated as judicial review. The words 
``chapter 7 of title 5'' are substituted for ``section 10 of 
the Administrative Procedure Act'' on authority of section 7(b) 
of Public Law 89-554 (5 U.S.C. note prec. 101).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
6510..................  41:43b.                        June 30, 1936,
                                                        ch. 881, Sec.
                                                        11, as added
                                                        Pub. L. 103-355,
                                                        title VII, Sec.
                                                        7201(4), Oct.
                                                        13, 1994, 108
                                                        Stat. 3378; Pub.
                                                        L. 104-106, div.
                                                        D, title XLIII,
                                                        Sec. 4321(f)(1)(
                                                        A), Feb. 10,
                                                        1996, 110 Stat.

    In subsection (a), the words ``an agency of the United 
States'' are substituted for ``any executive department, 
independent establishment, or other agency or instrumentality 
of the United States, or by the District of Columbia, or by any 
corporation all the stock of which is beneficially owned by the 
United States'' because of the definition in section 6501 of 
the revised title.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
6511..................  41:42.                         June 30, 1936,
                                                        ch. 881, Sec. 8,
                                                        49 Stat. 2039.

    Paragraph (1) is substituted for ``Title III of the act 
entitled `An Act making appropriations for the Treasury and 
Post Office Departments for the fiscal year ending June 30, 
1934, and for other purposes', approved May 3, 1933 (commonly 
known as the Buy American Act)'' for consistency in the revised 
title and to correct an error in the source, which incorrectly 
gives May 3, 1933, rather than March 3, 1933, as the date of 
    Paragraph (2) is substituted for ``the Act entitled `An Act 
relating to the rate of wages for laborers and mechanics 
employed on public buildings of the United States and the 
District of Columbia by contractors and subcontractors, and for 
other purposes', approved March 3, 1931 (commonly known as the 
Bacon-Davis Act), as amended from time to time'' because of 
section 5(c) of Public Law 107-217 (40 U.S.C. note prec. 101) 
and for consistency with title 40.
    The words ``the labor provisions of Title II of the 
National Industrial Recovery Act, approved June 16, 1933, as 
extended'' are omitted as obsolete because of section 201 of 
the Act of June 21, 1938 (ch. 554, 52 Stat. 816), as amended by 
the Acts of June 27, 1940 (ch. 437, 54 Stat. 633), April 5, 
1941 (ch. 40, 55 Stat. 110), and June 27, 1942 (ch. 450, 56 
Stat. 410).
    The words ``or [the labor provisions] of section 7 of the 
Emergency Relief Appropriation Act, approved April 8, 1935'' 
are omitted as obsolete. The intended reference was probably to 
section 7 of the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1935 (49 
Stat. 118). Section 7 of the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act 
of 1935 provided that the President shall require certain rates 
of pay for persons engaged in carrying out projects that were 
financed by amounts being appropriated in that Act.
    Paragraph (3) is substituted for ``the Act entitled `An Act 
to provide for the diversification of employment of Federal 
prisoners, for their training and schooling in trades and 
occupations, and for other purposes', approved May 27, 1930, as 
amended and supplemented by the Act approved June 23, 1934'' 
for consistency with title 18. The Act of May 27, 1930 (ch. 
340, 46 Stat. 391) and the Act of June 23, 1934 (ch. 736, 48 
Stat. 1211), which were classified to sections 744a to 744n of 
former title 18, were substantially repealed and were replaced 
by chapter 307 and section 4162 of title 18 in the codification 
of title 18 by the Act of June 25, 1948 (ch. 645, 62 Stat. 
683). Subsequently, section 4162 of title 18 was repealed by 
section 218(a)(4) of Public Law 98-473 (98 Stat. 2027).


6701.  Definitions.
6702.  Contracts to which this chapter applies.
6703.  Required contract terms.
6704.  Limitation on minimum wage.
6705.  Violations.
6706.  Three-year prohibition on new contracts in case of violation.
6707.  Enforcement and administration of chapter.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
6701..................  41:357.                        Pub. L. 89-286,
                                                        Sec. 8, Oct. 22,
                                                        1965, 79 Stat.
                                                        1036; Pub. L. 93-
                                                        57, Sec. 1, July
                                                        6, 1973, 87
                                                        Stat. 140; Pub.
                                                        L. 94-489, Sec.
                                                        3, Oct. 13,
                                                        1976, 90 Stat.

    In paragraph (3), the word ``individual'' is substituted 
for ``person'' because of the definition of ``person'' in 1:1. 
The words ``contract made by the Federal Government'' are 
substituted for ``contract entered into by the United States'' 
for consistency in the revised title. The words ``as of July 
30, 1976, and any subsequent revision of those regulations'' 
are omitted as obsolete.
    In paragraph (4)(A), the words ``the outer Continental 
Shelf'' are substituted for ``Outer Continental Shelf lands'' 
for consistency with the definition in 43:1331 and for 
consistency with the more common usage generally found in 
subchapter III of chapter 29 of title 43. The words ``Eniwetok 
Atoll, Kwajalein Atoll'' are omitted because they are part of 
the Marshall Islands and therefore no longer part of the United 
States. The words ``Canton Island'' are omitted because it is 
part of Kiribati and therefore no longer part of the United 

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
6702(a)...............  41:351(a) (words before par.   Pub. L. 89-286,
                         (1) related to                 Sec. 2(a) (words
                         applicability).                before par. (1)
                                                        related to
                                                        Oct. 22, 1965,
                                                        79 Stat. 1034;
                                                        Pub. L. 94-489,
                                                        Sec. 1(a), Oct.
                                                        13, 1976, 90
                                                        Stat. 2358.
6702(b)...............  41:356.                        Pub. L. 89-286,
                                                        Sec. 7, Oct. 22,
                                                        1965, 79 Stat.

    In subsection (b)(2), the words ``the Walsh-Healey Public 
Contracts Act (49 Stat. 2036)'', which appear in section 7(2) 
of Public Law 89-286 (79 Stat. 1036), are treated as a 
reference to the Act of June 30, 1936 (ch. 881, 49 Stat. 2036), 
which was known as the Walsh-Healey Act and which was 
subsequently designated as the Walsh-Healey Act by section 12 
of the Act of June 30, 1936, which was added by section 
10005(f)(5) of Public Law 103-355 (108 Stat. 3409).
    In subsection (b)(7), the words ``United States Postal 
Service'' are substituted for ``Post Office Department'' 
because of sections 4(a) and 6(o) of the Postal Reorganization 
Act (Public Law 91-375, 84 Stat. 773, 783, 39 U.S.C. note prec. 
101, 201 note).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
6703..................  41:351(a) (words before par.   Pub. L. 89-286,
                         (1) related to required        Sec. 2(a) (words
                         contract terms), (1)-(5).      before par. (1)
                                                        related to
                                                        contract terms),
                                                        (1)-(5), Oct.
                                                        22, 1965, 79
                                                        Stat. 1034; Pub.
                                                        L. 92-473, Sec.
                                                        Sec. 1, 2, Oct.
                                                        9, 1972, 86
                                                        Stat. 789; Pub.
                                                        L. 94-489, Sec.
                                                        2, Oct. 13,
                                                        1976, 90 Stat.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
6704..................  41:351(b).                     Pub. L. 89-286,
                                                        Sec. 2(b), Oct.
                                                        22, 1965, 79
                                                        Stat. 1034; Pub.
                                                        L. 94-489, Sec.
                                                        1(b), Oct. 13,
                                                        1976, 90 Stat.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
6705(a)...............  41:352(a) (1st sentence).      Pub. L. 89-286,
                                                        Sec. Sec. 3,
                                                        5(b), Oct. 22,
                                                        1965, 79 Stat.
6705(b)(1)............  41:352(a) (2d-last
6705(b)(2)............  41:354(b)
6705(c)...............  41:352(c).
6705(d)...............  41:352(b).

    In subsection (c), the words ``to other actions in 
accordance with this section'' are added for clarity.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
6706(a)...............  41:354(a) (1st sentence).      Pub. L. 89-286,
                                                        Sec. 5(a) (1st
                                                        sentence), Oct.
                                                        22, 1965, 79
                                                        Stat. 1035.
6706(b)...............  41:354(a) (2d-last             Pub. L. 89-286,
                         sentences).                    Sec. 5(a) (2d-
                                                        last sentences),
                                                        Oct. 22, 1965,
                                                        79 Stat. 1035;
                                                        Pub. L. 92-473,
                                                        Sec. 4, Oct. 9,
                                                        1972, 86 Stat.

    In subsection (b), the word ``entity'' is substituted for 
``firm, corporation, partnership, or association'' to use a 
single broad term clarifying that the prohibition applies to 
any kind of organization in which the person or firm has a 
substantial interest. The words ``containing the name of such 
persons or firms'' are omitted as unnecessary. The word 
``person'' is substituted for ``individual'' for consistency in 
the subsection.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
6707(a)-(d)...........  41:353.                        Pub. L. 89-286,
                                                        Sec. 4, Oct. 22,
                                                        1965, 79 Stat.
                                                        1035; Pub. L. 92-
                                                        473, Sec. 3,
                                                        Oct. 9, 1972, 86
                                                        Stat. 789.
6707(e)...............  41:355.                        Pub. L. 89-286,
                                                        Sec. 6, Oct. 22,
                                                        1965, 79 Stat.
6707(f)...............  41:358.                        Pub. L. 89-286,
                                                        Sec. 10, as
                                                        added Pub. L. 92-
                                                        473, Sec. 5,
                                                        Oct. 9, 1972, 86
                                                        Stat. 790; Pub.
                                                        L. 94-273, Sec.
                                                        29, Apr. 21,
                                                        1976, 90 Stat.

    In subsection (e), the words ``the definition of `regular 
rate' under section 7(e) of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 
1938 (29 U.S.C. 207(e))'' are substituted for ``the regular 
rate under the Fair Labor Standards Act by provisions of 
section 7(d) thereof'' for clarity, to correct the reference to 
``the Fair Labor Standards Act'' in accordance with section 1 
of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (29:201), which 
provided the short title for the Act, and to correct the 
reference to ``section 7(d) thereof'' in accordance with 
section 204(d)(1) of the Fair Labor Standards Amendments of 
1966 (Public Law 89-601, 80 Stat. 836), which amended the Fair 
Labor Standards Act of 1938 by redesignating section 7(d) as 
    In subsection (f), the words ``paragraphs (1) and (2) of 
section 2'', which appear in section 10 of the Service Contract 
Act of 1965, as added by section 5 of Public Law 92-473 (86 
Stat. 790), are treated as a reference to paragraphs (1) and 
(2) of section 2(a) of the Service Contract Act of 1965 to 
reflect the probable intent of Congress. The words ``which are 
entered into during the applicable fiscal year'', 41:358(1)-
(4), and the words ``On and after July 1, 1976'' are omitted as 

                    Subtitle III--Contract Disputes

Chapter                                                             Sec.
      Contract Disputes.............................................7101

                     CHAPTER 71--CONTRACT DISPUTES

7101.  Definitions.
7102.  Applicability of chapter.
7103.  Decision by contracting officer.
7104.  Contractor's right of appeal from decision by contracting 
7105.  Agency boards.
7106.  Agency board procedures for accelerated and small claims.
7107.  Judicial review of agency board decisions.
7108.  Payment of claims.
7109.  Interest.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
7101..................  41:601.                        Pub. L. 95-563,
                                                        Sec. 2, Nov. 1,
                                                        1978, 92 Stat.
                                                        2383; Pub. L.
                                                        104-106, div. D,
                                                        title XLIII,
                                                        Sec. 4322(b)(5),
                                                        Feb. 10, 1996,
                                                        110 Stat. 677;
                                                        Pub. L. 109-163,
                                                        div. A, title
                                                        VIII, Sec.
                                                        847(d)(1), Jan.
                                                        6, 2006, 119
                                                        Stat. 3393.

    In paragraph (8)(C), the words ``Government Accountability 
Office'' are substituted for ``General Accounting Office'' 
because of section 8(b) of the GAO Human Capital Reform Act of 
2004 (Public Law 108-271, 118 Stat. 814, 31 U.S.C. 702 note).
    In paragraph (8)(D), the words ``section 9101(3) of title 
31'' are substituted for ``section 846 of title 31'' because of 
section 4(b) of Public Law 97-258 (31 U.S.C. note prec. 101).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
7102(a)-(c)...........  41:602.                        Pub. L. 95-563,
                                                        Sec. Sec. 3, 4,
                                                        Nov. 1, 1978, 92
                                                        Stat. 2383.
7102(d)...............  41:603.

    In subsection (c), the words ``an agency head'' are 
substituted for ``the head of the agency'' for consistency with 
the defined term ``agency head'' in section 7101 of the revised 
    In subsection (d), the words ``chapter 309 or 311 of title 
46'' are substituted for ``the Act of March 9, 1920, as amended 
(41 Stat. 525, as amended; 46 U.S.C. 741-752) or the Act of 
March 3, 1925, as amended (43 Stat. 1112, as amended; 46 U.S.C. 
781-790)'' in section 4 of the Contract Disputes Act of 1978 
(Public Law 95-563, 92 Stat. 2384) because of section 18(c) of 
Public Law 109-304 (46 U.S.C. note prec. 101).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
7103(a)(1)............  41:605(a) (1st sentence        Pub. L. 95-563,
                         related to submission).        Sec. Sec. 5,
                                                        6(a) (1st, 2d,
                                                        sentences), (b),
                                                        (c)(3), (5),
                                                        Nov. 1, 1978, 92
                                                        Stat. 2384,
7103(a)(2)............  41:605(a) (1st sentence
                         related to writing
7103(a)(3)............  41:605(a) (2d sentence).
7103(a)(4)(A).........  41:605(a) (3d sentence).       Pub. L. 95-563,
                                                        Sec. 6(a) (3d,
                                                        4th sentences),
                                                        Nov. 1, 1978, as
                                                        added Pub. L.
                                                        103-355, title
                                                        II, Sec.
                                                        2351(a)(1), Oct.
                                                        13, 1994, 108
                                                        Stat. 3322,
                                                        amended Pub. L.
                                                        104-106, div. D,
                                                        title XLIII,
                                                        Sec. 4321(a)(6),
                                                        Feb. 10, 1996,
                                                        110 Stat. 671.
7103(a)(4)(B).........  41:605(a) (4th sentence).
7103(a)(5)............  41:605(a) (8th sentence).
7103(b)(1)............  41:605(c)(1) (last sentence).  Pub. L. 95-563,
                                                        Sec. 6(c)(1)
                                                        (last sentence),
                                                        Nov. 1, 1978, 92
                                                        Stat. 2385; Pub.
                                                        L. 102-572,
                                                        title IX, Sec.
                                                        Oct. 29, 1992,
                                                        106 Stat. 4518;
                                                        Pub. L. 103-355,
                                                        title II, Sec.
                                                        2351(b), Oct.
                                                        13, 1994, 108
                                                        Stat. 3322.
7103(b)(2)............  41:605(c)(7).                  Pub. L. 95-563,
                                                        Sec. 6(c)(6),
                                                        (7), as added
                                                        Pub. L. 102-572,
                                                        title IX, Sec.
                                                        Oct. 29, 1992,
                                                        106 Stat. 4518.
7103(b)(3)............  41:605(c)(6).
7103(c)(1)............  41:605(a) (last sentence).
7103(c)(2)............  41:604.
7103(d)...............  41:605(a) (5th sentence).
7103(e)...............  41:605(a) (6th, 7th
7103(f)(1)............  41:605(c)(1) (1st sentence).   Pub. L. 95-563,
                                                        Sec. 6(c)(1)
                                                        (1st sentence),
                                                        (2), Nov. 1,
                                                        1978, 92 Stat.
                                                        2385; Pub. L.
                                                        103-355, title
                                                        II, Sec.
                                                        2351(b), Oct.
                                                        13, 1994, 108
                                                        Stat. 3322.
7103(f)(2)............  41:605(c)(2).
7103(f)(3)............  41:605(c)(3).
7103(f)(4)............  41:605(c)(4).                  Pub. L. 95-563,
                                                        Sec. 6(c)(4),
                                                        Nov. 1, 1978, 92
                                                        Stat. 2385; Pub.
                                                        L. 103-355,
                                                        title II, Sec.
                                                        2351(e), Oct.
                                                        13, 1994, 108
                                                        Stat. 3322.
7103(f)(5)............  41:605(c)(5).
7103(g)...............  41:605(b).
7103(h)(1)............  41:605(d) (1st, last           Pub. L. 95-563,
                         sentences).                    Sec. 6(d) (1st,
                                                        last sentences),
                                                        as added Pub. L.
                                                        101-552, Sec.
                                                        6(a), Nov. 15,
                                                        1990, 104 Stat.
                                                        2745, 2746; Pub.
                                                        L. 104-106, div.
                                                        D, title XLIII,
                                                        Sec. 4322(b)(6),
                                                        Feb. 10, 1996,
                                                        110 Stat. 677;
                                                        Pub. L. 105-85,
                                                        div. A, title X,
                                                        Sec. 1073(g)(3),
                                                        Nov. 18, 1997,
                                                        111 Stat. 1906.
7103(h)(2)............  41:605(d) (2d sentence).       Pub. L. 95-563,
                                                        Sec. 6(d) (2d
                                                        sentence), as
                                                        added Pub. L.
                                                        101-552, Sec.
                                                        6(a), Nov. 15,
                                                        1990, 104 Stat.
                                                        2745; Pub. L.
                                                        104-320, Sec.
                                                        6(1), Oct. 19,
                                                        1996, 110 Stat.
7103(h)(3)(A).........  41:605(e) (1st sentence).      Pub. L. 95-563,
                                                        Sec. 6(e), as
                                                        added Pub. L.
                                                        101-552, Sec.
                                                        6(a), Nov. 15,
                                                        1990, 104 Stat.
                                                        2746; Pub. L.
                                                        103-355, title
                                                        II, Sec. 2352,
                                                        Oct. 13, 1994,
                                                        108 Stat. 3322;
                                                        Pub. L. 104-106,
                                                        div. D, title
                                                        XLIII, Sec. Sec.
                                                        4322(b)(6), Feb.
                                                        10, 1996, 110
                                                        Stat. 671, 677;
                                                        Pub. L. 104-320,
                                                        Sec. 6(2), Oct.
                                                        19, 1996, 110
                                                        Stat. 3871; Pub.
                                                        L. 105-85, div.
                                                        A, title X, Sec.
                                                        1073(g)(3), Nov.
                                                        18, 1997, 111
                                                        Stat. 1906.
7103(h)(3)(B).........  41:605(e) (last sentence).     .................

    In subsection (b)(1)(D) and (2), the word ``duly'' is 
omitted as unnecessary.
    In subsection (b)(3), the words ``of contract appeals'' are 
omitted as unnecessary because of the definition of ``agency 
board'' in section 7101 of the revised title.
    In subsection (c)(2), the words ``this subsection'', which 
appear in section 5 of the Contract Disputes Act of 1978 (Pub. 
L. 95-563, 92 Stat. 2384), and which were probably intended to 
mean ``this section'', are translated as ``this paragraph'' in 
accordance with the probable intent of Congress.
    In subsection (f)(5), the words ``the commencement of'' are 
omitted as unnecessary. The words ``of the appeal or action'' 
are substituted for ``in the event an appeal or suit is so 
commenced in the absence of a prior decision by the contracting 
officer'' to eliminate unnecessary words.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
7104(a)...............  41:606.                        Pub. L. 95-563,
                                                        Sec. 7, Nov. 1,
                                                        1978, 92 Stat.
7104(b)...............  41:609(a).                     Pub. L. 95-563,
                                                        Sec. 10(a), Nov.
                                                        1, 1978, 92
                                                        Stat. 2388; Pub.
                                                        L. 97-164, title
                                                        I, Sec. 161(10),
                                                        Apr. 2, 1982, 96
                                                        Stat. 49.

    In subsection (a), the words ``of contract appeals'' are 
omitted as unnecessary because of the definition of ``agency 
board'' in section 7101 of the revised title.
    In subsection (b)(1), the words ``United States Court of 
Federal Claims'' are substituted for ``United States Claims 
Court'' because of section 902(b)(1) of the Federal Courts 
Administration Act of 1992 (Pub. L. 102-572, 106 Stat. 4516, 28 
U.S.C. 171 note).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
7105(a)...............  41:607(a)(1), (b)(1).          Pub. L. 95-563,
                                                        Sec. 8(a)(1),
                                                        (b)(1), Nov. 1,
                                                        1978, 92 Stat.
                                                        2385; Pub. L.
                                                        101-509, title
                                                        V, Sec. 529
                                                        [title I, Sec.
                                                        104(d)(4)], Nov.
                                                        5, 1990, 104
                                                        Stat. 1447; Pub.
                                                        L. 109-163, div.
                                                        A, title VIII,
                                                        Sec. 847(d)(3),
                                                        Jan. 6, 2006,
                                                        119 Stat. 3394.
7105(b)...............  41:438.                        Pub. L. 93-400,
                                                        Sec. 42, as
                                                        added Pub. L.
                                                        109-163, div. A,
                                                        title VIII, Sec.
                                                        847(a), Jan. 6,
                                                        2006, 119 Stat.
7105(c)...............  41:607(a)(2), (b)(2).          Pub. L. 95-563,
                                                        Sec. 8(a)(2),
                                                        (b)(2), Nov. 1,
                                                        1978, 92 Stat.
                                                        2385, 2386.
7105(d)...............  41:607(c) (1st, 3d, last       Pub. L. 95-563,
                         sentences).                    Sec. 8(c), Nov.
                                                        1, 1978, 92
                                                        Stat. 2386; Pub.
                                                        L. 109-163, div.
                                                        A, title VIII,
                                                        Sec. 847(d)(2)(B
                                                        ), Jan. 6, 2006,
                                                        119 Stat. 3394.
7105(e)(1)(A), (B)....  41:607(d) (1st, 2d             Pub. L. 95-563,
                         sentences).                    Sec. 8(d), Nov.
                                                        1, 1978, 92
                                                        Stat. 2386; Pub.
                                                        L. 97-164, title
                                                        I, Sec.
                                                        160(a)(15), Apr.
                                                        2, 1982, 96
                                                        Stat. 48; Pub.
                                                        L. 109-163, div.
                                                        A, title VIII,
                                                        Sec. 847(d)(2)(A
                                                        ), Jan. 6, 2006,
                                                        119 Stat. 3393.
7105(e)(1)(C).........  41:607(c) (2d sentence).
7105(e)(1)(D).........  41:607(d) (3d sentence).
7105(e)(2)............  41:607(d) (last sentence).
7105(f)...............  41:610.                        Pub. L. 95-563,
                                                        Sec. 11, Nov. 1,
                                                        1978, 92 Stat.
7105(g)...............  41:607(e).                     Pub. L. 95-563,
                                                        Sec. 8(e), Nov.
                                                        1, 1978, 92
                                                        Stat. 2386.

    In subsection (a)(2), the words ``administrative law 
judges'' are substituted for ``hearing examiners'' because of 
section 3 of Public Law 95-251 (5 U.S.C. 3105 note). The words 
``Full-time members of agency boards serving as such on the 
effective date of this chapter shall be considered qualified'' 
are omitted as obsolete.
    In subsection (b), the text of 41 U.S.C. 438 (b)(1)(C) is 
omitted as obsolete.
    In subsection (e)(1)(B) and (C), the words ``Postal 
Regulatory Commission'' are substituted for ``Postal Rate 
Commission'' because of section 604(f) of the Postal 
Accountability and Enhancement Act (Public Law 109-435, 120 
Stat. 3242, 39 U.S.C. 404 note).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
7106(a)...............  41:607(f).                     Pub. L. 95-563,
                                                        Sec. 8(f), Nov.
                                                        1, 1978, 92
                                                        Stat. 2386; Pub.
                                                        L. 103-355,
                                                        title II, Sec.
                                                        2351(c), Oct.
                                                        13, 1994, 108
                                                        Stat. 3322.
7106(b)...............  41:608.                        Pub. L. 95-563,
                                                        Sec. 9, Nov. 1,
                                                        1978, 92 Stat.
                                                        2387; Pub. L.
                                                        103-355, title
                                                        II, Sec.
                                                        2351(d), Oct.
                                                        13, 1994, 108
                                                        Stat 3322; Pub.
                                                        L. 109-364, div.
                                                        A, title VIII,
                                                        Sec. 857, Oct.
                                                        17, 2006, 120
                                                        Stat. 2349.

    In subsection (a), the word ``only'' is omitted for 
consistency with a similar provision in 41:608(a) and because 
the word ``only'' is redundant with the word ``sole''.
    In subsection (b)(6), the words ``from time to time, may 
review'' are substituted for ``is authorized to review at least 
every three years'' because the source law, while effectively 
granting the Administrator authority to conduct the reviews, 
does not require the Administrator to conduct any reviews, and 
does not restrict the number of reviews the Administrator may 
conduct during any time period. The words ``beginning with the 
third year after November 1, 1978'' are omitted as obsolete. 
The words ``the dollar amount specified in paragraph (1)'' are 
substituted for ``the dollar amount defined in subsection (a) 
of this section as a small claim'' to eliminate unnecessary 
words and because 41:608(a), restated as paragraph (1), does 
not explicitly provide a definition for the term ``small 

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
7107(a)...............  41:607(g).                     Pub. L. 95-563,
                                                        Sec. 8(g), Nov.
                                                        1, 1978, 92
                                                        Stat. 2387; Pub.
                                                        L. 97-164, title
                                                        I, Sec. 156,
                                                        Apr. 2, 1982, 96
                                                        Stat. 47; Pub.
                                                        L. 101-552, Sec.
                                                        6(b), Nov. 15,
                                                        1990, 104 Stat.
7107(b)...............  41:609(b).                     Pub. L. 95-563,
                                                        Sec. 10(b), (e),
                                                        Nov. 1, 1978, 92
                                                        Stat. 2388.
7107(c)...............  41:609(c).                     Pub. L. 95-563,
                                                        Sec. 10(c), Nov.
                                                        1, 1978, 92
                                                        Stat. 2388; Pub.
                                                        L. 97-164, title
                                                        I, Sec. 157,
                                                        Apr. 2, 1982, 96
                                                        Stat. 47.
7107(d)...............  41:609(d).                     Pub. L. 95-563,
                                                        Sec. 10(d), Nov.
                                                        1, 1978, 92
                                                        Stat. 2388; Pub.
                                                        L. 97-164, title
                                                        I, Sec.
                                                        160(a)(15), Apr.
                                                        2, 1982, 96
                                                        Stat. 48.
7107(e)...............  41:609(e).
7107(f)...............  41:609(f).                     Pub. L. 95-563,
                                                        Sec. 10(f), as
                                                        added Pub. L.
                                                        103-355, title
                                                        II, Sec. 2354,
                                                        Oct. 13, 1994,
                                                        108 Stat. 3323.

    In subsection (a)(1)(B), the words ``may transmit'' are 
substituted for ``transmits'' to correct the grammatical 
structure of the provision in accordance with the probable 
intent of Congress. The words ``the decision'' are substituted 
for ``the decision of the board of contract appeals'' and for 
``the board's decision'' to eliminate unnecessary words and for 
consistency with 41:607(g)(1)(A).
    In subsection (a)(2)(B), the words ``in any case'' are 
omitted as unnecessary.
    In subsection (d), the words ``United States Court of 
Federal Claims'' are substituted for ``United States Claims 
Court'' because of section 902(b)(1) of the Federal Courts 
Administration Act of 1992 (Pub. L. 102-572, 106 Stat. 4516, 28 
U.S.C. 171 note).
    In subsection (f)(1), (3), and (4), the words ``agency 
board'' are substituted for ``board of contract appeals'' to 
eliminate unnecessary words and for consistency with the 
definition of ``agency board'' in section 7101 of the revised 
    In subsection (f)(1), the words ``under consideration'' are 
substituted for ``at issue'' to avoid potential confusion with 
the words ``issue described in paragraph (2)''.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
7108..................  41:612.                        Pub. L. 95-563,
                                                        Sec. 13, Nov. 1,
                                                        1978, 92 Stat.
                                                        2389; Pub. L.
                                                        104-106, div. D,
                                                        title XLIII,
                                                        Sec. 4322(b)(7),
                                                        Feb. 10, 1996,
                                                        110 Stat. 677.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
7109(a)(1)............  41:611 (1st sentence).         Pub. L. 95-563,
                                                        Sec. 12, Nov. 1,
                                                        1978, 92 Stat.
7109(a)(2)............  41:611 note.                   Pub. L. 102-572,
                                                        title IX, Sec.
                                                        907(a)(3), Oct.
                                                        29, 1992, 106
                                                        Stat. 4518.
7109(b)...............  41:611 (last sentence).

    In subsection (a)(2), the words ``on or after the date of 
the enactment of this Act'', ``the later of'', and ``or the 
date of the enactment of this Act'' are omitted as obsolete.
    Subsection (b) is substituted for ``The interest provided 
for in this section shall be paid at the rate established by 
the Secretary of the Treasury pursuant to Public Law 92-41 (85 
Stat. 97) for the Renegotiation Board'' to eliminate obsolete 
language and to codify the criteria under which the interest 
rate is computed. Section 2(a)(3) of the Act of July 1, 1971 
(Pub. L. 92-41, 85 Stat. 97), amended section 105(b)(2) of the 
Renegotiation Act of 1951 (Mar. 23, 1951, ch. 15, 65 Stat. 13) 
by adding provisions substantially similar to those enacted 
here. However, the Renegotiation Act of 1951 (Mar. 23, 1951, 
ch. 15, 65 Stat. 7) was omitted from the Code pursuant to 
section 102(c)(1) of the Act (65 Stat. 8), amended several 
times, the last being Public Law 94-185 (89 Stat. 1061), which 
provided that most provisions of that Act do not apply to 
receipts and accruals attributable to contract performance 
after September 30, 1976, and in view of the termination of the 
Renegotiation Board and the transfer of property and records of 
the Board to the Administrator of the General Services 
Administration on March 31, 1979, pursuant to Public Law 95-431 
(92 Stat. 1043). Although the Renegotiation Board is no longer 
in existence, Federal agencies, including the General Services 
Administration, are required to use interest rates that are 
computed under the criteria set out in this subsection. See 
31:3902(a) and the website of the Bureau of the Public Debt, 
available at http://www.publicdebt.treas.gov/opd/opdprmt2.htm. 
For an example of publication of rates under the criteria 
enacted here, see Federal Register, volume 67, number 247, page 
78566, December 24, 2002.

                       Subtitle IV--Miscellaneous

Chapter                                                             Sec.
      Drug-Free Workplace...........................................8101
      Buy American..................................................8301
      Committee for Purchase From People Who Are Blind or Severely   85.

                    CHAPTER 81--DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE

8101.  Definitions and construction.
8102.  Drug-free workplace requirements for Federal contractors.
8103.  Drug-free workplace requirements for Federal grant recipients.
8104.  Employee sanctions and remedies.
8105.  Waiver.
8106.  Regulations.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
8101(a)(1)............  41:706(7).                     Pub. L. 100-690,
                                                        title V, Sec.
                                                        Sec. 5157, 5158,
                                                        Nov. 18, 1988,
                                                        102 Stat. 4308.
8101(a)(2)............  41:706(3).
8101(a)(3)............  41:706(4).
8101(a)(4)............  41:706(5).
8101(a)(5)............  41:706(1).
8101(a)(6)............  41:706(2).
8101(a)(7)............  41:706(8).
8101(a)(8)............  41:706(6).
8101(b)...............  41:707.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
8102..................  41:701.                        Pub. L. 100-690,
                                                        title V, Sec.
                                                        5152, Nov. 18,
                                                        1988, 102 Stat.
                                                        4304; Pub. L.
                                                        103-355, title
                                                        IV, Sec.
                                                        4104(d), title
                                                        VIII, Sec.
                                                        8301(f), Oct.
                                                        13, 1994, 108
                                                        Stat. 3342,
                                                        3397; Pub. L.
                                                        104-106, div. D,
                                                        title XLIII,
                                                        Sec. Sec. 4301(a
                                                        Feb. 10, 1996,
                                                        110 Stat. 656,

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
8103..................  41:702.                        Pub. L. 100-690,
                                                        title V, Sec.
                                                        5153, Nov. 18,
                                                        1988, 102 Stat.
                                                        4306; Pub. L.
                                                        105-85, div. A,
                                                        title VIII, Sec.
                                                        809, Nov. 18,
                                                        1997, 111 Stat.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
8104..................  41:703.                        Pub. L. 100-690,
                                                        title V, Sec.
                                                        5154, Nov. 18,
                                                        1988, 102 Stat.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
8105..................  41:704.                        Pub. L. 100-690,
                                                        title V, Sec.
                                                        5155, Nov. 18,
                                                        1988, 102 Stat.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
8106..................  41:705.                        Pub. L. 100-690,
                                                        title V, Sec.
                                                        5156, Nov. 18,
                                                        1988, 102 Stat.

    The words ``Not later than 90 days after November 18, 1988, 
the'' are omitted as obsolete.

                        CHAPTER 83--BUY AMERICAN

8301.  Definitions.
8302.  American materials required for public use.
8303.  Contracts for public works.
8304.  Waiver rescission.
8305.  Annual report.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
8301..................  41:10c.                        Mar. 3, 1933, ch.
                                                        212, title III,
                                                        Sec. 1, 47 Stat.
                                                        1520; Pub. L. 86-
                                                        70, Sec. 43,
                                                        June 25, 1959,
                                                        73 Stat. 151;
                                                        Pub. L. 86-624,
                                                        Sec. 28, July
                                                        12, 1960, 74
                                                        Stat. 419; Pub.
                                                        L. 100-418,
                                                        title VII, Sec.
                                                        7005(a), Aug.
                                                        23, 1988, 102
                                                        Stat. 1552.

    In paragraph (1), the words ``the Philippine Islands'' are 
omitted because of Proclamation No. 2695 (22 U.S.C. 1394 note). 
The words ``the Canal Zone'' are omitted because of the Panama 
Canal Treaty of 1977.
    In paragraph (2), the words ``when used in a geographical 
sense'' are omitted as unnecessary.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
8302..................  41:10a.                        Mar. 3, 1933, ch.
                                                        212, title III,
                                                        Sec. 2, 47 Stat.
                                                        1520; Pub. L.
                                                        100-418, title
                                                        VII, Sec.
                                                        7005(b), Aug.
                                                        23, 1988, 102
                                                        Stat. 1553; Pub.
                                                        L. 103-355,
                                                        title IV, Sec.
                                                        4301(b), Oct.
                                                        13, 1994, 108
                                                        Stat. 3347; Pub.
                                                        L. 110-28 title
                                                        VIII, Sec. 8306,
                                                        May 25, 2007,
                                                        121 Stat. 211.

    In subsection (a), the words ``Notwithstanding any other 
provision of law'' are omitted as unnecessary.
    In subsection (b)(1), reference to fiscal years 2007 and 
2008 is omitted as obsolete.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
8303(a)...............  41:10b(a) (words before        Mar. 3, 1933, ch.
                         ``except as provided'').       212, title III,
                                                        Sec. 3, 47 Stat.
                                                        1520; Pub. L.
                                                        100-418, title
                                                        VII, Sec.
                                                        7005(c), Aug.
                                                        23, 1988, 102
                                                        Stat. 1553.
8303(b)(1)............  41:10b(a) (``except as
                         provided in section 10a of
                         this title'').
8303(b)(2)............  41:10b(a) (proviso).
8303(b)(3)............  41:10d.                        Oct. 29, 1949,
                                                        ch. 787, title
                                                        VI, Sec. 633, 63
                                                        Stat. 1024; Pub.
                                                        L. 100-418,
                                                        title VII, Sec.
                                                        7005(d), Aug.
                                                        23, 1988, 102
                                                        Stat. 1553.
8303(c)...............  41:10b(b).

    In subsection (a), before paragraph (1), the words 
``growing out of an appropriation heretofore made or hereafter 
to be made'' are omitted as unnecessary.
    Subsection (b)(1) is substituted for ``except as provided 
in section 10a of this title'' for clarity.
    In subsection (b)(3), the words ``In order to clarify the 
original intent of Congress, hereafter, section 10a of this 
title'' are omitted as unnecessary.
    In subsection (c), the words ``in the United States or 
elsewhere'' are omitted as unnecessary.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
8304(a)...............  41:10b-2(a)(2), (b).           Pub. L. 103-160,
                                                        div. A, title
                                                        VIII, Sec.
                                                        849(c), (d),
                                                        Nov. 30, 1993,
                                                        107 Stat. 1725.
8304(b)...............  41:10b-2(a)(1).

    In subsection (a), the text of 41:10b-2(b) is omitted as 

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
8305..................  41:10b-3.                      Pub. L. 104-201,
                                                        div. A, title
                                                        VIII, Sec. 827,
                                                        Sept. 23, 1996,
                                                        110 Stat. 2611;
                                                        Pub. L. 105-85,
                                                        div. A, title
                                                        VIII, Sec. 846,
                                                        Nov. 18, 1997,
                                                        111 Stat. 1845;
                                                        Pub. L. 105-261,
                                                        div. A, title
                                                        VIII, Sec. 812,
                                                        Oct. 17, 1998,
                                                        112 Stat. 2086.

                           SEVERELY DISABLED

8501.  Definitions.
8502.  Committee for Purchase From People Who Are Blind or Severely 
8503.  Duties and powers of the Committee.
8504.  Procurement requirements for the Federal Government.
8505.  Audit.
8506.  Authorization of appropriations.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
8501(1)...............  41:48b(1).                     June 25, 1938,
                                                        ch. 697, Sec. 5,
                                                        52 Stat. 1196;
                                                        Pub. L. 92-28,
                                                        Sec. 1, June 23,
                                                        1971, 85 Stat.
                                                        81; Pub. L. 93-
                                                        358, Sec. 1(3),
                                                        July 25, 1974,
                                                        88 Stat. 393;
                                                        Pub. L. 94-273,
                                                        Sec. 3(22), Apr.
                                                        21, 1976, 90
                                                        Stat. 377.
8501(2)...............  41:46(a) (words in             June 25, 1938,
                         parentheses before par.        ch. 697, Sec.
                         (1)).                          1(a) (words in
                                                        before par.
                                                        (1)), 52 Stat.
                                                        1196; Pub. L. 92-
                                                        28, Sec. 1, June
                                                        23, 1971, 85
                                                        Stat. 77.
8501(3)...............  41:48b(5).
8501(4)...............  41:48b(7).
8501(5)...............  41:48b(2).
8501(6)...............  41:48b(4).
8501(7)...............  41:48b(3).
8501(8)...............  41:48b(2).
8501(9)...............  41:48b(8).

    In this chapter, the word ``disabled'' is substituted for 
``handicapped'' for consistency with the name of the Committee. 
The word ``product'' is substituted for ``commodity'' to 
reflect the current usage of the items produced in the 
Committee's program.
    In this section, the text of 41:48b(6) is omitted as 
    In paragraph (9), the words ``the Northern Mariana 
Islands'' are substituted for ``the Trust Territory of the 
Pacific Islands'' because the Trust Territory of the Pacific 
Islands terminated. See 48 U.S.C. note prec. 1681. However, 
section 502(a)(2) of the Covenant to Establish a Commonwealth 
of the Northern Mariana Islands in Political Union with the 
United States of America (48 U.S.C. 1801 note) provided that 
laws in existence on the effective date of section 502 that 
were applicable to Guam and that were of general application to 
the several States would apply to the Northern Mariana Islands. 
The Marshall Islands, Palau, and the Federated States of 
Micronesia are not included because although they were part of 
the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, they are 
independent entities and not part of the United States.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
8502(a), (b)..........  41:46(a) (less words in        June 25, 1938,
                         parentheses before par.        ch. 697, Sec. 1
                         (1)).                          (less (a) (words
                                                        in parentheses
                                                        before par.
                                                        (1))), 52 Stat.
                                                        1196; Pub. L. 92-
                                                        28, Sec. 1, June
                                                        23, 1971, 85
                                                        Stat. 77; Pub.
                                                        L. 93-358, Sec.
                                                        1(1), (2), July
                                                        25, 1974, 88
                                                        Stat. 392; Pub.
                                                        L. 94-273, Sec.
                                                        8(2), Apr. 21,
                                                        1976, 90 Stat.
                                                        378; Pub. L. 102-
                                                        54, Sec. 13(p),
                                                        June 13, 1991,
                                                        105 Stat. 278;
                                                        Pub. L. 102-569,
                                                        title IX, Sec.
                                                        911(a), Oct. 29,
                                                        1992, 106 Stat.
                                                        4486; Pub. L.
                                                        103-73, title
                                                        III, Sec. 301,
                                                        Aug. 11, 1993,
                                                        107 Stat. 736.
8502(c)...............  41:46(d)(1), (2), (4).
8502(d)...............  41:46(c).
8502(e)(1)............  41:46(b).
8502(e)(2)............  41:46(d)(3).
8502(f)...............  41:46(e).
8502(g)...............  41:46(f).
8502(h)...............  41:46(g).
8502(i)...............  41:46(h).
8502(j)...............  41:46(i).

    In subsection (b)(1)(F), the words ``Department of 
Education'' are substituted for ``Department of Health and 
Human Services'' in 41:46(a)(1) to correct a mistake in the 
United States Code. In the amendment to the original provision 
by section 1 of Public Law 92-28 (85 Stat. 77), an officer or 
employee of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare 
was one of the members appointed to the Committee for Purchase 
From People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled, because the 
Department, through the Rehabilitation Services Administration, 
had the major governmental function in the field of vocational 
rehabilitation for the blind and other severely handicapped and 
administered related vocational rehabilitation programs for 
individuals with disabilities. See House Report 92-228. Under 
section 301(a)(4)(A) and (C) and (b)(3) of the Department of 
Education Organization Act (20:3441(a)(4)(A) and (C) and 
(b)(3)), the functions and offices of the Department and the 
functions of the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare 
and the Commissioner of Rehabilitation Services were 
transferred to the Department or Secretary of Education. 
Section 509 of the Act (20:3508) redesignated the Department 
and Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare as the 
Department and Secretary of Health and Human Services, 
respectively, and provided that references to the Department 
and Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare were deemed to 
be references to the Department or Secretary of Health and 
Human Services except to the extent a reference was to a 
function of the Department or Secretary of Education. The 
reference in 41:46(a)(1) was changed to ``Department of Health 
and Human Services'' but should have been changed to 
``Department of Education''. Furthermore, the regulations of 
the Committee include the Department of Education in the list 
of members of the Committee. See 41 CFR 51-2.1.
    In subsection (c), the text of 41:46(d)(2) and (4) is 
omitted as obsolete.
    In subsection (f)(1), the reference to section 5376 of 
title 5 is substituted for the reference to grade GS-18 of the 
General Schedule because of section 529 [title I, 
Sec. 101(c)(1)] of the Treasury, Postal Service and General 
Government Appropriations Act, 1991 (Public Law 101-509, 104 
Stat. 1442, 5 U.S.C. 5376 note). The word ``actual'' is omitted 
as unnecessary. The words ``A member is entitled to travel 
expenses, including a per diem allowance instead of 
subsistence, as provided under section 5703 of title 5'' are 
substituted for 41:46(e)(3) to eliminate unnecessary words. The 
reference to section 5703 of title 5 is substituted for the 
reference to section 5703(b) of title 5 because of the 
amendment to section 5703 by section 4 of the Travel Expense 
Amendments Act of 1975 (Public Law 94-22, 89 Stat. 85).
    In subsection (g), the words ``its duties and powers'' are 
omitted as surplus.
    In subsection (g)(1), the reference to chapter 33 of title 
5 is substituted for ``the provisions of title 5 governing 
appointments in the competitive service'' for clarity and for 
consistency with other titles of the United States Code. The 
words ``relating to classification and General Schedule pay 
rates'' are omitted as unnecessary.
    In subsection (j), the words ``and to the Congress'' are 
omitted pursuant to section 3003 of the Federal Reports 
Elimination and Sunset Act of 1995 (31 U.S.C. 1113 note). See, 
also, page 199 of House Document No. 103-7.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
8503(a)...............  41:47(a).                      June 25, 1938,
                                                        ch. 697, Sec. 2,
                                                        52 Stat. 1196;
                                                        Pub. L. 92-28,
                                                        Sec. 1, June 23,
                                                        1971, 85 Stat.
8503(b)...............  41:47(b).
8503(c)...............  41:47(c).
8503(d)...............  41:47(d).
8503(e)...............  41:47(e).

    In subsection (a), the text of 41:47(a)(1) (last sentence) 
is omitted as obsolete. The words ``procurement list'' are 
substituted for ``(hereafter in sections 46 to 48c of this 
title referred to as the `procurement list')'' to eliminate 
unnecessary words.
    In subsection (d)(2), the text of 41:47(d)(2)(B) is omitted 
as obsolete.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
8504..................  41:48.                         June 25, 1938,
                                                        ch. 697, Sec. 3,
                                                        52 Stat. 1196;
                                                        Pub. L. 92-28,
                                                        Sec. 1, June 23,
                                                        1971, 85 Stat.

    In subsection (a), the words ``referred to in section 8503 
of this title'' are added for clarity because of the 
restatement of 41:47(a) in section 8503(a) of the revised 
    In subsection (b), the words ``for procurement'' are 
omitted as unnecessary.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
8505..................  41:48a.                        June 25, 1938,
                                                        ch. 697, Sec. 4,
                                                        52 Stat. 1196;
                                                        Pub. L. 92-28,
                                                        Sec. 1, June 23,
                                                        1971, 85 Stat.

    In this section, before paragraph (1), the words ``or any 
of his duly authorized representatives'' are omitted because of 
31:711(2). In paragraph (1), the words ``central nonprofit'' 
are added for clarity.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
8506..................  41:48c.                        June 25, 1938,
                                                        ch. 697, Sec. 6,
                                                        52 Stat. 1196;
                                                        Pub. L. 92-28,
                                                        Sec. 1, June 23,
                                                        1971, 85 Stat.
                                                        82; Pub. L. 93-
                                                        76, July 30,
                                                        1973, 87 Stat.
                                                        176; Pub. L. 93-
                                                        358, Sec. 1(4),
                                                        July 25, 1974,
                                                        88 Stat. 393.

    The reference to the fiscal year ending June 30, 1974 is 
omitted as obsolete.

                         CHAPTER 87--KICKBACKS

8701.  Definitions.
8702.  Prohibited conduct.
8703.  Contractor responsibilities.
8704.  Inspection authority.
8705.  Administrative offsets.
8706.  Civil actions.
8707.  Criminal penalties.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
8701..................  41:52.                         Mar. 8, 1946, ch.
                                                        80, Sec. 2, 60
                                                        Stat. 37; Pub.
                                                        L. 86-695, Sept.
                                                        2, 1960, 74
                                                        Stat. 740; Pub.
                                                        L. 99-634, Sec.
                                                        2(a), Nov. 7,
                                                        1986, 100 Stat.

    In this section, the text of 41:52(3) is omitted because of 
the definition of ``person'' in 1:1.
    In paragraph (2), the words ``directly or indirectly'' are 
omitted as unnecessary.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
8702..................  41:53.                         Mar. 8, 1946, ch.
                                                        80, Sec. 3, 60
                                                        Stat. 37; Pub.
                                                        L. 86-695, Sept.
                                                        2, 1960, 74
                                                        Stat. 740; Pub.
                                                        L. 99-634, Sec.
                                                        2(a), Nov. 7,
                                                        1986, 100 Stat.

    In paragraph (3), before subparagraph (A), the words 
``directly or indirectly'' are omitted as unnecessary.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
8703(a)...............  41:57(a), (b).                 Mar. 8, 1946, ch.
                                                        80, Sec. 7, 60
                                                        Stat. 37; Pub.
                                                        L. 86-695, Sept.
                                                        2, 1960, 74
                                                        Stat. 740; Pub.
                                                        L. 99-634, Sec.
                                                        2(a), Nov. 7,
                                                        1986, 100 Stat.
                                                        3525; Pub. L.
                                                        103-355, title
                                                        IV, Sec.
                                                        4104(a), title
                                                        VIII, Sec.
                                                        8301(c)(1), Oct.
                                                        13, 1994, 108
                                                        Stat. 3341,
                                                        3397; Pub. L.
                                                        104-106, div. D,
                                                        title XLIII,
                                                        Sec. 4321(g),
                                                        Feb. 10, 1996,
                                                        110 Stat. 675.
8703(b)...............  41:57(e).
8703(c)...............  41:57(c).
8703(d)...............  41:57(d).

    In subsection (c)(1), the words ``Attorney General'' are 
substituted for ``Department of Justice'' because of 28:503.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
8704..................  41:58.                         Mar. 8, 1946, ch.
                                                        80, Sec. 8, 60
                                                        Stat. 37; Pub.
                                                        L. 86-695, Sept.
                                                        2, 1960, 74
                                                        Stat. 740; Pub.
                                                        L. 99-634, Sec.
                                                        2(a), Nov. 7,
                                                        1986, 100 Stat.
                                                        3525; Pub. L.
                                                        103-355, title
                                                        VIII, Sec.
                                                        8301(c)(2), Oct.
                                                        13, 1994, 108
                                                        Stat. 3397.

    In subsection (a), the words ``Comptroller General'' are 
substituted for ``General Accounting Office'' because of 

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
8705(a)...............  41:56(d).                      Mar. 8, 1946, ch.
                                                        80, Sec. 6, 60
                                                        Stat. 37; Pub.
                                                        L. 86-695, Sept.
                                                        2, 1960, 74
                                                        Stat. 740; Pub.
                                                        L. 99-634, Sec.
                                                        2(a), Nov. 7,
                                                        1986, 100 Stat.
8705(b)...............  41:56(a).
8705(c)...............  41:56(b).
8705(d)...............  41:56(c).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
8706..................  41:55.                         Mar. 8, 1946, ch.
                                                        80, Sec. 5, 60
                                                        Stat. 37; Pub.
                                                        L. 86-695, Sept.
                                                        2, 1960, 74
                                                        Stat. 740; Pub.
                                                        L. 99-634, Sec.
                                                        2(a), Nov. 7,
                                                        1986, 100 Stat.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
8707..................  41:54.                         Mar. 8, 1946, ch.
                                                        80, Sec. 4, 60
                                                        Stat. 37; Pub.
                                                        L. 86-695, Sept.
                                                        2, 1960, 74
                                                        Stat. 740; Pub.
                                                        L. 99-634, Sec.
                                                        2(a), Nov. 7,
                                                        1986, 100 Stat.


    Section 4 of the bill amends section 2410i(b)(1) of title 
10, United States Code, to reflect the amendment of section 
4(11) of the Office of Federal Procurement Policy Act (Public 
Law 93-400) by section 4001 of the Federal Acquisition 
Streamlining Act of 1994 (Public Law 103-355, 108 Stat. 3338).


    Section 5 of the bill makes conforming cross-references to 
titles of the United States Code that have been enacted into 
positive law and to the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (26 
U.S.C. 1 et seq.). These amendments are necessary because of 
the restatement of the source provisions in section 3.


    Section 6 of the bill contains transitional and savings 
    Section 6(f) of the bill restates the effective date for 
certain actions required in provisions of the Duncan Hunter 
National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2009 (Pub. 
L. 110-417, 122 Stat. 4356).

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
6(f)(1)...............  41 U.S.C. 405c(a) (relating    Pub. L. 110-417,
                         to date of enactment)          [div. A], title
                                                        VIII, Sec.
                                                        841(a) (relating
                                                        to date of
                                                        enactment), Oct.
                                                        14, 2008, 122
                                                        Stat. 4537.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
6(f)(2)...............  41 U.S.C. 405 note (relating   Pub. L. 110-417,
                         to date of enactment)          [div. A], title
                                                        VIII, Sec.
                                                        874(a) (relating
                                                        to date of
                                                        enactment), Oct.
                                                        14, 2008, 122
                                                        Stat. 4558.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
6(f)(3)...............  41 U.S.C. 417b(a) (relating    Pub. L. 110-417,
                         to date of enactment)          [div. A], title
                                                        VIII, Sec.
                                                        872(a) (relating
                                                        to date of
                                                        enactment), Oct.
                                                        14, 2008, 122
                                                        Stat. 4555.

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
6(f)(4)...............  41 U.S.C. 251 note (relating   Pub. L. 110-417,
                         to date of enactment)          [div. A], title
                                                        VIII, Sec. Sec.
                                                        863(a) (relating
                                                        to date of
                                                        (c)(1) (relating
                                                        to date of
                                                        866(a) (relating
                                                        to date of
                                                        867(a) (relating
                                                        to date of
                                                        872(f) (relating
                                                        to date of
                                                        enactment), Oct.
                                                        14, 2008, 122
                                                        Stat. 4547,
                                                        4551, 4557.
                        41 U.S.C. 253h note (relating
                         to date of enactment)
                        41 U.S.C. 254b note (relating
                         to date of enactment)
                        41 U.S.C. 417b (f) (relating
                         to date of enactment)

                                                        Source (Statutes
    Revised Section           Source (U.S. Code)           at Large)
6(f)(5)...............  41 U.S.C. 254 note (relating   Pub. L. 110-417,
                         to date of enactment)          [div. A], title
                                                        VIII, Sec.
                                                        864(a) (relating
                                                        to date of
                                                        enactment), Oct.
                                                        14, 2008, 122
                                                        Stat. 4549.

                           SECTION 7--REPEALS

    Section 7 of the bill repeals provisions replaced by the 
bill, along with unnecessary and obsolete provisions (see 
``Disposition Table'' above).