[House Document 107-136]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]

107th Congress, 1st Session - - - - - - - - - - - House Document 107-136 








  October 23, 2001.--Referred to the Committee on Appropriations and 
                         ordered to be printed

99-012                     WASHINGTON : 2001

                                           The White House,
                                      Washington, October 22, 2001.
Hon. J. Dennis Hastert,
Speaker of the House of Representatives,
Washington, DC.
    Dear Mr. Speaker: In accordance with provisions of Public 
Law 107-38, the Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act for 
Recovery from and Response to Terrorist Attacks on the United 
States, FY 2001, today I have authorized transfers from the 
Emergency Response Fund totaling $1.7 billion for emergency 
recovery and response and national security activities listed 
in the enclosed letter from the Director of the Office of 
Management and Budget. As provided in Public Law 107-38, $1.6 
billion of these funds will be made available to agencies 15 
days from the date of this transmittal and $71.4 million will 
be made available to the Department of Defense immediately.
    These funds are in addition to the $7.2 billion that I 
previously authorized for transfer and will allow our 
Government to continue to address the consequences--both at 
home and abroad--arising from the terrorist attacks of 
September 11, 2001.
    On October 17th, I asked the Congress to provide $20 
billion in emergency funding for both defense and domestic 
needs related to the September attacks. I urge the Congress to 
enact these crucial resources without delay.
    The details of these actions are set forth in the enclosed 
letter from the Director of the Office of Management and 
Budget. I concur with his comments and observations.
                                                    George W. Bush.
                           [Estimate No. 20]

                 Executive Office of the President,
                           Office of Management and Budget,
                                  Washington, DC, October 19, 2001.
The President,
The White House.
    Submitted for your consideration are requests to make 
available by transfer previously appropriated funds provided in 
P.L. 107-38, the Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act for 
Recovery from and Response to Terrorist Attacks on the United 
States, FY 2001. You have previously authorized the transfer of 
$7.2 billion from the Emergency Response Fund (ERF).
    Your approval of these additional requests would transfer a 
total of $1.7 billion from the ERF to the Departments of 
Agriculture, Defense, State, and Transportation; International 
Assistance Programs; and the Broadcasting Board of Governors. 
The funding would address consequences of the attacks, 
including funding for: the use of National Guard personnel and 
additional sky marshals to provide increased airport security; 
food assistance programs in Afghanistan and Pakistan, as well 
as other neighboring countries; economic assistance to 
Pakistan; counterterrorism activities; and national security 
    These requests represent the fourth round of transfers from 
the ERF to respond to urgent requirements arising from the 
September terrorist attacks. Pursuant to P.L. 107-38, $1.6 
billion of these funds will be made available to agencies 15 
days after this designation is forwarded to Congress and $71.4 
million will be made available to the Department of Defense 
without further congressional review.
    Following an extensive review of individual agency 
proposals, on October 17th, you asked the Congress to provide 
$20 billion in emergency funding for additional immediate and 
near-term requirements. We will work with the Congress to 
ensure that these funds are enacted quickly so that recovery 
from the attacks can continue without interruption.
    I have carefully reviewed these proposals and am satisfied 
that they are necessary at this time. Therefore, I join the 
heads of the affected Departments and agencies in recommending 
your approval of the transfers described in the enclosure.
                                  Mitchell E. Daniels, Jr.,

    Emergency Appropriations: Amounts Previously Appropriated To Be 
     Transferred by the President From the Emergency Response Fund

    Available Immediately:

Department of Defense (DOD)--Military...................     $71,400,000

    These resources will provide for increased situational 
awareness ($41.4 million) and the initial costs of National 
Guard personnel to provide airport security ($30.0 million).
    Available After 15 Days:

Department of Agriculture: Foreign Agricultural Service 
    P.L. 480 Grants.....................................     $22,000,000

    These funds will be used to purchase and deliver food to 
vulnerable people inside Afghanistan, as well as potential new 
refugees in Pakistan and other neighboring countries.

Department of Defense (DOD)--Military...................  $1,098,000,000

    These resources will provide funding for: increased 
situational awareness ($438.0 million); improved command and 
control ($210.0 million); National Guard personnel providing 
airport security ($175.0 million); offensive counterterrorism 
($140.0 million); increased worldwide posture--mobilization of 
National Guard and Reserve personnel ($70.0 million); repair of 
the Pentagon ($41.0 million); enhanced force protection--Winter 
Olympics security ($20.0 million); and initial crisis 
response--Pentagon security ($4.0 million).

Department of State:
    Administration of Foreign Affairs:
        Diplomatic and Consular Programs................     $55,000,000
        Capital Investment Fund.........................       7,500,000
    Other: International Narcotics Control and Law 
      Enforcement (INL).................................      73,000,000

    These resources include: for Diplomatic and Consular 
Programs, $30.0 million to hire new Diplomatic Security agents, 
$15.0 million for a large-scale public diplomacy media outreach 
effort to Muslim audiences abroad, $4.0 million for emergency 
medical supplies, $1.0 million for Counterterrorism Foreign 
Emergency Support Team (FEST) equipment, $3.0 million for an 
international component in next Top Officials (TOPOFF) training 
in biological terrorism simulation, and $2.0 million to provide 
12 new positions for the Office of the Special Coordinator for 
Counterterrorism; for INL, $73.0 million to improve Pakistan 
border security by providing helicopters, vehicles, fuel, night 
vision goggles, communications equipment, training, and border 
post communications; and $7.5 million to replace existing 
outdated secure phones.

Department of Transportation:
    Federal Aviation Administration:
        Operations......................................    $141,000,000
        Aviation Insurance Revolving Fund...............      50,000,000

    These resources will provide funding for additional air 
marshals ($141.0 million) and reimbursement for air carriers' 
post-September 11th incremental costs of war risk insurance 
($50.0 million).

International Assistance Programs
    Agency for International Development (AID):
        Operating Expenses..............................      $2,000,000
        Disaster Assistance.............................      20,000,000
    International Security Assistance: Economic Support 
      Fund..............................................     100,000,000
    International Development Assistance, Multilateral 
      Assistance: International Affairs Technical 
      Assistance........................................       3,000,000
    Peace Corps.........................................       3,900,000

    These resources include: $2.0 million for security 
improvements for overseas AID personnel; $20.0 million for 
humanitarian assistance in Afghanistan; $3.0 million to provide 
training and other needed expertise to foreign governments to 
combat terrorist financing; and $3.9 million to evacuate Peace 
Corps volunteers. These funds also include $100.0 million for 
assistance to Pakistan to provide economic support.

Broadcasting Board of Governors: International 
    Broadcasting Operations.............................     $12,250,000

    These funds will be used to increase the agency's Voice of 
America broadcasts in Arabic, Farsi, Pashto, Dari, and Urdu and 
its Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty broadcasts in Arabic, 
Farsi, Tajik, Turkmen, Uzbek, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, and Azeri.