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Our Nation's Highways - 2000

Selected Facts and Figures

Publication No. FHWA-PL-01-1012

Office of Highway Policy Information
Federal Highway Administration
Cover for Our Nation's Highways

The information in this publication provides a condensed overview of facts and figures about our Nation's highways. Except where noted, the Federal Highway Administration is the source of the data provided by the States. Unless otherwise stated, we have used the 2000 data. For more detailed data on many of the subjects covered, refer to the publications series, Highway Statistics, published annually by the Office of Highway Policy Information, Federal Highway Administration.

Our Nation's Highways: Selected Facts and Figures 2000 PDF (2.1 MB)1 ZIP (311 KB)2
Table of Contents
  1. Our Nation's Highways
  2. Air Quality
  3. The Vehicle Fleet
  4. Licensed Drivers
  5. The Highway System
  6. National Highway System
  7. Conditions, Performance, and Safety
  8. Motor-Fuel Use
  9. Travel
  10. Highway Funding and Expenditures
  11. State and Urbanized Area Statistics

1/ PDF files require the PDF File Reader.
2/ The "Zip" files contain Microsoft Excel documents with the data found in the Our Nation's Highways.

Contact Millie Wilson to order a hard copy, or call (202) 366-0160.

This page last modified on May 31, 2022

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United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration