1990 Census of Population and Housing
Population and Housing Characteristics for Congressional
Districts of the 103rd Congress (CPH-4) |
One report for each State and the District of Columbia showing population
and housing data for Congressional Districts, counties, places of 10,000
or more inhabitants, and minor civil division's (MCD's) of 10,000 or more
inhabitants in selected States within each Congressional District.
- Population characteristics: Age (19 categories),
including voting age persons by race; ancestry; citizenship; class of
worker; disability; educational attainment; family type and presence of
children; fertility; group quarters; Hispanic origin; household type
and relationship; income in 1989; (other income categories are median
income per person, household, family, and nonfamily
household); industry; labor force status, including for persons 16 to
19 years by school enrollment and educational attainment;
labor force status in 1989, including weeks and hours worked; land
area; language spoken at home and ability to speak English;
marital status; means of transportation to work; migration (residence
in 1985), nativity; occupation; period of military service;
place of birth; population density; poverty status in 1989; race;
residence in 1985; school enrollment and type of school; sex;
urban, rural, and farm residence (persons); veteran status; workers in
family in 1989.
- Housing characteristics: Age of householder; bedrooms
(six categories); condominium status; contract rent; gross rent;
Hispanic origin of householder; house heating fuel; household income
in 1989; household type and relationship; householder 65
years and over; kitchen facilities; land area; meals included in rent;
mortgage status and selected monthly owner costs; persons
per room; persons in unit; persons per unit; plumbing facilities; race
of householder; rooms; sewage disposal; source of water;
telephone in unit; tenure (housing owned or rented), including tenure
by race and Hispanic origin of householder; units in
structure; vacancy characteristics; value; vehicles available; year
householder moved into unit; year structure built.
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