Malheur National Forest

Planning Documents

Allison Guard Station Improvement Project (October 12, 2004)

High Roberts Decision Memo (October 4, 2004) (422kb)

Easy Fire FEIS (9/23/04)

Forest Roads Analysis (July 2004)

Blue Mountains Forest Plan Revision (April 2004)

Monument Fire FEIS and Record of Decision (March 2004)

Flagtail Fire FEIS and Record of Decision (2/20/04)

Blue Aquatic-Culvert Replacement EA (5/8/03)

Canyon Creek Watershed Analysis (8/6/03)

Galena Watershed Analysis - Supplement 2002 (10/8/03)

Roba Westfall and York & Rannells Mines Closures (6/21/03)

Silvies Canyon Watershed Restoration Project (8/18/03)