Department of Health and Human Services: Amounts Charged to the Department for Events Attended by the President
Published: Jun 09, 2003. Publicly Released: Jul 11, 2003.
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GAO, answering a request from the House Committee on Ways and Means, compiled information concerning amounts charged by the White House for Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) events attended by President George W. Bush and charged to any department within HHS.
Recommendations for Executive Action
Agency Affected | Recommendation | Status |
Department of Health and Human Services | The Secretary of Health and Human Services should direct the Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management to establish and institute procedures to ensure that HHS obtains adequate documentation from the White House, including itemized statements that explain and support the propriety of charges made by the White House against HHS appropriations. |
HHS and the White House established a memorandum of understanding whereby the White House will submit annotated copies of the Voucher and Schedule of Withdrawals and Credits (SF 1081) when billing the Department. The SF-1081 includes a section for describing related charges and attaching additional support for charges. The memorandum of understanding was finalized in August 2004.
Department of Health and Human Services | The Secretary of Health and Human Services should direct the Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management to issue a policy on how such documentation will be maintained and managed to ensure that it is readily available for examination. |
The memorandum of understanding that HHS and the White House established to require the White House to submit SF 1081's indicates that the appropriate HHS operating division's accounting center will maintain the SF-1081s and the Office of Secretary Executive Officer will also maintain a copy.
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