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Results-Oriented Government: Using GPRA to Address 21st Century Challenges

GAO-03-1166T Published: Sep 18, 2003. Publicly Released: Sep 18, 2003.
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Congress asked GAO to discuss the Government Performance and Results Act's (GPRA) success in shifting the focus of government operations from process to results and to evaluate the extent to which agency managers have embraced GPRA as a management tool. Further, Congress was interested in any recommendations GAO may have to improve the effectiveness of GPRA. GAO is conducting a comprehensive review of the effectiveness of GPRA since its enactment, including updating the results of our federal managers survey. The results of this review will be available next month.

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Sarah Kaczmarek
Managing Director
Office of Public Affairs

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Federal agenciesAgency missionsPerformance measuresProductivity in governmentAccountabilityStrategic planningPerformance goalsPerformance plansContinuity of operationsPerformance management