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Disaster Assistance: Federal Aid to the New York City Area Following the Attacks of September 11th and Challenges Confronting FEMA

GAO-03-1174T Published: Sep 24, 2003. Publicly Released: Sep 24, 2003.
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The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, resulted in one of the largest catastrophes this country has ever experienced. The federal government has been a key participant in the efforts to provide aid after the attacks, and it has been providing the New York City area with funds and other forms of assistance. The magnitude of the disaster in New York and the size and scope of the federal government's response in aiding the city has generated significant interest in the nature and progress of this federal assistance. This testimony focuses on (1) how much and what types of assistance the federal government provided to the New York City area following the September 11 terrorist attacks, (2) how the federal government's response to this disaster differed from previous disaster response efforts, and (3) the ongoing challenges FEMA faces as it, and its mission, are subsumed into the Department of Homeland Security.

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Sarah Kaczmarek
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Office of Public Affairs

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CommutersComparative analysisCounterterrorismDisaster relief aidFederal agency reorganizationFederal fundsFederal grantsFunds managementHomeland securityInteragency relationsInternal controlsRailroad tunnelsTerrorism