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"Technocorrections": The Promises, the Uncertain Threats
June 2000

Cover Image This NIJ Research in Brief describes how technological forces are converging with the forces of law and order to create "technocorrections." The emerging technologies that may be used in technocorrections are discussed in three areas—tracking and location systems, pharmacological treatment, and neurobiologic risk assessment. "Technocorrections": The Promises, the Uncertain Threats also analyzes the threats to democracy that new technologies pose and the challenges to minimizing such threats. The author suggests that only in a technocorrectional world may it be possible to reduce the risk of violent recidivism to almost zero. Current Briefs in this series from the Executive Sessions on Sentencing and Corrections focus on the drug court approach and its evolution, the processes and goals of prisoner reentry, and the "parallel universe" approach to prison management.

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