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Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies
2058 Maluhia Road
Honolulu, HI 96815
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Updated:  11 Jan 05


Research Department and Publications


Research and Publications

An active research faculty conducts research and writing about Asia-Pacific security issues in support of the Center’s mission. These specialists, working in their areas of expertise, analyze middle- to long-range Asia-Pacific security issues and their potential implications for the United States. The publications aim to advance the regional discourse on security, and to provide useful analysis and information for the U.S. policy-making community, as well as for security analysts and practitioners in other Asia-Pacific countries. The publications program also supports the philosophy and mission of the Center by: enriching the curriculum, continuing alumni education, and creating exchange opportunities with counterpart institutions and libraries throughout the region. 

The publications program comprises of three types of publications. . The Asia-Pacific Security Studies series presents 3,500 word analyses that address mid-term, security-related issues and developments of policy relevance. The Occasional Papers series presents 6,000 to 7,000 word assessments of longer-term security issues in the region, and reflects significant research efforts. Finally, the Asia-Pacific Center Monographs series presents 100 to 200 page monographs on key issues in regional security. Monographs are expected to be notable contributions to the field of Asia-Pacific security. Also in the monograph series are edited volumes emanating from APCSS research collaborations and conferences.

APCSS Publications:

Special Assessment Series

The Asia-Pacific and the United States 2004-2005

Individual Chapters

Asia's Bilateral Relations - Dr. Satu Limaye (ed.) October 2004

Complete Document

Individual Chapters

Asia's China Debate - Dr. Satu Limaye (ed.) December 2003

Complete Document

Individual Chapters

Asia-Pacific Responses to U.S. Security Policies - Dr. Satu Limaye (ed.) March 2003

Complete Document

Individual Chapters

Asia Pacific Security Study Series

Pakistan's Transformation: Why It Will Not (and Need Not) Happen - Dr. Robert G. Wirsing

Regional Reverberations from Regime Shake-up in Rangoon - Dr. Mohan Malik

Trouble in Thailand's Muslim South: Separatism, not Global Terrorism - Dr. Anthony L. Smith

Civil-Military Integration and Chinese Military Modernization - Mr. Richard Bitzinger

Defense Transformation and the Asia Pacific: Implications for Regional Militaries - Mr. Richard Bitzinger

Challenges to Transforming Asian-Pacific Militaries - Mr. Richard Bitzinger

Indonesia's April 2004 Parliamentary Elections: Implications for Presidential Elections and Policies - Dr. Anthony L. Smith

Malaysia's 2004 Elections: Mahathir's Successor Succeeds - Dr. Anthony L. Smith

U.S.-Taiwan Arms Sales: The Perils of Doing Business with Friends - Dr. Denny Roy

Taipei's Arms Procurement Dilemma: Implications for Defending Taiwan - Mr. Richard Bitzinger

The Asia-Pacific Arms Market: Emerging Capabilities, Emerging Concerns - Mr. Richard Bitzinger

China and the Korean Peninsula - Dr. Denny Roy

Oceania's Post - 9/11 Concerns - Dr. Eric Shibuya

Japan's Security Policies During OEF and OIF - Dr. Yoichiro Sato

Indonesia's Aceh Problem:  Measuring  International and Domestic Costs - Dr. Anthony L. Smith 

Japan Gets Serious About Missile Defense:  North Korean Crisis Pushes Debate - Dr. David Fouse

New President on the Block, South Korea's 2002 Elections - Dr. Seongho Sheen

U.S. - Indonesia Relations Searching for Cooperation - 
Dr. Anthony L. Smith

China's Pitch for a Multipolar World - Dr. Denny Roy

Security in Southeast Asia - Dr. Jim Rolfe

Japan Crosses the Rubicon - Dr. John Miller

Taiwan 2001 Elections - Dr. Denny Roy

China and Southeast Asia  -  Dr. Denny Roy

Occasional Paper Series

China's Rise in Asia - Promises, Prospects and Implications for the United States - Robert G. Sutter

The Roots and Implications of East Asian Regionalism - Dr. John Miller

Back to the Future: The Congress Party's Upset Victory in India's 14th General Elections – Dr. Arun R.Swamy

Cross-Strait Economic Relations: Opportunities Outweigh Risks – Dr. Denny Roy

The Outlier: Japan Between Asia and the West – Dr. John Miller

Japan's Post-Cold War North Korea Policy - Dr. David Fouse

Japan-Sourth Korea Relations:  Slowly lifting the Burden of History? - Dr. Seongho Sheen

Stirring Samurai, Disapproving Dragon:  Japan's Growing Security Activity and Sino-Japan Relations - Dr. Denny Roy

Destiny's Child-Prospects for Megawati  - Dr. Anthony L. Smith

Hindu Nationalism-What's Religion Got To Do With It? - Dr. Arun Swamy

Taiwan's Threat Perceptions: The Enemy Within - Dr. Denny Roy

The China Factor In the India-Pakistan Conflict
- Dr. Mohan Malik

Japan's Burden of History-Can It Be Lifted?  -  Dr. John Miller

Rethinking Education, National Security and Social Stability in China -  Xiong Yonggen

Security Policy in Indonesia: By Guess, or By Golly? -  John B. Haseman

Low Energy and High Friction:  How Domestic Determinants Shape U.S. National Security Policy in the Asia-Pacific Stephen D. Wrage

Reviewing the ASEAN Regional Forum and  its Role in Southeast Asian Security -  Maria Consuelo C. Ortuoste 

SLOC Security in the Asia Pacific - Professor Ji Guoxing  

Chinese Negotiating Styles: Japan’s Experience - Ambassador Kagechika Matano

Financial Crisis in Korea: Implications for U.S.-Korean Relations - Jin Song


Edited Volumes

Religious Radicalism and Security in South Asia -   Satu Limaye, Robert Wirsing and Mohan Malik

Growth & Governance in Asia -   Yoichiro Sato

The Asia Pacific: A Region in Transition -   Jim Rolfe

Domestic Determinants and Security Policy Policy-Making in East Asia -   Satu P. Limaye and Yasuhiro Matsuda

Security in Oceania in the 21st Century - Eric Shibuya and Jim Rolfe


Conference & Seminar Reports, and Executive Summaries

Visiting Researchers

To promote an exchange of views on security issues between APCSS faculty and specialists from throughout the region, the Research and Publications Division regularly hosts visiting researchers for one to three months and a distinguished visiting researcher for up to one year.  The visiting researchers make an important contribution to the Center in two ways: first, they provide occasional papers or other deliverables on relevant issues.  Second, as most visiting researchers are from the Asia-Pacific region, they are able to provide in-house expertise regarding Asia-Pacific approaches and opinions on security issues. Selection is based on a favorable match between the visiting researcher’s interests and background and current needs of APCSS.  Potential applicants may contact the Director of Research and Publications for more information.   

  • Dr. Jiang Yili is Associate Professor and Deputy Director, Division of Security and Foreign Policy Studies, Institute of Asian-Pacific Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing. Some of her previous positions include: Editor, The Commercial Press, Beijing; also Second and First Secretary, Embassy of the PRC in the US. She has also written numerous articles and three books some of which include: Culture of Buddhism in the East, Sakana--A Great Reformer of Hinduism, India's Development and Its Foreign Strategy, "Changes of Diplomacy Pattern and Security Situation in Post Cold War South Asia" in Contemporary Asia-Pacific Studies, No. 5, 1995; and "Situation of Security in South Asia in 2001" in World Military Review; No. 1, 2002. Professor Jiang received her bachelor’s degree from Zhengzhou University, master’s degree from the Chinese Academy of Social Science and Peking University, and her doctorate from the University of Delhi. While at APCSS, Dr. Jiang gave a roundtable presentation titled,  “A Chinese Perspective of US South Asia Policy.”
  • Dr. Wu Shichun was a visiting research fellow at the Center from October–November 2001.  Dr. Wu is a Senior Research Fellow and Director at Hainan Research Institute for the South China Sea  (HRISCS).  He received his doctorate in modern Chinese history from Nanjing University in 1997, and was a visiting scholar at the School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), Johns Hopkins University.  He has published numerous articles and books about Northeast Asian security and international relations.  During his tenure at APCSS, Dr. Wu wrote,  “The Surrounding Situations of the South China Sea and China’s National Security.”
  • Mr. Yasuhiro Matsuda was a visiting researcher from January–June 2000.  Mr. Matsuda is a senior research fellow at the National Institute for Defense Studies (NIDS) in Japan and is currently a doctorate candidate at Keio University, Tokyo. Mr. Matsuda is specializes in China and Taiwan Politics and PRC-Taiwan Relations.  During his tenure at the Center, Mr. Matsuda gave lectures in the College of Security Studies and completed a paper titled, “Cross-Straits Security Relations: The Role of Domestic Politics in the PRC and Taiwan.” This paper was included in a volume he co-edited with Dr. Satu Limaye titled, Domestic Determinants and Security Policy-Making in East Asia.

Regional Security Discussions

The Research and Publications Division organizes annual regional security discussions between APCSS research and teaching faculty and strategic analysts from counterpart institutions in selected Asia-Pacific countries.  Such discussions have been conducted in Japan, Singapore and Taiwan. Other countries will be added in the future. Products of discussions include briefings and publications. 


APCSS research faculty, along with the teaching faculty in the College of Security Studies, take responsibility for the academic aspects of APCSS conferences. 

APCSS Research and Publications Department Staff

Dr. Satu Limaye, Chair

Dr. Denny Roy, Associate Professor of Research

Dr. Anthony Smith, Associate Professor of Research

Mr. Richard Bitzinger, Associate Professor of Research

Dr. David Fouse, Assistant Professor of Research

Dr. Steven Kim, Assistant Professor of Research

Lt. Col. David Shin, Visiting Professor of Research

Ms. Dorothy Walters, Administrative Assistant