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Our Changing PlanetA report by the Climate Change Science Program and the Subcommittee on Global Change Research.
Our Changing Planet. The Fiscal Year 2003 US Global Change Research Program and Climate Change Research Initiative [PDF, 1.6 Mb]. Our Changing Planet, The Fiscal Year 2002 US Global Change Research Program. [PDF] (dated 2001) Our Changing Planet, The Fiscal Year 2001 US Global Change Research Program. [PDF] (dated 2000) Our Changing Planet, The Fiscal Year 2000 US Global Change Research Program. (dated 1999) Our Changing Planet, The
Fiscal Year 1999 US Global Change Research Program. (dated 1998)
Our Changing Planet, The Fiscal Year 1998 US Global Change Research Program. Our Changing Planet, The Fiscal Year 1997 US Global Change Research Program. Our Changing Planet, The Fiscal Year 1996 US Global Change Research Program Our Changing Planet, The Fiscal Year 1995 US Global Change Research Program Our Changing Planet: The Fiscal Year 1990 Research Plan [PDF; 16.3 Mb]. A Report by the Committee on Earth Sciences (of the Federal Coordinating Council for Science, Engineering, and Technology). (dated July 1989) Our Changing Planet: A U.S. Strategy for Global Change Research [PDF; 12.5 Mb]. A Report by the Committee on Earth Sciences (of the Federal Coordinating Council for Science, Engineering, and Technology) to Accompany the U.S. President's Fiscal Year 1990 Budget. (dated 1989)
Strategic PlanU.S. Climate Change Science Program Revised Research Plan: An update to the 2003 Strategic Plan. A report by the Climate Change Science Program and the Subcommittee on Global Change Research. See also press release (dtd 29 May, 2008). (links posted 29 May 2008) Summary of Revised Research Plan for the U.S. Climate Change Science Program (CCSP). The CCSP in 2008 will supplement its 2003 Strategic Plan with a Revised Research Plan. This summary of the Revised Research Plan is open for public comment for 60 days (through 26 February 2008). Comments will be considered in developing the final Revised Research Plan as well as a Scientific Assessment, both due by June 2008. (posted 28 Dec 2007)
Strategic Plan: (posted 11 November 2002) A fully updated strategic plan for the combined US Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) and Climate Change Research Initiative (CCRI). Available for review; comments accepted until 13 January 2003. It will be the focus of a public workshop in Washington, DC on 3-5 December 2002. A final version of the plan will be published in April 2003. (posted 15 November 2002) USGCRP: Fiscal Year 2002 Program and Strategic Planning. [5.7 Megabyte Microsoft PowerPoint file] Presentation by Dr Margaret Leinen before US Senate Staff, 7 May 2001. Dr. Leinen is Chair of the Subcommittee on Global Change Research (SGCR), Committee on Environment & Natural Resources (CENR), National Science and Technology Council. The SGCR oversees the US Global Change Research Program (USGCRP). (link posted 7 May 2001)
Global Change Research HighlightsThe US Climate Change Research Initiative (CCRI): Survey of Research Strategies to Reduce Scientific Uncertainties. Document (August 2001) Presented By Donald L. Evans, Secretary, Department of Commerce, at the Request of President George W. Bush, Jr. (posted 24 June 2002)Global Change Research Highlights. Periodic features documenting key initiatives of the US Global Change Research Program. (updated 21 June 2002) Climate Action Report 2002. The United States of America's Third National Communication Under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. On 28 May 2002, the US Government submitted this report to the United Nations in fulfillment of its commitment under the Climate Convention. Two chapters in this report are based primarily on activities sponsored by the USGCRP. These include:
Workshops and MeetingsA Land Use and Land Cover Change Science Strategy. Summary of a Workshop held at the Smithsonian Institution on 19-21 November 2003. It was organized by the US Climate Change Science Program (CCSP) Land Use Interagency Working Group (LUIWG). Edited by Richard Aspinall and Chris Justice. (posted 24 August 2005) Records of the U.S. Climate Change Science Program: Planning Workshop for Scientists & Stakeholders. Presentations, audio recordings and photos from the conference sponsored by the United States Climate Change Science Program on 3-5 December 2002 in Washington, DC. The public workshop reviewed a draft Strategic Plan (posted 11 November 2002) for the US Global Change Research Program and Climate Change Research Initiative (CCRI). (posted 4 January 2003) See also:
Human Interactions with the Carbon Cycle. Summary of a Workshop. By Paul C. Stern for the National Research Council, Committee on the Human Dimensions of Global Change, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences (Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 2002). Report on the Coordinated Enhanced Observing Period (CEOP) International Workshop. (also available as MS Word 6/95 file). The workshop was held 27 February-1 March 2001, at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. Sponsored by NOAA Office of Global Programs NASA Land Surface Hydrology Program. (posted 27 June 2001) Joint Communique from the SIXTH U.S.-JAPAN JOINT HIGH-LEVEL COMMITTEE MEETING ON SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (2 May 1996)
Information on USGCRP Elements
U.S. Climate Change Science Program Scientific AssessmentU.S. Climate Change Science Program Scientific Assessment of the Effects of Global Change on the United States. A report of the Committee on Environment and Natural Resources of the National Science and Technology Council. See also press release (dtd 29 May, 2008). (links posted 29 May 2008) Back to the top >> U.S. National Assessment of Climate ChangeUS National Assessment of Climate Change. Access online reports and other material from the US National Assessment of the Potential Consequences of Climate Variability and Change. (link posted 2 April 2001)
Other Major Documents
Agency Data Sets Related to Global Change, Newly Available in 2001. Document (dtd April 2002) from the US National Science and Technology Council (NSTC), Committee on Environment and Natural Resources (CENR), Subcommittee on Global Change Research (SGCR), Data and Information Working Group. Fifth of a series of yearly publications. (link posted 10 May 2002) US Global Climate Change Initiative (posted 14 Feb 2002)
Presentations to the American Meteorological Society, 14 January 2002
A Plan for a New Science Initiative on the Global Water Cycle. Final report (dtd 2001) from the Water Cycle Study Group (WCSG), chaired by George Hornberger of the University of Virginia. The group was appointed in late 1999 to advise the US Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) agencies on the development of a Global Water Cycle Program within the USGCRP. The Plan describes the rationale for an enhanced scientific research effort on the global water cycle over the next decade and poses three key science questions -- about water-cycle variability, about prediction, and about links with ecosystem processes. (posted 17 October 2001) Agency Data Sets Related to Global Change, Newly Available in 2000. Document (dtd March 2001) from the US National Science and Technology Council (NSTC), Committee on Environment and Natural Resources (CENR), Subcommittee on Global Change Research (SGCR), Data and Information Working Group. This fourth of a series of yearly publications represents another important step in the interagency process of making data and information related to the Global Change Research Program available. One of this publication's objectives is to provide this diverse user community with a concise summary of what data has been cataloged and made newly available each year. (link posted 16 March 2001) High-End Climate Science: Development of Modeling and Related Computing Capabilities (Also available: PDF version, 321 kb). A report (dtd December 2000) to the US Global Change Research Program from the US government's ad hoc Working Group on Climate Modeling. (link posted 18 Jan 2001) Climate Change: State of Knowledge [PDF]. Eighteen page, full-color illustrated booklet for a general audience. Published by the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) in 1997. Also available in hardcopy from the GCRIO Online Catalog "Is the Climate Changing? Indeed It Is". By Michael MacCracken Director of the Office of the US Global Change Research Program, Washington DC and Tom Karl Senior Scientist at the National Climatic Data Center of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in Asheville NC. appears in Bob Ryan's 1997 Almanac & Guide for the Weatherwise published by WRC-TV, Washington DC. WHO Report Summary: "Climate Change and Human Health" - An Assessment Prepared by a Task Group on Behalf of the World Health Organization, the World Meteorological Organization and the United Nations Environment Programme. (16 July 1996) Prepared statement of The Honorable John H. Gibbons, Director, Office of Science and Tehcnology Policy before the subcommittee on Veterans' Affairs, HUD, and Independent Agencies Committee on Appropriations, US House of Representatives, FY97 House Appropriations Testimony/OSTP (30 April 1996) "American Diplomacy and the Global Environmental Challenges of the 21st Century" : Address by Secretary of State Warren Christopher to Stanford University. (9 April 1996) "Climate Change: State of Knowledge" (Environmental division, OSTP, Executive Office of the President, Washington, DC) Nature: "Climate Change: The Evidence Mounts Up" Preparing for an Uncertain Climate. Report from the US Congress, Office of Technology Assessment, October 1993: