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State Department: Issues Affecting Funding of Iraqi National Congress Support Foundation

GAO-04-559 Published: Apr 30, 2004. Publicly Released: May 20, 2004.
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As part of the efforts by the United States to oust Saddam Hussein, a critical element of U.S. policy included funding the Iraqi National Congress as the lead Iraqi opposition coalition. In 1999, the Iraqi National Congress Support Foundation (INCSF) was established to provide an organizational structure for Department of State funding. From March 2000 until September 2003, the Department of State funded several INCSF programs, including television broadcasting. INCSF's broadcasting goals included broadcasts into Iraq focusing on providing the Iraqi people unbiased news and information and updating them on efforts to bring democracy to Iraq. GAO was asked to review (1) the history of the Department of State's funding of INCSF broadcasting activities and (2) the key issues affecting State's funding decisions.

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Sarah Kaczmarek
Managing Director
Office of Public Affairs

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AccountabilityCooperative agreementsData collectionFederal aid to foreign countriesForeign governmentsPlanning programming budgetingTelevisionCost of warTelevision broadcastingDemocracy-building programsPolicies and procedures