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>> USAID Publications >> APR 1995 

This report reviews USAID's achievements and challenges from around the world in 1995. We continue to aggressively reinvent our management and operations -- despite dramatically reduced budgets -- to better advance America's interests in promoting free markets and democracy around the globe. We hope you find this report of interest. We promise to continuing working to make these programs, so vital to America's long term interests, even stronger.

[PDF] Introduction

[PDF] Promoting Broad-Based Economic Growth

[PDF] Advancing Democracy

[PDF] Stabilizing Population and Protecting Human Health

[PDF] Encouraging Sound Environmental Management

[PDF] Providing Humanitarian and Transition Assistance

[PDF] The Challenges for 1996

Note: These files are in ".pdf" format. You must download and install Acrobat Reader software to view them.

If you have comments or questions about USAID or this report, please e-mail us at: pinquiries@usaid.gov. We look forward to hearing from you.
