Comprehensive Housing Market Analyses
HUD's Economic and Market Analysis Division prepares Comprehensive Housing Market Analyses that assist and guide HUD in its operations. The factual information, findings, and conclusions contained in the reports could also be useful to builders, mortgagees, and others concerned with local housing conditions and trends. For each analysis, HUD economists develop a factual framework based on information available, as of a particular date, from both local and national sources. Each analysis takes into consideration changes in the economic, demographic, and housing inventory characteristics of a specific housing market area during three periods: from 2000 to 2010, from 2010 to the as-of date of the analysis, and from the as-of date to a forecast date. The reports present counts and estimates of employment, population, households, and housing inventory.
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Click here for additional data pertaining to the housing market for the following Comprehensive Housing Market Analyses.
Click here for accessing scanned historical analysis reports.