National Transportation Atlas Database
The National Transportation Atlas Database (NTAD), published by BTS, is a set of nationwide geographic databases of transportation facilities, transportation networks, and associated infrastructure. These datasets include spatial information for transportation modal networks and intermodal terminals, as well as the related attribute information for these features. There are around 90 total datasets that make up NTAD. Metadata documentation, as prescribed by the Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC), is also provided for each database. These data support research, analysis, and decision-making across all modes of transportation. They are most useful at the national level, but have major applications at regional, state, and local scales throughout the transportation community. The current NTAD databases are designed for use within a geographic information system (GIS); however, the attribute data for each dataset can be accessed in any database, spreadsheet, or other software package. In 2016, NTAD switched from an annual update to updates on a continuous basis. The BTS is interested in providing different distribution approaches and developing additional datasets.