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This publication is provided for historical reference only and the information may be out of date.

Cover of Management of Uterine Fibroids

Management of Uterine Fibroids

An Update of the Evidence

Evidence Reports/Technology Assessments, No. 154

Investigators: , PhD, , MD, PhD, , BS, , MD, , MD, , MS, , MPA, and , PhD.

Rockville (MD): Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (US); .
Report No.: 07-E011

Structured Abstract


The RTI International-University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Evidence-based Practice Center (RTI-UNC EPC) systematically updated evidence on the management of uterine fibroids, specifically incidence and prevalence of fibroids, treatment outcomes, comparisons of treatment, modifiers of outcomes, and costs.

Data Sources:

We searched MEDLINE®, Cochrane Collaboration resources, and Embase.

Review Methods:

We included studies published in English from February 2000 through August 2006. We excluded studies with low sample size (based on study design, cases series < 100 and cohorts < 40) or lack of relevance to uterine fibroids. Of 107 included studies, 3 were good quality, 56 fair, and 48 poor.


The cumulative incidence by age 50 is 70 percent to 80 percent; black women are more likely to get fibroids at younger ages. Appearance of new fibroids and growth of existing fibroids after treatment are poorly studied. Trials of preoperative medical management indicate that treatment reduces fibroid volume but do not provide sufficient evidence of improvement in important operative outcomes. When women are treated for reasons other than symptom relief, such as when pregnancy is desired, weak evidence supports treating submucous fibroids via hysteroscopy.

No well-conducted trials in U.S. populations directly compared treatment options, including the option of expectant management, or followed women to determine whether the intervention met their treatment objectives. Common procedures such as hysterectomy and myomectomy, including choice among types of myomectomy, still cannot be meaningfully compared. Studies comparing uterine artery embolization (UAE) with other procedures reported procedure time and length of stay favoring UAE, but inconsistency of the direction of effect for complications and absence of key information on longer-term outcomes suggest that this evidence base is inadequate to comment on the relative risks and benefits of UAE versus hysterectomy or myomectomy.

Costs of fibroid treatment, despite shorter average lengths of stay, are rising.


The dearth of high-quality evidence supporting the effectiveness of most interventions for uterine fibroids is remarkable, given how common this problem is. The current state of the literature does not permit definitive conclusions about benefit, harm, or relative costs to help guide women's choices. Significant research gaps include well-conducted trials in U.S. populations that directly compare interventions on short- and, especially, long-term outcomes, studies on therapeutics for medical management, and information on treatment decisions for women who desire a pregnancy.


Prepared for: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.1 Contract No. 290-02-0016. Prepared by: RTI International-University of North Carolina Evidence-based Practice Center, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina.

Suggested citation:

Viswanathan, M, Hartmann, K, McKoy, N, Stuart, G, Rankins, N, Thieda, P, Lux, L, Lohr, KN. Management of Uterine Fibroids: An Update of the Evidence. Evidence Report/Technology Assessment No. 154 (Prepared by RTI International-University of North Carolina Evidence-based Practice Center under Contract No. 290-02-0016. AHRQ Publication No. 07-E011. Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. July 2007.

This report is based on research conducted by the RTI-UNC Evidence-based Practice Center (EPC) under contract to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), Rockville, MD (Contract No. 290-02-0016). The findings and conclusions in this document are those of the author(s), who are responsible for its content, and do not necessarily represent the views of AHRQ. No statement in this report should be construed as an official position of AHRQ or of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

The information in this report is intended to help clinicians, employers, policymakers, and others make informed decisions about the provision of health care services. This report is intended as a reference and not as a substitute for clinical judgment.

This report may be used, in whole or in part, as the basis for the development of clinical practice guidelines and other quality enhancement tools, or as a basis for reimbursement and coverage policies. AHRQ or U.S. Department of Health and Human Services endorsement of such derivative products may not be stated or implied.

None of the investigators has any affiliations or financial involvement that conflicts with the material presented in this report.


540 Gaither Road, Rockville, MD 20850. www​.ahrq.gov

Bookshelf ID: NBK38746


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