Preliminary Review of Fiscal Year 2003 Proposals for the Upper and Middle Snake, Columbia Cascade, and Lower Columbia and Estuary Provinces

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This report provides preliminary comments and recommendations of the Independent Scientific Review Panel (ISRP) and Peer Review Groups on projects submitted for Fiscal Year 2003 funding in the Columbia Cascade, Upper and Middle Snake, and Lower Columbia and Estuary Provinces. It provides project sponsors and the public an opportunity to respond to ISRP concerns before the ISRP makes its final recommendation to the Council on June 7, 2002. The report also provides information to the Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Authority for its use in project prioritization.

Preliminary recommendations and comments are provided for each of the 168 proposals submitted. These recommendations are split into three basic categories: 1) fundable, further ISRP response review is not needed (11 proposals); 2) a response review is needed (134 proposals); and 3) do not fund, a response is not warranted (19 proposals). Four proposals were considered not amenable to scientific review, withdrawn, or combined with other proposals. Proposals receiving “a response review is needed” will be recommended as “fundable” by the ISRP only if a response is provided that adequately addresses reviewer comments. Although the ISRP will not review responses to those proposals that received a “do not fund, a response is not warranted,” project sponsors are welcome to provide comments to the Council.