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Federal Acquisition: Oversight Plan Needed to Help Implement Acquisition Advisory Panel Recommendations

GAO-08-160 Published: Dec 20, 2007. Publicly Released: Jan 22, 2008.
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A growing portion of federal spending is related to buying services such as administrative, management, and information technology support. Services accounted for about 60 percent of total fiscal year 2006 procurement dollars. The Services Acquisition Reform Act (SARA) of 2003 established a Services Acquisition Advisory Panel to make recommendations for improving acquisition practices. In January 2007, the panel proposed 89 recommendations to improve federal acquisition practices. GAO was asked to determine how the panel recommendations compare to GAO's past work and identify how the Office of Federal Procurement Policy (OFPP) expects the recommendations to be addressed. To do this, GAO analyzed the panel report and compared its findings and recommendations to GAO's past work and recommendations, obtained OFPP's views on how it expected the recommendations to be implemented, and reviewed proposed legislation in Congress to determine if legislative provisions had the potential to address some recommendations.


Recommendations for Executive Action

Agency Affected Recommendation Status
Office of Federal Procurement Policy To help ensure timely and effective implementation of SARA Panel recommendations, the Administrator of OFPP should develop an oversight strategy or plan, in conjunction with agency chief acquisition officers and senior procurement officials, that would include milestones and reporting requirements OFPP could use to gauge the status and results of implementing the panel recommendations.
Closed – Not Implemented
On May 21, 2008, the Office of Federal Procurement Policy (OFPP) published its Guidelines for Assessing the Acquisition Function. OFPP officials advised us that the GAO recommendation is implemented because the Guidelines mirror GAO's "4 corners report" and provide a vehicle for the standardized assessment of agency progress on a broad range of acquisition initiatives, including those that implement the SARA Panel's recommendations. We believe the Guidelines only partially implement the GAO recommendation because the Guidelines do not include milestones and reporting requirements to gauge the status and results of implementing the Panel recommendations. OFPP officials advised us that...

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Sarah Kaczmarek
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Office of Public Affairs

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Contract administrationContract oversightContractorsData integrityFederal procurementGovernment contractsPerformance measuresProcurement evaluationProcurement lawProcurement policyProcurement practicesQuality assuranceReporting requirementsRequirements definitionSmall business contractsStandardsGovernment agency oversight