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National Council on Weights and Measures (NCWM) Related Reports

NCWM Annual Conference Reports


 SP 1281 (2020 and 2021)
105th and 106th Meeting
Credit: NIST OWM
SP 1253 (2019)
104th Meeting
Credit: NIST OWM
SP 1238 (2018)
103rd Meeting
Credit: NIST OWM
 SP 1226 (2017)
102nd Meeting
Credit: NIST OWM
 SP 1212 (2016)
101st Meeting
Credit: NIST OWM
SP 1210 (2015)
100th Meeting
Credit: NIST OWM


SP 1193 (2014)
99th Meeting
Credit: NIST OWM
SP 1171 (2013)
98th Meeting
Credit: NIST OWM
SP 1160 (2012)
97th Meeting

Credit: NIST OWM
SP 1125 (2011)
96th Meeting
Credit: NIST OWM
SP 1115 (2010)
95th Meeting
Credit: NIST OWM
SP 1099 (2009)
94th Meeting
Credit: NIST OWM


SP 1080 (2008)
93rd Meeting
Credit: NIST OWM


Note: Previous editions available upon request

SP 979: Reports of the National Conference on Weights and Measures (1905-2021)

This USB contains a compilation of the National Conference on Weights and Measures (NCWM) Annual Reports between the years 1905 and 2021 and is provided courtesy of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, Office of Weights and Measures (NIST OWM). The Reports of the Conference are in Adobe Acrobat PDF format and are fully searchable and printable.

You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to access the reports. Adobe Acrobat Reader is available free from the Adobe website at: is external).

Send an email to to obtain a USB that provides you with the NCWM Conference Reports. You must provide your name, company affiliation and mailing address.

If you have questions or would like to contact NIST OWM: phone: (301) 975-4004 or e-mail:


Created December 15, 2010, Updated September 16, 2024