[House Report 116-78]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]

116th Congress    }                                            {  Report
                           HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES
 1st Session      }                                            {  116-78




  May 20, 2019.--Committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the 
              State of the Union and ordered to be printed


Mrs. Lowey of New York, from the Committee on Appropriations, submitted 
                             the following

                              R E P O R T

                             together with

                             MINORITY VIEWS

                        [To accompany H.R. 2839]

    The Committee on Appropriations submits the following 
report in explanation of the accompanying bill making 
appropriations for the Department of State, foreign operations, 
and related programs, for the fiscal year ending September 30, 
2020, and for other purposes.

                        INDEX TO BILL AND REPORT

                                                            Page Number

                                                            Bill Report
Title I--Department of State and Related Agency:
Department of State:
        Administration of Foreign Affairs..................     2
        Diplomatic Programs................................     2
        Capital Investment Fund............................     5
        Office of Inspector General........................     5
        Educational and Cultural Exchange Programs.........     6
        Representation Expenses............................     7
        Protection of Foreign Missions and Officials.......     7
        Embassy Security, Construction, and Maintenance....     7
        Emergencies in the Diplomatic and Consular Service.     8
        Repatriation Loans Program Account.................     8
        Payment to the American Institute in Taiwan........     9
        International Center, Washington, District of 
            Columbia.......................................     9
        Payment to the Foreign Service Retirement and 
            Disability Fund................................     9
International Organizations:
        Contributions to International Organizations.......     9
        Contributions for International Peacekeeping 
            Activities.....................................    11
International Commissions:
        International Boundary and Water Commission, United 
            States and Mexico..............................    14
        American Sections, International Commissions.......    14
        International Fisheries Commissions................    15
Related Agency
        United States Agency for Global Media..............    15
                International Broadcasting Operations......    15
                Broadcasting Capital Improvements..........    17
Related Programs
        The Asia Foundation................................    18
        United States Institute of Peace...................    18
        Center for Middle Eastern-Western Dialogue Trust 
            Fund...........................................    18
        Eisenhower Exchange Fellowship Program.............    19
        Israeli Arab Scholarship Program...................    19
        East-West Center...................................    19
        National Endowment for Democracy...................    20
Other Commissions
        Commission for the Preservation of America's 
            Heritage Abroad................................    21
        United States Commission on International Religious 
            Freedom........................................    21
        Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe...    22
        Congressional-Executive Commission on the People's 
            Republic of China..............................    22
        United States-China Economic and Security Review 
            Commission.....................................    22
        Western Hemisphere Drug Policy Commission..........    23
Title II--United States Agency for International 
        Funds Appropriated to the President................    23
                Operating Expenses.........................    23
                Capital Investment Fund....................    25
                Office of Inspector General................    25
Title III--Bilateral Economic Assistance:
        Funds Appropriated to the President................    25
                Global Health Programs.....................    26
                Development Assistance.....................    31
                International Disaster Assistance..........    31
                International Humanitarian Assistance......
                Transition Initiatives.....................    32
                Complex Crises Fund........................    33
                Development Credit Authority...............
                Economic Support and Development Fund......
                Democracy Fund.............................    34
                Assistance for Europe, Eurasia and Central 
                    Asia...................................    35
        Department of State................................    36
                Migration and Refugee Assistance...........    36
                United States Emergency Refugee and 
                    Migration Assistance Fund..............    37
        Independent Agencies...............................    38
                Peace Corps................................    38
                Millennium Challenge Corporation...........    39
                Inter-American Foundation..................    40
                United States African Development 
                    Foundation.............................    40
        Department of the Treasury.........................    41
                International Affairs Technical Assistance.    41
Title IV--International Security Assistance:
        Department of State................................    42
                Economic Support Fund......................    42
                International Narcotics Control and Law 
                    Enforcement............................    42
                Nonproliferation, Anti-terrorism, Demining 
                    and Related Programs...................    44
                Peacekeeping Operations....................    46
        Funds Appropriated to the President................    47
                International Military Education and 
                    Training...............................    47
                Foreign Military Financing Program.........    48
Title V--Multilateral Assistance:
        Funds Appropriated to the President................    51
                International Organizations and Programs...    51
        International Financial Institutions...............    51
                Global Environment Facility................    51
                Contribution to the International Bank for 
                    Reconstruction and Development.........    52
                Contribution to the International 
                    Development Association................    53
                Contribution to the Asian Development Fund.    53
                Contribution to the African Development 
                    Fund...................................    53
                Contribution to the North American 
                    Development Bank.......................
                Contribution to the International Fund for 
                    Agricultural Development...............    53
Title VI--Export and Investment Assistance:
        Export-Import Bank of the United States............    54
        Overseas Private Investment Corporation............
        United States International Development Finance 
            Corporation....................................    56
        Trade and Development Agency.......................    60
Title VII--General Provisions                                  60


    The Committee believes that our national security is 
strongest when development, diplomacy, and defense are all 
well-funded and equally prioritized. The Committee contends 
that military power alone cannot solve all the problems 
confronting the world today and therefore, prioritizes 
diplomatic and development efforts critical to maintaining 
United States global leadership. The components of this Act are 
essential for addressing the challenges facing America's 
national security. Disease, displacement, conflict, disasters, 
terrorism, and economic strife around the world threaten the 
security, safety, and well-being of Americans at home and 
abroad. The Committee recommendation prioritizes strategic 
investments in diplomacy and development and firmly believes 
that by providing the Department of State, United States Agency 
for International Development (USAID), and other international 
agencies under the jurisdiction of this Subcommittee the 
resources they need, this Act will reduce global poverty, 
strengthen democratic political systems, and create greater 
political and economic stability in the world.

                                 SUMMARY TABLE--AMOUNTS IN NEW BUDGET AUTHORITY
                                                           FY 2020 Budget   FY 2020 Committee    Recommendation
                Title                  FY 2019 Enacted        Request         Recommendation     Compared with
                                                                                                 Budget Request
Title I--Department of State and         11,932,001,000     13,709,868,000     17,183,586,000     +3,473,718,000
 Related Agencies...................
Title II--United States Agency for        1,516,408,000      1,545,000,000      1,690,556,000       +145,556,000
 International Development..........
Title III--Bilateral Economic            22,668,419,000     19,257,085,000     24,018,256,000     +4,761,171,000
Title IV--International Security          8,598,495,000      7,414,835,000     11,187,622,000     +3,772,787,000
Title V--Multilateral Assistance....      1,856,697,000      1,522,205,000      2,338,280,000       +816,075,000
Title VI--Export and Investment            -335,600,000       -725,395,000        -37,300,000       +688,095,000
Title VII--General Provisions.......        -18,420,000                  0                  0                  0
Title VIII--Overseas Contingency          8,000,000,000                  0                n/a  .................
 Operations (OCO)...................
    Total...........................     54,218,000,000     42,723,598,000     56,381,000,000    +13,657,402,000

    The Committee recommendation for fiscal year 2020 for the 
activities under the jurisdiction of the Subcommittee on State, 
Foreign Operations, and Related Programs totals $56,381,000,000 
in new discretionary budget authority, which is $2,163,000,000 
above the fiscal year 2019 enacted level and $13,657,402,000 
above the fiscal year 2020 request. Recognizing a continuing 
need in fiscal year 2020, the Committee provides $8,000,000,000 
designated as Overseas Contingency Operations/Global War on 
Terrorism (OCO/GWOT) pursuant to the Balanced Budget and 
Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 (BBEDCA) which is the 
same as the fiscal year 2019 enacted level. Such funds are 
contained under the headings, in titles I through IV, of this 
Act. The Committee directs that OCO/GWOT funds be used to 
complement base requirements and not be limited to regional 
restrictions or to specific operations in countries in 
conflict, or areas of instability and violence. The Committee 
intends that OCO/GWOT resources be used for, but not limited 
to, activities that maximize efforts with respect to security, 
stabilization, and peacekeeping programs; humanitarian 
activities; and counter narcotics, counterterrorism and 
counterinsurgency efforts.
    Only a strong and capable Department of State and USAID, 
with well-staffed embassies and missions, will effectively 
represent the interests of the United States. To rebuild the 
diplomatic and development capacity of our civilian agencies, 
the recommendation provides sufficient resources to restore the 
Department of State and USAID's Foreign Service Officer corps 
and Civil Service workforce to levels achieved prior to the 
Administration's hiring freeze, as well as the requisite 
training, support, and security costs associated with these 
positions. The diplomatic engagement and foreign assistance 
accounts funded in this bill support vital development programs 
that save lives and address the root causes of suffering, poor 
health, forced migration, and conflict.
    The Committee recognizes that international multilateral 
programs are central to achieving United States strategic 
objectives overseas. Multilateral development saves lives, 
alleviates suffering, maintains our global leadership, and 
helps open global market opportunities. The Committee believes 
that investing in these areas builds resilience and promotes 
stability that is essential to advancing American interests. 
Additionally, the Committee recommendation provides permissive 
authority for the Administration to use funds in this and prior 
Acts to uphold the goals of the Paris Agreement. The 
recommendation also strengthens conservation and environment 
programs, and it continues funding for adaption and renewable 
energy programs at prior year levels.

                           SECURITY PROGRAMS

    The Committee continues its focus on supporting programs 
that are critical to the national security interests of the 
United States, as well as to the security of our allies and 
partners. The Act reflects a commitment to support embassy 
security and international security assistance.

Embassy Security

    The Committee continues to prioritize the security of 
diplomatic and development staff and the facilities where they 
work by providing $6,071,348,000, which is $658,894,000 above 
the President's request, for Embassy Security, Construction, 
and Maintenance and Worldwide Security Protection.

Supporting Key Allies

    The Committee notes with concern increasing attacks on 
democratic principles throughout the world, as evidenced by 
near daily reports of repression of the press, disregard of the 
rule of law, and a weakening of respect for human and civil 
rights. The Committee is concerned about historic numbers of 
refugees and internally displaced persons; the chaotic 
situation in Venezuela; the continuing reign of terror of 
Bashar al-Assad in Syria; as well as conditions that exacerbate 
and contribute to hunger and poverty which can lead to conflict 
and migration; and the spread of infectious and neglected 
tropical diseases, some of which are becoming drug resistant. 
The Committee strives to foster greater stability and security 
overseas through ``Smart Power.''
    The Committee believes that the President's proposed cuts 
to diplomacy and development by more than 21% are ill advised 
at best, and dangerous at worst. If enacted, such cuts would 
create risks to our national security, undermine United States 
leadership and stymie worldwide efforts to counter violent 
extremism and terrorism, making it harder to maintain American 
leadership in the world. Coupled with the Administration's 
repeated attempts to end cooperation with multilateral 
organizations, these actions bolster the perception that the 
United States is not a reliable partner, threatens United 
States economic and national security, and weakens our global 
influence. Investments in diplomacy and development continue to 
yield great dividends over time.
    The Committee remains committed to the security of our 
allies. Such commitment to security is demonstrated by the 
unwavering support for Israel, reflected by full funding for 
the United States-Israel Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). The 
Committee recommendation also includes continued support for 
other critical allies, such as Jordan, and makes additional 
assistance available to help Jordan address needs that have 
arisen because of unrest in neighboring countries. The 
Committee continues to support our Ukrainian, Georgian, and 
Baltic allies in opposition to renewed Russian agression.
    Additionally, to address the immediate security needs in 
this hemisphere, the Committee recommendation rejects the 
reductions proposed in the request and provides additional 
assistance for key countries in Latin America. The Committee 
believes it is critical to continue robust support for counter 
narcotics and law enforcement efforts, as well as assistance 
for rule of law and judicial reform activities in Mexico, 
Colombia, Central America, and the Caribbean to fight drug 
trafficking and violent crime before it reaches the borders of 
the United States. The security and stability of these 
neighbors directly affects the United States.
    The Committee recommendation also restores humanitarian and 
development assistance to the Palestinians as part of a broader 
policy objective to keep the goal of a two-state solution 
viable by providing resources through international 
organizations to address human needs in the West Bank and Gaza.
    Of similar importance, the Committee provides critical 
funds for basic needs to individuals to promote stable 
societies that mitigate the rise of extremist ideologies and 
individuals. Funds are provided for combating HIV/AIDS, other 
infectious diseases, education, and economic development 
programs for individuals in countries throughout the world--
including women and children--who are especially vulnerable to 
the repressive actions of corrupt and failing governments. The 
Committee notes that lawless societies often serve as breeding 
grounds for extremist ideologies and individuals.

Importance of Results

    The Committee recognizes that an effective foreign 
assistance program must set transparent goals and measure 
progress toward those goals in tangible ways. Sufficient 
resource levels are provided to measure and collect results. 
Data driven results should be the yardstick for measuring the 
success of United States assistance programs.
    To this end, an effective foreign aid program must consider 
the host country context, especially government policies that 
affect sectors in which United States assistance operates. It 
must also consider the private sector, including foreign 
capital and trade flows, as well as assistance provided by 
other donors, both official and unofficial. The Committee 
encourages the Department of State and USAID to continue to 
improve upon the analytical work that assesses country 
conditions and sets tangible, realistic goals for foreign 
assistance programs and measures progress toward those goals.
    The Committee acknowledges that resources are limited, and 
while there are signs of recovery in the economy, there is 
still a growing federal debt and budget deficit that is a 
weight on future generations. The Committee emphasizes that 
each Department or agency funded by this Act must ensure every 
dollar is well spent.

                           BILL ORGANIZATION

    The Committee recommendation, as detailed in the bill and 
this report, deletes, modifies, or moves previously provided 
legislative provisions that are addressed elsewhere in 
permanent law, outdated, pending consideration by the 
appropriate authorizing committee, or are no longer necessary 
or applicable. The recommendation merges the eleven OCO 
accounts carried in prior years into the base accounts for an 
honest, and transparent accounting of the resources needed to 
fund United States foreign policy and national security 
interests. The recommendation also moves many reporting 
requirements, except for Secretary of State certification 
conditions, from this Act to the Committee report. In addition, 
the recommendation moves the Economic Support Fund from title 
III Bilateral Economic Assistance to title IV Security 
Assistance, where it is requested by the President and where it 
resides in the underlying authorization. With this move the 
Committee recommendation redirects development, and most 
democracy and governance, funding that is long-term in nature 
to the Development Assistance or Democracy Fund accounts.
    The Committee recommendation also consolidates the Middle 
East general provisions, deleting outdated or duplicative 
language while maintaining all conditions and requirements 
carried in prior years. The Committee recommendation proposes 
language to reverse the President's Mexico City Policy and 
modify the unnecessary restrictions on family planning and 
health funding but does not change any of the 14 provisions in 
existing law carried by prior Acts that prohibit United States 
assistance from being used to fund abortions abroad.
    The Committee recommendation affirms support for 
multilateral organizations to expand and extend the influence 
of the United States and maximize resources, enhancing the 
value of the tax dollars appropriated.


    The Committee supports steps to reduce waste, inefficiency, 
and duplication in operations and programs funded by this Act. 
All United States Government agencies must ensure the proper 
management of taxpayer dollars, including strong internal 
controls, a focus on results, and customer service. This is 
particularly important for the Department of State, USAID, and 
other agencies charged with advancing the interests of the 
United States around the world. Inefficiency, ineffectiveness, 
and any waste, fraud, or abuse by agencies and programs funded 
in this bill is not acceptable.
    The Committee continues its focus on reducing unnecessary 
expenditures and expects the departments and agencies funded by 
this Act to work with the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) 
to identify cost savings and efficiencies, where possible. The 
Committee directs agencies to provide information on the 
reduction of printing and reproduction costs in the 
congressional budget justification (CBJ) for fiscal year 2021 
including cost savings achieved in fiscal year 2020 because of 
such efforts. In addition, the Committee understands that, as 
the largest advertiser in the United States, the federal 
government should work to ensure fair access to its advertising 
contracts for small disadvantaged businesses and businesses 
owned by minorities and women. The Committee directs each 
department and agency under the jurisdiction of this Act to 
include the following information in its fiscal year 2021 
budget justification: expenditures for fiscal year 2019 and 
expected expenditures for fiscal year 2021, respectively, for 
(1) all contracts for advertising services; and (2) contracts 
for the advertising services of (a) socially and economically 
disadvantaged small business concerns (as defined in section 
8(a)(4) of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 637(a)(4)); and 
(b) women- and minority-owned businesses.

Budget Justification Materials

    The Committee notes pursuant to 31 U.S.C. 1105, the 
President is required to submit a budget estimate to the 
Congress not later than the first Monday in February of each 
year. The Committee notes that this was not met following the 
submission of the fiscal year 2020 budget. Additionally, the 
Committee is concerned with the supporting information provided 
by the Department of State. While OMB presents the budget 
volumes in a timely manner to meet the statutory deadline, the 
supporting information is provided months later and often 
without meaningful and relevant budget information. The late 
submission of this supporting material undermines the ability 
of the Committees on Appropriations to conduct a thorough and 
detailed review of the President's budget request.
    The Committee notes with great displeasure that the 
Secretary of State has not adequately complied with the 
requirements of section 7070(e)(1) of the fiscal year 2019 Act 
and section 653(a) of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 (FAA). 
The Committee notes that the Foreign Assistance Appendix for 
fiscal year 2019 was not received until March 14, 2018, 30 days 
after the release of the President's budget and that the 
Committee has yet to receive the Foreign Assistance Appendix, 
now more than 50 days after the March 11, 2019 release of the 
President's fiscal year 2020 budget. The delivery of the 653(a) 
report, mandated by the FAA to be provided 30 days after 
enactment of an appropriation is decidedly worse. In fiscal 
year 2018 the 653(a) report was due April 22, 2018. The 
Committee did not receive a full copy of the report until 
September 28, 2018, two days before the end of the fiscal year. 
The fiscal year 2019 653(a) report was due on March 17, 2019. 
This report is over 50 days past due, and as of the printing of 
this report, has yet to be provided to the Committees on 
Appropriations. This is unacceptable and lessens the efficacy 
of the resources provided for vital national security 
activities. Therefore, the Committee has taken the 
extraordinary step to include in the recommendation in section 
7061(d)(1) and (e) a limitation on the Secretary of State's 
travel expenses until such report and budget documents are 
provided. The Committee is concerned that OMB and NSC are 
unnecessarily over-involved in the production and review of 
foreign assistance funding and policy decisions and needlessly 
hinders the execution of programming. The Committee is hopeful 
that this extraordinary action will encourage the Secretary of 
State to reclaim control over the budget and policy decisions 
regarding foreign assistance funding.
    The Committee directs the departments and agencies funded 
by this Act to maintain a continued focus on results, including 
the refinement of agency priority goals and performance 
measures. All agencies funded by this Act shall include program 
results and performance management data in the fiscal year 2021 
    The Government Accountability Office (GAO) report 18-499 
entitled, ``Better Guidance for Strategy Development Could Help 
Agencies Align Their Efforts'' notes that over 20 United States 
agencies provide foreign assistance, each with their own 
strategy. The report found that there is a lack of strategy 
coordination among the five agencies that implement the 
majority of foreign assistance. The Committee directs the 
Department of State to address the recommendations contained in 
the GAO report and lead an inter-agency effort to establish 
guidance related to inter-agency coordination, strategic 
integration, and the assessment of progress toward strategic 

Impoundment of Resources

    The Committee is concerned by an overreach in the 
programming of foreign assistance by OMB and the National 
Security Council (NSC). The Committee notes GAO decision B-
330330, on December 10, 2018, regarding the Impoundment Control 
Act of 1974 (ICA) and the withholding of funds, including GAO's 
conclusions that ``the ICA does not permit the withholding of 
funds through their date of expiration'' and that ``under the 
Constitution, the President must take care to execute the 
appropriations that Congress has enacted.'' The Committee 
recommendation includes in section 7011(b) new language that 
would extend the period of availability to 90 days from the 
date on which the availability of such funds would expire if 
the President proposes a rescission within 60 days of the 
initial expiration of availability.
    The Committee affirms its expectation that the Department 
of State, USAID, and the other international affairs agencies 
under the jurisdiction of this Act will prudently, and in a 
timely fashion, obligate the funds appropriated by the fiscal 
year 2020 Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related 
Programs Appropriations Act, and prior Acts, during their 
periods of availability. The Committee directs OMB and NSC to 
enable, not obstruct, the use of such funds through the 
apportionment and notification process. The Committee directs 
that the Secretary of State and the USAID Administrator shall 
submit to the Committees on Appropriations a bi-monthly report 
on any funds that are at risk of expiring before initial 
obligation, including the reasons why they have not been 
obligated. These reports shall include copies of the 
apportionments, and any reapportionments, for the fiscal year 
for these funds.

Obligation Management

    The Committee is gravely concerned with the timely 
obligation and prudent expenditure of resources provided in 
this Act. The Committee notes that accounts with a two-year 
period of availability do not begin planning for programs until 
the end of year one and often do not entail significant 
obligations or expenditures until late in the second year, 
immediately before expiration. As a result, large obligations 
are made late in the fiscal year into broad bilateral 
agreements or ``strategic agreements'' with no intent to expend 
or program such funding in an expeditious manner. This is not 
consistent with congressional intent. Therefore, the Committee 
recommendation includes a new limitation on the authorities 
contained in section 7011 of this Act, reducing the de-
obligation/re-obligation period of availability from 4 years to 
2 years. While the Committee recommendation has not changed the 
period of availability of accounts in this Act from prior 
years, the Committee directs the Department of State and USAID 
to report to the Committees on Appropriations, not later than 
30 days after enactment of this Act, on the feasibility and 
impact of limiting the period of availability on all foreign 
assistance accounts in this Act to one-year.

Change in Allocation of Foreign Assistance

    The tables in the report within the appropriations headings 
in titles III through V are subject to the terms and conditions 
of section 7019 of the Act and shall be used as the basis for 
the section 653(a) report that is due to Congress 30 days after 
enactment of the Act.


    The Committee emphasizes that all reports are required to 
be completed in the timeframe noted in each respective 
directive. Moreover, the Committee expects that the conditions 
associated with funding appropriated by this Act shall be 
accomplished in the manner as directed in the report.
    Customer service.--The Committee urges the Department of 
State to improve customer service in accordance with Executive 
Order 13571, particularly regarding passport and visa services 
for both American citizens and foreign nationals respectively. 
The Committee directs the Department of State to submit a 
report on implementation plans to improve customer service no 
later than 45 days after enactment of this Act.


    The Committee recommendation grants limited reprogramming 
authorities to ensure that funds are devoted to the highest 
priorities, particularly due to changes in circumstances of 
countries facing unrest, terrorism, and violence. The Committee 
notes that reprogramming notifications must be submitted 
subject to the regular notification procedures of the 
Committees on Appropriations. For the purposes of this Act and 
this report, ``regular notification procedures'' means 
notification must be provided at least 15 days in advance of 
obligation of funds. The Committee cautions that, pursuant to 
section 7015(e) of this Act, advance notification requirements 
may only be waived if failure to do so would pose a substantial 
risk to human health or welfare. The Committee expects the use 
of this authority to be extremely rare and directs the 
Secretary of State and the USAID Administrator to use this 
authority judiciously. Additional notification requirements are 
added in fiscal year 2020 to ensure appropriate Congressional 
oversight of funds.
    The Committee directs for that for purposes of this report 
and the Act, the term ``prior consultation'' means a pre-
decisional engagement between a relevant Federal agency and the 
Committees on Appropriations during which the Committees are 
provided a meaningful opportunity to provide facts and opinions 
to inform: (1) the use of funds; (2) the development, content, 
or conduct of a program or activity; or (3) a decision to be 
taken. Additionally, for purposes of this report and the Act, 
the term ``regular notification procedures of the Committees on 
Appropriations'' means such Committees are notified not less 
than 15 days in advance of the obligation of funds. The 
Committee further directs the Secretary of State and USAID 
Administrator to submit notifications for the obligation of 
funds made available by this Act and prior Acts not later than 
60 days prior to the expiration of such funds. Congressional 
notifications submitted by the Secretary of State and USAID 
Administrator for funds that are being reallocated prior to 
initial obligation, reprogrammed, or reobligated after 
deobligation, shall, to the maximum extent practicable, contain 
detailed information about the sources of the funds and why 
such funds are no longer intended to be used as previously 


                          DEPARTMENT OF STATE

                   Administration of Foreign Affairs

    The Committee recommendation for Administration of Foreign 
Affairs provides funds for the broad range of activities 
necessary to support the operations and activities of more than 
275 diplomatic and consular posts in 190 countries. The 
Committee recommends a total of $12,475,837,000 for the 
activities of the Department of State in fiscal year 2020, of 
which $3,105,109,000 is designated for OCO/GWOT. Of the total 
amount provided, $12,316,937,000 is appropriated as 
discretionary funds by this Act and $158,900,000 is 
appropriated as mandatory funds by the Foreign Service Act of 
1980. The budget request does not seek funding for OCO/GWOT.
    Embassy security.--The Committee recommendation provides 
$6,071,348,000 for embassy security, which is the same as the 
fiscal year 2019 enacted level and $658,894,000 above the 
fiscal year 2020 request. Funds are made available for the 
purchase of property and for construction, rehabilitation, and 
maintenance of United States diplomatic and consular missions 
and other posts overseas, the costs for the Department of State 
associated with the continued expansion of the Marine Security 
Guard Program, and the personnel and equipment required to 
protect United States Government employees and their families 
under Chief of Mission (COM) authority and property worldwide.

                          DIPLOMATIC PROGRAMS

Fiscal Year 2019 enacted level\1\.....................    $9,173,923,000
Fiscal Year 2020 request..............................     8,420,227,000
Committee recommendation\2\...........................     9,245,766,000
    Change from enacted level.........................       +71,843,000
    Change from request...............................      +825,539,000
\1\The fiscal year 2019 enacted level includes $3,225,971,000 under this
  heading in title VIII designated pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(ii)
  Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985.
\2\The fiscal year 2020 recommendation includes $2,626,122,000 under
  this heading designated for Overseas Contingency Operations/Global War
  on Terrorism.

    The Committee recommendation includes $9,245,766,000 for 
Diplomatic Programs, including up to $4,095,899,000 for 
Worldwide Security Protection (WSP). Of this amount, 
$2,626,122,000 is designated for OCO/GWOT.
    Funds made available under this heading are allocated in 
the following manner:
    Human resources.--The Committee recommendation includes 
$2,900,417,000 for human resources, of which $509,782,000 is 
for WSP. Funds support American salaries at overseas and 
domestic United States diplomatic missions. The Committee 
recommendation includes sufficient funds above the enacted 
level to increase on-board permanent Foreign Service and Civil 
Service to not less than fiscal year 2016 levels.
    Overseas programs.--The Committee recommendation includes 
$1,955,868,000 for overseas programs. Funds for overseas 
programs support the operational programs of regional bureaus 
of the Department of State and the operations of United States 
embassies, consulates, and other diplomatic posts worldwide. 
The Committee directs the Department of State to create and put 
an emphasis on filling mid-level Foreign Service officer 
positions (grades FS-03, FS-02, and FS-01) at overseas posts.
    Diplomatic policy and support.--The Committee 
recommendation includes $780,057,000 for the operational 
programs and management offices of the functional bureaus of 
the Department of State. The Committee recommendation includes 
$1,000,000 for the Office of the Special Coordinator for 
Tibetan Issues to carry out the responsibilities detailed in 
section 21(d) of the Foreign Relations Authorization Act, 
Fiscal Year 2003 (Public Law 107-228).
    Security programs.--The Committee recommendation includes 
$3,609,424,000 for security programs, of which $3,586,117,000 
is for WSP. Funds support the personnel, equipment, and 
training necessary for the protection of diplomatic personnel, 
overseas diplomatic missions, residences, and domestic 
facilities and information.

Consular and Border Security Program

    In addition to the funds appropriated under this heading, 
additional funds will become available through currently 
authorized fees and surcharges, as well as proposed extensions 
of expiring fees and surcharges, if authorized, for the 
Consular and Border Security Program. These funds will support 
the passport and visa program and maintain consular operations 
that protect United States citizens overseas, safeguard 
security interests of the United States, facilitate entry of 
legitimate travelers, and foster economic growth.
    H-2A Visa Processing.--The Committee is concerned about 
reported inefficiencies in the H-2A visa application and review 
process and the undue burden placed on agriculture employers 
applying for visas for potential workers. The Committee 
understands that agriculture employers are required to provide 
information separately to the Department of State, the 
Department of Labor, and the Department of Homeland Security 
that is often redundant. The Committee directs the Secretary of 
State to review the H-2A visa application process and to submit 
a plan to the Committees on Appropriations, not later than 45 
days after enactment of this Act, on ways to improve the 
efficiency of such process. The plan should include the 
feasibility of creating a single employer form that could be 
shared across each Department with jurisdiction over the H-2A 
visa program as well as information on the contract services 
currently used to process H-2A visas, and the scope of such 

Worldwide Security Protection

    The Committee recommendation includes $4,095,899,000 for 
Worldwide Security Protection (WSP). Of this amount, 
$2,626,122,000 is designated for OCO/GWOT.
    The WSP program provides critical funding for the 
protection of life, property, and information of the Department 
of State and supports a worldwide guard force protecting more 
than 277 overseas diplomatic missions, residences, and domestic 
facilities. The resources provided will support more than 3,100 
regional security officers and 40,000 guards to provide 
perimeter security and access control. Funds also support 
enhanced high threat protection, security technology, cyber and 
information security, secure diplomatic courier operations, and 
protective services for the Secretary of State, the United 
States Ambassador to the United Nations (UN), and foreign 
dignitaries visiting the United States.
    Within the amount provided for WSP, the Committee 
recommendation includes not less than the amount requested for 
the Bureau of Medical Services. Included is funding for the 
Directorate of Operational Medicine which has responsibility 
for contingency medical preparedness, the Department's 
biocontainment evacuation response, the capability to support 
short-notice transnational deployment of security and crisis 
response teams, and to evacuate COM personnel from posts in 

Other Matters

    Child abduction and access.--The Committee notes that when 
making use of the waiver in section 204 of the Goldman Act 
(Public Law 113-150), the Secretary of State is required to 
provide a detailed justification for such waiver involving a 
country with a pattern of non-compliance. The Committee expects 
the Secretary of State to comply with this requirement. 
Further, the Committee directs the Secretary to include in such 
justification the reason, if any, for why actions 4 through 8 
under section 204(d) are not being taken. Additionally, the 
Secretary shall include in the annual report required by 
section 101 of such Act a list of countries with pending cases 
that are more than 12 months old and shall also provide such 
report to the Committees on Appropriations. The Secretary 
should also consider taking further actions, as appropriate, 
such as those contained in section 201(b) of the Goldman Act, 
with a priority on cases that have been unresolved for more 
than a year.
    Combating Anti-Semitism.--The Committee recommendation 
includes not less than $500,000 for the Office to Monitor and 
Combat Anti-Semitism as authorized by the Global Anti-Semitism 
Review Act of 2004 (P.L. 108-332). The Committee recognizes the 
important work of the Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-
Semitism given the rise of anti-Semitism and the increase in 
anti-Semitic incidents around the world. The Committee directs 
the Secretary of State to ensure the Office of the Special 
Envoy has sufficient resources and staff.
    Cybersecurity.--The Committee directs the Secretary of 
State, in cooperation with other relevant federal agency heads, 
to increase cybersecurity cooperation activities with United 
States allies in order to better defend against, disrupt, and 
attribute cyberattacks and to deploy counter-measures to hold 
the responsible parties accountable.
    Global Engagement Center (GEC).--The Committee 
recommendation includes funds consistent with the prior fiscal 
year for the GEC. The Committee is concerned about foreign 
propaganda, disinformation, the malicious use of social media, 
and other hybrid threats directed at the United States and our 
allies and partners, especially as carried out by China, 
Russia, and extremists groups. The GEC, as formally established 
by Public Law 114-328, is expected to use a wide range of 
technologies and techniques to counter these campaigns. The 
operating plan required by section 7061 of this Act should 
describe the GEC's coordination with other Department of State 
bureaus and the Department of Defense with respect to the use 
of all funds provided to the GEC in fiscal year 2020, and the 
GEC's use of detailees, personal service contracts, and direct 
hires, as well as their foreign language proficiency.
    Global Magnitsky Act.--The Committee recommendation 
includes funds for additional personnel for enforcement of the 
Global Magnitsky Act.
    Holocaust issues.--The Committee recognizes the important 
work of the Office of Holocaust Issues and directs the 
Secretary of State to ensure the Office has funding consistent 
with prior years to continue efforts to bring a measure of 
justice and assistance to Holocaust victims and their families 
and to assure that the Holocaust is remembered properly and 
    International AIDS conference.--The Committee encourages 
the Department of State to support the planning and execution 
of the 23rd International AIDS Conference to be held in 
California in 2020, including working with United States 
diplomatic missions to facilitate the consideration of visa 
applications for those seeking to attend.
    International conferences.--The Committee directs that 
funds made available by this Act shall not be used to send or 
pay for more than 50 United States government employees 
stationed within the United States to attend any single 
international conference outside of the United States attended 
by representatives from the United States and foreign 
governments as well as international and nongovernmental 
organizations. The Committee expects that should it become 
necessary for more than 50 United States government employees 
to attend such a conference, the Secretary of State shall 
report to the Committees on Appropriations at least five days 
in advance and justify why such attendance is important to the 
national interest.
    International religious freedom.--The Committee is pleased 
that the Department of State, through the Office of 
International Religious Freedom, is working to advance 
religious freedom programs and initiatives as a critical 
component of United States diplomatic efforts, pursuant to the 
International Religious Freedom Act (IRFA) of 1998. The 
Committee encourages the Secretary of State to consider 
elevating the position of the Ambassador-at-Large for Religious 
Freedom within the organizational structure of the Department 
of State.
    The Committee recognizes that the steady growth of 
religious persecution and decline of religious freedom around 
the world highlight the need to have United States diplomats 
trained to understand and advocate for religious freedom, as 
required by IRFA. The Committee recommendation includes up to 
$600,000 to continue the development of religious freedom 
training curriculum pursuant to Section 103 of the Frank R. 
Wolf International Religious Freedom Act (Public Law 114-281).
    Monitoring and combating trafficking in persons.--The 
Committee recommendation includes $16,000,000 for the Office to 
Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons, as authorized by the 
Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000, as amended. Funds 
are provided to ensure the Office can fulfill the statutory 
mandates, including to support the coordination of the 
President's Interagency Task Force and Senior Policy Operating 
Group, deployment of rapid response teams, production of the 
Trafficking in Persons Report, implementation of child 
protection compacts, diplomatic engagement and technical 
assistance, and management and oversight of assistance 
appropriated in this Act to combat trafficking in persons.
    The Committee directs the Secretary of State to post the 
National Human Trafficking Resources Center hotline, email 
address, and website information in all United States embassies 
and consulates in areas where visa applications are processed. 
The Committee recommendation includes funding for the Global 
Human Trafficking Hotline.
    Public access to federally funded research.--The Committee 
understands that Federal agencies with significant research 
portfolios have implemented policies to provide public access 
to federally funded research findings in accordance with 
guidance from the Office of Science and Technology Policy. The 
Committee encourages the Department of State and USAID to, 
where applicable, implement similar policies for providing 
public access to federally funded research results.
    Public diplomacy.--The Committee continues to support 
public diplomacy personnel and programs and expects the 
Secretary of State to include projected funding for public 
diplomacy in the operating plan required by section 7061 of 
this Act.
    Procurement.--The Secretary of State is directed to expand 
opportunities for small businesses or cooperatives to compete 
for Department of State contracts and grants, including small 
businesses owned and controlled by socially and economically 
disadvantaged individuals and faith-based organizations. The 
Committee expects the Department to comply with the 
requirements of the Javits-Wagner-O'Day Act. The Committee 
includes further language under ``Reports'' in this heading.
    Same-sex visas.--The Committee remains concerned by the 
Department of State's decision to halt issuance of visas to 
same-sex domestic partners of foreign diplomats and officials 
and employees of international organizations. The change in 
policy could subject U.S. diplomats with domestic partners to 
retaliation abroad. The Committee includes further language 
under ``Reports'' in this heading.
    Staff care and resilience.--The Committee is concerned 
about the health impacts on State Department employees working 
in high-stress environments such as conflict and post-conflict 
zones. The Committee supports State Department efforts to 
provide staff care and resilience tools to its employees. The 
Committee includes further language under ``Reports'' in this 
    State Partnership Program.--The Committee believes the 
National Guard State Partnership Program strengthens security 
and disaster response cooperation between the United States and 
nations participating in the partnership and builds 
professionalism and respect for civilian control of the 
military. The Committee expects the Department of State and the 
Department of Defense to continue to inform United States 
Embassy officials and foreign governments about the value of 
the State Partnership Program, including the objectives of the 
program, examples of successful engagements, and COM and 
Combatant Commander requests for the program.
    Transboundary watersheds.--The Committee recommendation 
includes $500,000 for the Bureau of Oceans and International 
Environmental and Scientific Affairs for leading an interagency 
working group, which has been tasked with identifying the gaps 
and limitations within the Memoranda of Understanding between 
British Columbia and Alaska, Washington, Idaho, and Montana, 
relating to British Columbia mining within United States-
British Columbia transboundary watersheds.
    United States citizens' deaths overseas.--Section 204(c) of 
Public Law 107-228, the Foreign Relations Authorization Act for 
Fiscal Year 2003, mandates that, to the maximum extent 
practicable, the Department of State collect and make available 
on the Department's Bureau of Consular Affairs website 
information with respect to each United States citizen who dies 
in a foreign country from a non-natural cause. To improve data 
collection, the Department shall include the age and gender of 
the deceased and, when available, specific details on the site 
and circumstances of the incident.
    Vacancies in ambassadorships and senior leadership 
positions.--The Committee is concerned with continued high 
vacancy rates in senior leadership positions in the Department 
and ambassadorships overseas. Approximately thirty ambassador 
positions have no nominee and numerous Assistant Secretary and 
Undersecretary positions remained unfilled. The Committee 
includes further language under ``Reports'' in this heading.
    Western Hemisphere Affairs.--The Committee supports steps 
taken by the Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs to promote 
stable democracies throughout the region through racial and 
ethnic equality initiatives, including coordinating and 
implementing the joint action plans developed with the 
governments of Colombia and Brazil. The Committee directs the 
Secretary of State to expand the programs of the Race, 
Ethnicity, and Social Inclusion Unit in the Bureau for Western 
Hemisphere Affairs to additional regions.
    Workforce diversity.--The Committee recommendation includes 
increased funding to expand the Department of State's efforts 
to increase diversity in hiring, retention, and promotion 
within its workforce, including to continue and expand its 
recruitment programs, professional development activities, and 
outreach efforts. The Committee supports ongoing partnerships 
between the Department of State and community colleges, 
universities, and other institutions to improve the diversity 
and excellence of the United States Foreign Service (Foreign 
Service) by preparing both graduate and undergraduate students 
for positions in the Foreign Service, such as the Thomas R. 
Pickering Foreign Affairs Fellowship and Charles B. Rangel 
International Affairs programs. The Committee encourages the 
Secretary of State to explore new opportunities to partner with 
Hispanic-Serving Institutions, Historically Black Colleges and 
Universities, Asian American and Native American Pacific 
Islander-serving institutions, and Tribal Colleges and 
Universities to further the goal of increasing workforce 
diversity. The Committee includes further language under 
``Reports'' in this heading.


    Foreign Affairs Security Training Center (FASTC).--The 
Committee directs the Secretary of State, not later than 45 
days after completion of the FASTC project, to submit to the 
Committees on Appropriations a final report on the project. The 
report shall include the final cost, comparison to the initial 
estimates, the reasons for any increase in cost from such 
initial estimates, the timeline of the transition of each 
training course, and steps taken to mitigate the impact of any 
job losses at the previous training sites.
    Release of United States citizens detained in Iran.--The 
Committee remains concerned about United States citizens and 
legal permanent residents missing and detained in Iran. The 
Committee urges the Secretary of State to prioritize these 
cases, to continue to press the Government of Iran for the 
immediate release of those detained, and to provide any 
information it possesses regarding any United States citizens 
that have disappeared within its borders. The Committee directs 
the Department of State to report, within 45 days after 
enactment of this Act, to the Committees on Appropriations on 
the channels being utilized to negotiate these hostage cases.
    Cyber capabilities and licensing.--The Committee is 
concerned about the Directorate of Defense Trade Control's 
(DDTC) current licensing mechanisms for cyber capabilities. The 
Committee directs the DDTC to report to the appropriate 
congressional committees, not later than 90 days after 
enactment of this Act, on cybertools and capabilities 
licensing, including licensing screening and approval 
procedures as well as compliance and enforcement mechanisms. 
The report shall include any enforcement actions taken in the 
current calendar year.
    Countering global racism.--The Committee is concerned by 
the rise in global ethnic and racial discrimination. The 
Committee directs the Secretary of State, in consultation with 
the USAID Administrator, to submit a report to the Committees 
on Appropriations, not later than 90 days after enactment of 
this Act, on all Department of State and USAID programs and 
initiatives that address racial and ethnic discrimination, 
including grants and exchanges, and the associated funding 
levels of such programs.
    International border crossings with Canada.--International 
border crossings are of mutual benefit to the United States and 
Canada, facilitating trade, commerce, and travel. The Committee 
directs the Secretary of State, not later than 90 days after 
enactment of this Act, to submit a report to the Committees on 
Appropriations detailing the diplomatic and legal steps the 
Department has taken to engage the Canadian government in order 
to address concerns about the Canadian requirement that the 
existing Ambassador Bridge span be demolished upon completion 
of a new second bridge span.
    Procurement.--Not later than 90 days after enactment of 
this Act, the Secretary of State shall report to the Committees 
on Appropriations on the percentage of goods and services 
acquired by the Department from small businesses, including 
small businesses owned and controlled by socially and 
economically disadvantaged individuals and faith-based 
    Same-sex visas.--The Committee directs the Department of 
State to review the recent policy change regarding the issuance 
of visas for same-sex domestic partners of foreign diplomats 
and officials and report to the appropriate congressional 
committees on its impact on U.S. diplomats and their foreign 
counterparts not later than 90 days after enactment of this 
    Staff care and resilience.--The Committee directs the 
Secretary of State to submit a report to the Committees on 
Appropriations, not later than 90 days after enactment of this 
Act, detailing current staff care and resilience programs for 
employees and the associated funding for such programs.
    Unexplained health incidents.--Not later than 90 days after 
enactment of this Act, the Secretary of State shall submit a 
report to the appropriate congressional committees updating the 
committees on the investigation into the unexplained health 
incidents that affected United States personnel and family 
members stationed overseas. The report shall include the most 
recent information on the number of persons affected, the 
extent of the symptoms and injuries, what is known about the 
cause or causes of such injuries, how to mitigate such risks in 
the future, and the impact on the diplomatic and development 
mission at such posts. The report shall be submitted in 
unclassified form, but may be accompanied by a classified 
    Vacancies in ambassadorships and senior leadership 
positions.--The Committee directs the Secretary of State to 
submit a report to the appropriate congressional committees, 
not later than 45 days after enactment of this Act and every 
quarter thereafter, on the Ambassador, Assistant Secretary, and 
Undersecretary positions that are vacant and the status of 
filling such positions.
    Workforce diversity.--The Committee directs the Secretary 
of State to submit a report to the Committees on 
Appropriations, not later than 45 days after enactment of this 
Act, that describes all workforce diversity activities, 
including the associated funding and results of such 
    Funds in this Act under this heading are allocated 
according to the following table and are subject to sections 
7015 and 7061 of this Act.

                           DIPLOMATIC PROGRAMS
               [Budget authority in thousands of dollars]
  Bureau/Office (includes salary and bureau managed
                        funds)                          Budget Authority
Bureau of Administration:
    Freedom of Information Act.......................            $33,960
Bureau of Europe and Eurasia Affairs:
    Office of the Special Envoy for Holocaust Issues.                750
        Cultural Antiquities Task Force..............              1,000
Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor:
    Human Rights Vetting.............................             10,000
    Office of International Religious Freedom........              6,500
        [of which, for religious freedom curriculum                [600]
    Special Envoy to Promote Religious Freedom of                  2,000
     Religious Minorities in the Near East and South
     Central Asia....................................
    Office of Special Advisor for International                    1,000
     Disability Rights...............................
    Office of Terrorism Financing and Economic                     6,100
     Sanctions Policy................................
    Special Envoy for the Human Rights of LGBTI                      250
Office to Combat Trafficking in Persons..............             16,000
Bureau for Oceans and International Environmental and             41,859
 Scientific Affairs..................................
    of which, Office of Oceans and Polar Affairs.....              5,121
        [Special Representative for the Arctic                     [438]
Office of the Legal Advisor:
    Document Review Unit.............................              2,889
Office of the Secretary:
    Office of the Special Coordinator for Tibetan                  1,000
    Office of Global Women's Issues..................              8,000
    Office of the Coordinator for Cyber Issues.......              5,497
    Office to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism.......                500

                        CAPITAL INVESTMENT FUND

Fiscal Year 2019 enacted level........................       $92,770,000
Fiscal Year 2020 request..............................       140,000,000
Committee recommendation..............................       140,000,000
    Change from enacted level.........................       +47,230,000
    Change from request...............................                 0

    The Committee recommendation includes $140,000,000 for 
Capital Investment Fund. Funds provided are in addition to an 
estimated $170,640,000 in expedited passport fees, which will 
be used to support the information technology modernization 
effort, for a total of $310,640,000 in fiscal year 2020 for 
support of the Information Technology Strategic Plan of the 
Department of State.

                      OFFICE OF INSPECTOR GENERAL

Fiscal Year 2019 enacted level\1\.....................      $145,729,000
Fiscal Year 2020 request..............................       141,729,000
Committee recommendation\2\...........................       145,729,000
    Change from enacted level.........................                 0
    Change from request...............................        +4,000,000
\1\The fiscal year 2019 enacted level includes $54,900,000 under this
  heading in title VIII designated pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(ii)
  Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985.
\2\The fiscal year 2020 recommendation includes $54,900,000 under this
  heading designated for Overseas Contingency Operations/Global War on

    The Committee recommendation includes $145,729,000 for 
support of the oversight personnel and activities of the Office 
of Inspector General (OIG) at the Department of State. Of this 
amount, $54,900,000 is provided for the Special Inspector 
General for Afghan Reconstruction (SIGAR) and is designated for 
    Funds provided under this heading will support the audits, 
investigations, and inspections of worldwide operations and 
programs of the Department of State and United States Agency 
for Global Media (USAGM). The Committee expects the OIG to 
continue the coordination of audit plans and activities 
involving Department of State operations and programs in 
Afghanistan with the SIGAR in order to ensure the development 
of comprehensive oversight plans and to avoid duplication.


    SIGAR drawdown.--Commensurate with the proposed drawdown of 
U.S. operations and programs in Afghanistan, the Committee 
recommendation includes funding to begin reductions to the 
SIGAR operations in fiscal year 2020. Not later than 180 days 
after enactment of this Act, the SIGAR shall submit to the 
Committees on Appropriations a detailed plan, including funding 
requirements and personnel data, for the complete drawdown of 
operations in Afghanistan by the end of fiscal year 2021. The 
Committee directs the OIG to work closely with the SIGAR on its 
drawdown plan to transition remaining work to the permanent 
oversight offices of the OIG.
    Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) program.--The Committee 
directs the OIG to conduct an evaluation of the Afghan and 
Iraqi SIV program between 2009 and the present, and submit a 
report to the appropriate congressional committees, in 
classified form if necessary, not later than 180 days after 
enactment of this Act. Such report shall contain 
recommendations for the efficient processing of special 
immigrant visas and program improvements, including an 
evaluation of actions taken by the Department of State to 
adhere to the conditions described in section 7076(b) of the 
Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs 
Appropriations Act, 2019.


Fiscal Year 2019 enacted level........................      $700,946,000
Fiscal Year 2020 request..............................       309,626,000
Committee recommendation..............................       730,000,000
    Change from enacted level.........................       +29,054,000
    Change from request...............................      +420,374,000

    The Committee recommendation includes $730,000,000 for 
Educational and Cultural Exchange Programs. The Committee 
recognizes the importance of international exchange programs 
and directs that funds made available under this heading be 
directed to support United States foreign policy objectives and 
be appropriately coordinated with Department of State regional 
    The Committee recommendation is $29,054,000 above the 
fiscal year 2019 level, of which $27,853,000 is the result of 
the transfer during 2019 of the American Spaces, the U.S. 
Speakers, and Tech Camps programs from the International 
Information Program. The merger of these programs into the 
Bureau is expected to increase the efficiency and effectiveness 
of United States public diplomacy activities.
    Central Europe.--The Committee is concerned about a growing 
political divide and social unrest in Central Europe. 
Particularly troubling is the murder in January of this year of 
the Mayor of Gdansk, Poland, Pawel Adamowicz. The Committee 
urges the Bureau of Education and Cultural Affairs to 
prioritize professional and academic exchanges in the countries 
of Central Europe, including exchanges with civil society to 
empower the next generation of democratic leaders.
    Citizen Exchange Program.--The Committee recommendation 
includes $111,961,000 for the Citizen Exchange Program. Citizen 
exchange programs provide American and foreign participants the 
opportunity to gain knowledge and share expertise and 
experiences through professional, youth, cultural, and other 
exchanges. Funds are provided to support new competitive awards 
administered in cooperation with the various divisions within 
the Office of Citizen Exchanges, including through the Youth 
Programs Division to foster interaction between United States 
and foreign youth artists.
    Critical language programs.--Within the funds provided, the 
Committee urges the Secretary of State to prioritize critical 
language programs for United States students and exchange 
programs with countries of national security importance.
    English Language Programs.--The Committee recommendation 
includes not less than $46,300,000 for English Language 
Programs. The Committee recognizes the overwhelming, unmet need 
of English language and other educational materials throughout 
much of the world, but especially across the African continent. 
Within the amount provided, the Committee encourages the 
Department of State to maintain strong support for the English 
Language Fellow and Specialist Programs, which bolster English 
language skills within critical world regions. U.S. missions 
are encouraged to work in partnership with the Peace Corps, 
American Corners, universities, libraries, NGOs, and K-12 
schools in their respective countries.
    Fulbright Program.--The Committee recommendation includes 
$272,000,000 for the Fulbright Program. Active in over 160 
countries, the program provides exchange opportunities to 
create and sustain mutual understanding between students, 
scholars, teachers, and professionals in the United States and 
those from other countries.
    Other exchanges.--The Committee recognizes the value of 
competitive exchange programs for young people, including the 
Youth Exchange and Study program; the Future Leaders Exchange; 
educator programs; and programs providing overseas training in 
strategic languages for Americans.
    The Committee encourages the Department of State to expand 
two-way international academic and professional and cultural 
exchanges for individuals of African descent, including the 
development of partnerships with Historically Black Colleges 
and Universities.
    Special academic, professional, and cultural exchanges.--
The Committee recommendation includes funds to support at prior 
year levels special academic, professional, and cultural 
exchange programs where consistent with strategic priorities, 
including Mexico and Central America and the academic and 
cultural Tibetan exchanges and fellowships. The Committee 
expects funds for such programs to be awarded on a competitive 
basis and the planned levels for each to be included in the 
fiscal year 2020 operating plan.
    Vietnam Education Foundation Act.--The Committee 
recommendation includes $5,000,000 under this heading for 
grants authorized by section 211 of the Vietnam Education 
Foundation Act of 2000, as amended. Additional funds for such 
grants are included under the heading Development Assistance.
    Section 7034(d)(6) of the Act amends the Vietnam Education 
Foundation Act of 2000 to permit any remaining unobligated 
balances in the Vietnam Education Foundation-Vietnam Debt 
Repayment Fund that are not needed for orderly shutdown costs 
of the Foundation to be available for grants authorized by 
section 2011 of such Act. The Committee directs the Secretary 
of State to consult with the appropriate congressional 
committees prior to the exercise of this authority.
    Section 7061 of this Act includes a requirement that the 
Secretary of State submit to the Committees on Appropriations 
an operating plan for funds appropriated under this heading. 
The Committee expects that such plan will include the 
distribution of unobligated balances and recoveries, as well as 
any transfers to this account from other accounts in fiscal 
year 2020.
    Funds made available under this heading are allocated in 
the following manner and are subject to the requirements of 
sections 7015 and 7061 of this Act.

               [Budget authority in thousands of dollars]
                   Program/Activity                     Budget Authority
Academic Programs:
    Fulbright Program................................           $272,000
    Global Academic Exchanges........................             64,061
        English Language Programs....................           [46,300]
    Special Academic Exchanges.......................             22,875
        Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship            [16,000]
        Vietnam Education Foundation Act.............              5,000
    Subtotal, Academic Programs......................            358,936
Professional and Cultural Exchanges:
    International Visitor Leadership Program.........            104,000
    Citizen Exchange Program.........................            111,961
        Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange............            [4,125]
Special Professional and Cultural Exchanges..........              5,600
        J. Christopher Stevens Virtual Exchange......            [5,000]
    Subtotal, Professional and Cultural Exchanges....            221,561
Special Initiatives:
    Young Leaders Initiatives........................             31,250
    Countering State disinformation and pressure.....             12,000
    Subtotal, Special Initiatives....................             43,250
Program and Performance                                            8,400
Activities Transferred to Exchanges from IIP-PA
    American Spaces Program..........................             15,000
    TechCamps........................................              2,026
    Administrative Support...........................             10,827
    Subtotal, Transferred Activities.................             27,853
Exchanges Support....................................             70,000
    Subtotal, Educational and Cultural Exchanges.....            730,000

                        REPRESENTATION EXPENSES

Fiscal Year 2019 enacted level........................        $8,030,000
Fiscal Year 2020 request..............................         7,212,000
Committee recommendation..............................         7,212,000
    Change from enacted level.........................          -818,000
    Change from request...............................                 0

    The Committee recommendation includes $7,212,000 for 
Representation Expenses authorized by section 905 of the 
Foreign Service Act of 1980.
    Funds provided under this heading are used to reimburse 
Foreign Service officers for expenditures incurred in their 
official capacities abroad in establishing and maintaining 
relations with officials of foreign governments and appropriate 
members of local communities. The Secretary of State is 
directed to submit semi-annual reports to the Committees on 
Appropriations containing detailed information on the allotment 
and expenditure of this appropriation.


Fiscal Year 2019 enacted level........................       $30,890,000
Fiscal Year 2020 request..............................        25,890,000
Committee recommendation..............................        30,890,000
    Change from enacted level.........................                 0
    Change from request...............................        +5,000,000

    The Committee recommendation includes $30,890,000 for 
Protection of Foreign Missions and Officials.
    Funds provided under this heading are used to reimburse 
local governments and communities for the extraordinary costs 
incurred in providing protection for international 
organizations, foreign missions and officials, and foreign 
dignitaries under certain circumstances. The Committee expects 
the Department of State to provide reimbursement to local 
jurisdictions on a timely basis if claims are fully justified.
    The Department of State shall continue to submit to the 
Committees on Appropriations a semi-annual report on the number 
of claims for extraordinary protective services that have been 
submitted by eligible jurisdictions that are certified as 
meeting the program requirements and the amount of unobligated 
funds available to pay such claims.
    Section 7034(g) of this Act continues authority for the 
Secretary of State to transfer expired unobligated balances 
from funds made available under Diplomatic Programs. The 
Committee directs the Department of State to include any 
expired balances transferred to this heading in the report 
required by the previous paragraph.


Fiscal Year 2019 enacted level........................    $1,975,449,000
Fiscal Year 2020 request..............................     1,632,630,000
Committee recommendation\1\...........................     1,975,449,000
    Change from enacted level.........................                 0
    Change from request...............................      +342,819,000
\1\The fiscal year 2020 recommendation includes $424,087,000 under this
  heading designated for Overseas Contingency Operations/Global War on

    The Committee recommendation includes $1,975,449,000 for 
Embassy Security, Construction, and Maintenance, of which 
$424,087,000 is designated for OCO/GWOT. Within the amount 
provided, $1,205,649,000 is for Worldwide Security Upgrades 
(WSU) and $769,800,000 is for repair, construction, and 
    Worldwide Security Upgrades.--The Committee recommendation 
includes $1,205,649,000 for Worldwide Security Upgrades, of 
which $424,087,000 is designated as OCO/GWOT. The Committee 
recommendation for WSU is $288,989,000 above the fiscal year 
2020 request.
    Within the funds made available for WSU, $1,105,649,000 
under this heading is for the Department of State's 
contribution to the Capital Security Cost Savings (CSCS) and 
Maintenance Cost Sharing (MCS) programs. This amount, combined 
with the estimated $1,338,321,000 in CSCS and MCS program 
contributions from other agencies and available consular fees, 
will provide a total of $2,443,970,000 in fiscal year 2020 for 
the design, construction, and maintenance of United States 
diplomatic facilities overseas.
    The Secretary of State shall promptly inform the Committee 
of agencies that are delinquent in fulfilling their capital 
security cost sharing obligation as required by section 604(e) 
of the Secure Embassy Construction and Counterterrorism Act of 
    Notification and reporting requirements.--Section 7004(c) 
of this Act continues the notification requirements from prior 
Acts as a means of ensuring the Committee has the necessary 
information to conduct appropriate oversight of construction 
projects. The Department is directed to clearly define and 
consistently report on the elements of each project factor and 
include an explanation of any changes from previous reports or 
notifications for a project.
    Congressional notifications made pursuant to section 
7004(c) shall include, at a minimum, the following project 
factors: (1) the location and size of the property to be 
acquired, including the proximity to existing United States 
diplomatic facilities and host government ministries; (2) the 
justification of need for acquiring the property and 
construction of new facilities and the reconciled appraised 
value of the project; (3) a detailed breakdown of the total 
project costs, including, at a minimum, the following cost 
categories: (a) site acquisition, (b) project development, (c) 
design contract, (d) primary construction, (e) other 
construction costs, including: (i) procurement of art, (ii) 
furniture, (iii) project supervision, (iv) construction 
security, (v) contingency, and (vi) value added tax, and (f) 
any other relevant costs; (4) the revenues derived from, or 
estimated to be derived from, real property sales and gifts 
associated with the project, if applicable; (5) any unique 
requirements of the project that may increase the cost of the 
project, such as consular workload, legal environment, physical 
and/or security requirements, and seismic capabilities; (6) the 
number of waivers required pursuant to section 606 of Appendix 
G of Public Law 106-113, if applicable; (7) any religious, 
cultural, or political factors that may affect the cost, 
location, or construction timeline; (8) the current and 
projected number of desks, agency presence, and the projected 
number of United States direct hire staff, Locally Employed 
Staff, and Third Country Nationals; (9) the current and 
projected number of beds, if applicable; (10) the most recent 
rightsizing analysis, and a justification for exceeding the 
staffing projections of such rightsizing analysis, if 
applicable; (11) with respect to new projects not previously 
justified to the Committees on Appropriations, confirmation 
that the Department of State has completed the requisite value 
engineering studies required pursuant to OMB Circular A-131 and 
Bureau of Overseas Building Operations Policy and Procedure 
Directive, Cost 02 and the Department's adjudication of those 
recommendations; and (12) the project's scheduled start and 
completion date, actual start and current estimated completion 
date, and an explanation of any changes.
    Other repair and construction.--The Committee 
recommendation includes $100,276,000 for other repair and 
construction, which is $21,305,000 above the request. These 
funds support the repair, rehabilitation, improvement, and 
upgrade of diplomatic facilities around the world.
    Operations.--The Committee recommendation includes 
$669,524,000 for Operations, which is $53,830,000 above the 
request. Funding for Operations provides support for the five 
major organizational components of the Bureau of Overseas 
Buildings Operations: Planning and Real Estate; Program 
Development, Coordination and Support; Construction, Facility 
and Security Management; Operations; Resource Management; and 
Domestic Renovations. The recommendation includes not less than 
$147,000,000 to fully annualize the Department's fiscal year 
2018 hiring plan.
    Operating plan.--Section 7061 of this Act requires the 
Secretary of State to submit to the Committees on 
Appropriations an operating plan for funds appropriated under 
this heading. Such plan should include all resources available 
to the Department of State in fiscal year 2020 for operations, 
maintenance, and construction, and an accounting of the actual 
and anticipated proceeds of sales or gifts for all projects in 
fiscal year 2019.


    Contingency savings.--The Committee understands from the 
information included in the notifications received in prior 
years that the Department of State has contingency savings on 
previously appropriated construction projects. The Committee 
directs the Secretary of State to submit a report to the 
Committees on Appropriations at the end of each fiscal quarter 
on such contingency savings.
    Quarterly Reports.--The Secretary of State is directed to 
continue to submit quarterly reports on the Beirut Embassy, 
Mexico City Embassy, New Delhi Embassy, Erbil Consulate, and 
Jakarta Embassy projects. Such reports shall include the 
following information: (1) a detailed breakout of the project 
factors that formed the basis of the initial cost estimate used 
to justify such project to the Committees on Appropriations; 
(2) a comparison of the current project factors as compared to 
the project factors submitted pursuant to (1), and an 
explanation of any changes; (3) the impact of currency exchange 
rate fluctuations on project costs; and (4) a copy of the most 
current working estimate that supports the basis for each 


Fiscal Year 2019 enacted level........................        $7,885,000
Fiscal Year 2020 request..............................         7,885,000
Committee recommendation..............................         7,885,000
    Change from enacted level.........................                 0
    Change from request...............................                 0

    The Committee recommendation includes $7,885,000 to enable 
the Secretary of State to meet unforeseen emergencies arising 
in the Diplomatic and Consular Service. Funding provided under 
this heading is available until expended.
    The recommendation provides resources for the Department of 
State to meet emergency requirements in the conduct of foreign 
affairs, including for the following purposes: (1) travel and 
subsistence expenses for relocation of American employees of 
the United States Government and their families from troubled 
areas to the United States or safe-haven posts; (2) allowances 
granted to Department of State employees and their dependents 
evacuated to the United States for the convenience of the 
Government; and (3) payment of rewards for information 
concerning terrorist activities.
    The recommendation continues prior year language providing 
the authority to transfer up to $1,000,000 from this heading to 
Repatriation Loans Program. This authority will ensure an 
adequate level of resources for loans to American citizens 
through the Repatriation Loans Program, should additional funds 
be required due to an unanticipated increase in the number of 


Fiscal Year 2019 enacted level........................        $1,300,000
Fiscal Year 2020 request..............................         1,300,000
Committee recommendation..............................         1,300,000
    Change from enacted level.........................                 0
    Change from request...............................                 0

    The Committee recommendation includes $1,300,000 for the 
subsidy cost of repatriation loans.


Fiscal Year 2019 enacted level........................       $31,963,000
Fiscal Year 2020 request..............................        26,312,000
Committee recommendation..............................        31,963,000
    Change from enacted level.........................                 0
    Change from request...............................        +5,651,000

    The Committee recommendation includes $31,963,000 for 
Payment to the American Institute in Taiwan. The Committee 
recommendation supports operating expenses of the American 
Institute in Taiwan (AIT) and funds may also be made available 
for special projects and consular upgrades.
    The Taiwan Relations Act requires that programs concerning 
Taiwan be carried out by the AIT and authorizes funds to be 
appropriated to the Secretary of State to carry out the 
provisions of this Act. The Institute administers programs in 
the areas of economic and commercial services, cultural 
affairs, travel services, and logistics. The Department of 
State contracts with the AIT to carry out these activities.


Fiscal Year 2019 enacted level........................          $743,000
Fiscal Year 2020 request..............................           743,000
Committee recommendation..............................           743,000
    Change from enacted level.........................                 0
    Change from request...............................                 0

    The Committee recommendation includes $743,000 for site 
security and routine maintenance and repairs to public spaces 
of the International Center, Washington, D.C.


Fiscal Year 2019 enacted level........................      $158,900,000
Fiscal Year 2020 request..............................       158,900,000
Committee recommendation..............................       158,900,000
    Change from enacted level.........................                 0
    Change from request...............................                 0

    The Committee recommendation includes $158,900,000 for 
Payment to the Foreign Service Retirement and Disability Fund.
    These funds are mandatory for budget scorekeeping purposes 
and are appropriated by the Foreign Service Act of 1980, for 
the unfunded liability created by new benefits, new groups of 
beneficiaries, or increased salaries on which benefits are 
computed. The Retirement Fund is maintained through 
contributions made by participants, matching government 
contributions, special government contributions (including this 
account), interest on investments, and voluntary contributions.

                      International Organizations


Fiscal Year 2019 enacted level\1\.....................    $1,360,270,000
Fiscal Year 2020 request..............................     1,013,693,000
Committee recommendation\2\...........................     1,520,285,000
    Change from enacted level.........................      +160,015,000
    Change from request...............................      +506,592,000
\1\The fiscal year 2019 enacted level includes $96,240,000 under this
  heading in title VIII designated pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(ii)
  Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985.
\2\The fiscal year 2020 recommendation includes $96,240,000 under this
  heading designated for Overseas Contingency Operations/Global War on

    The Committee recommendation includes $1,520,285,000 for 
Contributions to International Organizations, of which 
$96,240,000 is designated for OCO/GWOT. This account supports 
annual United States assessed contributions to international 
organizations, including the United Nations, the North Atlantic 
Treaty Organization (NATO), and the International Atomic Energy 
Agency (IAEA). The Committee recommendation provides funding 
above the request to ensure adequate resources for these 
    Transparency and accountability.--The Committee continues 
to support the transparency and accountability requirements 
from the prior year and carried in section 7048(a) of this Act. 
Such requirements are detailed under section 7048(a) in this 
    Pursuant to section 7048(b), the Committee continues to 
support prior year prohibitions on paying for any United States 
delegation or contribution to any specialized agency, body, or 
commission of the United Nations (UN) if such an agency, body, 
commission, or organization is chaired by government that 
provides support for international terrorism. The Committee 
notes the language in this section is intended to consolidate 
existing provisions and does not represent a change in policy.
    UN Human Rights Council.--Pursuant to section 7048(c), 
funds shall be made available to the UN Human Rights Council 
(UNHRC) unless the Secretary of State determines and reports to 
the Committees on Appropriations that participation in the 
Council does not serve the national interest of the United 
States and that the Council is not taking significant steps to 
remove Israel as a permanent agenda item nor taking actions to 
ensure integrity in the election of members to such Council. 
The Committee remains concerned about the credibility and 
effectiveness of UNHRC and notes with disappointment the 
ascension to UNHRC of countries with poor human rights records. 
The Committee is also concerned with the continued, 
disproportionate focus of UNHRC on Israel and its anti-Israel 
    The Committee continues to disapprove of UNHRC resolution 
A/HRC/31/L.39, which is counterproductive to achieving peace 
between Israel and the Palestinians. The Committee directs the 
Secretary to work with the UN High Commissioner for Human 
Rights to minimize the impact of the compilation of the 
database called for under that resolution.
    Pursuant to section 7048(e), the Secretary of State shall 
report to the Committees on Appropriations, not later than 45 
days after the enactment of this Act, detailing the amounts of 
funds available to any organization, department, agency, or 
program within the UN system that are withheld due to any 
provision of law. The report shall include any time additional 
funds are withheld.
    Capital projects.--The operating plan submitted pursuant to 
section 7061 of this Act for funds made available under this 
heading shall include information on capital projects.
    International Maritime Organization.--The Committee 
recognizes the importance for the United States of timely 
compliance with International Maritime Organization standards 
for the maximum sulfur content of nautical fuel scheduled to go 
into effect on January 1, 2020. The Committee directs the 
Secretary of State to submit a report to the Committees on 
Appropriations within 45 days of the enactment of this Act on 
the status of these standards.
    Prohibition of payments to UN Members.--The Committee 
continues to support prior year prohibitions of funds made 
available under titles III through VI for carrying out the 
Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 to pay in whole or in part any 
assessments, arrearages, or dues of any member of the UN or, 
from funds appropriated by this Act to carry out chapter 1 of 
part I of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, the costs for 
participation of another country's delegation at international 
conferences held under the auspices of multilateral or 
international organizations.
    UN reform.--The Committee expects the Department of State 
and the United States Mission to the United Nations (USUN) to 
keep UN reform a high priority and to work with other UN member 
states to increase the accountability of the UN and other 
international organizations. The Committee supports efforts to 
make the UN and other international organizations more 
    UN budget.--The Committee recommendation includes language 
carried in the prior year requiring the Secretary of State to 
transmit to the Committees on Appropriations the most recent 
biennial budget prepared by the UN at the time of the 
submission of the President's budget to Congress. The Secretary 
of State shall also report to the Committees on Appropriations 
at least 15 days in advance (or in an emergency, as far in 
advance as is practicable) of any UN action to decrease or 
increase funding for any UN program without identifying an 
offset elsewhere in the UN budget.
    Universal Postal Union.--The Committee is concerned with 
the continued use of the international postal system to send 
opioids and other illicit drugs to the United States, 
especially from China. The Committee directs the Secretary of 
State to work with the Universal Postal Union to adopt and 
implement measures to further strengthen the security of the 
mail system, including improvements to the quality of data 
collection and further adoption of the advance electronic data 
system. The Department of State should consult with the 
Committees on Appropriations on steps being taken to address 
these concerns.
    Pursuant to section 7053 of this Act, the Committee 
recommendation includes prior year language relating to unpaid 
parking fines and real property taxes owed by foreign 


    UNHRC.--The Committee directs the Secretary of State to 
submit an updated report to the Committees on Appropriations, 
not later than 45 days after enactment of this Act, on all 
United States contributions to the UNHRC for the preceding 
fiscal year, including amounts provided through the UN Regular 
Budget and through voluntary contributions.
    UN and United States companies.--The Committee directs the 
Department of State and USUN to ensure American manufacturers 
and suppliers are not being unfairly excluded or discriminated 
against through procurement processes and are being fairly 
treated. Not later than 45 days after enactment of this Act, 
the Secretary of State shall submit a report to the Committees 
on Appropriations with regard to the procurement processes at 
UN organizations.
    Credits.--The Committee directs the Secretary of State to 
report to the Committees on Appropriations, not later than May 
1, 2020, and 30 days after the end of fiscal year 2020, on any 
credits attributable to the United States, including from the 
United Nations Tax Equalization Fund, and provide updated 
fiscal year 2020 and fiscal year 2021 assessment costs 
including offsets from available credits and updated foreign 
currency exchange rates. The Committee directs that such 
credits shall only be made available for United States assessed 
contributions to the United Nations regular budget, and directs 
the Secretary of State to notify the Committee on 
Appropriations when such credits are applied to any assessed 
contribution, including any payment of arrearages. Any 
notification regarding funds appropriated by this Act or prior 
Acts or any operating plan submitted pursuant to section 7061 
of this Act, shall include an estimate of all known credits 
currently attributable to the United States and provide updated 
assessment costs including offsets from available credits and 
updated foreign currency exchange rates.
    UN Annual Report.--The Committee directs that the Secretary 
of State continue to comply with the directives contained in 
the paragraph headed `Report' that appears under this heading 
in title I of House Report 115-829.


Fiscal Year 2019 enacted level\1\.....................    $1,551,000,000
Fiscal Year 2020 request..............................     1,136,000,000
Committee recommendation\2\...........................     2,128,414,000
    Change from enacted level.........................      +577,414,000
    Change from request...............................      +992,414,000
\1\The fiscal year 2019 enacted level includes $988,656,000 under this
  heading in title VIII designated pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(ii)
  Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985.
\2\The fiscal year 2020 recommendation includes $988,656,000 under this
  heading designated for Overseas Contingency Operations/Global War on

    The Committee recommendation includes $2,128,414,000 for 
Contributions for International Peacekeeping Activities, of 
which, $988,656,000 is designated for OCO/GWOT. The Committee 
notes that because the 25 percent statutory cap is an 
authorizing matter under the jurisdiction of the House 
Committee on Foreign Affairs and the Senate Committee on 
Foreign Relations, this Act does not include language lifting 
the cap for fiscal year 2020; however, the Committee is 
concerned about arrears owed to the United Nations, projected 
to exceed a total of over $1 billion for fiscal years 2017 to 
2020. To begin to address this growing problem, the Committee 
recommends $478,994,000 under this heading to pay arrears 
accumulated during fiscal years 2017 and 2018. The Committee 
provides funding to pay assessed expenses and arrears for the 
UN Support Office in Somalia under the heading Peacekeeping 
Operations instead of under this heading.
    New or expanded missions.--The Committee recommendation 
continues language requiring notification at least 15 days in 
advance of voting for any new or expanded mission, including 
the estimated cost and duration of the mission, the objectives 
of the mission, the national interest that will be served, and 
the exit strategy. The Committee notes that the notification 
may be provided less than 15 days in advance of voting for a 
new or expanded mission in the event of an emergency. The 
Committee expects the Secretary of State to ensure the 
appropriate and judicious application of this provision.
    Other requirements.--The Committee recommendation continues 
language carried in prior years making funds available for 
peacekeeping activities unless the Secretary of State 
determines that American manufacturers and suppliers are not 
being provided equal procurement opportunities and language 
prohibiting funds for any peacekeeping mission that will 
involve United States Armed Forces under the command and 
control of a foreign national unless certain requirements have 
been met.
    The Committee continues to support independent oversight of 
the UN to identify waste, fraud, and abuse; supports reforms to 
ensure that such practices are eliminated; and continues from 
the prior year language on transparency and accountability 
carried under 7048(a) of this Act.
    Trafficking in persons and sexual exploitation and abuse.--
The Committee recommendation includes language carried in prior 
years prohibiting funds unless the Secretary of State certifies 
and reports to the Committees on Appropriations on a 
peacekeeping mission-by-mission basis that the UN is 
implementing effective policies and procedures to prevent UN 
employees, contractor personnel, and peacekeeping troops 
serving in such mission from trafficking in persons, exploiting 
victims of trafficking, or committing acts of sexual 
exploitation and abuse or other violations of human rights.


    Credits.--The Committee directs the Secretary of State to 
report to the Committees on Appropriations, not later than May 
1, 2020, and 30 days after the end of fiscal year 2020, on any 
credits attributable to the United States, including those 
resulting from United Nations peacekeeping missions or the 
United Nations Tax Equalization Fund, and provide updated 
fiscal year 2020 and fiscal year 2021 assessment costs 
including offsets from available credits.

                       International Commissions


Fiscal Year 2019 enacted level........................       $77,534,000
Fiscal Year 2020 request..............................       $74,212,000
Committee recommendation..............................       $77,570,000
    Change from enacted level.........................           +36,000
    Change from request...............................        +3,358,000

    The Committee recommendation includes a total of 
$77,570,000 for International Boundary and Water Commission 
(IBWC), United States and Mexico, including $48,170,000 for 
Salaries and Expenses and $29,400,000 for Construction.
    The Committee recommendation includes funds consistent with 
prior fiscal years for the Rio Grande Flood Control System 
Rehabilitation Project to continue and maintain levee projects 
along the Rio Grande, including environmental, hydrologic, 
hydraulic, and low water weir studies along the Rio Grande 
Valley that are consistent with the projects outlined within 
the Mexican Water Treaty of 1944, Treaty Series 994. The 
Committee also supports efforts to reduce the amount of 
sediment and other activities, including eradication and 
mechanical control of carrizo cane, to maintain the health of 
the river.


    Carrizo cane eradication.--The Committee directs the 
Secretary of State, in consultation with the United States 
Commissioner to the IBWC, to the report to Committees on 
Appropriations, not later than 45 days after the enactment of 
this Act, on effectiveness of the IBWC's efforts to control and 
eradicate carrizo cane from the banks and flood plan of the Rio 
Grande River. The report should include details of IBWC 
coordination with federal, state, local entities, and with 
other stakeholders.
    Release of effluent.--The Committee is concerned about the 
adverse impact on communities in the United States from the 
release of effluent from Mexico. The Committee directs the 
Secretary of State and the United States Commissioner to the 
IBWC to work with the Government of Mexico to facilitate a 
resolution, and to submit a report to the Committees on 
Appropriations, not later than 45 days after enactment of this 
Act, with respect to steps taken prior to the enactment of this 
Act and steps planned during fiscal year 2020 to achieve 


Fiscal Year 2019 enacted level........................       $13,258,000
Fiscal Year 2020 request..............................         9,750,000
Committee recommendation..............................        12,732,000
    Change from enacted level.........................          -526,000
    Change from request...............................        +2,982,000

    The Committee recommendation includes $12,732,000 for 
American Sections, International Commissions, of which 
$8,500,000 is for the International Joint Commission.


    Rainy River Drainage Basin.--The Committee supports the 
1909 Boundary Waters Treaty and the goal of limiting pollution 
of boundary waters. The Committee is concerned that decisions 
made by the United States Department of Agriculture and the 
United States Department of Interior to approve mineral leases 
in the Superior National Forest will result in an operational 
sulfide-ore copper mine that risks polluting the waters within 
the Rainy River Drainage Basin flowing into the Boundary Waters 
Canoe Area Wilderness and Ontario, Canada's Quetico Provincial 
Park. Therefore, the Committee directs the Department of State 
to submit a report to the Committees on Appropriations not 
later than 60 days of enactment of this Act detailing: the 
characteristics of the Boundary Waters-Quetico ecosystem and 
the hydrology of the Rainy River Drainage Basin and its impact 
on Canada; U.S. Government plans to monitor and mitigate the 
risk of acid mine drainage originating in the Superior National 
Forest polluting Canadian waters; and United States efforts to 
inform the Government of Canada on the potential for cross-
boundary pollution resulting from sulfide-ore copper mining in 
the Superior National Forest.


Fiscal Year 2019 enacted level........................       $50,651,000
Fiscal Year 2020 request..............................        34,448,000
Committee recommendation..............................        51,058,000
    Change from enacted level.........................          +407,000
    Change from request...............................       +16,610,000

    The Committee recommendation includes $51,058,000 for 
International Fisheries Commissions.
    The Committee recommendation includes funds necessary to 
fully support the anticipated United States assessments, other 
expenses related to these commissions, and for the 
participation of non-government United States commissioners to 
the various commissions.
    Funds in this Act under this heading are allocated 
according to the following table and are subject to sections 
7015 and 7061 of the Act.

               [Budget authority in thousands of dollars]
                 Commission/Activity                   Budget  Authority
Great Lakes Fisheries Commission.....................             37,060
Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission..............              1,750
Pacific Salmon Commission............................              4,185
International Pacific Halibut Commission.............              4,532
Other Marine Conservation............................              3,531

    Great Lakes Fishery Commission (GLFC).--The Committee 
recommendation includes $37,060,000 for GLFC, which includes 
$30,070,000 for base operations, sea lamprey control 
requirements, fishery research, and management of invasive carp 
species. The recommendation also includes an additional 
$6,990,000 for risk-based sea lamprey control and science and 
research needs, including $500,000 for grass carp management. 
The Committee intends that the funds made available for the 
GLFC be used only for meeting the United States obligations 
under the 1954 Convention on Great Lakes Fisheries.
    Pacific Salmon Commission.--The Committee recommendation 
includes a total of $4,185,000 for the United States share of 
the costs of carrying out the Pacific Salmon Treaty, as 
implemented in the new ten-year agreement between the United 
States and Canada which came into force provisionally on 
January 1, 2019.
    Arctic Council.--The Committee recommendation includes not 
less than the United States share of operating expenses for the 
Arctic Council.

                             RELATED AGENCY

                 United States Agency for Global Media

Fiscal Year 2019 enacted level........................      $807,896,000
Fiscal Year 2020 request..............................       628,076,000
Committee recommendation..............................       807,896,000
    Change from enacted level.........................                 0
    Change from request...............................      +179,820,000

    The Committee recommendation includes $807,896,000 to carry 
out United States international communications activities and 
operations overseen by the United States Agency for Global 
Media (USAGM), formerly known as the Broadcasting Board of 
Governors, of which $798,196,000 is for International 
Broadcasting Operations and $9,700,000 is for Broadcasting 
Capital Improvements.


    The Committee recommendation includes $798,196,000 for 
International Broadcasting Operations, which is $174,671,000 
above the request.
    International Broadcasting Operations (IBO) funds the 
operating, programming, and engineering costs of the Agency, 
including the Voice of America (VOA) and the Office of Cuba 
Broadcasting (OCB), as well as the independent grantees: Radio 
Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL); Radio Free Asia (RFA); and 
the Middle East Broadcasting Networks (MBN). Funds made 
available under this heading are allocated according to the 
following table and are subject to the requirements of sections 
7015 and 7061 of this Act:

               [Budget authority in thousands of dollars]
       USAGM Entities and Independent Grantees         Budget  Authority
Federal Entities:
    International Broadcasting Bureau................            $59,807
        of which, Internet Freedom...................           [13,800]
    Office of Cuba Broadcasting......................             12,973
    Office of Technology Services and Innovation.....            181,843
    Voice of America.................................            260,000
        Subtotal, Federal Entities...................            514,623
Independent Grantee Organizations:
    Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty..................            126,038
    Radio Free Asia..................................             46,223
    Middle East Broadcasting Networks................            111,312
        Subtotal, Independent Grantees...............            283,573
            Total, International Broadcasting                    798,196

    The Committee expects USAGM to keep the Committee informed 
of the implementation of reforms, data-driven programing, and 
evidence of the Agency's effectiveness in creating access to 
independent information, countering propaganda and extremist 
rhetoric, and promoting United States public diplomacy. 
Additionally, the Committee directs that any significant 
modifications to USAGM broadcast hours previously justified to 
Congress, including changes to transmission platforms, for all 
USAGM language services be subject to the regular notification 
procedures of the Committees on Appropriations.
    The Committee recommendation continues the requirement that 
USAGM notify the Committees on Appropriations within 15 days of 
any determination by the CEO that any of its broadcast entities 
were found to be in violation of the principles, standards, or 
journalistic code of ethics.
    Countering Internet censorship.--The Committee 
recommendation includes $13,800,000 under International 
Broadcasting Bureau for global internet freedom for the 
expansion of unrestricted access to information on the Internet 
in accordance with section 7050 of this Act. In addition, 
$1,200,000 is included within funds provided for RFA for the 
personnel costs associated with Internet freedom activities, 
bringing the total provided for such programs to $15,000,000 
for fiscal year 2020.
    Section 7050(b) requires the USAGM Chief Executive Officer 
(CEO) to submit to the Committees on Appropriations a spend 
plan for funds made available for programs to promote Internet 
freedom globally. Such spend plan shall detail amounts planned 
for such programs, including amounts to be programmed by the 
Open Technology Fund.
    Central and Eastern Europe.--The Committee is concerned 
with significant media consolidation in the hands of 
government-friendly outlets in several Central and Eastern 
European nations. The presence of a free press helps to reduce 
opportunities for the spread of insidious Russian 
disinformation and influence and shed light on government 
corruption. The Committee encourages the USAGM to restart RFE/
RL services in countries facing such threats to freedom of the 
    Countering Russian disinformation.--The Committee supports 
efforts to counter Russia's aggressive disinformation and 
propaganda campaign, particularly through the development of 
effective Russian language programming. The Committee notes 
that USAGM's Current Time, a 24/7 Russian language digital 
television network is intended to provide Russian speakers 
around the world with truthful, independent journalism. The 
Committee recommendation includes funds above the fiscal year 
program level for both VOA and RFE/RL to expand Current Time 
    East Asia and the Pacific.--The Committee recommendation 
provides $46,224,000 for RFA, an increase of $2,000,000 over 
the fiscal year 2019 program plan. The Committee supports the 
Tibetan language services of the VOA and RFA, which the 
Committee understands provide the only sources of independent 
information accessible to the people of Tibet. The Committee 
directs the USAGM to continue Tibetan language programming at 
not less than current levels.
    The Committee also supports the allocation of additional 
funds to increase the capacity for translation, radio 
broadcasts, and social media of the Uighur service of RFA.
    The Committee recommendation includes funds for VOA and RFA 
to maintain Korean programming. The Committee supports USAGM's 
plans to expand coverage on North Korea domestic news, enhance 
the information flow to the North on life outside of North 
Korea, and counter pervasive false narratives presented by the 
North Korean Government.
    Latin America.--Within the increase provided for VOA, the 
Committee recommendation includes funds to maintain and expand 
the additional programming and activities of the Latin America 
Division of VOA begun in fiscal year 2019. The Committee 
expects USAGM to continue the focus on countries such as 
Venezuela and Nicaragua, where authoritarian governments censor 
news coverage and access to independent media is restricted.
    Office of Cuba Broadcasting.--The Committee recommendation 
provides $12,973,000 for OCB radio and TV Marti, which is the 
same as the fiscal year 2020 request.
    Persian programming.--The Committee recommendation for VOA 
and RFE/RL supports the USAGM's programs targeted to Persian 
audiences, including the new VOA 365 Persian Service launched 
in early 2019 and the ongoing Radio Farda of RFE/RL.
    The Balkans.--The Committee provides sufficient funding to 
continue RFE/RL broadcasting to the Balkans, including 
programming in the Montenegrin language as part of the effort 
to promote the sovereignty in the region.
    VOA Pakistan.--The Committee notes that Sindhi is the 
native language of an estimated 45 million people in Pakistan. 
The Committee urges VOA to consider initiating Sindh language 


    Russian language program.--Not later than 45 days after 
enactment of this Act, the USAGM shall report to the Committees 
on Appropriations on plans to increase the viewership and reach 
of Current Time and other Russian language programming.


    The Committee recommendation includes $9,700,000 for 
broadcasting capital improvements.

                            RELATED PROGRAMS

                          The Asia Foundation

Fiscal Year 2019 enacted level........................       $17,000,000
Fiscal Year 2020 request..............................                 0
Committee recommendation..............................        19,000,000
    Change from enacted level.........................        +2,000,000
    Change from request...............................       +19,000,000

    The Committee recommendation includes $19,000,000 for The 
Asia Foundation for combating misinformation and online fraud 
through innovative uses of technology, promoting internet 
connectivity in the Asia-Pacific region, and re-opening 
programming in the Pacific islands. The Committee 
recommendation does not assume the closure of The Asia 
Foundation as proposed by the fiscal year 2020 request.
    The Committee directs The Asia Foundation (TAF) to continue 
to work in consultation with the Department of State to develop 
priorities and programming.
    The Committee supports the efforts of TAF to seek 
additional sources of funding to sustain program activities. 
The Committee directs TAF to include a summary table in the CBJ 
for fiscal year 2021 detailing total revenue and support by 
category for fiscal year 2019 and projected for fiscal year 

                    United States Institute of Peace

Fiscal Year 2019 enacted level........................       $38,634,000
Fiscal Year 2020 request..............................        19,000,000
Committee recommendation..............................        38,634,000
    Change from enacted level.........................                 0
    Change from request...............................       +19,634,000

    The Committee recommendation includes $38,634,000 for 
United States Institute of Peace.
    The Committee notes that, in addition to appropriated 
funds, United States Institute of Peace (USIP) receives 
resources from interagency transfers, reimbursements, and 
offsetting receipts to support USIP programs. The Committee 
directs USIP to fully implement fee-based or reimbursable 
agreements, where appropriate, as a means of sustaining USIP 
activities and programs in a fiscally constrained environment. 
In addition, the Committee directs USIP to include information 
in the CBJ for fiscal year 2020 on the amount of funds received 
from other Federal agencies and the amount of revenue generated 
from fees and reimbursable agreements.

         Center for Middle Eastern-Western Dialogue Trust Fund

Fiscal Year 2019 enacted level........................          $185,000
Fiscal Year 2020 request..............................           245,000
Committee recommendation..............................           245,000
    Change from enacted level.........................           +60,000
    Change from request...............................                 0

    The Committee recommends an appropriation for fiscal year 
2020 of interest and earnings from the Center for Middle 
Eastern-Western Dialogue Trust Fund, as authorized by section 
633 of Public Law 108-199. Interest and earnings for fiscal 
year 2020 are projected to total $245,000.

                 Eisenhower Exchange Fellowship Program

Fiscal Year 2019 enacted level........................          $190,000
Fiscal Year 2020 request..............................           270,000
Committee recommendation..............................           270,000
    Change from enacted level.........................           +80,000
    Change from request...............................                 0

    The Committee recommends an appropriation for fiscal year 
2020 of interest and earnings from the Eisenhower Exchange 
Fellowship Program Trust Fund, as authorized by sections 4 and 
5 of the Eisenhower Exchange Fellowship Act of 1990. Interest 
and earnings for fiscal year 2020 are projected to total 

                    Israeli Arab Scholarship Program

Fiscal Year 2019 enacted level........................           $68,000
Fiscal Year 2020 request..............................           124,000
Committee recommendation..............................           124,000
    Change from enacted level.........................           +56,000
    Change from request...............................                 0

    The Committee recommends an appropriation for fiscal year 
2020 of interest and earnings from the Israeli Arab Scholarship 
Endowment Fund, as authorized by section 214 of the Foreign 
Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Years 1992 and 1993. 
Interest and earnings for fiscal year 2020 are projected to 
total $124,000.

                            East-West Center

Fiscal Year 2019 enacted level........................       $16,700,000
Fiscal Year 2020 request..............................                 0
Committee recommendation..............................        16,700,000
    Change from enacted level.........................                 0
    Change from request...............................       +16,700,000

    The Committee recommendation include an appropriation for 
the East-West Center of $16,700,000.

                    National Endowment for Democracy

Fiscal Year 2019 enacted level........................      $180,000,000
Fiscal Year 2020 request..............................        67,275,000
Committee recommendation..............................       180,000,000
    Change from enacted level.........................                 0
    Change from request...............................      +112,725,000

    The Committee recommendation includes $180,000,000 for 
National Endowment for Democracy. Of this amount, $117,500,000 
shall be allocated in the traditional and customary manner, 
including for the core institutes. The remaining $62,500,000 
shall be for democracy, human rights, and rule of law programs; 
as well as for supporting the National Endowment for 
Democracy's (NED) mid-to long-term strategic approach and 
response to immediate and unanticipated challenges or 
opportunities. The President of the NED shall consult with the 
core institutes on the use of such funds, and the core 
institutes shall be eligible to receive funds for such 
purposes. The Committee encourages the Department of State and 
USAID to recognize NED's ability to help address transnational 
threats to democracy through its network of core institutes and 
its grants program activities and supports coordination and 
cooperation with NED on developing a comprehensive approach 
defending democratic norms and values.
    Funds made available under this heading shall continue to 
be provided directly to the NED and shall not be subject to 
prior approval by the Department of State or USAID. 
Administrative or management surcharges, and minimal expenses, 
if any, should be charged to Department of State operating 
expenses. The NED should not be precluded from competitively 
bidding on other grant solicitations.
    The Committee recommendation includes language exempting 
funds made available under this heading from the operating plan 
requirements of section 7061(a) of this Act.


    Uses of funds.--The Committee directs the President of the 
NED to submit a report to the Committees on Appropriations, not 
later than 45 days after enactment of this Act, on the proposed 
uses of the funds provided under this heading on a regional and 
country basis. The report should include a description of 
programmatic goals for each region and country and how the 
planned use of funds will meet such goals. The Committee 
directs the NED to consult with the Committees on 
Appropriations in advance of any significant deviation from the 
plans outlined in such report.

                           OTHER COMMISSIONS

      Commission for the Preservation of America's Heritage Abroad

                         SALARIES AND EXPENSES

Fiscal Year 2019 enacted level........................          $675,000
Fiscal Year 2020 request..............................           642,000
Committee recommendation..............................           642,000
    Change from enacted level.........................           -33,000
    Change from request...............................                 0

    The Committee recommendation includes $642,000 for 
Commission for the Preservation of America's Heritage Abroad, 
as authorized.

      United States Commission on International Religious Freedom

                         SALARIES AND EXPENSES

Fiscal Year 2019 enacted level........................        $4,500,000
Fiscal Year 2020 request..............................         4,500,000
Committee recommendation..............................         4,500,000
    Change from enacted level.........................                 0
    Change from request...............................                 0

    The Committee recommendation includes $4,500,000 for the 
United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, as 
authorized by title II of the IRFA of 1998.

            Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe

                         SALARIES AND EXPENSES

Fiscal Year 2019 enacted level........................        $2,579,000
Fiscal Year 2020 request..............................         2,579,000
Committee recommendation..............................         2,579,000
    Change from enacted level.........................                 0
    Change from request...............................                 0

    The Committee recommendation includes $2,579,000 for 
Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, as authorized 
by Public Law 94-304.

  Congressional-Executive Commission on the People's Republic of China

                         SALARIES AND EXPENSES

Fiscal Year 2019 enacted level........................        $2,000,000
Fiscal Year 2020 request..............................         2,000,000
Committee recommendation..............................         2,000,000
    Change from enacted level.........................                 0
    Change from request...............................                 0

    The Committee recommendation includes $2,000,000 for the 
Congressional-Executive Commission on the People's Republic of 
    The Committee directs the Commission to report annually to 
the President and Congressional leadership on the compliance of 
the People's Republic of China with international human rights 
standards, track the rule of law in the People's Republic of 
China, and make recommendations for policy action and 
legislation, when appropriate.

      United States-China Economic and Security Review Commission

                         SALARIES AND EXPENSES

Fiscal Year 2019 enacted level........................        $3,500,000
Fiscal Year 2020 request..............................         3,500,000
Committee recommendation..............................         3,500,000
    Change from enacted level.........................                 0
    Change from request...............................                 0

    The Committee recommendation includes $3,500,000 for United 
States-China Economic and Security Review Commission.
    The Committee recommendation continues by reference the 
authorities, conditions, and limitations carried under this 
heading in division F of Public Law 111-117 that provide an 
administrative framework for the operations of the Commission.

               Western Hemisphere Drug Policy Commission

                         SALARIES AND EXPENSES

Fiscal Year 2019 enacted level........................        $1,500,000
Fiscal Year 2020 request..............................                 0
Committee recommendation..............................           500,000
    Change from enacted level.........................        -1,000,000
    Change from request...............................          +500,000

    The Committee recommendation includes $500,000 for the 
Western Hemisphere Drug Policy Commission, as authorized by 
title VI of the Department of State Authorities Act, Fiscal 
Year 2017 (Public Law 114-323). The recommendation provides an 
additional year of availability of funds in order to cover the 
costs of salaries and expenses through sunset of the 
Commission. The report required by section 601(c) of such Act 
shall also be submitted to the Committees on Appropriations.


                  Funds Appropriated to the President

                           OPERATING EXPENSES

Fiscal Year 2019 enacted level\1\.....................    $1,372,875,000
Fiscal Year 2020 request..............................     1,275,200,000
Committee recommendation..............................     1,404,756,000
    Change from enacted level.........................       +31,881,000
    Change from request...............................      +129,556,000
\1\The fiscal year 2019 enacted level includes $158,067,000 under this
  heading in title VIII designated pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(ii)
  Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985.

    The Committee recommendation includes $1,404,756,000 for 
Operating Expenses.
    Funds under this heading are provided for salaries and 
expenses of employees of USAID, personal service contractors, 
and employees hired by other Federal agencies but assigned to 
USAID. The recommendation includes funding for not less than 
1,600 permanent Civil Service staff and 1,850 permanent Foreign 
Service Officers, restoring USAID personnel to fiscal year 2016 
    Funds in this Act under this heading are allocated 
according to the following table and are subject to sections 
7015 and 7061 of this Act.

                           OPERATING EXPENSES
               [Budget authority in thousands of dollars]
                   Program/Activity                     Budget Authority
Overseas Operations:
    Field Missions...................................           $505,316
    Salaries and Benefits, U.S. Direct Hire personnel            289,166
        Subtotal, Overseas Operations................            794,482
Washington Support:
    Washington Bureaus and Offices...................            105,673
    Salaries and Benefits, U.S. Direct Hire personnel            377,895
        Subtotal, Washington Support.................            483,568
Central Support:
    Information Technology...........................            117,798
    Rent and General Support.........................            121,752
    Staff Training...................................             25,075
    Personnel Support................................             24,851
    Other Agency Costs...............................             22,230
        Subtotal, Central Support....................            311,706
            Total, Operating Expenses................          1,589,756
                of which, fiscal year 2020                     1,404,756
                of which, carryover and other sources            185,000

    Civil Service hiring.--The Committee notes the significant 
reductions to USAID's permanent Civil Service personnel levels 
since fiscal year 2016 and USAID's continued inability to 
backfill positions lost during the hiring freeze. The Committee 
is concerned that, even after the hiring freeze was lifted, 
USAID has continued to use a centralized hiring board to 
approve hiring actions on a case-by-case basis. The Committee 
believes this has stymied the efficient on-boarding of Civil 
Service staff and prevented USAID from effective workforce 
planning. The Committee directs the USAID Administrator to 
eliminate the use of such a board for position by position 
hiring approvals and instead rely on its strategic workforce 
plan and the Office of Human Capital and Talent Management. The 
Committee includes further language under ``Reports'' in this 
    Gender training.--The Committee directs the USAID 
Administrator to ensure that appropriate staff are adequately 
trained in conducting gender analysis of proposed programs, 
able to mainstream gender considerations throughout project 
design, and disaggregate impact through monitoring and 
    Human Rights Division.--The Committee recommendation 
includes funding for the Human Rights Division and LGBTI 
portfolio at no less than prior year levels.
    International conferences.--The Committee directs that 
funds made available by this Act shall not be used to send or 
pay for more than 50 United States government employees 
stationed within the United States to attend any single 
international conference outside of the United States attended 
by representatives from the United States and foreign 
governments as well as international and nongovernmental 
organizations. The Committee expects that should it become 
necessary for more than 50 United States government employees 
to attend such a conference, the USAID Administrator shall 
report to the Committees on Appropriations at least five days 
in advance and justify why such attendance is important to the 
national interest.
    Local currencies.--The Committee directs the USAID 
Administrator to include in the fiscal year 2021 CBJ the use of 
local currencies for the administrative requirements of the 
United States Government as authorized in section 7026 of this 
Act including the amount (and United States dollar equivalent) 
to be used for such purpose in each applicable country.
    Procurement.--The Committee directs the USAID Administrator 
to consult with the Committees on Appropriations on any 
proposed significant or substantive change to USAID guidance or 
directives related to acquisition and assistance prior to 
issuing such guidance or directives to USAID posts worldwide.
    As in prior years, USAID is directed to notify the 
Committees on Appropriations 15 days prior to any procurement 
action that involves awarding of a sole source contract or 
other non-competitive grant or contract; raising the ceiling on 
an existing Indefinite Quantity Contract (IQC); issuing a new 
IQC; awarding an umbrella grant; or raising the ceiling on an 
existing umbrella grant. The Committee expects the thresholds 
for notification to be the same as in prior years.
    The Committee continues to be concerned about the 
difficulty with which United States companies, including small, 
minority-owned, and disadvantaged business enterprises; 
universities; and non-governmental organizations have in 
navigating the acquisitions and assistance process at USAID. 
The Committee expects that, to the maximum extent practicable, 
the USAID Administrator shall ensure that United States small, 
minority-owned, veteran, and disadvantaged business enterprises 
and faith-based organizations fully participate in the 
provision of goods and services especially if they have a 
proven record of promoting local self-reliance and democratic 
    Science and technology research.--The Committee notes USAID 
issued a Public Access Plan on increasing access to the results 
of federally funded scientific research and urges continued 
implementation of such plan.
    Strategic workforce plan.--The Committee is concerned about 
the absence of a current strategic workforce plan for USAID. 
Strategic workforce planning addresses two critical needs of 
federal agencies: (1) aligning an organization's human capital 
program with its current and emerging mission and programmatic 
goals; and (2) developing long-term strategies for acquiring, 
developing, and retaining staff to achieve such goals. The 
Committee includes further language under ``Reports'' in this 
    Staff care and resilience.--The Committee is concerned 
about the health impacts on USAID employees working in high-
stress environments such as conflict and post-conflict zones. 
The Committee supports USAID efforts to provide staff care and 
resilience tools to its employees. The Committee includes 
further language under ``Reports'' in this heading.
    Workforce diversity initiatives.--Funds appropriated under 
this heading shall be made available to increase USAID 
workforce diversity initiatives over prior year levels, 
including for fellowships to promote diversity and excellence 
in the Foreign Service, such as the Donald M. Payne 
International Development Graduate Fellowship Program. The 
Committee includes further language under ``Reports'' in this 


    Civil Service hiring.--The Committee directs the USAID 
Administrator to submit a report to the Committees on 
Appropriations, not later than 30 days after enactment of this 
Act, on the number and description of each Civil Service 
position submitted for approval by the Hiring Reassignment and 
Review Board in fiscal year 2019, the number approved to date, 
and the number on-boarded to date.
    Procurement.--The Committee directs the USAID Administrator 
to submit a report to the Committees on Appropriations, not 
later than 30 days after enactment of this Act, on any 
procurement actions for which competition was limited, and the 
justification for each such action taken, during fiscal year 
    Staff care and resilience.--The Committee directs the USAID 
Administrator to submit a report to the Committees on 
Appropriations, not later than 45 days after enactment of this 
Act, detailing current staff care and resilience programs for 
employees and the associated funding for such programs.
    Strategic workforce plan.--The Committee directs the USAID 
Administrator to provide to the Committees on Appropriations, 
not later than 45 days after enactment of this Act, a 
comprehensive strategic workforce plan to include proposed U.S. 
Direct Hire position levels by overseas region, and bureau or 
independent office in Washington, a discussion of major 
workforce drivers, and any proposed footprint changes at USAID 
overseas missions in fiscal year 2020 and the next two fiscal 
    Workforce diversity initiatives.--The Committee directs the 
USAID Administrator to submit a report to the Committees on 
Appropriations, not later than 45 days after enactment of this 
Act, that describes all workforce diversity activities, 
including the associated funding and results of such 

                        CAPITAL INVESTMENT FUND

Fiscal Year 2019 enacted level........................      $225,000,000
Fiscal Year 2020 request..............................       198,300,000
Committee recommendation..............................       210,300,000
    Change from enacted level.........................       -14,700,000
    Change from request...............................       +12,000,000

    The Committee recommendation includes $210,300,000 for 
Capital Investment Fund to fund the USAID Capital Security Cost 
Sharing bill and information technology investments. The 
Committee notes that USAID must submit an operating plan to the 
Committees on Appropriations as required in section 7061(a) of 
this Act.

                      OFFICE OF INSPECTOR GENERAL

Fiscal Year 2019 enacted level........................       $76,600,000
Fiscal Year 2020 request..............................        71,500,000
Committee recommendation..............................        75,500,000
    Change from enacted level.........................        -1,100,000
    Change from request...............................        +4,000,000

    The Committee recommendation includes $75,500,000 for 
Office of Inspector General and directs the OIG to submit its 
annual audit plan within the first quarter of fiscal year 2020.


                  Funds Appropriated to the President

                         GLOBAL HEALTH PROGRAMS

Fiscal Year 2019 enacted level........................    $8,837,450,000
Fiscal Year 2020 request..............................     6,343,475,000
Committee recommendation..............................     9,296,500,000
    Change from enacted level.........................      +459,050,000
    Change from request...............................    +2,953,025,000

    The Committee recommendation includes $9,296,500,000 for 
Global Health Programs.
    Funds for certain programs under this heading are allocated 
according to the following table and subject to section 7019 of 
this Act:

                         GLOBAL HEALTH PROGRAMS
               [Budget authority in thousands of dollars]
                   Program/Activity                    Budget  Authority
Maternal and Child Health:...........................           $850,000
    of which, Maternal and Neonatal Tetanus..........              2,000
    of which, Polio..................................             59,000
    of which, The GAVI Alliance......................            290,000
Nutrition (USAID):...................................            145,000
    of which, Iodine Deficiency Disorder.............              2,500
    of which, Micronutrients.........................             33,000
        Vitamin A (non-add)..........................           [22,500]
Vulnerable Children:.................................             24,000
    of which, Blind Children.........................              3,500
HIV/AIDS (USAID):....................................            330,000
    of which, Microbicides...........................             45,000
HIV/AIDS (Department of State):......................          5,930,000
    of which, Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis          1,560,000
     and Malaria.....................................
    of which, UNAIDS.................................             45,000
Family Planning and Reproductive Health:.............            750,000
Other Infectious Diseases (USAID):...................          1,267,500
    of which, Global Health Security.................            100,000
    of which, Malaria................................            755,000
    of which, Tuberculosis...........................            310,000
        Global TB Drug Facility (non-add)............           [15,000]
    of which, Neglected Tropical Diseases/Other                  102,500
     Public Health Threats...........................

USAID Global Health Programs

    The Committee recommendation includes $3,366,500,000 for 
USAID global health programs to be directly apportioned to 
    Maternal and child health.--The Committee continues funds 
for programs that have proven effective in reducing maternal 
and child mortality. The Committee directs USAID to support, at 
not less than the prior year level, programs to prevent and 
treat obstetric fistula.
    Malaria.--Within the funds made available for malaria, the 
Committee encourages USAID's continued support for public-
private partnerships; research and development; diagnostics and 
vector control; and access and delivery of anti-malarial 
medicine, including effective pediatric formulations and 
alternatives to counter resistance. The Committee encourages 
USAID to support the development and introduction of anti-
malarial tools targeted to young children and those that 
interrupt transmission of the disease.
    Health systems strengthening.--The Committee recognizes the 
importance of strong health systems in low and middle income 
countries to the sustainment of global health success and 
progress in preventing and responding to non-communicable 
diseases. The Committee encourages the USAID Administrator, in 
consultation with the United States Office of the Global AIDS 
Coordinator (OGAC) and the Director of the Centers for Disease 
Control and Prevention (CDC), to increase access to quality 
health care through frontline health workers, particularly at 
the community level, as part of their strategy to prevent child 
and maternal deaths and build sustainable health systems. The 
Committee encourages USAID to maintain its focus on the 
strengthening of health systems in partner countries and the 
integration of programs across health interventions. The 
Committee includes further language under ``Reports'' in this 
    Nutrition.--The Committee supports effective nutrition 
interventions, including to reduce stunting and wasting, 
increase breastfeeding and nutrition supplementation for 
pregnant women, promote early childhood development, and treat 
severe malnutrition, including through multilateral mechanisms. 
The Committee supports implementation of the Multi-Sectoral 
Nutrition Strategy to cohesively support the needs of 
vulnerable women and children, including those children in 
institutional care or other non-permanent family care. The 
Committee encourages USAID to make funding available for 
program implementation research, including in cooperation with 
other donors and through public-private partnerships, to 
develop and adopt best practices in nutrition that enhance 
health outcomes.
    Other health matters.--The Committee directs that USAID 
consult with the Committees on Appropriations on the estimated 
need and cost-effectiveness of supporting programs that focus 
on the following health issues: children with hydrocephalus; 
children with autism; and neurological disorders, including 
Alzheimer's disease and dementia. The Committee encourages 
USAID to consider treatment and training programs focused on 
cleft lip, cleft palate and other neglected issues such as 
congenital cataracts, club foot, and hernias.
    Polio.--The Committee provides funding under this heading 
for global programs to combat and eradicate polio and notes 
that global polio eradication programs are also funded by the 
    Reproductive health and voluntary family planning.--The 
Committee recommendation includes $750,000,000 for reproductive 
health and voluntary family planning in this Act. The Committee 
continues prior year restrictions on the use of any funds in 
this Act for abortion as a method of family planning or to 
motivate or coerce any person to practice abortion.
    The Committee directs the Secretary of State, when making a 
determination of support or participation in coercive abortion 
or involuntary sterilization, to include in any such 
determination to the appropriate congressional committees the 
investigatory steps taken over the previous twelve months to 
determine that such organization directly supports the 
management of such program, the interviews conducted, and the 
evidence collected.
    The Committee recognizes that information and assistance 
for women and families interested in healthy timing and spacing 
of pregnancies can enhance maternal and child health and 
improve the chances of survival of women and children. The 
Committee urges USAID to prioritize voluntarism and informed 
choice in expanding the reach and impact of family planning 
programs by providing counseling, education, and services on a 
full range of modern and effective contraceptive methods. 
Furthermore, the Committee urges USAID to promote the awareness 
and use of Internet-based technology that supports fertility-
awareness methods of family planning that are proven effective.
    Research.--The Committee recognizes the important role 
USAID has played in health-related research and supports 
continued investments in global health technologies across the 
agency's health programs to better address longstanding and 
emerging global health challenges. To further this effort, the 
Committee directs the Department of State and USAID to 
coordinate and undertake a consultative process with the 
Department of Defense, the CDC, the National Institutes of 
Health (NIH), the Food and Drug Administration, and OGAC as 
agencies develop their global health research priorities to 
ensure that United States investments in global health research 
are efficient, coordinated, and streamlined.
    The Committee encourages USAID to include efforts to find 
new diagnostic and treatment tools for tuberculosis and 
effective, affordable contraceptives in their research agenda. 
The Committee includes further language under ``Reports'' in 
this heading.
    Tuberculosis.--The Committee recommendation includes 
funding to combat drug-susceptible and drug-resistant 
tuberculosis. The USAID Administrator is directed to consult 
with the Committees on Appropriations regarding the use of 
funds in this Act for such purposes.
    The Committee expects progress reports issued on the 
National Action Plan for Combating Multidrug-Resistant 
Tuberculosis (MDR-TB) to include, on a country-by-country 
basis, a description of: efforts to increase active case 
finding; the use of molecular diagnosis methods; the number of 
adults and children receiving treatment for MDR-TB; the 
proportion of those treated with regimens that include new 
tuberculosis drugs; efforts to address side-effects of 
treatment; factors impeding scale up; and progress in expanding 
community-based care.
    Vaccines.--The Committee recommends a United States 
contribution of $290,000,000 for The GAVI Alliance in 
recognition that vaccines are key to decreasing the number of 
children who die before age five.
    The Committee notes USAID's investments in malaria and HIV/
AIDS vaccine development and supports continued efforts to 
create effective vaccines for malaria and HIV/AIDS as part of a 
comprehensive prevention, diagnostic, and treatment strategy. 
The USAID Administrator should also consider vaccine 
development efforts to prevent and respond to outbreaks from 
deadly viruses from funds provided for global health security. 
Furthermore, the Committee directs the USAID Administrator to 
consult with the Committees on Appropriations on amounts 
proposed for vaccine development for fiscal year 2020.
    Vulnerable children.--The Committee recommendation includes 
funds to support programs and activities that address the needs 
of vulnerable children, including childhood blindness programs 
that build capacity for vision screening and address vision 
impairment. Children are particularly vulnerable to the 
psychological impacts of conflict and the Department of State 
and USAID are encouraged to prioritize interventions to assist 
children recovering from trauma.
    The Committee looks forward to the release of an updated 
United States Government Action Plan on Children in Adversity 
(APCA), and supports USAID's objectives of building strong 
beginnings, putting family care first, and protecting children 
from violence, abuse, and neglect. In carrying out these 
programs, USAID should partner with organizations that 
demonstrate an expertise promoting permanent family-based care, 
foster care programs in and outside of family networks, and 
preventing unnecessary family separation. The new Action Plan 
should include evidence-based strategies to protect children 
from violence and abuse. The Committee directs the USAID 
Administrator to regularly update the Committee on APCA 

Reports, USAID

    Health systems.--The USAID Administrator is directed to 
report to the Committees on Appropriations, not later than 90 
days after enactment of this Act, on the outcomes achieved over 
the last 12 months by U.S. global health programming including 
areas where results are being sustained by the transfer of 
responsibility to local health systems. The report should 
include best practices of global health integration as well as 
barriers to achieving greater integration including across 
funding streams and agencies.
    Research.--The Committee directs the USAID Administrator to 
continue the annual report on health-related research, which is 
important for transparency and oversight of the agency's work 
on global health research to be submitted not later than 45 
days after enactment of this Act. For fiscal year 2020, the 
report should also include information on the consultative 
process to determine global health research priorities as 
directed under this heading.
    Global health security and emerging health threats.--The 
Committee recommendation includes funds to promote global 
health security and to address emerging health threats 
overseas. Not later than 30 days after enactment of this Act, 
and prior to the initial obligation of funds, the Committee 
directs the USAID Administrator to submit to the Committees on 
Appropriations a report on the proposed uses of such funds on a 
country and project basis including possible contributions to 
multilateral mechanisms. The Committee directs that such report 
shall be updated and submitted to the Committees on 
Appropriations every 90 days until the funds are obligated.

HIV/AIDS Prevention and Treatment

    The Committee recommendation includes a total of 
$6,260,000,000 to fight HIV/AIDS. Of this amount, the Committee 
recommendation includes $5,930,000,000 to be directly 
apportioned to the Department of State, which is an increase of 
$210,000,000 above the fiscal year 2019 enacted level. The 
Committee recommends continued support for a United States 
contribution to the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS 
    The Committee recognizes the significant achievements of 
the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) through 
the support of anti-retroviral treatment, testing, counseling, 
and other prevention measures. The Committee recommends 
prioritizing pregnant women within programs to prevent and 
treat HIV and expects OGAC to continue efforts to provide HIV 
positive pregnant women services to prevent mother-to-child 
transmission, including targeted testing strategies and 
adherence support through breastfeeding. Additionally, the 
Committee recommends that OGAC build upon the success of the 
Accelerating Children's Treatment Initiative, particularly for 
infants and young children at the highest risk of dying without 
treatment. The Committee urges OGAC to ensure that women and 
girls have adequate access through their existing health 
providers to HIV/AIDS prevention, care, and treatment services.
    The Committee directs OGAC to focus on capacity for HIV 
diagnostics, including early infant diagnosis and the use of 
point-of-care diagnostics; anti-retroviral treatment with age-
appropriate pediatric formulations; and improving case-finding 
and adherence support.
    For PEPFAR, sustainability means that a country has 
services, systems, and resources to effectively and efficiently 
control the HIV/AIDS epidemic. The Committee directs PEPFAR to 
include in its annual report a country-by-country assessment of 
sustainability and the country specific obstacles to 
    The Committee supports OGAC's engagement with post-
secondary institutions as authorized in section 204(c) of 
Public Law 110-293 and directs OGAC to consult with the 
Committees on Appropriations on its efforts in this area.
    Microbicides.--The Committee recommends continued support 
for microbicide development and directs OGAC to coordinate with 
USAID, NIH, other Federal agencies, and donors in order to 
advance microbicide development and implementation. The 
Committee directs OGAC to work with USAID on a plan for product 
rollout and access and update the Committees on Appropriations 
on a regular basis on the use of funds in fiscal year 2020.
    Key populations.--The Committee expects that a focus on key 
populations be central to PEPFAR's prevention and treatment 
strategies to include countering stigma and discrimination of 
lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex (LGBTI) 
    The Committee understands OGAC and USAID are exploring 
partnerships to prevent the spread of human papillomavirus and 
cervical cancer through screening and treatment programs in 
low-income countries with high prevalence and directs OGAC and 
USAID to consult with the Committees on Appropriations on plans 
for and progress of such partnerships. The Committee notes 
there was no request for programs to diagnose or treat cervical 
cancer and the Committee directs that no funds be reprogrammed 
from multilateral organizations for such purpose.
    Global Fund.--The Committee recommendation includes 
$1,560,000,000 for the first installment of the sixth 
replenishment of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, 
and Malaria. The Committee notes that this amount shall be 
fully obligated for this first installment unless the 
conditions of section 202(d) of the United States Leadership 
Against HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria Act of 2003, as 
amended, have not been met or the maximum threshold in such 
section has been exceeded. Oversight of the Global Fund remains 
a top priority, as well as continued support for an independent 
Office of the Inspector General. The Committee includes further 
language under ``Reports'' in this heading.
    Programs for vulnerable children.--The Committee encourages 
OGAC to continue to align existing programs for vulnerable 
children with the goals and objectives of APCA and ensure that 
orphans and vulnerable children remain a priority within PEPFAR 
country programs. The Committee supports the continued 
integration of APCA's first objective into PEPFAR Mother-to-
Child Transmission Programs; continued support for efforts to 
meet the needs of children living outside of family care, and 
mitigation of the impact of HIV/AIDS on children and 
adolescents in affected communities. Progress toward these 
goals should be reported as part of PEPFAR's Annual Report to 
    The Committee is disappointed in the lack of responsiveness 
to congressional inquiries and encourages OGAC to improve in 
this area.

Reports, OGAC

    Localization.--The Committee supports OGAC's effort to 
build greater sustainability into its life-saving programs by 
transferring responsibility to national governments and local 
implementers. However, the transition must be carefully 
implemented and monitored to ensure careful stewardship of 
taxpayer resources and continuous coverage for beneficiaries. 
The Committee encourages PEPFAR to consider transitional grants 
and other innovative mechanisms that will allow for the 
responsible transfer of responsibility to a new implementing 
partner. The Committee directs that, not later than 45 days 
after enactment of this Act, and prior to the approval of any 
fiscal year 2020 Country Operating Plan, the United States 
Global AIDS Coordinator shall submit to the appropriate 
congressional committees a plan for the greater use of local 
partners that includes the following: (1) the process used by 
OGAC to determine an organization's ability to meet the 
responsibilities of a PEPFAR implementer; (2) procedures to 
identify, manage, and mitigate any risks identified; and (3) 
plans to monitor the consistency and quality of service 
delivery and respond quickly if a gap is identified.
    Global Fund.--The Committee directs the Secretary of State 
to report to the Committees on Appropriations, not later than 
90 days after enactment of this Act, on the Global Fund's 
progress on the following: (1) maintaining transparency, 
including the publication of the Global Fund OIG reports on a 
public website; (2) providing sufficient resources and policies 
for an independent OIG; (3) publication of regular audits and 
investigations of financial, programmatic, and reporting 
aspects of the Global Fund, its grantees, recipients, and Local 
Fund Agents; and (4) enforcement of policies which reflect best 
practices for the protection of whistleblowers.
    Pediatric treatment.--The Committee directs the Secretary 
of State to submit a report to the Committees on 
Appropriations, not later than 90 days after enactment of the 
Act, on PEPFAR's current and planned activities to: (1) reduce 
new HIV infections in children and adolescents to the most 
effective treatment; (2) link HIV-positive children and 
adolescents to the most effective treatment regimens and retain 
them in care; and (3) mitigate the impact of HIV/AIDS on 
children and adolescents in HIV-affected communities.

                         DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE

Fiscal Year 2019 enacted level........................    $3,000,000,000
Fiscal Year 2020 request\1\...........................                 0
Committee recommendation..............................     4,164,867,000
    Change from enacted level.........................    +1,164,867,000
    Change from request...............................    +4,164,867,000
\1\The fiscal year 2020 request proposes to consolidate funds under this
  heading and Economic Support Fund.

    The Committee recommendation includes $4,164,867,000 for 
Development Assistance. Programs funded by this account should 
be directed for long-term development programs to build the 
resilience and stability of communities and support broad-based 
economic growth.
    The Committee's recommendation includes most countries' 
long-term development programs even if they are also receiving 
support under the heading Economic Support Fund.
    Funds for certain programs under this heading are allocated 
according to the following table and subject to section 7019 of 
this Act:

                         DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE
               [Budget authority in thousands of dollars]
                   Country/Program                      Budget Authority
    Cameroon.........................................             $4,000
    Central African Republic.........................              3,000
    Chad.............................................              3,000
    Democratic Republic of the Congo.................             75,188
    Djibouti.........................................              9,000
    Liberia..........................................             65,500
    Niger............................................             20,000
    West Africa Anti-Slavery.........................              2,000
    Counter-Lord's Resistance Army Program...........             10,000
East Asia and the Pacific:
    Burma............................................             55,000
    Vietnam, Vietnam Education Foundation Act........              5,000
    Countering Violent Extremism in Asia.............              2,500
Near East:
    Lebanon..........................................             56,300
        of which, scholarships.......................             12,000
    Morocco..........................................             10,000
    Refugee Scholarships.............................              8,000
South and Central Asia:
    Bangladesh labor programs........................              3,000
    Sri Lanka........................................             30,000
Western Hemisphere:
    Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean...............              2,000
    Colombia.........................................             61,000
    El Salvador......................................             55,035
    Guatemala........................................             93,000
    Haiti............................................             51,000
    Honduras.........................................             75,000
    Mexico...........................................             10,000
    Nicaragua........................................             10,000
        of which, democracy programs.................             10,000
Global Programs:
    American Schools and Hospitals Abroad............             30,000
    Combating Child Marriage.........................             15,000
    Community Development Fund.......................             80,000
    Cooperative Development..........................             14,500
    Disability Programs..............................             10,000
    Feed the Future Innovation Labs..................             55,000
    Global Crop Diversity Trust......................              5,500
    Low Cost Eyeglasses Pilot Program................              2,500
    Ocean Freight Reimbursement Program..............              1,500
    Patrick Leahy War Victims Fund...................             13,500
    Section 7060(f) Reconciliation Programs..........             30,000
    Trade Capacity Building..........................             18,000
    USAID Advisor for Indigenous Peoples Issues......              3,500
    Victims of Torture...............................             12,000
    Wheelchairs......................................              5,000


    The Committee recommendation includes not less than 
$1,005,600,000 for food security and agriculture development as 
authorized by the Global Food Security Act of 2016 (Public Law 
114-195). The Committee appreciates the whole-of-government 
approach presented in the Global Food Security Strategy and 
directs the USAID Administrator to consult with the Committees 
on Appropriations on such strategy, including the benchmarks 
and performance metrics. The Committee recognizes the 
importance of biofortification as a part of the Global Food 
Security Strategy and urges continued support for such efforts.
    The Committee supports Feed the Future's comprehensive 
approach to combating global food insecurity and poverty and 
intends that programs are prioritized for small-holder farmers, 
particularly for women, and other vulnerable populations. The 
Committee supports the Global Food Security Strategy's 
recognition of agricultural research and academic institutions, 
including land-grant universities and extension services, as 
key stakeholders in food security and agricultural development. 
The Committee expects the USAID Administrator to ensure that 
country coordinators for agriculture development in target 
countries have the necessary technical expertise to oversee all 
food security programming in such countries. The Committee 
supports efforts to ensure there are adequate storage 
facilities and distribution systems available in recipient 
countries to prevent spoilage or waste, and encourages the 
deployment of American technology and management systems to 
enhance post-harvest food safety and security. The Committee 
intends that funds provided to countries for food security and 
agricultural development should be made available at levels not 
less than the prior fiscal year, particularly for countries 
with high levels of food insecurity.
    Agricultural research.--The Committee recommendation 
includes not less than $142,200,000 for the research 
initiatives of the Bureau for Food Security, of which 
$55,000,000 is for the Feed the Future Innovation Labs. The 
Committee commends USAID for its increased engagement with 
United States universities to capitalize on the unparalleled 
research capacities of United States institutions of higher 
education to solve the world's most challenging agricultural 
development and food security problems. The Committee directs 
that the request level for the research and development 
initiatives be designated in the CBJ for fiscal year 2021.
    Market-based social enterprises.--The Committee supports 
the work of market-based social enterprises, and encourages 
USAID to continue partnering with organizations that engage 
with small-holder farmers or other beneficiaries in cost-
sharing programs to reduce the cost of program administration.

Economic Growth

    Illegal, unreported, unregulated (IUU) fishing.--The 
Committee encourages USAID to support efforts to combat IUU 
fishing by building the capacity of countries to adopt 
sustainable fisheries management and seafood import monitoring 
    Microenterprise and microfinance.--The Committee 
recommendation includes not less than $265,000,000 in this Act 
for micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises. The Committee 
directs the USAID Administrator to prioritize investments in 
microenterprise and microfinance in sub-Saharan Africa to reach 
the poorest and most marginalized and to consult with the 
Committees on Appropriations on efforts to focus existing 
resources for this purpose. The Committee supports such 
programs to promote economic development in communities 
throughout the developing world and encourages USAID to 
continue such programs in Mexico and Central America.
    The Committee supports funding consistent with prior years 
to support the programs and activities of the Office of Private 
Capital and Microenterprise.
    Trade capacity building.--The Committee continues to 
support capacity building activities, specifically on labor and 
environmental standards, in countries with free trade 
agreements with the United States to ensure that United States 
workers and businesses can compete on a level playing field. 
The Committee directs that not less than half of such funding 
be allocated for labor activities, including efforts to bring 
workers into the formal economy. The Department of State and 
USAID are directed to consult with the Committees on 
Appropriations prior to the obligation of these funds.


    American Schools and Hospitals Abroad (ASHA).--The 
Committee recommendation includes not less than $30,000,000 for 
the ASHA program. The Committee continues to recognize the 
important contributions made to United States foreign policy 
interests by institutions funded by this program, including 
fostering a positive image of the United States around the 
world. The Committee notes the distinct mandate of ASHA from 
other USAID development programs, including the focus on public 
diplomacy and fostering American values, ideas, and practices. 
The Committee also notes that many of the successful ASHA 
programs operate in countries that are largely absent of other 
USAID programs. The Committee expects ASHA funds to continue to 
be allocated through an open and competitive process. The 
Committee expects USAID to allocate funds to administer the 
ASHA program from funds provided for Operating Expenses on a 
proportionate basis with other agency programs.
    The Committee directs the USAID Administrator to notify the 
Committees on Appropriations prior to making any changes to the 
annual solicitation for ASHA, including consulting with the 
Committees on Appropriations not less than 15 days prior to 
issuing the annual solicitation for ASHA. In addition, the 
Committee directs USAID to restore past performance to the 
review criteria in the annual solicitation.
    Basic education.--The Committee believes basic education 
should be a key component of the United States Government 
strategy in developing countries. The Committee recommendation 
includes not less than $925,000,000 for basic education 
programs in this Act. The Committee includes further language 
under ``Reports'' in this heading.
    The Committee encourages USAID to build local capacity and 
leadership development in the education sector and ensure all 
children gain the foundational skills essential to success. 
Basic education funds should also be used for secondary 
education activities and to prioritize girls education which is 
critical to their future economic empowerment and United States 
foreign policy objectives.
    The Committee encourages USAID to continue to strengthen 
early learning and pre-primary education programming. USAID 
should explore opportunities to promote early child development 
through ongoing activities and programs, including screening 
for early development delays and training for caregivers about 
behaviors that promote brain development.
    The Committee believes that schools can be centers of 
learning and development for an entire community and expects 
programs in other sectors to be integrated with schools and 
educational programs as much as possible. USAID should 
prioritize technical assistance for local governments to foster 
communities of learning and encourage recipient countries and 
other donors to pursue comprehensive development efforts to 
support these programs. The Committee recommends USAID consider 
school-based eye health programs to help ensure access to 
eyeglasses for children. The Committee encourages USAID to 
place an emphasis on basic education programs in the Western 
    Higher education.--The Committee recommendation includes 
not less than $235,000,000 for assistance for higher education. 
The recommendation includes funds for partnerships between 
higher education institutions in the United States and Malawi. 
The Committee notes the important role United States 
universities have played in advancing recent innovations in e-
learning and directs USAID to include a focus within 
partnerships in Malawi to increase access to higher education 
through the use of this technology.
    The Committee commends USAID for its engagement with U.S. 
universities to solve the world's most challenging development 
problems, including through the Feed the Future Innovation Labs 
and the Higher Education Solutions Network. Furthermore, the 
Committee recommendation includes not less than $35,000,000 for 
programs to build institutional capacity of universities and 
colleges in developing nations through partnerships with United 
States universities, of which not less than $15,000,000 is for 
new partnerships. The Committee directs USAID to initiate new 
competitive grants for partnerships of a sufficient length and 
size to make a transformational impact on colleges and 
universities in developing nations.
    The Committee supports funds for higher education programs 
in the Western Hemisphere. The Committee notes that reaching 
underserved populations in Latin America and the Caribbean with 
educational programs of sufficient duration to provide 
leadership, language skills, and career training is important 
for countries' economic and social development. Therefore, the 
Committee urges USAID to prioritize educational opportunities 
at post-secondary institutions for underserved populations in 
the region.
    The Committee expects funds provided for higher education 
to be made available through open and competitive processes.
    Environment.--The Committee supports efforts to address 
changes in the environment that are impacting global stability 
and U.S. national security. The Committee directs that 
biodiversity programs shall not support the expansion of 
industrial logging or any other industrial scale extractive 
activity into areas that were primary/intact tropical forests 
as of December 30, 2013. The Committee directs the Secretary of 
the Treasury to instruct the United States executive director 
of each international financial institution to vote against any 
financing of any such activity.
    The Committee supports continued funding of great apes and 
Indonesian orangutan conservation at not less than prior year 
    Funds for certain programs under this heading are allocated 
according to the following table and subject to section 7019 of 
this Act:

                          ENVIRONMENT PROGRAMS
               [Budget authority in thousands of dollars]
                       Programs                         Budget Authority
    of which, Andean Amazon..........................            $24,500
    of which, Brazilian Amazon.......................             11,000
    of which, Central Africa Regional Program for the             43,000
     Environment (CARPE).............................
        USAID........................................           [23,400]
        United States Fish and Wildlife Service                 [19,600]
    of which, Guatemala and Belize...................              5,000
        USAID........................................            [3,500]
        Department of Interior.......................            [1,500]
    of which, Lacey Act..............................              3,500
    of which, USFWS..................................             10,900
        Great Apes...................................            [5,000]
        Migratory Birds Conservation.................              [750]
        Sea Turtles..................................              [150]
    of which, United States Forest Service...........              8,000
Toxic Chemicals......................................              8,000
Waste Recycling......................................              8,000


    Angola.--The Committee directs the USAID Administrator to 
consult with the Committees on Appropriations on efforts to 
support conservation needs in Angola.
    Cameroon.--The Committee directs the Secretary of State and 
USAID Administrator to support inclusive dialogue in Anglophone 
and Francophone regions of Cameroon.
    Haiti.--The Committee notes that, despite significant 
investments in the country's development, Haiti remains among 
the poorest countries in the Western Hemisphere. The Committee 
encourages USAID to consider strategies that work with local 
governments to assess areas of potential economic growth and 
integration with governance programs. Consistent with the USAID 
private sector engagement policy, opportunities for public-
private partnerships and development finance should be 
    The Committee notes the sustainability review included in 
House Report 115-829 and directs the USAID Administrator to 
consult with the Committees on Appropriations on continued 
opportunities to review programs, partners, metrics and local 
conditions in Haiti that will impact the success of current 
    Kenya conservation programs.--The Committee supports 
conservation programs for the USAID Kenya program and the East 
Africa regional environment program, with particular emphasis 
on the unique needs of northern Kenya and the Maasi Mara, to 
help: (1) scale-up wildlife conservation in the critical target 
ecosystems which fall outside national protected area in Kenya; 
(2) advance economic opportunity, strengthen governance and 
conflict-resolution and combat wildlife trafficking through 
community conservancies across Kenya; (3) strengthen the 
national policy and regulatory framework to cement conservation 
as a recognized and protected land use; and (4) create a 
community conservation field-based training center to 
systematically engage government and community partners from 
across Africa to advance the community conservation model.
    Lebanon scholarships.--The Committee recommendation 
includes funds for scholarships for Lebanese students with high 
financial need to attend not-for-profit educational 
institutions in Lebanon that meet standards comparable to those 
required for American accreditation. Students in Lebanon should 
be eligible for scholarships if they demonstrate financial 
need, have strong academic records, and show potential to 
contribute to the long-term political, economic, and social 
development of Lebanon. The Committee directs that these funds 
be awarded through an open and competitive process.
    Scholarship program for refugees.--The Committee 
recommendation includes funds to continue the university 
scholarship pilot program for refugees in Lebanon. Such funds 
are in addition to funds made available for assistance for 
Lebanon under this heading. The USAID Administrator is directed 
to consult with the Committees on Appropriations on an ongoing 
basis on how the program will be administered consistent with 
the Lebanon scholarship program at not-for-profit educational 
institutions in Lebanon that meet the standards required for 
American accreditation, and other matters related to 
    Somalia.--The Committee supports increased funding for 
Somalia to support the formation of legitimate, durable 
institutions and economic development that will enhance peace 
and stability in the country. Particular attention should be 
given to programs that prioritize youth. The Committee includes 
further language under ``Reports'' in this heading.

Global Programs

    Gender.--The Committee is encouraged by the prioritization 
of women's economic empowerment and directs the USAID 
Administrator to include in these efforts improved access to 
education and health services, elimination of regulatory 
barriers, and support for entrepreneurship opportunities. The 
Committee encourages all programs funded by this Act to improve 
the disaggregation of monitoring and evaluation data to better 
assess the impact of programming on women and girls. The 
Committee includes further information under ``Reports'' in 
this heading.
    New partners.--The Committee supports USAID's efforts to 
find additional opportunities to work with new partners and 
directs the USAID Administrator to provide regular updates to 
the Committees on Appropriations on progress in this area.
    Ocean Freight Reimbursement Program.--The Committee 
recommendation includes $1,500,000 for USAID's Ocean Freight 
Reimbursement Program to continue support for Private Voluntary 
Organizations through a competitive grant program pursuant to 
section 123(b) of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961. The USAID 
Administrator is directed to consult with the Committees on 
Appropriations on the administration of the program for fiscal 
year 2020.
    Development innovation.--The Committee supports funding at 
not less than the prior year for Development Innovation 
Ventures and encourages USAID to support evidence-based 
mechanisms that leverage United States investments to advance 
development innovation.
    Indigenous peoples.--The Committee recommendation includes 
funding for grants and other activities administered by the 
USAID Advisor for Indigenous Peoples Issues. The Committee 
encourages the Advisor for Indigenous People to investigate the 
impact of violence on indigenous women and children and 
challenges to indigenous lands, particularly in Latin America.
    Reconciliation programs.--The Committee recommendation 
provides $30,000,000 under this heading to support people-to-
people reconciliation programs that bring together individuals 
of different ethnic, religious, and political backgrounds from 
areas of civil strife and war, which shall include 
reconciliation activities between Israelis and Palestinians at 
not less than the prior year level. Funds shall be awarded 
through a competitive grant process.
    Water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH).--The Committee 
recommendation includes not less than $435,000,000 in this Act 
for long-term, sustainable water supply, sanitation, and 
hygiene projects pursuant to Public Law 109-121, as amended by 
Public Law 113-289. The Committee directs that not less than 
$195,000,000 of such funds shall be made available for programs 
and activities in sub-Saharan Africa, which should be 
prioritized for the poorest communities and countries in 
accordance with Public Law 113-289. The Committee expects these 
programs to include robust monitoring and evaluation and 
directs USAID to consult with the Committees on Appropriations 
on these efforts.
    The Committee notes that access to adequate water, 
sanitation, and hygiene is a critical component of disease 
prevention. The Committee supports greater integration of WASH 
services with nutrition and health programs, which reinforces 
priority actions identified in the USAID Water and Development 
Strategy and Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Strategy. The Committee 
notes that a lack of access to toilets, adequate sanitation, 
and hygiene products impacts women and girls in particular and 
recommends USAID address this issue in the design of WASH 
programs. The Committee includes further language under 
``Reports'' in this heading.
    The Committee notes the rapid urbanization of countries in 
the developing world and recommends USAID give special 
consideration to urban WASH projects. The Committee encourages 
USAID to explore using American expertise in drilling methods 
that reach deeper aquifers and avoid contamination to expand 
inexpensive, sustainable access to water.
    The Committee encourages the USAID Administrator to utilize 
American standards in the design and implementation of relevant 
development programs, such as water and sanitation projects. 
USAID is directed to consult with the Committees on 
Appropriations on the use of such standards in the design and 
implementation of development programs.


    Adolescent girls.--The Secretary of State, in consultation 
with the USAID Administrator, is directed to submit to the 
appropriate congressional committees, not later than 45 days 
after enactment of this Act, a report on the actions taken over 
the previous 12 months to implement the U.S. Global Strategy to 
Empower Adolescent Girls including programs to reduce the 
incidence of child and forced marriage and address the needs of 
already married adolescent girls, encourage the abandonment of 
female genital cutting and address the needs of those who have 
already undergone these procedures, and the training of staff 
on the specific challenges and needs of adolescent girls. The 
report should also be posted on a publicly available website.
    Basic education.--The Committee directs that, pursuant to 
the Reinforcing Education Accountability in Development Act 
(Public Law 115-56), the annual report to Congress on the U.S. 
Government Strategy on International Basic Education should 
include programmatic funding by education level (pre-primary, 
primary, secondary, post-secondary/non-higher education, and 
higher education) as well as a list of indicators that will be 
used to monitor performance for each of these education levels 
and the criteria used to prioritize country programs. Data 
should be disaggregated by age, sex, marital status, and 
disability when practicable and appropriate.
    Gender.--The Committee directs the USAID Administrator, not 
later than 90 days after enactment of this Act, to submit to 
the Committees on Appropriations a detailed implementation plan 
of the Women's Global Development and Prosperity Initiative 
including focus countries and planned metrics.
    Somalia.--The Committee directs the Secretary of State, not 
later than 45 days after enactment of this Act, to submit an 
update to the report required under this heading in House 
Report 114-93 to the Committees on Appropriations and consult 
with the Committees on the content of the report prior to its 
    WASH.--The Committee directs the USAID Administrator, not 
later than 45 days after enactment of this Act, to update the 
report on how women's access to adequate sanitation facilities 
and feminine hygiene products are included in the design and 
implementation of the Agency's WASH programs. The report should 
also include recommendations for how USAID could improve its 
management of investments in this area, including through 
targeted program definitions.


Fiscal Year 2019 enacted level\1\.....................    $4,385,312,000
Fiscal Year 2020 request\2\...........................                 0
Committee recommendation\3\...........................     4,435,312,000
    Change from enacted level.........................       +50,000,000
    Change from request...............................    +4,435,312,000
\1\The fiscal year 2019 enacted level includes $584,278,000 under this
  heading in title VIII designated pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(ii)
  of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985.
\2\The Fiscal Year 2020 request includes $5,968,000,000 under a new
  heading, ``International Humanitarian Assistance.''
\3\The fiscal year 2020 recommendation includes $1,733,980,000 under
  this heading designated for Overseas Contingency Operations/Global War
  on Terrorism.

    The Committee recommendation includes $4,435,312,000 for 
International Disaster Assistance, of which $1,733,980,000 is 
designated for OCO/GWOT.
    This account funds humanitarian relief, rehabilitation, and 
reconstruction in countries affected by natural and man-made 
disasters, as well as support for disaster mitigation, disaster 
risk reduction, prevention, and preparedness. This includes the 
purchase of commodities, such as temporary shelter, blankets, 
and supplementary and therapeutic food; potable water; medical 
supplies; and agricultural rehabilitation. Program 
beneficiaries include disaster victims, conflict victims, and 
internally displaced persons. Funds are also provided for the 
Emergency Food Security Program, as authorized in the Global 
Food Security Act of 2016 (Public Law 114-195).
    Child protection.--The Committee recognizes the need for 
additional protection of children in conflict and crisis 
settings. The Committee encourages the Office of Foreign 
Disaster Assistance, or successor bureau, to play an increasing 
leadership role to protect children in humanitarian crises and 
ensure that protection is integrated across other humanitarian 
    Cyclone Adai.--The Committee is concerned about the dire 
humanitarian situation in Mozambique, Malawi, and Zimbabwe as a 
result of Cyclone Adai. The Committee urges USAID to assess 
both the humanitarian and development needs in the affected 
region and program funds made available by this Act to assist 
in addressing such needs.
    Ethnic and religious minorities.--The Committee 
recommendation includes funds under this heading for support of 
humanitarian assistance for displaced, vulnerable, and 
persecuted ethnic and religious minorities to: (1) facilitate 
the implementation of an immediate, coordinated, and sustained 
response; (2) enhance protection of conflict victims; (3) 
improve access to secure locations for obtaining humanitarian 
and resettlement services; and (4) build resilience and help 
reestablish livelihoods for displaced and persecuted persons in 
their communities of origin.


Fiscal Year 2019 enacted level........................                $0
Fiscal Year 2020 request..............................     5,968,000,000
Committee recommendation..............................                 0
    Change from enacted level.........................                 0
    Change from request...............................    -5,968,000,000

    The Committee recommendation does not include the funding 
proposed in the fiscal year 2020 request for International 
Humanitarian Assistance. The Committee does not support the 
consolidation of all overseas humanitarian assistance into a 
single account. As in prior years, funds for such assistance 
are provided under the headings International Disaster 
Assistance and Migration and Refugee Assistance.

                         TRANSITION INITIATIVES

Fiscal Year 2019 enacted level\1\.....................       $92,043,000
Fiscal Year 2020 request..............................       112,043,000
Committee recommendation..............................        92,043,000
    Change from enacted level.........................                 0
    Change from request...............................       -20,000,000
\1\The fiscal year 2019 enacted level includes $62,043,000 under this
  heading in title VIII designated pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(ii)
  Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985.

    The Committee recommendation includes $92,043,000 for 
Transition Initiatives.
    Funds provided in this account support programs targeting 
key transitions to democracy for countries in crisis and quick-
impact activities for conflict prevention or stabilization.
    The Committee recommendation continues the following 
requirements: (1) funds made available under this heading may 
only be administered by the Office of Transition Initiatives 
(OTI); and (2) up to $15,000,000 of funds appropriated by this 
Act to carry out the provisions of part I of the Foreign 
Assistance Act of 1961 may be used for the purposes and with 
the authorities provided under this heading if the Secretary of 
State determines it is in the national interest and following 
consultation with the Committees on Appropriations.
    The Committee directs OTI to submit a report to the 
Committees on Appropriations five days prior to starting a new 
    The Committee directs OTI to submit a report to the 
Committees on Appropriations summarizing new, ongoing, and 
completed country programs implemented by OTI in fiscal year 
2020, including programs supported with transferred funds, 
subject to the reporting requirements of the Committees on 

                          COMPLEX CRISES FUND

Fiscal Year 2019 enacted level........................       $30,000,000
Fiscal Year 2020 request..............................                 0
Committee recommendation..............................        30,000,000
    Change from enacted level.........................                 0
    Change from request...............................       +30,000,000

    The Committee recommendation includes $30,000,000 for the 
Complex Crises Fund, which shall be apportioned to USAID not 
later than 45 days after enactment of this Act.


Program Account:
    Fiscal Year 2019 enacted level....................       $55,000,000
    Fiscal Year 2020 request..........................                 0
    Committee recommendation..........................                 0
        Change from enacted level.....................       -55,000,000
        Change from request...........................                 0
Administrative Expenses:
    Fiscal Year 2019 enacted level....................       $10,000,000
    Fiscal Year 2020 request..........................                 0
    Committee recommendation..........................                 0
        Change from enacted level.....................       -10,000,000
        Change from request...........................                 0

    Pursuant to section 1463 of the BUILD Act of 2018 (division 
F of Public Law 115-254), the funds, personnel, assets, and 
liabilities of the Development Credit Authority will be 
transferred to the United States International Development 
Finance Corporation (DFC) at the end of the transition period 
for the DFC on September 30, 2019.


Fiscal Year 2019 enacted level........................                $0
Fiscal Year 2020 request..............................     5,234,000,000
Committee recommendation..............................                 0
    Change from enacted level.........................                 0
    Change from request...............................    -5,234,000,000

    The Committee does not recommend funds under this heading, 
as proposed in the fiscal year 2020 budget request.

                             DEMOCRACY FUND

Fiscal Year 2019 enacted level........................      $227,200,000
Fiscal Year 2020 request..............................                 0
Committee recommendation..............................       273,700,000
    Change from enacted level.........................       +46,500,000
    Change from request...............................      +273,700,000

    The Committee recommendation includes $273,700,000 for 
Democracy Fund, which is $46,500,000 above the fiscal year 2019 
enacted level. Of the funds provided, $172,700,000 shall be for 
the Human Rights and Democracy Fund of the Bureau of Democracy, 
Human Rights, and Labor (DRL) at the Department of State, and 
$101,000,000 shall be for the Center of Excellence on 
Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance (DRG) at USAID.
    Funds included under this heading were requested under 
Economic Support and Development Fund. The Committee 
recommendation realigns most global democracy activities from 
Economic Support Fund and places them under this heading.
    Funds under this heading are allocated according to the 
following table and subject to section 7019 of this Act:

                             DEMOCRACY FUND
               [Budget authority in thousands of dollars]
                   Program/Activity                    Budget  Authority
Bureau for Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor,
 Department of State:
    of which, Labor Rights and Labor Recruitment                  $8,000
    of which, Global Equality Fund...................              7,500
    of which, International Religious Freedom........             10,000
    of which, Internet Freedom.......................             14,000
Bureau for Democracy, Conflict, and Humanitarian
 Assistance, USAID:
    of which, Global Labor Program...................             12,500
    of which, Internet Freedom and Information Safety              6,000
    of which, Civil Society Innovation...............              4,000
    of which, Protection of LGBTI Persons............              5,000


    Additional resources.--The Committee directs DRL at the 
Department of State and DRG at USAID to jointly report to the 
Committees on Appropriations, not later than 45 days after 
enactment of this Act, on the planned use of additional 
    Annual human rights reports.--The Committee directs the 
Department of State to include in its annual country human 
rights reports violations of women's reproductive rights and 
descriptions of official government discrimination of LGBTI 
    Human rights.--The Committee directs the Secretary of 
State, in consultation with the USAID Administrator, to submit 
a report, not later than 45 days after enactment of this Act, 
on the activities of the Special Envoy for the Human Rights of 
LGBTI Persons at the Department of State and the Senior LGBTI 
Coordinator at USAID in promoting U.S. engagement with 
governments, citizens, civil society, and the private sector on 
these issues.


Fiscal Year 2019 enacted level........................      $760,334,000
Fiscal Year 2020 request..............................                 0
Committee recommendation..............................       770,334,000
    Change from enacted level.........................       +10,000,000
    Change from request...............................      +770,334,000

    The Committee recommendation includes $770,334,000 for 
Assistance for Europe, Eurasia and Central Asia.
    Funds for certain programs under this heading are allocated 
according to the following table and subject to section 7019 of 
this Act:

               [Budget authority in thousands of dollars]
                   Country/Program                     Budget  Authority
Countering Russian Influence Fund....................            $75,000
Georgia..............................................             83,025
Moldova..............................................             51,853
Ukraine..............................................            250,000

    Countering anti-Semitism, xenophobia, and racism in 
Europe.--The Committee recommendation includes an additional 
$1,000,000 above the prior year enacted level for the 
Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe to support 
the Countering Racism and Xenophobia Initiative.
    Civil society in Central and Eastern Europe.--The Committee 
is concerned with the erosion of rule of law and increased 
corruption in Central and Eastern Europe, which provides 
opportunities for Russian and Chinese influence in the region, 
and undermines United States national security interests. The 
Committee encourages the Secretary of State and the USAID 
Administrator to work with civil society organizations to 
support the rule of law and to counter democratic backsliding 
in the region.
    Cyprus.--The Committee notes that no funds were requested 
for Cyprus, but should the Secretary of State decide to provide 
funds, such assistance should only be used for measures aimed 
at reunification and designed to reduce tensions and promote 
peace and cooperation between the two communities on Cyprus. 
The Committee notes that such programs are subject to the 
requirements of section 7015 of this Act. Funding for the 
United States assessed cost of the UN Peacekeeping Force in 
Cyprus are provided under Contributions for International 
Peacekeeping Activities.
    Energy security for United States allies and partners.--The 
Committee recognizes the importance of European energy security 
to United States national security and is troubled by the 
probable impacts of the Nord Stream II pipeline. The Committee 
supports Department of State and USAID current efforts and 
recommends the Secretary of State and the USAID Administrator 
take further diplomatic and programmatic steps to foster 
European energy independence and diversification, including 
through programs to increase the use of alternative sources of 
energy, such as green technologies and liquefied natural gas, 
and through supporting energy sector reforms.
    Georgia rule of law.--The Committee recommendation includes 
$83,025,000 under this heading for Georgia, and recommends the 
Secretary of State and the USAID Administrator prioritize 
programs aimed at strengthening rule of law and democratic 
institutions to promote transparency and good governance while 
countering Russian malign influence.
    The Committee notes that over the years economic reforms 
made by the Government of Georgia have resulted in strong 
economic growth and foreign investment from the United States 
benefiting both countries. The Committee continues to believe 
it is critical that public and private Georgian entities 
continue to adhere to their contractual obligations with United 
States businesses and expects the Secretary of State to assist 
American businesses in Georgia who face challenges. The 
Committee looks forward to reviewing the Secretary of State's 
report required pursuant to House report 115-829, and directs 
that such report be delivered in an expeditious manner.
    Reconciliation programs.--The Committee expects funds to be 
made available to further the economic, social development, and 
reconciliation goals of Public Law 99-415 at levels consistent 
with amounts provided in prior years.
    Research and training.--The Committee recommendation 
includes $3,000,000 for programs pursuant to section 7034(d) of 
this Act for research and training authorized by the Soviet-
Eastern European Research and Training Act of 1983.
    Ukraine.--The Committee recommendation includes 
$250,000,0000 under this heading for Ukraine, consistent with 
the fiscal year 2019 enacted level. The Committee is encouraged 
by the Department of State and USAID's efforts to strengthen 
cooperation with Ukraine on veterans' issues including 
improving psycho-social, health, and reintegration programs. 
The Committee urges the Department of State and USAID to 
continue this work, as well as bolster the capacity of the new 
Ministry of Veteran's Affairs to strengthen institutional 
effectiveness free from corruption.
    The Committee remains encouraged by the Department of State 
and USAID's support of smallholder Ukrainian farmers and rural 
women through agricultural processers. The Committee directs 
the Department of State and USAID to develop mechanisms to work 
directly with women smallholders to support the development of 
cooperatives to empower increased productivity and 
marketability of smallholder's products.


    Cybersecurity cooperation.--The Committee remains concerned 
with cyber-attacks by Russia in Europe and Eurasia, including 
reported efforts to disrupt critical infrastructure in Ukraine 
and elsewhere, and directs the Secretary of State to report to 
the Committees on Appropriations, not later than 45 days after 
the enactment of this Act, on ongoing and planned programs to 
improve cybersecurity cooperation with partners in Europe and 
Eurasia, including with Ukraine, the Baltics, and other 
countries, as appropriate. Such report shall be submitted in 
unclassified form, but may be accompanied by a classified 
    Support for eastern Mediterranean partners.--The Committee 
appreciates the Secretary of State's presence at the sixth 
trilateral summit between Cyprus, Greece, and Israel, and 
supports the joint declaration made to increase regional 
cooperation, support energy independence, and to defend against 
external malign influences in the region. The Committee directs 
the Secretary of State to report to the Committees on 
Appropriations not later than 45 days after the enactment of 
this Act on available Department of State programs and 
mechanisms to support further cooperation between the United 
States and partners in the eastern Mediterranean, and 
encourages the Secretary of State to provide resources to 
support annual joint dialogues with officials, including career 
government personnel, of the Departments of State, Defense and 
Energy and their counterparts in the Governments of Greece, 
Cyprus, and Israel.

                          Department of State


Fiscal Year 2019 enacted level\1\.....................    $3,432,000,000
Fiscal Year 2020 request..............................       365,062,000
Committee recommendation\2\...........................     3,532,000,000
    Change from enacted level.........................      +100,000,000
    Change from request...............................    +3,166,938,000
\1\The fiscal year 2019 enacted level includes $1,404,124,000 under this
  heading in title VIII designated pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(ii)
  Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985.
\2\The fiscal year 2020 recommendation includes $1,400,124,000 under
  this heading designated for Overseas Contingency Operations/Global War
  on Terrorism.

    The Committee recommendation includes $3,532,000,000 for 
Migration and Refugee Assistance, of which $1,400,124,000 is 
designated for OCO/GWOT.
    Of the funds made available under this heading in this 
title, the Committee recommendation includes not less than 
$35,000,000 to respond to small-scale emergency humanitarian 
    Burmese refugees.--The Committee urges the Secretary of 
State to provide robust diplomatic engagement and assistance 
for refugees and other displaced people from Burma, including 
those who have fled ethnic cleansing and other attacks.
    Child protection.--The Committee recognizes the need for 
additional protection of children in conflict and crisis 
settings. The Committee encourages the Bureau of Population, 
Refugees, and Migration to play an increasing leadership role 
in protecting children in humanitarian crises and ensuring that 
such protection is integrated across other humanitarian 
    Ethnic and religious minorities.--The Committee 
recommendation includes funds under this heading for support of 
humanitarian assistance for vulnerable and persecuted refugees 
from ethnic and religious minorities to: (1) facilitate the 
implementation of an immediate, coordinated, and sustained 
response; (2) enhance protection of conflict victims; (3) 
improve access to secure locations for obtaining humanitarian 
and resettlement services; and (4) build resilience and help 
reestablish livelihoods for displaced and persecuted persons in 
their communities of origin.
    Humanitarian law and armed conflict.--The Committee remains 
concerned over an increasing trend in violations of 
international humanitarian law in armed conflict and the lack 
of accountability for such violations. These violations include 
attacks on children, other civilians, and humanitarian workers; 
attacks on civilian infrastructure such as schools, hospitals, 
and food and water systems; and continued denial of 
humanitarian access to populations in need in Yemen, Syria, 
Iraq, South Sudan, and Venezuela. The Committee urges the 
Secretary of State to engage in diplomacy to address these 
issues and to support programming designed to document, 
investigate, and ensure accountability for such violations.
    North Korean refugees.--The Committee recommendation 
includes sufficient funds for assisting North Korean refugees, 
including for protection activities in the People's Republic of 
China and other countries in Asia.
    Refugees in the Middle East.--The Committee encourages the 
Secretary of State and the USAID Administrator, as appropriate, 
to ensure that the diplomatic and assistance needs of countries 
in the region offering safe haven to Syrian refugees are being 
addressed, including through assistance to host communities.
    Resettlement in Israel.--The Committee recommendation 
includes not less than $5,000,000 for refugees from the former 
Soviet Union, Eastern Europe, and other refugees resettling in 
Israel, which is the same as the request and similar to 
language carried in prior years.
    Sanitation facilities.--The Committee encourages the Bureau 
of Population, Refugees, and Migration to place a special 
emphasis on the provision of safe and secure access to 
sanitation facilities for refugees, with a focus on women and 
girls and vulnerable populations.
    Tibetan refugees.--The Committee supports the continued 
allocation of funds to assist Tibetan refugees in Nepal and 
India at levels commensurate with prior years.
    Unaccompanied refugee minors.--The Committee urges the 
Secretary of State to provide robust support for the 
resettlement of unaccompanied refugee minors, including those 
who have fled ethnic cleansing and other attacks.
    United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA).-- Pursuant 
to section 7048(d), funds appropriated under this heading shall 
be made available to UNRWA unless the Secretary of State 
determines and reports to the Committees on Appropriations that 
UNRWA is violating certain policies related to neutrality, 
impartiality, prohibiting weapons in their facilities, regular 
inspections, educational materials, financial transparency, and 
auditing practices.
    Western Hemisphere.--Amounts appropriated under this 
heading that are above the fiscal year 2019 level are intended, 
in part, to expand support for refugees fleeing economic 
collapse and repression in Venezuela and to increase support 
for ongoing efforts to enhance the capacity of the Mexican 
Commission of Assistance to Refugees to process asylum 
applications of refugees in Mexico.


    Refugees in North Africa.--The Committee directs, not later 
than 45 days after enactment of this Act, the Secretary of 
State, after consultation with the United Nations High 
Commissioner for Refugees and the Executive Director of the 
World Food Programme, to submit a report to the Committees on 
Appropriations describing steps taken to strengthen monitoring 
of the delivery of humanitarian assistance provided for 
refugees in North Africa, including any steps taken to ensure 
that all vulnerable refugees are receiving such assistance.


Fiscal Year 2019 enacted level........................        $1,000,000
Fiscal Year 2020 request..............................                 0
Committee recommendation..............................         1,000,000
    Change from enacted level.........................                 0
    Change from request...............................        +1,000,000

    The Committee recommendation includes $1,000,000 for United 
States Emergency Refugee and Migration Assistance Fund. The 
Committee also directs the transfer to Migration and Refugee 
Assistance of any balances in the Fund that exceed the 
limitation in paragraph (2) of section 2(c) of the Migration 
and Refugee Assistance Act of 1962.

                          Independent Agencies

                              PEACE CORPS

                     (INCLUDING TRANSFER OF FUNDS)

Fiscal Year 2019 enacted level........................      $410,500,000
Fiscal Year 2020 request..............................       396,200,000
Committee recommendation..............................       425,000,000
    Change from enacted level.........................       +14,500,000
    Change from request...............................       +28,800,000

    The Committee recommendation includes $425,000,000 for 
Peace Corps, of which $6,330,000 is for the Office of the 
Inspector General.
    The Committee recommendation for Peace Corps will provide 
support for the positive contributions of Americans serving as 
volunteers throughout the world, including volunteer safety and 
security operations. The Committee recommendation continues the 
ban on the use of funds for abortion, with certain exceptions, 
and requires an operating plan pursuant to section 7061 of this 
    The Committee recommendation continues the requirement that 
the Peace Corps consult with and notify the Committees on 
Appropriations prior to any decisions to open, close, 
significantly reduce, or suspend a domestic or overseas office 
or country program. The Committee directs the Director of the 
Peace Corps to submit a report to the Committees on 
Appropriations listing all decisions made during the fiscal 
year to change the status of offices or country programs and 
the justifications for such decisions, subject to the reporting 
procedures of the Committees on Appropriations.


Fiscal Year 2019 enacted level........................      $905,000,000
Fiscal Year 2020 request..............................       800,000,000
Committee recommendation..............................       905,000,000
    Change from enacted level.........................                 0
    Change from request...............................      +105,000,000

    The Committee recommendation includes $905,000,000 for 
Millennium Challenge Corporation. The Committee recommendation 
includes a limitation of $109,000,000 for administrative 
expenses and not more than $100,000 may be for representational 
    Funding included for administrative expenses is made 
available until September 30, 2021.
    Deobligation notification.--Consistent with section 7015(c) 
of the Act, the reobligation of funds deobligated by the 
Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) is subject to the 
regular notification procedures of the Committees on 
Appropriations. In any notification of reobligation, the MCC 
shall indicate the Compact or activity that is the source of 
the deobligation and the year in which the deobligation 
    MCC mandate.--The Committee continues to direct the Chief 
Executive Officer (CEO) of the MCC to include the corresponding 
economic rate of return estimated for each line item funded in 
the compact in congressional notifications submitted for new 
    Reporting requirements.--The Committee directs the MCC to 
continue to adhere to the directives contained in House Report 
114-154 with respect to reporting requirements.
    Threshold Program.--The CEO of the MCC shall consult with 
the Committees on Appropriations if a planned threshold program 
will cause the total amount obligated for purposes of carrying 
out section 616 of the Millennium Challenge Act of 2003 (Public 
Law 108-199), as amended, to exceed 5 percent in fiscal year 

                       INTER-AMERICAN FOUNDATION

Fiscal Year 2019 enacted level........................       $22,500,000
Fiscal Year 2020 request..............................         3,482,000
Committee recommendation..............................        32,500,000
    Change from enacted level.........................       +10,000,000
    Change from request...............................       +29,018,000

    The Committee recommendation includes $32,500,000 for 
Inter-American Foundation. The Committee recommendation does 
not assume the consolidation of the Inter-American Foundation 
(IAF) into USAID, as proposed by the fiscal year 2020 request.
    The increase in IAF's annual appropriation should be used 
to support the Central America Strategy, the Caribbean Basin 
Security Initiative, and programs in Colombia.
    The Committee applauds the work of the IAF in supporting 
community-led solutions for building resiliency to disasters, 
extreme weather changes, and small farming operations in the 
Eastern Caribbean, while advancing U.S. priorities in the 
    The Committee encourages the IAF to support exchanges 
between Native American tribes in the United States and 
indigenous groups across Latin America to share best practices 
in successful business enterprises and to explore the 
development of mutually beneficial trade and investment 
    The Committee notes that section 7061(a) of this Act 
requires an operating plan for funds made available under this 


Fiscal Year 2019 enacted level........................       $30,000,000
Fiscal Year 2020 request..............................         4,623,000
Committee recommendation..............................        30,000,000
    Change from enacted level.........................                 0
    Change from request...............................       +25,377,000

    The Committee recommendation includes $30,000,000 for 
United States African Development Foundation. The Committee 
recommendation does not assume the consolidation of the United 
States African Development Foundation (USADF) into USAID, as 
proposed by the fiscal year 2020 request.
    The Committee encourages the USADF to explore cooperation 
with African diaspora entities in the United States.
    The Committee directs the USADF to consult with the 
Committees on Appropriations prior to exercising the authority 
in section 7024 of this Act for new grants. The Committee notes 
that section 7061(a) of this Act requires an operating plan for 
funds made available under this heading.

                       Department of the Treasury


Fiscal Year 2019 enacted level........................       $30,000,000
Fiscal Year 2020 request..............................        30,000,000
Committee recommendation..............................        30,000,000
    Change from enacted level.........................                 0
    Change from request...............................                 0

    The Committee recommendation includes $30,000,000 for 
International Affairs Technical Assistance by the Department of 
the Treasury. The operating and spend plans required under 
section 7061 of this Act shall include estimated program and 
administrative costs by fiscal year of appropriation.


                          Department of State

                         ECONOMIC SUPPORT FUND

Fiscal Year 2019 enacted level\1\.....................    $3,717,861,000
Fiscal Year 2020 request\2\...........................                 0
Committee recommendation..............................     2,178,763,000
    Change from enacted level.........................    -1,539,098,000
    Change from request...............................    +2,178,763,000
\1\The fiscal year 2019 enacted level includes $1,172,336,000 under this
  heading in title VIII designated pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(ii)
  Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985.
\2\The fiscal year 2020 request proposes to consolidate funds under this
  heading and Development Assistance.

    The Committee recommendation includes $2,178,763,000 for 
Economic Support Fund.
    The Committee notes that funds recommended under this 
heading are provided to advance United States interests by 
helping countries meet political and security needs. The 
Committee recommendation includes short-term, diplomatic 
activities under this heading even if countries are also 
receiving support under the heading Development Assistance.
    Funds for certain programs under this heading are allocated 
according to the following table and subject to section 7019 of 
this Act:

                          ECONOMIC SUPPORT FUND
               [Budget authority in thousands of dollars]
                   Country/Program                     Budget  Authority
East Asia and the Pacific:
    Burma............................................            $30,000
    Vietnam dioxin removal...........................             20,000
Middle East and North Africa:
    Lebanon..........................................             56,200
    Middle East Partnership Initiative scholarship                20,000
    Middle East Regional Cooperation.................              5,000
    Morocco..........................................             10,000
    Near East Regional Democracy.....................             52,000
South and Central Asia:
    Sri Lanka........................................             10,000
Western Hemisphere:
    Colombia.........................................            146,328
    Cuba democracy...................................             20,000
    Mexico...........................................             35,000
    Venezuela........................................             17,500
    State Western Hemisphere Regional................            125,300
        of which, Central America Regional Security              100,000
        of which, Caribbean Basin Security Initiative             25,300
    Caribbean Energy Security Initiative.............              2,000
Global Programs:
    Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women's Issues....             10,000
    Atrocities Prevention (sec. 7034(b)).............              2,500
    Conflict and Stabilization Operations............              2,500
    Diplomatic Progress Fund.........................            175,000
    Forensic anthropology assistance related to war               10,000
    House Democracy Partnership......................              1,900
    Protection and Investigation of Crimes against                10,000
     Religious Minorities............................

    The Committee provides additional direction on programs in 
Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, and South and Central 
Asia under title VII of this report.

East Asia and the Pacific

    The Committee provides additional direction on programs in 
this region under section 7043 of this report.
    Vietnam.--The Committee recommendation makes available 
resources for activities related to the remediation of dioxin 
contaminated sites in Vietnam to be administered in a manner 
consistent with prior years.

Middle East and North Africa

    The Committee provides additional direction on programs in 
the region under section 7041 of this report.
    Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI).--The Committee 
supports continued funding for the MEPI scholarship program. 
Scholarships should be made available for institutions that 
meet standards comparable to those required for American 
accreditation and should be awarded in a manner consistent with 
prior fiscal years, including on an open and competitive basis.
    USAID-Israel international development cooperation.--The 
Committee is supportive of cooperative projects and notes 
relevant legislation is under consideration by the authorizing 
committee of jurisdiction. If authorized, the Committee 
encourages USAID to partner with Israel on projects that 
identify and support local solutions to address sustainability 
challenges relating to water resources, agriculture, and energy 

Global Programs

    Diplomatic Progress Fund (DPF).--The Committee 
recommendation includes $175,000,000 for a Diplomatic Progress 
Fund to respond to new opportunities arising from potential 
diplomatic and peace progress. The Committee directs the 
Secretary of State to consult with the Committees on 
Appropriations, on a case-by-case basis, prior to programming 
DPF resources.
    Foreign assistance resources.--The Committee recommendation 
includes funds for the Office of U.S. Foreign Assistance 
Resources to support aid transparency and evaluation.
    Forensic anthropology.--The Committee directs the Assistant 
Secretary for Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor at the 
Department of State to administer funds made available under 
this heading for forensic anthropology assistance related to 
the exhumation and identification of victims of war crimes and 
crimes against humanity.
    Independent media.--The Committee continues to support 
assistance for independent media, including in Afghanistan, 
Burma, Ukraine, Venezuela, Pakistan, Central America, and 
    Information communication technology training.--The 
Committee supports programs that provide policy and technical 
training to information communication technology professionals 
from developing countries and directs that funds be made 
available in a manner, and at levels, consistent with prior 


Fiscal Year 2019 enacted level........................    $1,497,469,000
Fiscal Year 2020 request..............................       945,350,000
Committee recommendation..............................     1,410,665,000
    Change from enacted level.........................       -86,804,000
    Change from request...............................      +465,315,000

    The Committee recommendation includes $1,410,665,000 for 
International Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement.
    Funds for certain programs under this heading are allocated 
according to the following table and subject to section 7019 of 
this Act:

               [Budget authority in thousands of dollars]
               Country/Program/Activity                Budget  Authority
Atrocities prevention (sec. 7034(b)).................             $2,500
Argentina............................................              2,500
Colombia.............................................            189,000
Combatting Trafficking in Persons....................             45,000
    of which, Office to Combat Trafficking in Persons             36,000
        [Child Protection Compacts]..................            [5,000]
Combating wildlife trafficking.......................             50,000
Countering Russian Influence Fund....................             62,500
Critical Flight Safety Program.......................             18,000
    of which, health monitoring systems..............             12,500
Cybercrime and intellectual property rights..........             10,000
Demand reduction.....................................             15,000
Egypt................................................              2,000
Georgia..............................................              5,700
Global Crime and Drugs Policy........................              7,000
International Law Enforcement Academy................             30,000
International Organized Crime........................             68,150
Mexico...............................................             91,840
Programs to end modern slavery.......................             25,000
Relief and Recovery Fund.............................             25,000
Tunisia..............................................             13,000
Ukraine..............................................             30,000
State Western Hemisphere Regional....................            205,500
    of which, Caribbean Basin Security Initiative....             25,200
    of which, Central America Regional Security                  167,800
        [Costa Rica].................................           [32,500]

    Combating wildlife trafficking.--The Committee includes 
$50,000,000 under this heading for programs to combat wildlife 
poaching and trafficking. The Committee continues to support 
the use of aircraft for anti-poaching activities and directs 
the Secretary of State to consult with the Committees on 
Appropriations on current and proposed demonstration projects 
not later than 45 days after enactment of this Act. The 
Committee supports the use of the authority provided in section 
484(a)(2) of the Foreign Assistance Act for transfer of title 
of aircraft to support anti-poaching activities.
    The Committee directs that funds under title IV of this Act 
shall not be made available for training or other assistance 
for any military unit or personnel that the Secretary of State 
determines has been credibly alleged to have participated in 
wildlife poaching or trafficking, unless the Secretary reports 
to the Committee that such assistance is in the national 
security interest of the United States.
    Critical Flight Safety Program.--The Committee 
recommendation provides $18,000,000 for the Critical Flight 
Safety Program, including $12,500,000 for health monitoring 
systems to increase aircraft safety, readiness, and 
reliability. The Committee directs that such funds shall be 
awarded on a competitive basis.
    Cybercrime and intellectual property rights.--The Committee 
recommendation supports the efforts of United States Government 
agencies to build the capacity of partner nations to combat 
cybercrime and strengthen law enforcement in the area of 
intellectual property rights, including through the placement 
of Intellectual Property Law Enforcement Coordinators. The 
Committee notes the spend plan requirements contained in 
section 7061(b) apply to such funds.
    Demand reduction.-- The Committee directs that $15,000,000 
be made available for the centrally-managed, evidence-based 
global demand reduction program to ensure that these funds will 
continue to achieve reductions in drug use and crime in 
countries around the world.
    DNA forensic technology.--The Committee recommendation 
provides not less than $8,000,000 under this heading for DNA 
forensic technology programs to combat human trafficking in 
Central America and Mexico. Such funds are to be derived from 
funds provided under this heading for CARSI and for assistance 
for Mexico. The Committee notes that DNA forensic science and 
DNA databases have a unique capability to confirm identities 
and have proven to be an effective tool in deterring and 
preventing human trafficking. The Committee expects the 
Department of State to work in partnership to further develop 
the capacity of the governments of Central America and Mexico 
to utilize DNA forensic science and databases to combat 
trafficking in persons.
    International Law Enforcement Academies (ILEA).--The 
Committee recommendation provides $30,000,000 for ILEA to 
support regional law enforcement training. The Committee also 
expects ILEA to continue coursework to address wildlife 
poaching and trafficking.
    Global Crime and Drugs Policy.--The Committee 
recommendation provides $7,000,000 for activities to mobilize 
global institutions to combat factors that contribute to the 
opioid crisis and other drug and transnational criminal 
organization threats.
    International Organized Crime.--The Committee 
recommendation provides $68,150,000 for International Organized 
Crime, which includes amounts requested for programs to further 
the objectives of Executive Order 13773 on Enforcing Federal 
Law with Respect to Transnational Criminal Organizations and 
Preventing International Trafficking. The Committee notes the 
spend plan requirements contained in section 7061(b) apply to 
such funds.
    Opioids.--The Committee continues to support Department of 
State efforts and activities to address the flow of illegal 
opioids into the United States, including: (1) programs to 
assist the Government of Mexico in securing its borders and 
reducing poppy cultivation and heroin and synthetic drug 
production; (2) programs to thwart transnational criminal 
organizations involved in the trafficking of heroin and 
fentanyl; (3) diplomatic efforts to strengthen precursor 
chemical control and training on international treaty 
obligations related to opioids; (4) measures to strengthen the 
security of the international postal system to prevent illegal 
shipments of opioids from entering the United States, 
particularly from the People's Republic of China (PRC); and (5) 
global demand reduction programs.
    Passive screening.--The Committee is aware of ongoing 
efforts with foreign governments to deploy passive, non-
intrusive screening technologies to detect small quantities of 
person-borne opioids, fentanyl, and other narcotics as well as 
United States currency, related to drug trafficking. The 
Committee supports this ongoing effort and encourages the 
Department of State to consider expanding these efforts with 
international partners to other United States bound airports 
and pedestrian ports of entry.
    Security force professionalization.--The Committee 
recommendation includes funds under this heading and under the 
heading Peacekeeping Operations to increase the capacity of 
foreign security forces to operate in accordance with 
appropriate standards for human rights and the protection of 
civilians, and to increase partner capacity to collect, track, 
and analyze civilian casualty data caused by such operations. 
Funds may also be used to apply lessons learned to future 
operations and to enhance investigative capacity and 
transparent accountability mechanisms.


    Fentanyl Producing Countries.--Not later than 90 days after 
the date of enactment of this Act, the Committee directs the 
Secretary of State, in consultation with the Attorney General 
and the Secretary of Homeland Security, to provide to the 
Committees on Appropriations a list of fentanyl producing 
countries that have not adopted laws or regulations similar to 
United States standards on the prosecution of individuals 
trafficking a controlled substance, emergency scheduling of new 
psychoactive substances, and registration of pill presses or 
tableting machines.
    Uses of funds.--The Committee directs not later than 45 
days after enactment of this Act, and prior to the initial 
obligation of funds appropriated under this heading, the 
Secretary of State to submit a report to the Committees on 
Appropriations on the proposed uses of funds in a manner 
similar to prior years. The Committee notes that such report 
does not meet the notification requirements under section 7015 
of this Act.


Fiscal Year 2019 enacted level........................      $864,550,000
Fiscal Year 2020 request..............................       707,150,000
Committee recommendation..............................       886,850,000
    Change from enacted level.........................       +22,300,000
    Change from request...............................      +179,700,000

    The Committee recommendation includes $886,850,000 for 
Nonproliferation, Anti-terrorism, Demining and Related 
Programs. Such funds are allocated according to the following 
table and subject to section 7019 of this Act:

               [Budget authority in thousands of dollars]
                  Program/Activity                     Budget  Authority
Nonproliferation programs:
    Nonproliferation and Disarmament Fund...........             $30,000
    Export Control and Related Border Security......              64,900
    International Atomic Energy Agency..............              94,800
Anti-terrorism programs:
    Anti-terrorism Assistance.......................             182,000
    Counterterrorism financing......................              12,500
    Counterterrorism Partnerships Fund..............             108,500
Conventional weapons destruction....................             219,000

    Nonproliferation programs.--The Committee includes 
$297,050,000 for nonproliferation programs. The Committee 
emphasizes that nonproliferation programs of the Department of 
State and other Federal agencies are critical to United States 
national security. The Committee urges close coordination among 
all agencies involved in such activities.
    The Committee recommendation includes a voluntary 
contribution of $94,800,000 to the International Atomic Energy 
Agency (IAEA) to support programs that promote nuclear 
safeguards, nuclear safety and security, the responsible use of 
nuclear energy, and the peaceful uses of nuclear technologies.
    Anti-terrorism programs.--The Committee recommendation 
includes $345,800,000 for anti-terrorism programs, including 
$182,000,000 for the Anti-terrorism Assistance Program, which 
provides counterterrorism law enforcement training to partner 
    The Committee recommendation provides $20,000,000 to 
strengthen international airport and aviation security, 
including passenger and baggage screening, and crisis response. 
Such funds are derived from funds under the Anti-terrorism 
Assistance Program and Counterterrorism Partnerships Fund.
    Conventional Weapons Destruction.--The Committee 
recommendation includes $219,000,000 for Conventional Weapons 
Destruction programs, of which $30,000,000 is for programs in 
Laos. The recommendation also includes additional funds above 
the prior year level for increased demining activities in 
Angola, Cambodia, Kosovo, Sri Lanka, Zimbabwe, and other 
countries with unmet humanitarian demining requirements. The 
Committee directs the Secretary of State to consult with the 
Committees on Appropriations with respect to the allocation of 
funds above the fiscal year 2019 level prior to submitting the 
653(a) report.
    In addition, the Committee continues to support the 
Department of State's demining activities in Colombia.

                        PEACEKEEPING OPERATIONS

Fiscal Year 2019 enacted level\1\.....................      $488,670,000
Fiscal Year 2020 request..............................       291,435,000
Committee recommendation\2\...........................       516,348,000
    Change from enacted level.........................       +27,678,000
    Change from request...............................      +224,913,000
\1\The fiscal year 2019 enacted level includes $325,213,000 under this
  heading in title VIII designated pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(ii)
  Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985.
\2\The fiscal year 2020 recommendation includes $325,213,000 under this
  heading designated for Overseas Contingency Operations/Global War on

    The Committee recommendation includes $516,348,000 for 
Peacekeeping Operations, of which $325,213,000 is designated 
for OCO/GWOT. Such funds are allocated according to the 
following table and subject to section 7019 of this Act:

                         PEACEKEEPING OPERATIONS
               [Budget authority in thousands of dollars]
               County/Program/Activity                 Budget  Authority
    Central African Republic.........................             $8,000
    Democratic Republic of the Congo.................              5,000
    Liberia..........................................              1,000
    Somalia..........................................            250,228
    South Sudan......................................             25,000
    Africa Regional..................................             39,520
Near East:
    Multinational Force and Observers................             31,000
Political-Military Affairs:
    Trans-Sahara Counterterrorism Partnership........             40,000
    Global Peacekeeping Operations Initiative........             71,000
    Relief and Recovery Fund.........................             40,000

    Africa Regional.--The Committee recommendation includes 
$39,520,000 for Africa Regional, including $10,000,000 for the 
Partnership for Regional East Africa Counterterrorism, 
$8,170,000 for Africa Conflict Stabilization and Border 
Security, $2,000,000 for Africa Military Education Program, 
$1,850,000 for the Africa Maritime Security Initiative, and 
$15,100,000 for Africa Regional Counterterrorism.
    Child soldiers.--The Committee includes language in section 
7035(c) of this Act requiring that funds should not be used to 
support military training or operations that include child 
    Combat casualty care.--Consistent with the objectives of 
the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 and the Arms Export Control 
Act, the Committee recommendation includes funds under this 
heading and under the heading Foreign Military Financing 
Program for combat casualty training and equipment. In 
addition, the Secretary of State may offer combat casualty care 
training and equipment as a component of any package of lethal 
assistance funded by this Act with funds appropriated under 
such headings. The Committee directs that any such training and 
equipment for combat casualty care shall be made available 
through an open and transparent process.
    Global Peace Operations Initiative.--The Committee 
recommendation includes $71,000,000 for the Global Peace 
Operations Initiative (GPOI), including $10,000,000 to support 
current modernization efforts for GPOI training infrastructure. 
The Committee urges that the full resources appropriated to the 
Peace Operations Capacity Building Division, without 
reprogramming from other GPOI activities, include the 
modernization and upgrading of training infrastructure as a 
priority. Consistent with Section 604 of the Foreign Assistance 
Act, the Committee urges the Department to maximize program 
procurement of American materials to more efficiently use 
American foreign assistance resources.
    Near East.--The Committee recommendation includes 
$31,000,000 for the Multinational Force and Observers Mission 
(MFO) in the Sinai, which is the same as the request. The 
Committee directs that funds made available above the level of 
the United States contribution are intended to address ongoing 
force protection requirements and emerging needs to protect and 
sustain the MFO mission in the Sinai.
    Somalia.--Consistent with prior years, the Committee 
recommendation includes funds under this heading for the UN 
Support Office for the African Union Mission in Somalia 
(UNSOS), instead of under the heading Contributions for 
International Peacekeeping Activities. In addition, the 
recommendation includes $42,120,000 to pay arrears from fiscal 
years 2017 and 2018 for UNSOS.
    Unarmed civilian protection.--The Committee urges the 
Secretary of State, in consultation with the USAID 
Administrator, to consider the future use of unarmed civilian 
protection organizations and evaluate the potential use of such 
organizations to provide direct physical protection to civilian 
populations, to strengthen the local non-violent peacekeeping 
capacity of communities currently experiencing or at risk of 
violent conflict, and to assist United States-funded 
stabilization efforts.


    Illicit charcoal exports.--The Committee is concerned with 
continued reports that the Kenyan Defense Forces, in their role 
as part of the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), are 
not acting to enforce the United Nations ban on illicit 
charcoal exports from Somalia. The Committee directs the 
Secretary of State to report to the Committees on 
Appropriations, not later than 45 days after the enactment of 
this Act, on Kenya's efforts to enforce the ban and to hold 
accountable any Kenyan implicated in facilitating such illicit 

                  Funds Appropriated to the President


Fiscal Year 2019 enacted level........................      $110,778,000
Fiscal Year 2020 request..............................       100,000,000
Committee recommendation..............................       110,875,000
    Change from enacted level.........................           +97,000
    Change from request...............................       +10,875,000

    The Committee recommendation includes $110,875,000 for 
International Military Education and Training.
    The Committee recommendation provides $2,000,000 under this 
heading for Mexico. In addition, the recommendation provides 
$2,000,000 under this heading for India. The Committee notes 
that the International Military Education and Training program 
should reflect the importance of the Indo-Pacific region, 
especially in enhancing military-to-military relationships with 
key partners and allies in the region and strengthening the 
professionalism and democratic values among security partners 
in the Indo-Pacific.


Fiscal Year 2019 enacted level\1\.....................    $6,191,613,000
Fiscal Year 2020 request..............................     5,370,900,000
Committee recommendation\2\...........................     6,109,121,000
    Change from enacted level.........................       -82,492,000
    Change from request...............................      +738,221,000
\1\The fiscal year 2019 enacted level includes $325,213,000 under this
  heading in title VIII designated pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(A)(ii)
  Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985.
\2\The fiscal year 2020 recommendation includes $350,678,000 under this
  heading designated for Overseas Contingency Operations/Global War on

    The Committee recommendation includes $6,109,121,000 for 
Foreign Military Financing Program, of which $350,678,000 is 
designated for OCO/GWOT.
    The Committee recommendation continues prior year language 
allowing the Secretary of State to expedite the procurement of 
defense articles or services for foreign security forces, 
following consultation with, and notification of, the 
Committees on Appropriations.
    Funds for certain programs under this heading are allocated 
according to the following table and subject to section 7019 of 
this Act:

               [Budget authority in thousands of dollars]
                       Country                         Budget  Authority
Europe and Eurasia:
    Countering Russian Influence Fund...............            $137,500
    Estonia.........................................               8,000
    Georgia.........................................              35,000
    Latvia..........................................               8,000
    Lithuania.......................................               8,000
    Ukraine.........................................             115,000
Near East:
    Israel..........................................           3,300,000
    Egypt...........................................           1,300,000
    Jordan..........................................             425,000
Western Hemisphere:
    Colombia........................................              38,525
    Costa Rica......................................               7,500
    Mexico..........................................               5,000

    Department of Defense programs and funding notifications.--
Section 7015(d) includes language carried in the prior year 
prohibiting funding appropriated by this Act or prior Acts 
making appropriations for the Department of State, foreign 
operations, and related programs to support or continue certain 
programs initially funded by the Department of Defense, unless 
the Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary of 
Defense and in accordance with the regular notification 
procedures of the Committees on Appropriations, submits a 
justification to such Committees.
    East Asia and the Pacific.--The Committee remains concerned 
about the military modernization of the PRC and the PRC's 
claims in territorial disputes, including on the seas and in 
cyberspace. The Committee encourages the Secretary of State to 
continue to engage with allies in the region on the political, 
economic, and military implications of the strategic rise of 
the PRC, including through military assistance and sales 
programs. Foreign Military Financing Program (FMF) resources 
should emphasize building the maritime security capabilities of 
United States partners in Southeast Asia and the Pacific. The 
Secretary should also work with the Secretary of Defense to 
prioritize the provision excess defense articles applicable to 
maritime security missions to countries in the region, as 
    Effectiveness of military assistance.--The Committee 
encourages the Secretary of State to make funds available under 
this heading for the general costs of administering military 
assistance and sales for the purpose increasing the efficiency 
and effectiveness of programs authorized by Chapter 2 of the 
Arms Export Control Act.
    FMF administration.--Funds made available under this 
heading for the general costs of administering military 
assistance and sales should be made available to increase the 
efficiency and effectiveness of programs authorized by Chapter 
2 of the Arms Export Control Act.
    Israel.--The Committee recommendation includes 
$3,300,000,000 in grants for military assistance to Israel, 
which is the same as the budget request. The Committee notes 
that the recommendation fully funds the second year of the ten-
year Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the United 
States and Israel. The Committee further notes the continued 
importance of Israel as a major strategic partner and ally of 
the United States in an unstable and critical region of the 
world. The Committee recognizes that the United States-Israel 
partnership is integral to United States national security 
interests in the region and supports the continuation of the 
MOU framework negotiated by the Obama Administration to 
strengthen the strategic partnership to the benefit of both the 
United States and Israel. The Committee emphasizes the 
commitment of the United States to the security of Israel and 
to ensuring that Israel's qualitative military edge and defense 
capabilities are maintained.
    The Committee notes that Israel maintains the flexibility 
under the MOU to purchase jet fuel from the United States.
    Section 7035(b) includes language carried in the prior year 
designating an amount for the Special Defense Acquisition Fund. 
The Committee supports the use of this fund to transfer 
precision guided munitions and related defense articles and 
services to reserve stocks for Israel and the transfer of such 
stocks as necessary for Israel's legitimate self-defense.
    Lebanon.--The Committee recommendation includes language in 
section 7041(f) of this Act requiring that certain conditions 
be met prior to the obligation of funds under this heading for 
assistance for Lebanon. The Committee intends that assistance 
provided to the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) will not be used 
against Israel, and such assistance will not affect Israel's 
qualitative military edge in the region. The Committee notes 
that section 7041(f) prohibits funds for the Lebanese Internal 
Security Forces or the LAF if either organization is controlled 
by a foreign terrorist organization and the Committee directs 
the Secretary of State to regularly consult with the Committee 
regarding the rigorous implementation of this provision and on 
the activities of the LAF and assistance provided by the United 
States. The Committees includes further language under 
``Reports'' in this heading.
    Training related to International Humanitarian Law.--The 
Committee encourages the Secretary of State to make available 
funds appropriated under title IV of this Act for lethal 
assistance for the purpose of training related to the 
requirements of international humanitarian law as a component 
of such assistance to countries that received such assistance, 
as appropriate.


    Lebanon.--Not later than 45 days after enactment of this 
Act, the Committee directs the Secretary of State to submit to 
the Committees on Appropriations an updated report, in 
classified form if necessary, on the performance of the LAF, 
including an assessment of the operational capabilities of such 
forces and how the training, curriculum, and equipment provided 
by the United States contributes to those capabilities.
    Military training report.--The purposes of implementing 
section 656 of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, the term 
``military training provided to foreign military personnel by 
the Department of Defense and the Department of State'' shall 
be deemed to include all military training provided to foreign 
governments with funds appropriated to the Department of 
Defense or the Department of State, except for training 
provided to the government of a country designated by section 
517(b) of such Act as a major non-NATO ally.
    Vetting.--Not later than 45 days after enactment of this 
Act, the Secretary of State shall submit a report to the 
appropriate congressional committees on foreign assistance 
cases submitted for vetting for purposes of section 620M of the 
Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 during the preceding fiscal 
year, including: (i) the total number of cases submitted, 
approved, suspended, or rejected for human rights reasons; and 
(ii) for cases rejected, a description of the steps taken to 
assist the foreign government in taking effective measures to 
bring the responsible members of the security forces to 
justice, in accordance with section 620M(c) of the Foreign 
Assistance Act of 1961. The report shall be submitted in 
unclassified form, but may be accompanied by a classified 


                  Funds Appropriated to the President


Fiscal Year 2019 enacted level........................      $339,000,000
Fiscal Year 2020 request..............................                 0
Committee recommendation..............................       646,500,000
    Change from enacted level.........................      +307,500,000
    Change from request...............................      +646,500,000

    The Committee recommendation includes $646,500,000 for 
International Organizations and Programs.
    The Committee recommendation does not support the 
elimination of the International Organizations and Programs 
(IO&P) account, as proposed in the President's budget request. 
The Committee intends to use multilateral assistance as a 
resource multiplier to advance the shared goals of the United 
States government and international organizations.
    Such funds are allocated according to the following table 
and subject to section 7019 of this Act:

               [Budget authority in thousands of dollars]
                Organizations/Programs                 Budget  Authority
Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN--West                  1,000
 Bank and Gaza.......................................
International Chemicals and Toxins Programs..........              3,175
International Civil Aviation Organization............              1,200
International Conservation Programs..................              7,000
International Development Law Organization...........                400
International Maritime Organization..................                325
Montreal Protocol Multilateral Fund..................             32,000
Organization of American States......................              9,500
    of which, Human Rights...........................            [5,000]
    of which, OAS Development Assistance Programs....              [500]
Regional Cooperation Agreement on Combating Piracy                    50
 and Armed Robbery Against Ships in Asia.............
UN Capital Development Fund..........................              1,100
UN Children's Fund...................................            147,500
    of which, Combating female genital mutilation                [5,000]
    of which, West Bank and Gaza.....................           [10,000]
UN Democracy Fund....................................              3,000
UN Development Program...............................             95,000
    of which, West Bank and Gaza.....................           [15,000]
UN Environment Program...............................              7,000
UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change/UN                   10,500
 Framework Convention on Climate Change..............
UN High Commissioner for Human Rights................             13,500
    of which, Honduras...............................            [1,000]
    of which, Colombia...............................            [1,000]
    of which, Guatemala..............................            [1,000]
UN Human Settlements Program.........................              1,700
    of which, West Bank and Gaza.....................            [1,000]
UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian                     2,500
UN Population Fund...................................             55,500
    of which, West Bank and Gaza.....................            [1,000]
United Nations Relief and Works Agency...............            170,550
UN Resident Coordinator System.......................             23,000
UN Special Representative of the Secretary-General                 1,750
 for Sexual Violence in Conflict.....................
UN Trust Fund to End Violence Against Women..........              1,500
UN Voluntary Fund for Technical Cooperation in the                 1,150
 Field of Human Rights...............................
UN Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture.............              8,000
UN Women.............................................             10,000
World Food Program--West Bank and Gaza...............             20,000
World Health Organization--West Bank and Gaza........              8,000
World Meteorological Organization....................             10,000
World Trade Organization Technical Assistance........                600
        Total........................................            646,500

    Funds appropriated under this heading shall be made 
available for core contributions for each entity listed in the 
above table unless: (1) otherwise provided for in this Act or 
such table; or (2) the Secretary of State justifies the 
proposed uses of funds other than for core contributions in the 
congressional notification submitted for funds under this 
heading. The Secretary shall consult with the Committees on 
Appropriations prior to submitting such notification.
    The Committee recommendation includes $23,000,000 to 
support the United Nations resident coordinator system.
    The Committee recommends $9,500,000 for the Organization of 
American States (OAS), of which $5,000,000 is for human rights, 
$500,000 is for OAS Development Assistance Programs, and 
$500,000 is for the Office of the Special Rapporteur for 
Freedom of Expression.
    The Committee notes with great concern rising humanitarian 
needs and a lack of adequate resources in the West Bank and 
Gaza. The Committee recommends a total of $226,550,000 in 
multilateral assistance to support humanitarian and development 
efforts. Such assistance shall only be provided to 
international organizations that are currently operating in the 
West Bank and Gaza and that adhere to the humanitarian 
principles of independence, impartiality, humanity, and 
    The Committee expects that the UN organizations funded 
under the IO&P account for operations in the West Bank and Gaza 
will report to the Committees on Appropriations not later than 
45 days after enactment of this Act on how such assistance is 
used to: (1) address urgent humanitarian needs; (2) promote a 
private sector economy; (3) continue support for transparent 
and accountable government institutions; (4) improve security 
in the region; and (5) advance Middle East peace.
    United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA).--In 
addition to the humanitarian principles noted above, the 
Committee urges UNRWA to take additional steps to adhere to the 
policies described in section 7048 (d) of this Act, including 
redoubling efforts to (1) implement procedures to maintain the 
neutrality of its facilities, including implementing a no-
weapons policy and conducting regular inspections of its 
installations, to ensure they are only used for humanitarian or 
other appropriate purposes; and (2) take steps to ensure that 
the content of all educational materials taught in UNRWA-
administered schools and summer camps is: (A) consistent with 
the value of dignity for all persons; and (B) does not induce 
or encourage incitement, violence, or prejudice.

                  International Financial Institutions

    International Monetary Fund (IMF) repayment.--The Committee 
directs the Secretary of the Treasury to instruct the United 
States executive director of the IMF to seek to ensure that any 
loan be repaid to the IMF before other private or multilateral 
    Global Agriculture Food Security Program.--The Committee 
recommendation does not include an appropriation for a 
contribution to the Global Agriculture Food Security Program 
(GAFSP), which has remaining balances available from prior 
appropriations Acts for such contribution. The Secretary of the 
Treasury shall continue the 2012 pledge to provide to GAFSP one 
dollar for every two dollars in contributions from other 
donors, utilizing such prior year balances.


Fiscal Year 2019 enacted level........................      $139,575,000
Fiscal Year 2020 request..............................                 0
Committee recommendation..............................       139,575,000
    Change from enacted level.........................                 0
    Change from request...............................      +139,575,000

    The Committee recommendation includes $139,575,000 for the 
Global Environment Facility subject to the regular notification 
procedures of the Committees on Appropriations. Funds should 
remain available and be fully disbursed no later than September 
30, 2021. The Committee expects $136,563,000 shall be available 
only for the second installment of the seventh replenishment of 
Global Environment Facility (GEF).


    Status of disbursement.--The Committee directs the 
Secretary of the Treasury to submit a report to the Committees 
on Appropriations on the status of appropriated funds to the 
GEF and provide a timeline for the obligation and disbursement 
of any funds that have yet to be obligated or disbursed. The 
report shall be provided on a quarterly basis until funds for 
the first and second installments of the seventh replenishment 
are completely disbursed.


Fiscal Year 2019 enacted level........................                $0
Fiscal Year 2020 request..............................       206,500,000
Committee recommendation..............................       206,500,000
    Change from enacted level.........................      +206,500,000
    Change from request...............................                 0

    The Committee recommendation includes $206,500,000 for 
Contribution to the International Bank for Reconstruction and 


    The Committee recommendation includes not to exceed 
$1,421,275,728.70 for Limitation on Callable Capital 


Fiscal Year 2019 enacted level........................    $1,097,010,000
Fiscal Year 2020 request..............................     1,097,010,000
Committee recommendation..............................     1,097,010,000
    Change from enacted level.........................                 0
    Change from request...............................                 0

    The Committee recommendation includes $1,097,010,000 for 
Contribution to the International Development Association.


Fiscal Year 2019 enacted level........................       $47,395,000
Fiscal Year 2020 request..............................        47,395,000
Committee recommendation..............................        47,395,000
    Change from enacted level.........................                 0
    Change from request...............................                 0

    The Committee recommendation includes $47,395,000 for 
Contribution to the Asian Development Fund.


Fiscal Year 2019 enacted level........................      $171,300,000
Fiscal Year 2020 request..............................       171,300,000
Committee recommendation..............................       171,300,000
    Change from enacted level.........................                 0
    Change from request...............................                 0

    The Committee recommendation includes $171,300,000 for 
Contribution to the African Development Fund.


Fiscal Year 2019 enacted level........................                $0
Fiscal Year 2020 request..............................                 0
Committee recommendation..............................                 0
    Change from enacted level.........................                 0
    Change from request...............................                 0

    The Committee recommendation does not provide funds for 
Contribution to the North American Development Bank, and no 
funds were requested in the fiscal year 2020 request.


Fiscal Year 2019 enacted level........................       $30,000,000
Fiscal Year 2020 request..............................                 0
Committee recommendation..............................        30,000,000
    Change from enacted level.........................                 0
    Change from request...............................       +30,000,000

    The Committee recommendation includes $30,000,000 for 
Contribution to the International Fund for Agricultural 
Development, which, if annualized over three years, would sum 
to $90,000,000 in support of the eleventh replenishment for the 
International Fund for Agricultural Development.


                Export-Import Bank of the United States

                           INSPECTOR GENERAL

Fiscal Year 2019 enacted level........................        $5,700,000
Fiscal Year 2020 request..............................         5,000,000
Committee recommendation..............................         5,700,000
    Change from enacted level.........................                 0
    Change from request...............................          +700,000

    The Committee recommendation includes $5,700,000 for Office 
of Inspector General.
    The Committee directs the OIG to submit to the Committees 
on Appropriations its annual audit plan within the first 
quarter of fiscal year 2020.

                        ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES

Fiscal Year 2019 enacted level........................      $110,000,000
Fiscal Year 2020 request..............................        95,500,000
Committee recommendation..............................       110,000,000
    Change from enacted level.........................                 0
    Change from request...............................       +14,500,000

    The Committee recommendation includes $110,000,000 for 
Administrative Expenses and does not include funds for a 
subsidy appropriation.
    Space commercial launch services.--The Committee recognizes 
that the competitive market for commercial launch services 
represents promise for United States exports and supports the 
Export-Import Bank to explore new opportunities in this nascent 

                Overseas Private Investment Corporation

                           NONCREDIT ACCOUNT

Fiscal Year 2019 enacted level........................       $79,200,000
Fiscal Year 2020 request..............................                 0
Committee recommendation..............................                 0
    Change from enacted level.........................       -79,200,000
    Change from request...............................                 0

                            PROGRAM ACCOUNT

Fiscal Year 2019 enacted level........................       $20,000,000
Fiscal Year 2020 request..............................                 0
Committee recommendation..............................                 0
    Change from enacted level.........................       -20,000,000
    Change from request...............................                 0

    Pursuant to section 1464 of the BUILD Act of 2018 (division 
F of Public Law 115-254), the Overseas Private Investment 
Corporation is terminated at the end of the transition period 
for the United States International Development Finance 
Corporation on September 30, 2019.

      United States International Development Finance Corporation

                           INSPECTOR GENERAL

Fiscal Year 2019 enacted level........................                $0
Fiscal Year 2020 request..............................         2,000,000
Committee recommendation..............................         2,000,000
    Change from enacted level.........................        +2,000,000
    Change from request...............................                 0

    The Committee recommendation includes $2,000,000 for Office 
of Inspector General.
    The Committee directs the OIG to submit to the Committees 
on Appropriations its annual audit plan within the third 
quarter of fiscal year 2020.
    Report.--The Committee directs the OIG to submit a report, 
not later than 120 days after enactment of this Act, assessing 
the integration and efficiency of policies, procedures, and 
processes of the DFC during its first year of operation. Such 
report shall also include whether the DFC is maximizing its 
resources, such as equity financing, to directly contribute to 
development and foreign policy goals described under section 
1412 of the BUILD Act of 2018.

                       CORPORATE CAPITAL ACCOUNT

Fiscal Year 2019 enacted level........................                $0
Fiscal Year 2020 request..............................       298,000,000
Committee recommendation..............................       164,000,000
    Change from enacted level.........................      +164,000,000
    Change from request...............................      -134,000,000

    The Committee recommendation includes $164,000,000 for the 
Corporate Capital Account for the DFC. Within that amount, 
$101,000,000 is provided for administrative expenses, which may 
also be available for other direct costs; $8,000,000 is for 
project-specific transaction costs; $25,000,000 is for equity; 
and $30,000,000 is for credit subsidy, including technical 
assistance projects, which shall be transferred to the Program 
Account. In addition, up to $25,000 may be available for 
official reception and representation expenses, subject to 
sections 7010 and 7020 of this Act.
    As created by Public Law 115-254, the DFC is a new agency 
comprised of the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) 
and the Development Credit Authority (DCA) that seeks to use 
development finance tools, such as loans, guarantees, equity 
funds, technical assistance, and political-risk insurance, to 
incentivize private sector investment in developing countries 
to have a positive developmental impact. By providing 
developing countries another alternative for financing, the DFC 
seeks to cooperate with other like-minded development finance 
institutions to help countries avoid debt traps while 
supporting American businesses to invest in developing markets.
    Contribution to Capital Security Cost Sharing program.--The 
Committee directs the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the DFC 
to make a contribution to the Capital Security Cost Sharing 
program for any personnel under COM Authority in fiscal year 
2020, consistent with the requirements of section 7004 of this 
Act and title 22 United States Code 4865 note.
    Private investment in the Caribbean.--The Committee 
encourages robust support for private investment in the 
Caribbean and urges the DFC to prioritize investments in 
Caribbean countries that support minority and women-owned 
businesses and maximize the development impact on women's 
economic empowerment.
    2X Women's Initiative.--The Committee directs the CEO of 
the DFC to continue the support of the 2X Women's Initiative 
after the termination of OPIC.
    Budget request.--The Committee directs the CEO of the DFC 
to include in the CBJ for fiscal year 2021 a confidential annex 
that describes new loans, guarantees, insurance, feasibility 
studies and technical assistance grants, and equity agreements 
approved or anticipated in the prior year, current year, and 
budget year by: category, recipient, country; level of DFC 
resources provided; source year of financing used; and 
additional details including a description of the positive and 
negative subsidy assigned to the largest projects and the level 
of guarantee provided. The CEO of the DFC shall consult with 
the Committees on Appropriations on the format of the 
confidential annex.
    Local currency guarantees.--The Committee directs the DFC 
to consult with the Committees on Appropriations before 
exercising local currency loan guarantee authority and to 
provide to the Committees on Appropriations, prior to the 
consultation, justification for the need to exercise such 
authority, the use of subsidy required, the degree to which the 
United States would be exposed to additional risk as a result 
of such transactions, and which other United States Government 
agencies have been consulted.


    Transition status.--The Committee directs the DFC to submit 
a report to the Committees on Appropriations, not later than 45 
days after enactment of this Act, on the staff and activities 
funded by the Corporate Capital Account. Specifically, the 
report shall describe the differences among credit 
administrative expenses, insurance administrative expenses, 
project-specific transaction costs, and associate costs; the 
cost savings of shared efficiencies through the integration of 
OPIC and DCA; the plan for establishing and setting up the 
feasibility study and technical assistance programs, equity 
financing, and monitoring and evaluation mechanisms; and the 
process for maintaining strong linkages with the Department of 
State and USAID.
    Investment funds.--The Committee directs the DFC to provide 
to the Committees on Appropriations written reports on a semi-
annual basis, including the following for each investment fund: 
(1) the identity, selection process, and professional 
background of current and past managers; (2) the fees and 
compensation currently provided to senior management; and (3) 
the amount of guarantees and actual investments made at the end 
of the previous six months.
    Equity agreements.--The Committee directs the DFC to 
provide to the Committees on Appropriations, not later than 90 
days after enactment of this Act, and quarterly thereafter 
until September 30, 2020, written reports for each equity 
agreement, which shall include the following: (1) a description 
of each agreement or project and how such agreement meets the 
criteria established by the Corporation for use of equity 
financing; (2) the amount of DFC-invested equity and projected 
returns over the life of the investment; (3) details regarding 
investors and partners, income level of country, project 
sector, and deal structuring; and (4) the contribution and 
impact to local economic conditions and long-term development 
and foreign policy goals in the region.

                            PROGRAM ACCOUNT

    The Committee recommendation includes a limitation of 
$80,000,000 on amounts paid to, or transferred into, this 
account for the cost of direct and guaranteed loans.

                      TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT AGENCY

Fiscal Year 2019 enacted level........................       $79,500,000
Fiscal Year 2020 request..............................        12,105,000
Committee recommendation..............................        75,000,000
    Change from enacted level.........................        -4,500,000
    Change from request...............................       +62,895,000

    The Committee recommendation includes $75,000,000 for Trade 
and Development Agency. The Committee recommendation does not 
assume the closure of operations for the United States Trade 
and Development Agency (USTDA), as proposed by the fiscal year 
2020 request.

                     TITLE VII--GENERAL PROVISIONS

    The Committee recommends the following general provisions 
carried in the fiscal year 2019 Act be deleted: 7030, 7037, 
7050, 7051, 7055, 7056, 7074, 7075, and 7076. These provisions 
are either addressed elsewhere in permanent law, have been 
considered by the appropriate authorizing committee, are 
directly addressed in this report, or are no longer necessary.
    The Committee recommends the following new, revised and 
retained provisions:
    Section 7001 (Allowances and Differentials) includes 
language carried in the prior year regarding allowances and 

    Section 7002 (Unobligated Balances Report) includes 
language carried in the prior year requiring agencies to 
provide quarterly reports on the cumulative balances of any 
unobligated funds.

    Section 7003 (Consulting Services) includes language 
carried in the prior year requiring that consulting service 
contracts shall be a matter of public record.

    Section 7004 (Diplomatic Facilities) includes language 
modified from the prior year with respect to the construction 
and use of diplomatic facilities, setting limitations, 
expanding notification and oversight requirements, and placing 
conditions and restrictions on certain funds. Further direction 
concerning notification and oversight of diplomatic facilities 
is included under the heading Embassy Security, Construction, 
and Maintenance.
    The Secretary of State is directed to promptly inform the 
Committees on Appropriations of each instance in which a 
Federal department or agency is delinquent in providing the 
full amount of funding required by section 604(e) of the Secure 
Embassy Construction and Counterterrorism Act of 1999.
    During fiscal year 2020, the Secretary of State shall 
continue to submit to the Committees on Appropriations the 
reports in the timeframe and manner required by section 7004(h) 
of the Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related 
Programs Appropriations Act, 2019 (division F of Public Law 
    The Secretary of State is directed to not grant final 
approval for construction of a new facility or substantial 
construction to improve or expand an existing facility in the 
United States by or for the Government of the People's Republic 
of China (PRC) until the Secretary certifies and reports to the 
appropriate congressional committees that an agreement has been 
concluded between the Government of the United States and the 
PRC that permits secure resupply, maintenance, and new 
construction of United States Government facilities in the PRC.
    Funds made available under the headings Diplomatic Programs 
and Embassy Security, Construction, and Maintenance shall be 
made available to address security vulnerabilities at interim 
and temporary United States diplomatic facilities abroad, 
including for physical security upgrades and local guard 
staffing, following consultation with the Committees on 

    Section 7005 (Personnel Actions) includes language carried 
in the prior year regarding certain personnel actions and the 
authority to transfer funds between appropriations accounts.

    Section 7006 (Department and Agency Management) includes 
language modified from the prior year regarding Department of 
State and USAID management. This section merges language 
previously carried in section 7057, USAID Management.

State Department

    Financial systems improvement.--The Committee 
recommendation under the headings Diplomatic Programs and 
Capital Investment Fund includes funding for the Secretary of 
State to implement the recommendations contained in the Foreign 
Assistance Data Review Findings Report (FADR) and the OIG 
report entitled, ``Department Financial Systems Are 
Insufficient to Track and Report on Foreign Assistance Funds''. 
The Committee directs that no funding may be obligated for 
enhancements to, or expansions of, the Budget System 
Modernization Financial System, Central Resource Management 
System, Joint Financial Management System, or Foreign 
Assistance Coordination and Tracking System until such updated 
plan is submitted to the Committees on Appropriations. Funding 
made available under the headings Diplomatic Programs and 
Capital Investment Fund may not be obligated for new, or 
expansion of existing, ad hoc electronic systems to track 
commitments, obligations, or expenditures of funds unless the 
Secretary of State, following consultation with the Chief 
Information Officer of the Department of State, has reviewed 
and certified that such new system or expansion is consistent 
with the FADR and OIG recommendations.
    State Department personnel levels.--The Committee is 
concerned about the significant reductions to the Department of 
State's permanent Foreign Service and Civil Service personnel 
since fiscal year 2016. The Committee recommendation includes 
sufficient funding to hire permanent Foreign Service and Civil 
Service personnel at not less than levels on-board in 2016. The 
Secretary of State is directed to work with the Committees on 
Appropriations to continue to increase hiring levels in fiscal 
year 2020.
    The Committee recommendation assumes sufficient funding for 
introductory classes for the Department of State Foreign 
Service (A-100 classes) at not less than the 2019 rate, and the 
Secretary of State shall continue such classes in such manner.


    FADR implementation.--The Committee directs the Secretary 
of State to submit an update to the plan required under section 
7006 of the Department of State, Foreign Operations, and 
Related Programs Appropriations Act, 2017 (division J of Public 
Law 115-31) on implementing the FADR and OIG recommendations.
    Consistent with the findings of the OIG, the Committee is 
concerned about the Department's ability to sufficiently track 
and report on the obligation of funds appropriated under titles 
III and IV of this Act. The Committee directs that, not later 
than 45 days after enactment of this Act, the Secretary of 
State shall provide a report to the Committees on 
Appropriations detailing the capacity of each bureau or office 
with responsibility for the management and oversight of foreign 
assistance funding to: (1) account for the obligated funds at 
the country and program level, as appropriate; (2) identify 
risks and develop mitigation and monitoring plans; (3) 
establish performance measures and indicators; (4) review 
activities and performance; and (5) assess final results and 
reconcile finances.
    State Department personnel levels.--The Committee is 
concerned about the consistency and transparency in the 
Department's workforce and associated salary and benefit budget 
data. The Committee directs that, not later than 60 days after 
enactment of this Act, and quarterly thereafter, the Secretary 
of State shall provide a report to the Committees on 
Appropriations containing the following information: (1) a 
comparison of on-board and funded permanent U.S. Direct Hire 
staffing levels, to include Civil Service and Foreign Service 
personnel by appropriation account; and (2) the associated 
American salaries budget data. The Secretary of State shall 
consult with the Committee on Appropriations on the content and 
format of such report.
    Information technology.--In complying with the requirements 
of paragraph (5)(A), the Chief Information Officer, Department 
of State, shall consider whether a new major information 
technology investment: (1) is consistent with the Department's 
Information Technology Strategic Plan; (2) maintains 
consolidated control over enterprise IT functions or improves 
operational maintenance (3) improves Department of State 
resiliency to a cyber-attack; (4) reduces Department of State 
IT costs over the long-term; and (5) is in accordance with the 
Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), including FAR Part 6 
regarding competition requirements.

United States Agency for International Development

    USAID personnel levels.--The Committee is concerned about 
significant reductions to USAID's permanent Foreign Service and 
Civil Service personnel since fiscal year 2016. The Committee 
recommendation includes sufficient funding to hire permanent 
Foreign Service and Civil Service personnel at not less than 
levels funded in fiscal year 2016. The USAID Administrator is 
directed to work with the Committees on Appropriations to 
continue to increase hiring levels in fiscal year 2020.
    USAID reorganization.--The Committee notes that, pursuant 
to subsection (b)(10)(A), the report shall include the 
following information on a quarterly basis: (1) actual 
obligations to date for all implementation costs associated 
with ``Reorg CNs #1-9'' by the categories detailed in USAID's 
response to the Committees on Appropriations on October 30, 
2018, to include the salaries and benefits of United States 
Direct Hire employees working directly on implementation of 
each reorganization and the source of such funding; (2) a 
project status and projected timeline for each of the 
reorganizations based on the milestones and timelines provided 
to the Committees on Appropriations on October 30, 2018; and 
(3) actual and anticipated United States Direct Hire workforce 
level changes by bureau and operating unit as a result of the 
reorganizations, including staffing shifts between functions.

    Section 7007 (Prohibition Against Direct Funding for 
Certain Countries) includes language carried in the prior year 
prohibiting assistance for the governments of Cuba, North 
Korea, Iran, and Syria.

    Section 7008 (Coups d'Etat) includes language carried in 
the prior year prohibiting assistance for countries whose duly 
elected head of government is deposed by military coup or 
decree, or a coup or decree in which the military plays a 
decisive role; requiring a determination; and providing a 
waiver under certain conditions.

    Section 7009 (Transfer of Funds Authority) includes 
language modified from the prior year setting limitations and 
conditions on transfers between appropriations accounts, and 
requiring audits of certain transfers. The Committee directs 
the Secretary of State and the USAID Administrator to submit a 
report to the Committees on Appropriations, not later than 
October 31, 2020 detailing all of the transfers to another 
United States government agency made pursuant to sections 
632(a) and 632(b) of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 and 
include a listing of each transfer with the funding level, 
appropriations account, and receiving agency. This requirement 
shall not apply to agreements entered into between USAID and 
the Department of State.

    Section 7010 (Prohibition on Certain Operational Expenses) 
includes language modified from the prior year prohibiting 
first-class travel and setting certain limitations on computer 
networks and the promotion of tobacco.

    Section 7011 (Availability of Funds) includes language 
modified from the prior year regarding the availability of 
funds appropriated by this Act. The Committee directs the 
Secretary of State and USAID Administrator to report to the 
Committee on Appropriations, not later than October 31, 2020, 
on the use of the authority contained in this section, by 
account and source year, during the previous fiscal year.

    Section 7012 (Limitation on Assistance to Countries in 
Default) includes language carried in the prior year 
prohibiting assistance for countries in default and allowing 
exceptions in certain circumstances.

    Section 7013 (Prohibition on Taxation of United States 
Assistance) includes language carried in the prior year 
withholding assistance to a country where such assistance is 
subject to taxation, unless the Secretary of State makes 
certain determinations, and updating a reporting requirement.
    The report required pursuant to subsection (h) shall 
include a description of the steps taken by the Department of 
State and other relevant Federal agencies to comply with the 
requirements of this section. The report shall include rules, 
regulations, and policy guidance issued and updated pursuant to 
subsection (f).

    Section 7014 (Reservations of Funds) includes language 
carried in the prior year regarding the reservation of funds 
and the designation of certain funding levels.

    Section 7015 (Notification Requirements) includes language 
modified from the prior year establishing the notification 
requirements for funds made available in this Act.
    Subsection (c) requires that notifications submitted 
pursuant to this section shall include information (if known on 
the date of transmittal of such notification) on the use of any 
notwithstanding authority. Additionally, if subsequent to a 
notification of assistance it becomes necessary to rely on 
notwithstanding authority, the Committees on Appropriations 
should be informed at the earliest opportunity and to the 
extent practicable.
    Notifications submitted in accordance with subsection (g) 
shall include the following information: (1) the office or 
bureau at the Department of the Treasury and USAID or the 
Department of State that will oversee programs and expenditures 
of the trust fund; (2) the website link to publicly available 
expenditures of the trust fund; (3) a copy of the 
administrative agreement between the international financial 
institution and the United States; and (4) whether direct 
government assistance will be provided by the trust fund and 
specific risk mitigation and anti-corruption steps are being 
taken by the trust fund.
    Pursuant to subsection (h), the regular notification 
requirements of the Committees on Appropriations shall apply to 
the following programs and activities:
          (1) Funds made available to carry out a lateral entry 
        pilot program pursuant to section 404 of the Department 
        of State Authorities Act, Fiscal Year 2017;
          (2) The Global Engagement Center of the Department of 
          (3) The Power Africa initiative, or any successor 
          (4) Community-based police assistance conducted 
        pursuant to the authority of section 7035(a)(1) of the 
          (5) Programs to counter foreign fighters and 
        extremist organizations, pursuant to section 7047(a) of 
        the Act;
          (6) The Relief and Recovery Fund;
          (7) The Global Security Contingency Fund;
          (8) The Countering Russian Influence Fund; and
          (9) Programs to end modern slavery.
    Not later than 5 days after the conclusion of an agreement 
with a country, including a state with a compact of free 
association with the United States, to receive by transfer or 
release individuals detained at the United States Naval 
Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, the Secretary of State shall 
notify the Committees on Appropriations in writing of the terms 
of the agreement, including whether funds appropriated by this 
Act or prior Acts making appropriations for the Department of 
State, foreign operations, and related programs will be made 
available for assistance for such country pursuant to such 

    Section 7016 (Document Requests) includes language modified 
from the prior year concerning public posting of reports and 
    Records management and cybersecurity protections.--The 
Committee recommendation does not include funding under the 
headings Diplomatic Programs and Capital Investment Fund in 
title I and Operating Expenses and Capital Investment Fund in 
title II to support the use or establishment of email accounts 
or email servers created outside the .gov domain or not fitted 
for automated records management as part of a Federal 
government records management program in contravention of the 
Presidential and Federal Records Act Amendments of 2014 (Public 
Law 113-187).
    The Committee directs the Secretary of State and USAID 
Administrator to: (1) regularly review and update the policies, 
directives, and oversight necessary to comply with Federal 
statutes, regulations, and presidential executive orders and 
memoranda concerning the preservation of all records made or 
received in the conduct of official business, including record 
emails, instant messaging, and other online tools; (2) use 
funds appropriated by this Act under the headings Diplomatic 
Programs and Capital Investment Fund in title I and Operating 
Expenses and Capital Investment Fund in title II, as 
appropriate, to improve Federal records management pursuant to 
the Federal Records Act (44 U.S.C. Chapters 21, 29, 31, and 33) 
and other applicable Federal records management statutes, 
regulations, or policies for the Department of State and USAID; 
(3) direct departing employees that all Federal records 
generated by such employees, including senior officials, belong 
to the Federal Government and cannot be destroyed, modified or 
corrupted; (4) improve the response time for identifying and 
retrieving Federal records, including requests made pursuant to 
section 552 of title 5, United States Code (commonly known as 
the ``Freedom of Information Act''); and (5) strengthen cyber 
security measures to mitigate vulnerabilities, including those 
resulting from the use of personal email accounts or servers 
outside the .gov domain, improve the process to identify and 
remove inactive user accounts, update and enforce guidance 
related to the control of national security information, and 
implement the recommendations of the applicable reports of the 
cognizant Office of Inspector General.

    Section 7017 (Use of Funds in Contravention of this Act) 
includes language carried in the prior year prohibiting funds 
for programs in contravention of this Act.

    Section 7018 (Prohibition on Funding for Abortions and 
Involuntary Sterilization) includes language carried in the 
prior year prohibiting funding for abortions and involuntary 

    Section 7019 (Allocations and Reports) includes language 
modified from the prior year regarding funding directives 
specified in tables and reporting directives in the report 
accompanying this Act.

    Section 7020 (Representation and Entertainment Expenses) 
includes language carried in the prior year regarding the use 
of representation expenses.

    Section 7021 (Prohibition on Assistance to Governments 
Supporting International Terrorism) includes language carried 
in the prior year prohibiting assistance for governments that 
support international terrorism.

    Section 7022 (Authorization Requirements) includes language 
carried in the prior year regarding authorization requirements.

    Section 7023 (Definition of Program, Project, and Activity) 
includes language carried in the prior year defining the terms 
``program, project, and activity''.

    Section 7024 (Authorities for the Peace Corps, Inter-
American Foundation and United States African Development 
Foundation) includes language carried in the prior year 
regarding certain authorities for the Peace Corps, IAF, and the 

    Section 7025 (Commerce, Trade and Surplus Commodities) 
includes language modified from the prior year relating to 
commerce, trade, and surplus commodities.
    The Committee directs the Secretary of the Treasury to 
instruct the United States executive director of each 
international financial institution (IFI) to use the voice and 
vote of the United States to oppose any assistance by such 
institution for the production or extraction of any commodity 
or mineral for export, if it is in surplus on world markets and 
if the assistance will cause substantial injury to United 
States producers of the same, similar, or competing commodity.

    Section 7026 (Separate Accounts) includes language modified 
from the prior year regarding the requirement that separate 
accounts be established for cash transfers and assistance that 
generates local currencies and establishing certain conditions 
on the use of those funds.

    Section 7027 (Eligibility for Assistance) includes language 
carried in the prior year regarding assistance through 
nongovernmental organizations and assistance provided under the 
Food for Peace Act.

    Section 7028 (Local Competition) includes language modified 
from the prior year conditioning funds provided to local 
organizations through limited competitions. For the purposes of 
subsection (a), limited local competitions should only be used 
if USAID has: (1) assessed the level of local capacity to 
effectively implement, manage, and account for programs 
included in such competition; (2) documented the results of the 
assessment; (3) determined that a successful local entity is 
responsible according to Agency guidelines; and (4) put in 
place effective monitoring and evaluations systems.


    Limited competition.--Not later than 45 days after the end 
of the fiscal year 2020, the USAID Administrator shall report 
to the appropriate congressional committees on all awards in 
excess of $3,000,000 and sole source awards in excess of 
$2,000,000 subject to limited or no competition for local 

    Section 7029 (International Financial Institutions) 
includes language modified from the prior year regarding social 
and environment safeguards; the compensation level of the 
United States executive director to each IFI; human rights 
promotion; and fraud and corruption.
    The Committee directs the Secretary of the Treasury to 
instruct the United States executive director of each 
international financial institution:
          (1) Pursuant to subsection (c), to promote human 
        rights in accordance with the following criteria: (a) 
        the IFI has an explicit policy commitment to respect 
        human rights; (b) the IFI conducts assessments of how 
        proposed loans, grants, policies, or strategies may 
        impact human rights; (c) the IFI's due diligence 
        process is informed by information and recommendations 
        from the United Nations, regional human rights 
        entities, or other human rights organizations, as 
        appropriate; (d) the IFI has a specific policy and 
        procedures for consulting local communities and other 
        stakeholders as part of the due diligence process; (e) 
        the IFI requires free, prior and informed consent for 
        loans, grants, policies, or strategies affecting 
        indigenous peoples; (f) the IFI has a specific policy 
        and procedures for responding to intimidation and 
        reprisals against people adversely affected by IFI 
        loans, grants, policies, or strategies; and (g) the IFI 
        has accessible, efficient, and effective accountability 
        and grievance mechanisms in place at the national and 
        project levels. Further, prior to voting on any loan, 
        grant, policy, or strategy, the executive director 
        shall consult with the Assistant Secretary for 
        Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor at the Department of 
        State if the executive director believes that such 
        loan, grant, policy, or strategy could result in forced 
        displacement or other violations of human rights.
          (2) To vote against loans or other financing for 
        projects unless such projects: (a) provide for 
        accountability and transparency, including the 
        collection, verification and publication of beneficial 
        ownership information related to extractive industries 
        and on-site monitoring during the life of the project; 
        (b) will be developed and carried out in accordance 
        with best practices regarding environmental 
        conservation; cultural protection; and empowerment of 
        local populations, including free, prior and informed 
        consent of affected indigenous communities; (c) do not 
        provide incentives for, or facilitate, forced 
        displacement; and (d) do not partner with, or otherwise 
        involve, enterprises owned or controlled by the armed 
          (3) To seek to require that such institution is 
        effectively implementing and enforcing policies and 
        procedures which reflect best practices for the 
        protection of whistleblowers from retaliation, 
        including best practices for: (a) protection against 
        retaliation for internal and lawful public disclosure; 
        (b) legal burdens of proof; (c) statutes of limitation 
        for reporting retaliation; (d) access to independent 
        adjudicative bodies, including external arbitration; 
        and (e) results that eliminate the effects of proven 


    Evaluation.--The Committee directs the Secretary of the 
Treasury to instruct the United States executive director of 
each IFI to seek the adoption and implementation at each 
institution of a publicly available policy, including the 
strategic use of peer reviews and external experts, requiring 
independent, in-depth evaluations of the effectiveness of at 
least 25 percent of all loans, grants, programs, and 
significant analytical non-lending activities in advancing the 
institution's goals of reducing poverty and promoting equitable 
economic growth, consistent with relevant safeguards, to ensure 
that decisions to support such loans, grants, programs, and 
activities are based on accurate data and objective analysis. 
The Committee directs the Secretary of the Treasury to submit a 
report to the Committees on Appropriations, not later than 45 
days after enactment of this Act, on steps taken on these 
matters in fiscal year 2019 by the United States executive 
directors and the IFIs compared to the previous fiscal year.
    Beneficial ownership.--The Committee directs the Secretary 
of the Treasury to instruct the United States executive 
director of each IFI to seek to require that such institution 
collects, verifies, and publishes, to the maximum extent 
practicable, beneficial ownership information (excluding 
proprietary information) for any corporation or limited 
liability company, other than a publicly listed company, that 
receives funds from any such financial institution. The 
Committee directs the Secretary of the Treasury to submit a 
report to the Committees on Appropriations, not later than 45 
days after enactment of this Act, on steps taken on these 
matters in fiscal year 2019 by the United States executive 
directors and the IFIs compared to the previous fiscal year.

    Section 7030 (Multi-Year Pledges) includes language 
modified from prior year on multi-year pledges.
    Multi-year pledge requirements.--The Committee directs that 
any multi-year pledge made with funds appropriated in titles 
III through VI of this Act must be: (1) previously justified, 
including projected future year costs, in a congressional 
budget justification; (2) included in an Act making 
appropriations for the Department of State, foreign operations, 
and related programs or previously authorized by an Act of 
Congress; (3) notified in accordance with the regular 
notification procedures of the Committees on Appropriations, 
including the projected future year costs; or (4) the subject 
of prior consultation with the Committees on Appropriations and 
such consultation was conducted at least 7 days in advance of 
the pledge.

    Section 7031 (Financial Management and Budget Transparency) 
includes language modified from the prior year regarding 
management of direct assistance to governments, budget 
transparency of recipient countries, corruption and human 
rights violations, and the foreign assistance website.
    For the purposes of this section, the term ``direct 
government-to-government assistance'' shall include cash 
transfers, non-project sector assistance, and other forms of 
assistance where funds appropriated by this Act are provided 
directly to the recipient government.
    Pursuant to subsection (a)(1), funds appropriated by this 
Act may be made available for direct government-to-government 
assistance only if: (1) each implementing agency or ministry to 
receive assistance has been assessed and is considered to have 
the systems required to manage such assistance and any 
identified vulnerabilities or weaknesses of such agency or 
ministry have been addressed; (2) the recipient agency or 
ministry employs and utilizes staff with the necessary 
technical, financial, and management capabilities; (3) the 
recipient agency or ministry has adopted competitive 
procurement policies and systems; (4) effective monitoring and 
evaluation systems are in place to ensure that such assistance 
is used for its intended purposes; (5) no level of acceptable 
fraud is assumed; and (6) the government of the recipient 
country is taking steps to publicly disclose on an annual basis 
its national budget to include income and expenditures.
    The recipient government or ministry must also be in 
compliance with the principles set forth in section 7013 of 
this Act; not be headed or controlled by an organization 
designated as a foreign terrorist organization under section 
219 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1189); 
have an agreement with the government of the United States, in 
writing, on clear and achievable objectives for the use of such 
assistance, which should be made available on a cost-
reimbursable basis; and is taking steps to protect the rights 
of civil society, including freedoms of expression, 
association, and assembly.
    The Committee directs the Secretary of State to consult 
prior to, and submit to the regular notification procedures of 
the Committees on Appropriations, making any funds available 
for direct government-to-government assistance. Such 
notifications should include how the proposed activity meets 
the requirements of this section and should only apply to such 
assistance in excess of $10,000,000 and funds available for 
cash transfer, budget support, and cash payments to 
individuals. Any planned government-to-government assistance 
should be included with the fiscal year 2021 CBJ and should 
include the proposed funding amount, source of funds, and type 
of assistance.
    For the purposes of subsection (b), ``minimum requirements 
of fiscal transparency'' shall mean the public disclosure of a 
country's national budget, including income and expenditures by 
ministry, and government contracts and licenses for natural 
resource extraction, including bidding and concession 
allocation practices. The Fiscal Transparency report required 
by this subsection should identify steps taken by a government 
to disclose additional budget documentation, contracts, and 
licenses which are additional to information disclosed in the 
previous year as well as recommendations of short- and long-
term steps such government should take to improve fiscal 
transparency. The report should also include a description of 
how funds appropriated by this Act, including those provided 
pursuant to paragraph (3), are being used to improve fiscal 
transparency and identify benchmarks for measuring progress.
    The Committee directs the Secretary of State to make funds 
available to improve the transparency and accountability of 
expenditures and revenues related to the extraction of natural 
resources. The Committee supports efforts that provide 
technical assistance, promote independent audit mechanisms, and 
facilitate civil society participation in managing natural 
resources and preventing the sale of conflict diamonds.
    The Committee directs the Secretary of the Treasury to 
inform the management of the IFIs, and publish on the 
Department of Treasury's website, that the policy of the United 
States is to vote against any assistance by such institutions 
that supports extracting and exporting natural resources from a 
country whose government has established laws and regulations 
to prevent or limit the public disclosure of company payments 
as required by United States law. The United States may support 
such assistance if the recipient government has adopted laws, 
regulations, or procedures that: (1) accurately account for and 
publicly disclose payments to the government by companies 
involved in the extraction and export of natural resources; (2) 
include independent auditing of accounts receiving such 
payments and the public disclosure of such audits; and (3) 
require public disclosure of agreement and bidding documents, 
as appropriate. These requirements do not apply to assistance 
that is for the purpose of building capacity in the recipient 
government to meet the above criteria.


    Government-to-government report.--Not later than 45 days 
after enactment of this Act, the USAID Administrator shall 
submit to the Committees on Appropriations a report that 
details all assistance provided through government-to-
government mechanisms by country, funding source and amount, 
and type of procurement instrument, including whether the 
assistance was provided on a reimbursable basis.
    Corruption.--Pursuant to subsection (c), the Committee 
directs the Secretary of State to submit a report, not later 
than 180 days after enactment of this Act, including a 
classified annex if necessary, to the Committees on 
Appropriations that describes the corruption and/or violation 
of human rights by individuals, whom the Secretary of State has 
designated as ineligible for entry to the United States in the 
previous 12 months pursuant to this section. The Committee 
directs any unclassified portion of the report to be posted on 
the Department of State website. The Committee clarifies that 
the records of the Department of State related to the issuance 
and refusal of visas or permits to enter the United States 
should not be considered confidential and notes that the 
Department of State has interpreted the term ``significant 
corruption'' in this subsection to be corrupt activities that 
would result in a denial under the 2004 Presidential 
Proclamation 7750.

    Section 7032 (Democracy Programs) contains language 
modified from the prior year regarding democracy programs 
funded in this Act. The Committee recommendation includes not 
less than $2,400,000,000 in assistance for democracy programs, 
which is the same as the fiscal year 2019 enacted level. An 
additional $180,000,000 is provided under National Endowment 
for Democracy. Funds made available pursuant to this section 
are not intended for attribution to other sector or program 
directives included in this Act.
    For the purposes of subsection (d), ``demonstration of a 
commitment to democracy and the rule of law'' should be 
determined by the Secretary of State or the Administrator of 
    Nothing in subsection (f) shall be construed to affect the 
ability of any entity, including United States small 
businesses, from competing for proposals from USAID-funded 
civil society programs.
    Subsection (h) directs that funds be made available to 
support and protect civil society activists and journalists who 
have been threatened, harassed, or attacked. The Committee is 
concerned that for the third year in a row the number of 
journalists imprisoned worldwide is at historic levels. The 
Committee expects the Secretary of State and USAID 
Administrator to continue to support programs that protect 
journalists and advance press freedom at not less than prior 
year levels.
    The Committee supports continued investments in programs 
that enhance the technical capacity of countries to prepare for 
and manage elections, train political parties, educate voters, 
and enhance transparency and accountability. The Committee 
continues support for Department of State and USAID independent 
media and internet freedom programs globally. With respect to 
the provision of assistance made available in this Act for 
democracy programs, the Secretary of State and USAID 
Administrator should prioritize using organizations with 
significant experience implementing such programs and that 
demonstrate successful outcomes.
    Parliamentarians.--The Committee supports efforts to engage 
parliamentarians and parliamentary organizations in support of 
democratic norms and values. The Committee directs, not later 
than 45 days after enactment of this Act, the Department of 
State and USAID, in consultation with the National Endowment 
for Democracy, to consult with the Committees on Appropriations 
on expanding such efforts.


    Brunei.--The Committee is concerned that implementation of 
Brunei's new Sharia Penal Code (SPC) violates international 
norms and standards on human rights, including through 
criminalization and discrimination against vulnerable groups 
such as LGBTI persons, religious and ethnic minorities, women, 
and children. The Committee directs the Secretary of State, in 
consultation with the Secretary of the Treasury and the 
Attorney General, to review the ongoing implementaton of the 
SPC and determine whether sanctions required under the Global 
Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act should be applied and 
report back to the Committees on Appropriations not later than 
45 days after enactment of this Act.
    Prior approval.--Pursuant to subsection (e), the Committee 
continues language that organizations receiving assistance for 
democracy programs shall not be subject to prior approval by 
the government of any foreign country and directs the Secretary 
of State, in coordination with the USAID Administrator, to 
submit a report to the Committees on Appropriations, not later 
than 90 days after enactment of this Act, detailing steps taken 
by the Department of State and USAID to comply with this 
    Section 7033 (International Religious Freedom) includes 
language modified from the prior year regarding international 
religious freedom.
    Subsection (a) designates funds under the heading 
Diplomatic Programs to be made available for the Office of 
International Religious Freedom, the Bureau of Democracy, Human 
Rights, and Labor, and the Special Envoy to Promote Religious 
Freedom of Religious Minorities in the Near East and South 
Central Asia. Funds for the Office of International Religious 
Freedom shall be made available for the continued development 
and implementation of an international religious freedom 
curriculum in accordance with section 708 of the Foreign 
Service Act of 1980.
    Subsection (b) directs that funds appropriated under the 
headings ``Democracy Fund'', ``Economic Support Fund'', and 
``International Broadcasting Operations'' be made available for 
international religious freedom programs and funds appropriated 
under the headings ``International Disaster Assistance'' and 
``Migration and Refugee Assistance'' be made available for 
humanitarian assistance for vulnerable and persecuted religious 
minorities. Funds designated for the Relief and Recovery Fund 
shall also be made available for International Religious 
Freedom to support transitional justice, reconciliation, and 
reintegration programs for vulnerable and persecuted religious 
    The Committee directs that the Ambassador-at-Large for 
International Religious Freedom is responsible, in consultation 
with other relevant U.S. government officials, for funds made 
available pursuant to this section.
    The Committee recommendation includes not less than 
$10,000,000 for international religious freedom under the 
heading Democracy Fund. In addition, funds are made available 
under the heading Economic Support Fund for programs that 
protect vulnerable and persecuted minorities, including to 
investigate the persecution of such minorities by governments 
and non-state actors and for the public dissemination of 
information collected on such persecution, including on the 
Department of State website.
    Subsection (c) is modified from prior year language 
clarifying that funds under the heading Economic Support Fund 
may be made available for assistance for ethnic and religious 
minorities in Iraq and Syria.
    The Committee remains concerned for ethnic and religious 
minorities, including Christians, Yezidis, Rohingya, and other 
groups across the globe that have been victims of mass 
atrocities, ethnic cleansing, and genocide. The Committee 
recognizes the benefits of existing psychosocial support 
programs coordinated by the Department of State and USAID for 
these groups and individuals and supports the expansion of 
these programs. Furthermore, the Committee encourages the 
prioritization of psychosocial support programs to benefit 
religious and ethnic minorities affected by ISIS, including 
trauma therapy and care for children and survivors of sexual 
slavery, as well as other highly vulnerable populations 


    Religious minorities.--The Committee directs the Secretary 
of State to provide a report not later than 45 days after 
enactment of this Act to the Committees of Appropriations on 
the status of the humanitarian assistance reaching vulnerable 
and persecuted religious minorities.

    Section 7034 (Special Provisions) includes language 
modified from the prior year granting certain special 
authorities and limitations relating to funds made available in 
this Act.
    Subsection (b) makes funds available for the prevention of 
atrocities. The Committee directs the Under Secretary for 
Civilian Security, Democracy, and Human Rights, to be 
responsible for the strategic policy direction and policy 
oversight of such funds. These funds are subject to the regular 
notification procedures of the Committees on Appropriations.
    Subsection (d)(1) makes $3,000,000 available under the 
heading Assistance for Europe, Eurasia and Central Asia to 
carry out the Program for Research and Training on Eastern 
Europe and the Independent States of the Former Soviet Union as 
authorized by the Soviet-Eastern European Research and Training 
Act of 1983 (22 U.S.C. 4501 et seq.).
    Subsection (d)(5) extends the availability of certain 
funds, up to $50,000,000, for an additional year if they are 
being used for private sector partnerships following 
consultation with the Committees on Appropriations.
    Subsection (i)(5) continues prior year language with regard 
to the Lautenberg Amendment. The Committee notes that this 
critical provision is needed to preserve a safe and reliable 
mechanism for eligible persecuted religious minorities to seek 
freedom and safety in the United States.
    Subsection (j) includes authority for the HIV/AIDS Working 
Capital Fund. The Committee directs the Secretary of State to 
include an accounting of the budgetary resources, 
disbursements, balances, and reimbursements of such Fund in its 
fiscal year 2021 CBJ.
    Cultural preservation project determination.--The Committee 
expects that none of the funds appropriated in titles I, III, 
and under the heading Economic Support Fund of this Act may be 
used for the preservation of religious sites unless the 
Secretary of State or the USAID Administrator, as appropriate, 
determines and reports to the Committees on Appropriations that 
such sites are historically, artistically, or culturally 
significant, that the purpose of the project is neither to 
advance nor to inhibit the free exercise of religion, and that 
the project is in the national interest of the United States.
    International child abductions.--The Secretary of State 
should consider withholding funds appropriated under title IV 
of this Act for assistance for the central government of any 
country that is not taking appropriate steps to comply with the 
Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child 
    Monitoring and evaluation of humanitarian assistance.--
Funds appropriated by the Act that are available for monitoring 
and evaluation of assistance under the headings International 
Disaster Assistance and Migration and Refugee Assistance shall, 
as appropriate, be made available for the regular collection of 
feedback obtained directly from beneficiaries on the quality 
and relevance of such assistance. The Secretary of State and 
USAID Administrator, as applicable, shall regularly conduct 
oversight to ensure that such feedback is regularly collected 
and used by implementing partners to maximize the cost-
effectiveness and utility of such assistance.

    Section 7035 (Law Enforcement and Security) includes 
language modified from the prior year related to assistance, 
authorities, limitations, and notifications regarding law 
enforcement and security matters.

    In accordance with subsection (d)(2), the Secretary of 
State, in coordination with the Secretary of Defense, shall 
include a list of cases under development for major defense 
equipment (as defined in section 47 of the Arms Export Control 
Act) that are above the thresholds identified in section 36(b) 
of the Arms Export Control Act for which the letter of request 
is over 180 days old, consultations have not begun with the 
committees of jurisdiction, and a Letter of Offer has not been 
submitted. Such list shall include: (1) the date of the letter 
of request; (2) the amount of the proposed sale; and (3) a 
description of the defense article or service. The report shall 
be submitted in unclassified form, but may be accompanied by a 
classified annex, if necessary. The Secretary of State, in 
coordination with the Secretary of Defense, shall also be 
prepared to discuss the status of each case, including whether 
the case has been received by the Department of State.
    Section 7036 (Enterprise Funds) includes language carried 
in the prior year establishing restrictions on enterprise 

    Section 7037 (War Crimes Tribunals) includes language 
carried in the prior year regarding authority for the President 
to draw down certain funds to support war crimes tribunals or 

    Section 7038 (Palestinian Statehood) includes language 
modified from the prior year establishing limitations on the 
use of funds in support of a Palestinian state. This section 
includes a certification requirement that such a state should 
enact a constitution assuring the rule of law, an independent 
judiciary, and respect for human rights for its citizens in 
order to merit assistance.

    Section 7039 (Limitation on Assistance for the Palestinian 
Authority) includes language modified from the prior year 
placing limitations on any assistance for the Palestinian 
Authority and the prohibitions on funds to the Palestine 
Liberation Organization (PLO) and Hamas. The waiver now 
includes the additional reporting requirement that the 
Palestinian Authority (PA) has facilitated the settlement of 
terrorism-related claims on nationals of the United States. 
This section includes the limitations carried previously in 
7041(k)(2) on assistance to the PA if the Palestinians obtain 
membership at the United Nations or in any specialized agency 
outside of an agreement negotiated with Israel or if the 
Palestinians initiates an investigation at the International 
Criminal Court (ICC). Prior year language in section 7041(k)(3) 
reducing assistance by the amount expended by the PA as 
payments for acts of terrorism is carried in this section, as 
is prior year incitement reporting requirement 7041(k)(6). This 
section also includes prior year language from section 7038 
restricting assistance to the Palestinian Broadcasting 

    Section 7040 (Assistance for the West Bank and Gaza) 
includes language modified from the prior year including 
provisions previously carried in section 7039 placing 
conditions on assistance for the West Bank and Gaza, including 
the requirements on partner vetting and the prohibition of 
funds for the purpose of recognizing or honoring acts of 
terrorism. The prior year reporting requirements from section 
7041(k) on security and economic assistance are included in 
this section.
    The Committee notes that sections 7039 and 7040 are 
intended to consolidate and clarify existing provisions and do 
not represent a change in policy.
    Pursuant to subsection (e), the Committee supports 
$50,000,000 for private sector partnerships for the West Bank 
and Gaza should such funds be authorized.
    The Committee reaffirms its commitment to supporting United 
States actions that promote peace between Israel and the 
Palestinians. The Committee further reaffirms the long-standing 
bipartisan support for a negotiated two-state solution to the 
Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and that a lasting two-state 
solution is essential to the achievement of long-term peace and 
stability in the broader region.

    Section 7041 (Middle East and North Africa) includes 
language modified from the prior year regarding policies and 
countries in the Middle East and North Africa.
    Arab League Boycott of Israel--Subsection (a) continues 
language carried in the prior year related to the Arab League 
Boycott of Israel. The Committee is concerned about 
international efforts to stigmatize and isolate Israel through 
the boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) movement. The 
Committee directs, as part of the annual report to Congress on 
the Arab League Boycott of Israel, that the President add 
information about the BDS campaign, covering companies, 
international organizations, countries, and other 
organizations, including state investment vehicles, that are 
involved in promoting the movement, as well as specific steps 
the Department of State has taken and expects to take to 
discourage or end politically-motivated efforts to boycott, 
divest from, or sanction Israel or Israeli entities. The 
Committee further directs the Secretary of State and USAID 
Administrator to strengthen policies and procedures to ensure 
organizations supported through funding are not participants in 
such efforts.
    Egypt.--Subsection (b) is modified from the prior year. 
Funds for Egypt are allocated according to the following table:

               [Budget authority in thousands of dollars]
                       Account                          Budget Authority
Economic Support Fund................................            $35,000
Development Assistance...............................             67,500
International Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement..              2,000
Nonproliferation, Anti-terrorism, Demining and                     3,000
 Related Programs....................................
International Military Education and Training........              1,800
Global Health Programs...............................             10,000
Foreign Military Financing Program...................          1,300,000
    Total............................................          1,419,300

    The Committee notes the United States and Egypt share a 
strong partnership based on mutual interest in Middle East 
peace and stability, economic opportunity, and regional 
security. Egypt has long been an important strategic partner in 
the Middle East. Since the Camp David Accords, United States 
assistance to Egypt has played a central role in the country's 
economic and military development. Despite significant turmoil 
in the region, Egypt remains an anchor of stability in the 
Middle East, as exemplified by its enduring forty-year peace 
with Israel. The Committee appreciates progress made over the 
last year in advancing shared interests with respect to 
combating terrorism, increasing pressure on North Korea, 
countering Iran's malign influence in the region, and the 
acquittal of employees of American nongovernmental 
organizations that had been wrongly charged and convicted of 
crimes for operating in Egypt. Promoting a stable and 
prosperous Egypt, where the government preserves space for 
civil society and protects human rights, should continue to be 
a core objective of United States policy.
    Withholding.--The Secretary of State shall withhold 20 
percent of the funds provided for Egypt under the heading 
Foreign Military Financing Program until the Secretary 
certifies and reports to the Committees on Appropriations that 
the Government of Egypt is meeting the governance and human 
rights conditions described under ``Reports'' in this section. 
A national security waiver is included in this Act. However, 
five percent of such withheld funds is excluded from the waiver 
and shall only be made available for obligation if the 
Secretary of State determines and reports to the Committees on 
Appropriations that the Government of Egypt has provided fair 
and commensurate compensation to American citizen, April 
Corley, for severe injuries sustained during an attack on her 
tour group by Egyptian armed forces on September 13, 2015. In 
addition, the Committee notes that the funds subject to the 
five percent withholding shall not be transferred to the 
interest-bearing account until a final settlement has been 
    Funds made available for assistance for Egypt shall be 
subject to prior consultation and the regular notification 
procedures of the Committees on Appropriations. Such funds 
should be made available for democracy programs and for 
development programs in the Sinai. Funds shall not be made 
available for cash transfer assistance or budget support.
    The Committee directs that not less than $35,000,000 of the 
funds made available for assistance for Egypt under the heading 
Development Assistance should be made available for higher 
education programs, including not less than $15,000,000 for 
scholarships for Egyptian students with high financial need to 
attend not-for-profit institutions of higher education in 
Egypt. Such institutions must meet standards equivalent to 
those required for United States institutional accreditation by 
a regional accrediting agency recognized by the United States 
Department of Education. Not later than 45 days after enactment 
of this Act, the USAID Administrator shall consult with the 
Committees on Appropriations on implementation of funds made 
available for scholarships in Egypt.
    The Committee encourages the USAID Administrator to 
implement programs that assist orphans and vulnerable children 
in Egypt, including children from religiously diverse 
populations. The Committee supports continued efforts to ensure 
religious freedom and tolerance, including for Christian 
communities in Egypt.
    The Secretary of State shall take all practicable steps to 
ensure that mechanisms are in place for monitoring, oversight, 
and control of funds made available by this subsection for 
assistance for Egypt.


    Governance and human rights.--The Committee directs, not 
later than 45 days after enactment of this Act, the Secretary 
of State to submit a report to the appropriate congressional 
committees on steps taken by the Government of Egypt to: (1) 
advance democracy and human rights in Egypt, including to 
govern democratically and protect religious minorities and the 
rights of women, which are in addition to steps taken during 
the previous calendar year for such purposes; (2) implement 
reforms that protect freedoms of expression, association, and 
peaceful assembly, including the ability of civil society 
organizations, human rights defenders, and the media to 
function without interference; (3) release political prisoners 
and provide detainees with due process of law; (4) hold 
Egyptian security forces accountable, including officers 
credibly alleged to have violated human rights; (5) investigate 
and prosecute cases of extrajudicial killings and forced 
disappearances; (6) provide regular access for United States 
officials to monitor assistance in areas where the assistance 
is used; (7) adhere to the separation of powers and the rule of 
law, including constitutional limits on elected office and the 
role of the military in governance; and (8) comply with United 
Nations Security Council Resolution 2270 and other such 
resolutions regarding North Korea.
    Military restructure.--The Committee directs that not later 
than 45 days after enactment of this Act, the Secretary of 
State shall consult with the Committees on Appropriations on 
any plan to restructure military assistance for Egypt.
    Iran.--Subsection (c) is modified from the prior year. 
Pursuant to paragraph (1), funding under the headings 
Diplomatic Programs, Economic Support Fund, and 
Nonproliferation, Antiterrorism, Demining and Related Programs 
shall be used by the Secretary of State for the following: (1) 
to support the United States policy to prevent Iran from 
achieving the capability to produce or otherwise obtain a 
nuclear weapon; (2) to support an expeditious response to any 
violation of United Nations Security Council Resolutions or to 
efforts that advance Iran's nuclear program; (3) to support the 
implementation, enforcement, and renewal of sanctions against 
Iran for its support of nuclear weapons development, terrorism, 
human rights abuses, and ballistic missile and weapons 
proliferation; and (4) for democracy programs for Iran, to be 
administered by the Assistant Secretary for Near Eastern 
Affairs, Department of State, in consultation with the 
Assistant Secretary for Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, 
Department of State.


    Sanctions.--Pursuant to paragraph (2), the Secretary of 
State shall report on Iran's compliance of the Joint 
Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) as well as on the status 
of United States bilateral sanctions on Iran, the re-imposition 
and renewed enforcement of secondary sanctions, and the impact 
such sanctions have had on Iran's destabilizing activities 
throughout the Middle East. Such report shall also include any 
entities involved in providing significant support for the 
development of a ballistic missile by the Government of Iran, 
including shipping and financing, and note whether such 
entities are currently under United States sanctions. The 
report shall be submitted in an unclassified form and contain a 
classified annex if necessary.
    Iraq.--Subsection (d) is similar to language carried in the 
prior year. Pursuant to paragraph (1), funds shall be made 
available for: (1) bilateral economic assistance and 
international security assistance, including for the Marla 
Ruzicka Iraqi War Victims Fund; (2) stabilization assistance; 
(3) humanitarian assistance, including in the Kurdistan Region 
of Iraq (KRI); and (4) programs to protect and assist religious 
and ethnic minority populations in Iraq.
    Funds made available under the headings International 
Disaster Assistance and Migration and Refugee Assistance should 
be made available to support programs that address the needs of 
internally displaced persons (IDPs) and refugees in the KRI, as 
well as their host communities. Additionally, funds under the 
heading Economic Support Fund should continue to support 
programs that mitigate the impact of such IDPs and refugees in 
such region.
    Within the amount provided for assistance, the 
recommendation includes funds to support American-style higher 
education institutions in Iraq, including in the Kurdistan 
region, on an open and competitive basis. The Secretary of 
State or USAID Administrator, as appropriate, shall include 
funds to be allocated for this purpose in the spend plan 
submitted pursuant to section 7061(b) of this Act.
    The Committee remains concerned about the lack of security 
and the safe return of displaced Iraqi ethnic and religious 
minorities, including Christians, Yezidis, and other groups who 
have been victimized by genocide, to their ancestral homelands 
in the Nineveh Plain, Tel Afar, and Sinjar areas of Iraq. 
Support for such individuals and communities should, to the 
maximum extent practicable, take into account the unique needs 
and security requirements necessary for safe repatriation. The 
Committee directs that not less than $50,000,000 of the funds 
provided in this Act for stabilization and recovery assistance 
be made available for assistance to support the safe return of 
displaced religious and ethnic minorities to their communities 
in Iraq.
    The Committee notes that to increase security in liberated 
areas in northern Iraq, including minority communities, the 
Department should work with the Government of Iraq to support 
security forces that reflect the ethno-sectarian makeup of the 
areas in which they operate. In particular, the Department 
should support a community policing program for the Nineveh 
Plains--home to Sunni Arabs, Kurds, Yazidi, Christians, Shabak, 
and Turkmen--Sinjar, and Kirkuk. This initiative would help 
reestablish the relationship between the police and the 
communities they serve, helping prevent conflict, address 
security risks, and mitigate crime.
    The Committee recommends that USAID continue funding for 
stabilization and long-term economic viability of northern 
Iraq. Contracts should preference local entities as 
appropriate. The Committee supports efforts to increase parity 
in assistance for Nineveh and Sinjar.
    The Committee encourages the Department of State to work 
with the relevant federal agency partners to expedite the 
processing of the backlog of Iraqi Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) 
applications. The Committee notes the critical role of the SIV 
program in assisting the United States mission in Iraq and 
urges the relevant congressional committees to review the needs 
of this program. Many family members of SIV holders have waited 
years without any notification from the Departments of State or 
Homeland Security on the status or timeline of their visa 
applications. The Committee encourages the State Department to 
expand the days and hours of operation for consular services in 
Erbil to accommodate the demand of persecuted populations in 
northern Iraq.
    The Committee encourages USAID to establish a strategic 
communications program in Iraq that utilizes social media and 
traditional media to engage with the Iraqi population and 
counter the propaganda, misinformation, and disinformation 
campaigns of various state and non-state actors that are 
actively engaged in undermining United States and coalition 
efforts. The Committee encourages USAID to consult with the 
representatives from the United Kingdom's Conflict, Security 
and Stability Fund to understand their strategic communication 
efforts in Iraq and avoid duplication of efforts.


    Security forces.--The Committee directs the Secretary of 
State to submit a report to the Committees on Appropriations, 
not later than 90 days after the date of enactment of this Act, 
on efforts to integrate ethnic minorities in northern Iraq into 
the security forces. Such report shall include the number of 
such persons integrated into community police or similar 
    United Nations Development Program (UNDP).--Not later than 
45 days after enactment of this Act, the USAID Administrator 
shall submit a report on the status of the modified agreement 
between USAID and UNDP regarding assistance to Iraqis, 
particularly religious and ethnic minorities, to enable them to 
return to their homes in areas liberated from ISIS. One aim of 
the modified agreement was to ensure that the United States 
contribution will help the populations of liberated areas in 
Ninewa Province resume normal lives by restoring community-
prioritized services such as water, electricity, sewage, 
health, and education. The Committee continues to support 
assistance to religious and ethnic minorities, to the maximum 
extent practicable, through indigenous aid and security 
organizations on the ground that have a proven track record of 
supporting local communities.
    Jordan.--Subsection (e) includes language similar to the 
prior year designating funding levels for Jordan. The Committee 
recommendation includes not less than $1,525,000,000 for 
assistance for Jordan. Funds for Jordan are allocated according 
to the following table:

               [Budget authority in thousands of dollars]
                       Account                          Budget Authority
Development Assistance...............................           $311,400
Economic Support Fund................................            750,000
Global Health........................................             21,000
Nonproliferation, Anti-terrorism, Demining and                    13,600
 Related Programs....................................
International Military Education and Training........              4,000
Foreign Military Financing Program...................            425,000
    Total............................................          1,525,000

    The Committee notes the importance of the relationship with 
the Kingdom of Jordan and the strong leadership that Jordan 
continues to play in advancing peace and stability in the 
region. The Department of State should continue to support 
critical economic aid and to provide the assistance needed to 
ensure Jordan's success in coalition operations, including to 
strengthen Jordan's borders with Iraq and Syria.
    Lebanon.--Subsection (f) includes modifications to 
consolidate prior year language, which does not represent a 
change in policy. Funds made available under the heading 
Foreign Military Financing Program for assistance for Lebanon 
may only be made available to professionalize the Lebanese 
Armed Forces (LAF) and to strengthen border security and combat 
terrorism, including training and equipping the LAF to secure 
Lebanon's borders, interdicting arms shipments, preventing the 
use of Lebanon as a safe haven for terrorist groups, and to 
implement United Nations Security Council Resolution 1701.


    Lebanon report.--The Committee continues to be concerned 
about Hezbollah's growing influence within the Government of 
Lebanon. The Committee directs the Secretary of State to submit 
a report to the Committees on Appropriations, not later than 45 
days after enactment of this Act, on the extent of Hezbollah's 
influence within such government, including the LAF, and what 
steps are being taken to prevent the use of Lebanon as a safe 
haven for terrorist groups, to implement United Nations 
Security Council Resolution 1701, and to prevent the building 
of cross-border tunnels into Israel and weapons factories 
inside Lebanon.
    United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL).--The 
Committee is concerned by UNIFIL's ability to fulfill its 
mandate in southern Lebanon to assist the Lebanese Armed Forces 
in establishing an area free of any armed personnel, assets and 
weapons other than those of the government and of UNIFIL. Not 
later than 90 days after enactment of this Act, the Committee 
directs the Secretary of State to submit a report to the 
Committees on Appropriations assessing UNIFIL's efforts to 
detect tunnels built by Hezbollah in the south of Lebanon and 
the steps the Administration is taking to urge the Security 
Council to sanction Hezbollah for violations of UNSCR 1701. The 
report should also include an assessment of whether UNIFIL is 
complying with its new requirement to increase its visible 
presence in southern Lebanon and oversee the LAF's accelerated 
deployment in southern Lebanon.
    Libya.--Subsection (g) remains unchanged from prior year 
language regarding monitoring, oversight, and control of any 
funds. No funds shall be made available for Libya by this Act 
unless the Secretary of State certifies and reports to the 
Committees on Appropriations that the Government of Libya is 
cooperating with U.S. efforts to investigate and bring to 
justice those responsible for the attack on U.S. personnel and 
facilities in Benghazi, Libya in September 2012.
    Morocco.--Subsection (h) is similar to language carried in 
the prior year.
    Saudi Arabia.--Subsection (i) includes a new prohibition on 
any funds made available by this Act from supporting the sale 
of nuclear technology to Saudi Arabia.
    Not later than 45 days after enactment of the Act, the 
Committee directs the Secretary of State to submit a report, 
which may be submitted in classified form and shall incorporate 
relevant information from other Federal agencies, to the 
appropriate congressional committees regarding the murder of 
Jamal Khashoggi at the Consulate of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 
in Istanbul, Turkey on October 2, 2018. The report shall 
include a detailed assessment of the steps taken by (1) the 
Government of Saudi Arabia to investigate and prosecute all 
those responsible for ordering, carrying out, and covering up 
such murder; and (2) the steps taken by Department of State to 
address corruption and violation of human rights by individuals 
within the Saudi government.
    Syria.--Pursuant to subsection (j)(1), funding for non-
lethal assistance is limited to emergency medical and rescue 
response and chemical weapons use investigations. Subsection 
(j)(2) prohibits any funds from supporting or otherwise 
legitimizing the government of Iran, the Government of the 
Russian Federation, foreign terrorist organizations, or a proxy 
of Iran, and states that funds should not be used in areas 
controlled by the Assad government.
    The Committee directs that funds shall be made available 
for assistance to organizations in Syria, only on an open and 
competitive basis, to continue to strengthen the capability of 
Syrian civil society organizations to address the immediate and 
long-term needs of the Syrian people in a manner that supports 
the sustainability of such organizations in implementing 
Syrian-led humanitarian and development programs. Such funds 
shall be administered by the Bureau for Democracy, Human 
Rights, and Labor of the Department of State.
    The Committee remains concerned about the lengthy 
displacement of Syrians and the ongoing burden they face, as 
well as the continued strain Syrian refugees are placing on 
host communities. The Committee urges the Department of State 
to continue to: (1) assist host countries to expand their 
national systems to accommodate refugee needs; (2) increase 
host country capacity to deliver basic services to their own 
citizens; (3) strengthen the ability of local governments to 
respond to the refugee influx; (4) employ policies and programs 
to close gaps in distribution of need-based aid to at-risk 
minority populations; and (5) ensure that refugees have freedom 
of movement and meaningful access to economic opportunity.


    Refugees.--The Committee is deeply concerned about the 
safety of Syrian refugees who have returned, or may return, to 
Syria, and directs the Department of State to submit a report 
to the Committees on Appropriations 90 days after the enactment 
of this Act, detailing the dangers Syrian refugees face and 
what the United States, the UN, other nations, and 
international partners can do to alleviate suffering and secure 
the safety of returning refugees.
    Humanitarian assistance.--The Committee directs USAID to 
ensure humanitarian and other foreign assistance for Syrian 
stabilization and reconstruction efforts be focused in 
democratic Syria or areas of Syria not under the Assad regime's 
control. The Secretary of State and USAID Administrator shall 
submit a report to the appropriate congressional committees not 
later than 45 days after enactment of this Act, containing a 
detailed assessment on the delivery of humanitarian assistance 
to Syria, which shall include the following: (1) the challenges 
of access to areas of Syria controlled by the Government of 
Syria or associated forces for purposes of providing United 
States humanitarian assistance, including assistance funded 
through multilateral institutions and international 
governmental organizations; (2) where such United States 
humanitarian assistance has been able to be delivered in such 
areas; (3) a description of where such United States 
humanitarian assistance has been denied access in such areas; 
(4) how the United States Government is working to improve 
access to such areas; (5) the roles and responsibilities of 
United States allies and partners and other countries in the 
region in ensuring access to such areas; (6) how such United 
States humanitarian assistance and implementing partners of 
such assistance are monitored and evaluated; (7) the major 
challenges that the United States faces in monitoring such 
United States humanitarian assistance and how the United States 
is working to overcome such challenges; and (8) the strategy of 
the United States to deliver humanitarian assistance to areas 
of Syria controlled by the Government of Syria or associated 
forces and in which the Government of Syria or associated 
forces is impeding access to such areas.
    Tunisia.--Subsection (k) includes language carried in the 
prior year related to funding levels for Tunisia. Funds for 
Tunisia are allocated according to the following table:

               [Budget authority in thousands of dollars]
                       Account                          Budget Authority
Development Assistance...............................            $40,000
Economic Support Fund................................             45,000
International Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement..             13,000
Nonproliferation, Anti-terrorism, Demining and                     6,100
 Related Programs....................................
International Military Education and Training........              2,300
Foreign Military Financing Program...................             85,000
    Total............................................            191,400

    The Committee notes that a stable and viable democratic 
Tunisia is critical to regional security supports the 
government of Tunisia's efforts to continue improving the 
security situation in the country, democratic governance, and 
economic reform.
    Western Sahara.--The Committee supports the United Nation's 
efforts to resolve the Western Sahara conflict in an equitable, 
peaceful, and diplomatic manner.
    Yemen.--Subsection (l) continues prior year language 
permitting funds under the heading Economic Support Fund to be 
made available for stabilization assistance for Yemen.


    Humanitarian needs.--The Committee remains concerned about 
the significant humanitarian needs in Yemen and the lack of 
consistent access to allow relief to be provided. Not later 
than 45 days after enactment of this Act, the Secretary of 
State, in consultation with the USAID Administrator, shall 
submit a report to the Committees on Appropriations that 
addresses delivery of humanitarian assistance, including access 
for humanitarian organizations to deliver assistance; the 
capacity of Yemeni ports to receive commercial and humanitarian 
goods; and the conditions required to transition from 
humanitarian assistance to longer-term development assistance. 
The Committee also recognizes the importance of fuel to 
alleviating the humanitarian crisis, including access into all 
Red Sea Ports, which are critical lifelines for the Yemeni 

    Section 7042 (Africa) includes language modified from the 
prior year regarding assistance for Africa. The Committee 
acknowledges that global development, diplomacy, and defense 
are pertinent to protecting United States national security and 
advancing United States policy toward Africa and notes the 
important role the countries of Africa play with respect to 
global security and stability. The Committee also recognizes 
that the underlying causes of instability and conflict in the 
region, including extreme poverty, poor health, food 
insecurity, climate change, and environmental degradation, are 
critical areas for United States involvement through foreign 
assistance. The Committee reaffirms that sustainable 
development, economic growth, human rights, and humanitarian 
assistance in Africa are important to national security 
interests of the United States and remain critical investments 
in the prosperity and security throughout the continent. The 
Secretary of State should prioritize issues affecting the 
future of these countries and ensure adequate diplomatic and 
assistance resources are made available to support the 
continent with democracy, governance, and development 
    Africa counterterrorism.--The Committee continues to 
support African counterterrorism initiatives such as the 
Partnership for Regional East Africa Counterterrorism and the 
Trans-Sahara Counterterrorism Partnership.
    Boko Haram.--The Committee notes with concern the ongoing 
attacks on civilians by Boko Haram. The Committee encourages 
USAID to address the unique needs of these victims, especially 
women and girls, in its programming and assist in their 
reintegration into communities. Funds made available in this 
Act for Cameroon, Chad, Niger, and Nigeria should support 
counterterrorism programs, specifically to combat Boko Haram 
and other violent extremist organizations. The Committee also 
encourages continued support for development, democracy, 
health, and governance activities in these countries as 
effective strategies to counter violent extremism.
    Central African Republic.--The Committee directs the 
Department of State and USAID to make funds available for 
reconciliation and peacebuilding programs in the Central 
African Republic, including activities to promote inter-faith 
dialogue and to prevent crimes against humanity.
    Counter Lord's Resistance Army.--The Committee directs the 
Department of State to make funds available for programs and 
activities in areas affected by the Lord's Resistance Army 
(LRA) consistent with the goals of the Lord's Resistance Army 
Disarmament and Northern Uganda Recovery Act of 2009 (Public 
Law 111-172). Despite recent arrests of LRA commanders, the 
Committee is concerned about continued attacks and child 
abductions as well as safe havens for the LRA in Sudan and the 
Central African Republic.
    South Sudan.--Pursuant to subsection (d), funds shall be 
made available for the central government of South Sudan only 
for the following purposes: (1) humanitarian assistance; (2) 
health programs; (3) assistance to support peace negotiations 
or advance or implement a peace agreement; or (4) assistance to 
support implementation of outstanding issues of the 
Comprehensive Peace Agreement and mutual arrangements related 
to such agreement.
    Sudan.--The limitations in subsection (e) shall not apply 
to humanitarian assistance; assistance for democracy programs; 
assistance for the Darfur region, Southern Kordofan State, Blue 
Nile State, Abeyei, or other marginalized areas and populations 
in Sudan; or assistance to implement outstanding issues of the 
Comprehensive Peace Agreement, mutual arrangements related to 
post-referendum issues, or any other internationally recognized 
viable peace agreement in Sudan.
    Zimbabwe.--The Committee directs the Secretary of the 
Treasury to instruct the United States executive director of 
each IFI to vote against any extension of any loan or grant to 
the Government of Zimbabwe, except to meet basic human needs or 
to promote democracy, unless the Secretary of State certifies 
and reports to the Committees on Appropriations that the rule 
of law has been restored, including respect for ownership and 
title to property, and freedoms of expression, association, and 

    Section 7043 (East Asia and the Pacific) includes language 
modified from the prior year regarding limitations and 
directives on assistance and authorities for diplomatic and 
development activities and programs in East Asia and the 
    Burma.--Pursuant to subsection (a)(1)(B), funds in this Act 
for assistance to Burma: (1) may not be made available to any 
individual or organization if the Secretary of State holds 
credible information that such individual or organization has 
committed a gross violation of human rights, including against 
Rohingya and other minority groups, or that advocates violence 
against ethnic or religious groups or individuals in Burma; (2) 
may not be made available to any organization or entity 
controlled by the armed forces of Burma; (3) may only be made 
available for programs to support the return of Rohingya, 
Karen, and other refugees and internally displaced persons to 
their location of origin or preference in Burma if such returns 
are voluntary and consistent with international law; and (4) 
may only be made available to support the implementation of 
Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement conferences, committees, and 
other procedures if the Secretary of State reports to the 
Committees on Appropriations that such procedures are directed 
towards a sustainable peace and the Government of Burma is 
implementing its commitments under such Agreement.
    Funds made available by this Act for Burma shall be made 
available for: (1) to strengthen civil society organizations 
and independent media; (2) to support community-based 
organizations operating in Thailand that provide humanitarian 
assistance to internally displaced persons in eastern Burma and 
to Burmese refugees from funds made available under the heading 
Migration and Refugee Assistance; (3) to promote ethnic and 
religious tolerance and combat gender-based violence in 
Rakhine, Shan, Kachin, and Karen states; (4) to promote rural 
economic development including through microfinance programs; 
(5) to increase opportunities for foreign direct investment by 
strengthening rule of law, transparency, and accountability; 
(6) to investigate and document allegations of ethnic cleansing 
and other gross human rights violations committed against the 
Rohingya people in Rakhine state; and (7) to investigate and 
document allegations of gross violations of human rights in 
Burma, particularly in areas of conflict.
    The Committee expects that any new programs and activities 
initiated in fiscal year 2020 in Burma shall be subject to 
prior consultation with the appropriate congressional 
committees. The United States Chief of Mission in Burma, in 
consultation with the Assistant Secretary for Democracy, Human 
Rights, and Labor at the Department of State, shall be 
responsible for democracy and human rights programs in Burma.
    The Committee is concerned about the repeated assaults on 
freedom of the press in Burma and supports assistance for 
programs to strengthen independent media.


    Violations of human rights.--The Committee directs the 
Secretary of State to provide to the appropriate congressional 
committees, not later than 45 days after the enactment of this 
Act, a report describing allegations of ethnic cleansing, 
crimes against humanity, and genocide in Burma.
    Cambodia.--Pursuant to subsection (b)(1), funds shall not 
be made available for the Government of Cambodia unless the 
Secretary of State certifies and reports to the Committees on 
Appropriations that such Government is: (1) strengthening 
regional security and stability, particularly regarding 
territorial disputes in the South China Sea and the enforcement 
of international sanctions on North Korea; (2) dismissing any 
politically motivated criminal charges against those who 
criticize the government; (3) ceasing violence and harassment 
against civil society organizations including political 
opposition entities; and (4) respecting the rights and 
responsibilities enshrined in the Constitution of the Kingdom 
of Cambodia as enacted in 1993, which include restoring the 
civil and political rights of the opposition Cambodia National 
Rescue party, media, and civil society organizations; restoring 
all elected officials to elected offices held prior to the July 
2018 parliamentary elections; and releasing all political 
prisoners, including journalists, civil society activists, and 
members of the opposition political party.
    Pursuant to subsection (b)(2), funds shall be made 
available for: (1) democracy programs, including research and 
education programs associated with the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, 
except that no funds may be made available to the Extraordinary 
Chambers in the Court of Cambodia and (2) programs in the Khmer 
language to counter the influence of the People's Republic of 
China in Cambodia.


    Visa restriction.--The Committee directs the Secretary of 
State, not later than 30 days after enactment of this Act, to 
submit to the appropriate congressional committees a report 
describing the implementation of the visa restriction policy.
    Indo-Pacific Strategy.--The Committee recommendation 
provides that $160,000,000 shall be available to support the 
Indo-Pacific Strategy. Such funds are in addition to amounts 
otherwise made available for countries and programs in the 
region. The Committee believes that the United States is an 
enduring Pacific power, and preserving a free and open Indo-
Pacific is a core interest of the United States.
    The Committee directs that funds under the headings 
International Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement; 
Nonproliferation, Anti-terrorism, Demining and Related 
Programs; International Military Education and Training; and 
Foreign Military Financing Program in this Act be made 
available for countries and programs in this region at not less 
than the fiscal year 2019 level.
    North Korea.--The Committee notes that the limitation in 
subsection (d)(1) shall also apply to the payment or 
reimbursement of the Government of North Korea for any costs 
associated with the unlawful detention of American citizens in 
North Korea.
    The Committee directs that the Secretary of State shall 
report to the appropriate congressional committees if the 
Secretary has credible information that a government receiving 
assistance by this Act is currently contributing materially to 
the malicious cyber-intrusion capabilities of the Government of 
North Korea. Additionally, the Secretary shall submit the 
report required by section 209 of the North Korea Sanctions and 
Policy Enhancement Act of 2016 (Public Law 114-122; 22 U.S.C. 
9229), as amended, to the Committees on Appropriations in the 
manner described in subparagraph (2)(A) of such section.
    The Committee encourages the Special Envoy for North Korean 
Human Rights Issues to consult with officials of South Korea on 
potential opportunities, including through various media, to 
reunite divided Korean American families with family members in 
North Korea.
    People's Republic of China (PRC).--The Committee remains 
concerned by the repressive policies and intimidation tactics 
used by the Chinese government against Uighur Muslims in the 
Xinjiang Autonomous region of China. The Committee urges the 
Secretary of State to increase diplomatic efforts towards 
addressing basic human rights of Uighur Muslims in the PRC.
    Confucius Institutes.--The Committee encourages the 
Secretary of State to coordinate with the Department of Justice 
to determine whether Chinese nationals associated with 
Confucius Institutes operating on American university and 
college campuses qualify as foreign agents working on behalf of 
the Government of the PRC.


    5G network.--The Committee is concerned by the PRC's 
efforts to dominate the 5G global market and directs the 
Department of State, in consultation with USAID, the DFC, and 
other relevant agencies, to submit to the Committees on 
Appropriations, not later than 90 days after enactment of this 
Act, a coordinated strategy with allies and partners to provide 
alternatives to Chinese-financed telecommunication technology.
    Philippines.--The Committee continues to direct the 
Department of State to strictly monitor United States 
assistance, including funding provided under the headings 
Foreign Military Financing and International Narcotics Control 
and Law Enforcement, made available for the Philippines with 
respect to human rights, abuses or violence against journalists 
or human rights activists, and the accountability and 
professionalism of security forces personnel.


    Security forces.--The Committee directs the Secretary of 
State to submit, not later than 45 days after enactment of this 
Act, a report assessing the extent to which the Armed Forces of 
the Philippines and the Philippines National Police are 
respecting human rights and the rule of law.

    Section 7044 (South and Central Asia) includes language 
modified from the prior year containing limitations, 
directives, and authorities for diplomatic and development 
activities and programs in South and Central Asia and for 
regional programs.
    Afghanistan.--The Committee directs that funds appropriated 
by this Act under the headings Development Assistance, Economic 
Support Fund, Global Health Programs, and International 
Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement that are made available 
for assistance for Afghanistan: (1) shall be made available to 
implement the South Asia Strategy, the Revised Strategy for 
United States Engagement in Afghanistan, and the United States 
Agency for International Development Country Development 
Cooperation Strategy for Afghanistan; (2) shall be made 
available for programs that protect and strengthen the rights 
of women and girls and promote the political and economic 
empowerment of women, including their meaningful inclusion in 
political processes, peacebuilding, and conflict prevention, 
through grants to local Afghan women's organizations to the 
maximum extent possible; and (3) may not be made available for 
any program, project, or activity that--
          (a) cannot be sustained, as appropriate, by the 
        Government of Afghanistan or another Afghan entity;
          (b) is not accessible for the purposes of conducting 
        effective oversight in accordance with applicable 
        Federal statutes and regulations;
          (c) initiates any new, major infrastructure 
        development; or
          (d) includes the participation of any Afghan 
        individual, organization, or government entity if the 
        Secretary of State has credible information that such 
        individual, organization, or entity is knowingly 
        involved in acts of grand corruption, illicit narcotics 
        production or trafficking, or has committed a gross 
        violation of human rights.
    The authority referenced in section 7044(a)(1)(B) shall not 
be exercised unless the Secretary of State, in consultation 
with the USAID Administrator, reports to the Committees on 
Appropriations that: (1) adequate financial controls and 
oversight are in place, including monitoring of project 
implementation and resource disbursements in all parts of the 
country; and (2) that the recipient has established regular, 
transparent, and comprehensive reporting procedures regarding 
the use of United States assistance.
    The Committee supports programs that will help achieve a 
stable and self-reliant Afghanistan, including economic 
assistance through private enterprise. The Committee notes the 
potential for economic growth from Afghanistan's natural 
resources and encourages funding be made available for 
activities that will result in investment from the private 
    The Committee notes the ongoing negotiations in Afghanistan 
and directs the Secretary of State to ensure the meaningful 
inclusion of Afghan women in the peace process and to 
prioritize the rights of women and girls in any political 
settlement with the Taliban.


    Personnel.--The Committee directs the Secretary of State to 
submit a report, in classified form if necessary, not later 
than 30 days after enactment of this Act and every 120 days 
thereafter until September 30, 2021, to the Committees on 
Appropriations detailing by agency the number of personnel 
present in Afghanistan under COM authority per section 3927 of 
title 22, United States Code, at the end of the 120 day period 
preceding the submission of such report. The report shall also 
include the number of locally employed staff and contractors 
supporting United States Embassy operations in Afghanistan 
during the reporting period.
    Peace negotiations.--The Committee directs the Secretary of 
State to submit a report, in classified form if necessary, not 
later than 30 days after enactment of this Act and every 60 
days thereafter, to the Committees on Appropriations detailing 
the status of peace negotiations with the Taliban. Such report 
shall contain information regarding impacts to foreign 
assistance programs and the presence of diplomatic and 
development personnel in Afghanistan.
    SIVs.--The Committee recommendation includes continued 
support for the Afghan Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) program and 
directs the Secretary of State to submit a report, not later 
than 45 days after enactment of this Act, to the Committees on 
Appropriations on the status of such program and the 
Department's progress on meeting the conditions as described in 
section 7076(b) of the Department of State, Foreign Operations, 
and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 2019.
    Bangladesh.--The Committee directs the Secretary of State 
and USAID Administrator to prioritize humanitarian assistance 
to help displaced Rohingya who have fled from Burma to 
    The Committee directs that funds made available by this Act 
for assistance for Bangladesh include programs to improve labor 
conditions in readymade garment, shrimp, and fish industries.


    Human rights.--The Committee directs the Secretary of State 
to submit a report, not later than 45 days after the enactment 
of this Act, to the Committees on Appropriations on the extent 
to which the Government of Bangladesh is supporting human 
rights; implementing policies to protect freedom of expression, 
association, and religion, and due process of law; and ensuring 
free, fair, and participatory elections.
    2018 election.--The Committee directs the Secretary of 
State, in consultation with the USAID Administrator, to submit 
a report to the Committees on Appropriations, not later than 45 
days after enactment of this Act, regarding the allegations of 
abuses during the December 2018 national elections and the 
impact of USAID programs to support open, democratic processes 
and human rights in Bangladesh.
    Pakistan.--The Committee directs that none of the funds 
appropriated by this Act under the heading Foreign Military 
Financing Program for assistance for Pakistan may be made 
available except to support counterterrorism and 
counterinsurgency capabilities in Pakistan.
    Not later than 30 days after enactment of this Act, and 
prior to the submission of the report required by section 
653(a) of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, the Secretary of 
State shall consult with the Committees on Appropriations on 
the amount of funds appropriated by this Act under the heading 
Foreign Military Financing Program that is subject to the 
January 2018 policy decision to suspend security assistance to 
Pakistan, or any subsequent policy decision affecting such 
    The Committee notes that funds appropriated by this Act and 
prior Acts making appropriations for the Department of State, 
foreign operations, and related programs under the heading 
Foreign Military Financing Program for assistance for Pakistan 
that are withheld from obligation or expenditure may be 
reprogrammed, except that no such funds may be reprogrammed 
that are required to complete payment on existing and 
previously approved contracts. The Committee further directs 
that such reprogramming should only be available for the region 
originally appropriated and that such reprogrammings shall be 
subject to the regular notification procedures of the 
Committees on Appropriations.
    The Committee recommendation includes funding under the 
heading International Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement for 
border security programs in Pakistan, following consultation 
with the Committees on Appropriations.
    Funds appropriated by this Act under the headings Economic 
Support Fund and Nonproliferation, Anti-terrorism, Demining and 
Related Programs that are made available for assistance for 
Pakistan shall be made available to interdict precursor 
materials from Pakistan to Afghanistan that are used to 
manufacture improvised explosive devices and for agriculture 
extension programs that encourage alternative fertilizer use 
among Pakistani farmers to decrease the dual use of fertilizer 
in the manufacturing of improvised explosive devices.
    The Committee recommendation includes funds appropriated by 
titles III and IV of this Act for programs to promote democracy 
in Pakistan.
    The Committee directs the Secretary of State to take all 
practicable steps to ensure that mechanisms are in place for 
monitoring, oversight, and control of funds made available for 
assistance for Pakistan and inform the Committees on 
Appropriations of such steps in a timely manner.


    Cooperation with United States.--The Committee directs that 
prior to the obligation of funds made available by this Act for 
assistance for the central Government of Pakistan, the 
Secretary of State shall submit a report to the appropriate 
congressional committees detailing: (1) the amount of financing 
and other support, if any, provided by the Government of 
Pakistan to schools supported by, affiliated with, or run by 
the Taliban or any domestic or foreign terrorist organization 
in Pakistan; (2) the extent of cooperation by such government 
in issuing visas in a timely manner for United States visitors, 
including officials and representatives of nongovernmental 
organizations, engaged in assistance and security programs in 
Pakistan; (3) the extent to which such government is providing 
humanitarian organizations access to detainees, internally 
displaced persons, and other Pakistani civilians affected by 
conflict in Pakistan and the region; and (4) the extent to 
which such government is strengthening democracy in Pakistan, 
including protecting freedom of expression, assembly, and 
    Sri Lanka.--The Committee is concerned about the recent 
constitutional crisis in Sri Lanka, allegations of torture, and 
lack of progress on fulfilling UN commitments. Pursuant to 
subsection (c)(1), the Secretary of State shall report and 
certify to the Committees on Appropriations that the Government 
of Sri Lanka is taking the following actions: (1) repealing 
laws that do not comply with international standards for arrest 
and detention by security forces, and ensuring that any 
successor legislation meets such standards; (2) increasing 
accountability and transparency in governance; (3) 
investigating allegations of arbitrary arrest and torture, and 
supporting a credible justice mechanism in compliance with 
United Nations Human Rights Council Resolution (A/HCR/RES/30/1) 
of October 2015; (4) returning military occupied lands in 
former conflict zones to their rightful owners or compensating 
those whose land was confiscated without due process, and which 
is in addition to steps taken during the previous calendar 
year; (5) resourcing a functioning office of missing persons 
and assisting its investigations of cases of missing persons 
from Sri Lanka's internal armed conflicts with the cooperation 
of the armed forces of Sri Lanka; and (6) substantially 
reducing the presence of the armed forces in former conflict 
zones and implementing a plan for restructuring the armed 
forces to adopt a peacetime role that contributes to post-
conflict reconciliation and regional security.
    The Committee recommendation includes funds appropriated 
under the headings Development Assistance and Economic Support 
Fund for economic development and democracy programs, 
particularly in areas recovering from ethnic and religious 
conflict in Sri Lanka. Such funds shall be made available for 
programs to assist in the identification and resolution of 
cases of missing persons and to support the Sri Lankan 
parliament. The Committee directs that programming for Sri 
Lanka shall be subject to the regular notification procedures 
of the Committees on Appropriations.
    The Committee notes the terror attack of April 2019. 
Consistent with the broader Indo-Pacific Strategy, the 
Committee directs the Department of State to review appropriate 
tools for security cooperation with Sri Lanka.
    Regional programs.--The Committee recommendation supports 
border stabilization and development programs between 
Afghanistan and Pakistan, and between either country and the 
Central Asian countries.
    The Committee directs that funds appropriated by this Act 
that are made available for assistance for countries in South 
and Central Asia shall be made available to accelerate the 
recruitment and enhance the retention and professionalism of 
women in the judiciary, police, and other security forces.

    Section 7045 (Latin America and the Caribbean) includes 
language modified from the prior year regarding programs and 
funding for countries in Latin America and the Caribbean.
    Central America.--The United States Strategy for Engagement 
in Central America (Strategy) was released following the 
migration crises at the southwest border of the United States 
in 2014. The Department of State, Foreign Operations and 
Related Programs Appropriations Acts, 2016, 2017, 2018, and 
2019 each designated funding for support of the Strategy and 
the countries of Central America. Subsection (a) of this Act 
provides that not less than $540,850,000 shall be made 
available for assistance for countries in Central America to 
implement the Strategy. Such funds are allocated according to 
the following table:

               [Budget authority in thousands of dollars]
               Country/Program/Activity                 Budget Authority
Development Assistance:
    El Salvador......................................            $55,035
    Guatemala........................................             93,000
    Honduras.........................................             75,000
    Nicaragua........................................             10,000
        of which, Democracy and Rule of Law..........             10,000
        Subtotal, Development Assistance.............            233,035
Economic Support Fund:
    State Western Hemisphere Regional
        of which, Central America Regional Security              100,000
         Initiative (CARSI)..........................
        [of which, Combating Gender-based Violence]..           [10,000]
        Subtotal, Economic Support Fund..............            100,000
Inter-American Foundation............................             10,000
Foreign Military Financing Program:
    Costa Rica.......................................              7,500
    Guatemala........................................                  0
    Honduras.........................................                  0
    State Western Hemisphere Regional................              5,000
        Subtotal, Foreign Military Financing Program.             12,500
Global Health Programs-USAID:
    Guatemala........................................             13,000
        Subtotal, Global Health Programs-USAID:......             13,000
International Military Education and Training:
    Costa Rica.......................................                725
    Other Central America............................              3,290
        Subtotal, International Military Education                 4,015
         and Training................................
International Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement:
    State Western Hemisphere Regional:
        of which, Central America Regional Security              167,800
         Initiative (CARSI)..........................
            [Attorneys General & other activities to            [45,000]
             combat corruption and impunity].........
            [Costa Rica].............................           [32,500]
            [DNA Forensic Assistance]................            [8,000]
        Subtotal, International Narcotics Control and            167,800
         Law Enforcement.............................
        Subtotal--CARSI (non-add)....................          [257,800]
Nonproliferation, Antiterrorism, Demining and Related
    Panama...........................................                500
        Subtotal, Nonproliferation, Antiterrorism,                   500
         Demining and Related Program................
        Total, Central America.......................            540,850

    Pursuant to subsection (a)(1)(A), not less than $45,000,000 
of the funds made available for assistance for the countries of 
Central America shall be made available for support of 
Attorneys General and other activities to combat corruption and 
impunity in such countries. Such funds shall be prioritized for 
improving the functioning of criminal justice systems, 
including through: (1) contributions to international 
commissions against impunity; (2) support for civil society, 
including exchanges with civil society transparency experts 
from other countries in the region; (3) training for 
journalists; (4) embedding U.S. law enforcement personnel 
within the public prosecutor's office; and (5) technical 
assistance to develop and implement justice sector reforms.
    Within the funds provided, the recommendation includes not 
less than $1,000,000 for support of the National Commission for 
the Search of Persons Disappeared during the Armed Conflict in 
El Salvador.
    Pursuant to subsection (a)(2)(A), 50 percent of the 
assistance for each of the central governments of El Salvador, 
Guatemala, and Honduras, made available under title IV of this 
Act shall be withheld from obligation until the Secretary of 
State reports to the Committees on Appropriations that such 
government is: (1) cooperating with commissions against 
corruption and impunity and with regional human rights 
entities; (2) supporting programs to reduce poverty, expand 
education and vocational training for at-risk youth, create 
jobs, and promote equitable economic growth, particularly in 
areas contributing to large numbers of migrants; (3) 
implementing tax reforms, including whether the government is 
implementing tax reforms that increase government revenue and 
transparency in the tax collection system, and strengthening 
customs agencies; (4) combating corruption, including 
investigating and prosecuting current and former government 
officials credibly alleged to be corrupt; (5) implementing 
reforms, policies, and programs to increase transparency and 
strengthen public institutions and the rule of law, including 
increasing the capacity and independence of the judiciary and 
the Office of the Attorney General; (6) working cooperatively 
with an autonomous, publicly accountable entity to provide 
oversight of the Plan of the Alliance for Prosperity in the 
Northern Triangle in Central America (the Plan); (7) working 
with local communities, civil society organizations (including 
indigenous and other marginalized groups), and local 
governments in the implementation and evaluation of activities 
of the Plan; (8) creating a professional, accountable civilian 
police force and ending the role of the military in internal 
policing; (9) combating human smuggling and trafficking; (10) 
protecting the right of political opposition parties and other 
members of civil society to operate without interference; (11) 
informing its citizens of the dangers of the journey to the 
southwest border of the United States; (12) improving border 
security, including preventing illegal migration, human 
smuggling and trafficking, and trafficking of illicit drugs and 
other contraband; (13) cooperating with United States 
Government agencies and other governments in the region to 
facilitate the return, repatriation, and reintegration of 
illegal migrants arriving at the southwest border of the United 
States who do not qualify for asylum, consistent with 
international law; (14) countering the activities of criminal 
gangs, drug traffickers, and transnational criminal 
organizations; (15) investigating and prosecuting in the 
civilian justice system government personnel who are credibly 
alleged to have violated human rights; and (16) resolving 
commercial disputes, including but not limited to the 
confiscation of real property and the timely payment of amounts 
owed to United States entities.
    In the event the Secretary of State is unable to make one 
or more of the certifications required above, subsection 
(a)(2)(B) permits the Secretary of State to reprogram such 
assistance to other countries in Latin America and the 
Caribbean, subject to the regular notification procedures of 
the Committees on Appropriations.
    No funds were requested, and the Committee recommendation 
includes no funds, under the heading Foreign Military Financing 
Program for assistance for either Guatemala or Honduras.
    The Committee recommendation includes not less than 
$10,000,000 for programs in Northern Triangle countries to 
combat gender-based violence, including to: (1) create and 
expand primary and secondary school-based sexual and gender-
based violence (SGBV) prevention programming; (2) enhance the 
capacity of police, judicial systems, and child protection 
systems to identify, investigate, and prosecute cases of SGBV 
through increased personnel, equipment, geographic coverage, 
and training; and (3) create and expand locally available 
medical, mental health, and legal services, and shelters for 
survivors of SGBV in both rural and urban areas.
    Spend plan.--The Committee is concerned about the length of 
time it has taken in prior years for the Department of State to 
submit the spend plan required for assistance for Central 
America and take the other steps necessary to obligate funds in 
a timely manner, particularly with respect to funds not subject 
to the withholding pursuant to subsection (a)(2)(A). The 
Committee directs the Secretary of State and USAID 
Administrator to submit such spend plan within 45 days of 
enactment of this Act.
    The Committee recommendation maintains the special 
notification requirement for assistance for El Salvador, 
Guatemala, and Honduras and directs that such notifications: 
(1) indicate whether funds will support current or new 
programs, the central government of such country, or an 
international financial institution; (2) describe the cost-
matching arrangements; and (3) describe how programs align with 
the Strategy and the plan for monitoring and evaluation, 
including the program and context indicators for each program 
described in the notification.
    The Committee notes that in order to incentivize and 
attract foreign investment, Northern Triangle countries must 
aggressively combat corruption and impunity and work to create 
a positive business climate that enforces the rule of law and 
respects due process. The Committee encourages business groups 
in the United States and Northern Triangle countries to 
contribute to these efforts and encourages them to pursue their 
goals of strengthening the economies through a commitment 
towards economic growth, entrepreneurship, investments, 
fighting corruption, job creation, and the reduction of 
migration, malnutrition, and poverty.
    Funds provided under the heading Development Assistance for 
rural development programs should include support for small 
scale and subsistence farmers, with attention to women's access 
to credit, building local markets and increasing local 
    Costa Rica.--The Committee recommendation includes 
$40,725,000 for assistance for Costa Rica.
    Nicaragua.--The Committee recommendation does not include 
funds under title IV of this Act for Nicaragua. Any funding 
provided for Nicaragua in this Act should be made available for 
programs that promote democracy and the rule of law. No funds 
are provided for the central government of Nicaragua. The 
Committee notes that funds for Nicaragua are subject to the 
notification requirements of section 7015 of this Act.
    El Salvador.--The Committee directs the Secretary of State 
to work with the relevant Federal departments and agencies to, 
as appropriate, assist the judicial authorities of El Salvador 
in the investigation and prosecution of those responsible for 
the El Mozote massacre, including the identification and 
provision of related documents, correspondence, reproductions 
of Salvadoran documents, and other similar materials from 
January 1981 to January 1983.


    CARSI.--Not later than 45 days after the enactment of this 
Act, the Committee directs the Secretary of State, in 
coordination with the USAID Administrator, to provide to the 
Committees on Appropriations a report on the uses of all funds 
provided for CARSI on a country-by-country basis for each 
program, project, and activity for fiscal years 2010 through 
2019, and integrate such information into the 
ForeignAssistance.gov website, as appropriate.
    Strategy for natural protected areas.--Much of the Northern 
Triangle's international borders are contained within or 
contiguous with natural protected areas, which are threatened 
by illegal activities and weak state presence. The Committee 
directs the Secretary of State, in consultation with the USAID 
Administrator, other relevant federal agency heads, as well as 
local authorities, community organizations and non-governmental 
organizations, to develop a comprehensive strategy to 
strengthen security and governance in these areas, including in 
the Mosqitia Forest of Honduras and the Maya Forest of 
Guatemala, Belize, and Mexico. Such strategy should focus on: 
conservation protection and rule of law; addresses illegal 
cattle ranching and smuggling as a driver of deforestation; 
increase the presence in border forest areas of investigatory, 
prosecutorial and judicial authorities; support continued field 
research in wildlife conservation and archaeology; spark 
economic growth through tourism; and strengthen solutions to 
sustainable development, including sustainable natural resource 
management in partnership with indigenous and local 
communities. The Secretary of State shall report to the 
Committees on Appropriations on the strategy and the steps 
taken to implement such strategy not later than 180 days 
following enactment of this Act.
    Monitoring and evaluation.--The Committee directs the 
Secretary of State, in coordination with the USAID 
Administrator, to review and update the plan for monitoring and 
evaluation of assistance in support of the United States 
Strategy for Engagement in Central America and to issue a 
progress report with results not later than October 30, 2020. 
Such review shall examine the programs, stakeholders, metrics 
and local factors that accelerate or impede success. The report 
should be submitted to the appropriate congressional committees 
and posted to the Department of State and USAID websites. In 
developing the updated monitoring and evaluation metrics, the 
Secretary shall consult relevant federal agencies, 
implementers, and other stakeholders.
    Colombia.--The Committee recognizes the longstanding 
partnership between the United States and Colombia. The 
Committee acknowledges the strategic importance of Colombia and 
notes the improvements made in the everyday lives of the 
Colombian people over the last two decades. The Committee looks 
forward to the continued partnership and to building on the 
progress made in recent years with adoption of the peace 
accords. The accords, coupled with a renewed commitment to 
combating illicit crop cultivation and narcotics trafficking, 
offers great hope for Colombia's economic, social, and 
political stability.
    The Committee recommendation includes not less than 
$457,253,000 for assistance for Colombia, of which not less 
than $207,328,000 is from funds under the headings Development 
Assistance and Economic Support Fund and shall be apportioned 
directly to USAID. Such funds are allocated according to the 
following table:

               [Budget authority in thousands of dollars]
                   Account/Program                     Budget  Authority
Development Assistance:..............................            $61,000
Economic Support Fund:...............................            146,328
    of which, Afro-Colombian and indigenous                       25,000
    of which, Human rights...........................             12,500
    of which, Colombian Representative of the U.N.                 1,500
     High Commissioner for Human Rights..............
    of which, National Unit to Search for Disappeared                300
    of which, Commission of the Clarification of                     500
     Truth, Coexistence and Non-Repetition...........
International Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement:.            189,000
    of which, Rule of Law and Human Rights...........             51,000
        [Justice Sector Institutional Strengthening &           [22,400]
Nonproliferation, Anti-terrorism, Demining and                    21,000
 Related Programs:...................................
International Military Education and Training:.......              1,400
Foreign Military Financing Program:..................             38,525
        Total, Colombia..............................            457,253

    Pursuant to subsection (b)(1), funds appropriated under 
titles III and IV of this Act and made available for assistance 
for Colombia shall be made available for programs and 
activities that support the efforts of the Government of 
Colombia to: (1) assist communities impacted by significant 
refugee and migrant populations; (2) implement the Colombian 
peace accords, including assistance for expanding the presence 
of civilian institutions in rural areas; (3) promote economic 
and social development, including by improving access to areas 
impacted by conflict through demining programs; (4) strengthen 
and expand governance, the rule of law, access to justice, and 
respect for human rights throughout Colombia; (5) conduct a 
unified campaign against narcotics trafficking, organizations 
designated as foreign terrorist organizations pursuant to 
section 219 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 
1189), and other criminal or illegal armed groups; and (6) 
enhance security and stability in Colombia and the region.
    The Committee recommendation provides $189,000,000 under 
the heading International Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement 
for assistance for Colombia. Within that amount, the Committee 
recommendation provides not less than $51,000,000 for rule of 
law and human rights activities, of which not less than 
$6,500,000 is for support of key Colombian entities responsible 
for investigating and prosecuting human rights violations, 
including support for the relevant units of the Office of 
Attorney General, such as the Human Rights Unit, the Special 
Unit for the Dismantling of Organizations and Criminal Conduct 
Responsible for Homicides and Massacres, and regional 
    Furthermore, the Committee recommendation includes funding 
for support of Colombian civil society, truth and 
reconciliation programs, victims support, the protection of 
human rights defenders and other vulnerable groups, 
peacebuilding, and verification of the implementation of the 
peace accords. The Committee is particularly concerned over the 
growing number of murders, assaults, and threats against human 
rights defenders and social leaders and directs the Department 
of State to place a high priority on support of programs and 
activities that improve their protection, foster the 
prosecution of the perpetrators, including intellectual 
architects, and facilitate the dismantling of structures that 
perpetuate violence against civilians.
    Pursuant to subsection (b)(2)(A), 20 percent of the funds 
appropriated under the heading Foreign Military Financing 
Program and made available for assistance for Colombia may be 
obligated only after the Secretary of State certifies and 
reports to the Committees on Appropriations that: (1) the 
Special Jurisdiction for Peace and other judicial authorities 
are taking effective steps to hold accountable perpetrators of 
gross violations of human rights in a manner consistent with 
international law, including for command responsibility; (2) 
the government of Colombia is taking effective steps to 
dismantle illegal armed groups and to reduce threats and 
attacks against human rights defenders and other civil society 
activists, Afro-Colombian and indigenous community leaders, 
trade unionists, and journalists, and judicial authorities are 
making quantifiable strides in effectively prosecuting those 
responsible for such threats and attacks; (3) the government of 
Colombia is taking effective steps to protect Afro-Colombian 
and indigenous communities and is respecting their rights and 
territory; and (4) senior military officers responsible for 
ordering, committing, and covering up cases of false positives 
are being held accountable, including removal from active duty 
if found guilty through criminal or disciplinary proceedings.
    Countering illicit crop cultivation.--The Committee 
supports Colombia's efforts to counter illicit crop cultivation 
and narcotics trafficking, enhance security and stability, 
strengthen and expand governance and access to services, and 
establish a lasting and durable peace. However, the Committee 
remains concerned about the record levels of coca production 
and trafficking and the continued violence associated with the 
drug trade. Pursuant to subsection (b)(2)(B), 20 percent of the 
funds appropriated under the heading International Narcotics 
Control and Law Enforcement and made available for assistance 
for Colombia may only be made available after the Secretary of 
State certifies and reports to the Committees on Appropriations 
that the Government of Colombia has reduced overall illicit 
drug cultivation and trafficking. The report to accompany such 
certification shall include metrics and related information to 
support such certification. The report also shall include 
information regarding progress in dismantling drug trafficking 
networks and assisting farmers in eradicating and sustainably 
replacing coca as agreed to in the peace accords.
    Furthermore, the Committee urges the Secretary of State to 
ensure that eradication programs be designed and executed in 
compliance with any requirements of the Constitutional Court of 
Colombia and within the framework and provisions of the peace 
accords, including ensuring that basic needs of communities are 
addressed, such as land titling, food security, and the 
establishment of a lasting and responsive state presence in 
coca-growing zones.
    The Secretary of State, in consultation with the USAID 
Administrator, shall continue to submit a multi-year spend plan 
in a manner consistent with prior year requirements.


    Colombia reforestation.--The Committee is concerned about 
increasing deforestation in Colombia's Amazon region. The 
Committee requests the USAID Administrator to review and 
support the Government of Colombia's efforts to further 
reforestation programs and develop a plan with a timeline to 
effectively address the complex factors that support Colombia 
reforestation. Not later than 45 days after enactment of the 
Act, the Administrator shall report to the Committees on 
Appropriations on the plan, including factors that accelerate 
success and those that impede progress, the portion of 
assistance for Colombia that supports such activities, and the 
resource requirements to implement such plan.
    Cuba.--The Committee recommendation includes $20,000,000 
under the heading Economic Support Fund for support of 
democracy building, human rights, and civil society initiatives 
in Cuba.


    Strategy.--The Committee notes recent diplomatic and policy 
changes regarding the United States' economic relationship with 
Cuba. The Committee directs the Secretary of State to submit to 
the appropriate congressional committees, not later than 90 
days after enactment of this Act, a clear and concise strategy 
for providing certainty for United States businesses legally 
operating in Cuba, consistent with the shared objective of 
avoiding negative impacts on American businesses. The strategy 
should include: (1) how the Department of State intends to 
ensure that engagement between the United States and Cuba 
advances the interests of the United States and the Cuban 
people, including encouraging the growth of a Cuban private 
sector independent of government control, as stated in National 
Security Presidential Memorandum-5; (2) the impact of the 
United States Embassy Havana staff reduction on embassy 
operations, including visa processing; and (3) a timeline for 
the safe return of staff at the U.S. Embassy in Havana to 
previous levels.
    Haiti.--Pursuant to subsection (c), funds are withheld for 
assistance for the central Government of Haiti unless the 
Secretary of State certifies and reports that the Government of 
Haiti is taking the following steps: (1) strengthening the rule 
of law including by transparently selecting judges based on 
merit, reducing pre-trial detention, respecting the 
independence of the judiciary, and implementing reforms to 
increase transparency and accountability including through the 
penal and criminal code; (2) combating corruption including by 
implementing the 2014 anti-corruption law and prosecuting 
corrupt officials; (3) increasing government revenues, 
including through tax reforms, and increasing expenditures on 
public services; and (4) resolving commercial disputes between 
U.S. entities and the government of Haiti.
    The Committee directs the Secretary of State and USAID 
Administrator to expedite the release of funds designated to 
support the multi-party trust fund to assist communities in 
Haiti affected by cholera pursuant to section 7058(d)(1)(C) of 
Public Law 115-141.
    The Committee is greatly concerned by civil unrest in 
Haiti. The Committee expects the Secretary of State and USAID 
Administrator to support dialogue aimed at resolving the 
political crisis and ensuring that upcoming elections are 
transparent and inclusive. The Committee is especially 
concerned about the incidents in November 2018 in La Saline, 
including alleged human rights abuses and the burning of homes 
in the area. The Committee encourages the Government of Haiti 
to address the real grievances in the country, including access 
to housing. The Committee encourages the provision of technical 
support for thorough and independent investigations into both 
the allegations of corruption and human rights violations.
    The Committee is concerned with the lack of border security 
between Haiti and the Dominican Republic, which undermines 
legitimate trade, fosters instability, and inhibits efforts to 
regenerate markets and provide foreign assistance. The 
Committee provides sufficient resources and encourages USAID to 
increase the capacity of Haiti's customs operations to improve 
transparency and reduce corruption. The Committee urges the 
Secretary of State to work with the Governments of Haiti and 
the Dominican Republic to develop a strategy for enhancing 
border security, including through assistance provided for such 
countries under this Act, and keep the Committees on 
Appropriations informed on its development.
    Mexico.--The Committee recommendation provides $145,000,000 
for assistance for Mexico. Such funds are allocated according 
to the following table.

               [Budget authority in thousands of dollars]
                       Account                          Budget Authority
Development Assistance...............................            $10,000
Economic Support Fund................................             35,000
International Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement..             91,840
Nonproliferation, Anti-terrorism, Demining and                     1,160
 Related Programs....................................
International Military Education and Training........              2,000
Foreign Military Financing Program...................              5,000
    Total, Mexico....................................            145,000

    Funds made available under the heading Economic Support 
Fund for assistance for Mexico should support justice reform, 
promote good governance, promote human rights, implement crime 
and violence prevention programs, and facilitate United States-
Mexico trade and investment. The Committee recognizes that the 
United States and Mexico face difficult challenges in securing 
our shared border while also facilitating the efficient flow of 
commerce and trade. The Committee believes that efforts to 
address these challenges could be strengthened through the 
development of common or complementary approaches in areas of 
mutual interest such as border security and law enforcement. 
The Committee encourages the Department of State, in 
cooperation with other relevant federal agencies, to explore 
new opportunities for cooperation with Mexican authorities, 
including training opportunities by state and local law 
enforcement entities in the United States. The Committee 
directs the USAID Administrator to include in the fiscal year 
2020 Country Narrative for Mexico a description of plans for 
support of such programs and activities.
    The Committee recognizes the importance of creating 
alternative livelihood opportunities for farmers in opium poppy 
crop-producing regions of Mexico in order to reduce the supply 
of opioids flowing into the United States. The Committee urges 
the Department of State and USAID to work with the Government 
of Mexico to develop an alternative livelihoods program in 
Mexico to increase economic opportunities for farmers, reduce 
their dependence on opium poppy as a cash crop, and complement 
other existing drug supply reduction strategies. The program 
should consider the experiences of alternative livelihood 
programming in other countries in the region and the impact of 
security conditions on program effectiveness. The Committee 
directs the USAID Administrator to include in the fiscal year 
2020 Country Narrative for Mexico a description of plans for 
support of such programs.
    The Committee notes the joint efforts between the United 
States and Mexico to strengthen and modernize border security 
at both northern and southern borders, ports, and airports 
through improved infrastructure, technology, and training. The 
Committee recommendation includes funding to continue to 
support such efforts, including along Mexico's southern border 
with Guatemala and Belize. Funds also are made available to 
assist the Government of Mexico in disrupting the capacity of 
organized crime to operate, institutionalize the capacity to 
sustain the rule of law, and to strengthen communities against 
organized crime.
    The Committee is concerned about the length of time it has 
taken in prior years for the Department of State and USAID to 
submit notifications of intent to obligate assistance for 
Mexico, as required under section 7015 of this Act. The 
Committee directs that Department of State and USAID to 
expedite the development and submission of such notifications.


    Mexico human rights.--Not later than 45 days after 
enactment of this Act, the Secretary of State shall report to 
the Committees on Appropriations on the extent to which the 
Government of Mexico is: (1) credibly investigating and 
prosecuting violations of human rights in civilian courts; (2) 
enforcing prohibitions against torture and the use of testimony 
obtained through torture; and (3) searching for victims of 
forced disappearances and credibly investigating and 
prosecuting those responsible for such crimes.
    The Caribbean.--The Committee recommendation includes not 
less than $58,000,000 for the Caribbean Basin Regional Security 
Initiative (CBSI). CBSI assists the nations of the Caribbean in 
improving their capacity to combat transnational crime and 
violence, increase public safety and security, promote social 
justice through police and justice sector reform, anti-
corruption programs and at-risk youth programs, and to address 
the regional instability caused by years of devastating natural 
disasters. Funds for CBSI are allocated according to the 
following table and should be viewed as minimum amounts 
necessary to support the Initiative in fiscal year 2020:

               [Budget authority in thousands of dollars]
                       Account                         Budget  Authority
Economic Support Fund................................            $25,300
International Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement..             25,200
Foreign Military Financing Program...................              7,500
    Total............................................             58,000

    In addition to funds made available for CBSI under title 
IV, the Committee directs that funds appropriated under title 
III of this Act be made available to strengthen resilience to 
emergencies and disasters in the Caribbean. The Committee 
further directs that funds appropriated under the headings 
Global Health Programs and Development Assistance be made 
available for assistance for Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean 
at not less than amounts provided in fiscal year 2019.


    CBSI.--Not later than 45 days after enactment of this Act, 
the Committee directs the Secretary of State, in coordination 
with the USAID Administrator, to provide to the Committees on 
Appropriations a report on the uses of all funds provided for 
the Caribbean Basin Security Initiative on a country-by-country 
basis for each program, project, and activity for fiscal years 
2010 through 2019, and integrate such information into the 
ForeignAssistance.gov website, as appropriate.
    Venezuela.--The bill provides not less than $17,500,000 for 
programs to promote democracy and the rule of law in Venezuela. 
The Committee urges the Secretary of State and USAID 
Administrator to allocate additional funds for support of a 
peaceful democratic transition in Venezuela as conditions 
permit. The Committee recommendation also includes funds under 
the headings International Disaster Assistance and Migration 
and Refugee Assistance to assist in the response to 
humanitarian needs resulting from the Venezuelan crisis, both 
inside and outside Venezuela. The Committee notes that 
Venezuela is subject to the notification requirements of 
section 7015 of this Act.
    Threats to civil society.--The Committee is concerned about 
attacks and assassinations of journalists, human rights 
defenders, and social leaders in Latin America, and recommends 
continued support for programs to help protect them and 
investigate the perpetrators of these crimes.
    Regional security cooperation.--Funds provided under the 
heading International Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement for 
Western Hemisphere Regional Security Cooperation are in 
addition to amounts otherwise provided for bilateral and 
regional programs under that heading.
    Western Hemisphere exchanges.--The Committee recommendation 
includes funds to expand academic exchanges between the United 
States and Latin America, including the ongoing 100,000 Strong 
in the Americas initiative. The Committee encourages the 
Department of State to increase opportunities for students to 
participate in the initiative from disadvantaged backgrounds or 
historically underserved populations.
    Section 7046 (Europe and Eurasia) includes language 
modified from the prior year regarding Europe and Eurasia.
    Subsection (c) prohibits funds in this Act for the central 
government of a country that the Secretary of State determines 
and reports has taken affirmative steps to support the Russian 
annexation of Crimea or other territory in Ukraine. The 
Secretary may waive the prohibition if it is in the national 
    Subsection (c) also continues the prohibition of funds in 
this Act for the central government of a country that the 
Secretary of State determines and reports has recognized the 
independence of, or has established diplomatic relations with, 
the Russian-occupied Georgian territories of Abkhazia and 
Tskhinvali Region/South Ossetia. The Secretary may waive the 
prohibition if it is in the national interest. The Committee 
notes that the Assad regime in Syria recognized such 
territories in May 2018.
    Pursuant to subsection (c)(5), not later than 90 days after 
enactment of this Act, the Secretary of State, in consultation 
with the USAID Administrator, shall submit to the Committees on 
Appropriations a multi-year strategy on democracy and rule of 
law programs in the Russian Federation, countries along the 
Russian periphery, and other countries in Europe and Eurasia 
targeted by or potentially vulnerable to malign influence 
campaigns of the Russian Federation, including cost estimates 
for fiscal years 2020-2022, objectives, and oversight 
mechanisms, for such programs on a country-by-country basis. 
The report shall include a description of the role of civil 
society organizations in the implementation of the strategy. 
The strategy shall be submitted in unclassified form, but may 
include a classified annex.
    Subsection (d) prohibits funds in this Act or prior Acts to 
transfer or deliver F-35 aircraft to Turkey, including any 
defense articles or services related to such aircraft, until 
the Secretary of State certifies to the appropriate 
congressional committees that the Government of Turkey is not 
purchasing the S-400 missile defense system from Russia and 
will not accept the delivery of such system.
    Countering Russian Influence Fund.--The Committee 
recommends that, from amounts made available by this Act, not 
less than less than $280,000,000 be made available for 
Countering Russian Influence Fund, to be allocated according to 
the following table:

               [Budget authority in thousands of dollars]
                       Account                         Budget  Authority
Assistance for Europe, Eurasia and Central Asia......            $75,000
International Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement..             62,500
International Military Education and Training........              5,000
Foreign Military Financing Program...................            137,500

    Georgia.--The Committee recommends that, from amounts made 
available by this Act, not less than $127,025,000 be made 
available for assistance for Georgia, to be allocated according 
to the following table:

               [Budget authority in thousands of dollars]
                       Account                         Budget  Authority
Assistance for Europe, Eurasia and Central Asia......            $83,025
International Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement..              5,700
Nonproliferation, Anti-terrorism, Demining and                     1,100
 Related Programs....................................
International Military Education and Training........              2,200
Foreign Military Financing Program...................             35,000

    Moldova.--The Committee recommends that from amounts made 
available by this Act, not less than $73,953,000 be made 
available for assistance for Moldova, to be allocated according 
to the following table:

               [Budget authority in thousands of dollars]
                       Account                         Budget  Authority
Assistance for Europe, Eurasia and Central Asia......            $51,853
International Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement..              7,800
Nonproliferation, Anti-terrorism, Demining and                       400
 Related Programs....................................
International Military Education and Training........              1,150
Foreign Military Financing Program...................             12,750

    Ukraine.--The Committee recommends that, from amounts made 
available by this Act, not less than $445,700,000 be made 
available for assistance for Ukraine, to be allocated according 
to the following table:

               [Budget authority in thousands of dollars]
                       Account                         Budget  Authority
Assistance for Europe, Eurasia and Central Asia......           $250,000
International Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement..             30,000
Nonproliferation, Anti-terrorism, Demining and                    15,000
 Related Programs....................................
International Military Education and Training........              2,900
Foreign Military Financing Program...................            115,000

    The bill includes additional assistance for Ukraine under 
the heading Global Health Programs.
    Report-Nord Stream II.--The Secretary of State is directed 
to report to the Committees on Appropriations not later than 45 
days after enactment of this Act regarding whether the 
sanctions under the Countering America's Adversaries Through 
Sanctions Act (Public Law 115-44) should be applied to entities 
engaged in the planning, construction or operation of the Nord 
Stream II pipeline, and if not, the reasons why such sanctions 
do not apply.
    Section 7047 (Stabilization and Development in Regions 
Impacted by Extremism and Conflict) includes language modified 
from the prior year related to assistance to regions impacted 
by extremism and conflict.
    Pursuant to subsection (a) the Committee directs the 
Secretary of State to ensure programs and activities to counter 
and defeat violent extremism and foreign fighters abroad are 
coordinated with and complement the efforts of other United 
States Government agencies and international partners, and that 
information gained through the conduct of such programs is 
shared in a timely manner with relevant departments and 
agencies of the United States Government, other international 
partners, and the Committees on Appropriations, as appropriate.
    The Committee supports continuing efforts for programs to 
counter violent extremism in Asia, including within the 
Buddhist community. Funds shall be administered by the Mission 
Director of the Regional Development Mission for Asia at USAID 
and are in addition to funds otherwise made available for such 
    Relief and Recovery Fund.--The Committee recommendation 
provides that, from amounts made available by this Act, not 
less than $195,000,000 shall be made available for the Relief 
and Recovery Fund, to be allocated according to the following 

                        RELIEF AND RECOVERY FUND
               [Budget authority in thousands of dollars]
                   Account/Program                     Budget  Authority
Economic Support Fund................................            $80,000
International Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement..             25,000
    of which, section 7033(b) Transitional Justice,                5,000
     Reconciliation, and Reintegration Programs......
Nonproliferation, Anti-terrorism, Demining and                    25,000
 Related Programs....................................
Peacekeeping Operations..............................             40,000
Foreign Military Financing Program...................             25,000
        Total, Relief and Recovery Fund..............            195,000

    Section 7048 (United Nations) includes language modified 
from the prior year relating to conditions on funds for the UN 
and other international organizations.
    Subsection (a) includes a 15 percent withholding on UN 
organizations, departments, and agencies until the Secretary of 
State makes the determination that each entity is: (1) posting 
on a publicly available website, consistent with privacy 
regulations and due process, regular financial and programmatic 
audits of such organization, department, or agency, and 
providing the United States Government with necessary access to 
such financial and performance audits; (2) effectively 
implementing and enforcing policies and procedures which 
reflect best practices for the protection of whistleblowers 
from retaliation, including best practices for: (A) protection 
against retaliation for internal and lawful public disclosures; 
(B) legal burdens of proof; (C) statutes of limitation for 
reporting retaliation; (D) access to independent adjudicative 
bodies, including external arbitration; and (E) results that 
eliminate the effects of proven retaliation; and (3) 
effectively implementing and enforcing policies and procedures 
on the appropriate use of travel funds, including restrictions 
on first class and business class travel.
    UNRWA.--Pursuant to subsection (d), funds appropriated 
under title III shall be made available to UNRWA unless the 
Secretary of State determines and reports to the Committee on 
Appropriations that UNRWA is violating a number of policies 
related to neutrality, impartiality, prohibiting weapons in 
their facilities, regular inspections, educational materials, 
financial transparency, and auditing practices.
    The Committee notes that since UNRWA began operations in 
1950, the United States has contributed approximately 
$6,248,000,000 to the Agency; which has been on average one-
third of UNRWA's annual budget until fiscal year 2018. The 
Committee remains concerned with the suspension of assistance 
to UNRWA that occurred in 2018, particularly in the absence of 
an alternative operational, humanitarian organization and 
observes, with great concern, that the withholding of United 
States assistance has greatly exacerbated poverty, fueled 
extremism, and further reduced the prospects for peace.


    Results of assistance.--The Committee directs that, not 
later than 90 days after enactment of this Act, the Secretary 
of State shall submit a report to the Committees on 
Appropriations detailing the rationale behind the Department's 
determination to suspend assistance to UNRWA. Such a report 
shall also contain a detailed comparison of UNRWA's human 
development and humanitarian services for each of the seven 
decades of UNRWA's operation, to include: (1) the number of 
Palestinians receiving services in UNRWA health facilities, 
including child survival and maternal mortality rates, 
vaccination rates, and availability of needed medical supplies, 
including contraception (2) living conditions, including the 
number of UNRWA-built temporary housing, long-term housing, and 
camps; (3) the number of UNRWA-operated schools and the total 
number of students enrolled in school, disaggregated by age, 
sex, and education level (pre-primary, primary, secondary, 
post-secondary/non-higher education, vocational training and 
higher education); (4) graduation versus drop-out rates from 
all UNRWA-operated schools, disaggregated by age, sex, and 
education level; and (5) job placement rates following 
completion of higher education versus unemployment rates, 
disaggregated by age and sex.
    Subsection (h) amends section 404(b)(2)(B) of the Foreign 
Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Years 1994 and 1995, to set 
the U.S. peacekeeping contribution rates at the full assessed 
rates for calendar years 2016, 2017, and 2018 for paying 
peacekeeping arrears owed to the UN from fiscal years 2017 and 
2018. The Committee is concerned about the effect of growing 
arrears on the UN peacekeeping system, and the liability 
mounting arrears creates for the Committees on Appropriations 
in future fiscal years.

    Sec. 7049 (Inspectors General) includes language carried in 
the prior year regarding timely access by Inspectors General to 
records, documents, or other materials available to a 
department or agency of the United States.
    Timely access.--The Committee directs that a department or 
agency of the United States Government covered by this section 
shall provide its Inspector General access to all records, 
documents, and other materials in a timely manner.
    Compliance.--The Committee directs that each Inspector 
General covered by this section shall ensure compliance with 
statutory limitations on disclosure relevant to the information 
provided by the department or agency over which that Inspector 
General has responsibilities under the Inspector General Act of 
1978 (5 U.S.C. App.).

    Section 7050 (Global Internet Freedom) includes language 
modified from the prior year regarding global Internet freedom 

    The Committee directs that funds made available to promote 
internet freedom globally shall be prioritized for countries 
whose governments restrict freedom of expression on the 
Internet. Such funds shall be: (1) coordinated with other 
democracy programs funded by this Act; (2) incorporated into 
country assistance and democracy promotion strategies; (3) for 
programs to implement the cyberspace strategies of the 
Department of State and the comprehensive strategy to promote 
Internet freedom access to information in Iran, as required by 
section 414 of the Iran Threat Reduction and Syria Human Rights 
Act of 2012; (4) for programs that support the efforts of civil 
society to counter the development of repressive Internet-
related laws and regulations; (5) for research of key threats 
to Internet freedom; the continued development of technologies 
that provide or enhance access to the Internet, including 
circumvention tools that bypass Internet blocking, filtering, 
and other censorship techniques used by authoritarian 
governments; and maintenance of the technological advantage of 
the United States Government over such censorship techniques. 
The Secretary of State, in coordination with the USAGM CEO, is 
directed to coordinate such research and development programs 
with other relevant United States Government departments and 
agencies in order to share information, technologies, and best 
practices, and to assess the effectiveness of such 
    The spend plan required by subsection (b) for the 
Department of State shall include funding for all relevant 
Department of State and USAID offices and bureaus.
    The security and auditing procedures used by the Bureau of 
Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, Department of State and 
applied pursuant to subsection (c) shall be reviewed and 
updated periodically to reflect current industry security 
    Section 7051 (Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman, or 
Degrading Treatment or Punishment) includes language carried in 
the prior year prohibiting funds for the use of torture.
    Section 7052 (Aircraft Transfer, Coordination, and Use) 
includes language carried in the prior year relating to 
aircraft transfer and coordination.
    Section 7053 (Parking Fines and Real Property Taxes Owed by 
Foreign Government) includes language carried in the prior year 
relating to unpaid parking fines and real property taxes owed 
by foreign governments.
    Section 7054 (International Monetary Fund) includes 
language modified from the prior year regarding the 
International Monetary Fund.
    Section 7055 (Extradition) includes language carried in the 
prior year prohibiting funds for a country that does not 
cooperate in the extradition to the United States of certain 
    Section 7056 (Impact on Jobs in the United States) includes 
language modified from the prior year establishing certain 
limitations on assistance that may impact jobs in the United 
    The Committee encourages the Export-Import Bank and the DFC 
to weigh the impact on jobs in the United States in addition to 
environmental concerns when considering the approval of power-
generation projects abroad.
    Section 7057 (United Nations Population Fund) includes 
language modified from the prior year regarding assistance 
provided to UNFPA and to address women's health. In exercising 
the direction in subsection (b), consideration should be given 
to allocating assistance to populations and geographic areas 
affected by the decision to reprogram funds.
    Section 7058 (Global Health Activities) includes language 
modified from the prior year regarding global health activities 
and providing certain authorities to better prepare for, and 
respond to, emerging health threats.
    Section 7059 (Gender Equality) includes language modified 
from the prior year regarding programs that support gender 
    With respect to subsection (c), gender programs should 
incorporate coordinated efforts to combat a variety of forms of 
gender-based violence, including child marriage, rape, female 
genital cutting and mutilation, and domestic violence.
    The Committee directs that funds made available to train 
foreign police, judicial, and military personnel, including for 
international peacekeeping, address prevention and response to 
gender-based violence and trafficking in persons, and support 
integration of women into security forces. The Committee 
encourages the Secretary of State to ensure women's 
participation is increased in peacekeeping operations and other 
security assistance programs, as appropriate.
    Careers in science and engineering.--The Committee 
encourages the Department of State to continue support for 
public-private partnerships that empower adolescent girls to 
pursue further education in the science, technology, 
engineering, art, and mathematics (STEAM) fields, including the 
Women in Science Girls STEAM Camp and the Alumni Thematic 
International Exchange Series.


    Gender.--The Committee directs that, not later than 45 days 
after the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of State, in 
consultation with the USAID Administrator, shall submit a 
report to the Committees on Appropriations on programs 
supported by the Department of State and USAID on women's 
leadership, gender-based violence, and women at risk of 
extremism and the fulfillment of the requirements of this 
section. In addition, the report shall include the use of funds 
provided by this Act to support United States government 
efforts to empower women as equal partners in conflict 
prevention, peace building, transitional processes, and 
reconstruction efforts in countries affected by conflict or in 
political transition, and to ensure the equitable provision of 
relief and recovery assistance to women and girls.

    Section 7060 (Sector Allocations) includes language 
modified from the prior year regarding assistance for programs 
related to basic education, higher education, environment, food 
security and agriculture development, microenterprise, programs 
to combat trafficking in persons, reconciliation, and water and 
    Basic education.--Of the funds made available by subsection 
(a)(1)(B), $100,000,000 is included for the Global Partnership 
for Education and $25,000,000 is included for Education Cannot 
Wait. The Committee expects that funds provided to Education 
Cannot Wait should be derived from funding accounts in a manner 
consistent with prior years.


    Obligation.--The Committee directs that not later than 30 
days after enactment of this Act and quarterly thereafter until 
September 30, 2020, the USAID Administrator shall report to the 
Committees on Appropriations on the status of cumulative 
unobligated balances and obligated, but unexpended, balances in 
each country where USAID provides basic education assistance 
and such report shall also include details on the types of 
contracts and grants provided and the goals and objectives of 
such assistance.
    Pursuant to paragraph (2) of such amounts provided for 
higher education, after consultation with the Committees on 
Appropriations, not less than $35,000,000 shall be made 
available for human and institutional capacity building 
partnerships between higher education institutions in the 
United States and developing countries, including $15,000,000 
for new partnerships.
    Environment.--The Committee directs the Secretary of the 
Treasury to instruct the United States executive director of 
each IFI that it is the policy of the United States to vote in 
support of the construction of any large dam only if the 
Secretary of the Treasury, after consulting with the Department 
of State, USAID, and other technical personnel, as appropriate, 
determines that the IFI is taking the necessary steps to meet 
the following safeguards: (1) projects are selected based on 
resource and river basin management plans that include full 
stakeholder participation, a thorough, objective assessment of 
social and environmental impacts (including cumulative and life 
cycle gas emissions) and economic risks and returns; (2) 
projects will safeguard river basin ecosystems, including by 
maintaining sufficient operational flows to protect existing 
ecosystems from negative impacts while protecting critical 
natural habitats based on the comprehensive impact assessment 
described above; (3) demonstrable public acceptance of 
projects, planned mitigation, and benefits are achieved through 
transparent, good faith engagement with full participation of 
affected people in the catchment, reservoir, and downstream 
areas; (4) the project has been developed transparently, with 
timely public access to key documents including environmental 
and social impact assessments and management plans, feasibility 
studies, economic and risk analyses, and revenue management 
plans, with appropriate exceptions for proprietary information; 
(5) the country has in place sound dam management practices, 
or, where necessary, commits to appropriate and timely capacity 
building; and (6) the project includes environmental and social 
mitigation measures to be funded and implemented throughout the 
life of the project based on a monitoring and mitigation plan, 
and progress on these mitigation measures is regularly 
monitored and publicly reported.
    Pursuant to subparagraph (b)(2)(B), the Committee remains 
concerned about the crisis of wildlife trafficking and the 
continued negative effect it is having on international 
security and stability and the implications for endangered 
species. The Committee notes that funds from biodiversity 
programs are used to meet the wildlife trafficking directive.
    The Committee recognizes the severity of poaching in Africa 
and the destabilizing effect it has on regional security, 
including by providing a significant source of financing for 
armed groups with links to transnational organized crime and 
terrorism. Funds should also be made available to expand 
wildlife trafficking programs in Central and South America to 
strengthen law enforcement and site-based conservation and 
anti-poaching measures. Funds for wildlife trafficking should 
be used to improve port and border security at key transit 
points; promote community-based approaches for wildlife 
protection; and support programs to reduce consumer demand.
    Based on the CARPE model, the Committee supports continuing 
and expanding transnational approaches throughout sub-Saharan 
Africa, including the Okavango River Basin.
    The Committee also encourages continued implementation of 
the National Strategy for Combating Wildlife Trafficking. The 
Committee notes such strategy calls for the use of innovative 
and science-based analytical tools to combat wildlife poaching 
and trafficking. The Committee supports efforts to engage with 
the private sector and nongovernmental organizations in the 
development and use of such tools.
    The Committee directs the Secretary of State, the USAID 
Administrator, and the Director of USFWS to consult with the 
Committees on Appropriations on the use of funds provided for 
programs to combat wildlife trafficking and directs that the 
congressional budget justification for fiscal year 2021 include 
country and program funding levels for such programs. The 
Committee also directs USAID and the Bureau of International 
Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs to include monitoring and 
evaluation components in wildlife trafficking implementation 
agreements and include data from such monitoring and evaluation 
efforts in its reports to Congress.
    Pursuant to subparagraph (b)(1)(C), funds in this Act may 
be made available for a contribution, grant, or any other 
payment for the Paris Agreement, subject to prior consultation 
with, and the regular notification procedures of, the 
Committees on Appropriations.
    Pursuant to subparagraph (b)(1)(D), none of the funds in 
this Act, or prior Acts making appropriations for the 
Department of State, foreign operations and related programs, 
may be used to provide formal notification to withdraw from the 
Paris Agreement.


    Climate.--The Committee acknowledges that climate change is 
a threat to United States national security, driving poverty, 
instability, and conflict across the globe. Constructive United 
States leadership is instrumental to ensuring the collective 
action necessary to uphold the goals of the Paris Agreement and 
combat this global threat. Not later than 90 days after 
enactment of this Act, the Committee directs the Secretary of 
State, in consultation with USAID, to submit to the Committees 
on Appropriations a plan describing how the agencies will 
continue to support the goals of the Paris Agreement.
    Pursuant to subsection (e), $67,000,000 is included for 
programs to combat trafficking in persons under the headings 
Development Assistance, Economic Support Fund, Assistance for 
Europe, Eurasia, and Central Asia, and International Narcotics 
and Law Enforcement headings, to be coordinated by the Office 
to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons. Of the amounts 
provided, $45,000,000 is included under the heading 
International Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement. The 
Committee directs that $5,000,000 of such funds be made 
available for child protection compacts. The Committee expects 
that funds will be prioritized for countries with the greatest 
need and continue to support child protection compacts pursuant 
to Public Law 113-94.
    The Committee notes an additional $16,000,000 is provided 
under the heading Diplomatic Programs for the operational costs 
of the Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons, 
which is described further under title I in this report.
    In addition to funds made available pursuant to subsection 
(e), the Committee includes $25,000,000 under the heading 
International Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement to support 
programs to end modern slavery.
    The Committee is greatly concerned with the changed 
implementation of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act 
(Public Law 106-386) and the decision to not apply waivers for 
the poorest countries. The Committee believes that the 
discontinuation of social service programs for vulnerable 
people, such as livelihood, environment, and education 
programs, will have an adverse effect on anti-trafficking 
objectives and lead to communities being more vulnerable to 
trafficking. The Administration should use the waivers and 
authorities provided by Congress to preserve common-sense 
assistance programs.
    The Committee urges the USAID Administrator to strengthen 
implementation of the Counter-Trafficking in Persons (C-TIP) 
policy. The Administrator should ensure that USAID personnel 
and implementing partners are appropriately educated and 
trained according to the C-TIP Field Guide. C-TIP activities 
should be integrated into other development programs, project 
design, and methods for program evaluation. The Committee 
believes the Secretary of State and the USAID Administrator 
should ensure that foreign assistance programs relating to 
humanitarian assistance, food security, poverty reduction, 
social and economic growth and development, education, and 
democracy and governance contribute to decreased vulnerability 
to, or prevalence of, human trafficking and forced labor, 
consistent with United States policy, including with section 
107A(e) of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000.


    Resources to combat human trafficking.--The Committee 
directs that, not later than 45 days after enactment of this 
Act, the Secretary of State, in consultation with the USAID 
Administrator, submit a report to the Committees on 
Appropriations on obligations and expenditures of all fiscal 
year 2019 funds managed by the Department of State and USAID to 
combat human trafficking and forced labor. The report shall 
include funding by program, project, and activity and describe 
the management structure at the Department of State and USAID 
used to program such funds. The Committee notes that this is 
the fourth year this information has been requested without 
submission of such report.
    Pursuant to subsection (f), the Committee directs that the 
Office of Conflict Management and Mitigation at USAID 
administer reconciliation programs, and funds for such programs 
should be matched by sources other than the United States 
Government to the maximum extent practicable.

    Section 7061 (Budget Documents) includes language modified 
from the prior year requiring operating and spend plans for 
funds provided in this Act.
    Operating plans.--Pursuant to subsection (a), operating 
plans shall include, as applicable, a comparison between the 
congressional budget justification funding levels, the most 
recent congressional directives or approved funding levels, and 
the funding levels proposed by the department or agency; and a 
clear, concise, and informative description/justification.
    Section 7062 (Reorganization) includes language modified 
from the prior year concerning consultation, notification, and 
reporting requirements involving any agency reorganization.
    Prior Consultation and Notification.--Pursuant to 
subsection (a), the notification shall include: (1) a detailed 
description of, and justification for, the proposed action, 
including any policies or procedures currently or expected to 
be used to implement Executive Order 13781; (2) the current 
organizational chart, showing the operating units of the 
respective department, agency or organization and a brief 
description of each operating unit; the number of employees for 
each operating unit; the proposed new organizational chart with 
descriptions of each new operating unit; and the number of 
employees once the proposed reorganization is complete; (3) an 
assessment of how the proposed action will improve the 
efficiency, effectiveness, performance, and accountability 
(including through modernizing information technology platforms 
and streamlining administrative functions) of the department, 
agency, or organization; (4) an analysis of the impact of any 
such change on the ability to advance the national interest of 
the United States through diplomacy and development, and to 
conduct adequate monitoring and oversight of foreign assistance 
programs, and any legislative change necessary to implement 
such proposals; (5) the estimated cost, including for design, 
implementation, facilities, and personnel for fiscal years 2020 
and 2021; (6) the estimated timeline to complete the proposed 
action; and (7) an assessment of any cost savings and 
efficiencies achieved through implementation of each element of 
the proposed action.
    Section 7063 (Designation) includes language carried in the 
prior year providing certain conditions on amounts designated 
as Overseas Contingency Operations/Global War on Terrorism.
    Section 7064 (Assistance for Foreign Nongovernmental 
Organizations) includes new language regarding restrictions on 
foreign non-governmental organizations.
    The Committee recommendation does not include a title VIII 
as in prior years. The Committee notes that funds designated as 
OCO/GWOT are included under the relevant headings. Accordingly, 
the Committee recommends the following general provisions 
carried in the fiscal year 2019 Act be deleted: 8001, 8002, 
8003, and 8004.

             House of Representatives Reporting Requirement

    The following materials are submitted in accordance with 
various requirements of the Rules of the House of 

         Statement of General Performance Goals and Objectives

    Pursuant to clause 3(c)(4) of rule XIII of the Rules of the 
House of Representatives, the following is a statement of 
general performance goals and objectives for which this measure 
authorizes funding: The Committee on Appropriations considers 
program performance, including a program's success in 
developing and attaining outcome-related goals and objectives, 
in developing funding recommendations.


    The bill does not include any rescissions.

                           Transfers of Funds

    Pursuant to clause 3(f)(2) of rule XIII of the Rules of the 
House of Representatives, the following list includes the 
transfers of funds included in the accompanying bill:
    In title I, under Diplomatic Programs, language is included 
to transfer funds to Emergencies in the Diplomatic and Consular 
Service for emergency evacuations and rewards.
    In title I, under Emergencies in the Diplomatic and 
Consular Service, language is included to transfer funds to 
Repatriation Loans Program.
    In title III, under United States Emergency Refugee and 
Migration Assistance Fund, language is included to transfer 
funds to Migration and Refugee Assistance in excess of the 
limitation carried in underlying authority.
    In title III, under Peace Corps, language is included to 
transfer funds to the Foreign Currency Fluctuations Account and 
to transfer funds to other departments and agencies.
    Under title VII, language is included under section 7009 to 
transfer funds under title I for the Department of State and 
the United States Agency for Global Media.
    Under title VII, language is included under section 7009 to 
transfer funds under titles III and IV for the United States 
International Development Finance Corporation.
    Under title VII, language is included under section 7034 to 
transfer funds under Protection of Foreign Missions and 
Officials and unobligated balances of expired funds under 
Diplomatic Programs for extraordinary protection.
    Under title VII, language is included under section 7047 to 
transfer funds under Economic Support Fund, International 
Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement, Non-proliferation, Anti-
terrorism, Demining and Related Programs, Peacekeeping 
Operations, and Foreign Military Financing Program to the 
Relief and Recovery Fund.
    Under title VII, language is included under section 7058(b) 
to transfer funds between Global Health Programs and 
International Disaster Assistance.

   Disclosure of Earmarks and Congressionally Directed Spending Items

    Pursuant to clause 9 of rule XXI of the Rules of the House 
of Representatives, neither the bill nor this report contain 
any congressional earmarks, limited tax benefits, or limited 
tariff benefits as defined in clause 9 of rule XXI of the Rules 
of the House of Representatives.

          Compliance With Rule XIII, Cl. 3(e) (Ramseyer Rule)

    In compliance with clause 3(e) of rule XIII of the Rules of 
the House of Representatives, changes in existing law made by 
the bill, as reported, are shown as follows (existing law 
proposed to be omitted is enclosed in black brackets, new 
matter is printed in italics, existing law in which no change 
is proposed is shown in roman):



    (a) Establishment.--Notwithstanding any other provision of 
law, there is established in the Treasury a separate account 
which shall be known as the Vietnam Debt Repayment Fund (in 
this subsection referred to as the ``Fund'').
    (b) Deposits.--There shall be deposited as offsetting 
receipts into the Fund all payments (including interest 
payments) made by the Socialist Republic of Vietnam under the 
United States-Vietnam debt agreement.
    (c) Availability of the Funds.--
            (1) Fiscal year limitation.--Beginning with fiscal 
        year 2002, and each subsequent fiscal year through 
        fiscal year 2018, $5,000,000 of the amounts deposited 
        into the Fund (or accrued interest) each fiscal year 
        shall be available to the Foundation, without fiscal 
        year limitation, under paragraph (2).
            (2) Disbursement of funds.--The Secretary of the 
        Treasury, at least on a quarterly basis, shall transfer 
        to the Foundation amounts allotted to the Foundation 
        under paragraph (1) for the purpose of carrying out its 
            (3) Excess funds.--During each of the fiscal years 
        2015 through 2018, amounts deposited into the Fund, in 
        excess of the amounts made available to the Foundation 
        under paragraph (1), shall be made available by the 
        Secretary of the Treasury, upon the request of the 
        Secretary of State, for grants to support the 
        establishment of an independent, not-for-profit 
        academic institution in the Socialist Republic of 
            (4) On October 1, 2019, any remaining unobligated 
        balances of funds made available under the heading 
        ``Vietnam Education Foundation--Vietnam Debt Repayment 
        Fund'' tha t are not necessary for liquidating the 
        final liabilities of the Vietnam Education Foundation 
        shall be available for grants authorized by section 211 
        of this Act.
    (d) Annual Report.--The Secretary of the Treasury shall 
prepare and submit annually to Congress statements of financial 
condition of the Fund, including the beginning balance, 
receipts, refunds to appropriations, transfers to the general 
fund, and the ending balance.

                        APPROPRIATIONS ACT, 1990

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

       establishing categories of aliens for purposes of refugee 

    Sec. 599D. (a) In General.--In the case of an alien who is 
within a category of aliens established under subsection (b), 
the alien may establish, for purposes of admission as a refugee 
under section 207 of the Immigration and Nationality Act, that 
the alien has a well-founded fear of persecution on account of 
race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social 
group, or political opinion by asserting such a fear and 
asserting a credible basis for concern about the possibility of 
such persecution.
    (b) Establishment of Categories.--
            (1) For purposes of subsection (a), the Attorney 
        General, in consultation with the Secretary of State 
        and the Coordinator for Refugee Affairs, shall 
                    (A) one or more categories of aliens who 
                are or were nationals and residents of an 
                independent state of the former Soviet Union or 
                of Estonia, Latvia, or Lithuania and who share 
                common characteristics that identify them as 
                targets of persecution in that state on account 
                of race, religion, nationality, membership in a 
                particular social group, or political opinion,
                    (B) one or more categories of aliens who 
                are or were nationals and residents of Vietnam, 
                Laos, or Cambodia and who share common 
                characteristics that identify them as targets 
                of persecution in such respective foreign state 
                on such an account; and
            (C) one or more categories of aliens who are or 
        were nationals and residents of the Islamic Republic or 
        Iran who, as members of a religious minority in Iran, 
        share common characteristics that identify them as 
        targets of persecution in that state on account of 
        race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular 
        social group, or political opinion.
            (2)(A) Aliens who are (or were) nationals and 
        residents of an independent state of the former Soviet 
        Union or of Estonia, Latvia, or Lithuania and who are 
        Jews or Evangelical Christians shall be deemed a 
        category of alien established under paragraph (1)(A).
            (B) Aliens who are (or were) nationals of an 
        independent state of the former Soviet Union or of 
        Estonia, Latvia, or Lithuania and who are current 
        members of, and demonstrate public, active, and 
        continuous participation (or attempted participation) 
        in the religious activities of, the Ukrainian Catholic 
        Church or the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, shall be 
        deemed a category of alien established under paragraph 
            (C) Aliens who are (or were) nationals and 
        residents of Vietnam, Laos, or Cambodia and who are 
        members of categories of individuals determined, by the 
        Attorney General in accordance with ``Immigration and 
        Naturalization Service Worldwide Guidelines for 
        Overseas Refugee Processing'' (issued by the 
        Immigration and Naturalization Service in August 1983) 
        shall be deemed a category of alien established under 
        paragraph (1)(B).
            (3) Within the number of admissions of refugees 
        allocated for each of fiscal years 1990, 1991, and 1992 
        for refugees who are nationals of the Soviet Union 
        under section 207(a)(3) of the Immigration and 
        Nationality Act (and within the number of such 
        admissions allocated for each of fiscal years 1993, 
        1994, 1995, and 1996 for refugees who are nationals of 
        the independent states of the former Soviet Union, 
        Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania under such section) and 
        within the number of such admissions allocated for each 
        of fiscal years 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 
        1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 
        2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 
        2017, 2018, [and 2019] 2019, and 2020 for refugees who 
        are nationals of the independent states of the former 
        Soviet Union, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania under such 
        section, notwithstanding any other provision of law, 
        the President shall allocate one thousand of such 
        admissions for such fiscal year to refugees who are 
        within the category of aliens described in paragraph 
    (c) Written Reasons for Denials of Refugee Status.--Each 
decision to deny an application for refugee status of an alien 
who is within a category established under this section shall 
be in writing and shall state, to the maximum extent feasible, 
the reason for the denial.
    (d) Permitting Certain Aliens Within Categories to Reapply 
for Refugee Status.--Each alien who is within a category 
established under this section and who (after August 14, 1988, 
and before the date of the enactment of this Act) was denied 
refugee status shall be permitted to reapply for such status. 
Such an application shall be determined taking into account the 
application of this section.
    (e) Period of Application.--
            (1) Subsections (a) and (b) shall take effect on 
        the date of the enactment of this Act and shall only 
        apply to applications for refugee status submitted 
        before October 1, [2019] 2020.
            (2) Subsection (c) shall apply to decisions made 
        after the date of the enactment of this Act and before 
        October 1, [2019] 2020.
            (3) Subsection (d) shall take effect on the date of 
        the enactment of this Act and shall only apply to 
        reapplications for refugee status submitted before 
        October 1, [2019] 2020.

    adjustment of status for certain soviet and indochinese parolees

    Sec. 599E. (a) In General.--The Attorney General shall 
adjust the status of an alien described in subsection (b) to 
that of an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence if 
the alien--
            (1) applies for such adjustment,
            (2) has been physically present in the United 
        States for at least 1 year and is physically present in 
        the United States on the date the application for such 
        adjustment is filed,
            (3) is admissible to the United States as an 
        immigrant, except as provided in subsection (c), and
            (4) pays a fee (determined by the Attorney General) 
        for the processing of such application.
    (b) Aliens Eligible for Adjustment of Status.--The benefits 
provided in subsection (a) shall only apply to an alien who--
            (1) was a national of an independent state of the 
        former Soviet Union or of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, 
        Vietnam, Laos, or Cambodia, and
            (2) was inspected and granted parole into the 
        United States during the period beginning on August 15, 
        1988, and ending on September 30, [2019] 2020, after 
        being denied refugee status.
    (c) Waiver of Certain Grounds for Inadmissibility.--The 
provisions of paragraphs (4), (5), and (7)(A) of section 212(a) 
of the Immigration and Nationality Act shall not apply to 
adjustment of status under this section and the Attorney 
General may waive any other provision of such section (other 
than paragraph (2)(C) or subparagraph (A), (B), (C), or (E) of 
paragraph (3)) with respect to such an adjustment for 
humanitarian purposes, to assure family unity, or when it is 
otherwise in the public interest.
    (d) Date of Approval.--Upon the approval of such an 
application for adjustment of status, the Attorney General 
shall create a record of the alien's admission as a lawful 
permanent resident as of the date of the alien's inspection and 
parole described in subsection (b)(2).
    (e) No Offset in Number of Visas Available.--When an alien 
is granted the status of having been lawfully admitted for 
permanent residence under this section, the Secretary of State 
shall not be required to reduce the number of immigrant visas 
authorized to be issued under the Immigration and Nationality 


           *       *       *       *       *       *       *
                                TITLE X


           *       *       *       *       *       *       *


           *       *       *       *       *       *       *


    Sec. 12001. (a)(1) Notwithstanding section 514 of the 
Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 (22 U.S.C. 2321h), the President 
may transfer to Israel, in exchange for concessions to be 
negotiated by the Secretary of Defense, with the concurrence of 
the Secretary of State, any or all of the items described in 
paragraph (2).
    (2) The items referred to in paragraph (1) are armor, 
artillery, automatic weapons ammunition, missiles, and other 
munitions that--
            (A) are obsolete or surplus items;
            (B) are in the inventory of the Department of 
            (C) are intended for use as reserve stocks for 
        Israel; and
            (D) are located in a stockpile in Israel.
    (b) The value of concessions negotiated pursuant to 
subsection (a) shall be at least equal to the fair market value 
of the items transferred. The concessions may include cash 
compensation, services, waiver of charges otherwise payable by 
the United States, and other items of value.
    (c) Not later than 30 days before making a transfer under 
the authority of this section, the President shall transmit a 
notification of the proposed transfer to the Committees on 
Foreign Relations and Armed Services of the Senate and the 
Committees on International Relations and Armed Services of the 
House of Representatives. The notification shall identify the 
items to be transferred and the concessions to be received.
    (d) No transfer may be made under the authority [of this 
section after September 30, 2020.] of this section after 
September 30, 2021.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *


                     FOREIGN ASSISTANCE ACT OF 1961

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *
                                 PART I

Chapter 1--Policy; Development Assistance Authorizations

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *


    Notwithstanding any other provision of law, regulation, or 
policy, in determining eligibility for assistance under 
sections 104, 104A, 104B, and 104C, a foreign nongovernmental 
            (1) shall not be ineligible for such assistance 
        solely on the basis of health or medical services, 
        including counseling and referral services, provided by 
        such organization with non-United States Government 
        funds if such services--
                    (A) are permitted in the country in which 
                they are being provided; and
                    (B) would not violate United States law if 
                provided in the United States; and
            (2) shall not be subject to requirements relating 
        to the use of non-United States Government funds for 
        advocacy and lobbying activities other than those that 
        apply to United States nongovernmental organizations 
        receiving assistance under this part.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *


           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

Chapter 2--Military Assistance

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

    Sec. 514. Stockpiling of Defense Articles for Foreign 
Countries.--(a) No defense article in the inventory of the 
Department of Defense which is set aside, reserved, or in any 
way earmarked or intended for future use by any foreign country 
may be made available to or for use by any foreign country 
unless such transfer is authorized under this Act or the Arms 
Export Control Act, or any subsequent corresponding 
legislation, and the value of such transfer is charged against 
funds authorized under such legislation or against the 
limitations specified in such legislation, as appropriate, for 
the fiscal period in which such defense article is transferred. 
For purposes of this subsection, ``value'' means the 
acquisition cost plus crating, packing, handling, and 
transportation costs incurred in carrying out this section.
    (b)(1) The value of defense articles to be set aside, 
earmarked, reserved, or intended for use as war reserve stocks 
for allied or other foreign countries (other than for purposes 
of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization or in the 
implementation of agreements with Israel) in stockpiles located 
in foreign countries may not exceed in any fiscal year an 
amount that is specified in security assistance authorizing 
legislation for that fiscal year.
    (2)(A) The value of such additions to stockpiles of defense 
articles in foreign countries shall not exceed $200,000,000 for 
each of fiscal years 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 
[and 2020] 2020, and 2021.
    (B) Of the amount specified in subparagraph (A) for a 
fiscal year, not more than $200,000,000 may be made available 
for stockpiles in the State of Israel.
    (c) Location of Stockpiles of Defense Articles.--
            (1) Limitation.--Except as provided in paragraph 
        (2), no stockpile of defense articles may be located 
        outside the boundaries of a United States military base 
        or a military base used primarily by the United States.
            (2) Exceptions.--Paragraph (1) shall not apply with 
        respect to stockpiles of defense articles located in 
        the Republic of Korea, Thailand, any country that is a 
        member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, any 
        country that is a major non-NATO ally, or any other 
        country the President may designate. At least 15 days 
        before designating a country pursuant to the last 
        clause of the preceding sentence, the President shall 
        notify the congressional committees specified in 
        section 634A(a) in accordance with the procedures 
        applicable to reprogramming notifications under that 
    (d) No defense article transferred from any stockpile which 
is made available to or for use by any foreign country may be 
considered an excess defense article for the purpose of 
determining the value thereof.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *


                        APPROPRIATIONS ACT, 2017

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           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

                    latin america and the caribbean

    Sec. 7045. (a) Central America.--
            (1) Strategy review and update.--The Secretary of 
        State, in consultation with the heads of other relevant 
        United States Government agencies, shall review the 
        United States Strategy for Engagement in Central 
        America (the Strategy) and submit an updated Strategy 
        to the appropriate congressional committees not later 
        than 90 days after enactment of this Act:  Provided, 
        That such Strategy shall address the key factors in 
        countries in Central America that contribute to the 
        migration of undocumented Central Americans to the 
        United States:  Provided further, That such Strategy 
        should support regional security and economic 
        initiatives, including the Plan of the Alliance for 
        Prosperity in the Northern Triangle in Central America 
        (the Plan), to the extent the Secretary of State 
        determines such initiatives are consistent with the 
        national interest of the United States.
            (2) Funding.--Subject to the requirements of this 
        subsection, of the funds appropriated under titles III 
        and IV of this Act, [$655,000,000 should] not less than 
        $655,000,000 shall be made available for assistance for 
        countries in Central America to implement the United 
        States Strategy for Engagement in Central America:  
        Provided further, That such funds shall be made 
        available to the maximum extent practicable on a cost-
        matching basis.
            (3) Pre-obligation requirements.--Prior to the 
        obligation of funds made available pursuant to 
        paragraph (2) and following the submission of the 
        Strategy as required in paragraph (1), the Secretary of 
        State shall submit to the Committees on Appropriations 
        a multi-year spend plan as described under this section 
        in the explanatory statement described in section 4 (in 
        the matter preceding division A of this Consolidated 
        Act), including a description of how such funds shall 
        prioritize addressing the key factors in countries in 
        Central America that contribute to the migration of 
        undocumented Central Americans to the United States.
            (4) Assistance for the central governments of el 
        salvador, guatemala, and honduras.--Of the funds made 
        available pursuant to paragraph (2) that are available 
        for assistance for each of the central governments of 
        El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras, the following 
        amounts shall be withheld from obligation and may only 
        be made available as follows:
                    (A) 25 percent may only be obligated after 
                the Secretary of State certifies and reports to 
                the appropriate congressional committees that 
                such government is taking effective steps, 
                which are in addition to those steps taken 
                since the certification and report submitted 
                during the prior year, if applicable, to--
                            (i) inform its citizens of the 
                        dangers of the journey to the southwest 
                        border of the United States;
                            (ii) combat human smuggling and 
                            (iii) improve border security, 
                        including to prevent illegal migration, 
                        human smuggling and trafficking, and 
                        trafficking of illicit drugs and other 
                        contraband; and
                            (iv) cooperate with United States 
                        Government agencies and other 
                        governments in the region to facilitate 
                        the return, repatriation, and 
                        reintegration of illegal migrants 
                        arriving at the southwest border of the 
                        United States who do not qualify for 
                        asylum, consistent with international 
                    (B) An additional 50 percent may only be 
                obligated after the Secretary of State 
                certifies and reports to the appropriate 
                congressional committees that such government 
                is taking effective steps, which are in 
                addition to those steps taken since the 
                certification and report submitted during the 
                prior year, if applicable, to--
                            (i) work cooperatively with an 
                        autonomous, publicly accountable entity 
                        to provide oversight of the Plan;
                            (ii) combat corruption, including 
                        investigating and prosecuting current 
                        and former government officials 
                        credibly alleged to be corrupt;
                            (iii) implement reforms, policies, 
                        and programs to improve transparency 
                        and strengthen public institutions, 
                        including increasing the capacity and 
                        independence of the judiciary and the 
                        Office of the Attorney General;
                            (iv) implement a policy to ensure 
                        that local communities, civil society 
                        organizations (including indigenous and 
                        other marginalized groups), and local 
                        governments are consulted in the 
                        design, and participate in the 
                        implementation and evaluation of, 
                        activities of the Plan that affect such 
                        communities, organizations, and 
                            (v) counter the activities of 
                        criminal gangs, drug traffickers, and 
                        organized crime;
                            (vi) investigate and prosecute in 
                        the civilian justice system government 
                        personnel, including military and 
                        police personnel, who are credibly 
                        alleged to have violated human rights, 
                        and ensure that such personnel are 
                        cooperating in such cases;
                            (vii) cooperate with commissions 
                        against corruption and impunity and 
                        with regional human rights entities;
                            (viii) support programs to reduce 
                        poverty, expand education and 
                        vocational training for at-risk youth, 
                        create jobs, and promote equitable 
                        economic growth particularly in areas 
                        contributing to large numbers of 
                            (ix) implement a plan that includes 
                        goals, benchmarks and timelines to 
                        create a professional, accountable 
                        civilian police force and end the role 
                        of the military in internal policing, 
                        and make such plan available to the 
                        Department of State;
                            (x) protect the right of political 
                        opposition parties, journalists, trade 
                        unionists, human rights defenders, and 
                        other civil society activists to 
                        operate without interference;
                            (xi) increase government revenues, 
                        including by implementing tax reforms 
                        and strengthening customs agencies; and
                            (xii) resolve commercial disputes, 
                        including the confiscation of real 
                        property, between United States 
                        entities and such government.
            (5) Suspension of assistance and periodic review.--
                    (A) The Secretary of State shall 
                periodically review the progress of each of the 
                central governments of El Salvador, Guatemala, 
                and Honduras in meeting the requirements of 
                paragraphs (4)(A) and (4)(B):  Provided, That 
                if the Secretary determines that sufficient 
                progress has not been made by a central 
                government, the Secretary shall suspend, in 
                whole or in part, assistance for such 
                government for programs supporting such 
                requirement, and shall notify the appropriate 
                congressional committees in writing of such 
                action:  Provided further, That the Secretary 
                may resume funding for such programs only after 
                the Secretary certifies to such committees that 
                corrective measures have been taken.
                    (B) The Secretary of State shall, following 
                a change of national government in El Salvador, 
                Guatemala, or Honduras, determine and report to 
                the appropriate congressional committees that 
                any new government has committed to take the 
                steps to meet the requirements of paragraphs 
                (4)(A) and (4)(B):  Provided, That if the 
                Secretary is unable to make such a 
                determination in a timely manner, assistance 
                made available under this subsection for such 
                central government shall be suspended, in whole 
                or in part, until such time as such 
                determination and report can be made.
            (6) Transfer of Funds.--The Department of State and 
        USAID may, following consultation with the Committees 
        on Appropriations, transfer funds made available by 
        this Act under the heading ``Development Assistance'' 
        to the Inter-American Development Bank and the Inter-
        American Foundation to support the Strategy.
    (b) Colombia.--
            (1) Assistance.--Of the funds appropriated by this 
        Act under titles III and IV, not less than $391,253,000 
        shall be made available for assistance for Colombia, 
        including to support the efforts of the Government of 
        Colombia to--
                    (A) conduct a unified campaign against 
                narcotics trafficking, organizations designated 
                as foreign terrorist organizations pursuant to 
                section 219 of the Immigration and Nationality 
                Act (8 U.S.C. 1189), and other criminal or 
                illegal armed groups:  Provided, That aircraft 
                supported by funds made available by this Act 
                and prior Acts making appropriations for the 
                Department of State, foreign operations, and 
                related programs may be used to transport 
                personnel and supplies involved in drug 
                eradication and interdiction, including 
                security for such activities, and to provide 
                transport in support of alternative development 
                programs and investigations by civilian 
                judicial authorities;
                    (B) enhance security and stability in 
                Colombia and the region;
                    (C) strengthen and expand governance, the 
                rule of law, and access to justice throughout 
                    (D) promote economic and social 
                development, including by improving access to 
                areas impacted by conflict through demining 
                programs; and
                    (E) implement a peace agreement between the 
                Government of Colombia and illegal armed 
                groups, in accordance with constitutional and 
                legal requirements in Colombia:
          Provided, That such funds shall be subject to prior 
        consultation with, and the regular notification 
        procedures of, the Committees on Appropriations.
            (2) Limitation.--None of the funds appropriated by 
        this Act or prior Acts making appropriations for the 
        Department of State, foreign operations, and related 
        programs that are made available for assistance for 
        Colombia may be made available for payment of 
        reparations to conflict victims or compensation to 
        demobilized combatants associated with a peace 
        agreement between the Government of Colombia and 
        illegal armed groups.
            (3) Pre-obligation requirements.--Prior to the 
        initial obligation of funds made available pursuant to 
        paragraph (1), the Secretary of State, in consultation 
        with the USAID Administrator, shall submit to the 
        Committees on Appropriations a multi-year spend plan as 
        described under section 7045 in the explanatory 
        statement described in section 4 (in the matter 
        preceding division A of this Consolidated Act).
            (4) Refugees.--Funds made available by this Act 
        under the heading ``Economic Support Fund'' for 
        assistance for Colombia shall be apportioned directly 
        to USAID, except that not less than $7,000,000 of such 
        funds shall be transferred to, and merged with, funds 
        appropriated by this Act under the heading ``Migration 
        and Refugee Assistance'' for assistance for Colombian 
        refugees in neighboring countries.
            (5) Counternarcotics.--Of the funds made available 
        by this Act under the heading ``International Narcotics 
        Control and Law Enforcement'' for assistance for 
        Colombia, 20 percent may be obligated only in 
        accordance with the conditions set forth under section 
        7045 in the explanatory statement described in section 
        4 (in the matter preceding division A of this 
        Consolidated Act).
            (6) Human Rights.--Of the funds made available by 
        this Act under the heading ``Foreign Military Financing 
        Program'' for assistance for Colombia, 20 percent may 
        be obligated only in accordance with the conditions set 
        forth under section 7045 in the explanatory statement 
        described in section 4 (in the matter preceding 
        division A of this Consolidated Act).
            (7) Exceptions.--The limitations of paragraphs (5) 
        and (6) shall not apply to funds made available for 
        aviation instruction and maintenance, and maritime and 
        riverine security programs.
    (c) Haiti.--
            (1) Funding.--Of the funds appropriated by this Act 
        under the headings ``Development Assistance'' and 
        ``Economic Support Fund'', not more than $45,000,000 
        may be made available for assistance for Haiti:  
        Provided, That the funding limitation of this paragraph 
        may be exceeded for food security and global health 
            (2) Certification.--Funds appropriated by this Act 
        under the headings ``Development Assistance'' and 
        ``Economic Support Fund'' that are made available for 
        assistance for Haiti may not be made available for 
        assistance for the central Government of Haiti unless 
        the Secretary of State certifies and reports to the 
        Committees on Appropriations that such government is 
        taking effective steps, which are in addition to steps 
        taken since the certification and report submitted 
        during the prior year, if applicable, to--
                    (A) strengthen the rule of law in Haiti, 
                including by--
                            (i) selecting judges in a 
                        transparent manner based on merit;
                            (ii) reducing pre-trial detention;
                            (iii) respecting the independence 
                        of the judiciary; and
                            (iv) improving governance by 
                        implementing reforms to increase 
                        transparency and accountability, 
                        including through the penal and 
                        criminal codes;
                    (B) combat corruption, including by 
                implementing the anti-corruption law enacted in 
                2014 and prosecuting corrupt officials;
                    (C) increase government revenues, including 
                by implementing tax reforms, and increase 
                expenditures on public services; and
                    (D) resolve commercial disputes between 
                United States entities and the Government of 
            (3) Haitian coast guard.--The Government of Haiti 
        shall be eligible to purchase defense articles and 
        services under the Arms Export Control Act (22 U.S.C. 
        2751 et seq.) for the Coast Guard.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *



                    latin america and the caribbean

    Sec. 7045. (a) Central America.--
            (1) Funding.--Subject to the requirements of this 
        subsection, of the funds appropriated under titles III 
        and IV of this Act, [up to $615,000,000 may] not less 
        than $615,000,000 shall be made available for 
        assistance for countries in Central America to 
        implement the United States Strategy for Engagement in 
        Central America (the Strategy): Provided, That such 
        funds shall be made available to the maximum extent 
        practicable on a cost-matching basis.
            (2) Pre-obligation requirements.--Prior to the 
        obligation of funds made available pursuant to 
        paragraph (1), the Secretary of State shall submit to 
        the Committees on Appropriations an updated multi-year 
        spend plan as described under this subsection in the 
        explanatory statement described in section 4 (in the 
        matter preceding division A of this consolidated Act).
            (3) Assistance for the central governments of el 
        salvador, guatemala, and honduras.--Of the funds made 
        available pursuant to paragraph (1) that are available 
        for assistance for each of the central governments of 
        El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras, except for funds 
        made available for the International Commission against 
        Impunity in Guatemala or the Mission to Support the 
        Fight against Corruption and Impunity in Honduras, the 
        following amounts shall be withheld from obligation and 
        may only be made available as follows:
                    (A) 25 percent may only be obligated after 
                the Secretary of State certifies and reports to 
                the appropriate congressional committees that 
                such government is--
                            (i) informing its citizens of the 
                        dangers of the journey to the southwest 
                        border of the United States;
                            (ii) combating human smuggling and 
                            (iii) improving border security, 
                        including preventing illegal migration, 
                        human smuggling and trafficking, and 
                        trafficking of illicit drugs and other 
                        contraband; and
                            (iv) cooperating with United States 
                        Government agencies and other 
                        governments in the region to facilitate 
                        the return, repatriation, and 
                        reintegration of illegal migrants 
                        arriving at the southwest border of the 
                        United States who do not qualify for 
                        asylum, consistent with international 
                    (B) An additional 50 percent may only be 
                obligated after the Secretary of State 
                certifies and reports to the appropriate 
                congressional committees that such government 
                            (i) working cooperatively with an 
                        autonomous, publicly accountable entity 
                        to provide oversight of the Plan of the 
                        Alliance for Prosperity in the Northern 
                        Triangle in Central America (the Plan);
                            (ii) combating corruption, 
                        including investigating and prosecuting 
                        current and former government officials 
                        credibly alleged to be corrupt;
                            (iii) implementing reforms, 
                        policies, and programs to improve 
                        transparency and strengthen public 
                        institutions, including increasing the 
                        capacity and independence of the 
                        judiciary and the Office of the 
                        Attorney General;
                            (iv) implementing a policy to 
                        ensure that local communities, civil 
                        society organizations (including 
                        indigenous and other marginalized 
                        groups), and local governments are 
                        consulted in the design, and 
                        participate in the implementation and 
                        evaluation of, activities of the Plan 
                        that affect such communities, 
                        organizations, and governments;
                            (v) countering the activities of 
                        criminal gangs, drug traffickers, and 
                        organized crime;
                            (vi) investigating and prosecuting 
                        in the civilian justice system 
                        government personnel, including 
                        military and police personnel, who are 
                        credibly alleged to have violated human 
                        rights, and ensuring that such 
                        personnel are cooperating in such 
                            (vii) cooperating with commissions 
                        against corruption and impunity and 
                        with regional human rights entities;
                            (viii) supporting programs to 
                        reduce poverty, expand education and 
                        vocational training for at-risk youth, 
                        create jobs, and promote equitable 
                        economic growth, particularly in areas 
                        contributing to large numbers of 
                            (ix) implementing a plan that 
                        includes goals, benchmarks, and 
                        timelines to create a professional, 
                        accountable civilian police force and 
                        end the role of the military in 
                        internal policing, and make such plan 
                        available to the Department of State;
                            (x) protecting the right of 
                        political opposition parties, 
                        journalists, trade unionists, human 
                        rights defenders, and other civil 
                        society activists to operate without 
                            (xi) increasing government 
                        revenues, including by implementing tax 
                        reforms and strengthening customs 
                        agencies; and
                            (xii) resolving commercial 
                        disputes, including the confiscation of 
                        real property, between United States 
                        entities and such government.
            (4) Determinations and impact on assistance.--
                    (A) Insufficient progress.--The Secretary 
                of State shall periodically review the progress 
                of each of the central governments of El 
                Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras in meeting 
                the requirements of paragraphs (3)(A) and 
                (3)(B): Provided, That if the Secretary 
                determines and reports to the appropriate 
                congressional committees that sufficient 
                progress has not been made by such government 
                in meeting such requirements, the Secretary 
                shall suspend, in whole or in part, assistance 
                for such government for programs supporting 
                such requirement, and shall notify the 
                appropriate congressional committees in writing 
                of such action: Provided further, That the 
                Secretary may resume such assistance if the 
                Secretary determines and reports to such 
                committees that corrective measures have been 
                taken by such government.
                    (B) Extraordinary progress The Secretary of 
                State may, notwithstanding section 7019 of this 
                Act, increase assistance for El Salvador, 
                Guatemala, or Honduras if the Secretary 
                determines and reports to the appropriate 
                congressional committees that the central 
                government of such country has made 
                extraordinary progress in meeting the 
                requirements of paragraphs (3)(A) and (3)(B): 
                Provided, That such increase shall be provided 
                in the amounts designated as Award for 
                Extraordinary Progress in the table under this 
                section in the explanatory statement described 
                in section 4 (in the matter preceding division 
                A of this consolidated Act): Provided further, 
                That such determination may be made for not 
                more than one country and following the 
                submission of the reports for such country 
                submitted pursuant to paragraphs (3)(A) and 
                    (C) Change in national government.--Not 
                later than 90 days following a change of 
                national government in El Salvador, Guatemala, 
                or Honduras, the Secretary of State shall 
                determine whether or not such government is 
                meeting the requirements of paragraphs (3)(A) 
                and (3)(B) and submit a report to the 
                appropriate congressional committees detailing 
                the reasons for such determination: Provided, 
                That if the Secretary determines that such 
                government is not meeting such requirements, 
                then the Secretary shall suspend, in whole or 
                in part, assistance for such central government 
                until such time as such determination and 
                report can be made.
                    (D) Reprogramming.--
                            (i) Assistance suspended pursuant 
                        to subparagraphs (A) or (C) may be 
                        reprogrammed if the Secretary of State 
                        determines that corrective measures 
                        have not been taken.
                            (ii) If the Secretary is unable to 
                        make a determination pursuant to 
                        subparagraph (B) within 180 days after 
                        enactment of this Act, amounts 
                        designated under such subparagraph may 
                        be reprogrammed.
                            (iii) Any reprogramming made 
                        pursuant to clauses (i) or (ii) shall 
                        only be made available for assistance 
                        for other countries in Latin America 
                        and the Caribbean and shall be subject 
                        to the regular notification procedures 
                        of the Committees on Appropriations.
            (5) Consultation.--The Secretary of State shall 
        consult with the Committees on Appropriations not less 
        than 14 days prior to submitting any certification made 
        pursuant to subsection (a)(3) and any suspension or 
        reprogramming made pursuant to subsection (a)(4).
            (6) Limitation.--None of the funds made available 
        by this subsection for assistance for countries in 
        Central America may be made available for direct 
        government-to-government assistance or for major 
        infrastructure projects.
    (b) Colombia.--
            (1) Assistance.--Of the funds appropriated by this 
        Act under titles III and IV, not less than $391,253,000 
        shall be made available for assistance for Colombia, 
        including to support the efforts of the Government of 
        Colombia to--
                    (A) conduct a unified campaign against 
                narcotics trafficking, organizations designated 
                as foreign terrorist organizations pursuant to 
                section 219 of the Immigration and Nationality 
                Act (8 U.S.C. 1189), and other criminal or 
                illegal armed groups: Provided, That aircraft 
                supported by funds made available by this Act 
                and prior Acts making appropriations for the 
                Department of State, foreign operations, and 
                related programs may be used to transport 
                personnel and supplies involved in drug 
                eradication and interdiction, including 
                security for such activities, and to provide 
                transport in support of alternative development 
                programs and investigations by civilian 
                judicial authorities;
                    (B) enhance security and stability in 
                Colombia and the region;
                    (C) strengthen and expand governance, the 
                rule of law, and access to justice throughout 
                    (D) promote economic and social 
                development, including by improving access to 
                areas impacted by conflict through demining 
                programs; and
                    (E) implement a peace agreement between the 
                Government of Colombia and illegal armed 
                groups, in accordance with constitutional and 
                legal requirements in Colombia:
         Provided, That such funds shall be subject to prior 
        consultation with, and the regular notification 
        procedures of, the Committees on Appropriations.
            (2) Limitation.--None of the funds appropriated by 
        this Act or prior Acts making appropriations for the 
        Department of State, foreign operations, and related 
        programs that are made available for assistance for 
        Colombia may be made available for payment of 
        reparations to conflict victims or compensation to 
        demobilized combatants associated with a peace 
        agreement between the Government of Colombia and 
        illegal armed groups.
            (3) Pre-obligation requirements.--Prior to the 
        initial obligation of funds made available pursuant to 
        paragraph (1), the Secretary of State, in consultation 
        with the USAID Administrator, shall submit to the 
        Committees on Appropriations an updated multi-year 
        spend plan as described under this subsection in the 
        explanatory statement described in section 4 (in the 
        matter preceding division A of this consolidated Act).
            (4) Apportionment and transfer.--Funds made 
        available by this Act under the heading ``Economic 
        Support Fund'' for assistance for Colombia shall be 
        apportioned directly to USAID, except that not less 
        than $7,000,000 of such funds shall be transferred to, 
        and merged with, funds appropriated by this Act under 
        the heading ``Migration and Refugee Assistance'' for 
        assistance for Colombian refugees in neighboring 
            (5) Counternarcotics.--Of the funds made available 
        by this Act under the headings ``Economic Support 
        Fund'' and ``International Narcotics Control and Law 
        Enforcement'' for counternarcotics assistance for 
        Colombia, 25 percent may be obligated only after the 
        Secretary of State certifies and reports to the 
        Committees on Appropriations that the Government of 
        Colombia has reduced overall illicit drug cultivation, 
        production, and trafficking.
            (6) Human rights.--Of the funds made available by 
        this Act under the heading ``Foreign Military Financing 
        Program'' for assistance for Colombia, 20 percent may 
        be obligated only in accordance with the conditions set 
        forth under section 7045 in Senate Report 115-152.
            (7) Exceptions.--The limitations of paragraphs (5) 
        and (6) shall not apply to funds made available for 
        aviation instruction and maintenance, and maritime and 
        riverine security programs.
    (c) Haiti.--
            (1) Certification.--Funds appropriated by this Act 
        under the headings ``Development Assistance'' and 
        ``Economic Support Fund'' that are made available for 
        assistance for Haiti may not be made available for 
        assistance for the central Government of Haiti unless 
        the Secretary of State certifies and reports to the 
        Committees on Appropriations that such government is 
        taking effective steps, which are in addition to steps 
        taken since the certification and report submitted 
        during the prior year, if applicable, to--
                    (A) strengthen the rule of law in Haiti, 
                including by--
                            (i) selecting judges in a 
                        transparent manner based on merit;
                            (ii) reducing pre-trial detention;
                            (iii) respecting the independence 
                        of the judiciary; and
                            (iv) improving governance by 
                        implementing reforms to increase 
                        transparency and accountability, 
                        including through the penal and 
                        criminal codes;
                    (B) combat corruption, including by 
                implementing the anti-corruption law enacted in 
                2014 and prosecuting corrupt officials;
                    (C) increase government revenues, including 
                by implementing tax reforms, and increasing 
                expenditures on public services; and
                    (D) resolve commercial disputes between 
                United States entities and the Government of 
            (2) Haitian coast guard.--The Government of Haiti 
        shall be eligible to purchase defense articles and 
        services under the Arms Export Control Act (22 U.S.C. 
        2751 et seq.) for the Coast Guard.
    (d) Venezuela.--Of the funds appropriated by this Act under 
the heading ``Economic Support Fund'', not less than 
$15,000,000 shall be made available for programs to promote 
democracy and the rule of law in Venezuela.



    Sec. 7045. (a) Central America.--
            (1) Assistance.--Of the funds appropriated under 
        titles III and IV of this Act, not less than 
        $527,600,000 shall be made available for assistance for 
        the countries of Central America to implement the 
        United States Strategy for Engagement in Central 
            [(1)] (2) Conditions on assistance for the central 
        governments of el salvador, guatemala, and honduras.--
        Of the funds appropriated by this Act under titles III 
        and IV that are made available for assistance for each 
        of the central governments of El Salvador, Guatemala, 
        and Honduras, 50 percent may only be obligated after 
        the Secretary of State certifies and reports to the 
        appropriate congressional committees that such 
        government is--
                    (A) informing its citizens of the dangers 
                of the journey to the southwest border of the 
                United States;
                    (B) combating human smuggling and 
                    (C) improving border security, including 
                preventing illegal migration, human smuggling 
                and trafficking, and trafficking of illicit 
                drugs and other contraband;
                    (D) cooperating with United States 
                Government agencies and other governments in 
                the region to facilitate the return, 
                repatriation, and reintegration of illegal 
                migrants arriving at the southwest border of 
                the United States who do not qualify for 
                asylum, consistent with international law;
                    (E) working cooperatively with an 
                autonomous, publicly accountable entity to 
                provide oversight of the Plan of the Alliance 
                for Prosperity in the Northern Triangle in 
                Central America (the Plan);
                    (F) combating corruption, including 
                investigating and prosecuting current and 
                former government officials credibly alleged to 
                be corrupt;
                    (G) implementing reforms, policies, and 
                programs to increase transparency and 
                strengthen public institutions and the rule of 
                    (H) working with local communities, civil 
                society organizations (including indigenous and 
                other marginalized groups), and local 
                governments in the implementation and 
                evaluation of activities of the Plan;
                    (I) countering the activities of criminal 
                gangs, drug traffickers, and transnational 
                criminal organizations;
                    (J) investigating and prosecuting in the 
                civilian justice system government personnel 
                who are credibly alleged to have violated human 
                    (K) cooperating with commissions against 
                corruption and impunity and with regional human 
                rights entities;
                    (L) supporting programs to reduce poverty, 
                expand education and vocational training for 
                at-risk youth, create jobs, and promote 
                equitable economic growth, particularly in 
                areas contributing to large numbers of 
                    (M) creating a professional, accountable 
                civilian police force and ending the role of 
                the military in internal policing;
                    (N) protecting the right of political 
                opposition parties and other members of civil 
                society to operate without interference;
                    (O) implementing tax reforms; and
                    (P) resolving commercial disputes.
            [(2)] (3) Determinations and impact on 
                    (A) Insufficient progress.--The Secretary 
                of State shall periodically review the progress 
                of each of the central governments of El 
                Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras in meeting 
                the requirements of [paragraph (1)] paragraph 
                (2): Provided, That if the Secretary determines 
                and reports to the appropriate congressional 
                committees that sufficient progress has not 
                been made by such government in meeting such 
                requirements, the Secretary shall suspend, in 
                whole or in part, assistance for such 
                government for programs supporting such 
                requirement, and shall notify the appropriate 
                congressional committees in writing of such 
                action: Provided further, That the Secretary 
                may resume such assistance if the Secretary 
                determines and reports to such committees that 
                corrective measures have been taken by such 
                    (B) Change in national government.--Not 
                later than 90 days following a change of 
                national government in El Salvador, Guatemala, 
                or Honduras, the Secretary of State shall 
                determine whether or not such government is 
                meeting the requirements of [paragraph (1)] 
                paragraph (2)
     and submit a report to the appropriate congressional 
committees detailing the reasons for such determination: 
Provided, That if the Secretary determines that such government 
is not meeting such requirements, then the Secretary shall 
suspend, in whole or in part, assistance for such country until 
such time as such determination and report can be made.
                    (C) Reprogramming.--Assistance suspended 
                pursuant to subparagraphs (A) or (B) may be 
                reprogrammed if the Secretary of State 
                determines that corrective measures have not 
                been taken: Provided, That any such 
                reprogramming shall only be made available for 
                assistance for other countries in Latin America 
                and the Caribbean and shall be subject to the 
                regular notification procedures of the 
                Committees on Appropriations.
            [(3)] (4) Consultation.--The Secretary of State 
        shall consult with the Committees on Appropriations not 
        less than 14 days prior to submitting any certification 
        made pursuant to [subsection (a)(1)] paragraph (2) and 
        any suspension or reprogramming made pursuant to 
        [subsection (a)(2)] paragraph (3).
            [(4)] (5) Exceptions and limitations.--
                    (A) Exceptions.--The limitation of 
                paragraph (1) shall not apply to funds 
                appropriated by this Act that are made 
                available for the International Commission 
                against Impunity in Guatemala, the Mission to 
                Support the Fight against Corruption and 
                Impunity in Honduras, humanitarian assistance, 
                and food security programs.
                    (B) Limitations.--None of the funds 
                appropriated by this Act that are made 
                available for assistance for countries in 
                Central America may be made available for 
                direct government-to-government assistance or 
                for major infrastructure projects.
    (b) Colombia.--
            (1) Assistance.--Of the funds appropriated by this 
        Act under titles III and IV, not less than $418,253,000 
        shall be made available for assistance for Colombia, 
        including to support the efforts of the Government of 
        Colombia to--
                    (A) conduct a unified campaign against 
                narcotics trafficking, organizations designated 
                as foreign terrorist organizations pursuant to 
                section 219 of the Immigration and Nationality 
                Act (8 U.S.C. 1189), and other criminal or 
                illegal armed groups: Provided, That aircraft 
                supported by funds made available by this Act 
                and prior Acts making appropriations for the 
                Department of State, foreign operations, and 
                related programs may be used to transport 
                personnel and supplies involved in drug 
                eradication and interdiction, including 
                security for such activities, and to provide 
                transport in support of alternative development 
                programs and investigations by civilian 
                judicial authorities;
                    (B) enhance security and stability in 
                Colombia and the region;
                    (C) strengthen and expand governance, the 
                rule of law, and access to justice throughout 
                    (D) promote economic and social 
                development, including by improving access to 
                areas impacted by conflict through demining 
                    (E) assist communities impacted by 
                significant refugee or migrant populations; and
                    (F) implement a peace agreement between the 
                Government of Colombia and illegal armed 
                groups, in accordance with constitutional and 
                legal requirements in Colombia.
            (2) Limitation.--None of the funds appropriated by 
        this Act or prior Acts making appropriations for the 
        Department of State, foreign operations, and related 
        programs that are made available for assistance for 
        Colombia may be made available for payment of 
        reparations to conflict victims or compensation to 
        demobilized combatants associated with a peace 
        agreement between the Government of Colombia and 
        illegal armed groups.
            (3) Counternarcotics.--Of the funds appropriated by 
        this Act under the headings ``Economic Support Fund'' 
        and ``International Narcotics Control and Law 
        Enforcement'' and made available for counternarcotics 
        assistance for Colombia, 20 percent may be obligated 
        only after the Secretary of State certifies and reports 
        to the Committees on Appropriations that the Government 
        of Colombia has reduced overall illicit drug 
        cultivation, production, and trafficking.
            (4) Human rights.--Of the funds appropriated by 
        this Act under the heading ``Foreign Military Financing 
        Program'' and made available for assistance for 
        Colombia, 20 percent may be obligated only after the 
        Secretary of State certifies and reports to the 
        Committees on Appropriations that--
                    (A) the Special Jurisdiction for Peace and 
                other judicial authorities are taking effective 
                steps to hold accountable perpetrators of gross 
                violations of human rights in a manner 
                consistent with international law, including 
                for command responsibility, and sentence them 
                to deprivation of liberty;
                    (B) the Government of Colombia is taking 
                effective steps to reduce attacks against human 
                rights defenders and other civil society 
                activists, trade unionists, and journalists, 
                and judicial authorities are prosecuting those 
                responsible for such attacks; and
                    (C) senior military officers responsible 
                for ordering, committing, and covering up cases 
                of false positives are being held accountable, 
                including removal from active duty if found 
                guilty through criminal or disciplinary 
            (5) Exceptions.--The limitations of paragraphs (3) 
        and (4) shall not apply to funds made available for 
        aviation instruction and maintenance, and maritime and 
        riverine security programs.
    (c) Haiti.--
            (1) Certification.--Funds appropriated by this Act 
        under the headings ``Development Assistance'' and 
        ``Economic Support Fund'' that are made available for 
        assistance for Haiti may not be made available for 
        assistance for the central Government of Haiti unless 
        the Secretary of State certifies and reports to the 
        Committees on Appropriations that such government is 
        taking effective steps, which are steps taken since the 
        certification and report submitted during the prior 
        year, if applicable, to--
                    (A) strengthen the rule of law in Haiti, 
                including by--
                            (i) selecting judges in a 
                        transparent manner based on merit;
                            (ii) reducing pre-trial detention;
                            (iii) respecting the independence 
                        of the judiciary; and
                            (iv) improving governance by 
                        implementing reforms to increase 
                        transparency and accountability, 
                        including through the penal and 
                        criminal codes;
                    (B) combat corruption, including by 
                implementing the anti-corruption law enacted in 
                2014 and prosecuting corrupt officials;
                    (C) increase government revenues, including 
                by implementing tax reforms, and increasing 
                expenditures on public services; and
                    (D) resolve commercial disputes between 
                United States entities and the Government of 
            (2) Haitian coast guard.--The Government of Haiti 
        shall be eligible to purchase defense articles and 
        services under the Arms Export Control Act (22 U.S.C. 
        2751 et seq.) for the Coast Guard.
    (d) Venezuela.--Of the funds appropriated by this Act under 
the heading ``Economic Support Fund'', not less than 
$17,500,000 shall be made available for programs to promote 
democracy and the rule of law in Venezuela.


           *       *       *       *       *       *       *


           *       *       *       *       *       *       *


    (a) Reassessment of Contribution Percentages.--The 
Permanent Representative of the United States to the United 
Nations should make every effort to ensure that the United 
Nations completes an overall review and reassessment of each 
nation's assessed contributions for United Nations peacekeeping 
operations. As part of the overall review and assessment, the 
Permanent Representative should make every effort to advance 
the concept that, when appropriate, host governments and other 
governments in the region where a United Nations peacekeeping 
operation is carried out should bear a greater burden of its 
financial cost.
    (b) Limitation on United States Contributions.--
            (1) Fiscal years 1994 and 1995.--Funds authorized 
        to be appropriated for ``Contributions for 
        International Peacekeeping Activities'' for fiscal 
        years 1994 and 1995 shall not be available for the 
        payment of the United States assessed contribution for 
        a United Nations peacekeeping operation in an amount 
        which is greater than 30.4 percent of the total of all 
        assessed contributions for that operation, 
        notwithstanding the last sentence of the paragraph 
        headed ``Contributions to International Organizations'' 
        in Public Law 92-544, as amended by section 203 of the 
        Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Year 1976 
        (22 U.S.C. 287e note).
            (2) Subsequent fiscal years.--(A) In general.--
        Except as provided in subparagraph (B), funds 
        authorized to be appropriated for ``Contributions for 
        International Peacekeeping Activities'' for any fiscal 
        year after fiscal year 1995 shall not be available for 
        the payment of the United States assessed contribution 
        for a United Nations peacekeeping operation in an 
        amount which is greater than 25 percent of the total of 
        all assessed contributions for that operation.
                    (B) Reduction in united states share of 
                assessed contributions.--Notwithstanding the 
                percentage limitation contained in subparagraph 
                (A), the United States share of assessed 
                contributions for each United Nations 
                peacekeeping operation during the following 
                periods is authorized to be as follows:
                            (i) For assessments made during 
                        calendar year 2001, 28.15 percent.
                            (ii) For assessments made during 
                        calendar year 2002, 27.90 percent.
                            (iii) For assessments made during 
                        calendar year 2003, 27.40 percent.
                            (iv) For assessments made during 
                        calendar year 2004, 27.40 percent.
    (v) For assessments made during each of the calendar years 
2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2009, 27.1 percent.
                            (vi) For assessments made during 
                        calendar year 2010, 27.3 percent.
                            (vii) For assessments made during 
                        calendar year 2016, 28.5738 percent.
                            (viii) For assessments made during 
                        calendar year 2017, 28.4691 percent.
                            (ix) For assessments made during 
                        calendar year 2018, 28.4344 percent.
            (3) Conforming amendment.--The last sentence of the 
        paragraph headed ``Contributions to International 
        Organizations'' in Public Law 92-544, as amended by 
        section 203 of the Foreign Relations Authorization Act, 
        Fiscal Year 1976 (22 U.S.C. 287e note), is amended by 
        striking ``conducted by or under the auspices of the 
        United Nations or'' and inserting ``(other than United 
        Nations peacekeeping operations) conducted''.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

               Changes in the Application of Existing Law

    Pursuant to clause 3(f)(1)(A) of rule XIII of the Rules of 
the House of Representatives, the following statements are 
submitted describing the effect of provisions in the 
accompanying bill that directly or indirectly change the 
application of existing law.
    Language is included in various parts of the bill to 
continue ongoing activities in fiscal year 2020 that require 
annual authorization or additional legislation, which to date 
has not been enacted. The bill includes provisions that place 
limitations on the use of funds in the bill or change existing 
limitations and that might under some circumstances be 
construed as changing the application of existing law. The bill 
includes a number of provisions that have been virtually 
unchanged for many years, which are technically considered 
legislation. The bill provides that several of the 
appropriations shall remain available for obligation beyond the 
current fiscal year. In all cases it is deemed desirable to 
carry such language in order to provide for orderly 
administration of such programs and effective use of funds. In 
various places in the bill, the Committee recommendation 
continues the prior year practice of designating amounts within 
appropriation accounts in order to fund specific programs and 
has adjusted some designations.
    The bill contains general provisions and other language 
that have been carried in the bill in past years that include 
limitations and conditions on funding provided in the Act.
    Additional changes in the fiscal year 2020 bill, which may 
be construed as changing existing law, are as follows:
Title I
    Under Diplomatic Programs, language carried in the prior 
year providing transfer authority to other accounts within 
Administration of Foreign Affairs; limitations on certain 
programs, offices, and activities; designating the availability 
and use of certain fees and transfers from other agencies; and 
conditioning the obligation of certain funds made available for 
security training.
    Under Office of Inspector General, language carried in the 
prior year notwithstanding section 209(a)(1) of the Foreign 
Service Act of 1980 as it relates to post inspections.
    Under Educational and Cultural Exchange Programs, language 
carried in the prior year designating amounts for certain 
activities, and authorizing the use of certain fees.
    Under Embassy Security, Construction, and Maintenance, 
language similar to the prior year placing limitations on the 
uses of funds, and restricting representation expenses.
    Under Emergencies in the Diplomatic and Consular Service, 
language similar to the prior year permitting the transfer of 
not to exceed $1,000,000 to Repatriation Loans Program Account.
    Under Repatriation Loans Program Account, language similar 
to the prior year directing that costs shall be defined as in 
section 502 of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 and capping 
total loan principle.
    Under Contributions to International Organizations, 
language similar to the prior year requiring submission to the 
Committees on Appropriations of the United Nations biennial 
budget, limiting the use of funds, and establishing a number of 
notification and reporting requirements.
    Under Contributions for International Peacekeeping 
Activities, language similar to the prior year limiting the use 
of funds and establishing a number of notification and 
reporting requirements.
    Under International Boundary and Water Commission, United 
States and Mexico and American Sections, International 
Commissions, language carried in the prior year providing a 
limitation on the amount available for representation expenses.
    Under International Fisheries Commissions, language carried 
in the prior year providing authority to pay United States 
expenses in advance, pursuant to 31 U.S.C. 3324.
    Under International Broadcasting Operations, language 
carried in the prior year setting limitations on funds 
available for certain expenses and receipts, requiring the 
United States Agency for Global Media (formerly the 
Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG)) to make funds available 
to expand unrestricted access to information on the Internet, 
requiring a review of certain programs, restricting 
representation expenses, and requiring notifications.
    Under Eisenhower Exchange Fellowship Program, language 
carried in the prior year limiting the use of funds relating to 
    Under National Endowment for Democracy, language similar to 
prior years designating funds for certain purposes.
    Under Commission for the Preservation of America's Heritage 
Abroad, language carried in the prior year allowing the 
Commission to procure certain services notwithstanding 
paragraph (3) of section 312304(b) of Public Law 113-287 during 
fiscal year 2020 and requiring notification.
    Under United States Commission on International Religious 
Freedom, language carried in the prior year placing a 
limitation on representation expenses.
    Under Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, 
Salaries and Expenses, language carried in the prior year 
limiting representation expenses.
    Under Congressional-Executive Commission on the People's 
Republic of China and United States-China Economic and Security 
Review Commission, language carried in the prior year placing a 
limitation on representation expenses.
    Under United States-China Economic and Security Review 
Commission, language carried in the prior year incorporating by 
reference several provisos relating to personnel and financial 
management authorities that were carried in the Department of 
State, Foreign Operations, and Related Appropriations Act, 

Title II

    Under Operating Expenses, language carried in the prior 
year limiting financing of construction or entering into 
leases, allowing transfers of funds, and restricting 
representation and entertainment expenses.
    Under Capital Investment Fund, language carried in the 
prior year requiring notifications.

Title III

    Under Global Health Programs, language similar to the prior 
year placing restrictions and requirements related to family 
planning and abortion, requiring direct apportionment to 
agencies, designating the use of funds, requiring 
notifications, and setting a cap on administrative expenses.
    Under Development Assistance new language is included 
requiring the direct apportionment of funding to USAID within 
30 days of enactment of this Act.
    Under International Disaster Assistance, new language is 
included requiring the direct apportionment of funding to USAID 
within 30 days of enactment of this Act.
    Under Transition Initiatives, language similar to the prior 
year designating the use of funds, requiring a report prior to 
the initiation of a country program, requiring prior 
consultations, and allowing the use of additional funds in the 
Act for the same purposes as funds under this heading following 
    Under Assistance for Europe, Eurasia and Central Asia, 
language modified from the prior year providing notwithstanding 
authority and related notification requirements, designating 
coordination responsibilities, certain payments, and 
designating certain funds for purposes of administrative 
    Under Migration and Refugee Assistance, language similar to 
the prior year designating amounts for small-scale emergency 
humanitarian requirements, and for refugees resettling in 
    Under Peace Corps, language similar to the prior year 
limiting representation expenses, requiring consultations, 
allowing the Director to transfer funds to help mitigate 
exchange rate losses, and placing limitations on certain 
    Under Millennium Challenge Corporation, language similar to 
the prior year placing a cap on administrative expenses, 
establishing certain funding conditions and notification 
requirements, limiting and restricting entertainment and 
representation allowances.
    Under Inter-American Foundation, language carried in the 
prior year limiting representation expenses.
    Under United States African Development Foundation, 
language similar to the prior year allowing for the investment 
of project funding by grantees, limiting the use of interest 
earned, allowing certain building leases, and requiring a 
    Under International Affairs Technical Assistance, language 
similar to the prior year providing funds notwithstanding the 
location of the performance of a personal service contract.

Title IV

    Under Economic Support Fund new language is included 
requiring the notification of funds designated for the 
Diplomatic Progress Fund.
    Under International Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement, 
language carried in the prior year giving the Department of 
State the authority to provide excess property to a foreign 
country, subject to notification, waiving a section of the 
Foreign Assistance Act, subject to notification, and requiring 
notification for certain transfers.
    Under Nonproliferation, Anti-terrorism, Demining, and 
Related Programs, language carried in the prior year 
designating the use of funds, providing authorities for funds, 
and establishing certain funding conditions and notification 
    Under Peacekeeping Operations, language carried in the 
prior year designating the use of funds, providing certain 
authorities, establishing prohibitions for the use of funds, 
and requiring notifications.
    Under International Military Education and Training, 
language carried in the prior year allowing certain civilian 
personnel to receive training and limiting entertainment 
    Under Foreign Military Financing Program, language similar 
to the prior year designating the use of funds, requiring 
consultations and notifications, establishing requirements for 
the disbursement and transfer of certain funds, establishing 
limitations and conditions on funds, and limiting 
representation and entertainment expenses.

Title V

    Under Global Environment Facility, language carried in the 
prior year regarding a reporting requirement and notifications 
from the Secretary of the Treasury.
    Under Contribution to the International Bank for 
Reconstruction and Development, new language for the United 
States share of the paid-in portion of the increases in capital 
    Under Contributions to the International Fund for 
Agricultural Development, language carried from the prior year 
to require reports from the Secretary of the Treasury.

Title VI

    Under Export-Import Bank of the United States, Program 
Account, language carried in the prior year allowing for 
certain expenditures and setting limitations on funds.
    Under Export-Import Bank of the United States, 
Administrative Expenses, language carried in the prior year 
limiting representation expenses, allowing for the collection 
of certain fees, and requiring notifications.
    Under Export-Import Bank of the United States, Receipts 
Collected, language carried in the prior year requiring 
sufficient fees to cover costs.
    Under United States International Development Finance 
Corporation, new language making funds available for the Office 
of Inspector General.
    Under United States International Development Finance 
Corporation, Corporate Capital Account, new language making 
funds available to carry out the activities described in the 
BUILD Act of 2018, and limitation of administrative expenses 
and representation expenses.
    Under United States International Development Finance 
Corporation, Program Account, new language making funds 
available to carry out the activities described in the BUILD 
Act of 2018 with the limitations described in such Act.
    Under Trade and Development Agency, language similar to the 
prior year restricting representation and entertainment 
allowances and designating the use of funds.

Title VII

    Sec. 7001 includes language carried in the prior year 
regarding allowances and differentials.
    Sec. 7002 includes language carried in the prior year 
requiring agencies to provide quarterly reports on the 
cumulative balances of any unobligated funds.
    Sec. 7003 includes language carried in the prior year 
requiring that consulting service contracts shall be a matter 
of public record.
    Sec. 7004 includes language modified from the prior year 
with respect to the construction and use of diplomatic 
facilities, including continued directives regarding 
consultation and notification requirements for new diplomatic 
facilities, the allocation of agency shares under the Capital 
Security Cost Sharing program, and certain authorities 
concerning the United States Marine Corps under the Marine 
Security Guard program.
    Sec. 7005 includes language carried in the prior year 
regarding certain personnel actions and the authority to 
transfer funds between appropriations accounts.
    Sec. 7006 includes language modified from the prior year 
regarding certain Department of State and USAID management 
authorities, conditions, directives and reporting and 
certification requirements. This section merges language 
previously carried in section 7057, USAID Management.
    Sec. 7007 includes language carried in the prior year 
prohibiting assistance for the governments of Cuba, North 
Korea, Iran, and Syria.
    Sec. 7008 includes language carried in the prior year 
prohibiting assistance for countries whose duly elected head of 
government is deposed by military coup or decree, or a coup or 
decree in which the military plays a decisive role, requires a 
determination, and provides a waiver under certain conditions.
    Sec. 7009 includes language modified from the prior year 
setting limitations and conditions on transfers between 
appropriations accounts, requiring audits of certain transfers 
and reporting requirements.
    Sec. 7010 includes language carried in the prior year 
prohibiting first-class travel and setting certain limitations 
on computer networks and the promotion of tobacco.
    Sec. 7011 includes language modified from the prior year 
regarding the availability of funds appropriated by this Act 
and language placing a limitation on such authority until the 
Secretary of State submits a report.
    Sec. 7012 includes language carried in the prior year 
prohibiting assistance for countries in default and allowing 
exceptions in certain circumstances.
    Sec. 7013 includes language carried in the prior year 
withholding assistance to a country in which the assistance is 
subject to taxation, unless the Secretary of State makes 
certain determinations, and includes a reporting requirement.
    Sec. 7014 includes language carried in the prior year 
regarding the reservation of funds and the designation of 
certain funding levels.
    Sec. 7015 includes language modified from the prior year 
establishing the notification requirements regarding funds made 
available in the Act.
    Sec. 7016 includes language modified from the prior year 
concerning public posting of reports and documents and records 
    Sec. 7017 includes language carried in the prior year 
prohibiting the use of funds for programs in contravention of 
this Act.
    Sec. 7018 includes language carried in the prior year 
prohibiting funding for abortions and involuntary 
    Sec. 7019 includes language modified from the prior year 
regarding funding directives specified in tables in the report 
accompanying the Act.
    Sec. 7020 includes language carried in the prior year 
regarding the use of representation expenses.
    Sec. 7021 includes language similar to the prior year 
prohibiting assistance for governments that support 
international terrorism.
    Sec. 7022 includes language carried in the prior year 
regarding authorization requirements.
    Sec. 7023 includes language carried in the prior year 
defining the terms ``program'', ``project'', and ``activity''.
    Sec. 7024 includes language carried in the prior year 
regarding certain authorities for the Peace Corps, Inter-
American Foundation, and the United States African Development 
    Sec. 7025 includes language modified from the prior year 
relating to commerce, trade, and surplus commodities.
    Sec. 7026 includes language carried in the prior year 
regarding the requirement that separate accounts be established 
for cash transfers and assistance that generates local 
currencies and establishing certain conditions on the use of 
those funds.
    Sec. 7027 includes language carried in the prior year 
regarding assistance through nongovernmental organizations and 
assistance provided under the Food for Peace Act.
    Sec. 7028 includes language modified from the prior year 
conditioning funds provided to local organizations through 
limited competitions.
    Sec. 7029 includes language modified from the prior year 
relating to international financial institutions.
    Sec. 7030 includes language modified from the prior year 
regarding multi-year pledges.
    Sec. 7031 includes language modified from the prior year 
regarding management of direct assistance to governments, 
budget transparency of recipient countries, corruption and 
human rights violations, and the foreign assistance website.
    Sec. 7032 contains language modified from the prior year 
regarding democracy programs funded in this Act.
    Sec. 7033 includes language modified from the prior year on 
assistance regarding international religious freedom.
    Sec. 7034 includes language modified from the prior year 
defining terms used in the Act and granting, extending, or 
otherwise modifying certain special authorities relating to 
funds made available in, and operations supported by, the Act.
    Sec. 7035 includes language similar to the prior year 
related to assistance, authorities, limitations, and 
notifications regarding law enforcement and other security 
    Sec. 7036 includes language carried in the prior year 
establishing restrictions on enterprise funds.
    Sec. 7037 includes language carried in the prior year 
regarding authority for the President to draw down certain 
funds to support UN war crimes tribunals or commissions.
    Sec. 7038 includes language carried in the prior year 
establishing limitations on the use of funds in support of a 
Palestinian state. This section includes a certification 
requirement that such a state should enact a constitution 
assuring the rule of law, an independent judiciary, and respect 
for human rights for its citizens in order to merit assistance.
    Sec. 7039 includes language modified from the prior year 
placing limitations on any assistance for the Palestinian 
Authority and the prohibitions on funds to the Palestine 
Liberation Organization (PLO) and Hamas, and includes language 
carried in the prior year restricting assistance to the 
Palestinian Broadcasting Corporation.
    Sec. 7040 includes language modified from the prior year 
including provisions placing conditions on assistance for the 
West Bank and Gaza.
    Sec. 7041 includes language modified from the prior year 
regarding directives and conditions concerning assistance for 
countries in the Middle East and North Africa.
    Sec. 7042 includes language modified from the prior year 
regarding directives and conditions concerning assistance for 
countries in Africa.
    Sec. 7043 includes language modified from the prior year 
regarding directives and conditions concerning assistance for 
countries in East Asia and the Pacific.
    Sec. 7044 includes language modified from the prior year 
regarding directives and conditions concerning assistance for 
countries in South and Central Asia.
    Sec. 7045 includes language modified from the prior year 
regarding directives and conditions concerning assistance for 
countries in the Western Hemisphere.
    Sec. 7046 includes language similar to the prior year 
regarding directives and conditions concerning assistance for 
countries in Europe and Eurasia.
    Sec. 7047 includes language modified from the prior year 
regarding stabilization and development in regions impacted by 
extremism and conflict.
    Sec. 7048 includes language modified from the prior year 
relating to conditions on funds for the UN and other 
international organizations.
    Sec. 7049 includes language carried in the prior year 
regarding timely access by Inspectors General to records, 
documents, or other materials available to a department or 
agency of the United States.
    Sec. 7050 includes language modified from the prior year 
concerning funding levels and conditions for global Internet 
freedom programs.
    Sec. 7051 includes language carried in the prior year 
prohibiting funds for the use of torture.
    Sec. 7052 includes language carried in the prior year 
relating to aircraft transfer and coordination.
    Sec. 7053 includes language carried in the prior year 
relating to unpaid parking fines and real property taxes owed 
by foreign countries.
    Sec. 7054 includes language similar to the prior year 
regarding the International Monetary Fund.
    Sec. 7055 includes language carried in the prior year 
prohibiting funds for a country that does not cooperate in the 
extradition to the United States of certain individuals.
    Sec. 7056 includes language modified from the prior year 
establishing certain limitations on assistance that may impact 
jobs in the United States.
    Sec. 7057 includes language modified from the prior year 
regarding assistance provided to UNFPA and to address women's 
    Sec. 7058 includes language modified from the prior year 
regarding global health activities, providing certain funding 
and authorities to prepare for, and respond to, emerging health 
    Sec. 7059 includes language modified from the prior year 
regarding programs that support gender equality.
    Sec. 7060 includes language modified from the prior year 
regarding assistance for programs related to basic education, 
higher education, environment, food security and agriculture 
development, microenterprise, reconciliation programs, 
trafficking in persons, and water and sanitation.
    Sec. 7061 includes language modified from the prior year 
requiring operating and spend plans for funds provided in this 
    Sec. 7062 includes language modified from the prior year 
concerning consultation, notification, and reporting 
requirements involving any agency reorganization.
    Sec, 7063 includes language carried in the prior year 
providing certain conditions on amounts designated as Overseas 
Contingency Operations/Global War on Terrorism.
    Sec. 7064 includes new language regarding restrictions on 
foreign non-governmental organizations.

                  Appropriations Not Authorized by Law

    Pursuant to clause 3(f)(1)(B) of rule XIII of the Rules of 
the House of Representatives, the following table lists the 
appropriations in the accompanying bill which are not 
authorized by law for the period concerned:

                                                                           Appropriations in
         Agency/Activity               Last Year         Authorization       Last Year of     Appropriations  in
                                      Authorized             Level           Authorization         the Bill
Department of State/              2003..............  $5,290,390,000....  $5,874,914,000....  $12,475,837,000
 Administration of Foreign
Department of State/              2003..............  $1,529,702,000....  $1,672,000,000....  $3,648,699,000
 International Organizations.
Department of State/              2003..............  $71,385,000.......  $57,730,000.......  $141,360,000
 International Commissions.
U.S. Agency for Global Media      2003..............  $644,486,000......  $599,560,000......  $807,896,000
 (formerly Broadcasting Board of
Department of State/Related       2003..............  $72,000,000.......  $69,986,000.......  $254,973,000
United States Institute of Peace  2014..............  Such sums as may    $37,000,000.......  $38,634,000
                                                       be necessary.
USAID/Operating Expenses........  1987..............  $387,000,000......  $340,600,000......  $1,404,756,000
USAID/Capital Investment Fund...  None..............  NA................  NA................  $210,300,000
USAID/Inspector General.........  1987..............  $21,750,000.......  $21,000,000.......  $75,500,000
Global Health Programs (see note  Population (1987);  Population          Population          $3,366,500,000
 below).                           Health and          ($290,000,000);     ($234,625,000);     (includes up to
                                   Disease             Health and          Health and          $750,000,000 for
                                   Prevention          Disease             Disease             Population)
                                   (1987); Child       Prevention          Prevention
                                   Survival Fund       ($180,000,000);     ($166,762,000);
                                   (1987).             Child Survival      Child Survival
                                                       Fund                Fund (75,000,000).
Global Health Programs: HIV/AIDS  2013..............  $48,000,000,000     $5,720,499,000....  $5,930,000,000
                                                       over 5 years.
Development Assistance (see note  Agriculture;        Agriculture         Agriculture         $4,164,867,000
 below).                           (1987) Education    ($760,000,000);     ($693,613,000);     (program levels
                                   (1987); Energy      Education           Education           to difficult to
                                   and selected        ($180,000,000);     ($155,000,000);     determine due to
                                   development         Energy and          Energy and          changing
                                   activities (1987).  selected            selected            definitions of
                                                       development         development         programs since
                                                       activities          activities          last authorized)
                                                       ($207,000,000).     ($149,990,000).
International Disaster            2018..............  $2,794,184,000....  $2,696,534,000....  $4,435,312,000
Transition Initiatives..........  None..............  NA................  NA................  $92,043,000
Democracy Fund..................  None..............  NA................  NA................  $273,700,000
Assistance for Europe, Eurasia    1993..............  $410,000,000......  N/A...............  770,334,000
 and Central Asia.
Migration and Refugee Assistance  2003..............  $820,000,000......  $781,884,000......  $3,532,000,000
Peace Corps.....................  2003..............  $365,000,000......  $295,069,000......  $425,000,000
Millennium Challenge Corporation  2005..............  Such sums as may    $1,488,000,000....  $905,000,000
                                                       be necessary.
Inter-American Foundation.......  1993..............  $31,000,000.......  $30,960,000.......  $32,500,000
      United States African       1987..............  $3,872,000........  $6,500,000........  $30,000,000
     Development Foundation
Department of the Treasury,       1999..............  $5,000,000........  $1,500,000........  $30,000,000
 International Affairs Technical
Economic Support Fund...........  1987..............  $3,800,000,000....  $3,555,000,000....  $2,178,763,000
International Narcotics Control   1994..............  $171,500,000......  $100,000,000......  $1,410,665,000
 and Law Enforcement.
Nonproliferation, Anti-           2003..............  $226,200,000......  NA................  $886,850,000
 terrorism, Demining and Related
 Programs (see note below).
Peacekeeping Operations.........  1999..............  $83,000,000.......  $76,500,000.......  $516,348,000
International Military Education  2003..............  $85,000,000.......  $79,480,000.......  $110,875,000
 and Training.
Foreign Military Financing......  2003..............  $4,107,000,000....  $6,104,632,000....  $6,109,121,000
Note: Programs recommended herein under ``Global Health Programs''' were last authorized under a different
  account structure than that recommended in this bill; the account structure included a number of functional
  accounts, as described above.
Note: Programs recommended herein under ``Nonproliferation, Anti-terrorism, Demining and Related Programs''
  include some major programs for which authorizations of appropriations were provided for fiscal year 2002;
  these programs include $73,000,000 authorized for antiterrorism assistance and $142,000,000 authorized for
  nonproliferation activities. In addition, some programs now in this account were previously in accounts which
  had authorizations of appropriations in prior years.

                   Comparison With Budget Resolution

    Section 308(a)(1)(A) of the Congressional Budget Act 
required the report accompanying a bill providing new budget 
authority to contain a statement comparing the levels in the 
bill to the suballocations submitted under section 302(b) of 
the Act for the most recently agreed to concurrent resolution 
on the budget for the applicable fiscal year.

                                            [In millions of dollars]
                                                         302(b) Allocation                   This Bill
                                                      Budget                          Budget
                                                     Authority        Outlays        Authority        Outlays
Comparison of amounts in the bill with Committee
 allocations to its subcommittees: Subcommittee
 on State, Foreign Operations, and Related
    Discretionary...............................          48,381          48,750       \1\56,381          50,761
    Mandatory...................................             159             159          \1\159             159
\1\Includes outlays from prior-year budget authority
Note.--Consistent with the funding recommended in the bill for overseas contingency operations/global war on
  terrorism, in accordance with section 251(b)(2) of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of
  1985, and after the bill is reported to the House, the Chairman of the Committee on the Budget will provide a
  revised section 302(a) allocation reflecting an additional $8,000,000,000 in discretionary budget authority
  and $2,174,000,000 in associated outlays. That new allocation will eliminate the technical difference prior to
  Floor consideration.

                      Five-Year Outlay Projections

    In compliance with section 308(a)(1)(B) of the 
Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974 
(Public Law 93-344), as amended, the following table contains 
five-year projections associated with the budget authority 
provided in the accompanying bill.

                                            [In millions of dollars]
Projection of outlays associated with the recommendation:
    2020....................................................  ...........  ...........          \1\       17,220
    2021....................................................  ...........  ...........  ...........       14,976
    2022....................................................  ...........  ...........  ...........       10,133
    2023....................................................  ...........  ...........  ...........        5,512
    2024 and future years...................................  ...........  ...........  ...........        7,144
\1\Excludes outlays from prior-year budget authority.

          Financial Assistance to State and Local Governments

    In accordance with section 308(a)(1)(C) of the 
Congressional Budget Act of 1974, as amended, the Congressional 
Budget Office has provided the following estimates of new 
budget authority and outlays provided by the accompanying bill 
for financial assistance to State and local governments.

                        [In millions of dollars]
                                     Budget Authority       Outlays
Financial assistance to State and                \1\0                  0
 local governments for 2020.......
\1\Excludes outlays from prior-year budget authority.

                          Program Duplication

    No provision of this bill establishes or reauthorizes a 
program of the Federal Government known to be duplicative of 
another Federal program, a program that was included in any 
report from the Government Accountability Office to Congress 
pursuant to section 21 of Public Law 111-139, or a program 
related to a program identified in the most recent Catalog of 
Federal Domestic Assistance.

                           Committee Hearings

    For the purposes of section 103(i) of H. Res. 6 of the 
116th Congress--
    The following hearings were used to develop or consider the 
State, Foreign Operations and Related Agencies Appropriations 
Act, 2020:
    The Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations and Related 
Agencies held an oversight hearing on February 27, 2019, 
entitled ``Oversight of U.S. Agency for International 
Development (USAID) Programs and Policies.'' The Subcommittee 
received testimony from:
    The Honorable Mark Green, Administrator, U.S. Agency for 
International Development
    The Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations and Related 
Agencies held a budget hearing on March 6, 2019 entitled 
``Member Day Hearing.'' The Subcommittee received testimony 
          The Honorable Ed Case, Member of Congress
          The Honorable David N. Cicilline, Member of Congress
          The Honorable Eliot Engel, Member of Congress
          The Honorable Adriano Espaillat, Member of Congress
          The Honorable Brian Fitzpatrick, Member of Congress
          The Honorable Bill Foster, Member of Congress
          The Honorable Jim McGovern, Member of Congress
          The Honorable Frank Pallone, Member of Congress
          The Honorable Adam B. Schiff, Member of Congress
          The Honorable Jackie Speier, Member of Congress
          The Honorable Ann Wagner, Member of Congress
          The Honorable Ted Yoho, Member of Congress
    The Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations and Related 
Agencies held a budget hearing on March 12, 2019, entitled 
``Public Witness Hearing.'' The Subcommittee received testimony 
          Alice Albright, CEO, Global Partnership for Education
          Ronnate Asirwatham, Senior Policy Advisor, Global 
        Campaign for Education--U.S. Chapter (GCE-US)
          Anthony Banbury, President and CEO, International 
        Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES)
          Jeremy Ben-Ami, President, J Street
          Vince Blaser, Director, Frontline Health Workers 
        Coalition, IntraHealth International
          Jeanne Bourgault, President and CEO, Internews
          Dr. Joanne Carter, Executive Director, RESULTS and 
        RESULTS Educational Fund
          Chris Collins, President, Friends of the Global Fight 
        Against AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria
          Candace Debnam, Co-Chair of the Basic Education 
        Coalition's Board of Directors and Executive Director 
        of School to School International, Basic Education 
          Mel Duncan, Director of Advocacy and Outreach, 
        Nonviolent Peaceforce U.S.
          Francoise Girard, President, International Women's 
        Health Coalition
          Heather Ignatius, Director of U.S. and Global 
        Advocacy, PATH
          Raffi Karakashian, Government Affairs Director, 
        Armenian National Committee of America
          Michael Klosson, Vice President for Policy and 
        Humanitarian Response, Save the Children
          Howard Kohr, CEO, AIPAC
          Metodija Koloski, President, United Macedonian 
          Van Krikorian, Co-Chair of the Board of Trustees, 
        Armenian Assembly of America
          Nick Larigakis, President and COO, American Hellenic 
          Sevinj Mammadova, Board Member, U.S. Azeris Network 
          Mary McQueen, President, National Center for State 
          William ``Bill'' O'Keefe, Executive Vice President 
        for Mission, Mobilization, and Advocacy, Catholic 
        Relief Services
          Loyce Pace, President and Executive Director, Global 
        Health Council
          Dr. David Patton, Acting President, American Councils 
        for International Education
          Emily Rice, Key Club International President, Kiwanis 
          Joan Rosenhauer, Executive Director, Jesuit Refugee 
          Gayle Smith, CEO, ONE Campaign
          Anastasia Staten, Chair of the Board, The HALO Trust 
          Ambassador Kathleen Stephens, The Asia Foundation
          Caryl Stern, President and CEO, UNICEF USA
          Michele Sumilas, Managing Director, Bread for the 
          Thomas Susman, Strategic Advisor, Governmental 
        Affairs, American Bar Association
          Kate Wall, Senior Legislative Manager, International 
        Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW)
          JoDee Winterhof, Senior Vice President for Policy and 
        Political Affairs, Human Rights Campaign
          Peter Yeo, President, Better World Campaign
    The Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations and Related 
Agencies held a budget hearing on March 27, 2019 entitled, 
``Department of State Budget Request for FY 2020.'' The 
Subcommittee received testimony from:
    The Honorable Mike Pompeo, Secretary, Department of State

      Comparative Statement of New Budget (Obligational) Authority

    The following table provides a detailed summary, for each 
department and agency, comparing the amounts recommended in the 
bill with fiscal year 2019 enacted amounts and budget estimates 
presented for fiscal year 2020:

                             MINORITY VIEWS

    We appreciate the collegial and collaborative efforts of 
Full Committee and Subcommittee Chairwoman, Nita Lowey, in 
producing a State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs 
Appropriations bill that includes bipartisan priorities that 
support our national security and reflect the character of our 
    Chief among them is the $3,300,000,000 in Foreign Military 
Financing Program for our great ally Israel. This support is 
particularly timely given Iran's repeated threats against 
Israel, as well as its aggressive regional and foreign 
policies, including its use of nonstate militias and sectarian 
armed groups and efforts to export its revolutionary agenda to 
the region. The bill also maintains funding at last year's 
level for other close partners in the Near East, including 
Egypt, Jordan, and Tunisia. Funding is maintained at the 
current level for embassy security to help ensure the safety 
and security of our diplomats and development experts serving 
abroad. Funding is also continued to strengthen international 
efforts to combat the flow of drugs into our country. In 
addition, the bill continues support for important programs 
within global health, such as maternal and child health, 
nutrition, tuberculosis, the PEPFAR program, and additional 
resources for the United States contribution to the Global Fund 
to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria. These are only some 
of the examples where we have agreement on both sides of the 
aisle, and we thank the Chair for accommodating as many shared 
priorities as possible.
    We also appreciate the Chair accepting Republican 
amendments in our Committee markup on funding for the Indo-
Pacific region in recognition of the United States as an 
enduring Pacific Power, and with respect to certain models of 
conservation in Kenya. In addition, we are pleased we were able 
to find common ground with the majority in the Managers' 
Amendment to address several issues important to our Members 
such as: taking the first step to provide the Development 
Finance Corporation with the appropriate resources and tools it 
needs, including the amount and treatment of equity investment, 
so that this new agency can fulfill its mandate and give 
developing nations a better alternative to predatory Chinese 
financing; improving the H2A visa process; strengthening 
cybersecurity programs with our allies and partners abroad; 
enhancing oversight of Confucius Institutes operating in the 
United States and their relationships with the government of 
the People's Republic of China.
    The bill as reported by the Committee provides 
$48,381,000,000 in base discretionary budget authority, which 
is nearly a 5 percent increase over the fiscal year 2019 
enacted level. With the additional $8,000,000,000 included as 
Overseas Contingency Operations/Global War on Terrorism, the 
total amount for fiscal year 2020 is $56,381,000,000. Because 
the increase in the allocation was made in the absence of a 
bipartisan, bicameral agreement that the President will accept, 
and the inclusion of partisan riders attacking pro-life and 
climate positions, we do not support advancing the bill as 
written at this time.
    Amendments were offered by Committee Republicans to address 
spending concerns and on partisan riders that undo consensus 
agreements from prior years on pro-life and climate issues. Mr. 
Rutherford offered two amendments that reduced the spending 
levels in the bill. His first amendment reduced funds for 
peacekeeping contributions by the same amount made available in 
the bill to pay arrears for certain fiscal years. Our 
Republican Members supported this amendment in recognition that 
the United Nations has only just begun to tackle long-overdue 
reforms, and that paying arrears without additional 
requirements for reform is short-sighted and a wasteful use of 
taxpayer funds. Although the amendment was defeated 22-29, 
officials at the United Nations should know there are many 
Members of Congress who expect current reform efforts to 
continue and look forward to the additional changes needed to 
address the scales of assessment so the United States can pay 
its fair share. Mr. Rutherford's second amendment proposed a 
common sense reduction in spending through a rescission of 
prior year unobligated balances from the Economic Support Fund 
account. Given the changing needs around the globe, these funds 
are not only unobligated, they also are unallocated. 
Overlooking them does harm to advancing transparent and 
effective foreign assistance. Republican Committee Members 
supported this amendment because United States ``soft power'' 
requires smart oversight. The amendment was defeated 23-29.
    Mr. Amodei offered an amendment to strike two controversial 
provisions in the bill related to climate policy that allow 
funds to go to the Green Climate Fund and that prohibit funds 
from being used to withdraw from the Paris Agreement. 
Republicans supported this amendment because the Green Climate 
Fund lacks oversight and because the provision ties the hands 
of the President in conducting foreign policy. We are 
particularly troubled to see that the bill retroactively 
applies these provisions to prior acts, which effectively 
unwinds agreements made by this Committee on a bipartisan 
    The Republican Committee Members were unified in their 
concerns about language undoing pro-life measures. Mr. 
Fleischmann offered an amendment striking the increase mandated 
in the bill for the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and 
inserting a funding prohibition for UNFPA. Our Members 
supported this amendment in recognition that UNFPA violates the 
most basic respect for human life through its support for 
coercive abortion and forced sterilization. The amendment was 
not agreed to on a vote of 23-29.
    Lastly, Dr. Harris offered an amendment striking all 
language related to the Mexico City Policy, making the bill 
identical to current law on this issue. As drafted by the 
Majority, the bill goes further than just prohibiting funds for 
the implementation of the expanded Mexico City Policy; it 
amends authorizing statute to make the Mexico City Policy 
permanently prohibited. The amendment was not agreed to, and we 
believe this is most unfortunate. The President has said he 
will veto any legislation that is sent to him that undoes the 
status quo on pro-life protections. In rejecting the amendment, 
the Majority has insisted on keeping two provisions that will 
result in a veto of this bill.
    In closing, we remain concerned that this bill has been 
developed without a sustainable and widely supported budget 
agreement and includes partisan riders that will jeopardize 
enactment of any final legislation. We want to work with the 
Majority as we proceed through the legislative process so that 
the many bipartisan issues of great national importance in this 
bill will receive the support they deserve.

                                   Kay Granger.
                                   Harold Rogers.