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Notices> 1981
> IN 81-07
Information Notice No. 81-07: Potential Problem with Water-Soluble Purge Dam Materials Used During Inert Gas Welding
SSINS No.: 6835 Accession No.: 8011040267 IN 81-07 UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION OFFICE OF INSPECTION AND ENFORCEMENT WASHINGTON, D.C. 20555 March 16, 1981 Information Notice No. 81-07: POTENTIAL PROBLEM WITH WATER-SOLUBLE PURGE DAM MATERIALS USED DURING INERT GAS WELDING Description of Circumstances: Recent experiences with water-soluble purge dam materials at several nuclear construction sites have shown the need to develop welding procedures that address the potential for thermally decomposing the purge dam material during inert gas welding or post-weld heat treatment operations. Specifically, polyvinyl alcohol film manufactured by Chris-Craft Industries was the purge dam material used at these construction sites. The decomposition of this purge dam material at elevated temperatures causes the material to lose its solubility in water. As a result, the purge dam material cannot be completely dissolved during subsequent piping system flushing and cleaning operations. The failure of this material to completely dissolve could cause significant problems during reactor plant operation. Specimens of polyvinyl alcohol film were recently obtained from the Mono-Sol Division of Chris-Craft Industries and tested at Franklin Research Center (FRC) to determine, among other things, the threshold temperature at which the material becomes insoluble in water. The results of this test program indicate that (1) the solubility of the purge dam material in water rapidly approaches zero if the material is heated and held at temperatures in excess of 300F; (2) the purge dam material hardens and becomes difficult to break if subject to temperatures in the range of 300 F to 400 F, and becomes brittle if heated to 450 F; and (3) purge dam material heated above its threshold temperature is not soluble in commonly used laboratory solvents. The independent testing laboratory (FRC) therefore concludes that the Mono-Sol polyvinyl alcohol film will not dissolve during aqueous flushing of the system if the material has been heated to temperatures in excess of 300 F. Recommended Actions for Holders of Operating Licenses and Construction Permits: It is recommended that all welding operations involving polyvinyl alcohol purge dam materials be governed by procedures that require the material to be located in areas that are sufficiently removed from heat so that the temperature of the material does not reach 300 F. No written response to this information notice is required. If you require additional information with regard to this subject, please contact the appropriate NRC Regional Office. Attachment: Recently issued IE Information Notices
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Friday, May 22,
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