Information Notice No. 90-61: Potential for Residual Heat Removal Pump Damage Caused by Parallel Pump Interaction
September 20, 1990
All holders of operating licenses or construction permits for nuclear power
This information notice is intended to alert addressees to the potential for
flow stoppage caused by the interaction of the parallel pumps in residual
heat removal systems that have discharge check valves located upstream of
the recirculation lines. It is expected that recipients will review the
information for applicability to their facilities and consider actions, as
appropriate, to avoid similar problems. However, suggestions contained in
this information notice do not constitute NRC requirements; therefore, no
specific action or written response is required.
Description of Circumstances:
In December 1989, the staff at Unit 1 of the Sequoyah Nuclear Power Plant
found that one of the residual heat removal pumps was running without flow
(deadheading) during simultaneous surveillance testing of both pumps, a
condition that can damage a pump from overheating. In this test, both
residual heat removal pumps, operating in the safety injection mode, were to
draw water from the refueling water storage tank suction lines and discharge
it back through the "minimum flow" recirculation lines (see Figure of the
residual heat removal system, attached). In the residual heat removal
system at Sequoyah, each of the two trains has a check valve located on the
discharge side of the pumps and upstream of the recirculation lines. A
normally open crossover line connects the two trains downstream of the
recirculation lines. Because one of the pumps had a higher discharge
pressure than the other, the pressure of the stronger pump acting through
the crossover line forced the discharge check valve of the weaker pump to
close. This stopped the flow from the weaker pump. In its analysis of the
event at Sequoyah, the Tennessee Valley Authority (the licensee) found that
operating a pump with no flow for longer than 11 minutes may cause pump
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The NRC Office of Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data has published
a study of this issue entitled "Potential for Residual Heat Removal System
Pump Damage," AEOD/E90-06. This study reviewed the RHR designs of nineteen
randomly selected plants and found five of them with system piping
configurations similar to that of the RHR system at the Sequoyah plant. The
study indicates that the potential for the adverse pump-to-pump interaction,
which can cause the discharge check valve to close, may not be detected
during a surveillance test in which one pump is tested at a time.
Discussion of Safety Significance
In addition to providing core cooling when the reactor is shut down, the
residual heat removal system provides low-pressure coolant injection (safety
injection) during an accident. If a loss-of-coolant accident followed by
the actuation of the safety injection system were to occur, both pumps would
start running. However, until the primary system pressure has decreased to
a level that is below the pump shutoff head of 184 psi, the pumps could not
inject into the reactor. For a small break, the amount of time required to
decrease the reactor pressure to the low-pressure injection point could
cause deadheaded pumps to overheat. For this reason, the minimum flow
bypass line valves are designed to open during this phase to permit
sufficient flow through the pumps to cool them. During normal operation,
the crossover line between the two residual heat removal trains is kept
open. This is to assure a cooling water supply to the reactor from either
of the RHR pumps under adverse conditions, such as a break in one of the
lines to the reactor cold legs. Consequently, the conditions identified in
the Sequoyah test would probably exist during a small break accident and
could cause the failure of the weaker pump.
NRC Bulletin 88-04, "Potential Safety-Related Pump Loss," previously
addressed the issue of the deadheading of a weaker pump during two-pump
minimum flow operation. In its analysis that was performed in response to
this bulletin, the Sequoyah staff concluded that the deadheading problem did
not exist at Sequoyah. This conclusion was based on the use of a value of
11.1 psi for the differential pressure between the two pumps, which had been
derived from the average values from several tests. This value was
considered to be too low to cause the deadheading problem. Following the
discovery of the deadheading problem in 1989, the Sequoyah staff
recalculated the differential pressure between the two pumps based on
individual pump pressures and concluded that the actual value was 17 psi,
which was sufficient to block the flow from the weaker pump.
The staff at Sequoyah has made an interim change in its emergency operating
procedures to prevent the damaging of a residual heat removal pump during a
safety injection actuation. This change requires that one of the pumps be
stopped and placed in the standby mode if the reactor coolant system
pressure remains above 180 psi for longer than a specified time after the
initiation of safety injection. However, this procedure has the
disadvantage of requiring operator action within a short time during an
emergency situation. As a permanent corrective action, the Sequoyah staff
will install check valves in each train downstream of the recirculation
lines. With these valves in place,
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any backflow resulting from crossover from a stronger pump would close the
new check valve in the lower pressure train and isolate the weak pump's
recirculation line from the stronger pump.
This information notice requires no specific action or written response. If
you have any questions about the information in this notice, please contact
the technical contact listed below or the appropriate NRR project manager.
Charles E. Rossi, Director
Division of Operational Events Assessment
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Technical Contact: Chuck Hsu, AEOD
(301) 492-4443
1. Figure of Residual Heat Removal System - Minimum Flow Lineup
2. List of Recently Issued NRC Information Notices
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Friday, May 22, 2015