Natural Circulation Cooldown (Generic Letter No. 81-21)
MAY 5 1981
(Generic Letter No. 81-21)
On June 11, 1980, the St. Lucie Plant, Unit No. 1, was forced to cool down
on natural circulation as a result of a component cooling water malfunction.
During the cooldown process, abnormally rapid increases in pressurizer level
were observed. Subsequent analyses have confirmed that these abnormal level
increases were produced by flashing of liquid in the upper head of the,
reactor vessel, forcing water out of the vessel and into the pressurizer. A
more complete description of the,event and circumstances involved is
provided in the enclosure which includes a letter sent to the PWR NSSS
vendors soliciting their opinions and comments on the significance of the
event and phenomenon in general.
Based on our review of the event to date, we believe that core cooling was
never lost during the St. Lucie, Unit No. 1 event. That specific event does
not constitute a direct safety concern. We have, however, identified two
areas of concern applicable to all pressurized water reactors requiring
prompt action:
1. The Unacceptability of Vessel Voiding During Anticipated Cooldown
Conditions (Natural Circulation Due to Loss of Offsite Power, Loss of
Pumps, etc.)
Cooldown with a significant steam void in the vessel requires
controlling a "two pressurizer" system, which is an undesirable
challenge to the operator. In fact, we ate not aware of any training
facilities (simulators) today which would allow an operator "hands on"
experience in practicing such control. Moreover, it is our opinion that
any significant vessel voiding produced during controlled cooldown
conditions increases the susceptibility of the plant to more serious
accidents. For these reasons reactor vessel voiding during controlled
natural circulation cooldowns should be avoided.
- 2 -
As described in the enclosure, vessel voiding at St. Lucie, Unit No. 1,
was caused by the operator reducing system pressure such that the
corresponding saturation temperature dropped to the temperature of the
relatively stagnant fluid in the reactor vessel upper head. Presently,
primary system cooldown rates are based on vessel structural integrity
considerations and do not explicitly consider avoiding production of
significant steam voids in the vessel. Moreover, cooldown rates are
based on fluid temperatures measured in the primary piping. As the St.
Lucie Unit No. 1 event has shown, these measured temperatures can in
fact be on the order of 100 degrees Fahrenheit or more lower than the
upper head fluid temperature, and, therefore, not indicative of the
saturation pressure of all fluid in the primary system.
Under conditions which require cooldown on natural circulation and when
rapid depressurization is not necessary there may be a number of ways
to avoid reactor vessel voiding. For example, a low cooldown rate can
be specified, coupled with "holding" the plant at intermediate
conditions to allow the fluid in the upper vessel to equilibrate with
the rest of the primary system. However, avoidance of vessel voiding by
lower primary system cooldown rates can increase the time required to
achieve shutdown cooling entry conditions and thus increase the time
auxiliary feedwater is depended upon to remove decay heat
(specifically, for the loss-of-offsite power case). Thus, supplies of
condensate-grade auxiliary feedwater must be considered if cooldown
times are extended.
2. Failure of the Operator to Have Prior Knowledge and Training for This
The cause of initial surges in pressurizer level at St. Lucie, Unit No.
1, was not immediately recognized or understood by the operator. We
attribute this to the fact that long-term natural circulation cooldown
under the specific circumstances of the event was never explicitly
analysed by the NSSS vendor from the standpoint of trying to recognize
a phenomenon such as that which occurred at St. Lucie, Unit No. 1. In
the St. Lucie event, the operator ultimately recognized the cause.of
the level surges and was able to maintain control of the plant. Our
concern, however, is the possibility of an operator taking incorrect
action in an effort to correct for an unknown event or unrecognized
We believe that proper procedures and training can provide the necessary
guidance to the operators both to avoid reactor vessel voiding as well as
recognize it when, and if, it occurs during controlled natural circulation
cooldown. We are not sure if such procedures and training are in place at
pressurized water reactor facilities.
- 3 -
Consequently, we request that you promptly review your current plant
operations in light of the St. Lucie, Unit No. 1 event and the discussions
above and implement, as necessary, procedures and training which will enable
operators to avoid (if possible), recognize and properly react to reactor
vessel voiding during natural circulation cooldown.
We conclude that the actions described above should be completed as soon as
they reasonably can be (i.e., within 6 months for operating reactors). In
addition, so that we may determine whether your license should be amended to
incorporate these actions as requirements, licensees of operating
pressurized water reactors are requested, pursuant to SS50.54(f), to
furnish, within 6 months of receipt of this letter, an assessment of your
facility procedures and training program with respect to the matters
described above. Your assessment should include:
1. a demonstration (e.g. analysis and/or test) that controlled natural
circulation cooldown from operating conditions to cold shutdown
conditions, conducted in accordance with your procedure, should not
result in reactor vessel voiding;
2. verification that supplies of condensate-grade auxiliary feedwater are
sufficient to support your cooldown method; and
3. a description of your training program and the provisions of your
procedures (e.g. limited cooldown rate, response to rapid change in
pressurizer level) that deal with prevention or mitigation of reactor
vessel voiding.
Applicants for operating licensees are requested to implement the subject
procedures and training and provide the requested assessment within 6 months
of receipt of this letter or 4 months prior to the staff's scheduled
issuance of its operating license Safety Evaluation Report, whichever is
Please refer to this letter in your response.
This request for information was approved by OMB under a blanket clearance
number R0072 which expires December 31, 1981. Comments on burden and
duplication may be directed to the Office of Management and Budget, Reports
Management, Room 3208, New Executive Office Building, Washington, D.C.
Darrell G. Eisenhut, Director
Division of Licensing
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Enclosure: As stated
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, March 25, 2021