Reporting Requirements on Primary Coolant Iodine Spikes (Generic Letter No. 85-19)
September 27, 1985
SUBJECT: Reporting Requirements on Primary Coolant Iodine Spikes - (Generic
Letter No. 85-19)
Generic Letter No. 83-43 was issued on December 19, 1983, to provide
guidance on Technical Specification revisions required as the result of the
revisions to 10 CFR 50.72 (Immediate Notification Requirements of
Significant Events at Operating Nuclear Power Reactors) and of
implementation of 10 CFR 50.73 (Licensee Event Report System). That generic
letter discussed changing the requirement from a Licensee Event Report to a
Special Report for operating conditions where the specific activity limits
of the reactor coolant are exceeded.
As part of our continuing program to delete unnecessary reporting
requirements, we have reviewed the reporting requirements related to primary
coolant specific activity levels, specifically primary coolant iodine
spikes. We have determined that the reporting requirements for iodine
spiking can be, reduced from a short-term report (Special Report or Licensee
Event Report) to an item which is to be included in the Annual Report. The
information to be included in the Annual Report is similar to that
previously required in the Licensee Event Report but has been changed to
more clearly designate the results to be included from the specific activity
analysis and to delete the information regarding fuel burnup by core region.
In our effort to eliminate unnecessary Technical Specification requirements,
we have also determined that the existing requirements to shut down a plant
if coolant iodine activity limits are exceeded for 800 hours in a 12-month
period can be eliminated. The quality of nuclear fuel has been greatly
improved over the past decade with the result that normal coolant iodine
activity (i.e. in the absence of iodine spiking ) is well below the limit.
Appropriate actions would be initiated long before accumulating 800 hours
above the iodine activity limit. In addition, 10 CFR 50.72(b)(1)(ii)
requires the NRC to be immediately notified of fuel cladding failures that
exceed expected values or that are caused by unexpected factors. Therefore,
this Technical Specification limit is no longer considered necessary on the
basis that proper fuel management by licensees and existing reporting
requirements should preclude ever approaching the limit.
Licensees are expected to continue to monitor iodine activity in the primary
coolant and take responsible actions to maintain it at a reasonably low
level (i.e., accumulated time with high iodine activity should not approach
800 hours).
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Enclosed are model Technical Specifications in Standard Technical
Specification (STS) format showing the revisions that may be used in a
submittal of proposed Technical Specifications or proposed changes to
existing Technical Specifications. These changes will also be incorporated
in the next revision of the STS for all nuclear power reactor vendors. The
changes are indicated by a line in the margin of the Action Statement for
the Limiting Condition for Operation. A Technical Specification amendment
request should be submitted to the NRC for each facility which currently has
Technical Specification reporting requirements upon exceeding coolant iodine
activity limits or which has a requirement to shut down after 800 hours with
iodine above the limit. Your request should include appropriate changes to
the bases section of your Technical Specifications.
As a matter of information, when Technical Specification changes or other
proposed license amendments and approvals (i.e., proposed facility
modifications requiring NRC approval are required as a result of this or
another generic letter, they are subject to the fee provisions of 10 CFR 170
and a $150 application fee should accompany your request (see 10 CFR
170.12(c) and 170.21).
If you have any questions relating to this subject, please contact M. Virgil
of my staff on (301-492-8947).
This request has been approved by OMB Clearance Number 3150-0011, which
expires September 30, 1986.
Hugh L. Thompson, Director
Division of Licensing
"Model Technical Specifications showing Revisions to STS Reporting
Requirements for Primary Coolant Specific Activity"
List of Generic Letters
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, March 25, 2021