[House Report 117-402]
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]

117th Congress     }                                  {      Report
                        HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES
 2d Session        }                                  {      117-402




                              R E P O R T

                                 of the

                        HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES

                             together with

                             MINORITY VIEWS

                        [to accompany h.r. 8294]


  July 5, 2022.--Committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the 
              State of the Union and ordered to be printed


117th Congress     }                                  {      Report
                        HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES
 2d Session        }                                  {      117-402





                              R E P O R T

                                 of the


                        HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES

                             together with

                             MINORITY VIEWS

                        [to accompany h.r. 8294]


  July 5, 2022.--Committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the 
              State of the Union and ordered to be printed
47-922			   WASHINGTON : 2022	             

117th Congress     }                                  {      Report
                        HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES
 2d Session        }                                  {      117-402




  July 5, 2022.--Committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the 
              State of the Union and ordered to be printed


  Mr. Price of North Carolina, from the Committee on Appropriations, 
                        submitted the following

                              R E P O R T

                             together with

                             MINORITY VIEWS

                        [To accompany H.R. 8294]

    The Committee on Appropriations submits the following 
report in explanation of the accompanying bill making 
appropriations for the Departments of Transportation, Housing 
and Urban Development, and related agencies for the fiscal year 
ending September 30, 2023.

                        INDEX TO BILL AND REPORT

                                                            Page number

                                                            Bill Report
Title I--Department of Transportation......................     2
Title II--Department of Housing and Urban Development......   104
Title III--Related Agencies................................   223
Title IV--General Provisions...............................   228
Minority Views.............................................         535

                     PROGRAM, PROJECT, AND ACTIVITY

    During fiscal year 2023, for the purposes of the Balanced 
Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 (Public Law 
99-177), as amended, with respect to appropriations contained 
in the accompanying bill, the terms ``program, project, and 
activity'' (PPA) shall mean any item for which a dollar amount 
is contained in appropriations acts (including joint 
resolutions providing continuing appropriations), accompanying 
reports of the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations, 
or accompanying conference reports and joint explanatory 
statements of the committee of conference. This definition 
shall apply to all programs for which new budget (obligational) 
authority is provided, as well as to discretionary grants and 
discretionary grant allocations made through either bill or 
report language.
    The Committee directs the departments and agencies funded 
by this Act to address each number listed in the reports in 
their respective operating plans and warns that efforts to 
operate programs at levels contrary to the levels recommended 
and directed in these reports would not be advised.


    The Committee includes a provision (section 405) 
establishing the authority by which funding made available to 
the agencies funded by this Act may be reprogrammed for other 
purposes. The provision specifically requires the advance 
approval of the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations 
of any proposal to reprogram funds that:
           creates a new program;
           eliminates a PPA;
           increases funds or personnel for any PPA for 
        which funds have been denied or restricted by Congress;
           redirects funds that were directed in such 
        reports for a specific activity to a different purpose;
           augments an existing PPA in excess of 
        $5,000,000 or 10 percent, whichever is less;
           reduces an existing PPA by $5,000,000 or 10 
        percent, whichever is less; or
           creates, reorganizes, or restructures 
        offices different from the congressional budget 
        justifications or the table at the end of the Committee 
        report, whichever is more detailed.
    The Committee retains the requirement that each agency 
submit an operating plan to the House and Senate Committees on 
Appropriations not later than 60 days after enactment of this 
Act to establish the baseline for application of reprogramming 
and transfer authorities provided in this Act. Specifically, 
each agency must provide a table for each appropriation with 
columns displaying the prior year enacted level; budget 
request; adjustments made by Congress; adjustments for 
rescissions, if appropriate; and the fiscal year enacted level. 
The table shall delineate the appropriation and prior year 
enacted level both by object class and by PPA, as detailed in 
this Act, accompanying reports of the House and Senate 
Committees on Appropriations, accompanying conference reports 
and joint explanatory statements of the committee of 
conference, or in the budget appendix for the respective 
appropriations, whichever is more detailed, and shall apply to 
all items for which new budget (obligational) authority is 
provided, as well as to discretionary grants and discretionary 
grant allocations. The operating plan also must identify items 
of special Congressional interest. Should the agency create, 
alter, discontinue, or otherwise change any program as 
described in the agency's budget justification, those changes 
must be a part of the agency's operating plan. Finally, the 
agency shall submit with the operating plan a summary of the 
reporting requirements contained in this Act, the House and 
Senate reports, and the accompanying conference reports and 
joint explanatory statements of the committee of conference. 
The summary should include Inspector General and Government 
Accountability Office (GAO) reports as well. In certain 
instances, the Committee may direct the agency to submit a 
revised operating plan for approval or may direct changes to 
the operating plan, if the plan is not consistent with the 
directives of the accompanying conference reports and joint 
explanatory statements of the committee of conference.
    The Committee expects the agencies and bureaus to submit 
reprogramming requests in a timely manner and to provide a 
thorough explanation of the proposed reallocations, including a 
detailed justification of increases and reductions and the 
specific impact of proposed changes on the budget request for 
the following fiscal year. Any reprogramming request shall 
include any out-year budgetary impacts and a separate 
accounting of program or mission impacts on estimated carryover 
funds. Reprogramming procedures shall apply to funds provided 
in this Act, unobligated balances from previous appropriations 
Acts that are available for obligation or expenditure in fiscal 
year 2023, and non-appropriated resources such as fee 
collections that are used to meet program requirements in 
fiscal year 2023.
    The Committee expects each agency to manage its programs 
and activities within the amounts appropriated by Congress. The 
Committee reminds agencies that reprogramming requests should 
be submitted only in the case of an unforeseeable emergency or 
a situation that could not have been anticipated when 
formulating the budget request for the current fiscal year. 
Except in emergency situations, reprogramming requests should 
be submitted no later than June 30, 2023. Further, the 
Committee notes that when an agency submits a reprogramming or 
transfer request to the Committees on Appropriations and does 
not receive identical responses from the House and Senate, it 
is the responsibility of the agency to reconcile the House and 
Senate differences before proceeding and, if reconciliation is 
not possible, to consider the request to reprogram funds 
    The Committee would also like to clarify that this section 
applies to working capital funds of both the Department of 
Transportation (DOT) and the Department of Housing and Urban 
Development (HUD) and that no funds may be obligated from 
working capital fund accounts to augment programs, projects, or 
activities for which appropriations have been specifically 
rejected by Congress, or to increase funds or personnel for any 
PPA above the amounts appropriated by this Act.


    Budget justifications are the primary tool used by the 
House and Senate Committees on Appropriations to evaluate the 
resource requirements and fiscal needs of agencies. The 
Committee is aware that the format and presentation of budget 
materials is largely left to the agency within presentation 
objectives set forth by the Office of Management and Budget. 
The Committee expects all of the budget justifications to 
provide the data needed to make appropriate and meaningful 
funding decisions. The Committee continues the direction that 
justifications submitted with the fiscal year 2024 budget 
request by agencies funded by this Act contain the customary 
level of detailed data and explanatory statements to support 
the appropriations requests at the level of detail contained in 
the funding table included at the end of this report. Among 
other items, agencies shall provide a detailed discussion of 
proposed new initiatives, proposed changes in the agency's 
financial plan from prior year enactment, detailed data on all 
programs, and comprehensive information on any office or agency 
restructurings. At a minimum, each agency must also provide 
adequate justification for funding and staffing changes for 
each individual office and materials that compare programs, 
projects, and activities that are proposed for fiscal year 2024 
to the fiscal year 2023 enacted levels.
    The Committee is aware that the analytical materials 
required for review by the Committee are unique to each agency 
in this Act. Therefore, the Committee expects that each agency 
will coordinate with the House and Senate Committees on 
Appropriations in advance on its planned presentation for its 
budget justification materials in support of the fiscal year 
2024 budget request. The Committee also reminds all agencies 
funded by this Act to provide accurate organizational charts in 
the budget justifications. The Committee considers any changes 
to the organizational charts to be a reprogramming requiring 
approval of the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations 
under section 405 of this Act.

                             OTHER MATTERS

    The Committee directs each of the departments and agencies 
funded by this Act to identify opportunities to prioritize 
resilience, equity, environmental justice, regional efforts, 
and robust stakeholder engagement.
    Resiliency.--The Committee believes that every new 
construction or major rehabilitation project funded by this Act 
should be constructed to the most current relevant standards 
and that these projects should address the risk of structure 
failure or loss of use from natural hazards throughout the 
lifetime of the project. As a measure of responsible fiscal 
prudence, resilient construction and land management practices 
should be integrated into every program funded by this Act. 
Further, the Committee notes the damage and devastation caused 
by flooding nationwide. The Committee supports the use of the 
best available scientific and technical data to account for the 
flood risks over the anticipated service life of a new or 
rehabilitated project.
    Performance measures.--The Committee directs each of the 
departments and agencies funded by this Act to comply with 
title 31 of the United States Code, including the development 
of their organizational priority goals and outcomes such as 
performance outcome measures, output measures, efficiency 
measures, and customer service measures.
    Customer service.--The Committee continues to support 
efforts to improve customer service in accordance with 
executive order 13571. The Committee directs all departments 
and agencies funded by this Act to develop standards to improve 
customer service and incorporate the standards into the 
performance plans required under title 31 of the United States 
Code. Further, the Committee recognizes that not all 
departments and agencies are subject to executive order 13571. 
For such departments and agencies funded by this Act, the 
Committee directs the departments and agencies to make 
continuous improvements and adopt best practices for improving 
customer service.
    Federal advertising.--The Committee understands that, as 
the largest advertiser in the United States, the Federal 
government should work to ensure fair access to its advertising 
contracts for small disadvantaged businesses, businesses owned 
by minorities and women, and local media. As such, the 
Committee directs each department and agency funded by this Act 
to include the following information in its fiscal year 2024 
budget justification: expenditures for fiscal year 2022 and 
2023, respectively, for all contracts for advertising services 
of Small Business Administration-recognized socioeconomic 
subcategory-certified small businesses, as defined in the Small 
Business Act, and all minority-owned businesses, as well as for 
local media.
    Targeted investments in impoverished areas.--The Committee 
continues to support investments in areas of persistent poverty 
and historically disadvantaged communities. The Committee notes 
that the Act defines areas of persistent poverty as such term 
is defined in section 6702 of title 49, United States Code. 
Further, the Committee recommendation provides funding for 
grants and technical assistance to areas of persistent poverty 
and historically disadvantaged communities through two DOT 
programs, the national infrastructure investments program (also 
known as RAISE) and the thriving communities initiative, and 
HUD's Office of Policy Development and Research. In addition, 
the Committee notes that the departments funded by this Act are 
actively working to implement executive order 13985, including 
opportunities for increased investment in underserved 
communities like areas of persistent poverty and historically 
disadvantaged communities. The Committee commends the 
departments for these efforts.
    In addition, to understand how programs funded through the 
departments funded by this Act are serving such areas, House 
Report 116-106 directed such departments to submit a report on 
the percentage of funds allocated by each program in fiscal 
years 2017, 2018, and 2019 and estimates for fiscal year 2020 
that serve populations living in persistent poverty counties or 
census tracts. House Report 116-452 further directed such 
departments to update the information with the data for the 
next fiscal year upon completion of the initial report required 
by House Report 116-106. The Committee commends HUD for 
completing a report covering fiscal years 2017 through 2020. 
The Committee is disappointed that DOT has not completed the 
report, reminds DOT of the directives in House Report 116-106, 
House Report 116-452, and House Report 117-99, and directs DOT 
to submit the report required by House Report 116-106 no later 
than 30 days after enactment of this Act.
    Promoting land use policies and affordable housing 
development.--The Committee remains concerned with rising 
housing costs and the lack of affordable housing supply, 
especially in job-rich areas. Therefore, the Committee 
encourages HUD to consult with DOT and issue joint non-binding 
guidance outlining voluntary best practices for land use 
policies to increase the supply of affordable and market-rate 
housing near transportation and transit hubs. This guidance 
should provide recommendations for local, regional, and state 
land use agencies to improve their land use and zoning, such as 
increasing density, reducing minimum lot sizes, creating by-
right development for multi-family homes, streamlining or 
shortening the permitting processes, eliminating impact fees, 
allowing accessory dwelling units, density bonuses, or land 
value capture mechanisms. This guidance should also focus on 
providing best practices to local land use agencies and transit 
agencies who work together to promote transit-oriented 
development, and should consider the variations of best 
practices among urban, suburban, and rural communities. The 
Committee urges the departments to use all tools available to 
encourage a ``complete streets'' approach to transportation 
policy and design.
    Affordable housing and cross-agency coordination.--Access 
to housing and transportation are critical for individuals and 
families to have a safe and affordable place to live and to get 
to and from work, school, and home. The Committee notes that 
the location of affordable housing and its proximity to 
transportation can have a significant impact on the cost of 
living and quality of life. The intersection between housing 
and transportation requires increased coordination and 
engagement between DOT and HUD. The Committee is pleased that 
DOT has taken steps to support affordable housing in the 
notices of funding opportunities (NOFOs) for some of its 
competitive grant programs. The Committee urges DOT to continue 
to incorporate language in competitive grant programs 
encouraging potential applicants to consider access to 
affordable housing, land use, density, rural main street 
revitalization, and transit-oriented development. Further, the 
Committee directs HUD and DOT to collaborate, as appropriate, 
to identify Federal resources which could be leveraged by 
potential applicants and awardees, improve cross-agency 
coordination with respect to competitive grants programs and 
NOFOs, and to explore increasing emphasis within NOFOs on 
activities to encourage potential applicants to approach 
housing and transportation projects in a more holistic, 
interconnected manner. In this effort, the departments should 
also engage other Federal agencies, as HUD and DOT deem 
appropriate, to strengthen outcomes for potential applicants 
and communities. The Committee directs HUD and DOT to jointly 
brief the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations on its 
initial cross-agency engagement and findings no later than 180 
days after the enactment of this Act.
    Fostering transit-oriented development (TOD).--The 
Committee recognizes the potential for TOD to facilitate 
economic development, affordable housing construction, and more 
livable and healthier communities. Considering the potential 
for TOD projects to improve access to affordable housing and 
transportation, the Committee directs DOT and HUD to brief the 
House and Senate Committees on Appropriations no later than 180 
days after enactment of this Act on existing Federal 
transportation and housing programs which currently incorporate 
TOD, existing programs where additional emphasis on TOD may be 
appropriate, technical assistance or guidance materials 
developed by the departments to assist potential applicants in 
pursuing TOD, and the feasibility of such existing programs 
supporting infill projects, developers and local governments 
constructing units on existing or underused urban land close to 
city amenities and transportation, and transportation projects 
that increase the share of nonmotorized trips and improve the 
efficiency of existing surface transportation infrastructure. 
The Committee notes that such a briefing is not required to be 
a joint briefing by the departments.
    Regional councils of government.--The Committee recommends 
that all departments and agencies funded by this Act list 
regional councils and councils of governments as eligible 
entities in competitions for Federal funding whenever local 
governments or non-profit agencies are eligible entities. 
Furthermore, it is the desire of the Committee that all 
departments and agencies funded by this Act actively seek 
opportunities for regional councils and councils of governments 
to serve as lead applicants and grantees to encourage and 
expand greater regional collaboration. In the competitive 
grants process, all departments and agencies funded by this Act 
should work with entities having previous experience with 
administering Federal funding that resulted in successful, 
comprehensive, and well-coordinated outcomes.
    Nondisclosure agreements.--The Committee recognizes that 
harassment, including sexual harassment and assault, continue 
to be pervasive in the workplace, and that the use of 
predispute nondisclosure and nondisparagement clauses as 
conditions of employment can perpetuate illegal conduct by 
silencing survivors and shielding perpetrators. The Committee 
directs the departments and agencies funded by this Act to 
assess the prevalence of predispute nondisclosure and 
nondisparagement clauses in employment contracts used by 
contractors and grantees receiving Federal funds. The Committee 
directs the departments and agencies funded by this Act to 
include proposals in their fiscal year 2024 budget request to 
eliminate the use of grants and contracts to employers that use 
this practice.


                        Office of the Secretary

                         SALARIES AND EXPENSES

Appropriation, fiscal year 2022.......................      $141,500,000
Budget request, fiscal year 2023*.....................       186,419,000
Recommended in the bill...............................       176,000,000
Bill compared with:
    Appropriation, fiscal year 2022...................       +34,500,000
    Budget request, fiscal year 2023..................       -10,419,000
*Includes the Office of Multimodal Freight Infrastructure and Policy,
  which was requested as a separate account.

    Office of the Secretary.--The Office of the Secretary has 
primary responsibility to provide overall planning, direction, 
and control of departmental affairs.
    Office of the Deputy Secretary.--The Office of the Deputy 
Secretary assists the Office of the Secretary and the Deputy 
Secretary serves as the Department's chief operating officer.
    Office of the General Counsel.--The Office of the General 
Counsel provides legal services to the Office of the Secretary 
and coordinates and reviews the legal work of the chief 
counsels' offices of the operating administrations.
    Office of the Under Secretary of Transportation for 
Policy.--The Office of the Under Secretary of Transportation 
for Policy provides leadership in the development of policies 
for the Department, developing proposals and providing advice 
to the Secretary regarding legislative and regulatory 
initiatives across all modes of transportation.
    Office of the Assistant Secretary for Budget and 
Programs.--The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Budget and 
Programs directs and coordinates all of the Department's 
budget, performance, and finance activities.
    Office of the Assistant Secretary for Governmental 
Affairs.--The Office of the Assistant Secretary for 
Governmental Affairs is responsible for Congressional and 
intergovernmental relations.
    Office of the Assistant Secretary for Administration.--The 
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Administration 
establishes policies and provides operational services with 
respect to acquisition, office space and facilities, security, 
and human resources.
    Office of Public Affairs and Public Engagement.--The Office 
of Public Affairs and Public Engagement is responsible for the 
Department's press releases, social media, fact sheets, and 
responses to press inquiries and creating opportunities for 
direct dialogue with the public.
    Office of the Executive Secretariat.--The Office of the 
Executive Secretariat assists the Secretary and Deputy 
Secretary in carrying out their responsibilities by controlling 
and coordinating internal and external documents.
    Office of Intelligence, Security, and Emergency Response.--
The Office of Intelligence, Security, and Emergency Response is 
responsible for intelligence, security policy, preparedness, 
training and exercises, national security, and operations.
    Office of the Chief Information Officer.--The Office of the 
Chief Information Officer serves as the principal advisor to 
the Secretary on information technology (IT) operations, 
systems, management, and security.
    Office of Tribal Government Affairs.--The Office of Tribal 
Government Affairs plans, coordinates, and implements policies 
and programs serving Indian Tribes and is responsible for 
tribal relations.
    Office of Multimodal Freight Infrastructure and Policy.--
The Office of Multimodal Freight Infrastructure and Policy 
develops and manages the National Freight Strategic Plan and 
the National Multimodal Freight Network and oversees the 
development and updating of state freight plans.

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    The Committee recommendation provides $176,000,000 for the 
salaries and expenses of the offices comprising the Office of 
the Secretary of Transportation (OST).
    Competitive grant applicants.--The Committee recognizes 
completing multiple different notices of funding opportunities 
(NOFOs) and benefit-cost analyses can be challenging for 
communities of all sizes. The Committee understands that given 
the wide array of projects eligible under competitive grant 
programs and the diverse types of benefits that might be 
applicable to these projects, it may be difficult for the 
Department to use one standardized application and benefit-cost 
analysis form across the entire Department. The Committee 
directs the Department, consistent with the Paperwork Reduction 
Act, to simplify the NOFO and benefit-cost analysis processes, 
where applicable, and create options for digital, on-line 
    Cross-modal coordination for safety.--The Committee is 
aware of a need for improved coordination among modes and the 
important role it plays in safety oversight, especially where 
there is an adoption of cross-modal technology that can 
transform the transportation network. In addition to the work 
of the Highly Automated Systems Safety Center of Excellence 
(HASS COE), the Committee continues to direct the Secretary to 
establish a Department-wide holistic approach to road safety in 
order to ensure that agencies with responsibilities for road 
safety coordinate their expertise, resources, and approach.
    Digitalization technologies.--The Committee supports the 
Department and operating administrations dedicating resources 
and finding opportunities to help communities incorporate 
digitalization technologies to increase the resiliency of their 
infrastructure, enhance safety, and improve accessibility for 
disadvantaged communities.
    Distressed coal communities.--To diversify and enhance 
economic opportunities, the Committee directs the Secretary to 
prioritize discretionary funding to distressed counties within 
the Central Appalachian region to help communities and regions 
that have been affected by job losses in coal mining, coal 
power plant operations, and coal-related supply chain 
industries due to the economic downturn of the coal industry.
    DOT buildings.--Not later than 30 days after the date of 
enactment of this Act, the Department shall brief the House and 
Senate Committees on Appropriations on the terms of its 
building delegation agreement with the General Services 
Administration (GSA) for the William T. Coleman, Jr. and Norman 
Y. Mineta Federal Building and the terms of its interagency 
agreement with GSA and building exchange agreement for the 
Volpe building. Briefing topics shall also include the space 
allocation, maintenance plan and costs, operational services 
above GSA standards, security costs, the workforce managing and 
operating these buildings, and the funding sources for building 
    Green infrastructure for rail or multi-modal transportation 
hubs.--The Committee encourages the Secretary to allow slow 
green infrastructure on or near rail or multi-modal 
transportation hubs to be eligible for Federal funding 
administered by DOT. This includes, but is not limited to, 
activities that would increase green space surrounding the 
structure such as urban trees, vegetation, and enhanced 
streetscapes, including energy-efficient lighting. These 
elements not only provide opportunities to mitigate 
transportation pollution, improve air quality, and control 
storm water runoff but in some cases could also provide or 
enhance the structure's security elements and help conserve and 
reduce the structure's energy use. They also serve as a 
welcoming component for passengers entering or exiting a rail 
or multi-modal transportation hub.
    Implementation of DOT's equity action plan.--As part of its 
equity action plan, DOT has committed itself to a number of 
equity actions. Among these actions already taken are reducing 
racial equity and barriers to opportunity as a consideration 
for awarding discretionary grants and requiring the grantees of 
discretionary grant awards to report on benefits to 
disadvantaged communities. Not less than 180 days after the 
date of enactment of this Act, the Department shall submit a 
report to the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations on 
the direct and indirect effect of these equity actions on the 
discretionary grant awards made after February 2021.
    Infrastructure supporting cross-border trade.--The 
Committee continues to support strengthening the coordination 
between DOT and other relevant Federal agencies to improve 
freight infrastructure development along the border, which is 
critical to bilateral trade. The Committee notes that the 
Office of International Transportation and Trade and the Office 
of Multimodal Freight Infrastructure and Policy within OST are 
well-positioned to lead departmental efforts to coordinate 
border transportation infrastructure initiatives and projects. 
The Committee directs the Secretary to brief the House and 
Senate Committees on Appropriations not later than 120 days 
after the date of enactment of this Act on the work of these 
offices, including coordination with the GSA, the Department of 
Homeland Security (DHS), and other Federal agencies, to 
facilitate trade with more supporting infrastructure.
    Nationally significant freight and highway (INFRA) 
projects.--The Committee is concerned that the East Coast's 
freight network lacks the capacity to meet growing demands and 
for interstates that are two lanes, freight capacity is even 
more limited. The Committee encourages the Department to 
consider prioritizing projects which address capacity issues in 
order to alleviate incident-related delays and backups on 
interstates where truck traffic is growing at a faster pace 
than passenger vehicle traffic.
    Open skies.--The Committee continues to urge DOT to take 
steps to ensure that U.S. airline carriers and their workers 
have a fair and equal opportunity to compete in accordance with 
open skies agreements with foreign governments. The Committee 
notes that DOT worked with the State Department to reach recent 
memorandums of agreement with foreign governments to ensure 
transparency, accountability, and enforcement remain important 
tenets of open skies agreements. The Committee directs DOT to 
continue to proactively work with the State Department to take 
appropriate action with any foreign governments where 
government subsidies have resulted in market distortion. The 
Committee directs DOT to provide regular updates to the 
Committee on their activities related to the fair enforcement 
of open skies agreements.
    Ports of entry (POE).--The Committee directs DOT to 
continue its coordination with the Office of Management and 
Budget, GSA, and DHS, including U.S. Customs and Border 
Protection, regarding its efforts in support of those entities 
in opening and closing POEs that affect commercial motor 
vehicle traffic, including providing sufficient time to plan 
for operational and staffing changes.
    Regulations.--The Committee is concerned about the duration 
of regulatory review timelines at the Department for cross-
modal issues. The Committee recommends that the Department 
focus on customer service while continuing to prioritize the 
safety, security, and efficiency of the nation's transportation 
    Transportation workforce outreach program.--The Committee 
strongly supports initiatives to increase diversity and 
encourage young, midcareer, and experienced workers to consider 
careers in the transportation sector. The Committee directs the 
Department to increase public awareness of professional 
opportunities in the transportation sector as part of its 
public affairs and public engagement strategy and activities.
    Value capture.--The Committee is aware that both Federal 
Transit Administration (FTA) and Federal Highway Administration 
(FHWA) have issued extensive guidance on value capture 
techniques, which is the use of a portion of increased property 
values created as a result of public infrastructure investment. 
Because value capture strategies are usually part of a mixed 
funding and financing package, the Committee believes that 
value capture can be a tool for economic development and as a 
non-Federal source of funding for transportation 
infrastructure, such as transit and passenger rail projects. 
The Committee encourages DOT to continue to support state and 
local governments exploring the use of value capture 

                        RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY

Appropriation, fiscal year 2022.......................       $51,363,000
Budget request, fiscal year 2023......................        48,147,000
Recommended in the bill...............................        66,963,000
Bill compared with:
    Appropriation, fiscal year 2022...................       +15,600,000
    Budget request, fiscal year 2023..................       +18,816,000

    The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and 
Technology coordinates, facilitates, and reviews the 
Department's research and development programs and activities; 
coordinates and develops positioning, navigation, and timing 
(PNT) technology; maintains PNT policy, coordination, and 
spectrum management; manages the nationwide differential global 
positioning system (GPS); and oversees and provides direction 
to the Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS), the 
Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office, the 
University Transportation Centers (UTCs) program, the John A. 
Volpe National Transportation Systems Center, and the 
Transportation Safety Institute.

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    The Committee recommendation provides $66,963,000 for 
research and technology activities.
    Advanced Research Projects Agency--Infrastructure (ARPA-
I).--The recommendation includes funding, as requested, to 
establish the ARPA-I, which was authorized in section 25012 of 
the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) (P.L. 117-
58). Not less than 90 days after the date of enactment of this 
Act, the Department shall submit to the House and Senate 
Committees on Appropriations a staffing plan for ARPA-I and an 
outline of planned research activities.
    ARPA-I is an opportunity to ensure that the U.S. is a 
global leader in developing and deploying advanced 
transportation infrastructure technologies and materials. In 
partnership with industry, state and local governments, and 
academia, ARPA-I can advance solutions that will, among other 
things, promote the safe and efficient movement of goods and 
people, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and protect against 
physical and cyber threats. In addition, ARPA-I is authorized 
to support and accelerate transformational technological 
advances in areas in which the private sector is unlikely to 
carry out projects due to technical and financial uncertainty.
    Autonomous vehicles (AV).--The Committee recognizes that 
any amount of AV development and deployment will require DOT to 
collaborate with private-industry and other academic 
researchers to ensure the safety of the technology. Amounts 
made available under this heading are available for the testing 
of autonomous vehicles and DOT is reminded that collaboration 
includes information sharing with the appropriate safeguards. 
The Committee encourages DOT to evaluate the opinions, 
perspectives, and needs of communities of color as it pertains 
to AV adoption, including passenger and package delivery 
vehicles, in partnership with accredited universities of higher 
education, including historically black colleges or 
universities (HBCUs), and Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs), 
or consortia thereof. Further, the Committee encourages the 
Department to update its Automated Vehicles Comprehensive Plan 
to include the full scope of workforce challenges that AVs 
pose, consistent with the Department's innovation principles.
    AV research plan.--The Committee notes that the Department 
submitted an AV research plan to the House and Senate 
Committees on Appropriations on October 26, 2021, as required 
by the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 (P.L. 116-260). 
The Committee was disappointed with the level of detail 
included in the plan for future AV research, and directs the 
Department to submit an update to the AV research plan with 
specific projects for future AV research. The Committee 
supports the Department's collaboration through numerous 
partnerships with the private sector and other Federal 
agencies, notably with the Department of Defense at the 
military cyber center in Augusta, Georgia. As the Department 
works to update the AV research plan, the Committee directs the 
Department to consider projects that could include testing the 
cyber security of global navigation satellite system inputs to 
AV systems to improve safety. Such projects could include the 
design and development of a testing lab which would allow the 
government and industry developers to test hardware and 
software in a way that mirrors the urban environment.
    Bridge clearinghouse.--The Committee was pleased to provide 
funding for an accelerated bridge technologies clearinghouse in 
the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2022 (P.L. 117-103) to 
provide a platform for bridge and structure stakeholders to 
find technically robust and unbiased information and reports 
that evaluate innovations while facilitating the acceptance and 
implementation of new bridge and structure materials and 
technologies. DOT shall provide a briefing to the House and 
Senate Committees on Appropriations on it efforts to implement 
the accelerated bridge technologies clearinghouse not later 
than 60 days after the date of enactment of this Act.
    HASS COE.--As automated systems and technologies become 
increasingly widespread, the Committee continues to believe 
that the safety of the traveling public jointly depends on 
innovation by technology developers and owners and operators 
coupled with appropriate Federal regulation and effective 
oversight. The HASS COE serves as the central location within 
DOT for expertise in automation technology and systems, which 
will in turn support the capability of operating 
administrations to review, assess, and validate the safety of 
automation across all modes of transportation. The Committee 
appreciates the progress that the HASS COE has made over the 
past year and looks forward to the HASS COE becoming fully 
    Immersive technology.--The Committee encourages the 
Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology to consider the 
potential of immersive technology as a tool for remote 
collaboration and site inspection or preparation by engineers, 
architects, and construction workers with the objective of 
improving worker safety, avoiding system closures, and 
improving service.
    PNT and GPS backup technologies.--The Committee supports 
the findings in DOT's January 2021 ``Complementary PNT and GPS 
Backup Technologies Demonstration Report'' (DOT-VNTSC-20-07) 
and provides $15,000,000 to continue the program established in 
fiscal year 2022 and other efforts that lead to the wide 
adoption of multiple technologies that provide the necessary 
GPS backup and complementary PNT consistent with the 
Department's 2021 report.
    Transportation accessibility.--The Committee continues to 
support the objectives of the transportation access pilot 
program authorized in section 13010 of the IIJA. The purpose of 
this program is to improve transportation planning by measuring 
the level of surface transportations modes to destinations 
essential for daily living, such as jobs, health care 
facilities, child care services, education, housing, and 
grocery stores and disaggregating the level of access by 
geographic and demographic groups. The Committee urges the 
Department to establish the program not later than November 15, 
2022, as required by statute, and reminds the Department of its 
obligation to brief the House and Senate Committees on 
Appropriations on its implementation actions as required by the 
Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2022.
    University Transportation Centers (UTCs).--UTCs play a key 
role in conducting research and development activities. The 
Committee continues to support UTCs, which are authorized under 
section 5505 of title 49, United States Code. Funding for these 
competitive grants in fiscal year 2023 is provided through a 
combination of $80,000,000 in this Act and $19,000,000 of 
advanced appropriations in the IIJA. In addition, the Committee 
provides $600,000 for interdisciplinary transportation law and 
policy and $5,000,000 for the National Institute for Congestion 
Reduction and the National Center for Transportation 
Infrastructure and Durability and Life-Extension.
    Transportation Resilience and Adaptation Centers of 
Excellence (TRACE).--The Committee acknowledges the extreme 
hardship that rural and underserved communities experience when 
faced with natural disasters and extreme weather, such as 
flooding, derechos, hurricanes, tornadoes, and wildfires. As 
such, the Committee recommendation includes $10,000,000 for the 
TRACE to establish and administer one national Center of 
Excellence and one regional Center of Excellence, as authorized 
by section 13009 of the IIJA. In selecting the Centers of 
Excellence, the Committee encourages the Secretary to 
prioritize selection of entities that partner, or will partner, 
with community colleges, technical colleges, Historically Black 
Colleges and Universities, and educational institutions that 
serve rural areas.


                     (INCLUDING TRANSFER OF FUNDS)

Appropriation, fiscal year 2022.......................      $775,000,000
Budget request, fiscal year 2023......................     1,500,000,000
Recommended in the bill...............................       775,000,000
Bill compared with:
    Appropriation, fiscal year 2022...................             - - -
    Budget request, fiscal year 2023..................      -725,000,000

    The national infrastructure investments program (also known 
as RAISE and formerly known as both BUILD and TIGER) was 
created in division A of the American Recovery and Reinvestment 
Act (P.L. 111-5) and authorized in section 21202 of the IIJA to 
provide grants and credit assistance to state and local 
governments, tribal governments, United States territories, 
transit agencies, port authorities, metropolitan planning 
organizations, or a combination of such entities to improve the 
nation's transportation infrastructure. Eligible projects 
include highways and bridges, public transportation, freight 
and passenger rail, port infrastructure, and bicycle and 
pedestrian improvements. The national infrastructure 
investments program awards funds on a competitive basis to 
projects that will have a significant local or regional impact.

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    The Committee recommendation provides $775,000,000 for the 
national infrastructure investments program to support 
multimodal, multijurisdictional transportation projects that 
are more difficult to accomplish through traditional 
transportation programs. Key tenets of this program include its 
flexibility and the ability for any public entity to apply 
directly and not through a state department of transportation. 
RAISE also fosters collaboration and leverages non-Federal 
investments from private, state, and local sources. The 
Committee has consistently heard from communities large and 
small on the difference RAISE grants have made in improving 
safety, state of good repair, economic competitiveness, 
environmental sustainability, and quality of life.
    Persistent poverty.--The Committee continues to support 
providing assistance to historically disadvantaged communities 
and areas of persistent poverty. Specifically, the Act requires 
that not less than $30,000,000 be awarded to projects in 
historically disadvantaged communities or areas of persistent 
    Planning.--Recognizing that planning is critical to the 
success of any infrastructure investment, the Act dedicates not 
less than $38,750,000 for the planning, preparation, and design 
of projects prioritizing transit, transit-oriented development, 
multimodal, intercity passenger rail, and pedestrian projects. 
The recommendation exempts planning grants from statutory grant 
minimums and the Committee notes the availability of technical 
assistance through the Thriving Communities Initiative to 
comprehensively address the planning needs of these types of 
    Transformative projects.--The Committee encourages DOT to 
emphasize multi-modal, transformative projects in its 
consideration of grant awards. The Committee stresses the 
importance of an equitable distribution of funding among urban 
and rural areas and also sees great value in projects that 
align with the Department's equity action plan and the 
administration's Federal sustainability plan.


                     (INCLUDING TRANSFER OF FUNDS)

Appropriation, fiscal year 2022.......................       $25,000,000
Budget request, fiscal year 2023......................       110,737,000
Recommended in the bill...............................       100,000,000
Bill compared with:
    Appropriation, fiscal year 2022...................       +75,000,000
    Budget request, fiscal year 2023..................       -10,737,000

    The Thriving Communities Initiative identifies and provides 
support for communities with persistent barriers that prevent 
access to opportunities such as schools, healthcare, and 
employment. The program provides technical assistance and 
capacity building to improve access to opportunity through 
transportation infrastructure improvements.

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    The Committee recommendation provides $100,000,000 for the 
Thriving Communities Initiative.
    The grant application process itself should neither 
advantage nor disadvantage any applicant or project. DOT 
competitive grant programs are as broad and varied as the needs 
and sizes of the communities that apply for such grants. The 
Committee recognizes that, in practice, some communities can 
afford a professional grant-writing cadre, whereas others 
cannot, and that may affect the clarity, completeness, and 
accuracy of applications. To help bridge this divide, the 
Thriving Communities Initiative allows DOT to not only build 
the capacity of communities to compete for grants, but also 
community and regional planning efforts in combination with 
other Federal grant programs with direct, extensive technical 
assistance both prior to application submission and post-award. 
The Committee directs DOT, to the extent possible, to fund 
cooperative agreements that will provide technical assistance, 
planning, and capacity building to communities in a variety of 
geographic areas, including urban and rural communities. In 
addition, the Committee provides $5,000,000 under ``Policy 
Development and Research'' within the Department of Housing and 
Urban Development (HUD) for an interagency collaborative 
initiative to ensure housing and infrastructure development are 
taken into consideration in the administration of the Thriving 
Communities Initiative.
    Cooperation and coordination among the Departments of HUD, 
Health and Human Services (HHS), Education (ED), and Labor 
(DOL); the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE); the 
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA); and other Federal 
agencies is critical to increasing mobility, reducing pollution 
from transportation sources, expanding affordable 
transportation options, facilitating efficient land use, 
preserving or expanding jobs, improving housing and health 
conditions, and enhancing connections to health care, 
education, and food security. As such, the Committee directs 
DOT to work with HUD, HHS, ED, DOL, USACE, EPA, and any other 
Federal agencies DOT deems appropriate to identify Federal 
resources that complement the Thriving Communities Initiative, 
to improve cross-agency coordination with respect to NOFOs, 
where appropriate, and to consider incentives for potential 
applicants to plan for or execute Federal funding 
comprehensively toward the goal of addressing persistent 
barriers that prevent a community from thriving. Further, the 
Committee reminds DOT of the requirement in House Report 117-99 
to brief the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations on 
its multi-agency engagement.


Appropriation, fiscal year 2022.......................        $3,800,000
Budget request, fiscal year 2023......................         3,850,000
Recommended in the bill...............................         3,800,000
Bill compared with:
    Appropriation, fiscal year 2022...................             - - -
    Budget request, fiscal year 2023..................           -50,000

    The National Surface Transportation and Innovative Finance 
Bureau (Bureau) administers and coordinates the Department's 
existing transportation finance programs and the INFRA 
competitive grant program and provides technical assistance and 
outreach to communities on financing and funding opportunities 
for transportation infrastructure.

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    The Committee recommendation provides $3,800,000 for the 
    Asset classes.--The Committee is encouraged that the Bureau 
is finalizing plans to expand its portfolio to asset classes 
such as transit-oriented development, airport, port, rail, 
fleet electrification, electric car charging stations, the 
adoption of transformative technology, and loans to state 
infrastructure banks for rural and underserved communities. Not 
less than 60 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the 
Bureau shall brief the House and Senate Committees on 
Appropriations on streamlining and developing the delivery of 
transformative projects with an expansive asset class.
    Rural Opportunities to Use Transportation for Economic 
Success (ROUTES).--Section 25010 of the IIJA codified both the 
ROUTES Office and Council to coordinate technical and financial 
assistance across operating modes for rural communities, 
Tribes, and historically disadvantaged communities. The 
Committee encourages the Bureau to continue overseeing ROUTES 
activities and supporting the Council.


    The railroad rehabilitation and improvement financing 
(RRIF) program was established in the Transportation Equity Act 
for the 21st Century (P.L. 105-78) to provide direct loans and 
loan guarantees to state and local governments, government-
sponsored entities, and railroads. Credit assistance under the 
program may be used for rehabilitating or developing rail 
equipment and facilities, developing or establishing intermodal 
facilities, and transit-oriented development.

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    The Act authorizes the Secretary to issue direct loans and 
loan guarantees pursuant to chapter 224 of title 49, United 
States Code.
    RRIF credit risk premiums (CRPs).--Section 109 of the 
Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2022 provided $10,000,000 to 
support the repayment of CRPs, with interest, for eligible 
loans in cohort 3. The Committee understands that the 
Department is working to implement section 109 and directs the 
Department to work diligently to make such repayments to 
borrowers in cohort 3 that have satisfied the terms of their 
loan agreements as required by section 109.


Appropriation, fiscal year 2022.......................        $5,000,000
Budget request, fiscal year 2023......................         5,000,000
Recommended in the bill...............................         5,000,000
Bill compared with:
    Appropriation, fiscal year 2022...................             - - -
    Budget request, fiscal year 2023..................             - - -

    The financial management capital program supports a multi-
year project to upgrade the Department's financial systems, 
processes, and reporting capabilities. The program implements 
requirements to comply with Federal laws, regulations, and 
standards regarding the oversight of Federal funds.

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    The Committee recommendation provides $5,000,000 for the 
financial management capital program.

                       CYBER SECURITY INITIATIVES

Appropriation, fiscal year 2022.......................       $39,400,000
Budget request, fiscal year 2023......................        48,100,000
Recommended in the bill...............................        48,100,000
Bill compared with:
    Appropriation, fiscal year 2022...................        +8,700,000
    Budget request, fiscal year 2023..................             - - -

    The cyber security initiatives account is an effort to 
close performance gaps in the Department's cyber security. The 
account includes support for essential program enhancements, 
infrastructure improvements, and contractual resources to 
enhance the security of the Department's computer network and 
to reduce the risk of security breaches.

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    The Committee recommendation provides $48,100,000 to 
provide the necessary resources for DOT to enhance its cyber 
security program and capabilities.

                         OFFICE OF CIVIL RIGHTS

Appropriation, fiscal year 2022.......................       $11,564,000
Budget request, fiscal year 2023......................        20,555,000
Recommended in the bill...............................        15,000,000
Bill compared with:
    Appropriation, fiscal year 2022...................        +3,436,000
    Budget request, fiscal year 2023..................        -5,555,000

    The Office of Civil Rights is responsible for advising the 
Secretary on civil rights and equal opportunity issues and 
ensuring the full implementation of the civil rights laws and 
departmental civil rights policies in all official actions and 
programs. This office is responsible for enforcing laws and 
regulations that prohibit discrimination in Federally operated 
and Federally assisted transportation programs and enabling 
access to transportation providers. The Office of Civil Rights 
also handles all civil rights cases affecting Department 

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    The Committee recommendation provides $15,000,000 for the 
Office of Civil Rights.
    Disadvantaged business enterprise (DBE) revenue caps.--
Pursuant to the IIJA, the size standard for businesses seeking 
to participate in the DBE program for Federal Highway 
Administration and Federal Transit Administration-assisted 
contracts is $28,480,000 in annual receipts, whereas the size 
standard for businesses seeking to participate in the DBE 
program for Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)-assisted 
contracts or the Airport Concession DBE (ACDBE) programs is 
based on Small Business Administration (SBA) size standards, 
which is a function of either annual receipts ($2,500,000-
41,500,000) or number of employees (100-15,000) by type of 
industry. The Committee directs DOT to analyze and submit a 
report to the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations not 
later than one year after the date of enactment of this Act on 
the administrative and programmatic effects of different size 
standards across operating administrations, specifically, ease 
of application by businesses and certification by DOT; usage 
rate by project sponsors once certified; number of businesses 
that are certified for FHWA, FTA, and FAA DBE programs; the 
number of FAA certified DBEs that would qualify for the FHWA 
and FTA DBE programs using the SBA size standards; and the need 
for expanding DBE to other operating administrations.
    Language access plan (LAP).--The Committee is pleased that 
the Department expects to update its LAP by the end of fiscal 
year 2023. The purpose of the LAP is to provide greater access 
and participation in public services, programs, and activities 
for persons with limited or no-English proficiency.


                     (INCLUDING TRANSFER OF FUNDS)

Appropriation, fiscal year 2022.......................       $29,863,000
Budget request, fiscal year 2023......................        19,648,000
Recommended in the bill...............................        19,648,000
Bill compared with:
    Appropriation, fiscal year 2022...................       -10,215,000
    Budget request, fiscal year 2023..................             - - -

    This appropriation finances research activities and studies 
related to the planning, analysis, and information development 
used in the formulation of national transportation policies and 
plans. It also finances the staff necessary to conduct these 
efforts. The overall program is carried out primarily through 
contracts with other Federal agencies, educational 
institutions, non-profit research organizations, and private 

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    The Committee recommendation provides $19,648,000 for 
transportation planning, research, and development activities, 
of which $7,136,000 is for the Interagency Infrastructure 
Permitting Improvement Center.
    Menstrual products.--The Committee recognizes that public 
transportation spaces are frequently visited by people who may 
lack access to menstrual products and adequate facilities to 
manage their menstruation. The Committee directs the Secretary 
to submit a report to the House and Senate Committees on 
Appropriations not later than one year after the date of 
enactment of this Act on the feasibility, scope, and cost of 
making menstrual, or period, products widely available, at no 
cost to travelers, in the publicly available restrooms of 
airports, train stations, and bus stations.
    Non-traditional and emerging transportation technology 
(NETT) council.--The Committee supports the NETT council's work 
to coordinate emerging technology issues across all modes of 
transportation and notes that section 25008 of the IIJA 
formally authorized the NETT council. Of the amounts provided 
under this heading, the Committee provides up to $1,000,000 for 
the Council to identify and resolve jurisdictional and 
regulatory gaps or inconsistencies associated with safety, 
environmental reviews, and funding and finance. The Committee 
believes the Council's work should not be conducted mode by 
mode, but also should include multimodal connections such as 
surface transportation and advanced air mobility.

                          WORKING CAPITAL FUND

                     (INCLUDING TRANSFER OF FUNDS)

Limitation, fiscal year 2022..........................      $419,173,000
Budget request, fiscal year 2023......................       505,285,000
Recommended in the bill...............................       505,285,000
Bill compared with:
    Limitation, fiscal year 2022......................       +86,112,000
    Budget request, fiscal year 2023..................             - - -

    The Working Capital Fund (WCF) was created to provide 
common administrative services to the Department's operating 
administrations and outside entities that contract for the 
fund's services. The WCF operates on a fee-for-service basis 
and receives no direct appropriations. It is fully self-
sustaining and must achieve full cost recovery.

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    The Committee recommends a limitation of $505,285,000 on 
the Department's WCF administrative and commodity information 
technology activities.


Appropriation, fiscal year 2022.......................        $4,977,000
Budget request, fiscal year 2023......................         7,094,000
Recommended in the bill...............................         7,094,000
Bill compared with:
    Appropriation, fiscal year 2022...................        +2,117,000
    Budget request, fiscal year 2023..................             - - -

    The Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization 
and Outreach (OSDBU) assists small, disadvantaged businesses 
and businesses owned by minorities and women in competing for 
contracting opportunities with the Department and Department-
funded contracts or grants for transportation-related projects. 
The office also provides technical and financial assistance, 
bonding education, training, counseling, and procurement 
assistance, and administers the Department's Small Business 
Transportation Resource Center program.

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    The Committee recommendation provides $7,094,000 for the 
small and disadvantaged business utilization and outreach 
    Women in transportation initiative (WITI).--The OSDBU 
administers the WITI, which helps place qualified women who are 
enrolled in college into transportation-related internships in 
the public and private sectors. This program serves to increase 
the participation of women in the transportation industry, 
creates ladders of opportunity for women in the fields of 
science, technology, engineering, and mathematics and 
strengthens transportation-related women-owned small 
businesses. The Committee includes funding under this heading 
to ensure continued support for the WITI program.

                       PAYMENTS TO AIR CARRIERS 

                    (AIRPORT AND AIRWAY TRUST FUND)

Appropriation, fiscal year 2022.......................      $350,000,000
Budget request, fiscal year 2023......................       368,727,000
Recommended in the bill...............................       354,827,000
Bill compared with:
    Appropriation, fiscal year 2022...................        +4,827,000
    Budget request, fiscal year 2023..................       -13,900,000

    The Essential Air Service (EAS) program provides subsidies 
to air carriers to maintain a minimal level of scheduled air 
service to small communities that had received air service 
prior to the Airline Deregulation Act of 1978. Since 1998, the 
source of funding for the EAS program has been ``overflight 
fees,'' which are charged to carriers for Federal Aviation 
Administration navigational and surveillance services for 
flights that traverse, but neither take off from nor land in, 
the United States.

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    The following table shows the appropriation, overflight 
fees, and total program levels for the EAS program.

                                                                   Appropriation   fees Estimate       Total
FY22 Enacted....................................................    $350,000,000    $116,418,744    $466,418,744
Request.........................................................     368,727,000      81,273,901     450,000,901
Recommendation..................................................     354,827,000     122,160,297     476,987,297

    The Committee directs the Department to utilize all 
collected overflight fees, including accumulated unobligated 
balances, and provides an additional $354,827,000 for this 
vital link between small communities and the nation.
    Program updates.--The Department has been challenged in 
determining the level of appropriated funding necessary for the 
EAS program due to decreases in overflight fees, increases in 
carrier costs, and multiple program eligibility waivers. The 
Department is directed to provide the House and Senate 
Committees on Appropriations quarterly briefings on the timing 
and amount of fee collections, obligations, outlays, and 
carrier contracts associated with the EAS program.

                         ELECTRIC VEHICLE FLEET

                     (INCLUDING TRANSFER OF FUNDS)

Appropriation, fiscal year 2022.......................             - - -
Budget request, fiscal year 2023......................       $16,000,000
Recommended in the bill...............................        11,000,000
Bill compared with:
    Appropriation, fiscal year 2022...................       +11,000,000
    Budget request, fiscal year 2023..................        -5,000,000

    This appropriation supports the Administration's goal of 
transitioning to a fully zero emission vehicle (ZEV) Federal 
fleet. These funds will be used for the acquisition and 
deployment of vehicles which are battery electric, plug-in 
electric hybrid, and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. Funding will 
also be used to acquire the necessary vehicle charging and 
refueling infrastructure.

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    The Committee recommendation provides $11,000,000 to 
transition DOT's vehicle fleet to ZEV. Not later than 90 days 
after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall 
submit a ZEV transition plan to the House and Senate Committees 
on Appropriations specifying the quarterly goals for the number 
and cost of ZEV leased and purchased by make, type, and 
location; the corresponding number and value of vehicles 
returned or disposed by make, type, and location; and the cost 
and location of installing or modifying existing refueling 
stations. Not later than 90 days after the date of the 
submission of the ZEV transition plan, the Secretary shall 
submit quarterly progress reports to the House and Senate 
Committees on Appropriations on the transition plans.


    Section 101 prohibits the Office of the Secretary of 
Transportation from approving assessments or reimbursable 
agreements pertaining to funds appropriated to the operating 
administrations in this Act, unless such assessments or 
agreements have completed the normal reprogramming process for 
congressional notification.
    Section 102 requires the Secretary to post on the internet 
a schedule of all Council on Credit and Finance meetings, 
agendas, and meeting minutes.
    Section 103 allows the Department's WCF to provide payments 
in advance to vendors for the Federal transit pass fringe 
benefit program and to provide full or partial payments to, and 
to accept reimbursements from, Federal agencies for transit 
benefit distribution services.
    Section 104 allows the Department's WCF to utilize not more 
than $1,000,000 in fiscal year 2023 unused transit and van pool 
benefits to provide contractual services in support of section 
189 of this Act.
    Section 105 prohibits the use of funds for certain employee 
bonuses without the prior written approval of the Assistant 
Secretary for Administration.
    Section 106 permits the WCF to transfer certain information 
technology, equipment, software, and systems under certain 
    Section 107 requires congressional notification before the 
Department provides credit assistance under the Transportation 
Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act program.

                    Federal Aviation Administration

    The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is responsible 
for the safety of civil aviation, navigation and surveillance, 
and airports. The Federal government's regulatory role in civil 
aviation dates back to 1926. When the Department of 
Transportation began its operations in 1967, the FAA became one 
of several modal administrations within the Department. The 
FAA's mission expanded in 1995 with the transfer of the Office 
of Commercial Space Transportation from the Office of the 
Secretary and contracted in December 2001 with the transfer of 
civil aviation security activities to the Transportation 
Security Administration.
    Next Generation of Air Traffic Control (NextGen).--The 
Committee places a high priority on NextGen programs and 
provides resources in the operations, facilities and equipment, 
and research, engineering, and development accounts to 
modernize air traffic control along with private sector 
    NextGen Advisory Committee (NAC).--The Committee believes 
that the NAC includes an appropriate mix of the aviation 
community, including representatives from general aviation, 
commercial aviation, labor organizations, airports, local 
community representatives, and the Federal government. The 
Committee supports the current diverse NAC membership and 
believes that the NAC performs an important role in setting 
priorities for the FAA's air traffic control modernization 
efforts. The Committee encourages the FAA to implement NAC 
recommendations and directs the FAA to provide an annual update 
on the status of NAC recommendations to the House and Senate 
Committees on Appropriations.


                    (AIRPORT AND AIRWAY TRUST FUND)

Appropriation, fiscal year 2022.......................   $11,414,100,000
Budget request, fiscal year 2023......................    11,933,821,000
Recommended in the bill...............................    11,870,000,000
Bill compared with:
    Appropriation, fiscal year 2022...................      +455,900,000
    Budget request, fiscal year 2023..................       -63,821,000

    This appropriation provides funds for the operation, 
maintenance, communications, and logistical support of the air 
traffic control and air navigation systems. It also supports 
administrative and managerial costs for the FAA's regulatory, 
international, medical, engineering, and development programs 
as well as policy oversight and overall management functions.
    The operations appropriation includes the following major 
activities: (1) operation of a national air traffic system on a 
24-hour daily basis; (2) establishment and maintenance of a 
national system of aids to navigation; (3) establishment and 
surveillance of civil air regulations to ensure safety in 
aviation; (4) development of standards, rules and regulations 
governing the physical fitness of airmen, as well as the 
administration of an aviation medical research program; (5) 
administration of the acquisition, and research and development 
programs; (6) headquarters, administration, and other staff 
offices; and (7) development, printing, and distribution of 
aeronautical charts used by the flying public.

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    The following table shows a comparison of the budget 
request and the Committee recommendation by budget activity.

     FAA Operations Activities           Request         Recommendation
Aviation Safety...................     $1,645,268,000     $1,645,018,000
Air Traffic Organization..........      8,797,544,000      8,760,044,000
Commercial Space Transportation...         42,504,000         33,675,000
Finance and Management............        918,049,000        915,049,000
NextGen and Operations Planning...         65,581,000         65,581,000
Security and Hazardous Materials          159,657,000        153,447,000
Staff offices.....................        305,218,000        297,186,000
    Total, Operations.............    $11,933,821,000    $11,870,000,000

    Aviation safety.--Safety must be ensured for every product, 
process, and person, including passengers, in the national 
airspace system. Every achievement in aircraft design, 
manufacturing, and maintenance; airport operations; and air 
traffic control should be managed and measured in terms of 
safety, without advantage to any manufacturer, operator, 
technology, or airport. The Committee continues to support a 
systems and interdisciplinary approach to aviation safety to 
identify the root causes, circumstances, and conditions of 
human error and to minimize the frequency and impact of human 
    Consistent with the request, the Committee provides an 
increase of $17,496,000 within the Operations account for 
implementation of the Aircraft Certification, Safety, and 
Accountability Act (ACSAA) (P.L. 116-260) and strengthening 
aviation safety oversight. This is the fourth increase in a 
series of investments to respond to the numerous 
recommendations made by multiple safety oversight entities that 
completed or have yet to complete their review or investigation 
of the 737 MAX accidents or to implement recent legislation.
    The Committee directs the FAA to provide quarterly progress 
reports to the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations on 
its response to the recommendations of the National 
Transportation Safety Board, the DOT Special Committee to 
Review FAA's Aircraft Certification Process, the Joint 
Authorities Technical Review, and the Indonesian National 
Transportation Safety Committee and the mandates in the ACSAA.
    The Committee supports the FAA's mandatory and voluntary 
safety management systems (SMS) programs for air carriers, 
airports, and manufacturers and the application of SMS to the 
FAA itself. The value of SMS is not as a compliance tool, but 
as an approach to incorporate safety, or accident prevention, 
in organizational success as much as being on time and on 
budget. After a century of commercial flight, the relatively 
easily accessible and adaptable aspects of safety have been 
addressed. What remains are the most expensive, most 
complicated, and most intricate problems at the tail ends of 
the risk distribution curve that SMS can help uncover.
    Approval for the use of alternate dispatch locations does 
not relieve operators of their regulatory obligations. Not 
later than 30 days after the enactment date of this Act, the 
FAA shall brief the House and Senate Committees on 
Appropriations on alternate dispatch locations, including the 
historical and current usage, approval process, reported safety 
concerns, and regulatory compliance.
    Advanced air mobility (AAM).--The Committee continues to 
support the FAA's work on AAM, including aircraft 
certification, air traffic operations, landing site approval, 
infrastructure, and flight standards requirements. Such work 
should include maximizing the existing regulatory system to the 
greatest extent and prioritizing agency internal and 
interagency coordination and planning to facilitate the 
introduction of these aircraft and enabling autonomy and other 
technologies. The Committee directs the FAA to ensure the 
timely completion of the proposed Special Federal Aviation 
Requirement which will enable commercial operations and pilot 
licensing in a manner that meets the FAA's stated goals of 
completing this by December 31, 2024.
    Authorization acts.--The Committee directs the FAA to 
submit a report to the House and Senate Committees on 
Appropriations on March 2, 2023, and September 8, 2023, on the 
status of implementation of the provisions in the FAA 
Reauthorization Act of 2018 (P.L. 115-254), including a list of 
all mandates and associated deadlines, the primary office 
responsible for executing each mandate, and actions taken to 
date on implementing each mandate.
    Community engagement and noise.--Communities experience 
vast transportation and economic benefits from their airports, 
but they are also burdened with an unwanted byproduct--aircraft 
noise. The FAA regulates aircrafts and their operators and 
airports for safety, but, as the Federal face of aviation, it 
also has a duty to provide leadership among those who generate 
noise and those who experience it daily. The FAA is the only 
one among them that has the technical capability to collect, 
analyze, and explain the result of decisions made in total by 
airlines, airports, aircraft manufacturers, pilots, state and 
local officials, residential developers, real estate agents, 
and local businesses. The FAA should, when appropriate, invite 
Federal agencies that operate military, law enforcement, or 
rescue aircraft, such as the Departments of Defense and 
Homeland Security, to participate in community noise events. In 
furtherance of this goal, the Committee provides the requested 
increase in the Operations account to support regular 
engagement with communities affected by noise.
    As a consequence of a nationwide survey on aircraft noise 
annoyance, the FAA is undertaking a comprehensive noise policy 
review to reexamine its noise metrics. The Committee is pleased 
that the FAA is challenging its own long-held beliefs about 
noise, including whether the day-night average sound level 
(DNL) is the appropriate measure and whether 65 decibels is the 
appropriate threshold for noise tolerance. The Committee 
reminds the FAA that the update to the House and Senate 
Committees on Appropriations about the noise policy review 
process, participants, and timetable is overdue.
    Without deferring any safety-related activities, the 
Committee directs the FAA to prioritize funding to increase the 
FAA's community engagement capacity, including participating in 
community roundtables and meetings with local officials; to 
operate and maintain the FAA Noise Portal, which was launched 
in 2020 to collect noise complaints and make aggregated 
information about noise complaints available to the public; and 
to fulfill Congressional mandates related to aircraft noise, 
such as completion of the airport noise mitigation and safety 
study report on aircraft noise exposure and the study on 
potential health and economic impacts of overflight noise. The 
Committee encourages the NextGen Advisory Council and Research, 
Engineering and Development Advisory Committee to include 
community representatives in their meetings and membership and 
to include noise and emissions on their agendas.
    The Committee reminds the FAA that the report on activities 
undertaken by the Regional Ombudsmen, who serve as the regional 
liaison on issues regarding aircraft noise, pollution, and 
safety, as required by the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 
2021 (P.L. 116-260), is overdue.
    The Committee remains concerned with the proliferation of 
helicopter noise and reminds the FAA that it has a range of 
operational and non-operational tools to address the helicopter 
noise complaints. The Committee recognizes the need for the FAA 
to develop a strategy for applying the appropriate remedy to 
the appropriate circumstances and is encouraged that the FAA is 
developing a mechanism, that may have national application, for 
collecting and sharing data about helicopter complaints in the 
Washington, D.C. area because of large number of military 
helicopter operators, amount of restricted airspace, and 
proximity of commercial airports. The FAA and the National Park 
Service have recently been developing air tour management plans 
to address the impact of aviation, including helicopter noise 
on national parks. Similar efforts are needed to address other 
circumstances such as densely populated urban centers. In the 
meantime, the Committee directs the FAA to promote best 
practices for helicopter hovering and electronic news 
gathering, conduct outreach to helicopter pilots to increase 
their awareness of noise sensitive areas and events, and 
continue to participate in collaborative engagement between 
community representatives and helicopter operators.
    Contract tower program.--The Committee recommendation 
includes $187,800,000 for the contract tower program, including 
the contract tower cost share program. The Committee continues 
to strongly support the FAA contract tower program as a cost-
effective and efficient way to provide air traffic control 
services to smaller airports across the country. The Committee 
expects the FAA to continue to operate the 260 contract towers 
currently in the program, annualize funding for towers that 
will be added in 2022, and provide full-year funding for new 
airports expected to be added to the program in fiscal year 
    FAA organization chart.--To understand how the FAA's 
organizational structure reflects its strategic and performance 
goals, the Committee directs the FAA to submit to the House and 
Senate Committees on Appropriations accurate and comprehensive 
organizational charts of each service, division, and office not 
later than December 1, 2022.
    Fuel dumping.--The Committee reiterates its concern over 
the fuel dump that occurred over Los Angeles on January 14, 
2020, and reminds the FAA that it is overdue in submitting a 
report required by the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 on 
the annual occurrences of fuel dumps in the United States over 
the fiscal year 2015-2020 period, including the location of the 
fuel dumps, the amount of fuel dumped, the population density 
of the community over which the fuel dump location occurred, if 
the fuel dump occurred over land, and the FAA's process for 
reviewing fuel dumps.
    Human Intervention Motivation Study (HIMS) and the Flight 
Attendant Drug and Alcohol Program (FADAP).--The Committee 
recognizes the effectiveness of the HIMS and the FADAP in 
mitigating drug and alcohol misuse through a peer 
identification and intervention program. The Committee 
recommends that the FAA continue to prioritize this program and 
urges the FAA to continue this program from within available 
    Obstructions.--Among the ways that the FAA promotes the 
safe and efficient use of navigable airspace is by determining 
if the aeronautical effects of ground structures--such as 
buildings, antennas, wind and nonwind turbines, and radio 
towers--pose a hazard and working with the applicant to 
mitigate the risks. The Committee appreciates that multiple 
offices within the Air Traffic Organization are responsible for 
different aspects of the studies needed to make this 
determination and is aware of the backlog of 40,000 requests 
for them, including 2,000 for wind turbines. The Committee 
directs the FAA to brief the House and Senate Committees on 
Appropriations not later than 120 days after the date of 
enactment of this Act on the root causes of the backlog, the 
age of the backlog by type of structure, the evaluation 
process, and the workload prioritizations.
    Policy and guidance.--Aviation operators, manufacturers, 
pilots, and airports continue to experience challenges 
associated with delays in promulgation of rulemakings, 
decisions on policy matter, and issuance of guidance critical 
to safety and innovation. The Committee understands that U.S. 
airspace is both the most complicated and crowded in the world 
and the competing demands to update existing policy and 
guidance and the need to address new and novel issues. Both are 
needed and both must be done carefully, methodically, and in 
the national interest. The Committee directs the FAA to make 
resources available and to provide active management to support 
rulemaking, policy decision-making, and guidance and to brief 
the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations by not later 
than March 31, 2023, on its progress.
    Spaceports.--The Committee reminds the FAA that the report 
on national spaceports policy required by section 580 of the 
FAA Authorization Act of 2018 is overdue. As part of that 
report, the FAA is mandated to evaluate the Federal 
government's national security and civil space transportation 
needs and propose policies and programs to ensure a robust 
orbital and suborbital spaceport infrastructure. According to 
GAO-21-154 Commercial Space Transportation, the FAA has 
identified two existing programs (the Space Transportation 
Infrastructure Matching Grant (STIM) and the Airport 
Improvement Program (AIP)), but has not comprehensively 
assessed their effectiveness for supporting spaceport 
infrastructure. Not less than 180 days after the submission of 
the report on national spaceports policy to Congress, the FAA 
shall submit an assessment of the effectiveness and suitability 
of STIM, AIP, and other funding and finance programs for 
infrastructure at DOT and other Federal agencies for spaceports 
consistent with the report on national spaceports policy.
    Workforce diversity, hiring, and training.--To further the 
goal of workforce diversity, $7,500,000 of the amounts provided 
for staff offices is for the Minority Serving Institutions 
(MSI) internship program, which provides students from 
Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Hispanic Serving 
Institutions, students attending a college or university with a 
high percentage of Asian American and Pacific Islanders, Tribal 
Colleges and Universities, and Students with Disabilities the 
opportunity to participate in internship opportunities. The 
Committee is aware of changes to MSI program structure and 
recommends greater consultation with the eight officially 
recognized employee associations, and reminds the FAA that the 
report on MSI program activities required by P.L. 117-103 is 
    The Committee appreciates the FAA's many efforts to 
increase its own workforce diversity and that of the aviation 
industry at large and directs the FAA to provide a briefing not 
later than 120 days after enactment of this Act on how FAA 
internal programs (e.g., MSI, Gateway, and People with 
Disabilities) and FAA-funded programs (e.g., Aviation Workforce 
Development Grants and Air Grant Fellowships) are coordinated 
with each other to provide entry, exit, and reentry into the 
FAA and aviation industry for beginning, mid-career, and 
experienced workers.
    Consistent with the ACSSA, the FAA is directed to continue 
prioritizing the hiring and training of personnel in human 
factors and system safety analysis to support certification, 
delegation, and oversight activities throughout the Aircraft 
Certification Service (AIR), including the Aircraft 
Certification Offices and International Validation Branch. The 
recommendation provides not less than $336,457,000 for AIR, 
which is $16,000,000 above the request, to ensure the 
certification and safety of products and technologies that 
could reduce noise and emissions worldwide. The Committee 
supports the continued professional development of all FAA 
personnel, but especially those in technical fields that are 
rapidly advancing in discovery and application, such as 
modeling, engineering, artificial intelligence, and computer 
science. The FAA should provide institutional support by 
incorporating professional development into an employee's 
official work duties as it relates to their work duties, 
broadcasting professional development opportunities to 
employees, and making use of highly capable human resource 
management software. The Committee directs the FAA to provide 
the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations with 
quarterly staffing data, including hiring and separations, by 
program office for all positions funded by this Act.
    The Committee reminds the FAA that the operational 
performance of FAA facilities and equipment determines the 
resources needed to maintain them and strongly cautions the FAA 
against the temptation of deferring maintenance, which 
ultimately leads to both mission and financial degradation. The 
recommendation includes $1,918,277,000 for Technical 
Operations, which is $15,000,000 above the request, to ensure a 
sufficient number of personnel with the appropriate skill mix 
to keep facilities and equipment in working order. The FAA is 
directed to develop a multi-year workforce plan for all 
Technical Operations positions to establish current and future 
workforce needs to preserve the performance standard of FAA 
facilities and equipment, taking into account that the FAA's 
portfolio will remain a mix of new and legacy facilities and 
equipment. The FAA shall provide a briefing on the plan to the 
House and Senate Committees on Appropriations not less than 180 
days after the date of enactment of this Act.
    Unfinished rulemakings.--The Committee notes that the FAA 
has not met the statutory deadlines to comply with section 308 
of the FAA Modernization and Reform Act of 2012 (P.L. 112-95), 
which requires the FAA to issue a rule related to alcohol and 
controlled substances testing of persons that perform safety-
sensitive maintenance functions on commercial air carrier 
aircraft. The Committee directs the FAA to report every 30 days 
after the date of enactment of this Act to the House and Senate 
Committees on Appropriations, the House Committee on 
Transportation and Infrastructure, and the Senate Committee on 
Commerce, Science, and Transportation on actions taken and 
planned to promulgate final rules on these matters.
    Unmanned aircraft systems (UAS).--The diversity of the UAS 
industry, the variety of its operational needs, and the wide 
array of safety risks and public concerns, such as noise and 
privacy, with each type of operation necessitates significant 
research and coordination within and outside of the FAA. The 
Committee recommendation includes the request for additional 
staff and resources for UAS integration, including supporting 
new rulemakings, managing international activities for emerging 
technologies with foreign civil aviation authorities, and 
greater coordination among the different offices in the FAA 
that are responsible for different aspects of certification.
    The Committee notes that the Beyond Visual Line of Sight 
(BVLOS) Aviation Rulemaking Committee (ARC) was expected to 
submit its recommendations to the FAA in November 2021, but 
instead submitted them in March 2022. The Committee is 
concerned that this delay will also delay the issuance of a 
final regulation and directs the FAA to develop a rulemaking 
plan and strategy not later than October 1, 2022, detailing how 
it plans to address the BVLOS ARC recommendations and the steps 
and timeline leading up to final rulemaking. The FAA shall 
brief the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations on this 
plan and strategy not less than 15 days after submitting it to 
the Committees. The Committee notes that the FAA has granted 
numerous BVLOS waivers enabling low-altitude operations, but 
needs to create a faster waiver process. The FAA is encouraged 
to explore BVLOS standard scenarios and pre-defined risk 
assessments to streamline and standardize low-risk BVLOS 
waivers and directed to issue additional guidance on applying 
for low-altitude BVLOS waivers.
    Small UAS certification.--The Committee is concerned that 
the FAA aircraft type certification process has not kept pace 
with small unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) technology, 
including the ability to account for software and hardware 
updates made during or closely following the period of time an 
aircraft is undergoing type certification. The Committee 
directs the FAA to provide the House and Senate Committees on 
Appropriations with a plan within 90 days of enactment of this 
Act for how and under what timeline it will refine or redefine 
the type certification process for small UAS. The plans should 
give consideration to the recommendations of the BVLOS ARC, 
while ensuring appropriate levels of safety.
    Special use airspace.--The FAA restricts the use of 
airspace for a variety of reasons such as protecting the 
president and vice-president, military or space operations, or 
even natural hazards like volcanic eruptions. These 
restrictions mitigate risk, but navigating around them can 
increase flight times, distances, and fuel burn. The Committee 
supports the FAA's efforts to work with DOD through a 
federally-funded research and development center with expertise 
in national security and aviation operations to develop a 
system to efficiently share the status, timing, and location of 
restricted airspace among NAS users. The Committee reminds the 
FAA that the fiscal year 2022 requirement to brief the 
Committees on the agency's progress on these efforts is 
    Satellite voice (satvoice) communications services.--In 
accordance with international agreements, the FAA is 
responsible for air traffic control for certain oceanic 
airspace in the Pacific, Atlantic, and Caribbean. The FAA 
utilizes both data (controller pilot datalink communication) 
and voice (aeronautical mobile communications service (AMCS)) 
to provide communication services in this oceanic airspace. 
AMCS is a relay service that facilitates the handoff of air 
traffic control between the FAA controllers that oversee 
domestic airspace and the controllers that oversee 
international oceanic airspace. AMCS primarily relies on high 
frequency (HF) voice and very high frequency (VHF) voice 
services. When HF/VHF is unavailable, satvoice is used. The 
Committee believes mitigating future operational risk is 
important and directs the FAA to conduct an operational needs 
analysis for future oceanic communication.

                        FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT

                    (AIRPORT AND AIRWAY TRUST FUND)

Appropriation, fiscal year 2022.......................    $2,892,887,500
Budget request, fiscal year 2023......................     3,015,000,000
Recommended in the bill...............................     2,900,000,000
Bill compared with:
    Appropriation, fiscal year 2022...................        +7,112,500
    Budget request, fiscal year 2023..................      -115,000,000

    The Facilities and Equipment (F&E) account is the principal 
means for modernizing and improving air traffic control and 
airway facilities. The appropriation also finances major 
capital investments required by other agency programs, 
experimental research and development facilities, and other 
improvements to enhance the safety and capacity of the airspace 

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    Condition of FAA facilities and equipment.--To ensure the 
safety of airport employees, passengers, and the aviation 
community, the FAA conducts an annual assessment of air traffic 
control towers across the country, weighing not only the 
tower's physical condition, but also the tower's effect on 
airport operations and incidents. The Committee supports the 
FAA's reporting and ranking systems and strongly recommends 
that the FAA also collect and consider the input of local 
airport directors and air traffic controllers since they have a 
first-hand and intimate understanding of airport operations and 
incidents. In furtherance of increasing the transparency of the 
planning process and program performance, the FAA should use 
highly capable software to monitor the condition of its 
facilities and equipment, the schedule of replacement and 
improvement projects, and costs and contingencies.
    Lighting and landing portfolio.--The Committee supports the 
FAA's effort to replace visual aids systems that utilize 
incandescent bulbs with light emitting diode that reduce energy 
usage and includes not less than $10,000,000 for the 
procurement, installation, and commissioning of precision 
approach path indicators.
    Navigational aids monitoring equipment.--The Committee 
directs the FAA to make funding available to maintain 
Integrated Control and Monitoring Systems (ICMS) as long as 
they remain in operational use and until such time as these 
systems are replaced. Not less than 90 days after the date of 
enactment of this Act, the FAA shall brief the House and Senate 
Committees on Appropriations on the final investment decision 
to replace ICMS and its phase out and replacement plan.
    NEXCOM radios.--The Committee provides an additional 
$5,000,000 for a technical refresh to address power supply 
failures and obsolescence issues and bridge the gap between 
existing radio infrastructure and NEXCOM phase 3 hardware 
    Remote towers.--The FAA is currently evaluating remote 
tower technology at two locations as a potential means to 
enhance safety, reduce costs, and expand air traffic control 
services at rural and small community airports. The FAA 
anticipates identifying a third location by the end of calendar 
year 2022 in accordance with the criteria in section 161 of the 
FAA Reauthorization Act of 2018, but the Committee also urges 
the FAA to consider the mix of aircraft, including advanced air 
mobility, at the appropriate time.

                        FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT

                         (Dollars in thousands)
                                         Request         Recommendation
Activity 1--Engineering,
 Development, Test and Evaluation
    Advanced Technology                       $25,300            $25,000
     Development and Prototyping..
    William J. Hughes Technical                16,900             16,900
     Center Laboratory Sustainment
    William J. Hughes Technical                15,000             11,000
     Center Infrastructure
    NextGen--Separation Management             18,000             18,000
    NextGen--Traffic Flow                      21,000             15,000
     Management Portfolio.........
    NextGen--On Demand NAS                      8,500              8,500
    NextGen--NAS Infrastructure                25,500             20,850
    NextGen Support Portfolio.....              5,000              5,000
    NextGen--Unmanned Aircraft                 15,000             15,000
     Systems (UAS)................
    NextGen--Enterprise, Concept               11,000             11,000
     Development, Human Factors, &
     Demonstrations Portfolio.....
        Total, Activity 1.........            161,200            146,250
Activity 2--Air Traffic Control
 Facilities and Equipment
a. En Route Programs
    En Route Automation                       108,150            100,000
     Modernization (ERAM)--System
     Enhancements and Tech Refresh
    Next Generation Weather Radar               3,000              3,000
    Air Route Traffic Control                  94,700             94,700
     Center (ARTCC) & Combined
     Control Facility (CCF)
     Building Improvements........
    Air/Ground Communications                   7,700              7,700
    Air Traffic Control En Route                6,700              6,700
     Radar Facilities Improvements
    Oceanic Automation System.....             12,250             10,400
    Next Generation Very High                  52,000             57,000
     Frequency Air/Ground
     Communications (NEXCOM)......
    System-Wide Information                    10,200             10,200
    ADS--B NAS Wide Implementation            155,200            155,200
    Windshear Detection Service...              3,200              3,200
    Air Traffic Management                      7,400              7,400
     Implementation Portfolio.....
    Time Based Flow Management                 21,300             20,000
    NextGen Weather Processor.....             30,700             30,700
    Data Communications in Support            108,050            108,050
     of NextGen Air Transportation
    Offshore Automation...........             38,000             38,000
    Reduced Oceanic Separation....              7,000             12,000
    En Route Service Improvements.              1,000              1,000
    Commercial Space Integration..             10,000             10,000
        Subtotal, En Route                    676,550            675,250
b. Terminal Programs
    Terminal Doppler Weather Radar              1,000              1,000
    Standard Terminal Automation               62,000             68,000
     Replacement System (STARS)
     (TAMR Phase 1)...............
    Terminal Automation Program...              3,000              3,000
    Terminal Air Traffic Control               55,000             55,000
    ATCT/Terminal Radar Approach               79,000             79,000
     Control (TRACON) Facilities--
    NAS Facilities OSHA and                    27,000             27,000
     Environmental Standards
    Integrated Display System                  45,000             30,000
    Terminal Flight Data Manager               61,800             61,800
    Performance Based Navigation                8,000              8,000
     Support Portfolio............
    Unmanned Aircraft Systems                  10,000             10,000
     (UAS) Implementation.........
    Airport Ground Surveillance                18,000             18,000
    Terminal and EnRoute                      117,400             78,600
     Surveillance Portfolio.......
    Terminal and EnRoute Voice                 50,100             50,100
     Switch and Recorder Portfolio
    Enterprise Information                     13,000             13,000
    Remote Towers.................              3,000              3,000
        Subtotal, Terminal                    553,300            505,500
c. Flight Service Programs
    Aviation Surface Observation               10,000             10,000
     System (ASOS)................
    Future Flight Services Program              1,500              1,500
    Alaska Flight Service Facility              2,700              2,700
     Modernization (AFSFM)........
    Juneau Airport Wind System                    500                500
     (JAWS)--Technology Refresh...
    Weather Camera Program........              1,200              1,200
        Subtotal, Flight Service               15,900             15,900
d. Landing and Navigational Aids
    Very High Frequency (VHF)                   7,100              7,100
     Omnidirectional Radio Range
     (VOR) Minimum Operating
     Network (MON)................
    Wide Area Augmentation System              91,800             91,800
     (WAAS) for GPS...............
    Instrument Flight Procedures                3,600              2,000
     Automation (IFPA)............
    Runway Safety Areas--                       2,500              1,800
     Navigational Mitigation......
    Landing and Lighting Portfolio             60,800             67,900
    Distance Measuring Equipment               10,000             10,000
     (DME), Very High Frequency
     (VHF) Omni-Directional Range
     (VOR), Tactical Air
     Navigation (TACAN) (DVT)
     Sustainment Portfolio........
        Subtotal, Landing and                 175,800            180,600
         Navigational Aids
e. Other ATC Facilities Programs
    Fuel Storage Tank Replacement              26,200             26,200
     and Management...............
    Unstaffed Infrastructure                   56,300             50,000
    Aircraft Replacement and                   46,200             35,000
     Related Equipment Program....
    Airport Cable Loop Systems--               10,000             10,000
     Sustained Support............
    Alaskan Satellite                             500
     Infrastructure (ASTI)........
    Real Property Disposition.....              4,500              4,500
    Electrical Power Systems--                139,800            135,000
    Energy Management and                       6,900              6,900
     Compliance (EMC).............
    Child Care Center Sustainment.              1,200              1,200
    FAA Telecommunications                     69,000             64,200
    Operational Analysis and                   26,100             15,500
     Reporting Systems............
        Subtotal, Other ATC                   386,700            348,500
         Facilities Programs......
            Total, Activity 2.....          1,808,250          1,725,750
Activity 3--Non-Air Traffic
 Control Facilities and Equipment
a. Support Equipment
    Hazardous Materials Management             24,300             24,300
    Aviation Safety Analysis                   28,200             28,200
     System (ASAS)................
    National Air Space (NAS)                   12,000             12,000
     Recovery Communications
    Facility Security Risk                     14,000             14,000
    Information Security..........             23,000             23,000
    System Approach for Safety                 26,700             26,700
     Oversight (SASO).............
    Aviation Safety Knowledge                  12,000             12,000
     Management Environment
    Aerospace Medical Equipment                 2,200              2,200
     Needs (AMEN).................
    NextGen System Safety                      17,000             17,000
     Management Portfolio.........
    National Test Equipment                     3,000              3,000
    Mobile Assets Management                    1,900              1,900
    Aerospace Medicine Safety                  16,200             16,200
     Information Systems (AMSIS)..
    Configuration, Logistics, and              19,700             19,700
     Maintenance Resource
     Solutions (CLMRS)............
        Subtotal, Support                     200,200            200,200
b. Training, Equipment and
    Aeronautical Center                        20,000             15,000
     Infrastructure Sustainment...
    Distance Learning.............              3,000              2,000
        Subtotal, Training,                    23,000             17,000
         Equipment and Facilities.
            Total, Activity 3.....            223,200            217,200
Activity 4--Facilities and
 Equipment Mission Support
    System Engineering and                     38,000             37,000
     Development Support..........
    Program Support Leases........             45,000             45,000
    Logistics and Acquisition                  12,000             12,000
     Support Services.............
    Mike Monroney Aeronautical                 16,000             16,000
     Center Leases................
    Transition Engineering Support             19,000             17,000
    Technical Support Services                 28,000             28,000
     Contract (TSSC)..............
    Resource Tracking Program                   8,000              8,000
    Center for Advanced Aviation               57,000             57,000
     System Development (CAASD)...
    Aeronautical Information                   29,350             20,800
     Management Program...........
        Total, Activity 4.........            252,350            240,800
Activity 5--Personnel and Related
    Personnel and Related Expenses            570,000            570,000
        Total, All Activities.....         $3,015,000         $2,900,000


                    (AIRPORT AND AIRWAY TRUST FUND)

Appropriation, fiscal year 2022.......................      $248,500,000
Budget request, fiscal year 2023......................       260,500,000
Recommended in the bill...............................       260,500,000
Bill compared with:
    Appropriation, fiscal year 2022...................       +12,000,000
    Budget request, fiscal year 2023..................             - - -

    This appropriation provides funding for long-term research, 
engineering, and development programs to improve the air 
traffic control system and to raise the level of aviation 
safety, as authorized by the Airport and Airway Improvement Act 
and the Federal Aviation Act. The appropriation also finances 
the research, engineering, and development needed to establish 
or modify Federal air regulations.

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    Aviation climate and noise research.--The Committee 
supports the FAA's research to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 
from aviation and strongly encourages the FAA to coordinate its 
multiple research activities with other Federal agencies.
    The recommendation provides $22,163,000 for Environment and 
Energy to quantify and characterize the effect of aviation on 
noise, air quality, and climate to, among other things, support 
the development of certification procedures, standards, and 
policies for aircraft.
    The recommendation provides $76,976,000 for NextGen-
Environmental Research-Aircraft Technologies and Fuels, of 
which $45,000,000 is to support the Continuous Lower Energy, 
Emissions, and Noise (CLEEN) program to reduce noise and 
emissions at its source--the aircraft engine. The Committee is 
pleased that the CLEEN program added reducing community noise 
exposure and particulate matter emissions to its goals.
    The recommendation provides $35,500,00 for the Center of 
Excellence for Alternative Jet Fuels and Environment (ASCENT) 
to develop technologies to mitigate the environmental impact of 
aviation. The Committee appreciates and encourages ASCENT to 
continue its work on the health effects of air pollution 
surrounding airports, reducing noise and fuel burn of subsonic 
and supersonic aircraft, and sleep disturbance.
    The Committee notes that the CLEEN program is an important 
public-private partnership in the development of alternative 
and sustainable jet fuels and that ASCENT is evaluating the 
barriers to scaling production to meet the commercial demand 
for alternative and sustainable jet fuels. The Committee 
encourages the FAA to share the combined findings of the CLEEN 
program and ASCENT with the relevant other Federal agencies to 
increase the production and use of alternative and sustainable 
jet fuels in aviation.
    The Committee is encouraged that the FAA and industry 
stakeholders recently formed the Eliminate Aviation Gasoline 
Lead Emissions (EAGLE) initiative to eliminate the use of 
leaded aviation fuel by the end of 2030 without adversely 
affecting the existing piston-engine fleet. The FAA should 
provide the House and Senate Committees with updates on EAGLE's 
objectives and activities as they come into focus.
    Aviation professionals.--The Committee supports increasing 
the strength and number of aviation professionals who are well-
trained and can be relied upon to make air travel safe and 
efficient. To that end, the Committee provides $10,000,000 for 
the aviation maintenance technician development program and 
$5,000,000 for aviation workforce development program in 
accordance with section 625 of the FAA Reauthorization Act of 
    Crew complements.--The presence of two well-trained, 
qualified pilots in commercial aircraft is another example of 
safety through redundancy. Funding made available in this Act 
to study alternative crew complements for flight decks in 
commercial operations should prioritize the safety effects 
relative to two-person flights. This direction is not intended 
to limit FAA's research and development activities related to 
unmanned aerial vehicles.
    Emissions reduction plan.--The Committee appreciates that 
DOT updated its U.S. Aviation Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction 
Plan, now referred to as the U.S. Aviation Climate Action Plan, 
in November 2021 in support of achieving net-zero emissions, 
economy-wide by 2050 and then subsequently released it FY2022-
2026 Strategic Plan in April 2022. The key performance 
indicator for the FAA in the strategic plan is to reduce 
greenhouse gas emissions from aviation to at or below 2019 
levels and the details on how the U.S. could reach this goal 
are in the climate action plan using, among other things, 
sustainable aviation fuels, new aircraft technologies, fleet 
renewal, and operational improvements. Since progress will 
required coordinated action by the aviation industry and the 
Federal government, the Committee directs the FAA to brief the 
House and Senate Committees on Appropriations on the expected 
timeline, sequence, and effect of actions; the roles and 
responsibilities of Federal agencies and private industry; and 
metrics for measuring progress.
    Liquid oxygen (LOX)/methane research.--The Committee 
directs the FAA to continue prioritizing its research on the 
explosive yield and environmental effects of LOX/methane on 
public health and safety in partnership with other Federal 
agencies and the commercial space industry.
    Radio altimeters.--The Committee shares the FAA's safety 
concern about the potential for interference from 5G C-Band 
signals on aircraft radio altimeters from transmitters located 
near airports. The immediate, intermediate, and long-term 
solutions to safe operations in the national airspace system 
requires early and continuous cooperation of wireless service 
providers, altimeter and aircraft manufacturers, airlines, 
airports, the Federal Communications Commission, the National 
Telecommunications and Information Administration, and the 
Departments of Transportation, Commerce, and Defense. The 
immediate solution of unpowered or low-powered transmitters is 
already giving way to the intermediate solution of retrofitting 
radio altimeter with filters, which will eventually be replaced 
by a long-term solution of more robust performance standards 
for radio altimeters. The Committee directs the FAA to dedicate 
not less than $5,000,000 towards its own altimeter research 
(such as designing and conducting flight tests) and to support 
voluntary forums with industry partners, such as the FAA 5G 
Roundtable and the RTCA (formerly the Radio Technical 
Commission for Aeronautics), to not only develop new altimeter 
performance standards for 5G, but also prepare for future 6G 
and 7G rollouts.
    Unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) research.--The Committee 
supports the safe integration of UAS into the national airspace 
system, including the continued development of a low-altitude 
UAS traffic management system and low altitude authorization 
and notification capability program. The Committee provides up 
to $12,400,000 for the Center of Excellence for UAS Research.


                         (Dollars in thousands)
                                            Request       Recommendation
Fire Research and Safety..............           $7,367           $7,367
Propulsion and Fuel Systems...........            5,471            5,471
Advanced Materials /Structural Safety.            2,886            2,886
Aircraft Icing........................            3,353            3,353
Digital System Safety.................            5,287            5,287
Continued Air Worthiness..............           12,430           10,430
Flight deck/Maintenance/System                   15,292           14,292
 Integration Human Factors............
System Safety Management/Terminal Area           10,111           10,111
Air Traffic Control/Technical                     5,911            5,911
 Operations Human Factors.............
Aeromedical Research..................           10,000            8,000
Weather Program.......................           16,178           13,786
Unmanned Aircraft Systems Research....           14,935           14,935
Alternative Fuels for General Aviation           12,385           12,385
Emerging Technology Accelerator (ETA).           10,000            - - -
Commercial Space Transportation Safety            5,708            5,708
Wake Turbulence.......................            3,728            3,728
NextGen--Weather Technology in the                3,028            7,600
Information/Cyber Security............            5,500            5,500
Environment and Energy................           21,163           22,163
NextGen--Environmental Research--                73,976           76,976
 Aircraft Technologies and Fuels......
System Planning and Resource                      4,141            4,130
Aviation Workforce Development--                  6,169           15,000
 Section 625..........................
William J. Hughes Technical Center                5,481            5,481
 Laboratory Facilities................
    Total.............................         $260,500         $260,500

                       GRANTS-IN-AID FOR AIRPORTS


                      (LIMITATION ON OBLIGATIONS)

                    (AIRPORT AND AIRWAY TRUST FUND)

                     (INCLUDING TRANSFER OF FUNDS)

                                         Limitation of
                                            contract      Limitation of
                                         authorization     obligations
Appropriation, fiscal year 2022.......   $3,350,000,000   $3,350,000,000
Budget request, fiscal year 2023......    3,350,000,000    3,350,000,000
Recommended in the bill...............    3,350,000,000    3,350,000,000
Bill compared to:
    Appropriation, fiscal year 2022...            - - -            - - -
    Budget request, fiscal year 2023..            - - -            - - -

    This funding provides grants for airport planning and 
development, noise compatibility and planning, the military 
airport programs, reliever airports, airport program 
administration, and other authorized activities.

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    Airport technology research.--The Committee recommendation 
includes not less than $40,828,000 for the FAA's airport 
technology research program to conduct research on topics such 
as concrete and asphalt airport pavement in accordance with 
section 744 of the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2018; airport 
marking and lighting; airport rescue and firefighting; airport 
planning and design; wildlife hazard mitigation; and visual 
    Environmental mitigation pilot program.--Section 190 of the 
FAA Reauthorization Act of 2018 authorized the Airport 
Environmental Mitigation Pilot Program to measurably reduce or 
mitigate aviation impacts on noise, air quality, or water 
quality at the airport or within five miles of the airport. The 
FAA released a NOFO in May 2021, but has yet to make any grant 
awards. The Committee directs the FAA to brief the House and 
Senate Committees on Appropriations not later than 30 days 
after the date of enactment of this Act on the design of the 
pilot program, NOFO, and an evaluation of and the response to 
the NOFO.
    Firefighting foam.--The Committee is encouraged by DOD's 
progress in developing specifications for firefighting foam and 
the FAA's long-standing research and testing thereof. The 
Committee urges the FAA to ensure an orderly transition from 
current to replacement firefighting foam for the safety of 
passengers and crewmembers, airport firefighters and workers, 
and the communities that neighbor airports. The Committee 
directs the FAA, in coordination with DOD and EPA, to develop a 
transition plan not later than 180 days after the date of the 
publication of the military specifications (mil-spec) for 
firefighting foam. The transition plan should, at a minimum, 
achieve the following goals: provide Part 139 airports with 
information on obtaining EPA guidance on acceptable 
environmental limits; best practices for the decontamination of 
existing aircraft rescue and firefighting vehicles, systems, 
and other equipment previously used to deploy firefighting 
foam; and timelines for the release of policy and guidance 
relating to Part 139 airport implementation plans for obtaining 
approved mil-spec products and firefighting personnel training.
    Ground safety.--By definition, a safe flight begins and 
ends with airport ground operations, which ranges from snow and 
ice removal; signage and markings; lighting; ground vehicles 
used for luggage, fuel, catering, and maintenance; and aircraft 
movement. The Committee supports the strategic goals and risk-
based approach of the FAA's Runway Safety and Airport Safety 
programs and appreciates the FAA's interest in existing and new 
technology, as appropriate, to reduce risk. For example, the 
FAA has studied foreign object debris (FOD) detection systems 
as far back as 2005. As such, the Committee directs the FAA to 
submit to the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations a 
literature review and cost-benefit analysis of FOD detection 
systems not later than one year after the date of enactment of 
this Act. New on the horizon is the possibility of aircraft 
towing systems. The Committee encourages the FAA to study these 
systems just as extensively as FOD detections systems as the 
technology matures.
    Sound insulation.--For residences that do not meet the 
criteria for the AIP sound insulation program, the FAA and 
airports should seek assistance from other Federal agencies and 
programs, such as HUD's Healthy Homes Initiative which makes 
grants to non-profits and state and local governments for 
identifying and correcting residential health and safety 
hazards. Among these hazards are mold, noise, and pests.
    State block grant program.--The Committee is concerned that 
some states participating in the Airport Improvement Program 
State Block Grant Program may not be able to effectively 
administer IIJA or annual appropriations funding provided for 
general aviation and commercial service airports that are not 
primary airports, resulting in unspent grant funding. The 
Committee directs the FAA to evaluate whether these states have 
the organizational capacity to administer these funds and are 
making full use of FAA policy that allows states to use grant 
funds for the direct administrative costs of airport projects, 
and if any associated unspent grant funding affects the safety 
and security needs of the national airspace system. The FAA is 
directed to brief the House and Senate Committees on 
Appropriations on its findings not later than 90 days after the 
date of enactment of this Act.
    Voluntary Airport Low Emissions (VALE) program.--The VALE 
program is an opportunity for airports to meet their 
obligations under the Clean Air Act. Among the types of 
eligible projects are electric ground support equipment like 
bag tugs and belt loaders; natural gas refueling stations; 
geothermal heating; and electric preconditioned air and ground 
power converter units. The Committee urges the FAA to remind 
airports that successful projects include early coordination 
with the FAA and collaboration with carriers to identify 
projects suitable for the VALE program.

                       GRANTS-IN-AID FOR AIRPORTS

Appropriation, fiscal year 2022.......................      $554,180,000
Budget request, fiscal year 2023......................             - - -
Recommended in the bill...............................       272,604,000
Bill compared with:
    Appropriation, fiscal year 2022...................      -281,576,000
    Budget request, fiscal year 2023..................      +272,604,000

    This funding provides grants for airport planning and 
development, noise compatibility and planning, the military 
airport programs, reliever airports, airport program 
administration, and other authorized activities.

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    The Committee recommendation includes $272,604,000 in 
discretionary funding, which is available for community 
projects in accordance with the table at the end of this report 
and for additional grants for airport infrastructure.
    Prioritization for additional grants for airport 
infrastructure.-- Section 47115(j)(3)(B) of title 49, United 
States Code, requires that not less than 50 percent of the 
funds made available under this heading shall be for grants at 
nonhub, small hub, reliever, and nonprimary airports. The 
Committee directs the FAA to restrict this set-aside to 50 
percent and to use the remaining funds for grants at medium hub 
and large hub airports.
    Temporary flight restrictions.--Section 119E of P.L. 117-
103 made up to $3,500,000 available to the FAA to reimburse 
certain airport sponsors and other aviation tenants that are 
closed during temporary flight restrictions for any residence 
of the President that is designated or identified to be secured 
by the United States Secret Service. The Committee believes 
this amount is sufficient to cover all applicable financial 
losses for the current term of the President, and directs the 
FAA to notify the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations 
if additional funding is necessary.


    Section 110 allows no more than 600 technical staff-years 
at the center for advanced aviation systems development.
    Section 111 prohibits funds for adopting guidelines or 
regulations requiring airport sponsors to provide FAA ``without 
cost'' building construction or space.
    Section 112 allows reimbursement for fees collected and 
credited under 49 U.S.C. 45303.
    Section 113 allows reimbursement of funds for providing 
technical assistance to foreign aviation authorities to be 
credited to the operations account.
    Section 114 prohibits funds for Sunday premium pay unless 
work was actually performed on a Sunday.
    Section 115 prohibits funds from being used to buy store 
gift cards with Government issued credit cards.
    Section 116 requires the Secretary to block the identifying 
information of an owner or operator's aircraft in the aircraft 
in any flight tracking display to the public upon the request 
of an owner or operator.
    Section 117 prohibits funds for salaries and expenses of 
more than nine political and Presidential appointees in the 
    Section 118 prohibits funds to increase fees under 49 
U.S.C. 44721 until the FAA provides a report to the House and 
Senate Committees on Appropriations that justifies all fees 
related to aeronautical navigation products and explains how 
such fees are consistent with Executive Order No. 13642.
    Section 119 requires the FAA to notify the House and Senate 
Committees on Appropriations at least 90 days before closing a 
regional operations center or reducing the services provided.
    Section 119A prohibits funds from being used to change 
weight restrictions or prior permission rules at Teterboro 
Airport in New Jersey.
    Section 119B prohibits funds from being used to withhold 
from consideration and approval certain application for 
participation in the contract tower program, or for certain 
reevaluations of cost-share program participation.
    Section 119C prohibits funds from being used to open, 
close, redesignate, or reorganize a regional office, the 
aeronautical center, or the technical center subject to the 
normal reprogramming requirements outlined under section 405 of 
this Act.
    Section 119D improves the efficiency of the FAA franchise 
    Section 119E provides restrictions on the use of the 
authorities under 49 U.S.C. 44502(e) to transfer certain air 
traffic system or equipment to the FAA.
    Section 119F allows funds from the ``Grants-in-Aid for 
Airports'' account to reimburse airports affected by temporary 
flight restrictions for residences of the President.

                     Federal Highway Administration

    The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) provides 
financial assistance to the states to construct and improve 
roads and highways. It also provides technical assistance to 
other agencies and organizations involved in road building 
activities. Title 23 of the United States Code and other 
supporting statutes provide authority for the activities of the 
FHWA. Funding is provided by contract authority, while program 
levels are established by annual limitations on obligations, as 
set forth in appropriations Acts.


                          (HIGHWAY TRUST FUND)

                     (INCLUDING TRANSFER OF FUNDS)

Appropriation, fiscal year 2022.......................      $466,964,697
Budget request, fiscal year 2023......................       476,783,991
Recommended in the bill...............................       476,783,991
Bill compared with:
    Appropriation, fiscal year 2022...................        +9,819,294
    Budget request, fiscal year 2023..................             - - -

    The limitation on administrative expenses caps the amount 
from within the limitation on obligations that FHWA may spend 
on salaries and expenses necessary to conduct and administer 
the Federal-aid highway program, highway-related research, and 
most other Federal highway programs.

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    The Committee recommends a limitation on FHWA 
administrative expenses of $476,783,991.
    Implementation of the Native American Tourism Improving 
Visitor Experience (NATIVE) Act.--The Committee recognizes the 
importance of cross agency coordination in delivering 
multisector solutions to tribal communities and continues to 
encourage the Department to work with the Department of the 
Interior and implement the requirements of the NATIVE Act (P.L. 

                          FEDERAL-AID HIGHWAYS

                      (LIMITATION ON OBLIGATIONS)

                          (HIGHWAY TRUST FUND)

                                             Limitation on obligations*
Appropriation, fiscal year 2022...........               $57,473,430,072
Budget request, fiscal year 2023..........                58,764,510,674
Recommended in the bill...................                58,764,510,674
Bill compared with:
    Appropriation, fiscal year 2022.......                +1,291,080,602
    Budget request, fiscal year 2023......                         - - -
*These amounts do not include $739,000,000 of contract authority exempt
  from the limitation on obligations.

    The Federal-aid highways program is funded by contract 
authority, and liquidating cash appropriations are subsequently 
provided to fund resulting outlays. The Committee sets, through 
the annual appropriations process, an overall limitation on the 
total contract authority that can be obligated under the 
program in a given year. Programs included within the Federal-
aid highways program are financed from the Highway Trust Fund.
    Federal-aid highways and bridges are managed through a 
Federal-state partnership. States and localities maintain 
ownership of and responsibility for the maintenance, repair, 
and new construction of roads. State highway departments have 
the authority to initiate Federal-aid projects, subject to FHWA 
approval of the plans, specifications, and cost estimates. The 
Federal government provides financial support, on a 
reimbursable basis, for construction and repair through 
matching grants.

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    Consistent with the amounts authorized in the 
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, the Committee 
recommends a total program level of $58,764,510,674 for the 
regular Federal-aid highway program in fiscal year 2023.
    Truck size and weight.--In fiscal year 2020, the Committee 
directed the Department to expeditiously develop an 
implementation plan, including projected timelines, for 
conducting the research outlined in the Transportation Research 
Board's Truck Size and Weight Research Plan, which outlines 
numerous projects that are essential to understanding the 
impacts of different truck configurations on driver safety, the 
service life and deterioration rates of bridges, and the 
condition of pavement, as well as potential impacts of such 
changes on the long-term solvency of the Highway Trust Fund. 
The Committee notes that it has not yet received the 
implementation plan required by Congress in fiscal year 2020 
and directs FHWA to brief the House and Senate Committees on 
Appropriations on its progress to finalize the implementation 
plan within 30 days of enactment of this Act. The results of 
this research should be considered by the Department and 
Congress before any national changes in truck length or weight 
policy are considered.
    Structurally deficient bridges.--The Committee is concerned 
with the large number of structurally deficient bridges in the 
United States. The U.S. Department of Transportation's June 
2015 Comprehensive Truck Size and Weight Technical Reports 
Summary found that 4,845 bridges would need to be strengthened 
or replaced to handle additional stress if Federal truck 
weights were increased to 91,000 pounds. The Committee is 
concerned that Federal policies, including the consideration of 
increased Federal truck weights, may result in greater funding 
needs that the Highway Trust Fund may not be unable to sustain. 
As such, the Committee directs DOT to provide consideration of 
the repair of structurally deficient bridges as part of its 
implementation plan for the nation's bridge inventory.
    Bridge investment program and bridge formula program.--The 
Committee is pleased with the FHWA's efforts to move 
expeditiously to issue guidance and funding for the bridge 
formula program and subsequently, the NOFO for the bridge 
investment program which kickstarts historic annual investments 
in bridge infrastructure improvements for our nation's bridges. 
However, the Committee is concerned that many state and local 
entities receiving funding through these programs may not have 
corrosion management systems in place that will allow them to 
meet the programs' goals of reducing the number of bridges in 
America in poor condition. The Committee directs the Department 
to work closely with eligible entities under these programs to 
assist them with the establishment or improvement of state and 
local corrosion management systems that include industry-
recognized standards and corrosion mitigation and prevention 
    Permeable pavements.--The Committee continues to encourage 
the Secretary to accelerate research, demonstration, and 
deployment of permeable pavements to achieve flood mitigation, 
pollutant reduction, stormwater runoff reduction, environmental 
conservation, and resilience for new road construction and 
retrofit of existing roads. The Committee encourages the 
Secretary to conduct structural evaluations of flood-damaged 
pavements, with emphasis on local roads and highways subject to 
flooding and extended periods of inundation, to understand the 
mechanisms of flood damage and how permeable pavements might be 
used to prevent or reduce damage from future flooding. 
Furthermore, the Secretary is encouraged to work with the 
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the 
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as both agencies are also 
doing work in the area of permeable pavements and a cross-
agency collaboration may yield more innovation. In House Report 
117-99, the Committee directed the Department to submit a 
report detailing current efforts, utilization, and research 
within FHWA and efforts made with FEMA and EPA and the 
Committee looks forward to the forthcoming report.
    Material neutrality.--The Committee supports the FHWA's 
work to promote research, development, and deployment of 
building solutions that advance the performance, 
sustainability, reliability, and resiliency of building 
materials. The Committee encourages the Department to support 
material neutral decisions that do not promote or provide 
preference for specific building materials. The Committee 
believes that Federal resources are best utilized when all 
materials are considered on their own merits, allowing for the 
best solutions to address our infrastructure challenges.
    Aggregates sustainability.--Aggregates are essential to the 
construction of highways, bridges, tunnels, and all types of 
public works projects and sustainable access to these materials 
is crucial in reducing costs, congestion, and emissions. The 
Department is directed to continue working with U.S. Geological 
Survey and stakeholders to ensure information on the 
availability of aggregates meets the nation's infrastructure 
needs. The Committee reminds DOT of the requirement in the 
House Report 117-99 to provide a report to the House and Senate 
Committees on Appropriations on how it can best address the 
challenge of the lack of sustainable aggregates resources in 
communities across the nation. The Department is encouraged to 
work with relevant Federal agencies, as well as state, tribal, 
and local transportation and planning agencies to further these 
    Concrete production.--The Committee understands that a bi-
product of concrete production, which is a critical component 
in most transportation projects, are greenhouse gas emissions. 
Considering the significant investment in the nation's 
infrastructure through the IIJA, the Committee supports efforts 
to reduce emissions in concrete production. The Committee 
encourages the Department to prioritize concrete manufacturing 
practices to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in transportation 
    Safe systems.--More than 36,000 people are killed each year 
in traffic crashes, and road traffic crashes are the world's 
leading cause of death for children and young adults 5-29 years 
of age. The Committee remains concerned by the staggering 
number of pedestrian fatalities each year involving vehicles 
and is aware that an increasing number of municipalities are 
developing plans to significantly reduce these incidents. The 
Committee supports the critical work that FHWA is doing to 
define, support, and encourage adoption of a safe systems 
approach to reduce and eventually eliminate fatalities and 
serious injuries on our nation's roadways. The Committee 
directs FHWA to continue to work with the Road to Zero 
Coalition and other safety stakeholders to accelerate adoption 
of a safe systems approach by state and local transportation 
agencies. As part of establishing safe systems, cities 
nationwide are developing interagency Vision Zero plans to 
connect engineering, education, and enforcement with the goal 
of ending transportation deaths and serious injuries. The 
Committee directs FHWA to continue developing resources and 
providing technical assistance to help state and local 
stakeholders facilitate the implementation of their Vision Zero 
plans and strategies to reduce pedestrian fatalities and 
    Complete streets.--The Committee is concerned about recent 
increases in cyclist and pedestrian fatalities and encourages 
the adoption of a complete streets design model in which roads 
and streets are designed and operated to enable safe access for 
all users, including but not limited to pedestrians, 
bicyclists, motorists, and transit riders across a broad 
spectrum of ages and abilities. To lay the groundwork for the 
adoption of a complete streets design model, House Report 116-
452 required FHWA to review its current policies, rules, and 
procedures to determine their impact on safety for road users, 
particularly those outside automobiles. The Committee looks 
forward to receiving this report, and appreciates the 
Secretary's commitment to a complete streets approach. The 
Committee continues to direct the Department to disseminate 
best practices for complete streets to state and local highway 
    Additionally, the Committee is pleased that the Department 
has elevated the safety needs of pedestrians and cyclists, 
particularly through programs such as Safe Transportation for 
Every Pedestrian (STEP). However, the Committee recognizes that 
thousands of pedestrian and cyclist injuries and fatalities 
occur each year because of unsafe drivers and routes designed 
primarily for motor vehicles. The Committee directs the FHWA, 
in collaboration with other DOT modes and relevant Federal 
entities, to provide a report to the House and Senate 
Committees on Appropriations on a plan to reduce pedestrian and 
cyclist injuries and fatalities no later than 90 days after 
enactment of this Act. The report shall include known roadway 
designs that reduce safety risks, best practices to improve 
pedestrian and cyclist safety, and a plan for supporting 
communities seeking to improve pedestrian and cyclist-oriented 
    Safe routes to schools.--The Committee recognizes the 
important role infrastructure investments, education, and 
enforcement efforts can have in ensuring safe access to 
schools, hospitals, and transit stations. Investments in 
sidewalks, bike paths, and alternative transportation have 
proven to increase safety and decrease the number of deaths and 
injuries associated with commutes to school, hospitals, and 
transit stations. The Committee encourages the FHWA to 
prioritize infrastructure investments that will facilitate 
changes to pedestrian and driver behavior and that will have 
immediate improvements in pedestrian safety. The Committee 
encourages FHWA to work with the National Highway Traffic 
Safety Administration (NHTSA), the Safe Routes to School 
Partnership, and state and local stakeholders to facilitate 
safe student access to schools.
    Further, the Committee is aware of a commuter-preferred 
option for residents in multiple communities just west of the 
Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area (DEWA), a U.S. 
Department of the Interior park. Such options include Route 
2001, which is also a primary route for school buses and 
ambulances. During adverse winter weather conditions, Route 
2001 becomes the only north-south route option in southeastern 
Pike County, Pennsylvania as DEWA closes an arterial route, 
which runs inside its boundaries for just under 30 miles. The 
Committee continues to be concerned regarding Route 2001's 
ability to handle the increased winter traffic and encourages 
the Department to work with state and local stakeholders to 
address surface conditions and other improvements needed to 
alleviate the recurring delays on routes, such as Route 2001, 
to school buses, ambulances, and commuters when traffic is 
redirected to it from arterial routes by DEWA.
    Advanced Transportation and Congestion Management 
Technologies Deployment (ATCMTD).--Under the Fixing America's 
Surface Transportation (FAST) Act (P.L. 114-94), the ATCMTD was 
able to fund 5 to 10 projects, annually, to make competitive 
grants for the development of model deployment sites for large 
scale installation and operation of advanced transportation 
technologies with the goal of improving safety, efficiency, 
system performance, and return on investment. The levels of 
funding provided under this heading will allow the Department 
to increase research funding for additional advancements in 
such transportation technologies.
    Ohio river crossings.--The Committee encourages the 
Department to work with relevant state departments of 
transportation to complete unfinished sections of critical 
interstate corridors, such as interstate 69, and address 
capacity constraints at Ohio river crossings along these routes 
to create a continuous transportation network from Canada to 
Mexico that will facilitate international trade and spur 
economic development.
    Alabama highway improvements.--The Committee is aware of 
the significance of challenges faced by the southeast region of 
Alabama along routes that are critical for regional tourism, 
emergency evacuations, and provide access to the U.S. Army 
Aviation Center of Excellence and Fort Rucker. Due to steep 
grades along the route and an increasing number of passenger 
vehicles and heavily loaded freight carriers, roads such as 
highway 167 regularly experience delayed traffic flows and an 
increased number of traffic-safety hazards. The Committee 
continues to encourage FHWA to work with state and local 
stakeholders to address safety improvements to alleviate delays 
and chokepoints to ensure a clear route for the transportation 
of goods and services and for major emergency evacuations.
    Virginia highway capacity.--The Committee recognizes the 
challenges faced on certain highways in the Commonwealth of 
Virginia, which are critical to the freight network along the 
east coast. Interstate 81, for example, is a corridor in 
Virginia that is two lanes in each direction, and when one lane 
is blocked there is a significant reduction in capacity. 
Contributing factors to the long crash clearance times include: 
lack of capacity, the rolling terrain, lack of reliable detour 
routes, and the constrained configuration. Travel is 
anticipated to continue to increase on some of these routes, 
with truck traffic growing at a faster pace than passenger 
vehicle traffic. The Committee encourages FHWA to work with 
state and local stakeholders to address surface conditions and 
other improvements to alleviate incident-related delays and 
    Critical commerce corridors.--The Committee believes 
critical commerce corridors, an authorized use of funds in the 
nationally significant freight and highway projects program, 
can improve our economic efficiency, reduce travel times, and 
promote safe travel on our nation's roads and highways. These 
corridors include existing highways where a barrier physically 
separates lanes dedicated to heavy commercial trucks from lanes 
dedicated to passenger vehicles. The Committee encourages DOT 
to strongly consider applications for the creation of critical 
commerce corridors when awarding grants to individual states.
    Cap park development.--The Committee notes the growing 
interest in communities across the country in developing cap 
parks (also called a city deck park) in which a park is placed 
over a highway. Cap parks offer communities the opportunity to 
connect neighborhoods that have long been divided by highways 
(like the cross Bronx expressway), reduce traffic congestion, 
improve air quality, and bring green space to our highways and 
roads. The Committee encourages DOT to explore how 
transportation funding can be best used to mitigate the impacts 
of highway utilization and improve air quality. The Committee 
further encourages state departments of transportation to work 
with metropolitan planning organizations to develop and 
implement state asset management plans to further the 
development of cap parks across the country and ensure that the 
national highway system effectively and efficiently moves 
people and goods.
    Resiliency for coastal roads and highways.--Coastal roads 
and highways, which are the lifelines of many communities, are 
facing major challenges from the effects of climate change, 
particularly sea level rise and coastal erosion. As DOT makes 
investments in coastal areas, the Committee continues to urge 
the Department to emphasize resiliency and support for roads 
that are currently in crisis situations, ensuring that the most 
vulnerable roads are being modernized utilizing best practices, 
and that planning for future resilient roads take these 
realities into account.
    Resilient building materials.--The Committee encourages the 
Department to require the use of resilient building materials 
that will reduce carbon emissions and nonpoint source 
pollution, as appropriate, in all Federally funded highway 
    New interstate designations.--The Committee recognizes the 
benefits that communities achieve when existing roads are 
designated as interstates or future interstates, including 
those that will facilitate the safe evacuation of coastal 
areas. The Committee encourages FHWA to work with the 
appropriate state departments of transportation to facilitate 
the development of these highways. The Committee reminds DOT of 
the requirement in House Report 117-99 to report to the House 
and Senate Committees on Appropriations on these efforts.
    Innovative technologies.--The Committee urges FHWA to 
consider the feasibility of utilizing or deploying innovative 
technologies, including moveable barriers, that provide 
congestion relief, improve air quality, and decrease fuel 
consumption. Innovative technologies can also offer quick 
alternatives to costly road construction, result in safer 
roadways, and help eliminate crossover fatalities. The 
Committee encourages FHWA to consider such technologies as part 
of any project for which the Federal government provides 
    Redressing historic inequities in our nation's interstate 
highway system.--The construction of our nation's interstate 
highway system was shaped by systemic racism. There are 
countless examples of interstate highways that were directly 
and purposefully routed through established minority 
communities, causing community upheaval, loss of homes and 
businesses, and deep psychological pain. The reconnecting 
communities pilot program, established in the Infrastructure 
Investment and Jobs Act, provides $1,000,000,000 over five 
years for planning and capital grants for supporting the 
planning, removal, or retrofitting of existing transportation 
infrastructure that creates a barrier to community 
connectivity. The Committee encourages the DOT to issue a 
public report within 270 days of enactment of this Act with a 
list of proposed projects and sites that have been impacted by 
the construction of the interstate highway system and therefore 
will be eligible to apply for the reconnecting communities 
pilot program. The Committee encourages the Department to 
address the systemic destruction of communities by prioritizing 
projects that reconnect neighborhoods cut off by historic 
investments in the interstate highway system and to ensure new 
projects increase opportunity, advance racial equity and 
environmental justice, and promote affordable access.
    Bike lanes for equitable, sustainable transportation.--The 
addition of high quality bike infrastructure, including trails 
and protected bike lanes, is proven to reduce traffic 
fatalities and open up opportunities for healthy and zero-
carbon transportation. High quality bike infrastructure opens 
up access for low-income communities and encourages cycling 
among novice cyclists and families who may have a lower 
tolerance for risk. The Committee encourages FHWA to work with 
state and local agencies to support greater implementation of 
bike lanes throughout the nation.
    Infrastructure monitoring demonstration project.--The 
Committee is interested in new technology advancements to 
monitor and assess the lifespan, safety, and durability of 
infrastructure investments, and reminds FHWA of the requirement 
in House Report 117-99 to brief the House and Senate Committees 
on its research in this area.
    Communities impacted by persistent flooding.--The Committee 
directs DOT, through its Federal lands access program, to 
provide consideration for communities that are impacted by 
persistent flooding.
    Electric vehicle charging infrastructure.--The 
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act provided $5,000,000,000 
in advanced appropriations over five years for the national 
electric vehicle infrastructure formula program to support 
deployment of electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure and 
to establish an interconnected network to facilitate data 
collection, access, and reliability. The Committee recognizes 
the need for electric charging infrastructure, including 
wireless charging options, to adequately meet electricity 
distribution requirements before allocating funding to 
prospective projects. When implementing funding from the 
national electric vehicle infrastructure formula program, 
administration officials in the Joint Office of Energy and 
Transportation should consider the capacity of electricity 
distribution at proposed charging locations and the inclusion 
of one or more charging station locations where the distance 
between two adjacent stations is greater than 50 miles, 
especially in areas with a population density of 50 or fewer 
persons per square mile of land area based on the most recent 
decennial census and within such states only outside the 
geographic boundaries of a metropolitan planning area for a 
metropolitan planning organization serving a population of 
greater than 200,000. The Committee encourages FHWA to seek 
input from key stakeholders as part of these efforts.
    Truck parking.--The Committee understands that a growing 
challenge for commercial motor vehicle drivers across the 
country is the availability of truck parking, which poses 
serious highway safety risks for truck drivers and all road 
users. The Committee notes that projects relating to truck 
parking are eligible activities in several FHWA formula 
programs, including the surface transportation block grant 
program, national highway freight program, highway safety 
improvement program, and national highway performance program, 
and discretionary grant programs, including INFRA and RAISE. In 
addition, section 21104 of the IIJA requires states to conduct 
a commercial motor vehicle parking facilities assessment as 
part of the development or updating of a state freight plan. 
The Committee directs FHWA to work with states to provide 
technical assistance on utilizing formula programs to support 
projects to expand truck parking capacity and on completing 
commercial motor vehicle parking facilities assessments, and to 
continue to explore opportunities to support activities that 
could improve the current availability of truck parking. 
Further, when evaluating applications for competitive grant 
programs, the Committee urges DOT to consider prioritizing 
grants for projects that would expand truck parking capacity.
    Automated Traffic Signal Performance Measures (ATSPM).--The 
Committee applauds the FHWA for making initial progress on 
measuring traffic signal performance. The Committee understands 
that there are a variety of programs that could be used to 
implement ATSPM technology. However, communities are still not 
seeing a level of funding commensurate with the need. Thus, the 
Committee directs the FHWA to consider expanding these 
investments in ATSPM technology to provide proactive and 
frequent timing updates to reduce delays, improve safety, and 
support a reduction in environmental impact. Further, the 
Committee directs the FHWA to provide a comprehensive report to 
the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations that lists 
the funding levels for ATSPM technology among its programs.
    Highway-rail grade crossing safety.--Highway-rail grade 
crossing collisions are the second leading cause of all rail-
related fatalities in the United States. The Committee 
recommendation provides funding to assist states and 
communities with improving highway-rail grade crossing safety 
through the FHWA under section 130(e) of title 23, United 
States Code, and the Federal Railroad Administration through 
the consolidated rail infrastructure and safety improvements 
grant program, and notes that advance appropriations are 
available in fiscal year 2023 for the newly authorized railroad 
crossing elimination program.


                          (HIGHWAY TRUST FUND)

                                               Liquidation of contract
Appropriation, fiscal year 2022...........               $58,212,430,072
Budget request, fiscal year 2023..........                59,461,387,674
Recommended in the bill...................                59,503,510,674
Bill compared with:
    Appropriation, fiscal year 2022.......                +1,291,080,602
    Budget request, fiscal year 2023......                   +42,123,000

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    The Committee recommends a liquidating cash appropriation 
of $59,503,510,674. This is the amount required to pay the 
outstanding obligations of the highway program at levels 
provided in the Act and prior appropriations Acts.


                     (INCLUDING TRANSFER OF FUNDS)

Appropriation, fiscal year 2022...........                $2,444,927,823
Budget request, fiscal year 2023..........                         - - -
Recommended in the bill...................                 1,755,060,641
Bill compared with:
    Appropriation, fiscal year 2022.......                  -689,867,182
    Budget request, fiscal year 2023......                +1,755,060,641

    The IIJA provides contract authority for Highway programs 
funded from the Highway Trust Fund. This account provides 
additional funds from the General Fund of the Treasury for the 
programs funded by formula under the IIJA and important safety 
and management priorities administered by FHWA.

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    The Committee recommends $1,755,060,641 for Highway 
Infrastructure Programs, of which $1,275,060,641 is for 
community project funding in accordance with the table at the 
end of this report.
    The following table provides funding levels for activities 
within this account:

                                           Request       Recommendation
Community Project Funding...........            $- - -    $1,275,060,641
Appalachian Development Highway                  - - -       100,000,000
Nationally Significant Federal Lands             - - -        75,000,000
 and Tribal Projects Program........
Regional Infrastructure Accelerator.             - - -        12,000,000
National Scenic Byways Program......             - - -        30,000,000
Safe Streets and Roads for All                   - - -       100,000,000
Active Transportation Infrastructure             - - -       100,000,000
 Investment Program.................
Healthy Streets Program.............             - - -        55,000,000
Salmon Recovery.....................             - - -         5,000,000

    Nationally significant Federal lands and Tribal projects.--
The Committee directs that when making grant awards under this 
heading, FHWA should prioritize roadways that in the previous 
three fiscal years have been closed or had speed reductions due 
to unsafe travel conditions as a result of the roadway's 
infrastructure condition and maintenance.
    Tribal transportation.--The Committee recognizes that 
providing safe and adequate transportation over the more than 
160,000 miles of roads and trails within Indian reservations, 
Indian lands, and Alaska Native Village communities is crucial 
for the safety and welfare of tribal and surrounding non-tribal 
communities. The Committee is pleased with the historic 
investments provided by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs 
Act, which expanded the number of programs that can be used to 
improve the infrastructure conditions of Tribal communities, 
including the safe streets and roads for all program, for which 
the Committee recommendation provides $100,000,000. The 
Committee believes that this investment, and the historic 
investment of more than $3,000,000,000 in Tribal transportation 
programs will advance the safety needs and address challenges 
unique to Tribal communities. The Committee recognizes the 
challenges of coastal Tribes at risk of flooding, tsunami, and 
other natural disasters. The Committee supports projects that 
would increase the resiliency of Tribes and Tribal communities 
against these threats to public safety, including projects that 
support emergency evacuation routes.
    Active Transportation Infrastructure Investment Program 
(ATIIP).--The Committee recognizes the importance of building 
the capacity of transportation networks to ensure people can 
safely connect to their day to day destinations such as work, 
school, health appointments and other critical services and 
amenities. The ATIIP as authorized in IIJA will allow 
communities to develop their transportation networks to improve 
transportation access for all, while also reducing greenhouse 
gas emissions. The Committee provides $100,000,000 for the 
ATIIP for competitive awards to help state and local 
governments build connected active transportation systems 
within and between communities.
    Healthy Streets Program.--The Committee strongly supports 
efforts to reduce flooding, improve air quality, and mitigate 
the urban heat island effect at bus stops and on pedestrian 
walkways within disadvantaged and low-income communities. The 
healthy streets program, as authorized by the Infrastructure 
Investment and Jobs Act, will provide grants to states, units 
of local government, Tribes, and nonprofit organizations 
working in coordination with an eligible public entity to both 
plant trees and deploy smart surfaces, such as reflective 
surfaces in areas of excess heat, or porous surfaces in flood 
prone areas. The Committee provides $55,000,000 for the healthy 
streets program for this purpose.
    Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A).--The SS4A grant 
program reduces roadway fatalities and serious injuries through 
planning, infrastructure, behavioral, and operational 
initiatives for all roadway users, including pedestrians; 
bicyclists; public transportation, personal conveyance, and 
micromobility users; and car and truck drivers. The Committee 
is pleased that the Department issued its first SS4A NOFO in 
May 2022 and provides an additional $100,000,000 for this 
program for fiscal year 2023.
    Salmon recovery.--The Committee provides $5,000,000 to 
establish a cooperative series of agreements with universities, 
Federal agencies, the National Academy of Sciences, 
transportation agencies and/or nonprofit organizations with 
demonstrated capacity and expertise to conduct aligned 
investigations and studies to advance the biologic, hydraulic, 
geomorphologic, cultural, and other scientific engineering to 
help mitigate and improve the impacts of culverts, roads, and 
bridges on threatened or endangered salmon populations. The 
aligned outcomes will assist with identifying, prioritizing for 
future funding, and providing scientific and engineering 
approaches applicable to highway infrastructure improvement 
projects that will reduce these impacts and enhance recovery 


    Section 120 distributes obligation authority among Federal-
aid highway programs.
    Section 121 credits funds received by the Bureau of 
Transportation Statistics to the Federal-aid highways account.
    Section 122 provides requirements for any waiver of the Buy 
America requirements.
    Section 123 requires 60-day notification to the House and 
Senate Committees on Appropriations of any grants as authorized 
under 23 U.S.C. 117.
    Section 124 allows state DOTs to repurpose certain highway 
project funding to be used within 25 miles of its original 
    Section 125 requires the Federal Highway Administration to 
adjudicate Buy America waivers based on the rules and 
regulations in effect before April 17, 2018.

              Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration

    The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) was 
established within the Department of Transportation by Congress 
through the Motor Carrier Safety Improvement Act of 1999 (P.L. 
106-159). The FMCSA's mission is to promote safe commercial 
motor vehicle operations and to reduce truck and bus crashes. 
The FMCSA works with Federal, state, and local entities, the 
motor carrier industry, highway safety organizations, and the 
public to further its mission. The FMCSA resources are used to 
prevent and mitigate commercial vehicle accidents through 
regulation, enforcement, stakeholder training, technological 
innovation, and improved information systems. The FMCSA also is 
responsible for enforcing Federal motor carrier safety and 
hazardous materials regulations for all commercial vehicles 
entering the United States along its southern and northern 



                      (LIMITATION ON OBLIGATIONS)

                          (HIGHWAY TRUST FUND)

Appropriation, fiscal year 2022.......................      $360,000,000
Budget request, fiscal year 2023......................       367,500,000
Recommended in the bill...............................       367,500,000
Bill compared with:
    Appropriation, fiscal year 2022...................        +7,500,000
    Budget request, fiscal year 2023..................             - - -

    The limitation on obligations establishes the FMCSA's 
spending level for salaries, operating expenses, and research 
to support motor carrier safety program activities and to 
maintain the agency's administrative infrastructure. This 
funding supports nationwide motor carrier safety and consumer 
enforcement efforts, including the compliance, safety, and 
accountability program, regulation and enforcement of freight 
transport, and Federal safety enforcement at the U.S. borders. 
These resources also fund regulatory development and 
implementation, information management, research and 
technology, safety education and outreach, and the safety and 
consumer telephone hotline.

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    The Committee recommendation provides a liquidation of 
contract authorization and a limitation on obligations of 
$367,500,000 for the operations and programs account, 
consistent with the amounts authorized in the Infrastructure 
Investment and Jobs Act. Of the total amounts, $14,073,000 is 
for the research and technology program and not less than 
$63,098,000 is for information technology and information 
    Hours of service (HOS).--The Committee remains concerned 
with the safety and labor ramifications of the final rule on 
HOS that went into effect on September 29, 2020. The final rule 
extends driving time and distance while also reducing the 
amount of time a driver takes for rest. The Consolidated 
Appropriations Act, 2021 (P.L. 116-260) directed the FMCSA to 
analyze the real-world effects of the new HOS regulations by 
comparing safety data, specifically comparing data collected 
prior to the implementation of the final rule on September 29, 
2020, with data collected after its implementation to determine 
any correlations. The FMCSA was further directed to report the 
results of this analysis annually in the budget request and to 
post such analysis on the agency's website. The Committee is 
disappointed that the FMCSA has not completed this requirement, 
despite nearly two years of data becoming available since the 
final rule went into effect. The Committee understands that the 
FMCSA is working on the first iteration of the HOS safety data 
analysis. The Committee continues to direct the FMCSA to 
complete annual HOS safety data analysis, to make the 
information publicly available, and to post the analysis on the 
agency's website concurrently with the release of the budget 
request for fiscal year 2024.
    Large truck crash causation study.--The Committee remains 
concerned with truck safety trends, with injuries to occupants 
of large trucks, occupants of other vehicles, and nonoccupants 
like pedestrians and cyclists continuing to increase. According 
to the FMCSA's large truck and bus crash facts 2019, the number 
of large trucks involved in fatal crashes increased by 2 
percent when comparing calendar year 2018 to 2019, and the 
number of large trucks involved in injury crashes increased by 
6 percent for that same time period. Further, of the fatal 
crashes involving commercial motor vehicles, class 7 and 8 
large trucks account for roughly 75 percent of all such 
crashes. Public Law 116-260 included $30,000,000 for a study on 
the causes of large truck crashes. The Committee understands 
that the FMCSA plans to focus this study on fatal and injury 
crashes involving class 7 and 8 large trucks and collect data 
on such crashes over a two-year period. Further, the Committee 
understands that section 23006 of the IIJA requires the 
Secretary to conduct a comprehensive crash causation study of 
all commercial motor vehicles. The Committee supports the 
FMCSA's phased approach to the implementation of section 23006 
of the IIJA, starting with class 7 and 8 large trucks. This 
phased approach considers lessons learned from the original 
large truck crash causation study completed in 2003, public 
comments, and two ongoing studies by the National Highway 
Traffic Safety Administration relating to medium-duty truck 
crashes. The Committee understands that the class 7 and 8 large 
trucks study is scalable and repeatable, so that the FMCSA can 
address crashes involving other commercial motor vehicles in 
the future. The Committee directs the FMCSA to brief the House 
and Senate Committees on Appropriations on its progress on the 
large truck study and the spending plan no later than 90 days 
after enactment of this Act.
    Information technology (IT) and information management 
(IM).--IT challenges at the FMCSA continue to have negative 
effects on the safety and efficiency of the trucking industry 
nationwide. The Committee understands that the FMCSA is working 
diligently to address a legacy of layered, antiquated systems 
by implementing a multi-year IT modernization plan. The 
Committee provides not less than $63,098,000 for the 
development, modernization, enhancement, and continued 
operation and maintenance of IT and IM. Further, the Committee 
directs the FMCSA to provide regular briefings to the House and 
Senate Committees on Appropriations on the agency's progress 
towards achieving streamlined and efficient IT and IM systems.
    Unlawful brokerage activities.--Section 32919 of MAP-21 
(P.L. 112-141) established requirements for brokers providing 
interstate brokerage services to be registered and satisfy 
certain financial security requirements, and set civil 
penalties for brokering without such operating authorities. The 
Committee is concerned about reports of unlawful brokerage 
activities, that such reports have continued to increase since 
the enactment of these requirements in 2012, and with limited 
enforcement by the FMCSA. The Committee notes that in 2019 a 
DOT Administrative Law Judge held in Darlene Riojas et al., 
Docket No. FMCSA-2012-0174, that the FMCSA does not have the 
statutory authority to administratively adjudicate and access 
civil penalties for violations of Subtitle IV, Part B of title 
49, United States Code, and that the FMCSA must seek an 
adjudication of civil penalties for such violations in the 
United States District Court. This ruling prohibits the FMCSA 
from assessing civil penalties administratively for commercial 
violations, including those contained in section 14916 of title 
49, United States Code, relating to unlawful brokerage 
activities. The Committee directs the FMCSA to report to the 
House and Senate Committees on Appropriations no later than 120 
days after enactment of this Act on its efforts to ensure full 
compliance with and enforcement of the requirements in section 
14916 of title 49, United States Code, including seeking an 
adjudication of civil penalties for commercial violations in 
the United States District Court; any potential barriers to 
such enforcement through the United States District Court; 
alternative enforcement mechanisms for unlawful brokerage 
activities available to the FMCSA; implementation of section 
23021 of the IIJA to clarify the definition of broker under the 
FMCSA regulations; and whether new legislative authority or 
clarifying existing legislative authority is needed to properly 
address unlawful brokerage.
    Hair testing.--The Committee recognizes that section 5402 
of the Fixing America's Surface Transportation (FAST) Act (P.L. 
114-94) required the Secretary of Health and Human Services 
(HHS) to ``issue scientific and technical guidelines for hair 
testing as a method of detecting the use of a controlled 
substance for purposes of section 31306 of title 49, United 
States Code'', which is the drug and alcohol testing program 
for operators of commercial motor vehicles. The Committee 
understands that HHS is currently considering hair testing as 
an alternative method of drug testing and issued proposed 
mandatory guidelines relating to hair testing in September 
2020, but has not issued final guidelines, as required by the 
FAST Act. The Committee directs the Office of Drug and Alcohol 
Policy and Compliance to support HHS in its efforts, provide 
any available or necessary data, and lend its expertise 
relating to transportation and commercial motor vehicle safety, 
as appropriate.
    Safe driver apprenticeship pilot (SDAP) program.--Section 
23022 of the IIJA requires the Secretary to establish an 
apprenticeship pilot program that allows employers to establish 
apprenticeship programs for drivers ages 18 to 20 with an 
intrastate commercial driver's license to operate a commercial 
motor vehicle in interstate commerce under specific conditions. 
The FMCSA established the SDAP program on January 14, 2022, 
through a Federal register notice, and is developing a process 
for motor carriers to apply to participate in the SDAP program. 
The Committee understands that the FMCSA will ensure that 
participants in the SDAP program comply with the requirements 
in section 23022 of the IIJA when reviewing applications from 
motor carriers, as well as subsequent data submitted as part of 
the SDAP program. In addition to submitting a report to 
Congress after the conclusion of the SDAP program as required 
by section 23022 of the IIJA, the Committee understands that 
the FMCSA intends to publish a public use data file of all data 
from the SDAP program. While this information will be helpful 
in understanding the safety impacts of the SDAP program, it 
will not be available until the completion of this three-year 
pilot. Therefore, the Committee directs the FMCSA to provide 
interim updates to the House and Senate Committees on 
Appropriations on the SDAP pilot program, including: (1) how 
many motor carriers have been accepted by the FMCSA to 
participate in the SDAP program; (2) how many motor carriers in 
the SDAP program have registered apprenticeship applications 
pending; (3) how many apprentice drivers are enrolled in the 
120-hour probationary period or in the 280-hour probationary 
period; (4) how many apprentice drivers have completed one or 
both such probationary periods; (5) how many apprentice divers 
were involved in an accident reportable to DOT; (6) how many 
crashes occurred involving apprentice drivers during and after 
completion of such probationary periods; (7) how many 
apprentice drivers have excited the SDAP program; (8) how many 
motor carriers have exited the SDAP program; (9) how many 
apprentice drivers have been removed from the SDAP program due 
to safety; (10) how many motor carriers have been removed from 
the SDAP program due to safety; and (11) a high-level analysis 
of apprentice drivers' safety performance to-date. The 
Committee directs the FMCSA to provide the first interim update 
with such information 180 days after the FMCSA begins to accept 
applications from motor carriers to participate in the SDAP 
program, and with subsequent interim updates due every 180 days 
    Motor carrier safety fitness determination rulemaking.--The 
Committee notes that House Report 117-99 directed the Secretary 
to initiate a rulemaking to update and revise regulations 
issued pursuant to subsection (b) of section 31144 of title 49, 
United States Code, and include procedures for the Secretary to 
determine if a motor carrier is not fit to operate a commercial 
motor vehicle in or affecting interstate commerce in accordance 
with such section. The Committee understands that DOT's most 
recent significant rulemaking report identifies that the FMCSA 
is preparing an advance notice of proposed rulemaking for 
safety fitness procedures.
    Commercial zone boundaries.--The FMCSA currently designates 
the south Texas counties of Cameron, Hidalgo, Starr, and 
Willacy as part of a commercial zone at the border between the 
United States and Mexico. As a result, these counties are 
exempt from certain regulations under section 13506(b)(1) of 
title 49, United States Code. The Committee notes that Zapata 
county is adjacent to Starr county and the Mexican border. The 
Committee encourages the FMCSA to analyze expanding the 
commercial zone boundaries defined under section 372.237 of 
title 49, Code of Federal Regulations.

                      MOTOR CARRIER SAFETY GRANTS


                      (LIMITATION ON OBLIGATIONS)

                          (HIGHWAY TRUST FUND)

Appropriation, fiscal year 2022.......................      $496,000,000
Budget request, fiscal year 2023......................       506,150,000
Recommended in the bill...............................       506,150,000
Bill compared with:
    Appropriation, fiscal year 2022...................       +10,150,000
    Budget request, fiscal year 2023..................             - - -

    The limitation on obligations controls the FMCSA's spending 
level for motor carrier safety grants. These grants are used to 
support compliance reviews in the states, identify and 
apprehend traffic violators, conduct roadside inspections, and 
conduct safety audits of new entrant carriers. Additionally, 
grants are provided to states for the improvement of state 
commercial driver's license oversight activities and to 
nonprofit organizations to assist in training non-Federal 
employees who conduct commercial motor vehicle enforcement 

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    The Committee recommendation provides a liquidation of 
contract authorization and a limitation on obligations of 
$506,150,000 for motor carrier safety grants, consistent with 
the amounts authorized in the Infrastructure Investment and 
Jobs Act. The following table provides funding levels for 
activities within this account.

                                           Request       Recommendation
Motor carrier safety assistance           $398,500,000      $398,500,000
Commercial driver's license program         42,650,000        42,650,000
 implementation program.............
High priority program...............        58,800,000        58,800,000
Commercial motor vehicle operators           1,200,000         1,200,000
 grant program......................
Commercial motor vehicle enforcement         5,000,000         5,000,000
 training and support grant program.
    Total...........................      $506,150,000      $506,150,000

    High priority program.--Section 23004 of the IIJA 
authorizes the Secretary to establish an immobilization grant 
program to provide grants to states for the immobilization or 
impoundment of passenger-carrying commercial motor vehicles 
that are determined to be unsafe or fail inspection and 
authorizes the use of high priority program funding for such 
activities. The Committee notes that the fiscal year 2022 
notice of funding opportunity for the high priority--commercial 
motor vehicle program incorporated this newly authorized use of 
funds. The Committee directs the FMCSA to brief the House and 
Senate Committees on Appropriations no later than 90 days after 
enactment of this Act on the fiscal year 2022 grants made to 
states for programs to impound or otherwise immobilize unsafe 
passenger-carrying commercial motor vehicles.


    Section 130 requires the FMCSA to update inspection 
regulations for rear underride guards as specified in GAO-19-
    Section 131 prohibits funds from being used to enforce the 
electronic logging device rule with respect to carriers 
transporting livestock or insects.

             National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

    The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) 
was established in March 1970 to administer motor vehicle and 
highway safety programs. It was the successor agency to the 
National Highway Safety Bureau, which was housed in the Federal 
Highway Administration.
    The NHTSA's mission is to save lives, prevent injuries, and 
reduce economic costs due to road traffic crashes through 
education, research, safety standards, and enforcement 
activity. To accomplish these goals, the NHTSA establishes and 
enforces safety performance standards for motor vehicles and 
motor vehicle equipment, investigates safety defects in motor 
vehicles, and conducts research on driver behavior and traffic 
    The NHTSA provides grants and technical assistance to state 
and local governments to enable them to conduct effective local 
highway safety programs. Together with state and local 
partners, the NHTSA works to reduce the threat of drunk, 
impaired, and distracted drivers, and to promote policies and 
devices with demonstrated safety benefits including helmets, 
child safety seats, airbags, and graduated driver's licenses.
    The NHTSA establishes and ensures compliance with fuel 
economy standards, investigates odometer fraud, establishes and 
enforces vehicle anti-theft regulations, and provides consumer 
information on a variety of motor vehicle safety topics.

                        OPERATIONS AND RESEARCH

Appropriation, fiscal year 2022.......................      $200,000,000
Budget request, fiscal year 2023......................       272,650,000
Recommended in the bill...............................       230,000,000
Bill compared with:
    Appropriation, fiscal year 2022...................       +30,000,000
    Budget request, fiscal year 2023..................       -42,650,000

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    For vehicle safety programs, funded by the general fund, 
the Committee recommends $230,000,000, of which up to 
$45,116,000 shall be for rulemaking and $5,118,000 shall be for 
communication and consumer information.
    Truck underrides.--The Committee highlights that DOT has 
been researching truck underrides for more than 50 years and 
that NHTSA's proposed rulemaking to update truck rear impact 
guard requirements in December 2015 cited 362 annual fatalities 
associated with light vehicle crashes into the rear of trucks. 
The Committee continues to direct NHTSA to prioritize working 
with relevant experts and stakeholders, including researchers, 
engineers, safety advocates, and the trucking industry, to 
facilitate the deployment and adoption of rear and side 
underride protection devices. Further, the Committee notes that 
section 23011 of the IIJA requires the Secretary to promulgate 
regulations to strengthen rear underride guards, establish an 
Advisory Committee on Underride Protection, and conduct 
additional research on rear impact guards and side underride 
    The Committee reiterates its concern from the past several 
years that NHTSA has yet to implement three out of four GAO 
recommendations on truck underrides and directs the NHTSA to 
complete rulemaking to improve rear guards in order to 
ultimately meet the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety 
standards for Toughguard awards. The Committee continues to 
direct NHTSA to brief the House and Senate Committees on 
Appropriations quarterly on its progress to meet such 
requirements and implement section 23011 of IIJA. In addition, 
the Committee directs NHTSA to substantively respond to the 
grant of petition for rulemaking on Rear Impact Guards, Rear 
Impact Protection published in the Federal Register on July 10, 
    Automatic emergency braking (AEB).--The Committee notes 
that the safety benefits of AEBs on large trucks are well 
documented and mandating such technology would significantly 
reduce the more than 5,000 annual fatalities from large truck 
crashes. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety has found 
that AEBs can reduce front-to-rear crashes with injuries by 56 
percent. The costs to generating these benefits are not large. 
A September 2018 study by NHTSA found that the incremental cost 
to a truck driver of automatic emergency brakes would be less 
than $350. The Committee appreciates that the Spring 2021 
regulatory agenda included the AEB rulemaking, and directs that 
NHTSA move with all deliberate speed in finalizing this rule 
and provide quarterly updates to the House and Senate 
Committees on Appropriations on its progress to finalize the 
    Test dummies.--The Committee understands that developing, 
testing, and fully vetting an advanced anthropomorphic test 
dummy is complicated and time consuming. However, NHTSA has 
been working on such research and development for almost 15 
years. The Committee is anxiously awaiting the adoption of the 
THOR 50th percentile test dummy, as well as the eventual 
adoption of the THOR 5th percentile female and the WorldSID 
side impact test dummies. In order to adequately address the 
gender inequities in crash testing data, the updates must 
ensure equitable frontal crash tests, for both male and female 
drivers. In fiscal year 2022, House Report 117-99 directed the 
NHTSA to issue the long overdue New Car Assessment Program 
(NCAP) proposed rule that adopts the most technologically 
advanced safety equipment, including the most advanced 
anthropomorphic test dummies and to report on the findings on 
and progress to adopt the THOR 50th and THOR 5th percentile 
test dummies and other gender disparities in crash testing and 
accident effects. The Committee directs the NHTSA to provide 
quarterly updates to the House and Senate Committees on 
Appropriations upon enactment of this Act on its progress. 
Further, within 90 days of enactment of this Act, the Committee 
directs the NHTSA to submit a report to the House and Senate 
Committees on Appropriations detailing all contracts related to 
crash safety testing awarded in the previous five fiscal years, 
including an explanation of the types of bids received and not 
    Crashworthiness research.--The Committee recognizes the 
importance that lightweight plastics and polymer composites 
play to improve automotive safety, meet consumer demand for 
innovative and autonomous vehicles, increase fuel efficiency, 
and support new highly skilled manufacturing jobs. Effective 
lightweight materials can also have the benefit of increasing 
fuel-economy. The Committee is pleased that NHTSA continues to 
work closely with the Department of Energy on lessons learned 
from lightweight materials research. The Committee directs 
NHTSA to continue to include the consideration of lightweight 
materials as standards, test procedures, and associated 
countermeasures are developed as part of the occupant 
protections program. Safety standards established by NHTSA 
should not present a barrier to the integration or adoption of 
new materials, many of which have lightweight components.
    Further, the Committee recognizes the importance that 
lightweight plastics and polymer composites play to improve 
automotive safety, meet consumer demand for innovative and 
autonomous vehicles, increase fuel efficiency, and support new 
U.S. highly skilled manufacturing jobs in the United States. 
The Committee directs NHTSA to upgrade current regulations and/
or the New Cart Assessment Program based on the requirements of 
the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21) 
and on the developed test procedures and associated 
countermeasures in its occupant protection programs in frontal 
(including the moving deformable barrier frontal offset test), 
side, rollover, impacts to the front seatbacks and lower 
interior B-pillars for children and small adults, including 
women, as well as for pedestrian safety, with an emphasis on 
decreasing the weight of vehicles in traditional and autonomous 
vehicle structural designs by proposing new near-term, mid-term 
and long-term regulations according to the following schedule: 
near-term final rules by March 2023; mid-term final rules by 
March 2024; and long-term final rules by March 2025. The 
Committee directs NHTSA to leverage lessons learned from 
lightweight materials research at the Department of 
Transportation, the Department of Energy, and by industry 
stakeholders in its development of safety-centered approaches 
for future lightweight automotive design, including 
traditional, advanced propulsion, and autonomous vehicles.
    Autonomous vehicle (AV) testing.--The Committee remains 
concerned that changes in driving technology will bring 
significant changes to the roadways from both cars and large 
trucks, and that the nation remains unprepared for such 
changes. Testing how AVs react to various environmental and 
weather conditions is a critical part of validating AV safety. 
The Committee is concerned that the United States does not have 
research and test facilities which replicate a wide variety of 
challenging weather conditions like rain, fog, and low sun 
angles. The Committee encourages NHTSA to use previously 
designated AV proving grounds or to partner with an existing 
non-profit automotive vehicle test and research facility to 
facilitate the development and deployment of AV technology that 
can operate in all weather conditions. Such partnerships should 
include sensor environmental testing where the vehicle moves 
through the driven environment. For fiscal year 2023, the 
Committee recommends $9,000,000 from this account for this 
    Rulemaking related to AVs.--While the Committee notes that 
NHTSA recently completed its first rulemaking on autonomous 
vehicles, much work remains to modernize existing Federal motor 
vehicle safety standards, including congressionally-mandated 
rulemakings and rulemakings related to autonomous vehicles, 
innovative vehicle safety technologies, and zero-occupant 
delivery vehicles. The Committee directs NHTSA to complete and 
deliver a report to the House and Senate Committees on 
Appropriations within one year of enactment of this Act on the 
impediments to meeting these requirements, and what is required 
to finalize these rulemakings around the safe deployment of new 
technology that will improve safety outcomes, and incorporate 
novel vehicle designs that improve mobility and access for all.
    Virtual modeling and simulation.--The Committee continues 
to recognize the importance in DOT evaluating the safety of 
advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) and autonomous 
vehicles (AVs) to ensure readiness of infrastructure to 
accommodate these technologies and secure public trust. The 
Committee finds integration of testing and evaluation platforms 
using virtual simulation and synthetic data generation would 
significantly enhance the agency's ability to independently 
audit, assess and validate the safety of these systems. 
Therefore, of the amounts provided under this heading, the 
Committee directs up to $3,500,000 to support the virtual 
review, assessment and validation of AVs and increased 
coordination with the Highly Automated Systems Safety Center of 
    Motorcycle profiling.--The Committee is concerned that 
NHTSA may be conducting activities that encourage states to 
adopt legislation, regulation, or other policies that unjustly 
profile motorcycle riders. The Committee directs NHTSA to 
report to the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations on 
the extent to which the agency works with states on motorcycle 
passenger policies within 120 days of enactment of this Act.
    Causal factors of auto crashes.--The Committee encourages 
the NHTSA to focus on research on causal factors of auto 
crashes, such as distracted driving, road conditions, and 
congestion and provides an additional $5,000,000 for related 

                        OPERATIONS AND RESEARCH


                      (LIMITATION ON OBLIGATIONS)

                          (HIGHWAY TRUST FUND)

Appropriation, fiscal year 2022.......................      $192,800,000
Budget request, fiscal year 2023......................       197,000,000
Recommended in the bill...............................       197,000,000
Bill compared with:
    Appropriation, fiscal year 2022...................        +4,200,000
    Budget request, fiscal year 2023..................             - - -

    This limitation on obligations controls the NHTSA's 
spending for highway safety research and development programs. 
Many of these programs are conducted in partnership with state 
and local governments, the private sector, universities, 
research units, and various safety associations and 
organizations. Programs funded by this account include 
research, demonstrations, and technical assistance to state and 
local governments around behavioral aspects of driver, 
occupant, and pedestrian behavior. This account also funds the 
NHTSA's National Center for Statistics and Analysis which 
collects and analyzes crash data and provides technical 
assistance to support state highway safety activities.

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    For behavioral safety research funded by the operations and 
research account, the Committee recommends $197,000,000 in 
liquidating cash and obligation limitation.
    Highway fatalities.--Despite dramatic decreases in the 
number of cars on the road, automobile fatalities and injuries 
spiked in 2021. In 2021 an estimated 42,915 people died in 
motor vehicle traffic crashes, a 10.5 percent increase over the 
previous 12-month period, reporting the highest number of 
fatalities since 2005. The Committee recognizes the need for 
more robust data collection and analysis related to vehicle, 
highway, and behavioral safety to develop effective 
countermeasures to reduce the number of and severity of vehicle 
crashes involving intersections, pedestrians, and a vehicle 
leaving the lane or roadway. Immediate steps must be taken to 
focus resources on a national campaign to save lives on the 
roadways. The Committee directs NHTSA to assert its leadership 
by developing and implementing a national campaign, working 
with other federal agencies, the states, law enforcement, the 
public health community, industry, and others who can 
contribute to the goal of saving lives. Funding provided under 
this heading is provided for robust research on causal factors 
of auto crashes such as distracted driving, road conditions, 
and congestion. The Committee notes with disappointment that a 
report on the agency's plans and progress on this campaign was 
not provided by NHTSA by December 23, 2021, as required by 
House Report 116-452, and that NHTSA subsequently did not 
provide the report by May 1, 2022, after Congress provided the 
agency more time to complete its work in the Consolidated 
Appropriations Act, 2022 (P.L. 117-103). The Committee directs 
NHTSA to provide the House and Senate Committees on 
Appropriations the report, including specific goals and any 
impediments to achieving those goals, no later than 30 days 
after enactment of this Act.
    Pedestrian fatalities.--The Committee remains alarmed at 
the growing number of pedestrian fatalities, which have 
increased in 2021 by 13 percent, and over the last 10 years 
have soared almost 50 percent, to more than 7,000, roughly one-
sixth of all traffic deaths in the United States. Reducing 
these fatalities and injuries will take a concerted effort that 
includes enforcement of existing laws, changes in street design 
and engineering, and education of drivers and pedestrians. The 
Committee directs NHTSA to continue to work with FHWA and state 
and local stakeholders to conduct education and enforcement 
efforts in cities nationwide and to convene stakeholders to 
develop and publicize innovative solutions to reduce pedestrian 
fatalities. In addition, the Committee directs NHTSA to update 
data collection methodologies to evaluate pedestrian injuries 
and fatalities.
    Road to zero coalition.--The Committee believes that 
conquering persistent problems with speed, seat belt use, 
distraction, and substance-impaired driving requires a 
collaborative effort. The Road to Zero coalition has mobilized 
more than 1,700 organizations supporting a goal to reduce 
fatalities on the roads and reach a goal of zero such 
fatalities by 2050. Conquering the traffic safety question 
requires a collective effort around the Road to Zero's three 
pillars: doubling down on proven countermeasures, accelerating 
the adoption of life-saving technology, and prioritizing a safe 
system approach. In order to reduce motor vehicle fatalities, 
the Road to Zero coalition has awarded 25 safe system 
innovation grants totaling $3,500,000 over three years to 
qualifying organizations that could clearly explain how their 
program would reduce motor vehicle fatalities. The Committee 
encourages DOT to remain engaged and involved with the Road to 
Zero coalition as it develops data-driven actions to meet the 
goal of reducing motor vehicle fatalities to zero. Within 120 
days of enactment of this Act, the Committee directs NHTSA to 
develop and implement an agreement to provide safe system 
innovation grant funding at a level commensurate with current 
    Child-car seat testing.--In 2014, NHTSA issued a proposed 
rulemaking that would have required all car seats designed for 
children up to 40 pounds to be tested for side-impact 
collisions. The Committee reiterates its concern that NHTSA has 
yet to issue the long overdue rule to test car seats for 
effectiveness in side-impact car crashes and to update rules 
for frontal impacts. The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2022 
directed the NHTSA to complete the side-impact rule and update 
rules for frontal impacts by September 30, 2022. The Committee 
and directs the NHTSA to brief the House and Senate Committees 
on Appropriations not less than every 30 days after the 
enactment of this Act on its progress to issue the rule.
    Child hyperthermia.--The Committee remains deeply concerned 
about the ongoing crisis involving children dying of 
hyperthermia after being left alone in motor vehicles. From 
2020 through 2022, more than 50 children died in this tragic 
manner. NHTSA must pursue a two-pronged strategy of public 
education and technology solutions. Continued public education 
activities should include aggressive media and community 
outreach. The auto industry must continue to develop effective 
technological solutions to swiftly install such systems that 
detect the presence of a child in a motor vehicle and alert 
individuals inside and outside the vehicle. Of the amounts 
provided under this heading, the Committee directs that no less 
than $3,000,000 shall be available primarily to advance the 
installation of effective detection and technological solutions 
and, secondarily, to raise the awareness of parents and 
caregivers by developing and placing assets for campaigns on 
social media, radio, and other media.
    Virtual car seat checks.--For the past 30 years, child 
passenger safety technicians have assisted parents one-on-one 
in ensuring that car seats were properly installed. As a result 
of COVID-19, one-on-one in-person instruction became extremely 
limited, so technicians began to conduct virtual car seat 
checks as an alternative. The Committee directs NHTSA to work 
with relevant stakeholders, including state highway safety 
offices, to promote virtual car seat safety checks.
    Stroke victim transportation protocol.--Stroke is a leading 
cause of death and long-term disability among adults in the 
United States, but faster diagnosis and treatment greatly 
increase chances of survival. The Committee encourages NHTSA 
and its Office of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) to continue 
working with stakeholders in the EMS community to develop and 
disseminate information on assessment, treatment, and 
transport-destination protocols to ensure that stroke patients 
are transported to the most appropriate hospital for treatment. 
In developing such protocols, stakeholders should consider the 
capability of an emergency receiving facility to improve 
outcomes for patients suspected of having an emergent large 
vessel occlusion.
    Drunk and impaired driving detection.--Drunk driving is the 
number one cause of traffic fatalities, costing the United 
States $194,000,000,000 annually and accounting for roughly 
one-quarter to one-third of motor vehicle fatalities each year. 
To address the scourge of drunk driving, the Committee has 
continually supported the Driver Alcohol Detection System for 
Safety (DADSS) research under this heading. The DADSS system 
specifically aims to detect the presence of a certain level of 
alcohol in a driver. NHSTA and staff of the DADSS program 
estimate they will complete their work by the end of fiscal 
year 2025. The Committee understands that a version of the 
DADSS technology is currently being tested which can determine 
the presence or absence of alcohol in a driver but cannot yet 
reliably quantify the exact amount of alcohol. This version is 
effective for limited deployment in fleets administering a 
zero-tolerance policy for its drivers. The Committee believes 
continued funding of the DADSS research is critical for 
completing development of DADSS technology set at the legal 
limit (e.g., currently 0.08 BAC for all states but Utah) that 
can be widely deployed in vehicles operated by consumers 
thereby avoiding approximately 7,000 or more drunk driving 
accident deaths annually. Therefore, the Committee continues to 
strongly support this promising and vital program and includes 
$10,000,000 for advanced research, development, and robust 
testing in fiscal year 2023.
    The Committee is also encouraged by the development of 
camera-based driver monitoring systems. These developing, 
probability-based systems aim to detect a variety of behaviors 
that are not conducive to safe driving such as distraction, 
drowsiness, or impairment. The Committee believes that these 
technologies, in combination with other technological 
innovations, have the ability to save lives and reduce impaired 
    House Report 117-99 directed NHTSA to contract with the 
Volpe National Transportation Systems Center to update the 2007 
Review of Technology to Prevent Alcohol-Impaired Crashes and 
looks forward to receiving that report. The Committee directs 
NHTSA to emphasize research on driver monitoring and to 
identify promising technologies that will reduce or eliminate 
impaired and distracted driving.
    Drug-impaired driving.--The Committee remains concerned 
with the growing problem of people driving under the influence 
of one or multiple substances, including marijuana and opioids. 
The Committee encourages NHTSA to continue funding training 
efforts to ensure stakeholders can identify drug-impaired 
driving and enforce the law. Funding under this heading is 
provided to continue research with the goal of developing a 
standardized field sobriety test to detect marijuana 
impairment. The Committee continues to direct NHTSA to work 
with the Department of Justice, the Department of Health and 
Human Service, and the Department of Commerce to ensure that 
state highway safety offices and state law enforcement have the 
most up-to-date information from the Federal government on 
detecting impaired driving. In order to increase the safety of 
the transportation network by reducing drug-impaired driving, 
the Committee directs NHTSA to work with states to determine 
their toxicology testing and funding needs and to make states 
aware that assistance for state toxicology labs are eligible 
expenses under section 402 and 405 formula grant funds.
    Further, the Committee notes that section 25026 of the 
IIJA, requires the Secretary, in consultation with the Attorney 
General and Secretary of Health and Human Services, to complete 
a report with recommendations for increasing and improving 
access to samples and strains of marijuana for scientific 
researchers studying impairment while driving under the 
influence of marijuana and establishing a national 
clearinghouse to collect and distribute samples and strains of 
marijuana for scientific research. The Committee emphasizes the 
need for research that encompasses the diversity, quality, and 
potency of marijuana products that are lawfully available to 
patients or consumers in a state on a retail basis. The 
Department is directed to brief the House and Senate Committees 
on Appropriations no later than 60 days after enactment of this 
Act on its progress in implementing section 25026 of the IIJA.
    Children with disabilities.--The Committee is aware that 
almost 20 percent of children in the United States have a 
physical, emotional, or intellectual disability. Transportation 
for these children can be a challenge and the physical eco-
system of our transportation networks can be difficult for such 
children to navigate. The Committee expects NHTSA to update the 
training curriculum Safe Travel for All Children to address the 
training needs of the professionals responsible for the safe 
transport of children with disabilities, as directed in House 
Report 117-99.
    EMS/911.--The Committee recognizes that more than 350,000 
people fall victim to sudden, cardiac arrest outside of a 
hospital environment annually. The Committee is also concerned 
that only about one in ten victims survive these events. 
Providing high-quality Telephone CPR instructions can save 
lives from cardiac arrest and should be a standard of care for 
every 9-1-1 telecommunicator that provides dispatch 
instructions for medical emergencies in the United States. The 
Committee believes that providing high-quality telephone CPR 
instructions can save lives from cardiac arrest and should be a 
standard of care for every 9-1-1 telecommunicator that provides 
dispatch instructions for medical emergencies in the United 
States. Through the EMS, the Committee encourages NHTSA to 
disseminate training in cardiopulmonary resuscitation to state 
and local emergency dispatchers. Such training should include 
evidence-based protocols, continuing education, and performance 
    Successful implementation of such services may be aided by 
full implementation of Next Generation 911 services, and strong 
collaboration among federal agencies involved. The Committee 
notes GAO's recent report from 2018 (GAO-18-252) which found 
that roles and responsibilities of Federal agencies, including 
NHTSA and the National Telecommunications and Information 
Administration (NTIA), were not always clear with respect to 
911 services, including Federal 911 call centers, and the 
agencies lacked an implementation plan for Next Generation 911. 
The Committee directs GAO to conduct a study of NHTSA, NTIA, 
and any other Federal agencies' joint efforts to implement Next 
Generation 911, and make other improvements to 911 services, to 
include 1) how well the NHTSA and NTIA joint office is 
executing its charge to facilitate coordination and 
communication between Federal, state, and local entities and 
provide grants to eligible entities, including states, for 911 
implementation and improvements; and 2) Federal 911 call 
centers' progress implementing Next Generation 911, and any 
challenges associated with implementing improvements to 911 



                      (LIMITATION ON OBLIGATIONS)

                          (HIGHWAY TRUST FUND)

Appropriation, fiscal year 2022.......................      $774,300,000
Budget request, fiscal year 2023......................       795,220,000
Recommended in the bill...............................       795,220,000
Bill compared with:
    Appropriation, fiscal year 2022...................       +20,920,000
    Budget request, fiscal year 2023..................             - - -

    This limitation controls NHTSA's spending on grants to 
states authorized under the IIJA. The grant programs include: 
highway safety programs, the national priority safety program, 
and the high visibility enforcement program. These grants 
provide flexible funding to states that develop a highway 
safety plan to address state highway safety issues. This 
account also includes incentive grants to states that meet 
specific statutory criteria in areas such as impaired and 
distracted driving, occupant protection, motorcyclist safety, 
and nonmotorized safety.

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    Consistent with the amounts authorized in the 
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, the Committee 
recommends $795,220,000 in liquidating cash from the Highway 
Trust Fund to pay outstanding obligations of the highway 
traffic safety grant programs at the levels provided in this 
Act and prior Appropriations Acts. The Committee also 
recommends limiting obligations from the Highway Trust Fund in 
fiscal year 2023 for the highway traffic safety grant programs 
to $795,220,000. The following table provides funding levels 
for activities within this account:

                                           Request       Recommendation
State and community highway safety        $370,900,000      $370,900,000
National priority safety programs...       346,500,000       346,500,000
High visibility enforcement program.        38,300,000        38,300,000
Administrative expenses.............        39,520,000        39,520,000
    Total...........................      $795,220,000      $795,220,000

    Safety promotional materials.--For the purpose of Federal 
grants administered by NHTSA, safety equipment purchased for 
traffic safety education trainings, such as child car seats, 
bicycle helmets and lights, and reflective vests, shall not be 
considered promotional materials or memorabilia.
    Distracted driving.--The Committee notes that in 2020, more 
than 3,100 people were killed in crashes involving a distracted 
driver. The NTSB lists eliminating distractions as a key safety 
improvement that would save lives. The Committee continues to 
fund NHTSA programs that support state efforts to educate the 
public and to enforce laws promoting safe driving habits and to 
prevent unnecessary deaths.
    State traffic safety information system improvements.--The 
Committee recognizes the potential dangers to drivers and 
pedestrians caused by the delays associated with mailed paper 
notices of out-of-state driving infractions. The Committee 
continues to direct NHTSA to continue to provide technical 
assistance to states on improving the interoperability of state 
and national traffic safety information. The Committee reminds 
the NHTSA of the requirement in the consolidated appropriations 
Act, 2022 to produce a publicly available report on what 
challenges states are facing with improving their traffic 
safety coordination and to brief the House and Senate 
Committees on Appropriations on the findings of the analysis.


    Section 140 provides limited funding for travel and related 
expenses associated with state management reviews and highway 
safety core competency development training.
    Section 141 exempts from the current fiscal year's 
obligation limitation any obligation authority that was made 
available in previous public laws.
    Section 142 prohibits funds from being used to enforce 
certain state maintenance of effort requirements under 23 
U.S.C. 405.

                    Federal Railroad Administration

    The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) was established 
by the Department of Transportation Act (P.L. 89-670) on 
October 15, 1966. The FRA plans, develops, and administers 
programs and regulations to promote the safe operation of 
freight and passenger rail transportation in the United States. 
The U.S. freight railroad system consists of approximately 775 
railroads and 145,000 miles of track, which deliver 
approximately 5,000,000 tons of goods each day. In addition, 
the FRA oversees grants to the National Railroad Passenger 
Corporation (Amtrak) with the goal of assisting Amtrak with 
improving its intercity passenger rail service and physical 

                         SAFETY AND OPERATIONS

Appropriation, fiscal year 2022.......................      $240,757,000
Budget request, fiscal year 2023......................       254,426,000
Recommended in the bill...............................       250,449,000
Bill compared with:
    Appropriation, fiscal year 2022...................        +9,692,000
    Budget request, fiscal year 2023..................        -3,977,000

    The safety and operations account provides funding for the 
FRA's safety program activities related to passenger and 
freight railroads. Funding also supports salaries and expenses 
and other operating activities related to the FRA staff and 

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    The Committee recommendation provides $250,449,000 for the 
safety and operations account. The following table provides 
funding levels for activities within this account.

                                           Request       Recommendation
Automated track inspection program..       $16,500,000       $17,000,000
Positive train control support               1,000,000  up to $1,000,000
Trespasser prevention...............           400,000           400,000
Highway-rail grade crossing safety..         1,175,000         2,175,000
Confidential close call reporting            4,300,000  up to $4,300,000
Grant and project development                3,000,000         1,500,000
 technical assistance, oversight....

    FRA reorganization.--The budget request proposes a 
reorganization of the FRA to better reflect the agencies dual 
mission of railroad safety and railroad development. 
Specifically, the FRA proposes to: (1) restructure the existing 
Office of Railroad Policy and Development into the Office of 
Railroad Development to concentrate the office's focus on 
investment and development programs, including the 
administration and oversight of competitive grants and grants 
to Amtrak; and (2) consolidate related analytical support 
functions currently located in the Office of Railroad Safety 
and the Office of Railroad Policy and Development into a single 
new Office of Research, Data, and Innovation. The proposed 
reorganization would better support the full life-cycle of 
competitive grant programs, improve stakeholder outreach and 
coordination, and increase efficiencies. The Committee 
recommendation approves the reorganization.
    Competitive grants.--The Committee recognizes that 
competitive grant programs require dedicated staff and contract 
support to issue notices of funding opportunities (NOFOs), 
review applications, select projects for awards, execute grant 
agreements, and conduct project management oversight. Further, 
the Committee appreciates the FRA's efforts through the 
proposed reorganization to broaden and enhance its abilities to 
support the full life-cycle of projects, including planning and 
project development, delivery, oversight, and technical 
assistance. This increased focus is critical considering the 
historic $66,000,000,000 in advance appropriations provided 
across several rail programs over five years in the IIJA. The 
success of potential applicants and grantees, and Amtrak, in 
part relies upon a robust grant management and oversight 
program. The Committee directs the FRA to administer and manage 
all of the FRA competitive grant programs funded by this Act 
and through advance appropriations in the IIJA in a timely and 
responsible manner. To assist the FRA, the Act allows the 
Secretary to withhold up to two percent of the funding provided 
for the Federal-state partnership for intercity passenger rail 
and consolidated rail infrastructure and safety improvements 
(CRISI) grant programs to support the costs of grant awards and 
project management oversight, and allows the FRA to transfer 
such funds to a single account to support the award, 
administration, project management oversight, and technical 
assistance of grants administered by the FRA. Further, the 
Committee directs the FRA to provide bi-annual reports to the 
House and Senate Committees on Appropriations on the status of 
grant agreements and obligations for all awards for fiscal 
years 2017 through 2023 for the Federal-state partnership for 
intercity passenger rail, CRISI, restoration and enhancement, 
railroad crossing elimination, and interstate rail compacts 
grant programs.
    Automated track inspection program (ATIP).--The ATIP uses 
track geometry measurement vehicles to automatically measure 
track conditions which supplement the work of the FRA 
inspectors to ensure railroads are compliant with the FRA track 
safety standards. The Committee recommendation supports the 
inspection of passenger rail routes, commuter rail routes, 
routes that carry energy products and other hazardous 
materials, and to enhance the ATIP's inspection capabilities. 
The Committee notes that funds provided for the ATIP in fiscal 
year 2023 are available to inspect tracks and analyze data from 
the ATIP operations and inspections.
    Positive train control (PTC).--Since December 29, 2020, 
FRA-certified and interoperable PTC systems have been in 
operation across the country on nearly 58,000 route miles which 
carry passengers or certain hazardous materials, as required by 
the Rail Safety Improvement Act of 2008 (P.L. 110-432). The 
Committee understands the FRA has an ongoing role in the 
oversight, approval, and enforcement of PTC regulations, 
including performance monitoring, compliance audits, and 
approval of safety-critical modifications and upgrades. Should 
new passenger rail service be initiated or railroads seek to 
voluntarily implement PTC, the FRA would provide technical 
support and conduct the necessary oversight and approvals of 
PTC safety plans. In addition, the FRA will be evaluating 
implementation and safety plans from certain class II and class 
III railroads subject to the December 31, 2023, deadline to 
equip locomotives with PTC systems. The Committee 
recommendation provides funding to support the FRA's work on 
these activities in fiscal year 2023.
    Trespasser prevention.--Pedestrians trespassing on railroad 
property remains the leading cause of all rail-related 
fatalities, accounting for 69 percent of all U.S. rail-related 
deaths in 2021. The Committee commends the FRA for its 
commitment to addressing this issue and its work to implement 
the national strategy to prevent trespassing on railroad 
property (national strategy). The Committee understands that 
the FRA will continue to advance the goals of the national 
strategy by conducting more outreach and local assessments, 
collaborating with suicide prevention organizations, and 
gathering and analyzing data. The Committee recommendation 
provides funding for the FRA to continue these activities in 
fiscal year 2023. In addition, the Committee directs the FRA to 
brief the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations 
annually to provide an update on the national strategy, 
including the FRA's progress on the milestones outlined in the 
national strategy, and any potential new initiatives to reduce 
trespasser fatalities.
    Highway-rail grade crossing safety.--Highway-rail grade 
crossing collisions remains the second leading cause of all 
rail-related fatalities in the United States, accounting for 26 
percent of all U.S. rail-related deaths in 2021. The Committee 
understands that the FRA has adopted a comprehensive approach 
to improving highway-rail grade crossing safety. This includes 
developing, coordinating, and implementing new technology 
solutions, assisting communities in identifying Federal funding 
opportunities, improving outreach and partnerships, gathering 
and analyzing data, and conducting research and development. In 
addition, the FRA is using a data driven process to identify 
the most dangerous highway-rail grade crossings, which allows 
the FRA to engage with communities, state and local agencies, 
law enforcement, railroads, and advocacy organizations to 
identify potential local solutions. The Committee directs the 
FRA to continue these activities and provides funding to 
support the FRA's work in fiscal year 2023.
    Confidential close call reporting system (C3RS).--The 
Committee commends the FRA for its efforts to increase 
participation in C3RS, a voluntary program that enables 
participating railroads and their employees to identify, 
analyze, and mitigate safety risks and improve safety culture. 
Approximately 21 passenger, commuter, and freight railroads are 
participating in C3RS. To better understand how C3RS helps 
promote and improve safety culture, House Report 116-452 
directed the GAO to examine the C3RS program and similar 
programs passenger, commuter, and freight railroads may have in 
place to encourage their employees to identify and report 
safety risks. The Committee looks forward to receiving the 
GAO's findings.
    Blocked railroad crossings.--The Committee remains 
concerned with the prevalence of railroad crossings blocked by 
trains, and the potential impacts to communities and safety. 
The website the FRA launched for the public and law enforcement 
to report blocked railroad crossings has been operational for 
over two years. The Committee appreciates the FRA's work to 
review and analyze these reports. The Committee directs the FRA 
to continue to use the information gathered through the website 
to work with communities, state and local agencies, law 
enforcement, railroads, and others to develop local solutions 
to blocked railroad crossings.
    Washington union station expansion project.--The Committee 
recognizes the importance of Washington union station as a 
multimodal transportation hub for the National Capital Region. 
The Committee understands plans are underway to expand capacity 
and improve multimodal facilities at the station. The Committee 
directs the FRA to continue working with the District of 
Columbia government on the project and to consider the feedback 
of all stakeholders, including residents of affected 
neighborhoods, in its planning process.
    Direct intercity and commuter rail service.--The Committee 
recognizes the economic benefits of direct intercity and 
commuter rail service in connecting urban and suburban areas 
and advancing projects that facilitate expanded opportunities 
for one-seat ride service to and from New York penn station, 
the busiest station in the United States. The Committee urges 
the FRA and the Federal Transit Administration to work together 
with Amtrak and commuter rail agencies, as sufficient resources 
are available, to expedite regional investments on the 
northeast corridor that would unlock new capacity for currently 
underserved communities in New York and New Jersey and along 
the northeast corridor.
    Railroad safety inspectors and specialists.--The Committee 
notes the importance of a well-trained, stable workforce of 
railroad safety inspectors and specialists to the overall 
safety of the passenger and freight rail transportation system. 
This workforce is in high demand and the FRA faces competition 
from the private sector for these skilled safety professionals. 
House Report 117-99 directed the FRA to review the position 
descriptions and classifications for railroad safety inspectors 
and railroad safety specialists. The Committee understands the 
FRA has begun its work on this matter, and looks forward to 
receiving the results of this review as required by House 
Report 117-99.
    Intercity passenger rail competition.--While Amtrak 
operates the majority of the intercity passenger rail service 
in the United States, the Committee notes that entities in the 
private sector also operate intercity passenger rail service, 
including for Federally funded intercity passenger rail routes. 
Such private sector operators have the potential to bring 
innovation, experience, capacity, and unique operating models 
to benefit passengers and the nation's intercity passenger rail 
network. The Committee directs the FRA to provide for 
competitive bidding procedures and connectivity between 
competitive services and the national intercity passenger rail 
network, consistent with the law, in its implementation of the 
corridor identification and development program, and where 
practicable, in its execution of the Federal-state partnership 
for intercity passenger rail and restoration and enhancement 
grant programs. The Committee directs the FRA to brief the 
House and Senate Committees on Appropriations on its efforts no 
later than 180 days after enactment of this Act.
    High-speed rail.--The Committee recognizes the potential 
for high-speed rail to improve connectivity, while reducing 
single occupancy vehicle trips, traffic congestion, and 
transportation-related greenhouse gas emissions. The Committee 
notes that projects to support the planning, development, final 
design, or construction of high-speed rail, to include those 
utilizing electromagnetic guideways, such as magnetic 
levitation or hyperloop systems, are eligible projects under 
the Federal-state partnership for intercity passenger rail and 
CRISI grant programs. A total of $9,385,000,000 is available 
for the FRA to make grants through these two competitive grant 
programs in fiscal year 2023 through advance appropriations in 
the IIJA and this Act. Section 26106(b)(4) of title 49, United 
States Code, defines high-speed rail as intercity passenger 
rail service that is reasonably expected to reach speeds of at 
least 110 miles per hour and section 26105(2) of title 49, 
United States Code, defines high-speed rail as all forms of 
nonhighway ground transportation that runs on rails or 
electromagnetic guideways providing transportation service 
which is reasonably expected to reach sustained speeds of more 
than 125 miles per hour and made available to members of the 
general public as passengers. Recognizing that current 
technology surpasses the minimum speed in these definitions, 
when evaluating potential high-speed rail grant applications 
submitted under the Federal-state partnership for intercity 
passenger rail and CRISI grant programs the Committee urges the 
FRA to prioritize projects that are reasonably expected to 
achieve at least 186 miles per hour on new, dedicated rights-
of-way or 160 miles per hour on shared rights-of-way. In 
addition, when evaluating potential high-speed rail planning 
grant applications submitted under such grant programs, the 
Committee urges the FRA to prioritize planning grants for high-
speed rail projects that will benefit communities where there 
is no current high-speed rail service and no construction of 
new high-speed rail projects.
    Automated track inspection technologies.--Section 213.233 
of title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, requires that 
railroad tracks be inspected by a person at a specific 
frequency based on the class and type of track. These visual 
inspections ensure that roadbed, track geometry, and track 
structure meet the FRA's track safety standards and detect 
track defects. In addition to visual inspections, railroads 
have used automated track inspection technologies for many 
years. Beginning in 2018, the FRA approved test programs for 
all six class I railroads to suspend the frequency of visual 
inspections that would otherwise be required in order to test 
automated track inspection technologies. While two test 
programs have been completed, four remain active and the FRA 
extended these test programs until November 23, 2022, in order 
to allow for completion. According to the automated track 
geometry measurement system technology test programs report 
submitted to Congress on November 23, 2021, as required by the 
Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 (P.L. 116-260), these 
test programs were designed to test whether the use of 
automated track inspection technologies to supplement visual 
inspections could justify decreasing the frequency of visual 
inspections and to gather data. While the Committee recognizes 
the safety benefits of automated track inspection technologies, 
such technologies are focused on track geometry and do not 
cover the full spectrum of track defects covered by the FRA's 
track safety standards.
    The Committee understands that the FRA is sharing test 
program data with the railroad safety advisory committee 
(RSAC), a Federal advisory committee that includes 
representatives from railroads, labor, and other stakeholders 
and provides recommendations to the FRA through a consensus-
based approach. The RSAC accepted task number 2019-05 in 2019 
to consider specific improvements to Federal track safety 
standards to enhance rail safety by improving track inspection 
methods, frequency, and documentation, which includes an 
examination of ``the feasibility to fulfill certain inspection 
requirements using automated track inspection technologies in 
lieu of some visual inspections.'' To better understand the 
FRA's evaluation of these test programs and the status of the 
RSAC's efforts with respect to task number 2019-05, the 
Committee directs the FRA to provide regular briefings to the 
House and Senate Committees on Appropriations, with the first 
such briefing to occur no later than 60 days after enactment of 
this Act. The Committee directs the FRA to provide the 
following during such briefings: (1) the current status of the 
FRA's and the RSAC's considerations relating to the test 
programs and task number 2019-05; (2) an overview of the data 
obtained through the test programs; (3) any actions the FRA is 
considering with respect to Federal track safety standards; and 
(4) any additional information or data relating to these 
matters as the FRA deems appropriate.
    Community impacts.--The approximately 145,000 route miles 
of railroad tracks in the U.S. railroad system touch 
communities of all sizes across the country, and passenger and 
freight rail traffic has the potential to impact the health and 
safety of communities. In addition to the safety challenges of 
trespassing on railroad rights-of-way and collisions at 
highway-rail grade crossings, communities may also experience 
noise, vibrations, spillage, leachate, particulates or other 
pollution, and odors related to passing trains. The Committee 
notes that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is 
responsible for regulating noise pollution under the Noise 
Control Act of 1972. The EPA established a standard that limits 
noise emissions produced by railroad operations and the FRA is 
responsible for enforcing the EPA noise emissions regulations. 
Further, the Committee understands that vibrations may indicate 
a railroad safety mechanical or structural issue, which the FRA 
could identify and address through inspection and compliance 
with the FRA's railroad safety regulations. The Committee urges 
the FRA to increase its engagement with local communities 
experiencing such impacts to develop local solutions, as 
appropriate. In addition, the Committee encourages the FRA to 
work with railroads, the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials 
Safety Administration (PHMSA), and other Federal agencies, such 
as the EPA, to ensure the safe transportation of waste and 
debris by rail.


Appropriation, fiscal year 2022.......................       $43,000,000
Budget request, fiscal year 2023......................        58,000,000
Recommended in the bill...............................        47,000,000
Bill compared with:
    Appropriation, fiscal year 2022...................        +4,000,000
    Budget request, fiscal year 2023..................       -11,000,000

    The railroad research and development program provides 
science and technology support for the FRA's policy and 
regulatory efforts. The program's objectives are to reduce the 
frequency and severity of railroad accidents through scientific 
advancement, and to support technological innovations in 
conventional and high-speed railroads.

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    The Committee recommendation provides $47,000,000 for the 
railroad research and development program. Of the total funds 
provided, up to $3,000,000 is available to make improvements at 
the transportation technology center as authorized by section 
22102(c) of the IIJA, and up to $4,700,000 is available for a 
rail research and development center of excellence (COE) as 
authorized by section 22102(d) of the IIJA.
    The Committee directs the FRA to undertake research and 
development activities in all disciplines--track research, 
rolling stock, signals, train control and communications, human 
factors, and railroad systems--in order to maximize gains in 
rail safety and directs the FRA to prioritize the introduction 
of new technology and data analysis methods to improve safety 
in all areas of railroad operations.
    Rail research and development COE.--Section 22413 of the 
IIJA requires the Secretary to establish and maintain a rail 
research and development COE to advance research and 
development that improves the safety, efficiency, and 
reliability of passenger and freight rail transportation. 
Further, section 22102(d) of the IIJA authorizes the Secretary 
to withhold up to 10 percent of the amount appropriated under 
this heading each fiscal year for grants to establish and 
maintain such a COE. Therefore, the Committee provides up to 
$4,700,000 for a rail research and development COE in fiscal 
year 2023. The Committee notes that an institution of higher 
education or a consortium of nonprofit institutions of higher 
education are eligible to compete for such grants, and that 
section 22413 of the IIJA requires the Secretary to give 
preference to applicants with strong past performance related 
to rail research, education, and workforce development 
activities and to consider the regional and national impacts of 
the applicant's proposal. In carrying out the requirements of 
section 22413 of the IIJA, the Committee encourages the FRA to 
consider the existing expertise of institutions of higher 
education, including those located along the northeast 
corridor, and to take advantage of existing programs which 
could hasten the establishment of a rail research and 
development COE. The Committee directs the FRA to brief the 
House and Senate Committees on Appropriations on its efforts to 
establish a rail research and development COE no later than 90 
days after enactment of this Act.
    Safe transportation of energy products.--The Committee 
provides up to $2,000,000 for the FRA to research and mitigate 
risks associated with the transportation of crude oil, ethanol, 
liquefied natural gas (LNG), and other hazardous materials, 
including tank car research in partnership with other Federal 
agencies. The Committee is aware of several research and 
development projects the FRA and the PHMSA are actively 
pursuing relating to the transportation of LNG in rail tank 
cars. The Committee directs the FRA, in collaboration with the 
PHMSA, to continue to identify and address gaps in research 
relating to the transportation of LNG in rail tank cars, which 
should inform rulemaking.
    Emissions reduction.--While freight railroads only account 
for 1.9 percent of U.S. transportation-related greenhouse gas 
emissions, and Amtrak is on average 46 percent more energy 
efficient than traveling by car and 34 percent more energy 
efficient than domestic air travel, the Committee recognizes 
that more can and should be done to reduce emissions associated 
with freight and passenger rail operations. The Committee 
understands research is ongoing to advance clean energy and 
alternative fuel options for use in locomotives, including 
electrification, batteries and other energy storage systems, 
hydrogen and fuel cell technologies, biodiesel, renewable 
diesel, and other forms of alternative fuels. The Committee 
provides $5,000,000 for the FRA to further the research, 
development, testing, and demonstration of innovative 
technologies and solutions for alternative fuels for 
locomotives, engine improvements, and motive power 
technologies. The Committee directs the FRA to coordinate such 
activities with the Department of Energy and the private sector 
in order to hasten the transition from traditional diesel fuel 
locomotives, spur the development and deployment of clean 
energy and alternative fuel technologies, and achieve 
commercial use. Further, the Committee directs the FRA to 
conduct research, development, testing, and analysis to 
determine the safety of such technologies, any additional 
emergency response planning and training requirements relating 
to such technologies, related infrastructure requirements to 
support such technologies, and any other activities the FRA 
deems necessary to ensure the safe operations of such 
    Workforce development.--The recruitment, retention, and 
development of the railroad workforce is critical to 
maintaining the current freight and passenger rail network, 
responding to advances in technologies, and realizing the 
potential of the IIJA to expand and improve the freight and 
passenger rail network. The Committee appreciates the FRA's 
increased emphasis on workforce development and training in the 
fiscal year 2023 budget request. The Committee directs the FRA 
to continue to work with railroad stakeholders to better 
understand the current and future challenges facing the 
railroad workforce, and identify potential solutions and 
industry best practices. Further, the Committee supports the 
FRA's efforts to address diversity, equity, and inclusion in 
the railroad workforce through its research activities.
    Workforce safety.--The Committee notes that the FRA's 
railroad safety inspector workforce includes hazardous 
materials safety inspectors whose duties require them to enter 
potentially hazardous environments and have exposed them to 
dangerous chemicals. House Report 117-99 directed the FRA to 
conduct a pilot program on multi-gas detectors. The Committee 
understands that the FRA has initiated work on this pilot 
program. The Committee reminds the FRA of the requirement in 
House Report 117-99 to report to the House and Senate 
Committees on Appropriations on the findings of the pilot 
program upon its completion.
    Trespasser prevention and highway-rail grade crossing 
safety.--As previously noted, the Committee remains concerned 
that the two leading causes of all rail-related fatalities are 
trespassing on railroad rights-of-way and collisions at 
highway-rail grade crossings. Combined, these two causes 
accounted for 96 percent of all rail-related fatalities in 
2021. The Committee urges the FRA to continue research and 
development activities which could improve trespass detection 
and prevention, including at or near highway-rail grade 
crossings, and to assist with the national strategy to prevent 
trespassing on railroad property. In addition, the Committee 
urges the FRA to continue research and development activities 
on grade crossing technology and engineering solutions, 
including human interactions with such technology.
    Short-line safety.--The Committee provides $3,000,000 to 
continue to improve safety practices and training and develop 
safety management systems for class II and class III freight 
railroads, including efforts to improve the safe transportation 
of energy products, other hazardous materials, freight, and 
passenger rail. This funding supports the FRA's initiative to 
partner with short-line and regional railroads to build a 
stronger, more sustainable safety culture through safety 
culture assessments, training and education, outreach 
activities, and research.
    Electronic systems.--The Committee recognizes that 
continued investment in freight and passenger rail 
infrastructure programs will make rail infrastructure, 
equipment, and the operating environment safer. Therefore, the 
Committee urges the FRA to continue prioritizing investments in 
the development of technologies designed to verify the 
functional performance of complex onboard and wayside 
electronic systems such as: PTC, automated train control, 
passenger door control, train communications, computer-based 
train control and land mobile radio testing, and train 
environmental control. The Committee recognizes the importance 
of deploying these technologies in new and existing systems and 
acknowledges investments made in such technologies by cities, 
transportation agencies, and railroads across the country. The 
Committee urges the FRA to continue working with industry to 
develop standardized performance specifications, test and 
verification processes, and maintenance and diagnostics tools 
for such systems.
    Locomotive compressors.--To better understand the potential 
environmental benefits of oil free compressors in locomotives, 
the Committee directs the FRA to conduct a study assessing oil 
free compressors in comparison to oil-lubricated compressors 
used in locomotives. The study should include potential impacts 
on air, water, and ground contamination, fuel efficiency, 
performance in cold weather, operations and maintenance, life-
cycle costs, safety, and the applicability and availability of 
oil free compressors for freight rail. The Committee directs 
the FRA to report its findings to the House and Senate 
Committees on Appropriations no later than 1 year after 
enactment of this Act.


Appropriation, fiscal year 2022.......................      $100,000,000
Budget request, fiscal year 2023......................       555,000,000
Recommended in the bill...............................       555,000,000
Bill compared with:
    Appropriation, fiscal year 2022...................      +455,000,000
    Budget request, fiscal year 2023..................             - - -

    The Federal-state partnership for intercity passenger rail 
grant program is authorized by section 24911 of title 49, 
United States Code. Eligible activities include capital 
projects, as well as planning, environmental studies, and final 
design of capital projects, to: (1) replace, rehabilitate, or 
repair infrastructure, equipment, or a facility used for 
providing intercity passenger rail service to bring such assets 
into a state of good repair; (2) improve intercity passenger 
rail service performance; and (3) expand or establish new 
intercity passenger rail service. States, a group of states, 
interstate compacts, public agencies or publicly chartered 
authorities established by one or more states, political 
subdivisions of a state, Amtrak, Tribes, or a combination of 
such entities are eligible to apply for this competitive grant 

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    The Committee recommendation provides $555,000,000 for the 
Federal-state partnership for intercity passenger rail grant 
program. Of the total funds provided, not less than 45 percent 
shall be for projects listed on the northeast corridor (NEC) 
project inventory and not less than 45 percent shall be for 
projects not located on the NEC, as required by section 
24911(d)(3) of title 49, United States Code.
    Section 22307 of the IIJA amended the Federal-state 
partnership for intercity passenger rail grant program 
authorization. The FRA is now required to develop a NEC project 
inventory and make project selections for the Federal-state 
partnership for intercity passenger rail grant program 
consistent with the NEC project inventory. The Committee 
understands that the FRA is coordinating with the northeast 
corridor commission (NECC), Amtrak, and other owners of the NEC 
infrastructure, and intends to issue a notice relating to the 
NEC project inventory this summer. For projects not located on 
the NEC, the FRA is now required to establish a corridor 
identification and development program, develop a project 
pipeline based on such program, and give preference to projects 
that are identified in, and consistent with, such pipeline when 
making project selections for the Federal-state partnership for 
intercity passenger rail grant program. The Committee notes 
that the FRA established the corridor identification and 
development program on May 13, 2022. The Committee commends the 
FRA for its work to initiate these respective processes, and 
directs the FRA to continue working diligently toward 
completing the NEC project inventory by November 15, 2022, and 
the first corridor identification and development program 
project pipeline by May 14, 2023, as required by the IIJA.


Appropriation, fiscal year 2022.......................      $625,000,000
Budget request, fiscal year 2023......................       500,000,000
Recommended in the bill...............................       630,000,000
Bill compared with:
    Appropriation, fiscal year 2022...................        +5,000,000
    Budget request, fiscal year 2023..................      +130,000,000

    The consolidated rail infrastructure and safety 
improvements grant program is authorized by section 22907 of 
title 49, United States Code, to improve the safety, 
efficiency, and reliability of passenger and freight rail 
transportation systems. Eligible activities include a wide 
range of capital, safety technology deployment, trespassing 
prevention measures, regional and corridor planning, 
environmental analyses, research, workforce development, and 
training projects. States, a group of states, interstate 
compacts, public agencies or publicly chartered authorities 
established by one or more states, political subdivisions of a 
state, Tribes, Amtrak or other intercity passenger rail 
operators, class II or class III railroads and associations 
representing such railroads, rail carriers and rail equipment 
manufacturers in partnership with a public entity, the 
transportation research board, university transportation 
centers, and non-profit rail labor organizations are eligible 
to apply for this competitive grant program.

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    The Committee recommendation provides $630,000,000 for the 
CRISI grant program. Of the total funds provided, not less than 
$150,000,000 is for projects eligible under section 22907(c)(2) 
of title 49, United States Code, that support the development 
of new intercity passenger rail service routes including 
alignments for existing routes; not less than $25,000,000 is 
for projects eligible under section 22907(c)(11) of title 49, 
United States Code; and $5,000,000 is for preconstruction 
planning activities and capital costs related to the deployment 
of magnetic levitation transportation projects.
    Trespasser prevention.--The Committee remains committed to 
reducing the number of deaths from pedestrians trespassing on 
railroad rights-of-way. The Committee notes that section 22303 
of the IIJA amended the CRISI authorization to make the 
development and implementation of measures to prevent 
trespassing and reduce associated injuries and fatalities an 
eligible project. The Committee provides not less than 
$25,000,000 for such projects eligible under section 
22907(c)(11) of title 49, United States Code, to help reduce 
trespassing on railroad property and along railroad rights-of-
way. Further, the Committee directs the FRA to give preference 
to projects located in counties with the most pedestrian 
trespasser casualties.
    Planning grants.--The Committee recognizes that planning 
support can be critical for communities seeking to invest in 
and improve rail infrastructure. While CRISI project 
eligibility includes the preparation of regional rail and 
corridor service development plans and corresponding 
environmental analyses, project specific planning is not an 
eligible use under section 22907(c) of title 49, United States 
Code. Therefore, the Act makes railroad systems planning and 
railroad project development activities, such as project 
planning, engineering, design, environmental analysis, 
feasibility studies, the development and analysis of project 
alternatives, the preparation of regional intercity passenger 
rail plans, and state rail plans, eligible for CRISI funding. 
This flexibility could assist communities in developing 
passenger and freight rail projects.
    Workforce development and training.--The Committee 
appreciates the FRA's increased emphasis on workforce 
development in the fiscal year 2023 budget request. The 
Committee notes that while workforce development and training 
activities have been eligible for CRISI funding since the 
program was established in the Fixing America's Surface 
Transportation (FAST) Act (P.L. 114-94), the FRA has only 
received a small number of applications and only four such 
projects have been selected for funding to date. The Committee 
reminds applicants that workforce development and training 
activities are an eligible use of CRISI funding, and encourages 
the FRA to increase education and outreach to potential 
applicants on this important eligibility in the CRISI program.


    Amtrak was created by Congress in the Rail Passenger 
Service Act of 1970 (P.L. 91-518) to operate intercity 
passenger rail service, which was previously operated by 
private railroads. Amtrak assumed the common carrier 
obligations of the private railroads in exchange for the right 
to priority access to the private railroad tracks for an 
incremental cost.
    Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, Amtrak operated more than 
300 trains each day to more than 500 destinations in 46 states, 
the District of Columbia, and Canada. About 75 percent of the 
miles traveled by Amtrak trains are on tracks owned by other 
railroads, and Amtrak owns 624 route-miles of its own track, 
most of which is on the northeast corridor from Washington, 
D.C. to Boston, Massachusetts. In fiscal year 2019, Amtrak 
carried 32,500,000 people on the NEC, state-supported routes, 
and long-distance routes.
    The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act authorizes 
funding for northeast corridor grants to Amtrak and national 
network grants to Amtrak, which encompasses Amtrak's state-
supported and long-distance routes, as well as other non-NEC 

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    The Committee recommendation provides a total of 
$2,345,000,000 for Amtrak through the northeast corridor grants 
and national network grants accounts.
    In addition, the IIJA provides $4,317,000,000 in advance 
appropriations in fiscal year 2023 to Amtrak through the 
northeast corridor grants and national network grants accounts. 
The Committee notes that the IIJA identifies six distinct 
purposes for the advance appropriations including: (1) 
acquiring new passenger rail rolling stock and associated 
rehabilitation, upgrade, and expansion of facilities used to 
maintain and store such equipment; (2) eliminating the backlog 
of deferred capital projects on Amtrak-owned assets located on 
the NEC that solely benefit Amtrak service; (3) eliminating the 
backlog of deferred capital projects on Amtrak-owned assets not 
located on the NEC; (4) eliminating the backlog of obsolete 
assets associated with Amtrak's national rail passenger 
transportation system; (5) bringing Amtrak-served stations into 
compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 
1990 (P.L. 101-336); and (6) carrying out NEC capital renewal 
backlog projects. While the advance appropriations will be used 
to make inroads on the long-standing backlog of state of good 
repair capital projects across Amtrak's network, the Committee 
notes that the annual appropriations for Amtrak remain critical 
to supporting operations of the NEC, state-supported, and long-
distance services; maintaining existing capital assets; and 
addressing the capital renewal projects on the NEC. In 
addition, given the limitations in the IIJA on the advance 
appropriations provided to Amtrak, the annual appropriations 
will serve as the only direct funding to Amtrak which could 
support efforts to provide new or expanded intercity passenger 
rail service. Therefore, the Act allows Amtrak to use up to 10 
percent of the amounts provided through the national network 
grants account in this Act to support planning and capital 
costs, and operating assistance, for corridors selected by the 
FRA under the corridor identification and development program 
that are operated by Amtrak, as authorized by the IIJA.
    Further, the budget request identified $655,000,000 in 
additional COVID-19 relief needs for Amtrak in fiscal year 2023 
in order to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, and address 
expected revenue shortfalls as Amtrak's projected ridership for 
fiscal year 2023 still trails pre-pandemic levels. The 
Committee notes that the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic 
Security Act (P.L. 116-136), Coronavirus Response and Relief 
Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2021 (P.L. 116-260), and 
American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (P.L. 117-2) provided a 
combined $3,718,000,000 to Amtrak in supplemental funding to 
prevent, prepare for, and respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. 
While the Committee has and continues to strongly support 
Amtrak's workforce, operations, and assistance to states and 
commuter rail agencies operating on state-supported routes and 
the NEC, such support in fiscal years 2020 and 2021 was 
provided through supplemental emergency funding. The Committee 
remains committed to working with others in Congress in the 
coming months to address any additional COVID-19 relief needs 
that may be necessary through other legislative opportunities.
    Congressional budget justification.--The Committee 
appreciates the level of detail in the fiscal year 2023 budget 
justification and directs Amtrak to submit a budget 
justification with a similar level of detail for fiscal year 
    New or expanded passenger rail service.--The Committee 
strongly supports intercity passenger rail service, which helps 
reduce single occupancy trips, traffic congestion, and harmful 
emissions that contribute to climate change. The Committee 
understands that Amtrak engaged in a multiyear process to 
review its existing route network and potential changes which 
could provide new or expanded intercity passenger rail service 
throughout the nation, resulting in the Amtrak Connects US 
vision. While the Committee sees promise in Amtrak's vision to 
better serve communities across the country, it is vital that 
any new or expanded service continues to be carried out in 
close collaboration with the FRA, states, local governments, 
and other stakeholders. States and local governments have 
successfully improved or expanded intercity passenger rail 
service, are actively working on additional projects, and must 
continue to have the opportunity to serve as leads on projects 
and should have the opportunity to partner with Amtrak. The 
Committee notes that these principles are imbedded in the 
corridor identification and development program established in 
section 22308 of the IIJA. Specifically, the FRA is required to 
establish a corridor identification and development program to 
select corridors with the potential to support intercity 
passenger rail, partner with project sponsors, states, Amtrak, 
and other operators to prepare service development plans, and 
establish a project pipeline. A wide range of entities, 
including Amtrak, states, groups of states, local governments, 
Tribes, entities implementing interstate compacts, regional 
passenger rail authorities, regional planning organizations, 
and other public entities, are eligible to submit proposals to 
the FRA for consideration under the program. The FRA 
established the program on May 13, 2022, and encouraged 
eligible entities to submit expressions of interest in the 
program. The Committee understands that the FRA intends to 
publish a notice to participate in the program later this year. 
The Committee encourages the FRA to ensure the program reflects 
regional connectivity goals and identifies the best available 
opportunities for reliable intercity passenger rail service 
which may be along Amtrak's 15 existing long-distance routes, 
as well as corridor service(s) that connect to such routes. The 
Committee directs the FRA to brief the House and Senate 
Committees on Appropriations on whether any eligible entities 
expressed interest in or submitted proposals to participate in 
the program to develop corridor service already served by the 
existing Amtrak network on routes, such as the Capitol Limited, 
as well as corridors that directly connect to Amtrak's existing 
network. Further, the Committee encourages Amtrak to work with 
states and other eligible entities to identify potential 
partnerships, including in states where those partnerships have 
not existed in the past, and consider partnering with eligible 
entities to submit proposals for new or expanded intercity 
passenger rail service. In addition, as previously noted, a 
portion of the funding for the Federal-state partnership for 
intercity passenger rail grant program is dedicated to projects 
not located on the NEC. The Committee also encourages Amtrak to 
consider submitting proposals as a lead applicant, where a 
partner is not required, or in partnership with other eligible 
entities to support new or expanded intercity passenger rail 
service through the Federal-state partnership for intercity 
passenger rail grant program.
    ADA accessibility at Amtrak stations.--The ADA provided 
Amtrak 20 years, until July 26, 2010, to complete the necessary 
upgrades at existing stations. As of April 2022, 90 of the 387 
stations--or 23 percent--at which Amtrak has either sole or 
shared ADA responsibilities were fully ADA compliant. In 
addition, Amtrak has reached partial ADA compliance at another 
72 stations but work on the platforms remains to be completed 
in order to become fully compliant. The Committee understands 
that Amtrak continues to anticipate becoming fully ADA 
compliant for all station components for which Amtrak bears 
responsibility by September 30, 2027, and anticipates spending 
more than $1,086,000,000 on design and construction work 
through fiscal year 2027. As previously noted, one of the 
distinct purposes of the advance appropriations for Amtrak in 
the IIJA is to bring Amtrak-served stations into compliance 
with the ADA. The Committee understands that the FRA intends to 
expand the scope of Amtrak's current ADA stations program to 
include additional stations that Amtrak trains serve but where 
Amtrak currently has no ADA responsibilities. While the 
Committee supports the goal of making all stations Amtrak 
trains serve ADA compliant, the Committee directs Amtrak and 
the FRA to prioritize the remaining 297 stations in Amtrak's 
ADA stations program when implementing the advance 
appropriations in the IIJA.
    Further, the Committee understands that Amtrak may 
encounter challenges in obtaining cooperation from third-
parties when making ADA station improvements. The Amtrak OIG 
found in report OIG-A-2021-012 that Amtrak did not have 
guidance in place to memorialize internal steps the ADA 
stations program could take to address such challenges, when 
and how to escalate to the ADA executive oversight committee, 
and what documentation was needed to facilitate potential 
intervention by the Department of Justice. The Amtrak OIG 
recommended that Amtrak develop and implement guidance on 
internal steps and documentation requirements when third-party 
issues arise. The Committee understands Amtrak has completed 
this recommendation, and directs Amtrak to increase its efforts 
to coordinate and collaborate with third-parties early in 
project development. In addition, the Committee directs Amtrak 
to submit an updated report to the House and Senate Committees 
on Appropriations no later than 120 days after enactment of 
this Act detailing the ADA stations program plan and timeline 
to make the remaining 297 stations ADA compliant and 
    Station agents.--Station agents assist passengers with 
their intercity passenger rail travel, conduct the sale of 
tickets, provide customer service during all hours that a 
station is open, and perform building maintenance duties. Since 
fiscal year 2019, the Committee has directed Amtrak to provide 
a station agent in each Amtrak station that had a ticket agent 
position eliminated in fiscal year 2018. Amtrak continues to 
work to recruit, hire, and retain employees at these stations. 
The Committee directs Amtrak to either provide a station agent 
in each Amtrak station that had a ticket agent position 
eliminated in fiscal year 2018 or, with respect to any given 
station on that list, to instead reach an agreement with the 
labor organization representing employees at such station to 
provide a station agent in a different station. In addition, 
Amtrak is directed to continue to improve communication and 
collaboration with local partners and take into consideration 
the unique needs of each community, including impacts to local 
jobs, when making decisions related to the staffing of Amtrak 
    Safety.--The Committee appreciates Amtrak's commitment to 
ensuring the safety of Amtrak's passengers, employees, 
property, and infrastructure. The Committee understands that 
Amtrak continues to implement recommendations made by the 
Amtrak OIG in report OIG-A-2020-012. As Amtrak continues this 
work, the Committee directs Amtrak to ensure that its workforce 
has opportunities to engage in the process. The Committee 
understands that Amtrak is complying with section 154 of the 
Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2022 (P.L. 117-103) and 
directs Amtrak to report quarterly to the House and Senate 
Committees on Appropriations on Amtrak's efforts to implement 
section 154.
    Contact centers.--The contact center in Philadelphia, 
Pennsylvania assists Amtrak's customers with booking travel, 
managing their Amtrak guest rewards program, arranging group or 
special travel, navigating reimbursements, addressing 
complaints, and more. The Committee continues to believe the 
employees at the contact center provide an important service to 
Amtrak's customers and that Amtrak should continue to employ a 
dedicated Amtrak workforce to support the customer service 
functions at the Philadelphia contact center. The Committee 
understands that Amtrak is working to recruit, hire, and retain 
employees at the Philadelphia contact center, including 
opportunities for contact center employees to work from home. 
The Committee directs Amtrak to continue operations at the 
Philadelphia contact center with a dedicated workforce 
consisting of Amtrak employees, maintain such operations with 
Amtrak employees, and minimize the use of outside vendors to 
perform telephonic or internet-based customer service support. 
In addition, Amtrak should provide its contact center employees 
with training on new forms of telephonic or internet-based 
customer service communication features. Further, the Committee 
directs Amtrak to report quarterly to the House and Senate 
Committees on Appropriations on the total number of Amtrak 
employees at the Philadelphia contact center, including data on 
separations, hiring, and vacancies.
    Private cars and charter trains.--In fiscal year 2018, 
Amtrak issued new guidelines for private cars on Amtrak trains 
and charter trains operated by Amtrak. The Committee continues 
to direct Amtrak to review and evaluate the locations and 
trains that may be eligible for private car moves, update the 
guidelines for private cars on Amtrak if additional locations 
or trains meet Amtrak's criteria, and notify private car owners 
of these changes. In addition, the Committee directs Amtrak to 
continue to brief the House and Senate Committees on 
Appropriations on the effects of these guidelines on private 
cars and charter trains and how Amtrak could achieve its goals 
without negatively impacting private car and charter train 
operations. Amtrak is directed to include an updated report on 
private car and charter train policies in its fiscal year 2024 
budget justification. The report should include the amounts and 
percentages by which revenues and usage declined for private 
cars and charter trains. For charter trains, such information 
should be provided as separate figures for Amtrak-owned and 
privately-owned charter trains. The Committee acknowledges that 
certain information may be commercially sensitive and cannot be 
made public. Therefore, the Committee directs Amtrak to provide 
such information through briefings to the House and Senate 
Committees on Appropriations.
    Workforce and hiring plans.--The Committee understands that 
Amtrak is working diligently to recruit, hire, retain, and 
train employees to support NEC, state-supported, and long-
distance service and restore service to pre-COVID-19 pandemic 
levels. To address its hiring needs in a competitive job 
market, Amtrak is investing and expanding its internal human 
resources capabilities, engaging potential employees through 
recruitment events, offering new employee incentives, expanding 
efforts to attract and grow early-career employees through 
internship and scholarship programs, implementing a recruitment 
marketing campaign, and increasing collaboration with its 
partners. In addition, Amtrak was awarded a fiscal year 2021 
CRISI grant to establish a three-year mechanical craft 
workforce development apprenticeship training program to train 
new employees and provide existing employees re-training. The 
Committee appreciates the hiring updates Amtrak has provided to 
date, and directs Amtrak to continue to provide the House and 
Senate Committees on Appropriations regular updates on its 
efforts to recruit, hire, retain, and train employees in order 
to safely operate intercity passenger rail service on the NEC, 
state-supported, and long-distance routes. Further, the 
Committee directs Amtrak to report to the House and Senate 
Committees on Appropriations no later than 60 days after 
enactment of this Act summarizing overtime payments above 
$35,000 per Amtrak employee incurred by Amtrak for calendar 
year 2022. This summary shall include the total number of 
employees that received such overtime payments and the total 
overtime payments paid to employees above $35,000 for each 
month in 2022.
    In addition, the Committee understands that Amtrak will 
need to recruit, hire, and train additional employees to 
implement capital projects funded through the advance 
appropriations in the IIJA. However, the Committee acknowledges 
that Amtrak's workforce needs and plans relating to the 
implementation of the IIJA are evolving, especially at the 
project level. Therefore, the Committee directs Amtrak to 
include an update on its IIJA-related workforce needs in its 
fiscal year 2024 budget justification, which shall include an 
assessment of near-term and projected needs, and may include 
updates on Amtrak workforce needs for projects along the NEC 
that reflect project timelines established by the FRA, NECC, 
and Amtrak as appropriate. Further, the Committee directs 
Amtrak to brief the House and Senate Committees on 
Appropriations on its IIJA-related workforce needs semi-
annually, and to share appropriate information with industry 
partners and the public.
    NEC cost-sharing agreements.--The Committee recognizes the 
important role of the NECC in bringing together states, Amtrak, 
and DOT to improve and modernize the NEC by facilitating 
collaborative planning and decision-making, developing and 
maintaining the northeast corridor commuter and intercity rail 
cost allocation policy, and making recommendations to Congress. 
The Committee understands that joint beneficiaries of 
infrastructure projects on the NEC need to reach cost-sharing 
agreements for such projects in a manner consistent with the 
NECC's northeast corridor commuter and intercity rail cost 
allocation policy. The Committee further understands that some 
infrastructure projects have been delayed or stalled due to 
such cost-sharing agreements. The Committee notes that dispute 
resolution processes are available under sections 24905(c)(2) 
and 24905(c)(4) of title 49, United States Code. Further, the 
Committee urges Amtrak to continue working with relevant 
commuter rail agencies to finalize cost-sharing agreements as 
soon as practicable.
    Cybersecurity.--The Committee understands that Amtrak is 
working to implement its five-year strategic plan to create a 
more cyber resilient environment that reduces risks and quickly 
detects cyber threats in Amtrak's enterprise, critical 
infrastructure, and cloud environments, consistent with 
standards developed by the National Institute of Standards and 
Technology (NIST) and its collaboration with Federally funded 
research and development centers. The Committee encourages 
Amtrak to use fiscal year 2023 funding to help facilitate the 
execution of Amtrak's existing active cyber defense strategy, 
including use of cyber deception capabilities, which is 
consistent with NIST cybersecurity guidelines and research and 
development with Federally funded research and development 


Appropriation, fiscal year 2022.......................      $874,501,000
Budget request, fiscal year 2023......................     1,200,000,000
Recommended in the bill...............................       882,000,000
Bill compared with:
    Appropriation, fiscal year 2022...................        +7,499,000
    Budget request, fiscal year 2023..................      -318,000,000

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    The Committee recommendation provides $882,000,000 for 
northeast corridor grants to Amtrak to support operating and 
capital activities for Amtrak's NEC. This funding level 
provides up to $1,000,000 for the northeast corridor 
commission, which, combined with the up to $5,000,000 in 
advance appropriations in fiscal year 2023 in the 
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, fully funds the NECC as 
authorized in section 22101(e) of such Act.


Appropriation, fiscal year 2022.......................    $1,456,870,000
Budget request, fiscal year 2023......................     1,800,000,000
Recommended in the bill...............................     1,463,000,000
Bill compared with:
    Appropriation, fiscal year 2022...................        +6,130,000
    Budget request, fiscal year 2023..................      -337,000,000

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    The Committee recommendation provides $1,463,000,000 for 
national network grants to Amtrak to support operating and 
capital activities for Amtrak's long-distance and state-
supported routes, and other non-NEC activities. The Committee 
recommendation does not provide additional funding for the 
state-supported route committee, as the up to $3,000,000 in 
advance appropriations in fiscal year 2023 in the 
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act fully funds the state-
supported route committee as authorized in section 22101(d) of 
such Act. Further, the Committee recommendation does not 
provide additional funding for the interstate rail compacts 
grant program, as the up to $3,000,000 in advance 
appropriations in fiscal year 2023 in the IIJA fully funds such 
grants as authorized in section 22101(f) of such Act.


                         (INCLUDING RESCISSION)

                     (INCLUDING TRANSFER OF FUNDS)

    Section 150 prohibits Amtrak from using funds made 
available by this Act in contravention of the Worker Adjustment 
and Retraining Notification Act.
    Section 151 allows the FRA to transfer certain amounts made 
available in this and prior Acts to the financial assistance 
oversight and technical assistance account to support the 
award, administration, project management oversight, and 
technical assistance of grants administered by the FRA, with an 
    Section 152 specifies that amounts made available in any 
prior fiscal years for the restoration and enhancement grant 
program are subject to section 22908 of title 49, United States 
Code, as in effect on the effective date of the IIJA, and 
clarifies that section 22908(e)(2) does not apply to amounts 
made available for grants under section 22908 of title 49, 
United States Code, in any prior Act.
    Section 153 allows the FRA to provide additional amounts to 
the NECC and state-supported route committee in fiscal year 
2023 including to assist the FRA with the delivery of projects 
carried out with funding provided in title VIII of division J 
of the IIJA, with certain conditions.
    Section 154 makes technical corrections to title VIII of 
division J of Public Law 117-58.
    Section 155 makes technical corrections to title VIII of 
division J of Public Law 117-58.
    Section 156 makes technical corrections to title VIII of 
division J of Public Law 117-58.
    Section 157 rescinds certain unobligated balances.

                     Federal Transit Administration

    The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) was established as 
a component of the Department of Transportation on July 1, 
1968, when most of the functions and programs under the Federal 
Transit Act (78 Stat. 302; 49 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.) were 
transferred from the Department of Housing and Urban 
Development. The FTA administers Federal financial assistance 
programs for planning, developing, and improving comprehensive 
mass transportation systems in both urban and non-urban areas. 
The most recent authorization for the programs under FTA is 
contained in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (P.L. 
117-58). Annual appropriations Acts include annual limitations 
on obligations for the transit formula grants programs, and 
direct appropriations of budget authority from the general fund 
of the Treasury for capital investment grants and other 

                         TRANSIT FORMULA GRANTS


                      (LIMITATION ON OBLIGATIONS)

                          (HIGHWAY TRUST FUND)

                              Liquidation of contract    Limitation on
                                     authority            obligations
Appropriation, fiscal year            $13,355,000,000    $13,355,000,000
Budget request, fiscal year            13,634,000,000     13,634,000,000
Recommended in the bill.....           13,634,000,000     13,634,000,000
Bill compared with:
    Appropriation, fiscal                +279,000,000       +279,000,000
 year 2022..................
    Budget request, fiscal                      - - -              - - -
 year 2023..................

    Authorization acts provide contract authority for the 
transit formula grant programs from the mass transit account of 
the Highway Trust Fund. These programs include: urbanized area 
formula grants, state of good repair grants, formula grants for 
rural areas, growing states and high-density states, mobility 
for seniors and persons with disabilities, bus and bus 
facilities grants, bus testing facilities, planning programs, 
transit-oriented development, a pilot program for enhanced 
mobility, public transportation innovation, technical 
assistance and workforce development, the national transit 
database, and the FTA's administrative expenses. This Act sets 
an annual obligation limitation for such authority and provides 
liquidating cash. This account is the only FTA account funded 
from the Highway Trust Fund.

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    The Committee recommendation provides a liquidation of 
contract authorization and a limitation on obligations of 
$13,634,000,000 for transit formula grants and programs, 
consistent with the amounts authorized in the Infrastructure 
Investment and Jobs Act.
    Transit-oriented development (TOD).--The utilization and 
expansion of TOD is critical to revitalizing cities, reducing 
pollution and congestion, and enhancing economic opportunity. 
The pilot program for TOD planning authorized by section 
20005(b) of MAP-21 (P.L. 112-141) supports transit planning 
that connects affordable housing, jobs, and mixed-use 
development with transportation options, including sidewalks, 
bike paths, and alternative transportation for pedestrians near 
transit stations. The Committee directs that not less than 
$13,432,051 be made available for the pilot program for TOD 
planning as authorized by section 20005(b) of MAP-21.
    Innovation in affordable transit demonstration program.--As 
part of the public transportation innovation program authorized 
under section 5312 of title 49, United States Code, the 
Committee directs the FTA to support a demonstration program to 
determine the impacts of need-based transit subsidy programs in 
areas with the worst air quality and traffic congestion in the 
    Cultural and natural areas in cities.--Major cities often 
have a number of cultural attractions, such as museums, 
adjacent to natural areas, such as lakes and parks. 
Facilitating clean energy transportation, like zero-emission 
``last-mile'' transportation options, to such cultural and 
natural attractions could support access to these areas, reduce 
greenhouse gas emissions, and improve accessibility for 
historically disadvantaged communities. The Committee 
encourages the FTA to study clean energy infrastructure 
solutions in major cities with greenhouse gas reduction plans 
where there are adjacent high-traffic cultural and natural 
    Tribal transit fare cards.--The Committee recognizes that 
tribal communities can face unique challenges to using transit 
including lack of access or technology, and long commutes due 
to rural living. The FTA's tribal transit program provides 
funding to Federally recognized Tribes for capital, operating, 
planning, and administrative expenses for public transit 
projects that meet the growing needs of rural tribal 
communities. The Committee encourages the FTA to provide 
technical assistance to Tribes and transit agencies that seek 
to provide transit fare collection technology, including but 
not limited to fare cards, to support access to public transit 
and transportation options for tribal communities.
    Agricultural worker transportation.--The Committee remains 
concerned about the availability of safe, reliable 
transportation to and from worksites for farmworkers, including 
farmworkers residing in housing financed by the U.S. Department 
of Agriculture (USDA). The Committee directs the FTA, through 
the national rural transportation assistance program, in 
coordination with the USDA's rural housing service, to develop 
materials and best practices that can be disseminated to local 
governments, nonprofit organizations, and operators of public 
transportation with the goal of identifying options to 
establish or expand affordable and reliable transit services 
for farmworkers, especially those residing in housing financed 
by the USDA, which could also contribute to reducing the number 
of vehicles on the road and greenhouse gas emissions.
    Transit worker safety.--The Committee notes that the FTA 
has not met the statutory deadline in accordance with section 
3022 of the Fixing America's Surface Transportation (FAST) Act 
(P.L. 114-94), which requires the FTA to establish protections 
from assault for transit workers. The Committee does not view 
the actions taken by the FTA under 84 FR 24196 as sufficient to 
meet the requirements under such section and notes that 
Congress explicitly directed the FTA to address the threat of 
transit worker assault separately in addition to its directives 
with regard to public transportation agency safety plans. The 
Committee directs the FTA to brief the House and Senate 
Committees on Appropriations no later than 60 days after 
enactment of this Act on how it will comply with section 3022 
of the FAST Act in a manner that is consistent with 
congressional intent.
    Health and safety of public transit workers.--Safe and 
healthy working conditions are critical to retaining and 
recruiting the public transit workforce. The Committee directs 
the FTA, in consultation with the Occupational Safety and 
Health Administration, to conduct a study that examines: (1) 
public transit worker health and safety standards; (2) health 
outcomes; and (3) whether facility and/or equipment upgrades 
could improve working conditions for public transit workers. 
This study should include information and data from a diverse 
set of transit agency, city, and county workforces, including 
mechanics, engineers, and operators. The Committee directs the 
FTA to report its findings from this study to the House and 
Senate Committees on Appropriations no later than 1 year after 
enactment of this Act.
    Transportation equity research program.--Section 3046(a)(3) 
of SAFETEA-LU (P.L. 109-59) authorized the Secretary to conduct 
research and demonstration activities that focus on the impacts 
that transportation planning, investment, and operations have 
on low-income and minority populations that are transit 
dependent. The Committee notes that such activities remain 
relevant today, and directs the FTA to utilize not less than 
$1,000,000 of the amounts provided under this heading for 
section 5312 of title 49, United States Code, for the 
transportation equity research program as authorized by section 
3046(a)(3) of SAFETEA-LU.
    COVID-19 pandemic impacts on transit accessibility.--The 
Committee notes that the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted transit 
agencies and transit riders throughout the nation. The 
Committee directs the FTA to provide a report no later than 180 
days after enactment of this Act to the House and Senate 
Committees on Appropriations on the ways in which the COVID-19 
pandemic impacted historically disadvantaged communities, 
including low-income populations and communities of color who 
rely upon public transportation.
    Pregnant transit riders.--The Committee commends the FTA 
for issuing the report entitled ``Analysis of Challenges Facing 
Pregnant Women Riding Transit'' in February 2022, as required 
by the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 (P.L. 116-260). 
This report focused on available literature and identified 
seven challenges pregnant women face when using public transit. 
The report found that more research is needed to increase the 
understanding of these issues and identify potential solutions, 
and that transit agencies could do more to improve transit 
service for pregnant riders. Therefore, the Committee directs 
the FTA to conduct follow-on, targeted research to increase the 
FTA's understanding of the needs of pregnant transit riders of 
all races, varying levels of English proficiency and literacy, 
varying socioeconomic statuses, and with disabilities, and 
identify useful, affordable, and practical solutions. The 
Committee directs the FTA to complete such research no later 
than 18 months after enactment of this Act and to publish the 
results of this research on the agency's website.
    Worker/driver bus program.--The Committee understands that 
some transit agencies offer worker/driver bus programs. 
Operating similar to carpools, the driver boards their bus near 
their home in the morning and travels to work, picking up co-
workers along the way, and repeats the trip on the return home. 
Such programs are open to the general public, and not limited 
to individuals working at the drivers final destination. The 
Committee recognizes that worker/driver bus programs have 
experienced challenges and reduced ridership. The Committee 
urges the FTA to provide technical assistance to transit 
agencies with worker/driver bus programs, including efforts to 
improve user access and interface and increase ridership.
    One-stop paratransit initiatives.--The Committee 
acknowledges continued challenges in addressing transportation 
barriers for people with disabilities, and recognizes that 
innovations in transportation and related technologies could 
improve transportation for individuals with disabilities. The 
Committee notes that the IIJA increased funding for the 
enhanced mobility of seniors and individuals with disabilities 
program, providing a combined $429,002,836 in formula grants 
for fiscal year 2023 from the mass transit account of the 
Highway Trust Fund and advance appropriations, which represents 
a 46 percent increase when compared to fiscal year 2021, the 
last year of the FAST Act. The Committee understands there are 
potential benefits to utilizing technology innovations to 
provide one intermediate stop outside of the vehicle during a 
trip for Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) paratransit 
riders. Such an intermediate stop could help alleviate long 
rider wait times between multiple trips and could enable riders 
to complete additional activities. The Committee encourages the 
FTA to assist eligible recipients in utilizing funding from the 
enhanced mobility of seniors and individuals with disabilities 
program to develop and implement intermediate one-stop programs 
for ADA paratransit riders.
    Microtransit.--The FTA has adopted the definition of 
microtransit from the transit cooperative research program 
(TCRP), specifically from the TCRP research report 188 entitled 
``Shared Mobility and the Transformation of Public Transit''. 
Microtransit is IT-enabled private multi-passenger 
transportation services that serve passengers using dynamically 
generated routes, and may expect passengers to make their way 
to and from common pick-up or drop-off points. Microtransit 
service is generally eligible under the FTA's programs, and 
transit agencies may contract for eligible microtransit 
services. The Committee recognizes the potential benefits of 
microtransit in providing connections to pre-existing transit 
hubs, addressing so-called ``transit-deserts'', and improving 
access to public transit for individuals with disabilities. In 
administering competitive grant programs, the Committee urges 
the FTA to consider the following when developing notices of 
funding opportunities: (1) increase economic mobility, equity, 
accessibility, and sustainability; (2) the speed with which new 
services and projects can be deployed; (3) encourage public-
private collaboration; and (4) incorporating microtransit and 
other transit innovations as eligible projects.
    Fare-free transit.--Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic some 
transit agencies were exploring and implementing fare-free 
transit programs, and some continued or initiated such programs 
during the pandemic. The Committee recognizes the potential 
benefits of fare-free transit programs, which could increase 
ridership, improve mobility and accessibility for riders, and 
reduce financial burdens for riders, including historically 
disadvantaged communities. The Committee encourages the FTA to 
assist transit agencies in evaluating fare-free transit 
programs. In addition, when considering applications for 
competitive grant programs, the Committee urges the FTA to give 
due consideration to transit agencies that have implemented 
fare-free transit programs.
    Fare integration.--The Committee notes that metropolitan 
areas throughout the country have established or are 
considering integrated fares where transit and shared 
transportation modes are delivered by different local agencies. 
Integrated fares can offer a seamless transit experience for 
riders, which can help increase ridership and help transition 
fragmented public transit agencies into more unified, 
equitable, and widely used systems. The Committee supports such 
fare integration efforts, including in the Chicago region where 
transit agencies have made progress on a regional connect pass. 
The Committee encourages the FTA to assist transit agencies 
through technical assistance and best practices on how to 
successfully establish integrated fare systems that include 
shared transportation options and support seamless transfers 
between transit agencies in a regional area.
    Transit vehicle innovation deployment centers (TVIDC).--The 
Committee remains keenly interested in the TVIDC program which 
provides critical research and technical assistance to advance 
innovation in transit. The Committee supports the continued use 
of the TVIDC program to develop solutions to the challenges 
transit operators and bus original equipment manufacturers face 
as the transit industry moves toward full-scale adoption of 
zero emission transit technologies. As zero emission buses 
reach commercial maturity, the FTA should prioritize research 
efforts on adopting more efficient vehicle components and 
subsystems, including, but not limited to, more efficient 
heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems, safer and 
more efficient drive and brake by wire systems, integrated 
cooling systems, and improved electric drive technologies. To 
help foster advances within such areas, the Committee directs 
the FTA to utilize the TVIDC program to identify and suggest 
priorities for zero emission bus component focused research and 
innovation development, using the TVIDCs industry wide 
coordination structure and understanding of zero emission bus 
components and vehicles.
    Non-emergency medical transportation services study.--The 
Committee notes that access to health care and transportation 
are interrelated. Individuals without their own means of 
transportation or who do not live near accessible public 
transportation options are more limited in how they can receive 
non-emergency medical care. Therefore, the Committee directs 
the GAO to conduct a study on access to non-emergency medical 
transportation services, with a focus on individuals in 
disadvantaged populations and historically disadvantaged 
communities. The report should include a review on how to make 
it easier for such individuals and communities to use non-
emergency medical transportation services and how Federal 
funding provided under chapter 53 of title 49, United States 
Code, could support non-emergency medical transportation 
services for such individuals and communities. The Committee 
directs the GAO to report its findings to the House and Senate 
Committees on Appropriations no later than 18 months after 
enactment of this Act.


Appropriation, fiscal year 2022.......................      $504,263,267
Budget request, fiscal year 2023......................       200,000,000
Recommended in the bill...............................       646,428,324
Bill compared with:
    Appropriation, fiscal year 2022...................      +142,165,057
    Budget request, fiscal year 2023..................      +446,428,324

    Authorization acts provide contract authority for the 
transit formula grant programs from the mass transit account of 
the Highway Trust Fund. This account provides additional 
funding from the general fund of the Treasury for important 
transit priorities authorized under chapter 53 of title 49, 
United States Code.

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    The Committee recommendation provides $646,428,324 in 
transit infrastructure grants, of which $267,428,324 is for 
community project funding in accordance with the table at the 
end of this report. The following table provides funding levels 
for activities within this account.

                                         Request         Recommendation
Buses and bus facilities                        - - -       $200,000,000
 competitive grants...............
Low or no emission grants.........              - - -         75,000,000
Passenger ferry grants............              - - -         20,000,000
Bus testing.......................              - - -          2,000,000
Community project funding.........              - - -        267,428,324
Administrative expenses...........              - - -          2,000,000
Ferry service for rural                         - - -         30,000,000
Integrated smart mobility grants..        $50,000,000         50,000,000
Zero emission system                       50,000,000              - - -
 transformation planning grants...
Climate resilience and adaptation         100,000,000              - - -
    Total.........................       $200,000,000       $646,428,324

    Buses and bus facilities competitive grants.--The Committee 
continues to support the buses and bus facilities competitive 
grant program, which was first authorized in the FAST Act. The 
Committee notes that the IIJA increased funding for the 
program, providing $383,544,933 for fiscal year 2023 from the 
mass transit account of the Highway Trust Fund, which 
represents a 32 percent increase when compared to fiscal year 
2021, the last year of the FAST Act. When combined with the 
amounts provided under this heading, which are in addition to 
the amounts provided from the mass transit account of the 
Highway Trust Fund under the ``Transit Formula Grants'' 
heading, a total of $583,544,933 is available to support buses 
and bus facilities competitive grants in fiscal year 2023. The 
Committee encourages the FTA to follow the guidance set forth 
in the FAST Act in section 5339(b)(2) of title 49, United 
States Code, when developing selection criteria for the 
program, which requires the Secretary to consider the age and 
condition of buses, bus fleets, related equipment, and bus-
related facilities. In addition, the Committee directs the FTA 
to include activities that increase green space surrounding a 
bus transportation hub structure as eligible for amounts 
provided under this heading in this Act for buses and bus 
facilities competitive grants.
    Low or no emission grants.--The Committee is pleased by the 
continued interest in low and no emission buses nationwide, and 
notes that a total of $1,198,056,178 is available to support 
low or no emission grants in fiscal year 2023 through the mass 
transit account of the Highway Trust Fund under the ``Transit 
Formula Grants'' heading, advance appropriations in the IIJA, 
and this Act. Section 30018 of the IIJA amended the low or no 
emission grants authorization to require the Secretary to award 
no less than 25 percent of the funding made available for such 
grants for projects ``other than zero emission vehicles and 
related facilities''. Recognizing this requirement, the 
Committee encourages the FTA to prioritize zero emission buses 
and related infrastructure for the remaining amounts made 
available for low or no emission grants in fiscal year 2023.
    The Committee recognizes the potential of wireless 
charging, also known as inductive charging, for electric buses, 
which could extend the operating range of buses, shorten 
charging times, and reduce the size of batteries. The Committee 
directs the FTA to conduct a study on the effectiveness of 
wireless charging as an alternative to wired charging, 
including recommendations for deploying wireless charging to 
improve public transit. The Committee directs the FTA to 
complete such a study no later than 1 year after enactment of 
this Act and to publish the report on the agency's website.
    In addition, the Committee continues to strongly encourage 
the FTA to promote greater use of the innovative procurement 
authorities for technologically advanced buses that were 
established by section 3019 of the FAST Act. The Committee 
encourages FTA to provide technical assistance to states 
regarding the development of state purchasing schedules that 
are consistent with Federal law, take steps to ensure that 
purchases by transit agencies off of state schedules from other 
states comply with Federal requirements, and use webinars and 
stakeholder events to make transit agencies more aware that 
purchases off of state schedules are an eligible use of funds 
regardless of location.
    Integrated smart mobility grants.--The Committee recognizes 
that transit systems must transform and adapt to better serve 
the needs of riders and communities. Further, as previously 
noted, the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted transit agencies and 
transit riders throughout the nation. Continued innovation in 
transit is critical to navigating and adapting to the post-
COVID-19 era, which potentially includes long-term changes in 
ridership patterns, and making progress on prior investments 
that have advanced payment and trip planning technologies as 
well as mobility on demand, including the integration of micro-
mobility. To assist transit agencies in developing, 
demonstrating, and ultimately adopting innovative approaches to 
mobility, the Committee provides $50,000,000 for integrated 
smart mobility grants, a new competitive grant program, to 
improve safety, accessibility, air-quality, and equity in 
access to community services and economic opportunities.
    Air quality and traffic congestion.--The Committee supports 
the administration's emphasis on sustainability, climate 
resilience, and equity, and encourages the Secretary and the 
FTA to prioritize funding for transit projects in areas that 
suffer from the worst air quality and traffic congestion in the 


Appropriation, fiscal year 2022.......................        $7,500,000
Budget request, fiscal year 2023......................         8,000,000
Recommended in the bill...............................         8,000,000
Bill compared with:
    Appropriation, fiscal year 2022...................          +500,000
    Budget request, fiscal year 2023..................             - - -

    The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act authorizes the 
FTA to provide technical assistance under section 5314 of title 
49, United States Code, for standards development, human 
resource and training activities, and workforce development 

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    The Committee recommendation provides $8,000,000 for 
technical assistance and training authorized under section 5314 
of title 49, United States Code. In addition to the amounts 
provided under this heading, $12,088,846 is provided for 
activities under section 5314 of title 49, United States Code, 
through the mass transit account of the Highway Trust Fund 
under the heading ``Transit Formula Grants''.
    Workforce development and standards-based training.--The 
Committee directs that not less than $2,500,000 shall be for a 
cooperative agreement through which the FTA assists public 
transit recipients with frontline workforce development and 
standards-based training in maintenance and operations. The 
cooperative agreement should be with a national nonprofit 
organization with a demonstrated capacity to develop and 
provide such programs though labor management partnerships and 
    Mobility for people with disabilities and older adults.--Of 
the total amounts made available for activities under section 
5314 of title 49, United States Code, the Committee directs the 
Department to continue to fund agreements that support mobility 
for people with disabilities and older adults at a level 
commensurate with the amounts dedicated to such agreements in 
each year since 2018.
    Small-urban, rural, and tribal transit providers.--The 
Committee directs that not less than $1,500,000 shall be for a 
cooperative agreement through which the FTA assists small-
urban, rural, and tribal public transit recipients and planning 
organizations with applied innovation and capacity building. 
Such technical assistance should help recipients and 
subrecipients with deploying new forms of transit service; 
providing metropolitan mobility in urban areas that 
historically have not received FTA formula grants; promoting 
regionalized approaches to transit and mobility; assisting 
rural and urban areas with changing mode-share strategies, 
particularly with respect to changing patterns of urban growth 
and transit needs as indicated by the 2020 decennial census; 
incorporating more low or no emission vehicles in transit 
fleets; developing post-COVID-19 pandemic transit service 
strategies and configurations; and establishing responsive and 
equitable forms of transit in historically disadvantaged 
    Zero emission vehicle workforce study.--The Committee notes 
that in 2019, the GAO concluded that the FTA lacked a transit 
workforce strategic plan, that the FTA did not have performance 
goals and measures for its transit workforce development 
efforts, and that much is unknow about the transit workforce 
needs of the future, including how technology advances will 
affect the transit workforce. The GAO recommended that the FTA 
determine, in collaboration with stakeholders, whether 
additional transit workforce data is needed, develop a 
comprehensive transit workforce strategy, and establish 
performance goals and measures for its transit workforce 
development efforts. While the FTA concurred with all three of 
the GAO recommendations, the Committee notes that all 
recommendations remain open. The Committee reminds the 
Department to submit the report required by House Report 117-99 
to the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations on the 
steps it is taking to address the findings in GAO Report 19-
    Further, the Committee notes that in its engagement with 
stakeholders, the GAO found that advances in technology was 
cited as an example of the challenges stakeholders experience 
in recruiting and retaining transit workers. While the 
Committee strongly supports efforts by transit agencies to 
deploy low or no emission buses as a means to improve air 
quality and mitigate the effects of climate change, the 
Committee is concerned that transit agencies are not prepared 
to address the workforce challenges these new technologies 
present. Therefore, the Committee directs the GAO to build upon 
its prior work with a report focused on the transit workforce 
development needs as transit agencies transition to zero 
emission vehicles. The report should include: (1) any 
challenges transit agencies may face in ensuring their 
workforce has the skills necessary to effectively procure, 
manage, and maintain zero emission vehicles; (2) the actions 
transit agencies are taking to ensure their workforce has the 
skills to manage zero emission vehicles in their fleets; (3) 
the equipment and mechanic workforce needed for maintenance and 
repairs of zero emission vehicles; and (4) the actions the FTA 
and other Federal agencies are taking to assist transit 
agencies in addressing workforce needs for zero emission 
vehicles, including training and recruiting workers. The 
Committee directs the GAO to report its findings to the House 
and Senate Committees on Appropriations no later than 18 months 
after enactment of this Act.

                       CAPITAL INVESTMENT GRANTS

Appropriation, fiscal year 2022.......................    $2,248,000,000
Budget request, fiscal year 2023......................     2,850,000,000
Recommended in the bill...............................     3,012,000,000
Bill compared with:
    Appropriation, fiscal year 2022...................      +764,000,000
    Budget request, fiscal year 2023..................      +162,000,000

    The capital investment grants (CIG) program is authorized 
by section 5309 of title 49, United States Code, to provide 
discretionary grants for transit capital investment in rail or 
other fixed guideway systems, including heavy rail, commuter 
rail, light rail, streetcars, and bus rapid transit. Eligible 
recipients include public bodies and agencies including states, 
municipalities, other political subdivisions of states; public 
agencies and instrumentalities of one or more states; and 
certain public corporations, boards, and commissions under 
state law.

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    The Committee recommendation provides $3,012,000,000 for 
capital investment grants. The following table provides funding 
levels for activities within this account.

                                         Request         Recommendation
New starts........................     $2,080,484,158     $1,897,166,000
Core capacity.....................        139,519,539         40,714,000
Small starts......................        151,496,303         94,000,000
Expedited project delivery........        450,000,000        350,000,000
Section 165.......................              - - -        600,000,000
Administration....................         28,500,000         30,120,000
    Total.........................     $2,850,000,000     $3,012,000,000

    The Committee recommendation, combined with the funding 
provided in the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2022 (P.L. 
117-103) which remains unallocated, provides sufficient funding 
to support projects that currently have executed grant 
agreements with the FTA and projects that meet the requirements 
of section 5309 of title 49, United States Code, and are 
anticipating grant agreements in fiscal year 2023. The 
Committee notes that section 5309(b)(l) of title 49, United 
States Code, authorizes the use of funds for certain activities 
for new starts and small starts projects in advance of grant 
agreements, and the FTA may utilize funding in fiscal year 2023 
for such purposes. Further, section 165 in this Act provides 
additional amounts to recipients of capital investment grants 
under certain conditions.
    CIG administration.--The Committee directs the FTA to 
continue to administer the CIG program under current guidance 
and to proactively work with applicants and grantees to 
facilitate projects moving through the CIG pipeline and towards 
a full funding grant agreement (FFGA) or small starts grant 
agreement. The FTA is directed to evaluate, rate, and recommend 
projects for funding, and subsequently award grants to projects 
that meet the statutory requirements of section 5309 of title 
49, United States Code. The Committee directs the FTA to enter 
into FFGAs in which the CIG contribution is not less than 40 
percent of the net project cost, except at the direct request 
of the project sponsor. Further, the Committee encourages the 
FTA to fully consider small starts projects that would include 
stations that serve one or more opportunity zones, as defined 
in Public Law 115-97.
    The Committee directs the FTA to continue to update the 
House and Senate Committees on Appropriations, monthly, on the 
status of projects that are in the current CIG funding 
pipeline. The Committee also directs the FTA to provide notice 
to the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations not less 
than 90 days prior to altering or rescinding any rule, 
circular, or guidance relating to the evaluation, rating, and 
approval process pursuant to section 5309 of title 49, United 
States Code. Further, the Committee directs the FTA to engage 
with industry stakeholders before making significant changes to 
the CIG program process or criteria, and reminds the FTA that 
section 5309 of title 49, United States Code, requires the FTA 
to issue policy guidance each time significant changes are made 
to such processes and criteria.
    The Act requires the Secretary to submit the fiscal year 
2024 annual report on funding recommendations as required by 
section 5309 of title 49, United States Code, with the fiscal 
year 2024 budget request, and to include proposed funding 
allocations for fiscal year 2024. Further, the Committee 
directs the FTA to maintain the Federal funding commitments for 
all existing grant agreements, to identify all projects with a 
medium or higher rating that anticipate requesting a grant 
agreement in fiscal year 2024, and to submit a list of projects 
to which it expects to award an FFGA or small starts grant 
agreement during the budget year.
    FFGAs.--Section 5309 of title 49, United States Code, 
requires that the FTA notify the House and Senate Committees on 
Appropriations as well as the House Committee on Transportation 
and Infrastructure and the Senate Committee on Banking, 
Housing, and Urban Affairs not later than 15 days prior to 
executing a FFGA. In its notification to the House and Senate 
Committees on Appropriations, the Committee directs the FTA to 
include the following: (1) a copy of the proposed FFGA; (2) the 
total and annual Federal appropriations amount required for the 
project; (3) yearly and total Federal appropriations amount 
that can be reasonably planned or anticipated for future FFGAs 
for each fiscal year through 2026; (4) a detailed analysis of 
annual commitments for current and anticipated FFGAs against 
the program authorization, by individual project; (5) a 
financial analysis of the project's cost and the sponsor's 
ability to finance the project, which shall be conducted by an 
independent examiner, and shall include an assessment of the 
capital cost estimate and finance plan; (6) the source and 
security of all public- and private-sector financial 
instruments; (7) the project's operating plan, which enumerates 
the project's future revenue and ridership forecasts; and (8) a 
listing of all planned contingencies and possible risks 
associated with the project.
    The Committee continues to direct the FTA to inform the 
House and Senate Committees on Appropriations in writing 30 
days prior to approving schedule, scope, or budget changes to 
any FFGA. Correspondence relating to such changes shall include 
any budget revisions or program changes that materially alter 
the project as originally stipulated in the FFGA, including any 
proposed change in rail car procurements.
    In addition, the Committee directs the FTA to continue 
reporting monthly to the House and Senate Committees on 
Appropriations on the status of each project with a FFGA or 
that is within two years of executing a FFGA. The Committee 
directs that such monthly reporting include any requests for 
letters of no prejudice and the level of funds allocated and 
obligated, by fiscal year.
    Affordable and workforce housing consideration.--As noted 
throughout this report, the connection between housing and 
transportation is critical. The location of affordable housing 
and its proximity to transportation can have a significant 
impact on the cost of living and quality of life of individuals 
and families. The Committee notes that the CIG program can 
serve as an important tool in expanding access to affordable 
housing by supporting projects for new or expanded transit 
systems. Section 5309 of title 49, United States Code, requires 
the FTA to evaluate and rate all CIG projects according to 
specific project justification criteria, including the economic 
development effects associated with the project and policies 
and land use patterns of the project that support public 
transportation. The Committee understands that the FTA 
evaluates affordable housing under both the economic 
development and land use criteria. When rating new starts and 
core capacity projects, the Committee directs the FTA to 
consider a weighting of a minimum of five percentage points 
greater to economic development or land use criteria if the 
project sponsor demonstrates substantial efforts to preserve or 
encourage affordable housing or workforce housing near the 
proposed project.


Appropriation, fiscal year 2022.......................      $150,000,000
Budget request, fiscal year 2023......................       150,000,000
Recommended in the bill...............................       150,000,000
Bill compared with:
    Appropriation, fiscal year 2022...................             - - -
    Budget request, fiscal year 2023..................             - - -

    This program provides grants to the Washington Metropolitan 
Area Transit Authority (WMATA) for capital investment and asset 
rehabilitation activities as authorized by the Passenger Rail 
Investment and Improvement Act (PRIIA) of 2008 (P.L. 110-432). 
These funds, along with funds provided under the FTA's core 
formula programs, will help return the existing system to a 
state of good repair and improve the safety and reliability of 
service. Federal funds provided under this account are matched 
dollar-for-dollar by Virginia, Maryland, and the District of 
Columbia in equal proportions.

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    The Committee recommendation provides $150,000,000 for 
WMATA for critical capital and safety improvements. PRIIA 
created a successful Federal-state partnership under which the 
three WMATA jurisdictions collectively match this funding with 
another $150,000,000 each year. This funding will maintain the 
Federal government's commitment to a safe and reliable public 
transportation system for the National Capital Region.
    Cybersecurity.--The Committee remains concerned that as 
systems for controlling various modes of transportation become 
more complex, the security of transportation could be 
compromised. As a result, the Committee again directs WMATA to 
work with the Secretary of Transportation and the Cybersecurity 
and Infrastructure Security Agency within the Department of 
Homeland Security to ensure that the agency is complying with 
best practices for the procurement of Industrial Control 
Systems. The Committee directs WMATA to include analysis of the 
Internet of Things and unknown and unauthorized devices in its 
cybersecurity plan.


    Section 160 exempts previously made transit obligations 
from limitations on obligations.
    Section 161 allows funds provided in this Act that remain 
unobligated by September 30, 2026, for capital investment 
grants projects to be available for other projects to use the 
funds for the purposes for which they were originally provided.
    Section 162 allows for the transfer of appropriations made 
prior to October 1, 2022, from older accounts to be merged into 
new accounts with similar, current activities.
    Section 163 prohibits the enforcement of the Rostenkowski 
    Section 164 prohibits the use of funds to impede or hinder 
project advancement or approval for any project seeking a 
Federal contribution from the capital investment grants program 
of greater than 40 percent of project costs.
    Section 165 provides additional amounts to recipients of 
capital investment grants under certain conditions.
    Section 166 extends the period of availability for amounts 
made available for capital investment grants in Public Law 116-
    Section 167 allows fuel and utilities for vehicle 
operations to be treated, at the option of the recipient, as an 
associated capital maintenance item for grants made under 
sections 5307 and 5311 of title 49, United States Code, in 
fiscal year 2023 with certain conditions.

        Great Lakes St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation

                       OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE


Appropriation, fiscal year 2022.......................       $38,000,000
Budget request, fiscal year 2023......................        38,500,000
Recommended in the bill...............................        41,500,000
Bill compared with:
    Appropriation, fiscal year 2022...................        +3,500,000
    Budget request, fiscal year 2023..................        +3,000,000

    The Great Lakes St. Lawrence Seaway navigation system is a 
binational, 15-lock system jointly operated by the Great Lakes 
St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation (GLS) and its 
Canadian counterpart, the Canadian St. Lawrence Seaway 
Management Corporation. The GLS was established by the St. 
Lawrence Seaway Act of 1954, is a wholly owned government 
corporation, and an operating administration of the Department 
of Transportation. The GLS is charged with operating and 
maintaining the U.S. portion of the Great Lakes St. Lawrence 
Seaway, which includes the two U.S. locks in Massena, New York, 
vessel traffic control in portions of the St. Lawrence River 
and Lake Ontario, and trade development functions to enhance 
the utilization of the Great Lakes St. Lawrence Seaway. The 
Water Resources Development Act of 1986 (P.L. 99-662) 
authorized the harbor maintenance trust fund as a source of 
appropriations for the GLS operations and maintenance. 
Additionally, the GLS generates non-Federal revenues which can 
be used for operations and maintenance.

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    The Committee recommendation provides $41,500,000 to fund 
the operations, maintenance, and capital infrastructure 
activities of the GLS. Of the total funds provided, not less 
than $14,800,000 is for the seaway infrastructure program. In 
addition, the Act allows the GLS to use not more than 
$1,000,000 in prior year unobligated balances for operations 
and maintenance of the seaway international bridge.
    Market development and promotion.--The Committee 
appreciates the GLS' longstanding work to promote the entire 
Great Lakes St. Lawrence Seaway navigation system to increase 
trade and thereby support jobs and economic activity. In August 
2021, after consultations with system stakeholders, the GLS 
completed a trade and economic development strategic plan as 
required by House Report 116-452. The strategic plan centers on 
three primary themes: (1) raising system awareness; (2) 
promoting Great Lakes cruising; and (3) improving business 
intelligence. In addition, the GLS established a dedicated 
Office of Trade and Economic Development with three full-time 
    The Committee provides $4,000,000 for market development 
and promotion of the Great Lakes St. Lawrence Seaway navigation 
system, to be carried out in cooperation with system 
stakeholders. These resources may be used to implement the 
strategic plan, enhance and expand existing marketing efforts, 
conduct market research, and support marketing initiatives and 
trade promotion with the goal of growing the volume of 
waterborne commerce and passenger cruise activity on the 
system. The Committee directs the GLS to continue to identify 
and develop additional trade and economic development 
activities, in consultation with system stakeholders, based on 
the results of the planned activities included in the strategic 
plan and any relevant changes in market conditions. Further, 
the Committee directs the GLS to provide regular updates to the 
House and Senate Committees on Appropriations on its progress 
implementing the strategic plan and to continue to coordinate 
with system stakeholders.
    Harmonization of navigation season.--The annual opening and 
closure dates of the Great Lakes St. Lawrence Seaway are not 
synchronized with other assets on the Great Lakes navigation 
system such as the soo locks, which are operated by the U.S. 
Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). The Committee reminds the GLS 
of the direction included in House Report 117-99 to identify 
the opportunities and challenges with coordinating the opening 
and closing of the Great Lakes St. Lawrence Seaway and soo 
locks, in consultation with the USACE. The Committee 
understands the GLS has begun its work on this matter, and 
looks forward to receiving its findings as required by House 
Report 117-99.

                        MARITIME ADMINISTRATION

    The Maritime Administration (MARAD) is responsible for 
strengthening the U.S. maritime industry in support of the 
nation's security and economic needs, as authorized by the 
Merchant Marine Act of 1936 (P.L. 74-835). MARAD's mission is 
to promote the development and maintenance of a U.S. merchant 
marine sufficient to carry the nation's waterborne domestic 
commerce and a substantial portion of its waterborne foreign 
commerce, and to serve as a naval and military auxiliary in 
time of war or national emergency.
    MARAD, working with the Department of Defense (DOD), 
provides a seamless, time-phased transition from peacetime to 
wartime operations, while balancing the defense and commercial 
elements of the maritime transportation system. MARAD also 
manages the maritime security program, the cable security fleet 
program, the tanker security fleet program, the voluntary 
intermodal sealift agreement program, and the ready reserve 
force, which assures DOD access to commercial and strategic 
sealift and associated intermodal capability. Further, MARAD's 
education and training programs through the U.S. Merchant 
Marine Academy and six state maritime academies help develop 
skilled U.S. merchant marine officers.

                       MARITIME SECURITY PROGRAM

Appropriation, fiscal year 2022.......................      $318,000,000
Budget request, fiscal year 2023......................       318,000,000
Recommended in the bill...............................       318,000,000
Bill compared with:
    Appropriation, fiscal year 2022...................             - - -
    Budget request, fiscal year 2023..................             - - -

    The maritime security program (MSP) is authorized by 
chapter 531 of title 46, United States Code, to maintain and 
preserve a U.S. flag merchant fleet to serve the national 
security needs of the United States. MSP provides direct 
payments to U.S. flagship operators engaged in U.S.-foreign 
trade. Participating operators are required to keep vessels in 
active commercial service and are required to provide 
intermodal sealift support to the DOD in times of war or 
national emergency.

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    The Committee recommendation provides $318,000,000 for the 
maritime security program, consistent with the authorized 
funding level.

                          CABLE SECURITY FLEET

Appropriation, fiscal year 2022.......................       $10,000,000
Budget request, fiscal year 2023......................             - - -
Recommended in the bill...............................        10,000,000
Bill compared with:
    Appropriation, fiscal year 2022...................             - - -
    Budget request, fiscal year 2023..................       +10,000,000

    The cable security fleet program is authorized by chapter 
532 of title 46, United States Code. The purpose of the cable 
security fleet program is to establish and maintain a fleet of 
United States-documented cable vessels to meet the national 
security requirements of the United States. The cable security 
fleet program will provide direct payments to U.S. flagship 
operators and participating operators are in turn required to 
operate in commercial service providing cable services and to 
make the vessel available upon the request of the DOD.

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    The Committee recommendation provides $10,000,000 for the 
cable security fleet program, consistent with the authorized 
funding level.

                        TANKER SECURITY PROGRAM

Appropriation, fiscal year 2022.......................       $60,000,000
Budget request, fiscal year 2023......................        60,000,000
Recommended in the bill...............................        60,000,000
Bill compared with:
    Appropriation, fiscal year 2022...................             - - -
    Budget request, fiscal year 2023..................             - - -

    The tanker security fleet program is authorized by chapter 
534 of title 46, United States Code. The purpose of the tanker 
security fleet program is to establish and maintain a fleet of 
active, commercially viable, militarily useful, privately owned 
product tank vessels to meet the national defense and other 
security requirements of the United States. The tanker security 
fleet program will provide direct payments to U.S. flagship 
operators and participating operators are in turn required to 
operate in U.S. foreign commerce, mixed U.S. foreign commerce, 
and domestic trade and to make the vessel available upon the 
request of the DOD.

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    The Committee recommendation provides $60,000,000 for the 
tanker security fleet program, consistent with the authorized 
funding level.
    The Committee reminds MARAD of the direction in the 
Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2022 (P.L. 117-103) to brief 
the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations on its 
efforts to establish the tanker security fleet program.

                        OPERATIONS AND TRAINING

Appropriation, fiscal year 2022.......................      $172,204,000
    Budget request, fiscal year 2023..................       192,000,000
Recommended in the bill...............................       192,000,000
Bill compared with:...................................
    Appropriation, fiscal year 2022...................       +19,796,000
    Budget request, fiscal year 2023..................             - - -

    The operations and training account provides funding for 
headquarters and field offices to administer and direct MARAD 
operations and programs and for the operation of the U.S. 
Merchant Marine Academy (USMMA).

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    The Committee recommendation provides $192,000,000 for the 
operations and training account. The following table provides 
funding levels for activities within this account.

                                         Request         Recommendation
USMMA operations..................        $87,848,000        $87,848,000
USMMA facilities maintenance and           11,900,000         11,900,000
 repair, and equipment............
Maritime environmental and                 10,000,000          6,000,000
 technical assistance program.....
America's marine highway program..         10,819,000         14,819,000
MARAD headquarters operations.....         71,433,000         71,433,000
    Total.........................       $192,000,000       $192,000,000

    MARAD reorganization.--The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 
2021 (P.L. 116-260) approved a non-budgetary organizational 
realignment for two new offices within the MARAD headquarters 
operations program activity as proposed in the fiscal year 2021 
budget request. The Committee notes that MARAD has paused the 
implementation of these changes to MARAD's organizational 
structure to enable departmental and MARAD leadership to review 
and assess the realignment. The Committee reminds MARAD of the 
direction in House Report 117-99 to brief the House and Senate 
Committees on Appropriations upon the completion of this 
review. Should the review result in MARAD not completing the 
realignment as previously approved or other organizational 
changes within the MARAD headquarters operations program 
activity, the Committee directs MARAD to request approval from 
the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations through the 
process outlined in section 405 of this Act.
    MARAD staffing.--The Committee directs MARAD to provide the 
House and Senate Committees on Appropriations with quarterly 
staffing data, including hiring and separations, by program 
office for all positions funded by this Act in the MARAD 
headquarters operations and USMMA operations PPA.
    Emissions reduction.--The U.S. Environmental Protection 
Agency estimates that 39,000,000 people across the country live 
in close proximity to ports. These communities are particularly 
susceptible to air pollution from mobile emission sources in 
and around ports, including trucks, locomotives, harbor craft 
like tugboats, ocean going vessels, and non-road vehicles, 
engines, and equipment used in support of port operations. The 
Committee supports the Department's efforts to mitigate and 
reduce the environmental impacts of the maritime sector through 
the maritime environmental and technical assistance (META), 
America's marine highway, and port infrastructure development 
programs. In addition, the Committee provides $6,000,000 for 
the META program and directs MARAD to give preference to 
projects that reduce air emissions and vehicle miles traveled 
when awarding grants through the America's marine highway 
program, other than for grant applications related to 
noncontiguous trade as defined in section 53501(4) of title 46, 
United States Code. The Committee further notes that the 
funding provided in this Act for the port infrastructure 
development program may be used for environmental and emission 
mitigation measures as authorized under section 54301 of title 
46, United States Code, which could support activities that 
reduce port air emissions and environmental impacts.
    Sexual assault and sexual harassment (SASH) at USMMA.--In 
December 2021, MARAD established updated policies and 
procedures to improve safety for USMMA students while 
participating in the sea year program. To help prevent SASH, 
support survivors, and strengthen a climate of accountability, 
MARAD introduced new safety standards that U.S. commercial 
vessel operators must implement, called the ``Every Mariner 
Builds a Respectful Culture'' (EMBARC), in order to participate 
in the sea year program and carry USMMA students aboard their 
vessels, and which also included improved policies and 
procedures for the USMMA. On February 14, 2022, the House and 
Senate Committees on Appropriations approved a reprogramming 
request to assist MARAD with implementing SASH prevention and 
response activities, acquiring necessary at-sea safety training 
equipment, improving governance and oversight of the USMMA, and 
conducting further analysis to improve student and faculty 
safety and welfare. In addition, as the USMMA and MARAD 
continue efforts to address SASH during sea year, the Committee 
notes that based upon the most recently available survey on 
SASH the majority of unwanted sexual contact experiences for 
women and men took place on the USMMA campus. The Committee 
believes it is critical that that the USMMA and MARAD take a 
comprehensive approach to addressing SASH on campus and during 
sea year.
    To assist the USMMA and MARAD with these efforts, the 
Committee recommendation fully funds the fiscal year 2023 
budget request, which will support continued implementation of 
measures to help prevent SASH, provide support to survivors, 
and ensure regular review and continuous improvement of such 
measures. The Committee directs the USMMA and MARAD to continue 
to assess its SASH prevention needs, implement SASH prevention 
measures, provide additional support to survivors, help support 
broader culture change at the USMMA and across the maritime 
industry, and advance measures to support diversity, equity, 
and inclusion. The Committee further directs the USMMA and 
MARAD to report to the House and Senate Committees on 
Appropriations within 60 days of enactment of this Act on its 
progress to fully staff the Sexual Assault/Sexual Harassment 
Prevention and Response Office at the USMMA and the EMBARC 
Office at MARAD. MARAD is further directed to continue to 
engage with U.S. commercial vessel operators on the EMBARC SASH 
prevention standards in order to enroll additional vessel 
operators in the sea year program. Further, the Committee 
directs MARAD to report to the House and Senate Committees on 
Appropriations within 60 days of enactment of this Act on its 
progress on establishing concurrent criminal jurisdiction over 
the USMMA campus as required by P.L. 115-232 and P.L. 116-94.
    USMMA maintenance and capital improvement projects (CIP).--
The Committee provides $11,900,000 for facilities maintenance 
and repair, and equipment, which is equal to the budget 
request. The Committee notes that the Department's failure to 
appropriately plan for and manage routine maintenance of USMMA 
facilities is unacceptable. In fiscal year 2022, Congress 
approved a reprogramming request which was also to be used to 
address long-standing maintenance and repair needs of campus 
infrastructure. While MARAD plans to execute a comprehensive 
facilities and systems maintenance contract, the Committee 
notes that health and safety risks due to routine maintenance 
backlogs continue to persist at the USMMA. The Consolidated 
Appropriations Act, 2022 directed the USMMA, MARAD, and the 
Department to identify and mitigate all fire safety, heating, 
cooling, and boiler system failures within 30 days of enactment 
of such Act. Despite efforts by the USMMA and MARAD to address 
these matters, the Committee notes with disappointment that 
additional work remains. Therefore, the Committee directs the 
USMMA and MARAD to redouble its efforts to address health and 
safety maintenance and repair issues on the USMMA campus and to 
brief the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations upon 
the completion of such tasks. The Committee further directs the 
USMMA, MARAD, and the Department to provide quarterly briefings 
to the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations on the 
status of all short- and long-term capital improvements 
projects and continue to provide an annual report on all CIPs 
in the same manner and context as in previous fiscal years.
    Shipyards.--Due to the lack of available private shipyard 
facilities and the extended time to relocate vessels and 
assets, there is a backlog of maintenance, repair, and 
modernization projects which may impair maritime commerce and 
national security. To avoid displacement, increased costs, and 
impacts on East Coast and West Coast based vessels and 
personnel, the Committee encourages MARAD to continue utilizing 
privately owned shipyards for national defense reserve fleet 
and ready reserve force maintenance, repair, and modernization. 
The Committee also encourages MARAD to compile a list of 
available shipyards, evaluate their capabilities, consider 
assisting in the readying of these facilities to be pre-
qualified to perform work authorized by DOD and MARAD, and 
share such a list with other government partners.
    Domestic maritime centers of excellence (DMCOEs).--Section 
3507 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 
2018 (P.L. 115-91) authorized the Department to designate 
community and technical colleges or maritime training centers 
as DMCOEs and to enter into cooperative agreements with DMCOEs 
to support maritime workforce training and education. MARAD may 
use up to $2,000,000 of the funding provided to the MARAD 
headquarters operations program activity under this heading to 
assist DMCOEs, who have entered into a cooperative agreement 
with MARAD, with activities outlined in the final policy (85 FR 
13231) for this voluntary program.
    America's supply chains.--The Committee remains concerned 
about the economic and environmental impacts of congestion, 
delays, and bottlenecks as a result of global supply chain 
issues. Accordingly, House Report 117-99 directed the Secretary 
to submit the report on supply chain resiliency as required by 
executive order 14017. In February 2022, DOT released the 
report ``Supply Chain Assessment of the Transportation 
Industrial Base: Freight and Logistics'' which included 62 
recommendations to respond to existing supply chain disruptions 
and build resilient supply chains for the future. The Committee 
directs MARAD and DOT to work with the other actors outlined in 
the report to make progress on these recommendations and submit 
a status report to the House and Senate Committees on 
Appropriations within 180 days of enactment of this Act.
    Domestic fuel transportation capabilities.--The Committee 
recognizes the importance of the Jones Act tanker fleet in 
meeting the energy security needs of the non-contiguous states. 
The Committee directs MARAD, in consultation with the 
Department of Energy, to review the current fuel transportation 
capabilities of the Jones Act fleet and its abilities to serve 
the energy needs of the entirety of the United States. This 
review should include an examination of the fuel shipping costs 
for non-contiguous states. The Committee directs MARAD to brief 
the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations within 180 
days of enactment of this Act on its findings.
    Small and non-freight ports.--As detailed in the GAO report 
``Maritime Infrastructure: Public Ports in an Extensive Range 
of Activities beyond Freight Movement'' (GAO-22-104630), many 
ports throughout the country support essential non-freight 
functions and activities such as economic development, 
emergency response support, tourism, recreation, commercial 
fishing, and the operation of cruise ship and transit and ferry 
terminals. In this report, GAO surveyed Federal officials, 
officials at ports, and port industry associations and they 
identified challenges related to grant programs across the 
Federal government that generally applied to both freight and 
non-freight projects which included: trouble with the 
application process, competition, and minimum award sizes. The 
Committee recognizes the important role small and non-freight 
ports play and as such MARAD and DOT, where applicable, are 
encouraged to provide technical assistance to help mitigate the 
challenges highlighted in the GAO report and help identify 
existing Federal resources to assist such ports.
    Ready reserve force fleet recapitalization.--The Committee 
directs MARAD to conduct a report on how the vessel 
construction manager model to procure the purpose-built 
national security multi-mission vessels could be leveraged to 
build U.S. auxiliary sealift ships to support the nation's 
sealift needs in coordination with the Department of Defense. 
The report should explore how the domestic U.S. maritime 
industry, including shipyards, repair facilities, and 
operators, could be incentivized to support development and 
adoption of military utility into existing commercial designs 
to better support future non-combatant military requirements. 
The report should also examine the ability to leverage existing 
production lines or new commercially viable sealift ship 
production lines to recapitalize to build required sealift 
vessels including roll-on/roll-off vessels, crane ships, 
hospital ships, and other special capability ships domestically 
as needed to support the new national defense strategy. 
Additionally, the report should incorporate information on how 
the domestic shipbuilding industrial base could assist in 
meeting improved safety, resiliency, and emission reduction 
goals for maritime transport, in line with objectives set forth 
by the international maritime organization. The Committee 
directs MARAD to submit this report to the House and Senate 
Committees on Appropriations within 180 days of enactment of 
this Act.


Appropriation, fiscal year 2022.......................      $423,300,000
Budget request, fiscal year 2023......................        77,700,000
Recommended in the bill...............................        77,700,000
Bill compared with:
    Appropriation, fiscal year 2022...................      -345,600,000
    Budget request, fiscal year 2023..................             - - -

    The state maritime academy (SMA) operations account 
provides financial assistance to six state maritime academies.

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    The Committee recommendation provides $77,700,000 for the 
state maritime academy operations account. The following table 
provides funding levels for activities within this account.

                                         Request         Recommendation
Schoolship maintenance and repair.        $30,500,000        $30,500,000
    Training vessel sharing.......              - - -     [not more than
National security multi-mission            35,000,000         35,000,000
 vessel program...................
Student incentive program.........          2,400,000          2,400,000
Fuel assistance payments..........          3,800,000          3,800,000
Direct payments for SMAs..........          6,000,000          6,000,000
    Total.........................        $77,700,000        $77,700,000

    National security multi-mission vessel (NSMV) program.--The 
NSMV will serve as a critical educational and training platform 
for the next generation of mariners, replacing five aging SMA 
training vessels while supporting Federal response capabilities 
for humanitarian assistance and disaster relief. In May 2019, 
MARAD selected a vessel construction manager to use commercial 
practices to contract with a single shipyard to construct up to 
five NSMVs according to MARAD specified designs, conduct 
oversight and management of vessel construction, and deliver 
the vessels to MARAD. In April 2020, the vessel construction 
manager selected a shipyard and MARAD authorized construction 
of the first two vessels. Following the enactment of the 
Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 (P.L. 116-260), MARAD 
authorized construction of the third and fourth vessels. In 
April 2022, MARAD authorized the construction of the fifth and 
final vessel with funds provided in the Consolidated 
Appropriations Act, 2022. To ensure the continued success of 
the NSMV program, the Committee provides $35,000,000 to address 
steel cost increases and assist SMAs in making shore-side 
infrastructure improvements to support the delivery and 
operations of the NSMVs. Shore-side infrastructure shall only 
include NSMV-specific improvements required by MARAD to safely 
moor the vessels and other improvements that are necessary for 
the SMAs to receive the NSMVs. The Committee directs MARAD to 
notify the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations prior 
to obligating any fiscal year 2023 funding for shore-side 
infrastructure improvements, and such notification shall 
include the amount of funding provided by non-Federal sources 
for such infrastructure.
    In addition, the Committee directs MARAD to conduct 
vigorous oversight of the vessel construction manager, as well 
as the shipyard, to ensure the NSMVs are delivered on budget 
and on time. MARAD is directed to continue to provide briefings 
to the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations on the 
status of the NSMV program on a quarterly basis, including 
detailed reporting on the SMAs shore-side infrastructure 
improvements needed to ensure successful delivery and operation 
of the NSMVs, and to provide immediate notification of any 
substantial risks to the construction schedule or cost.


Appropriation, fiscal year 2022.......................       $20,000,000
Budget request, fiscal year 2023......................        20,000,000
Recommended in the bill...............................        20,000,000
Bill compared with:
    Appropriation, fiscal year 2022...................             - - -
    Budget request, fiscal year 2023..................             - - -

    As authorized under section 54101 of title 46, United 
States Code, the assistance to small shipyards program provides 
grants, loans, and loan guarantees to small shipyards for 
capital improvements and maritime training programs.

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    The Committee recommendation provides $20,000,000 for the 
assistance to small shipyards program.
    Minority business opportunities.--The Committee supports 
grant opportunities for minority-owned small businesses in the 
shipyard industry, including grants made through the assistance 
to small shipyards program. Therefore, the Committee directs 
MARAD to conduct a review of grants awarded funding between 
fiscal year 2018 and fiscal year 2022, including the number of 
grants and grant amounts awarded to minority-owned small 
businesses. The Committee directs MARAD to report its findings, 
including any recommendations on how the assistance to small 
shipyards program can fairly and equitably assist minority-
owned small businesses in accessing and utilizing this program, 
to the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations within 180 
days of enactment of this Act.

                             SHIP DISPOSAL

Appropriation, fiscal year 2022.......................       $10,000,000
Budget request, fiscal year 2023......................         6,000,000
Recommended in the bill...............................         6,000,000
Bill compared with:
    Appropriation, fiscal year 2022...................        -4,000,000
    Budget request, fiscal year 2023..................             - - -

    MARAD serves as the Federal government's disposal agent for 
government-owned merchant vessels weighing 1,500 gross tons or 
more. The ship disposal program provides resources to dispose 
of obsolete merchant-type vessels in the national defense 
reserve fleet. These vessels pose a significant environmental 
threat due to the presence of hazardous substances such as 
asbestos and solid and liquid polychlorinated biphenyls.

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    The Committee recommendation provides $6,000,000 for the 
ship disposal program. Of the total funds provided, $3,000,000 
is for maintaining the NS Savannah in protective storage in 
accordance with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's license 
requirements while it is being disposed.


                     (INCLUDING TRANSFER OF FUNDS)

Appropriation, fiscal year 2022.......................        $3,000,000
Budget request, fiscal year 2023......................         3,000,000
Recommended in the bill...............................         3,000,000
Bill compared with:
    Appropriation, fiscal year 2022...................             - - -
    Budget request, fiscal year 2023..................             - - -

    The maritime guaranteed loan program, as established by 
Title XI of the Merchant Marine Act of 1936 (P.L. 74-835), 
provides for guaranteed loans for the construction, 
reconstruction, or reconditioning of vessels by the U.S. 
shipbuilding industry and for modernization of U.S. shipyards.

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    The Committee recommendation provides $3,000,000 for the 
administrative expenses of the maritime guaranteed loan 


Appropriation, fiscal year 2022.......................      $234,310,000
Budget request, fiscal year 2023......................       230,000,000
Recommended in the bill...............................       300,000,000
Bill compared with:
    Appropriation, fiscal year 2022...................       +65,690,000
    Budget request, fiscal year 2023..................       +70,000,000

    The port infrastructure development program is authorized 
by section 54301 of title 46, United States Code, to improve 
port facilities and the transportation networks and flows of 
cargo in, around, and through ports. Port authorities, states 
and local governments, tribal governments, publicly chartered 
entities, and special purpose districts with a transportation 
function are eligible to apply for this competitive grant 

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    The Committee recommendation provides $300,000,000 for the 
port infrastructure development program (PIDP). The Committee 
encourages MARAD to prioritize PIDP applications that 
demonstrate efficacy in reducing port air emissions through 
investments in clean electricity, and also demonstrate 
consultation with nearby communities traditionally affected by 
port air emissions.


    Section 170 authorizes MARAD to furnish utilities and 
services and to make necessary repairs in connection with any 
lease, contract, or occupancy involving government property 
under control of MARAD and allows payments received to be 
credited to the Treasury and to remain available until 

         Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration

    The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration 
(PHMSA) administers nationwide safety programs designed to 
protect the public and the environment from risks inherent in 
the commercial transportation of hazardous materials by 
pipeline, air, rail, vessel, and highway. Many of these 
materials are essential to the national economy. The PHMSA's 
highest priority is safety, and it uses safety management 
principles and security assessments to promote the safe 
transport of hazardous materials and the security of the 
nation's pipelines, aboveground storage tanks, underground 
natural gas storage facilities, and liquefied natural gas 

                          OPERATIONAL EXPENSES

Appropriation, fiscal year 2022.......................       $29,100,000
Budget request, fiscal year 2023......................        30,150,000
Recommended in the bill...............................        30,150,000
Bill compared with:
    Appropriation, fiscal year 2022...................        +1,050,000
    Budget request, fiscal year 2023..................             - - -

    This account funds the operational costs of the PHMSA, 
including the agency-wide functions of administration, 
management, policy development, legal counsel, budget, 
financial management, civil rights, human resources, 
acquisition services, information technology, and governmental 
and public affairs.

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    The Committee recommendation provides $30,150,000 for the 
operational expenses account. Of the total funds provided, 
$2,000,000 shall be for pipeline safety information grants to 
communities as authorized by section 60130 of title 49, Untied 
States Code, and $2,500,000 shall be for emergency response 
grants as authorized by section 60125(b) of title 49, United 
States Code.

                       HAZARDOUS MATERIALS SAFETY

Appropriation, fiscal year 2022.......................       $66,829,000
Budget request, fiscal year 2023......................        74,211,000
Recommended in the bill...............................        70,710,500
Bill compared with:
    Appropriation, fiscal year 2022...................        +3,881,500
    Budget request, fiscal year 2023..................        -3,500,500

    The hazardous materials safety account advances the safe 
and secure transport of hazardous materials in commerce by air, 
highway, rail, and vessel. The PHMSA evaluates hazardous 
materials safety risks, develops and enforces regulations for 
transporting hazardous materials, educates shippers and 
carriers, investigates hazardous materials incidents and 
failures, conducts research, and provides grants to improve 
emergency response to transportation incidents involving 
hazardous materials.

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    The Committee recommendation provides $70,710,500 for the 
hazardous materials safety account. Of the total funds 
provided, $1,000,000 shall be for community safety grants as 
authorized by section 5107(i) of title 49, United States Code, 
and $2,500,000 shall be for the state hazardous materials 
safety inspection program. In addition, this funding level 
supports the PHMSA's existing hazardous materials safety 
program, including the safe transportation of energy products.
    Staffing and outreach activities.--The Committee 
recommendation provides funding for a total of 217 full-time 
positions to support the Office of Hazardous Materials Safety, 
which consists of 64 inspection and outreach staff and 153 
safety program, scientific, and safety standard development 
professionals. The PHMSA's hazardous materials safety 
assistance team (HMSAT) conducts outreach, technical 
assistance, communication, and education on hazardous materials 
regulations and compliance with local and state governments, as 
well as businesses. The Committee appreciates the PHMSA's 
proposal to continue to increase its outreach capabilities to 
assist more communities and improve hazardous materials 
transportation planning and emergency response plans. The 
Committee recommendation provides $537,500 to add five full-
time positions to the HMSAT, which combined with the five full-
time positions provided in the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 
2022 (P.L. 117-103) would result in 15 full-time positions on 
the HMSAT, three in each of the PHMSA's five regional offices. 
In addition, the Committee recommendation provides $430,000 to 
support two new full-time positions to enhance the accident 
investigation program and two new full-time positions to 
improve the safe transportation of emerging energy sources.
    Liquefied natural gas (LNG) by rail.--The Committee remains 
concerned that the transportation of LNG by rail poses new and 
different risks to the public, environment, and property. The 
Committee is pleased that the PHMSA has, in accordance with the 
directives in executive order 13990 issued on January 20, 2021, 
reviewed the final rule, which was issued on July 24, 2020, and 
allowed the bulk transportation of LNG by rail in DOT-113 rail 
tank cars. The PHMSA issued a notice of proposed rulemaking on 
November 8, 2021, to suspend the authorization for the 
transportation of LNG by rail pending either the completion of 
a companion rulemaking or June 30, 2024, whichever is earlier. 
The companion rulemaking the PHMSA intends to issue would amend 
the hazardous materials regulations governing the 
transportation of LNG in rail tank cars in order to incorporate 
ongoing research efforts, collaboration with other agencies, 
and external technical experts; respond to executive order 
13990; and provide additional opportunities for stakeholder 
    The Committee further understands that the PHMSA and the 
FRA continue to actively conduct research and development 
projects relating to the transportation of LNG in rail tank 
cars and the use of LNG as a fuel for locomotives. These 
activities are expected to continue through October 2023 and 
additional research projects may be initiated in fiscal year 
2023. The Committee supports the PHMSA and the FRA continuing 
its work on these ongoing and future research projects.
    In April 2021, the PHMSA entered into an agreement with the 
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine to 
conduct an independent study by an expert panel of the 
transportation research board (TRB) on the transportation of 
LNG in rail tank cars as required by the Further Consolidated 
Appropriations Act, 2020 (P.L. 116-94). TRB is conducting this 
study in two phases. In phase 1, the expert panel reviewed 
completed, ongoing, and planned PHMSA and FRA research, 
testing, and data analysis tasks relating to the transportation 
of LNG in rail tank cars, releasing a report on June 14, 2021. 
The expert panel found that while the PHMSA-FRA work is 
comprehensive as planned, there are areas ``where more complete 
treatment is warranted, and where the basis for choices about 
the structure and execution of tasks . . . has not been made 
sufficiently clear to assess the applicability and validity of 
the results.'' Further, the expert panel made recommendations 
on planned tasks related to LNG safety that have not been 
completed, including changes to portable tank fire testing, 
updates to modeling for worst-case scenarios, and adding 
loading and unloading operations and train assembly and 
classification activities to the assessment of the risk of LNG 
by rail. The Committee is pleased with the PHMSA's work to 
implement the expert panel's recommendations, and notes that 
several ongoing research and development projects are in direct 
response to these recommendations. The Committee directs the 
PHMSA to brief the House and Senate Committees on 
Appropriations no later than 90 days after enactment of this 
Act on the outcomes of these activities, and the status of the 
PHMSA's efforts to implement the expert panel's 
recommendations. In phase 2, which began in June 2021, the 
expert panel is gathering and analyzing information relating to 
the transportation of LNG in rail tank cars, including 
information on methods used to transport LNG by other modes, 
train operational controls, and emergency response planning. 
The Committee understands that the transportation of LNG in 
rail tank cars is likely to occur in unit trains and continues 
to encourage the TRB expert panel to include a safety analysis 
of such bulk shipments as part of its phase 2 work. Further, 
the Committee reminds the PHMSA of the requirement in House 
Report 116-452 to brief the House and Senate Committees on 
Appropriations no later than 30 days after TRB completes phase 
2 on actions the agency plans to take in response to the 
results of phase 2. The Committee continues to assert that the 
ongoing research projects and TRB study should inform the 
Department's decision-making and rulemaking on this matter.
    Safe transportation of energy products.--The Committee 
continues to closely monitor the PHMSA's efforts to improve the 
safety of transporting class 3 flammable liquids, including 
crude oil and ethanol, by rail. The Fixing America's Surface 
Transportation (FAST) Act (P.L. 114-94) established a schedule 
to phase-out certain rail tank cars used to transport class 3 
flammable liquids. In September 2021, the Bureau of 
Transportation Statistics reported that 54 percent of all rail 
tank cars transporting class 3 flammable liquids in 2020 met 
the new safety requirements (DOT-117s), which is a 6 percent 
increase over 2019. In comparison, in 2015 when the FAST Act 
was enacted, DOT-117 rail tank cars made up just two percent of 
all tank cars transporting class 3 flammable liquids. The 
Committee continues to encourage the Department to work with 
industry to ensure continued progress on the tank car phaseout, 
and if possible, accelerate the phaseout timeline.
    Inland ports of entry.--The Committee directs the PHMSA to 
continue to work with local governments and their Mexico 
counterparts at international inland ports of entry with a high 
volume of hazardous materials crossing the border to reduce the 
risk associated with transporting and storing hazardous 
materials and to enhance the capacity of local officials in 
dealing with the threat of hazardous materials incidents.

                            PIPELINE SAFETY

                         (PIPELINE SAFETY FUND)

                    (OIL SPILL LIABILITY TRUST FUND)

                                                                        Oil spill                         Liquefied       natural gas
                                                                     liability trust  Pipeline safety    natural gas        storage           Total
                                                                           fund             fund        siting account  facility safety
Appropriation, fiscal year 2022....................................      $27,650,000     $146,600,000         $400,000       $8,000,000     $182,650,000
Budget request, fiscal year 2023...................................       29,000,000      151,400,000          400,000        7,000,000      187,800,000
Recommended in the bill............................................       29,000,000      151,400,000          400,000        7,000,000      187,800,000
Bill compared with:
    Appropriation, fiscal year 2022................................       +1,350,000       +4,800,000            - - -       -1,000,000       +5,150,000
    Budget request, fiscal year 2023...............................            - - -            - - -            - - -            - - -            - - -

    The PHMSA oversees the safety, security, and environmental 
protection of approximately 2,800,000 miles of pipelines, 165 
liquefied natural gas facilities, and 403 underground natural 
gas storage facilities through analysis of data, damage 
prevention, education and training, development and enforcement 
of regulations and policies, research and development, grants 
for safety programs, and emergency planning and response to 
accidents. The pipeline safety program is responsible for a 
national regulatory program to protect the public against the 
risks to life and property in the transportation of natural 
gas, petroleum, and other hazardous materials by pipeline and 
facilities that liquefy natural gas and store natural gas 

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    The Committee recommendation provides $187,800,000 for the 
pipeline safety account to continue pipeline safety operations, 
research and development, and grants. Of the total funds 
provided, $29,000,000 is from the oil spill liability trust 
fund, $151,400,000 is from the pipeline safety fund, $400,000 
is from the liquefied natural gas siting account within the 
pipeline safety fund, and $7,000,000 is from the underground 
natural gas storage facility safety account within the pipeline 
safety fund. The following table provides funding levels for 
activities within this account.

                                         Request         Recommendation
Research and development..........        $15,000,000        $12,500,000
State pipeline safety grants......         58,000,000         60,500,000
Underground natural gas storage             5,000,000          5,000,000
 facility safety grants...........
One-call state grants.............          1,058,000          1,058,000
State damage prevention grants....          1,500,000          1,500,000

    Research and development.--Between 2002 and 2021, the PHMSA 
reported 12,793 pipeline incidents, which resulted in 276 
deaths, 1,144 injuries, and $10,130,468,788 in reported 
damages. Over this 20-year time frame an average of 640 
incidents occurred each year. Pipeline research and development 
plays a vital role in improving pipeline safety, reducing the 
environmental impacts of pipeline failures, and increasing the 
reliability of the nation's pipeline system through advancing 
new, near-term solutions. While the Committee supports the 
PHMSA's pipeline research and development program and 
appreciates the increased level of detail provided by the PHMSA 
on these activities in the fiscal year 2023 budget 
justification, the Committee remains concerned with the lack of 
clarity and transparency of the PHMSA's research and 
development program and priorities. The most recently available 
Pipeline Safety Research and Development Five-Year Program Plan 
was issued in October 2017 and covers fiscal years 2016 to 
2020, and the Committee notes with disappointment that the 
PHMSA has not submitted an updated research plan to the House 
and Senate Committees on Appropriations as required by the 
Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 (P.L. 116-260). Until the 
PHMSA completes an updated research plan to provide the 
Committee with greater transparency and understanding of the 
PHMSA's research plans, objectives, and priorities, the PHMSA 
shall only use the $12,500,000 in pipeline research and 
development provided under this heading for projects which 
further the six programmatic elements in the Pipeline Safety 
Research and Development Five-Year Program Plan issued in 
October 2017, which includes threat prevention; leak detection; 
anomaly detection and characterization; anomaly remediation and 
repair; design, materials, and welding/joining; and LNG and 
underground natural gas storage. In addition, the Committee 
continues to direct the PHMSA to use the pipeline research and 
development unobligated balances from fiscal years 2020, 2021, 
and 2022 to advance these same six programmatic elements. The 
Committee notes that this direction does not preclude the PHMSA 
from supporting university and small business research projects 
advancing these six programmatic elements through the 
competitive academic agreement program and the small business 
innovative research program. Further, the Committee directs the 
PHMSA to brief the House and Senate Committees on 
Appropriations on the updated research plan no later than 30 
days after its completion.
    Aboveground storage tanks.--The PHMSA has jurisdiction over 
more than 8,400 aboveground storage tanks, and is responsible 
for ensuring that pipeline operators design, construct, 
operate, and maintain pipeline facilities, including 
aboveground storage tanks, according to Federal regulations. 
The PHMSA completed a review of current and new corrosion 
control techniques of aboveground storage tanks and issued a 
report on January 12, 2022, as required by Public Law 116-260. 
The report reinforced that a major threat to the integrity of 
aboveground storage tanks is corrosion of the bottom of the 
tank, which could lead to a leak and could pose significant 
risks to the public, environment, and property. Federal 
regulations currently require the use of corrosion protection 
systems for all newly constructed or modified aboveground 
storage tanks. The report notes that while currently required 
corrosion protection systems remain effective, pipeline 
operators would benefit from using additional corrosion control 
systems in lieu of or in conjunction with the currently 
required corrosion protection systems to protect the bottom of 
aboveground storage tanks. While the PHMSA has supported 
corrosion prevention and mitigation research projects through 
its pipeline research and development program, the report 
indicates that some of the proven concepts could be further 
explored through additional research to determine the 
effectiveness of preventing corrosion on the bottom of 
aboveground storage tanks. On March 31, 2022, the PHMSA issued 
a research announcement soliciting applications for research 
projects across several different topics, including preventing 
corrosion on the bottom of aboveground storage tanks. The 
Committee notes that such research could fall within the 
programmatic elements in the Pipeline Safety Research and 
Development Five-Year Program Plan issued in October 2017. The 
Committee encourages the PHMSA to continue to advance corrosion 
prevention and mitigation research projects from amounts 
provided for pipeline research and development under this 
heading. Further, the Committee directs the PHSMA to brief the 
House and Senate Committees on Appropriations on its plans for 
the fiscal year 2023 pipeline research and development funding 
no later than 90 days after enactment of this Act.
    Staffing and hiring plans.--The Committee recommendation 
provides funding for a total of 355 full-time positions to 
support the Office of Pipeline Safety, which consists of 247 
inspection and enforcement staff, including the 29 additional 
inspection and enforcement staff that were mandated by the 
PIPES Act of 2020 (division R of P.L. 116-260), and 108 safety 
professionals, including the eight additional regulatory 
positions that were mandated by the same Act. The Committee 
remains concerned with the PHMSA's ability to fill vacancies 
and retain staff due in part to competition from the private 
sector. The PIPES Act of 2020 directed the PHMSA to use 
incentives, such as special pay rates, student loan repayment, 
tuition assistance, and other recruitment incentives, to 
recruit and retain a qualified pipeline workforce, including 
inspection and enforcement staff and attorneys and other 
subject matter experts in the Office of Pipeline Safety. The 
Committee recommendation provides $4,000,000 for hiring and 
retention incentives to recruit and retain highly qualified 
inspectors and engineers. Further, the Committee directs the 
PHMSA to provide a report to the House and Senate Committees on 
Appropriations no later than 120 days after enactment of this 
Act detailing (1) staffing and hiring plans for fiscal year 
2023, (2) information on the actual turnover and hiring in 
fiscal year 2022, and (3) outcomes for the workforce retention 
and recruitment strategies the PHMSA implemented or continued 
in fiscal year 2022.


                      (LIMITATION ON OBLIGATIONS)

                     (EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS FUND)

Appropriation, fiscal year 2022.......................       $28,318,000
Budget request, fiscal year 2023......................        46,825,000
Recommended in the bill...............................        28,318,000
Bill compared with:
    Appropriation, fiscal year 2022...................             - - -
    Budget request, fiscal year 2023..................       -18,507,000

    The Hazardous Materials Transportation Uniform Safety Act 
of 1990 (P.L. 101-615) requires the PHMSA to: (1) develop and 
implement a reimbursable emergency preparedness grants program; 
(2) monitor public sector emergency response training and 
planning and provide technical assistance to states, political 
subdivisions, and tribal governments; and (3) develop and 
periodically update a mandatory training curriculum for 
emergency responders.

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    The Committee recommendation provides an obligation 
limitation of $28,318,000 for the emergency preparedness grants 
    Energy products training.--The Committee recognizes the 
important role the emergency preparedness grants program plays 
in training local emergency responders. The Committee directs 
the PHMSA to continue to enhance its training curriculum for 
local emergency responders, including response activities for 
crude oil, ethanol, and other flammable liquids transported by 
rail, loading and unloading at LNG facilities, and the 
transportation of LNG in rail tank cars.

                      Office of Inspector General

                         SALARIES AND EXPENSES

Appropriation, fiscal year 2022.......................      $103,150,000
Budget request, fiscal year 2023......................       108,073,000
Recommended in the bill...............................       108,073,000
Bill compared with:
    Appropriation, fiscal year 2022...................        +4,923,000
    Budget request, fiscal year 2023..................             - - -

    The Office of Inspector General (OIG) was established in 
1978 to provide an objective and independent organization that 
would be more effective in: (1) preventing and detecting fraud, 
waste, and abuse in departmental programs and operations; and 
(2) providing a means of keeping the Secretary of 
Transportation and the Congress fully and currently informed of 
problems and deficiencies in the administration of such 
programs and operations. According to the authorizing 
legislation, the Inspector General is to report dually to the 
Secretary of Transportation and to the Congress.

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    The Committee recommends $108,073,000 for the Office of 
Inspector General.
    Audit reports.--The Committee directs the OIG to continue 
transmitting all audit reports to the House and Senate 
Committees on Appropriations immediately after they are issued, 
and to continue to make the Committee aware immediately of any 
review that recommends cancellation or modifications to any 
major acquisition project or grant, or which recommends 
significant budgetary savings. The OIG is also directed to 
withhold from public distribution for a period of 15 days, any 
final audit or investigative report that was requested by the 
House or Senate Committees on Appropriations.
    Oversight of the IIJA advance appropriations.--The IIJA 
provided a historic $184,078,000,000 in advance appropriations 
over five years to robustly fund and advance transportation and 
infrastructure projects. The Committee acknowledges the plan 
the OIG has established for monitoring and conducting oversight 
of the Department's administration of such a large, rapid 
infusion of funds, and the OIG's continued work to prevent 
fraud, waste, and abuse. As the Department and its Operating 
Administrations continue to expend IIJA funding, the Committee 
directs the OIG to brief the House and Senate Committees on 
Appropriations on the OIG's oversight work with respect to the 
implementation of IIJA advance appropriations within 60 days of 
enactment of this Act, and continue to provide regular updates 
on a schedule to be determined by the Committees in 
coordination with the OIG. The Committee further directs the 
OIG to notify the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations 
immediately of any significant problems, abuses, or 
deficiencies it finds through its monitoring of IIJA spending.

            General Provisions--Department of Transportation

    Section 180 provides authorization for DOT to maintain and 
operate aircraft, hire passenger motor vehicles and aircraft, 
purchase liability insurance, pay for uniforms, and purchase 
and operate unmanned aircraft systems.
    Section 181 limits appropriations for services authorized 
by section 3109 of title 5, United States Code, up to the rate 
permitted for an executive level IV.
    Section 182 prohibits recipients of funds in this Act from 
disseminating personal information obtained by state DMVs in 
connection to motor vehicle records with an exception.
    Section 183 prohibits funds in this Act for salaries and 
expenses of more than 125 political and presidential appointees 
in DOT.
    Section 184 stipulates that revenue collected by the FHWA 
and the FRA from states, counties, municipalities, other public 
authorities, and private sources for training may be credited 
to specific accounts within the agencies with an exception for 
state rail safety inspectors participating in training.
    Section 185 prohibits DOT from using funds made available 
by this Act or in title VIII of division J of the 
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (P.L. 117-58) to make a 
loan, loan guarantee, line of credit, letter of intent, 
Federally funded cooperative agreement, full funding grant 
agreement, or discretionary grant unless DOT gives a 3-day 
advance notice to the House and Senate Committees on 
Appropriations. The provision requires DOT to provide a 
comprehensive list of all such loans, loan guarantees, lines of 
credit, letters of intent, Federally funded cooperative 
agreements, full funding grant agreements, and discretionary 
grants that will be announced with a 3-day advance notice to 
the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations. The 
provision also requires concurrent notice of any ``quick 
release'' of funds from the FHWA's emergency relief program, 
and prohibits notifications from involving funds not available 
for obligation.
    Section 186 allows funds received from rebates, refunds, 
and similar sources to be credited to appropriations of DOT.
    Section 187 requires reprogramming actions to be approved 
or denied by the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations, 
and reprogramming notifications shall be transmitted solely to 
the Appropriations Committees.
    Section 188 allows funds appropriated to operating 
administrations to be obligated for the Office of the Secretary 
for costs related to assessments only when such funds provide a 
direct benefit to the operating administrations.
    Section 189 authorizes the Secretary to carry out a program 
that establishes uniform standards for developing and 
supporting agency transit pass and transit benefits, including 
distribution of transit benefits.
    Section 190 allows the use of funds to assist a contract 
utilizing geographic, economic, or other hiring preference not 
otherwise authorized by law, only if certain requirements are 
met related to availability of local labor, displacement of 
existing employees, and delays in transportation plans.
    Section 191 directs the Secretary of Transportation to work 
with the Secretary of Homeland Security to ensure that best 
practices for industrial control systems procurement are up to 
date and that systems procured with funds provided under this 
title were procured using such practices.


                     Management and Administration

                           EXECUTIVE OFFICES

Appropriation, fiscal year 2022.......................       $15,200,000
Budget request, fiscal year 2023......................        18,000,000
Recommended in the bill...............................        18,000,000
Bill compared with:
    Appropriation, fiscal year 2022...................        +2,800,000
    Budget request, fiscal year 2023..................             - - -

    The Executive Offices (EO) account funds the salaries and 
expenses for the leadership and executive management offices of 
the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). 
Specifically, these offices are the Office of the Secretary, 
including the Executive Secretariat Division, the Office of the 
Deputy Secretary, the Office of Congressional and 
Intergovernmental Relations, the Office of Public Affairs, the 
Office of Adjudicatory Services, the Office of Small and 
Disadvantaged Business Utilization, and the Center for Faith 
Based and Neighborhood Partnerships.

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    The Committee provides $18,000,000 for the Executive 
Offices for fiscal year 2023.
    Manufactured housing in America.--Manufactured housing is 
an essential part of America's affordable housing stock. Over 
20 million people live in around 8 million manufactured homes 
across the country. Manufactured housing remains the last path 
to homeownership for many of these residents, who on average 
make roughly half the household median income of residents of 
site-built housing. These homes can be placed on privately 
owned or leased land, including in manufactured home 
communities (MHCs)--often known as mobile home parks. It is 
estimated that between 40,000 and 50,000 of such communities 
exist nationwide and roughly a third of manufactured homes are 
over 50 years old, built before the Federal government 
regulated their construction. Many of these homes face serious 
weatherization and energy efficiency challenges that raise 
costs--and risk--for their residents. Similar challenges are 
also found in MHCs, as these communities lack investments in 
critical infrastructure from private and public sources. 
Furthermore, manufactured homes are often titled and financed 
as personal property and have higher interest rates, fewer 
refinances, and less of a secondary market than mortgages for 
site-build homes. Owners of manufactured homes are often not 
gaining the long-term financial benefits that come with 
homeownership, including wealth-building.
    Given these challenges facing manufactured homeowners and 
residents, the Committee provides funding to establish a 
preservation and reinvestment initiative for community 
enhancement program under the Office of Community Planning and 
Development. This program will provide competitive grants to 
various entities for activities related to the preservation and 
expansion of manufactured housing and MHCs. The Committee 
further directs the Department to conduct a review of its 
programs that can be used to fund activities related to 
manufactured housing, including the Section 207 mortgage 
insurance for manufactured home parks program, the Title I 
financing program, and the Section 108 loan guarantee program, 
and report to the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations 
on its findings within 90 days of enactment of this Act. The 
Committee urges the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) to 
finalize modernization of the requirements for the FHA Title I 
financing program for manufactured homes. The Committee 
encourages the Department to restart the practice of publicly 
releasing data on placements of manufactured homes from the 
manufactured home survey.
    Additionally, there have been concerning reports across the 
country of private investment firms purchasing manufactured 
home communities and subsequently raising rents and fees to 
levels that make payment unattainable and displace low-income 
families. In light of these reports, the Committee urges HUD 
and the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) to examine 
lending practices to for-profit organizations seeking to use 
Federal loan backing for the purchase of manufactured home 
communities. The Committee also encourages HUD and FHFA to 
develop guidance regarding options for existing residents to 
buy their manufactured home community when it comes up for 
    The Committee reminds HUD that the Further Consolidated 
Appropriations Act, 2020 (P.L. 116-94) directed the Department 
to issue guidelines to jurisdictions on how to assess the 
potential inclusion of manufactured homes in a community's 
comprehensive housing and affordability strategy and community 
development plans required under part 91 of title 24, CFR. The 
Committee notes with disappointment that the Department has not 
yet issued these guidelines to jurisdictions and directs the 
Department to release guidelines no later than 180 days after 
enactment of this Act.
    Collaboration with Department of Health and Human Services 
(HHS).--The Committee recognizes that a number of Department 
programs have an impact in improving health outcomes. The 
Committee is aware that the Department of Defense and Labor, 
Health and Human Services, and Education Appropriations Act, 
2019 and Continuing Appropriations Act, 2019 (P.L. 115-245) 
encouraged HHS to devise a strategy on how to construct a 
decision-support tool that can contribute to community-
participatory health prevention efforts. The Committee is 
interested in whether HUD can collaborate with HHS in such a 
decision support tool to assess the value of Departmental 
investments. The Committee encourages HUD to collaborate with 
HHS on best practices to improve health outcomes for households 
served by HUD's programs, which could include a local decision 
support tool. Further, in fiscal year 2022, House Report 117-99 
directed the Department to report on the extent to which HUD 
can coordinate with other Federal agencies to advance shared 
goals and values. The Committee looks forward to the 
development of this report and expects HUD to update the House 
and Senate Committees on Appropriations within 30 days of 
enactment of this Act on its progress.
    Violence Against Women Act.--The Committee strongly 
supports strengthened protections for survivors of domestic 
violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking and 
applauds the enactment of the recently passed the Violence 
Against Women Act Reauthorization Act of 2022 (division W of 
P.L. 117-103). Public Law 117-103 not only increases services 
and support for survivors but ensures culturally specific 
responses are more broadly available to those seeking 
assistance. While the Congress has made advancements through 
Public Law 117-103, the Committee remains concerned about the 
Department's implementation of its responsibilities under the 
previously authorized Violence Against Women Act. The Committee 
is pleased the Department has filled the position for a 
Violence Against Women Act Director within the Office of the 
Secretary but reiterates the direction in House Report 116-452 
for the Department to provide the Committee with information 
regarding the status of implementation of housing protections 
for survivors of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual 
assault, and stalking outlined in 34 U.S.C. 12491, including 
notification requirements, confidentiality requirements, and 
emergency transfers. The Committee remains concerned about the 
impediments to broadly adopting emergency transfer plans to 
more effectively and expeditiously assist survivors and 
therefore directs the Department to provide monthly updates to 
the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations on its 
progress to determine the extent to which public housing 
agencies and owners have adopted emergency transfer policies 
since the publication of the Department's model emergency 
transfer plan, and the effectiveness of those emergency 
transfer policies in ensuring survivors have access to safe 
    Energy codes.--The Committee is concerned the Department 
has yet to update minimum energy efficiency standards, as 
required under 42 U.S.C. 12709, since the 2009 International 
Energy Conservation Code and ASHRAE Standard 90.1 2007. 
Further, the Committee notes the findings of the Department of 
Energy reveal that more recent model codes reduce energy use by 
more than 25 percent and are cost effective. The Committee 
urges the Department to take immediate steps to update the 
standards as required under the law, which will reduce 
operating expenses for HUD owned and subsidized properties.
    Efficient, resilient, and healthy housing.--The Committee 
is aware that millions of American households experienced 
energy insecurity last year, unable to pay an energy bill. 
Housing energy consumption can be significantly and 
successfully reduced by increasing energy efficiency through 
methods such as improved envelopes, more efficient HVAC 
systems, efficient lighting and appliances, as well as solar 
and renewable energy systems and building electrification. The 
Committee directs the Secretary to evaluate such measures to 
identify and implement opportunities to improve energy 
efficiency, resilience, and healthfulness of public and 
assisted housing, and lower energy costs for low- and moderate-
income residents. In doing so, the Secretary should consider a 
range of approaches, such as partnering with nonprofit 
organizations with expertise in energy efficiency, 
collaboration with other Federal agencies and with States, 
leveraging private finance, and protecting housing investments 
through measures, such as third party verification of outcomes 
where appropriate.
    Cost analysis on HUD-assisted household spending on rent 
and utilities.--The Committee recognizes that due to the rising 
cost of utilities, some households that receive Federal housing 
assistance pay more than 30 percent of their income on rent and 
utilities. This issue is most likely to affect households that 
pay for utilities directly and receive a utility allowance from 
their public housing agency (PHA). In fiscal year 2022, H.R. 
117-99 directed the GAO to study utility costs for HUD-assisted 
households and the Committee looks forward to learning about 
the outcome of this work to help inform policies that minimize 
the impacts to these households.
    Equal access to housing.--The previous Administration 
removed and rolled back HUD rules, regulations, and guidance 
designed to minimize or eliminate discrimination against 
lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) individuals, in 
particular, sub-regulatory guidance specified in House Report 
115-750. Under the current leadership, the Committee is pleased 
that the Department has prioritized restoring equal protections 
for all individuals, regardless of gender identity by 
publishing a Notice on April 27, 2021 in the Federal Register 
that effectively withdrew the previous Administration's 
proposed rule that would have threatened protections for 
transgender people and their families. The Committee strongly 
supports HUD's reinstatement of technical assistance and 
guidance for HUD grantees, to help ensure that all HUD-assisted 
and -insured housing remains available to eligible persons, 
without regard to sexual orientation or gender identity and in 
accordance with their gender identity. It is the belief of the 
Committee that these key steps work to restore equitable access 
to and treatment in Federally assisted housing.
    Top management challenges.--In November 2021, the HUD 
Office of Inspector General (OIG) identified ten top management 
challenges: (1) Eliminating Hazards in HUD-Assisted Housing, 
(2) Mitigating Counterparty Risks in Mortgage Programs, (3) 
Ensuring Access to and Availability of Affordable Housing, (4) 
Grants Management, (5) Fraud Risk Management, (6) Administering 
Disaster Recovery Assistance, (7) Sustaining Progress in 
Financial Management, (8) Managing Human Capital, (9) 
Management and Oversight of Information Technology, and (10) 
Increasing Efficiency in Procurement, many of which have been 
identified as top management challenges facing the Department 
for the past few years. The Committee continues to be concerned 
that the Department is stymied by basic business fundamentals, 
despite increases in funding each year. The Committee reminds 
the Department of the direction provided in House Report 116-
452, House Report 117-99, and the Consolidated Appropriations 
Act, 2022 (P.L. 117-103), and notes with disappointment that 
HUD has not provided the required briefing. Further, the 
Committee directs the Department to brief the House and Senate 
Committees on Appropriations on the progress of the executive 
task force in addressing the OIG's 2020 and 2021 top management 
challenges within 30 days of enactment of this Act.
    HUD staffing assessment.--The Committee remains concerned 
by the significant reductions in Department staffing levels and 
by reports that affordable housing projects have been delayed 
because the Department lacks the staff capacity to process 
requests in a timely manner. The Committee directs GAO to do a 
comprehensive evaluation of staff capacity across the entire 
Department, including in the field, regional, and headquarters 
offices, in consultation with the House and Senate Committees 
on Appropriations. The report or reports should examine staff 
hiring, training, and retention, the capacity of staff to meet 
workload at current staff levels, the impact of low staff 
capacity on completion of affordable housing projects, and 
provide recommendations both to the Department and the House 
and Senate Committees on Appropriations on ways to improve 
staff capacity.
    Housing income limits for Puerto Rico.--The Committee 
encourages the Department to work with relevant Federal 
stakeholders and the government of Puerto Rico to review 
current income limits used to determine eligibility for 
affordable Federal housing programs in Puerto Rico. The 
Committee further encourages the Department's assessment on how 
these income limits may be affecting the participation of low-
income individuals and developers in Federal housing programs, 
indicate if they are a hinderance in participation, and 
identify ways to potentially remedy this issue.
    Investment in Central Appalachia.--To diversify and enhance 
economic opportunities, the Committee encourages the Secretary 
to prioritize discretionary funding to distressed counties 
within the Central Appalachian region to help communities and 
regions that have been affected by job losses in coal mining, 
coal power plant operations, and coal-related supply chain 
industries due to the economic downturn of the coal industry.
    Women- and minority-owned businesses and procurement.--The 
Committee acknowledges the barriers that women-owned businesses 
and small disadvantaged businesses face. The Committee reminds 
HUD of the requirement in House Report 117-99 to examine its 
Federal contracting requirements for procurement to determine 
if any revisions need to be made, particularly with regard to 
bonding and insurance, for the purpose of promoting contracting 
with women-owned businesses and small disadvantaged businesses, 
and looks forwards to the findings.
    Review of HUD grantees.--The Committee recognizes that HUD 
appoints Federal monitors to oversee and assist with the 
management of Federal funds and that these monitors may add 
additional cost burdens to the cities, states, and territories 
to which the monitors are appointed. In House Report 117-99, 
the Committee directed GAO to review the efficacy and cost of 
the monitorship, management, and administration of HUD grantees 
under the direction of a monitor, including the New York City 
Housing Authority and the Community Development Block Grant 
Disaster Recovery administering agencies for Puerto Rico and 
the U.S. Virgin Islands. The Committee looks forward to the 
outcome of this work.
    ABA standards.--The Committee recognizes that HUD is the 
only agency that has not adopted the Architectural Barriers Act 
(ABA) implementation guidelines that the Access Board published 
in 2004 and instead continues to apply the Uniform Federal 
Accessibility Standards. Adopting the ABA standards will lead 
to more accessible housing for individuals with disabilities 
and promote greater consistency government-wide with respect to 
the accessibility of Federal facilities. The Committee strongly 
encourages HUD to prioritize implementation of these 
    Employee retention.--The Committee is deeply concerned with 
the overall retention rates of HUD employees. In particular, 
the Committee notes the extremely low retention of employees 
who have been at the Department for less than three years and 
employees who are less than 30 years old. The Committee 
encourages the Department to continue its efforts to understand 
the reasons why employees are leaving the Department and work 
to address those areas. The Committee also urges the Department 
to consider additional targeted retention strategies, including 
further expansion of student loan forgiveness programs career 
development, and mentorship opportunities.
    Affordable housing in Puerto Rico.--The Committee supports 
addressing the affordable housing needs of U.S. citizens in 
Puerto Rico and understands that HUD's section 8 programs are 
an integral component to addressing these needs. The Committee 
encourages the Department to work with the Government of Puerto 
Rico and relevant stakeholders to review the amount of funding 
provided for rental subsidies under these programs in Puerto 
Rico. The Committee further encourages the Department to engage 
relevant stakeholders to learn about the challenges in 
developing affordable housing in Puerto Rico, including 
management and operations costs, construction costs, and 
permitting processes, and to explore how HUD programs may 
assist in remedying these issues.
    Civic engagement.--Residents of HUD-assisted housing are 
more likely to face barriers that ultimately limit their 
capacity for civic engagement, such as less-flexible work 
schedules, difficulty obtaining legal identification, and 
unreliable or inaccessible transportation options. According to 
the U.S. Census Bureau, low and very low-income residents of 
HUD-assisted households participate 9-12 percent less than the 
overall 18-year-old or older population. The Committee believes 
that the barriers HUD-assisted households face are not unique 
to low-income residents, but is concerned about the disparities 
between HUD-assisted and non HUD-assisted households. The 
Committee supports increased opportunities to expand civic 
engagement of HUD-assisted households because individuals that 
are more civically engaged are more likely to invest in their 
local community through homeownership or support of small 
businesses, the creation of more representative and inclusive 
local governments, including resident councils, and the 
fostering of stronger social connections within their 
communities. Therefore, the Committee directs HUD to report on 
the extent to which HUD-assisted households are civically 
engaged and the methods by which HUD housing providers can 
collect and distribute best practices to improve civic 
engagement for HUD-assisted households based on their findings. 
HUD shall also identify what civic engagement activities are 
currently allowed across HUD-assisted housing programs, by 
program. The Committee also directs HUD to report on statutory, 
regulatory and administrative authorities that may be required 
in order to increase civic engagement for HUD-assisted 
    Supportive Services Provided in Affordable Housing 
Properties.--The COVID-19 pandemic magnified the isolation and 
lack of supportive services that can exist in low-income 
housing when resident services are not available or are 
inadequate. The Committee recognizes the importance of 
supportive services in affordable housing properties as a 
proven solution to improving housing stability, employment, 
mental and physical health, and other benefits for low-income 
families. To better understand how supportive services can be 
improved in affordable housing properties, the Committee 
directs the GAO to, in consultation with HUD, HHS, and the 
USICH to review the current state of affordable housing 
properties that provide wrap-around supportive services and 
provide recommendations on how these services can be improved. 
The Committee further directs the GAO to brief the House and 
Senate Committees on Appropriations on their review, to include 
recommendations for how to expand and improve services for 
affordable housing residents within 180 days of enactment of 
this Act.


Appropriation, fiscal year 2022.......................      $607,000,000
Budget request, fiscal year 2023......................       690,900,000
Recommended in the bill...............................       690,900,000
Bill compared with:
    Appropriation, fiscal year 2022...................       +83,900,000
    Budget request, fiscal year 2023..................             - - -

    The Administrative Support Offices (ASO) appropriation pays 
for the staff and activity cost that cannot be attributable to 
a specific Department programs. ASO offices provide Department-
wide services for both the programs and the program staff. 
Specifically, these offices are the: Office of the Chief 
Financial Officer, the Office of the General Counsel, Office of 
the Assistant Secretary for Administration, the Office of Field 
Policy and Management, the Office of Departmental Equal 
Employment Opportunity, and the Office of the Chief Information 

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    The Committee recommends the following amounts for each ASO 

    Administrative Support Offices          Request       Recommendation
Office of Chief Financial Officer.....      $97,000,000      $97,000,000
Office of General Counsel.............      126,100,000      126,100,000
Office of the Assistant Secretary for       239,566,000      239,566,000
Office of the Chief Human Capital            54,776,000       54,776,000
Office of the Chief Procurement              32,058,000       32,058,000
Office of Field Policy and Management.       66,200,000       66,200,000
Office of the Departmental Equal              5,000,000        5,000,000
 Employment Opportunity...............
Office of the Chief Information              70,200,000       70,200,000
    Total.............................     $690,900,000     $690,900,000

    Hiring and separation report.--The Committee continues to 
direct the Office of the Chief Financial Officer and the Office 
of the Human Capital Officer to submit semi-annual reports to 
the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations on hiring and 
separations by program office. This report should include 
position titles, location, associated full-time equivalent 
(FTE), total number of unfilled FTEs, and the length of time 
each individual FTE has been unfilled. The reports should 
include the Office of the Inspector General and Government 
National Mortgage Association.
    Office space.--The recommendation includes not less than 
$3,500,000 to address urgent, previously unfunded Robert C. 
Weaver Federal Building deferred maintenance and modernization 
of critical infrastructure systems that are well past their 
useful lives and at high-risk of failure. Not later than 90 
days after the enactment date of this Act, the Secretary is 
directed to submit to the House and Senate Committees on 
Appropriations an expenditure plan for these funds. Any changes 
to this plan are subject to the reprogramming process described 
in section 405 of this Act.

                            PROGRAM OFFICES

Appropriation, fiscal year 2022.......................      $965,500,000
Budget request, fiscal year 2023......................     1,087,200,000
Recommended in the bill...............................     1,091,200,000
Bill compared with:
    Appropriation, fiscal year 2022...................      +125,700,000
    Budget request, fiscal year 2023..................        +4,000,000

    The Program Offices appropriation pays for the staff cost 
attributable to specific Department programs, whereas the cost 
of the assistance is accounted for in the preceding program 
accounts. Each PO office implements one or more HUD programs.
           The Office of Public and Indian Housing 
        oversees the administration of the public housing, 
        housing choice voucher, and all of HUD's Native 
        American and Native Hawaiian programs.
           The Office of Community Planning and 
        Development is responsible for the administration of 
        community development block grants (CDBG), the HOME 
        investment partnerships, homeless assistance grants, 
        and other community development programs.
           The Office of Housing implements Federal 
        Housing Administration multi- and single-family 
        homeownership programs and assisted rental housing 
           The Office of Policy Development and 
        Research directs the Department's annual research 
        agenda to support the research and evaluation of 
        housing and other departmental initiatives to improve 
        HUD's effectiveness and operational efficiencies.
           The Office of Fair Housing and Equal 
        Opportunity receives, investigates, conciliates, and 
        recommends the issuance of charges of discrimination 
        and determinations of non-compliance for complaints 
        filed under title VIII and other civil rights 
           The Office of Lead Hazard Control and 
        Healthy Homes is responsible for the lead-based paint 
        hazard reduction program and addressing multiple 
        housing-related hazards affecting the health of 
        residents, particularly children.

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    The Committee recommends the following amounts for each 
Program Office.

          Program Offices                Request         Recommendation
Office of Public and Indian              $285,900,000       $285,900,000
Office of Community Planning and          154,100,000        158,100,000
Office of Housing.................        488,500,000        488,500,000
Office of Policy Development and           41,600,000         41,600,000
Office of Fair Housing and Equal          105,800,000        105,800,000
Office of Lead Hazard Control and          11,300,000         11,300,000
 Healthy Homes....................
    Total.........................     $1,087,200,000     $1,091,200,000

    Empowerment zones (EZs).--The Committee recognizes that EZs 
can serve as an important tool for community revitalization. 
The Committee also acknowledges that additional data is needed 
to assess the effectiveness of EZs. The Consolidated 
Appropriations Act, 2022 directed the GAO to summarize its 
long-standing recommendations regarding the fragmented 
administration and limited data collection on EZs and the 
Committee looks forward to the GAO completing this work.
    Area median income (AMI) calculations.--The Committee 
directs the GAO to report to the House and Senate Committees on 
Appropriations within one year of enactment of this Act on 
alternative methods HUD could consider for calculating AMI, and 
the use of alternative metrics for programs administered by HUD 
that could make housing more affordable for low-income families 
residing in urban areas nationwide. Report should include: (1) 
a review and summary of significant findings and 
recommendations from previous reports regarding AMI, (2) an 
assessment of the extent and impacts of the affordable housing 
crisis in urban areas nationwide, particularly within 
jurisdictions for which HUD has applied a high housing cost 
adjustment, including a comparison of rent burdens for very 
low-income households in jurisdictions with and without high 
housing cost adjustments, (3) an analysis and assessment of the 
effects that high housing cost adjustments have had on income 
limits and rent prices in jurisdictions for which HUD has 
applied a high housing cost adjustment, and (4) an assessment 
of the impacts that Westchester and Rockland counties in New 
York State have on the City of New York's AMI, related metrics, 
and affordable housing supply, including on income limits and 
maximum rent prices for affordable housing units inwith the 
jurisdiction of the City of New York.

                          WORKING CAPITAL FUND

                     (INCLUDING TRANSFER OF FUNDS)

    The Department of Housing and Urban Development's working 
capital fund (WCF), in its present form, was established by the 
Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2016 (P.L. 114-113) to perform 
a limited number of commodity-like administrative functions 
where economies of scale can be achieved. These functions are 
limited in statute to the following: financial management, 
procurement, travel, relocation, human resources, printing, 
records management, space renovation, furniture, and supply 
    The Committee does not provide any funding to the WCF. 
Instead, the WCF staff and its activities are funded with 
transfers from the Department's salary and expenses accounts 
(i.e., Executive Offices, Administrative Support Offices, 
Program Offices, and Government National Mortgage Association).

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    Prior to exercising discretion to centrally fund an 
activity, the Secretary shall have established transparent and 
reliable unit cost accounting for the offices and agencies of 
the Department that use the activity, and shall have adequately 
trained staff within each affected office and agency on 
resource planning and accounting processes associated with the 
centralization of funds to this account.
    Prior to exercising its authority to transfer funds for 
activities beyond what is required for shared service 
agreements, the Committee directs HUD to establish a clear 
execution plan for centralizing the additional activities, and 
to transmit that plan to the House and Senate Committees on 
Appropriations 30 days prior to transferring such funds into 
the WCF.

                       Public and Indian Housing


Appropriation, fiscal year 2022.......................   $27,369,641,000
Budget request, fiscal year 2023......................    32,130,000,000
Recommended in the bill...............................    31,042,932,000
Bill compared with:
    Appropriation, fiscal year 2022...................    +3,673,291,000
    Budget request, fiscal year 2023..................    -1,087,068,000

    In fiscal year 2005, the housing certificate fund was 
separated into two new accounts: tenant-based rental assistance 
and project-based rental assistance. This account administers 
the tenant-based section 8 rental assistance program otherwise 
known as the housing choice voucher program.

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    The Committee recommends $31,042,932,000 for tenant-based 
rental assistance. Consistent with the budget request, the 
Committee continues the advance of $4,000,000,000 of the funds 
appropriated under this heading for section 8 programs to 
October 1, 2023. The following table provides funding levels 
for activities funded within this account.

                                         Request         Recommendation
Voucher renewals..................    $26,184,000,000    $26,184,000,000
    Tribal HUD-VASH...............   up to $5,000,000   up to $5,000,000
Administrative fees...............      3,014,000,000      2,756,932,000
Veterans Affairs supportive                     - - -         50,000,000
 housing (VASH)...................
Tenant protection vouchers........        220,000,000        230,000,000
Family unification vouchers.......              - - -         30,000,000
Section 811 mainstream vouchers...        667,000,000        667,000,000
Mobility services demonstration...        445,000,000         25,000,000
Incremental vouchers..............      1,550,000,000      1,100,000,000
    Total.........................    $32,130,000,000    $31,042,932,000

    Voucher renewals.--The Committee provides $26,184,000,000 
for the renewal of tenant-based vouchers. The Committee directs 
the Department to monitor and report to the House and Senate 
Committees on Appropriations each quarter on the trends in 
section 8 subsidies and to report on the required program 
alterations due to changes in rent or changes in tenant income.
    Incremental vouchers to expand housing opportunities.--The 
Committee provides $1,100,000,000 to support more than 140,000 
new incremental vouchers to expand affordable housing 
opportunities for low-income people in America. The Committee 
supports the use of these funds for housing opportunities 
targeted to individuals and families that are experiencing or 
at-risk of homelessness and individuals and families fleeing, 
or attempting to flee, domestic violence, dating violence, 
sexual assault, or stalking, as well as for veterans.
    The Committee supports using the housing choice voucher 
program to assist public housing agencies (PHAs) in communities 
with high-population growth areas with rapidly rising housing 
costs. The Committee encourages the use of such funds for 
targeting areas with an escalating problem of homelessness and 
mobility impacting working families access to employment 
opportunities and supportive services.
    The Committee is concerned about housing costs in 
disadvantaged communities with waiting lists for affordable 
housing vouchers where such vouchers are not fully used. The 
Committee commends PHAs that have identified ways to increase 
the use of housing choice vouchers. The Committee urges PHAs to 
make efforts to better understand and remedy the underlying 
reasons for the under-use of vouchers. This is important to 
avoiding further exacerbating the current cost crisis faced by 
renters, particularly following the lifting of the national 
eviction moratorium, and uneven local support that may lead to 
increased need for housing choice vouchers.
    Veterans Affairs supportive housing (VASH).--The Committee 
recognizes the value and impact of the HUD-VASH program, which 
serves veterans experiencing homelessness. To continue the 
effort to eliminate homelessness among our Nation's veterans, 
the Committee provides $50,000,000 for new, incremental 
vouchers dedicated to vulnerable veteran households. Since 
2008, the Committee has provided more than $935,000,000 in 
targeted funding to increase the number of HUD-VASH vouchers 
available to address veteran homelessness and billions of 
dollars have been made available to renew HUD-VASH vouchers 
over the same period.
    Case management services are critically important to the 
success of the program, and PHAs rely on Department of Veterans 
Affairs (VA) Medical Center referrals to house veterans. In 
fiscal year 2021, the Committee directed HUD to work with the 
VA to determine how PHAs can become designated entities to 
screen for eligibility and make referrals to the VA for 
services. Further, the Committee directed the VA and HUD to use 
their existing authorities to allow PHAs to house and provide 
services to veterans in the interim. The Committee directs HUD 
to continue its coordination with the VA and issue guidance no 
later than one year after enactment of this Act on how PHAs can 
coordinate with local VA Medical Centers to improve service 
delivery and referrals for HUD-VASH eligible veterans awaiting 
a VA-issued referral to ensure no veteran goes unserved where 
housing and services remain available. The Committee 
recommendation provides $5,000,000 for PHAs administering 
temporary case management and supportive services for HUD-VASH 
eligible veterans awaiting a referral from the VA.
    The Committee continues to direct HUD to work 
collaboratively with the VA to develop performance metrics to 
track and assess the impact of program flexibilities on 
utilization, the reasons for unused funds, the effectiveness of 
the program, and the distribution of resources. The Committee 
continues to encourage HUD to use existing authority to 
recapture HUD-VASH voucher assistance from PHAs that 
voluntarily declare they no longer have a need for that 
assistance, and to reallocate such HUD-VASH voucher assistance 
to PHAs with an identified need. The Committee directs HUD to 
expeditiously provide the report required by the fiscal year 
2021 and 2022 joint explanatory statements on methods to 
reallocate unused HUD-VASH vouchers, which shall include a 
determination of the feasibility of issuing a new solicitation 
of participation for unallocated HUD-VASH vouchers.
    Vouchers for homeless Native American veterans.--The 
Committee provides up to $5,000,000 for rental assistance and 
associated administrative costs for Tribal HUD-VASH to serve 
Native American veterans who are homeless or at risk of 
homelessness living on or near a reservation, or other Indian 
areas. The Committee anticipates that this funding will be 
needed to renew previously provided assistance. This program 
was first funded in fiscal year 2015, and because of the unique 
nature of the program, a separate renewal line is required. 
These resources are in addition to the HUD-VASH program.
    The Committee recognizes that the rural and remote nature 
of many tribal communities presents unique barriers to hiring 
and retaining qualified professionals who meet the VA's 
standards for case managers. The Committee encourages HUD to 
continue working collaboratively with the VA and Tribal HUD-
VASH funding recipients to implement their program. In 
addition, the Committee urges HUD to ensure that Tribal HUD-
VASH funding recipients unable to fully implement their program 
due to challenges hiring and retaining case managers are not 
treated inequitably due to delays, particularly in performance 
evaluations and when applying for continued funding.
    Housing and economic mobility.--The Committee supports the 
Department's new initiative to target funds to a mobility 
services demonstration to help families with children move to 
areas of opportunity and provides $25,000,000 for this purpose. 
This level of funding is in addition to the combined 
$75,000,000 provided since fiscal year 2019 for the housing 
mobility demonstration which builds on research that has found 
that when families with young children use housing vouchers to 
locate in areas with quality schools and other opportunities, 
their children are much more likely to attend college and earn 
more income as adults. The Committee believes counseling, 
relocation assistance, landlord incentives, and targeted 
coordination between families, PHAs, financial institutions, 
landlords, and other key stakeholders will be critical to 
helping improve outcomes for low-income children and families.
    Tenant protection vouchers.--The Committee provides 
$230,000,000 for tenant protection vouchers. In its annual 
notice of funding awards for tenant protection vouchers, the 
Department shall also include each specific property ID and 
name that experienced a triggering event to support each 
funding award. The notice should also identify which types of 
properties are initiating transfers and the contributing 
    Section 811 mainstream vouchers.--The Committee provides 
$667,000,000 for section 811 tenant-based subsidies. This level 
of funding is sufficient to renew previously awarded eligible 
    Supportive housing for people with mental illness pilot.--
The Committee is concerned that people with serious mental 
illness and people who struggle with addiction have inadequate 
access to housing and supportive services. The Committee is 
alarmed by the frequency in which people with serious mental 
illness and people who struggle with addiction end up in 
hospitals and public institutions like jails, prisons, and 
emergency shelters resulting in costs to the public while 
individuals may not ultimately receive the robust behavioral 
health care they need. The Committee encourages HUD to include 
training and technical assistance on the implementation of 
restoration housing centers that provide psychiatric 
stabilization with long-acting medication and essential 
behavioral health wrap-around services and treatment. In fiscal 
year 2021, the Committee requested a report from HUD and the 
Department of Health and Human Services Substance Abuse and 
Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) on the 
feasibility of such a program. To pilot this initiative, the 
Committee provides up to $5,000,000 for public housing agencies 
to partner with SAMHSA grantees under the projects for 
assistance in transition from homelessness (PATH) program to 
support new housing vouchers for individuals concurrently 
seeking housing and mental health supportive services.
    Family unification program (FUP) vouchers.--The Committee 
provides $30,000,000 for family unification vouchers, which 
provides housing assistance to child welfare-involved families 
whose primary barrier to reunification is lack of stable 
housing and for youth transitioning out of foster care. Young 
adults associated with the child welfare systems are more 
likely to experience homelessness as adults or as they 
transition to adulthood. The Committee recognizes that stable, 
affordable housing with appropriate services can help prevent 
children from being unnecessarily removed from their families 
and help youth exiting foster care transition to adulthood. The 
Committee is concerned that FUP vouchers are underutilized as a 
housing strategy to assist at-risk youth and that PHAs and 
local public child welfare agencies have had limited success in 
developing effective partnerships. According to a May 2014 
report from HUD's Office of Policy Development and Research, 
youth only comprise about 14 percent of the total FUP 
participants. Therefore, the Committee directs $10,000,000 of 
the funding provided for FUP vouchers to PHAs that partner with 
their local public child welfare agency to ensure youth 
referrals for these vouchers. The Act also permits the 
Secretary to recapture voucher assistance from PHAs that no 
longer have a need for that assistance and reallocate it to 
PHAs with an identified need.
    Homeless veterans on United States-Mexico border.--The 
Committee notes that there are many homeless veterans living on 
the United States-Mexico border, many of whom have not 
historically been counted in the point-in-time homelessness 
survey. The Committee directs HUD to take action to ensure that 
HUD-VASH vouchers are made available to this population. The 
Committee further directs HUD to build upon previous work and 
develop strategies and recommendations for addressing and 
reducing veteran homelessness on the southern border.
    Section 8 management assessment program.--In fiscal year 
2019, the Committee directed the Department to analyze whether 
differences in scoring PHAs created inequities and to report to 
the Committee. The Committee continues to look forward to 
receiving the results of this report.
    Housing for the reentry population.--The Committee is 
encouraged by the actions that HUD has taken to reduce the 
barriers that the reentry population faces in securing housing. 
Recognizing that a firm foundation including safe and reliable 
housing is a critical part of reducing recidivism, the 
Committee urges HUD to further explore other initiatives to 
reducing reentry barriers.
    Administrative fees.--The Committee encourages the 
Department to work with its authorizing committees to determine 
the feasibility of providing administrative fees for the 
section 8 housing choice voucher program, to high performing, 
fully-leased PHAs that are prioritizing housing homeless and 
special needs populations. This consideration should be given 
to PHAs in high-cost areas that serve these populations and 
have leveraged local resources.
    Foster care youth.--The Committee recognizes that foster 
care youth are more likely to suffer from trauma or post-
traumatic stress disorder than other children their age and, on 
average, move once to twice a year. Although children entering 
foster care are required to undergo physical health 
assessments, many children do not receive a mental health 
screening. The Committee strongly recommends that the 
Department collaborate with the Department of Health and Human 
Services to identify and support programs that could promote 
mental health screenings for foster youth. It is the 
Committee's understanding that these mental health screenings 
should occur within 30 days of a child entering the foster care 
    Home buying assistance.--House Report 117-99 directed HUD 
to report to the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations 
on the impediments and/or barriers of using section 8 housing 
choice voucher program funding for the purposes of home 
purchase assistance such as down payment assistance and closing 
costs. The Committee directs HUD to submit this report within 
60 days of enactment of this Act.
    Project-based vouchers.--The Committee supports the use of 
project-based vouchers for expanding affordable housing to 
special needs populations who would otherwise face barriers in 
finding suitable housing in the private rental market. The 
Committee encourages the Department to work with its 
authorizing committees to consider increasing the percentage 
cap on project-based rental assistance in order to expand 
housing opportunities for populations such as those with 
special needs.
    PHA reserves.--The Committee understands that some PHAs 
have the capacity to lease over the authorized number of units 
in their annual contributions contract. To get a better 
understanding of the extent of which this authority could be 
exercised, the Committee directs HUD to report to the House and 
Senate Committees on Appropriations within 90 days of enactment 
of this Act on the number of PHAs that have reserves that 
exceed their authorized levels based on calendar year 2021 
leasing and budget authority data.
    Funding reallocation to improve leasing.--The Committee 
shares HUD's goal to improve leasing the housing choice voucher 
program, including reallocating unutilized housing assistance 
payment funding, however, more information is needed to 
understand how these types of policies impact PHAs. Therefore, 
the Committee directs HUD to report to the House and Senate 
Committees on Appropriations within 60 days of enactment of 
this Act on how PHAs would be impacted by HUD's proposed method 
of reallocated funding included in the fiscal year 2023 budget 
request, including which PHAs would be impacted by a 
reallocation based on leasing data used for the fiscal year 
2023 budget request.
    Data on private ownership accepting housing vouchers.--The 
Committee is concerned by the growing shortage of affordable 
housing amid soaring rent prices throughout the nation, and the 
emerging prevalence of private-ownership in the single-family 
rental market competing with affordable rental housing 
development, making it more challenging for voucher households 
to remain in place and subsequently secure alternative housing 
in increasingly unaffordable areas.
    The Committee directs HUD to submit to the House and Senate 
Committees on Appropriations a report on the types of 
properties and ownership of such properties where housing 
choice vouchers are used within 120 days of enactment of this 
Act. The report shall include (1) a breakdown of the number of 
vouchers by type of property and the number of vouchers 
accepted by each property owner; (2) the zip code of each 
voucher unit and the percentage change in fair market rent from 
FY2021 to FY2022; (3) indicate whether the rental property 
owner owns more than (a) 1,000 rental units within a single 
metropolitan statistical area, (b) 2,000 rental units, or (c) 
more than 500 units in at least three different states or 
territories; and (4) whether the property is owned by a trust, 
trustee, limited liability company, or a corporation.
    Tenant organizing.--The Committee emphasizes the importance 
of resident participation in achieving success of HUD's housing 
programs. Tenant organizations are instrumental in highlighting 
and advancing residents' rights, preserving affordable housing, 
and forwarding national and local policy. While families 
assisted by tenant-based rental assistance programs can 
participate in resident advisory boards (RABs) and serve on a 
PHA board, HUD regulations do not explicitly allow for the 
right to organize in the tenant-based rental assistance 
programs. The Committee directs HUD to submit a report on 
tenant organizing in the tenant-based rental assistance 
programs to the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations 
within 120 days of the enactment of this Act. This report shall 
include (1) the number of tenant-based rental assistance 
households participating in RABs; (2) the number of households 
assisted with tenant-based rental assistance sitting on PHA 
boards; (3) the methods PHAs use to engage tenant-based rental 
assistance households about the administration of its housing 
programs; (4) how tenant organizing groups are structured in 
the tenant-based rental assistance programs, including how they 
are funded, how they interact with local PHAs, and what issues 
are of most concern to them; and (5) the common practices used 
by PHAs for choosing the directly assisted representative to 
serve on their boards.

                        HOUSING CERTIFICATE FUND

                        (INCLUDING RESCISSIONS)

    The housing certificate fund, until fiscal year 2005, 
provided funding for both the project-based and tenant-based 
components of the section 8 program. Project-based rental 
assistance and tenant-based rental assistance are now 
separately funded accounts. The housing certificate fund 
retains balances from previous years' appropriations.

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    The Act allows unobligated balances in the housing 
certificate fund to be used for the renewal of or amendments to 
section 8 project-based contracts and for performance-based 
contract administrators.

                          PUBLIC HOUSING FUND

Appropriation, fiscal year 2022.......................    $8,451,500,000
Budget request, fiscal year 2023......................     8,780,000,000
Recommended in the bill...............................     8,733,500,000
Bill compared with:
    Appropriation, fiscal year 2022...................      +282,000,000
    Budget request, fiscal year 2023..................       -46,500,000

    The public housing fund provides funding for public housing 
capital programs, including public housing development and 
modernization. Examples of capital modernization projects 
include replacing roofs and windows, improving common spaces, 
upgrading electrical and plumbing systems, and renovating the 
interior of an apartment.

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    The Committee recommends $8,733,500,000 for the public 
housing fund to support the operating and capital expenses of 
more than 935,000 public housing units in calendar year 2023.
    Operating and capital formula grants.--The Committee 
recommendation provides $5,038,500,000 to allocate to PHAs by 
formula to support the operating expenses of public housing. Of 
the funding provided for operating formula grants, the 
Committee recommendation includes up to $21,000,000 for 
resident participation activities, including tenant organizing 
activities, capacity building and technical assistance, access 
to community services, and civic engagement activities. The 
Committee recommendation provides $3,400,000,000 to allocate to 
PHAs by formula to support the maintenance of public housing. 
This level of funding will address the estimated accrual need 
in calendar year 2023 to prevent the loss of any public housing 
unit to disrepair.
    Shortfall prevention.--The Committee recommendation 
provides $25,000,000 for shortfall prevention to reduce the 
risk of financial insolvency for high risk PHAs.
    Emergency and disaster grants.--The Committee 
recommendation provides $65,000,000 for emergency capital 
needs, excluding Presidentially-declared disasters. Of this 
amount, $45,000,000 is for PHAs in receivership or under the 
direction of a Federal monitor and no less than $10,000,000 is 
for safety and security measures.
    Financial and physical assessment.--The Committee 
recommendation provides $50,000,000 to support the ongoing 
public housing financial and physical assessment activities of 
the real estate assessment center.
    Administrative and judicial receiverships.--The Committee 
recommendation provides $15,000,000 to support the costs of 
administrative and judicial receiverships.
    Lead hazard reduction and healthy homes.--The Committee 
recommendation provides $65,000,000 for competitive grants to 
reduce residential health hazards, including lead-based paint, 
carbon monoxide, mold, radon, and fire safety, of which not 
less than $25,000,000 is for lead-based paint hazards.
    Climate resiliency and utility efficiency.--The Committee 
supports the Department's commitment to cost-effective, energy 
efficient, green, and healthy retrofits of HUD-supported 
affordable housing. Therefore, the Committee provides 
$75,000,000 to further the Department's goal of energy 
efficient housing construction and climate resiliency. This 
amount includes not less than $55,000,000 for competitive 
grants to public housing agencies for capital improvements to 
reduce utility consumption or improve the climate resiliency of 
public housing and up to $20,000,000 for a utility benchmarking 
    The 2005 Energy Policy Act amended the public housing 
capital section of the U.S. Housing Act of 1937 to encourage 
the integration of utility management and capital planning to 
maximize energy conservation and efficiency measures. All PHAs 
are currently required to perform Energy Audits every five 
years pursuant to 24 CFR 965. However, energy audit data is not 
collected on a national basis, nor is it required to be 
integrated with capital needs planning. Decarbonizing existing 
public housing stock is projected to cut carbon emissions by as 
much as 5.6 million metric tons or the equivalent of 1.2 
million cars used throughout each year. In the process, it is 
estimated that energy cost savings of up to 70 percent can be 
realized and up to 240,000 jobs can be created each year, 
including 36,000 on-site maintenance and constructions jobs. 
The Committee reminds the Department of the requirement 
included in House Report 117-99 to report to the House and 
Senate Committees on Appropriations on how it can increase the 
data made available on public housing, including green physical 
needs assessments, in order to ensure public housing fund 
resources are being used in a way that maximizes their impact.
    Further, the Committee recognizes the benefits of readily 
available physical and green assessment data that could assist 
with long-term asset management, ensure resident safety and 
well-being, and promote the longevity and decarbonization of 
public housing. The Committee believes that HUD is well-suited 
to provide data on green retrofits financed through the public 
housing fund and directs HUD, in collaboration with PHAs, to 
report on green retrofitting activities by PHA.
    Quality assurance of physical inspections.--The Committee 
is troubled by reports of deplorable living conditions found in 
some HUD-subsidized properties across the country. The scope of 
this issue spans geographic regions, highlights systemic 
problems, and calls into question the effectiveness of HUD's 
oversight, and the real estate assessment center (REAC) 
inspections of HUD-assisted housing. The Committee encourages 
the Department to work with the Committee on enforcement 
actions, including civil monetary penalties, that HUD can take 
to ensure PHAs and landlords maintain the physical quality of 
HUD-assisted units. Similarly, while the Committee is 
supportive of efforts to quickly issue tenant-protection 
vouchers, the issuance of these vouchers is a tacit 
acknowledgement that the Department has failed to ensure units 
are maintained as decent, safe, and sanitary. Additionally, 
failure to maintain the physical condition of HUD-assisted 
properties results in a loss of critical affordable housing and 
tenant protection vouchers are of questionable value to 
families that encounter a lack of affordable housing in their 
communities. The Committee directs that as part of any change 
in inspection protocol or standard, the Department solicit 
comments from stakeholders, including tenants, to identify ways 
the Department can improve its inspection protocols and 
oversight. The Committee further directs the Department to 
identify how funds provided for REAC, including any carryover 
balances, will be utilized during fiscal year 2023 as part of 
the operating plan required by section 405 in this Act.
    Public housing trusts.--The Committee recognizes that 
certain public housing preservation and recapitalization tools 
result in units of affordable housing being transferred to the 
ownership of public entities. The Committee is aware that as 
part of these ownership transfers some PHAs have expressed 
interest in establishing a separate entity to further leverage 
public and private sources, including through the establishment 
of a public housing trust, in order to execute capital projects 
with the greatest possible efficiency. When converting public 
housing units, the Committee encourages the Department to work 
with PHAs on how they can leverage public-private partnerships.
    Fire safety.--The Committee understands that while the 
Federal Fire Safety Act of 1992 mandated that all new public 
housing units have automatic sprinkler systems, it did not 
mandate that these systems be installed in Federally-assisted 
housing units built prior to the date of enactment posing a 
risk to tenants still residing in outdated units without 
adequate fire sprinkler systems. The Committee includes amounts 
under this heading for fire safety, which may be used to 
install automatic sprinkler system in public housing. The 
Committee directs HUD to consider expanding Federal housing 
quality standards to include a mandate for self-closing doors, 
which is among the most-cost effective means of preventing 
high-casualty fires.
    Recycling and zero waste.--The Committee recognizes the 
benefits of recycling and zero-waste programs and supports 
expanding the availability of these programs in public housing. 
Therefore, the Committee directs the Department to create a 
pilot program that supports recycling and zero-waste programs 
in public housing and provides $10,000,000 for such a pilot 
program. The Committee further directs HUD to submit the 
overdue report on HUD's evaluation of methods of supporting and 
expanding recycling and zero waste program in public housing 
required in the fiscal years 2021 and 2022 joint explanatory 
statements within 60 days of enactment of this Act.
    Physical needs assessments.--The Committee recognizes that 
the data needed to estimate the full cost of public housing 
capital needs is insufficient to inform short- and long-term 
funding and capital planning needs. The Committee recommends 
that as part of a PHA's physical needs assessments the 
Department consider requiring a detailed description of energy 
deficiencies be included.
    Public housing energy conservation clearinghouse.--HUD's 
public housing environmental and conservation clearinghouse 
previously provided valuable guidance and trainings to support 
improved efficiency by PHAs. Unfortunately, the website has 
become outdated. The Committee directs HUD to update the 
clearinghouse while developing and updating tools and 
resources, including new guidance documents and training 
resources to facilitate the use of Energy Performance Contracts 
(EPC) by PHAs and trainings for PHAs on strategies for 
improving the efficiency and lowering utility costs in public 
housing, such as green building standards. This includes new 
model documents for EPCs to include model request for proposals 
(RFPs), evaluation forms, training materials, project 
databases, and other technical assistance. The Committee also 
directs HUD to resume its EPC trainings for PHAs and field 
    Cost-effectiveness of a Federal monitor.--The Committee 
recognizes that HUD appoints Federal monitors to oversee and 
assist with the management of Federal funds and that these 
monitors add additional cost to the cities, states, and 
territories to which the monitors are appointed. The Committee 
directs the GAO to review the efficacy and cost of the 
monitorship, management, and administration of HUD grantees 
under a monitor and the disbursement process of disaster 
recovery funds to Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
    Environmental regulations at public housing complexes.--The 
Committee is very concerned about the HUD OIG report entitled 
``Contaminated Sites Pose Potential Health Risks to Residents 
at HUD Funded Properties,'' 2019-OE-0003, finding that HUD 
neglected for years to enforce their own environmental 
regulations at public housing complexes. This lack of oversight 
resulted in the lead poisoning of children in at least one 
public housing development. Therefore, the Committee directs 
HUD to report on the progress the Department has made on the 
recommendations included by the HUD OIG in this report. A 
report shall be submitted to the House and Senate Committees on 
Appropriations on these efforts within 60 days of enactment of 
this Act.
    Units eligible for rental assistance demonstration (RAD).--
The Committee recognizes the benefits of RAD as a useful tool 
to preserving and improving public housing properties and 
addressing the nationwide backlog of capital needs. The 
Committee understands that RAD is a voluntary demonstration 
program and PHAs must submit applications to convert some or 
all of their public assistance to project-based vouchers or 
project-based rental assistance. To get a better understanding 
of the types of units that are accepted into the RAD program, 
the Committee directs HUD to report to the House and Senate 
Committees on Appropriations within 90 days of enactment of 
this Act on the conditions of public housing that are eligible 
for RAD. This report should include the condition of the public 
housing units that are not eligible and/or not accepted for RAD 
    RAD pet exemption.--The Committee is concerned about 
incidences where the conversion of public housing properties 
managed by PHAs through the RAD program may impact pet 
retention. Scientific evidence compiled by the Centers for 
Disease Control and Prevention confirms that the human-animal 
bond provides tangible health benefits: having a pet can 
decrease blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and triglyceride 
levels; decrease feelings of loneliness; and increase 
opportunities for exercise and socialization. Currently, 
residents of public housing have the right to have one or more 
household pets, subject to reasonable restrictions. However, 
some RAD conversions may threaten the ability of public housing 
residents to retrain this right. The Committee directs the 
Department to ensure that residents of properties that convert 
from PHA management to the RAD program be afforded the same 
right to maintain pets as under the public housing program.


Appropriation, fiscal year 2022.......................      $350,000,000
Budget request, fiscal year 2023......................       250,000,000
Recommended in the bill...............................       450,000,000
Bill compared with:
    Appropriation, fiscal year 2022...................      +100,000,000
    Budget request, fiscal year 2023..................      +200,000,000

    The choice neighborhoods initiative leverages significant 
public and private funding to support locally driven strategies 
that transform underserved neighborhoods with distressed public 
and/or HUD-assisted housing into neighborhoods of choice 
through a comprehensive approach. The program uses Federal 
grants to help communities transform neighborhoods by 
revitalizing severely distressed public and/or HUD-assisted 
housing into high quality, energy efficient, mixed-income 
housing; providing supportive services to residents related to 
employment, health care, and education; and catalyzing 
community-wide improvements in the neighborhood, like 
addressing vacant property, economic development, public 
safety, services, and schools.

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    The Committee recommendation provides $450,000,000 for the 
choice neighborhoods initiative. Of the total funds provided, 
not less than $100,000,000 is for competitive supplemental 
grants and not more than $10,000,000 is for planning grants to 
conduct comprehensive local planning for neighborhood 
transformation plans which includes engagement with residents 
and the community. The Committee directs the Department to give 
prior year planning grant recipients priority consideration 
when awarding implementation grants.
    Supplemental grants.--The choice neighborhoods initiative 
takes a comprehensive locally driven approach to transforming 
underserved neighborhoods into neighborhoods of choice, where 
all residents can prosper. The three-pronged approach is 
complex and centers around the redevelopment of distressed 
public or HUD-assisted housing with a one-for-one replacement 
requirement. These redevelopment activities take years to 
complete, with projects often including several phases. While 
one of the hallmarks of the program has been the relatively low 
Federal investment, leveraging nearly $7 for every $1 of 
implementation grant funding, HUD has seen an increase in the 
development costs for replacement housing units. In 2021, HUD 
increased the maximum grant award amounts for implementation 
grants in the fiscal year 2021 notice of funding opportunity 
(NOFO), in part to address increased development costs for 
replacement housing units. However, prior year grantees that 
have not completed their implementation grants are facing the 
same increased development costs. HUD previously addressed 
similar challenges in the fiscal year 2019 NOFO for prior year 
grantees by including competitive supplemental grants to 
previously awarded implementation grantees to facilitate the 
construction of replacement housing units and awarding five 
supplemental grants. Recognizing the new and additional needs 
of recent implementation grantees, the Committee provides not 
less than $100,000,000 of the total funds provided under this 
heading for HUD to provide competitive supplemental grants to 
previously awarded implementation grantees in the fiscal year 
2023 NOFO for implementation grants to support the construction 
of replacement housing units. To be eligible for a fiscal year 
2023 competitive supplemental grant, the previously awarded 
implementation grantees shall have been awarded implementation 
grant funding under the fiscal year 2017, 2018, 2019, or 2020 
NOFOs and shall have been awarded a choice neighborhoods 
planning grant. Further, the Committee notes that HUD has not 
issued the fiscal year 2022 NOFO for implementation grants, 
does not expect to issue such NOFO until later this year, and 
may not issue such NOFO before the enactment of this Act. 
Therefore, if HUD has not issued the fiscal year 2022 NOFO for 
implementation grants before the enactment of this Act, the 
Committee directs HUD to include competitive supplemental 
grants to previously awarded implementation grantees in such 
fiscal year 2022 NOFO.
    Supporting residents.--Supportive services are a key 
component to helping residents thrive and remain stably housed. 
Through the choice neighborhoods initiative, supportive 
services are tailored to the needs of residents to strengthen 
self-sufficiency by focusing on employment and income, health, 
and education. These services help ensure individuals receive 
support during their relocation and return to the public and/or 
HUD-assisted housing that is being redeveloped. For households 
receiving this support, HUD has found that over 80 percent of 
grantees have increased employment rates, 90 percent of 
grantees have increased average household income, over 85 
percent of grantees have increased the percentage of residents 
with a regular health care provider, and over 90 percent of 
grantees have increased the percentage of children 
participating in early childhood, after-school, and youth 
development activities. Considering the demonstrated success of 
supportive services for residents and to continue to improve 
social outcomes for residents, the Act increases the maximum 
amount of implementation grant funding that may be used for 
supportive services activities to not more than 20 percent. In 
implementing this authority, the Committee directs HUD to 
ensure implementation grantees utilize an appropriate mix of 
allowed funding mechanisms and do not solely rely upon a 
supportive services endowment trust.
    Improving cross-agency coordination.--The Committee is 
pleased that DOT has continued to incorporate the choice 
neighborhoods initiative into the NOFOs of some of its 
competitive grant programs, effectively making an application 
for a transportation project proposed in a choice neighborhood 
more competitive than a similar transportation project not 
located in a choice neighborhood. In order to achieve a 
successful neighborhood transformation, a choice neighborhoods 
initiative applicant must leverage significant public and 
private funding opportunities. At the Federal level, a diverse 
set of agencies including DOT, the Department of Health and 
Human Services (HHS), the Department of Education (ED), and the 
Department of Labor (DOL), among others, could all have a role 
to play in the housing, people, and neighborhood components of 
the choice neighborhoods initiative. However, it is often 
difficult for local communities, especially lower-income and 
historically disadvantaged communities, to leverage resources 
across multiple Federal agencies. The Committee continues to 
direct HUD to work with DOT, HHS, ED, DOL, and any other 
Federal agencies HUD deems appropriate to identify Federal 
resources which could be leveraged by choice neighborhoods 
initiative applicants and grantees, improve cross-agency 
coordination with respect to NOFOs, if appropriate, and to 
explore developing incentives and increasing emphasis within 
NOFOs on certain activities to encourage potential applicants 
to approach community development in a more holistic manner. 
Further, the Committee reminds HUD of the direction included in 
House Report 117-99 to brief the House and Senate Committees on 
Appropriations on its initial cross-agency engagement and 
    Program evaluation.--HUD's Office of Policy Development and 
Research is conducting phase two of a choice neighborhoods 
study to collect additional information on the first five 
choice neighborhoods and a second cohort of choice 
neighborhoods. This follow-on evaluation will provide HUD and 
Congress with important information on the outcomes, 
challenges, and opportunities for the housing, people, and 
neighborhood elements of the choice neighborhoods initiative. 
The Committee reminds HUD of the direction included in House 
Report 117-99 to brief the House and Senate Committees on 
Appropriations on the status of phase two of this study, 
including any initial findings.

                       SELF-SUFFICIENCY PROGRAMS

Appropriation, fiscal year 2022.......................      $159,000,000
Budget request, fiscal year 2023......................       175,000,000
Recommended in the bill...............................       175,000,000
Bill compared with:
    Appropriation, fiscal year 2022...................       +16,000,000
    Budget request, fiscal year 2023..................             - - -

    The self-sufficiency programs account funds several 
programs which help low-income individuals and families living 
in subsidized housing enhance job skills, increase earnings, 
and improve their economic security. The family self-
sufficiency (FSS) program provides grants for FSS coordinators 
to public housing authorities (PHAs) and the Economic Growth, 
Regulatory Relief, and Consumer Protection Act (P.L. 115-174) 
expanded eligibility to residents of project-based rental 
assistance (PBRA) properties. The resident opportunity and 
self-sufficiency (ROSS) program funds service coordinators to 
work with residents of public and Indian housing, and the jobs-
plus initiative provides grants to PHAs, which are required to 
partner with Department of Labor jobs centers.

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    The Committee recommendation provides $175,000,000 for the 
self-sufficiency programs account. The following table provides 
funding levels for activities within this account.

                                         Request         Recommendation
Family self-sufficiency...........       $120,000,000       $125,000,000
Resident opportunity and self-             35,000,000         35,000,000
Jobs-plus initiative..............         20,000,000         15,000,000
    Total.........................       S175,000,000       $175,000,000

    Expanded FSS eligibility.--The Committee commends HUD for 
issuing a final rule on May 17, 2022, to implement the Economic 
Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer Protection Act (P.L. 
115-174) which amended the FSS program. Specifically, section 
306 of P.L. 115-174 streamlined FSS program administration and 
expanded the program to residents of PBRA properties. The 
Committee directs HUD to fully implement the final rule in 
order to streamline the program for PHAs, multifamily property 
owners, and eligible families, including providing that 
families participating in the housing choice voucher 
homeownership program and all section 8 programs can 
participate in the FSS program. In addition, the Act ensures 
that owners or sponsors of PBRA properties are eligible for new 
grants made with funding provided in this and prior Acts.
    FSS performance measurement system.--In 2017, HUD issued a 
notice requesting comment on a proposed performance measurement 
system for PHAs receiving FSS program coordinator grants. On 
November 15, 2018, HUD issued a final notice on the new 
performance measurement system with revisions to the 
methodology used to compute FSS performance scores in response 
to public comments received to the notice. According to the 
final notice entitled ``Family Self-Sufficiency Performance 
Measurement System (``Composite Score'')'', a PHA's FSS 
performance score will be calculated based on an earnings 
performance measure, graduation rate, and participation rate. 
While HUD intended to begin using this performance measurement 
system in determining FSS funding awards in fiscal year 2019, 
section 236 of the Further Consolidated Appropriations Act, 
2020 (P.L. 116-94), section 233 of the Consolidated 
Appropriations Act, 2021 (P.L. 116-260), and section 230 of the 
Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2022 (P.L. 117-103) prohibited 
HUD from considering performance measures or scores in making 
funding awards for the FSS program. The Committee supports the 
intent of HUD's efforts to evaluate individual FSS programs, 
which could provide HUD vital information on the FSS program 
overall and inform best practices and technical assistance. 
However, the Committee considers the focus on earnings, 
graduation rate, and participation rate to be too narrow in 
scope and insufficient in terms of measuring success and 
outcomes for individuals participating in the program. For 
example, while graduation rates are important such a metric 
does not provide insights into how graduation from the FSS 
program may result in individuals exiting HUD-assisted housing 
and no longer needing rental assistance. The Committee 
understands that HUD is working to make further improvements to 
the performance measurement system and directs HUD to consider 
additional metrics focused on social outcomes for individuals. 
Further, the Committee reminds HUD to brief the House and 
Senate Committees on Appropriations on the proposed 
improvements to the performance measurement system no later 
than 30 days after its completion of this effort as directed in 
P.L. 117-103.
    FSS data.--The Committee directs HUD to include in its 
annual budget submission to Congress data showing FSS 
participation, escrow accumulation, and graduation rates for 
the FSS program, including data from participating entities 
without coordinator grants.
    Family self-sufficiency program.--The Committee expects HUD 
to continue to provide technical assistance and training as 
appropriate in order to share best-practices on the FSS 
    Easing barriers to FSS participation.--For new families 
enrolling in the FSS program in 2023, the Committee directs 
that the income and rent amounts to be used in the ``Program 
Contract of Participation'' shall be taken from the amounts on 
the last reexamination or interim determination before the 
family's initial participation in the FSS program.
    Tribal participation.--The Committee reminds HUD, 
applicants, and residents of HUD-assisted housing that Tribes 
and tribally designated housing entities are eligible 
applicants for the ROSS program.

                        NATIVE AMERICAN PROGRAMS

Appropriation, fiscal year 2022.......................    $1,002,086,000
Budget request, fiscal year 2023......................     1,000,000,000
Recommended in the bill...............................     1,000,000,000
Bill compared with:
    Appropriation, fiscal year 2022...................        -2,086,000
    Budget request, fiscal year 2023..................             - - -

    The Native American programs account funds the Native 
American housing block grants and Indian community development 
block grant programs. The Native American housing block grants 
program, authorized by the Native American Housing Assistance 
and Self-Determination Act of 1996 (NAHASDA), provides funding 
to American Indian Tribes and tribally designated housing 
entities (TDHEs) to help address affordable housing needs in 
tribal communities. The Indian community development block 
grant program, authorized under title I of the Housing and 
Community Development Act of 1974, provides American Indian 
Tribes the opportunity to compete for funding to address tribal 
community development needs.

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    The Committee recommendation provides $1,000,000,000 for 
the Native American programs account. The following table 
provides funding levels for activities within this account.

                                         Request         Recommendation
Native American housing block            $772,000,000       $772,000,000
 grants formula...................
Native American housing block             150,000,000        150,000,000
 grants competitive...............
Title VI loan program.............          1,000,000          1,000,000
Indian community development block         70,000,000         70,000,000
Training and technical assistance.          7,000,000          7,000,000
    Total.........................     $1,000,000,000     $1,000,000,000

    Competitive grants.--A 2017 HUD report confirmed that 
homelessness in tribal areas translates into overcrowded homes, 
finding that between 42,000 and 85,000 Native Americans were 
living with friends or relatives only because they had no place 
of their own and to prevent homelessness. In addition, 23 
percent of households in tribal areas experienced plumbing, 
kitchen, heating, electrical, and maintenance problems which is 
significantly more than the five percent of all U.S. households 
experiencing similar issues. According to HUD's report, 33,000 
new units are needed in Indian country to eliminate 
overcrowding and another 35,000 new units are needed to replace 
units that are physically inadequate. Recognizing this 
significant need in tribal communities across the country, the 
Committee has appropriated $550,000,000 over the past five 
fiscal years for competitive grants to eligible recipients 
under NAHASDA to spur the construction and rehabilitation of 
housing. To date, HUD has awarded funding from fiscal years 
2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021 which is expected to result in 
approximately 2,090 new and rehabilitated housing units. The 
Committee recommendation provides $150,000,000 to continue to 
assist tribal communities with expanding affordable housing and 
improving housing conditions through this competitive grant 
    The Committee directs HUD to administer the fiscal year 
2023 funding as a stand-alone competition and to review and 
score each application in its entirety. HUD shall not combine 
the fiscal year 2023 NOFO with prior or future year 
appropriations for the same purpose, except that any remaining 
unobligated balances from prior fiscal year competitions may be 
included in the fiscal year 2023 NOFO. While the fiscal year 
2023 NOFO should require applicants to meet a capacity 
threshold, it shall not provide additional points for capacity 
above want is needed to successfully administer these grants. 
Further, the Committee notes that $1,727,000 in funding 
appropriated in fiscal year 2017 remains available in the 
section 184 loan guarantee program for the construction of 
rental housing for law enforcement, health care, educational, 
technical, and other skilled workers. The Committee encourages 
Tribes and TDHEs to consider utilizing this support for 
workforce housing when developing projects for these 
competitive grants.
    Training and technical assistance.--The Committee 
recommendation provides $7,000,000 for training and technical 
assistance needs in Indian country to support the Native 
American housing block grants program, the Indian community 
development block grant program, and other HUD programs in 
order to meet the needs of Native American families and tribal 
communities. The Committee directs HUD to use this funding to 
aid Tribes with capacity challenges. The funding should be used 
for training, contract expertise, inspections, and other 
services necessary to address needs identified by Tribes. Of 
the total funding provided for training and technical 
assistance, not less than $2,000,000 shall be awarded to a 
national organization as authorized by section 703 of NAHASDA.
    Coastal Tribes and resiliency.--The Committee understands 
that several coastal tribal communities are actively working to 
relocate homes and other critical infrastructure to higher 
ground to mitigate the impacts of climate change. The Committee 
encourages HUD to prioritize funding and technical assistance 
resources to support these efforts and to encourage the use of 
resilient building and planning practices throughout Indian 
country. Further, the Committee directs HUD to include 
activities that improve water or energy efficiency or increase 
resilience to natural hazards as eligible projects for the 
Native American housing block grants competitive and Indian 
community development block grant programs.
    Waitlists.--The Committee notes that some tribal 
communities face long waitlists for safe and affordable 
housing. The Committee encourages HUD to prioritize training 
and technical assistance to Tribes and TDHEs with long housing 
waitlists in order to assist such Tribes and TDHEs in 
maximizing their annual Native American housing block grants 
formula funding. In addition, the Committee encourages HUD to 
consider long housing waitlists as part of the assessment of 
need in the fiscal year 2023 NOFO for the Native American 
housing block grants competitive program.


Appropriation, fiscal year 2022.......................        $3,500,000
Budget request, fiscal year 2023......................         5,521,000
Recommended in the bill...............................         5,521,000
Bill compared with:
    Appropriation, fiscal year 2022...................        +2,021,000
    Budget request, fiscal year 2023..................             - - -

    Section 184 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 
1992 established a loan guarantee program for Native American 
individuals, Tribes, and tribally designated housing entities 
to build new housing or purchase existing housing on trust 
land. This program provides access to private financing that 
otherwise might be unavailable because of the unique legal 
status of Indian trust land.

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    The Committee recommendation provides $5,521,000 for the 
Indian housing loan guarantee fund program account. The Act 
allows HUD to use prior year unobligated balances to support 
the cost of section 184 guaranteed loans. The fiscal year 2023 
funding combined with the unobligated balances will support a 
total loan volume of up to $1,400,000,000.


Appropriation, fiscal year 2022.......................       $22,300,000
Budget request, fiscal year 2023......................        10,000,000
Recommended in the bill...............................        10,000,000
Bill compared with:
    Appropriation, fiscal year 2022...................       -12,300,000
    Budget request, fiscal year 2023..................             - - -

    The Hawaiian Homelands Homeownership Act of 2000 created 
the Native Hawaiian housing block grant program to provide 
grants to the State of Hawaii Department of Hawaiian Home Lands 
(DHHL) for housing activities on Hawaiian home lands, in order 
to develop, maintain, and operate affordable housing for 
eligible low-income Native Hawaiians. As one of the United 
States' indigenous people, Native Hawaiian people have a unique 
relationship with the Federal government.

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    The Committee recommendation provides $10,000,000 for the 
Native Hawaiian housing block grant program. The Committee 
directs the Department to continue to provide technical 
assistance to DHHL in developing and executing plans to meet 
the housing needs of low-income Native Hawaiians.


    Section 184A of the Housing and Community Development Act 
of 1992 established a loan guarantee program for Native 
Hawaiians who are eligible to reside on Hawaiian home lands and 
would otherwise face barriers to acquiring such financing 
because of the unique legal status of the Hawaiian home lands.

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    The Act provides up to $28,000,000 in loan guarantee 
commitment authority to make section 184A loans and provides 
the Secretary the authority to guarantee refinance loans.

                   Community Planning and Development


Appropriation, fiscal year 2022.......................      $450,000,000
Budget request, fiscal year 2023......................       455,000,000
Recommended in the bill...............................       600,000,000
Bill compared with:
    Appropriation, fiscal year 2022...................      +150,000,000
    Budget request, fiscal year 2023..................      +145,000,000

    The housing opportunities for persons with AIDS (HOPWA) 
program provides states and localities with resources to 
address the housing needs of low-income persons living with 
HIV/AIDS. Stable housing can reduce risky behavior, improve 
adherence to medication, and reduce HIV transmission. Funding 
is distributed primarily by formula to qualifying states and 
metropolitan areas based on the number of individuals living 
with HIV/AIDS reported to the Centers for Disease Control, 
housing costs, and poverty rates. Government grantees are 
required to have a HUD-approved comprehensive plan.

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    The Committee recommends $600,000,000 for HOPWA. The 
Committee recommendation includes formula grants and 
competitive grants.
    Funding level.--HOPWA is the only Federal program to 
address the housing needs of low-income persons living with 
HIV/AIDS. The President's budget request for fiscal year 2023 
would not sustain the number of households receiving direct 
access to affordable housing from the year prior. The Committee 
is concerned about the ability to ensure broad rental 
assistance is provided to this vulnerable population and 
directs the Department to work to promote additional forms of 
broad rental assistance for this population through other 
existing programs. The Committee also encourages the Department 
to prioritize this population when considering funding levels 
in future budget requests.

                       COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FUND

Appropriation, fiscal year 2022.......................    $4,841,409,207
Budget request, fiscal year 2023......................     3,770,000,000
Recommended in the bill...............................     5,299,157,664
Bill compared with:
    Appropriation, fiscal year 2022...................      +457,748,457
    Budget request, fiscal year 2023..................    +1,529,157,664

    The community development fund, authorized by the Housing 
and Community Development Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5301 et seq.), 
provides funding, primarily through community development block 
grants (CDBG), to state and local governments and other 
eligible entities to carry out community and economic 
development activities.

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    The Committee recommends a total of $3,300,000,000 for the 
CDBG formula program for entitlement communities and states. Of 
the amount provided for the CDBG formula program, $7,000,000 is 
for insular areas, per 42 U.S.C. 5306(a)(2). The Act continues 
language requiring the Department to notify grantees of their 
formula allocation within 60 days of enactment of this Act.
    In addition, under this heading, the Committee provides 
$1,974,157,664 for community project funding through the 
Economic Development Initiative (EDI) program in accordance 
with the table at the end of this report to finance a variety 
of targeted housing, economic, and community development 
    Resilience.--The Committee again directs the Secretary to 
encourage grantees of the CDBG program to utilize funds for 
activities designed to increase project resilience including 
hardening structures to withstand severe weather and other 
natural hazards such as flooding, wind, and other hazards 
identified by the Secretary.
    Reinvestment in low- and moderate-income communities.--The 
Committee reminds both HUD and grantees that a core tenet of 
the CDBG program is the improvement of the living environment 
of low- and moderate-income families. The Committee challenges 
grantees to refocus the level of CDBG investment in low- and 
moderate-income families and neighborhoods. CDBG funding is a 
tool to create equitable, viable, and cohesive neighborhoods 
throughout a jurisdiction. Further, the Committee notes that 
CDBG funding can be used to rebuild and revitalize areas 
affected by civil unrest and strongly encourages grantees that 
have an identified need for this purpose to consider using CDBG 
funding in these areas.
    Transitional housing for individuals exiting recovery.--The 
Committee recognizes the importance of stable transitional 
living environments for individuals in recovery from substance 
misuse disorder, including opioid addiction, and includes 
$25,000,000 for activities authorized under section 8071 of the 
SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Act (SUPPORT Act, P.L. 
115-271). The Committee directs HUD to encourage CDBG 
recipients to provide funding to organizations that offer 
transitional housing opportunities to those in recovery, and 
further directs HUD to give special consideration to recipients 
that offer wrap-around services for those exiting recovery. 
Fiscal year 2023 will be the fourth year of funding for the 
SUPPORT Act. House Report 117-99 directed HUD to complete an 
analysis of how such funding has been used in order to identify 
and disseminate best practices for housing and supporting 
individuals in recovery. The Committee directs HUD to complete 
the analysis required by House Report 117-99, brief the House 
and Senate Committees on Appropriations on its findings, and 
publish the best practices on the Department's website within 
60 days of enactment of this Act.
    Technical assistance for the SUPPORT Act.--Notwithstanding 
section 8071(f) of the SUPPORT Act, the Committee includes 
funds for technical assistance under the SUPPORT Act within the 
Office of Policy Development and Research to ensure that HUD 
can support CDBG grantees in facilitating housing for people 
recovering from opioid addiction and to ensure efficient and 
effective spending of appropriated funds.
    Fairness in CDBG formulas.--The Committee is aware of the 
potential need to modernize the CDBG distribution formula in 
order to increase targeting to communities with the most 
pressing needs and the least ability to address those needs 
with their own resources. In 2005 and 2006 Congress explored 
revising these formulas, but no legislation was ever enacted. 
House Report 117-99 directed HUD to update the 2005 report 
titled ``CDBG Formula Targeting to Community Development Need'' 
in order to analyze the current formula's effectiveness in 
meeting the goals of the CDBG program and if it is meeting 
those goals equitably. The Committee reminds HUD's Office of 
Policy Development and Research to complete a publicly 
available report and brief the House and Senate Committees on 
Appropriation as required by House Report 117-99, and directs 
HUD to complete these tasks within 60 days of enactment of this 
    CDBG best practices.--The Committee commends the Department 
for developing and making available to the public CDBG best 
practices training content via the Department's website. The 
Committee encourages regular review of CDBG best practices 
based on new data and case studies and directs the Department 
to update CDBG best practices training material accordingly.
    Coordination.--In order to enhance program design and 
administration at the local level, the Committee encourages HUD 
to coordinate with other agencies including, but not limited 
to, DOT, the Department of Commerce, and the Department of 
Agriculture to target resources and program goals for 
infrastructure and other projects funded under CDBG.
    Buy American.--The Committee supports the use of American 
made iron, steel, and manufactured products with use of funds 
provided under the CDBG program. Whenever possible, the 
Committee encourages HUD to support grantees use of American 
manufactured products for the construction, reconstruction, 
installation, maintenance, or repair of public works or 
    CDBG disaster recovery (CDBG-DR).--The Committee directs 
HUD to take appropriate actions to streamline and improve CDBG-
DR program operations.
    Puerto Rico disaster recovery.--The Committee directs the 
Department to improve the administration of aid for natural 
disaster relief efforts in Puerto Rico to ensure a more timely 
and effective response in addressing the overwhelming needs of 
the territory. Puerto Rico remains in the relatively early 
stages of recovery from the devastation caused by Hurricanes 
Maria and Irma in 2017 and the major earthquake activity in 
2019 and 2020. HUD must take all necessary steps to 
significantly progress the administration of agency personnel 
assistance and congressionally provided aid for Puerto Rico, 
including efforts to improve resiliency of the territory's 
energy grid and stabilize permanent housing readiness.
    Disaster mitigation.--The Committee is concerned that 
community development block grant mitigation (CDBG-MIT) program 
funds that were appropriated for Hurricane Harvey recovery in 
February 2018 in the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 (P.L. 115-
123), are not being properly allocated to provide the greatest 
relief to the hardest hit and neediest populations. House 
Report 117-99 directed HUD to conduct a review of state action 
plans and the criteria used for the distribution of the CDBG-
MIT funds for Hurricane Harvey relief with particular focus on 
congressional intent for the funding and the impact such plans 
have on minority and low-income communities who have suffered 
from repeated flooding events. The Committee reminds HUD to 
provide a report to the House and Senate Committees on 
Appropriations on its findings as required by House Report 117-
99, and directs HUD to complete this report within 30 days of 
enactment of this Act.
    Data in rural communities.--The Committee encourages HUD to 
extend flexibilities for the use of alternative data for rural 
communities with less than 1,000 residents when a CDBG 
applicant considers American community survey data to be 
    Coastal communities.--The Committee directs HUD to 
encourage its grantees to use awards to address flood 
prevention and mitigation efforts for persistently distressed 
coastal communities to enable economic and housing development.
    Colonias communities.--The Committee notes that section 916 
of the National Affordable Housing Act of 1990 (as amended) 
requires for the border states of Arizona, California, New 
Mexico, and Texas to set-aside a percentage of their annual 
state CDBG allocations for use in the colonias. These set-aside 
funds are intended to help meet the needs of the colonias 
residents, including access to potable water, adequate sewer 
systems, and decent, safe, and sanitary housing. The Committee 
directs HUD to report to the House and Senate Committees on 
Appropriations on how these set-asides have been implemented 
and ways to target funding for areas of persistent poverty and 
distressed areas, include colonias communities along the U.S.-
Mexico border region. The Department is directed to submit this 
report within 180 days of enactment of the Act.


                                                      Limitation on
                               Budget authority      guaranteed loans
Appropriation, fiscal year                - - -             $300,000,000
Budget request, fiscal year               - - -              300,000,000
Recommended in the bill.....        $60,000,000              300,000,000
Bill compared with:
    Appropriation, fiscal           +60,000,000                    - - -
 year 2022..................
    Budget request, fiscal          +60,000,000                    - - -
 year 2023..................

    The section 108 loan guarantee program is a source of 
variable and fixed-rate financing for communities undertaking 
projects eligible under the CDBG program.

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    The Committee recommendation continues the section 108 loan 
guarantee program as a borrower-paid subsidy program, and 
therefore recommends providing no budget authority, but 
provides a limit on guaranteed loan volume of $300,000,000.
    Section 108(q).--The Committee recognizes the importance of 
programs that help localities secure additional investments to 
undertake large scale redevelopment projects. Previously, the 
Congress provided HUD with increased funding through the 
section 108(q) loan guarantee program to assist state and local 
governments with environmental remediation and economic 
development projects, which were leveraged through the 
competitive grant award of Brownfields Economic Development 
Initiative (BEDI) funds and the Economic Development Initiative 
(EDI) programs. These grant funds provided additional security 
for the section 108 loans which greatly enhanced utilization of 
the loan program and development of larger scale projects that 
leveraged public and private investment.
    Legislation such as the Grayfield Redevelopment and 
Economic Advancement Through Effective Repurposing (GREATER) 
Revitalization of Shopping Centers Act of 2021 builds on these 
proven models of grant subsides and highlights the bipartisan 
interest in returning similar initiatives under the Section 108 
Loan Guarantee program. For these purposes, the Committee 
provides $60,000,000 for competitive economic development 
grants authorized by section 108(q) of the Housing and 
Community Development Act of 1974, of which up to $50,000,000 
is specifically for competitive grants for the redevelopment of 
shopping malls. These competitive grants can be used for, but 
are not limited, to projects that improve community resilience 
by supporting distributed clean energy plus storage, flood-
control infrastructure, and redevelopment of brownfields or 
grayfields including foreclosed, vacant, contaminated, 
abandoned, or blighted properties, obsolete manufactured 
housing, vacant shopping malls, landfills, or otherwise 
underutilized commercial or industrial properties. The 
Committee directs HUD to report to the House and Senate 
Committees on Appropriations on its progress to issue new loan 
guarantees under this program not less than quarterly.


Appropriation, fiscal year 2022.......................    $1,500,000,000
Budget request, fiscal year 2023......................     1,950,000,000
Recommended in the bill...............................     1,675,000,000
Bill compared with:
    Appropriation, fiscal year 2022...................      +175,000,000
    Budget request, fiscal year 2023..................      -275,000,000

    The HOME investment partnerships program (HOME) provides 
block grants to participating jurisdictions (states and units 
of general local government) to undertake activities that 
expand the supply of affordable housing. HOME block grants are 
distributed based on formula allocations. Upon receipt of these 
Federal funds, state and local governments develop a housing 
affordability strategy to acquire, rehabilitate, or construct 
new affordable housing, or to provide rental assistance to 
eligible families.

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    The Committee recommends $1,675,000,000 for activities 
funded under this account. HOME is the largest Federal block 
grant to state and local governments designed exclusively to 
create affordable housing for low-income households and is 
therefore a crucial tool in the effort to address homelessness 
in this country. Since 1992, HOME has helped build and preserve 
about 1,340,000 affordable homes, of which over 551,000 were 
for new homebuyers, 258,000 were for owner-occupied 
rehabilitated housing, and over 537,000 were new and 
rehabilitated rental units, and provided direct rental 
assistance to more than 362,000 families. This investment has 
leveraged over $158,000,000,000 in other public and private 
    FirstHOME down payment assistance.--The Committee believes 
that homeownership is an important and proven method of 
building wealth, however the required down payment and closing 
costs can be significant financial hindrances to potential 
first-time homebuyers. Therefore, the Committee includes up to 
$50,000,000 for down payment assistance to support sustainable 
homeownership among first-generation, first-time homebuyers. To 
improve the likelihood that the terms and conditions of a 
mortgage are well-matched with the personal and financial 
circumstances of an individual before a home purchase and 
throughout homeownership, the Committee encourages the 
Department to refer first-time homebuyers to utilize HUD-
approved housing counseling services.
    Requirements for rental assistance.--The Committee 
recognizes many families do not qualify for the HOME program 
because their combined income marginally exceeds 60 percent of 
the area median income. The Committee recognizes the need for 
affordable housing for low- and moderate-income families and 
encourages the Department to continue to work with HOME 
grantees to leverage partnerships with other housing providers 
to identify income-eligible housing options for income-
ineligible households.
    Affordable housing needs.--The Committee supports 
innovative projects that combine public and private capital and 
directs HUD to continue to work to expand the supply and 
affordability of housing for low- and very low-income people. 
The Committee further directs HUD to report to the House and 
Senate Committees on Appropriations on how HOME funding has 
been used to support affordable housing for members of a 
protected class as defined by the Fair Housing Act of 1968 
within 180 days of enactment of this Act.


Appropriation, fiscal year 2022.......................             - - -
Budget request, fiscal year 2023......................             - - -
Recommended in the bill...............................      $500,000,000
Bill compared with:
    Appropriation, fiscal year 2022...................      +500,000,000
    Budget request, fiscal year 2023..................      +500,000,000

    The preservation and reinvestment initiative for community 
enhancement program provides support for residents of 
manufactured housing, including manufactured home communities. 
The program provides grants for infrastructure, planning, 
resident and community services, resiliency, and other 
assistance, including land and site acquisition.

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    The Committee recommendation provides $500,000,000 for the 
preservation and reinvestment initiative for community 
enhancement program.
    The Committee recognizes that historic and continued 
disinvestment in America's manufactured housing stock has 
created a significant burden on residents of manufactured 
housing and owners of manufactured home communities (MHCs), 
including resident-owned communities. In particular, the 
Committee recognizes the infrastructure and resiliency 
challenges facing many homeowners and communities that increase 
the cost burden on residents. The Committee also acknowledges 
reports from across the country of rising rents and fees within 
communities, particularly those purchased by private investment 
entities, threatening the affordability of these communities 
for low-income residents. The Committee is concerned about the 
role the financing sector has played in the acquisition of 
these communities, particularly in instances where there is no 
intention to maintain the affordability of these communities. 
The Committee notes the importance of continued preservation of 
affordability of manufactured housing, both within and outside 
of MHCs, as an essential part of tackling the affordable 
housing crisis. As a result, the Committee provides funding 
under this heading for the Department to provide grants to 
entities for activities to preserve, protect, and grow the 
supply of manufactured housing in America. The Committee 
remains concerned with the rising threat that extreme weather 
events present to the safety and stability of manufactured 
housing, noting recent examples across the country where 
manufactured homes have been impacted by wildfires, tornados, 
and flooding. In light of these concerns, the Committee 
includes resilience activities, including replacement of pre-
1976 mobile homes, as activities eligible for funding under 
this heading. The Committee directs the Department, to the 
extent practicable, to fund grants in a variety of geographic 
areas, including urban and rural communities, and areas prone 
to natural disasters. The Committee encourages the Department 
to consider factors like reformed zoning and land-use policies 
that do not universally restrict manufactured housing in the 
competitive grant selection process.
    Of the amounts provided under this heading, the Committee 
also provides funding for a pilot program for grants to assist 
entities with the redevelopment of manufactured housing 
communities as affordable replacement housing.


Appropriation, fiscal year 2022.......................       $62,500,000
Budget request, fiscal year 2023......................        60,000,000
Recommended in the bill...............................        62,500,000
Bill compared with:
    Appropriation, fiscal year 2022...................             - - -
    Budget request, fiscal year 2023..................        +2,500,000

    The self-help and assisted homeownership opportunity 
program account funds several programs. The self-help 
homeownership opportunity program (SHOP) supports low-income 
homeownership by providing funding to non-profit organizations 
and consortia that utilize the sweat-equity model to build 
housing for first-time homeowners. Funds are distributed 
through grants for land acquisition and improvements associated 
with developing new, quality housing for low-income persons, 
including those living in colonias. This account also funds the 
capacity building for affordable housing and community 
development program, known as section 4, and assistance to 
rural communities, as authorized by the HUD Demonstration Act 
of 1993 (P.L. 103-120), which provides grants to build and 
expand the capacity of non-profit organizations to develop 
affordable housing and carry out community development 
activities that benefit low-income persons. In addition, this 
account funds the veterans housing rehabilitation and 
modification pilot program, as authorized by the Carl Levin and 
Howard P. ``Buck'' McKeon National Defense Authorization Act 
for Fiscal Year 2015 (P.L. 113-291), which awards grants to 
non-profit organizations to assist in the rehabilitation and 
modification of the primary residence of veterans who have 
disabilities or low-incomes.

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    The Committee recommendation provides $62,500,000 for the 
self-help and assisted homeownership opportunity program 
account. The following table provides funding levels for 
activities within this account.

                                         Request         Recommendation
Self-help homeownership                   $10,000,000        $12,500,000
 opportunity program..............
Section 4 capacity building.......         41,000,000         45,000,000
    Rural capacity building            [not less than     [not less than
     activities...................        $5,000,000]        $5,000,000]
National organizations rural                5,000,000          5,000,000
 capacity building................
Veterans housing rehabilitation             4,000,000              - - -
 and modification pilot program...
    Total.........................        $60,000,000        $62,500,000

    Section 4 capacity building.--HUD awards section 4 funding 
competitively to a limited number of non-profit organizations 
which work to build and expand the capacity of community 
development corporations (CDCs) and community housing 
development organizations (CHDOs). CDCs and CHDOs then 
undertake affordable housing and community development 
activities, such as financing small businesses, revitalizing 
commercial corridors, and addressing local health care, 
childcare, education, and safety needs, in low- and moderate-
income urban and rural communities. Further, the Committee 
understands that every $1 of section 4 funding leverages more 
than $20 in public and private investments, which is much more 
than the program requirement that each dollar awarded be 
matched by $3, and continues to support programs that leverage 
additional investments.
    Multiyear agreements.--The Committee provides HUD the 
authority to enter into multiyear agreements for the section 4 
program, subject to the availability of annual appropriations. 
When utilizing this authority, the Committee directs HUD to 
include information in the multiyear NOFO outlining HUD's 
process for re-evaluating grantees each fiscal year to 
determine funding awards for appropriated funds from subsequent 
fiscal years that are covered by the multiyear NOFO and 
multiyear agreement.
    Per-unit cap.--The Committee continues to acknowledge the 
important role that SHOP plays in expanding affordable single-
family housing for low-income people. The Consolidated 
Appropriations Act, 2022 directed GAO to conduct an evaluation 
of how the per unit costs of eligible activities under SHOP 
have changed throughout the country. However, the Committee 
remains critically concerned that the per unit average 
investment cap is insufficient to cover the eligible building 
and infrastructure costs within SHOP. Therefore, the Committee 
directs HUD to study the costs related to an increase in the 
per unit investment cap. The study shall include, based on 
historical data on competitive applications and awarded grants, 
an evaluation of the number of units that would be lost if the 
cap was increased without a commensurate overall increase in 
funding provided in the annual appropriation; an estimation of 
the amount of funding needed to hold the current number of 
units constant if the cap was increased from $15,000 to $25,000 
per unit; and an estimation of the minimum grant amount to 
fulfill the statutory requirement that each grantee constructs 
not less than 30 dwellings in connection with the grant amount. 
The Committee directs HUD to brief the House and Senate 
Committees on Appropriations on its findings no later than 180 
days after enactment of this Act. The Committee encourages HUD 
to consider increasing the cap for the combined cost of land 
acquisition and infrastructure improvements per SHOP unit for 
the fiscal year 2023 NOFO.

                       HOMELESS ASSISTANCE GRANTS

Appropriation, fiscal year 2022.......................    $3,213,000,000
Budget request, fiscal year 2023......................     3,576,000,000
Recommended in the bill...............................     3,604,000,000
Bill compared with:
    Appropriation, fiscal year 2022...................      +391,000,000
    Budget request, fiscal year 2023..................       +28,000,000

    Homeless assistance grants provide funding for programs 
under title IV of the McKinney Act, as amended by the Homeless 
Emergency Assistance and Rapid Transition to Housing (HEARTH) 
Act of 2009. HEARTH Act programs include the continuum of care 
(CoC) competitive grants, the emergency solutions grants (ESG) 
program, and the rural housing stability grants program.

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    The Committee recommends $3,604,000,000 for homeless 
assistance grants. Funding is provided in the amounts shown in 
the following table:

Emergency solutions grants................                  $290,000,000
Continuum of care (CoC) and rural housing                  3,200,000,000
 stability assistance.....................
    Projects to assist survivors of          [not less than $75,000,000]
     domestic violence, dating violence,
     sexual assault, or stalking..........
National homeless data analysis project...                     7,000,000
Comprehensive approach to serving homeless                   107,000,000
    Youth homelessness system improvement    [not less than $25,000,000]
    Technical assistance..................           [up to $10,000,000]
    Total.................................                $3,604,000,000

    These investments in homeless assistance grants taken 
together with the new investment of $1,100,000,000 for vouchers 
targeted to individuals currently experiencing homelessness, 
including veterans and survivors of domestic violence, and a 
$175,000,000 increase to the HOME investment partnerships 
program to increase the supply of affordable housing, represent 
a major step forward by this Act in supporting efforts to 
reduce homelessness across the nation. The Committee encourages 
HUD to find incentives for Continuums of Care to measure and 
disseminate population level data on homelessness using real 
time data as part of the notice of funding opportunities 
(NOFOs) for funding provided under this heading.
    Addressing the needs of survivors of domestic violence, 
sexual assault, and stalking.--The Committee recommendation 
includes not less than $75,000,000 in competitive CoC grants 
for victim service providers and culturally specific 
organizations to provide trauma-informed and confidential rapid 
re-housing, transitional housing, and supportive services 
(including coordinated entry, and other critical activities) to 
assist survivors of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual 
assault, or stalking. The Committee recommends that such 
projects be eligible for renewal under the Continuum of Care 
program, subject to the same terms and conditions as other 
renewal applicants. It is the expectation of the Committee that 
HUD will work with Continuums of Cares to ensure that such 
projects do not supplant projects eligible for renewal as part 
of the 2023 Continuum of Care grant competition.
    Survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, 
particularly women and children, often seek refuge from unsafe 
circumstances through confidential victim service providers, 
including culturally specific organizations that provide 
emergency shelter, housing, or transitional housing. The 
Committee recognizes the nexus between experiences of domestic 
and sexual violence and homelessness. The Committee believes 
that access to victim service providers and culturally specific 
housing programs help survivors escape violence and trauma, 
avoid extended homelessness, and secure safe, stable housing. 
Victim service providers, including culturally specific 
providers are well-equipped to meet survivors' housing and 
safety needs and should be given priority in funding 
applications. Therefore, the Committee urges HUD to prioritize 
allocating funding to victim service providers and culturally 
specific organizations, in order to support confidential, 
survivor-centered housing and services.
    The Committee is also aware that well-designed victim 
service providers transitional housing programs have been 
effective in meeting the needs of this population. Therefore, 
the Committee directs the Department to issue clarifying 
guidance on how victim service providers transitional housing 
can be an appropriate model, and an eligible and effective use 
of funding through the CoC grant competition. The Committee 
also directs the Department to coordinate with the Department 
of Justice's Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) on 
opportunities in communities where CoC program resources can be 
used with OVW's transitional housing grants to ensure that 
survivors of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual 
assault, or stalking have access to safe and affordable housing 
and services.
    In addition, the Committee encourages the Department to 
renew transitional housing projects that have been shown to 
effectively address survivors' safety and housing needs. To 
further understand how to best meet the needs of survivors of 
domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or 
stalking, the Committee directs the Department to submit a 
report to the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations 
within 120 days of enactment of this Act that identifies how 
homeless assistance grants can effectively meet the needs of 
this population. This report shall address how CoC and ESG 
resources directed to programs for survivors of domestic 
violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking have 
been utilized and changed over the last three fiscal years and 
include recommendations for how CoCs can be inclusive of and 
effectively collaborate with survivor housing and supportive 
service providers. The report should identify measurable 
criteria that CoCs can use to evaluate how well these programs 
serve survivors. The report shall also include recommendations 
on how coordinated entry systems can improve to ensure survivor 
safety and confidentiality, without inhibiting a client's 
choice to secure housing and services.
    Annual homeless assessment report (AHAR) to Congress.--The 
Committee continues to be concerned that the AHAR does not 
include data on homelessness in the U.S. territories, including 
Puerto Rico. The Committee encourages the Department to take 
all reasonable steps to collect and publish homelessness 
estimates for these jurisdictions in forthcoming versions of 
the AHAR, in the same manner that such data is collected and 
published for states and the District of Columbia. The 
Committee also urges the Department to work with grantees on 
data quality, and to provide technical assistance when 
    Comprehensive approaches to serving youth experiencing 
homelessness.--The Committee strongly believes that every CoC 
must provide safe, inclusive, and culturally appropriate 
services for youth at risk of or experiencing homelessness. To 
accomplish this goal, the recommendation provides $107,000,000 
for projects dedicated to providing services to youth 
experiencing homelessness, including not less than $25,000,000 
for youth homelessness system improvement grants and up to 
$10,000,000 for technical assistance to help every CoC better 
serve youth at risk of or experiencing homelessness. This 
recommendation is intended to advance best practices learned in 
this demonstration through targeted training and technical 
assistance to help inform broader systems change. The Committee 
encourages HUD to utilize providers with experience in 
authentic youth engagement and support for existing YHDP 
    As part of its competitive youth demonstration process, the 
Committee supports HUD placing an emphasis on projects that can 
demonstrate community-wide authentic youth collaboration in 
strategy, design, and implementation; quality data collection, 
management, and utilization of youth experiencing homelessness; 
and collective ownership of a common goal to end youth 
homelessness as demonstrated by a coordinated plan with 
accountability to community-wide performance indicators. The 
Committee applauds the Department's work to ensure that the 
voices of youth with experiences of homelessness are an 
integral part of a local community's application and planning 
process, and that youth are further integrated into HUD's own 
process for reviewing applications for the demonstration. The 
Secretary is encouraged to utilize models and practices that 
are informed by authentic youth engagement and shared decision-
    Further, the Committee understands that a growing number of 
CoCs have identified a need to expand opportunities for youth 
but may not have the capacity to undertake the planning that is 
required to demonstrate an effective youth homelessness 
response model. The Committee reminds HUD to submit a report to 
the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations on the ways 
HUD can increase the capacity of CoCs to comprehensively plan 
for and address homelessness among youth as required by House 
Report 117-99.
    Rural units.--The Committee notes that the Department has 
made great progress to expand housing for people experiencing 
homelessness. Housing options and where a person ultimately 
secures housing varies based on the market and person seeking 
housing, but some prefer living in tiny homes in rural 
communities. The Committee is aware that current Federal 
housing programs may limit a community's ability to secure 
Federal funding for the purchase and construction of rural, 
single unit, tiny homes for individuals experiencing 
homelessness, which could provide a pathway to stable housing 
for people exiting or experiencing homelessness. The Committee 
looks forward to the Department's report detailing the 
legislative or regulatory changes that would be required to 
support such activities, on a pilot basis, and the feasibility 
and estimated cost of such activities, as required by House 
Report 117-99. The Committee further directs HUD to include in 
this report information on how such a pilot may improve 
outcomes for homeless veterans and their families.
    Internet access in emergency shelters.--The Committee is 
concerned about the lack of internet access and capacity in 
emergency shelters and the impacts this has had on students 
living in such shelters, particularly throughout the COVID-19 
pandemic and remote learning requirements. The Committee notes 
that emergency solutions grants can be used to pay for the 
costs of carrying out operations and essential services, 
including the cost of internet service and devices that help 
deliver essential services to residents in emergency shelters. 
The Committee continues to encourage the Secretary to issue 
guidance on how ESG can be leveraged to address the gaps in 
internet access or capacity in emergency shelters.
    Advancing nondiscrimination practices.--The Committee 
recognizes the role of local CoCs and community-based 
organizations in advancing nondiscrimination practices that 
support homelessness service providers in responding to the 
critical needs of transgender and LGBTQ people in America. The 
Committee continues to support these efforts and encourages HUD 
to work with these providers to overcome significant barriers 
to securing Federal funding, including lack of previous 
development experience, limited ability to secure matching 
funds, and limited support from local and state governments, 
among others.
    Equal access.--The Committee recognizes the necessity of 
the equal access rule in helping transgender and non-gender 
conforming individuals seeking emergency housing and affirms 
their right to be housed safely, regardless of sexual 
orientation or gender identity. The Committee further 
recognizes HUD's efforts to investigate complaints of housing 
discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity 
through the Fair Housing Act. In previous years, such 
complaints have gone ignored, denying recourse, justice, and 
protection to transgender and non-gender conforming individuals 
seeking shelter. HUD is directed to consider prioritizing 
investigating allegations of discrimination and misgendering 
against transgender and non-gender conforming individuals and 
to report to the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations 
on its progress. HUD is also directed to prioritize outreach to 
such populations to raise awareness of their rights and 
protections under the Fair Housing Act, including options for 
filing a complaint.
    Serving vulnerable youth populations.--The Committee 
recognizes the challenges faced by vulnerable foster youth who 
face significantly higher risks of experiencing homelessness, 
domestic violence, and sex trafficking. The Committee provides 
annual funding under this heading to take local, community-
driven, and innovative approaches to ending housing insecurity 
and domestic violence. The Committee encourages HUD to 
diligently ensure that the CoC program continues to address all 
populations, including vulnerable youth in foster care and 
youth who have aged out of foster care. The Committee further 
encourages HUD to facilitate collaboration between CoCs and 
specialty partners that provide mental health services, 
including suicide prevention, for youth experiencing 
homelessness. The Committee further encourages HUD to inform 
grantees of methods to strategically provide educational and 
outreach resources to secure the necessary mechanisms and 
technologies to assist youth in confidentially accessing mental 
health services in times of crisis.
    Mental health support for youth.--LGBTQ youth who 
experienced housing instability reported considering suicide at 
twice the rate and attempted suicide at more than three times 
the rate of LGBTQ youth who had not experienced housing 
instability. LGBTQ youth who experience housing instability 
were on average younger, transgender or non-gender, Hispanic or 
a racial minority, and from families with low-income. Youth who 
experienced housing instability also reported higher rates of 
discrimination and physical threats or harm related to their 
sexual orientation or gender identity. To this end, the 
Committee supports projects that facilitate mental health 
support for LGBTQ youth by working with specialty partners to 
provide educational resources to youth experiencing housing 
instability and providing the necessary technology for youth to 
confidentially access mental health services in times of 
    Renewal calculation.--The Committee is aware that the CoC 
application process takes into account the estimated number and 
sizes of units for proposed projects and is used in the 
Department's determination of grant amount eligibility. 
Grantees have the ability to make changes to unit sizes by 
submitting to HUD an amendment to an existing grant agreement 
or by revising estimated needs through the renewal process in 
order to use grant amounts to support such units. The Committee 
encourages the Department to continue working with grantees 
through the renewal and grant agreement process to ensure grant 
amounts reflect the unit size under lease.
    Documentation barriers related to housing.--The Committee 
is aware that GAO will be conducting a study on barriers 
persons experiencing homelessness or housing instability 
encounter in obtaining or replacing state-issued identification 
and steps Federal agencies could take to mitigate those 
barriers. The Committee is pleased to see this study is 
underway and encourages GAO to study barriers related to 
essential personal documents and state-issued identification 
that people experiencing homelessness face in obtaining housing 
and include HUD in its study. The Committee also encourages GAO 
to provide recommendations on related administrative actions 
and policy changes.
    Digital data locker to improve access to housing 
services.--People experiencing homelessness, especially those 
who are chronically homeless, have no safe place to store 
documents that can help prove identity, citizenship, legal 
residency, veteran status, or other conditions. Even if 
replaced, without stable housing, these documents are likely to 
be again lost, stolen, or destroyed. Case managers spend 
considerable amounts of time helping individuals replace 
documents--efforts that limit their capacity to address the 
individuals' underlying causes of housing instability. The 
Committee directs HUD to report to the House and Senate 
Committees on Appropriations within 90 days of enactment of 
this Act on the cost and time associated with developing a 
pilot or web-based prototype for a new digital data locker 
capability to store important documents for homeless 
individuals that can be deployed at a national level. HUD 
should review previously successful pilots or deployments that 
use human centered design principles, and commercial cloud 
    Decriminalizing homelessness.--The Committee notes that 
people experiencing homelessness are more likely to interact 
with the criminal justice system in areas where local, city, 
and state laws require citations for minor ``public nuisance'' 
crimes such as camping and loitering. People with conviction 
histories are also more likely to experience homelessness, 
contributing to a perpetual cycle of homelessness. In order to 
better understand the extent to which homelessness is 
criminalized, the Committee directs HUD to report to the House 
and Senate Committees on Appropriations within 180 days of 
enactment of this Act on best practices and approaches to 
``decriminalizing homelessness''. HUD is further directed to 
engage with local, state, and national stakeholders in 
developing this report.
    Homelessness relocation data.--The Committee is aware of 
the importance of data collection in the fight to end 
homelessness and is interested in understanding if individuals 
experiencing homelessness relocate to communities with improved 
services. Therefore, the Committee directs HUD to report to the 
House and Senate Committees on Appropriations on any research 
currently being conducted that could provide insights into 
relocation patterns within 180 days of enactment of this Act.
    Medical respite care for unhoused individuals.--People 
experiencing homelessness often have significant health care 
needs and use hospitals at higher rates and for longer periods 
of time than people who are not homeless. Unfortunately, as a 
result of barriers to accessing housing, people experiencing 
homelessness struggle to fully recover and receive care once 
discharged from a hospital where medical respite care is not 
available. The Committee recognizes the important role of 
continuum of cares, especially those providing medical respite 
care to individuals experiencing homelessness, as it provides 
hospitals a safe discharge option and allows patients a safe 
space to recover and continue receiving care. The Committee 
encourages HUD to engage with CoCs who provide medical respite 
care to better understand best practices and the impacts of 
having such a program in addressing the gaps between health 
care and housing.

                            Housing Programs


Appropriation, fiscal year 2022.......................   $13,940,000,000
Budget request, fiscal year 2023......................    15,000,000,000
Recommended in the bill...............................    14,940,000,000
Bill compared with:
    Appropriation, fiscal year 2022...................    +1,000,000,000
    Budget request, fiscal year 2023..................       -60,000,000

    The project-based rental assistance (PBRA) account provides 
a rental subsidy to private landlords tied to a specific 
housing unit so that the properties themselves, rather than the 
individual living in the unit, remain subsidized. PBRA provides 
safe, stable, and affordable housing to over 1,200,000 low-
income and very low-income households at approximately 17,240 
multifamily housing properties each year. Funding provided 
through this account supports the renewal of expiring project-
based contracts, including section 8, moderate rehabilitation, 
and single room occupancy contracts; amendments to section 8 
project-based contracts; and administrative costs for contract 

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    The Committee recommendation provides $14,940,000,000 for 
the project-based rental assistance account to support the 
annual renewals and amendments of project-based contracts. Of 
the total funds provided, up to $10,000,000 is for tenant 
education and outreach, which includes tenant organizing 
activities, capacity building and technical assistance, access 
to community services, and civic engagement activities.
    Performance-based contract administrators (PBCAs).--The 
Department suspended PBCA management and occupancy reviews from 
2011 to 2016 in response to litigation filed against the 
Department over the procurement process. The Committee is 
troubled by the findings in the HUD OIG report 2020-FW-0001 
indicating that this suspension resulted in owners not meeting 
contract requirements and HUD incurring more than $5,600,000 in 
questionable costs. Furthermore, the Department's lack of 
monitoring resulted in ongoing compliance issues which have 
resulted in the physical deterioration of some properties and 
put the health and safety of residents at risk. The HUD OIG 
report demonstrates the important role PBCAs play in providing 
oversight and ensuring safety for residents. The Committee 
reiterates its concern about the Department's PBCA solicitation 
procedures, which have resulted in litigation, and due to the 
contract structure have increased costs and created the 
potential for excessive profits. The Committee appreciates 
HUD's efforts to work with PBCAs to reinstate management and 
occupancy reviews and extend annual contributions contracts for 
existing PBCAs to prevent further disruptions to program 
operations. The Committee understands that HUD continues to 
work to develop a new solicitation for PBCA contracts that 
takes into account decisions by the Federal Circuit and Court 
of Appeals, complies with the Competition in Contracting Act, 
and meets requirements under the Federal Acquisition 
Regulations. The Committee reiterates that it is HUD's 
responsibility to implement a new competition and award 
procedure that includes stakeholder comments, full and open 
competition, and is compliant with all Federal laws and 
regulatory requirements.

                        HOUSING FOR THE ELDERLY

Appropriation, fiscal year 2022.......................    $1,033,000,000
Budget request, fiscal year 2023......................       966,000,000
Recommended in the bill...............................     1,200,000,000
Bill compared with:
    Appropriation, fiscal year 2022...................      +167,000,000
    Budget request, fiscal year 2023..................      +234,000,000

    The housing for the elderly (section 202) program provides 
eligible private, non-profit organizations with capital grants 
to finance the acquisition, rehabilitation, or construction of 
housing intended for low-income, elderly people. In addition, 
the program provides project-based rental assistance contracts 
(PRAC) to support operational costs for units constructed under 
the program.

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    The Committee provides $1,200,000,000 for housing for the 
elderly, which will fully fund contract renewals and 
amendments. Within the total amount provided, up to 
$125,000,000 is provided for service coordinators and the 
continuation of congregate services grants to provide 
supportive services for residents, which will fully fund the 
renewal of approximately 1,600 existing service coordinator and 
congregate housing services grants plus new awards that will be 
determined based on the results of the fiscal year 2022 notice 
of funding opportunity (NOFO). This recommendation provides 
$323,000,000 for new construction of affordable senior housing, 
including up to $25,000,000 for intergenerational housing. This 
funding will support approximately 3,500 new affordable housing 
units for seniors. In addition, up to $6,000,000 is to support 
preservation transactions of housing for the elderly originally 
developed by a capital advance and assisted by a project rental 
assistance contract.
    Investments in new construction.--The Committee 
recommendation includes $323,000,000 for new capital advances 
to address the acute shortage of affordable housing for 
seniors. From fiscal years 2018 to 2022, the Committee has 
provided a total of $820,000,000 in funds for new construction. 
To date, the Department has awarded a total of $220,747,752 for 
54 awards to create an estimated 3,631 units for very low-
income seniors. The Committee directs the Department to make 
all remaining funding provided in fiscal years 2021 and 2022 
available within 60 days of enactment of this Act, and to award 
that funding within 180 days of enactment of this Act.
    Continuation of Integrated Wellness in Supportive Housing 
(IWISH) demonstration.--The Committee is concerned about 
reports of delays with the IWISH demonstration and directs the 
Department to provide an update to the House and Senate 
Committees on Appropriations on its progress to execute the 
IWISH demonstration within 60 days of enactment of this Act.
    Intergenerational housing.--The Committee recognizes the 
critical need to provide housing opportunities for grandparents 
raising grandchildren in high poverty urban and rural areas. 
This need has only increased due to the opioid crisis and 
COVID-19 pandemic. The Committee provides up to $25,000,000 to 
expand the supply of intergenerational dwelling units as 
described in the Legacy Act (P.L. 108-186).


Appropriation, fiscal year 2022.......................      $352,000,000
Budget request, fiscal year 2023......................       287,700,000
Recommended in the bill...............................       400,000,000
Bill compared with:
    Appropriation, fiscal year 2022...................       +48,000,000
    Budget request, fiscal year 2023..................      +112,300,000

    The housing for persons with disabilities (section 811) 
program provides eligible private, non-profit organizations 
with capital grants to finance the acquisition, rehabilitation, 
or construction of supportive housing for disabled persons and 
provides project-based rental assistance to support operational 
costs for such units.

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    The Committee provides $400,000,000 for section 811 
activities, which will fully fund project rental assistance and 
project assistance contract renewals and amendments. The 
recommendation provides $192,300,000 for new capital advances 
and project rental assistance contracts to increase the 
availability of affordable housing for persons with 
disabilities. The Act continues to allow funds to be used for 
inspections and analysis of data by HUD's REAC program office.
    Investments in new construction.--The Committee 
recommendation includes $192,300,000 for new capital advances 
and project rental assistance contracts to increase the 
availability of affordable housing for persons with 
disabilities. This funding will support approximately 2,100 new 
affordable housing units for persons with disabilities. From 
fiscal years 2018 to 2022, the Committee has provided a total 
of $366,755,000 for capital advances and project rental 
assistance contracts. Thus far, the Department has only awarded 
$115,000,000 in fiscal year 2020. The Committee directs the 
Department to expeditiously make all remaining funding provided 
in fiscal years 2020, 2021, and 2022 available through a NOFO 
within 60 days of enactment of this Act and to award that 
funding within 180 days of enactment of this Act.
    Importance of supportive services.--House Report 116-106, 
House Report 116-452, and House Report 117-99 directed the 
Department to provide a report on: vacancy rates and wait lists 
(by state); how 811-funded projects are partnering with service 
providers, including state health and human services 
departments and Medicaid agencies to provide access to 
community-based supportive services; and recommendations for 
ensuring that necessary supportive services for tenants are 
provided in all units. The Committee is concerned that it has 
yet to receive this report, reiterates the direction included 
in the past three fiscal years, and directs the Department to 
provide this report to the House and Senate Committees on 
Appropriations within 15 days of enactment of this Act.
    Supportive services for persons with disabilities.--The 
Committee understands that supportive services for persons with 
disabilities may be provided through state health and human 
services and Medicaid agencies to support independent living. 
However, not all individuals living in section 811 housing 
require the types of intensive services offered by those 
agencies, but may need still some level of support services or 
assistance. In order to help property owners provide additional 
support to aid in self-sufficiency and connection to community 
resources, the Committee recommendation allows excess residual 
receipts to be used to pay for supportive services, including a 
service coordinator, not currently covered by HUD or other 
governmental agencies in an area for which a section 811 
household resides. The Department is further directed to issue 
guidance to property owners on how they can work with local 
supportive service agencies to leverage services for residents.
    Individuals with intellectual and developmental 
disabilities.--The Committee directs HUD to continue to 
prioritize projects targeting and serving individuals with 
intellectual and developmental disabilities who have been 
receiving care through family members when awarding the new PRA 
funds provided in this Act. Further, the Committee directs HUD 
to coordinate with Federal partners, including HHS, and other 
public, private, and non-profit stakeholders to review existing 
programs and regulations to identify gaps in services and 
existing barriers to stable housing.


Appropriation, fiscal year 2022.......................       $57,500,000
Budget request, fiscal year 2023......................        65,900,000
Recommended in the bill...............................        70,000,000
Bill compared with:
    Appropriation, fiscal year 2022...................       +12,500,000
    Budget request, fiscal year 2023..................        +4,100,000

    The Housing Counseling Assistance program, authorized under 
section 106 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968, 
works with a nationwide network of housing counseling agencies 
and counselors to provide tools to current and prospective 
homeowners and renters so that they can make responsible 
choices to address their housing needs. Housing counseling 
services range from addressing homelessness and preventing 
foreclosures and evictions to planning for first-time home 
purchases. Housing counselors also provide assistance to 
victims of natural disasters.

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    For fiscal year 2023, the Committee recommends $70,000,000 
for Housing Counseling Assistance in the Office of Housing 
    Pre- and post-purchase homeownership counseling.--To 
improve the likelihood that an individual is ready for the 
long-term legal and financial responsibility of homeownership 
and that terms and conditions of a mortgage is well-matched 
with their personal and financial circumstances, not less than 
$5,000,000 of the funds made available under this heading is 
for HUD-approved housing counselors to provide pre- and post- 
purchase counseling. The scope of pre-purchase counseling 
includes awareness of State and local property law and 
homeownership assistance programs such as down payment and 
closing cost assistance, gap financing, and sweat equity. The 
scope of post-purchase counseling includes home maintenance, 
repair, and safety to preserve the property and mortgage relief 
programs to preserve ownership where feasible.


Appropriation, fiscal year 2022.......................       $14,000,000
Budget request, fiscal year 2023......................        14,000,000
Recommended in the bill...............................        14,000,000
Bill compared with:
    Appropriation, fiscal year 2022...................             - - -
    Budget request, fiscal year 2023..................             - - -

    The Office of Manufactured Housing Programs (OMHP) 
establishes and enforces Federal standards for the design and 
construction of manufactured homes to assure quality, 
durability, safety, and affordability. All manufactured homes 
are required to meet the Federal standards, and fees are 
charged to producers to cover the costs of administering the 

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    Manufactured housing energy standard.--The Committee 
directs the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development to 
engage in substantive consultation with the Secretary of Energy 
regarding energy standards for manufactured housing promulgated 
under section 413 of the Energy Independence and Security Act 
prior to the implementation of such standards. This 
consultation should ensure compliance with the statutory 
requirement that such standards are cost-effective with respect 
to housing affordability.

                     Federal Housing Administration


                                                           Limitation of      Limitation of      Administrative
                                                            direct loans     guaranteed loans  contract expenses
Appropriation, fiscal year 2022........................         $1,000,000   $400,000,000,000       $150,000,000
Budget request, fiscal year 2023.......................          1,000,000    400,000,000,000        165,000,000
Recommended in the bill................................          1,000,000    400,000,000,000        150,000,000
Bill compared with:
    Appropriation, fiscal year 2022....................              - - -              - - -              - - -
    Budget request, fiscal year 2023...................              - - -              - - -        -15,000,000

    The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) provides mortgage 
insurance for the purchase, refinance, and rehabilitation of 
single-family homes. FHA mortgage insurance is designed to 
encourage lenders to make credit available to borrowers whom 
the conventional market perceives as bearing more risk, 
including first-time homebuyers, minorities, lower-income 
families, and residents of underserved areas.

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    FHA loan limits.--The Committee encourages HUD to use the 
highest possible median house price to calculate FHA loan 
limits for Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSA) that 
experienced a drop in FHA loan limits of 20 percent or more 
when the Housing Economic Recovery Act went into effect. To 
qualify, MSAs must be at least 1,300 square miles or more in 
land area.
    FHA small-dollar mortgages.--The Committee reminds the 
Department that a report on single-family mortgage insurance 
policies, practices, and products for mortgages having an 
original principal obligation of $70,000 or less required by 
the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 (P.L. 116-260) is 
    Home equity conversion mortgage (HECM) handbook update.--
The Committee understands that HUD is considering modifications 
to the HECM Handbook to create a consistent policy regarding 
servicer notifications to HUD following the death of a 
mortgager. The Committee directs HUD to expedite the 
publication of a revised Handbook or to otherwise notify 
stakeholders of the modified, consistent policy as soon as 


                                      Limitation of      Limitation of
                                       direct loans     guaranteed loans
Appropriation, fiscal year 2022...         $1,000,000    $30,000,000,000
Budget request, fiscal year 2023..          1,000,000     35,000,000,000
Recommended in the bill...........          1,000,000     35,000,000,000
Bill compared with:
    Appropriation, fiscal year                  - - -     +5,000,000,000
    Budget request, fiscal year                 - - -              - - -

    The FHA's general insurance and special risk insurance (GI 
and SRI) program account includes 17 different programs 
administered by FHA. The GI fund includes a wide variety of 
insurance programs for special-purpose single and multifamily 
loans, including loans for property improvements, manufactured 
housing, multifamily rental housing, condominiums, housing for 
the elderly, hospitals, group practice facilities, and nursing 
homes. The SRI fund includes insurance programs for mortgages 
in older, declining urban areas that would not be otherwise 
eligible for insurance, mortgages with interest reduction 
payments, and mortgages for experimental housing and for high-
risk mortgagors who would not normally be eligible for mortgage 
insurance without housing counseling.

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    Housing Finance Agency (HFA) Risk-Sharing.--The Committee 
is pleased that HUD's Office of Multifamily Housing Programs' 
used its administrative authority to restart the Section 542(c) 
Housing Finance Agency Risk-Sharing Program with the Federal 
Financing Bank (FFB) in September 2021. Qualified state HFA 
enter into contracts with HUD to share the risk of any 
potential mortgage defaults and the FFB purchases the mortgage, 
freeing up the HFA's capital funds to develop more affordable 
housing units. The Committee strongly encourages the Department 
to extend the program beyond its planned September 2024 sunset 

                Government National Mortgage Association


                                                                   Limitation of guaranteed      Administrative
                                                                             loans             contract expenses
Appropriation, fiscal year 2022................................              $900,000,000,000        $33,500,000
Budget request, fiscal year 2023...............................               900,000,000,000         42,400,000
Recommended in the bill........................................               900,000,000,000         33,500,000
Bill compared with:
    Appropriation, fiscal year 2022............................                         - - -              - - -
    Budget request, fiscal year 2023...........................                         - - -         -8,900,000

    The Government National Mortgage Association guarantees the 
timely payment of principal and interest on mortgage-backed 
securities issued by private institutions such as mortgage 
companies and banks. The only loans in these privately issued 
securities are mortgages either issued or guaranteed by Federal 
Housing Administration and U.S. Departments of Veterans Affairs 
and Agriculture.


                        RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY

Appropriation, fiscal year 2022.......................      $145,400,000
Budget request, fiscal year 2023......................       145,000,000
Recommended in the bill...............................       170,000,000
Bill compared with:
    Appropriation, fiscal year 2022...................       +25,000,000
    Budget request, fiscal year 2023..................       +25,000,000

    Title V of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1970, 
as amended, directs the Secretary of the Department of Housing 
and Urban Development to undertake programs of research, 
evaluation, and reports relating to the Department's mission 
and programs. These functions are carried out internally and 
through grants and contracts with industry, nonprofit research 
organizations, educational institutions, and through agreements 
with state and local governments and other Federal agencies. 
The research programs seek ways to improve the efficiency, 
effectiveness, and equity of HUD programs and to identify 
methods to achieve cost reductions. This appropriation is used 
to support HUD evaluation and monitoring activities and to 
conduct housing surveys. Finally, funds under this heading are 
used to support technical assistance activities to the various 
states, communities, and agencies that are charged with 
administering HUD's programs and funds.

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    The Committee recommends $180,000,000 for this account. Of 
the amounts provided under this heading, $20,000,000 is for 
legal assistance grants.
    The Committee recommends up to $80,000,000 for the core 
research programs, including market surveys, research support 
and dissemination, data acquisition, housing finance studies, 
research partnerships, and housing technology, and $20,000,000 
for cooperative agreements and research partnerships with 
historically black colleges and universities and hispanic 
serving institutions. Within the amounts provided for core 
research, the Committee encourages HUD to provide competitive 
grants for cooperative research in housing technologies, 
including technologies to enable ``aging in place'' strategies.
    The Committee recommends $15,600,000 for new and continuing 
studies and demonstration evaluations, including the:
           HCV Choice Demonstration (Mobility 
        demonstration evaluation),
           Family options long term tracking study,
           Evaluation of the emergency housing voucher 
        program (EHV),
           Moving to Work expansion (MTW),
           HUD DOJ Pay for success long-term 
           Older Adult Homes Modification Program 
           VAWA Housing Protections,
           Native American Housing Block Grants 
        competitive program evaluation,
           Analysis of Relocation Options for 
        Households at Risk from Natural Hazards
    Further, the Committee recommendation includes no less than 
$60,000,000 for all technical assistance. Of the funds made 
available under technical assistance, $7,500,000 shall be 
available on a competitive basis to non-profit or private 
sector organizations to provide technical assistance to units 
of general local government or non-profit organizations that 
serve distressed areas, prioritizing applications for 
jurisdictions containing persistent poverty census tracts where 
20 percent or more of the population lives in poverty, as 
measured by the 1990 and 2000 decennial census and the most 
recent five-year data series available from the American 
Community Survey of the Census Bureau, and any territory or 
possession of the United States. Such targeted technical 
assistance may include outreach efforts for local governments 
that have persistent poverty tracts in their jurisdiction. Of 
the amount provided for technical assistance, $10,000,000 is 
for training and technical assistance to support implementation 
of the Violence Against Women Act to be coordinated with 
entities whose primary purpose and expertise is in assisting 
survivors of sexual assault or domestic violence, including 
culturally specific organizations providing culturally specific 
services to victims of domestic violence, dating violence, 
sexual assault, and stalking. The Committee directs HUD to 
coordinate with other Federal agencies responsible for covered 
housing programs, as well as the USICH, on this training and 
technical assistance to improve the timeliness of emergency 
transfers, local planning, and cross-programmatic coordination 
on transfers.
    Barriers to Federal benefits and services.--The Committee 
is concerned about the barriers documentation requirements pose 
for people experiencing homelessness or at risk of 
homelessness. The Committee directs that a portion of the 
amounts provided under this heading for technical assistance 
support capacity-building to better navigate Federal benefits 
and services. This assistance should be used to provide local 
governments and homeless service providers with capacity-
building grants to assist people experiencing homelessness or 
at risk of homelessness to obtain required documentation and 
navigate the application process for federal benefits 
including, but not limited to: Section 8 Housing Choice 
Vouchers, food stamps, Supplemental Security Income (SSI) 
benefits, Temporary Aid to Needy Families (TANF) benefits, 
access to housing services or shelters, childcare vouchers, 
access to Medicaid or medical services, and other Federal 
benefit programs.
    Manufactured housing.--Of the amounts made available under 
this heading for technical assistance, $2,500,000 shall be 
available on a competitive basis to non-profit organizations to 
provide technical assistance to resident owned manufactured 
housing communities, owners and residents of manufactured 
housing and communities, and units of general local government 
or states that have manufactured housing in their community or 
are looking to expand manufactured housing opportunities.
    Recovery housing center of excellence.--The Committee 
recognizes the importance of comprehensive system-wide 
approaches to recovery housing and services, particularly for 
individuals that have been involved in the homelessness and 
justice systems. Of the amounts provided under this heading for 
technical assistance, up to $2,500,000 shall be used on a 
competitive basis for a non-profit, in collaboration with a 
college or school of public health, that has expertise and 
experience in providing technical assistance and research in 
recovery housing and focuses on homeless and justice involved 
individuals utilizing blended funding and an intervention model 
with demonstrated outcomes, to provide direct technical 
assistance to communities and promote the development of 
evidence-based recovery housing for substance use disorder 
    Eviction prevention.--More than 6,300 individuals living in 
America are evicted every day--nearly one eviction every four 
minutes. Low-income women, especially women of color, are at 
particularly high risk of eviction. Only 10 percent of tenants 
in eviction cases have legal representation, while 90 percent 
of landlords do. The Committee recommendation provides 
$20,000,000 for competitive grants to nonprofit or governmental 
entities to provide legal assistance, including assistance 
related to pretrial activities, trial activities, post-trial 
activities, and alternative dispute resolution, at no cost to 
eligible low-income tenants at risk of or subject to eviction. 
The Committee also directs the Department to remind grantees 
that the ESG program can be used as a tool to prevent 
    Higher education and community partnerships.--The Committee 
is aware that many localities across the country lack the 
staff, resources, or expertise to fully utilize the many 
opportunities available to them and supports the partnership 
and critical role that anchor institutions of higher education 
play in communities and in achieving the Department's mission. 
The Committee believes that investing in research partnerships 
between HUD and anchor institutions will ensure that HUD has 
access to innovative research and technology advances to best 
address housing problems in the 21st Century. The Committee 
encourages the Department to competitively award a cooperative 
agreement for institutions of higher education or nonprofit 
entities that train and support institutions of higher 
education, in urban settings, to conduct research or provide 
technical assistance on matters related to economic 
opportunity, reducing homelessness, stable homeownership, 
disaster resiliency, equity, environmental and climate justice 
in housing, sustainable housing options and practices, 
expanding services focused on social determinants of health, 
workforce development, or other areas that improve the long-
term capacity of communities or otherwise address priorities of 
PDR. In addition, the Committee urges the Department to include 
funding for its Office of University Partnerships in its fiscal 
year 2024 congressional budget justification.
    Thriving and sustainable communities.--Homebuyers and 
homebuilders are faced with limited access to financing, 
increasing building material costs, a limited pool of skilled 
labor, and restrictive land-use policies. Local zoning and 
planning policies can also prevent the integration of housing 
and transportation development, disconnecting communities from 
access to public transit, jobs, public services, and other 
necessities. The Committee provides funding within DOT to 
support the planning and revisioning of distressed and 
disconnected communities through the thriving communities 
initiative and directs that up to $5,000,000 of the amounts 
provided under this heading for technical assistance shall be 
used by HUD to work with DOT to ensure housing and 
infrastructure development is taken into consideration as part 
of this initiative. The Department is directed to brief the 
House and Senate Committees on Appropriations on its progress 
no later than 90 days after enactment of this Act. The 
Committee further directs the Department to provide a report to 
the Committees within 270 days of enactment of this Act on ways 
the Department can work with local governments to foster reform 
and reduce barriers, including through the reform of existing 
building codes and zoning ordinances, to achieve affordable, 
economically vital, and sustainable communities and discourage 
inefficient land-use patterns.
    Broadband access for HUD-assisted households.--The 
Committee recognizes that broadband infrastructure barriers and 
high monthly costs result in HUD-assisted households often 
receiving inadequate access to internet and capacity not 
provided through a personal cellular device. In fiscal year 
2022, the Committee directed HUD to analyze the extent to which 
this problem exists, the results of which are to be made 
publicly available by March 2023. The Committee commends HUD's 
2021 announcement affirming that public housing funds may be 
used to increase internet access, which is critical to keeping 
families connected, employment attainment, and staying healthy. 
The Committee encourages HUD to continue to this effort and 
within 30 days of enactment of this Act, brief the House and 
Senate Committees on Appropriations on how many PHAs are 
expanding internet access and gaps that exist in expanding 
    The Committee notes that units assisted by HUD's Section 
202 housing for the elderly sparingly have access to broadband. 
As a result, many low-income seniors lack access to common 
solutions during the COVID-19 pandemic such as telemedicine and 
remote visits. The Committee directs HUD to report to the House 
and Senate Committees on Appropriations on the barriers to 
building-wide internet services for current Section 202 units 
specifically within 180 days of enactment of this Act.
    Housing smart.--The Committee is aware of promising 
initiatives developed by nonprofit community groups in 
collaboration with local health systems and public housing 
agencies that are targeted at homeless and unstably housed 
individuals who are extremely high users of expensive and 
relatively inefficient medical care provided by emergency 
departments at hospitals. These initiatives work across 
different areas of core competency to provide safe, affordable 
housing together with ancillary medical, behavioral, substance 
use disorder, nutritional, and employment or job training 
services. Some participants demonstrate significant 
improvements in their health, sustainable incomes, and reduced 
use of emergency and other expensive medical services. The 
Committee encourages the Department to support research to 
understand the cost effectiveness of such approach, and to 
coordinate such activities with the Department of Health and 
Human Services.
    Affordable housing and child care.--The Committee remains 
concerned about the need to better integrate access to 
affordable housing and high-quality child care and notes that 
the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 (P.L. 116-260) 
provided funding for a research collaboration with the 
Department of Health and Human Services to better promote and 
prioritize on-site child care supportive services for HUD-
assisted families. The Committee understands that HUD will 
advance this research this summer and directs the Department to 
keep the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations apprised 
of its progress and any interim findings during the course of 
its assessment.
    Innovation in climate and resiliency.--Based on data from 
the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, climate 
projections for cities across the country indicate they will 
continue to get hotter and wetter for decades to come, even 
under emissions reductions scenarios. Hotter temperatures and 
the increased frequency and severity of storms will continue to 
harm public health, damage homes and infrastructure, and result 
in billions of dollars in clean-up and recovery costs. These 
impacts have not and will continue to not be felt equally, with 
low-income individuals and people of color more at risk of 
being harmed, and less likely to fully recover after disruptive 
events. These dire projections require a holistic adaptation 
and resiliency program to inform future development, identify 
critical vulnerabilities, and engage residents in efforts to 
increase community resiliency. Municipalities across the 
country have developed and are implementing interagency climate 
adaptation and resiliency plans to create more resilient cities 
through planning, development, and engagement. Adaptation and 
resilience strategies include updating zoning and land use 
requirements, as well as investments in flooding mitigation, 
tree planting, cool roof installation, and home weatherization, 
among other activities. The Department is directed to 
prioritize amounts provided under this heading for the Office 
of Innovation for climate adaptation and resiliency innovation.
    Housing innovation.--The Committee recognizes the important 
work that the Office of Innovation does to advance solutions to 
make housing more affordable and resilient. The Committee 
directs the Office of Innovation to establish a pilot program 
that challenges the affordable housing industry to 
substantially drive down the cost of affordable housing design 
and production, which shall include an evaluation of vertically 
integrated modular housing development.
    Demolition of abandoned properties.--Concentrations of 
abandoned properties negatively impact the long-term viability 
of the communities in which they are located and undermine the 
potential positive impacts of other infrastructure 
improvements. When undertaken strategically and directed by a 
coherent long-term strategy for addressing vacant and abandoned 
structures, demolition of abandoned properties can alleviate 
these challenges. The Committee looks forward to the report 
directed in fiscal year 2022 which will examine property 
demolition programs, including the neighborhood stabilization 
program, and the feasibility and reasonableness of these types 
of programs.
    Digitizing housing code violations.--The Committee 
continues to be troubled by reports of deplorable living 
conditions found in HUD-subsidized properties and properties in 
the rental market in cities and towns that receive funding 
through the community development block grant (CDBG) program. 
The scope of this issue spans geographic regions and highlights 
systemic problems in the affordable housing rental market. 
Individuals and families have the right to know if the home 
they may be renting has had repeated housing code violations 
without having to file a Freedom of Information Act request. In 
fiscal year 2022, H.R. 117-99 directed HUD to complete a 
feasibility study on the extent to which HUD can help cities 
and localities digitize housing codes for public view, 
including the associated costs. The Committee notes the 
importance of this assessment and looks forward to the review 
of study outcomes.

                   Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity

                        FAIR HOUSING ACTIVITIES

Appropriation, fiscal year 2022.......................       $85,000,000
Budget request, fiscal year 2023......................        86,000,000
Recommended in the bill...............................        86,000,000
Bill compared with:
    Appropriation, fiscal year 2022...................        +1,000,000
    Budget request, fiscal year 2023..................             - - -

    The Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity (OFHEO) is 
responsible for implementation, enforcement, administration, 
development, and public understanding of Federal fair housing 
policies and laws. OFHEO manages fair housing grants, 
investigates discrimination complaints, conducts civil rights 
compliance reviews, and ensures civil rights protections are 
included in HUD programs, with the overall goal of preventing 
housing discrimination.

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    The bill provides $86,000,000 for the Office of Fair 
Housing and Equal Opportunity. The following table provides 
funding levels for various fair housing activities undertaken 
by the office:

                                         Request         Recommendation
Fair housing assistance program           $26,000,000        $26,000,000
Fair housing initiatives program           56,000,000         56,000,000
Limited English proficiency                 1,000,000          1,000,000
National fair housing training              3,000,000          3,000,000
    Total.........................        $86,000,000        $86,000,000

    Of the funds provided for FHIP, not less than $10,400,000 
is for education and outreach programs, and not less than 
$3,700,000 is for fair housing organization initiatives.
    Application of the Fair Housing Act.--The Committee 
recognizes that the Department of Justice (DOJ) and HUD are 
jointly responsible for the enforcement of the Fair Housing 
Act. In 2016, these Departments issued a joint statement on the 
Fair Housing Act's requirements as it relates to state and 
local land use practices and zoning laws. The Committee directs 
HUD to consider conducting an additional legal analysis, in 
consultation with DOJ, to determine the fullest extent to which 
the Fair Housing Act can be used to determine when state and 
local zoning, land use, and tax administration policy violates 
Federal law and to report its findings to the House and Senate 
Committees on Appropriations.
    Housing Discrimination.--The Committee is concerned about 
the prevalence of alleged housing discrimination complaints 
filed under the Fair Housing Act, with more than 10,200 
complaints filed in fiscal year 2020. Discrimination based on 
disability and race continues to be the most common, 
representing nearly 65 percent of all complaints filed in 
fiscal year 2020. The Committee is troubled by these findings 
and directs HUD to report to the House and Senate Committees on 
Appropriations on steps it has taken, and it will take to 
combat housing discrimination of members of a protected class. 
The report must include how HUD has used prior funding provided 
under this heading to address this issue and what further 
oversight is needed. In addition, the CARES Act (P.L. 116-136) 
provided $2,500,000 for fair housing activities and the 
American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (P.L. 117-2) included 
$19,400,000 for fair housing activities to address fair housing 
inquiries, complaints, investigations, education and outreach 
activities, and costs of delivering or adapting services, 
during or relating to the COVID-19 pandemic.
    Tester coordinator training.--The Committee supports the 
need for a comprehensive tester coordinator training program 
and directs the Department to operate and fund ongoing 
training, technical assistance, and resources to test 
coordinators working for fair housing organizations. Upon the 
publication of the fiscal year 2023 tester training NOFO, the 
Department is encouraged to clearly outline grantee eligibility 
requirements, provide thorough guidance, and indicate any 
changes from the previous NOFO and allow sufficient notice for 
prospective grantees before the application submission 
deadline. HUD shall ensure that technical assistance remains an 
eligible use of funds in the fiscal year 2023 tester training 
NOFO. Additionally, the Department shall not merge existing 
tester coordinator training with other fair housing activities, 
including the national fair housing training academy.
    Equal access for transgender and non-gender conforming 
individuals.--The Committee recognizes the necessity of the 
equal access rule in helping transgendered and non-gender 
conforming individuals seeking emergency housing and affirms 
their right to be housed safely, regardless of sexual 
orientation or gender identity. The Committee further 
recognizes HUD's efforts to investigate complaints of housing 
discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity 
through the Fair Housing Act. In previous years, such 
complaints have gone ignored, denying recourse, justice, and 
protection to transgender and non-gender conforming people 
seeking shelter. HUD is directed to consider how it prioritizes 
outreach to such populations to raise awareness of their rights 
and protections under the Fair Housing Act, including options 
for filing a complaint, and report to the House and Senate 
Committees on Appropriations on its progress.
    Barriers to housing for justice impacted people.--The 
Committee recognizes the importance of reducing the barriers to 
housing for people impacted by the justice system. The 
Committee supports the Department's decision to instruct 
employees to review the policies and programs that bar people 
with criminal histories from housing. As part of this review, 
the Committee encourages the Department to consider the 
following reforms: (1) limiting the types of convictions HUD 
housing providers can consider, (2) allowing tenants with a 
conviction history the opportunity to present mitigating 
evidence and the totality of circumstances surrounding a 
conviction to HUD housing providers, (3) enforcing guidance, 
rules, and statutory requirements to ensure HUD housing 
providers implement policies that minimize barriers to entry 
for those with records, (4) greater involvement of people with 
lived justice-system experience at all levels, (5) reduce 
barriers for housing for people participating in reentry 
programs, and (6) reduce barriers for housing for people 
experiencing homelessness with justice-system involvement. The 
Committee directs the Department to provide their assessment of 
opportunities to reduce barriers to housing for people impacted 
by the justice system to the House and Senate Committees on 
Appropriations not later than 180 days after enactment of this 
Act and release the full assessment of HUD policies and 
programs on a publicly accessible website as soon as 

            Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes

                         LEAD HAZARD REDUCTION

                     (INCLUDING TRANSFER OF FUNDS)

Appropriation, fiscal year 2022.......................      $415,000,000
Budget request, fiscal year 2023......................       400,000,000
Recommended in the bill...............................       415,000,000
Bill compared with:
    Appropriation, fiscal year 2022...................             - - -
    Budget request, fiscal year 2023..................       +15,000,000

    The Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes 
(OLHCHH) is responsible for the administration of the Lead-
Based Paint Hazard Reduction program authorized by Title X of 
the Housing and Community Development Act of 1992. Through the 
Healthy Homes Initiative (HHI), the office also addresses 
multiple housing-related hazards affecting the health of 
residents, particularly children. The office develops lead-
based paint regulations, guidelines, and policies applicable to 
HUD programs, and enforces the Lead Disclosure Rule issued 
under Title X. For both lead-related and healthy homes issues, 
the office designs and administers programs for grants, 
training, research, demonstration, and education.

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    Asbestos.--As the result of a 2019 decision by the U.S. 
Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit (Safer Chemicals Healthy 
Families v. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)), the EPA is 
evaluating pre-2019 asbestos uses and the risks associated with 
their disposal. The Committee directs HUD to study the EPA's 
evaluation when it's completed and to advise the House and 
Senate Committees on Appropriations on its implications, if 
any, for the HUD-assisted housing and the HHI program.
    Evaluation.--The Healthy Homes and Weatherization 
Cooperation Demonstration was initially funded in fiscal year 
2020 to determine whether the coordinated delivery of services 
of HUD-funded and Department of Energy-funded grants achieves 
cost-effectiveness and better outcomes in improving the safety 
and energy efficiency of housing for low-income households. As 
the Department begins to evaluate the demonstration, the 
Committee encourages the Department to consider how to pair 
this demonstration program with other HUD programs and with 
residential construction apprenticeship programs, where 
    HCV lead risk assessment demonstration.--The Committee 
notes the value of the OLHCHH as a tool to eliminate childhood 
lead poisoning. Lead risk assessments are essential in halting 
exposure to lead-based paint hazards, which has a devastating 
long-term impact on children's health. The Committee recognizes 
the need for increased lead inspection standards within HCV 
units occupied by a child under age 6. Given the estimated 
prevalence of young children living in voucher-supported 
housing units that may be exposed to the risk of lead, the 
recommendation provides $30,000,000 to continue an HCV lead 
risk assessment demonstration to inform HUD whether public 
housing agencies can effectively incorporate a lead risk 
assessment or a lead hazard screening into the HCV unit 
inspection process while preserving rental housing availability 
and affordability.
    Multiple health hazards in homes.--The HHI strives to 
protect children and their families from housing-related health 
and safety hazards. Among these health and safety concerns are 
mold, noise, allergens, asthma, pesticides, and volatile 
organic compounds. Additionally, these safety concerns include 
fire hazards such as, but not limited to, cooking, smoking, 
heating, lighting, flammable liquids, and other home hazards 
that may lead to a fire. The presence of these multiple hazards 
exacerbates existing health problems and can lead to new 
physical and psychological ones. The Committee directs the 
OLHCHH to give homes with multiple hazards priority 
    Radon testing and mitigation safety demonstration.--The 
recommendation includes $5,000,000 for radon testing and 
mitigation activities in public housing units to be coordinated 
by the OLHCHH and PIH. The Committee reminds HUD that the 
update required by the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 
(P.L. 116-260) on its commitments in the Federal Radon Action 
Plan is overdue.

                      Information Technology Fund

Appropriation, fiscal year 2022.......................      $323,200,000
Budget request, fiscal year 2023......................       382,000,000
Recommended in the bill...............................       382,000,000
Bill compared with:
    Appropriation, fiscal year 2022...................       +58,800,000
    Budget request, fiscal year 2023..................             - - -

    The Information Technology (IT) Fund finances the 
information technology systems that support departmental 
programs and operations, including mortgage insurance, housing 
assistance and grant programs, as well as core financial and 
general operations.

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    The recommendation provides $382,000,000 for the 
information technology fund, to remain available until 
September 30, 2025, of which $16,746,000 is available for 
development, modernization, and enhancement (DME) projects.
    FHA and PIH IT modernization.--The Committee is 
disappointed that the FHA and PIH IT modernization projects 
have stalled. These projects have much merit, but the 
Department embarked on major DME projects in 2019 without the 
appropriate staff and structure inside and outside of the OCIO 
necessary to deliver a disciplined project. Consequently, the 
Committee continues to recommend that the Department provide 
the sustained executive-level attention needed to remedy the 
chronic managerial challenges that are the root cause for these 
delays. Taking into account each project's unobligated 
balances, the recommendation provides $6,598,000 in new budget 
authority for FHA modernization and $6,598,000 for PIH IT 
modernization. The Committee designates each as a major 
modernization project. The FHA IT modernization amount is for 
continuing the activities in performance plans that were 
approved by the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations 
and any activities in performance plans approved by the 
Committees after the date of the previously approved 
performance plan for single-family insured mortgage systems. 
The PIH IT modernization amount is for continuing the 
activities in the performance plans that were approved by the 
House and Senate Committees on Appropriations and any 
activities in performance plans approved by the Committees 
after the date of the previously approved performance plan. Not 
more than $659,800 of either the FHA or PIH IT modernization 
amounts may be obligated until the required fiscal year 2023 
performance plan is approved.
    Non-major modernization project priorities.--Within the 
total amounts available for the DME of HUD IT systems, the 
recommendation provides $3,550,000 for the acquisition tool, 
affirmative furthering fair housing compliance improvements, 
disaster recovery portal, and security operations center 
projects and prohibits the use of funds for the robotics 
automation project. Not more than $355,000 of this amount may 
be obligated across all non-major projects until the required 
fiscal year 2023 performance plan is approved. The Committee 
directs HUD to prioritize the modifications needed to oversee 
economic development initiatives.
    IT oversight.--The Committee continues the IT reporting 
requirements established in fiscal year 2022 and is anxious to 
receive the first required annual plan and the required 
quarterly reports thereafter. The Committee is also anxious for 
the Department to have a successful procurement from start to 
close-out. HUD should seek advice from peer agencies, the Chief 
Acquisition Officer Council, the Office of Federal Procurement 
Policy, the GAO, the OIG, and the Federal Acquisition 
Institute. The Committee believes that HUD should understand 
the competency and capacity of its own acquisition and human 
capital management workforces and take this into account when 
determining the feasibility of IT capability and program 
delivery. Not less than six months after the date of enactment 
of this Act, the Department shall submit a report to the House 
and Senate Committees on Appropriations on its competency and 
capacity to use assisted acquisition services for IT capability 
and program delivery, including internal controls to monitor in 
real-time the task orders and invoice payments against a 
contract cap, the time remaining on a contract, and the 
addition and subtraction line items, and its ability to adhere 
to these internal controls.

                      Office of Inspector General

Appropriation, fiscal year 2022.......................      $140,000,000
Budget request, fiscal year 2023......................       149,000,000
Recommended in the bill...............................       140,000,000
Bill compared with:
    Appropriation, fiscal year 2022...................             - - -
    Budget request, fiscal year 2023..................        -9,000,000

    The Office of Inspector General (OIG) provides agency-wide 
audit and investigative functions to identify and correct 
management and administrative deficiencies that create 
conditions for waste, fraud, and mismanagement. The audit 
function provides internal audit, contract audit, and 
inspection services. Contract audits provide professional 
advice to agency contracting officials on accounting and 
financial matters relative to negotiation, award, 
administration, re-pricing, and settlement of contracts. 
Internal audits evaluate all facets of agency operations. 
Inspection services provide detailed technical evaluations of 
agency operations. The investigative function provides for the 
detection and investigation of improper and illegal activities 
involving programs, personnel, and operations.

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    The Committee recommends $140,000,000 for the Office of 
Inspector General.
    The Committee recognizes the importance of the OIG's role 
in safeguarding against waste and fraud and upholding HUD as a 
principled and financially sound agency and therefore provides 
the OIG with funding for external audits. The congressionally 
mandated and self-initiated reports and investigations 
undertaken by the OIG continue to be extremely helpful to the 

    General Provisions--Department of Housing And Urban Development

                     (INCLUDING TRANSFER OF FUNDS)

                         (INCLUDING RESCISSION)

    Section 201 splits overpayments evenly between the Treasury 
and state HFAs.
    Section 202 prohibits funds from being used to investigate 
or prosecute lawful activities under the Fair Housing Act.
    Section 203 requires any grant or cooperative agreement to 
be made on a competitive basis, unless otherwise provided, in 
accordance with section 102 of the Department of Housing and 
Urban Development Reform Act of 1989.
    Section 204 relates to the availability of funds for 
services and facilities for GSEs and others subject to the 
Government Corporation Control Act and the Housing Act, and to 
the expenditure of funds for corporations and agencies subject 
to the Government Corporation Control Act.
    Section 205 prohibits the use of funds in excess of the 
budget estimates, unless provided otherwise.
    Section 206 requires the Secretary to provide quarterly 
reports on uncommitted, unobligated, recaptured, and excess 
funds in each departmental program and activity.
    Section 207 exempts GNMA from certain requirements of the 
Federal Credit Reform Act of 1990.
    Section 208 authorizes HUD to transfer debt and use 
agreements from an obsolete project to a viable project, 
provided that no additional costs are incurred and other 
conditions are met.
    Section 209 sets forth requirements for section 8 
eligibility and includes consideration for persons with 
    Section 210 distributes Native American housing block 
grants to the same Native Alaskan recipients as in fiscal year 
    Section 211 instructs HUD on managing and disposing of any 
multifamily property that is owned or held by HUD.
    Section 212 allows PHAs that own and operate 400 or fewer 
units of public housing to be exempt from asset management 
    Section 213 restricts the Secretary from imposing any 
requirements or guidelines relating to asset management that 
restrict or limit the use of capital funds for central office 
costs, up to the limits established in law.
    Section 214 requires that no employee of the Department be 
designated as an allotment holder unless the CFO determines 
that such employee has received certain training.
    Section 215 requires the Secretary to publish all notices 
of funding opportunities for competitively awarded funds, and 
establishes how such notification may occur.
    Section 216 requires attorney fees for programmatic 
litigation to be paid from the individual program office and 
Office of General Counsel salaries and expenses appropriations.
    Section 217 allows the Secretary to transfer up to 10 
percent of funds or $5,000,000, whichever is less, appropriated 
under the headings ``Administrative Support Offices'' or 
``Program Offices'' to any other office funded under such 
    Section 218 requires HUD to take certain actions against 
owners receiving rental subsidies that do not maintain safe 
    Section 219 places a salary and bonus limit on public 
housing agency officials and employees.
    Section 220 requires the Secretary to notify the House and 
Senate Committees on Appropriations at least 3 full business 
days before grant awards are announced, including information 
by state and congressional district.
    Section 221 prohibits funds for HUD financing of mortgages 
for properties that have been subject to eminent domain.
    Section 222 prohibits the use of funds to terminate the 
status of a unit of general local government as a metropolitan 
city with respect to grants under section 106 of the Housing 
and Community Development Act of 1974.
    Section 223 allows funding for research, evaluation, and 
statistical purposes that is unexpended at the time of 
completion of the contract, grant, or cooperative agreement to 
be reobligated for additional research.
    Section 224 prohibits funds for financial awards for 
employees subject to administrative discipline.
    Section 225 allows program income as an eligible match for 
2015 through 2023 continuum of care funds.
    Section 226 permits HUD to provide one year transition 
grants under the continuum of care program.
    Section 227 maintains current promise zone designations and 
    Section 228 addresses the establishment of reserves for 
public housing agencies designated as MTW agencies.
    Section 229 prohibits funds from being used to make certain 
eligibility limitations as part of a notice of fund opportunity 
for competitive grant awards under the public housing fund.
    Section 230 prohibits funds from being used to issue rules 
or guidance in contravention of section 1210 of Public Law 115-
254 (132 Stat. 3442) or section 312 of the Robert T. Stafford 
Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5155).
    Section 231 expends the time period for the liquidation of 
valid obligations for amounts made available for the choice 
neighborhoods initiative in fiscal years 2016, 2017, 2018, 
2019, 2020, and 2021.
    Section 232 addresses the manner in which HUD may make 
adjustments for formula allocation corrections.
    Section 233 allows HUD to make additional grants for the 
same purpose and under the same conditions as amounts 
appropriated by section 11003(a)(2) of the American Rescue Plan 
Act of 2021 (P.L. 117-2) with amounts from the Coronavirus Aid, 
Relief, and Economic Security Act (P.L. 116-136) that are not 
accepted as of the date of enactment of this Act, voluntarily 
returned, or otherwise recaptured.
    Section 234 allows the Secretary to make rent adjustments 
under certain conditions, and extends the mark to market 
program to October 1, 2027.
    Section 235 transfers certain unobligated balances for the 
liquidation of interest reduction payments.
    Section 236 changes the availability of certain funding in 
the Disaster Relief Appropriations Act, 2013 (P.L. 113-2, 
division A; 127 Stat. 36) and specified conditions for certain 
    Section 237 prohibits funds from being used to implement, 
administer, enforce, or in any way make effective the proposed 
rule entitled ``Housing and Community Development Act of 1980: 
Verification of Eligible Status'', issued by HUD on May 10, 
2019 (Docket No. FR-6124-P-01), or any final rule based 
substantially on such proposed rule.

                      TITLE III--RELATED AGENCIES

                              Access Board

                         SALARIES AND EXPENSES

Appropriation, fiscal year 2022.......................        $9,750,000
Budget request, fiscal year 2023......................         9,850,000
Recommended in the bill...............................         9,850,000
Bill compared with:
    Appropriation, fiscal year 2022...................          +100,000
    Budget request, fiscal year 2023..................             - - -

    The United States Access Board (Access Board) was 
established by section 502 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 
with the mission of promoting equality for people with 
disabilities through accessible design and the development of 
accessibility guidelines and standards for the built 
environment, transportation, communication, medical diagnostic 
equipment, and information technology.
    The Access Board is responsible for developing guidelines 
under the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Architectural 
Barriers Act, and the Communications Act, as well as for 
developing standards under the Rehabilitation Act for 
accessible electronic and information technology used by 
Federal agencies. The Access Board enforces the Architectural 
Barriers Act and provides training and technical assistance on 
its guidelines and standards. The Access Board serves on the 
election assistance commission's board of advisors and 
technical guidelines development committee to assist in 
developing voluntary guidelines for voting systems, including 
accessibility for people with disabilities. Additionally, the 
Access Board maintains a small research program that develops 
technical assistance materials and provides information needed 
for rulemaking.

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    The Committee recommends $9,850,000 for the operations of 
the Access Board.

                      Federal Maritime Commission

                         SALARIES AND EXPENSES

Appropriation, fiscal year 2022.......................       $32,869,000
Budget request, fiscal year 2023......................        34,683,500
Recommended in the bill...............................        38,260,000
Bill compared with:
    Appropriation, fiscal year 2022...................        +5,391,000
    Budget request, fiscal year 2023..................        +3,576,500

    Established in 1961, the Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) 
is an independent agency, responsible for the regulation of 
ocean-borne transportation in the foreign commerce of the 
United States. The FMC monitors ocean common carriers, marine 
terminal operators, conferences, ports, and ocean 
transportation intermediaries to ensure they maintain just and 
reasonable practices. Among other activities, the FMC also 
maintains a trade monitoring and enforcement program, monitors 
the laws and practices of foreign governments and their impacts 
on shipping conditions in the U.S., and enforces special 
regulatory requirements as they apply to controlled carriers.
    The principal shipping statutes administered by the FMC are 
the Shipping Act of 1984 (46 U.S.C. 40101--44106), the Foreign 
Shipping Practices Act of 1988 (46 U.S.C. 42301-42307), section 
19 of the Merchant Marine Act, 1920 (46 U.S.C. 42101-42109), 
sections 2 and 3 of Public Law 89-777, section 834 of the Frank 
LoBiondo Coast Guard Authorization Act of 2018 (P.L. 115-82), 
and the Ocean Shipping Reform Act of 2022 (P.L. 117-146).

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    The Committee recommendation provides $38,260,000 for the 
FMC. Of the total funds provided, up to $543,615 is available 
for the Office of Inspector General.
    Staffing.--The Committee provides $3,576,500 above the 
budget request to support the hiring of additional full-time 
equivalents. The FMC may use these additional resources to 
further the agency's strategic goals and the intent of Congress 
to maintain a competitive and reliable international ocean 
transportation supply system, and protect the public from 
unlawful, unfair, and deceptive ocean transportation practices.
    Shipping practices.--On March 31, 2020, the FMC initiated 
fact finding 29 in response to impacts related to COVID-19 and 
to help identify operational solutions to cargo delivery system 
challenges. The initial findings from fact finding 29 led the 
FMC to approve a supplemental order on November 20, 2020, to 
authorize a formal investigation that examines issues related 
to detention and demurrage practices, container return 
practices, and the availability of containers for export cargo 
and to determine if the policies and practices of vessel-
operating common carries (VOCCs) comply with section 44102(c) 
of title 46, United States Code. The Committee understands that 
the FMC issued information demand orders to VOCCs and marine 
terminal operators (MTOs) on these practices. Further, the FMC 
voted on May 19, 2021, to formally establish the national 
shipper advisory committee, which was created by the Elijah E. 
Cummings Coast Guard Authorization Act of 2020 (P.L. 116-283), 
for exporters and importers to advise the FMC on policies 
relating to the competitiveness, reliability, integrity, and 
fairness of the international ocean freight delivery system.
    On May 31, 2022, the final report for fact finding 29, 
``The Effects of COVID-19 on the U.S. International Ocean 
Transportation Supply Chain'', was released which included 12 
final recommendations. The Committee directs the FMC to brief 
the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations, the House 
Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, and the Senate 
Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation no later 
than 30 days after enactment of this Act on the final report 
for fact finding 29 and its investigation, any subsequent 
enforcement actions, plans to complete the recommended actions, 
and an analysis on any additional resources and authorities the 
FMC may deem necessary as a result of the findings from fact 
finding 29.
    Further, the Committee notes that the fines and penalties 
that the FMC assessed in fiscal year 2021 was $0. While not a 
significant decrease from fiscal year 2020, when only $103 in 
fines and penalties were issued, it is a significant decrease 
in assessments from $660,125 in fiscal year 2019 and $1,108,194 
in fiscal year 2018. The Committee strongly encourages the FMC 
to use its existing authorities and enforcement tools, 
including the expanded authorities recently enacted in the 
Ocean Shipping Reform Act of 2022, to investigate and address 
instances in which VOCCs that are regulated under the Shipping 
Act of 1984 are engaging in unfair or unjust discriminatory 
practices, giving undue or unreasonable preferences, or 
unreasonably refusing to deal or negotiate. In addition, the 
Committee directs the FMC to continue to assist U.S. exporters 
and importers, ocean transportation intermediaries, and 
truckers in engaging with VOCCs and MTOs, and, as requested, 
intercede on their behalf in disputes with such entities.

  National Railroad Passenger Corporation Office of Inspector General

                         SALARIES AND EXPENSES

Appropriation, fiscal year 2022.......................       $26,248,000
Budget request, fiscal year 2023......................        27,720,000
Recommended in the bill...............................        27,935,000
Bill compared with:
    Appropriation, fiscal year 2022...................        +1,687,000
    Budget request, fiscal year 2023..................          +215,000

    The Office of Inspector General (OIG) is an independent, 
objective unit responsible for detecting and preventing fraud, 
waste, abuse, and violations of law and for promoting 
efficiencies and effectiveness at Amtrak.

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    The Committee recommendation provides $27,935,000 for the 
OIG. The recommendation will allow the OIG to undertake audits, 
evaluations, and investigations and will ensure effective 
oversight of Amtrak's programs and operations. The OIG's 
efforts have resulted in valuable reports and recommendations 
for the Committee and for Amtrak that have yielded cost savings 
and management improvements.
    Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act oversight.--The 
$66,000,000,000 in advance appropriations provided across 
several rail programs over five years in the IIJA, has the 
potential to transform intercity passenger rail in the United 
States. Amtrak will be directly responsible for executing at 
least $21,585,000,000 of this funding, making capital 
improvements to the Northeast Corridor, state-supported, and 
long-distance routes. Recognizing this significant investment, 
the OIG issued a report on March 31, 2022, highlighting the 
challenges Amtrak could encounter when implementing the IIJA. 
The Committee appreciates the OIG's initial review and directs 
the OIG to continue to monitor Amtrak's use, accounting, and 
reporting of the IIJA advance appropriations. Further, the 
Committee directs the OIG to notify the House and Senate 
Committees on Appropriations of any anomalies it finds through 
its monitoring of the IIJA. While the OIG has direct oversight 
of Amtrak, the DOT OIG conducts oversight of the FRA, and the 
FRA is in turn responsible for managing and overseeing grants 
to Amtrak. Given the close collaboration between Amtrak and the 
FRA on the IIJA projects and implementation, the Committee 
directs the OIG to coordinate with the DOT OIG to promote 
information sharing appropriate to each other's jurisdiction; 
complement each other's audits and investigations, when 
appropriate and reasonable to do so, of Amtrak's IIJA-funded 
programs, projects, and overall management; and prevent 
duplication in oversight activities.
    COVID-19 oversight.--The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and 
Economic Security Act (P.L. 116-136), Coronavirus Response and 
Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2021 (CRRSAA, P.L. 116-
260), and American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA, P.L. 117-2) 
provided a combined $3,718,000,000 to Amtrak in supplemental 
funding in fiscal years 2020 and 2021 to support Amtrak's 
workforce, operations, and response to the COVID-19 pandemic. 
The Committee appreciates the work done to date by the OIG to 
monitor and assess Amtrak's use, accounting, and reporting of 
this funding. The Committee directs the OIG to continue to 
monitor Amtrak's use, accounting, and reporting of this funding 
and to notify the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations 
of any anomalies it finds through its monitoring of the CRRSSA 
and the ARPA spending.

                  National Transportation Safety Board

                         SALARIES AND EXPENSES

Appropriation, fiscal year 2022.......................      $121,400,000
Budget request, fiscal year 2023......................       129,300,000
Recommended in the bill...............................       129,300,000
Bill compared with:
    Appropriation, fiscal year 2022...................        +7,900,000
    Budget request, fiscal year 2023..................             - - -

    The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) is an 
independent federal agency charged by Congress with 
investigating every civil aviation accident in the United 
States, as well as significant accidents in other modes of 
transportation--including railroad, highway, marine, and 
pipeline--and issuing safety recommendations aimed at 
preventing future accidents.
    In addition to its investigatory duties, the NTSB is 
responsible for maintaining the government's database of civil 
aviation accidents and conducting special studies of 
transportation safety issues of national significance. 
Furthermore, in accordance with the provisions of international 
treaties, the NTSB supplies investigators to serve as U.S. 
accredited representatives for aviation accidents overseas 
involving U.S.-registered aircraft, or involving aircraft or 
major components of U.S. manufacture.

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    Commercial space flight.--The Committee believes that the 
commercial space flight industry will be a key component of 
commerce and transportation in the years to come, and that 
allowing the industry to innovate without undue government 
burdens is important. The Committee strongly desires to ensure 
that our nation's progress and innovation in spaceflight is not 
jeopardized. At the same time, the Committee is also committed 
to seeing a safe and mature industry develop. As a result, the 
Committee sees a role for both the National Transportation 
Safety Board (NTSB) and the Federal Aviation Administration 
(FAA) in ensuring an innovative, safe, and mature industry 
    The Committee is encouraged by the NTSB's outreach to 
industry stakeholders and by the efforts of the two agencies to 
work together to update a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) 
concerning commercial space flight. The Committee is aware that 
the agencies have been working diligently to come to agreement 
and anticipates that they will continue to do so until the 
agreement is completed. Completing the MOA will help provide 
clarity to stakeholders and allay confusion that may have been 
generated from the NTSB's November 16, 2021, notice of proposed 
rulemaking (NPRM) concerning commercial space investigations. 
Communication amongst stakeholders, Federal agencies, and 
Congress must be sufficient and coordinated. The Committee 
believes that finalizing the MOA is of the utmost importance. 
As a result, the Committee directs the FAA and the NTSB to work 
together to finalize the MOA within 180 days after enactment of 
this Act and to jointly brief the House and Senate Committees 
on Appropriations no later than 30 days after finalizing the 
    The Committee directs the NTSB to carefully consider 
comments received as part of the NPRM, and is encouraged by the 
intent of the agency to issue a supplemental notice of proposed 
rulemaking in response to stakeholder comments. Subsequently, 
and prior to finalizing or implementing any rule related to 
commercial space investigations, the Committee directs the NTSB 
and the FAA to conduct outreach to the commercial spaceflight 
industry on the contents of the MOA, to conduct site visits, 
and hold a public hearing in order to inform the NTSB's 
decision-making and rulemaking on this matter.

                 Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation


Appropriation, fiscal year 2022.......................      $166,000,000
Budget request, fiscal year 2023......................       170,000,000
Recommended in the bill...............................       185,000,000
Bill compared with:
    Appropriation, fiscal year 2022...................       +19,000,000
    Budget request, fiscal year 2023..................       +15,000,000

    The Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation (NRC) was created 
by the Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation Act (title VI of 
the Housing and Community Development Amendments of 1978). The 
NRC now operates under the trade name ``NeighborWorks America'' 
and helps local communities establish working partnerships 
between residents and representatives of the public and private 
sectors. These partnership-based organizations are independent, 
tax-exempt, community-based nonprofit entities, often referred 
to as NeighborWorks organizations.

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    The Committee recommends an appropriation of $185,000,000 
for fiscal year 2023.
    Neighborhood revitalizations.--Concentrations of abandoned 
properties negatively impact the long-term viability of the 
communities in which they are located and undermine the impact 
of other infrastructure improvements. When undertaken 
strategically, demolition of abandoned properties can alleviate 
these damages. The Committee provides $25,000,000 for a 
competitive grant program to carry out neighborhood 
revitalization and rehabilitation support activities in areas 
with concentrations of abandoned or distressed properties. The 
Committee directs that NRC brief the House and Senate 
Committees on Appropriations on its proposed competition 
guidelines no later than 180 days after enactment of this Act.
    Aging in place.--Due to the rising costs of long-term care 
and societal changes, the Committee continues to support aging 
in place programs that modify and improve older homes so that 
seniors may safely live in those homes for a longer period as 
they age. The Committee continues to encourage the NRC to 
support training, counseling, and programs that assist seniors 
in sustainable aging in place and to identify the conflux of 
older housing stock, older-population states, and, in 
particular, older-population regions within those states, and 
to invest robustly in those regions with aging in place housing 

                      Surface Transportation Board

                         SALARIES AND EXPENSES

Appropriation, fiscal year 2022.......................       $39,152,000
Budget request, fiscal year 2023......................        41,429,000
Recommended in the bill...............................        42,029,000
Bill compared with:
    Appropriation, fiscal year 2022...................        +2,877,000
    Budget request, fiscal year 2023..................          +600,000

    The Surface Transportation Board (STB) was created by the 
ICC Termination Act of 1995 (P.L. 104-88) and is the successor 
agency to the Interstate Commerce Commission. The STB is an 
economic regulatory and adjudicatory body charged by Congress 
with resolving railroad rate and service disputes and reviewing 
proposed railroad mergers, and the regulation of other surface 
transportation carriers, including the intercity bus industry 
and surface pipeline carriers, and household-good carriers. The 
Surface Transportation Board Reauthorization Act of 2015 (P.L. 
114-110) established the STB as a wholly independent agency.

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    The Committee recommendation provides an appropriation of 
$42,029,000 for the STB. The STB is estimated to collect 
$1,250,000 in fees, which will offset the appropriation for a 
total program cost of $40,779,000.
    On-time performance.--In order to establish new intercity 
passenger rail service or add frequency to existing routes, 
reliable access to host railroad tracks is needed. The 
Committee recognizes the challenges host railroads already face 
in balancing the demands of passenger and freight trains, which 
can impact on-time performance. These challenges are regularly 
reflected in Amtrak's existing service and add to the 
complexity of expanding service. For fiscal year 2021, Amtrak 
reported that customers arrived at their destination on time on 
long-distance trains 51.7 percent of the time, while customers 
traveling on state-supported trains arrived at their 
destination on time 82.4 percent of the time. The Committee is 
pleased that the FRA issued a final rule on November 16, 2020, 
to meet the requirements of the Passenger Rail Investment and 
Improvement Act of 2008 (P.L. 110-432), which established a 
customer on-time performance minimum standard of 80 percent for 
any two consecutive calendar quarters and required Amtrak and 
host railroads to jointly certify that train schedules align 
with the customer on-time performance minimum standard. The 
customer on-time performance minimum standard went into effect 
for certified and uncertified schedules in July 2021 and for 
disputed schedules in October 2021. In February 2022, the FRA 
published the first quarterly report for the fourth quarter of 
fiscal year 2021 and in May 2022, the FRA published the first 
quarterly report covering all train schedules and routes, due 
to the phased implementation of the final rule, for the first 
quarter of fiscal year 2022.
    The STB has oversight and investigatory responsibilities 
for the customer on-time performance minimum standard, and will 
play a critical role in enforcing the customer on-time 
performance minimum standard in fiscal year 2022 and beyond. 
The Committee appreciates the work the STB has done to date to 
develop plans to enhance the STB's passenger rail oversight 
efforts and to meet its oversight, investigatory, and 
enforcement responsibilities for the customer on-time 
performance minimum standard. Further, the Committee notes that 
section 22309 of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act 
requires the STB to establish a passenger rail program to carry 
out the STB's passenger rail responsibilities and to hire up to 
10 additional full-time equivalents (FTEs). In the fiscal year 
2023 budget request, the STB describes its ongoing work to 
establish the passenger rail unit and includes funding for two 
FTEs to staff the passenger rail unit. The Committee recognizes 
the importance of establishing and staffing the passenger rail 
program as required by section 22309 of the IIJA. Therefore, 
the Committee recommendation approves the STB's fiscal year 
2023 budget request regarding the passenger rail unit and 
provides not less than $1,000,000 for the STB to staff the 
passenger rail unit with five FTEs to assist with passenger 
rail activities, and other activities as appropriate as 
determined by the STB. Further, the Committee reminds the STB 
of the direction included in House Report 117-99 to report to 
the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations no later than 
January 31, 2023 on the number of on-time performance matters 
formally brought before the STB, the average staff resources 
dedicated to each such matters, the average length of time 
needed to complete its work on each such matters, the number of 
staff necessary to support these activities, and estimates on 
any additional resources needed to address such matters in a 
timely manner. The Committee looks forward to receiving this 
information, as it will be critical to the Committee in 
determining the needs and abilities of the STB to fully 
implement section 22309 of the IIJA.

           United States Interagency Council on Homelessness

                           OPERATING EXPENSES

Appropriation, fiscal year 2022.......................        $3,800,000
Budget request, fiscal year 2023......................         4,700,000
Recommended in the bill...............................         4,580,000
Bill compared with:
    Appropriation, fiscal year 2022...................          +780,000
    Budget request, fiscal year 2023..................          -120,000

    The mission of the United States Interagency Council on 
Homelessness (USICH) is to coordinate multi-agency Federal 
response to homelessness.

                        COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION

    The Committee recommends $4,580,000 for continued 
operations of the United States Interagency Council on 
    Schools and housing opportunities.--The Committee is 
concerned that students lacking adequate housing opportunities 
leads to instability in schools, worsening school performance, 
and the continuation of the cycle of poverty. The Committee 
directs the USICH, in consultation with the Department of 
Education, to provide a report to the House and Senate 
Committees on Appropriations within 180 days of enactment of 
this Act on the feasibility of creating stronger partnerships 
between schools and housing agencies to facilitate access to 
stable housing opportunities for students.
    Technical assistance in providing transitional housing for 
survivors of domestic violence.--The Committee directs USICH to 
continue collaborating with relevant stakeholders to improve 
the intake methodology and practices for survivors of domestic 
violence by providing necessary technical assistance that CoCs 
can efficiently implement. USICH shall continue providing 
periodic updates to the House and Senate Committees on 
Appropriations on its progress.
    Annual reporting requirements.--The Committee directs USICH 
to provide an annual report to the House and Senate Committees 
on Appropriations that compiles and summarizes all information 
required by section 203(c) of the McKinney Vento Homeless 
Assistance Act and identify any challenges in obtaining the 
required data, and the rationale behind any incomplete data. 
The Committee directs USICH to submit the fiscal year 2023 
report no later than September 30, 2023.
    Definition of homelessness.--The Committee recognizes that 
different Federal agencies provide homelessness assistance 
through programs targeted to those experiencing homelessness or 
through mainstream programs that broadly assist low-income 
populations. However, the ways in which these agencies define 
homelessness has caused inconsistencies and raised concerns 
whether existing data on homelessness provides a complete 
picture of its extent and nature. In 2010, the GAO conducted a 
thorough review of Federal agencies, including the Departments 
of Education, Health and Human Services, and Housing and Urban 
Development, and their definitions and programs related to 
homelessness in the report ``Homelessness: A Common Vocabulary 
Could Help Agencies Collaborate and Collect More Consistent 
Data''. The report highlighted that there are inconsistent 
definitions to homelessness across these agencies, subsequently 
USICH collaborated with these agencies to improve aspects of 
their definition, data collection, and programs per GAO's 
recommendations. Given how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted 
homelessness and how programs are administered using different 
definitions, the Committee encourages USICH to coordinate with 
the previously mentioned agencies and determine whether the 
definition of homelessness should be updated to a more common 
definition that can be used across Federal agencies.
    Mental health care and homeless populations.--The Committee 
is concerned about the number of individuals with a severe 
mental illness who are experiencing homelessness and the 
ability for hospitals and homeless service providers to provide 
comprehensive care for these individuals. The Committee directs 
the USICH to evaluate and report to the House and Senate 
Committees on Appropriations on best practices for 
collaborating between hospitals conducting emergency intake, 
and community care providers involved in the coordination of 
care and shelter, within 180 days of enactment of this Act.
    Functional zero homelessness.--The Committee recognizes 
that many communities have eliminated homelessness, but there 
are clear challenges to defining an end to homelessness that is 
widely accepted and can be measured. The Committee understands 
that functional zero is a definition for ending homelessness 
that is measurable and can be tracked over time. To achieve 
functional zero, a community must have fewer people 
experiencing homelessness than exit homelessness in any given 
month, as evidenced by quality, real time data. This measures 
whether communities have resilient housing systems in place 
that can achieve and sustain functional zero homelessness, thus 
making homelessness rare overall, and quickly resolving new 
housing crises. The Committee encourages USICH to help 
communities understand how this definition can be measured and 
tracked as part of their efforts to ending homelessness for all 
    Pet friendly shelters.--The Committee recognizes that there 
are instances where individuals experiencing homelessness are 
not provided the opportunity to bring their pets with them into 
housing, resulting in individuals refusing shelter or housing 
assistance and choosing to remain in a place not meant for 
human habitation. The Committee notes the California pet 
assistance and support program as a successful model for 
awarding grants to homeless shelters that provide 
accommodations for pets of unhoused individuals and families. 
The Committee encourages USICH to support and provide, to the 
extent practicable, guidance on how to create pet-friendly 
shelter and housing assistance programs for the unhoused.

                                TITLE IV

                      GENERAL PROVISIONS--THIS ACT

    Section 401 prohibits the use of funds for the planning or 
execution of any program to pay the expenses of, or otherwise 
compensate, non-Federal parties intervening in regulatory or 
adjudicatory proceedings.
    Section 402 prohibits the obligation of funds beyond the 
current fiscal year and the transfer of funds to other 
appropriations, unless expressly provided.
    Section 403 limits consulting service expenditures through 
procurement contracts to those contracts contained in the 
public record, except where otherwise provided under existing 
    Section 404 prohibits funds from being used for certain 
types of employee training.
    Section 405 specifies requirements for the reprogramming of 
funds and requires agencies to submit a report in order to 
establish the baseline for the application of reprogramming and 
transfer authorities.
    Section 406 provides that not to exceed 50 percent of 
unobligated balances for salaries and expenses may remain 
available until September 30, 2024, for each account for the 
purposes authorized, subject to the approval of the House and 
Senate Committees on Appropriations.
    Section 407 prohibits the use of funds for any project that 
seeks to use the power of eminent domain, unless eminent domain 
is employed only for a public use.
    Section 408 prohibits funds from being transferred to any 
department, agency, or instrumentality of the U.S. Government, 
except where transfer authority is provided in this or any 
other appropriations act.
    Section 409 prohibits funds from being used by an entity 
unless the expenditure is in compliance with the Buy American 
    Section 410 prohibits funds from being made available to 
any person or entity that has been convicted of violating the 
Buy American Act.
    Section 411 prohibits funds from being used for first-class 
airline accommodations in contravention of sections 301-10.122 
and 301-10.123 of title 41, CFR.
    Section 412 restricts the number of employees that agencies 
may send to international conferences unless such attendance is 
important to the national interest.
    Section 413 caps the amount of fees the STB can charge or 
collect for rate or practice complaints filed at the amount 
authorized for district court civil suit filing fees.
    Section 414 prohibits funds from being used to maintain or 
establish computer networks unless such networks block the 
viewing, downloading, or exchange of pornography.
    Section 415 prohibits funds from being used to deny an 
Inspector General timely access to any records, documents, or 
other materials available to the department or agency over 
which that Inspector General has responsibilities, or to 
prevent or impede that Inspector General's access to such 
records, documents, or other materials.
    Section 416 prohibits funds to be used to pay award or 
incentive fees for contractors whose performance is below 
satisfactory, behind schedule, over budget, or failed to meet 
requirements of the contract, with exceptions.
    Section 417 references Congressionally requested projects 
contained in this report.
    Section 418 prohibits funds from being used to permanently 
replace an employee intent on returning to his or her past 
occupation following completion of military service.
    Section 419 prohibits funds from being used for the 
approval of a new foreign air carrier permit or exemption 
application if that approval would contravene United States law 
or Article 17 bis of the U.S.-E.U.-Iceland-Norway Air Transport 

         Agency                  Account                  Project                 Recipient         House Amount
Department of            Grants-in-Aid for        Reno Airport (RNO)       Reno Tahoe Airport         $3,589,000
 Transportation           Airports.                Terminal Road            Authority (RTAA).
Department of            Grants-in-Aid for        Des Moines Airport       Des Moines Airport          7,000,000
 Transportation           Airports.                (DSM) Terminal Design.   Authority.
Department of            Grants-in-Aid for        Eppley Airfield (OMA)    Omaha Airport Authority     5,000,000
 Transportation           Airports.                Terminal Modernization
                                                   Program Phase 1 --
                                                   Central Utility Plant
                                                   Base Building.
Department of            Grants-in-Aid for        MidAmerica St. Louis     MidAmerica St. Louis        3,250,000
 Transportation           Airports.                Airport (BLV) Federal    Airport.
                                                   Inspection Station.
Department of            Grants-in-Aid for        Indianapolis             Indianapolis Airport        4,875,000
 Transportation           Airports.                International Airport    Authority.
                                                   (IND) Master Plan.
Department of            Grants-in-Aid for        Pocono Mountains         Pocono Mountains            3,000,000
 Transportation           Airports.                Municipal Airport        Municipal Airport
                                                   (MPO) T-Hangar           Authority.
                                                   Building Construction.
Department of            Grants-in-Aid for        Electric Shuttle Bus     San Antonio                 1,500,000
 Transportation           Airports.                (eBus) Program at San    International Airport.
                                                   Antonio International
                                                   Airport (SAT).
Department of            Grants-in-Aid for        Ada Regional Airport     Ada Regional Airport        3,410,000
 Transportation           Airports.                (ADH) East Side          (ADH).
Department of            Grants-in-Aid for        Fresno Yosemite          City of Fresno --           4,400,000
 Transportation           Airports.                International            Airports Division.
                                                   Airport's (FAT) Runway
                                                   11L-29R Reconstruction
Department of            Grants-in-Aid for        Terminal Expansion,      Lee County Port             7,000,000
 Transportation           Airports.                Phase II--Gates          Authority.
                                                   Expansion Southwest
                                                   Florida International
                                                   Airport (RSW).
Department of            Grants-in-Aid for        Replacement and Upgrade  Town of Islip--             3,000,000
 Transportation           Airports.                of Airport Fencing and   Department of Aviation
                                                   Security Cameras Long    and Transportation.
                                                   Island MacArthur
                                                   Airport (ISP).
Department of            Grants-in-Aid for        Aircraft Hangar Auburn-  Auburn-Lewiston             1,600,000
 Transportation           Airports.                Lewiston Municipal       Municipal Airport.
                                                   Airport (LEW).
Department of            Grants-in-Aid for        Cleveland Hopkins (CLE)  City of Cleveland           1,190,000
 Transportation           Airports.                Taxiway Victor           Department of Port
                                                   Extension Project.       Control.
Department of            Grants-in-Aid for        South Texas              City of Edinburg.......     1,800,000
 Transportation           Airports.                International Airport
                                                   at Edinburg (EBG)
                                                   Security Fencing.
Department of            Grants-in-Aid for        Air Traffic Control      City of St. Joseph.....     5,000,000
 Transportation           Airports.                Tower and Support
                                                   Facilities at the
                                                   Rosecrans Memorial
                                                   Airport (STJ).
Department of            Grants-in-Aid for        Kirksville Regional      City of Kirksville.....     3,325,000
 Transportation           Airports.                Airport (IRK) Terminal
Department of            Grants-in-Aid for        Entrance Road            Danville-Boyle County       1,250,000
 Transportation           Airports.                Relocation, Danville-    Airport--DAN.
                                                   Boyle County Airport
Department of            Grants-in-Aid for        St. Landry Parish        St. Landry Parish           3,105,000
 Transportation           Airports.                Airport (OPL) Safety     Government.
                                                   Improvement Program.
Department of            Grants-in-Aid for        The Eastern Iowa (CID)   Cedar Rapids Airport        7,000,000
 Transportation           Airports.                Airport Taxiway          Commission.
                                                   Expansion Project.
Department of            Grants-in-Aid for        Niagara Falls            Niagara Frontier              900,000
 Transportation           Airports.                International Airport    Transportation
                                                   (IAG) Taxiway            Authority.
                                                   Realignment and
                                                   Extension, Design.
Department of            Grants-in-Aid for        Syracuse Airport (SYR)   Syracuse Regional           2,500,000
 Transportation           Airports.                Consolidated Airport     Airport Authority
                                                   Operations Command       (SRAA).
                                                   Center Project.
Department of            Grants-in-Aid for        Martha's Vineyard        Martha's Vineyard           1,000,000
 Transportation           Airports.                Airport (MVY)            Airport.
                                                   Wastewater Treatment
                                                   Facility & Collection
                                                   System Upgrades.
Department of            Grants-in-Aid for        Washington Regional      City of Washington.....     3,000,000
 Transportation           Airports.                Airport (8WC) Runway
                                                   Extension and
Department of            Grants-in-Aid for        Treasure Coast           Treasure Coast              3,000,000
 Transportation           Airports.                International Airport    International (FPR)
                                                   (FPR) Runway Extension.  Airport.
Department of            Grants-in-Aid for        Richmond International   Capital Region Airport      4,000,000
 Transportation           Airports.                Airport (RIC) Aircraft   Commission.
                                                   Rescue and Fire
                                                   Fighting Station.
Department of            Grants-in-Aid for        Wheeling-Ohio County     Ohio County Commission.     1,000,000
 Transportation           Airports.                Airport (HLG) Critical
                                                   Apron Pavement Rehab
                                                   Phase I.
Department of            Grants-in-Aid for        Runway 13 Approach       Reading Regional            2,000,000
 Transportation           Airports.                Lighting Reading         Airport Authority.
                                                   Regional Airport (RDG).
Department of            Grants-in-Aid for        Gary/Chicago             Gary/Chicago                4,000,000
 Transportation           Airports.                International Airport    International Airport.
                                                   (GYY), Gary, IN --
                                                   Cargo Logistics Apron.
Department of            Grants-in-Aid for        Yakima Air (YKM)         Yakima Air Terminal         5,000,000
 Transportation           Airports.                Terminal.                (YKM).
Department of            Grants-in-Aid for        Bishop Airport (BIH)     County of Inyo.........     2,000,000
 Transportation           Airports.                Commercial Service
Department of            Grants-in-Aid for        Installation of Airport  San Diego County            3,300,000
 Transportation           Airports.                Ground Support           Regional Airport
                                                   Equipment (GSE)          Authority.
                                                   Charging Stations --
                                                   Phase 1a (19 gates)
                                                   San Diego
                                                   International Airport
Department of            Grants-in-Aid for        King Airport (STT)       Virgin Islands Port         4,000,000
 Transportation           Airports.                Commuter Wing.           Authority.
Department of            Grants-in-Aid for        Rohlsen Airport (STX)    Virgin Islands Port         4,000,000
 Transportation           Airports.                Runway.                  Authority.
Department of            Grants-in-Aid for        King Airport (STT)       Virgin Islands Port         4,000,000
 Transportation           Airports.                Safety Drainage.         Authority.
Department of            Grants-in-Aid for        Rohlsen Airport (STX)    Virgin Islands Port         4,000,000
 Transportation           Airports.                Apron Rehabilitation.    Authority.
Department of            Grants-in-Aid for        Raleigh-Durham           Raleigh-Durham Airport      6,000,000
 Transportation           Airports.                International Airport    Authority.
                                                   (RDU) Runway
Department of            Grants-in-Aid for        Arnold Palmer Regional   Westmoreland County         5,000,000
 Transportation           Airports.                Airport (LBE) Terminal   Airport Authority.
Department of            Grants-in-Aid for        Chilton County Airport   Chilton County Airport      1,785,000
 Transportation           Airports.                (02A) Runway Extension.  Authority.
Department of            Grants-in-Aid for        Lanett Airport (7A3)     Lanett Regional Airport     5,000,000
 Transportation           Airports.                Access Road.
Department of            Grants-in-Aid for        Raleigh-Durham           Raleigh-Durham Airport      5,000,000
 Transportation           Airports.                International Airport    Authority.
                                                   (RDU) North Cargo
Department of            Grants-in-Aid for        Runway #14 Resurfacing   Western Reserve Port        5,000,000
 Transportation           Airports.                (3000' ft) for           Authority.
                                                   Regional Airport (YNG).
Department of            Grants-in-Aid for        DuBois Regional Airport  Clearfield-Jefferson        3,000,000
 Transportation           Airports.                (DUJ) Rehabilitation &   Counties Regional
                                                   Reconstruction of        Airport Authority.
                                                   Runway, Taxiway, and
Department of            Grants-in-Aid for        Replace Perimeter        City of DeKalb.........     1,125,000
 Transportation           Airports.                Fencing--Phase 1,
                                                   DeKalb Taylor
                                                   Municipal Airport
                                                   (DKB), DeKalb, IL.
Department of            Grants-in-Aid for        Cape May Airport (WWD)   Delaware River and Bay      2,000,000
 Transportation           Airports.                Hangar.                  Authority.
Department of            Grants-in-Aid for        Zero Carbon Electric     Dallas-Fort Worth           3,000,000
 Transportation           Airports.                Central Utility Plant.   Airport (DFW).
Department of            Grants-in-Aid for        Airport Terminal         Jackson County Airport-     2,000,000
 Transportation           Airports.                Building Update.         Reynolds Field (JXN).
Department of            Grants-in-Aid for        General Aviation Ramp    Scholes International       1,800,000
 Transportation           Airports.                Reconstruction Project.  at Galveston (GLS).
Department of            Grants-in-Aid for        Airfield Drainage        Scholes International       2,000,000
 Transportation           Airports.                Improvements Project.    at Galveston (GLS).
Department of            Grants-in-Aid for        Taxiway E Relocation     Scholes International       2,000,000
 Transportation           Airports.                and Reconstruction.      at Galveston (GLS).
Department of            Grants-in-Aid for        Equipment for the        Lehigh Northampton            600,000
 Transportation           Airports.                Security Checkpoint      Airport Authority.
                                                   and Terminal Connector
                                                   at Lehigh Valley
                                                   International Airport.
Department of            Grants-in-Aid for        XNA Temporary Control    Northwest Arkansas          5,000,000
 Transportation           Airports.                Tower Replacement.       Regional (XNA).
Department of            Grants-in-Aid for        Replacement of Air       Francis S. Gabreski         3,000,000
 Transportation           Airports.                Traffic Control Tower.   (FOK).
Department of            Grants-in-Aid for        South Perimeter Road     Francis S. Gabreski         1,300,000
 Transportation           Airports.                Utility Project.         (FOK).
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Lighting Interstate 65   City of Good Hope......       876,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Interchange 305 at
                                                   County Road 222.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Reche Canyon Road        City of Colton.........     4,166,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Realignment to Hunts
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Little 3rd Street        San Bernardino County..     2,560,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Project.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   3rd Street Corridor      Inland Valley               3,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Project.                 Development Agency
                                                                            Joint Powers Authority.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Lemmon Drive             Regional Transportation     4,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Reconstruction.          Commission of Washoe
                                                                            County (RTC Washoe).
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Moody Lane/Coleman Road  Churchill County.......     4,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Connector Construction.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Phase I Ports-to-Plains  Texas Department of         1,600,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Corridor Interstate      Transportation (TXDOT).
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   SL 88--Lubbock Outer     Texas Department of         2,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Loop From: CR 2240       Transportation (TXDOT).
                                                   (AVE U) To: 0.5 mi
                                                   East of US 87 (TxDOT
                                                   Project Id: 1502-01-
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   SL 88/US 87              Texas Department of         2,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Interchange--Lubbock     Transportation (TXDOT).
                                                   Outer Loop From: 114th
                                                   Street (CR 8052) To:
                                                   146th Street (CR 7500)
                                                   (TxDOT Project Id:
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Reconstruction of the    Town of Medfield.......     1,300,000
 Transportation           Programs.                West Street / Route 27
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Beacon Street Bridle     Town of Brookline......     2,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Path Project.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Centre Street / Central  Town of Dover..........     2,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Avenue Bridge.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   South Street East        City of Taunton........     5,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Bridge Replacement
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   PLEASANT STREET BRIDGE   Town of Dighton........     2,750,000
 Transportation           Programs.                over MUDDY COVE INLET.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Montgomery County        Montgomery County......     2,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Bridge Replacement
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Broadway Multimodal      Polk County............     5,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Improvements Project.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Blackstone Streetscape   Blackstone Business         2,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Improvements.            Improvement District.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Phase II of The North    City of Omaha..........     4,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                24th Street
                                                   Improvements Project.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   The Point Intersection   City of Delaware.......     2,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Improvement Project.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Gaysport Bridge          Muskingum County            3,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Replacement Project.     Engineer's Office.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Thornwood Drive          City of Newark.........     4,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Improvement Project.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Interchange              Delaware County             2,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Construction Project     Engineer's Office.
                                                   on I-71 at Sunbury
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   LTID Roadway             Licking County              2,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Improvement Project.     Transportation
                                                                            Improvement District.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Newtown Pike Extension   Lexington Fayette Urban     5,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Project, Phase III       County Government.
                                                   Scott Street Connector.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   City of Reynoldsburg--   City of Reynoldsburg,       1,585,000
 Transportation           Programs.                East Main Street Phase   OH.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Franklin County--Ferris  Franklin County             2,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Road Corridor.           Engineer.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Capital SouthEast        Elk Grove-Rancho            4,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Connector--D3a Class I   Cordova- El Dorado
                                                   Multi-Use Path.          Connector Authority.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Riley Street Safety      City of Folsom.........     4,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Improvements.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Old Town Streetscape     City of Elk Grove......     2,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Project Phase 2.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   White Rock Road -- 0.5   City of Rancho Cordova.     4,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Mile East of Rancho
                                                   Cordova Parkway to Rio
                                                   Del Oro Parkway.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Laguna Creek Inter-      City of Elk Grove......     2,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Regional Trail
                                                   Crossing at State
                                                   Route 99 (SR-99).
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Lake Shore Drive         Houghton County Road        1,150,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Construction.            Commission.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Skanee Road              Baraga County Road          2,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Improvements (from       Commission.
                                                   Jentoft Road to Town
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Brutus Road              Emmet County Road           1,100,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Reconstruction Project   Commission.
                                                   from U.S.31 to the
                                                   Cheboygan County Line.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Skanee Road              Baraga County Road          4,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Improvements (from       Commission.
                                                   Town Road to Portice
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Multimodal               City of Falls Church...     1,500,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Transportation
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   SH-66 from Edmond to     Oklahoma Department of      3,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Luther.                  Transportation.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   I-35 Interchange at      Oklahoma Department of      5,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Waterloo Road.           Transportation.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Moon Lake ADA            Pasco County...........     2,400,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Accessibility Bus
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   181st Safety             City of Gresham........     3,178,686
 Transportation           Programs.                Improvements Project --
                                                    Gresham, OR.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Jordan Road to Sandy     Oregon Department of        2,332,000
 Transportation           Programs.                River Delta Multi-use    Transportation.
                                                   Path, Columbia River
                                                   Gorge National Scenic
                                                   Area -- Multnomah
                                                   County, OR.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   NE Halsey Safety and     City of Portland.......     1,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Access to Transit
                                                   Project -- Portland,
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Earthquake Ready         Multnomah County.......     2,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Burnside Bridge (EQRB)
                                                   Design Phase --
                                                   Multnomah County, OR.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   82nd Ave MAX Station     TriMet.................     3,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Improvement Project --
                                                   Portland, OR.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Main Avenue/OR 104       City of Warrenton......     1,360,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Pedestrian Route.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Beaverton Downtown Loop  City of Beaverton......     4,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   OR141: Hall Boulevard    Oregon Department of        3,200,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Pedestrian Safety        Transportation.
                                                   Improvements at
                                                   Hemlock & Spruce.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   OR-18/OR-99W Corridor    Oregon Department of        4,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Safety and               Transportation.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Post Creek Cut Off       Pulaski County.........     1,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Bridge Replacement.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Pumphouse Road           Mount Vernon Township..       160,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Resurfacing.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Frank Scott Parkway      St. Clair County.......     4,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Extension.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Memorial Bridges Loop    City of Cleveland......       432,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Trail.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Center for               University of Akron....     1,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Rehabilitation of
                                                   Aging Transportation
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Bridge Replacement at    City of Camarillo......     4,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Las Posas Road (U.S.
                                                   101) and Ventura
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Blount County Greenway.  Blount County Highway       3,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                                         Department.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Knoxville South          City of Knoxville......       500,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Waterfront Pedestrian/
                                                   Bicycle Bridge.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   City of Rocky Mount,     City of Rocky Mount....     3,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                NC's Downtown
                                                   Pedestrian Bridge.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   City of Greenville, NC   City of Greenville.....     2,500,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Connecting Communities
                                                   through Greenway
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Magnolia Avenue          City of Corona.........     2,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Improvements.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Limonite Gap Pedestrian  City of Eastvale.......     1,600,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Bridge.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   I-215 and Keller Road    City of Murrieta.......     2,600,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Interchange Project.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Scott Road/Bundy Canyon  City of Menifee........     4,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Road Improvements.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   I-15 Express Lanes       Riverside County            3,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Southern Extension.      Transportation
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Auto Center Drive        City of Lake Elsinore..     2,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Bridge Improvements.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Ontario Avenue/I-15      City of Corona.........     2,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Multimodal Corridor
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Arroyo Grande Swinging   City of Arroyo Grande..       500,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Bridge Rehabilitation.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   101 High Occupancy       Santa Barbara County        7,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Vehicle Project          Association of
                                                   Segment 4D North.        Governments.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Prado Road Bridge        City of San Luis Obispo     2,065,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Replacement project.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   City of LA- Cool         City of Los Angeles         2,500,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Pavement and Shade       Mayor's Office.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Ashville Pike            Pickaway County             5,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Replacement Bridge.      Transportation
                                                                            Improvement District.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   USR 33 Lane Expansion..  Fairfield County            3,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                                         Engineer.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Road Improvements for    City of Elberta........       387,000
 Transportation           Programs.                the City of Elberta.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Road Improvements for    City of Silverhill.....       450,000
 Transportation           Programs.                the City of Silverhill.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Road Improvements for    City of Summerdale.....       390,000
 Transportation           Programs.                the City of Summerdale.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Traffic Signal for the   City of Creola.........     1,500,000
 Transportation           Programs.                City of Creola.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure    I-10 Improvements to    Alabama Department of       3,500,000
 Transportation           Programs.                the Causeway.            Public Transportation.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   City of Indianapolis     City of Indianapolis...     5,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Market Street
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   RM 2243 Resiliency       Williamson County......     7,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Project.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   East Central Avenue      City of Belton.........     5,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Bridge Replacement.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   SR 590 Paving Project..  PennDOT District 4.....     2,400,000
 Transportation           Programs.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   East to West Oahu        City and County of          4,800,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Active Transportation    Honolulu Department of
                                                   Corridor.                Transportation
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   DuPage River Trail.....  DuPage County..........     1,500,000
 Transportation           Programs.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Little Miami River       Warren County..........     3,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Improvement Project.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Building Better          City of Cincinnati.....     1,500,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Neighborhoods Phase 1.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Senator Mike Enzi        City of Gillette.......     3,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Memorial Overpass
                                                   Replacement Project.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Colorado Street/         City of Arcadia........     3,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Boulevard Corridor
                                                   Complete Street in
                                                   Arcadia CA.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Glendora People          City of Glendora.......     5,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Movement Project in
                                                   Glendora CA.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Chris Walsh Memorial     City of Framingham, MA.     3,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Trail.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Mystic River Path......  Town of Arlington......     1,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Blue Ridge Boulevard     City of Grandview           4,600,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Improvements.            Missouri.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   I-35 Widening in Love    Oklahoma Department of      2,500,000
 Transportation           Programs.                County and Goldsby,      Transportation.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   S.E. 29th Street and     City of Midwest City...     2,400,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Douglas Blvd.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   US-81 Realignment in     Oklahoma Department of      2,500,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Grady County, Oklahoma.  Transportation.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Oswalt Road Grade,       Oklahoma Department of      4,400,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Drain, Bridge, and       Transportation.
                                                   Surface Project.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   SH-37 Railroad           Oklahoma Department of      5,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Underpass in Moore,      Transportation.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Sunrise Valley Cycle     Fairfax County              4,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Track Innovation to      Government.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   North Woodbridge         Prince William County       4,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Pedestrian Bridge.       Government.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   I-66 Trail/Vienna        Fairfax County              1,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Metrorail Station        Government.
                                                   Bicycle and Pedestrian
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Calwa Complete Streets   Fresno County..........     4,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Project.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Madera County State      Madera County..........     1,950,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Route 41 Expressway
                                                   Final Design Project.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Air Line Trail Gap       Town of East Hampton...     1,400,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Boardwalk.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Quinebaug River Trail -- Town of Plainfield.....     2,179,953
 Transportation           Programs.                 SR 205 to Trout
                                                   Hatchery Rd.,
                                                   Plainfield, CT.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   City of Cottage Grove--  City of Cottage Grove..     5,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                80th Street
                                                   Transportation and
                                                   Infrastructure Project.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   City of Burnsville       City of Burnsville.....     3,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Highway 13 & Nicollet
                                                   Avenue Mobility
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Dakota County I35&50     Dakota County..........     5,040,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Interchange
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Dakota County Veterans   Dakota County..........     4,995,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Memorial Greenway.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   City of West St. Paul    City of West St. Paul,      3,100,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Smith/Dodd               Minnesota.
                                                   Realignment, Public
                                                   Plaza and Officer
                                                   Scott Patrick Memorial.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   City of Prior Lake       City of Prior Lake.....       632,150
 Transportation           Programs.                Trail Gap Construction.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Future I-57--Walnut      Arkansas Department of      5,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Ridge, Arkansas to       Transportation.
                                                   Missouri State Line.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   U.S. Highway 412         Arkansas Department of      5,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Corridor Improvements.   Transportation.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   College Boulevard        City of Overland Park,      5,432,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Bridge over Indian       KS.
                                                   Creek Reconstruction,
                                                   Overland Park, KS.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   167th Street, Switzer    City of Overland Park,      4,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Road to Antioch Road,    KS.
                                                   Overland Park, Kansas.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   School Access and        Village of Worden......       326,600
 Transportation           Programs.                Pedestrian Safety
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   West Main Cross Street   City of Taylorville....     2,500,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Improvements, Webster
                                                   to Cheney.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Hollow Avenue Roadway    City of Jerseyville....       900,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Improvements Phase 2.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Reas Bridge Road         County of Macon........     4,500,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Bridges Replacement.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Cross County Trail       County of Montgomery,       2,500,000
 Transportation           Programs.                (CCT) Bridge & Trail.    PA.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Coos County Libby Lane   Coos County............       608,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Paving Project (MP
                                                   3.33 to MP 5.62).
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   River Road--Santa Clara  City of Eugene.........     6,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Pedestrian and Bicycle
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Redmond Central          City of Redmond........     1,100,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Connector III (RCC 3).
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   20th Street NE and Main  City of Lake Stevens...     2,500,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Street Improvements.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   City of Woodinville's    City of Woodinville....     2,500,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Eastrail Crossing and
                                                   SR 202 Trestle
                                                   Widening Project.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Citywide Traffic System  City of Concord........       631,200
 Transportation           Programs.                Upgrade Phase 2
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Ygnacio Valley Road      City of Walnut Creek...     2,520,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Fiber Infrastructure.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Lamorinda Smart Signal   City of Orinda.........     4,185,000
 Transportation           Programs.                System Project.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   School Street Safe       City of Lafayette......     3,100,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Routes to School
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Arterial Traffic         Broward Metropolitan        1,848,761
 Transportation           Programs.                Management System for    Planning Organization.
                                                   Davie Boulevard.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   University Drive         Broward Metropolitan        5,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Multimodal               Planning Organization.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Construction Funding     Friends of the Detroit      4,100,000
 Transportation           Programs.                for Gap and              River.
                                                   Improvements for the
                                                   Downriver Linked
                                                   Greenways Trail System.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Pennsylvania Road Grade  Detroit Region                865,775
 Transportation           Programs.                Separation.              Aerotropolis
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   City of Austin --        City of Austin.........     5,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Northern Walnut Creek
                                                   Trail Section 3.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Pittsburgh City Steps..  City of Pittsburgh.....     7,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Trunk Highway 25         City of Buffalo........     5,785,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Reconstruction.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Trunk Highway 65         Anoka County...........     5,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Improvements at 109th
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Trunk Highway 65         City of Blaine.........     4,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Improvements at 99th
                                                   Avenue Project.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   I-94 Expansion Project.  City of St. Michael....     3,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   US 212 Rural Freight     Carver County..........     4,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Mobility and Safety
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   US Highway 169 / CR 4    Sherburne County.......     7,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Rural Safety and
                                                   Mobility Interchange
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Middle Avenue            City of Menlo Park.....     4,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Pedestrian/Bicycle
                                                   Rail Crossing.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Bernardo Avenue          City of Mountain View..     2,500,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Undercrossing.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Village to Hakone        City of Saratoga.......     1,520,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Gardens Walkway
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Spooky Knoll Trail.....  Midpeninsula Regional         400,000
 Transportation           Programs.                                         Open Space District.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Resurfacing Sharp Park   City of Pacifica.......       800,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Priority Development
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Boulder Creek Complete   Santa Cruz County           1,500,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Streets Improvements     Regional
                                                   project.                 Transportation
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Highway 1/Frenchman's    City of Half Moon Bay..     2,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Creek Intersection and
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Walnut Street Bridge     City of Chattanooga....     5,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Repair and Restoration.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Harwin Drive and         Southwest Houston           3,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Hillcroft Avenue         Redevelopment
                                                   Intersection             Authority.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Montgomery Road and      City of Aurora, IL.....     1,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Hill Avenue
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Forest Preserve of Will  Forest Preserve of Will     1,100,000
 Transportation           Programs.                County Route 53 Bike &   County.
                                                   Pedestrian Path.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Reconstruction of State  City of Lakeland.......     4,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Road 33/Interstate 4
                                                   Interchange (Exit 38)
                                                   in Lakeland, Florida.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Tolleson Pedestrian      City of Tolleson.......     3,500,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Bridge System.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   I-505 Vaca Valley        City of Vacaville......     4,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Parkway Corridor Multi-
                                                   Modal Improvement
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Jepson Parkway Phase 2B  City of Fairfield......     4,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                (Access to Travis AFB
                                                   and Canon Road Safety
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   SR128/I-505              City of Winters........     2,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Overcrossing (Br. 22-
                                                   0110)/Russell Blvd
                                                   Bicycle and Pedestrian
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Stevenson Bridge         Solano County..........     3,387,619
 Transportation           Programs.                Rehabilitation Project.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Road Raising & Flood     Town of Babylon........     3,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Resiliency for Amity
                                                   Harbor and American
                                                   Venice Project.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Village Lindenhurst      Village of Lindenhurst.     2,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Resurface Projects.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Safe Routes to School    City of Santa Clarita..     1,313,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Safety Project.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Sequoia Avenue Grade     Southern California         4,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Crossing Safety          Regional Rail
                                                   Improvements.            Authority.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Avenue M Corridor and    City of Palmdale.......     1,500,000
 Transportation           Programs.                US Air Force Plant 42
                                                   Access Improvement
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Avenue M and Sierra      City of Palmdale.......     2,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Highway Grade
                                                   Environmental Review
                                                   and Planning Project.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Rehabilitation of        Chicago Department of       2,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Cicero Ave Bridge over   Transportation (CDOT).
                                                   Sanitary and Ship
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Berwyn -34th Street      City of Berwyn.........     5,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Modernization and
                                                   Stormwater Management
                                                   Improvements Project.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Card Sound Bridge        Monroe County..........     1,863,200
 Transportation           Programs.                Replacement Planning,
                                                   Design & Engineering
                                                   (PD&E) Project.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Camino Real              City of Eagle Pass.....     5,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                International Bridge
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Cuyahoga County          Cuyahoga County........     2,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Ridgewood Drive Bridge
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   City of Green Arlington  City of Green..........     2,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Road Project.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Mile 10 North Road       Hidalgo County Precinct     4,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Project.                 1.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Reconstruction of        Puerto Rico Highways        3,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Highway PR-181, from     and Transportation
                                                   Km 38.6 to Km 55.0, in   Authority.
                                                   Gurabo, Puerto Rico.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Completion of PR-122     Puerto Rico Highways        3,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Connector, from Lajas    and Transportation
                                                   to San German, Puerto    Authority.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Borough of Norwood:      Norwood Borough........       800,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Broad Street Bridge.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   LA-30 Environmental      Louisiana Department of     1,100,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Study.                   Transportation and
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   MRB South GBR: LA 1 to   Louisiana Department of     2,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                LA 30 Connector.         Transportation and
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Riverway Blvd            City of Riverside......     3,200,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Improvement Project.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Excelsior Springs Safe   City of Excelsior           3,600,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Routes to School.        Springs.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   International            International               2,500,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Management District      Management District.
                                                   Intersection Safety
                                                   Improvements Project.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Hartman Middle School    Gulfgate Redevelopment      1,600,000
 Transportation           Programs.                and Alcott Elementary    Authority.
                                                   Safe Routes to School
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   U.S. 121/U.S. 460        Coalfields Expressway       3,500,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Intersection and         Authority.
                                                   Hawk's Nest Paving
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Reunion Parkway          Madison County.........     3,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Crossing.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Bulldog Way Extended     Mississippi State           2,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Improvements.            University.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Trojan Trail/249 Bridge  Barren County Fiscal        2,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Widening Project.        Court.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   SR 132 West Project      Stanislaus Council of       7,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Phase 2.                 Governments.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   State Route 99/120       San Joaquin Council of      5,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Connector Project        Governments (SJCOG).
                                                   Phase 1B.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Knob Creek Road          Tennessee Department of     2,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Improvements.            Transportation.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   SR-126 Widening........  Tennessee Department of     1,500,000
 Transportation           Programs.                                         Transportation.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   SR-449 Extension of      Tennessee Department of     3,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Veterans Boulevard.      Transportation.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   SR-35 Construction and   Tennessee Department of     1,500,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Improvements.            Transportation.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Main Street Watertown    Town of Watertown......     3,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Road Safety Audit.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Columbia Heights Road    City of Longview.......     5,500,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Safety Improvement
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Twin City Memorial       City of North Tonawanda       500,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Highway Improvements.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Bailey Avenue Complete   City of Buffalo........     1,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Streets Signal
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Wall Street Corridor     City of Norwalk,            5,500,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Revitalization Project.  Connecticut.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Alburnett Road           City of Marion.........     7,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Extension.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   MD 5 Reconstruction at   Maryland Department of      5,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Great Mills --           Transportation.
                                                   Construction Funding.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   South Escondido Access   City of Escondido......     1,400,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Improvement Project.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   SR-52 Congestion         City of Santee.........     2,500,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Improvement Project.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   148th Street Non-        City of Shoreline, WA..     4,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Motorized Bridge
                                                   Project, Shoreline, WA.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Michelle Obama Trail--   DeKalb County               3,617,500
 Transportation           Programs.                PATH Trail Project.      Government.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   East Liverpool           City of East Liverpool.     1,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Riverfront Trail
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Washington County Ohio   Ohio Department of            800,000
 Transportation           Programs.                SR 7 Logistics Lane.     Transportation.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Half Moon Bay Bridge     Village of Croton-on-       1,500,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Reconstruction Project.  Hudson.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Route 9W at Oak Tree     Town of Orangetown.....     4,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Road Safety
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Route 9 Road Diet......  Village of Ossining....     4,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Cuyahoga I-77 / Miller   Ohio Department of          5,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Road Interchange.        Transportation.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Auburn Road Resurfacing  Geauga County..........     1,200,000
 Transportation           Programs.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   State Route 84           City of Wickliffe......       849,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Resurfacing.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Washington Street        Geauga County..........     1,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Resurfacing.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Lake Calumet Trail.....  Illinois International        844,800
 Transportation           Programs.                                         Port District.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Karns Crossing Bridge..  Southwestern                6,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                                         Pennsylvania
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   US 422 Bypass Phase 2..  Southwestern                2,500,000
 Transportation           Programs.                                         Pennsylvania
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   East Washington Street   PennDOT Engineering         3,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Bridge.                  District 11.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Anna Drive Neighborhood  City of Santa Clara....     3,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Flood Protection
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Thornton Avenue          City of Newark.........     2,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Alternate Route
                                                   Corridor Pavement
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   City of Sunnyvale        City of Sunnyvale......     3,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Stevens Creek Trail
                                                   Extension Project.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   State Route 166/Bay      City of Port Orchard...     1,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Street Reconstruction.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   OC Loop -- Segments A    Orange County               3,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                and B.                   Transportation
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   SR-91 Improvements.....  Orange County               5,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                                         Transportation
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Route 539 Overpass.....  County of Ocean........     7,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Mary Ann Cleveland Way   City of Tucson.........     1,029,897
 Transportation           Programs.                Shared Use Path.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   City of Bisbee Shared-   City of Bisbee.........     4,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                use Path.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Chino Road Expansion     City of Douglas........     3,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Phase 2.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Western Hills            City of Tucson.........     2,483,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Neighborhood
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Profile Safe Routes to   Profile School.........       419,250
 Transportation           Programs.                School Project.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Concord-Lake Sunapee     Friends of the Concord-     1,203,200
 Transportation           Programs.                Rail Trail Exit 9        Lake Sunapee Rail
                                                   Project.                 Trail.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Veterans Drive           City of Pekin..........     4,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Extension Engineering.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Nofsinger Road           City of Washington.....     4,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Realignment.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Prospect Road            Village of Peoria           2,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Reconstruction Project.  Heights.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   W. College Avenue        Town of Normal.........     3,500,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Rehabilitation.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Cohasset Road Widening   County of Butte........     1,400,000
 Transportation           Programs.                and Fire Safety
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Roe Road Extension       Town of Paradise.......     1,800,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Project.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Fix 5 Cascade Gateway    Shasta Regional             3,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Project.                 Transportation Agency.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Market Place District    Moon Transportation         3,500,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Transportation           Authority.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Rodi Road Streetscape    Municipality of Penn          800,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Phase 1.                 Hills.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Kittanning Pike Flood    Pennsylvania Department     1,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Control.                 of Transportation.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Port of Friday Harbor    Port of Friday Harbor..       650,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Barge and Access Road,
                                                   Friday Harbor, WA, WA-
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Grove Street             City of Marysville.....     3,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Overcrossing,
                                                   Washington, WA-02.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   169th St Connecting      City of Arlington......     3,654,893
 Transportation           Programs.                Segment, Arlington,
                                                   Washington, WA-02.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Snohomish County         Snohomish County.......     3,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Culverts, Bothell and
                                                   Stanwood, Washington,
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Town to Zylstra Lake     San Juan County Public      5,280,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Multi-Modal Trail,       Works Department.
                                                   Friday Harbor, WA, WA-
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   44th Avenue West         City of Lynnwood.......     1,744,328
 Transportation           Programs.                Underpass Pedestrian
                                                   and Bicycle
                                                   Improvement Project,
                                                   Lynnwood, Washington,
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Boad Street Complete     Town of Windsor........     3,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Streets.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Joe Louis Greenway.....  City of Detroit........     3,920,000
 Transportation           Programs.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Veterans Memorial Drive  Leon County Government.     1,600,000
 Transportation           Programs.                (CR 59) Bridge
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Vision Zero--Bancroft    City of San Leandro....     4,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Avenue and Williams
                                                   Street Bicycle
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Henderson Interchange..  Nevada Department of        5,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                                         Transportation.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Spider Rock Road         Taos Pueblo............     4,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Improvement Project.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Trenton Street           City of West Monroe....     5,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Pedestrian Safety
                                                   Improvement Project.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Multimodal Freight       City of Ruston.........     4,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Interchange Project.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   SR-74 Improvements,      Orange County               4,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Orange County,           Transportation
                                                   California.              Authority.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Lomas Santa Fe Drive,    City of Solana Beach...     7,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Solana Beach,
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Golf Drive               City of Pontiac........     3,200,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Reconstruction.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   9-Mile Rebuild.........  City of Eastpointe.....     4,380,000
 Transportation           Programs.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Freedom Trail            Charter Township of         1,700,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Restoration.             Clinton.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Manhattan Beach Safe     City of Manhattan Beach     1,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Cycling Project.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Wallis Annenberg         Mountains Recreation        2,500,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Wildlife Crossing.       and Conservation
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Pacific Palisades        City of Los Angeles....     1,150,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Pedestrian Trail.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Safe Routes to School    City of Gilroy.........     1,500,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Initiative,
                                                   Christopher High
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   South Cobb Drive         Cobb County Department      3,500,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Traffic Safety           of Transportation.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Swift-Cantrell Park      City of Kennesaw.......       350,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Traffic Light
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   US Highway 41            Cobb County Department      2,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Intersection             of Transportation.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Anaheim Street Corridor  City of Long Beach.....     7,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Project.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Pebbly Beach Road        City of Avalon.........     2,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Revetment Repairs and
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Roger Mills County US    Oklahoma Department of      3,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                283 Grade, Drain, and    Transportation.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Pawnee County US 064     Oklahoma Department of      3,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Improvements.            Transportation.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Texas County US 054      Oklahoma Department of      3,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Grade, Drain, and        Transportation.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   I-70 Interchange         Missouri Department of      4,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Improvements.            Transportation.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Nimmo Parkway Phase VII- City of Virginia Beach,     3,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                B.                       VA.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Laskin Road Phase I-B..  City of Virginia Beach,     2,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                                         VA.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Allen Street             Town of Braintree......     3,150,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Reconstruction.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Union County             County of Union........     2,760,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Structurally Deficient
                                                   Bridge Initiative.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Town of Westfield, NJ    Town of Westfield......       399,000
 Transportation           Programs.                North Ave. Corridor
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Port St. Lucie           City of Port St. Lucie.     2,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Boulevard South
                                                   Widening and
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   City of Sacramento ZEV   City of Sacramento.....     4,300,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Fleet Infrastructure
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   I Street Bridge Deck     City of West Sacramento     4,933,861
 Transportation           Programs.                Conversion for Active
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Johnson Ferry Road at    Cobb County DOT........     5,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Shallowford Road
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   King Road Bridge         St. Clair County Road       1,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Replacement.             Commission.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   21 Mile Bridge           Macomb Township........     1,617,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Replacement.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Genesee Avenue Bridge    City of Lapeer.........     2,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Replacement.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Pedestrian               City of Emporia........     1,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Accommodation US 58/
                                                   Purdy Rd and Sidewalks.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Courthouse Road          City of Hopewell, VA...     4,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Pedestrian
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Roundabout at the        County of Prince            3,540,806
 Transportation           Programs.                intersection of          George, VA.
                                                   Jefferson Park Road
                                                   (Rt. 630) and Middle
                                                   Road (Rt. 646) in
                                                   Prince George County,
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Second Interchange at I- Ohio County Commission.       730,000
 Transportation           Programs.                70 Phase I.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Grant Line Road          San Joaquin County.....     2,500,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Realignment.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Dickman Road / Business  City of Battle Creek...     2,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Loop Interstate 94
                                                   Realignment and Bridge
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Sweet Valley Road        Luzerne County.........     1,550,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Improvements, Ross
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   G28 Pavement             Marion County..........     2,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Rehabilitation.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Summer Street Corridor   City of Burlington.....     4,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Rehabilitation.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Middle Road              City of Bettendorf.....     1,600,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Reconstruction.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Route V5G Pavement       Keokuk County..........     4,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Improvement.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Red Rock Prairie Trail.  Jasper County               1,140,000
 Transportation           Programs.                                         Conservation.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Forevergreen Road        City of Coralville.....     2,500,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Extension.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Ogden Canyon Shared Use  Ogden City Corporation.     2,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Pathway.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Young Street Bridge      Morgan City............     2,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Project.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Reconstruction of        City of Glendale.......     4,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Silver Spring Drive
                                                   from 27th Street to
                                                   the Milwaukee River.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Central Avenue Roadway   City of Lynn...........       800,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Safety Improvements
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Central Avenue           City of Portage,            2,360,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Reconstruction,          Indiana.
                                                   Portage, Indiana, 01.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   E.E. Williamson Road     Seminole County               644,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Trail Connect            Government.
                                                   Pedestrian Bridge
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   City of Orlando's        City of Orlando, FL....     5,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Corrine Drive Complete
                                                   Streets Project.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Arrow Highway Street     City of San Dimas......     2,400,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Improvement Project
                                                   from West City Limit
                                                   to East City Limit.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Covina Metrolink Access  City of Covina.........     4,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                and Connectivity
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Parkway-Denholm Traffic  City of El Monte.......     4,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Calming and Street
                                                   Improvement Project.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Donald & Bernice Watson  City of Duarte.........     1,600,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Greenbelt Trail
                                                   Improvement Project.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Azusa Avenue Pedestrian  City of West Covina....     7,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Handicap Accessibility
                                                   & Signal
                                                   Improvements Project.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Town of Granby Highway   Town of Granby.........     1,325,000
 Transportation           Programs.                40 Trail Connection.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Eagle County Government  Eagle County Government     2,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Eagle Valley Trail.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   City of Fort Collins     City of Fort Collins...     1,870,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Intersection
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Mykawa Road Widening     City of Pearland.......     2,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Project.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Port of Warden Road      Port of Warden.........     2,500,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Infrastructure
                                                   Improvement &
                                                   Expansion Project.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Yakima East-West         Yakima County..........     2,500,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Corridor.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Adams County Bridges...  Adams County...........     3,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Orland Park 143rd        Village of Orland Park.     7,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Street Widening (West
                                                   Avenue to Southwest
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   First Avenue Bridges     San Bernardino County       2,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Replacement over         Transportation
                                                   Mojave River and         Authority.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Cedar Street             City of Hesperia.......     2,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Improvements.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Wildwood Canyon          City of Yucaipa........     2,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Interchange.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Westchester Square       New York City               1,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Plaza.                   Department of
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Gila River Indian        Gila River Indian           1,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Community Traffic        Community.
                                                   Signal at State Route
                                                   87 & Skousen Road.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   THORNTON ROAD WIDENING   City of Casa Grande....     3,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                -- PHASE 3.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   UPRR Pedestrian Bridge/  City of Maricopa.......     2,700,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Crossing.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Neffs Canyon Trailhead   Millcreek City.........       800,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Improvement Project.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   4700 South               West Valley City.......     2,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Reconstruction.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   4700 South Roadway       Kearns Metro Township..     2,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Reconstruction Phase 3.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   12th Street Roadway and  City of Laurel.........     3,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Pedestrian
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Carteret Ferry Terminal  Borough of Carteret....     6,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Building.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   US 101 Auxiliary Lane -- Transportation Agency       1,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                 South of Salinas,       for Monterey County
                                                   Monterey County,         (TAMC).
                                                   California, 20th
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   County Road Milling and  Hudson County, NJ......     1,750,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Repaving Project.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Bayview Community-Based  San Francisco Municipal     2,500,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Transportation           Transportation Agency
                                                   Implementation.          (SFMTA).
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Peaks to Plains Trail..  City of Golden.........       400,000
 Transportation           Programs.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Wadsworth Boulevard      City of Wheat Ridge....     4,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Phase 2.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Federal Parkway          City of Westminster....     3,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Multimodal
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   62nd Avenue and Vasquez  City of Commerce City..     4,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Intersection.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Downtown Mobility Phase  City of San Diego......     3,144,000
 Transportation           Programs.                3A.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Development of Overpass  Texas Department of         5,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                -- US 385 --             Transportation (TXDOT).
                                                   Intersection at South
                                                   Loop 338, Ector County.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Minnesota Valley State   City of Bloomington....     2,350,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Trail--Lyndale to Nine
                                                   Mile Creek Segment.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Construction of a High   City of Brooklyn Park..       874,400
 Transportation           Programs.                Priority Off-Street
                                                   Trail Along Zane
                                                   Avenue Between 63rd
                                                   Ave and Brooklyn Blv.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Highway 610 Extension    City of Maple Grove....     2,750,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Project.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Wisconsin River          County of Dane.........     2,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Recreational Bridge --
                                                   Dane and Sauk County,
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Neighborhood Electric    City of Cambridge......     1,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Vehicle Charging
                                                   Infrastructure for
                                                   Cambridge Residents.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Downtown Streetscape     Town of Chapel Hill....     2,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Improvements.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   R. Kelly Bryant Bridge   City of Durham.........     2,320,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Trail.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   606 Extension--Ashland   Cook County Department      1,440,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Ave to Elston Ave.       of Transportation and
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   California Park Multi-   Chicago Park District..     2,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Use Trail Connection.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Family E-Cargo Bike      Montgomery County             400,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Lending Program for      Department of
                                                   Montgomery County.       Transportation.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Frederick &              Frederick County              280,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Pennsylvania Railroad    Goverment.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Rostraver Township       PennDOT Engineering         1,800,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Pedestrian Bridge        District 12.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Waynesburg Betterment--  PennDOT Engineering         7,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Intersections and        District 12.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Crawford Avenue Bridge   PennDOT Engineering         7,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Rehabilitation.          District 12.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Westmoreland County      Westmoreland County         1,600,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Bridge Preservation      Department of Public
                                                   Project.                 Works, Roads, and
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Pennsylvania Route 21    PennDOT Engineering         2,500,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Improvements Plan.       District 12.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   City of Spokane Valley   City of Spokane Valley.     2,650,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Bigelow Sullivan
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Spokane County Craig     Spokane County.........     3,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Road.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   I-85 Signage, Traffic    City of Auburn.........     1,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Monitoring Equipment.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Pedestrian Walkway.....  Alabama Institute for       1,928,000
 Transportation           Programs.                                         Deaf and Blind.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Calhoun County Highway   Alabama Department of       4,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                109 Improvements.        Transportation.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Pike County KY 1426      Kentucky Transportation     7,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Rockfall Mitigation      Cabinet.
                                                   and Roadway
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Rockcastle County KY     Kentucky Transportation     7,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                461/US 25                Cabinet.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Tingen Road Bicycle and  Town of Apex...........       550,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Pedestrian Bridge
                                                   Design, Environmental,
                                                   and Right-of-Way.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   DHS Bridges Over Water   City of Desert Hot          2,500,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Project.                 Springs.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Interstate 10 and        City of Indio..........     1,500,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Monroe Street
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Dillon Road Corridor...  Twenty-Nine Palms Band      2,700,000
 Transportation           Programs.                                         of Mission Indians.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Sparrows Point/Broening  Baltimore County            1,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Interchange Planning.    Government.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Laraway Road, Nelson     Will County............     1,500,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Road to Cedar Road.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Mandarin Pedestrian      Jacksonville                3,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Safety Improvements.     Transportation
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Tinian Route 205 Road    Department of Public        2,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                and Drainage             Works.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Saipan Route 36 Phase 1  Department of Public        4,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Construction.            Works.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Rota Route 10 Drainage   Department of Public        2,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Improvements and Road    Works.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Saipan Route 302         Department of Public        2,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Improvements.            Works.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Marlin Road Expansion..  Town of Cutler Bay.....     4,400,000
 Transportation           Programs.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   South Whittier           Los Angeles County          2,500,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Communities Bikeways     Public Works.
                                                   Access Project.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   South Entrance Trail...  Howard County..........     3,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   West East Express (WEE)  City of Annapolis......     2,750,000
 Transportation           Programs.                and College Creek
                                                   Connector Trails.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Baltimore Greenway       City of Baltimore......     2,500,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Trail Network.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Trail Spurs and          Anne Arundel County....     1,500,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Connectors.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Rand Road/Kensington     Village of Mount            7,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Road/Route 83            Prospect.
                                                   Improvement Project,
                                                   Mount Prospect,
                                                   Illinois (IL-09).
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Skokie Valley Trail      Cook County Department      1,761,500
 Transportation           Programs.                Project, Skokie,         of Transportation and
                                                   Illinois (IL-09).        Highways.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Cedar Lake Road          Lake County Division of     4,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Realignment and          Transportation.
                                                   Downtown Round Lake
                                                   Improvement Project.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Beach Park Pedestrian    Village of Beach Park..     1,720,000
 Transportation           Programs.                and Bicycle Safety
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   US-101 Sidewalk Infill.  Oregon Department of        2,800,000
 Transportation           Programs.                                         Transportation.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Cobb Parkway Pedestrian  Cumberland Community        1,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Bridge North.            Improvement District.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   South Douglas Loop--     Douglas County Board of     5,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Phase I -- Lee Road      Commissioners.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Speegleville Road        City of Waco...........     1,760,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Bridge at Middle
                                                   Bosque River.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   McBride Avenue           County of Passaic......     1,200,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Roundabout Project.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Ammon 1st Street         City of Ammon..........     5,830,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Infrastructure Project.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Center Street Railroad   City of Pocatello......     5,700,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Bridge Underpass.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Central Avenue Corridor  City of Union City.....     1,103,850
 Transportation           Programs.                Improvement Project.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Electric Vehicle         Town of West New York,        475,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Charging Station and     Parking Services
                                                   Fleet Expansion          Utility.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Sinatra Drive Redesign   City of Hoboken........     1,800,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Project.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Holt to Mason Trail      Ingham County Parks....     2,750,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Final Connection.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Oxford Safety Path       Charter Township of           374,696
 Transportation           Programs.                Construction.            Oxford.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Livingston County        Huron-Clinton                 900,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Regional Trail           Metropolitan Authority.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Orion Township Giddings/ Charter Township of         7,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Silverbell/Brown Road    Orion.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Kings Highway            Township of Middletown.       997,500
 Transportation           Programs.                Pedestrian Safety
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   County Road 539          County of Ocean........     4,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Overpass.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Lambert Way--Woodman     Henrico County, VA.....     5,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Road Extension.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Oilville Road--I-64      Goochland County.......     4,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Interchange Roundabout.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   College Avenue/          City of Tempe..........       850,000
 Transportation           Programs.                University Drive
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   US Highway 8             Chisago County Public       3,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Reconstruction.          Works.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Widening of Burnt Store  Lee County.............     2,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Road.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Toledo Blade Road        City of North Port.....     2,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Improvements.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Widening of Winchester   Sarasota County........     1,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Blvd. in Sarasota, FL.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Ibapah Road Safety and   Tooele County..........     3,500,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Rehabilitation Project.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Old Highway 91           Ivins City.............     2,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Improvement Project.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   SR-7 Exit 5              City of St. George.....     3,500,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Interchange, Southern
                                                   Hills Bridge and
                                                   Roadway Project.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Ephraim Canyon Road      City of Ephraim........     2,500,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Improvements.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   SR-174 Improvements      Juab County Road            3,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Phase 1.                 Department.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   1450 South Extension--   City of St. George.....     2,500,000
 Transportation           Programs.                River Road to Dixie
                                                   Drive Interchange (I-
                                                   15) Project.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   4700 South               West Valley City.......     3,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Reconstruction Project.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   The City of Lakewood     City of Lakewood, WA...     2,500,000
 Transportation           Programs.                South Tacoma Way
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Pacific Avenue SR-7,     Pierce County Planning      3,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Pedestrian and Transit   and Public Works.
                                                   Access Improvements
                                                   (168 Street East).
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Sheffield Trail          City of Fife...........       800,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Widening & Restoration.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Stewart Road Corridor    City of Sumner.........     2,800,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Completion: White
                                                   River Bridge.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Northport Main Street    Village of Northport...     1,392,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Flood Mitigation
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Asharoken Avenue Flood   Village of Asharoken...     1,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Abatement.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Mission Boulevard        City of Jurupa Valley..     2,300,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Pavement
                                                   Rehabilitation --
                                                   Phase 3, Ben Nevis to
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Third Street Grade       Riverside County            3,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Separation Project.      Transportation
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   State Route 121/12 &     Sonoma County               1,500,000
 Transportation           Programs.                8th Street East          Transportation
                                                   Intersection             Authority.
                                                   Improvements, Sonoma,
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Napa Valley Vine Trail:  Napa Valley Vine Trail      4,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Yountville to St.        Coalition.
                                                   Helena Gap Closure.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Updates to PA State      Pennsylvania Department     3,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Route 68 from Dolby      of Transportation
                                                   Street to Trout Run.     District 10.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Stewart Avenue Complete  City of Las Vegas......     3,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Streets.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Joe Louis Greenway West  City of Detroit........     1,386,216
 Transportation           Programs.                Chicago Connector.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   City of Ecorse           Wayne County...........       600,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Southfield Road
                                                   Pedestrian Improvement
                                                   Project Ecorse, MI
                                                   13th Congressional
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Unincorporated Fontana   San Bernardino County..     1,500,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Safe Routes to School.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Fayette Street Bridge    City of Cumberland.....     4,800,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Replacement.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Fisher Avenue            Town of Poolesville....     4,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Streetscape Project.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   East Street Trail        City of Frederick......     4,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Liberty Road Bridge
                                                   Crossing Project.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   I-675/Wilmington Pike    The Montgomery County       3,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Interchange Project.     Transportation
                                                                            Improvement District.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   The Mound Connector      City of Miamisburg.....     1,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Highway Project.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   East Dayton Rails-to-    City of Dayton.........     1,500,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Trails Project.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Kendall County           Kendall County,             4,800,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Extension                Illinois.
                                                   Environmental Impact
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Mt. Vernon Avenue and    Kern County Public          4,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Potomac Avenue           Works Department.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Chestnut Avenue Safety   The City of Vineland...     2,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Improvements.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Route 72 Transportation  Stafford Township......     2,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                & Safety Connector
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Little Bear Creek        City of Colleyville....     1,500,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Design and
                                                   Construction of
                                                   Drainage Facility.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Brandt Road Bridge       County of Imperial.....     4,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Replacement Project.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Bayshore Bikeway:        San Diego Associations      3,500,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Barrio Logan.            of Governments.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Shepherd Road            Lenawee County Road         2,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Reconstruction, Rome     Commission.
                                                   Township and Adrian
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Airport Road Corridor    Jackson County              2,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Project.                 Department of
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   River Raisin Heritage    County of Monroe.......     2,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Trail Rehabilitation
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Oakville Waltz Road      Monroe County Road          2,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Improvements.            Commission.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   EV Bus Transit and       City of Hallandale          1,461,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Charging Facility.       Beach.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Lawndale Citywide        City of Lawndale.......     1,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Traffic Signs
                                                   Replacement Project.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Hawthorne Crenshaw       City of Hawthorne......     4,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Blvd. Mobility
                                                   Improvement Project.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   South Brunswick          Township of South           2,600,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Signalized               Brunswick.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   CR 466A 4-Laning Final   Lake County............     3,612,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Phase Completion.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Reed Hartman Highway     City of Blue Ash.......     2,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                and Grooms Road
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   CLE CR3--Aicholtz        Clermont County             2,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Roundabouts.             Transportation
                                                                            Improvement District.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Improvements to SR 159   Ohio Department of          2,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                (Bridge Street) in the   Transportation.
                                                   City of Chillicothe.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   SR32 Eastern Corridor    Clermont County             2,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Segment IVa.             Transportation
                                                                            Improvement District.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Construction of Future   Arkansas State Highway      5,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                I-49 from Fort Smith,    Commission.
                                                   Arkansas, to Alma,
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Ouachita River--         Arkansas State Highway      5,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Fleetwood Drive          Commission.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Roundabout at Rollins    Prince William County,        580,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Ford Road and Estate     Virginia.
                                                   Manor Drive.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Route 7 and Route 690    Loudoun County,             4,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                (Hillsboro Road)         Virginia.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Metro Station Area       Loudoun County,             2,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Pedestrian               Virginia.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Franklin Park to         Loudoun County,             1,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Purcellville Trail.      Virginia.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Future XNA Access Road.  Arkansas Department of      7,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                                         Transportation.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Reimagine 9th Street...  Louisville Metro            3,000,000
 Transportation           Programs.                                         Government Department
                                                                            of Public Works.
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Jefferson County;        Kentucky Transportation     2,400,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Traffic Calming          Cabinet.
                                                   measures for Shelby
                                                   Park and Smoketown
Department of            Highway Infrastructure   Buechel Bank Rd          Louisville Metro              600,000
 Transportation           Programs.                Widening and             Government.
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   Intermodal Transit Hub   Dallas Area Rapid           2,500,000
 Transportation           Grants.                  at UT Dallas Station     Transit (DART).
                                                   for DART Silver Line.
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   Supervisory Control and  Dallas Area Rapid           2,820,800
 Transportation           Grants.                  Data Acquisition         Transit (DART).
                                                   System Upgrade Project.
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   Newton Commuter Rail     Massachusetts Bay           7,000,000
 Transportation           Grants.                  Stations Accessibility   Transportation
                                                   Improvements.            Authority.
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   Rail to River Active     Los Angeles County          4,000,000
 Transportation           Grants.                  Transportation           Metropolitan
                                                   Corridor Project.        Transportation
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   Transit Plaza at SEED    Los Angeles County          2,500,000
 Transportation           Grants.                  School of Los Angeles    Metropolitan
                                                   County & Metro           Transportation
                                                   Training and             Authority.
                                                   Innovation Center.
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   Rickenbacker Area        Central Ohio Transit        3,000,000
 Transportation           Grants.                  Mobility Center.         Authority.
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   Gold Line Light Rail     Sacramento Regional         3,647,591
 Transportation           Grants.                  Station Conversions.     Transit District.
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   Envision Route 7 Bus     Northern Virginia           2,000,000
 Transportation           Grants.                  Rapid Transit.           Transportation
                                                                            Commission (NVTC).
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   Willamette Shore Line    Tri-County Metropolitan     2,000,000
 Transportation           Grants.                  Improvements Phase II    Transportation
                                                   -- Portland.             District of Oregon.
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   Merlo Bus Garage Zero    Tri-County Metropolitan     5,000,000
 Transportation           Grants.                  Emission Retrofit.       Transportation
                                                                            District of Oregon.
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   Gwinnett Transit Route   Gwinnett County             2,000,000
 Transportation           Grants.                  25 Bus Shelter           Department of
                                                   Construction.            Transportation.
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   Buford-Suwanee Micro     Gwinnett County             2,000,000
 Transportation           Grants.                  Transit.                 Department of
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   Rail Car Replacement     Greater Cleveland           5,000,000
 Transportation           Grants.                  Program.                 Regional Transit
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   City of Wilson RIDE      North Carolina              2,000,000
 Transportation           Grants.                  Microtransit Expansion.  Department of
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   New Orleans Union        New Orleans Regional        4,000,000
 Transportation           Grants.                  Passenger Terminal       Transit Authority.
                                                   (UPT) Upgrade Project.
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   Battery-electric         Pace--Suburban Bus          1,000,000
 Transportation           Grants.                  Paratransit Pace Bus     Division.
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   HART Bus Stops           Hillsborough Transit        5,000,000
 Transportation           Grants.                  Improvements Project.    Authority.
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   Low and No Emission Bus  Kansas City Area            4,000,000
 Transportation           Grants.                  Replacement and          Transportation
                                                   Support Infrastructure.  Authority.
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   Yosemite Area Regional   Merced County               3,680,000
 Transportation           Grants.                  Transportation System    Association of
                                                   (YARTS) Fleet            Governments.
                                                   Replacement Project.
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   Solar Powered Zero-      Pinellas Suncoast           2,500,000
 Transportation           Grants.                  Emission Bus and         Transit Authority.
                                                   Facility Charging
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   Benton Area Transit      Oregon Department of        1,512,000
 Transportation           Grants.                  Fleet Replacement.       Transportation.
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   Fleet Fall Protection &  Lane Transit District..       800,000
 Transportation           Grants.                  Crane Project.
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   Central Corridor Rail    Regional Transportation     4,000,000
 Transportation           Grants.                  Replacement.             District (RTD).
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   Pine Hills Bus Transfer  Central Florida             2,805,363
 Transportation           Grants.                  Center Orlando.          Regional
                                                                            Authority (LYNX).
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   Ypsilanti Transit        Ann Arbor Area              7,000,000
 Transportation           Grants.                  Center Design and        Transportation
                                                   Construction.            Authority.
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   Charging Infrastructure  Capital Metropolitan        4,169,920
 Transportation           Grants.                  for the Transition to    Transportation
                                                   a Zero-Emissions         Authority.
                                                   Public Transportation
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   Station Square Station   Port Authority of           5,000,000
 Transportation           Grants.                  Improvement Project.     Allegheny County.
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   Caltrain Grade           Santa Clara Valley          2,000,000
 Transportation           Grants.                  Separations in           Transportation
                                                   Northern Santa Clara     Authority.
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   Fencing for Caltrain     Peninsula Corridor            800,000
 Transportation           Grants.                  Right of Way.            Joint Powers Board.
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   Westheimer BOOST.......  Metropolitan Transit        5,000,000
 Transportation           Grants.                                           Authority of Harris
                                                                            County (METRO).
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   Pace Bolingbrook Park-n- Pace--Suburban Bus          1,200,000
 Transportation           Grants.                  Ride Facility.           Division.
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   Diesel Ferry             San Francisco Bay Area      1,520,000
 Transportation           Grants.                  Particulate Filters.     Water Emergency
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   SolTrans 100% Battery    Solano County Transit       2,000,000
 Transportation           Grants.                  Electric Buses.          (SolTrans).
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   Pace Bus--Harlem Ave     Pace--Suburban Bus            840,000
 Transportation           Grants.                  and Cermak Rd Transit    Division.
                                                   Signal Priority
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   Missouri City Park &     Metropolitan Transit        5,000,000
 Transportation           Grants.                  Ride.                    Authority of Harris
                                                                            County (METRO).
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   Southeast, New York to   City of Danbury........     2,000,000
 Transportation           Grants.                  Danbury, CT Rail Link
                                                   Environmental Impact
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   SMART Rail Extension to  Sonoma-Marin Area Rail      1,800,000
 Transportation           Grants.                  Healdsburg--Preliminar   Transit District
                                                   y Design.                (SMART).
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   Downtown Seattle         Central Puget Sound         3,000,000
 Transportation           Grants.                  Transit Tunnel           Transit Authority.
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   Stonecrest Transit Hub.  Metropolitan Atlanta        1,000,000
 Transportation           Grants.                                           Rapid Transit
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   Safe Routes to Transit   Metropolitan Atlanta        1,000,000
 Transportation           Grants.                  in GA04.                 Rapid Transit
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   Lawrence County Transit  Lawrence County Port        2,500,000
 Transportation           Grants.                  Multimodal Parking       Authority.
                                                   Facility Construction.
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   East Dallas Bus &        Dallas Area Rapid           2,927,000
 Transportation           Grants.                  Maintenance Facility     Transit (DART).
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   Route 9-RiverWalk        Westchester County          2,797,500
 Transportation           Grants.                  Transit Connector.       Department of Public
                                                                            Works & Transportation.
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   Bus Replacement........  Amtran.................       900,000
 Transportation           Grants.
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   Bus Replacement........  Cambria County Transit      2,284,000
 Transportation           Grants.                                           Authority (CamTran).
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   Bus Rapid Transit        Central New York            3,000,000
 Transportation           Grants.                  Improvements.            Regional
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   Operational Control      Santa Clara Valley          2,000,000
 Transportation           Grants.                  Center at Cerone Bus     Transportation
                                                   Yard.                    Authority.
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   Improving Saginaw        Saginaw Transit             4,000,000
 Transportation           Grants.                  County Transportation    Authority Regional
                                                   Reliability.             Services.
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   WTA 2011 Fixed Route     Whatcom Transportation      2,000,000
 Transportation           Grants.                  Diesel to Electric       Authority.
                                                   Replacement Project,
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   SPRINTER Corridor        North County Transit        7,000,000
 Transportation           Grants.                  Service Improvement      District.
                                                   Project, San Diego
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   Duffy's Lane Transit     City of Norfolk........       500,000
 Transportation           Grants.                  Transfer Center
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   LIRR Hunterspoint        Metropolitan                5,000,000
 Transportation           Grants.                  Station Rehabilitation   Transportation
                                                   Project.                 Authority.
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   Richmond's First North-  City of Richmond.......     3,000,000
 Transportation           Grants.                  South, Bus Rapid
                                                   Transit Line.
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   Long Island Rail Road    Metropolitan                7,000,000
 Transportation           Grants.                  (LIRR) Forest Hills      Transportation
                                                   Platform Extensions &    Authority.
                                                   Elevators Project.
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   Cleaner Buses            Milwaukee County            3,850,000
 Transportation           Grants.                  Initiative.              Department of
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   North Shore Workforce    City of Salem..........     2,300,000
 Transportation           Grants.                  and Career Mobility
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   Pace 95th Street         Pace--Suburban Bus            840,000
 Transportation           Grants.                  Transit Signal           Division.
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   San Bernardino           Mountain Area Regional      1,500,000
 Transportation           Grants.                  Mountains Bus Stop       Transit Authority.
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   UTA Westside Express...  Utah Transit Authority.     3,500,000
 Transportation           Grants.
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   Zero Emissions Downtown  Township of Woodbridge.     1,500,000
 Transportation           Grants.                  and Community Mobility.
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   MST Zero Emission Bus    Monterey-Salinas            3,000,000
 Transportation           Grants.                  and Microgrid Project.   Transit District (MTS).
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   Imperial Avenue Zero-    San Diego Metropolitan      1,880,000
 Transportation           Grants.                  Emission Bus Charging    Transit System (MTS).
                                                   Equipment, San Diego.
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   Bus Replacement Funding  Chapel Hill Transit....     8,000,000
 Transportation           Grants.                  for Urban Transit
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   Secure Bike Parking      Montgomery County             428,000
 Transportation           Grants.                  Facilities in Downtown   Department of
                                                   Bethesda & Downtown      Transportation.
                                                   Silver Spring.
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   Wake County Transit      Research Triangle             900,000
 Transportation           Grants.                  Access and Safety        Regional Public
                                                   Improvements.            Transportation
                                                                            Authority (GoTriangle).
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   Expansion of Public      SunLine Transit Agency.     2,500,000
 Transportation           Grants.                  Fueling Station
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   Aberdeen Station Square  City of Aberdeen.......     4,000,000
 Transportation           Grants.
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   Bus Stop & Shelter       Jacksonville                3,000,000
 Transportation           Grants.                  Improvements.            Transportation
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   Construction of Bus      Commonwealth Office of        900,000
 Transportation           Grants.                  Transfer Stations at     Transit Authority.
                                                   the Northern Marianas
                                                   College, Paseo De
                                                   Marianas and Kagman.
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   Supply & Installation    Commonwealth Office of      4,500,000
 Transportation           Grants.                  of 187 Bus Stop          Transit Authority.
                                                   Shelters on Saipan
                                                   Public Transit Fixed
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   Covered Bus Parking      Commonwealth Office of      3,000,000
 Transportation           Grants.                  Facility.                Transit Authority.
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   Sunshine Shuttle Route   County of Los Angeles         620,000
 Transportation           Grants.                  C Electric Buses and     Department of Public
                                                   Charging                 Works.
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   Zero Emissions Bus       Foothill Transit.......     4,000,000
 Transportation           Grants.                  Program.
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   Parole Transportation    Anne Arundel County....     3,000,000
 Transportation           Grants.                  Center.
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   Flash Bus Rapid Transit  Montgomery County           3,350,000
 Transportation           Grants.                  (BRT) Expansion to       Department of
                                                   Howard County,           Transportation.
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   Zero-Emissions Pace Bus  Pace--Suburban Bus          1,920,000
 Transportation           Grants.                  Fleet.                   Division.
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   Oregon City Transit      Tri-County Metropolitan     5,000,000
 Transportation           Grants.                  Center.                  Transportation
                                                                            District of Oregon.
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   South Salem Mobility as  Salem Area Mass Transit     2,560,000
 Transportation           Grants.                  a Service (MaaS)         District.
                                                   Transit Facility.
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   Safe Routes to Transit   Metropolitan Atlanta        1,000,000
 Transportation           Grants.                  in GA-13.                Rapid Transit
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   Clayton Justice Center   Metropolitan Atlanta        1,000,000
 Transportation           Grants.                  Transit Hub.             Rapid Transit
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   Austell-South Cobb       Cobb County DOT........     2,000,000
 Transportation           Grants.                  Transfer Center.
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   Connecting Communities   Brazos Transit District       865,000
 Transportation           Grants.                  Through Bus Stop
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   Capital Metro North      Capital Metropolitan        3,300,000
 Transportation           Grants.                  Austin ADA Paratransit   Transportation
                                                   Base--Wheelchair         Authority.
                                                   Accessible Vehicles.
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   Henrico County Bus       Greater Richmond            1,275,000
 Transportation           Grants.                  Shelters.                Transit Company.
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   Valley Metro Electric    City of Phoenix........     4,000,000
 Transportation           Grants.                  Buses.
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   Bus Shelters...........  City of Mesa...........       800,000
 Transportation           Grants.
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   200 South Transit        Salt Lake City              2,000,000
 Transportation           Grants.                  Corridor Phase 3--       Corporation.
                                                   Transit Lane
                                                   Compliance and
                                                   Capacity Optimization.
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   Zero Fare Bus Stop       Thurston County Public      1,825,950
 Transportation           Grants.                  Access Improvements.     Transportation Benefit
                                                                            Area (PTBA) DBA
                                                                            Intercity Transit.
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   Union Station Transit    Jackson Redevelopment       2,100,000
 Transportation           Grants.                  Hub Project.             Authority.
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   Pedestrian Collision     Regional Transportation     3,575,200
 Transportation           Grants.                  Avoidance System.        Commission of Southern
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   Standalone Solar         Regional Transportation     1,960,000
 Transportation           Grants.                  Lighting for 500         Commission of Southern
                                                   Transit Stops.           Nevada.
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   Kings County Regional    Kings County Area           5,000,000
 Transportation           Grants.                  Multi-Modal Transit      Public Transit Agency.
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   New Zero Emission Bus    San Diego Metropolitan      1,000,000
 Transportation           Grants.                  Division Project --      Transit System (MTS).
                                                   Planning Phase.
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   DART Fuel System         Dallas Area Rapid           2,000,000
 Transportation           Grants.                  Modernization Project.   Transit (DART).
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   Intermodal Public        City of Sunrise........     2,500,000
 Transportation           Grants.                  Transfer Station.
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   Maintenance and Joint    Gulf Coast Transit          1,175,000
 Transportation           Grants.                  Development Facility --  District.
                                                    Design Phase.
Department of            Transit Infrastructure   Safe Routes to Transit   Metropolitan Atlanta        1,000,000
 Transportation           Grants.                  in GA-05.                Rapid Transit
Department of Housing    Community Development    WeBuild Concord          WeBuild Concord........     2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Collective Impact for
                                                   Affordable Housing.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Carolina Theatre         Foundation For The            750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Restoration and          Carolinas.
Department of Housing    Community Development    North Mecklenburg        Centralina Regional         1,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    County Housing           Council.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Charlotte Center for     ourBRIDGE, Inc.........     1,300,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Newcomers.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Local Foods Production   Carolina Farm Trust....     4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    & Distribution Center.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Preservation of          DreamKey Partners, Inc.     1,400,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Affordable Housing in
                                                   Druid Hills.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Huntersville Lot         Town of Huntersville...     2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Acquisition for
                                                   Affordable Housing.
Department of Housing    Community Development    STEM Learning            Atrium Health, Inc.....       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Laboratory
Department of Housing    Community Development    Historic West End        Local Initiatives           1,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Critical Home Repair     Support Corporation-
                                                   Program.                 Charlotte.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Sulligent Humbers        City of Sulligent......     2,122,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Subdivision Sanitary
                                                   Sewer Extension.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Community STEM Facility  University of North         3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Design and               Alabama.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Construction and         City of Rainsville.....       135,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Extension of an
                                                   Existing Turn Lane.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Arrowhead Grove          Housing Authority of        3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Community Resource       the County of San
                                                   Center.                  Bernardino.
Department of Housing    Community Development    NPHS Sustainable         Neighborhood                1,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Communities Catalyst     Partnership Housing
                                                   Project.                 Services, Inc..
Department of Housing    Community Development    Cucamonga Canyon         City of Rancho              1,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Trailhead.               Cucamonga.
Department of Housing    Community Development    University Village       University of Redlands.       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Development Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Fontana Homelessness     City of Fontana........       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Prevention Resource
                                                   and Care Center (Phase
Department of Housing    Community Development    Restoration of San       City of San Bernardino.     1,400,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Bernardino's Historic
                                                   Roosevelt Bowl.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Southern Gateway Park..  Southern Gateway Public       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                                             Green Foundation.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Dallas Digital Divide -- City of Dallas.........       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                     Traffic Signals &
Department of Housing    Community Development    Kahle Drive Complete     Douglas County.........     1,385,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Streets.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Appion Way Improvements  Carson City Public          1,100,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                                             Works.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Mount Ayr Downtown       City of Mount Ayr......       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Revitalization Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Adams County             Adams County Economic         779,025
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Entrepreneur and         Development
                                                   Business Incubator       Corporation.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Food Bank of Iowa        Food Bank of Iowa......       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Warehouse Expansion
                                                   for a Hunger Free Iowa.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Neighborhood Finance     Neighborhood Finance          360,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Corporation's            Corporation.
                                                   Workforce Housing in
                                                   Polk County.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Building Their Futures   Iowa Homeless Youth           750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Through the Iowa         Center.
                                                   Homeless Youth Center
                                                   Employment Skill
                                                   Building Initiative
Department of Housing    Community Development    Perry Downtown           City of Perry, Iowa....     1,919,082
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Improvements Phase 1.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Burlington Avenue        City of Ralson.........     2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Extension and Bridge.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Myott Park Renovation    Habitat for Humanity of     1,100,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    and Expansion.           Omaha, Inc..
Department of Housing    Community Development    Jessamine Co / City of   Jessamine County Fiscal     2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Nicholasville--Jenette   Court.
                                                   Industrial Park Phase
Department of Housing    Community Development    KY 36 Widening Project.  Bath County Fiscal          2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                                             Court.
Department of Housing    Community Development    San Pedro Family         Harbor Interfaith             375,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Shelter Upgrades.        Services.
Department of Housing    Community Development    New Boys & Girls Club    Boys & Girls Clubs of       4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    for Harbor Gateway.      the Los Angeles Harbor.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Energy Resiliency at     City of Carson.........     2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Veterans Park and
                                                   Sports Complex.
Department of Housing    Community Development    51st Street Greenbelt    City of Long Beach.....     2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    on the Los Angeles
Department of Housing    Community Development    Public Charging          Los Angeles Cleantech       1,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Infrastructure for       Incubator.
                                                   Battery Electric
                                                   Drayage Trucks.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Harbor Community New     United Harbor Area          4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Technology Career        Association.
                                                   Development Center.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Ethiopian Community Los  African Communities           750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Angeles Community        Mental Health
                                                   Center (ECLA).           Coalition.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Destination Little       Community Partners.....     2,150,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Ethiopia.
Department of Housing    Community Development    King Solomon Village     Ward Economic                 750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    (Phase 2).               Development
Department of Housing    Community Development    Jenesse Center Legal     Jenessee Center, Inc...     3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Assistance for Victims
Department of Housing    Community Development    Mollie Maison Permanent  The People Concern.....     2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Supportive Housing
Department of Housing    Community Development    Community Spaces for     Destination Crenshaw...     3,416,674
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Additional Park Access
                                                   in South Los Angeles.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Boys & Girls Clubs of    Boys & Girls Clubs of         750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Central Ohio--J.         Columbus, Inc..
                                                   Ashburn Jr. Boys &
                                                   Girls Club Renovations.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Directions for Youth &   Directions for Youth &      1,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Families--Crittenton     Families.
                                                   Community Center.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Meals on Wheels          Meals on Wheels by ACC.       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Sacramento Kitchen.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Mather Community Campus  County of Sacramento...     1,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Human Assistance
                                                   Facility Renovation
Department of Housing    Community Development    Alexandria Community     ALIVE!, Inc............     1,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Food Resource Center.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Alexandria City AHDC     City of Alexandria.....     1,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Arlandria Housing+
Department of Housing    Community Development    Oakwood Senior           Arlington Partnership         750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Residences.              for Affordable Housing
Department of Housing    Community Development    Northern Virginia        Tahirih Justice Center.     1,225,439
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Afghan Asylee Support
Department of Housing    Community Development    Sanitary Sewer           Arlington County.......       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Interceptor Pipe
                                                   Rehabilitation --
                                                   Columbia Pike/ Sparrow
                                                   Pond section of the
                                                   Four Mile Run
Department of Housing    Community Development    Arlington County         Arlington County.......       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Integrated Gray/Green
                                                   Infrastructure for
                                                   Public Streets.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Notabene Drive, Four     City of Alexandria.....       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Mile Rd., and Old
                                                   Dominion Blvd. Flood
                                                   Mitigation Project,
Department of Housing    Community Development    Green Vehicle Fleet      City of Falls Church...       600,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Upgrade and
Department of Housing    Community Development    Sanitary Sewer           Arlington County.......       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Interceptor Pipe
                                                   n Area of Potomac
Department of Housing    Community Development    Lee District Community   Fairfax County.........     1,930,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Center Facility
Department of Housing    Community Development    CARES One Stop Senior    Community Aging &           2,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Center Acquisition and   Retirement Services,
                                                   Construction.            Inc..
Department of Housing    Community Development    Vincent House 10 New     Vincent Academy             1,250,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Units of Housing.        Adventure Coast, Inc..
Department of Housing    Community Development    Craig Park/Spring Bayou  City of Tarpon Springs.     2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Seawall and Sidewalk
                                                   Repair and Resiliency
                                                   Upgrade Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Mt. Olive Affordable     Mt. Olive Community           750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Housing Rehabilitation.  Outreach Center, Inc..
Department of Housing    Community Development    Boys & Girls Clubs of    Boys & Girls Clubs of       1,850,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Albany Clubhouse         Albany, Inc..
                                                   Building Renovations.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Columbus State           Columbus State              4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    University STEAM         University.
                                                   Collaboration Center.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Bainbridge, GA--Phase 2  City of Bainbridge.....     1,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    of Downrange
                                                   Industrial Park Water
                                                   and Wastewater Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Portland State           Portland State                750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    University Low Cost      University.
                                                   Student Housing
                                                   Project -- Portland,
Department of Housing    Community Development    Restoration and          Oregon Rail Heritage          650,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Reconstruction of the    Foundation.
                                                   1924 Historic Brooklyn
                                                   Railroad Turntable --
                                                   Portland, OR.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Building United Futures  Black United Fund of          750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Complex Construction --  Oregon, Inc..
                                                    Portland, OR.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Albina Land Bank--       Albina Vision Trust,        1,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Portland, OR.            Inc..
Department of Housing    Community Development    Sussex County Habitat    Sussex County Habitat         600,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    for Humanity Strategic   for Humanity Inc.
                                                   Land Acquisition
Department of Housing    Community Development    The Choir School of      The Choir School of         1,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Delaware's New           Delaware Inc.
                                                   Building at 8th and
                                                   West Street in
                                                   Wilmington's Historic
                                                   Quaker Hill District.
Department of Housing    Community Development    New Castle County Hope   New Castle County......       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Center Roof
                                                   Replacement and
                                                   Transportation Support.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Education Expansion      Latin American              3,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Projects.                Community Center Inc.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Lombard Street           Central Baptist               750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Redevelopment Project.   Community Development
Department of Housing    Community Development    CHEER Administrative     CHEER, Inc.............       500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Building Site Plan
                                                   Infrastructure II.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Fairfield Apartments...  City of Portland.......     2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Dartmouth Crossing       REACH Community             1,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    South-Tigard Triangle.   Development
Department of Housing    Community Development    Capacity Building......  West Tuality Habitat          750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                                             for Humanity.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Special Collection on    Gwinnett County Public        500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    African American         Library Foundation.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Transportation for Low-  Corners Outreach.......       250,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Income Students.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Wraparound Services for  Ser Familia............       462,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Latino Families and
Department of Housing    Community Development    Expansion of Behavioral  Montefiore Medical          3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Health Clinics in        Center.
                                                   Westchester County
                                                   Public Schools.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Climate and Resilience   Village of Hastings-on-       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Upgrades to Village of   Hudson.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Rehabilitation of the    County of Westchester,        750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Yonkers Sewage           NY.
                                                   Treatment Plant to
                                                   Promote the Health and
                                                   Wellbeing of Residents.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Study of the Lake Isle   County of Westchester,      2,560,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Dam to Promote Safety,   NY.
                                                   Flood Mitigation, and
                                                   Environmental Justice
                                                   in Southern
Department of Housing    Community Development    Katonah Avenue           Emerald Isle                  330,055
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Community Facility       Immigration Center.
                                                   Renovation and
                                                   Expansion to Better
                                                   Serve Immigrant
Department of Housing    Community Development    Corridor Revitalization  Philadelphia Chinatown        606,300
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Initiative for           Development
                                                   Chinatown (CRIC).        Corporation Community
Department of Housing    Community Development    Graffiti Pier            Delaware River              2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Improvement Project.     Waterfront Corporation.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Delaware River Trail--   Delaware River              1,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Battery Segment          Waterfront Corporation.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Frankford Avenue         Fishtown Kensington           750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Connector Project.       Area Business
                                                                            Improvement District.
Department of Housing    Community Development    6th Street Lighting,     Center City District...       500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Center City.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Hammond Avenue Baseball  Feliz Filadelfia.......       500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Fields Astroturf and
                                                   Sports Lighting
Department of Housing    Community Development    Kensington Transitional  Covenant House PA......       225,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Housing Facility
                                                   Capital Improvements
Department of Housing    Community Development    Congreso Accessibility   Congreso de Latinos         1,100,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Project.                 Unidos.
Department of Housing    Community Development    2nd Congressional        The Urban League of           750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    District Satellite       Philadelphia.
                                                   Location of The Urban
                                                   League of Philadelphia.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Kensington Long-Term     Project HOME...........     2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Recovery Residence
Department of Housing    Community Development    Tamanend Plaza           Independence Historical     1,890,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Construction.            Trust.
Department of Housing    Community Development    The Salvation Army Red   The Salvation Army.....     1,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Shield Family
                                                   Revitalization Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Crownsville Nonprofit    Anne Arundel County....     3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Incubator and
                                                   Community Center.
Department of Housing    Community Development    CASA: Prince George's    CASA...................       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    County Workforce
                                                   Development & Training
Department of Housing    Community Development    HOPE: Improving the      Housing Options &             750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Safety and Well-Being    Planning Enterprises,
                                                   of Seniors and           Inc..
                                                   Disabled Persons.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Transit Facility         Prince George's County      1,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Feasibility Study.       Government.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Odenton MARC Station     Anne Arundel County....     4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Development.
Department of Housing    Community Development    The Power of Waste:      Community Forklift.....       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Catalyzing Local
                                                   Economic Development
                                                   through Building
                                                   Material Reuse.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Mission of Love          Mission of Love             2,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Charities: Renovation    Charities, Inc..
                                                   of Former School
                                                   Building for New
Department of Housing    Community Development    Cleveland Early          PRE4CLE................     1,287,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Learning Spaces.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Broadband Services for   DigitalC...............     3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Underserved
                                                   Communities of
Department of Housing    Community Development    Greater Cleveland Food   Greater Cleveland Food      4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Bank Capital Expansion   Bank Inc.
                                                   and Capacity Building
Department of Housing    Community Development    New Moorpark City        City of Moorpark.......       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Library.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Simi Valley Senior       City of Simi Valley....     1,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Center Patio Shelter.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Food Share Facility      Food Share.............     2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Construction.
Department of Housing    Community Development    15th Street East at      Manatee County.........     2,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    57th Avenue East
Department of Housing    Community Development    Lincoln Park Pedestrian  Manatee County.........       950,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Bridge Design and
Department of Housing    Community Development    Legacy Trail Pedestrian  Sarasota County........     1,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Overpass Construction.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Wimauma Community        Hillsborough County....       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Center Design and
Department of Housing    Community Development    Jenny Boyd Keys of Hope  Young Women's Christian     2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Women's Program          Association --
                                                   Building Expansion,      Knoxville YWCA.
                                                   Renovation and
Department of Housing    Community Development    Veterans' Permanent      Knoxville's Community       2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Supportive Housing.      Development
Department of Housing    Community Development    A Red Circle--North      A Red Circle...........     1,498,853
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    County Community Nexus.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Public Wi-Fi for         St. Louis Housing             990,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Housing Authority        Authority (SLHA).
Department of Housing    Community Development    Urban League Plaza       Urban League of               750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Property Improvements.   Metropolitan St. Louis.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Center for Economic      Covenant House Missouri     2,423,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Advancement at
                                                   Covenant House
Department of Housing    Community Development    Boys & Girls Clubs       Boys & Girls Clubs of         750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Capital Projects.        Greater St. Louis.
Department of Housing    Community Development    LifeHouse Phase I of     Better Family Life,         3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    the Page                 Inc..
Department of Housing    Community Development    LIFE Housing Project...  Child and Family            1,812,891
 and Urban Development    Fund.                                             Empowerment Center.
Department of Housing    Community Development    City of Kinloch Dunbar   City of Kinloch........       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Gardens Renovations.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Martin Park Upgrades...  Village of East             1,100,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                                             Galesburg.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Downtown Building        Town of Astoria........       500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Demolitions.
Department of Housing    Community Development    East Bluff Community     East Bluff Community          350,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Center Capital           Center, NFP.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Skip-A-Long Rock Island  SAL Family and              4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Campus.                  Community Services.
Department of Housing    Community Development    61605 Sidewalk Upgrades  City of Peoria, IL.....     2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.
Department of Housing    Community Development    The Excel Center         Goodwill Industries of      1,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Rockford.                Northern Illinois and
                                                                            Wisconsin Stateline
                                                                            Area, Inc..
Department of Housing    Community Development    Mt. Carroll STEAAM Hub.  The Board of Trustees         438,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                                             of the University of
Department of Housing    Community Development    The Revitalization of    Williamston............       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Williamston, NC.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Robersonville, NC        Town of Robersonville..       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Street Improvements.
Department of Housing    Community Development    City of Wilson           City of Wilson.........     4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Neighborhood Park
Department of Housing    Community Development    Santa Maria Japanese     City of Santa Maria....       500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Community Center.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Pioneer Park...........  City of Lompoc.........     1,267,500
 and Urban Development    Fund.
Department of Housing    Community Development    E.P. Foster Library      City of Ventura........       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Upgrades.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Dwight Murphy Field      City of Santa Barbara..     1,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Renovation.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Orcutt Library.........  County of Santa Barbara     2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Santa Barbara Food Bank  Food Bank of Santa          1,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                                             Barbara County.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Morro Bay North T-Pier.  City of Morro Bay......     1,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Mondo's Cove Beach       City of Ventura........     1,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Stairway Access.
Department of Housing    Community Development    San Fernando Gardens --  Housing Authority of        3,573,240
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Adapting To Climate      the City of Los
                                                   Change.                  Angeles.
Department of Housing    Community Development    City of Foley Public     City of Foley..........     2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Library Construction.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Graham Edward Martin     City of Indianapolis...     1,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Park Improvement
Department of Housing    Community Development    Pooler Wastewater        City of Pooler.........     2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Treatment Plant
Department of Housing    Community Development    Jimmy DeLoach Parkway    City of Pooler.........     2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Improvements.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Quacco Road Corridor     City of Pooler.........     2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Improvements.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Pine Barren Road         City of Pooler.........     2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Improvement Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Cut Off Natatorium.....  Algiers Development         4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                                             District.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Wetland Park & Nature    Sankofa Community           2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Trail.                   Development
Department of Housing    Community Development    Dodwell House Community  Anna's Place NOLA......       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Resource Center.
Department of Housing    Community Development    City of Donaldsonville   City of Donaldsonville.     4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Natural Gas System
Department of Housing    Community Development    FM 971 Expansion         City of Georgetown.....     4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    New American Theater &   Redevelopment Authority     3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Project Share.           of the City of
Department of Housing    Community Development    Village of Redemption..  The Institute for Human       500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                                             Services.
Department of Housing    Community Development    B.R. Ryall YMCA of       B.R. Ryall YMCA of          2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Northwestern DuPage      Northwestern DuPage
                                                   County.                  County.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Kerr-McGee Superfund     City of West Chicago...     2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Remediation.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Village of Hawthorn      Village of Hawthorn         1,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Woods.                   Woods.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Prairie Food Co-Op.....  Cooperative Development       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                                             Fund of CDS / Prairie
                                                                            Food Coop.
Department of Housing    Community Development    City of Wheaton Public   Wheaton Public Library.       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Library Rehabilitation.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Hillsborough County      Hillsborough County....     1,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    African American Arts
                                                   and Cultural Center.
Department of Housing    Community Development    The Skills Center        Skills Center, Inc.....     3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Collaborative.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Casa Bella Project.....  City of San Antonio         1,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                                             Westside Development
                                                                            Corporation dba
                                                                            Prosper West.
Department of Housing    Community Development    The High Impact Housing  Our Casas Resident          1,057,257
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Project (HIPP).          Council, Inc..
Department of Housing    Community Development    Clear Creek Bike Path    City of Franklin.......       782,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Connector.
Department of Housing    Community Development    North Broadway Corridor  City of Lebanon........       500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Improvements.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Village of Corwin        Village of Corwin......     1,119,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Stormwater
                                                   Improvements Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Food Bank of Wyoming     Food Bank of Wyoming...       531,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Truck Package.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Housing Stability and    Catholic Charities of       3,860,461
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Homelessness             the Archdiocese of
                                                   Prevention.              Miami, Inc..
Department of Housing    Community Development    Salvation Army Building  The Salvation Army.....       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Expansion and
                                                   Renovation for Persons
Department of Housing    Community Development    1st Time Homebuyers      City of Tamarac,              350,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Assistance Program.      Florida.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Scholars' Village......  Helping Abused                250,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                                             Neglected
                                                                            Disadvantaged Youth
Department of Housing    Community Development    Transitional Housing     Haynes Family of              750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Units for Reducing       Programs.
                                                   Homelessness Among
                                                   Foster Youth in CA-27
Department of Housing    Community Development    Claremont Wildlands      Claremont Wildlands         3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Conservancy Clara Oaks   Conservancy.
Department of Housing    Community Development    San Gabriel Valley       San Gabriel Valley          4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Affordable Housing       Regional Housing Trust.
                                                   Project Pipeline.
Department of Housing    Community Development    LA-San Gabriel           Nature for All.........       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Mountains Urban
                                                   Shuttle System.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Multimodal Improvement   City of Alhambra.......     1,200,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Project at Valley
                                                   Boulevard in Alhambra,
Department of Housing    Community Development    Charles White Park       County of Los Angeles         750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Renovation in            Department of Parks
                                                   Altadena, CA.            and Recreation.
Department of Housing    Community Development    East Providence          City of East Providence     3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Community Center.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Renovation of the Boys   Boys & Girls Clubs of         750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    & Girls Clubs of         Newport County (BGCNC).
                                                   Newport County's
Department of Housing    Community Development    Progreso Latino, Inc.    Progreso Latino, Inc...     3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Facility Purchase &
Department of Housing    Community Development    MacColl YMCA Nature      YMCA of Pawtucket,            750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Studies Center &         Inc.--MacColl Y.
                                                   Outdoor Pavilion.
Department of Housing    Community Development    North Smithfield Senior/ Town of North               4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Multigenerational        Smithfield.
                                                   Facility Construction.
Department of Housing    Community Development    City of Pawtucket Land   City of Pawtucket......     2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Acquisition for the
                                                   Development of
                                                   Affordable Housing.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Repurposing Osram-       The City of Central         2,600,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Sylvania to Meet         Falls.
                                                   Central Falls'
                                                   Economic and Housing
Department of Housing    Community Development    Grow in Revere Food Hub  City of Revere.........     2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Boy & Girls Club of      Boys & Girls Club of        3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Stoneham Child Care      Stoneham and Wakefield.
Department of Housing    Community Development    ENF Community            Erasmus Neighborhood          795,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Development and          Federation.
                                                   Housing Initiative
Department of Housing    Community Development    Capital Improvements     CAMBA, Inc.............     3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    for CAMBA Headquarters.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Construction of          Hope Center Development       445,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Community Food Pantry.   Corporation.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Renovation of Cultural   Sesame Flyers                 750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Center.                  Internationa Inc..
Department of Housing    Community Development    Council of Peoples       Council of Peoples            750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Organization --          Organization Inc..
                                                   Community Service
Department of Housing    Community Development    COJO Adult Education     Council of Jewish             250,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Classes.                 Organizations of
                                                                            Flatbush, Inc..
Department of Housing    Community Development    Brooklyn Children's      Brooklyn Children's         1,250,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Museum--Upgrades to      Museum Corp..
                                                   Interior Exhibit
                                                   Spaces' HVAC System.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Ohel Children's Home     Ohel Children's Home        2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    and Family Services--    and Family Services,
                                                   Headquarters Expansion   Inc..
                                                   and Upgrade.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Independence Historic    City of Independence...     3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Square Streetscape.
Department of Housing    Community Development    The BEACON Project       Alphapointe............       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Building Equitable
                                                   Access to Community
                                                   Opportunities Now.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Raytown Parks            City of Raytown Parks       3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Renovation and           Department.
Department of Housing    Community Development    18th Street Pedestrian   Kansas City, Missouri,      4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Mall.                    Public Works
Department of Housing    Community Development    Bruce R Watkins          City of Kansas City MO      4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Connector Community      Parks and Recreation
                                                   Park Project.            Department.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Minority Chamber of      Heartland Black Chamber     4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Commerce Development     of Commerce and The
                                                   Center.                  Hispanic Chamber of
                                                                            Commerce of Greater KC.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Gladstone Community      City of Gladstone......     3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Center/Natatorium HVAC
Department of Housing    Community Development    Thriving Neighborhoods   reStart Inc............       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    thru Cottage
Department of Housing    Community Development    Pride Haven............  SAVE, Inc..............       400,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Career Technology        Full Employment Council       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Academy.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Housing Initiative,      Urban Neighborhood          4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Building Community and   Initiative.
                                                   unlocking the path to
                                                   home ownership.
Department of Housing    Community Development    KC IMAGINE (KC           Thank You Walt Disney,      2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Institute for Media      Inc..
                                                   Animation Graphic
                                                   INnovation &
Department of Housing    Community Development    Haven at Palmer Pointe.  Housing Authority of        3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                                             the City of Columbia,
Department of Housing    Community Development    The Second Chance        Community Foundation of       500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Project.                 the Lowcountry, Inc..
Department of Housing    Community Development    Hampton County           Hampton, County of.....     3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Recreation Complex.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Benedict College Music   Benedict College.......     3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Academic Complex.
Department of Housing    Community Development    South Carolina State     South Carolina State        4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    University ROTC          University.
                                                   Multipurpose Complex
Department of Housing    Community Development    University of South      University of South         1,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Carolina Center for      Carolina.
                                                   Civil Rights History
                                                   and Research.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Porter Jr. Hi. -- MLK    Urban Renaissance           3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Transition Academy       Partners.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Memphis Cobblestone      City of Memphis........     4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Landing Recreational
Department of Housing    Community Development    Collins Chapel           Collins Chapel              1,250,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Connectional Hospital/   Connectional Hospital.
                                                   Room at the Inn.
Department of Housing    Community Development    South City VI..........  Memphis Housing               750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                                             Authority.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Memphis Home Repair      Local Initiatives           2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Program.                 Support Corporation
                                                                            (LISC) Memphis.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Hospitality Hub Studio   The Hospitality Hub of      1,275,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Village.                 Memphis.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Promoting and            United Housing, Inc....     1,200,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Preserving
                                                   Homeownership in
Department of Housing    Community Development    Overton Park/Memphis     Overton Park                3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Zoo Parking Solution     Conservancy.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Fires Innovation         City of Lawton.........     2,203,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Science and Technology
                                                   Accelerator (FISTA),
                                                   Campus Modernization
                                                   and Expansion.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Water Cluster            City of Ada............     2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Development and
                                                   Innovation Center.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Sidewalk Construction    Kentucky Transportation       300,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    along Berger Road (Hwy   Cabinet, Department of
                                                   1310) in Paducah, KY.    Highways District 1
Department of Housing    Community Development    Murray-Calloway County   Murray-Calloway             1,100,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Training Center          Industrial Authority.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Webster County Hwy 670   Webster County Fiscal       2,143,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Economic Development     Court.
Department of Housing    Community Development    United Way of the        United Way of the           2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Coalfield Economic       Coalfield.
                                                   Recovery Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    The Lamb Center          City of Fairfax........     1,900,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Permanent Supportive
                                                   Housing Initiative.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Renovations/             Fairfax County              1,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Improvements to Little   Government.
                                                   River Glen Senior
Department of Housing    Community Development    Homeless Navigation      Prince William County       2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Center -- Eastern        Government.
                                                   Prince William County.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Housing Program          Fairfax County                200,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Participant              Government.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Fisk University John R.  Fisk University........     4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Lewis Center for
                                                   Social Justice--Race
                                                   Relations Building,
                                                   Nashville, TN 37208,
Department of Housing    Community Development    Moves & Grooves Center   Moves and Grooves, Inc.     2,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    for Art & Innovation,
                                                   Antioch, TN 37013,
Department of Housing    Community Development    Operation Stand Down     Operation Stand Down        2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Building Better          Tennessee.
                                                   Facility to Eliminate
                                                   Veteran Homelessness,
                                                   Nashville, TN 37203,
Department of Housing    Community Development    Santa Ana-Garden Grove   Orange County                 750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Rails to Trails.         Transportation
Department of Housing    Community Development    Downtown Business        City of Santa Ana......     2,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Improvements
Department of Housing    Community Development    Veteran Housing          American Veterans           1,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Assistance Program.      Assistance Group.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Orange County Housing    Orange County Housing       3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Finance Trust.           Finance Trust.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Santiago Creek Festival  Discovery Cube Orange       2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Grounds.                 County.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Fresno Veterans Home     Central California            150,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Memorial Project.        Veterans Home Support
Department of Housing    Community Development    Fresno's Tiny Homes      City of Fresno.........     1,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Housing Solutions
Department of Housing    Community Development    Canterbury Public        Canterbury Public             480,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Library Children's       Library.
                                                   Learning Center.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Killingly Domestic       United Services, Inc...     1,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Violence Shelter
                                                   Renovation Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    TVCCA Groton Childcare   Thames Valley Council       3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Center.                  for Community Action
Department of Housing    Community Development    Mansfield Nonprofit      Mansfield Nonprofit           300,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Housing Development      Housing Development
                                                   Corporation Eagleville   Corporation (MNHDC.
                                                   Green Affordable
                                                   Housing Rehab.
Department of Housing    Community Development    City of Farmington       City of Farmington.....       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Rambling River Center
                                                   and Exterior Plaza.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Prairie Island Indian    Prairie Island Indian       1,169,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Community's Tribal       Community.
                                                   Homes Carbon Reduction
                                                   and Safety Initiative.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Scott County Merriam     Scott County...........       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Junction Regional
                                                   Trail Improvements.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Lakeville Freight Rail   City of Lakeville......       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Car Storage and
                                                   Transload Facility.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Regional Innovation      City of Shakopee.......     1,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Hub, Shakopee, MN.
Department of Housing    Community Development    City of Shakopee         City of Shakopee.......       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Riverfront Cultural
                                                   Corridor (SRCC)--Phase
Department of Housing    Community Development    Southside St.            City of St. Petersburg,       901,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Petersburg Community     Florida.
                                                   Center Upgrades.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Gulfport Multipurpose    City of Gulfport.......     1,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Senior Center.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Financial Stability      Gulfcoast Legal               139,461
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Legal Services 2022-     Services, Inc.
Department of Housing    Community Development    The Roots- A Community   Project Worthmore......     4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Hub for Newcomers in
Department of Housing    Community Development    Food Bank Vehicles       Food Bank of the              650,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Project.                 Rockies.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Martin Luther King Jr.   City of Aurora.........     2,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Library Improvements
Department of Housing    Community Development    Colorado Freedom         Colorado Freedom            1,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Memorial Center.         Memorial.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Providence at the        Second Chance Center...       340,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Heights (PATH) Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Tri-Cities Ready to      City of Littleton......     1,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Work Program.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Veterans Memorial        Adams County...........       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Amphitheater.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Jim Hogg County Park     Jim Hogg County........     1,285,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Repairs and
Department of Housing    Community Development    City of Laredo's Plaza   City of Laredo.........       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Theatre Renovation and
                                                   Restoration Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Apartment                San Antonio Housing         2,160,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Rehabilitation and       Authority.
                                                   Emergency Generator
Department of Housing    Community Development    Vallecillo Road Project  Webb County-City of         3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                                             Laredo Regional
                                                                            Mobility Authority.
Department of Housing    Community Development    East Water Loop Project  City of Rio Grande City     2,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Cedar Lake Dam           City of Olathe, Kansas.       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Restoration.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Unified Government Park  Unified Government of       1,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Infrastructure           Wyandotte County/
                                                   Improvements.            Kansas City, Kansas.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Gardner Wastewater       City of Gardner........     3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Infrastructure Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Supportive Living,       United Cerebral Palsy         750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Community Day            Seguin of Greater
                                                   Services, and Housing    Chicago.
                                                   Site Project for
                                                   Adults with
                                                   Intellectual and
Department of Housing    Community Development    Mount Vernon Affordable  Mount Vernon Community      2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Housing and Community    Foundation.
                                                   Services Expansion.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Field Museum Facilities  Field Museum of Natural     2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Upgrades.                History.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Mildred Wiley Wellness   Bethel New Life, Inc...       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Hub.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Ensuring & Empowering    Youth Outreach Services       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Homeless Youth in
                                                   IL07: Independence,
                                                   Life Skills &
                                                   Workforce Development.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Prairie District         City of Chicago........     2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Affordable Housing.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Ashunti Campus           Ashunti Residential         2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Expansion.               Management System Inc..
Department of Housing    Community Development    Truck Driver Training    Lincoln Land Community      1,118,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Expansion.               College.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Hatfield II............  Habitat for Humanity        1,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                                             Montgomery and
                                                                            Delaware Counties.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Keystone Boulevard       Borough of Pottstown...     3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Extension Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Big Brothers Big         Big Brothers Big              500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Sisters Independence     Sisters Independence
                                                   Norristown Renovation    Region.
                                                   & Expansion.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Dorris Ranch Orchard     Willamlane Park and           232,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Replacement.             Recreation District.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Immediate Occupancy      Lane County............     1,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Standard for the Lane
                                                   County Multi-Purpose
                                                   Facility at the Lane
                                                   Events Center, Lane
                                                   County, Oregon.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Childcare Facilities at  Eugene Family YMCA.....     2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    the new Eugene YMCA.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Servicios de La Raza...  La Raza Services, Inc.      2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                                             dba Servicios de La
Department of Housing    Community Development    Mothership.............  Urban Peak.............       413,940
 and Urban Development    Fund.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Clarion Inn Hotel......  Colorado Coalition for      4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                                             the Homeless.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Alameda Avenue.........  Warren Village INC.....     4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Denver Public Library..  The City and County of        750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                                             Denver.
Department of Housing    Community Development    16th St Mall             The City and County of        750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Reconstruction.          Denver.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Villa Park.............  Habitat for Humanity of     1,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                                             Metro Denver, Inc..
Department of Housing    Community Development    Food Bank of the         Food Bank of the            1,200,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Rockies.                 Rockies.
Department of Housing    Community Development    We Don't Waste.........  Wedontwaste, Inc. dba         750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                                             We Don't Waste.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Nest Neighborhoods.....  The City and County of      2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                                             Denver.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Naugatuck YMCA.........  Naugatuck YMCA.........     1,900,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.
Department of Housing    Community Development    City of New Haven-       City of New Haven......       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Wilbur Cross High
Department of Housing    Community Development    Town of Seymour-         Town of Seymour........     3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    economic development.
Department of Housing    Community Development    City of Ansonia- SHW     City of Ansonia........     2,900,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Casting Company.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Wallingford Family YMCA- Young Mens Christian          750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                     West Side Branch.       Association of
                                                                            Wallingford, Inc..
Department of Housing    Community Development    Connecticut Audubon      Connecticut Audubon           750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Society (CAS) Coastal    Society, Inc., The.
                                                   Center at Milford
Department of Housing    Community Development    LEAP Community Center    Leadership, Education       1,952,032
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Renewal Project.         and Athletics in
                                                                            Partnership, Inc..
Department of Housing    Community Development    Downtown Evening Soup    Downtown Evening Soup       1,438,399
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Kitchen, Inc..           Kitchen, Inc..
Department of Housing    Community Development    Town of Bethany- Town    Town of Bethany........     1,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Hall Renovations.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Town of North Haven-     Town of North Haven....       600,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Martha Culver House.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Ferndale Civic Campus..  City of Ferndale.......       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.
Department of Housing    Community Development    North Sewer Trunkline    City of Snohomish......     3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Extension.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Snohomish County Food    Snohomish County.......       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    and Farming Center.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Replacement of asbestos  City of Apopka.........     2,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    cement and galvanized
                                                   drinking water
Department of Housing    Community Development    Town Shoppe Eatonville   Town of Eatonville,         2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Affordable Housing       Florida.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Judson's Community       Dr Phillips Center for        750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Music Room.              the Performing Arts.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Concord-Port Chicago     East Bay Regional Park      3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Building Restoration     District.
Department of Housing    Community Development    100 38th Street          Eden Housing Inc.......     3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Supportive and Family
                                                   Affordable Apartments
                                                   for Formerly Homeless,
                                                   Veterans, and Large
                                                   Families Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Lyons Road Pedestrian    Broward Metropolitan        3,900,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Mobility Safety          Planning Organization.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Creation of a Nature     City of Coral Springs..       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Trail.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Expansion of Early       YMCA of South Palm            812,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Learning Center &        Beach County.
                                                   Enhancement of the
                                                   Special Population
                                                   Center to include
                                                   Safety & Accessibility
                                                   Updates to the Youth
                                                   Locker Room.
Department of Housing    Community Development    City of Deerfield Beach  City of Deerfield Beach       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    FEC Railroad Track
Department of Housing    Community Development    Wahoo Bay Park           Wahoo Bay Park.........       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Resiliency Expansion.
Department of Housing    Community Development    North Andrews Avenue     Broward County.........     3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Bridge Repair Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Everglades Greenway      City of Coral Springs..       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Loop.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Wastewater Treatment     City of Clewiston......     3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Plant Improvements &
                                                   Expansion Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Rehabilitation of        Everglades Society for      3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    National Register of     Historic Preservation,
                                                   Historic Places          Inc..
Department of Housing    Community Development    Golden Gate Affordable   Rural Neighborhoods,        2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    and Workforce Housing    Incorporated.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Sweetwater               City of Sweetwater.....     3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Infrastructure and
                                                   Drainage Improvements.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Sweetwater Street        City of Sweetwater.....     4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Improvements.
Department of Housing    Community Development    City of Hialeah Roadway  City of Hialeah........     3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Revitalization.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Sweetwater Water and     City of Sweetwater.....     4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Sewer Improvements.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Sweetwater Affordable    Miami-Dade County           4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Housing.                 Public Housing and
                                                                            Community Development.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Tobie Wilson Municipal   Town of Medley.........     3,251,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Complex Canal Bulkhead
Department of Housing    Community Development    Miami Lakes NW 59th      Town of Miami Lakes....     3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Avenue Roadway
                                                   Extension and
                                                   Redevelopment Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Miami-Dade County        Miami-Dade County Water     3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Septic to Sewer          and Sewer Department.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Carbon Neutral Ann       City of Ann Arbor......     2,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Arbor.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Public Streets           City of Rockwood.......       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Rehabilitation Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Homeless Shelter System  Wayne Metropolitan          1,850,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    in Out-Wayne County.     Community Action
Department of Housing    Community Development    Water Street Site        Washtenaw County            3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Remediation.             Government.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Garrett's Space          Garrett's Space........     4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Residential Center
Department of Housing    Community Development    Foundation Communities   Foundation Communities.     1,550,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Solar Sustainability.
Department of Housing    Community Development    The Great Dunbar         Housing Authority of        3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Initiative--Phase 1      the City of Fort Myers.
                                                   Cleveland Avenue.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Carrie Film Furnace....  Pittsburgh Film Office.     3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Braddock Carnegie        Braddock Carnegie           4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Library Renovation       Library.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Forest Hills --          ACTION-Housing.........       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Chalfant Atom Smasher
Department of Housing    Community Development    Homewood Avenue          City of Pittsburgh.....       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Mainstreet
Department of Housing    Community Development    Veterans Place           Veterans Place.........     2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Construction Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    City of Clairton         City of Clairton.......       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Community Center
Department of Housing    Community Development    Carnegie of Homestead    Carnegie Library of           750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Music Hall               Homestead.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Boys & Girls Clubs of    The Boys & Girls Clubs      2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Bay County Community     of Bay County.
                                                   Centers Repairs and
Department of Housing    Community Development    Gulf County Washington   Gulf County............       500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Recreational Center
                                                   Repair and
Department of Housing    Community Development    Ryans Way Improvements   City of Buffalo........     2,400,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    and Construction.
Department of Housing    Community Development    El Paso County Senior    El Paso County.........     4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Meal and Community
Department of Housing    Community Development    Vinton Water and         Village of Vinton......     4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Wastewater Phase III.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Planning Study to        Texas A&M                     750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Improve Land Border      Transportation
                                                   Crossing Transit and     Institute.
                                                   Connectivity to
                                                   Business Districts in
                                                   the El Paso Region for
                                                   Equity, Accessibility
                                                   and Economic
Department of Housing    Community Development    El Paso County Animal    El Paso County.........     1,300,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Welfare Pet Wellness
Department of Housing    Community Development    La Casa de los           Opportunity Center for      2,442,706
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Abuelitos.               the Homeless.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Horizon City Transit-    Town of Horizon City,       1,735,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Oriented Development     Texas.
                                                   Phase 1.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Crestview Hotel          City of Mountain View..       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Conversion to
                                                   Permanent Housing.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Gap year Funding for     City of San Jose.......       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    the SureStay Emergency
                                                   Interim Housing Site.
Department of Housing    Community Development    City of Scotts Valley    City of Scotts Valley..       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Skypark Playground
                                                   Equipment Replacement.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Expansion of Behavioral  Montefiore Medical            750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Health Clinics in        Center.
                                                   Montefiore School
                                                   Based Health Centers.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Salvation Army Westside  The Salvation Army,           750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Building Repair          Greater Philadelphia
                                                   Initiative.              Area.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Philadelphia Housing &   Local Initiatives           2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Homeownership            Support Corporation.
                                                   Acquisition Fund.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Tamanend Plaza           Independence Historical       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    contruction.             Trust.
Department of Housing    Community Development    West Philadelphia        The Urban League of         1,200,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Satellite Location for   Philadelphia.
                                                   Urban League of
Department of Housing    Community Development    Clearfield Apts-Grocery  The Allegheny West          1,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    & Food Distribution.     Foundation.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Engagement Center        BROAD STREET MINISTRY..     1,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Accessibility and
                                                   Facilities Improvement.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Cecil B Moore            Beech Interplex, Inc...     1,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Marketplace.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Weavers Way Co-op        Weaver's Way Community      1,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Germantown.              Fund, Inc..
Department of Housing    Community Development    Sullivan Community       Called To Serve CDC....       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Impact Center.
Department of Housing    Community Development    The Commons: 24 S. 52nd  The Enterprise Center       2,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    St, Philadelphia, PA     Community Development
                                                   19139.                   Corporation.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Liberty53 Estelle B.     Liberty Housing             2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Richman Place.           Development Corp.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Morrisville YMCA Branch  YMCA of Bucks &             4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Revitalization Project.  Hunterdon Counties.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Morrisville Municipal    The Municipal Authority     4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Authority Wastewater     of the Borough of
                                                   Treatment Facility.      Morrisville.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Upper Bucks Rail Trail.  Appalachian Mountain        1,770,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                                             Club.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Shenandoah Woods         Redevelopment Authority     1,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Improvement and          of the County of Bucks.
                                                   Revitalization Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Early Learning           Athens-McMinn Family        2,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Childcare Center         YMCA.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Early Learning           The Caring Place.......     1,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Childcare Center
Department of Housing    Community Development    Westside Evolves         Chattanooga Housing         3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Transformation Plan.     Authority.
Department of Housing    Community Development    East and West            St. George Place              750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Greenridge               Redevelopment
                                                   Intersection Safety      Authority.
                                                   Improvements Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Evergreen Accessible     City of Bellaire, TX...       600,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    and Inclusive
Department of Housing    Community Development    Marie Wilkinson          Marie Wilkinson Food        1,800,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Holistic Response to     Pantry Inc.
                                                   Food Insecurity.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Lippold Park Bicycle &   Fox Valley Park             4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Pedestrian Bridge.       District.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Habitat Green Freedom    Fox Valley Habitat For      1,250,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Install infrastructure   Humanity.
                                                   for an affordable home
                                                   energy smart community
                                                   for low to moderate
                                                   income working
Department of Housing    Community Development    DuPage Township Food     DuPage Township             3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Pantry & Resource        Government.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Permanent Supportive     Association for             3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Housing (PSH)            Individual Development.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Naperville Riverwalk     City of Naperville, IL.       900,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Eagle Street Gateway
                                                   and Accessibility
Department of Housing    Community Development    Art Museum Improvement   Norton Museum of Art...       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Affordable Housing in    Lake Worth Beach              750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Lake Worth Beach.        Community
                                                                            Redevelopment Agency.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Affordable Housing for   Vita Nova, Inc.........       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Low-Income Youth.
Department of Housing    Community Development    FDC Grove Road/North     Polk County............     4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Ridge Trail Flyover.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Tanner Thomas Tiny       Tanner Community            2,883,950
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Homes for Homeless       Development
                                                   Veterans.                Corporation.
Department of Housing    Community Development    St. Mary's Food Bank     St. Mary's Food Bank        4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Community Services       Alliance.
                                                   Center Renovation.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Glendale Community       City of Glendale.......     1,338,919
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Centers Digital Equity
Department of Housing    Community Development    100-Bed Transitional     Diocesan Council for          750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Community for People     the Society of St
                                                   Experiencing             Vincent de Paul
                                                   Homelessness.            Diocese Phoenix.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Phoenix Homelessness     City of Phoenix........     1,963,927
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Support Initiative.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Osborn Pointe Homes....  Native American             2,904,213
 and Urban Development    Fund.                                             Connections, Inc..
Department of Housing    Community Development    Greater Phoenix Urban    Greater Phoenix Urban       4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    League Building          League.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Town of Guadalupe        Town of Guadalupe......       872,520
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Wastewater Collection
                                                   System Rehabilitation.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Scoggins Court           Napa-Solano Habitat for       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Affordable Housing       Hummanity.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Marin Clean Energy       Marin Clean Energy.....       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Healthy Homes.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Holbrook Sewer           Suffolk County.........     3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Construction Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Interim Housing and      Bridge to Home Santa        2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Homeless Services        Clarita Valley.
Department of Housing    Community Development    The LeClaire Hearst      Chicago Parks District.       350,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Advisory Council
Department of Housing    Community Development    PODER Headquarters.....  PODER Learning Center..       500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Expanding Community-     Resurrection Project...     2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Owned Co-op Housing
                                                   for the Pilsen
                                                   Neighborhood in
Department of Housing    Community Development    Chicago Puerto Rican     Puerto Rico Cultural        3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Cultural Center-         Center.
                                                   Business Incubation
                                                   and Support Hub (BIS
Department of Housing    Community Development    Maximizing Year-Round    YMCA of Metro Chicago..       500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Use of the Rauner
                                                   Family YMCA.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Rudy Lozano Branch       Chicago Public Library.     2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Library Renovation.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Navigation Boulevard     Buffalo Bayou                 750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Reconfiguration          Partnership.
Department of Housing    Community Development    The Magnolia Park-       City of Houston-              750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Manchester Services      Mayor's Office of
                                                   Hub.                     Complete Communities.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Target Hunger Campus     Target Hunger..........     4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    and Education Center.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Expanding Affordable     Avenue Community            3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Housing Opportunities--  Development
                                                   Las Brisas               Corporation.
                                                   Redevelopment, Houston.
Department of Housing    Community Development    UH Technology Bridge     The University of           2,875,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Infrastructure           Houston Technology
                                                   Development.             Bridge.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Restoration of the       C60, Inc...............       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Historic LULAC Chapter
                                                   60 Clubhouse, a
                                                   National Treasure.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Big Pine Key Prison to   College of the Florida      2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Workforce Training       Keys.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Downtown Revitalization  City of Homestead......     1,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    and Resilient
Department of Housing    Community Development    Agape Village Health     Agape Network, Inc.....     3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Center.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Connect to Protect --    Miami-Dade County......     1,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Assisting Property
                                                   Owners to Convert from
                                                   Septic Tank Systems to
                                                   Sanitary Sewer.
Department of Housing    Community Development    The Heron Assisted       WestCare Florida, Inc..     1,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Living Facility
                                                   construction and
                                                   capital improvements.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Indian Township Housing  Indian Township Tribal      1,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Renovation.              Government.
Department of Housing    Community Development    University of Maine      University of Maine....       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Sawing Operations
                                                   Training Facility.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Sandy River Bridge.....  High Peaks Alliance....     2,041,160
 and Urban Development    Fund.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Mountain Valley          Regional School Unit        1,167,036
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Wellness/Fitness         No. 10.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Jackman-Moose River      Town of Jackman........       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Region Paramedicine
                                                   Program and Garage.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Wayne & East Machias     Maine Preservation.....     3,031,769
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Historic Preservation.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Korean American          Korean American             7,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    National Museum.         National Museum.
Department of Housing    Community Development    The SE1 Rehab..........  The Skid Row Housing          750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                                             Trust.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Downtown Women's Center  Downtown Women's Center       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Campus Renovation and
Department of Housing    Community Development    Dignity by Design        Los Angeles Mission....     1,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Emergency and
                                                   Transitional Housing
Department of Housing    Community Development    First Street North       Little Tokyo Service        1,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Apartments.              Center Community
Department of Housing    Community Development    City of Los Angeles- El  City of Los Angeles         4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Sereno Properties        Mayor's Office.
                                                   Purchase &
Department of Housing    Community Development    Preserving Estrada       Housing Authority of          999,500
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Courts as Affordable     the City of Los
                                                   Housing with Exterior    Angeles.
                                                   Painting and Related
Department of Housing    Community Development    Rose Hill Courts         Housing Authority of        1,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Community Center.        the City of Los
Department of Housing    Community Development    Self Help Graphics &     Self Help Graphics and      1,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Art Renovation.          Art.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Shavano Park Street      City of Shavano Park...     4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Projects Phase I.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Capital Funding for      San Antonio Housing         2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Critical Needs           Authority.
Department of Housing    Community Development    York Beta Drive          City of North Royalton.     2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Industrial Park
                                                   Expansion Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Boys & Girls Club of     Boys & Girls Club of        2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    McAllen Community        McAllen, Inc.
Department of Housing    Community Development    New VFW Post 8788......  Veterans of Foreign           750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                                             Wars Post 8788.
Department of Housing    Community Development    STJDA Inclusive Camp     South Texas Juvenile        1,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Facility Project.        Diabetes Association.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Boys & Girls Club of     Boys & Girls Club of        1,700,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Weslaco Capacity         Weslaco Inc..
                                                   Expansion Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Elsa Getting Connected.  City of Elsa, Texas....     1,265,550
 and Urban Development    Fund.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Camuy Resilient          Municipality of Camuy..     2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Municipal Community
                                                   Center Reconstruction
                                                   and Repair.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Soraya's Shelter and     Waves Ahead Corporation       250,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Transitional Housing
Department of Housing    Community Development    Hogar Ruth Community     Hogar Ruth Para Mujeres     2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Services Center          Maltratadas, Inc..
Department of Housing    Community Development    Borough of Allendale:    The Borough of                750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Construction of          Allendale.
                                                   Community Center.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Borough of Bergenfield:  The Borough of                750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Cooper's Pond            Bergenfield.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Life House Vocational    Church United For           1,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Training Facility        Community Development.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Johnson Road Bridge      City of Glenaire.......       500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Replacement.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Brunswick                City of Brunswick......       500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Infrastructure
                                                   Resiliency Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Sunnyside Park Capital   City of Houston........     1,550,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Improvements, Houston,
                                                   Texas, Harris County,
                                                   9th Congressional
                                                   District of Texas..
Department of Housing    Community Development    Crime Prevention         Harris County..........       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Through Environmental
                                                   Design (CPTED).
Department of Housing    Community Development    Project R.A.I.S.E.       Alliance for                1,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    (Rebuilding Alliance     Multicultural
                                                   to Inspire               Community Services.
                                                   Sustainability in our
Department of Housing    Community Development    Odyssey House            Cenikor Foundation.....       292,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    adolescent services
                                                   facility improvements.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Three Rivers Pedestrian  Russell County.........       870,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Bridge.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Paving of Shumate Falls  Giles County...........       475,200
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Road.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Wood Haven Technology    Roanoke County.........       820,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Park Water Service
Department of Housing    Community Development    Elam Farm Property Site  County of Wise.........     1,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Development.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Repair of 1,000,000      City of Somerton.......       380,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Gallon Steel Water
                                                   Storage Tank,
                                                   Somerton, AZ.
Department of Housing    Community Development    El Pueblo Center         City of Tucson.........     2,747,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Revitalization
                                                   Project, Tucson, AZ.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Baboquivari High School  Tohono O'odham Nation..     1,016,458
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Turning Lane/BIA Route
Department of Housing    Community Development    Sunnyside Community      Sunnyside Foundation...       423,670
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Reinvestment as
                                                   Cultura & Traditions:
                                                   Tucson, AZ.
Department of Housing    Community Development    YMCA Southern AZ         YMCA of Southern              810,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Childcare                Arizona.
                                                   Tucson, AZ.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Mission Manor Aquatic    City of Tucson.........     2,947,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Complex, Tucson, AZ.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Main Street Redesign     City of Starkville.....     2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    and Redevelopment.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Hart County --           Hart County Fiscal          1,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Bonnieville Industrial   Court.
                                                   Site Development.
Department of Housing    Community Development    South Cooper Industrial  Barren County Fiscal        1,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Park Infrastructure      Court.
                                                   Extension Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Manteca Navigation       City of Manteca........       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Center.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Tracy Temporary          City of Tracy..........     3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Emergency Housing
Department of Housing    Community Development    River Road Homes         Town of Canaan.........       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Affordable Housing
Department of Housing    Community Development    Demolition and           City of Waterbury......     4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Replacement of Fulton
                                                   Park Pool and
                                                   Renovation of Pool
Department of Housing    Community Development    Recreation Park Phase    City of Chehalis.......       570,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Three Parking Addition.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Hispanic Heritage        Hispanic Heritage           1,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Cultural Institute.      Council of Western New
                                                                            York. Inc..
Department of Housing    Community Development    Buffalo and Erie County  Buffalo and Erie County       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Botanical Gardens        Botanical Gardens
                                                   Expansion Project.       Society Inc.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Grand Island Senior      Town of Grand Island...       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Center Improvement
Department of Housing    Community Development    Norwalk YMCA Community   Riverbrook Regional         2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Center.                  Young Men's Christian
                                                                            Association, Inc..
Department of Housing    Community Development    Homes for the Brave....  Applied Behavioral            750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                                             Rehabilitation
Department of Housing    Community Development    Wilton High School       Town of Wilton.........     1,425,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Sports Complex
                                                   Resiliency Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Stamford East Side       City of Stamford.......     3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Library Branch.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Trumbull Veterans and    Town of Trumbull.......       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    First Responder Center.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Hanover Street Housing   Baldwin Holdings, LLC..     1,976,691
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Construction.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Iowa Heartland Habitat   Iowa Heartland Habitat      1,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    for Humanity's           for Humanity.
                                                   Targeted Neighborhood
Department of Housing    Community Development    Soy-Enabled Rural Road   Fayette County.........     4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Reconstruction.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Tonopah Child            Nye County.............     1,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Development Center.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Beautify The Block.....  Housing Assistance            200,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                                             Corporation.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Transitional Living in   WestCare Nevada, Inc...     2,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    The Village at the
                                                   Women's and Children's
Department of Housing    Community Development    Reading Housing          Reading Housing               750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Authority Oakbrook       Authority.
                                                   Homes Center for
                                                   Community Services.
Department of Housing    Community Development    New Kennett Library      Kennett Library........       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Furniture, Fixtures &
Department of Housing    Community Development    Phoenixville Area        Phoenixville Area           1,056,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Community Services       Community Services
                                                   (PACS) Infrastructure    (PACS).
Department of Housing    Community Development    Borough of West Grove--  Borough of West Grove..       216,656
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Oakland Avenue
Department of Housing    Community Development    Preserving Historic      Historic Sotterley, Inc     1,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Sotterley.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Southern Crossing Phase  LifeStyles of Maryland        500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    III.                     Foundation, Inc..
Department of Housing    Community Development    Marine Science Aquatic   St. Mary's College of       1,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Lab Renovation, St.      Maryland.
                                                   Mary's College of
Department of Housing    Community Development    Ralph Bunche             Anne Arundel County....       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Restoration, Anne
                                                   Arundel County.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Front Street Complete    City of Crescent City..       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Street and Cultural
Department of Housing    Community Development    Electric Vehicle         Marin Clean Energy.....     2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Charger Program
Department of Housing    Community Development    Trinity Headwaters       Pacific Forest Trust,       2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Forest Conservation      Inc..
                                                   for Community Benefit
Department of Housing    Community Development    Housing Mendocino        City of Fort Bragg.....       820,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Coast--Hazelwood.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Marin City Public        Marin Housing Authority       650,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Housing--Lighting        of the County of Marin.
                                                   Energy Efficiency
Department of Housing    Community Development    Ending Veteran           Homeward Bound of Marin       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Homelessness and
                                                   Creating Workforce
                                                   Housing in Marin
                                                   County, California.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Equitable Energy         County of Sonoma.......       791,200
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Resilience and EV
Department of Housing    Community Development    City of Temecula         City of Temecula.......       800,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    DePortola Road/
                                                   Jedehiah Smith Road
                                                   Roundabout Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Barona Band of Mission   Barona Band of Mission      2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Indians Water            Indians.
                                                   Improvement Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    The Buffalo Bayou        Buffalo Bayou                 750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Partnership.             Partnership.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Park and Community       City of Houston........     4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Redevelopment.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Riverside Planning for   Harris County..........       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Restoration,
                                                   Renovation and
Department of Housing    Community Development    Community Field at Jack  Jack Yates High School.        10,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Yates High School.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Transportation and       The OST/Almeda              4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Infrastructure Safety    Corridors
                                                   Improvement Project.     Redevelopment
Department of Housing    Community Development    San Diego's Community    INFO LINE of San Diego        250,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Information Exchange     County dba 211 San
                                                   (CIE).                   Diego.
Department of Housing    Community Development    San Diego Armed          Armed Services YMCA of      2,024,846
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Services YMCA Center     San Diego.
                                                   for Military Families
                                                   Improvement Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Adulting for Higher      Sweetwater Union High         100,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Schoolers: Engaging      School District.
                                                   Students in Career
                                                   Exploration and
                                                   Preparation for Life.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Summer for All of Us--   City of San Diego......       800,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Come Play Outside
Department of Housing    Community Development    Municipal Workforce      City of San Diego......     2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Child Care Pilot
Department of Housing    Community Development    Lancaster Senior Center  Town of Lancaster......       375,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Rehabilitation Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    FeedMore WNY             FeedMore WNY...........     2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Consolidated Facility.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Construction of a        YMCA of Greater             1,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Community Services       Rochester.
                                                   Facility in
Department of Housing    Community Development    White Center Community   White Center Community      4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Hub Construction.        Development
Department of Housing    Community Development    Refugee Artisan          Refugee Artisan               650,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Initiative Capital       Initiative.
Department of Housing    Community Development    ROOTS Young Adult        ROOTS Young Adult           4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Shelter Acquisition      Shelter.
                                                   and Facility
                                                   Improvements, Seattle,
Department of Housing    Community Development    UHeights Community       University Heights          4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Center Capital           Center for the
                                                   Improvements, Seattle,   Community Association.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Construction of the      Seattle Aquarium.......       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Seattle Aquarium Ocean
                                                   Pavilion Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Athletic Field for P.S.  NYC Department of             607,150
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    298 Dr. Betty Shabazz    Education.
                                                   Junior High School,
                                                   Brooklyn, NY 11212
Department of Housing    Community Development    Habitat for Humanity's   Habitat for Humanity        3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Project Constellation,   New York City and
                                                   Brooklyn, NY (NY08,      Westchester County.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Westside Youth Facility  Newton County               4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                                             Governments,
                                                                            Commissioner Alana
Department of Housing    Community Development    Village at Legacy        City of Decatur........       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Affordable Housing
Department of Housing    Community Development    Safe Housing for         Women Moving On, Inc...       585,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Domestic Violence
                                                   Survivors in DeKalb
                                                   County, GA.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Memorial Drive Gateways  DeKalb County               1,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Project.                 Government.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Atlanta Legal Aid......  Atlanta Legal Aid             250,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                                             Society, Inc..
Department of Housing    Community Development    Safe and Stable Housing  Wellroot Family               913,500
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    for Youth Aging out of   Services.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Southern Gateway Park..  Southern Gateway Public     4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                                             Green Foundation.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Love Field Airport       Love Field Airport.....       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Alternate Entry.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Greater Downtown Dallas  City of Dallas.........     2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Master Plan Planning.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Forest Theater           Forest Forward.........     4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Restoration &
Department of Housing    Community Development    Ossining Community of    Ossining Community of       2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Garden Dreams Legacy     Garden Dreams Legacy
                                                   Center.                  Center.
Department of Housing    Community Development    The LOFT LGBTQ+          The LOFT--The Lesbian       1,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Community Center New     and Gay Community
                                                   Home Project.            Services Center, Inc..
Department of Housing    Community Development    Girl Scouts of Hawai'i   Camp Kilohana..........       400,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Camp Kilohana
Department of Housing    Community Development    Hui Malama O Ke Kai      Hui Malama O Ke Kai           745,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Youth Development        Foundation.
                                                   Community Center.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Ke'alaokamaile Cultural  Ke'alaokamaile Cultural     3,254,981
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Resource Center.         Resource Center.
Department of Housing    Community Development    The Kanakea Project....  Malama Aina............       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Historic Sandusky State  Sandusky State Theatre      3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Theatre Redevelopment.   Inc..
Department of Housing    Community Development    St. Anthony's            Lucas County Land           4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Revitalization.          Reutilization
Department of Housing    Community Development    Smart Kitchen            Center for Innovative       1,100,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Entrepreneurial          Food Technology.
                                                   Training & Production
Department of Housing    Community Development    Junction and East        Maumee Valley Habitat       2,544,559
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Toledo Neighborhood      for Humanity.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Englewood-Junction       City of Toledo.........     4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Workforce Development,
                                                   Training Center, &
Department of Housing    Community Development    Community Center and     Toledo Urban                3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Consumer Financial       Foundation, Inc..
                                                   Counseling HUB.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Rescue Mission Alliance  Rescue Mission Alliance     1,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    West Onondaga Street     of Syracuse.
                                                   Development Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Food Bank of Central     Food Bank of Central        2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    New York's Capacity      New York.
                                                   Expansion Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    InterFaith Works         InterFaith Works of           248,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Transition Home for      Central New York.
                                                   New Americans Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    City of Syracuse         City of Syracuse.......     1,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Resurgent
                                                   Initiative (RNI)
                                                   Blight Remediation and
                                                   Emergency Abatement
Department of Housing    Community Development    YMCA South Coast         YMCA Southcoast........       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Expansion.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Childcare Center         Old Colony YMCA........     2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Expansion: YMCA Old
Department of Housing    Community Development    Independence House.....  Indepndence House, Inc.       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Pembroke Community       Town of Pembroke.......     3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Center.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Plymouth Wastewater      Town of Plymouth.......     2,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Treatment Plant.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Cape Abilities Farm      Cape Abilities.........       959,040
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Vocational and Food
                                                   Security Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe  Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe     1,629,197
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Parsonage Restoration.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Museum Expansion and     A Philip Randolph           1,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Community Economic       Pullman Porter Museum
                                                   Development              Inc.
                                                   Empowerment Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Acquisition and          City of Harvey.........       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Demolition of Blighted
                                                   and Vacant buildings.
Department of Housing    Community Development    South Shore              City of Chicago........     2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Homeownership
Department of Housing    Community Development    Sand Creek Wastewater    Sand Creek Wastewater       4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Project Expansion.       Authority.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Former Erie Malleable    Erie County                 3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Iron Site                Redevelopment
                                                   Redevelopment.           Authority.
Department of Housing    Community Development    U.S. Route 62 Railroad   Mercer County..........     3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Tunnel.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Gap Year Funding for     City of San Jose.......     2,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    the SureStay Emergency
                                                   Interim Housing Site.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Second Harvest of        Second Harvest of             750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Silicon Valley           Silicon Valley.
                                                   Operational Facility.
Department of Housing    Community Development    City of Fremont          City of Fremont........     1,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Commercial District Wi-
                                                   Fi Access Expansion.
Department of Housing    Community Development    New Roof and Solar       Sunnyvale Community           750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Energy System.           Services.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Home Improvements and    Saginaw-Shiawassee          2,800,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Repairs for Mid-         Habitat for Humanity.
                                                   Michigan Households.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Economic Development     City of Saginaw........     3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    for Downtown Saginaw.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Supporting Mid-Michigan  Young Men's Christian       3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Community Centers.       Association of Flint.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Saginaw Blight Removal   Saginaw County Land         2,416,664
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    and Land Restoration     Bank Authority.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Genesee County Blight    Genesee County Land         4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Removal and Land         Bank Authority.
                                                   Restoration Initiative.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Updating Road            Genesee County Road           750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Infrastructure and       Commission.
                                                   Safety Improvements in
                                                   Genesee County.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Suquamish Shores Enetai  Suquamish Tribe........     1,619,500
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Tacoma Rescue Mission    City of Tacoma.........     3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Shelter Expansion.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Westport Marina          Port of Grays Harbor...       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Modernization Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    T3ba'das Infrastructure  Skokomish Indian Tribe.     2,200,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Asia Pacific Cultural    Asia Pacific Cultural         750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Center Building          Center.
Department of Housing    Community Development    American Legion Post     American Legion 509            20,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    509 Building Repairs.    Westhampton Memorial
Department of Housing    Community Development    Burlington County        Government of               3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Emergency Shelter.       Burlington County.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Southwestern Wisconsin   Southwestern Wisconsin        750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Community Action         Community Action
                                                   Program (SWCAP).         Program (SWCAP).
Department of Housing    Community Development    Viola Economic Recovery  Village of Viola.......     1,751,115
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Implementation.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Boys & Girls Clubs of    Boys & Girls Clubs of       1,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    the Greater Chippewa     the Greater Chippewa
                                                   Valley.                  Valley.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Menomonie Street         Visit Eau Claire.......       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Corridor Pedestrian
Department of Housing    Community Development    Boys & Girls Clubs of    Boys & Girls Clubs of       1,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Greater La Crosse.       Greater La Crosse.
Department of Housing    Community Development    East Side Water          City of Morris.........     2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Treatment Plant and
                                                   Wells Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Waste Water Treatment    Village of DePue.......     2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Plant Dike Raising.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Housing First Resource   City of Tucson.........       957,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Center at Amphi.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Pima County              Pima County............     2,700,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Collaborative One-Stop
                                                   Center at Pima
                                                   Community College.
Department of Housing    Community Development    El Pueblo Center         City of Tucson.........     2,747,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Revitalization
                                                   Project--Phase 1.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Village of Streamwood,   Village of Streamwood..       330,400
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Madison Drive Bike &
                                                   Pedestrian Trail.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Wood Dale Park District  Wood Dale Park District       324,476
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Central Park, Phase 2.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Boys & Girls Clubs of    Boys & Girls Clubs of       2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Dundee Township,         Dundee Township.
                                                   Woodlands Community
                                                   Impact Center.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Village of Addison,      Village of Addison.....       600,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    College Blvd Street
Department of Housing    Community Development    Village of Roselle,      Village of Roselle.....       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Seasons 4 & Devlin
                                                   Drainage Basin
Department of Housing    Community Development    Gail Borden Public       Gail Borden Public          2,391,407
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Library District,        Library.
                                                   South Elgin Branch
Department of Housing    Community Development    Village of Schaumburg,   Village of Schaumburg..       166,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Electric Vehicle Pilot
Department of Housing    Community Development    Eastern Avenue           CATCH Neighborhood            250,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Apartments--Affordable   Housing.
                                                   Housing Renovation.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Nashua Public Library    City of Nashua.........     3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Plaza.
Department of Housing    Community Development    West Lebanon Main        City of Lebanon........     2,329,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Street Sidewalk and
                                                   Construction Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Downtown Streetscape     Village of Downs.......     2,128,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Improvements Phase I.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Somerset Drive Multi-    Village of Germantown         670,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Use Path.                Hills.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Western Road (CH 6)      Marshall County........     3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Realignment.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Paskenta Water District  Paskenta Community             85,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Operational              Services District.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Corning Veterans         County of Tehama.......     2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Memorial Hall
Department of Housing    Community Development    Student Athletic and     Aliquippa School              500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Educational Flexible     District.
                                                   Field House.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Beaver County CTC        Beaver County Career &        995,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Welding Lab Expansion    Technology Center.
                                                   and Upgrade.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Critical Parking for     McKees Rocks Community        750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Downtown McKees Rocks    Development
                                                   Developments.            Corporation.
Department of Housing    Community Development    The Brodhead Road        Beaver County Office of     1,800,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Corridor Upgrade.        Planning and
Department of Housing    Community Development    Burrillville Skate Park  Town of Burrillville...       500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Renovation and
                                                   Expansion Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Community Preservation   Providence                  2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    of Atlantic Mills.       Redevelopment Agency.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Cross Mills Volunteer    Charlestown Fire              610,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Firefighters Memorial    District.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Lederer Theater Center:  Trinity Repertory             750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Access for All.          Company.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Education Center         Rhode Island Office of      1,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Expansion.               the Postsecondary
Department of Housing    Community Development    Accessibility            City of Warwick, Rhode        920,280
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Improvements: Warwick    Island.
                                                   Public Library's
                                                   Apponaug and Norwood
Department of Housing    Community Development    Rehabilitation of the    City of Cranston (Rhode       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Budlong Pool Campus.     Island).
Department of Housing    Community Development    Johnston War Memorial    Town of Johnston.......       500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Park Baseball Complex
                                                   Improvement Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    West Greenwich Senior    Town of West Greenwich.       150,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Center.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Habitat for Humanity of  Habitat for Humanity of     2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Island County Retail     Island County.
                                                   Store, Warehouse and
                                                   Admin Office Purchase,
                                                   Oak Harbor,
                                                   Washington, WA-02.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Tommy Thompson Trail     Samish Indian Nation...       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Trestle and Causeway
                                                   Replacement Design,
                                                   Samish Indian Nation,
                                                   Washington, WA-02.
Department of Housing    Community Development    VOA Neighborhood         Volunteers of America       3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Center, Lynnwood,        Western Washington.
                                                   Washington, WA-02.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Mother Nature's Window   City of Marysville.....       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Park Project,
                                                   Washington, WA-02.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Church Corners           Town of East Hartford..       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Rehabiltation.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Charter Oak Landing      City of Hartford.......     1,010,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Park Infrastructure.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Connecticut Trolley      Connecticut Electric          750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Museum Facility          Railway Association,
                                                   Upgrades & Visitor       Inc. dba Connecticut
                                                   Enhancements.            Trolley Museum.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Laurel Marsh/Hockanum    Town of Manchester.....     3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    River Linear Park
Department of Housing    Community Development    East Hartford Post       Town of East Hartford..     4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Office Renovation.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Victim Impact Project..  Mothers United Against        500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                                             Violence.
Department of Housing    Community Development    East-West River Links..  iQuilt Partnership.....     2,400,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Manufacturing Re-        Pittsburg State             4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    shoring Initiative and   University.
                                                   Prove Out Facility for
                                                   the National Institute
                                                   of Materials
Department of Housing    Community Development    Webster Community        Micah 6 Community......       546,152
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Center.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Sanctum House Facility   Sanctum House..........     1,400,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Acquisition.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Southfield Home          City of Southfield.....       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Improvement Program.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Midway Septic To Sewer   City of Midway.........     3,943,971
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    TCC Commercial Vehicle   Tallahassee Community         750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Driving (CDL) Program    College.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Teen Multipurpose        One Gadsden Foundation,     1,200,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Center.                  Inc..
Department of Housing    Community Development    SHBB Impact Center and   America Second Harvest      3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Capacity Project.        of the Big Bend.
Department of Housing    Community Development    8th Street Complete      Jacksonville                  750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Streets Improvements.    Transportation
Department of Housing    Community Development    Emergency Repair to a    City of Madison........       110,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Segment of Wastewater
                                                   Equipment in the City
                                                   of Madison.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Gretna Sewer Expansion.  City of Gretna.........     4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Covenant House           Covenant House                550,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    California Homeless      California.
                                                   Youth Services Center.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Coliseum Gardens         City of Oakland........       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Affordable Housing.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Martin Luther King       City of Berkeley.......       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Junior Youth Services
                                                   Center Renovation.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Intergenerational        Intergenerational             500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Affordable Housing       Affordable Housing
                                                   Project on San Pablo     Project on San Pablo
                                                   Avenue.                  Avenue.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Raton Film Studio and    The City of Raton......     3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Education Center.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Chama Water Treatment    Village of Chama.......       550,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Plant Improvements.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Homeownership            Homewise, Inc..........       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Assistance Voucher
Department of Housing    Community Development    Indigenous Farm Hub....  Tides Center...........       960,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Cuba Health Center       Presbyterian Medical        1,635,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Workforce Housing.       Services.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Water Main and           City of Alexandria.....     4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Reservoir Improvement
Department of Housing    Community Development    Leucadia Streetscape     City of Encinitas......     4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Drainage Improvements,
                                                   Encinitas, California.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Del Mar Climate          City of Del Mar........       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Resiliency and Access
                                                   Improvement Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Stonehill Drive Utility  City of Dana Point.....       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Undergrounding
                                                   Project, Dana Point,
Department of Housing    Community Development    Carlsbad Veteran         City of Carlsbad.......     3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Memorial Park Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Sidewalk Improvement     City of Vista..........     2,231,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    and Enhanced Street
                                                   Lighting Project,
                                                   Vista, California.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Road Reconstruction on   City of Clawson........       424,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Redruth Ave..
Department of Housing    Community Development    Martin Park Storage      City of Ferndale.......       704,669
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Building Conversion to
                                                   Public Facility.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Pop Up Hazel...........  City of Hazel Park.....       470,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Public Library Addition  City of St. Clair           1,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                                             Shores.
Department of Housing    Community Development    New Royal Oak Animal     City Of Royal Oak......     1,100,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Shelter.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Home Upgrades program    City of Madison Heights       850,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    with Habitat for
Department of Housing    Community Development    Memorial Park Splash     City of Center Line....       919,930
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Pad.
Department of Housing    Community Development    HVAC Replacement.......  City of Berkley........     1,049,260
 and Urban Development    Fund.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Torrance Temporary       City of Torrance.......     1,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Housing Program.
Department of Housing    Community Development    PATH Permanent           PATH Ventures..........     3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Supportive Housing
                                                   Marina Del Rey.
Department of Housing    Community Development    San Ysidro Park,         City of Gilroy.........     3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Healthy Living
                                                   Enhancement Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Second Harvest of        Second Harvest of             750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Silicon Valley           Silicon Valley.
                                                   Operational Facility.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Urban Agriculture        Guadalupe River Park        1,700,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Gardens.                 Conservancy.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Mabury Bridge Housing    City of San Jose,             750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Site.                    Department of Housing.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Turkey Creek Bridge....  Taney County...........     3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Route D Buffalo Road     City of Bolivar........     2,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Connector.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Jordan Valley            Missouri State              2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Innovation Center        University.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Main Street              City of Nixa...........       206,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Improvements.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Pedestrian Bridges.....  City of Kennesaw.......       250,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Street Resurfacing,      City of Kennesaw.......     2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Sidewalk Installation,
                                                   and Drainage Systems
Department of Housing    Community Development    Books & Buckets--Youth   Long Beach Day Nursery.        50,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Academy & Youth Action
Department of Housing    Community Development    Learning Hubs Project..  City of Long Beach.....       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Ben Em Dang Co Ta        BEN EM DANG CO TA......       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    (``Stand by You'')
                                                   Foundation Community
                                                   Cultural Outreach
Department of Housing    Community Development    Locust Development in    Habitat for Humanity of       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Washington               Greater Los Angeles.
                                                   Neighborhood of Long
Department of Housing    Community Development    Ames Waterline Project.  City of Enid...........     4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Kaw Lake Water Supply    City of Enid...........     4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Improvements.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Centertown Wastewater    Village of Centertown..     2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    System.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Exmore Sewage            Northampton County,           750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Collection System.       Virginia.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Williamsburg African     The City of                   327,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    American Heritage        Williamsburg, Virginia.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Wachapreague Sewer Line  Accomack-Northampton          750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    & Pump Station.          Planning District
Department of Housing    Community Development    The Virginia Beach       City of Virginia Beach,       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Trail.                   VA.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Mayor Hannon Parkway/    City of Quincy.........       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Gen McConville Way New
Department of Housing    Community Development    Lawrence R. Cosgrove     City of Brockton.......     3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Memorial Pool Upgrades.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Ausonia Apartments       Ausonia Apartments.....       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Modernization.
Department of Housing    Community Development    1,500 Space Parking      City of Quincy.........       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Garage.
Department of Housing    Community Development    YMCA of Bucks and        YMCA of Bucks &               750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Hunterdon Counties       Hunterdon Counties.
                                                   Community Pool.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Township of Scotch       Township of Scotch            626,010
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Plains' Restoration of   Plains.
                                                   Tempe Covered Bridge
                                                   at Frazee House Park.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Hillsborough YMCA        Greater Somerset County       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Facility Renovations.    YMCA.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Summit Park Line         City of Summit.........       250,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Lebanon Street           Township of Lebanon....       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Improvements Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Senior Center Facility   Bay Ridge Center.......     2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Buildout.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Client Choice Food       Catholic Charities of       1,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Pantry and Mobile Food   Staten Island.
                                                   Pantry Equipment.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Seniors with Autism      Eden II Programs.......       500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Facility Renovation
                                                   and Expansion.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Jewish Community Center  Joan & Alan Bernikow        1,493,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Improvements.            Jewish Community
                                                                            Center of Staten
Department of Housing    Community Development    Staten Island YMCA       YMCA of Greater New         1,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Project.                 York.
Department of Housing    Community Development    A Permanent Home for     WILD PROJECT                1,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Wild Project.            PRODUCTIONS INC.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Polish and Slavic        Polish and Slavic             750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Center Facility          Center Inc..
Department of Housing    Community Development    Lifeline Grocery.......  The Connected Chef            350,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                                             Foundation, Inc..
Department of Housing    Community Development    Storm King Welcome       Storm King Art Center..     1,600,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Center & Conservation
                                                   Facility Renovation.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Youth Opportunity Union  City of Poughkeepsie...     2,150,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Infrastructure
                                                   Enhancement Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Newburgh Landing Pier    County of Orange.......     4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Orange & Dutchess        County of Orange.......       500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Transportation Access
                                                   & Mobility Study
Department of Housing    Community Development    Small-Scale              City of High Point,         4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Manufacturing for        North Carolina.
                                                   Equitable Opportunity.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Elm-Eugene Street        City of Greensboro,         4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Gateway Complete         North Carolina.
                                                   Streets Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Accelerating Food        Second Harvest Food         1,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Assistance and Job       Bank of Northwest
                                                   Training for 6th         North Carolina.
                                                   District Residents.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Hayes-Taylor Memorial    Young Men's Christian       1,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    YMCA Childcare           Association of
                                                   Expansion.               Greensboro, INC.
Department of Housing    Community Development    The Opportunity Center.  La Familia Counseling         750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                                             Center, Inc..
Department of Housing    Community Development    Cornerstone -- Habitat   Habitat for Humanity of       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    for Humanity.            Greater Sacramento,
Department of Housing    Community Development    The Bryte Park All-      City of West Sacramento       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Weather Field.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Corners Community        Corners Outreach.......     1,050,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Center.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Peachtree Creek          City of Doraville......     1,573,204
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Greenway (PCG)
                                                   Extension (Model
Department of Housing    Community Development    Broad Street Downtown    City of Chamblee.......     2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Revitalization.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Path 400 Trail           City of Sandy Springs..       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Extension.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Cobb Parkway Pedestrian  Cumberland Community        1,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Bridge North.            Improvement District
Department of Housing    Community Development    The Playwrights' Center  Playwrights Center Inc.     4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Ordway Center for        Ordway Center for the       3,930,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Performing Arts          Performing Arts.
                                                   Facility Improvements.
Department of Housing    Community Development    North End Community      The City of Saint Paul.     4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Center.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Mid-Atlantic Advance     County of Greensville..     3,424,379
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Manufacturing Center
                                                   Collection System.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Roxbury Road/State       Charles City County....     3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Route 106 Water/ Sewer
Department of Housing    Community Development    Lock's Watermain         City of Petersburg.....     3,581,531
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Replacement.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Central Gardens          County of Henrico......     2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Rehabilitation.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Veterans Inc. National   Veterans Inc...........     3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Guard Armory
Department of Housing    Community Development    African Community        African Community           2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Education Center         Education.
                                                   Building Renovation.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Avenue A Streetscape     Town of Montague,             975,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Improvement Project.     Massachusetts.
Department of Housing    Community Development    NewVue Communities       NewVue Communities.....     1,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Riverbend-Bigelow
                                                   Schools Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    North Star Journey Home  North Star Family           1,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Affordable Housing       Services, Inc..
Department of Housing    Community Development    Grow Food Northampton    Grow Food Northampton,        413,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Community Farm           Incorporated.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Jones Library            Jones Library, Inc.....     1,110,661
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Renovation and
                                                   Expansion Project,
                                                   Hampshire County, 2d
                                                   Congressional District
                                                   of Massachusetts.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Wood County Industrial   Wood County Development       500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Site Readiness and       Authority.
Department of Housing    Community Development    The Rail Academy of      San Joaquin Regional        1,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Central California--     Rail Commission.
                                                   Rail/Transit Workforce
                                                   Development Program.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Lodi Access Center       City of Lodi...........     1,048,500
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Emergency Shelter.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Sonora Square--Housing   Delta Community             1,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    for the Homeless.        Developers Corp..
Department of Housing    Community Development    Lyon Square Urban Park   Grand Rapids-Kent           1,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Renovation and           County Convention and
                                                   Improvement.             Arena Authority.
Department of Housing    Community Development    YMCA & Albion College    Albion College.........     2,800,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Initiative of the
                                                   Washington Gardner
                                                   Center Building
                                                   Renovation and
Department of Housing    Community Development    Affordable Housing       Churches United For           750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Services.                Fair Housing, Inc..
Department of Housing    Community Development    Colden for Queens......  QUEENS COLLEGE                750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                                             AUXILIARY ENTERPRISES
Department of Housing    Community Development    Working to Empower       WEPA Empowerment Center     1,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    People for Advancement   Inc..
                                                   (WEPA) Empowerment
                                                   Center Inc. Facility
Department of Housing    Community Development    Richland Borough Water   Borough of Richland....     1,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    System Upgrade.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Arena Players            Arena Players Inc......     4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Incorporated Capital
                                                   Improvements 2022-2023.
Department of Housing    Community Development    The Star Community       The Star Community          2,300,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Family Life Center.      Family Life Center.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Helping Up Mission       Helping Up Mission.....       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Permanent Housing on
                                                   East Baltimore Street.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Sanaa Center Project...  Pennsylvania Avenue           750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                                             Black Arts and
                                                                            Entertainment District.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Gwynns Falls Mighty      Gwynns Falls Business         535,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Park.                    and Homeowners
Department of Housing    Community Development    Historic Upton Mansion.  Afro Charities Inc.....     2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Druid Heights Maggie     Druid Heights Community     1,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Quille Center.           Development
Department of Housing    Community Development    Maryland Center for      Maryland Center for         3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Veterans Education and   Veterans Education and
                                                   Training Community       Training.
                                                   Expansion Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    East Baltimore           East Baltimore              2,300,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Development, Inc.        Development, Inc..
                                                   Phase 2B
                                                   Infrastructure Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Green & Healthy Homes    Green & Health Homes          750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Baltimore Initiative.    Initiative, Inc..
Department of Housing    Community Development    National Great Blacks    The National Great          2,008,580
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    in Wax Museum Capital    Blacks In Wax Museum,
                                                   Renovation and           Inc..
                                                   Infrastructure Upgra.
Department of Housing    Community Development    The Juanita Jackson      Beloved Community           1,750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Mitchell Law Center.     Services Corporation.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Mercer County            Development Authority       2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Multipurpose Center      of Mercer County.
                                                   Land Acquisition.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Sidewalk Repair........  City of Hinton.........       190,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Mason County Farmers     Main Street Point             470,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Market Construction.     Pleasant, Inc..
Department of Housing    Community Development    18th Street Resurfacing  City of Keokuk.........       960,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    to National Cemetery.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Heritage Park Riverwalk  City of Frankenmuth....     1,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Extension.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Hooper City Roadway      Hooper City............       624,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Improvement Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Town of Mantua Road      Town of Mantua.........     1,354,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Improvement Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Weber Housing Authority  Weber Housing Authority     1,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Land Acquisition.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Ten Mile Park Village    Village of Brown Deer..     2,496,630
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    of Brown Deer.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Community Wellness       Housing Authority of          750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Center at the City of    the City of Milwaukee.
                                                   Milwaukee's Westlawn
                                                   Gardens Choice
                                                   Neighborhood Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Emergency Home Repair    Revitalize Milwaukee...     1,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    and Improving
Department of Housing    Community Development    North Shore Library....  Village of Bayside.....       500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Arts Outreach and        Capita Productions Inc.       150,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Engagement Initiative.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Concordia 27 Consortium  Near West Side Partners     2,350,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Initiative.
Department of Housing    Community Development    LISC-Milwaukee's         Local Initiatives             750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Predevelopment Loans     Support Corporation
                                                   for Affordable Housing   (Milwaukee Office).
Department of Housing    Community Development    Connected Communities,   Connected Communities,        500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Inc. (Neighborhood       Inc..
Department of Housing    Community Development    County of Monroe         County of Monroe, New       3,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    (Applied Technology      York.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Charles Settlement       Charles Settlement            619,784
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    House, Inc..             House & Community
                                                                            Place of Greater
Department of Housing    Community Development    National Susan B.        National Susan B.             750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Anthony Museum & House.  Anthony Museum & House.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Rochester Energy         Rochester Area                300,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Efficiency and           Community Foundation
                                                   Weatherization (RENEW).  Initiatives INC..
Department of Housing    Community Development    Lynn Senior Center.....  City of Lynn...........     1,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Career Lab & Cafe at     Boys and Girls Club of        900,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    the Boys and Girls       Stoneham and Wakefield.
                                                   Club of Wakefield and
                                                   Expansion of Job Prep/
                                                   Vocational Program(s)
                                                   into Saugus.
Department of Housing    Community Development    North River Canal        City of Peabody........     1,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Resilient Wall,
                                                   Riverwalk, and Park.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Middlesex Community      Middlesex Community           363,400
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    College Bedford Campus   College.
                                                   Life Sciences and
                                                   BioTech Center.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Haven Project Catalyst   Haven Project..........     1,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Housing Program.
Department of Housing    Community Development    City of Beverly--Main    City of Beverly........     1,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Library HVAC System
Department of Housing    Community Development    Lifebridge Campus        Salem Mission               1,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Redevelopment Project.   Incorporated.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Fair Haven Rape Crisis   Fair Haven, Inc........       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Center -- Acquisition
                                                   and Renovation.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Equipment/Technology     Opportunity                   310,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    for Lakeside Respite     Enterprises, Inc..
Department of Housing    Community Development    Paladin Rehabilitation   Paladin Inc............     1,525,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    and Repurposing
Department of Housing    Community Development    Habitat for Humanity's   Habitat for Humanity of     1,139,440
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Sanford Affordable       Seminole County and
                                                   Housing Community        Greater Apopka, Inc..
                                                   Infrastructure Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Winter Park Traffic      City of Winter Park, FL       101,175
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Control Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Italian American         Italian American Museum     1,680,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Experience Permanent
Department of Housing    Community Development    PIER 86: REPLACEMENT OF  Intrepid Museum               750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    FINAL SEGMENT.           Foundation (a.k.a.
                                                                            Intrepid Sea, Air &
                                                                            Space Museum).
Department of Housing    Community Development    Fire Suppression/Alarm   Metropolitan Opera            750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Systems Modernization    Association, Inc.
                                                   at the Metropolitan
Department of Housing    Community Development    Safety Improvement       New York City Housing       3,800,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Project at NYCHA         Authority.
                                                   Developments (WSUR
                                                   Brownstones and
                                                   DeHostos Apartments).
Department of Housing    Community Development    COPO Senior Center.....  Council of Peoples          3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                                             Organization Inc..
Department of Housing    Community Development    New-York Historical      New-York Historical         3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Society/American         Society (N-YHS).
                                                   LGBTQ+ Museum
                                                   Partnership Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Covina High School Pool  Covina-Valley Unified       4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                                             School District.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Center for the           Hacienda La Puente          4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Performing Arts.         Unified School
Department of Housing    Community Development    Monrovia Canyon Park     City of Monrovia.......     3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Repair Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    La Puente Activity       City of La Puente......       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Center.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Baldwin Park Family      City of Baldwin Park...       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Services Center.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Historic Wahconah Park   City of Pittsfield.....     3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Grandstand Improvement
Department of Housing    Community Development    Renovation of the Girls  Girls Inc of the Valley     2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Inc of the Valley
                                                   Headquarters and
                                                   Program Center.
Department of Housing    Community Development    429 Morgan Road West     Town of West                  750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Springfield Capital      Springfield.
                                                   Improvement Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Worthington Senior       Hilltown Community          2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Center.                  Development
Department of Housing    Community Development    Historic Lenox Town      Town of Lenox..........       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Hall Roof and Rotunda
                                                   Restoration Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Town of Empire Water     Town of Empire.........     4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Infrastructure.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Veterans Community       Veterans Community            650,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Project Transitional     Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Lyons Emergency &        Lyons Emergency &             575,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Assistance Fund.         Assistance Fund, LEAF.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Summit County Child      Summit County                 750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Care Center.             Government.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Benton City Rail Trail.  Benton City............     2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Heritage Heights         Heritage Heights at           800,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Facility Renovation.     Lake Chelan.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Cultivate Collective     The Academy for Global        250,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Southwest Chicago        Citizenship.
                                                   Sustainability Hub.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Mosque Foundation        The Mosque Foundation..     1,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Community Center
                                                   Facility Improvement
                                                   and Expansion Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Permanent Structure on   Home Port Alliance for        500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    the Battleship New       the USS New Jersey,
                                                   Jersey Fantail.          Inc..
Department of Housing    Community Development    Sadler's Poynt           Camden Community            1,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Waterfront Park.         Partnership, Inc..
Department of Housing    Community Development    Camden County Nutrition  County of Camden.......       475,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Hub.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Inclusive Playground...  City of Gloucester.....       385,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Park Revitalization....  County of Gloucester...       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Glassboro VFW            Glassboro VFW Post 679.       150,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Renovations.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Building Food Bank       The Food Bank of South        970,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Capacity Through         Jersey.
                                                   Sustainability & Eco-
                                                   friendly Logistics.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Berth 1 Shoreline        South Jersey Port             750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Stabilization.           Corporation.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Black Box Theatre for    Gloucester Township....       300,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    the Arts.
Department of Housing    Community Development    The L'Enfant Trust's     The L'Enfant Trust.....     2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Historic Properties
                                                   Redevelopment Program.
Department of Housing    Community Development    House of Ruth..........  House of Ruth..........     7,160,828
 and Urban Development    Fund.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Horton's Kids..........  Horton's Kids..........       500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Anacostia Arts Center    Washington Area             3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Redevelopment Project.   Community Investment
Department of Housing    Community Development    My Sister's Place:       My Sister's Place......       500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Emergency Shelter,
                                                   Transitional Housing,
                                                   and Supportive
                                                   Services for Survivors
                                                   of Domestic Violence
                                                   and Their Children.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Perennial Transitional   Healthy Babies Project        340,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    House for Homeless       Inc.
                                                   Pregnant Teenagers
                                                   Rehabilitation Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    CASA NHSQ..............  Neighborhood Housing        2,400,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                                             Services of Queens
                                                                            CDC, Inc..
Department of Housing    Community Development    Worker's Operation       New York Botanical          1,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Center.                  Garden.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Elmcor Housing Project.  ELMCOR YOUTH & ADULT          663,250
 and Urban Development    Fund.                                             ACTIVITIES INC.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Astoria Boulevard        New York City               1,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Safety Improvements.     Department of
Department of Housing    Community Development    Wenima Bridge Project..  Town of Springerville..       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Northside Youth          Youth Farm and Market         750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Greenhouse.              Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Renovation of Snelling   Minnesota Assistance          750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Motel to Affordable      Council for Veterans.
                                                   Housing for Veterans.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Multifamily Land Trust   City of St. Louis Park.     3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    for Affordable Housing.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Avenues for Youth        Avenues for Youth......     3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Housing and
Department of Housing    Community Development    Southside Village Boys   Boys and Girls Clubs of       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    & Girls Club Expansion.  the Twin Cities.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Low Income Housing       Accessible Space Inc...       514,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Improvements for
                                                   Persons with
                                                   Disabilities in
                                                   Minneapolis, Golden
                                                   Valley and St. Anthony.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Wood Lake Nature Center  City of Richfield......     3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Building Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Establishing Safe        SEWA Asian Indian           2,856,224
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Refuge to South-Asian    Family Wellness.
                                                   Diasporic Communities
                                                   in Minnesota.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Simpson Community        Simpson Housing             2,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Shelter and Apartments.  Services, Inc..
Department of Housing    Community Development    Northside Food Access    Change Starts With          1,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    and Distribution         Community.
Department of Housing    Community Development    A New Facility for       SACA Food Shelf and         1,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Southern Anoka           Thrift Store.
                                                   Community Assistance
Department of Housing    Community Development    Birth Center             WomenVenture...........       600,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Improvement.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Net Zero HVAC            Housing Authority of        1,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Replacement.             Salt Lake City (HASLC).
Department of Housing    Community Development    Greene County            Greene County..........       600,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Demolition &
                                                   Rehabilitation Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Eagle One Mega Site      Forrest County.........     2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Acquisition and
Department of Housing    Community Development    Business, Recreation,    Town of Sumrall........     1,815,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    and Community
                                                   Development Project--
                                                   Property Acquisition
                                                   and Redevelopment.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Laurence Harbor          Old Bridge Township....     2,250,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Community Building.
Department of Housing    Community Development    South Amboy Waterfront   City of South Amboy....     2,250,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Park.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Veterans Memorial Youth  City of Perth Amboy....     1,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    League Complex Park
Department of Housing    Community Development    Church of the            Long Branch Historical      1,250,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Presidents Restoration.  Museum Association.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Capitola Wharf           City of Capitola.......     3,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Renovations.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Santa Cruz Downtown      City of Santa Cruz.....     2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Library Mixed Use
Department of Housing    Community Development    Western Flyer Coast      Western Flyer               1,640,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Guard Pier Repair and    Foundation.
                                                   Classroom Design.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Pacific North            City of Santa Cruz.....     2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Redevelopment.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Harvey West Studios....  Housing Matters........     3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Wastewater Treatment     Town of Seabrook.......       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Facility Upgrades.
Department of Housing    Community Development    South Londonderry Sewer  Town of Londonderry....     4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Pump Station.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Great Falls Gateway      County of Passaic......     1,215,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Phase II Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Secaucus Senior Center   The Town of Secaucus...       950,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Construction Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    The Alexander Hamilton   Hamilton Partnership        3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Visitor Center at the    for Paterson.
                                                   Paterson Great Falls
                                                   National Historical
                                                   Park Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Johnny Briggs Baseball   City of Paterson.......     1,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Field at Westside Park
Department of Housing    Community Development    City of Passaic Main     City of Passaic........     4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Avenue Parking Deck
Department of Housing    Community Development    Borough of Ridgefield    Borough of Ridgefield..       500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Resurfacing
                                                   Improvements Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    River Road Soil          County of Bergen.......       250,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Stabilization Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Capital Repairs to       Newark Public Radio,          500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Newark Public Radio      Inc..
Department of Housing    Community Development    The O'Connor Park        Township of West Orange     1,158,810
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Reconstruction Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    United Way Service       United Way of Hudson        1,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Center.                  County.
Department of Housing    Community Development    YMCA HVAC and Exhaust    YMCA of Newark and            750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    System Upgrade.          Vicinity.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Roadway Improvement and  Borough of Roselle.....     2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Pedestrian Safety
                                                   Project -- Chestnut
                                                   Street Corridor.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Nassan's Place           Nassan's Place, Inc....       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Community Center for
Department of Housing    Community Development    1044 Howard Building     United Playaz, Inc.....     4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Purchase and
Department of Housing    Community Development    Youth Center Renovation  Lavender Youth              2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                                             Recreation and
                                                                            Information Center,
                                                                            Inc. (LYRIC).
Department of Housing    Community Development    Friends of the Children  FOTC -- SF Bay Area....       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Bayview Youth Center.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Japantown Peace Plaza    San Francisco               3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Renovation.              Recreation and Park
Department of Housing    Community Development    The Village SF Urban     The Friendship House          750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Indian Project.          Association of
                                                                            American Indians.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Child Care Facilities    Mission Neighborhood        2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Expansions.              Centers Inc..
Department of Housing    Community Development    Community Nutrition and  Project Open Hand......     1,451,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Wellness Expansion.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Center for Health and    The National AIDS             750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Social Justice.          Memorial.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Edge on the Square       Chinatown Media and         2,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Chinatown Media and      Arts Collaborative.
                                                   Arts Collaborative
                                                   Building Renovation.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Food Bank Donation       Food Bank of the              600,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Facilities.              Rockies.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Global Energy Park       State of Colorado......     4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Educational Walkways.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Light Up San Diego       City of San Diego......     2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Streetlight
                                                   Improvement Program --
                                                   Beach Communities.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Ocean Beach Library      City of San Diego......     4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Expansion.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Mobile Solar Powered     City of San Diego......       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Electric Vehicle
Department of Housing    Community Development    Freedom Park at Navy     Port of San Diego......     2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Pier.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Boys & Girls Clubs of    Boys and Girls Clubs of       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    the Twin Cities          the Twin Cities.
                                                   Voyageur Environmental
                                                   Center Renovation/
Department of Housing    Community Development    Twin Cities Habitat for  Twin Cities Habitat for       400,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Humanity--Minnetonka     Humanity.
                                                   Townhome 2022.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Revitalization and       Aeon...................     4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Transformation of
                                                   Huntington Place, a
                                                   Low-Income, Affordable
                                                   Housing Community.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Corcoran Water Supply    City of Corcoran.......     3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Construction Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Apex Youth Connection's  Apex Youth Connection..       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Future Focus Job
                                                   Readiness Center.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Louis B. Goodall         Sanford Library             3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Memorial Library         Association Inc., dba
                                                   Renovation.              Louis B. Goodall
                                                                            Memorial Library.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Central Lincoln County   Central Lincoln County        750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    YMCA Child Care Center.  YMCA.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Maine Irish Heritage     Maine Irish Heritage        3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Center -- Restore the    Center.
                                                   Building Envelope.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Preble Street Food       Preble Street..........     1,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Security Hub.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Bright Path Hollistic    Virgin Islands Housing        900,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Wellness.                Authority.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Community First Tiny     Liberty Place, Inc.....     1,964,210
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Homes Build Out Phase
Department of Housing    Community Development    Christiansted Sunday     St. Croix Foundation...     1,059,152
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Market Square
Department of Housing    Community Development    Jewish Social Services   Jewish Social Services        250,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    of Madison Refugee       of Madison Inc.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Salvation Army of Dane   The Salvation Army of       4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    County Shelter           Dane County.
Department of Housing    Community Development    City of Reedsburg, WI    City of Reedsburg......       560,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Fieldhouse.
Department of Housing    Community Development    City of Baraboo, WI      City of Baraboo........       500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Riverwalk and Oak
                                                   Street Overlook.
Department of Housing    Community Development    210 W. Fulton St. Rehab  Edgerton Community            700,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Project for Low-Income   Outreach, Inc..
                                                   Housing, Community
                                                   Meeting Space, and
                                                   Senior Programming --
                                                   Edgerton, WI.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Boys & Girls Club of     Boys & Girls Clubs of       1,200,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Dane County, WI          Dane County.
                                                   McKenzie Regional
                                                   Workforce Center.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Clarendon Hill Housing   City of Somerville.....     2,400,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    and Transportation
                                                   Equity Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Downtown Broadway        City of Chelsea, MA....     2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Infrastructure
                                                   Improvement Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Pine Knolls EMPOWERment  EMPOWERment............     1,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Affordable Community
                                                   Housing (P.E.A.C.H).
Department of Housing    Community Development    Ross Road Apartments...  Reinvestment Partners..       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Field Museum Facilities  Field Museum of Natural     1,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Upgrade.                 History.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Capital Improvements     Carole Robertson Center       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    for the Carole           for Learning.
                                                   Robertson Center for
                                                   Learning at Albany
Department of Housing    Community Development    Lake View YMCA Aquatics  Lake View YMCA.........     1,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Expansion.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Black Ensemble Theater   Black Ensemble Theater.     1,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Cultural Center
                                                   Building Improvements
                                                   and Enhancements.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Lincoln Park             Chicago Park District..       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Conservatory
Department of Housing    Community Development    Oak View Community       Montgomery Parks              800,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Connector Bridge.        Capital Improvement
Department of Housing    Community Development    Sandy Spring Museum      Sandy Spring Museum....       500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Folklife Hub Expansion.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Bunky Reid Park Upgrade  Town of North                 900,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    at the Yes We Can        Hempstead, NY.
                                                   Community Center.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Expand Homeless Safety   The Interfaith              2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Net Services.            Nutrition Network,
                                                                            Inc. (The INN).
Department of Housing    Community Development    Adams County Bridge      Adams County...........     2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Replacement.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Stevens County Road      Stevens County Public       3,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Upgrades to Support      Works.
                                                   Chewelah A-Z Forest
                                                   Restoration Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Pioneer Human Services   Pioneer Human Services.       838,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Housing, Carlyle Hotel
                                                   Low-Income Housing
Department of Housing    Community Development    Eastern Kentucky PRIDE   Eastern Kentucky Pride.     2,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Septic System Program.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Williamsburg Water       City of Williamsburg...     4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Improvements.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Prestonsburg Water       City of Prestonsburg...     4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    System Improvements.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Martin County Sewer      Martin County Fiscal        3,107,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Improvements.            Court.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Jackson County Business  Jackson County Fiscal       1,538,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Incubator.               Court.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Raven Rock Trails        EKY Heritage                2,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Development.             Foundation, Inc..
Department of Housing    Community Development    Knox County Water        Knox County Fiscal          2,224,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Improvements.            Court.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Peyton Road Expansion..  City of Lebanon........     2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Main Street and          City of Watertown......     1,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Downtown Business
                                                   District Improvements.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Pleasant Grove           Town of Wendell........     2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Community Center
Department of Housing    Community Development    Maynard Road             Town of Cary...........     1,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Multifamily Housing.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Garner Senior Center     Town of Garner.........       505,200
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Facility Improvements.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Education Center at      Friends of the North          750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Prairie Ridge            Carolina Museum of
                                                   Ecostation.              Natural Sciences.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Whiteville Road Force    Brunswick County.......     1,052,500
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Main Project Design
                                                   and Engineering.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Gateway District         Town of Leland.........       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Utility Resiliency.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Maywood Riverfront Park  Los Angeles                   650,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Renovation Project.      Neighborhood Land
Department of Housing    Community Development    Building Expansion for   City of Downey.........     1,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    the Columbia Memorial
                                                   Space Center.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Aquatic Center Outdoor   City of Bellflower.....       300,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Pool Improvements.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Bell Gardens Regional    City of Bell Gardens...     1,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Aquatic Center.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Increasing Public        SAC Health.............       150,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Transportation Access
                                                   to Healthcare to the
                                                   Eastern Riverside
                                                   County City of Blythe,
Department of Housing    Community Development    Triple Bridges Study...  Maryland Department of        750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                                             Transportation.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Rosedale Veterans        Sheppard Pratt Health       1,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Initiative.              System, Inc..
Department of Housing    Community Development    Raising the Roof--The    The National Museum of        500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    National Museum of       Gospel Music.
                                                   Gospel Music.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Build Antioch..........  Antioch Haven Homes         4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                                             Foundation Ltd.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Englewood Racine Green   Chicago Transit             2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Line Station             Authority (CTA).
                                                   Feasibility Study.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Bronzeville Opportunity  Illinois Institute of       2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Engine.                  Technology.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Northeast Florida        Regional Food Bank of         981,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Regional Food Bank       Northeast Florida Inc..
                                                   Equipment Upgrades.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Hope Community Center    The Mother A.M. Smith         750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    At-Risk Youth Project.   Community Center.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Waddell Park             The City of Niles......     2,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Improvements Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Bounce Innovation Hub--  Bounce Innovation Hub..     1,200,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Minority Business
                                                   Support Programs.
Department of Housing    Community Development    8th Street Neighborhood  City of Miami..........     4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Flood Mitigation.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Jose Marti Park and      City of Miami..........     4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Neighborhood Flood
Department of Housing    Community Development    Park and Field           City of Hawaiian            1,420,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Renovations.             Gardens.
Department of Housing    Community Development    The PAD Park--Passons    The City of Pico Rivera     1,050,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Active Depot.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Santa Fe Springs         Habitat for Humanity of       500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Homeownership            Greater Los Angeles.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Artesia Botanical        City of Artesia........     3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Gardens.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Sierra Athletic Field    City of Whittier.......       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Restoration.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Leffingwell Road         City of La Mirada......     2,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Landscape Median
Department of Housing    Community Development    Outdoor/Environmental    Annapolis Maritime            375,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Preschool--Annapolis     Museum & Park.
                                                   Maritime Museum & Park.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Lansdowne Y Swimming     YMCA of Eastern             1,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Pool Rehabilitation.     Delaware County.
Department of Housing    Community Development    The Africa Center......  African Cultural            2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                                             Alliance of North
                                                                            America, Inc..
Department of Housing    Community Development    Navy Yard -- Quay Wall   City of Philadelphia...     2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Reconstruction.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Media VFW Post 3460      Veterans of Foreign            50,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Rehabilitation.          Wars Post 3460.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Haverford Township Free  Haverford Township.....     2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Library Redevelopment.
Department of Housing    Community Development    SCS Schoolhouse Center   Senior Community            2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Capital Improvements.    Services Inc..
Department of Housing    Community Development    ACCESS Community Center  ACCESS--A Community           850,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                                             Center Established by
                                                                            the Surgent Family for
Department of Housing    Community Development    Schuylkill River Trail:  Schuylkill River            2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Bartram's to Passyunk    Development
                                                   Phase II Land            Corporation.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Share Food Program's     Share Food Program.....     2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Delaware County Food
                                                   Bank Acquisition and
                                                   Renovation Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Black Ensemble           Black Ensemble Theater.     1,200,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Educational Outreach
                                                   Studio Theater,
                                                   Chicago, Illinois (IL-
Department of Housing    Community Development    Broadway Armory          Chicago Park District..     2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Natatorium Swimming
                                                   Pool, Chicago,
                                                   Illinois (IL-09).
Department of Housing    Community Development    Renovation of the High   YMCA of Metropolitan        3,750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Ridge YMCA Facility,     Chicago.
                                                   Chicago, Illinois (IL-
Department of Housing    Community Development    Family Focus "Our        Family Focus...........     1,130,845
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Place" Building
                                                   Renovation, Evanston,
                                                   Illinois (IL-09).
Department of Housing    Community Development    Connections for the      Connections for the         2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Homeless Hilda's Place   Homeless.
                                                   Renovations, Evanston,
                                                   Illinois (IL-09).
Department of Housing    Community Development    Food Equity and          Hollywood Food                750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Community Resilience     Coalition.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Day Center Expansion     The Center in Hollywood       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    for Low-Income and
                                                   Unhoused Community
Department of Housing    Community Development    YWCA Historical          YWCA of Glendale and        2,200,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Building Preservation    Pasadena.
                                                   and Domestic Violence
                                                   Emergency Shelter
Department of Housing    Community Development    CPAH Lake County         Community Partners for      1,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Affordable Housing       Affordable Housing
                                                   Development in           (CPAH).
Department of Housing    Community Development    Chain O'Lakes Economic   Village of Fox Lake....       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Development in Fox
Department of Housing    Community Development    Lake County Early        North Chicago Community     1,228,493
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Learning Center in       Unit School District
                                                   North Chicago.           187.
Department of Housing    Community Development    North Chicago Economic   Lake County............     4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Redevelopment at
                                                   Sheridan Crossing.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Lake Bluff Downtown      Lake County Stormwater        750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Flooding Mitigation      Management Commission.
Department of Housing    Community Development    PADS Lake County         PADS Lake County.......     3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Homeless Shelter.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Hillside Redevelopment   Housing Authority of        4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Project.                 Clackamas County.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Detroit Lake Marina      Marion County..........     2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Excavation and
                                                   Resiliency Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Snoqualmie Indian Tribe  The Snoqualmie Tribe...     1,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    -- Child Development
                                                   Center Expansion.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Bethel Schools Graham    Bethel Washington             750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Community Center         School District.
Department of Housing    Community Development    The Market Farm to Fork  Bonney Lake Food Bank       2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    and Smart Locker         (aka Bonney Lake
                                                   Program.                 Community Resources).
Department of Housing    Community Development    YWCA North Central       YWCA North Central            200,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Washington Permanent     Washington.
                                                   Supportive Housing
                                                   (PSH) Updating and
Department of Housing    Community Development    HopeSource Teanaway      HopeSource.............     2,030,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Multi-Service Center.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Tyler's Beach Harbor/    Isle of Wight County...       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Marina Facility
Department of Housing    Community Development    Franklin Armory/         City of Franklin.......     2,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Community Center.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Dr. Clarence V. Cuffee   City of Chesapeake.....     3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Community Center
                                                   Aquatic Facility.
Department of Housing    Community Development    YMCA of the Virginia     YMCA of the Virginia        2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Peninsulas.              Peninsulas.
Department of Housing    Community Development    City of Norfolk          City of Norfolk........     3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Neighborhood Safety
                                                   LED Streetlight
Department of Housing    Community Development    Atlanta Legal Aid        Atlanta Legal Aid             260,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Clayton County Office.   Society.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Chattahoochee            City of Smyrna.........       900,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Riverlands -- Bike/
                                                   Pedestrian Bridge
                                                   Feasibility Study.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Water Supply and Water   City of Thorndale......     3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Distribution Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    City of Montgomery       City of Montgomery.....     4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Blight Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Orrville Public Library  Town of Orrville.......       500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Bethel Family & Child    Bethel Baptist Church..       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Care Center.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Selma Riverfront Multi-  City of Selma..........     4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    plex.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Valley Creek Rails to    City of Birmingham.....     4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Trails.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Studio City/Beeman       City of Los Angeles --      3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Recreational Center      Council District 4.
                                                   Capital Improvement
Department of Housing    Community Development    West Valley Community    TreePeople.............     1,149,662
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Greening Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Encino Community Center  Armenian Cultural           1,200,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                                             Foundation.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Essential Service        Labor Community               600,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Relief for Underserved/  Services of Los
                                                   Unemployed Families.     Angeles.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Connecting Canoga Park   City of Los Angeles --      1,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    project.                 Council District 3.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Los Angeles Accessory    Los Angeles City              750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Dwelling Units (ADU)     Council District 12.
                                                   Accelerator Program.
Department of Housing    Community Development    South Valley             City of Los Angeles--         750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Transportation &         Council District 4.
Department of Housing    Community Development    City of Los Angeles --   City of Los Angeles         4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Park Ballfield           Mayor's Office.
                                                   Improvements and
                                                   Upgrades at Various LA
                                                   City Parks Facilities.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Domestic Violence        Haven Hills Inc........       500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Shelter & Services
                                                   Facilities Renovations.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Borough of Madison       Borough of Madison.....     2,086,269
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Affordable Housing
Department of Housing    Community Development    Housing is Healthcare    Family Promise of           1,761,700
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    for Economic             Morris County.
                                                   Development Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Collinsville-Tucker      Township of Morris.....       500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Park Improvement
Department of Housing    Community Development    Idaho Workforce and      Idaho Rural Water             750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Public Safety Training   Association, Inc..
                                                   Facility Improvements.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Downtown Boise YMCA      Treasure Valley Family      4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Catalytic                YMCA.
                                                   Redevelopment Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Healing Idaho Community  Camp Rainbow Gold, Inc.     2,400,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Development Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Pier 93 Park...........  Town of West New York..     2,750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.
Department of Housing    Community Development    River Road Overpass....  Town of West New York..     2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Pedestrian Safety        Township of Weehawken..     4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Improvement Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    James Braddock Park      Hudson County New             500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Roadway Safety           Jersey.
Department of Housing    Community Development    West New York Housing    West New York Housing         888,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Authority Building       Authority.
                                                   Security Improvements.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Howell Depot Lot         The City of Howell,           750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Reconstruction.          Michigan.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Lansing Ovation Center   City of Lansing........       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    for Music & Arts.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Green Oak Aerial Ladder  Green Oak Charter             750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Truck.                   Township.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Ingham County,           Ingham County               2,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Fairgrounds Grandstand.  Fairgrounds.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Eatontown Community      Borough of Eatontown...     2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Flood Mitigation
Department of Housing    Community Development    Improvements to Local    Township of Lakewood...     2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Roads, Sidewalks, and
                                                   Water Systems.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Providence House Ocean   Catholic Charities            750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    County Safe House        Diocese of Trenton-
                                                   Improvements.            Providence House.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Somali Community         Somali Health Board....     4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Cultural Innovation
Department of Housing    Community Development    El Centro de la Raza--   El Centro de la Raza...     4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Pattison's West
                                                   Community Campus
                                                   Property Acquisition.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Skyway Affordable        Low Income Housing            750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Housing and Early        Institute.
                                                   Learning Center.
Department of Housing    Community Development    African Business         African Chamber of            750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Innovation Center.       Commerce of the
                                                                            Pacific Northwest.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Washington Refugee       Congolese Integration         500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Healing Center.          Network.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Little Saigon Landmark.  Friends of Little           4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                                             Saigon.
Department of Housing    Community Development    McKinney Center Capital  Central District            1,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Project.                 Community Preservation
                                                                            & Development
Department of Housing    Community Development    Southeast Seattle        Southeast Seattle             750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Affordable Housing and   Senior Foundation.
                                                   Home Ownership.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Southwest Lake Howard    City of Winter Haven...       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Pedestrian Enhancement.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Deerwood Elementary      Osceola County.........       944,227
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    School Sidewalk
Department of Housing    Community Development    HOPKINS PARK AND RIVER   City of St. Cloud......     1,051,360
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    ROAD REVITALIZATION.
Department of Housing    Community Development    City of Lake Wales 1st   City of Lake Wales.....       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Street Streetscape.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Michigan Avenue Safety   Osceola County.........     1,978,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Improvements.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Hope Apartment Housing.  Hope Partnership.......       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Purchase of a two fire   City of Haines City....     2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    apparatus (Pierce
                                                   custom pumper and
                                                   quint fire apparatus)
                                                   for the City of Haines
Department of Housing    Community Development    City of Orlando Lake     City of Orlando........     1,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Nona Poitras Park.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Fighting Creek Park ADA  Powhatan County........       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Improvements.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Replacement Water Tower  Spotsylvania County....     3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Serving the Massaponax
                                                   and Thornburg Areas --
                                                   Design and
Department of Housing    Community Development    San Mateo County         San Mateo County              750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    History Museum           Historical Association.
                                                   Carriage House.
Department of Housing    Community Development    San Mateo Marina Branch  City of San Mateo......     1,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Public Library
                                                   Restoration Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    City of Burlingame Town  City of Burlingame.....       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Square Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    East Palo Alto New       City of East Palo Alto.     1,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Public Library.
Department of Housing    Community Development    South San Francisco New  City of South San           1,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Library and Parks and    Francisco.
                                                   Recreation Center.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Daly City Early          City of Daly City......       800,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Learning Center for
                                                   Infants and Toddlers.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Homeless Youth Center..  City of Albuquerque....     1,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.
Department of Housing    Community Development    VIC New Veteran          Veterans Integration          300,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Transitional Housing     Center.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Federally Qualified      Albuquerque Health Care       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Health Center Campus     for the Homeless.
                                                   Expansion to Serve
                                                   People Experiencing
                                                   Homelessness in
                                                   Bernalillo County, New
Department of Housing    Community Development    Albuquerque Adult        Albuquerque Adult             600,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Learning Center.         Learning Center, Inc..
Department of Housing    Community Development    77th Street Access       City of Scottsdale.....     1,800,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Improvements.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Vista Colina Family      Central Arizona Shelter       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Shelter Renovation.      Services.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Trellis at the Mission   Trellis................     1,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Low-Income Affordable
Department of Housing    Community Development    Affordable Workforce     City of Tempe..........       500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Housing.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Milaca Airport Road      City of Milaca.........     1,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Fulton County            Fulton County Center          500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Crosslands Industrial    for Regional Growth,
                                                   Park Improvements.       Inc..
Department of Housing    Community Development    Wellness Center          Silver Bay YMCA........     1,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Facility Improvements.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Construction of a        Highlands County.......     1,100,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Roadway Between
                                                   Sebring Parkway, SR-
                                                   17, and Arbuckle Creek
Department of Housing    Community Development    Restoration of Roads--   City of Wauchula.......     2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Including Oak, Bay,
                                                   and Palmetto Street.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Oakland County Farmer's  County of Oakland......     2,269,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Market Modernization &
                                                   Improvement Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    City of Troy--Sylvan     City of Troy, MI.......     1,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Glen Lake Park.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Waterford Downtown       Charter Township of           750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Revitalization Project.  Waterford.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Shiawassee Connection..  City of Farmington.....     2,100,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Ridge Road Park Phase 1  Charter Township of         1,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Design and Engineering.  Canton.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Emergency Food Network   Emergency Food Network      1,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    of Tacoma and Pierce     of Tacoma and Pierce
                                                   County.                  County.
Department of Housing    Community Development    History & Nature Center  Olympia Tumwater              750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    at Brewery Park.         Foundation.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Great Neck Senior        Great Neck Senior             464,500
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Center.                  Center.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Garvies Point Preserve   Nassau County..........       294,300
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    and Museum --
                                                   Improving Connectivity
                                                   and Accessibility to
                                                   Open Spaces, Glen
                                                   Cove, New York, Nassau
Department of Housing    Community Development    SNAP (Services Now for   Services Now for Adult        750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Adult Persons, Inc.)     Persons, Inc.
                                                   of Eastern Queens
                                                   Older Adult Senior
                                                   Center and Case
                                                   Management Program.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Building Health          Young Men's Christian         250,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Lifestyles at the YMCA   Association Long
                                                   of Long Island.          Island.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Emergency Food           Metropolitan Council on       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Programming.             Jewish Poverty.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Sequoia Grove            Habitat for Humanity        1,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Affordable Housing.      East Bay/Silicon
Department of Housing    Community Development    Alameda County ALL IN    Alameda County.........     1,400,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Eats Food Hub,
Department of Housing    Community Development    Sunrise at Bogart        Neighborhood                3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Permanent Supportive     Partnership Housing
                                                   Housing Development.     Services, Inc. Sunrise
                                                                            at Bogart, LP.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Integrated Solutions     Parkview Legacy               750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    for Community Wellness   Foundation.
                                                   and Stable Housing.
Department of Housing    Community Development    MoVal Emergency Shelter/ City of Moreno Valley..     1,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Rapid Rehousing
Department of Housing    Community Development    Community Program        City of Perris.........     3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Enhancement Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Park Drive               City of Rome...........     3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Revitalization Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Buy-out of Repetitive    Town of Whitestown.....       227,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Flood Loss Properties.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Martinez Municipal       City of Martinez.......     2,547,600
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Fishing Pier
Department of Housing    Community Development    Boys and Girls Club      Boys and Girls Club         4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Sonoma-Marin.            Sonoma-Marin.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Napa Intensive and       City of Napa, CA.......       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Permanent Mental
                                                   Health Housing Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Preserving and           The Mare Island             1,219,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Restoring Mare Island    Historic Park
                                                   Landmarks.               Foundation.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Burns Valley Sports      City of Clearlake......     2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Complex & Recreation
Department of Housing    Community Development    Providence Rohnert Park  Providence Health &         1,300,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    House.                   Services -- Washington.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Sunflower County         Sunflower County.......     2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Business Improvement
Department of Housing    Community Development    Bolivar County           Bolivar County.........     2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Utilization Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    The City of              Town of Coffeeville....       500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Coffeeville's
                                                   Recreational Park.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Emmett Till Tutwiler     Emmett Till Tutwiler          750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Museum & Welcome         Museum & Welcome
                                                   Center.                  Center.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Restoration of Sewage    Friends of Twin Lakes         500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    and Water Systems with   ANF.
                                                   Water System Extension
                                                   at Twin Lakes.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Redford Township         Redford Township.......     2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Wellness Center,
                                                   Redford Township,
                                                   Wayne County,
                                                   Michigan, 13th
                                                   Congressional District.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Garden City Community    Garden City............     2,100,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Center Rehabilitation
Department of Housing    Community Development    Grandmont Rosedale       Grandmont Rosedale          2,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Mixed-Use Development    Development
                                                   for Low-Income Senior    Corporation.
                                                   Housing and Commercial
                                                   Space in Detroit,
                                                   Wayne, Michigan, 13th
                                                   Congressional District.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Repurpose of Marshall    City of Westland.......     3,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Middle School for a
                                                   Service & Learning
                                                   Center in Westland,
                                                   Wayne County,
                                                   Michigan, 13th
                                                   Congressional District.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Beechwood Center         City of River Rouge....       869,500
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Renovation City of
                                                   River Rouge, Wayne
                                                   County, Michigan, 13th
                                                   Congressional District.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Kessey Fieldhouse and    City of Melvindale.....     2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Rouge River Boat
                                                   Launch Capital
                                                   Improvements City of
                                                   Melvindale, Wayne
                                                   County, Michigan, 13th
                                                   Congressional District.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Complete the Multi-      City of Highland Park..       496,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Service Facility for
                                                   Health and Human
                                                   Services Project in
                                                   Highland Park.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Matton Shipyard          The Erie Canalway             505,359
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Preservation and         Heritage Fund, Inc..
                                                   Adaptive Reuse
                                                   Initiative, Waterford,
                                                   New York.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Transitional Housing     In Our Own Voices, Inc.       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    and Services for LGBT
                                                   and Gender Non-
                                                   Confirming, Albany,
                                                   New York.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Little Italty's          TAP Inc................       500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Neighborhood
                                                   Placemaking for
                                                   Economic Development,
                                                   Troy, New York.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Charlton Community       Town of Charlton.......       540,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Center, Charlton, New
Department of Housing    Community Development    Employment Services      Unity House of Troy,          800,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Facility Improvement     Inc..
                                                   Project, Troy, New
Department of Housing    Community Development    Schenectady Community    Schenectady Community       1,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Action Program Campus    Action Program.
                                                   Project, Schenectady,
                                                   New York.
Department of Housing    Community Development    HOMEBASE--Combatting     RISE Housing and            2,358,292
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Social Isolation &       Support Services.
                                                   Stigma In the Mental
                                                   Health Community,
                                                   Saratoga Springs, New
Department of Housing    Community Development    Esperanza Verde Park,    City of Amsterdam......       650,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Amsterdam, New York.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Business Incubator,      Amsterdam Free Library.       469,333
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Amsterdam, New York.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Hoffman Park Community   City of Albany.........       400,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Center Improvements,
                                                   Albany, New York.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Downtown Main Street     City of Upland.........       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Economic Recovery and
                                                   Revitalization Project-
                                                    Phase 2.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Prado Regional Park      San Bernardino County       2,280,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Food Court               Regional Parks.
Department of Housing    Community Development    La Casita Community      City of Pomona.........     4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Center.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Pacific Electric Trail   The City of Fontana....       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Improvement Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Courtplace Housing       The City of Fontana....     4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Development.
Department of Housing    Community Development    South Bronx Food Hub     Catholic Charities            204,281
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Expansion.               Community Services,
                                                                            Archdiocese of New
Department of Housing    Community Development    Morrison Public Plaza    Youth Ministries for          250,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    and Open Market.         Peace and Justice,
Department of Housing    Community Development    Worker's Operation       New York Botanical          1,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Center.                  Garden.
Department of Housing    Community Development    NYCHA Jackson Houses     New York City Housing       3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Exterior Lighting        Authority.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Expansion of Behavioral  Montefiore Medical            750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Health Clinics in        Center.
                                                   Montefiore School
                                                   Based Health Centers.
Department of Housing    Community Development    STEM and Green Career    Wildlife Conservation       1,178,406
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Internships for Bronx    Society.
                                                   College Students.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Security Surveillance    Diego Beekman Mutual          600,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Systems Upgrades.        Housing Association,
Department of Housing    Community Development    Cap Dracut Landfill....  Town of Dracut.........     1,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Martin/Cawley Complex    Lowell Athletics and        3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Renovation.              Activities Foundation
Department of Housing    Community Development    The Winnekenni           City of Haverhill......       700,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Recreation Area
                                                   Improvements &
                                                   Restoration Plan.
Department of Housing    Community Development    1301 Middlesex Family    Community Teamwork,         3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Shelter Acquisition      Inc..
Department of Housing    Community Development    Ellen Swallow Richards   Lawrence CommunityWorks     2,116,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Park and Island          Inc..
                                                   Parkside Open Space
                                                   and Recreation Plan
Department of Housing    Community Development    Historic Asa Parlin      Town of Acton..........       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    House Restoration --
                                                   Community and Cultural
Department of Housing    Community Development    Fitchburg State          Fitchburg State             2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    University, Phase 2      University.
                                                   Fitchburg Theater
Department of Housing    Community Development    Boys & Girls Club of     Boys & Girls Club of        4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Washington County        Washington County.
                                                   (BGCWC) Pennsylvania
                                                   Avenue Clubhouse
                                                   Replacement Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Frederick HHS Permanent  City of Frederick......     1,315,843
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Supportive Housing,
                                                   Food Distribution
                                                   Center, & Soup Kitchen
                                                   Upgrades Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    The Pleasant View        The Pleasant View             942,303
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Historic Site            Historical Association.
                                                   Preservation and
                                                   Restoration Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Pittsburgh Institute of  Pittsburgh Institute of       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Aeronautics Hagerstown   Aeronautics.
                                                   Campus Expansion
Department of Housing    Community Development    Development and Low Dam  City of West Carrollton     3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Revitalization Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Project Plymouth Site    Dayton-Montgomery           3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Assembly and             County Port Authority.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Dayton International     City of Vandalia.......     1,330,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Airport (DAY)--
                                                   Northeast Logistics
                                                   Access Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Hinckley Public Library  Hinckley Public Library       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                                             District.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Relocation of the        City of Batavia........     3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Batavia Interfaith
                                                   Food Pantry and
                                                   Clothes Closet.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Sturgis Downtown         City of Sturgis........     1,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Revitalization.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Indiana-Michigan River   United Way of Southwest       912,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Valley Trail Extension   Michigan.
                                                   (Section 1).
Department of Housing    Community Development    Ox Creek Clean Up and    City of Benton Harbor..     3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Redevelopment.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Corazon del Valle        Housing Authority of        2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Commons Housing          Fresno County.
                                                   Project Construction
                                                   and Improvements.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Tulare Emergency         City of Tulare.........     1,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Homeless Shelter
Department of Housing    Community Development    Caruthers Education and  Caruthers Unified           2,895,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Community Activity       School District.
                                                   Center Constructions
                                                   and Improvements.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Santa Fe Way             City of Shafter........     2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Resurfacing and
                                                   Shoulder Improvements
Department of Housing    Community Development    Hanford Veterans and     City of Hanford........       561,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Seniors Building
                                                   Renovation and
Department of Housing    Community Development    Community Center         Bangladesh Association        250,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Improvement.             of South Jersey.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Light Up San Diego       City of San Diego......     1,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Streetlight
                                                   Improvement Program--
                                                   Logan Heights.
Department of Housing    Community Development    San Ysidro Community     City of San Diego......     4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Activity Center
Department of Housing    Community Development    Beach and Boat Launch    San Diego Unified Port      3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    at Harbor Park.          District.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Beyer Park Phase II      City of San Diego......     3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Construction.
Department of Housing    Community Development    City of Arlington --     City of Arlington......     2,400,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Neighborhood Wi-Fi.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Transform 1012 N. Main   Transform 1012 N. Main      4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Street professional      Street.
                                                   services and expenses
                                                   for the design phase,
                                                   Fort Worth, Texas,
                                                   Tarrant County,
                                                   Congressional District
Department of Housing    Community Development    Hughes House Public      Housing Authority of        4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Infrastructure           the City of Fort
                                                   Improvements.            Worth, Fort Worth
                                                                            Housing Authority dba
                                                                            Fort Worth Housing
Department of Housing    Community Development    City of Dallas --        City of Dallas.........     1,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Hensley Field
                                                   Shoreline Modification.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Center for Transforming  Center for Transforming     2,250,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Lives' Riverside Early   Lives.
                                                   Childhood Education &
                                                   Economic Mobility
Department of Housing    Community Development    United Way of Tarrant    United Way of Tarrant         750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    County--Mission United.  County.
Department of Housing    Community Development    United Way of Tarrant    United Way of Tarrant         400,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    County-Volunteer         County.
                                                   Income Tax Assistance
                                                   Program (VITA)..
Department of Housing    Community Development    Southern Gateway Park..  Southern Gateway Public     3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                                             Green Foundation.
Department of Housing    Community Development    City of Irving--         City of Irving.........       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Southwest Park
                                                   Renovation Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    William M. McDonald      YMCA of Metropolitan        1,488,690
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    YMCA Covered Outdoor     Fort Worth.
                                                   Gymnasium Space.
Department of Housing    Community Development    United Way of Tarrant    United Way of Tarrant         750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    County Workforce         County.
Department of Housing    Community Development    FAC Affordable Solar...  Fifth Avenue Committee,       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                                             Inc..
Department of Housing    Community Development    Public Housing           Good Old Lower East           300,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Leadership Academy.      Side, Inc..
Department of Housing    Community Development    NYCHA ADA Accessibility  New York City Housing         750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    and Security Lighting    Authority.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Acquisition of a         The Center for Law and        750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    building in the          Human Values (DBA The
                                                   Bushwick, Brooklyn       Action Lab).
                                                   neighborhood to create
                                                   the Brooklyn Center
                                                   for Social Justice,
                                                   Entrepreneurship and
                                                   the Arts (BCSEA)..
Department of Housing    Community Development    Grand Street Settlement  Grand Street                1,100,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    80 Pitt St. Community    Settlement, Inc..
                                                   Center Renovation.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Feeding South Florida    Feeding South Florida,      2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Mobile Market and        Inc..
Department of Housing    Community Development    Gardena Rosecrans        City of Gardena........     1,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Community Center.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Gateway Place..........  Grant Housing and           4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                                             Economic Development
Department of Housing    Community Development    Legacy Project.........  Neighborhood Housing        1,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                                             Services of Los
                                                                            Angeles County.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Watts and South LA       Macedonia Community         1,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Entrepreneurship         Development
                                                   Accelerator.             Corporation.
Department of Housing    Community Development    PATH Villas Normandie..  PATH Ventures..........       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Torrance Temporary       City of Torrance.......       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Housing Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Lawndale New Teen        City of Lawndale.......     4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Center/Municipal
                                                   Services Department
                                                   Building Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    East Brunswick Public    East Brunswick Township       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Library Building
Department of Housing    Community Development    Manville Veterans        Borough of Manville....       350,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Freedom Plaza Creation.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Witherspoon Street       Municipality of               750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Improvements.            Princeton.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Wireworks..............  City of Trenton........       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Van Veghten House        Somerset County             2,443,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Restoration.             Historical Society.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Coalport Neighborhood    Kean University........       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Revitalization
Department of Housing    Community Development    Assunpink Greenway       City of Trenton........     2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Active Recreation
Department of Housing    Community Development    Citrus Grove Road Phase  Lake County............     1,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    II Final Design.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Champlain Valley Food    Champlain Valley Office       100,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Access Network           of Economic
                                                   Fulfillment Center.      Opportunity.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Modernizing the Energy   Vermont State Colleges.       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Efficiency of the
                                                   Alexander Twilight
Department of Housing    Community Development    Bennington's Fair Food   Town of Bennington.....     2,200,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Initiative: Building
                                                   an inclusive, fair
                                                   food system for all.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Main Street Family       Committee on Temporary        825,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Housing.                 Shelter.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Fair Haven Town Hall     Town of Fair Haven.....       250,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Revitalization.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Restore the Gardner      City of Newport........       500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Park Grandstand &
Department of Housing    Community Development    Community Rides          Capstone Community            750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Vermont--Transit         Action.
                                                   Properly Scaled for
                                                   Rural Vermont.
Department of Housing    Community Development    The Boys and Girls Club  The Boys and Girls Club       518,500
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    of Burlington's          of Burlington.
                                                   Swimming Pool Repair.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Hamilton County          The Cincinnati              2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Affordable Housing       Metropolitan Housing
                                                   Project (EAST).          Authority.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Scioto Valley Regional   The Village of Piketon.     2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Water Reclamation
                                                   Facility and Water
                                                   Treatment Plant.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Tuscarora Crossing       Loudoun County,             1,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Phases 1 and 2.          Virginia.
Department of Housing    Community Development    New Bethany Shelter for  New Bethany, Inc.......     2,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Special Populations.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Greater Valley YMCA      Greater Valley YMCA....     3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Southern Lehigh
                                                   Facility Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Museum of Indian         Museum of Indian              963,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Culture Expansion--      Culture.
                                                   Lenape Village.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Upper Macungie Township  Upper Macungie Township       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Community Center.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Greenway Trail Gap at    City of Bethlehem......     2,700,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Saucon Rail Trail
Department of Housing    Community Development    Via of the Lehigh        Via of the Lehigh             750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Valley Prevocational     Valley, Inc..
                                                   Workshop Capital
Department of Housing    Community Development    Midtown Connector        MCP Foundation, Inc....       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Rainbow Drive and        DeKalb County, GA......       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Columbia Drive
                                                   Sidewalk Development.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Restoration of the       Ralph David Abernathy       4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Historic West Hunter     III Foundation, Inc..
                                                   Street Baptist Church.
Department of Housing    Community Development    HUB404.................  Buckhead CID...........       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.
Department of Housing    Community Development    The Propel Center......  Ed Farm................     2,544,902
 and Urban Development    Fund.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Enhancements to the      Museum of Contemporary      3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Museum of Contemporary   Art, Inc..
                                                   Art, Inc. in North
Department of Housing    Community Development    Washington Park Site     City of North Miami         3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Development.             Beach.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Miami Veterans Housing   United Way Miami.......     3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Cultural Facility        City of West Park......     3,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Development at McTyre
Department of Housing    Community Development    Repetitive Property      City of Miami Gardens..       750,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Losses--Drainage
                                                   Improvement Project.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Phase 2 Simonhoff        City of Miami Parks and     4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Floral Park              Recreation Department.
                                                   Memorial and Douglas
                                                   Park Community Center
Department of Housing    Community Development    Boys & Girls Club of     Boys & Girls Club of        4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Miami Dade.              Miami Dade, Inc..
Department of Housing    Community Development    Bahamian Museum of Arts  Thelma Gibson Health        4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    and Culture.             Initiative, Inc..
Department of Housing    Community Development    Berryville Public        Friends of Berryville       1,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Library Construction.    Library, Inc..
Department of Housing    Community Development    Mill Branch Park         City of Goshen.........       880,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Expansion.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Industrial Park Drive    City of Mulberry.......     4,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    and Marla Lane Road
Department of Housing    Community Development    Building Forever         St. Joseph Children's       1,000,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Families Education       Home.
                                                   Renovation- School for
                                                   Foster Children.
Department of Housing    Community Development    St. John Center Single-  St. John Center, Inc...     1,500,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Site Permanent
                                                   Supportive Housing.
Department of Housing    Community Development    Edgewood Avenue          Town of Smithtown......     1,110,000
 and Urban Development    Fund.                    Corridor Project.

            House of Representatives Reporting Requirements


    Pursuant to clause 3(c)(4) of rule XIII of the Rules of the 
House of Representatives, the following is a statement of 
general performance goals and objectives for which this measure 
authorizes funding:
    The Committee on Appropriations considers program 
performance, including a program's success in developing and 
attaining outcome-related goals and objectives, in developing 
funding recommendations.

                          RESCISSION OF FUNDS

    Pursuant to clause 3(f)(2) of rule XIII of the Rules of the 
House of Representatives, the following statements are 
submitted describing the rescissions in the accompanying bill:
    Section 157 rescinds $1,811,124.16 from the Rail Line 
Relocation and Improvement Program account under the Federal 
Railroad Administration.
    In title II, under Housing Certificate Fund, any obligated 
balances of contract authority from fiscal year 1974 and prior 
fiscal years that have been terminated are rescinded.
    Section 201 rescinds 50 percent of funds that are 
recaptured from projects described in section 1012(a) of the 
Steward B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Amendments Act of 1998.

                           TRANSFER OF FUNDS

    Pursuant to clause 3(f)(2) of rule XIII of the Rules of the 
House of Representatives, the following statements are 
submitted describing the transfer of funds provided in the 
accompanying bill:
    In title I, under National Infrastructure Investments, 
language is included to transfer funds to the Federal Aviation 
Administration, the Federal Highway Administration, the Federal 
Transit Administration, the Federal Railroad Administration, 
and the Maritime Administration to fund the award and oversight 
of grants and credit assistance made under the National 
Infrastructure Investments program.
    In title I, under Thriving Communities Initiative, language 
is included to transfer funds to the operating administrations 
within the Department of Transportation to carry out the 
    In title I, under Transportation Planning, Research, and 
Development, language is included to transfer funds into this 
account from other Federal agencies for expenses incurred by 
the Interagency Infrastructure Permitting Improvement Center 
that are not related to transportation infrastructure.
    In title I, under Working Capital Fund, language is 
included to limit the transfer of funds into this account from 
any agency of the Department of Transportation.
    In title I, under Electric Vehicle Fleet, language is 
included to transfer funds to other accounts within the 
Department of Transportation for purposes under this heading.
    In title I, under Grant-in-Aid for Airports (Airport and 
Airway Trust Fund), language is included to transfer funds to 
the Office of the Secretary to carry out the Small Community 
Air Service Development Program.
    In title I, under Federal Highway Administration, 
Limitation on Administrative Expenses (Highway Trust Fund), 
language is included to transfer funds to the Appalachian 
Regional Commission.
    In title I, under Federal Highway Administration, 
Limitation on Administrative Expenses (Highway Trust Fund), 
language is included to transfer funds to the Appalachian 
Regional Commission.
    In title I, under Highway Infrastructure Programs, language 
is included to transfer funds to the Office of the Secretary 
for the Safe Streets and Roads for All grant program.
    In title I, language is included in section 151 to transfer 
certain amounts made available in this and prior Acts to the 
Secretary of Transportation or the Federal Railroad 
Administration (FRA) to another FRA account to support the 
award, administration, project management oversight, and 
technical assistance of financial assistance administered by 
the FRA.
    In title I, under Maritime Guaranteed Loan (Title XI) 
Program Account, language is included to transfer funds to the 
Operations and Training account for program administration.
    In title II, under Working Capital Fund, language is 
included to transfer funds into this account from any other 
office or agencies of the Department of Housing and Urban 
    In title II, under the Office of Lead Hazard Control and 
Healthy Homes, language is included to transfer funds to the 
Office of Policy Development and Research.
    In title II, language is included in section 217 to 
transfer funds between the Administrative Support Offices and 
Program Offices, with certain limitations.
    In title II, language is included in section 235 to 
transfer amounts from the Project-based Rental Assistance 
account to the Department of the Treasury for liquidation of 


    The following table is submitted in compliance with clause 
9 of rule XXI, and lists the congressional earmarks (as defined 
in paragraph (e) of clause 9) contained in the bill or in this 
report. Neither the bill nor the report contain any limited tax 
benefits or limited tariff benefits as defined in paragraphs 
(f) or (g) of clause 9 of rule XXI.

                                                      TRANSPORTATION, HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT
                                                               [Community Project Funding]
          Agency                      Account                       Project                         Recipient             House Amount  House Requestors
Department of               Grants-in-Aid for Airports  Reno Airport (RNO) Terminal      Reno Tahoe Airport Authority       $3,589,000  Amodei
 Transportation                                          Road Improvements.               (RTAA).
Department of               Grants-in-Aid for Airports  Des Moines Airport (DSM)         Des Moines Airport Authority...     7,000,000  Axne
 Transportation                                          Terminal Design.
Department of               Grants-in-Aid for Airports  Eppley Airfield (OMA) Terminal   Omaha Airport Authority........     5,000,000  Bacon
 Transportation                                          Modernization Program Phase 1
                                                         -- Central Utility Plant Base
Department of               Grants-in-Aid for Airports  MidAmerica St. Louis Airport     MidAmerica St. Louis Airport...     3,250,000  Bost
 Transportation                                          (BLV) Federal Inspection
Department of               Grants-in-Aid for Airports  Indianapolis International       Indianapolis Airport Authority.     4,875,000  Carson
 Transportation                                          Airport (IND) Master Plan.
Department of               Grants-in-Aid for Airports  Pocono Mountains Municipal       Pocono Mountains Municipal          3,000,000  Cartwright
 Transportation                                          Airport (MPO) T-Hangar           Airport Authority.
                                                         Building Construction.
Department of               Grants-in-Aid for Airports  Electric Shuttle Bus (eBus)      San Antonio International           1,500,000  Castro (TX)
 Transportation                                          Program at San Antonio           Airport.
                                                         International Airport (SAT).
Department of               Grants-in-Aid for Airports  Ada Regional Airport (ADH) East  Ada Regional Airport (ADH).....     3,410,000  Cole
 Transportation                                          Side Industrial Infrastructure.
Department of               Grants-in-Aid for Airports  Fresno Yosemite International    City of Fresno -- Airports          4,400,000  Costa
 Transportation                                          Airport's (FAT) Runway 11L-29R   Division.
                                                         Reconstruction Project.
Department of               Grants-in-Aid for Airports  Terminal Expansion, Phase II--   Lee County Port Authority......     7,000,000  Donalds
 Transportation                                          Gates Expansion Southwest
                                                         Florida International Airport
Department of               Grants-in-Aid for Airports  Replacement and Upgrade of       Town of Islip--Department of        3,000,000  Garbarino
 Transportation                                          Airport Fencing and Security     Aviation and Transportation.
                                                         Cameras Long Island MacArthur
                                                         Airport (ISP).
Department of               Grants-in-Aid for Airports  Aircraft Hangar Auburn-Lewiston  Auburn-Lewiston Municipal           1,600,000  Golden
 Transportation                                          Municipal Airport (LEW).         Airport.
Department of               Grants-in-Aid for Airports  Cleveland Hopkins (CLE) Taxiway  City of Cleveland Department of     1,190,000  Gonzalez (OH)
 Transportation                                          Victor Extension Project.        Port Control.
Department of               Grants-in-Aid for Airports  South Texas International        City of Edinburg...............     1,800,000  Gonzalez,
 Transportation                                          Airport at Edinburg (EBG)                                                       Vicente
                                                         Security Fencing.
Department of               Grants-in-Aid for Airports  Air Traffic Control Tower and    City of St. Joseph.............     5,000,000  Graves (MO)
 Transportation                                          Support Facilities at the
                                                         Rosecrans Memorial Airport
Department of               Grants-in-Aid for Airports  Kirksville Regional Airport      City of Kirksville.............     3,325,000  Graves (MO)
 Transportation                                          (IRK) Terminal Project.
Department of               Grants-in-Aid for Airports  Entrance Road Relocation,        Danville-Boyle County Airport--     1,250,000  Guthrie
 Transportation                                          Danville-Boyle County Airport    DAN.
Department of               Grants-in-Aid for Airports  St. Landry Parish Airport (OPL)  St. Landry Parish Government...     3,105,000  Higgins (LA)
 Transportation                                          Safety Improvement Program.
Department of               Grants-in-Aid for Airports  The Eastern Iowa (CID) Airport   Cedar Rapids Airport Commission     7,000,000  Hinson
 Transportation                                          Taxiway Expansion Project.
Department of               Grants-in-Aid for Airports  Niagara Falls International      Niagara Frontier Transportation       900,000  Jacobs (NY)
 Transportation                                          Airport (IAG) Taxiway            Authority.
                                                         Realignment and Extension,
Department of               Grants-in-Aid for Airports  Syracuse Airport (SYR)           Syracuse Regional Airport           2,500,000  Katko
 Transportation                                          Consolidated Airport             Authority (SRAA).
                                                         Operations Command Center
Department of               Grants-in-Aid for Airports  Martha's Vineyard Airport (MVY)  Martha's Vineyard Airport......     1,000,000  Keating
 Transportation                                          Wastewater Treatment Facility
                                                         & Collection System Upgrades.
Department of               Grants-in-Aid for Airports  Washington Regional Airport      City of Washington.............     3,000,000  Luetkemeyer
 Transportation                                          (8WC) Runway Extension and
Department of               Grants-in-Aid for Airports  Treasure Coast International     Treasure Coast International        3,000,000  Mast
 Transportation                                          Airport (FPR) Runway Extension.  (FPR) Airport.
Department of               Grants-in-Aid for Airports  Richmond International Airport   Capital Region Airport              4,000,000  McEachin
 Transportation                                          (RIC) Aircraft Rescue and Fire   Commission.
                                                         Fighting Station.
Department of               Grants-in-Aid for Airports  Wheeling-Ohio County Airport     Ohio County Commission.........     1,000,000  McKinley
 Transportation                                          (HLG) Critical Apron Pavement
                                                         Rehab Phase I.
Department of               Grants-in-Aid for Airports  Runway 13 Approach Lighting      Reading Regional Airport            2,000,000  Meuser
 Transportation                                          Reading Regional Airport (RDG).  Authority.
Department of               Grants-in-Aid for Airports  Gary/Chicago International       Gary/Chicago International          4,000,000  Mrvan
 Transportation                                          Airport (GYY), Gary, IN --       Airport.
                                                         Cargo Logistics Apron.
Department of               Grants-in-Aid for Airports  Yakima Air (YKM) Terminal......  Yakima Air Terminal (YKM)......     5,000,000  Newhouse
Department of               Grants-in-Aid for Airports  Bishop Airport (BIH) Commercial  County of Inyo.................     2,000,000  Obernolte
 Transportation                                          Service Terminal.
Department of               Grants-in-Aid for Airports  Installation of Airport Ground   San Diego County Regional           3,300,000  Peters
 Transportation                                          Support Equipment (GSE)          Airport Authority.
                                                         Charging Stations -- Phase 1a
                                                         (19 gates) San Diego
                                                         International Airport (SAN).
Department of               Grants-in-Aid for Airports  King Airport (STT) Commuter      Virgin Islands Port Authority..     4,000,000  Plaskett
 Transportation                                          Wing.
Department of               Grants-in-Aid for Airports  Rohlsen Airport (STX) Runway...  Virgin Islands Port Authority..     4,000,000  Plaskett
Department of               Grants-in-Aid for Airports  King Airport (STT) Safety        Virgin Islands Port Authority..     4,000,000  Plaskett
 Transportation                                          Drainage.
Department of               Grants-in-Aid for Airports  Rohlsen Airport (STX) Apron      Virgin Islands Port Authority..     4,000,000  Plaskett
 Transportation                                          Rehabilitation.
Department of               Grants-in-Aid for Airports  Raleigh-Durham International     Raleigh-Durham Airport              6,000,000  Price (NC)
 Transportation                                          Airport (RDU) Runway             Authority.
Department of               Grants-in-Aid for Airports  Arnold Palmer Regional Airport   Westmoreland County Airport         5,000,000  Reschenthaler
 Transportation                                          (LBE) Terminal Expansion.        Authority.
Department of               Grants-in-Aid for Airports  Chilton County Airport (02A)     Chilton County Airport              1,785,000  Rogers (AL)
 Transportation                                          Runway Extension.                Authority.
Department of               Grants-in-Aid for Airports  Lanett Airport (7A3) Access      Lanett Regional Airport........     5,000,000  Rogers (AL)
 Transportation                                          Road.
Department of               Grants-in-Aid for Airports  Raleigh-Durham International     Raleigh-Durham Airport              5,000,000  Ross
 Transportation                                          Airport (RDU) North Cargo        Authority.
                                                         Taxilane Reconstruction.
Department of               Grants-in-Aid for Airports  Runway #14 Resurfacing (3000'    Western Reserve Port Authority.     5,000,000  Ryan
 Transportation                                          ft) for Youngstown-Warren
                                                         Regional Airport (YNG).
Department of               Grants-in-Aid for Airports  DuBois Regional Airport (DUJ)    Clearfield-Jefferson Counties       3,000,000  Thompson (PA)
 Transportation                                          Rehabilitation &                 Regional Airport Authority.
                                                         Reconstruction of Runway,
                                                         Taxiway, and Apron.
Department of               Grants-in-Aid for Airports  Replace Perimeter Fencing--      City of DeKalb.................     1,125,000  Underwood
 Transportation                                          Phase 1, DeKalb Taylor
                                                         Municipal Airport (DKB),
                                                         DeKalb, IL.
Department of               Grants-in-Aid for Airports  Cape May Airport (WWD) Hangar..  Delaware River and Bay              2,000,000  Van Drew
 Transportation                                                                           Authority.
Department of               Grants-in-Aid for Airports  Zero Carbon Electric Central     Dallas-Fort Worth Airport (DFW)     3,000,000  Van Duyne
 Transportation                                          Utility Plant.
Department of               Grants-in-Aid for Airports  Airport Terminal Building        Jackson County Airport-Reynolds     2,000,000  Walberg
 Transportation                                          Update.                          Field (JXN).
Department of               Grants-in-Aid for Airports  General Aviation Ramp            Scholes International at            1,800,000  Weber (TX)
 Transportation                                          Reconstruction Project.          Galveston (GLS).
Department of               Grants-in-Aid for Airports  Airfield Drainage Improvements   Scholes International at            2,000,000  Weber (TX)
 Transportation                                          Project.                         Galveston (GLS).
Department of               Grants-in-Aid for Airports  Taxiway E Relocation and         Scholes International at            2,000,000  Weber (TX)
 Transportation                                          Reconstruction.                  Galveston (GLS).
Department of               Grants-in-Aid for Airports  Equipment for the Security       Lehigh Northampton Airport            600,000  Wild
 Transportation                                          Checkpoint and Terminal          Authority.
                                                         Connector at Lehigh Valley
                                                         International Airport.
Department of               Grants-in-Aid for Airports  XNA Temporary Control Tower      Northwest Arkansas Regional         5,000,000  Womack
 Transportation                                          Replacement.                     (XNA).
Department of               Grants-in-Aid for Airports  Replacement of Air Traffic       Francis S. Gabreski (FOK)......     3,000,000  Zeldin
 Transportation                                          Control Tower.
Department of               Grants-in-Aid for Airports  South Perimeter Road Utility     Francis S. Gabreski (FOK)......     1,300,000  Zeldin
 Transportation                                          Project.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Lighting Interstate 65           City of Good Hope..............       876,000  Aderholt
 Transportation              Programs.                   Interchange 305 at County Road
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Reche Canyon Road Realignment    City of Colton.................     4,166,000  Aguilar
 Transportation              Programs.                   to Hunts Lane.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Little 3rd Street Project......  San Bernardino County..........     2,560,000  Aguilar
 Transportation              Programs.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      3rd Street Corridor Project....  Inland Valley Development           3,000,000  Aguilar
 Transportation              Programs.                                                    Agency Joint Powers Authority.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Lemmon Drive Reconstruction....  Regional Transportation             4,000,000  Amodei
 Transportation              Programs.                                                    Commission of Washoe County
                                                                                          (RTC Washoe).
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Moody Lane/Coleman Road          Churchill County...............     4,000,000  Amodei
 Transportation              Programs.                   Connector Construction.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Phase I Ports-to-Plains          Texas Department of                 1,600,000  Arrington
 Transportation              Programs.                   Corridor Interstate Planning.    Transportation (TXDOT).
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      SL 88--Lubbock Outer Loop;       Texas Department of                 2,000,000  Arrington
 Transportation              Programs.                   From: CR 2240 (AVE U) To: 0.5    Transportation (TXDOT).
                                                         mi East of US 87 (TxDOT
                                                         Project Id: 1502-01-031).
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      SL 88/US 87 Interchange--        Texas Department of                 2,000,000  Arrington
 Transportation              Programs.                   Lubbock Outer Loop; From:        Transportation (TXDOT).
                                                         114th Street (CR 8052) To:
                                                         146th Street (CR 7500) (TxDOT
                                                         Project Id: 0068-01-073).
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Reconstruction of the West       Town of Medfield...............     1,300,000  Auchincloss
 Transportation              Programs.                   Street / Route 27 Intersection.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Beacon Street Bridle Path        Town of Brookline..............     2,000,000  Auchincloss
 Transportation              Programs.                   Project.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Centre Street / Central Avenue   Town of Dover..................     2,000,000  Auchincloss
 Transportation              Programs.                   Bridge.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      South Street East Bridge         City of Taunton................     5,000,000  Auchincloss
 Transportation              Programs.                   Replacement Project.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      PLEASANT STREET BRIDGE over      Town of Dighton................     2,750,000  Auchincloss
 Transportation              Programs.                   MUDDY COVE INLET.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Montgomery County Bridge         Montgomery County..............     2,000,000  Axne
 Transportation              Programs.                   Replacement Project.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Broadway Multimodal              Polk County....................     5,000,000  Axne
 Transportation              Programs.                   Improvements Project.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Blackstone Streetscape           Blackstone Business Improvement     2,000,000  Bacon
 Transportation              Programs.                   Improvements.                    District.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Phase II of The North 24th       City of Omaha..................     4,000,000  Bacon
 Transportation              Programs.                   Street Streetscape
                                                         Improvements Project.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      The Point Intersection           City of Delaware...............     2,000,000  Balderson
 Transportation              Programs.                   Improvement Project.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Gaysport Bridge Replacement      Muskingum County Engineer's         3,000,000  Balderson
 Transportation              Programs.                   Project.                         Office.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Thornwood Drive Improvement      City of Newark.................     4,000,000  Balderson
 Transportation              Programs.                   Project.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Interchange Construction         Delaware County Engineer's          2,000,000  Balderson
 Transportation              Programs.                   Project on I-71 at Sunbury       Office.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      LTID Roadway Improvement         Licking County Transportation       2,000,000  Balderson
 Transportation              Programs.                   Project.                         Improvement District.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Newtown Pike Extension Project,  Lexington Fayette Urban County      5,000,000  Barr
 Transportation              Programs.                   Phase III Scott Street           Government.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      City of Reynoldsburg--East Main  City of Reynoldsburg, OH.......     1,585,000  Beatty
 Transportation              Programs.                   Street Phase II.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Franklin County--Ferris Road     Franklin County Engineer.......     2,000,000  Beatty
 Transportation              Programs.                   Corridor.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Capital SouthEast Connector--    Elk Grove-Rancho Cordova- El        4,000,000  Bera
 Transportation              Programs.                   D3a Class I Multi-Use Path.      Dorado Connector Authority.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Riley Street Safety              City of Folsom.................     4,000,000  Bera
 Transportation              Programs.                   Improvements.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Old Town Streetscape Project     City of Elk Grove..............     2,000,000  Bera
 Transportation              Programs.                   Phase 2.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      White Rock Road -- 0.5 Mile      City of Rancho Cordova.........     4,000,000  Bera
 Transportation              Programs.                   East of Rancho Cordova Parkway
                                                         to Rio Del Oro Parkway.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Laguna Creek Inter-Regional      City of Elk Grove..............     2,000,000  Bera, Matsui
 Transportation              Programs.                   Trail Crossing at State Route
                                                         99 (SR-99).
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Lake Shore Drive Construction..  Houghton County Road Commission     1,150,000  Bergman
 Transportation              Programs.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Skanee Road Improvements (from   Baraga County Road Commission..     2,000,000  Bergman
 Transportation              Programs.                   Jentoft Road to Town Road).
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Brutus Road Reconstruction       Emmet County Road Commission...     1,100,000  Bergman
 Transportation              Programs.                   Project from U.S.31 to the
                                                         Cheboygan County Line.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Skanee Road Improvements (from   Baraga County Road Commission..     4,000,000  Bergman
 Transportation              Programs.                   Town Road to Portice Road).
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Multimodal Transportation        City of Falls Church...........     1,500,000  Beyer
 Transportation              Programs.                   Infrastructure Improvements.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      SH-66 from Edmond to Luther....  Oklahoma Department of              3,000,000  Bice (OK)
 Transportation              Programs.                                                    Transportation.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      I-35 Interchange at Waterloo     Oklahoma Department of              5,000,000  Bice (OK)
 Transportation              Programs.                   Road.                            Transportation.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Moon Lake ADA Accessibility Bus  Pasco County...................     2,400,000  Bilirakis
 Transportation              Programs.                   Stops.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      181st Safety Improvements        City of Gresham................     3,178,686  Blumenauer
 Transportation              Programs.                   Project -- Gresham, OR.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Jordan Road to Sandy River       Oregon Department of                2,332,000  Blumenauer
 Transportation              Programs.                   Delta Multi-use Path, Columbia   Transportation.
                                                         River Gorge National Scenic
                                                         Area -- Multnomah County, OR.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      NE Halsey Safety and Access to   City of Portland...............     1,000,000  Blumenauer
 Transportation              Programs.                   Transit Project -- Portland,
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Earthquake Ready Burnside        Multnomah County...............     2,000,000  Blumenauer
 Transportation              Programs.                   Bridge (EQRB) Design Phase --
                                                         Multnomah County, OR.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      82nd Ave MAX Station             TriMet.........................     3,000,000  Blumenauer
 Transportation              Programs.                   Improvement Project --
                                                         Portland, OR.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Main Avenue/OR 104 Pedestrian    City of Warrenton..............     1,360,000  Bonamici
 Transportation              Programs.                   Route.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Beaverton Downtown Loop........  City of Beaverton..............     4,000,000  Bonamici
 Transportation              Programs.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      OR141: Hall Boulevard            Oregon Department of                3,200,000  Bonamici
 Transportation              Programs.                   Pedestrian Safety Improvements   Transportation.
                                                         at Hemlock & Spruce.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      OR-18/OR-99W Corridor Safety     Oregon Department of                4,000,000  Bonamici
 Transportation              Programs.                   and Intersection Improvements.   Transportation.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Post Creek Cut Off Bridge        Pulaski County.................     1,000,000  Bost
 Transportation              Programs.                   Replacement.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Pumphouse Road Resurfacing.....  Mount Vernon Township..........       160,000  Bost
 Transportation              Programs.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Frank Scott Parkway Extension..  St. Clair County...............     4,000,000  Bost
 Transportation              Programs.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Memorial Bridges Loop Trail....  City of Cleveland..............       432,000  Brown (OH)
 Transportation              Programs.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Center for Rehabilitation of     University of Akron............     1,000,000  Brown (OH)
 Transportation              Programs.                   Aging Transportation
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Bridge Replacement at Las Posas  City of Camarillo..............     4,000,000  Brownley
 Transportation              Programs.                   Road (U.S. 101) and Ventura
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Blount County Greenway.........  Blount County Highway               3,000,000  Burchett
 Transportation              Programs.                                                    Department.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Knoxville South Waterfront       City of Knoxville..............       500,000  Burchett
 Transportation              Programs.                   Pedestrian/Bicycle Bridge.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      City of Rocky Mount, NC's        City of Rocky Mount............     3,000,000  Butterfield
 Transportation              Programs.                   Downtown Pedestrian Bridge.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      City of Greenville, NC           City of Greenville.............     2,500,000  Butterfield
 Transportation              Programs.                   Connecting Communities through
                                                         Greenway Access.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Magnolia Avenue Improvements...  City of Corona.................     2,000,000  Calvert
 Transportation              Programs.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Limonite Gap Pedestrian Bridge.  City of Eastvale...............     1,600,000  Calvert
 Transportation              Programs.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      I-215 and Keller Road            City of Murrieta...............     2,600,000  Calvert
 Transportation              Programs.                   Interchange Project.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Scott Road/Bundy Canyon Road     City of Menifee................     4,000,000  Calvert
 Transportation              Programs.                   Improvements.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      I-15 Express Lanes Southern      Riverside County Transportation     3,000,000  Calvert
 Transportation              Programs.                   Extension.                       Commission.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Auto Center Drive Bridge         City of Lake Elsinore..........     2,000,000  Calvert
 Transportation              Programs.                   Improvements.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Ontario Avenue/I-15 Multimodal   City of Corona.................     2,000,000  Calvert
 Transportation              Programs.                   Corridor Enhancements.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Arroyo Grande Swinging Bridge    City of Arroyo Grande..........       500,000  Carbajal
 Transportation              Programs.                   Rehabilitation.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      101 High Occupancy Vehicle       Santa Barbara County                7,000,000  Carbajal
 Transportation              Programs.                   Project Segment 4D North.        Association of Governments.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Prado Road Bridge Replacement    City of San Luis Obispo........     2,065,000  Carbajal
 Transportation              Programs.                   project.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      City of LA- Cool Pavement and    City of Los Angeles Mayor's         2,500,000  Cardenas
 Transportation              Programs.                   Shade Structures.                Office.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Ashville Pike Replacement        Pickaway County Transportation      5,000,000  Carey
 Transportation              Programs.                   Bridge.                          Improvement District.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      USR 33 Lane Expansion..........  Fairfield County Engineer......     3,000,000  Carey
 Transportation              Programs.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Road Improvements for the City   City of Elberta................       387,000  Carl
 Transportation              Programs.                   of Elberta.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Road Improvements for the City   City of Silverhill.............       450,000  Carl
 Transportation              Programs.                   of Silverhill.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Road Improvements for the City   City of Summerdale.............       390,000  Carl
 Transportation              Programs.                   of Summerdale.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Traffic Signal for the City of   City of Creola.................     1,500,000  Carl
 Transportation              Programs.                   Creola.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure       I-10 Improvements to the        Alabama Department of Public        3,500,000  Carl
 Transportation              Programs.                   Causeway.                        Transportation.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      City of Indianapolis Market      City of Indianapolis...........     5,000,000  Carson
 Transportation              Programs.                   Street Reconstruction.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      RM 2243 Resiliency Project.....  Williamson County..............     7,000,000  Carter (TX)
 Transportation              Programs.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      East Central Avenue Bridge       City of Belton.................     5,000,000  Carter (TX)
 Transportation              Programs.                   Replacement.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      SR 590 Paving Project..........  PennDOT District 4.............     2,400,000  Cartwright
 Transportation              Programs.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      East to West Oahu Active         City and County of Honolulu         4,800,000  Case
 Transportation              Programs.                   Transportation Corridor.         Department of Transportation
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      DuPage River Trail.............  DuPage County..................     1,500,000  Casten
 Transportation              Programs.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Little Miami River Improvement   Warren County..................     3,000,000  Chabot
 Transportation              Programs.                   Project.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Building Better Neighborhoods    City of Cincinnati.............     1,500,000  Chabot
 Transportation              Programs.                   Phase 1.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Senator Mike Enzi Memorial       City of Gillette...............     3,000,000  Cheney
 Transportation              Programs.                   Overpass Replacement Project.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Colorado Street/Boulevard        City of Arcadia................     3,000,000  Chu
 Transportation              Programs.                   Corridor Complete Street in
                                                         Arcadia CA.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Glendora People Movement         City of Glendora...............     5,000,000  Chu
 Transportation              Programs.                   Project in Glendora CA.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Chris Walsh Memorial Trail.....  City of Framingham, MA.........     3,000,000  Clark (MA)
 Transportation              Programs.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Mystic River Path..............  Town of Arlington..............     1,000,000  Clark (MA)
 Transportation              Programs.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Blue Ridge Boulevard             City of Grandview Missouri.....     4,600,000  Cleaver
 Transportation              Programs.                   Improvements.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      I-35 Widening in Love County     Oklahoma Department of              2,500,000  Cole
 Transportation              Programs.                   and Goldsby, Oklahoma.           Transportation.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      S.E. 29th Street and Douglas     City of Midwest City...........     2,400,000  Cole
 Transportation              Programs.                   Blvd. Intersection
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      US-81 Realignment in Grady       Oklahoma Department of              2,500,000  Cole
 Transportation              Programs.                   County, Oklahoma.                Transportation.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Oswalt Road Grade, Drain,        Oklahoma Department of              4,400,000  Cole
 Transportation              Programs.                   Bridge, and Surface Project.     Transportation.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      SH-37 Railroad Underpass in      Oklahoma Department of              5,000,000  Cole
 Transportation              Programs.                   Moore, Oklahoma.                 Transportation.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Sunrise Valley Cycle Track       Fairfax County Government......     4,000,000  Connolly
 Transportation              Programs.                   Innovation to Herndon.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      North Woodbridge Pedestrian      Prince William County               4,000,000  Connolly
 Transportation              Programs.                   Bridge.                          Government.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      I-66 Trail/Vienna Metrorail      Fairfax County Government......     1,000,000  Connolly
 Transportation              Programs.                   Station Bicycle and Pedestrian
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Calwa Complete Streets Project.  Fresno County..................     4,000,000  Costa
 Transportation              Programs.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Madera County State Route 41     Madera County..................     1,950,000  Costa
 Transportation              Programs.                   Expressway Final Design
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Air Line Trail Gap Boardwalk...  Town of East Hampton...........     1,400,000  Courtney
 Transportation              Programs.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Quinebaug River Trail -- SR 205  Town of Plainfield.............     2,179,953  Courtney
 Transportation              Programs.                   to Trout Hatchery Rd.,
                                                         Plainfield, CT.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      City of Cottage Grove--80th      City of Cottage Grove..........     5,000,000  Craig
 Transportation              Programs.                   Street Transportation and
                                                         Infrastructure Project.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      City of Burnsville Highway 13 &  City of Burnsville.............     3,000,000  Craig
 Transportation              Programs.                   Nicollet Avenue Mobility
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Dakota County I35&50             Dakota County..................     5,040,000  Craig
 Transportation              Programs.                   Interchange Reconstruction.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Dakota County Veterans Memorial  Dakota County..................     4,995,000  Craig
 Transportation              Programs.                   Greenway.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      City of West St. Paul Smith/     City of West St. Paul,              3,100,000  Craig
 Transportation              Programs.                   Dodd Intersection Realignment,   Minnesota.
                                                         Public Plaza and Officer Scott
                                                         Patrick Memorial.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      City of Prior Lake Trail Gap     City of Prior Lake.............       632,150  Craig
 Transportation              Programs.                   Construction.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Future I-57--Walnut Ridge,       Arkansas Department of              5,000,000  Crawford
 Transportation              Programs.                   Arkansas to Missouri State       Transportation.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      U.S. Highway 412 Corridor        Arkansas Department of              5,000,000  Crawford
 Transportation              Programs.                   Improvements.                    Transportation.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      College Boulevard Bridge over    City of Overland Park, KS......     5,432,000  Davids (KS)
 Transportation              Programs.                   Indian Creek Reconstruction,
                                                         Overland Park, KS.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      167th Street, Switzer Road to    City of Overland Park, KS......     4,000,000  Davids (KS)
 Transportation              Programs.                   Antioch Road, Overland Park,
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      School Access and Pedestrian     Village of Worden..............       326,600  Davis, Rodney
 Transportation              Programs.                   Safety Improvements.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      West Main Cross Street           City of Taylorville............     2,500,000  Davis, Rodney
 Transportation              Programs.                   Improvements, Webster to
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Hollow Avenue Roadway            City of Jerseyville............       900,000  Davis, Rodney
 Transportation              Programs.                   Improvements Phase 2.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Reas Bridge Road Bridges         County of Macon................     4,500,000  Davis, Rodney
 Transportation              Programs.                   Replacement.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Cross County Trail (CCT) Bridge  County of Montgomery, PA.......     2,500,000  Dean
 Transportation              Programs.                   & Trail.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Coos County Libby Lane Paving    Coos County....................       608,000  DeFazio
 Transportation              Programs.                   Project (MP 3.33 to MP 5.62).
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      River Road--Santa Clara          City of Eugene.................     6,000,000  DeFazio
 Transportation              Programs.                   Pedestrian and Bicycle Bridge.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Redmond Central Connector III    City of Redmond................     1,100,000  DelBene
 Transportation              Programs.                   (RCC 3).
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      20th Street NE and Main Street   City of Lake Stevens...........     2,500,000  DelBene
 Transportation              Programs.                   Improvements.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      City of Woodinville's Eastrail   City of Woodinville............     2,500,000  DelBene
 Transportation              Programs.                   Crossing and SR 202 Trestle
                                                         Widening Project.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Citywide Traffic System Upgrade  City of Concord................       631,200  DeSaulnier
 Transportation              Programs.                   Phase 2 Project.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Ygnacio Valley Road Fiber        City of Walnut Creek...........     2,520,000  DeSaulnier
 Transportation              Programs.                   Infrastructure.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Lamorinda Smart Signal System    City of Orinda.................     4,185,000  DeSaulnier
 Transportation              Programs.                   Project.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      School Street Safe Routes to     City of Lafayette..............     3,100,000  DeSaulnier
 Transportation              Programs.                   School Project.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Arterial Traffic Management      Broward Metropolitan Planning       1,848,761  Deutch
 Transportation              Programs.                   System for Davie Boulevard.      Organization.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      University Drive Multimodal      Broward Metropolitan Planning       5,000,000  Deutch,
 Transportation              Programs.                   Improvements.                    Organization.                                  Wasserman
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Construction Funding for Gap     Friends of the Detroit River...     4,100,000  Dingell
 Transportation              Programs.                   and Intersection Improvements
                                                         for the Downriver Linked
                                                         Greenways Trail System.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Pennsylvania Road Grade          Detroit Region Aerotropolis           865,775  Dingell
 Transportation              Programs.                   Separation.                      Development Corporation.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      City of Austin -- Northern       City of Austin.................     5,000,000  Doggett
 Transportation              Programs.                   Walnut Creek Trail Section 3.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Pittsburgh City Steps..........  City of Pittsburgh.............     7,000,000  Doyle, Michael
 Transportation              Programs.                                                                                                   F.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Trunk Highway 25 Reconstruction  City of Buffalo................     5,785,000  Emmer
 Transportation              Programs.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Trunk Highway 65 Improvements    Anoka County...................     5,000,000  Emmer
 Transportation              Programs.                   at 109th Avenue.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Trunk Highway 65 Improvements    City of Blaine.................     4,000,000  Emmer
 Transportation              Programs.                   at 99th Avenue Project.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      I-94 Expansion Project.........  City of St. Michael............     3,000,000  Emmer
 Transportation              Programs.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      US 212 Rural Freight Mobility    Carver County..................     4,000,000  Emmer
 Transportation              Programs.                   and Safety Project.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      US Highway 169 / CR 4 Rural      Sherburne County...............     7,000,000  Emmer
 Transportation              Programs.                   Safety and Mobility
                                                         Interchange Project.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Middle Avenue Pedestrian/        City of Menlo Park.............     4,000,000  Eshoo
 Transportation              Programs.                   Bicycle Rail Crossing.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Bernardo Avenue Undercrossing..  City of Mountain View..........     2,500,000  Eshoo
 Transportation              Programs.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Village to Hakone Gardens        City of Saratoga...............     1,520,000  Eshoo
 Transportation              Programs.                   Walkway Project.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Spooky Knoll Trail.............  Midpeninsula Regional Open            400,000  Eshoo
 Transportation              Programs.                                                    Space District.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Resurfacing Sharp Park Priority  City of Pacifica...............       800,000  Eshoo
 Transportation              Programs.                   Development Area.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Boulder Creek Complete Streets   Santa Cruz County Regional          1,500,000  Eshoo
 Transportation              Programs.                   Improvements project.            Transportation Commission.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Highway 1/Frenchman's Creek      City of Half Moon Bay..........     2,000,000  Eshoo, Speier
 Transportation              Programs.                   Intersection and Bike/
                                                         Pedestrian Improvements.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Walnut Street Bridge Repair and  City of Chattanooga............     5,000,000  Fleischmann
 Transportation              Programs.                   Restoration.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Harwin Drive and Hillcroft       Southwest Houston Redevelopment     3,000,000  Fletcher
 Transportation              Programs.                   Avenue Intersection              Authority.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Montgomery Road and Hill Avenue  City of Aurora, IL.............     1,000,000  Foster
 Transportation              Programs.                   Intersection Improvement.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Forest Preserve of Will County   Forest Preserve of Will County.     1,100,000  Foster
 Transportation              Programs.                   Route 53 Bike & Pedestrian
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Reconstruction of State Road 33/ City of Lakeland...............     4,000,000  Franklin, C.
 Transportation              Programs.                   Interstate 4 Interchange (Exit                                                  Scott
                                                         38) in Lakeland, Florida.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Tolleson Pedestrian Bridge       City of Tolleson...............     3,500,000  Gallego
 Transportation              Programs.                   System.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      I-505 Vaca Valley Parkway        City of Vacaville..............     4,000,000  Garamendi
 Transportation              Programs.                   Corridor Multi-Modal
                                                         Improvement Project.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Jepson Parkway Phase 2B (Access  City of Fairfield..............     4,000,000  Garamendi
 Transportation              Programs.                   to Travis AFB and Canon Road
                                                         Safety Improvements).
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      SR128/I-505 Overcrossing (Br.    City of Winters................     2,000,000  Garamendi
 Transportation              Programs.                   22-0110)/Russell Blvd Bicycle
                                                         and Pedestrian Improvements.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Stevenson Bridge Rehabilitation  Solano County..................     3,387,619  Garamendi
 Transportation              Programs.                   Project.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Road Raising & Flood Resiliency  Town of Babylon................     3,000,000  Garbarino
 Transportation              Programs.                   for Amity Harbor and American
                                                         Venice Project.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Village Lindenhurst Resurface    Village of Lindenhurst.........     2,000,000  Garbarino
 Transportation              Programs.                   Projects.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Safe Routes to School Safety     City of Santa Clarita..........     1,313,000  Garcia (CA)
 Transportation              Programs.                   Project.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Sequoia Avenue Grade Crossing    Southern California Regional        4,000,000  Garcia (CA)
 Transportation              Programs.                   Safety Improvements.             Rail Authority.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Avenue M Corridor and US Air     City of Palmdale...............     1,500,000  Garcia (CA)
 Transportation              Programs.                   Force Plant 42 Access
                                                         Improvement Project.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Avenue M and Sierra Highway      City of Palmdale...............     2,000,000  Garcia (CA)
 Transportation              Programs.                   Grade Separation Environmental
                                                         Review and Planning Project.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Rehabilitation of Cicero Ave     Chicago Department of               2,000,000  Garcia (IL)
 Transportation              Programs.                   Bridge over Sanitary and Ship    Transportation (CDOT).
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Berwyn -34th Street              City of Berwyn.................     5,000,000  Garcia (IL)
 Transportation              Programs.                   Modernization and Stormwater
                                                         Management Improvements
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Card Sound Bridge Replacement    Monroe County..................     1,863,200  Gimenez
 Transportation              Programs.                   Planning, Design & Engineering
                                                         (PD&E) Project.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Camino Real International        City of Eagle Pass.............     5,000,000  Gonzales, Tony
 Transportation              Programs.                   Bridge Roadway Reconfiguration.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Cuyahoga County Ridgewood Drive  Cuyahoga County................     2,000,000  Gonzalez (OH)
 Transportation              Programs.                   Bridge Project.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      City of Green Arlington Road     City of Green..................     2,000,000  Gonzalez (OH)
 Transportation              Programs.                   Project.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Mile 10 North Road Project.....  Hidalgo County Precinct 1......     4,000,000  Gonzalez,
 Transportation              Programs.                                                                                                   Vicente
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Reconstruction of Highway PR-    Puerto Rico Highways and            3,000,000  Gonzalez-Colon
 Transportation              Programs.                   181, from Km 38.6 to Km 55.0,    Transportation Authority.
                                                         in Gurabo, Puerto Rico.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Completion of PR-122 Connector,  Puerto Rico Highways and            3,000,000  Gonzalez-Colon
 Transportation              Programs.                   from Lajas to San German,        Transportation Authority.
                                                         Puerto Rico.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Borough of Norwood: Broad        Norwood Borough................       800,000  Gottheimer
 Transportation              Programs.                   Street Bridge.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      LA-30 Environmental Study......  Louisiana Department of             1,100,000  Graves (LA)
 Transportation              Programs.                                                    Transportation and Development.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      MRB South GBR: LA 1 to LA 30     Louisiana Department of             2,000,000  Graves (LA)
 Transportation              Programs.                   Connector.                       Transportation and Development.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Riverway Blvd Improvement        City of Riverside..............     3,200,000  Graves (MO)
 Transportation              Programs.                   Project.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Excelsior Springs Safe Routes    City of Excelsior Springs......     3,600,000  Graves (MO)
 Transportation              Programs.                   to School.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      International Management         International Management            2,500,000  Green (TX)
 Transportation              Programs.                   District Intersection Safety     District.
                                                         Improvements Project.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Hartman Middle School and        Gulfgate Redevelopment              1,600,000  Green (TX)
 Transportation              Programs.                   Alcott Elementary Safe Routes    Authority.
                                                         to School Project.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      U.S. 121/U.S. 460 Intersection   Coalfields Expressway Authority     3,500,000  Griffith
 Transportation              Programs.                   and Hawk's Nest Paving Project.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Reunion Parkway Crossing.......  Madison County.................     3,000,000  Guest
 Transportation              Programs.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Bulldog Way Extended             Mississippi State University...     2,000,000  Guest
 Transportation              Programs.                   Improvements.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Trojan Trail/249 Bridge          Barren County Fiscal Court.....     2,000,000  Guthrie
 Transportation              Programs.                   Widening Project.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      SR 132 West Project Phase 2....  Stanislaus Council of               7,000,000  Harder (CA)
 Transportation              Programs.                                                    Governments.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      State Route 99/120 Connector     San Joaquin Council of              5,000,000  Harder (CA),
 Transportation              Programs.                   Project Phase 1B.                Governments (SJCOG).                           McNerney
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Knob Creek Road Improvements...  Tennessee Department of             2,000,000  Harshbarger
 Transportation              Programs.                                                    Transportation.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      SR-126 Widening................  Tennessee Department of             1,500,000  Harshbarger
 Transportation              Programs.                                                    Transportation.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      SR-449 Extension of Veterans     Tennessee Department of             3,000,000  Harshbarger
 Transportation              Programs.                   Boulevard.                       Transportation.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      SR-35 Construction and           Tennessee Department of             1,500,000  Harshbarger
 Transportation              Programs.                   Improvements.                    Transportation.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Main Street Watertown Road       Town of Watertown..............     3,000,000  Hayes
 Transportation              Programs.                   Safety Audit.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Columbia Heights Road Safety     City of Longview...............     5,500,000  Herrera Beutler
 Transportation              Programs.                   Improvement Project.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Twin City Memorial Highway       City of North Tonawanda........       500,000  Higgins (NY)
 Transportation              Programs.                   Improvements.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Bailey Avenue Complete Streets   City of Buffalo................     1,000,000  Higgins (NY)
 Transportation              Programs.                   Signal Synchronization Project.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Wall Street Corridor             City of Norwalk, Connecticut...     5,500,000  Himes
 Transportation              Programs.                   Revitalization Project.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Alburnett Road Extension.......  City of Marion.................     7,000,000  Hinson
 Transportation              Programs.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      MD 5 Reconstruction at Great     Maryland Department of              5,000,000  Hoyer
 Transportation              Programs.                   Mills -- Construction Funding.   Transportation.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      South Escondido Access           City of Escondido..............     1,400,000  Issa
 Transportation              Programs.                   Improvement Project.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      SR-52 Congestion Improvement     City of Santee.................     2,500,000  Issa
 Transportation              Programs.                   Project.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      148th Street Non-Motorized       City of Shoreline, WA..........     4,000,000  Jayapal
 Transportation              Programs.                   Bridge Project, Shoreline, WA.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Michelle Obama Trail--PATH       DeKalb County Government.......     3,617,500  Johnson (GA)
 Transportation              Programs.                   Trail Project.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      East Liverpool Riverfront Trail  City of East Liverpool.........     1,000,000  Johnson (OH)
 Transportation              Programs.                   Construction.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Washington County Ohio SR 7      Ohio Department of                    800,000  Johnson (OH)
 Transportation              Programs.                   Logistics Lane.                  Transportation.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Half Moon Bay Bridge             Village of Croton-on-Hudson....     1,500,000  Jones
 Transportation              Programs.                   Reconstruction Project.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Route 9W at Oak Tree Road        Town of Orangetown.............     4,000,000  Jones
 Transportation              Programs.                   Safety Improvements.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Route 9 Road Diet..............  Village of Ossining............     4,000,000  Jones
 Transportation              Programs.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Cuyahoga I-77 / Miller Road      Ohio Department of                  5,000,000  Joyce (OH)
 Transportation              Programs.                   Interchange.                     Transportation.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Auburn Road Resurfacing........  Geauga County..................     1,200,000  Joyce (OH)
 Transportation              Programs.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      State Route 84 Resurfacing.....  City of Wickliffe..............       849,000  Joyce (OH)
 Transportation              Programs.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Washington Street Resurfacing..  Geauga County..................     1,000,000  Joyce (OH)
 Transportation              Programs.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Lake Calumet Trail.............  Illinois International Port           844,800  Kelly (IL)
 Transportation              Programs.                                                    District.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Karns Crossing Bridge..........  Southwestern Pennsylvania           6,000,000  Kelly (PA)
 Transportation              Programs.                                                    Commission.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      US 422 Bypass Phase 2..........  Southwestern Pennsylvania           2,500,000  Kelly (PA)
 Transportation              Programs.                                                    Commission.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      East Washington Street Bridge..  PennDOT Engineering District 11     3,000,000  Kelly (PA)
 Transportation              Programs.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Anna Drive Neighborhood Flood    City of Santa Clara............     3,000,000  Khanna
 Transportation              Programs.                   Protection Project.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Thornton Avenue Alternate Route  City of Newark.................     2,000,000  Khanna
 Transportation              Programs.                   Corridor Pavement
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      City of Sunnyvale Stevens Creek  City of Sunnyvale..............     3,000,000  Khanna
 Transportation              Programs.                   Trail Extension Project.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      State Route 166/Bay Street       City of Port Orchard...........     1,000,000  Kilmer
 Transportation              Programs.                   Reconstruction.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      OC Loop -- Segments A and B....  Orange County Transportation        3,000,000  Kim (CA)
 Transportation              Programs.                                                    Authority.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      SR-91 Improvements.............  Orange County Transportation        5,000,000  Kim (CA)
 Transportation              Programs.                                                    Authority.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Route 539 Overpass.............  County of Ocean................     7,000,000  Kim (NJ)
 Transportation              Programs.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Mary Ann Cleveland Way Shared    City of Tucson.................     1,029,897  Kirkpatrick
 Transportation              Programs.                   Use Path.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      City of Bisbee Shared-use Path.  City of Bisbee.................     4,000,000  Kirkpatrick
 Transportation              Programs.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Chino Road Expansion Phase 2...  City of Douglas................     3,000,000  Kirkpatrick
 Transportation              Programs.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Western Hills Neighborhood       City of Tucson.................     2,483,000  Kirkpatrick
 Transportation              Programs.                   Revitalization.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Profile Safe Routes to School    Profile School.................       419,250  Kuster
 Transportation              Programs.                   Project.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Concord-Lake Sunapee Rail Trail  Friends of the Concord-Lake         1,203,200  Kuster
 Transportation              Programs.                   Exit 9 Project.                  Sunapee Rail Trail.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Veterans Drive Extension         City of Pekin..................     4,000,000  LaHood
 Transportation              Programs.                   Engineering.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Nofsinger Road Realignment.....  City of Washington.............     4,000,000  LaHood
 Transportation              Programs.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Prospect Road Reconstruction     Village of Peoria Heights......     2,000,000  LaHood
 Transportation              Programs.                   Project.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      W. College Avenue                Town of Normal.................     3,500,000  LaHood
 Transportation              Programs.                   Rehabilitation.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Cohasset Road Widening and Fire  County of Butte................     1,400,000  LaMalfa
 Transportation              Programs.                   Safety Project.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Roe Road Extension Project.....  Town of Paradise...............     1,800,000  LaMalfa
 Transportation              Programs.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Fix 5 Cascade Gateway Project..  Shasta Regional Transportation      3,000,000  LaMalfa
 Transportation              Programs.                                                    Agency.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Market Place District            Moon Transportation Authority..     3,500,000  Lamb
 Transportation              Programs.                   Transportation Improvements.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Rodi Road Streetscape Phase 1..  Municipality of Penn Hills.....       800,000  Lamb
 Transportation              Programs.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Kittanning Pike Flood Control..  Pennsylvania Department of          1,000,000  Lamb
 Transportation              Programs.                                                    Transportation.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Port of Friday Harbor Barge and  Port of Friday Harbor..........       650,000  Larsen (WA)
 Transportation              Programs.                   Access Road, Friday Harbor,
                                                         WA, WA-02.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Grove Street Overcrossing,       City of Marysville.............     3,000,000  Larsen (WA)
 Transportation              Programs.                   Marysville, Washington, WA-02.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      169th St Connecting Segment,     City of Arlington..............     3,654,893  Larsen (WA)
 Transportation              Programs.                   Arlington, Washington, WA-02.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Snohomish County Culverts,       Snohomish County...............     3,000,000  Larsen (WA)
 Transportation              Programs.                   Bothell and Stanwood,
                                                         Washington, WA-02.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Town to Zylstra Lake Multi-      San Juan County Public Works        5,280,000  Larsen (WA)
 Transportation              Programs.                   Modal Trail, Friday Harbor,      Department.
                                                         WA, WA-02.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      44th Avenue West Underpass       City of Lynnwood...............     1,744,328  Larsen (WA)
 Transportation              Programs.                   Pedestrian and Bicycle
                                                         Improvement Project, Lynnwood,
                                                         Washington, WA-02.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Boad Street Complete Streets...  Town of Windsor................     3,000,000  Larson (CT)
 Transportation              Programs.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Joe Louis Greenway.............  City of Detroit................     3,920,000  Lawrence
 Transportation              Programs.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Veterans Memorial Drive (CR 59)  Leon County Government.........     1,600,000  Lawson (FL)
 Transportation              Programs.                   Bridge Replacement.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Vision Zero--Bancroft Avenue     City of San Leandro............     4,000,000  Lee (CA)
 Transportation              Programs.                   and Williams Street Bicycle
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Henderson Interchange..........  Nevada Department of                5,000,000  Lee (NV)
 Transportation              Programs.                                                    Transportation.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Spider Rock Road Improvement     Taos Pueblo....................     4,000,000  Leger Fernandez
 Transportation              Programs.                   Project.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Trenton Street Pedestrian        City of West Monroe............     5,000,000  Letlow
 Transportation              Programs.                   Safety Improvement Project.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Multimodal Freight Interchange   City of Ruston.................     4,000,000  Letlow
 Transportation              Programs.                   Project.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      SR-74 Improvements, Orange       Orange County Transportation        4,000,000  Levin (CA)
 Transportation              Programs.                   County, California.              Authority.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Lomas Santa Fe Drive, Solana     City of Solana Beach...........     7,000,000  Levin (CA)
 Transportation              Programs.                   Beach, California.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Golf Drive Reconstruction......  City of Pontiac................     3,200,000  Levin (MI)
 Transportation              Programs.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      9-Mile Rebuild.................  City of Eastpointe.............     4,380,000  Levin (MI)
 Transportation              Programs.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Freedom Trail Restoration......  Charter Township of Clinton....     1,700,000  Levin (MI)
 Transportation              Programs.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Manhattan Beach Safe Cycling     City of Manhattan Beach........     1,000,000  Lieu
 Transportation              Programs.                   Project.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Wallis Annenberg Wildlife        Mountains Recreation and            2,500,000  Lieu
 Transportation              Programs.                   Crossing.                        Conservation Authority.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Pacific Palisades Pedestrian     City of Los Angeles............     1,150,000  Lieu
 Transportation              Programs.                   Trail.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Safe Routes to School            City of Gilroy.................     1,500,000  Lofgren
 Transportation              Programs.                   Initiative, Christopher High
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      South Cobb Drive Traffic Safety  Cobb County Department of           3,500,000  Loudermilk
 Transportation              Programs.                   Improvements.                    Transportation.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Swift-Cantrell Park Traffic      City of Kennesaw...............       350,000  Loudermilk
 Transportation              Programs.                   Light Installation.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      US Highway 41 Intersection       Cobb County Department of           2,000,000  Loudermilk
 Transportation              Programs.                   Improvements.                    Transportation.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Anaheim Street Corridor Project  City of Long Beach.............     7,000,000  Lowenthal
 Transportation              Programs.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Pebbly Beach Road Revetment      City of Avalon.................     2,000,000  Lowenthal
 Transportation              Programs.                   Repairs and Structural
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Roger Mills County US 283        Oklahoma Department of              3,000,000  Lucas
 Transportation              Programs.                   Grade, Drain, and Resurface.     Transportation.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Pawnee County US 064             Oklahoma Department of              3,000,000  Lucas
 Transportation              Programs.                   Improvements.                    Transportation.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Texas County US 054 Grade,       Oklahoma Department of              3,000,000  Lucas
 Transportation              Programs.                   Drain, and Resurface.            Transportation.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      I-70 Interchange Improvements..  Missouri Department of              4,000,000  Luetkemeyer
 Transportation              Programs.                                                    Transportation.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Nimmo Parkway Phase VII-B......  City of Virginia Beach, VA.....     3,000,000  Luria
 Transportation              Programs.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Laskin Road Phase I-B..........  City of Virginia Beach, VA.....     2,000,000  Luria
 Transportation              Programs.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Allen Street Reconstruction....  Town of Braintree..............     3,150,000  Lynch
 Transportation              Programs.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Union County Structurally        County of Union................     2,760,000  Malinowski
 Transportation              Programs.                   Deficient Bridge Initiative.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Town of Westfield, NJ North      Town of Westfield..............       399,000  Malinowski
 Transportation              Programs.                   Ave. Corridor Pedestrian
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Port St. Lucie Boulevard South   City of Port St. Lucie.........     2,000,000  Mast
 Transportation              Programs.                   Widening and Improvements.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      City of Sacramento ZEV Fleet     City of Sacramento.............     4,300,000  Matsui
 Transportation              Programs.                   Infrastructure Program.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      I Street Bridge Deck Conversion  City of West Sacramento........     4,933,861  Matsui
 Transportation              Programs.                   for Active Transportation.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Johnson Ferry Road at            Cobb County DOT................     5,000,000  McBath
 Transportation              Programs.                   Shallowford Road Intersection
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      King Road Bridge Replacement...  St. Clair County Road               1,000,000  McClain
 Transportation              Programs.                                                    Commission.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      21 Mile Bridge Replacement.....  Macomb Township................     1,617,000  McClain
 Transportation              Programs.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Genesee Avenue Bridge            City of Lapeer.................     2,000,000  McClain
 Transportation              Programs.                   Replacement.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Pedestrian Accommodation US 58/  City of Emporia................     1,000,000  McEachin
 Transportation              Programs.                   Purdy Rd and Sidewalks.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Courthouse Road Pedestrian       City of Hopewell, VA...........     4,000,000  McEachin
 Transportation              Programs.                   Improvements.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Roundabout at the intersection   County of Prince George, VA....     3,540,806  McEachin
 Transportation              Programs.                   of Jefferson Park Road (Rt.
                                                         630) and Middle Road (Rt. 646)
                                                         in Prince George County, VA.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Second Interchange at I-70       Ohio County Commission.........       730,000  McKinley
 Transportation              Programs.                   Phase I.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Grant Line Road Realignment....  San Joaquin County.............     2,500,000  McNerney
 Transportation              Programs.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Dickman Road / Business Loop     City of Battle Creek...........     2,000,000  Meijer
 Transportation              Programs.                   Interstate 94 Realignment and
                                                         Bridge Construction.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Sweet Valley Road Improvements,  Luzerne County.................     1,550,000  Meuser
 Transportation              Programs.                   Ross Township.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      G28 Pavement Rehabilitation....  Marion County..................     2,000,000  Miller-Meeks
 Transportation              Programs.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Summer Street Corridor           City of Burlington.............     4,000,000  Miller-Meeks
 Transportation              Programs.                   Rehabilitation.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Middle Road Reconstruction.....  City of Bettendorf.............     1,600,000  Miller-Meeks
 Transportation              Programs.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Route V5G Pavement Improvement.  Keokuk County..................     4,000,000  Miller-Meeks
 Transportation              Programs.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Red Rock Prairie Trail.........  Jasper County Conservation.....     1,140,000  Miller-Meeks
 Transportation              Programs.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Forevergreen Road Extension....  City of Coralville.............     2,500,000  Miller-Meeks
 Transportation              Programs.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Ogden Canyon Shared Use Pathway  Ogden City Corporation.........     2,000,000  Moore (UT)
 Transportation              Programs.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Young Street Bridge Project....  Morgan City....................     2,000,000  Moore (UT)
 Transportation              Programs.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Reconstruction of Silver Spring  City of Glendale...............     4,000,000  Moore (WI)
 Transportation              Programs.                   Drive from 27th Street to the
                                                         Milwaukee River.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Central Avenue Roadway Safety    City of Lynn...................       800,000  Moulton
 Transportation              Programs.                   Improvements Project.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Central Avenue Reconstruction,   City of Portage, Indiana.......     2,360,000  Mrvan
 Transportation              Programs.                   Portage, Indiana, 01.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      E.E. Williamson Road Trail       Seminole County Government.....       644,000  Murphy (FL)
 Transportation              Programs.                   Connect Pedestrian Bridge
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      City of Orlando's Corrine Drive  City of Orlando, FL............     5,000,000  Murphy (FL)
 Transportation              Programs.                   Complete Streets Project.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Arrow Highway Street             City of San Dimas..............     2,400,000  Napolitano
 Transportation              Programs.                   Improvement Project from West
                                                         City Limit to East City Limit.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Covina Metrolink Access and      City of Covina.................     4,000,000  Napolitano
 Transportation              Programs.                   Connectivity Project.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Parkway-Denholm Traffic Calming  City of El Monte...............     4,000,000  Napolitano
 Transportation              Programs.                   and Street Improvement Project.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Donald & Bernice Watson          City of Duarte.................     1,600,000  Napolitano
 Transportation              Programs.                   Greenbelt Trail Improvement
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Azusa Avenue Pedestrian          City of West Covina............     7,000,000  Napolitano
 Transportation              Programs.                   Handicap Accessibility &
                                                         Signal Synchronization
                                                         Improvements Project.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Town of Granby Highway 40 Trail  Town of Granby.................     1,325,000  Neguse
 Transportation              Programs.                   Connection.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Eagle County Government Eagle    Eagle County Government........     2,000,000  Neguse
 Transportation              Programs.                   Valley Trail.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      City of Fort Collins             City of Fort Collins...........     1,870,000  Neguse
 Transportation              Programs.                   Intersection Improvement.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Mykawa Road Widening Project...  City of Pearland...............     2,000,000  Nehls
 Transportation              Programs.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Port of Warden Road              Port of Warden.................     2,500,000  Newhouse
 Transportation              Programs.                   Infrastructure Improvement &
                                                         Expansion Project.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Yakima East-West Corridor......  Yakima County..................     2,500,000  Newhouse
 Transportation              Programs.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Adams County Bridges...........  Adams County...................     3,000,000  Newhouse
 Transportation              Programs.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Orland Park 143rd Street         Village of Orland Park.........     7,000,000  Newman
 Transportation              Programs.                   Widening (West Avenue to
                                                         Southwest Highway).
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      First Avenue Bridges             San Bernardino County               2,000,000  Obernolte
 Transportation              Programs.                   Replacement over Mojave River    Transportation Authority.
                                                         and Overflows.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Cedar Street Improvements......  City of Hesperia...............     2,000,000  Obernolte
 Transportation              Programs.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Wildwood Canyon Interchange....  City of Yucaipa................     2,000,000  Obernolte
 Transportation              Programs.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Westchester Square Plaza.......  New York City Department of         1,000,000  Ocasio-Cortez
 Transportation              Programs.                                                    Transportation.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Gila River Indian Community      Gila River Indian Community....     1,000,000  O'Halleran
 Transportation              Programs.                   Traffic Signal at State Route
                                                         87 & Skousen Road.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      THORNTON ROAD WIDENING -- PHASE  City of Casa Grande............     3,000,000  O'Halleran
 Transportation              Programs.                   3.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      UPRR Pedestrian Bridge/Crossing  City of Maricopa...............     2,700,000  O'Halleran
 Transportation              Programs.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Neffs Canyon Trailhead           Millcreek City.................       800,000  Owens
 Transportation              Programs.                   Improvement Project.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      4700 South Reconstruction......  West Valley City...............     2,000,000  Owens
 Transportation              Programs.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      4700 South Roadway               Kearns Metro Township..........     2,000,000  Owens
 Transportation              Programs.                   Reconstruction Phase 3.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      12th Street Roadway and          City of Laurel.................     3,000,000  Palazzo
 Transportation              Programs.                   Pedestrian Improvements.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Carteret Ferry Terminal          Borough of Carteret............     6,000,000  Pallone
 Transportation              Programs.                   Building.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      US 101 Auxiliary Lane -- South   Transportation Agency for           1,000,000  Panetta
 Transportation              Programs.                   of Salinas, Monterey County,     Monterey County (TAMC).
                                                         California, 20th District.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      County Road Milling and          Hudson County, NJ..............     1,750,000  Pascrell
 Transportation              Programs.                   Repaving Project.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Bayview Community-Based          San Francisco Municipal             2,500,000  Pelosi
 Transportation              Programs.                   Transportation Implementation.   Transportation Agency (SFMTA).
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Peaks to Plains Trail..........  City of Golden.................       400,000  Perlmutter
 Transportation              Programs.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Wadsworth Boulevard Phase 2....  City of Wheat Ridge............     4,000,000  Perlmutter
 Transportation              Programs.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Federal Parkway Multimodal       City of Westminster............     3,000,000  Perlmutter
 Transportation              Programs.                   Improvements.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      62nd Avenue and Vasquez          City of Commerce City..........     4,000,000  Perlmutter
 Transportation              Programs.                   Intersection.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Downtown Mobility Phase 3A.....  City of San Diego..............     3,144,000  Peters
 Transportation              Programs.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Development of Overpass -- US    Texas Department of                 5,000,000  Pfluger
 Transportation              Programs.                   385 -- Intersection at South     Transportation (TXDOT).
                                                         Loop 338, Ector County.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Minnesota Valley State Trail--   City of Bloomington............     2,350,000  Phillips
 Transportation              Programs.                   Lyndale to Nine Mile Creek
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Construction of a High Priority  City of Brooklyn Park..........       874,400  Phillips
 Transportation              Programs.                   Off-Street Trail Along Zane
                                                         Avenue Between 63rd Ave and
                                                         Brooklyn Blv.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Highway 610 Extension Project..  City of Maple Grove............     2,750,000  Phillips
 Transportation              Programs.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Wisconsin River Recreational     County of Dane.................     2,000,000  Pocan
 Transportation              Programs.                   Bridge -- Dane and Sauk
                                                         County, WI.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Neighborhood Electric Vehicle    City of Cambridge..............     1,000,000  Pressley
 Transportation              Programs.                   Charging Infrastructure for
                                                         Cambridge Residents.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Downtown Streetscape             Town of Chapel Hill............     2,000,000  Price (NC)
 Transportation              Programs.                   Improvements.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      R. Kelly Bryant Bridge Trail...  City of Durham.................     2,320,000  Price (NC)
 Transportation              Programs.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      606 Extension--Ashland Ave to    Cook County Department of           1,440,000  Quigley
 Transportation              Programs.                   Elston Ave.                      Transportation and Highways.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      California Park Multi-Use Trail  Chicago Park District..........     2,000,000  Quigley
 Transportation              Programs.                   Connection.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Family E-Cargo Bike Lending      Montgomery County Department of       400,000  Raskin
 Transportation              Programs.                   Program for Montgomery County.   Transportation.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Frederick & Pennsylvania         Frederick County Goverment.....       280,000  Raskin
 Transportation              Programs.                   Railroad Trai.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Rostraver Township Pedestrian    PennDOT Engineering District 12     1,800,000  Reschenthaler
 Transportation              Programs.                   Bridge Improvements.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Waynesburg Betterment--          PennDOT Engineering District 12     7,000,000  Reschenthaler
 Transportation              Programs.                   Intersections and Intersection
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Crawford Avenue Bridge           PennDOT Engineering District 12     7,000,000  Reschenthaler
 Transportation              Programs.                   Rehabilitation.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Westmoreland County Bridge       Westmoreland County Department      1,600,000  Reschenthaler
 Transportation              Programs.                   Preservation Project.            of Public Works, Roads, and
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Pennsylvania Route 21            PennDOT Engineering District 12     2,500,000  Reschenthaler
 Transportation              Programs.                   Improvements Plan.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      City of Spokane Valley Bigelow   City of Spokane Valley.........     2,650,000  Rodgers (WA)
 Transportation              Programs.                   Sullivan Corridor.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Spokane County Craig Road......  Spokane County.................     3,000,000  Rodgers (WA)
 Transportation              Programs.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      I-85 Signage, Traffic            City of Auburn.................     1,000,000  Rogers (AL)
 Transportation              Programs.                   Monitoring Equipment.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Pedestrian Walkway.............  Alabama Institute for Deaf and      1,928,000  Rogers (AL)
 Transportation              Programs.                                                    Blind.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Calhoun County Highway 109       Alabama Department of               4,000,000  Rogers (AL)
 Transportation              Programs.                   Improvements.                    Transportation.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Pike County KY 1426 Rockfall     Kentucky Transportation Cabinet     7,000,000  Rogers (KY)
 Transportation              Programs.                   Mitigation and Roadway
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Rockcastle County KY 461/US 25   Kentucky Transportation Cabinet     7,000,000  Rogers (KY)
 Transportation              Programs.                   Reconstruction.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Tingen Road Bicycle and          Town of Apex...................       550,000  Ross
 Transportation              Programs.                   Pedestrian Bridge Design,
                                                         Environmental, and Right-of-
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      DHS Bridges Over Water Project.  City of Desert Hot Springs.....     2,500,000  Ruiz
 Transportation              Programs.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Interstate 10 and Monroe Street  City of Indio..................     1,500,000  Ruiz
 Transportation              Programs.                   Interchange.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Dillon Road Corridor...........  Twenty-Nine Palms Band of           2,700,000  Ruiz
 Transportation              Programs.                                                    Mission Indians.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Sparrows Point/Broening          Baltimore County Government....     1,000,000  Ruppersberger
 Transportation              Programs.                   Interchange Planning.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Laraway Road, Nelson Road to     Will County....................     1,500,000  Rush
 Transportation              Programs.                   Cedar Road.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Mandarin Pedestrian Safety       Jacksonville Transportation         3,000,000  Rutherford
 Transportation              Programs.                   Improvements.                    Authority.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Tinian Route 205 Road and        Department of Public Works.....     2,000,000  Sablan
 Transportation              Programs.                   Drainage Improvements.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Saipan Route 36 Phase 1          Department of Public Works.....     4,000,000  Sablan
 Transportation              Programs.                   Construction.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Rota Route 10 Drainage           Department of Public Works.....     2,000,000  Sablan
 Transportation              Programs.                   Improvements and Road Overlay.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Saipan Route 302 Improvements..  Department of Public Works.....     2,000,000  Sablan
 Transportation              Programs.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Marlin Road Expansion..........  Town of Cutler Bay.............     4,400,000  Salazar
 Transportation              Programs.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      South Whittier Communities       Los Angeles County Public Works     2,500,000  Sanchez
 Transportation              Programs.                   Bikeways Access Project.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      South Entrance Trail...........  Howard County..................     3,000,000  Sarbanes
 Transportation              Programs.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      West East Express (WEE) and      City of Annapolis..............     2,750,000  Sarbanes
 Transportation              Programs.                   College Creek Connector Trails.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Baltimore Greenway Trail         City of Baltimore..............     2,500,000  Sarbanes
 Transportation              Programs.                   Network.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Trail Spurs and Connectors.....  Anne Arundel County............     1,500,000  Sarbanes
 Transportation              Programs.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Rand Road/Kensington Road/Route  Village of Mount Prospect......     7,000,000  Schakowsky
 Transportation              Programs.                   83 Intersection Improvement
                                                         Project, Mount Prospect,
                                                         Illinois (IL-09).
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Skokie Valley Trail Project,     Cook County Department of           1,761,500  Schakowsky
 Transportation              Programs.                   Skokie, Illinois (IL-09).        Transportation and Highways.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Cedar Lake Road Realignment and  Lake County Division of             4,000,000  Schneider
 Transportation              Programs.                   Downtown Round Lake              Transportation.
                                                         Improvement Project.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Beach Park Pedestrian and        Village of Beach Park..........     1,720,000  Schneider
 Transportation              Programs.                   Bicycle Safety Project.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      US-101 Sidewalk Infill.........  Oregon Department of                2,800,000  Schrader
 Transportation              Programs.                                                    Transportation.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Cobb Parkway Pedestrian Bridge   Cumberland Community                1,000,000  Scott, David
 Transportation              Programs.                   North.                           Improvement District.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      South Douglas Loop--Phase I --   Douglas County Board of             5,000,000  Scott, David
 Transportation              Programs.                   Lee Road Extension.              Commissioners.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Speegleville Road Bridge at      City of Waco...................     1,760,000  Sessions
 Transportation              Programs.                   Middle Bosque River.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      McBride Avenue Roundabout        County of Passaic..............     1,200,000  Sherrill
 Transportation              Programs.                   Project.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Ammon 1st Street Infrastructure  City of Ammon..................     5,830,000  Simpson
 Transportation              Programs.                   Project.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Center Street Railroad Bridge    City of Pocatello..............     5,700,000  Simpson
 Transportation              Programs.                   Underpass.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Central Avenue Corridor          City of Union City.............     1,103,850  Sires
 Transportation              Programs.                   Improvement Project.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Electric Vehicle Charging        Town of West New York, Parking        475,000  Sires
 Transportation              Programs.                   Station and Fleet Expansion      Services Utility.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Sinatra Drive Redesign Project.  City of Hoboken................     1,800,000  Sires
 Transportation              Programs.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Holt to Mason Trail Final        Ingham County Parks............     2,750,000  Slotkin
 Transportation              Programs.                   Connection.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Oxford Safety Path Construction  Charter Township of Oxford.....       374,696  Slotkin
 Transportation              Programs.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Livingston County Regional       Huron-Clinton Metropolitan            900,000  Slotkin
 Transportation              Programs.                   Trail Connections.               Authority.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Orion Township Giddings/         Charter Township of Orion......     7,000,000  Slotkin
 Transportation              Programs.                   Silverbell/Brown Road
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Kings Highway Pedestrian Safety  Township of Middletown.........       997,500  Smith (NJ)
 Transportation              Programs.                   Improvements.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      County Road 539 Overpass.......  County of Ocean................     4,000,000  Smith (NJ)
 Transportation              Programs.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Lambert Way--Woodman Road        Henrico County, VA.............     5,000,000  Spanberger
 Transportation              Programs.                   Extension.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Oilville Road--I-64 Interchange  Goochland County...............     4,000,000  Spanberger
 Transportation              Programs.                   Roundabout.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      College Avenue/University Drive  City of Tempe..................       850,000  Stanton
 Transportation              Programs.                   Underpass.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      US Highway 8 Reconstruction....  Chisago County Public Works....     3,000,000  Stauber
 Transportation              Programs.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Widening of Burnt Store Road...  Lee County.....................     2,000,000  Steube
 Transportation              Programs.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Toledo Blade Road Improvements.  City of North Port.............     2,000,000  Steube
 Transportation              Programs.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Widening of Winchester Blvd. in  Sarasota County................     1,000,000  Steube
 Transportation              Programs.                   Sarasota, FL.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Ibapah Road Safety and           Tooele County..................     3,500,000  Stewart
 Transportation              Programs.                   Rehabilitation Project.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Old Highway 91 Improvement       Ivins City.....................     2,000,000  Stewart
 Transportation              Programs.                   Project.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      SR-7 Exit 5 Interchange,         City of St. George.............     3,500,000  Stewart
 Transportation              Programs.                   Southern Hills Bridge and
                                                         Roadway Project.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Ephraim Canyon Road              City of Ephraim................     2,500,000  Stewart
 Transportation              Programs.                   Improvements.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      SR-174 Improvements Phase 1....  Juab County Road Department....     3,000,000  Stewart
 Transportation              Programs.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      1450 South Extension--River      City of St. George.............     2,500,000  Stewart
 Transportation              Programs.                   Road to Dixie Drive
                                                         Interchange (I-15) Project.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      4700 South Reconstruction        West Valley City...............     3,000,000  Stewart
 Transportation              Programs.                   Project.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      The City of Lakewood South       City of Lakewood, WA...........     2,500,000  Strickland
 Transportation              Programs.                   Tacoma Way Project.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Pacific Avenue SR-7, Pedestrian  Pierce County Planning and          3,000,000  Strickland
 Transportation              Programs.                   and Transit Access               Public Works.
                                                         Improvements (168 Street East).
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Sheffield Trail Widening &       City of Fife...................       800,000  Strickland
 Transportation              Programs.                   Restoration.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Stewart Road Corridor            City of Sumner.................     2,800,000  Strickland
 Transportation              Programs.                   Completion: White River Bridge.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Northport Main Street Flood      Village of Northport...........     1,392,000  Suozzi
 Transportation              Programs.                   Mitigation Project.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Asharoken Avenue Flood           Village of Asharoken...........     1,000,000  Suozzi
 Transportation              Programs.                   Abatement.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Mission Boulevard Pavement       City of Jurupa Valley..........     2,300,000  Takano
 Transportation              Programs.                   Rehabilitation -- Phase 3, Ben
                                                         Nevis to Bellegrave.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Third Street Grade Separation    Riverside County Transportation     3,000,000  Takano
 Transportation              Programs.                   Project.                         Commission.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      State Route 121/12 & 8th Street  Sonoma County Transportation        1,500,000  Thompson (CA)
 Transportation              Programs.                   East Intersection                Authority.
                                                         Improvements, Sonoma, CA-05.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Napa Valley Vine Trail:          Napa Valley Vine Trail              4,000,000  Thompson (CA)
 Transportation              Programs.                   Yountville to St. Helena Gap     Coalition.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Updates to PA State Route 68     Pennsylvania Department of          3,000,000  Thompson (PA)
 Transportation              Programs.                   from Dolby Street to Trout Run.  Transportation District 10.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Stewart Avenue Complete Streets  City of Las Vegas..............     3,000,000  Titus
 Transportation              Programs.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Joe Louis Greenway West Chicago  City of Detroit................     1,386,216  Tlaib
 Transportation              Programs.                   Connector.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      City of Ecorse Southfield Road   Wayne County...................       600,000  Tlaib
 Transportation              Programs.                   Pedestrian Improvement Project
                                                         Ecorse, MI 13th Congressional
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Unincorporated Fontana Safe      San Bernardino County..........     1,500,000  Torres (CA)
 Transportation              Programs.                   Routes to School.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Fayette Street Bridge            City of Cumberland.............     4,800,000  Trone
 Transportation              Programs.                   Replacement.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Fisher Avenue Streetscape        Town of Poolesville............     4,000,000  Trone
 Transportation              Programs.                   Project.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      East Street Trail Liberty Road   City of Frederick..............     4,000,000  Trone
 Transportation              Programs.                   Bridge Crossing Project.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      I-675/Wilmington Pike            The Montgomery County               3,000,000  Turner
 Transportation              Programs.                   Interchange Project.             Transportation Improvement
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      The Mound Connector Highway      City of Miamisburg.............     1,000,000  Turner
 Transportation              Programs.                   Project.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      East Dayton Rails-to-Trails      City of Dayton.................     1,500,000  Turner
 Transportation              Programs.                   Project.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Kendall County Extension         Kendall County, Illinois.......     4,800,000  Underwood
 Transportation              Programs.                   Environmental Impact Statement.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Mt. Vernon Avenue and Potomac    Kern County Public Works            4,000,000  Valadao
 Transportation              Programs.                   Avenue Pedestrian Improvements.  Department.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Chestnut Avenue Safety           The City of Vineland...........     2,000,000  Van Drew
 Transportation              Programs.                   Improvements.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Route 72 Transportation &        Stafford Township..............     2,000,000  Van Drew
 Transportation              Programs.                   Safety Connector Project.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Little Bear Creek Design and     City of Colleyville............     1,500,000  Van Duyne
 Transportation              Programs.                   Construction of Drainage
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Brandt Road Bridge Replacement   County of Imperial.............     4,000,000  Vargas
 Transportation              Programs.                   Project.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Bayshore Bikeway: Barrio Logan.  San Diego Associations of           3,500,000  Vargas
 Transportation              Programs.                                                    Governments.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Shepherd Road Reconstruction,    Lenawee County Road Commission.     2,000,000  Walberg
 Transportation              Programs.                   Rome Township and Adrian
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Airport Road Corridor Project..  Jackson County Department of        2,000,000  Walberg
 Transportation              Programs.                                                    Transportation.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      River Raisin Heritage Trail      County of Monroe...............     2,000,000  Walberg
 Transportation              Programs.                   Rehabilitation Project.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Oakville Waltz Road              Monroe County Road Commission..     2,000,000  Walberg
 Transportation              Programs.                   Improvements.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      EV Bus Transit and Charging      City of Hallandale Beach.......     1,461,000  Wasserman
 Transportation              Programs.                   Facility.                                                                       Schultz
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Lawndale Citywide Traffic Signs  City of Lawndale...............     1,000,000  Waters
 Transportation              Programs.                   Replacement Project.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Hawthorne Crenshaw Blvd.         City of Hawthorne..............     4,000,000  Waters
 Transportation              Programs.                   Mobility Improvement Project.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      South Brunswick Signalized       Township of South Brunswick....     2,600,000  Watson Coleman
 Transportation              Programs.                   Intersection Improvements.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      CR 466A 4-Laning Final Phase     Lake County....................     3,612,000  Webster (FL)
 Transportation              Programs.                   Completion.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Reed Hartman Highway and Grooms  City of Blue Ash...............     2,000,000  Wenstrup
 Transportation              Programs.                   Road Connector.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      CLE CR3--Aicholtz Roundabouts..  Clermont County Transportation      2,000,000  Wenstrup
 Transportation              Programs.                                                    Improvement District.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Improvements to SR 159 (Bridge   Ohio Department of                  2,000,000  Wenstrup
 Transportation              Programs.                   Street) in the City of           Transportation.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      SR32 Eastern Corridor Segment    Clermont County Transportation      2,000,000  Wenstrup
 Transportation              Programs.                   IVa.                             Improvement District.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Construction of Future I-49      Arkansas State Highway              5,000,000  Westerman
 Transportation              Programs.                   from Fort Smith, Arkansas, to    Commission.
                                                         Alma, Arkansas.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Ouachita River--Fleetwood Drive  Arkansas State Highway              5,000,000  Westerman
 Transportation              Programs.                   Widening.                        Commission.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Roundabout at Rollins Ford Road  Prince William County, Virginia       580,000  Wexton
 Transportation              Programs.                   and Estate Manor Drive.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Route 7 and Route 690            Loudoun County, Virginia.......     4,000,000  Wexton
 Transportation              Programs.                   (Hillsboro Road) Interchange.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Metro Station Area Pedestrian    Loudoun County, Virginia.......     2,000,000  Wexton
 Transportation              Programs.                   Improvements.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Franklin Park to Purcellville    Loudoun County, Virginia.......     1,000,000  Wexton
 Transportation              Programs.                   Trail.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Future XNA Access Road.........  Arkansas Department of              7,000,000  Womack
 Transportation              Programs.                                                    Transportation.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Reimagine 9th Street...........  Louisville Metro Government         3,000,000  Yarmuth
 Transportation              Programs.                                                    Department of Public Works.
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Jefferson County; Traffic        Kentucky Transportation Cabinet     2,400,000  Yarmuth
 Transportation              Programs.                   Calming measures for Shelby
                                                         Park and Smoketown
Department of               Highway Infrastructure      Buechel Bank Rd Widening and     Louisville Metro Government....       600,000  Yarmuth
 Transportation              Programs.                   Pedestrian Improvements.
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      Intermodal Transit Hub at UT     Dallas Area Rapid Transit           2,500,000  Allred
 Transportation              Grants.                     Dallas Station for DART Silver   (DART).
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      Supervisory Control and Data     Dallas Area Rapid Transit           2,820,800  Allred
 Transportation              Grants.                     Acquisition System Upgrade       (DART).
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      Newton Commuter Rail Stations    Massachusetts Bay                   7,000,000  Auchincloss
 Transportation              Grants.                     Accessibility Improvements.      Transportation Authority.
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      Rail to River Active             Los Angeles County Metropolitan     4,000,000  Bass
 Transportation              Grants.                     Transportation Corridor          Transportation Authority.
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      Transit Plaza at SEED School of  Los Angeles County Metropolitan     2,500,000  Bass
 Transportation              Grants.                     Los Angeles County & Metro       Transportation Authority.
                                                         Training and Innovation Center.
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      Rickenbacker Area Mobility       Central Ohio Transit Authority.     3,000,000  Beatty
 Transportation              Grants.                     Center.
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      Gold Line Light Rail Station     Sacramento Regional Transit         3,647,591  Bera
 Transportation              Grants.                     Conversions.                     District.
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      Envision Route 7 Bus Rapid       Northern Virginia                   2,000,000  Beyer, Connolly
 Transportation              Grants.                     Transit.                         Transportation Commission
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      Willamette Shore Line            Tri-County Metropolitan             2,000,000  Blumenauer
 Transportation              Grants.                     Improvements Phase II --         Transportation District of
                                                         Portland.                        Oregon.
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      Merlo Bus Garage Zero Emission   Tri-County Metropolitan             5,000,000  Bonamici
 Transportation              Grants.                     Retrofit.                        Transportation District of
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      Gwinnett Transit Route 25 Bus    Gwinnett County Department of       2,000,000  Bourdeaux
 Transportation              Grants.                     Shelter Construction.            Transportation.
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      Buford-Suwanee Micro Transit...  Gwinnett County Department of       2,000,000  Bourdeaux
 Transportation              Grants.                                                      Transportation.
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      Rail Car Replacement Program...  Greater Cleveland Regional          5,000,000  Brown (OH)
 Transportation              Grants.                                                      Transit Authority.
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      City of Wilson RIDE              North Carolina Department of        2,000,000  Butterfield
 Transportation              Grants.                     Microtransit Expansion.          Transportation.
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      New Orleans Union Passenger      New Orleans Regional Transit        4,000,000  Carter (LA)
 Transportation              Grants.                     Terminal (UPT) Upgrade Project.  Authority.
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      Battery-electric Paratransit     Pace--Suburban Bus Division....     1,000,000  Casten
 Transportation              Grants.                     Pace Bus Fleet.
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      HART Bus Stops Improvements      Hillsborough Transit Authority.     5,000,000  Castor (FL)
 Transportation              Grants.                     Project.
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      Low and No Emission Bus          Kansas City Area Transportation     4,000,000  Cleaver, Davids
 Transportation              Grants.                     Replacement and Support          Authority.                                     (KS)
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      Yosemite Area Regional           Merced County Association of        3,680,000  Costa
 Transportation              Grants.                     Transportation System (YARTS)    Governments.
                                                         Fleet Replacement Project.
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      Solar Powered Zero-Emission Bus  Pinellas Suncoast Transit           2,500,000  Crist
 Transportation              Grants.                     and Facility Charging            Authority.
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      Benton Area Transit Fleet        Oregon Department of                1,512,000  DeFazio
 Transportation              Grants.                     Replacement.                     Transportation.
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      Fleet Fall Protection & Crane    Lane Transit District..........       800,000  DeFazio
 Transportation              Grants.                     Project.
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      Central Corridor Rail            Regional Transportation             4,000,000  DeGette
 Transportation              Grants.                     Replacement.                     District (RTD).
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      Pine Hills Bus Transfer Center   Central Florida Regional            2,805,363  Demings
 Transportation              Grants.                     Orlando.                         Transportation Authority
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      Ypsilanti Transit Center Design  Ann Arbor Area Transportation       7,000,000  Dingell
 Transportation              Grants.                     and Construction.                Authority.
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      Charging Infrastructure for the  Capital Metropolitan                4,169,920  Doggett
 Transportation              Grants.                     Transition to a Zero-Emissions   Transportation Authority.
                                                         Public Transportation Fleet.
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      Station Square Station           Port Authority of Allegheny         5,000,000  Doyle, Michael
 Transportation              Grants.                     Improvement Project.             County.                                        F.
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      Caltrain Grade Separations in    Santa Clara Valley                  2,000,000  Eshoo
 Transportation              Grants.                     Northern Santa Clara County.     Transportation Authority.
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      Fencing for Caltrain Right of    Peninsula Corridor Joint Powers       800,000  Eshoo, Speier
 Transportation              Grants.                     Way.                             Board.
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      Westheimer BOOST...............  Metropolitan Transit Authority      5,000,000  Fletcher
 Transportation              Grants.                                                      of Harris County (METRO).
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      Pace Bolingbrook Park-n-Ride     Pace--Suburban Bus Division....     1,200,000  Foster
 Transportation              Grants.                     Facility.
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      Diesel Ferry Particulate         San Francisco Bay Area Water        1,520,000  Garamendi
 Transportation              Grants.                     Filters.                         Emergency Transportation
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      SolTrans 100% Battery Electric   Solano County Transit               2,000,000  Garamendi,
 Transportation              Grants.                     Buses.                           (SolTrans).                                    Thompson (CA)
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      Pace Bus--Harlem Ave and Cermak  Pace--Suburban Bus Division....       840,000  Garcia (IL)
 Transportation              Grants.                     Rd Transit Signal Priority
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      Missouri City Park & Ride......  Metropolitan Transit Authority      5,000,000  Green (TX)
 Transportation              Grants.                                                      of Harris County (METRO).
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      Southeast, New York to Danbury,  City of Danbury................     2,000,000  Hayes
 Transportation              Grants.                     CT Rail Link Environmental
                                                         Impact Statement.
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      SMART Rail Extension to          Sonoma-Marin Area Rail Transit      1,800,000  Huffman
 Transportation              Grants.                     Healdsburg--Preliminary Design.  District (SMART).
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      Downtown Seattle Transit Tunnel  Central Puget Sound Transit         3,000,000  Jayapal
 Transportation              Grants.                     Improvements.                    Authority.
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      Stonecrest Transit Hub.........  Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid          1,000,000  Johnson (GA)
 Transportation              Grants.                                                      Transit Authority.
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      Safe Routes to Transit in GA04.  Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid          1,000,000  Johnson (GA)
 Transportation              Grants.                                                      Transit Authority.
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      Lawrence County Transit          Lawrence County Port Authority.     2,500,000  Johnson (OH)
 Transportation              Grants.                     Multimodal Parking Facility
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      East Dallas Bus & Maintenance    Dallas Area Rapid Transit           2,927,000  Johnson (TX)
 Transportation              Grants.                     Facility Renovation.             (DART).
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      Route 9-RiverWalk Transit        Westchester County Department       2,797,500  Jones
 Transportation              Grants.                     Connector.                       of Public Works &
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      Bus Replacement................  Amtran.........................       900,000  Joyce (PA)
 Transportation              Grants.
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      Bus Replacement................  Cambria County Transit              2,284,000  Joyce (PA)
 Transportation              Grants.                                                      Authority (CamTran).
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      Bus Rapid Transit Improvements.  Central New York Regional           3,000,000  Katko
 Transportation              Grants.                                                      Transportation Authority.
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      Operational Control Center at    Santa Clara Valley                  2,000,000  Khanna
 Transportation              Grants.                     Cerone Bus Yard.                 Transportation Authority.
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      Improving Saginaw County         Saginaw Transit Authority           4,000,000  Kildee
 Transportation              Grants.                     Transportation Reliability.      Regional Services.
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      WTA 2011 Fixed Route Diesel to   Whatcom Transportation              2,000,000  Larsen (WA)
 Transportation              Grants.                     Electric Replacement Project,    Authority.
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      SPRINTER Corridor Service        North County Transit District..     7,000,000  Levin (CA)
 Transportation              Grants.                     Improvement Project, San Diego
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      Duffy's Lane Transit Transfer    City of Norfolk................       500,000  Luria
 Transportation              Grants.                     Center Relocation.
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      LIRR Hunterspoint Station        Metropolitan Transportation         5,000,000  Maloney, Carolyn
 Transportation              Grants.                     Rehabilitation Project.          Authority.                                     B.
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      Richmond's First North-South,    City of Richmond...............     3,000,000  McEachin
 Transportation              Grants.                     Bus Rapid Transit Line.
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      Long Island Rail Road (LIRR)     Metropolitan Transportation         7,000,000  Meng
 Transportation              Grants.                     Forest Hills Platform            Authority.
                                                         Extensions & Elevators Project.
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      Cleaner Buses Initiative.......  Milwaukee County Department of      3,850,000  Moore (WI)
 Transportation              Grants.                                                      Transportation.
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      North Shore Workforce and        City of Salem..................     2,300,000  Moulton
 Transportation              Grants.                     Career Mobility Program.
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      Pace 95th Street Transit Signal  Pace--Suburban Bus Division....       840,000  Newman
 Transportation              Grants.                     Priority.
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      San Bernardino Mountains Bus     Mountain Area Regional Transit      1,500,000  Obernolte
 Transportation              Grants.                     Stop Modernization.              Authority.
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      UTA Westside Express...........  Utah Transit Authority.........     3,500,000  Owens
 Transportation              Grants.
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      Zero Emissions Downtown and      Township of Woodbridge.........     1,500,000  Pallone
 Transportation              Grants.                     Community Mobility.
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      MST Zero Emission Bus and        Monterey-Salinas Transit            3,000,000  Panetta
 Transportation              Grants.                     Microgrid Project.               District (MTS).
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      Imperial Avenue Zero-Emission    San Diego Metropolitan Transit      1,880,000  Peters
 Transportation              Grants.                     Bus Charging Equipment, San      System (MTS).
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      Bus Replacement Funding for      Chapel Hill Transit............     8,000,000  Price (NC)
 Transportation              Grants.                     Urban Transit Systems.
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      Secure Bike Parking Facilities   Montgomery County Department of       428,000  Raskin
 Transportation              Grants.                     in Downtown Bethesda &           Transportation.
                                                         Downtown Silver Spring.
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      Wake County Transit Access and   Research Triangle Regional            900,000  Ross
 Transportation              Grants.                     Safety Improvements.             Public Transportation
                                                                                          Authority (GoTriangle).
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      Expansion of Public Fueling      SunLine Transit Agency.........     2,500,000  Ruiz
 Transportation              Grants.                     Station Infrastructure.
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      Aberdeen Station Square........  City of Aberdeen...............     4,000,000  Ruppersberger
 Transportation              Grants.
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      Bus Stop & Shelter Improvements  Jacksonville Transportation         3,000,000  Rutherford
 Transportation              Grants.                                                      Authority.
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      Construction of Bus Transfer     Commonwealth Office of Transit        900,000  Sablan
 Transportation              Grants.                     Stations at the Northern         Authority.
                                                         Marianas College, Paseo De
                                                         Marianas and Kagman.
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      Supply & Installation of 187     Commonwealth Office of Transit      4,500,000  Sablan
 Transportation              Grants.                     Bus Stop Shelters on Saipan      Authority.
                                                         Public Transit Fixed Route.
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      Covered Bus Parking Facility...  Commonwealth Office of Transit      3,000,000  Sablan
 Transportation              Grants.                                                      Authority.
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      Sunshine Shuttle Route C         County of Los Angeles                 620,000  Sanchez
 Transportation              Grants.                     Electric Buses and Charging      Department of Public Works.
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      Zero Emissions Bus Program.....  Foothill Transit...............     4,000,000  Sanchez
 Transportation              Grants.
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      Parole Transportation Center...  Anne Arundel County............     3,000,000  Sarbanes
 Transportation              Grants.
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      Flash Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)    Montgomery County Department of     3,350,000  Sarbanes
 Transportation              Grants.                     Expansion to Howard County,      Transportation.
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      Zero-Emissions Pace Bus Fleet..  Pace--Suburban Bus Division....     1,920,000  Schneider
 Transportation              Grants.
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      Oregon City Transit Center.....  Tri-County Metropolitan             5,000,000  Schrader
 Transportation              Grants.                                                      Transportation District of
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      South Salem Mobility as a        Salem Area Mass Transit             2,560,000  Schrader
 Transportation              Grants.                     Service (MaaS) Transit           District.
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      Safe Routes to Transit in GA-13  Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid          1,000,000  Scott, David
 Transportation              Grants.                                                      Transit Authority.
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      Clayton Justice Center Transit   Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid          1,000,000  Scott, David
 Transportation              Grants.                     Hub.                             Transit Authority.
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      Austell-South Cobb Transfer      Cobb County DOT................     2,000,000  Scott, David
 Transportation              Grants.                     Center.
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      Connecting Communities Through   Brazos Transit District........       865,000  Sessions
 Transportation              Grants.                     Bus Stop Infrastructure.
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      Capital Metro North Austin ADA   Capital Metropolitan                3,300,000  Sessions
 Transportation              Grants.                     Paratransit Base--Wheelchair     Transportation Authority.
                                                         Accessible Vehicles.
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      Henrico County Bus Shelters....  Greater Richmond Transit            1,275,000  Spanberger
 Transportation              Grants.                                                      Company.
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      Valley Metro Electric Buses....  City of Phoenix................     4,000,000  Stanton
 Transportation              Grants.
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      Bus Shelters...................  City of Mesa...................       800,000  Stanton
 Transportation              Grants.
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      200 South Transit Corridor       Salt Lake City Corporation.....     2,000,000  Stewart
 Transportation              Grants.                     Phase 3--Transit Lane
                                                         Compliance and Capacity
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      Zero Fare Bus Stop Access        Thurston County Public              1,825,950  Strickland
 Transportation              Grants.                     Improvements.                    Transportation Benefit Area
                                                                                          (PTBA) DBA Intercity Transit.
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      Union Station Transit Hub        Jackson Redevelopment Authority     2,100,000  Thompson (MS)
 Transportation              Grants.                     Project.
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      Pedestrian Collision Avoidance   Regional Transportation             3,575,200  Titus
 Transportation              Grants.                     System.                          Commission of Southern Nevada.
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      Standalone Solar Lighting for    Regional Transportation             1,960,000  Titus
 Transportation              Grants.                     500 Transit Stops.               Commission of Southern Nevada.
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      Kings County Regional Multi-     Kings County Area Public            5,000,000  Valadao
 Transportation              Grants.                     Modal Transit Center.            Transit Agency.
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      New Zero Emission Bus Division   San Diego Metropolitan Transit      1,000,000  Vargas
 Transportation              Grants.                     Project -- Planning Phase.       System (MTS).
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      DART Fuel System Modernization   Dallas Area Rapid Transit           2,000,000  Veasey
 Transportation              Grants.                     Project.                         (DART).
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      Intermodal Public Transfer       City of Sunrise................     2,500,000  Wasserman
 Transportation              Grants.                     Station.                                                                        Schultz
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      Maintenance and Joint            Gulf Coast Transit District....     1,175,000  Weber (TX)
 Transportation              Grants.                     Development Facility -- Design
Department of               Transit Infrastructure      Safe Routes to Transit in GA-05  Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid          1,000,000  Williams (GA)
 Transportation              Grants.                                                      Transit Authority.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  WeBuild Concord Collective       WeBuild Concord................     2,000,000  Adams
 Urban Development                                       Impact for Affordable Housing.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Carolina Theatre Restoration     Foundation For The Carolinas...       750,000  Adams
 Urban Development                                       and Construction.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  North Mecklenburg County         Centralina Regional Council....     1,000,000  Adams
 Urban Development                                       Housing Preservation
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Charlotte Center for Newcomers.  ourBRIDGE, Inc.................     1,300,000  Adams
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Local Foods Production &         Carolina Farm Trust............     4,000,000  Adams
 Urban Development                                       Distribution Center.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Preservation of Affordable       DreamKey Partners, Inc.........     1,400,000  Adams
 Urban Development                                       Housing in Druid Hills.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Huntersville Lot Acquisition     Town of Huntersville...........     2,000,000  Adams
 Urban Development                                       for Affordable Housing.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  STEM Learning Laboratory         Atrium Health, Inc.............       750,000  Adams
 Urban Development                                       Construction.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Historic West End Critical Home  Local Initiatives Support           1,500,000  Adams
 Urban Development                                       Repair Program.                  Corporation- Charlotte.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Sulligent Humbers Subdivision    City of Sulligent..............     2,122,000  Aderholt
 Urban Development                                       Sanitary Sewer Extension.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Community STEM Facility Design   University of North Alabama....     3,000,000  Aderholt
 Urban Development                                       and Construction.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Construction and Extension of    City of Rainsville.............       135,000  Aderholt
 Urban Development                                       an Existing Turn Lane.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Arrowhead Grove Community        Housing Authority of the County     3,000,000  Aguilar
 Urban Development                                       Resource Center.                 of San Bernardino.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  NPHS Sustainable Communities     Neighborhood Partnership            1,000,000  Aguilar
 Urban Development                                       Catalyst Project.                Housing Services, Inc..
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Cucamonga Canyon Trailhead.....  City of Rancho Cucamonga.......     1,000,000  Aguilar
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  University Village Development   University of Redlands.........       750,000  Aguilar
 Urban Development                                       Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Fontana Homelessness Prevention  City of Fontana................       750,000  Aguilar
 Urban Development                                       Resource and Care Center
                                                         (Phase 1).
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Restoration of San Bernardino's  City of San Bernardino.........     1,400,000  Aguilar
 Urban Development                                       Historic Roosevelt Bowl.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Southern Gateway Park..........  Southern Gateway Public Green         750,000  Allred
 Urban Development                                                                        Foundation.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Dallas Digital Divide --         City of Dallas.................       750,000  Allred
 Urban Development                                       Traffic Signals & Streetlights.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Kahle Drive Complete Streets...  Douglas County.................     1,385,000  Amodei
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Appion Way Improvements........  Carson City Public Works.......     1,100,000  Amodei
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Mount Ayr Downtown               City of Mount Ayr..............       750,000  Axne
 Urban Development                                       Revitalization Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Adams County Entrepreneur and    Adams County Economic                 779,025  Axne
 Urban Development                                       Business Incubator Center.       Development Corporation.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Food Bank of Iowa Warehouse      Food Bank of Iowa..............       750,000  Axne
 Urban Development                                       Expansion for a Hunger Free
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Neighborhood Finance             Neighborhood Finance                  360,000  Axne
 Urban Development                                       Corporation's Workforce          Corporation.
                                                         Housing in Polk County.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Building Their Futures Through   Iowa Homeless Youth Center.....       750,000  Axne
 Urban Development                                       the Iowa Homeless Youth Center
                                                         Employment Skill Building
                                                         Initiative Facility.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Perry Downtown Improvements      City of Perry, Iowa............     1,919,082  Axne
 Urban Development                                       Phase 1.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Burlington Avenue Extension and  City of Ralson.................     2,000,000  Bacon
 Urban Development                                       Bridge.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Myott Park Renovation and        Habitat for Humanity of Omaha,      1,100,000  Bacon
 Urban Development                                       Expansion.                       Inc..
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Jessamine Co / City of           Jessamine County Fiscal Court..     2,000,000  Barr
 Urban Development                                       Nicholasville--Jenette
                                                         Industrial Park Phase 3.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  KY 36 Widening Project.........  Bath County Fiscal Court.......     2,000,000  Barr
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  San Pedro Family Shelter         Harbor Interfaith Services.....       375,000  Barragan
 Urban Development                                       Upgrades.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  New Boys & Girls Club for        Boys & Girls Clubs of the Los       4,000,000  Barragan
 Urban Development                                       Harbor Gateway.                  Angeles Harbor.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Energy Resiliency at Veterans    City of Carson.................     2,000,000  Barragan
 Urban Development                                       Park and Sports Complex.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  51st Street Greenbelt on the     City of Long Beach.............     2,000,000  Barragan
 Urban Development                                       Los Angeles River.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Public Charging Infrastructure   Los Angeles Cleantech Incubator     1,500,000  Barragan
 Urban Development                                       for Battery Electric Drayage
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Harbor Community New Technology  United Harbor Area Association.     4,000,000  Barragan
 Urban Development                                       Career Development Center.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Ethiopian Community Los Angeles  African Communities Mental            750,000  Bass
 Urban Development                                       Community Center (ECLA).         Health Coalition.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Destination Little Ethiopia....  Community Partners.............     2,150,000  Bass
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  King Solomon Village (Phase 2).  Ward Economic Development             750,000  Bass
 Urban Development                                                                        Corporation.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Jenesse Center Legal Assistance  Jenessee Center, Inc...........     3,000,000  Bass
 Urban Development                                       for Victims Center.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Mollie Maison Permanent          The People Concern.............     2,000,000  Bass
 Urban Development                                       Supportive Housing Conversion.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Community Spaces for Additional  Destination Crenshaw...........     3,416,674  Bass
 Urban Development                                       Park Access in South Los
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Boys & Girls Clubs of Central    Boys & Girls Clubs of Columbus,       750,000  Beatty
 Urban Development                                       Ohio--J. Ashburn Jr. Boys &      Inc..
                                                         Girls Club Renovations.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Directions for Youth &           Directions for Youth & Families     1,000,000  Beatty
 Urban Development                                       Families--Crittenton Community
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Meals on Wheels Sacramento       Meals on Wheels by ACC.........       750,000  Bera
 Urban Development                                       Kitchen.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Mather Community Campus Human    County of Sacramento...........     1,500,000  Bera
 Urban Development                                       Assistance Facility Renovation
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Alexandria Community Food        ALIVE!, Inc....................     1,500,000  Beyer
 Urban Development                                       Resource Center.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Alexandria City AHDC Arlandria   City of Alexandria.............     1,500,000  Beyer
 Urban Development                                       Housing+ Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Oakwood Senior Residences......  Arlington Partnership for             750,000  Beyer
 Urban Development                                                                        Affordable Housing (APAH).
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Northern Virginia Afghan Asylee  Tahirih Justice Center.........     1,225,439  Beyer
 Urban Development                                       Support Center.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Sanitary Sewer Interceptor Pipe  Arlington County...............       750,000  Beyer
 Urban Development                                       Rehabilitation -- Columbia
                                                         Pike/ Sparrow Pond section of
                                                         the Four Mile Run Interceptor.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Arlington County Integrated      Arlington County...............       750,000  Beyer
 Urban Development                                       Gray/Green Infrastructure for
                                                         Public Streets.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Notabene Drive, Four Mile Rd.,   City of Alexandria.............       750,000  Beyer
 Urban Development                                       and Old Dominion Blvd. Flood
                                                         Mitigation Project, Arlandria.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Green Vehicle Fleet Upgrade and  City of Falls Church...........       600,000  Beyer
 Urban Development                                       Replacement.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Sanitary Sewer Interceptor Pipe  Arlington County...............       750,000  Beyer
 Urban Development                                       Rehabilitation--Rosslyn Area
                                                         of Potomac Interceptor.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Lee District Community Center    Fairfax County.................     1,930,000  Beyer
 Urban Development                                       Facility Renovations.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  CARES One Stop Senior Center     Community Aging & Retirement        2,500,000  Bilirakis
 Urban Development                                       Acquisition and Construction.    Services, Inc..
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Vincent House 10 New Units of    Vincent Academy Adventure           1,250,000  Bilirakis
 Urban Development                                       Housing.                         Coast, Inc..
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Craig Park/Spring Bayou Seawall  City of Tarpon Springs.........     2,000,000  Bilirakis
 Urban Development                                       and Sidewalk Repair and
                                                         Resiliency Upgrade Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Mt. Olive Affordable Housing     Mt. Olive Community Outreach          750,000  Bishop (GA)
 Urban Development                                       Rehabilitation.                  Center, Inc..
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Boys & Girls Clubs of Albany     Boys & Girls Clubs of Albany,       1,850,000  Bishop (GA)
 Urban Development                                       Clubhouse Building Renovations.  Inc..
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Columbus State University STEAM  Columbus State University......     4,000,000  Bishop (GA)
 Urban Development                                       Collaboration Center.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Bainbridge, GA--Phase 2 of       City of Bainbridge.............     1,500,000  Bishop (GA)
 Urban Development                                       Downrange Industrial Park
                                                         Water and Wastewater Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Portland State University Low    Portland State University......       750,000  Blumenauer
 Urban Development                                       Cost Student Housing Project --
                                                          Portland, OR.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Restoration and Reconstruction   Oregon Rail Heritage Foundation       650,000  Blumenauer
 Urban Development                                       of the 1924 Historic Brooklyn
                                                         Railroad Turntable --
                                                         Portland, OR.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Building United Futures Complex  Black United Fund of Oregon,          750,000  Blumenauer
 Urban Development                                       Construction -- Portland, OR.    Inc..
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Albina Land Bank--Portland, OR.  Albina Vision Trust, Inc.......     1,000,000  Blumenauer
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Sussex County Habitat for        Sussex County Habitat for             600,000  Blunt Rochester
 Urban Development                                       Humanity Strategic Land          Humanity Inc.
                                                         Acquisition Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  The Choir School of Delaware's   The Choir School of Delaware        1,500,000  Blunt Rochester
 Urban Development                                       New Building at 8th and West     Inc.
                                                         Street in Wilmington's
                                                         Historic Quaker Hill District.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  New Castle County Hope Center    New Castle County..............       750,000  Blunt Rochester
 Urban Development                                       Roof Replacement and
                                                         Transportation Support.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Education Expansion Projects...  Latin American Community Center     3,500,000  Blunt Rochester
 Urban Development                                                                        Inc.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Lombard Street Redevelopment     Central Baptist Community             750,000  Blunt Rochester
 Urban Development                                       Project.                         Development Corporation.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  CHEER Administrative Building    CHEER, Inc.....................       500,000  Blunt Rochester
 Urban Development                                       Site Plan Infrastructure II.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Fairfield Apartments...........  City of Portland...............     2,000,000  Bonamici
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Dartmouth Crossing South-Tigard  REACH Community Development         1,500,000  Bonamici
 Urban Development                                       Triangle.                        Corporation.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Capacity Building..............  West Tuality Habitat for              750,000  Bonamici
 Urban Development                                                                        Humanity.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Special Collection on African    Gwinnett County Public Library        500,000  Bourdeaux
 Urban Development                                       American History.                Foundation.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Transportation for Low-Income    Corners Outreach...............       250,000  Bourdeaux
 Urban Development                                       Students.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Wraparound Services for Latino   Ser Familia....................       462,000  Bourdeaux
 Urban Development                                       Families and Youth.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Expansion of Behavioral Health   Montefiore Medical Center......     3,000,000  Bowman
 Urban Development                                       Clinics in Westchester County
                                                         Public Schools.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Climate and Resilience Upgrades  Village of Hastings-on-Hudson..       750,000  Bowman
 Urban Development                                       to Village of Hastings-on-
                                                         Hudson Buildings.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Rehabilitation of the Yonkers    County of Westchester, NY......       750,000  Bowman
 Urban Development                                       Sewage Treatment Plant to
                                                         Promote the Health and
                                                         Wellbeing of Residents.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Study of the Lake Isle Dam to    County of Westchester, NY......     2,560,000  Bowman
 Urban Development                                       Promote Safety, Flood
                                                         Mitigation, and Environmental
                                                         Justice in Southern
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Katonah Avenue Community         Emerald Isle Immigration Center       330,055  Bowman
 Urban Development                                       Facility Renovation and
                                                         Expansion to Better Serve
                                                         Immigrant Neighbors.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Corridor Revitalization          Philadelphia Chinatown                606,300  Boyle, Brendan
 Urban Development                                       Initiative for Chinatown         Development Corporation                        F.
                                                         (CRIC).                          Community Park.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Graffiti Pier Improvement        Delaware River Waterfront           2,000,000  Boyle, Brendan
 Urban Development                                       Project.                         Corporation.                                   F.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Delaware River Trail--Battery    Delaware River Waterfront           1,000,000  Boyle, Brendan
 Urban Development                                       Segment Project.                 Corporation.                                   F.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Frankford Avenue Connector       Fishtown Kensington Area              750,000  Boyle, Brendan
 Urban Development                                       Project.                         Business Improvement District.                 F.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  6th Street Lighting, Center      Center City District...........       500,000  Boyle, Brendan
 Urban Development                                       City.                                                                           F.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Hammond Avenue Baseball Fields   Feliz Filadelfia...............       500,000  Boyle, Brendan
 Urban Development                                       Astroturf and Sports Lighting                                                   F.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Kensington Transitional Housing  Covenant House PA..............       225,000  Boyle, Brendan
 Urban Development                                       Facility Capital Improvements                                                   F.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Congreso Accessibility Project.  Congreso de Latinos Unidos.....     1,100,000  Boyle, Brendan
 Urban Development                                                                                                                       F.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  2nd Congressional District       The Urban League of                   750,000  Boyle, Brendan
 Urban Development                                       Satellite Location of The        Philadelphia.                                  F.
                                                         Urban League of Philadelphia.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Kensington Long-Term Recovery    Project HOME...................     2,000,000  Boyle, Brendan
 Urban Development                                       Residence Project.                                                              F.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Tamanend Plaza Construction....  Independence Historical Trust..     1,890,000  Boyle, Brendan
 Urban Development                                                                                                                       F.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  The Salvation Army Red Shield    The Salvation Army.............     1,000,000  Boyle, Brendan
 Urban Development                                       Family Residence                                                                F.
                                                         Revitalization Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Crownsville Nonprofit Incubator  Anne Arundel County............     3,000,000  Brown (MD)
 Urban Development                                       and Community Center.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  CASA: Prince George's County     CASA...........................       750,000  Brown (MD)
 Urban Development                                       Workforce Development &
                                                         Training Center.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  HOPE: Improving the Safety and   Housing Options & Planning            750,000  Brown (MD)
 Urban Development                                       Well-Being of Seniors and        Enterprises, Inc..
                                                         Disabled Persons.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Transit Facility Feasibility     Prince George's County              1,500,000  Brown (MD)
 Urban Development                                       Study.                           Government.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Odenton MARC Station             Anne Arundel County............     4,000,000  Brown (MD)
 Urban Development                                       Development.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  The Power of Waste: Catalyzing   Community Forklift.............       750,000  Brown (MD)
 Urban Development                                       Local Economic Development
                                                         through Building Material
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Mission of Love Charities:       Mission of Love Charities, Inc.     2,500,000  Brown (MD)
 Urban Development                                       Renovation of Former School
                                                         Building for New Facility.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Cleveland Early Learning Spaces  PRE4CLE........................     1,287,000  Brown (OH)
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Broadband Services for           DigitalC.......................     3,000,000  Brown (OH)
 Urban Development                                       Underserved Communities of
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Greater Cleveland Food Bank      Greater Cleveland Food Bank Inc     4,000,000  Brown (OH)
 Urban Development                                       Capital Expansion and Capacity
                                                         Building Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  New Moorpark City Library......  City of Moorpark...............       750,000  Brownley
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Simi Valley Senior Center Patio  City of Simi Valley............     1,000,000  Brownley
 Urban Development                                       Shelter.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Food Share Facility              Food Share.....................     2,000,000  Brownley
 Urban Development                                       Construction.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  15th Street East at 57th Avenue  Manatee County.................     2,500,000  Buchanan
 Urban Development                                       East Roundabout Intersection.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Lincoln Park Pedestrian Bridge   Manatee County.................       950,000  Buchanan
 Urban Development                                       Design and Construction.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Legacy Trail Pedestrian          Sarasota County................     1,000,000  Buchanan
 Urban Development                                       Overpass Construction.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Wimauma Community Center Design  Hillsborough County............       750,000  Buchanan
 Urban Development                                       and Build.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Jenny Boyd Keys of Hope Women's  Young Women's Christian             2,000,000  Burchett
 Urban Development                                       Program Building Expansion,      Association -- Knoxville YWCA.
                                                         Renovation and Preservation.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Veterans' Permanent Supportive   Knoxville's Community               2,000,000  Burchett
 Urban Development                                       Housing.                         Development Corporation.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  A Red Circle--North County       A Red Circle...................     1,498,853  Bush
 Urban Development                                       Community Nexus.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Public Wi-Fi for Housing         St. Louis Housing Authority           990,000  Bush
 Urban Development                                       Authority Residents.             (SLHA).
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Urban League Plaza Property      Urban League of Metropolitan          750,000  Bush
 Urban Development                                       Improvements.                    St. Louis.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Center for Economic Advancement  Covenant House Missouri........     2,423,000  Bush
 Urban Development                                       at Covenant House Missouri.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Boys & Girls Clubs Capital       Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater         750,000  Bush
 Urban Development                                       Projects.                        St. Louis.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  LifeHouse Phase I of the Page    Better Family Life, Inc........     3,000,000  Bush
 Urban Development                                       Revitalization Initiative.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  LIFE Housing Project...........  Child and Family Empowerment        1,812,891  Bush
 Urban Development                                                                        Center.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  City of Kinloch Dunbar Gardens   City of Kinloch................       750,000  Bush
 Urban Development                                       Renovations.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Martin Park Upgrades...........  Village of East Galesburg......     1,100,000  Bustos
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Downtown Building Demolitions..  Town of Astoria................       500,000  Bustos
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  East Bluff Community Center      East Bluff Community Center,          350,000  Bustos
 Urban Development                                       Capital Improvements.            NFP.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Skip-A-Long Rock Island Campus.  SAL Family and Community            4,000,000  Bustos
 Urban Development                                                                        Services.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  61605 Sidewalk Upgrades........  City of Peoria, IL.............     2,000,000  Bustos
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  The Excel Center Rockford......  Goodwill Industries of Northern     1,000,000  Bustos
 Urban Development                                                                        Illinois and Wisconsin
                                                                                          Stateline Area, Inc..
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Mt. Carroll STEAAM Hub.........  The Board of Trustees of the          438,000  Bustos
 Urban Development                                                                        University of Illinois.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  The Revitalization of            Williamston....................       750,000  Butterfield
 Urban Development                                       Williamston, NC.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Robersonville, NC Street         Town of Robersonville..........       750,000  Butterfield
 Urban Development                                       Improvements.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  City of Wilson Neighborhood      City of Wilson.................     4,000,000  Butterfield
 Urban Development                                       Park Improvements.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Santa Maria Japanese Community   City of Santa Maria............       500,000  Carbajal
 Urban Development                                       Center.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Pioneer Park...................  City of Lompoc.................     1,267,500  Carbajal
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  E.P. Foster Library Upgrades...  City of Ventura................       750,000  Carbajal
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Dwight Murphy Field Renovation.  City of Santa Barbara..........     1,500,000  Carbajal
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Orcutt Library.................  County of Santa Barbara........     2,000,000  Carbajal
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Santa Barbara Food Bank........  Food Bank of Santa Barbara          1,500,000  Carbajal
 Urban Development                                                                        County.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Morro Bay North T-Pier.........  City of Morro Bay..............     1,500,000  Carbajal
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Mondo's Cove Beach Stairway      City of Ventura................     1,000,000  Carbajal
 Urban Development                                       Access.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  San Fernando Gardens --          Housing Authority of the City       3,573,240  Cardenas
 Urban Development                                       Adapting To Climate Change.      of Los Angeles.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  City of Foley Public Library     City of Foley..................     2,000,000  Carl
 Urban Development                                       Construction.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Graham Edward Martin Park        City of Indianapolis...........     1,000,000  Carson
 Urban Development                                       Improvement Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Pooler Wastewater Treatment      City of Pooler.................     2,000,000  Carter (GA)
 Urban Development                                       Plant Expansion.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Jimmy DeLoach Parkway            City of Pooler.................     2,000,000  Carter (GA)
 Urban Development                                       Improvements.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Quacco Road Corridor             City of Pooler.................     2,000,000  Carter (GA)
 Urban Development                                       Improvements.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Pine Barren Road Improvement     City of Pooler.................     2,000,000  Carter (GA)
 Urban Development                                       Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Cut Off Natatorium.............  Algiers Development District...     4,000,000  Carter (LA)
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Wetland Park & Nature Trail....  Sankofa Community Development       2,000,000  Carter (LA)
 Urban Development                                                                        Corporation.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Dodwell House Community          Anna's Place NOLA..............       750,000  Carter (LA)
 Urban Development                                       Resource Center.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  City of Donaldsonville Natural   City of Donaldsonville.........     4,000,000  Carter (LA)
 Urban Development                                       Gas System Improvements.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  FM 971 Expansion Project.......  City of Georgetown.............     4,000,000  Carter (TX)
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  New American Theater & Project   Redevelopment Authority of the      3,000,000  Cartwright
 Urban Development                                       Share.                           City of Pittston.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Village of Redemption..........  The Institute for Human               500,000  Case
 Urban Development                                                                        Services.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  B.R. Ryall YMCA of Northwestern  B.R. Ryall YMCA of Northwestern     2,000,000  Casten
 Urban Development                                       DuPage County.                   DuPage County.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Kerr-McGee Superfund             City of West Chicago...........     2,000,000  Casten
 Urban Development                                       Remediation.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Village of Hawthorn Woods......  Village of Hawthorn Woods......     1,500,000  Casten
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Prairie Food Co-Op.............  Cooperative Development Fund of       750,000  Casten
 Urban Development                                                                        CDS / Prairie Food Coop.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  City of Wheaton Public Library   Wheaton Public Library.........       750,000  Casten
 Urban Development                                       Rehabilitation.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Hillsborough County African      Hillsborough County............     1,000,000  Castor (FL)
 Urban Development                                       American Arts and Cultural
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  The Skills Center Collaborative  Skills Center, Inc.............     3,000,000  Castor (FL)
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Casa Bella Project.............  City of San Antonio Westside        1,000,000  Castro (TX)
 Urban Development                                                                        Development Corporation dba
                                                                                          Prosper West.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  The High Impact Housing Project  Our Casas Resident Council,         1,057,257  Castro (TX)
 Urban Development                                       (HIPP).                          Inc..
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Clear Creek Bike Path Connector  City of Franklin...............       782,000  Chabot
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  North Broadway Corridor          City of Lebanon................       500,000  Chabot
 Urban Development                                       Improvements.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Village of Corwin Stormwater     Village of Corwin..............     1,119,000  Chabot
 Urban Development                                       Improvements Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Food Bank of Wyoming Truck       Food Bank of Wyoming...........       531,000  Cheney
 Urban Development                                       Package.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Housing Stability and            Catholic Charities of the           3,860,461  Cherfilus-
 Urban Development                                       Homelessness Prevention.         Archdiocese of Miami, Inc..                    McCormick
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Salvation Army Building          The Salvation Army.............       750,000  Cherfilus-
 Urban Development                                       Expansion and Renovation for                                                    McCormick
                                                         Persons Experiencing
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  1st Time Homebuyers Assistance   City of Tamarac, Florida.......       350,000  Cherfilus-
 Urban Development                                       Program.                                                                        McCormick
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Scholars' Village..............  Helping Abused Neglected              250,000  Cherfilus-
 Urban Development                                                                        Disadvantaged Youth Inc..                      McCormick
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Transitional Housing Units for   Haynes Family of Programs......       750,000  Chu
 Urban Development                                       Reducing Homelessness Among
                                                         Foster Youth in CA-27
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Claremont Wildlands Conservancy  Claremont Wildlands Conservancy     3,000,000  Chu
 Urban Development                                       Clara Oaks Acquisition.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  San Gabriel Valley Affordable    San Gabriel Valley Regional         4,000,000  Chu
 Urban Development                                       Housing Project Pipeline.        Housing Trust.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  LA-San Gabriel Mountains Urban   Nature for All.................       750,000  Chu
 Urban Development                                       Shuttle System.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Multimodal Improvement Project   City of Alhambra...............     1,200,000  Chu
 Urban Development                                       at Valley Boulevard in
                                                         Alhambra, CA.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Charles White Park Renovation    County of Los Angeles                 750,000  Chu
 Urban Development                                       in Altadena, CA.                 Department of Parks and
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  East Providence Community        City of East Providence........     3,000,000  Cicilline
 Urban Development                                       Center.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Renovation of the Boys & Girls   Boys & Girls Clubs of Newport         750,000  Cicilline
 Urban Development                                       Clubs of Newport County's        County (BGCNC).
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Progreso Latino, Inc. Facility   Progreso Latino, Inc...........     3,000,000  Cicilline
 Urban Development                                       Purchase & Renovation.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  MacColl YMCA Nature Studies      YMCA of Pawtucket, Inc.--             750,000  Cicilline
 Urban Development                                       Center & Outdoor Pavilion.       MacColl Y.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  North Smithfield Senior/         Town of North Smithfield.......     4,000,000  Cicilline
 Urban Development                                       Multigenerational Facility
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  City of Pawtucket Land           City of Pawtucket..............     2,000,000  Cicilline
 Urban Development                                       Acquisition for the
                                                         Development of Affordable
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Repurposing Osram-Sylvania to    The City of Central Falls......     2,600,000  Cicilline
 Urban Development                                       Meet Central Falls' Economic
                                                         and Housing Needs.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Grow in Revere Food Hub........  City of Revere.................     2,000,000  Clark (MA)
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Boy & Girls Club of Stoneham     Boys & Girls Club of Stoneham       3,000,000  Clark (MA)
 Urban Development                                       Child Care Facility.             and Wakefield.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  ENF Community Development and    Erasmus Neighborhood Federation       795,000  Clarke (NY)
 Urban Development                                       Housing Initiative Program.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Capital Improvements for CAMBA   CAMBA, Inc.....................     3,000,000  Clarke (NY)
 Urban Development                                       Headquarters.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Construction of Community Food   Hope Center Development               445,000  Clarke (NY)
 Urban Development                                       Pantry.                          Corporation.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Renovation of Cultural Center..  Sesame Flyers Internationa Inc.       750,000  Clarke (NY)
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Council of Peoples Organization  Council of Peoples Organization       750,000  Clarke (NY)
 Urban Development                                       -- Community Service Center.     Inc..
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  COJO Adult Education Classes...  Council of Jewish Organizations       250,000  Clarke (NY)
 Urban Development                                                                        of Flatbush, Inc..
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Brooklyn Children's Museum--     Brooklyn Children's Museum          1,250,000  Clarke (NY)
 Urban Development                                       Upgrades to Interior Exhibit     Corp..
                                                         Spaces' HVAC System.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Ohel Children's Home and Family  Ohel Children's Home and Family     2,000,000  Clarke (NY)
 Urban Development                                       Services--Headquarters           Services, Inc..
                                                         Expansion and Upgrade.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Independence Historic Square     City of Independence...........     3,000,000  Cleaver
 Urban Development                                       Streetscape.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  The BEACON Project Building      Alphapointe....................       750,000  Cleaver
 Urban Development                                       Equitable Access to Community
                                                         Opportunities Now.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Raytown Parks Renovation and     City of Raytown Parks               3,000,000  Cleaver
 Urban Development                                       Redevelopment.                   Department.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  18th Street Pedestrian Mall....  Kansas City, Missouri, Public       4,000,000  Cleaver
 Urban Development                                                                        Works Department.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Bruce R Watkins Connector        City of Kansas City MO Parks        4,000,000  Cleaver
 Urban Development                                       Community Park Project.          and Recreation Department.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Minority Chamber of Commerce     Heartland Black Chamber of          4,000,000  Cleaver
 Urban Development                                       Development Center.              Commerce and The Hispanic
                                                                                          Chamber of Commerce of Greater
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Gladstone Community Center/      City of Gladstone..............     3,000,000  Cleaver
 Urban Development                                       Natatorium HVAC Replacement.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Thriving Neighborhoods thru      reStart Inc....................       750,000  Cleaver
 Urban Development                                       Cottage Communities.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Pride Haven....................  SAVE, Inc......................       400,000  Cleaver
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Career Technology Academy......  Full Employment Council........       750,000  Cleaver
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Housing Initiative, Building     Urban Neighborhood Initiative..     4,000,000  Cleaver
 Urban Development                                       Community and unlocking the
                                                         path to home ownership.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  KC IMAGINE (KC Institute for     Thank You Walt Disney, Inc.....     2,000,000  Cleaver
 Urban Development                                       Media Animation Graphic
                                                         INnovation & Education).
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Haven at Palmer Pointe.........  Housing Authority of the City       3,000,000  Clyburn
 Urban Development                                                                        of Columbia, SC.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  The Second Chance Project......  Community Foundation of the           500,000  Clyburn
 Urban Development                                                                        Lowcountry, Inc..
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Hampton County Recreation        Hampton, County of.............     3,000,000  Clyburn
 Urban Development                                       Complex.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Benedict College Music Academic  Benedict College...............     3,000,000  Clyburn
 Urban Development                                       Complex.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  South Carolina State University  South Carolina State University     4,000,000  Clyburn
 Urban Development                                       ROTC Multipurpose Complex
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  University of South Carolina     University of South Carolina...     1,500,000  Clyburn
 Urban Development                                       Center for Civil Rights
                                                         History and Research.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Porter Jr. Hi. -- MLK            Urban Renaissance Partners.....     3,000,000  Cohen
 Urban Development                                       Transition Academy
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Memphis Cobblestone Landing      City of Memphis................     4,000,000  Cohen
 Urban Development                                       Recreational Center.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Collins Chapel Connectional      Collins Chapel Connectional         1,250,000  Cohen
 Urban Development                                       Hospital/Room at the Inn.        Hospital.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  South City VI..................  Memphis Housing Authority......       750,000  Cohen
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Memphis Home Repair Program....  Local Initiatives Support           2,000,000  Cohen
 Urban Development                                                                        Corporation (LISC) Memphis.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Hospitality Hub Studio Village.  The Hospitality Hub of Memphis.     1,275,000  Cohen
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Promoting and Preserving         United Housing, Inc............     1,200,000  Cohen
 Urban Development                                       Homeownership in Memphis.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Overton Park/Memphis Zoo         Overton Park Conservancy.......     3,000,000  Cohen
 Urban Development                                       Parking Solution Initiative.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Fires Innovation Science and     City of Lawton.................     2,203,000  Cole
 Urban Development                                       Technology Accelerator
                                                         (FISTA), Campus Modernization
                                                         and Expansion.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Water Cluster Development and    City of Ada....................     2,000,000  Cole
 Urban Development                                       Innovation Center.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Sidewalk Construction along      Kentucky Transportation               300,000  Comer
 Urban Development                                       Berger Road (Hwy 1310) in        Cabinet, Department of
                                                         Paducah, KY.                     Highways District 1 Office.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Murray-Calloway County Training  Murray-Calloway Industrial          1,100,000  Comer
 Urban Development                                       Center Construction.             Authority.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Webster County Hwy 670 Economic  Webster County Fiscal Court....     2,143,000  Comer
 Urban Development                                       Development Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  United Way of the Coalfield      United Way of the Coalfield....     2,000,000  Comer
 Urban Development                                       Economic Recovery Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  The Lamb Center Permanent        City of Fairfax................     1,900,000  Connolly
 Urban Development                                       Supportive Housing Initiative.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Renovations/Improvements to      Fairfax County Government......     1,500,000  Connolly
 Urban Development                                       Little River Glen Senior
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Homeless Navigation Center --    Prince William County               2,000,000  Connolly
 Urban Development                                       Eastern Prince William County.   Government.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Housing Program Participant      Fairfax County Government......       200,000  Connolly
 Urban Development                                       Information Digitization/
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Fisk University John R. Lewis    Fisk University................     4,000,000  Cooper
 Urban Development                                       Center for Social Justice--
                                                         Race Relations Building,
                                                         Nashville, TN 37208, TN05.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Moves & Grooves Center for Art   Moves and Grooves, Inc.........     2,500,000  Cooper
 Urban Development                                       & Innovation, Antioch, TN
                                                         37013, TN05.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Operation Stand Down Building    Operation Stand Down Tennessee.     2,000,000  Cooper
 Urban Development                                       Better Facility to Eliminate
                                                         Veteran Homelessness,
                                                         Nashville, TN 37203, TN05.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Santa Ana-Garden Grove Rails to  Orange County Transportation          750,000  Correa
 Urban Development                                       Trails.                          Authority.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Downtown Business Improvements   City of Santa Ana..............     2,500,000  Correa
 Urban Development                                       Initiative.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Veteran Housing Assistance       American Veterans Assistance        1,000,000  Correa
 Urban Development                                       Program.                         Group.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Orange County Housing Finance    Orange County Housing Finance       3,000,000  Correa
 Urban Development                                       Trust.                           Trust.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Santiago Creek Festival Grounds  Discovery Cube Orange County...     2,000,000  Correa
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Fresno Veterans Home Memorial    Central California Veterans           150,000  Costa
 Urban Development                                       Project.                         Home Support Foundation.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Fresno's Tiny Homes Housing      City of Fresno.................     1,000,000  Costa
 Urban Development                                       Solutions Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Canterbury Public Library        Canterbury Public Library......       480,000  Courtney
 Urban Development                                       Children's Learning Center.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Killingly Domestic Violence      United Services, Inc...........     1,000,000  Courtney
 Urban Development                                       Shelter Renovation Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  TVCCA Groton Childcare Center..  Thames Valley Council for           3,000,000  Courtney
 Urban Development                                                                        Community Action (TVCCA).
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Mansfield Nonprofit Housing      Mansfield Nonprofit Housing           300,000  Courtney
 Urban Development                                       Development Corporation          Development Corporation (MNHDC.
                                                         Eagleville Green Affordable
                                                         Housing Rehab.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  City of Farmington Rambling      City of Farmington.............       750,000  Craig
 Urban Development                                       River Center and Exterior
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Prairie Island Indian            Prairie Island Indian Community     1,169,000  Craig
 Urban Development                                       Community's Tribal Homes
                                                         Carbon Reduction and Safety
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Scott County Merriam Junction    Scott County...................       750,000  Craig
 Urban Development                                       Regional Trail Improvements.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Lakeville Freight Rail Car       City of Lakeville..............       750,000  Craig
 Urban Development                                       Storage and Transload Facility.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Regional Innovation Hub,         City of Shakopee...............     1,500,000  Craig
 Urban Development                                       Shakopee, MN.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  City of Shakopee Riverfront      City of Shakopee...............       750,000  Craig
 Urban Development                                       Cultural Corridor (SRCC)--
                                                         Phase II.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Southside St. Petersburg         City of St. Petersburg, Florida       901,000  Crist
 Urban Development                                       Community Center Upgrades.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Gulfport Multipurpose Senior     City of Gulfport...............     1,500,000  Crist
 Urban Development                                       Center.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Financial Stability Legal        Gulfcoast Legal Services, Inc..       139,461  Crist
 Urban Development                                       Services 2022-2023.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  The Roots--A Community Hub for   Project Worthmore..............     4,000,000  Crow
 Urban Development                                       Newcomers in Colorado.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Food Bank Vehicles Project.....  Food Bank of the Rockies.......       650,000  Crow
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Martin Luther King Jr. Library   City of Aurora.................     2,500,000  Crow
 Urban Development                                       Improvements Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Colorado Freedom Memorial        Colorado Freedom Memorial......     1,500,000  Crow
 Urban Development                                       Center.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Providence at the Heights        Second Chance Center...........       340,000  Crow
 Urban Development                                       (PATH) Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Tri-Cities Ready to Work         City of Littleton..............     1,500,000  Crow
 Urban Development                                       Program.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Veterans Memorial Amphitheater.  Adams County...................       750,000  Crow, Perlmutter
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Jim Hogg County Park Repairs     Jim Hogg County................     1,285,000  Cuellar
 Urban Development                                       and Enhancements.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  City of Laredo's Plaza Theatre   City of Laredo.................       750,000  Cuellar
 Urban Development                                       Renovation and Restoration
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Apartment Rehabilitation and     San Antonio Housing Authority..     2,160,000  Cuellar
 Urban Development                                       Emergency Generator
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Vallecillo Road Project........  Webb County-City of Laredo          3,000,000  Cuellar
 Urban Development                                                                        Regional Mobility Authority.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  East Water Loop Project........  City of Rio Grande City........     2,500,000  Cuellar
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Cedar Lake Dam Restoration.....  City of Olathe, Kansas.........       750,000  Davids (KS)
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Unified Government Park          Unified Government of Wyandotte     1,000,000  Davids (KS)
 Urban Development                                       Infrastructure Improvements.     County/Kansas City, Kansas.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Gardner Wastewater               City of Gardner................     3,000,000  Davids (KS)
 Urban Development                                       Infrastructure Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Supportive Living, Community     United Cerebral Palsy Seguin of       750,000  Davis, Danny K.
 Urban Development                                       Day Services, and Housing Site   Greater Chicago.
                                                         Project for Adults with
                                                         Intellectual and Developmental
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Mount Vernon Affordable Housing  Mount Vernon Community              2,000,000  Davis, Danny K.
 Urban Development                                       and Community Services           Foundation.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Field Museum Facilities          Field Museum of Natural History     2,000,000  Davis, Danny K.
 Urban Development                                       Upgrades.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Mildred Wiley Wellness Hub.....  Bethel New Life, Inc...........       750,000  Davis, Danny K.
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Ensuring & Empowering Homeless   Youth Outreach Services........       750,000  Davis, Danny K.
 Urban Development                                       Youth in IL07: Independence,
                                                         Life Skills & Workforce
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Prairie District Affordable      City of Chicago................     2,000,000  Davis, Danny K.
 Urban Development                                       Housing.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Ashunti Campus Expansion.......  Ashunti Residential Management      2,000,000  Davis, Danny K.
 Urban Development                                                                        System Inc..
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Truck Driver Training Expansion  Lincoln Land Community College.     1,118,000  Davis, Rodney
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Hatfield II....................  Habitat for Humanity Montgomery     1,000,000  Dean
 Urban Development                                                                        and Delaware Counties.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Keystone Boulevard Extension     Borough of Pottstown...........     3,000,000  Dean
 Urban Development                                       Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Big Brothers Big Sisters         Big Brothers Big Sisters              500,000  Dean
 Urban Development                                       Independence Norristown          Independence Region.
                                                         Renovation & Expansion.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Dorris Ranch Orchard             Willamlane Park and Recreation        232,000  DeFazio
 Urban Development                                       Replacement.                     District.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Immediate Occupancy Standard     Lane County....................     1,500,000  DeFazio
 Urban Development                                       for the Lane County Multi-
                                                         Purpose Facility at the Lane
                                                         Events Center, Lane County,
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Childcare Facilities at the new  Eugene Family YMCA.............     2,000,000  DeFazio
 Urban Development                                       Eugene YMCA.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Servicios de La Raza...........  La Raza Services, Inc. dba          2,000,000  DeGette
 Urban Development                                                                        Servicios de La Raza.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Mothership.....................  Urban Peak.....................       413,940  DeGette
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Clarion Inn Hotel..............  Colorado Coalition for the          4,000,000  DeGette
 Urban Development                                                                        Homeless.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Alameda Avenue.................  Warren Village INC.............     4,000,000  DeGette
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Denver Public Library..........  The City and County of Denver..       750,000  DeGette
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  16th St Mall Reconstruction....  The City and County of Denver..       750,000  DeGette
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Villa Park.....................  Habitat for Humanity of Metro       1,000,000  DeGette
 Urban Development                                                                        Denver, Inc..
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Food Bank of the Rockies.......  Food Bank of the Rockies.......     1,200,000  DeGette
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  We Don't Waste.................  Wedontwaste, Inc. dba We Don't        750,000  DeGette
 Urban Development                                                                        Waste.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Nest Neighborhoods.............  The City and County of Denver..     2,000,000  DeGette
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Naugatuck YMCA.................  Naugatuck YMCA.................     1,900,000  DeLauro
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  City of New Haven- Wilbur Cross  City of New Haven..............       750,000  DeLauro
 Urban Development                                       High School.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Town of Seymour- economic        Town of Seymour................     3,000,000  DeLauro
 Urban Development                                       development.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  City of Ansonia- SHW Casting     City of Ansonia................     2,900,000  DeLauro
 Urban Development                                       Company.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Wallingford Family YMCA- West    Young Mens Christian                  750,000  DeLauro
 Urban Development                                       Side Branch.                     Association of Wallingford,
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Connecticut Audubon Society      Connecticut Audubon Society,          750,000  DeLauro
 Urban Development                                       (CAS) Coastal Center at          Inc., The.
                                                         Milford Point.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  LEAP Community Center Renewal    Leadership, Education and           1,952,032  DeLauro
 Urban Development                                       Project.                         Athletics in Partnership, Inc..
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Downtown Evening Soup Kitchen,   Downtown Evening Soup Kitchen,      1,438,399  DeLauro
 Urban Development                                       Inc..                            Inc..
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Town of Bethany- Town Hall       Town of Bethany................     1,000,000  DeLauro
 Urban Development                                       Renovations.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Town of North Haven- Martha      Town of North Haven............       600,000  DeLauro
 Urban Development                                       Culver House.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Ferndale Civic Campus..........  City of Ferndale...............       750,000  DelBene
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  North Sewer Trunkline Extension  City of Snohomish..............     3,000,000  DelBene
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Snohomish County Food and        Snohomish County...............       750,000  DelBene
 Urban Development                                       Farming Center.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Replacement of asbestos cement   City of Apopka.................     2,500,000  Demings
 Urban Development                                       and galvanized drinking water
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Town Shoppe Eatonville           Town of Eatonville, Florida....     2,000,000  Demings
 Urban Development                                       Affordable Housing Initiative.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Judson's Community Music Room..  Dr Phillips Center for the            750,000  Demings
 Urban Development                                                                        Performing Arts.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Concord-Port Chicago Building    East Bay Regional Park District     3,000,000  DeSaulnier
 Urban Development                                       Restoration Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  100 38th Street Supportive and   Eden Housing Inc...............     3,000,000  DeSaulnier
 Urban Development                                       Family Affordable Apartments
                                                         for Formerly Homeless,
                                                         Veterans, and Large Families
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Lyons Road Pedestrian Mobility   Broward Metropolitan Planning       3,900,000  Deutch
 Urban Development                                       Safety Project.                  Organization.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Creation of a Nature Trail.....  City of Coral Springs..........       750,000  Deutch
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Expansion of Early Learning      YMCA of South Palm Beach County       812,000  Deutch
 Urban Development                                       Center & Enhancement of the
                                                         Special Population Center to
                                                         include Safety & Accessibility
                                                         Updates to the Youth Locker
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  City of Deerfield Beach FEC      City of Deerfield Beach........       750,000  Deutch
 Urban Development                                       Railroad Track Fencing.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Wahoo Bay Park Resiliency        Wahoo Bay Park.................       750,000  Deutch
 Urban Development                                       Expansion.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  North Andrews Avenue Bridge      Broward County.................     3,000,000  Deutch
 Urban Development                                       Repair Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Everglades Greenway Loop.......  City of Coral Springs..........       750,000  Deutch
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Wastewater Treatment Plant       City of Clewiston..............     3,000,000  Diaz-Balart
 Urban Development                                       Improvements & Expansion
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Rehabilitation of National       Everglades Society for Historic     3,000,000  Diaz-Balart
 Urban Development                                       Register of Historic Places      Preservation, Inc..
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Golden Gate Affordable and       Rural Neighborhoods,                2,000,000  Diaz-Balart
 Urban Development                                       Workforce Housing Project.       Incorporated.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Sweetwater Infrastructure and    City of Sweetwater.............     3,000,000  Diaz-Balart
 Urban Development                                       Drainage Improvements.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Sweetwater Street Improvements.  City of Sweetwater.............     4,000,000  Diaz-Balart
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  City of Hialeah Roadway          City of Hialeah................     3,000,000  Diaz-Balart
 Urban Development                                       Revitalization.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Sweetwater Water and Sewer       City of Sweetwater.............     4,000,000  Diaz-Balart
 Urban Development                                       Improvements.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Sweetwater Affordable Housing..  Miami-Dade County Public            4,000,000  Diaz-Balart
 Urban Development                                                                        Housing and Community
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Tobie Wilson Municipal Complex   Town of Medley.................     3,251,000  Diaz-Balart
 Urban Development                                       Canal Bulkhead Wall.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Miami Lakes NW 59th Avenue       Town of Miami Lakes............     3,000,000  Diaz-Balart
 Urban Development                                       Roadway Extension and
                                                         Redevelopment Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Miami-Dade County Septic to      Miami-Dade County Water and         3,000,000  Diaz-Balart
 Urban Development                                       Sewer Project.                   Sewer Department.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Carbon Neutral Ann Arbor.......  City of Ann Arbor..............     2,500,000  Dingell
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Public Streets Rehabilitation    City of Rockwood...............       750,000  Dingell
 Urban Development                                       Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Homeless Shelter System in Out-  Wayne Metropolitan Community        1,850,000  Dingell
 Urban Development                                       Wayne County.                    Action Agency.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Water Street Site Remediation..  Washtenaw County Government....     3,000,000  Dingell
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Garrett's Space Residential      Garrett's Space................     4,000,000  Dingell
 Urban Development                                       Center (``Center'').
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Foundation Communities Solar     Foundation Communities.........     1,550,000  Doggett
 Urban Development                                       Sustainability.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  The Great Dunbar Initiative--    Housing Authority of the City       3,000,000  Donalds
 Urban Development                                       Phase 1 Cleveland Avenue.        of Fort Myers.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Carrie Film Furnace............  Pittsburgh Film Office.........     3,000,000  Doyle, Michael
 Urban Development                                                                                                                       F.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Braddock Carnegie Library        Braddock Carnegie Library......     4,000,000  Doyle, Michael
 Urban Development                                       Renovation Project.                                                             F.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Forest Hills -- Chalfant Atom    ACTION-Housing.................       750,000  Doyle, Michael
 Urban Development                                       Smasher Housing.                                                                F.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Homewood Avenue Mainstreet       City of Pittsburgh.............       750,000  Doyle, Michael
 Urban Development                                       Revitalization.                                                                 F.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Veterans Place Construction      Veterans Place.................     2,000,000  Doyle, Michael
 Urban Development                                       Project.                                                                        F.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  City of Clairton Community       City of Clairton...............       750,000  Doyle, Michael
 Urban Development                                       Center Development.                                                             F.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Carnegie of Homestead Music      Carnegie Library of Homestead..       750,000  Doyle, Michael
 Urban Development                                       Hall Rehabilitation.                                                            F.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Boys & Girls Clubs of Bay        The Boys & Girls Clubs of Bay       2,000,000  Dunn
 Urban Development                                       County Community Centers         County.
                                                         Repairs and Reconstruction.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Gulf County Washington           Gulf County....................       500,000  Dunn
 Urban Development                                       Recreational Center Repair and
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Ryans Way Improvements and       City of Buffalo................     2,400,000  Emmer
 Urban Development                                       Construction.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  El Paso County Senior Meal and   El Paso County.................     4,000,000  Escobar
 Urban Development                                       Community Kitchen.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Vinton Water and Wastewater      Village of Vinton..............     4,000,000  Escobar
 Urban Development                                       Phase III.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Planning Study to Improve Land   Texas A&M Transportation              750,000  Escobar
 Urban Development                                       Border Crossing Transit and      Institute.
                                                         Pedestrian Connectivity to
                                                         Business Districts in the El
                                                         Paso Region for Equity,
                                                         Accessibility and Economic
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  El Paso County Animal Welfare    El Paso County.................     1,300,000  Escobar
 Urban Development                                       Pet Wellness Clinic.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  La Casa de los Abuelitos.......  Opportunity Center for the          2,442,706  Escobar
 Urban Development                                                                        Homeless.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Horizon City Transit-Oriented    Town of Horizon City, Texas....     1,735,000  Escobar
 Urban Development                                       Development Phase 1.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Crestview Hotel Conversion to    City of Mountain View..........       750,000  Eshoo
 Urban Development                                       Permanent Housing.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Gap year Funding for the         City of San Jose...............       750,000  Eshoo
 Urban Development                                       SureStay Emergency Interim
                                                         Housing Site.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  City of Scotts Valley Skypark    City of Scotts Valley..........       750,000  Eshoo
 Urban Development                                       Playground Equipment
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Expansion of Behavioral Health   Montefiore Medical Center......       750,000  Espaillat
 Urban Development                                       Clinics in Montefiore School
                                                         Based Health Centers.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Salvation Army Westside          The Salvation Army, Greater           750,000  Evans
 Urban Development                                       Building Repair Initiative.      Philadelphia Area.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Philadelphia Housing &           Local Initiatives Support           2,000,000  Evans
 Urban Development                                       Homeownership Acquisition Fund.  Corporation.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Tamanend Plaza contruction.....  Independence Historical Trust..       750,000  Evans
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  West Philadelphia Satellite      The Urban League of                 1,200,000  Evans
 Urban Development                                       Location for Urban League of     Philadelphia.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Clearfield Apts-Grocery & Food   The Allegheny West Foundation..     1,000,000  Evans
 Urban Development                                       Distribution.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Engagement Center Accessibility  BROAD STREET MINISTRY..........     1,000,000  Evans
 Urban Development                                       and Facilities Improvement.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Cecil B Moore Marketplace......  Beech Interplex, Inc...........     1,000,000  Evans
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Weavers Way Co-op Germantown...  Weaver's Way Community Fund,        1,500,000  Evans
 Urban Development                                                                        Inc..
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Sullivan Community Impact        Called To Serve CDC............       750,000  Evans
 Urban Development                                       Center.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  The Commons: 24 S. 52nd St,      The Enterprise Center Community     2,500,000  Evans
 Urban Development                                       Philadelphia, PA 19139.          Development Corporation.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Liberty53 Estelle B. Richman     Liberty Housing Development         2,000,000  Evans
 Urban Development                                       Place.                           Corp.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Morrisville YMCA Branch          YMCA of Bucks & Hunterdon           4,000,000  Fitzpatrick
 Urban Development                                       Revitalization Project.          Counties.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Morrisville Municipal Authority  The Municipal Authority of the      4,000,000  Fitzpatrick
 Urban Development                                       Wastewater Treatment Facility.   Borough of Morrisville.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Upper Bucks Rail Trail.........  Appalachian Mountain Club......     1,770,000  Fitzpatrick
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Shenandoah Woods Improvement     Redevelopment Authority of the      1,500,000  Fitzpatrick
 Urban Development                                       and Revitalization Project.      County of Bucks.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Early Learning Childcare Center  Athens-McMinn Family YMCA......     2,500,000  Fleischmann
 Urban Development                                       Construction.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Early Learning Childcare Center  The Caring Place...............     1,500,000  Fleischmann
 Urban Development                                       Construction.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Westside Evolves Transformation  Chattanooga Housing Authority..     3,000,000  Fleischmann
 Urban Development                                       Plan.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  East and West Greenridge         St. George Place Redevelopment        750,000  Fletcher
 Urban Development                                       Intersection Safety              Authority.
                                                         Improvements Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Evergreen Accessible and         City of Bellaire, TX...........       600,000  Fletcher
 Urban Development                                       Inclusive Playground.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Marie Wilkinson Holistic         Marie Wilkinson Food Pantry Inc     1,800,000  Foster
 Urban Development                                       Response to Food Insecurity.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Lippold Park Bicycle &           Fox Valley Park District.......     4,000,000  Foster
 Urban Development                                       Pedestrian Bridge.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Habitat Green Freedom Install    Fox Valley Habitat For Humanity     1,250,000  Foster
 Urban Development                                       infrastructure for an
                                                         affordable home energy smart
                                                         community for low to moderate
                                                         income working families.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  DuPage Township Food Pantry &    DuPage Township Government.....     3,000,000  Foster
 Urban Development                                       Resource Center.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Permanent Supportive Housing     Association for Individual          3,000,000  Foster
 Urban Development                                       (PSH) Partnership.               Development.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Naperville Riverwalk Eagle       City of Naperville, IL.........       900,000  Foster
 Urban Development                                       Street Gateway and
                                                         Accessibility Improvements.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Art Museum Improvement Project.  Norton Museum of Art...........       750,000  Frankel, Lois
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Affordable Housing in Lake       Lake Worth Beach Community            750,000  Frankel, Lois
 Urban Development                                       Worth Beach.                     Redevelopment Agency.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Affordable Housing for Low-      Vita Nova, Inc.................       750,000  Frankel, Lois
 Urban Development                                       Income Youth.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  FDC Grove Road/North Ridge       Polk County....................     4,000,000  Franklin, C.
 Urban Development                                       Trail Flyover.                                                                  Scott
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Tanner Thomas Tiny Homes for     Tanner Community Development        2,883,950  Gallego
 Urban Development                                       Homeless Veterans.               Corporation.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  St. Mary's Food Bank Community   St. Mary's Food Bank Alliance..     4,000,000  Gallego
 Urban Development                                       Services Center Renovation.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Glendale Community Centers       City of Glendale...............     1,338,919  Gallego
 Urban Development                                       Digital Equity Initiative.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  100-Bed Transitional Community   Diocesan Council for the              750,000  Gallego
 Urban Development                                       for People Experiencing          Society of St Vincent de Paul
                                                         Homelessness.                    Diocese Phoenix.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Phoenix Homelessness Support     City of Phoenix................     1,963,927  Gallego
 Urban Development                                       Initiative.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Osborn Pointe Homes............  Native American Connections,        2,904,213  Gallego
 Urban Development                                                                        Inc..
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Greater Phoenix Urban League     Greater Phoenix Urban League...     4,000,000  Gallego
 Urban Development                                       Building Replacement.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Town of Guadalupe Wastewater     Town of Guadalupe..............       872,520  Gallego
 Urban Development                                       Collection System
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Scoggins Court Affordable        Napa-Solano Habitat for               750,000  Garamendi
 Urban Development                                       Housing Project.                 Hummanity.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Marin Clean Energy Healthy       Marin Clean Energy.............       750,000  Garamendi
 Urban Development                                       Homes.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Holbrook Sewer Construction      Suffolk County.................     3,000,000  Garbarino
 Urban Development                                       Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Interim Housing and Homeless     Bridge to Home Santa Clarita        2,000,000  Garcia (CA)
 Urban Development                                       Services Facility.               Valley.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  The LeClaire Hearst Advisory     Chicago Parks District.........       350,000  Garcia (IL)
 Urban Development                                       Council Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  PODER Headquarters.............  PODER Learning Center..........       500,000  Garcia (IL)
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Expanding Community-Owned Co-op  Resurrection Project...........     2,000,000  Garcia (IL)
 Urban Development                                       Housing for the Pilsen
                                                         Neighborhood in Chicago.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Chicago Puerto Rican Cultural    Puerto Rico Cultural Center....     3,000,000  Garcia (IL)
 Urban Development                                       Center-Business Incubation and
                                                         Support Hub (BIS Hub).
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Maximizing Year-Round Use of     YMCA of Metro Chicago..........       500,000  Garcia (IL)
 Urban Development                                       the Rauner Family YMCA.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Rudy Lozano Branch Library       Chicago Public Library.........     2,000,000  Garcia (IL)
 Urban Development                                       Renovation.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Navigation Boulevard             Buffalo Bayou Partnership......       750,000  Garcia (TX)
 Urban Development                                       Reconfiguration Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  The Magnolia Park-Manchester     City of Houston- Mayor's Office       750,000  Garcia (TX)
 Urban Development                                       Services Hub.                    of Complete Communities.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Target Hunger Campus and         Target Hunger..................     4,000,000  Garcia (TX)
 Urban Development                                       Education Center.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Expanding Affordable Housing     Avenue Community Development        3,000,000  Garcia (TX)
 Urban Development                                       Opportunities--Las Brisas        Corporation.
                                                         Redevelopment, Houston.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  UH Technology Bridge             The University of Houston           2,875,000  Garcia (TX)
 Urban Development                                       Infrastructure Development.      Technology Bridge.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Restoration of the Historic      C60, Inc.......................       750,000  Garcia (TX)
 Urban Development                                       LULAC Chapter 60 Clubhouse, a
                                                         National Treasure.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Big Pine Key Prison to           College of the Florida Keys....     2,000,000  Gimenez
 Urban Development                                       Workforce Training Center.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Downtown Revitalization and      City of Homestead..............     1,000,000  Gimenez
 Urban Development                                       Resilient Electrical
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Agape Village Health Center....  Agape Network, Inc.............     3,000,000  Gimenez
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Connect to Protect -- Assisting  Miami-Dade County..............     1,500,000  Gimenez
 Urban Development                                       Property Owners to Convert
                                                         from Septic Tank Systems to
                                                         Sanitary Sewer.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  The Heron Assisted Living        WestCare Florida, Inc..........     1,500,000  Gimenez
 Urban Development                                       Facility construction and
                                                         capital improvements.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Indian Township Housing          Indian Township Tribal              1,000,000  Golden
 Urban Development                                       Renovation.                      Government.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  University of Maine Sawing       University of Maine............       750,000  Golden
 Urban Development                                       Operations Training Facility.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Sandy River Bridge.............  High Peaks Alliance............     2,041,160  Golden
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Mountain Valley Wellness/        Regional School Unit No. 10....     1,167,036  Golden
 Urban Development                                       Fitness Center.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Jackman-Moose River Region       Town of Jackman................       750,000  Golden
 Urban Development                                       Paramedicine Program and
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Wayne & East Machias Historic    Maine Preservation.............     3,031,769  Golden
 Urban Development                                       Preservation.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Korean American National Museum  Korean American National Museum     7,000,000  Gomez
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  The SE1 Rehab..................  The Skid Row Housing Trust.....       750,000  Gomez
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Downtown Women's Center Campus   Downtown Women's Center........       750,000  Gomez
 Urban Development                                       Renovation and Expansion.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Dignity by Design Emergency and  Los Angeles Mission............     1,000,000  Gomez
 Urban Development                                       Transitional Housing
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  First Street North Apartments..  Little Tokyo Service Center         1,500,000  Gomez
 Urban Development                                                                        Community Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  City of Los Angeles- El Sereno   City of Los Angeles Mayor's         4,000,000  Gomez
 Urban Development                                       Properties Purchase &            Office.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Preserving Estrada Courts as     Housing Authority of the City         999,500  Gomez
 Urban Development                                       Affordable Housing with          of Los Angeles.
                                                         Exterior Painting and Related
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Rose Hill Courts Community       Housing Authority of the City       1,500,000  Gomez
 Urban Development                                       Center.                          of Los Angeles.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Self Help Graphics & Art         Self Help Graphics and Art.....     1,500,000  Gomez
 Urban Development                                       Renovation.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Shavano Park Street Projects     City of Shavano Park...........     4,000,000  Gonzales, Tony
 Urban Development                                       Phase I.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Capital Funding for Critical     San Antonio Housing Authority..     2,000,000  Gonzales, Tony
 Urban Development                                       Needs Infrastructure.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  York Beta Drive Industrial Park  City of North Royalton.........     2,000,000  Gonzalez (OH)
 Urban Development                                       Expansion Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Boys & Girls Club of McAllen     Boys & Girls Club of McAllen,       2,000,000  Gonzalez,
 Urban Development                                       Community Center.                Inc.                                           Vicente
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  New VFW Post 8788..............  Veterans of Foreign Wars Post         750,000  Gonzalez,
 Urban Development                                                                        8788.                                          Vicente
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  STJDA Inclusive Camp Facility    South Texas Juvenile Diabetes       1,500,000  Gonzalez,
 Urban Development                                       Project.                         Association.                                   Vicente
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Boys & Girls Club of Weslaco     Boys & Girls Club of Weslaco        1,700,000  Gonzalez,
 Urban Development                                       Capacity Expansion Project.      Inc..                                          Vicente
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Elsa Getting Connected.........  City of Elsa, Texas............     1,265,550  Gonzalez,
 Urban Development                                                                                                                       Vicente
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Camuy Resilient Municipal        Municipality of Camuy..........     2,000,000  Gonzalez-Colon
 Urban Development                                       Community Center
                                                         Reconstruction and Repair.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Soraya's Shelter and             Waves Ahead Corporation........       250,000  Gonzalez-Colon
 Urban Development                                       Transitional Housing
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Hogar Ruth Community Services    Hogar Ruth Para Mujeres             2,000,000  Gonzalez-Colon
 Urban Development                                       Center Construction.             Maltratadas, Inc..
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Borough of Allendale:            The Borough of Allendale.......       750,000  Gottheimer
 Urban Development                                       Construction of Community
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Borough of Bergenfield:          The Borough of Bergenfield.....       750,000  Gottheimer
 Urban Development                                       Cooper's Pond Improvements.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Life House Vocational Training   Church United For Community         1,000,000  Graves (LA)
 Urban Development                                       Facility Expansion.              Development.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Johnson Road Bridge Replacement  City of Glenaire...............       500,000  Graves (MO)
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Brunswick Infrastructure         City of Brunswick..............       500,000  Graves (MO)
 Urban Development                                       Resiliency Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Sunnyside Park Capital           City of Houston................     1,550,000  Green (TX)
 Urban Development                                       Improvements, Houston, Texas,
                                                         Harris County, 9th
                                                         Congressional District of
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Crime Prevention Through         Harris County..................       750,000  Green (TX)
 Urban Development                                       Environmental Design (CPTED).
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Project R.A.I.S.E. (Rebuilding   Alliance for Multicultural          1,500,000  Green (TX)
 Urban Development                                       Alliance to Inspire              Community Services.
                                                         Sustainability in our
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Odyssey House adolescent         Cenikor Foundation.............       292,000  Green (TX)
 Urban Development                                       services facility improvements.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Three Rivers Pedestrian Bridge.  Russell County.................       870,000  Griffith
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Paving of Shumate Falls Road...  Giles County...................       475,200  Griffith
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Wood Haven Technology Park       Roanoke County.................       820,000  Griffith
 Urban Development                                       Water Service Extension.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Elam Farm Property Site          County of Wise.................     1,000,000  Griffith
 Urban Development                                       Development.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Repair of 1,000,000 Gallon       City of Somerton...............       380,000  Grijalva
 Urban Development                                       Steel Water Storage Tank,
                                                         Somerton, AZ.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  El Pueblo Center Revitalization  City of Tucson.................     2,747,000  Grijalva
 Urban Development                                       Project, Tucson, AZ.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Baboquivari High School Turning  Tohono O'odham Nation..........     1,016,458  Grijalva
 Urban Development                                       Lane/BIA Route 19.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Sunnyside Community              Sunnyside Foundation...........       423,670  Grijalva
 Urban Development                                       Reinvestment as Cultura &
                                                         Traditions: Tucson, AZ.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  YMCA Southern AZ Childcare       YMCA of Southern Arizona.......       810,000  Grijalva
 Urban Development                                       Transportation, Tucson, AZ.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Mission Manor Aquatic Complex,   City of Tucson.................     2,947,000  Grijalva
 Urban Development                                       Tucson, AZ.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Main Street Redesign and         City of Starkville.............     2,000,000  Guest
 Urban Development                                       Redevelopment.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Hart County -- Bonnieville       Hart County Fiscal Court.......     1,000,000  Guthrie
 Urban Development                                       Industrial Site Development.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  South Cooper Industrial Park     Barren County Fiscal Court.....     1,000,000  Guthrie
 Urban Development                                       Infrastructure Extension
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Manteca Navigation Center......  City of Manteca................       750,000  Harder (CA)
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Tracy Temporary Emergency        City of Tracy..................     3,000,000  Harder (CA)
 Urban Development                                       Housing Facility.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  River Road Homes Affordable      Town of Canaan.................       750,000  Hayes
 Urban Development                                       Housing Infrastructure.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Demolition and Replacement of    City of Waterbury..............     4,000,000  Hayes
 Urban Development                                       Fulton Park Pool and
                                                         Renovation of Pool House.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Recreation Park Phase Three      City of Chehalis...............       570,000  Herrera Beutler
 Urban Development                                       Parking Addition.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Hispanic Heritage Cultural       Hispanic Heritage Council of        1,000,000  Higgins (NY)
 Urban Development                                       Institute.                       Western New York. Inc..
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Buffalo and Erie County          Buffalo and Erie County               750,000  Higgins (NY)
 Urban Development                                       Botanical Gardens Expansion      Botanical Gardens Society Inc.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Grand Island Senior Center       Town of Grand Island...........       750,000  Higgins (NY)
 Urban Development                                       Improvement Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Norwalk YMCA Community Center..  Riverbrook Regional Young Men's     2,000,000  Himes
 Urban Development                                                                        Christian Association, Inc..
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Homes for the Brave............  Applied Behavioral                    750,000  Himes
 Urban Development                                                                        Rehabilitation Institute.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Wilton High School Sports        Town of Wilton.................     1,425,000  Himes
 Urban Development                                       Complex Resiliency Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Stamford East Side Library       City of Stamford...............     3,000,000  Himes
 Urban Development                                       Branch.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Trumbull Veterans and First      Town of Trumbull...............       750,000  Himes
 Urban Development                                       Responder Center.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Hanover Street Housing           Baldwin Holdings, LLC..........     1,976,691  Himes
 Urban Development                                       Construction.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Iowa Heartland Habitat for       Iowa Heartland Habitat for          1,000,000  Hinson
 Urban Development                                       Humanity's Targeted              Humanity.
                                                         Neighborhood Revitalization.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Soy-Enabled Rural Road           Fayette County.................     4,000,000  Hinson
 Urban Development                                       Reconstruction.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Tonopah Child Development        Nye County.....................     1,000,000  Horsford
 Urban Development                                       Center.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Beautify The Block.............  Housing Assistance Corporation.       200,000  Horsford
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Transitional Living in The       WestCare Nevada, Inc...........     2,500,000  Horsford
 Urban Development                                       Village at the Women's and
                                                         Children's Campus.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Reading Housing Authority        Reading Housing Authority......       750,000  Houlahan
 Urban Development                                       Oakbrook Homes Center for
                                                         Community Services.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  New Kennett Library Furniture,   Kennett Library................       750,000  Houlahan
 Urban Development                                       Fixtures & Equipment.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Phoenixville Area Community      Phoenixville Area Community         1,056,000  Houlahan
 Urban Development                                       Services (PACS) Infrastructure   Services (PACS).
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Borough of West Grove--Oakland   Borough of West Grove..........       216,656  Houlahan
 Urban Development                                       Avenue Revitalization.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Preserving Historic Sotterley..  Historic Sotterley, Inc........     1,000,000  Hoyer
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Southern Crossing Phase III....  LifeStyles of Maryland                500,000  Hoyer
 Urban Development                                                                        Foundation, Inc..
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Marine Science Aquatic Lab       St. Mary's College of Maryland.     1,000,000  Hoyer
 Urban Development                                       Renovation, St. Mary's College
                                                         of Maryland.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Ralph Bunche Restoration, Anne   Anne Arundel County............       750,000  Hoyer
 Urban Development                                       Arundel County.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Front Street Complete Street     City of Crescent City..........       750,000  Huffman
 Urban Development                                       and Cultural Inclusion.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Electric Vehicle Charger         Marin Clean Energy.............     2,000,000  Huffman
 Urban Development                                       Program Expansion.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Trinity Headwaters Forest        Pacific Forest Trust, Inc......     2,000,000  Huffman
 Urban Development                                       Conservation for Community
                                                         Benefit Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Housing Mendocino Coast--        City of Fort Bragg.............       820,000  Huffman
 Urban Development                                       Hazelwood.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Marin City Public Housing--      Marin Housing Authority of the        650,000  Huffman
 Urban Development                                       Lighting Energy Efficiency       County of Marin.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Ending Veteran Homelessness and  Homeward Bound of Marin........       750,000  Huffman
 Urban Development                                       Creating Workforce Housing in
                                                         Marin County, California.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Equitable Energy Resilience and  County of Sonoma...............       791,200  Huffman
 Urban Development                                       EV Infrastructure.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  City of Temecula DePortola Road/ City of Temecula...............       800,000  Issa
 Urban Development                                       Jedehiah Smith Road Roundabout
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Barona Band of Mission Indians   Barona Band of Mission Indians.     2,000,000  Issa
 Urban Development                                       Water Infrastructure
                                                         Improvement Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  The Buffalo Bayou Partnership..  Buffalo Bayou Partnership......       750,000  Jackson Lee
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Park and Community               City of Houston................     4,000,000  Jackson Lee
 Urban Development                                       Redevelopment.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Riverside Planning for           Harris County..................       750,000  Jackson Lee
 Urban Development                                       Restoration, Renovation and
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Community Field at Jack Yates    Jack Yates High School.........        10,000  Jackson Lee
 Urban Development                                       High School.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Transportation and               The OST/Almeda Corridors            4,000,000  Jackson Lee
 Urban Development                                       Infrastructure Safety            Redevelopment Authority.
                                                         Improvement Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  San Diego's Community            INFO LINE of San Diego County         250,000  Jacobs (CA)
 Urban Development                                       Information Exchange (CIE).      dba 211 San Diego.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  San Diego Armed Services YMCA    Armed Services YMCA of San          2,024,846  Jacobs (CA)
 Urban Development                                       Center for Military Families     Diego.
                                                         Infrastructure Improvement
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Adulting for Higher Schoolers:   Sweetwater Union High School          100,000  Jacobs (CA)
 Urban Development                                       Engaging Students in Career      District.
                                                         Exploration and Preparation
                                                         for Life.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Summer for All of Us--Come Play  City of San Diego..............       800,000  Jacobs (CA)
 Urban Development                                       Outside Expansion.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Municipal Workforce Child Care   City of San Diego..............     2,000,000  Jacobs (CA)
 Urban Development                                       Pilot Program.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Lancaster Senior Center          Town of Lancaster..............       375,000  Jacobs (NY)
 Urban Development                                       Rehabilitation Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  FeedMore WNY Consolidated        FeedMore WNY...................     2,000,000  Jacobs (NY)
 Urban Development                                       Facility.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Construction of a Community      YMCA of Greater Rochester......     1,000,000  Jacobs (NY)
 Urban Development                                       Services Facility in
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  White Center Community Hub       White Center Community              4,000,000  Jayapal
 Urban Development                                       Construction.                    Development Association.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Refugee Artisan Initiative       Refugee Artisan Initiative.....       650,000  Jayapal
 Urban Development                                       Capital Improvements.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  ROOTS Young Adult Shelter        ROOTS Young Adult Shelter......     4,000,000  Jayapal
 Urban Development                                       Acquisition and Facility
                                                         Improvements, Seattle, WA.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  UHeights Community Center        University Heights Center for       4,000,000  Jayapal
 Urban Development                                       Capital Improvements, Seattle,   the Community Association.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Construction of the Seattle      Seattle Aquarium...............       750,000  Jayapal
 Urban Development                                       Aquarium Ocean Pavilion
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Athletic Field for P.S. 298 Dr.  NYC Department of Education....       607,150  Jeffries
 Urban Development                                       Betty Shabazz Junior High
                                                         School, Brooklyn, NY 11212
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Habitat for Humanity's Project   Habitat for Humanity New York       3,000,000  Jeffries
 Urban Development                                       Constellation, Brooklyn, NY      City and Westchester County.
                                                         (NY08, NY09).
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Westside Youth Facility........  Newton County Governments,          4,000,000  Johnson (GA)
 Urban Development                                                                        Commissioner Alana Sanders.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Village at Legacy Affordable     City of Decatur................       750,000  Johnson (GA)
 Urban Development                                       Housing Development.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Safe Housing for Domestic        Women Moving On, Inc...........       585,000  Johnson (GA)
 Urban Development                                       Violence Survivors in DeKalb
                                                         County, GA.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Memorial Drive Gateways Project  DeKalb County Government.......     1,500,000  Johnson (GA)
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Atlanta Legal Aid..............  Atlanta Legal Aid Society, Inc.       250,000  Johnson (GA)
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Safe and Stable Housing for      Wellroot Family Services.......       913,500  Johnson (GA)
 Urban Development                                       Youth Aging out of Care.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Southern Gateway Park..........  Southern Gateway Public Green       4,000,000  Johnson (TX)
 Urban Development                                                                        Foundation.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Love Field Airport Alternate     Love Field Airport.............       750,000  Johnson (TX)
 Urban Development                                       Entry.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Greater Downtown Dallas Master   City of Dallas.................     2,000,000  Johnson (TX)
 Urban Development                                       Plan Planning.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Forest Theater Restoration &     Forest Forward.................     4,000,000  Johnson (TX)
 Urban Development                                       Expansion.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Ossining Community of Garden     Ossining Community of Garden        2,000,000  Jones
 Urban Development                                       Dreams Legacy Center.            Dreams Legacy Center.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  The LOFT LGBTQ+ Community        The LOFT--The Lesbian and Gay       1,500,000  Jones
 Urban Development                                       Center New Home Project.         Community Services Center,
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Girl Scouts of Hawai'i Camp      Camp Kilohana..................       400,000  Kahele
 Urban Development                                       Kilohana Improvements.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Hui Malama O Ke Kai Youth        Hui Malama O Ke Kai Foundation.       745,000  Kahele
 Urban Development                                       Development Community Center.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Ke'alaokamaile Cultural          Ke'alaokamaile Cultural             3,254,981  Kahele
 Urban Development                                       Resource Center.                 Resource Center.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  The Kanakea Project............  Malama Aina....................       750,000  Kahele
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Historic Sandusky State Theatre  Sandusky State Theatre Inc.....     3,000,000  Kaptur
 Urban Development                                       Redevelopment.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  St. Anthony's Revitalization...  Lucas County Land Reutilization     4,000,000  Kaptur
 Urban Development                                                                        Corporation.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Smart Kitchen Entrepreneurial    Center for Innovative Food          1,100,000  Kaptur
 Urban Development                                       Training & Production Facility.  Technology.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Junction and East Toledo         Maumee Valley Habitat for           2,544,559  Kaptur
 Urban Development                                       Neighborhood Revitalization.     Humanity.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Englewood-Junction Workforce     City of Toledo.................     4,000,000  Kaptur
 Urban Development                                       Development, Training Center,
                                                         & Neighborhood Revitalization.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Community Center and Consumer    Toledo Urban Foundation, Inc...     3,000,000  Kaptur
 Urban Development                                       Financial Counseling HUB.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Rescue Mission Alliance West     Rescue Mission Alliance of          1,000,000  Katko
 Urban Development                                       Onondaga Street Development      Syracuse.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Food Bank of Central New York's  Food Bank of Central New York..     2,000,000  Katko
 Urban Development                                       Capacity Expansion Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  InterFaith Works Transition      InterFaith Works of Central New       248,000  Katko
 Urban Development                                       Home for New Americans Project.  York.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  City of Syracuse Resurgent       City of Syracuse...............     1,000,000  Katko
 Urban Development                                       Neighborhoods Initiative (RNI)
                                                         Blight Remediation and
                                                         Emergency Abatement Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  YMCA South Coast Expansion.....  YMCA Southcoast................       750,000  Keating
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Childcare Center Expansion:      Old Colony YMCA................     2,000,000  Keating
 Urban Development                                       YMCA Old Colony.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Independence House.............  Indepndence House, Inc.........       750,000  Keating
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Pembroke Community Center......  Town of Pembroke...............     3,000,000  Keating
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Plymouth Wastewater Treatment    Town of Plymouth...............     2,500,000  Keating
 Urban Development                                       Plant.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Cape Abilities Farm Vocational   Cape Abilities.................       959,040  Keating
 Urban Development                                       and Food Security Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe          Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe........     1,629,197  Keating
 Urban Development                                       Parsonage Restoration.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Museum Expansion and Community   A Philip Randolph Pullman           1,500,000  Kelly (IL)
 Urban Development                                       Economic Development             Porter Museum Inc.
                                                         Empowerment Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Acquisition and Demolition of    City of Harvey.................       750,000  Kelly (IL)
 Urban Development                                       Blighted and Vacant buildings.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  South Shore Homeownership        City of Chicago................     2,000,000  Kelly (IL)
 Urban Development                                       Preservation.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Sand Creek Wastewater Project    Sand Creek Wastewater Authority     4,000,000  Kelly (MS)
 Urban Development                                       Expansion.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Former Erie Malleable Iron Site  Erie County Redevelopment           3,000,000  Kelly (PA)
 Urban Development                                       Redevelopment.                   Authority.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  U.S. Route 62 Railroad Tunnel..  Mercer County..................     3,000,000  Kelly (PA)
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Gap Year Funding for the         City of San Jose...............     2,500,000  Khanna
 Urban Development                                       SureStay Emergency Interim
                                                         Housing Site.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Second Harvest of Silicon        Second Harvest of Silicon             750,000  Khanna
 Urban Development                                       Valley Consolidated              Valley.
                                                         Operational Facility.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  City of Fremont Commercial       City of Fremont................     1,500,000  Khanna
 Urban Development                                       District Wi-Fi Access
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  New Roof and Solar Energy        Sunnyvale Community Services...       750,000  Khanna
 Urban Development                                       System.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Home Improvements and Repairs    Saginaw-Shiawassee Habitat for      2,800,000  Kildee
 Urban Development                                       for Mid-Michigan Households.     Humanity.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Economic Development for         City of Saginaw................     3,000,000  Kildee
 Urban Development                                       Downtown Saginaw.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Supporting Mid-Michigan          Young Men's Christian               3,000,000  Kildee
 Urban Development                                       Community Centers.               Association of Flint.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Saginaw Blight Removal and Land  Saginaw County Land Bank            2,416,664  Kildee
 Urban Development                                       Restoration Initiative.          Authority.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Genesee County Blight Removal    Genesee County Land Bank            4,000,000  Kildee
 Urban Development                                       and Land Restoration             Authority.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Updating Road Infrastructure     Genesee County Road Commission.       750,000  Kildee
 Urban Development                                       and Safety Improvements in
                                                         Genesee County.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Suquamish Shores Enetai Project  Suquamish Tribe................     1,619,500  Kilmer
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Tacoma Rescue Mission Shelter    City of Tacoma.................     3,000,000  Kilmer
 Urban Development                                       Expansion.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Westport Marina Modernization    Port of Grays Harbor...........       750,000  Kilmer
 Urban Development                                       Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  T3ba'das Infrastructure Project  Skokomish Indian Tribe.........     2,200,000  Kilmer
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Asia Pacific Cultural Center     Asia Pacific Cultural Center...       750,000  Kilmer
 Urban Development                                       Building Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  American Legion Post 509         American Legion 509 Westhampton        20,000  Kim (NJ)
 Urban Development                                       Building Repairs.                Memorial Inc..
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Burlington County Emergency      Government of Burlington County     3,000,000  Kim (NJ)
 Urban Development                                       Shelter.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Southwestern Wisconsin           Southwestern Wisconsin                750,000  Kind
 Urban Development                                       Community Action Program         Community Action Program
                                                         (SWCAP).                         (SWCAP).
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Viola Economic Recovery          Village of Viola...............     1,751,115  Kind
 Urban Development                                       Implementation.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Boys & Girls Clubs of the        Boys & Girls Clubs of the           1,000,000  Kind
 Urban Development                                       Greater Chippewa Valley.         Greater Chippewa Valley.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Menomonie Street Corridor        Visit Eau Claire...............       750,000  Kind
 Urban Development                                       Pedestrian Underpasses.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater    Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater       1,500,000  Kind
 Urban Development                                       La Crosse.                       La Crosse.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  East Side Water Treatment Plant  City of Morris.................     2,000,000  Kinzinger
 Urban Development                                       and Wells Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Waste Water Treatment Plant      Village of DePue...............     2,000,000  Kinzinger
 Urban Development                                       Dike Raising.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Housing First Resource Center    City of Tucson.................       957,000  Kirkpatrick
 Urban Development                                       at Amphi.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Pima County Collaborative One-   Pima County....................     2,700,000  Kirkpatrick
 Urban Development                                       Stop Center at Pima Community
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  El Pueblo Center Revitalization  City of Tucson.................     2,747,000  Kirkpatrick
 Urban Development                                       Project--Phase 1.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Village of Streamwood, Madison   Village of Streamwood..........       330,400  Krishnamoorthi
 Urban Development                                       Drive Bike & Pedestrian Trail.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Wood Dale Park District Central  Wood Dale Park District........       324,476  Krishnamoorthi
 Urban Development                                       Park, Phase 2.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Boys & Girls Clubs of Dundee     Boys & Girls Clubs of Dundee        2,000,000  Krishnamoorthi
 Urban Development                                       Township, Woodlands Community    Township.
                                                         Impact Center.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Village of Addison, College      Village of Addison.............       600,000  Krishnamoorthi
 Urban Development                                       Blvd Street Program.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Village of Roselle, Seasons 4 &  Village of Roselle.............       750,000  Krishnamoorthi
 Urban Development                                       Devlin Drainage Basin
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Gail Borden Public Library       Gail Borden Public Library.....     2,391,407  Krishnamoorthi
 Urban Development                                       District, South Elgin Branch
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Village of Schaumburg, Electric  Village of Schaumburg..........       166,000  Krishnamoorthi
 Urban Development                                       Vehicle Pilot Program.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Eastern Avenue Apartments--      CATCH Neighborhood Housing.....       250,000  Kuster
 Urban Development                                       Affordable Housing Renovation.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Nashua Public Library Plaza....  City of Nashua.................     3,000,000  Kuster
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  West Lebanon Main Street         City of Lebanon................     2,329,000  Kuster
 Urban Development                                       Sidewalk and Intersection
                                                         Construction Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Downtown Streetscape             Village of Downs...............     2,128,000  LaHood
 Urban Development                                       Improvements Phase I.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Somerset Drive Multi-Use Path..  Village of Germantown Hills....       670,000  LaHood
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Western Road (CH 6) Realignment  Marshall County................     3,000,000  LaHood
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Paskenta Water District          Paskenta Community Services            85,000  LaMalfa
 Urban Development                                       Operational Investments.         District.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Corning Veterans Memorial Hall   County of Tehama...............     2,000,000  LaMalfa
 Urban Development                                       Rehabilitation.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Student Athletic and             Aliquippa School District......       500,000  Lamb
 Urban Development                                       Educational Flexible Field
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Beaver County CTC Welding Lab    Beaver County Career &                995,000  Lamb
 Urban Development                                       Expansion and Upgrade.           Technology Center.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Critical Parking for Downtown    McKees Rocks Community                750,000  Lamb
 Urban Development                                       McKees Rocks Developments.       Development Corporation.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  The Brodhead Road Corridor       Beaver County Office of             1,800,000  Lamb
 Urban Development                                       Upgrade.                         Planning and Redevelopment.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Burrillville Skate Park          Town of Burrillville...........       500,000  Langevin
 Urban Development                                       Renovation and Expansion
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Community Preservation of        Providence Redevelopment Agency     2,000,000  Langevin
 Urban Development                                       Atlantic Mills.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Cross Mills Volunteer            Charlestown Fire District......       610,000  Langevin
 Urban Development                                       Firefighters Memorial Park.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Lederer Theater Center: Access   Trinity Repertory Company......       750,000  Langevin
 Urban Development                                       for All.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Education Center Expansion.....  Rhode Island Office of the          1,500,000  Langevin
 Urban Development                                                                        Postsecondary Commissioner.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Accessibility Improvements:      City of Warwick, Rhode Island..       920,280  Langevin
 Urban Development                                       Warwick Public Library's
                                                         Apponaug and Norwood Branches.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Rehabilitation of the Budlong    City of Cranston (Rhode Island)       750,000  Langevin
 Urban Development                                       Pool Campus.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Johnston War Memorial Park       Town of Johnston...............       500,000  Langevin
 Urban Development                                       Baseball Complex Improvement
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  West Greenwich Senior Center...  Town of West Greenwich.........       150,000  Langevin
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Habitat for Humanity of Island   Habitat for Humanity of Island      2,000,000  Larsen (WA)
 Urban Development                                       County Retail Store, Warehouse   County.
                                                         and Admin Office Purchase, Oak
                                                         Harbor, Washington, WA-02.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Tommy Thompson Trail Trestle     Samish Indian Nation...........       750,000  Larsen (WA)
 Urban Development                                       and Causeway Replacement
                                                         Design, Samish Indian Nation,
                                                         Washington, WA-02.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  VOA Neighborhood Center,         Volunteers of America Western       3,000,000  Larsen (WA)
 Urban Development                                       Lynnwood, Washington, WA-02.     Washington.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Mother Nature's Window Park      City of Marysville.............       750,000  Larsen (WA)
 Urban Development                                       Project, Marysville,
                                                         Washington, WA-02.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Church Corners Rehabiltation...  Town of East Hartford..........       750,000  Larson (CT)
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Charter Oak Landing Park         City of Hartford...............     1,010,000  Larson (CT)
 Urban Development                                       Infrastructure.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Connecticut Trolley Museum       Connecticut Electric Railway          750,000  Larson (CT)
 Urban Development                                       Facility Upgrades & Visitor      Association, Inc. dba
                                                         Enhancements.                    Connecticut Trolley Museum.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Laurel Marsh/Hockanum River      Town of Manchester.............     3,000,000  Larson (CT)
 Urban Development                                       Linear Park Improvements.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  East Hartford Post Office        Town of East Hartford..........     4,000,000  Larson (CT)
 Urban Development                                       Renovation.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Victim Impact Project..........  Mothers United Against Violence       500,000  Larson (CT)
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  East-West River Links..........  iQuilt Partnership.............     2,400,000  Larson (CT)
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Manufacturing Re-shoring         Pittsburg State University.....     4,000,000  LaTurner
 Urban Development                                       Initiative and Prove Out
                                                         Facility for the National
                                                         Institute of Materials
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Webster Community Center.......  Micah 6 Community..............       546,152  Lawrence
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Sanctum House Facility           Sanctum House..................     1,400,000  Lawrence
 Urban Development                                       Acquisition.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Southfield Home Improvement      City of Southfield.............       750,000  Lawrence
 Urban Development                                       Program.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Midway Septic To Sewer Project.  City of Midway.................     3,943,971  Lawson (FL)
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  TCC Commercial Vehicle Driving   Tallahassee Community College..       750,000  Lawson (FL)
 Urban Development                                       (CDL) Program Expansion.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Teen Multipurpose Center.......  One Gadsden Foundation, Inc....     1,200,000  Lawson (FL)
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  SHBB Impact Center and Capacity  America Second Harvest of the       3,000,000  Lawson (FL)
 Urban Development                                       Project.                         Big Bend.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  8th Street Complete Streets      Jacksonville Transportation           750,000  Lawson (FL)
 Urban Development                                       Improvements.                    Authority.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Emergency Repair to a Segment    City of Madison................       110,000  Lawson (FL)
 Urban Development                                       of Wastewater Equipment in the
                                                         City of Madison.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Gretna Sewer Expansion.........  City of Gretna.................     4,000,000  Lawson (FL)
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Covenant House California        Covenant House California......       550,000  Lee (CA)
 Urban Development                                       Homeless Youth Services Center.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Coliseum Gardens Affordable      City of Oakland................       750,000  Lee (CA)
 Urban Development                                       Housing.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Martin Luther King Junior Youth  City of Berkeley...............       750,000  Lee (CA)
 Urban Development                                       Services Center Renovation.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Intergenerational Affordable     Intergenerational Affordable          500,000  Lee (CA)
 Urban Development                                       Housing Project on San Pablo     Housing Project on San Pablo
                                                         Avenue.                          Avenue.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Raton Film Studio and Education  The City of Raton..............     3,000,000  Leger Fernandez
 Urban Development                                       Center.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Chama Water Treatment Plant      Village of Chama...............       550,000  Leger Fernandez
 Urban Development                                       Improvements.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Homeownership Assistance         Homewise, Inc..................       750,000  Leger Fernandez
 Urban Development                                       Voucher Program.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Indigenous Farm Hub............  Tides Center...................       960,000  Leger Fernandez
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Cuba Health Center Workforce     Presbyterian Medical Services..     1,635,000  Leger Fernandez
 Urban Development                                       Housing.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Water Main and Reservoir         City of Alexandria.............     4,000,000  Letlow
 Urban Development                                       Improvement Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Leucadia Streetscape Drainage    City of Encinitas..............     4,000,000  Levin (CA)
 Urban Development                                       Improvements, Encinitas,
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Del Mar Climate Resiliency and   City of Del Mar................       750,000  Levin (CA)
 Urban Development                                       Access Improvement Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Stonehill Drive Utility          City of Dana Point.............       750,000  Levin (CA)
 Urban Development                                       Undergrounding Project, Dana
                                                         Point, California.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Carlsbad Veteran Memorial Park   City of Carlsbad...............     3,000,000  Levin (CA)
 Urban Development                                       Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Sidewalk Improvement and         City of Vista..................     2,231,000  Levin (CA)
 Urban Development                                       Enhanced Street Lighting
                                                         Project, Vista, California.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Road Reconstruction on Redruth   City of Clawson................       424,000  Levin (MI)
 Urban Development                                       Ave..
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Martin Park Storage Building     City of Ferndale...............       704,669  Levin (MI)
 Urban Development                                       Conversion to Public Facility.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Pop Up Hazel...................  City of Hazel Park.............       470,000  Levin (MI)
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Public Library Addition........  City of St. Clair Shores.......     1,500,000  Levin (MI)
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  New Royal Oak Animal Shelter...  City Of Royal Oak..............     1,100,000  Levin (MI)
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Home Upgrades program with       City of Madison Heights........       850,000  Levin (MI)
 Urban Development                                       Habitat for Humanity.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Memorial Park Splash Pad.......  City of Center Line............       919,930  Levin (MI)
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  HVAC Replacement...............  City of Berkley................     1,049,260  Levin (MI)
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Torrance Temporary Housing       City of Torrance...............     1,000,000  Lieu
 Urban Development                                       Program.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  PATH Permanent Supportive        PATH Ventures..................     3,000,000  Lieu
 Urban Development                                       Housing Marina Del Rey.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  San Ysidro Park, Healthy Living  City of Gilroy.................     3,000,000  Lofgren
 Urban Development                                       Enhancement Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Second Harvest of Silicon        Second Harvest of Silicon             750,000  Lofgren
 Urban Development                                       Valley Consolidated              Valley.
                                                         Operational Facility.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Urban Agriculture Gardens......  Guadalupe River Park                1,700,000  Lofgren
 Urban Development                                                                        Conservancy.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Mabury Bridge Housing Site.....  City of San Jose, Department of       750,000  Lofgren
 Urban Development                                                                        Housing.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Turkey Creek Bridge............  Taney County...................     3,000,000  Long
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Route D Buffalo Road Connector.  City of Bolivar................     2,500,000  Long
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Jordan Valley Innovation Center  Missouri State University......     2,000,000  Long
 Urban Development                                       Improvements.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Main Street Improvements.......  City of Nixa...................       206,000  Long
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Pedestrian Bridges.............  City of Kennesaw...............       250,000  Loudermilk
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Street Resurfacing, Sidewalk     City of Kennesaw...............     2,000,000  Loudermilk
 Urban Development                                       Installation, and Drainage
                                                         Systems Improvements.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Books & Buckets--Youth Academy   Long Beach Day Nursery.........        50,000  Lowenthal
 Urban Development                                       & Youth Action Program.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Learning Hubs Project..........  City of Long Beach.............       750,000  Lowenthal
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Ben Em Dang Co Ta (``Stand by    BEN EM DANG CO TA..............       750,000  Lowenthal
 Urban Development                                       You'') Foundation Community
                                                         Cultural Outreach Programming.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Locust Development in            Habitat for Humanity of Greater       750,000  Lowenthal
 Urban Development                                       Washington Neighborhood of       Los Angeles.
                                                         Long Beach.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Ames Waterline Project.........  City of Enid...................     4,000,000  Lucas
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Kaw Lake Water Supply            City of Enid...................     4,000,000  Lucas
 Urban Development                                       Improvements.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Centertown Wastewater System...  Village of Centertown..........     2,000,000  Luetkemeyer
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Exmore Sewage Collection System  Northampton County, Virginia...       750,000  Luria
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Williamsburg African American    The City of Williamsburg,             327,000  Luria
 Urban Development                                       Heritage Trail.                  Virginia.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Wachapreague Sewer Line & Pump   Accomack-Northampton Planning         750,000  Luria
 Urban Development                                       Station.                         District Commission.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  The Virginia Beach Trail.......  City of Virginia Beach, VA.....       750,000  Luria
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Mayor Hannon Parkway/Gen         City of Quincy.................       750,000  Lynch
 Urban Development                                       McConville Way New
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Lawrence R. Cosgrove Memorial    City of Brockton...............     3,000,000  Lynch
 Urban Development                                       Pool Upgrades.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Ausonia Apartments               Ausonia Apartments.............       750,000  Lynch
 Urban Development                                       Modernization.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  1,500 Space Parking Garage.....  City of Quincy.................       750,000  Lynch
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  YMCA of Bucks and Hunterdon      YMCA of Bucks & Hunterdon             750,000  Malinowski
 Urban Development                                       Counties Flemington-Raritan      Counties.
                                                         Community Pool.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Township of Scotch Plains'       Township of Scotch Plains......       626,010  Malinowski
 Urban Development                                       Restoration of Tempe Covered
                                                         Bridge at Frazee House Park.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Hillsborough YMCA Facility       Greater Somerset County YMCA...       750,000  Malinowski
 Urban Development                                       Renovations.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Summit Park Line Project.......  City of Summit.................       250,000  Malinowski
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Lebanon Street Improvements      Township of Lebanon............       750,000  Malinowski
 Urban Development                                       Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Senior Center Facility Buildout  Bay Ridge Center...............     2,000,000  Malliotakis
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Client Choice Food Pantry and    Catholic Charities of Staten        1,500,000  Malliotakis
 Urban Development                                       Mobile Food Pantry Equipment.    Island.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Seniors with Autism Facility     Eden II Programs...............       500,000  Malliotakis
 Urban Development                                       Renovation and Expansion.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Jewish Community Center          Joan & Alan Bernikow Jewish         1,493,000  Malliotakis
 Urban Development                                       Improvements.                    Community Center of Staten
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Staten Island YMCA Project.....  YMCA of Greater New York.......     1,000,000  Malliotakis
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  A Permanent Home for Wild        WILD PROJECT PRODUCTIONS INC...     1,000,000  Maloney, Carolyn
 Urban Development                                       Project.                                                                        B.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Polish and Slavic Center         Polish and Slavic Center Inc...       750,000  Maloney, Carolyn
 Urban Development                                       Facility Improvement.                                                           B.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Lifeline Grocery...............  The Connected Chef Foundation,        350,000  Maloney, Carolyn
 Urban Development                                                                        Inc..                                          B.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Storm King Welcome Center &      Storm King Art Center..........     1,600,000  Maloney, Sean
 Urban Development                                       Conservation Facility                                                           Patrick
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Youth Opportunity Union          City of Poughkeepsie...........     2,150,000  Maloney, Sean
 Urban Development                                       Infrastructure Enhancement                                                      Patrick
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Newburgh Landing Pier Project..  County of Orange...............     4,000,000  Maloney, Sean
 Urban Development                                                                                                                       Patrick
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Orange & Dutchess                County of Orange...............       500,000  Maloney, Sean
 Urban Development                                       Transportation Access &                                                         Patrick
                                                         Mobility Study Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Small-Scale Manufacturing for    City of High Point, North           4,000,000  Manning
 Urban Development                                       Equitable Opportunity.           Carolina.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Elm-Eugene Street Gateway        City of Greensboro, North           4,000,000  Manning
 Urban Development                                       Complete Streets Project.        Carolina.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Accelerating Food Assistance     Second Harvest Food Bank of         1,000,000  Manning
 Urban Development                                       and Job Training for 6th         Northwest North Carolina.
                                                         District Residents.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Hayes-Taylor Memorial YMCA       Young Men's Christian               1,500,000  Manning
 Urban Development                                       Childcare Expansion.             Association of Greensboro, INC.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  The Opportunity Center.........  La Familia Counseling Center,         750,000  Matsui
 Urban Development                                                                        Inc..
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Cornerstone -- Habitat for       Habitat for Humanity of Greater       750,000  Matsui
 Urban Development                                       Humanity.                        Sacramento, Inc..
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  The Bryte Park All-Weather       City of West Sacramento........       750,000  Matsui
 Urban Development                                       Field.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Corners Community Center.......  Corners Outreach...............     1,050,000  McBath
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Peachtree Creek Greenway (PCG)   City of Doraville..............     1,573,204  McBath
 Urban Development                                       Extension (Model Project).
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Broad Street Downtown            City of Chamblee...............     2,000,000  McBath
 Urban Development                                       Revitalization.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Path 400 Trail Extension.......  City of Sandy Springs..........       750,000  McBath
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Cobb Parkway Pedestrian Bridge   Cumberland Community                1,000,000  McBath
 Urban Development                                       North.                           Improvement District (CCID).
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  The Playwrights' Center........  Playwrights Center Inc.........     4,000,000  McCollum
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Ordway Center for Performing     Ordway Center for the               3,930,000  McCollum
 Urban Development                                       Arts Facility Improvements.      Performing Arts.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  North End Community Center.....  The City of Saint Paul.........     4,000,000  McCollum
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Mid-Atlantic Advance             County of Greensville..........     3,424,379  McEachin
 Urban Development                                       Manufacturing Center
                                                         Collection System.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Roxbury Road/State Route 106     Charles City County............     3,000,000  McEachin
 Urban Development                                       Water/ Sewer Infrastructure.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Lock's Watermain Replacement...  City of Petersburg.............     3,581,531  McEachin
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Central Gardens Rehabilitation.  County of Henrico..............     2,000,000  McEachin
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Veterans Inc. National Guard     Veterans Inc...................     3,000,000  McGovern
 Urban Development                                       Armory Renovation.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  African Community Education      African Community Education....     2,000,000  McGovern
 Urban Development                                       Center Building Renovation.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Avenue A Streetscape             Town of Montague, Massachusetts       975,000  McGovern
 Urban Development                                       Improvement Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  NewVue Communities Riverbend-    NewVue Communities.............     1,000,000  McGovern
 Urban Development                                       Bigelow Schools Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  North Star Journey Home          North Star Family Services,         1,000,000  McGovern
 Urban Development                                       Affordable Housing Project.      Inc..
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Grow Food Northampton Community  Grow Food Northampton,                413,000  McGovern
 Urban Development                                       Farm Redesign.                   Incorporated.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Jones Library Renovation and     Jones Library, Inc.............     1,110,661  McGovern
 Urban Development                                       Expansion Project, Amherst,
                                                         Massachusetts, Hampshire
                                                         County, 2d Congressional
                                                         District of Massachusetts.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Wood County Industrial Site      Wood County Development               500,000  McKinley
 Urban Development                                       Readiness and Redevelopment.     Authority.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  The Rail Academy of Central      San Joaquin Regional Rail           1,500,000  McNerney
 Urban Development                                       California--Rail/Transit         Commission.
                                                         Workforce Development Program.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Lodi Access Center Emergency     City of Lodi...................     1,048,500  McNerney
 Urban Development                                       Shelter.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Sonora Square--Housing for the   Delta Community Developers          1,000,000  McNerney
 Urban Development                                       Homeless.                        Corp..
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Lyon Square Urban Park           Grand Rapids-Kent County            1,000,000  Meijer
 Urban Development                                       Renovation and Improvement.      Convention and Arena Authority.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  YMCA & Albion College            Albion College.................     2,800,000  Meijer
 Urban Development                                       Initiative of the Washington
                                                         Gardner Center Building
                                                         Renovation and Expansion.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Affordable Housing Services....  Churches United For Fair              750,000  Meng
 Urban Development                                                                        Housing, Inc..
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Colden for Queens..............  QUEENS COLLEGE AUXILIARY              750,000  Meng
 Urban Development                                                                        ENTERPRISES CORPORATION.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Working to Empower People for    WEPA Empowerment Center Inc....     1,000,000  Meuser
 Urban Development                                       Advancement (WEPA) Empowerment
                                                         Center Inc. Facility
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Richland Borough Water System    Borough of Richland............     1,000,000  Meuser
 Urban Development                                       Upgrade.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Arena Players Incorporated       Arena Players Inc..............     4,000,000  Mfume
 Urban Development                                       Capital Improvements 2022-2023.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  The Star Community Family Life   The Star Community Family Life      2,300,000  Mfume
 Urban Development                                       Center.                          Center.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Helping Up Mission Permanent     Helping Up Mission.............       750,000  Mfume
 Urban Development                                       Housing on East Baltimore
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Sanaa Center Project...........  Pennsylvania Avenue Black Arts        750,000  Mfume
 Urban Development                                                                        and Entertainment District.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Gwynns Falls Mighty Park.......  Gwynns Falls Business and             535,000  Mfume
 Urban Development                                                                        Homeowners Association.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Historic Upton Mansion.........  Afro Charities Inc.............     2,000,000  Mfume
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Druid Heights Maggie Quille      Druid Heights Community             1,500,000  Mfume
 Urban Development                                       Center.                          Development Corporation.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Maryland Center for Veterans     Maryland Center for Veterans        3,000,000  Mfume
 Urban Development                                       Education and Training           Education and Training.
                                                         Community Expansion Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  East Baltimore Development,      East Baltimore Development,         2,300,000  Mfume
 Urban Development                                       Inc. Phase 2B Infrastructure     Inc..
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Green & Healthy Homes Baltimore  Green & Health Homes                  750,000  Mfume
 Urban Development                                       Initiative.                      Initiative, Inc..
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  National Great Blacks in Wax     The National Great Blacks In        2,008,580  Mfume
 Urban Development                                       Museum Capital Renovation and    Wax Museum, Inc..
                                                         Facility Infrastructure Upgra.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  The Juanita Jackson Mitchell     Beloved Community Services          1,750,000  Mfume
 Urban Development                                       Law Center.                      Corporation.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Mercer County Multipurpose       Development Authority of Mercer     2,000,000  Miller (WV)
 Urban Development                                       Center Land Acquisition.         County.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Sidewalk Repair................  City of Hinton.................       190,000  Miller (WV)
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Mason County Farmers Market      Main Street Point Pleasant,           470,000  Miller (WV)
 Urban Development                                       Construction.                    Inc..
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  18th Street Resurfacing to       City of Keokuk.................       960,000  Miller-Meeks
 Urban Development                                       National Cemetery.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Heritage Park Riverwalk          City of Frankenmuth............     1,000,000  Moolenaar
 Urban Development                                       Extension.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Hooper City Roadway Improvement  Hooper City....................       624,000  Moore (UT)
 Urban Development                                       Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Town of Mantua Road Improvement  Town of Mantua.................     1,354,000  Moore (UT)
 Urban Development                                       Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Weber Housing Authority Land     Weber Housing Authority........     1,500,000  Moore (UT)
 Urban Development                                       Acquisition.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Ten Mile Park Village of Brown   Village of Brown Deer..........     2,496,630  Moore (WI)
 Urban Development                                       Deer.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Community Wellness Center at     Housing Authority of the City         750,000  Moore (WI)
 Urban Development                                       the City of Milwaukee's          of Milwaukee.
                                                         Westlawn Gardens Choice
                                                         Neighborhood Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Emergency Home Repair and        Revitalize Milwaukee...........     1,000,000  Moore (WI)
 Urban Development                                       Improving Accessibility
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  North Shore Library............  Village of Bayside.............       500,000  Moore (WI)
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Arts Outreach and Engagement     Capita Productions Inc.........       150,000  Moore (WI)
 Urban Development                                       Initiative.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Concordia 27 Consortium          Near West Side Partners........     2,350,000  Moore (WI)
 Urban Development                                       Initiative.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  LISC-Milwaukee's Predevelopment  Local Initiatives Support             750,000  Moore (WI)
 Urban Development                                       Loans for Affordable Housing     Corporation (Milwaukee Office).
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Connected Communities, Inc.      Connected Communities, Inc.....       500,000  Morelle
 Urban Development                                       (Neighborhood Hub).
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  County of Monroe (Applied        County of Monroe, New York.....     3,500,000  Morelle
 Urban Development                                       Technology Center).
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Charles Settlement House, Inc..  Charles Settlement House &            619,784  Morelle
 Urban Development                                                                        Community Place of Greater
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  National Susan B. Anthony        National Susan B. Anthony             750,000  Morelle
 Urban Development                                       Museum & House.                  Museum & House.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Rochester Energy Efficiency and  Rochester Area Community              300,000  Morelle
 Urban Development                                       Weatherization (RENEW).          Foundation Initiatives INC..
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Lynn Senior Center.............  City of Lynn...................     1,000,000  Moulton
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Career Lab & Cafe at the Boys    Boys and Girls Club of Stoneham       900,000  Moulton
 Urban Development                                       and Girls Club of Wakefield      and Wakefield.
                                                         and Expansion of Job Prep/
                                                         Vocational Program(s) into
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  North River Canal Resilient      City of Peabody................     1,000,000  Moulton
 Urban Development                                       Wall, Riverwalk, and Park.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Middlesex Community College      Middlesex Community College....       363,400  Moulton
 Urban Development                                       Bedford Campus Life Sciences
                                                         and BioTech Center.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Haven Project Catalyst Housing   Haven Project..................     1,000,000  Moulton
 Urban Development                                       Program.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  City of Beverly--Main Library    City of Beverly................     1,000,000  Moulton
 Urban Development                                       HVAC System Replacement.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Lifebridge Campus Redevelopment  Salem Mission Incorporated.....     1,000,000  Moulton
 Urban Development                                       Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Fair Haven Rape Crisis Center -- Fair Haven, Inc................       750,000  Mrvan
 Urban Development                                        Acquisition and Renovation.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Equipment/Technology for         Opportunity Enterprises, Inc...       310,000  Mrvan
 Urban Development                                       Lakeside Respite Center.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Paladin Rehabilitation and       Paladin Inc....................     1,525,000  Mrvan
 Urban Development                                       Repurposing Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Habitat for Humanity's Sanford   Habitat for Humanity of             1,139,440  Murphy (FL)
 Urban Development                                       Affordable Housing Community     Seminole County and Greater
                                                         Infrastructure Project.          Apopka, Inc..
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Winter Park Traffic Control      City of Winter Park, FL........       101,175  Murphy (FL)
 Urban Development                                       Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Italian American Experience      Italian American Museum........     1,680,000  Nadler
 Urban Development                                       Permanent Exhibition.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  PIER 86: REPLACEMENT OF FINAL    Intrepid Museum Foundation            750,000  Nadler
 Urban Development                                       SEGMENT.                         (a.k.a. Intrepid Sea, Air &
                                                                                          Space Museum).
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Fire Suppression/Alarm Systems   Metropolitan Opera Association,       750,000  Nadler
 Urban Development                                       Modernization at the             Inc.
                                                         Metropolitan Opera.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Safety Improvement Project at    New York City Housing Authority     3,800,000  Nadler
 Urban Development                                       NYCHA Developments (WSUR
                                                         Brownstones and DeHostos
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  COPO Senior Center.............  Council of Peoples Organization     3,000,000  Nadler
 Urban Development                                                                        Inc..
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  New-York Historical Society/     New-York Historical Society (N-     3,000,000  Nadler
 Urban Development                                       American LGBTQ+ Museum           YHS).
                                                         Partnership Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Covina High School Pool........  Covina-Valley Unified School        4,000,000  Napolitano
 Urban Development                                                                        District.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Center for the Performing Arts.  Hacienda La Puente Unified          4,000,000  Napolitano
 Urban Development                                                                        School District.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Monrovia Canyon Park Repair      City of Monrovia...............     3,000,000  Napolitano
 Urban Development                                       Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  La Puente Activity Center......  City of La Puente..............       750,000  Napolitano
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Baldwin Park Family Services     City of Baldwin Park...........       750,000  Napolitano
 Urban Development                                       Center.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Historic Wahconah Park           City of Pittsfield.............     3,000,000  Neal
 Urban Development                                       Grandstand Improvement Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Renovation of the Girls Inc of   Girls Inc of the Valley........     2,000,000  Neal
 Urban Development                                       the Valley Headquarters and
                                                         Program Center.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  429 Morgan Road West             Town of West Springfield.......       750,000  Neal
 Urban Development                                       Springfield Capital
                                                         Improvement Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Worthington Senior Center......  Hilltown Community Development      2,000,000  Neal
 Urban Development                                                                        Corporation.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Historic Lenox Town Hall Roof    Town of Lenox..................       750,000  Neal
 Urban Development                                       and Rotunda Restoration
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Town of Empire Water             Town of Empire.................     4,000,000  Neguse
 Urban Development                                       Infrastructure.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Veterans Community Project       Veterans Community Project.....       650,000  Neguse
 Urban Development                                       Transitional Housing.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Lyons Emergency & Assistance     Lyons Emergency & Assistance          575,000  Neguse
 Urban Development                                       Fund.                            Fund, LEAF.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Summit County Child Care Center  Summit County Government.......       750,000  Neguse
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Benton City Rail Trail.........  Benton City....................     2,000,000  Newhouse
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Heritage Heights Facility        Heritage Heights at Lake Chelan       800,000  Newhouse
 Urban Development                                       Renovation.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Cultivate Collective Southwest   The Academy for Global                250,000  Newman
 Urban Development                                       Chicago Sustainability Hub.      Citizenship.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Mosque Foundation Community      The Mosque Foundation..........     1,500,000  Newman
 Urban Development                                       Center Facility Improvement
                                                         and Expansion Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Permanent Structure on the       Home Port Alliance for the USS        500,000  Norcross
 Urban Development                                       Battleship New Jersey Fantail.   New Jersey, Inc..
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Sadler's Poynt Waterfront Park.  Camden Community Partnership,       1,000,000  Norcross
 Urban Development                                                                        Inc..
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Camden County Nutrition Hub....  County of Camden...............       475,000  Norcross
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Inclusive Playground...........  City of Gloucester.............       385,000  Norcross
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Park Revitalization............  County of Gloucester...........       750,000  Norcross
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Glassboro VFW Renovations......  Glassboro VFW Post 679.........       150,000  Norcross
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Building Food Bank Capacity      The Food Bank of South Jersey..       970,000  Norcross
 Urban Development                                       Through Sustainability & Eco-
                                                         friendly Logistics.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Berth 1 Shoreline Stabilization  South Jersey Port Corporation..       750,000  Norcross
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Black Box Theatre for the Arts.  Gloucester Township............       300,000  Norcross
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  The L'Enfant Trust's Historic    The L'Enfant Trust.............     2,000,000  Norton
 Urban Development                                       Properties Redevelopment
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  House of Ruth..................  House of Ruth..................     7,160,828  Norton
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Horton's Kids..................  Horton's Kids..................       500,000  Norton
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Anacostia Arts Center            Washington Area Community           3,000,000  Norton
 Urban Development                                       Redevelopment Project.           Investment Fund.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  My Sister's Place: Emergency     My Sister's Place..............       500,000  Norton
 Urban Development                                       Shelter, Transitional Housing,
                                                         and Supportive Services for
                                                         Survivors of Domestic Violence
                                                         and Their Children.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Perennial Transitional House     Healthy Babies Project Inc.....       340,000  Norton
 Urban Development                                       for Homeless Pregnant
                                                         Teenagers Rehabilitation
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  CASA NHSQ......................  Neighborhood Housing Services       2,400,000  Ocasio-Cortez
 Urban Development                                                                        of Queens CDC, Inc..
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Worker's Operation Center......  New York Botanical Garden......     1,000,000  Ocasio-Cortez
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Elmcor Housing Project.........  ELMCOR YOUTH & ADULT ACTIVITIES       663,250  Ocasio-Cortez
 Urban Development                                                                        INC.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Astoria Boulevard Safety         New York City Department of         1,000,000  Ocasio-Cortez
 Urban Development                                       Improvements.                    Transportation.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Wenima Bridge Project..........  Town of Springerville..........       750,000  O'Halleran
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Northside Youth Greenhouse.....  Youth Farm and Market Project..       750,000  Omar
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Renovation of Snelling Motel to  Minnesota Assistance Council          750,000  Omar
 Urban Development                                       Affordable Housing for           for Veterans.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Multifamily Land Trust for       City of St. Louis Park.........     3,000,000  Omar
 Urban Development                                       Affordable Housing.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Avenues for Youth Housing and    Avenues for Youth..............     3,000,000  Omar
 Urban Development                                       Headquarters.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Southside Village Boys & Girls   Boys and Girls Clubs of the           750,000  Omar
 Urban Development                                       Club Expansion.                  Twin Cities.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Low Income Housing Improvements  Accessible Space Inc...........       514,000  Omar
 Urban Development                                       for Persons with Disabilities
                                                         in Minneapolis, Golden Valley
                                                         and St. Anthony.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Wood Lake Nature Center          City of Richfield..............     3,000,000  Omar
 Urban Development                                       Building Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Establishing Safe Refuge to      SEWA Asian Indian Family            2,856,224  Omar
 Urban Development                                       South-Asian Diasporic            Wellness.
                                                         Communities in Minnesota.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Simpson Community Shelter and    Simpson Housing Services, Inc..     2,500,000  Omar
 Urban Development                                       Apartments.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Northside Food Access and        Change Starts With Community...     1,000,000  Omar
 Urban Development                                       Distribution Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  A New Facility for Southern      SACA Food Shelf and Thrift          1,000,000  Omar
 Urban Development                                       Anoka Community Assistance       Store.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Birth Center Improvement.......  WomenVenture...................       600,000  Omar
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Net Zero HVAC Replacement......  Housing Authority of Salt Lake      1,000,000  Owens
 Urban Development                                                                        City (HASLC).
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Greene County Demolition &       Greene County..................       600,000  Palazzo
 Urban Development                                       Rehabilitation Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Eagle One Mega Site Acquisition  Forrest County.................     2,000,000  Palazzo
 Urban Development                                       and Improvements.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Business, Recreation, and        Town of Sumrall................     1,815,000  Palazzo
 Urban Development                                       Community Development Project--
                                                         Property Acquisition and
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Laurence Harbor Community        Old Bridge Township............     2,250,000  Pallone
 Urban Development                                       Building.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  South Amboy Waterfront Park....  City of South Amboy............     2,250,000  Pallone
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Veterans Memorial Youth League   City of Perth Amboy............     1,500,000  Pallone
 Urban Development                                       Complex Park Improvements.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Church of the Presidents         Long Branch Historical Museum       1,250,000  Pallone
 Urban Development                                       Restoration.                     Association.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Capitola Wharf Renovations.....  City of Capitola...............     3,500,000  Panetta
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Santa Cruz Downtown Library      City of Santa Cruz.............     2,000,000  Panetta
 Urban Development                                       Mixed Use Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Western Flyer Coast Guard Pier   Western Flyer Foundation.......     1,640,000  Panetta
 Urban Development                                       Repair and Classroom Design.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Pacific North Redevelopment....  City of Santa Cruz.............     2,000,000  Panetta
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Harvey West Studios............  Housing Matters................     3,000,000  Panetta
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Wastewater Treatment Facility    Town of Seabrook...............       750,000  Pappas
 Urban Development                                       Upgrades.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  South Londonderry Sewer Pump     Town of Londonderry............     4,000,000  Pappas
 Urban Development                                       Station.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Great Falls Gateway Phase II     County of Passaic..............     1,215,000  Pascrell
 Urban Development                                       Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Secaucus Senior Center           The Town of Secaucus...........       950,000  Pascrell
 Urban Development                                       Construction Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  The Alexander Hamilton Visitor   Hamilton Partnership for            3,000,000  Pascrell
 Urban Development                                       Center at the Paterson Great     Paterson.
                                                         Falls National Historical Park
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Johnny Briggs Baseball Field at  City of Paterson...............     1,000,000  Pascrell
 Urban Development                                       Westside Park Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  City of Passaic Main Avenue      City of Passaic................     4,000,000  Pascrell
 Urban Development                                       Parking Deck Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Borough of Ridgefield            Borough of Ridgefield..........       500,000  Pascrell
 Urban Development                                       Resurfacing Improvements
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  River Road Soil Stabilization    County of Bergen...............       250,000  Pascrell
 Urban Development                                       Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Capital Repairs to Newark        Newark Public Radio, Inc.......       500,000  Payne
 Urban Development                                       Public Radio Offices.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  The O'Connor Park                Township of West Orange........     1,158,810  Payne
 Urban Development                                       Reconstruction Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  United Way Service Center......  United Way of Hudson County....     1,500,000  Payne
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  YMCA HVAC and Exhaust System     YMCA of Newark and Vicinity....       750,000  Payne
 Urban Development                                       Upgrade.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Roadway Improvement and          Borough of Roselle.............     2,000,000  Payne
 Urban Development                                       Pedestrian Safety Project --
                                                         Chestnut Street Corridor.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Nassan's Place Community Center  Nassan's Place, Inc............       750,000  Payne
 Urban Development                                       for Autism.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  1044 Howard Building Purchase    United Playaz, Inc.............     4,000,000  Pelosi
 Urban Development                                       and Improvements.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Youth Center Renovation........  Lavender Youth Recreation and       2,000,000  Pelosi
 Urban Development                                                                        Information Center, Inc.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Friends of the Children Bayview  FOTC -- SF Bay Area............       750,000  Pelosi
 Urban Development                                       Youth Center.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Japantown Peace Plaza            San Francisco Recreation and        3,000,000  Pelosi
 Urban Development                                       Renovation.                      Park Department.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  The Village SF Urban Indian      The Friendship House                  750,000  Pelosi
 Urban Development                                       Project.                         Association of American
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Child Care Facilities            Mission Neighborhood Centers        2,000,000  Pelosi
 Urban Development                                       Expansions.                      Inc..
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Community Nutrition and          Project Open Hand..............     1,451,000  Pelosi
 Urban Development                                       Wellness Expansion.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Center for Health and Social     The National AIDS Memorial.....       750,000  Pelosi
 Urban Development                                       Justice.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Edge on the Square Chinatown     Chinatown Media and Arts            2,500,000  Pelosi
 Urban Development                                       Media and Arts Collaborative     Collaborative.
                                                         Building Renovation.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Food Bank Donation Facilities..  Food Bank of the Rockies.......       600,000  Perlmutter
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Global Energy Park Educational   State of Colorado..............     4,000,000  Perlmutter
 Urban Development                                       Walkways.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Light Up San Diego Streetlight   City of San Diego..............     2,000,000  Peters
 Urban Development                                       Improvement Program -- Beach
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Ocean Beach Library Expansion..  City of San Diego..............     4,000,000  Peters
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Mobile Solar Powered Electric    City of San Diego..............       750,000  Peters
 Urban Development                                       Vehicle Chargers.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Freedom Park at Navy Pier......  Port of San Diego..............     2,000,000  Peters
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Boys & Girls Clubs of the Twin   Boys and Girls Clubs of the           750,000  Phillips
 Urban Development                                       Cities Voyageur Environmental    Twin Cities.
                                                         Center Renovation/Expansion.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Twin Cities Habitat for          Twin Cities Habitat for               400,000  Phillips
 Urban Development                                       Humanity--Minnetonka Townhome    Humanity.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Revitalization and               Aeon...........................     4,000,000  Phillips
 Urban Development                                       Transformation of Huntington
                                                         Place, a Low-Income,
                                                         Affordable Housing Community.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Corcoran Water Supply            City of Corcoran...............     3,000,000  Phillips
 Urban Development                                       Construction Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Apex Youth Connection's Future   Apex Youth Connection..........       750,000  Pingree
 Urban Development                                       Focus Job Readiness Center.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Louis B. Goodall Memorial        Sanford Library Association         3,000,000  Pingree
 Urban Development                                       Library Renovation.              Inc., dba Louis B. Goodall
                                                                                          Memorial Library.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Central Lincoln County YMCA      Central Lincoln County YMCA....       750,000  Pingree
 Urban Development                                       Child Care Center.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Maine Irish Heritage Center --   Maine Irish Heritage Center....     3,000,000  Pingree
 Urban Development                                       Restore the Building Envelope.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Preble Street Food Security Hub  Preble Street..................     1,000,000  Pingree
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Bright Path Hollistic Wellness.  Virgin Islands Housing                900,000  Plaskett
 Urban Development                                                                        Authority.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Community First Tiny Homes       Liberty Place, Inc.............     1,964,210  Plaskett
 Urban Development                                       Build Out Phase III.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Christiansted Sunday Market      St. Croix Foundation...........     1,059,152  Plaskett
 Urban Development                                       Square Revitalization.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Jewish Social Services of        Jewish Social Services of             250,000  Pocan
 Urban Development                                       Madison Refugee Resettlement     Madison Inc.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Salvation Army of Dane County    The Salvation Army of Dane          4,000,000  Pocan
 Urban Development                                       Shelter Facility.                County.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  City of Reedsburg, WI            City of Reedsburg..............       560,000  Pocan
 Urban Development                                       Fieldhouse.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  City of Baraboo, WI Riverwalk    City of Baraboo................       500,000  Pocan
 Urban Development                                       and Oak Street Overlook.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  210 W. Fulton St. Rehab Project  Edgerton Community Outreach,          700,000  Pocan
 Urban Development                                       for Low-Income Housing,          Inc..
                                                         Community Meeting Space, and
                                                         Senior Programming --
                                                         Edgerton, WI.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Boys & Girls Club of Dane        Boys & Girls Clubs of Dane          1,200,000  Pocan
 Urban Development                                       County, WI McKenzie Regional     County.
                                                         Workforce Center.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Clarendon Hill Housing and       City of Somerville.............     2,400,000  Pressley
 Urban Development                                       Transportation Equity Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Downtown Broadway                City of Chelsea, MA............     2,000,000  Pressley
 Urban Development                                       Infrastructure Improvement
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Pine Knolls EMPOWERment          EMPOWERment....................     1,000,000  Price (NC)
 Urban Development                                       Affordable Community Housing
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Ross Road Apartments...........  Reinvestment Partners..........       750,000  Price (NC)
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Field Museum Facilities Upgrade  Field Museum of Natural History     1,500,000  Quigley
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Capital Improvements for the     Carole Robertson Center for           750,000  Quigley
 Urban Development                                       Carole Robertson Center for      Learning.
                                                         Learning at Albany Park.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Lake View YMCA Aquatics          Lake View YMCA.................     1,500,000  Quigley
 Urban Development                                       Expansion.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Black Ensemble Theater Cultural  Black Ensemble Theater.........     1,000,000  Quigley
 Urban Development                                       Center Building Improvements
                                                         and Enhancements.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Lincoln Park Conservatory        Chicago Park District..........       750,000  Quigley
 Urban Development                                       Renovations.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Oak View Community Connector     Montgomery Parks Capital              800,000  Raskin
 Urban Development                                       Bridge.                          Improvement Program.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Sandy Spring Museum Folklife     Sandy Spring Museum............       500,000  Raskin
 Urban Development                                       Hub Expansion.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Bunky Reid Park Upgrade at the   Town of North Hempstead, NY....       900,000  Rice (NY)
 Urban Development                                       Yes We Can Community Center.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Expand Homeless Safety Net       The Interfaith Nutrition            2,000,000  Rice (NY)
 Urban Development                                       Services.                        Network, Inc. (The INN).
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Adams County Bridge Replacement  Adams County...................     2,000,000  Rodgers (WA)
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Stevens County Road Upgrades to  Stevens County Public Works....     3,500,000  Rodgers (WA)
 Urban Development                                       Support Chewelah A-Z Forest
                                                         Restoration Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Pioneer Human Services Housing,  Pioneer Human Services.........       838,000  Rodgers (WA)
 Urban Development                                       Carlyle Hotel Low-Income
                                                         Housing Renovation.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Eastern Kentucky PRIDE Septic    Eastern Kentucky Pride.........     2,500,000  Rogers (KY)
 Urban Development                                       System Program.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Williamsburg Water Improvements  City of Williamsburg...........     4,000,000  Rogers (KY)
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Prestonsburg Water System        City of Prestonsburg...........     4,000,000  Rogers (KY)
 Urban Development                                       Improvements.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Martin County Sewer              Martin County Fiscal Court.....     3,107,000  Rogers (KY)
 Urban Development                                       Improvements.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Jackson County Business          Jackson County Fiscal Court....     1,538,000  Rogers (KY)
 Urban Development                                       Incubator.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Raven Rock Trails Development..  EKY Heritage Foundation, Inc...     2,500,000  Rogers (KY)
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Knox County Water Improvements.  Knox County Fiscal Court.......     2,224,000  Rogers (KY)
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Peyton Road Expansion..........  City of Lebanon................     2,000,000  Rose
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Main Street and Downtown         City of Watertown..............     1,000,000  Rose
 Urban Development                                       Business District Improvements.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Pleasant Grove Community Center  Town of Wendell................     2,000,000  Ross
 Urban Development                                       Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Maynard Road Multifamily         Town of Cary...................     1,000,000  Ross
 Urban Development                                       Housing.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Garner Senior Center Facility    Town of Garner.................       505,200  Ross
 Urban Development                                       Improvements.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Education Center at Prairie      Friends of the North Carolina         750,000  Ross
 Urban Development                                       Ridge Ecostation.                Museum of Natural Sciences.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Whiteville Road Force Main       Brunswick County...............     1,052,500  Rouzer
 Urban Development                                       Project Design and Engineering.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Gateway District Utility         Town of Leland.................       750,000  Rouzer
 Urban Development                                       Resiliency.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Maywood Riverfront Park          Los Angeles Neighborhood Land         650,000  Roybal-Allard
 Urban Development                                       Renovation Project.              Trust.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Building Expansion for the       City of Downey.................     1,000,000  Roybal-Allard
 Urban Development                                       Columbia Memorial Space Center.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Aquatic Center Outdoor Pool      City of Bellflower.............       300,000  Roybal-Allard
 Urban Development                                       Improvements.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Bell Gardens Regional Aquatic    City of Bell Gardens...........     1,500,000  Roybal-Allard
 Urban Development                                       Center.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Increasing Public                SAC Health.....................       150,000  Ruiz
 Urban Development                                       Transportation Access to
                                                         Healthcare to the Eastern
                                                         Riverside County City of
                                                         Blythe, CA.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Triple Bridges Study...........  Maryland Department of                750,000  Ruppersberger
 Urban Development                                                                        Transportation.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Rosedale Veterans Initiative...  Sheppard Pratt Health System,       1,500,000  Ruppersberger
 Urban Development                                                                        Inc..
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Raising the Roof--The National   The National Museum of Gospel         500,000  Rush
 Urban Development                                       Museum of Gospel Music.          Music.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Build Antioch..................  Antioch Haven Homes Foundation      4,000,000  Rush
 Urban Development                                                                        Ltd.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Englewood Racine Green Line      Chicago Transit Authority (CTA)     2,000,000  Rush
 Urban Development                                       Station Feasibility Study.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Bronzeville Opportunity Engine.  Illinois Institute of               2,000,000  Rush
 Urban Development                                                                        Technology.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Northeast Florida Regional Food  Regional Food Bank of Northeast       981,000  Rutherford
 Urban Development                                       Bank Equipment Upgrades.         Florida Inc..
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Hope Community Center At-Risk    The Mother A.M. Smith Community       750,000  Ryan
 Urban Development                                       Youth Project.                   Center.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Waddell Park Improvements        The City of Niles..............     2,500,000  Ryan
 Urban Development                                       Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Bounce Innovation Hub--Minority  Bounce Innovation Hub..........     1,200,000  Ryan
 Urban Development                                       Business Support Programs.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  8th Street Neighborhood Flood    City of Miami..................     4,000,000  Salazar
 Urban Development                                       Mitigation.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Jose Marti Park and              City of Miami..................     4,000,000  Salazar
 Urban Development                                       Neighborhood Flood Mitigation.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Park and Field Renovations.....  City of Hawaiian Gardens.......     1,420,000  Sanchez
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  The PAD Park--Passons Active     The City of Pico Rivera........     1,050,000  Sanchez
 Urban Development                                       Depot.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Santa Fe Springs Homeownership   Habitat for Humanity of Greater       500,000  Sanchez
 Urban Development                                       Development.                     Los Angeles.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Artesia Botanical Gardens......  City of Artesia................     3,000,000  Sanchez
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Sierra Athletic Field            City of Whittier...............       750,000  Sanchez
 Urban Development                                       Restoration.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Leffingwell Road Landscape       City of La Mirada..............     2,500,000  Sanchez
 Urban Development                                       Median Improvements.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Outdoor/Environmental            Annapolis Maritime Museum &           375,000  Sarbanes
 Urban Development                                       Preschool--Annapolis Maritime    Park.
                                                         Museum & Park.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Lansdowne Y Swimming Pool        YMCA of Eastern Delaware County     1,500,000  Scanlon
 Urban Development                                       Rehabilitation.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  The Africa Center..............  African Cultural Alliance of        2,000,000  Scanlon
 Urban Development                                                                        North America, Inc..
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Navy Yard -- Quay Wall           City of Philadelphia...........     2,000,000  Scanlon
 Urban Development                                       Reconstruction.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Media VFW Post 3460              Veterans of Foreign Wars Post          50,000  Scanlon
 Urban Development                                       Rehabilitation.                  3460.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Haverford Township Free Library  Haverford Township.............     2,000,000  Scanlon
 Urban Development                                       Redevelopment.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  SCS Schoolhouse Center Capital   Senior Community Services Inc..     2,000,000  Scanlon
 Urban Development                                       Improvements.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  ACCESS Community Center........  ACCESS--A Community Center            850,000  Scanlon
 Urban Development                                                                        Established by the Surgent
                                                                                          Family for Society.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Schuylkill River Trail:          Schuylkill River Development        2,000,000  Scanlon
 Urban Development                                       Bartram's to Passyunk Phase II   Corporation.
                                                         Land Acquisition.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Share Food Program's Delaware    Share Food Program.............     2,000,000  Scanlon
 Urban Development                                       County Food Bank Acquisition
                                                         and Renovation Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Black Ensemble Educational       Black Ensemble Theater.........     1,200,000  Schakowsky
 Urban Development                                       Outreach Studio Theater,
                                                         Chicago, Illinois (IL-05).
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Broadway Armory Natatorium       Chicago Park District..........     2,000,000  Schakowsky
 Urban Development                                       Swimming Pool, Chicago,
                                                         Illinois (IL-09).
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Renovation of the High Ridge     YMCA of Metropolitan Chicago...     3,750,000  Schakowsky
 Urban Development                                       YMCA Facility, Chicago,
                                                         Illinois (IL-09).
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Family Focus "Our Place"         Family Focus...................     1,130,845  Schakowsky
 Urban Development                                       Building Renovation, Evanston,
                                                         Illinois (IL-09).
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Connections for the Homeless     Connections for the Homeless...     2,000,000  Schakowsky
 Urban Development                                       Hilda's Place Renovations,
                                                         Evanston, Illinois (IL-09).
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Food Equity and Community        Hollywood Food Coalition.......       750,000  Schiff
 Urban Development                                       Resilience Hub.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Day Center Expansion for Low-    The Center in Hollywood........       750,000  Schiff
 Urban Development                                       Income and Unhoused Community
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  YWCA Historical Building         YWCA of Glendale and Pasadena..     2,200,000  Schiff
 Urban Development                                       Preservation and Domestic
                                                         Violence Emergency Shelter
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  CPAH Lake County Affordable      Community Partners for              1,500,000  Schneider
 Urban Development                                       Housing Development in           Affordable Housing (CPAH).
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Chain O'Lakes Economic           Village of Fox Lake............       750,000  Schneider
 Urban Development                                       Development in Fox Lake.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Lake County Early Learning       North Chicago Community Unit        1,228,493  Schneider
 Urban Development                                       Center in North Chicago.         School District 187.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  North Chicago Economic           Lake County....................     4,000,000  Schneider
 Urban Development                                       Redevelopment at Sheridan
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Lake Bluff Downtown Flooding     Lake County Stormwater                750,000  Schneider
 Urban Development                                       Mitigation Project.              Management Commission.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  PADS Lake County Homeless        PADS Lake County...............     3,000,000  Schneider
 Urban Development                                       Shelter.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Hillside Redevelopment Project.  Housing Authority of Clackamas      4,000,000  Schrader
 Urban Development                                                                        County.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Detroit Lake Marina Excavation   Marion County..................     2,000,000  Schrader
 Urban Development                                       and Resiliency Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Snoqualmie Indian Tribe --       The Snoqualmie Tribe...........     1,500,000  Schrier
 Urban Development                                       Child Development Center
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Bethel Schools Graham Community  Bethel Washington School              750,000  Schrier
 Urban Development                                       Center Project.                  District.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  The Market Farm to Fork and      Bonney Lake Food Bank (aka          2,000,000  Schrier
 Urban Development                                       Smart Locker Program.            Bonney Lake Community
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  YWCA North Central Washington    YWCA North Central Washington..       200,000  Schrier
 Urban Development                                       Permanent Supportive Housing
                                                         (PSH) Updating and
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  HopeSource Teanaway Multi-       HopeSource.....................     2,030,000  Schrier
 Urban Development                                       Service Center.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Tyler's Beach Harbor/Marina      Isle of Wight County...........       750,000  Scott (VA)
 Urban Development                                       Facility Improvements.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Franklin Armory/Community        City of Franklin...............     2,500,000  Scott (VA)
 Urban Development                                       Center.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Dr. Clarence V. Cuffee           City of Chesapeake.............     3,000,000  Scott (VA)
 Urban Development                                       Community Center Aquatic
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  YMCA of the Virginia Peninsulas  YMCA of the Virginia Peninsulas     2,000,000  Scott (VA)
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  City of Norfolk Neighborhood     City of Norfolk................     3,000,000  Scott (VA)
 Urban Development                                       Safety LED Streetlight
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Atlanta Legal Aid Clayton        Atlanta Legal Aid Society......       260,000  Scott, David
 Urban Development                                       County Office.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Chattahoochee Riverlands --      City of Smyrna.................       900,000  Scott, David
 Urban Development                                       Bike/Pedestrian Bridge
                                                         Feasibility Study.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Water Supply and Water           City of Thorndale..............     3,000,000  Sessions
 Urban Development                                       Distribution Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  City of Montgomery Blight        City of Montgomery.............     4,000,000  Sewell
 Urban Development                                       Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Orrville Public Library........  Town of Orrville...............       500,000  Sewell
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Bethel Family & Child Care       Bethel Baptist Church..........       750,000  Sewell
 Urban Development                                       Center.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Selma Riverfront Multi-plex....  City of Selma..................     4,000,000  Sewell
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Valley Creek Rails to Trails...  City of Birmingham.............     4,000,000  Sewell
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Studio City/Beeman Recreational  City of Los Angeles -- Council      3,000,000  Sherman
 Urban Development                                       Center Capital Improvement       District 4.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  West Valley Community Greening   TreePeople.....................     1,149,662  Sherman
 Urban Development                                       Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Encino Community Center........  Armenian Cultural Foundation...     1,200,000  Sherman
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Essential Service Relief for     Labor Community Services of Los       600,000  Sherman
 Urban Development                                       Underserved/Unemployed           Angeles.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Connecting Canoga Park project.  City of Los Angeles -- Council      1,500,000  Sherman
 Urban Development                                                                        District 3.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Los Angeles Accessory Dwelling   Los Angeles City Council              750,000  Sherman
 Urban Development                                       Units (ADU) Accelerator          District 12.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  South Valley Transportation &    City of Los Angeles--Council          750,000  Sherman
 Urban Development                                       Infrastructure Improvements.     District 4.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  City of Los Angeles -- Park      City of Los Angeles Mayor's         4,000,000  Sherman
 Urban Development                                       Ballfield Improvements and       Office.
                                                         Upgrades at Various LA City
                                                         Parks Facilities.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Domestic Violence Shelter &      Haven Hills Inc................       500,000  Sherman
 Urban Development                                       Services Facilities
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Borough of Madison Affordable    Borough of Madison.............     2,086,269  Sherrill
 Urban Development                                       Housing Development.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Housing is Healthcare for        Family Promise of Morris County     1,761,700  Sherrill
 Urban Development                                       Economic Development Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Collinsville-Tucker Park         Township of Morris.............       500,000  Sherrill
 Urban Development                                       Improvement Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Idaho Workforce and Public       Idaho Rural Water Association,        750,000  Simpson
 Urban Development                                       Safety Training Facility         Inc..
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Downtown Boise YMCA Catalytic    Treasure Valley Family YMCA....     4,000,000  Simpson
 Urban Development                                       Redevelopment Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Healing Idaho Community          Camp Rainbow Gold, Inc.........     2,400,000  Simpson
 Urban Development                                       Development Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Pier 93 Park...................  Town of West New York..........     2,750,000  Sires
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  River Road Overpass............  Town of West New York..........     2,000,000  Sires
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Pedestrian Safety Improvement    Township of Weehawken..........     4,000,000  Sires
 Urban Development                                       Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  James Braddock Park Roadway      Hudson County New Jersey.......       500,000  Sires
 Urban Development                                       Safety Initiative.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  West New York Housing Authority  West New York Housing Authority       888,000  Sires
 Urban Development                                       Building Security Improvements.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Howell Depot Lot Reconstruction  The City of Howell, Michigan...       750,000  Slotkin
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Lansing Ovation Center for       City of Lansing................       750,000  Slotkin
 Urban Development                                       Music & Arts.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Green Oak Aerial Ladder Truck..  Green Oak Charter Township.....       750,000  Slotkin
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Ingham County, Fairgrounds       Ingham County Fairgrounds......     2,500,000  Slotkin
 Urban Development                                       Grandstand.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Eatontown Community Flood        Borough of Eatontown...........     2,000,000  Smith (NJ)
 Urban Development                                       Mitigation Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Improvements to Local Roads,     Township of Lakewood...........     2,000,000  Smith (NJ)
 Urban Development                                       Sidewalks, and Water Systems.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Providence House Ocean County    Catholic Charities Diocese of         750,000  Smith (NJ)
 Urban Development                                       Safe House Improvements.         Trenton- Providence House.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Somali Community Cultural        Somali Health Board............     4,000,000  Smith (WA)
 Urban Development                                       Innovation Hub.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  El Centro de la Raza--           El Centro de la Raza...........     4,000,000  Smith (WA)
 Urban Development                                       Pattison's West Community
                                                         Campus Property Acquisition.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Skyway Affordable Housing and    Low Income Housing Institute...       750,000  Smith (WA)
 Urban Development                                       Early Learning Center.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  African Business Innovation      African Chamber of Commerce of        750,000  Smith (WA)
 Urban Development                                       Center.                          the Pacific Northwest.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Washington Refugee Healing       Congolese Integration Network..       500,000  Smith (WA)
 Urban Development                                       Center.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Little Saigon Landmark.........  Friends of Little Saigon.......     4,000,000  Smith (WA)
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  McKinney Center Capital Project  Central District Community          1,000,000  Smith (WA)
 Urban Development                                                                        Preservation & Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Southeast Seattle Affordable     Southeast Seattle Senior              750,000  Smith (WA)
 Urban Development                                       Housing and Home Ownership.      Foundation.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Southwest Lake Howard            City of Winter Haven...........       750,000  Soto
 Urban Development                                       Pedestrian Enhancement.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Deerwood Elementary School       Osceola County.................       944,227  Soto
 Urban Development                                       Sidewalk Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  HOPKINS PARK AND RIVER ROAD      City of St. Cloud..............     1,051,360  Soto
 Urban Development                                       REVITALIZATION.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  City of Lake Wales 1st Street    City of Lake Wales.............       750,000  Soto
 Urban Development                                       Streetscape.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Michigan Avenue Safety           Osceola County.................     1,978,000  Soto
 Urban Development                                       Improvements.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Hope Apartment Housing.........  Hope Partnership...............       750,000  Soto
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Purchase of a two fire           City of Haines City............     2,000,000  Soto
 Urban Development                                       apparatus (Pierce custom
                                                         pumper and quint fire
                                                         apparatus) for the City of
                                                         Haines City.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  City of Orlando Lake Nona        City of Orlando................     1,000,000  Soto
 Urban Development                                       Poitras Park.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Fighting Creek Park ADA          Powhatan County................       750,000  Spanberger
 Urban Development                                       Improvements.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Replacement Water Tower Serving  Spotsylvania County............     3,000,000  Spanberger
 Urban Development                                       the Massaponax and Thornburg
                                                         Areas -- Design and
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  San Mateo County History Museum  San Mateo County Historical           750,000  Speier
 Urban Development                                       Carriage House.                  Association.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  San Mateo Marina Branch Public   City of San Mateo..............     1,500,000  Speier
 Urban Development                                       Library Restoration Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  City of Burlingame Town Square   City of Burlingame.............       750,000  Speier
 Urban Development                                       Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  East Palo Alto New Public        City of East Palo Alto.........     1,500,000  Speier
 Urban Development                                       Library.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  South San Francisco New Library  City of South San Francisco....     1,500,000  Speier
 Urban Development                                       and Parks and Recreation
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Daly City Early Learning Center  City of Daly City..............       800,000  Speier
 Urban Development                                       for Infants and Toddlers.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Homeless Youth Center..........  City of Albuquerque............     1,500,000  Stansbury
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  VIC New Veteran Transitional     Veterans Integration Center....       300,000  Stansbury
 Urban Development                                       Housing Campus.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Federally Qualified Health       Albuquerque Health Care for the       750,000  Stansbury
 Urban Development                                       Center Campus Expansion to       Homeless.
                                                         Serve People Experiencing
                                                         Homelessness in Bernalillo
                                                         County, New Mexico..
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Albuquerque Adult Learning       Albuquerque Adult Learning            600,000  Stansbury
 Urban Development                                       Center.                          Center, Inc..
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  77th Street Access Improvements  City of Scottsdale.............     1,800,000  Stanton
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Vista Colina Family Shelter      Central Arizona Shelter               750,000  Stanton
 Urban Development                                       Renovation.                      Services.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Trellis at the Mission Low-      Trellis........................     1,500,000  Stanton
 Urban Development                                       Income Affordable Housing.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Affordable Workforce Housing...  City of Tempe..................       500,000  Stanton
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Milaca Airport Road Project....  City of Milaca.................     1,500,000  Stauber
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Fulton County Crosslands         Fulton County Center for              500,000  Stefanik
 Urban Development                                       Industrial Park Improvements.    Regional Growth, Inc..
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Wellness Center Facility         Silver Bay YMCA................     1,000,000  Stefanik
 Urban Development                                       Improvements.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Construction of a Roadway        Highlands County...............     1,100,000  Steube
 Urban Development                                       Between Sebring Parkway, SR-
                                                         17, and Arbuckle Creek Road.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Restoration of Roads--Including  City of Wauchula...............     2,000,000  Steube
 Urban Development                                       Oak, Bay, and Palmetto Street.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Oakland County Farmer's Market   County of Oakland..............     2,269,000  Stevens
 Urban Development                                       Modernization & Improvement
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  City of Troy--Sylvan Glen Lake   City of Troy, MI...............     1,500,000  Stevens
 Urban Development                                       Park.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Waterford Downtown               Charter Township of Waterford..       750,000  Stevens
 Urban Development                                       Revitalization Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Shiawassee Connection..........  City of Farmington.............     2,100,000  Stevens
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Ridge Road Park Phase 1 Design   Charter Township of Canton.....     1,000,000  Stevens
 Urban Development                                       and Engineering.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Emergency Food Network of        Emergency Food Network of           1,500,000  Strickland
 Urban Development                                       Tacoma and Pierce County.        Tacoma and Pierce County.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  History & Nature Center at       Olympia Tumwater Foundation....       750,000  Strickland
 Urban Development                                       Brewery Park.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Great Neck Senior Center.......  Great Neck Senior Center.......       464,500  Suozzi
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Garvies Point Preserve and       Nassau County..................       294,300  Suozzi
 Urban Development                                       Museum -- Improving
                                                         Connectivity and Accessibility
                                                         to Open Spaces, Glen Cove, New
                                                         York, Nassau County.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  SNAP (Services Now for Adult     Services Now for Adult Persons,       750,000  Suozzi
 Urban Development                                       Persons, Inc.) of Eastern        Inc.
                                                         Queens Older Adult Senior
                                                         Center and Case Management
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Building Health Lifestyles at    Young Men's Christian                 250,000  Suozzi
 Urban Development                                       the YMCA of Long Island.         Association Long Island.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Emergency Food Programming.....  Metropolitan Council on Jewish        750,000  Suozzi
 Urban Development                                                                        Poverty.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Sequoia Grove Affordable         Habitat for Humanity East Bay/      1,000,000  Swalwell
 Urban Development                                       Housing.                         Silicon Valley.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Alameda County ALL IN Eats Food  Alameda County.................     1,400,000  Swalwell
 Urban Development                                       Hub, Livermore.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Sunrise at Bogart Permanent      Neighborhood Partnership            3,000,000  Takano
 Urban Development                                       Supportive Housing Development.  Housing Services, Inc. Sunrise
                                                                                          at Bogart, LP.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Integrated Solutions for         Parkview Legacy Foundation.....       750,000  Takano
 Urban Development                                       Community Wellness and Stable
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  MoVal Emergency Shelter/Rapid    City of Moreno Valley..........     1,000,000  Takano
 Urban Development                                       Rehousing Program.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Community Program Enhancement    City of Perris.................     3,000,000  Takano
 Urban Development                                       Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Park Drive Revitalization        City of Rome...................     3,000,000  Tenney
 Urban Development                                       Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Buy-out of Repetitive Flood      Town of Whitestown.............       227,000  Tenney
 Urban Development                                       Loss Properties.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Martinez Municipal Fishing Pier  City of Martinez...............     2,547,600  Thompson (CA)
 Urban Development                                       Renovation.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Boys and Girls Club Sonoma-      Boys and Girls Club Sonoma-         4,000,000  Thompson (CA)
 Urban Development                                       Marin.                           Marin.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Napa Intensive and Permanent     City of Napa, CA...............       750,000  Thompson (CA)
 Urban Development                                       Mental Health Housing Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Preserving and Restoring Mare    The Mare Island Historic Park       1,219,000  Thompson (CA)
 Urban Development                                       Island Landmarks.                Foundation.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Burns Valley Sports Complex &    City of Clearlake..............     2,000,000  Thompson (CA)
 Urban Development                                       Recreation Center.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Providence Rohnert Park House..  Providence Health & Services --     1,300,000  Thompson (CA)
 Urban Development                                                                        Washington.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Sunflower County Business        Sunflower County...............     2,000,000  Thompson (MS)
 Urban Development                                       Improvement District.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Bolivar County Utilization       Bolivar County.................     2,000,000  Thompson (MS)
 Urban Development                                       Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  The City of Coffeeville's        Town of Coffeeville............       500,000  Thompson (MS)
 Urban Development                                       Recreational Park.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Emmett Till Tutwiler Museum &    Emmett Till Tutwiler Museum &         750,000  Thompson (MS)
 Urban Development                                       Welcome Center.                  Welcome Center.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Restoration of Sewage and Water  Friends of Twin Lakes ANF......       500,000  Thompson (PA)
 Urban Development                                       Systems with Water System
                                                         Extension at Twin Lakes.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Redford Township Wellness        Redford Township...............     2,000,000  Tlaib
 Urban Development                                       Center, Redford Township,
                                                         Wayne County, Michigan, 13th
                                                         Congressional District.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Garden City Community Center     Garden City....................     2,100,000  Tlaib
 Urban Development                                       Rehabilitation Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Grandmont Rosedale Mixed-Use     Grandmont Rosedale Development      2,500,000  Tlaib
 Urban Development                                       Development for Low-Income       Corporation.
                                                         Senior Housing and Commercial
                                                         Space in Detroit, Wayne,
                                                         Michigan, 13th Congressional
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Repurpose of Marshall Middle     City of Westland...............     3,500,000  Tlaib
 Urban Development                                       School for a Service &
                                                         Learning Center in Westland,
                                                         Wayne County, Michigan, 13th
                                                         Congressional District.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Beechwood Center Renovation      City of River Rouge............       869,500  Tlaib
 Urban Development                                       City of River Rouge, Wayne
                                                         County, Michigan, 13th
                                                         Congressional District.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Kessey Fieldhouse and Rouge      City of Melvindale.............     2,000,000  Tlaib
 Urban Development                                       River Boat Launch Capital
                                                         Improvements City of
                                                         Melvindale, Wayne County,
                                                         Michigan, 13th Congressional
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Complete the Multi-Service       City of Highland Park..........       496,000  Tlaib
 Urban Development                                       Facility for Health and Human
                                                         Services Project in Highland
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Matton Shipyard Preservation     The Erie Canalway Heritage            505,359  Tonko
 Urban Development                                       and Adaptive Reuse Initiative,   Fund, Inc..
                                                         Waterford, New York.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Transitional Housing and         In Our Own Voices, Inc.........       750,000  Tonko
 Urban Development                                       Services for LGBT and Gender
                                                         Non-Confirming, Albany, New
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Little Italty's Neighborhood     TAP Inc........................       500,000  Tonko
 Urban Development                                       Placemaking for Economic
                                                         Development, Troy, New York.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Charlton Community Center,       Town of Charlton...............       540,000  Tonko
 Urban Development                                       Charlton, New York.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Employment Services Facility     Unity House of Troy, Inc.......       800,000  Tonko
 Urban Development                                       Improvement Project, Troy, New
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Schenectady Community Action     Schenectady Community Action        1,500,000  Tonko
 Urban Development                                       Program Campus Project,          Program.
                                                         Schenectady, New York.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  HOMEBASE--Combatting Social      RISE Housing and Support            2,358,292  Tonko
 Urban Development                                       Isolation & Stigma In the        Services.
                                                         Mental Health Community,
                                                         Saratoga Springs, New York.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Esperanza Verde Park,            City of Amsterdam..............       650,000  Tonko
 Urban Development                                       Amsterdam, New York.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Business Incubator, Amsterdam,   Amsterdam Free Library.........       469,333  Tonko
 Urban Development                                       New York.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Hoffman Park Community Center    City of Albany.................       400,000  Tonko
 Urban Development                                       Improvements, Albany, New York.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Downtown Main Street Economic    City of Upland.................       750,000  Torres (CA)
 Urban Development                                       Recovery and Revitalization
                                                         Project- Phase 2.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Prado Regional Park Food Court   San Bernardino County Regional      2,280,000  Torres (CA)
 Urban Development                                       Rehabilitation.                  Parks.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  La Casita Community Center.....  City of Pomona.................     4,000,000  Torres (CA)
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Pacific Electric Trail           The City of Fontana............       750,000  Torres (CA)
 Urban Development                                       Improvement Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Courtplace Housing Development.  The City of Fontana............     4,000,000  Torres (CA)
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  South Bronx Food Hub Expansion.  Catholic Charities Community          204,281  Torres (NY)
 Urban Development                                                                        Services, Archdiocese of New
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Morrison Public Plaza and Open   Youth Ministries for Peace and        250,000  Torres (NY)
 Urban Development                                       Market.                          Justice, Inc..
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Worker's Operation Center......  New York Botanical Garden......     1,000,000  Torres (NY)
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  NYCHA Jackson Houses Exterior    New York City Housing Authority     3,000,000  Torres (NY)
 Urban Development                                       Lighting Installation.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Expansion of Behavioral Health   Montefiore Medical Center......       750,000  Torres (NY)
 Urban Development                                       Clinics in Montefiore School
                                                         Based Health Centers.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  STEM and Green Career            Wildlife Conservation Society..     1,178,406  Torres (NY)
 Urban Development                                       Internships for Bronx College
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Security Surveillance Systems    Diego Beekman Mutual Housing          600,000  Torres (NY)
 Urban Development                                       Upgrades.                        Association, HDFC.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Cap Dracut Landfill............  Town of Dracut.................     1,500,000  Trahan
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Martin/Cawley Complex            Lowell Athletics and Activities     3,000,000  Trahan
 Urban Development                                       Renovation.                      Foundation Inc..
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  The Winnekenni Recreation Area   City of Haverhill..............       700,000  Trahan
 Urban Development                                       Improvements & Restoration
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  1301 Middlesex Family Shelter    Community Teamwork, Inc........     3,000,000  Trahan
 Urban Development                                       Acquisition Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Ellen Swallow Richards Park and  Lawrence CommunityWorks Inc....     2,116,000  Trahan
 Urban Development                                       Island Parkside Open Space and
                                                         Recreation Plan (ESR/IP).
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Historic Asa Parlin House        Town of Acton..................       750,000  Trahan
 Urban Development                                       Restoration -- Community and
                                                         Cultural Center.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Fitchburg State University,      Fitchburg State University.....     2,000,000  Trahan
 Urban Development                                       Phase 2 Fitchburg Theater
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Boys & Girls Club of Washington  Boys & Girls Club of Washington     4,000,000  Trone
 Urban Development                                       County (BGCWC) Pennsylvania      County.
                                                         Avenue Clubhouse Replacement
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Frederick HHS Permanent          City of Frederick..............     1,315,843  Trone
 Urban Development                                       Supportive Housing, Food
                                                         Distribution Center, & Soup
                                                         Kitchen Upgrades Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  The Pleasant View Historic Site  The Pleasant View Historical          942,303  Trone
 Urban Development                                       Preservation and Restoration     Association.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Pittsburgh Institute of          Pittsburgh Institute of               750,000  Trone
 Urban Development                                       Aeronautics Hagerstown Campus    Aeronautics.
                                                         Expansion Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Development and Low Dam          City of West Carrollton........     3,000,000  Turner
 Urban Development                                       Revitalization Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Project Plymouth Site Assembly   Dayton-Montgomery County Port       3,000,000  Turner
 Urban Development                                       and Acquisition.                 Authority.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Dayton International Airport     City of Vandalia...............     1,330,000  Turner
 Urban Development                                       (DAY)--Northeast Logistics
                                                         Access Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Hinckley Public Library........  Hinckley Public Library               750,000  Underwood
 Urban Development                                                                        District.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Relocation of the Batavia        City of Batavia................     3,000,000  Underwood
 Urban Development                                       Interfaith Food Pantry and
                                                         Clothes Closet.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Sturgis Downtown Revitalization  City of Sturgis................     1,000,000  Upton
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Indiana-Michigan River Valley    United Way of Southwest               912,000  Upton
 Urban Development                                       Trail Extension (Section 1).     Michigan.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Ox Creek Clean Up and            City of Benton Harbor..........     3,000,000  Upton
 Urban Development                                       Redevelopment.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Corazon del Valle Commons        Housing Authority of Fresno         2,000,000  Valadao
 Urban Development                                       Housing Project Construction     County.
                                                         and Improvements.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Tulare Emergency Homeless        City of Tulare.................     1,500,000  Valadao
 Urban Development                                       Shelter Construction.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Caruthers Education and          Caruthers Unified School            2,895,000  Valadao
 Urban Development                                       Community Activity Center        District.
                                                         Constructions and Improvements.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Santa Fe Way Resurfacing and     City of Shafter................     2,000,000  Valadao
 Urban Development                                       Shoulder Improvements Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Hanford Veterans and Seniors     City of Hanford................       561,000  Valadao
 Urban Development                                       Building Renovation and
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Community Center Improvement...  Bangladesh Association of South       250,000  Van Drew
 Urban Development                                                                        Jersey.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Light Up San Diego Streetlight   City of San Diego..............     1,500,000  Vargas
 Urban Development                                       Improvement Program--Logan
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  San Ysidro Community Activity    City of San Diego..............     4,000,000  Vargas
 Urban Development                                       Center Enhancements.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Beach and Boat Launch at Harbor  San Diego Unified Port District     3,000,000  Vargas
 Urban Development                                       Park.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Beyer Park Phase II              City of San Diego..............     3,000,000  Vargas
 Urban Development                                       Construction.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  City of Arlington --             City of Arlington..............     2,400,000  Veasey
 Urban Development                                       Neighborhood Wi-Fi.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Transform 1012 N. Main Street    Transform 1012 N. Main Street..     4,000,000  Veasey
 Urban Development                                       professional services and
                                                         expenses for the design phase,
                                                         Fort Worth, Texas, Tarrant
                                                         County, Congressional District
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Hughes House Public              Housing Authority of the City       4,000,000  Veasey
 Urban Development                                       Infrastructure Improvements.     of Fort Worth, Fort Worth
                                                                                          Housing Authority dba Fort
                                                                                          Worth Housing Solutions.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  City of Dallas -- Hensley Field  City of Dallas.................     1,000,000  Veasey
 Urban Development                                       Shoreline Modification.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Center for Transforming Lives'   Center for Transforming Lives..     2,250,000  Veasey
 Urban Development                                       Riverside Early Childhood
                                                         Education & Economic Mobility
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  United Way of Tarrant County--   United Way of Tarrant County...       750,000  Veasey
 Urban Development                                       Mission United.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  United Way of Tarrant County-    United Way of Tarrant County...       400,000  Veasey
 Urban Development                                       Volunteer Income Tax
                                                         Assistance Program (VITA)..
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Southern Gateway Park..........  Southern Gateway Public Green       3,000,000  Veasey
 Urban Development                                                                        Foundation.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  City of Irving--Southwest Park   City of Irving.................       750,000  Veasey
 Urban Development                                       Renovation Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  William M. McDonald YMCA         YMCA of Metropolitan Fort Worth     1,488,690  Veasey
 Urban Development                                       Covered Outdoor Gymnasium
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  United Way of Tarrant County     United Way of Tarrant County...       750,000  Veasey
 Urban Development                                       Workforce Development.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  FAC Affordable Solar...........  Fifth Avenue Committee, Inc....       750,000  Velazquez
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Public Housing Leadership        Good Old Lower East Side, Inc..       300,000  Velazquez
 Urban Development                                       Academy.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  NYCHA ADA Accessibility and      New York City Housing Authority       750,000  Velazquez
 Urban Development                                       Security Lighting Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Acquisition of a building in     The Center for Law and Human          750,000  Velazquez
 Urban Development                                       the Bushwick, Brooklyn           Values (DBA The Action Lab).
                                                         neighborhood to create the
                                                         Brooklyn Center for Social
                                                         Justice, Entrepreneurship and
                                                         the Arts (BCSEA)..
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Grand Street Settlement 80 Pitt  Grand Street Settlement, Inc...     1,100,000  Velazquez
 Urban Development                                       St. Community Center
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Feeding South Florida Mobile     Feeding South Florida, Inc.....     2,000,000  Wasserman
 Urban Development                                       Market and Kitchen.                                                             Schultz
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Gardena Rosecrans Community      City of Gardena................     1,000,000  Waters
 Urban Development                                       Center.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Gateway Place..................  Grant Housing and Economic          4,000,000  Waters
 Urban Development                                                                        Development Corporation.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Legacy Project.................  Neighborhood Housing Services       1,500,000  Waters
 Urban Development                                                                        of Los Angeles County.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Watts and South LA               Macedonia Community Development     1,000,000  Waters
 Urban Development                                       Entrepreneurship Accelerator.    Corporation.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  PATH Villas Normandie..........  PATH Ventures..................       750,000  Waters
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Torrance Temporary Housing       City of Torrance...............       750,000  Waters
 Urban Development                                       Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Lawndale New Teen Center/        City of Lawndale...............     4,000,000  Waters
 Urban Development                                       Municipal Services Department
                                                         Building Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  East Brunswick Public Library    East Brunswick Township........       750,000  Watson Coleman
 Urban Development                                       Building Infrastructure.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Manville Veterans Freedom Plaza  Borough of Manville............       350,000  Watson Coleman
 Urban Development                                       Creation.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Witherspoon Street Improvements  Municipality of Princeton......       750,000  Watson Coleman
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Wireworks......................  City of Trenton................       750,000  Watson Coleman
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Van Veghten House Restoration..  Somerset County Historical          2,443,000  Watson Coleman
 Urban Development                                                                        Society.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Coalport Neighborhood            Kean University................       750,000  Watson Coleman
 Urban Development                                       Revitalization Planning.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Assunpink Greenway Active        City of Trenton................     2,000,000  Watson Coleman
 Urban Development                                       Recreation Corridor.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Citrus Grove Road Phase II       Lake County....................     1,000,000  Webster (FL)
 Urban Development                                       Final Design.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Champlain Valley Food Access     Champlain Valley Office of            100,000  Welch
 Urban Development                                       Network Fulfillment Center.      Economic Opportunity.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Modernizing the Energy           Vermont State Colleges.........       750,000  Welch
 Urban Development                                       Efficiency of the Alexander
                                                         Twilight Theater.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Bennington's Fair Food           Town of Bennington.............     2,200,000  Welch
 Urban Development                                       Initiative: Building an
                                                         inclusive, fair food system
                                                         for all.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Main Street Family Housing.....  Committee on Temporary Shelter.       825,000  Welch
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Fair Haven Town Hall             Town of Fair Haven.............       250,000  Welch
 Urban Development                                       Revitalization.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Restore the Gardner Park         City of Newport................       500,000  Welch
 Urban Development                                       Grandstand & Ballfield.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Community Rides Vermont--        Capstone Community Action......       750,000  Welch
 Urban Development                                       Transit Properly Scaled for
                                                         Rural Vermont.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  The Boys and Girls Club of       The Boys and Girls Club of            518,500  Welch
 Urban Development                                       Burlington's Swimming Pool       Burlington.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Hamilton County Affordable       The Cincinnati Metropolitan         2,000,000  Wenstrup
 Urban Development                                       Housing Project (EAST).          Housing Authority.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Scioto Valley Regional Water     The Village of Piketon.........     2,000,000  Wenstrup
 Urban Development                                       Reclamation Facility and Water
                                                         Treatment Plant.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Tuscarora Crossing Phases 1 and  Loudoun County, Virginia.......     1,000,000  Wexton
 Urban Development                                       2.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  New Bethany Shelter for Special  New Bethany, Inc...............     2,000,000  Wild
 Urban Development                                       Populations.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Greater Valley YMCA Southern     Greater Valley YMCA............     3,000,000  Wild
 Urban Development                                       Lehigh Facility Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Museum of Indian Culture         Museum of Indian Culture.......       963,000  Wild
 Urban Development                                       Expansion--Lenape Village.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Upper Macungie Township          Upper Macungie Township........       750,000  Wild
 Urban Development                                       Community Center.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Greenway Trail Gap at Saucon     City of Bethlehem..............     2,700,000  Wild
 Urban Development                                       Rail Trail Connection.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Via of the Lehigh Valley         Via of the Lehigh Valley, Inc..       750,000  Wild
 Urban Development                                       Prevocational Workshop Capital
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Midtown Connector Project......  MCP Foundation, Inc............       750,000  Williams (GA)
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Rainbow Drive and Columbia       DeKalb County, GA..............       750,000  Williams (GA)
 Urban Development                                       Drive Sidewalk Development.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Restoration of the Historic      Ralph David Abernathy III           4,000,000  Williams (GA)
 Urban Development                                       West Hunter Street Baptist       Foundation, Inc..
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  HUB404.........................  Buckhead CID...................       750,000  Williams (GA)
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  The Propel Center..............  Ed Farm........................     2,544,902  Williams (GA)
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Enhancements to the Museum of    Museum of Contemporary Art,         3,000,000  Wilson (FL)
 Urban Development                                       Contemporary Art, Inc. in        Inc..
                                                         North Miami.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Washington Park Site             City of North Miami Beach......     3,000,000  Wilson (FL)
 Urban Development                                       Development.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Miami Veterans Housing Project.  United Way Miami...............     3,000,000  Wilson (FL)
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Cultural Facility Development    City of West Park..............     3,000,000  Wilson (FL)
 Urban Development                                       at McTyre Park.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Repetitive Property Losses--     City of Miami Gardens..........       750,000  Wilson (FL)
 Urban Development                                       Drainage Improvement Project.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Phase 2 Simonhoff Floral Park    City of Miami Parks and             4,000,000  Wilson (FL)
 Urban Development                                       Improvements/COVID-19 Memorial   Recreation Department.
                                                         and Douglas Park Community
                                                         Center Improvements.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Boys & Girls Club of Miami Dade  Boys & Girls Club of Miami          4,000,000  Wilson (FL)
 Urban Development                                                                        Dade, Inc..
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Bahamian Museum of Arts and      Thelma Gibson Health                4,000,000  Wilson (FL)
 Urban Development                                       Culture.                         Initiative, Inc..
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Berryville Public Library        Friends of Berryville Library,      1,000,000  Womack
 Urban Development                                       Construction.                    Inc..
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Mill Branch Park Expansion.....  City of Goshen.................       880,000  Womack
 Urban Development
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Industrial Park Drive and Marla  City of Mulberry...............     4,000,000  Womack
 Urban Development                                       Lane Road Resurfacing.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Building Forever Families        St. Joseph Children's Home.....     1,000,000  Yarmuth
 Urban Development                                       Education Renovation- School
                                                         for Foster Children.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  St. John Center Single-Site      St. John Center, Inc...........     1,500,000  Yarmuth
 Urban Development                                       Permanent Supportive Housing.
Department of Housing and   Community Development Fund  Edgewood Avenue Corridor         Town of Smithtown..............     1,110,000  Zeldin
 Urban Development                                       Project.

          Compliance With Rule XIII, Cl. 3(e) (Ramseyer Rule)

  In compliance with clause 3(e) of rule XIII of the Rules of 
the House of Representatives, changes in existing law made by 
the bill, as reported, are shown as follows (existing law 
proposed to be omitted is enclosed in black brackets, new 
matter is printed in italics, existing law in which no change 
is proposed is shown in roman):


(Public Law 117-58)

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *


           *       *       *       *       *       *       *



           *       *       *       *       *       *       *


           *       *       *       *       *       *       *


  For an additional amount for ``Northeast Corridor Grants to 
the National Railroad Passenger Corporation'', $6,000,000,000, 
to remain available until expended, for activities associated 
with the Northeast Corridor, as authorized by section 22101(a) 
of division B of this Act:  Provided, That $1,200,000,000, to 
remain available until expended, shall be made available for 
fiscal year 2022, $1,200,000,000, to remain available until 
expended, shall be made available for fiscal year 2023, 
$1,200,000,000, to remain available until expended, shall be 
made available for fiscal year 2024, $1,200,000,000, to remain 
available until expended, shall be made available for fiscal 
year 2025, and $1,200,000,000, to remain available until 
expended, shall be made available for fiscal year 2026:  
Provided further, That the amounts made available under this 
heading in this Act shall be made available for capital 
projects for the purpose of eliminating the backlog of obsolete 
assets and Amtrak's deferred maintenance backlog of rolling 
stock, facilities, stations, and infrastructure:  Provided 
further, That amounts made available under this heading in this 
Act shall be made available for appropriate costs required for 
the following capital projects--
          (1) acquiring new passenger rolling stock for the 
        replacement of single-level passenger cars used in 
        Amtrak's Northeast Corridor services, and associated 
        rehabilitation, upgrade, and expansion of facilities 
        used to maintain and store such equipment;
          (2) bringing Amtrak-served stations to full 
        compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act;
          (3) eliminating the backlog of deferred capital work 
        on sole-benefit Amtrak-owned assets located on the 
        Northeast Corridor; or
          (4) carrying out Northeast Corridor capital renewal 
        backlog projects:  Provided further, That not later 
        than 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act, 
        the [Secretary of Transportation shall submit] 
        Secretary of Transportation, in consultation with 
        Amtrak, shall submit to the House and Senate Committees 
        on Appropriations a detailed spend plan, including a 
        list of project locations under the preceding proviso 
        to be funded for fiscal year 2022:  Provided further, 
        That for each fiscal year through 2026, as part of the 
        annual budget submission of the President under section 
        1105(a) of title 31, United States Code, the [Secretary 
        of Transportation shall submit] Secretary of 
        Transportation, in consultation with Amtrak, shall 
        prepare and submit a detailed spend plan for that 
        fiscal year, including a list of project locations 
        under the third proviso:  Provided further, That 
        amounts made available under this heading in this Act 
        shall be in addition to other amounts made available 
        for such purposes, including to enable the Secretary of 
        Transportation to make or amend existing grants to 
        Amtrak for activities associated with the Northeast 
        Corridor, as authorized by section 22101(a) of division 
        B of this Act:  Provided further, That amounts made 
        available under this heading in this Act may be used by 
        Amtrak to fund, in whole or in part, the costs of 
        Northeast Corridor capital renewal backlog projects, 
        including the costs of joint public transportation and 
        intercity passenger rail capital projects, 
        notwithstanding the limitations in section 24319(g) and 
        section 24905(c) of title 49, United States Code:  
        Provided further, That notwithstanding section 24911(f) 
        of title 49, United States Code, amounts made available 
        under this heading in this Act may be used as non-
        Federal share for Northeast Corridor projects selected 
        for award under such section after the date of 
        enactment of this Act:  Provided further, That the 
        Secretary may retain up to one half of 1 percent of the 
        amounts made available under both this heading in this 
        Act and the ``National Network Grants to the National 
        Railroad Passenger Corporation'' heading in this Act to 
        fund the costs of oversight of Amtrak, as authorized by 
        section 22101(c) of division B of this Act:  Provided 
        further, That in addition to the oversight funds 
        authorized under section 22101(c) of division B of this 
        Act, the Secretary may retain up to $5,000,000 of the 
        funds made available under this heading in this Act for 
        each fiscal year for the Northeast Corridor Commission 
        established under section 24905 of title 49, United 
        States Code[, to facilitate a coordinated and efficient 
        delivery of projects carried out under this heading in 
        this Act]:  Provided further, That amounts made 
        available under this heading in this Act may be 
        transferred to and merged with amounts made available 
        under the heading ``National Network Grants to the 
        National Railroad Passenger Corporation'' in this Act 
        for the purposes authorized under that heading:  
        Provided further, That such amount is designated by the 
        Congress as being for an emergency requirement pursuant 
        to section 4112(a) of H. Con. Res. 71 (115th Congress), 
        the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 
        2018, and to section 251(b) of the Balanced Budget and 
        Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985.


  For an additional amount for ``National Network Grants to the 
National Railroad Passenger Corporation'', $16,000,000,000, to 
remain available until expended, for activities associated with 
the National Network, as authorized by section 22101(b) of 
division B of this Act:  Provided, That $3,200,000,000, to 
remain available until expended, shall be made available for 
fiscal year 2022, $3,200,000,000, to remain available until 
expended, shall be made available for fiscal year 2023, 
$3,200,000,000, to remain available until expended, shall be 
made available for fiscal year 2024, $3,200,000,000, to remain 
available until expended, shall be made available for fiscal 
year 2025, and $3,200,000,000, to remain available until 
expended, shall be made available for fiscal year 2026:  
Provided further, That amounts made available under this 
heading in this Act shall be made available for appropriate 
costs required for capital projects for the purpose of 
eliminating Amtrak's deferred maintenance backlog of rolling 
stock, facilities, stations and infrastructure, including--
          (1) acquiring new passenger rolling stock to replace 
        obsolete passenger equipment used in Amtrak's long-
        distance and state-supported services, and associated 
        rehabilitation, upgrade, or expansion of facilities 
        used to maintain and store such equipment;
          (2) bringing Amtrak-served stations to full 
        compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act;
          (3) eliminating the backlog of deferred capital work 
        on Amtrak-owned railroad assets not located on the 
        Northeast Corridor; and
          (4) projects to eliminate the backlog of obsolete 
        assets associated with Amtrak's national rail passenger 
        transportation system, such as systems for 
        reservations, security, training centers, and 
        technology:  Provided further, That not later than 180 
        days after the date of enactment of this Act, the 
        [Secretary of Transportation shall submit] Secretary of 
        Transportation, in consultation with Amtrak, shall 
        submit to the House and Senate Committees on 
        Appropriations a detailed spend plan, including a list 
        of project locations under the preceding proviso to be 
        funded for fiscal year 2022:  Provided further, That 
        for each fiscal year through 2026, as part of the 
        annual budget submission of the President under section 
        1105(a) of title 31, United States Code, the [Secretary 
        of Transportation shall submit] Secretary of 
        Transportation, in consultation with Amtrak, shall 
        prepare and submit a detailed spend plan for that 
        fiscal year, including a list of project locations 
        under the third proviso:  Provided further, That of the 
        amounts made available under this heading in this Act, 
        and in addition to amounts made available for similar 
        purposes under this heading in prior Acts, Amtrak shall 
        use such amounts as necessary for the replacement of 
        single-level passenger cars and associated 
        rehabilitation, upgrade, and expansion of facilities 
        used to maintain and store such passenger cars, and 
        such amounts shall be for its direct costs and in lieu 
        of payments from States for such purposes, 
        notwithstanding section 209 of the Passenger Rail 
        Investment and Improvement Act of 2008 (Public Law 110-
        432), as amended:  Provided further, That amounts made 
        available under this heading in this Act shall be in 
        addition to other amounts made available for such 
        purposes, including to enable the Secretary of 
        Transportation to make or amend existing grants to 
        Amtrak for activities associated with the National 
        Network, as authorized by section 22101(b) of division 
        B of this Act:  Provided further, That in addition to 
        the oversight funds authorized under section 22101(c) 
        of division B of this Act, the Secretary may retain up 
        to $3,000,000 of the funds made available under this 
        heading in this Act for each fiscal year for the State-
        Supported Route Committee established under section 
        24712(a) of title 49, United States Code:  Provided 
        further, That of the funds made available under this 
        heading in this Act, the Secretary may retain up to 
        $3,000,000 for each fiscal year for interstate rail 
        compact grants, as authorized by section 22910 of title 
        49, United States Code:  Provided further, That of the 
        funds made available under this heading in this Act, 
        not less than $50,000,000 for each fiscal year shall be 
        used to make grants, as authorized under section 22908 
        of title 49 United States Code consistent with the 
        requirements of that section:  Provided further, That 
        of the amounts made available under this heading in 
        this Act, such sums as are necessary, shall be 
        available for purposes authorized in section 22214 of 
        division B of this Act:  Provided further, That amounts 
        made available under this heading in this Act may be 
        transferred to and merged with amounts made available 
        under the heading ``Northeast Corridor Grants to the 
        National Railroad Passenger Corporation'' in this Act 
        for the purposes authorized under that heading:  
        Provided further, That such amount is designated by the 
        Congress as being for an emergency requirement pursuant 
        to section 4112(a) of H. Con. Res. 71 (115th Congress), 
        the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 
        2018, and to section 251(b) of the Balanced Budget and 
        Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

 administrative provisions--federal railroad administration(including 
                           transfer of funds)

  Sec. 802. Amounts made available to the Secretary of 
Transportation or to the Federal Railroad Administration in 
this title in this Act for the costs of award, administration, 
and project management oversight of financial assistance under 
the programs that are administered by the Federal Railroad 
Administration may be transferred to a ``Financial Assistance 
Oversight and Technical Assistance'' account, to remain 
available until expended, for the necessary expenses to support 
the award, administration, project management oversight, and 
technical assistance of programs administered by the Federal 
Railroad Administration under this Act:  Provided, That one-
quarter of one percent of the amounts that could be transferred 
pursuant to the authority in this section in each of fiscal 
years 2022 through 2026 shall be transferred to the Office of 
Inspector General of the Department of Transportation for 
oversight of funding provided to the Department of 
Transportation in this title in this Act:  Provided further, 
That one-quarter of one percent of the amounts that could be 
transferred pursuant to the authority in this section in each 
of fiscal years 2022 through 2026 shall be transferred to the 
National Railroad Passenger Corporation Office of Inspector 
General for oversight of funding provided to the National 
Railroad Passenger Corporation in this title in this Act.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *



           *       *       *       *       *       *       *
                       administrative provisions

  Sec. 7. (a) The personnel employed in connection with, and 
the assets, liabilities, contracts, property, records, and 
unexpended balances of appropriations, authorizations, 
allocations, or other funds held, used, arising from, or 
available or to be made available in connection with, the 
functions, powers, and duties transferred by section 5 of this 
Act are hereby transferred with such functions, powers, and 
duties, respectively.
  (c) The Secretary is authorized, subject to the civil service 
and classification laws, to select, appoint, employ, and fix 
the compensation of such officers and employees, including 
attorneys as shall be necessary to carry out the provisions of 
this Act and to prescribe their authority and duties: Provided, 
That any other provisions of law to the contrary 
notwithstanding, the Secretary may fix the compensation for not 
more than six positions in the Department at the annual rate 
applicable to positions in level V of the Federal Executive 
Salary Schedule provided by the Federal Executive Salary Act of 
  (d) The Secretary may delegate any of his functions, powers, 
and duties to such officers and employees of the Department as 
he may designate, may authorize such successive redelegations 
of such functions, powers, and duties as he may deem desirable, 
and may make such rules and regulations as may be necessary to 
carry out his functions, powers, and duties. The second proviso 
of section 101(c) of the Housing Act of 1949 is hereby 
  (e) The Secretary may obtain services as authorized by 
section 15 of the Act of August 2, 1946, at rates for 
individuals not to exceed the per diem equivalent to the 
highest rate for grade GS-18 of the General Schedule under 
section 5332 of title 5, United States Code. The Secretary is 
authorized to enter into contracts with private companies for 
the provision of such managerial support to the Federal Housing 
Administration as the Secretary determines to be appropriate, 
including but not limited to the management of insurance risk 
and the improvement of the delivery of mortgage insurance.
  (f) The Secretary is authorized to establish a working 
capital fund, to be available without fiscal year limitation, 
for expenses necessary for the maintenance and operation of 
such common administrative services as he shall find to be 
desirable in the interest of economy and efficiency in the 
Department, including such services as a central supply service 
for stationery and other supplies and equipment for which 
adequate stocks may be maintained to meet in whole or in part 
the requirements of the Department and its agencies; central 
messenger, mail, telephone, and other communications services; 
office space; central services for document reproduction and 
for graphics and visual aids; and a central library service. In 
addition to amounts appropriated to provide capital for said 
fund, which appropriations are hereby authorized, the fund 
shall be capitalized by transfer to it of such stocks of 
supplies and equipment on hand or on order as the Secretary 
shall direct. Such funds shall be reimbursed from available 
funds of agencies and offices in the Department for which 
services are performed at rates which will return in full all 
expenses of operation, including reserves for accrued annual 
leave and for depreciation of equipment.
  (g) The Secretary shall cause a seal of office to be made for 
the Department of such device as he shall approve, and judicial 
notice shall be taken of such seal.
  (h) Except as such authority is otherwise expressly provided 
in any other Act administered by the Secretary, such financial 
transactions of the Secretary as the making of loans or grants 
(and vouchers approved by the Secretary in connection with such 
financial transactions) shall be final and conclusive upon all 
officers of the Government. Funds made available to the 
Secretary pursuant to any provision of law for such financial 
transactions shall be deposited in a checking account or 
accounts with the Treasurer of the United States. Such funds 
and any receipts and assets obtained or held by the Secretary 
in connection with such financial transactions shall be 
available, in such amounts as may from year to year be 
authorized by the Congress, for the administrative expenses of 
the Secretary in connection with such financial transactions. 
Notwithstanding the provisions of any other law, the Secretary 
may, with the approval of the Comptroller General, consolidate 
into one or more accounts for banking and checking purposes all 
cash obtained or held in connection with such financial 
transactions, including amounts appropriated, from whatever 
source derived.
  (i) Except as such authority is otherwise expressly provided 
in any other Act administered by the Secretary, the Secretary 
is authorized to--
          (1) foreclose on any property or commence any action 
        to protect or enforce any right conferred upon him by 
        any law, contract, or other agreement, and bid for and 
        purchase at any foreclosure or any other sale any 
        property in connection with which he has made a loan or 
        grant. In the event of any such acquisition, the 
        Secretary may, notwithstanding any other provision of 
        law relating to the acquisition, handling, or disposal 
        of real property by the United States, complete, 
        administer, remodel and convert, dispose of lease, and 
        otherwise deal with, such property: Provided, That any 
        such acquisition of real property shall not deprive any 
        State or political subdivision thereof of its civil or 
        criminal jurisdiction in and over such property or 
        impair the civil rights under the State or local laws 
        of the inhabitants on such property: Provided further, 
        That section 3709 of the Revised Statutes shall not 
        apply to any contract for services or supplies on 
        account of any property so acquired or owned if the 
        amount of such contract does not exceed $2,500;
          (2) enter into agreements to pay annual sums in lieu 
        of taxes to any State or local taxing authority with 
        respect to any real property so acquired or owned;
          (3) sell or exchange at public or private sale, or 
        lease, real or personal property, and sell or exchange 
        any securities or obligations, upon such terms as he 
        may fix;
          (4) obtain insurance against loss in connection with 
        property and other assets held;
          (5) consent to the modification, with respect to the 
        rate of interest, time of payment of any installment of 
        principal or interest, security, or any other term of 
        any contract or agreement to which he is a party or 
        which has been transferred to him; and
          (6) include in any contract or instrument such other 
        covenants, conditions, or provisions as he may deem 
        necessary, including any provisions relating to the 
        authority or requirements under paragraph (5).
  (j) Notwithstanding any other provision of law the Secretary 
is authorized to establish fees and charges, chargeable against 
program beneficiaries and project participants, which shall be 
adequate to cover over the long run, costs of inspection, 
project review and financing service, audit by Federal or 
federally authorized auditors, and other beneficial rights, 
privileges, licenses, and services. Such fees and charges 
heretofore or hereafter collected shall be considered 
nonadministrative and shall remain available for operating 
expenses of the Department in providing similar services on a 
consolidated basis.
  (k)(1) The Secretary is authorized to accept and utilize 
voluntary and uncompensated services and accept, hold, 
administer, and utilize gifts and bequests of property, both 
real and personal, for the purpose of aiding or facilitating 
the work of the Department. Gifts and bequests of money and the 
proceeds from sales of other property received as gifts or 
bequest shall be deposited in the Treasury in a separate fund 
and shall be disbursed upon order of the Secretary. Property 
accepted pursuant to this paragraph, and the proceeds thereof, 
shall be used as nearly as possible in accordance with the 
terms of the gift or bequest.
  (2) For the purpose of Federal income, estate, and gift 
taxes, property accepted under paragraph (1) shall be 
considered as a gift or bequest to or for use of the United 
  (3) Upon the request of the Secretary, the Secretary of the 
Treasury may invest and reinvest in securities of the United 
States or in securities guaranteed as to principal and interest 
by the United States any moneys contained in the fund provided 
for in paragraph (1). Income accruing from such securities and 
from any other property held by the Secretary pursuant to 
paragraph (1) shall be deposited to the credit of the fund and 
shall be disbursed upon order of the Secretary.
  (l) The Secretary is authorized to appoint, without regard to 
the civil service laws, such advisory committees as shall be 
appropriate for the purpose of consultation with and advice to 
the Department in performance of its functions. Members of such 
committees, other than those regularly employed by the Federal 
Government, while attending meetings of such committees or 
otherwise serving at the request of the Secretary, may be paid 
compensation at rates not exceeding those authorized for 
individuals under subsection (e) of this section, and while so 
serving away from their homes or regular places of business, 
may be allowed travel expenses, including per diem in lieu of 
subsistence, as authorized by section 5703 of title 5, United 
States Code, for persons in the Government service employed 
  (m) Whenever he shall determine that, because of location, or 
other considerations, any rental housing project assisted under 
title II of the National Housing Act or title I of the Housing 
and Urban Development Act of 1965 could ordinarily be expected 
substantially to serve the family housing needs of lower income 
military personnel serving on active duty, the Secretary is 
authorized to provide for or approve such preference or 
priority of occupancy of such project by such military 
personnel as he shall determine is appropriate to assure that 
the project will serve their needs on a continuing basis 
notwithstanding the frequency with which individual members of 
such personnel may be transferred or reassigned to new duty 
  (n) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Secretary 
is authorized by contract or otherwise to establish, equip, and 
operate a day care center facility or facilities, or to assist 
in establishing, equipping, and operating interagency day care 
facilities for the purpose of serving children who are members 
of households of employees of the Department. The Secretary is 
authorized to establish or provide for the establishment of 
appropriate fees and charges to be chargeable against the 
Department of Housing and Urban Development employees or others 
who are beneficiaries of services provided by any such day care 
center. In addition, limited start-up costs may be provided by 
the Secretary in an amount limited to 3 per centum of the first 
year's operating budget, but not to exceed $3,500.
  (o)(1) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the 
Secretary shall transmit to the Committee on Banking, Housing, 
and Urban Affairs of the Senate and the Committee on Banking, 
Finance and Urban Affairs of the House of Representatives an 
agenda of all rules or regulations which are under development 
or review by the Department. Such an agenda shall be 
transmitted to such Committees within 30 days of the date of 
enactment of this subsection and at least semiannually 
  (2)(A) Any rule or regulation which is on any agenda 
submitted under paragraph (1) may not be published for comment 
prior to or during the 15-calendar day period beginning on the 
day after the date on which such agenda was transmitted. If 
within such period, either Committee notifies the Secretary in 
writing that it intends to review any rule or regulation or 
portion thereof which appears on the agenda, the Secretary 
shall submit to both Committees a copy of any such rule or 
regulation, in the form it is intended to be proposed, at least 
15 calendar days prior to its being published for comment in 
the Federal Register.
  (B) Any rule or regulation which has not been published for 
comment before the date of enactment of this subsection and 
which does not appear on an agenda submitted under paragraph 
(1) shall be submitted to both such Committees at least 15 
calendar days prior to its being published for comment.
  (3) No rule or regulation may become effective until after 
the expiration of the 30-calendar day period beginning on the 
day after the day on which such rule or regulation is published 
as final. Any regulation implementing any provision of the 
Department of Housing and Urban Development Reform Act of 1989 
that authorizes the imposition of a civil money penalty may not 
become effective until after the expiration of a public comment 
period of not less than 60 days.
  (4) The provisions of paragraphs (2) and (3) may be waived 
upon the written request of the Secretary, if agreed to by the 
Chairmen and Ranking Minority Members of both Committees.
  (7) The Secretary shall include with each rule or regulation 
required to be transmitted to the Committees under this 
subsection a detailed summary of all changes required by the 
Office of Management and Budget that prohibit, modify, 
postpone, or disapprove such rule or regulation in whole or 
  (p) A plan for the reorganization of any regional, area, 
insuring, or other field office of the Department of Housing 
and Urban Development may take effect only upon the expiration 
of 90 days after publication in the Federal Register of a cost-
benefit analysis of the effects of the plan on each office 
involved. Such cost-benefit analysis shall include, but not be 
limited to--
          (1) an estimate of cost savings supported by the 
        background information detailing the source and 
        substantiating the amount of the savings;
          (2) an estimate of the additional cost which will 
        result from the reorganization;
          (3) a study of the impact on the local economy; and
          (4) an estimate of the effect of the reorganization 
        on the availability, accessibility, and quality of 
        services provided for recipients of those services.
Where any of the above factors cannot be quantified, the 
Secretary shall provide a statement on the nature and extent of 
those factors in the cost-benefit analysis.
  (q)(1) Any waiver of regulations of the Department shall be 
in writing and shall specify the grounds for approving the 
  (2) The Secretary may delegate authority to approve a waiver 
of a regulation only to an individual of Assistant Secretary 
rank or equivalent rank, who is authorized to issue the 
regulation to be waived.
  (3) The Secretary shall notify the public of all waivers of 
regulations approved by the Department. The notification shall 
be included in a notice in the Federal Register published not 
less than quarterly. Each notification shall cover the period 
beginning on the day after the last date covered by the prior 
notification, and shall--
          (A) identify the project, activity, or undertaking 
          (B) describe the nature of the requirement that has 
        been waived and specify the provision involved;
          (C) specify the name and title of the official who 
        granted the waiver request;
          (D) include a brief description of the grounds for 
        approval of the waiver; and
          (E) state how more information about the waiver and a 
        copy of the request and the approval may be obtained.
  (4) Any waiver of a provision of a handbook of the Department 
          (A) be in writing;
          (B) specify the grounds for approving the waiver; and
          (C) be maintained in indexed form and made available 
        for public inspection for not less than the 3-year 
        period beginning on the date of the waiver.
  (r)(1) For the programs listed in paragraph (2), amounts 
appropriated under this subsection shall be available to the 
Secretary for evaluating and monitoring of all such programs 
(including all aspects of the public housing and section 202 
programs) and collecting and maintaining data for such 
purposes. The Secretary shall expend amounts made available 
under this subsection in accordance with the need and 
complexity of evaluating and monitoring each such program and 
collecting and maintaining data for such purposes.
  (2) The programs subject to this subsection shall be the 
programs authorized under--
          (A) titles I and II of the United States Housing Act 
        of 1937;
          (B) section 202 of the Housing Act of 1959;
          (C) section 106 of the Housing and Urban Development 
        Act of 1968;
          (D) the Fair Housing Act;
          (E) title I and section 810 of the Housing and 
        Community Development Act of 1974;
          (F) section 201 of the Housing and Community 
        Development Amendments of 1978;
          (G) the Congregate Housing Services Act of 1978;
          (H) section 222 of the Housing and Urban-Rural 
        Recovery Act of 1983;
          (I) section 561 of the Housing and Community 
        Development Act of 1987;
          (J) title IV of the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless 
        Assistance Act; and
          (K) titles II, III, and IV and section 811 of the 
        Cranston-Gonzalez National Affordable Housing Act.
  (3) In conducting evaluations and monitoring pursuant to the 
authority under this subsection, and collecting and maintaining 
data pursuant to the authority under this subsection, the 
Secretary shall determine any need for additional staff and 
funding relating to evaluating and monitoring the programs 
under paragraph (2) and collecting and maintaining data for 
such purposes.
  (4)(A) The Secretary may provide for evaluation and 
monitoring under this subsection and collecting and maintaining 
data for such purposes directly or by grants, contracts, or 
interagency agreements. Not more than 50 percent of the amounts 
made available under paragraph (1) may be used for grants, 
contracts, or interagency agreements.
  (B) Any amounts not used for grants, contracts, or 
interagency agreements under subparagraph (A) shall be used in 
a manner that increases and strengthens the ability of the 
Department to monitor and evaluate the programs under paragraph 
(2) and to collect and maintain data for such purposes through 
officers and employees of the Department.
  (5) There are authorized to be appropriated to carry out this 
subsection such sums as may be necessary for fiscal year 1993 
and fiscal year 1994. Such amounts shall remain available until 
  (s)(1) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, there is 
authorized to be appropriated for salaries and expenses to 
carry out the purposes of this section $988,000,000 for fiscal 
year 1993 and $1,029,496,000 for fiscal year 1994.
  (2) Of the amounts authorized to be appropriated by this 
section, $96,000,000 shall be available for each of the fiscal 
years 1993 and 1994, which amounts shall be used to provide 
staff in regional, field, or zone offices of the Department of 
Housing and Urban Development to review, process, approve, and 
service applications for mortgage insurance under title II of 
the National Housing Act for housing consisting of 5 or more 
dwelling units.
  (3) Of the amounts authorized to be appropriated to carry out 
this section, not less than $5,000,000 of such amount shall be 
available for each fiscal year exclusively for the purposes of 
providing ongoing training and capacity building for Department 
  (t) Training Regarding Issues Relating to Grandparent-Headed 
and Relative-Headed Families.--The Secretary shall ensure that 
all personnel employed in field offices of the Department who 
have responsibilities for administering the housing assistance 
program under section 8 of the United States Housing Act of 
1937 (42 U.S.C. 1437f) or the supportive housing program under 
section 202 of the Housing Act of 1959 (12 U.S.C. 1701q), and 
an appropriate number of personnel in the headquarters office 
of the Department who have responsibilities for those programs, 
have received adequate training regarding how covered families 
(as that term is defined in section 202 of the LEGACY Act of 
2003) can be served by existing affordable housing programs.
  (u)(1) Funds of the Department of Housing and Urban 
Development subject to the Government Corporation Control Act 
shall be available, without regard to the limitations on 
administrative expenses, for legal services on a contract or 
fee basis, and for utilizing and making payment for services 
and facilities of the Federal National Mortgage Association, 
Government National Mortgage Association, Federal Home Loan 
Mortgage Corporation, Federal Financing Bank, Federal Reserve 
banks or any member thereof, Federal Home Loan banks, and any 
insured bank within the meaning of the Federal Deposit 
Insurance Corporation Act, as amended (12 U.S.C. 1811-1).
  (2) Corporations and agencies of the Department of Housing 
and Urban Development which are subject to chapter 91 of title 
31, United States Code, are hereby authorized to make such 
expenditures, within the limits of funds and borrowing 
authority available to each such corporation or agency and in 
accordance with law, and to make such contracts and commitments 
without regard to fiscal year limitations as provided by 
section 9104 of such title as may be necessary in carrying out 
the programs set forth in the budget for such corporation or 
agency except as hereinafter provided: Provided, That 
collections of these corporations and agencies may be used for 
new loan or mortgage purchase commitments only to the extent 
expressly provided for in an appropriations Act (unless such 
loans are in support of other forms of assistance provided for 
in appropriations Acts), except that this proviso shall not 
apply to the mortgage insurance or guaranty operations of these 
corporations, or where loans or mortgage purchases are 
necessary to protect the financial interest of the United 
States Government.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *



           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

   Subtitle A--FHA-Insured Multifamily Housing Mortgage and Housing 
Assistance Restructuring

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

                    OWNER OF PROJECT.

  (a) Section 8 Renewals of Restructured Projects.--
          (1) Project-based assistance.--Subject to the 
        availability of amounts provided in advance in 
        appropriations Acts, and to the control of the 
        Secretary of applicable accounts in the Treasury of the 
        United States, with respect to an expiring section 8 
        contract on an eligible multifamily housing project to 
        be renewed with project-based assistance (based on a 
        determination under subsection (c)), the Secretary 
        shall enter into contracts with participating 
        administrative entities pursuant to which the 
        participating administrative entity shall offer to 
        renew or extend the contract, or the Secretary shall 
        offer to renew such contract, and the owner of the 
        project shall accept the offer, if the initial renewal 
        is in accordance with the terms and conditions 
        specified in the mortgage restructuring and rental 
        assistance sufficiency plan and the rental assistance 
        assessment plan.
          (2) Tenant-based assistance.--Subject to the 
        availability of amounts provided in advance in 
        appropriations Acts and to the control of the Secretary 
        of applicable accounts in the Treasury of the United 
        States, with respect to an expiring section 8 contract 
        on an eligible multifamily housing project to be 
        renewed with tenant-based assistance (based on a 
        determination under subsection (c)), the Secretary 
        shall enter into contracts with participating 
        administrative entities pursuant to which the 
        participating administrative entity shall provide for 
        the renewal of section 8 assistance on an eligible 
        multifamily housing project with tenant-based 
        assistance, or the Secretary shall provide for such 
        renewal, in accordance with the terms and conditions 
        specified in the mortgage restructuring and rental 
        assistance sufficiency plan and the rental assistance 
        assessment plan.
  (b) Required Commitment.--After the initial renewal of a 
section 8 contract pursuant to this section, the owner shall 
accept each offer made pursuant to subsection (a) to renew the 
contract, for the term of the affordability and use 
restrictions required by section 514(e)(6), if the offer to 
renew is on terms and conditions specified in the mortgage 
restructuring and rental assistance sufficiency plan.
  (c) Determination of Whether To Renew With Project-Based or 
Tenant-Based Assistance.--
          (1) Mandatory renewal of project-based assistance.--
        Section 8 assistance shall be renewed with project-
        assistance, if--
                  (A) the project is located in an area in 
                which the participating administrative entity 
                determines, based on housing market indicators, 
                such as low vacancy rates or high absorption 
                rates, that there is not adequate available and 
                affordable housing or that the tenants of the 
                project would not be able to locate suitable 
                units or use the tenant-based assistance 
                  (B) a predominant number of the units in the 
                project are occupied by elderly families, 
                disabled families, or elderly and disabled 
                families; or
                  (C) the project is held by a nonprofit 
                cooperative ownership housing corporation or 
                nonprofit cooperative housing trust.
          (2) Rental assistance assessment plan.--
                  (A) In general.--With respect to any project 
                that is not described in paragraph (1), the 
                participating administrative entity shall, 
                after consultation with the owner of the 
                project, develop a rental assistance assessment 
                plan to determine whether to renew assistance 
                for the project with tenant-based assistance or 
                project-based assistance.
                  (B) Rental assistance assessment plan 
                requirements.--Each rental assistance 
                assessment plan developed under this paragraph 
                shall include an assessment of the impact of 
                converting to tenant-based assistance and the 
                impact of extending project-based assistance 
                          (i) the ability of the tenants to 
                        find adequate, available, decent, 
                        comparable, and affordable housing in 
                        the local market;
                          (ii) the types of tenants residing in 
                        the project (such as elderly families, 
                        disabled families, large families, and 
                        cooperative homeowners);
                          (iii) the local housing needs 
                        identified in the comprehensive housing 
                        affordability strategy, and local 
                        market vacancy trends;
                          (iv) the cost of providing 
                        assistance, comparing the applicable 
                        payment standard to the project's 
                        adjusted rent levels determined under 
                        section 514(g);
                          (v) the long-term financial stability 
                        of the project;
                          (vi) the ability of residents to make 
                        reasonable choices about their 
                        individual living situations;
                          (vii) the quality of the neighborhood 
                        in which the tenants would reside; and
                          (viii) the project's ability to 
                        compete in the marketplace.
                  (C) Reports to director.--Each participating 
                administrative entity shall report regularly to 
                the Director as defined in subtitle D, as the 
                Director shall require, identifying--
                          (i) each eligible multifamily housing 
                        project for which the entity has 
                        developed a rental assistance 
                        assessment plan under this paragraph 
                        that determined that the tenants of the 
                        project generally supported renewal of 
                        assistance with tenant-based 
                        assistance, but under which assistance 
                        for the project was renewed with 
                        project-based assistance; and
                          (ii) each project for which the 
                        entity has developed such a plan under 
                        which the assistance is renewed using 
                        tenant-based assistance.
          (3) Eligibility for tenant-based assistance.--Subject 
        to paragraph (4), with respect to any project that is 
        not described in paragraph (1), if a participating 
        administrative entity approves the use of tenant-based 
        assistance based on a rental assistance assessment plan 
        developed under paragraph (2), tenant-based assistance 
        shall be provided to each assisted family (other than a 
        family already receiving tenant-based assistance) 
        residing in the project at the time the assistance 
        described in section 512(2)(B) terminates.
          (4) Assistance through enhanced vouchers.--In the 
        case of any family described in paragraph (3) that 
        resides in a project described in section 512(2)(B), 
        the tenant-based assistance provided shall be enhanced 
        voucher assistance under section 8(t) of the United 
        States Housing Act of 1937 (42 U.S.C. 1437f(t)).
          (5) Inapplicability of certain provision.--If a 
        participating administrative entity approves renewal 
        with project-based assistance under this subsection, 
        section 8(d)(2) of the United States Housing Act of 
        1937 shall not apply.
  (d) Rent Adjustments and Subsequent Renewals.--After the 
initial renewal of a section 8 contract pursuant to this 
section and notwithstanding any other provision of law or 
contract regarding the adjustment of rents or subsequent 
renewal of such contract for a project, including such a 
provision in section 514 or this section, in the case of a 
project subject to any restrictions imposed pursuant to 
sections 514 or this section, the Secretary may, not more than 
once every 10 years, adjust such rents or renew such contracts 
at rent levels that are equal to the lesser of budget-based 
rents or comparable market rents for the market area upon the 
request of an owner or purchaser who--
          (1) demonstrates that--
                  (A) project income is insufficient to operate 
                and maintain the project, and no rehabilitation 
                is currently needed, as determined by the 
                Secretary; or
                  (B) the rent adjustment or renewal contract 
                is necessary to support commercially reasonable 
                financing (including any required debt service 
                coverage and replacement reserve) for 
                rehabilitation necessary to ensure the long-
                term sustainability of the project, as 
                determined by the Secretary, and in the event 
                the owner or purchaser fails to implement the 
                rehabilitation as required by the Secretary, 
                the Secretary may take such action against the 
                owner or purchaser as allowed by law; and
          (2) agrees to--
                  (A) extend the affordability and use 
                restrictions required under 514(e)(6) for an 
                additional twenty years; and
                  (B) enter into a binding commitment to 
                continue to renew such contract for and during 
                such extended term, provided that after the 
                affordability and use restrictions required 
                under 514(e)(6) have been maintained for a term 
                of 30 years:
                          (i) an owner with a contract for 
                        which rent levels were set at the time 
                        of its initial renewal under section 
                        514(g)(2) shall request that the 
                        Secretary renew such contract under 
                        section 524 for and during such 
                        extended term; and
                          (ii) an owner with a contract for 
                        which rent levels were set at the time 
                        of its initial renewal under section 
                        514(g)(1) may request that the 
                        Secretary renew such contract under 
                        section 524.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *


  (a) In General.--
          (1) Renewal.--Subject to paragraph (2), upon 
        termination or expiration of a contract for project-
        based assistance under section 8 for a multifamily 
        housing project (and notwithstanding section 8(v) of 
        the United States Housing Act of 1937 for loan 
        management assistance), the Secretary shall, at the 
        request of the owner of the project and to the extent 
        sufficient amounts are made available in appropriation 
        Acts, use amounts available for the renewal of 
        assistance under section 8 of such Act to provide such 
        assistance for the project. The assistance shall be 
        provided under a contract having such terms and 
        conditions as the Secretary considers appropriate, 
        subject to the requirements of this section. This 
        section shall not require contract renewal for a 
        project that is eligible under this subtitle for a 
        mortgage restructuring and rental assistance 
        sufficiency plan, if there is no approved plan for the 
        project and the Secretary determines that such an 
        approved plan is necessary.
          (2) Prohibition on renewal.--Notwithstanding part 24 
        of title 24 of the Code of Federal Regulations, the 
        Secretary may elect not to renew assistance for a 
        project otherwise required to be renewed under 
        paragraph (1) or provide comparable benefits under 
        paragraph (1) or (2) of subsection (e) for a project 
        described in either such paragraph, if the Secretary 
        determines that a violation under paragraphs (1) 
        through (4) of section 516(a) has occurred with respect 
        to the project. For purposes of such a determination, 
        the provisions of section 516 shall apply to a project 
        under this section in the same manner and to the same 
        extent that the provisions of such section apply to 
        eligible multifamily housing projects, except that the 
        Secretary shall make the determination under section 
          (3) Contract term for mark-up-to-market contracts.--
        In the case of an expiring or terminating contract that 
        has rent levels less than comparable market rents for 
        the market area, if the rent levels under the renewal 
        contract under this section are equal to comparable 
        market rents for the market area, the contract shall 
        have a term of not less than 5 years, subject to the 
        availability of sufficient amounts in appropriation 
          (4) Renewal rents.--Except as provided in subsection 
        (b), the contract for assistance shall provide 
        assistance at the following rent levels:
                  (A) Market rents.--At the request of the 
                owner of the project, at rent levels equal to 
                the lesser of comparable market rents for the 
                market area or 150 percent of the fair market 
                rents, in the case only of a project that--
                          (i) has rent levels under the 
                        expiring or terminating contract that 
                        do not exceed such comparable market 
                          (ii) does not have a low- and 
                        moderate-income use restriction that 
                        can not be eliminated by unilateral 
                        action by the owner;
                          (iii) is decent, safe, and sanitary 
                        housing, as determined by the 
                          (iv) is not--
                                  (I) owned by a nonprofit 
                                  (II) subject to a contract 
                                for moderate rehabilitation 
                                assistance under section 
                                8(e)(2) of the United States 
                                Housing Act of 1937, as in 
                                effect before October 1, 1991; 
                                  (III) a project for which the 
                                public housing agency provided 
                                voucher assistance to one or 
                                more of the tenants after the 
                                owner has provided notice of 
                                termination of the contract 
                                covering the tenant's unit; and
                          (v) has units assisted under the 
                        contract for which the comparable 
                        market rent exceeds 110 percent of the 
                        fair market rent.
                The Secretary may adjust the percentages of 
                fair market rent (as specified in the matter 
                preceding clause (i) and in clause (v)), but 
                only upon a determination and written 
                notification to the Congress within 10 days of 
                making such determination, that such adjustment 
                is necessary to ensure that this subparagraph 
                covers projects with a high risk of nonrenewal 
                of expiring contracts for project-based 
                  (B) Reduction to market rents.--In the case 
                of a project that has rent levels under the 
                expiring or terminating contract that exceed 
                comparable market rents for the market area, at 
                rent levels equal to such comparable market 
                  (C) Rents not exceeding market rents.--In the 
                case of a project that is not subject to 
                subparagraph (A) or (B), at rent levels that--
                          (i) are not less than the existing 
                        rents under the terminated or expiring 
                        contract, as adjusted by an operating 
                        cost adjustment factor established by 
                        the Secretary (which shall not result 
                        in a negative adjustment), if such 
                        adjusted rents do not exceed comparable 
                        market rents for the market area; and
                          (ii) do not exceed comparable market 
                        rents for the market area.
                In determining the rent level for a contract 
                under this subparagraph, the Secretary shall 
                approve rents sufficient to cover budget-based 
                cost increases and shall give greater 
                consideration to providing rent at a level up 
                to comparable market rents for the market area 
                based on the number of the criteria under 
                clauses (i) through (iii) of subparagraph (D) 
                that the project meets. Notwithstanding any 
                other provision of law, the Secretary shall 
                include in such budget-based cost increases 
                costs relating to the project as a whole 
                (including costs incurred with respect to units 
                not covered by the contract for assistance), 
                but only (I) if inclusion of such costs is 
                requested by the owner or purchaser of the 
                project, (II) if inclusion of such costs will 
                permit capital repairs to the project or 
                acquisition of the project by a nonprofit 
                organization, and (III) to the extent that 
                inclusion of such costs (or a portion thereof) 
                complies with the requirement under clause 
                  (D) Waiver of 150 percent limitation.--
                Notwithstanding subparagraph (A), at rent 
                levels up to comparable market rents for the 
                market area, in the case of a project that 
                meets the requirements under clauses (i) 
                through (v) of subparagraph (A) and--
                          (i) has residents who are a 
                        particularly vulnerable population, as 
                        demonstrated by a high percentage of 
                        units being rented to elderly families, 
                        disabled families, or large families;
                          (ii) is located in an area in which 
                        tenant-based assistance would be 
                        difficult to use, as demonstrated by a 
                        low vacancy rate for affordable 
                        housing, a high turnback rate for 
                        vouchers, or a lack of comparable 
                        rental housing; or
                          (iii) is a high priority for the 
                        local community, as demonstrated by a 
                        contribution of State or local funds to 
                        the property.
                In determining the rent level for a contract 
                under this subparagraph, the Secretary shall 
                approve rents sufficient to cover budget-based 
                cost increases and shall give greater 
                consideration to providing rent at a level up 
                to comparable market rents for the market area 
                based on the number of the criteria under 
                clauses (i) through (iv) that the project 
          (5) Comparable market rents and comparison with fair 
        market rents.--The Secretary shall prescribe the method 
        for determining comparable market rent by comparison 
        with rents charged for comparable properties (as such 
        term is defined in section 512), which may include 
        appropriate adjustments for utility allowances and 
        adjustments to reflect the value of any subsidy (other 
        than section 8 assistance) provided by the Department 
        of Housing and Urban Development.
  (b) Exception Rents.--
          (1) Renewal.--In the case of a multifamily housing 
        project described in paragraph (2), pursuant to the 
        request of the owner of the project, the contract for 
        assistance for the project pursuant to subsection (a) 
        shall provide assistance at the lesser of the following 
        rent levels:
                  (A) Adjusted existing rents.--The existing 
                rents under the expiring contract, as adjusted 
                by an operating cost adjustment factor 
                established by the Secretary (which shall not 
                result in a negative adjustment).
                  (B) Budget-based rents.--Subject to a 
                determination by the Secretary that a rent 
                level under this subparagraph is appropriate 
                for a project, a rent level that provides 
                income sufficient to support a budget-based 
                rent (including a budget-based rent adjustment 
                if justified by reasonable and expected 
                operating expenses).
          (2) Projects covered.--A multifamily housing project 
        described in this paragraph is a multifamily housing 
        project that--
                  (A) is not an eligible multifamily housing 
                project under section 512(2); or
                  (B) is exempt from mortgage restructuring 
                under this subtitle pursuant to section 514(h).
          (3) Moderate rehabilitation projects.--In the case of 
        a project with a contract under the moderate 
        rehabilitation program, other than a moderate 
        rehabilitation contract under section 441 of the 
        Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act, pursuant 
        to the request of the owner of the project, the 
        contract for assistance for the project pursuant to 
        subsection (a) shall provide assistance at the lesser 
        of the following rent levels:
                  (A) Adjusted existing rents.--The existing 
                rents under the expiring contract, as adjusted 
                by an operating cost adjustment factor 
                established by the Secretary (which shall not 
                result in a negative adjustment).
                  (B) Fair market rents.--Fair market rents 
                (less any amounts allowed for tenant-purchased 
                  (C) Market rents.--Comparable market rents 
                for the market area.
  (c) Rent Adjustments After Renewal of Contract.--
          (1) Required.--After the initial renewal of a 
        contract for assistance under section 8 of the United 
        States Housing Act of 1937 pursuant to subsection (a), 
        (b)(1), or (e)(2), the Secretary shall annually adjust 
        the rents using an operating cost adjustment factor 
        established by the Secretary (which shall not result in 
        a negative adjustment) or, upon the request of the 
        owner and subject to approval of the Secretary, on a 
        budget basis. In the case of projects with contracts 
        renewed pursuant to subsection (a) or pursuant to 
        subsection (e)(2) at rent levels equal to comparable 
        market rents for the market area, at the expiration of 
        each 5-year period, the Secretary shall compare 
        existing rents with comparable market rents for the 
        market area and may make any adjustments in the rent 
        necessary to maintain the contract rents at a level not 
        greater than comparable market rents or to increase 
        rents to comparable market rents.
          (2) Discretionary.--In addition to review and 
        adjustment required under paragraph (1), in the case of 
        projects with contracts renewed pursuant to subsection 
        (a) or pursuant to subsection (e)(2) at rent levels 
        equal to comparable market rents for the market area, 
        the Secretary may, at the discretion of the Secretary 
        but only once within each 5-year period referred to in 
        paragraph (1), conduct a comparison of rents for a 
        project and adjust the rents accordingly to maintain 
        the contract rents at a level not greater than 
        comparable market rents or to increase rents to 
        comparable market rents.
  (d) Enhanced Vouchers Upon Contract Expiration.--
          (1) In general.--In the case of a contract for 
        project-based assistance under section 8 for a covered 
        project that is not renewed under subsection (a) or (b) 
        of this section (or any other authority), to the extent 
        that amounts for assistance under this subsection are 
        provided in advance in appropriation Acts, upon the 
        date of the expiration of such contract the Secretary 
        shall make enhanced voucher assistance under section 
        8(t) of the United States Housing Act of 1937 (42 
        U.S.C. 1437f(t)) available on behalf of each low-income 
        family who, upon the date of such expiration, is 
        residing in an assisted dwelling unit in the covered 
          (2) Definitions.--For purposes of this subsection, 
        the following definitions shall apply:
                  (A) Assisted dwelling unit.--The term 
                ``assisted dwelling unit'' means a dwelling 
                unit that--
                          (i) is in a covered project; and
                          (ii) is covered by rental assistance 
                        provided under the contract for 
                        project-based assistance for the 
                        covered project.
                  (B) Covered project.--The term ``covered 
                project'' means any housing that--
                          (i) consists of more than four 
                        dwelling units;
                          (ii) is covered in whole or in part 
                        by a contract for project-based 
                        assistance under--
                                  (I) the new construction or 
                                substantial rehabilitation 
                                program under section 8(b)(2) 
                                of the United States Housing 
                                Act of 1937 (as in effect 
                                before October 1, 1983);
                                  (II) the property disposition 
                                program under section 8(b) of 
                                the United States Housing Act 
                                of 1937;
                                  (III) the moderate 
                                rehabilitation program under 
                                section 8(e)(2) of the United 
                                States Housing Act of 1937 (as 
                                in effect before October 1, 
                                  (IV) the loan management 
                                assistance program under 
                                section 8 of the United States 
                                Housing Act of 1937;
                                  (V) section 23 of the United 
                                States Housing Act of 1937 (as 
                                in effect before January 1, 
                                  (VI) the rent supplement 
                                program under section 101 of 
                                the Housing and Urban 
                                Development Act of 1965; or
                                  (VII) section 8 of the United 
                                States Housing Act of 1937, 
                                following conversion from 
                                assistance under section 101 of 
                                the Housing and Urban 
                                Development Act of 1965,
                        which contract will (under its own 
                        terms) expire during the period 
                        consisting of fiscal years 2000 through 
                        2004; and
                          (iii) is not housing for which 
                        residents are eligible for enhanced 
                        voucher assistance as provided, 
                        pursuant to the ``Preserving Existing 
                        Housing Investment'' account in the 
                        Departments of Veterans Affairs and 
                        Housing and Urban Development, and 
                        Independent Agencies Appropriations 
                        Act, 1997 (Public Law 104-204; 110 
                        Stat. 2884) or any other subsequently 
                        enacted provision of law, in lieu of 
                        any benefits under section 223 of the 
                        Low-Income Housing Preservation and 
                        Resident Homeownership Act of 1990 (12 
                        U.S.C. 4113).
          (4) Authorization of appropriations.--There are 
        authorized to be appropriated for each of fiscal years 
        2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, and 2004 such sums as may be 
        necessary for enhanced voucher assistance under this 
  (e) Contractual Commitments Under Preservation Laws.--Except 
as provided in subsection (a)(2) and notwithstanding any other 
provision of this subtitle, the following shall apply:
          (1) Preservation projects.--Upon expiration of a 
        contract for assistance under section 8 for a project 
        that is subject to an approved plan of action under the 
        Emergency Low Income Housing Preservation Act of 1987 
        (12 U.S.C. 1715l note) or the Low-Income Housing 
        Preservation and Resident Homeownership Act of 1990 (12 
        U.S.C. 4101 et seq.), to the extent amounts are 
        specifically made available in appropriation Acts, the 
        Secretary shall provide to the owner benefits 
        comparable to those provided under such plan of action, 
        including distributions, rent increase procedures, and 
        duration of low-income affordability restrictions. This 
        paragraph shall apply to projects with contracts 
        expiring before, on, or after the date of the enactment 
        of this section.
          (2) Demonstration projects.--
                  (A) In general.--Upon expiration of a 
                contract for assistance under section 8 for a 
                project entered into pursuant to any authority 
                specified in subparagraph (B) for which the 
                Secretary determines that debt restructuring is 
                inappropriate, the Secretary shall, at the 
                request of the owner of the project and to the 
                extent sufficient amounts are made available in 
                appropriation Acts, provide benefits to the 
                owner comparable to those provided under such 
                contract, including annual distributions, rent 
                increase procedures, and duration of low-income 
                affordability restrictions. This paragraph 
                shall apply to projects with contracts expiring 
                before, on, or after the date of the enactment 
                of this section.
                  (B) Demonstration programs.--The authority 
                specified in this subparagraph is the authority 
                          (i) section 210 of the Departments of 
                        Veterans Affairs and Housing and Urban 
                        Development, and Independent Agencies 
                        Appropriations Act, 1996 (Public Law 
                        104-134; 110 Stat. 1321-285; 42 U.S.C. 
                        1437f note);
                          (ii) section 212 of the Departments 
                        of Veterans Affairs and Housing and 
                        Urban Development, and Independent 
                        Agencies Appropriations Act, 1997 
                        (Public Law 104-204; 110 Stat. 2897; 42 
                        U.S.C. 1437f note); and
                          (iii) either of such sections, 
                        pursuant to any provision of this 
          (3) Mortgage restructuring and rental assistance 
        sufficiency plans.--Notwithstanding paragraph (1), the 
        owner of the project may request, and the Secretary may 
        consider, mortgage restructuring and rental assistance 
        sufficiency plans to facilitate sales or transfers of 
        properties under this subtitle, subject to an approved 
        plan of action under the Emergency Low Income Housing 
        Preservation Act of 1987 (12 U.S.C. 1715l note) or the 
        Low-Income Housing Preservation and Resident 
        Homeownership Act of 1990 (12 U.S.C. 4101 et seq.), 
        which plans shall result in a sale or transfer of those 
  (f) Preemption of Conflicting State Laws Limiting 
          (1) In general.--Except as provided in paragraph (2), 
        no State or political subdivision of a State may 
        establish, continue in effect, or enforce any law or 
        regulation that limits or restricts, to an amount that 
        is less than the amount provided for under the 
        regulations of the Secretary establishing allowable 
        project distributions to provide a return on 
        investment, the amount of surplus funds accruing after 
        the date of the enactment of this section that may be 
        distributed from any multifamily housing project 
        assisted under a contract for rental assistance renewed 
        under any provision of this section (except subsection 
        (b)) to the owner of the project.
          (2) Exception and waiver.--Paragraph (1) shall not 
        apply to any law or regulation to the extent such law 
        or regulation applies to--
                  (A) a State-financed multifamily housing 
                project; or
                  (B) a multifamily housing project for which 
                the owner has elected to waive the 
                applicability of paragraph (1).
          (3) Treatment of low-income use restrictions.--This 
        subsection may not be construed to provide for, allow, 
        or result in the release or termination, for any 
        project, of any low- or moderate-income use 
        restrictions that can not be eliminated by unilateral 
        action of the owner of the project.
  (g) Applicability.--Except to the extent otherwise 
specifically provided in this section, this section shall apply 
with respect to any multifamily housing project having a 
contract for project-based assistance under section 8 that 
terminates or expires during fiscal year 2000 or thereafter.
  (h) Rent Adjustments to Address Distress.--In the case of a 
section 8 contract that will be eligible for renewal under this 
section when it expires or terminates, notwithstanding any 
provision of contract or law regarding the adjustment of rents, 
including such a provision in this section, the Secretary may 
adjust such rents, subject to the availability of funds for 
such rent adjustments, to rent levels that are equal to the 
lesser of budget-based rents or comparable market rents for the 
market area at the request of an owner or purchaser who 
demonstrates that such rent adjustment is needed to address 
project health and safety deficiencies and that--
          (1) project income is insufficient to operate and 
        maintain the project, and no rehabilitation is 
        currently needed, as determined by the Secretary; or
          (2) the rent adjustment is necessary to support 
        commercially reasonable financing (including any 
        required debt service coverage and replacement reserve) 
        for rehabilitation necessary to ensure the long-term 
        sustainability of the project, as determined by the 
        Secretary, and in the event the owner or purchaser 
        fails to implement the rehabilitation as required by 
        the Secretary, the Secretary may take such action 
        against the owner or purchaser as allowed by law.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

Part 2--FHA Multifamily Provisions

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *

Subtitle D--Office of Multifamily Housing Assistance Restructuring

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *


  (a) Repeals.--
          (1) Mark-to-market program.--Subtitle A (except for 
        section 524) is repealed effective [October 1, 2022] 
        October 1, 2027.
          (2) OMHAR.--Subtitle D (except for this section) is 
        repealed effective October 1, 2004.
  (b) Exception.--Notwithstanding the repeal under subsection 
(a), the provisions of subtitle A (as in effect immediately 
before such repeal) shall apply with respect to projects and 
programs for which binding commitments have been entered into 
under this Act before [October 1, 2022] October 1, 2027.
  (c) Termination of Director and Office.--The Office of 
Multifamily Housing Assistance Restructuring and the position 
of Director of such Office shall terminate at the end of 
September 30, 2004.
  (d) Transfer of Authority.--Effective upon the repeal of 
subtitle D under subsection (a)(2) of this section, all 
authority and responsibilities to administer the program under 
subtitle A are transferred to the Secretary.

           *       *       *       *       *       *       *


    Pursuant to clause 3(f)(1)(A) of rule XIII of the Rules of 
the House of Representatives, the following statements are 
submitted describing the effect of provisions in the 
accompanying bill that directly or indirectly change the 
application of existing law:


    Language is included under the Office of the Secretary, 
``Salaries and Expenses'' which specifies certain amounts for 
the Office of the Secretary and official reception and 
representation expenses, specifies transfer authority among 
individual offices of the Office of the Secretary, and allows 
up to $2,500,000 in user fees to be credited to the account.
    Language is included under the Office of the Secretary, 
``Research and Technology'' which limits the availability of 
funds, changes the availability of funds, provides funds for 
specified activities, allows funds received from other entities 
to be credited to the account, and deems the title of the 
    Language is included under the Office of the Secretary, 
``National Infrastructure Investments'' which appropriates 
grant funding for surface transportation infrastructure 
projects, makes funding available until expended, provides a 
portion of funds for projects in historically disadvantaged 
communities or areas of persistent poverty, provides a portion 
of funds for planning, preparation, and design of projects with 
prioritization for certain projects, specifies that planning 
grants are not subject to a minimum grant size, specifies 
requirements for how the Secretary shall prioritize funding and 
select projects, specifies maximum grant sizes and sets limits 
on awards per state, establishes maximum funding amounts for 
rural and urban projects, authorizes the Secretary to apply 
applicable Federal requirements for projects, and authorizes 
the Secretary to use funds for departmental administrative 
    Language is included under the Office of the Secretary, 
``Thriving Communities Initiative'' which authorizes and 
appropriates funding for technical assistance and cooperative 
agreements to improve and foster thriving communities through 
transportation improvements, specifies eligible entities and 
activities, allows the Secretary to prioritize certain 
communities, clarifies requirements to assist any eligible 
entity that requests assistance, authorizes the Secretary to 
use funds for developing and disseminating information to 
assist eligible entities and for departmental administrative 
costs, authorizes transfers to other operating administrations, 
and establishes a notification requirement for such transfers.
    Language is included under the Office of the Secretary, 
``National Surface Transportation and Innovative Finance 
Bureau'' which makes funding available until expended, allows 
fees received from other entities to be credited to the 
account, and authorizes the Secretary to use funds for 
departmental administrative costs.
    Language is included under the Office of the Secretary, 
``Railroad Rehabilitation and Improvement Financing Program'' 
which authorizes the Secretary to issue direct loans and loan 
guarantees under chapter 224 of title 49, United States Code.
    Language is included under the Office of the Secretary, 
``Financial Management Capital'' which provides funds for 
financial systems and business process upgrades and changes the 
availability of funds.
    Language is included under the Office of the Secretary, 
``Cyber Security Initiatives'' which provides funds for 
information technology security upgrades and changes the 
availability of funds.
    Language is included under the Office of the Secretary, 
``Office of Civil Rights'' which provides funds for enforcing 
Federal civil rights laws and regulations.
    Language is included under the Office of the Secretary, 
``Transportation Planning, Research, and Development'' which 
provides funds for conducting transportation planning, 
research, and development activities and making grants, changes 
the availability of funds, and specifies funding minimums for 
and authorities related to the Interagency Infrastructure 
Permitting Improvement Center.
    Language is included under the Office of the Secretary that 
limits operating costs and capital outlays of the Working 
Capital Fund (WCF) for the Department of Transportation (DOT); 
provides that services shall be provided on a competitive 
basis, except for non-DOT entities or funds provided in Public 
Law 117-58; restricts the transfer for any funds to the Working 
Capital Fund with certain approvals; and limits special 
assessments or reimbursable agreements levied against any 
program, project, or activity funded in this Act to only those 
assessments or reimbursable agreements that are presented to 
and approved by the House and Senate Committees on 
    Language is included under the Office of the Secretary, 
``Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization and Outreach'' 
limiting the availability of funds, specifying that funds may 
be used for business opportunities related to any mode of 
transportation, and specifying that funds may be used for 
activities previously under the heading ``Office of the 
Secretary--Minority Business Resource Center''.
    Language is included under the Office of the Secretary, 
``Payments to Air Carriers'' which allows the Secretary of 
Transportation to consider subsidy requirements when 
determining service to a community, eliminates the requirement 
that carriers use at least 15-passenger aircraft, prohibits 
funds for communities within a certain distance of a small hub 
airport without a cost-share, allows amounts to be made 
available from the Federal Aviation Administration, and allows 
the reimbursement of such amounts from overflight fees.
    Language is included under the Office of the Secretary, 
``Electric Vehicle Fleet'' which provides funds for purchasing 
or leasing zero emission passenger vehicles for the Department 
of Transportation's fleet, limits the availability of funds, 
authorizes transfers to other accounts of the Department of 
Transportation, and establishes a notification requirement for 
such transfers.
    Section 101 prohibits the Office of the Secretary of 
Transportation from approving assessments or reimbursable 
agreements pertaining to funds appropriated to the operating 
administrations in this Act, unless such assessments or 
agreements have completed the normal reprogramming process for 
congressional notification.
    Section 102 requires the Secretary to post on the internet 
a schedule of all Council on Credit and Finance meetings, 
agendas, and meeting minutes.
    Section 103 allows the Department's WCF to provide payments 
in advance to vendors for the Federal transit pass fringe 
benefit program and to provide full or partial payments to, and 
to accept reimbursements from, Federal agencies for transit 
benefit distribution services.
    Section 104 allows the Department's WCF to utilize not more 
than $1,000,000 in fiscal year 2023 unused transit and van pool 
benefits to provide contractual services in support of section 
189 of this Act.
    Section 105 prohibits the use of funds for certain employee 
bonuses without the prior written approval of the Assistant 
Secretary for Administration.
    Section 106 permits the WCF to transfer certain information 
technology, equipment, software, and systems under certain 
    Section 107 requires congressional notification before the 
Department provides credit assistance under the Transportation 
Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act program.
    Language is included under Federal Aviation Administration, 
``Operations'' that specifies funds for certain activities; 
limits the availability of funds; derives funds from the 
General Fund and the Airport and Airway Trust Fund; specifies 
reprogramming authorities among activities; requires various 
staffing plans by a certain date with financial penalties for 
late submissions; permits the use of funds to enter into a 
grant agreement with a nonprofit standard setting organization 
to develop aviation safety standards; prohibits the use of 
funds for new applicants of the second career training program; 
prohibits funds to plan, finalize, or implement any regulation 
that would promulgate new aviation user fees not specifically 
authorized by law; credits funds received from other entities 
for expenses incurred in the provision of agency services; 
specifies funds for the contract tower program; prohibits funds 
from certain activities coordinated through the Working Capital 
Fund; and prohibits funds to eliminate the Contract Weather 
Observer program.
    Language is included under Federal Aviation Administration, 
``Facilities and Equipment'' that specifies funds for certain 
activities; derives funds from the Airport and Airway Trust 
Fund; limits the availability of funds; credits funds received 
from other entities for expenses incurred in the modernization 
of air navigation systems; and requires a capital investment 
    Language is included under Federal Aviation Administration, 
``Research, Engineering, and Development'' that derives funds 
from the Airport and Airway Trust Fund; limits the availability 
of funds; credits funds received from other entities for 
expenses incurred for in research, engineering, and development 
to the account; requires funds to be used in accordance with 
the report accompanying this Act; and specifies reprogramming 
authorities among amounts in the report subject to section 405 
of this Act.
    Language is included under Federal Aviation Administration, 
``Grants-in-aid for Airports'' that provides funds from the 
Airport and Airway Trust Fund and from the General Fund; 
specifies the availability of funds; prohibits funds for 
certain activities; sets a cost share requirement on certain 
airport construction projects; limits the availability of funds 
for certain activities; allows the participation of certain 
additional airports; allows the Federal share of certain grants 
to be 95 percent; allows funds to be used for administrative 
expenses, research, and the ``Small Community Air Service 
Development Program''; and defines airport eligibility.
    Section 110 allows no more than 600 technical staff-years 
at the center for advanced aviation systems development.
    Section 111 prohibits funds from being used to adopt 
guidelines or regulations requiring airport sponsors to provide 
FAA ``without cost'' building construction or space.
    Section 112 allows reimbursement for fees collected and 
credited under 49 U.S.C. 45303.
    Section 113 allows reimbursement of funds for providing 
technical assistance to foreign aviation authorities to be 
credited to the operations account.
    Section 114 prohibits funds from being used for Sunday 
premium pay unless work was actually performed on a Sunday.
    Section 115 prohibits funds from being used to buy store 
gift cards with Government-issued credit cards.
    Section 116 requires, upon the request of an owner or 
operator, the Secretary to block the identifying information of 
an owner or operator's aircraft in any flight tracking display 
to the public.
    Section 117 prohibits funds from being used for salaries 
and expenses of more than nine political and Presidential 
appointees in the FAA.
    Section 118 prohibits funds from being used to increase 
fees under 49 U.S.C. 44721 until the FAA provides a report to 
the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations that 
justifies all fees related to aeronautical navigation products 
and explains how such fees are consistent with Executive Order 
    Section 119 requires the FAA to notify the House and Senate 
Committees on Appropriations at least 90 days before closing a 
regional operations center or reducing the services provided.
    Section 119A prohibits funds from being used to change 
weight restrictions or prior permission rules at Teterboro 
Airport in New Jersey.
    Section 119B prohibits funds from being used to withhold 
from consideration and approval certain applications for 
participation in the contract tower program or for certain 
reevaluations of cost-share program participation.
    Section 119C prohibits funds from being used to open, 
close, redesignate, or reorganize a regional office, the 
aeronautical center, or the technical center subject to the 
normal reprogramming requirements outlined under section 405 of 
this Act.
    Section 119D simplifies the administration of the franchise 
    Section 119E limits the use of authorities under 49 U.S.C. 
44502(e) for transferring certain equipment to the FAA.
    Section 119F allows funds from the ``Grants-in-Aid for 
Airports'' account to reimburse airports affected by temporary 
flight restrictions for residences of the President.
    Language is included under the Federal Highway 
Administration, ``Limitation on Administrative Expenses'' which 
limits the amount to be paid, together with advances and 
reimbursements received, for the administrative expenses of the 
agency or transferred to the Appalachian Regional Commission 
for administrative expenses associated with the Appalachian 
Development Highway System.
    Language is included under the Federal Highway 
Administration, ``Federal-aid Highways'' which limits the 
obligations for Federal-aid highways and highway safety 
construction programs.
    Language is included under the Federal Highway 
Administration, ``Federal-aid Highways'' which liquidates 
contract authority from the Highway Trust Fund.
    Language is included under the Federal Highway 
Administration, ``Highway Infrastructure Programs'' which 
authorizes and appropriates additional amounts for community 
project funding, the Appalachian Development Highway System, 
the Nationally Significant Federal Lands and Tribal projects 
program, the Regional Infrastructure Accelerator Demonstration 
Program, the National Scenic Byways Program, the Safe Streets 
and Roads for All Grant Program, the Active Transportation 
Infrastructure Investment Program, the Healthy Streets Program, 
and cooperative agreements to examine the impacts of culverts, 
roads, and bridges. Language specifies the formula distribution 
of funding, applies and waives various statutory requirements 
for each subset of funding, and changes the availability of 
    Section 120 distributes obligation authority among Federal-
aid highways programs.
    Section 121 credits funds received by the Bureau of 
Transportation Statistics to the Federal-aid highways account.
    Section 122 provides requirements for any waiver of the Buy 
America requirements.
    Section 123 requires 60-day notification to the House and 
Senate Committees on Appropriations of any grants as authorized 
under 23 U.S.C. 117.
    Section 124 allows state departments of transportation to 
repurpose certain highway project funding to be used within 25 
miles of its original designation.
    Section 125 requires the Federal Highway Administration to 
adjudicate Buy America waivers based on the rules and 
regulations in effect before April 17, 2018.
    Language is included under the Federal Motor Carrier Safety 
Administration, ``Motor Carrier Safety Operations and 
Programs'' which provides a limitation on obligations and 
liquidation of contract authorization, changes the availability 
of funds, and specifies amounts available for specific 
    Language is included under the Federal Motor Carrier Safety 
Administration, ``Motor Carrier Safety Grants'' which provides 
limitation on obligations and liquidation of contract 
authorization, modifies the availability of certain funds, and 
specifies amounts available for various programs.
    Section 130 requires the Federal Motor Carrier Safety 
Administration to update inspection regulations for rear 
underride guards as specified in GAO-19-264.
    Section 131 prohibits funds from being used to enforce the 
electronic logging device rule with respect to carriers 
transporting livestock or insects.
    Language is included under National Highway Traffic Safety 
Administration, ``Operations and Research'' which provides 
funds for vehicle safety activities and modifies the period of 
availability of certain funds.
    Language is included under National Highway Traffic Safety 
Administration, ``Operations and Research'' which provides a 
limitation on obligations and a liquidation of contract 
authorization from the Highway Trust Fund, specifies amounts 
for various programs, modifies the period of availability of 
certain funds; and specifies that amounts for certain 
activities are in addition to any other funds provided for such 
purposes in this Act.
    Language is included under National Highway Traffic Safety 
Administration ``Highway Traffic Safety Grants'' which provides 
a limitation on obligations, changes the availability of funds, 
provides a liquidation of contract authorization from the 
Highway Trust Fund, specifies the amounts for various programs, 
prohibits and limits funds for specific purposes, and requires 
certain congressional notifications.
    Section 140 provides limited funding for travel and related 
expenses associated with state management reviews and highway 
safety core competency development training.
    Section 141 exempts from the current fiscal year's 
obligation limitation any obligation authority that was made 
available in previous public laws.
    Section 142 prohibits funds from being used to enforce 
certain maintenance of effort requirements under 23 U.S.C. 405.
    Language is included under Federal Railroad Administration, 
``Safety and Operations'' which provides funds and funding 
    Language is included under Federal Railroad Administration, 
``Railroad Research and Development'' which provides funds, 
provides funding availability, and allows the use of funding 
for specific purposes.
    Language is included under Federal Railroad Administration, 
``Federal-State Partnership for Intercity Passenger Rail'' 
which provides funds and funding availability, allows funding 
provided under the headings ``Northeast Corridor Grants to the 
National Railroad Passenger Corporation'' and ``National 
Network Grants to the National Railroad Passenger Corporation'' 
to be used as non-Federal share for projects awarded under this 
heading, and allows the Secretary to withhold funding for a 
specified purpose.
    Language is included under Federal Railroad Administration, 
``Consolidated Rail Infrastructure and Safety Improvements'' 
which provides funds and funding availability, sets aside 
amounts for specified purposes, expands project eligibility, 
modifies preference relating to the Federal share of projects 
receiving awards, allows unobligated balances remaining after 
six years to be used for any eligible project, and allows the 
Secretary to withhold funding for a specified purpose.
    Language is included under Federal Railroad Administration, 
``Northeast Corridor Grants to the National Railroad Passenger 
Corporation'' which provides funds and funding availability, 
allows the Secretary to withhold funding for specified 
purposes, and allows funding to be used as non-Federal share 
for certain projects awarded under the Federal-State 
Partnership for Intercity Passenger Rail grant program.
    Language is included under Federal Railroad Administration, 
``National Network Grants to the National Railroad Passenger 
Corporation'' which provides funding and funding availability, 
allows the National Railroad Passenger Corporation to use 
funding for a specified purpose, allows funding to be used as 
non-Federal share for certain projects awarded under the 
Federal-State Partnership for Intercity Passenger Rail grant 
program, and prevents funding from being used for a specified 
    Section 150 prohibits Amtrak from using funds made 
available by this Act in contravention of the Worker Adjustment 
and Retraining Notification Act.
    Section 151 allows the Federal Railroad Administration to 
transfer certain amounts made available in this and prior Acts 
to the financial assistance oversight and technical assistance 
account to support the award, administration, project 
management oversight, and technical assistance of grants 
administered by the Federal Railroad Administration, with an 
    Section 152 specifies that amounts made available in any 
prior fiscal years for the restoration and enhancement grant 
program are subject to section 22908 of title 49, United States 
Code, as in effect on the effective date of the Infrastructure 
Investment and Jobs Act, and clarifies that section 22908(e)(2) 
does not apply to amounts made available for grants under 
section 22908 of title 49, United States Code, in any prior 
    Section 153 allows the FRA to provide additional amounts to 
the northeast corridor commission and state-supported route 
committee in fiscal year 2023 including to assist the Federal 
Railroad administration with the delivery of projects carried 
out with funding provided in title VIII of division J of the 
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, with certain 
    Section 154 makes technical corrections to title VIII of 
division J of Public Law 117-58.
    Section 155 makes technical corrections to title VIII of 
division J of Public Law 117-58.
    Section 156 makes technical corrections to title VIII of 
division J of Public Law 117-58.
    Section 157 rescinds certain unobligated balances.
    Language is included under Federal Transit Administration, 
``Transit Formula Grants'' which provides a limitation on 
obligations from the Highway Trust Fund, and for the 
liquidation of contract authority.
    Language is included under Federal Transit Administration, 
``Transit Infrastructure Grants'' which provides funding and 
funding availability for certain activities authorized by 
sections 5339, 5307, and 5318 of title 49, United States Codes, 
community project funding, administrative expenses authorized 
by sections 5334 and 5338(c)(2) of title 49, United States 
Code, section 71103 of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs 
Act, and integrated smart mobility grants that are from the 
general fund, and clarifies that such funding is not subject to 
any limitation on obligations.
    Language is included under Federal Transit Administration, 
``Technical Assistance and Training'' which provides funding 
and funding availability for certain activities, specifies that 
such funding is in addition to any other amounts for such 
purposes, and clarifies that such funding is not subject to any 
limitation on obligations.
    Language is included under Federal Transit Administration, 
``Capital Investment Grants'' which provides funding and 
funding availability, specifies amounts for activities 
authorized by section 5309 of title 49, United States Code, and 
section 3005(b) of the Fixing America's Surface Transportation 
Act, requires the Secretary to administer the capital 
investment grants program pursuant to section 5309 of title 49, 
United States Code, specifies conditions for grant agreements 
under section 3005(b) of the Fixing America's Surface 
Transportation Act, and requires the annual report on capital 
investment grants to be submitted with the fiscal year 2024 
budget request.
    Language is included under Federal Transit Administration, 
``Grants to the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit 
Authority'' which provides funding and funding availability, 
requires the Secretary to review projects before a grant is 
made, and requires the Secretary to place the highest priority 
on safety investments.
    Section 160 exempts previously made transit obligations 
from limitations on obligations.
    Section 161 allows funds provided in this Act that remain 
unobligated by September 30, 2023, for capital investment 
grants projects to be available for other projects to use the 
funds for the purposes for which they were originally provided.
    Section 162 allows for the transfer of appropriations made 
prior to October 1, 2022, from older accounts to be merged into 
new accounts with similar, current activities.
    Section 163 prohibits the enforcement of the Rostenkowski 
    Section 164 prohibits the use of funds to impede or hinder 
project advancement or approval for any project seeking a 
Federal contribution from the capital investment grants program 
of greater than 40 percent of project costs.
    Section 165 provides additional amounts to recipients of 
capital investment grants under certain conditions.
    Section 166 extends the period of availability for amounts 
made available for capital investment grants in Public Law 116-
    Section 167 allows fuel and utilities for vehicle 
operations to be treated, at the option of the recipient, as an 
associated capital maintenance item for grants made under 
sections 5307 and 5311 of title 49, United States Code, in 
fiscal year 2023 with certain conditions.
    Language is included under Great Lakes St. Lawrence Seaway 
Development Corporation which authorizes expenditures, 
contracts, and commitments as may be necessary.
    Language is included under Great Lakes St. Lawrence Seaway 
Development Corporation, ``Operations and Maintenance'' which 
provides funds derived from the Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund 
and specifies a certain amount for the seaway infrastructure 
program. Language allows the Secretary to use unobligated 
balances from prior Acts for a specified purpose.
    Language is included under Maritime Administration, 
``Maritime Security Program'' which provides funds and funding 
    Language is included under Maritime Administration, ``Cable 
Security Fleet'' which provides funds and funding availability.
    Language is included under Maritime Administration, 
``Tanker Security Program'' which provides funds and funding 
    Language is included under Maritime Administration, 
``Operations and Training'' which provides funds for specific 
purposes, limits funding availability, requires submission of 
the annual report on sexual assault and harassment at the 
United States Merchant Marine Academy, and allows the use of 
prior year recoveries for specific purposes.
    Language is included under Maritime Administration, ``State 
Maritime Academy Operations'' which provides funds for specific 
purposes and limits funding availability.
    Language is included under Maritime Administration, 
``Assistance to Small Shipyards'' which provides funds and 
funding availability.
    Language is included under Maritime Administration, ``Ship 
Disposal'' which provides funds and funding availability.
    Language is included under Maritime Administration, 
``Maritime Guaranteed Loan (Title XI) Program Account'' which 
provides funds, and transfers and merges funds with ``Maritime 
Administration--Operations and Training''.
    Language is included under Maritime Administration, ``Port 
Infrastructure Development Program'' which provides funds and 
funding availability, sets aside amounts for specified 
purposes, specifies project ineligibility requirements, 
specifies a minimum grant size, and allows proceeds of Federal 
credit assistance to be considered part of the non-Federal 
share of project cost under certain circumstances.
    Section 170 authorizes the Maritime Administration to 
furnish utilities and services and to make necessary repairs in 
connection with any lease, contract, or occupancy involving 
government property under control of the Maritime 
Administration and allows payments received to be credited to 
the Treasury and to remain available until expended.
    Language is included under Pipeline and Hazardous Materials 
Safety Administration, ``Operational Expenses'' which provides 
funding and funding availability.
    Language is included under Pipeline and Hazardous Materials 
Safety Administration, ``Hazardous Materials Safety'' which 
provides funding and funding availability, allows fees 
collected under section 5108(g) of title 49, United States 
Code, to be deposited in the general fund of the Treasury, and 
allows credits to this appropriation for funds received from 
other entities for certain expenses.
    Language is included under Pipeline and Hazardous Materials 
Safety Administration, ``Pipeline Safety'' which specifies 
amounts derived from the Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund, the 
Pipeline Safety Fund, the Liquefied Natural Gas Siting Account, 
and the Underground Natural Gas Storage Facility Safety 
Account; limits availability of funds; specifies a minimum 
amount for certain activities; specifies notification 
requirements for certain activities; requires the Secretary to 
complete certain reports and plans; and limits funding for 
certain purposes pending approval of such reports and plans.
    Language is included under Pipeline and Hazardous Materials 
Safety Administration, ``Emergency Preparedness Grants'' which 
specifies the amount derived from the Emergency Preparedness 
Fund, limits the availability of funds, allows up to four 
percent of funds for administrative costs, and allows the use 
of prior year recoveries for certain activities.
    Language is included under Office of Inspector General, 
``Salaries and Expenses'' which provides funding and provides 
the Inspector General with all necessary authority to 
investigate allegations of fraud by any person or entity that 
is subject to regulation by the Department of Transportation.
    Section 180 provides authorization for the Department of 
Transportation to maintain and operate aircraft, hire passenger 
motor vehicles and aircraft, purchase liability insurance, pay 
for uniforms, and purchase and operate unmanned aircraft 
    Section 181 limits appropriations for services authorized 
by section 3109 of title 5, United States Code, up to the rate 
permitted for an executive level IV.
    Section 182 prohibits recipients of funds in this Act from 
disseminating personal information obtained by state DMVs in 
connection to motor vehicle records with an exception.
    Section 183 prohibits funds in this Act for salaries and 
expenses of more than 125 political and presidential appointees 
in the Department of Transportation.
    Section 184 stipulates that revenue collected by the 
Federal Highway Administration and the Federal Railroad 
Administration from states, counties, municipalities, other 
public authorities, and private sources for training may be 
credited to specific accounts within the agencies with an 
exception for state rail safety inspectors participating in 
    Section 185 prohibits the Department of Transportation from 
using funds made available by this Act or in title VIII of 
division J of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (P.L. 
117-58) to make a loan, loan guarantee, line of credit, letter 
of intent, Federally funded cooperative agreement, full funding 
grant agreement, or discretionary grant unless the Department 
of Transportation gives a 3-day advance notice to the House and 
Senate Committees on Appropriations. The provision requires the 
Department of Transportation to provide a comprehensive list of 
all such loans, loan guarantees, lines of credit, letters of 
intent, Federally funded cooperative agreements, full funding 
grant agreements, and discretionary grants that will be 
announced with a 3-day advance notice to the House and Senate 
Committees on Appropriations. The provision also requires 
concurrent notice of any ``quick release'' of funds from the 
Federal Highway Administration's emergency relief program, and 
prohibits notifications from involving funds not available for 
    Section 186 allows funds received from rebates, refunds, 
and similar sources to be credited to appropriations of the 
Department of Transportation.
    Section 187 requires reprogramming actions to be approved 
or denied by the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations, 
and reprogramming notifications shall be transmitted solely to 
the Appropriations Committees.
    Section 188 allows funds appropriated to operating 
administrations to be obligated for the Office of the Secretary 
for costs related to assessments only when such funds provide a 
direct benefit to the operating administrations.
    Section 189 authorizes the Secretary to carry out a program 
that establishes uniform standards for developing and 
supporting agency transit pass and transit benefits, including 
distribution of transit benefits.
    Section 190 allows the use of funds to assist a contract 
utilizing geographic, economic, or other hiring preference not 
otherwise authorized by law, only if certain requirements are 
met related to availability of local labor, displacement of 
existing employees, and delays in transportation plans.
    Section 191 directs the Secretary of Transportation to work 
with the Secretary of Homeland Security to ensure that best 
practices for industrial control systems procurement are up to 
date and that systems procured with funds provided under this 
title were procured using such practices.


    Language is included under Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, ``Management and Administration'', ``Executive 
Offices'' which limits funds available for reception and 
    Language is included under Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, ``Management and Administration'', 
``Administrative Support Offices'' which specifies funds for 
the Office of the Chief Financial Officer, the Office of the 
General Counsel, the Office of Administration, the Office of 
the Chief Human Capital Officer, the Office of the Chief 
Procurement Officer, the Office of Field Policy and Management, 
the Office of Departmental Equal Employment Opportunity, and 
the Office of the Chief Information Officer; allows funds for 
certain administrative expenses; allows funds to be used for 
advertising and promotional activities; requires quarterly 
reports on congressional reports; and requires congressional 
reports to be submitted electronically.
    Language is included under Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, ``Management and Administration'', ``Program 
Offices'' which specifies funds for the Office of Public and 
Indian Housing, Office of Community Planning and Development, 
Office of Housing, Office of Policy Development and Research, 
Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity, and Office of 
Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes.
    Language is included under Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, ``Management and Administration'', ``Working 
Capital Fund'' which specifies the shared services to be used 
by the Department, specifies the conditions for reimbursement, 
allows for additional salaries and expenses amounts to be 
transferred to the Working Capital Fund, and requires 
notification in advance of such transfers.
    Language is included under Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, ``Tenant-Based Rental Assistance'' which specifies 
funds for certain programs, activities and purposes and limits 
the use and availability of certain funds; specifies the 
methodology for allocation of renewal funding (including 
renewals of enhanced vouchers); directs the Secretary to 
provide renewal funding based on validated voucher system 
leasing and cost data for the prior year; directs the 
Secretary, to the extent necessary, to prorate each public 
housing agencies (PHA) allocation; directs the Secretary to 
notify PHAs of their annual budget the later of 60 days after 
enactment of the Act or March 1, 2023; allows the Secretary to 
extend the notification period with the prior approval of the 
House and Senate appropriations committees; specifies the 
amounts available to the Secretary to allocate to PHAs that 
need additional funds and for fees; specifies the amount for 
additional rental subsidy due to unforeseen emergencies and 
portability; provides funding for public housing agencies with 
vouchers that were not in use during the previous 12 month 
period in order to be available to meet a commitment pursuant 
to section 8(o)(13); provides funding for various adjustments 
in the allocations for public housing agencies; allows the 
total number of unit months under lease to exceed a non-Moving 
to Work (MTW) PHA's authorized level of units under contract; 
allows the cost associated with any foregone increases in 
tenant rent payments due to the implementation of rent 
incentives of the Job-Plus initiative to be renewed; provides 
funding for public housing agencies that despite taking 
reasonable measures, would otherwise be required to terminate 
assistance for families as a result of insufficient funding; 
and provides funding for public housing agencies that have 
experienced increased costs or loss of units in an area with a 
Presidentially declared disaster.
    Language is included under Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, ``Tenant-Based Rental Assistance'' which provides 
funds for tenant protection vouchers; sets certain conditions 
for the Secretary to provide such vouchers; provides funds for 
residents of multi-family properties that would not otherwise 
have been eligible for tenant-protection vouchers; sets 
eligibility requirements for multi-family properties to 
participate in the program; requires the Secretary to issue 
guidance on requirements; sets conditions for the reissuance of 
vouchers; and allows the Secretary to use unobligated and 
recaptured funds from prior years.
    Language is included under Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, ``Tenant-Based Rental Assistance'' which provides 
funds for administrative and other expenses of public housing 
agencies to administer the section 8 tenant-based rental 
assistance program; sets an amount to be available to PHAs that 
need additional funds to administer their section 8 programs, 
including fees to administer tenant protection assistance, 
disaster related vouchers, Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing 
vouchers and other special purpose vouchers; provides for the 
distribution of funds; provides for a uniform percentage 
decrease of amounts to be allocated if funds are not 
sufficient; establishes that MTW agencies be funded pursuant to 
their MTW agreements and in accordance with the requirements of 
the MTW program; provides funds for section 811 mainstream 
vouchers (and allows for adjustments in allocations for public 
housing agencies under certain circumstances); provides a 
portion of the amount of funds made available for the section 
811 mainstream vouchers for a pilot program for persons with 
severe mental illness; provides funds for incremental HUD-VASH; 
provides funds for rental assistance and administrative costs 
associated with tribal veteran vouchers subject to certain 
conditions; provides funding for Family Unification Program 
vouchers, subject to certain conditions; provides funding for 
incremental vouchers for individuals and families who are 
experiencing homelessness, at risk of homelessness, or fleeing 
or attempting to flee domestic violence, under certain 
conditions; provides funds for mobility-related services, 
subject to certain conditions; and requires the Secretary to 
track special purpose vouchers.
    Language is included under Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, ``Housing Certificate Fund'' which rescinds prior 
year funds and allows the Secretary to use recaptures to fund 
project-based contracts and performance-based contract 
    Language is included under Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, ``Public Housing Fund'' which specifies the total 
amount available for certain activities; limits the 
availability of funds; limits the delegation of certain waiver 
authorities; specifies an amount for ongoing public housing 
financial and physical assessment activities; specifies an 
amount for administrative and judicial receiverships; specifies 
an amount for emergency capital needs, including for public 
housing agencies under administrative and judicial 
receiverships or under the control of a Federal monitor, and 
for safety and security measures; specifies an amount for 
competitive grants to public housing agencies to evaluate and 
reduce lead-based paint hazards and other housing-related 
hazards including carbon monoxide, mold, radon testing and 
mitigation, and fire safety; specifies an amount to improve 
energy or water efficiency or climate resilience of public 
housing units; establishes a limitation on amounts that can be 
transferred; makes funds available for bonuses for high 
performing PHAs; and establishes requirements for the 
notification to public housing agencies of their formula 
    Language is included under Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, ``Choice Neighborhoods Initiative'' which allows 
the Secretary to make competitive grants for neighborhood 
rehabilitation; limits availability of funds; allows funds to 
be used for services, development, and housing; specifies grant 
limits for services; declares funds not for ``public housing''; 
requires a period of affordability and allows the Secretary to 
determine an alternative period of affordability under certain 
circumstances; requires local cost share; specifies eligible 
grantees; allows for-profits to apply with a public entity; 
establishes conditions for environmental review; requires 
grantees to create partnerships with other local organizations; 
requires the Secretary to consult with other Federal agencies; 
provides funds for planning grants; allows prior year program 
funds and HOPE VI funds to be used for this program; 
establishes deadlines for when the Secretary shall make grant 
awards; and establishes the period during which the Secretary 
may obligate unobligated balances.
    Language is included under Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, ``Self-Sufficiency Programs'' which provides 
funding, limits availability of funds, allows the Secretary to 
waive or specify certain requirements, establishes entities 
eligible to compete for funding, allows the establishment of 
escrow funds and utilization of rent incentives, allows the use 
of residual receipt accounts to hire coordinators for a number 
of sufficiency programs, and includes Project-based Rental 
Assistance properties as eligible entities for funding provided 
in this and prior Acts for family self-sufficiency 
    Language is included under Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, ``Native American Programs'' which provides 
funding and limits availability of funds. Language specifies 
amounts and conditions for the Native American Housing Block 
Grants formula program, guaranteed notes and obligations as 
defined in section 502 of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974, 
the Indian Community Development Block Grant program, and 
training and technical assistance. Language authorizes and 
appropriates funding for competitive grants through the Native 
American Housing Block Grants program to be awarded at the 
discretion of the Secretary, specifies considerations for the 
Secretary in making funding awards, establishes a maximum grant 
size, and authorizes the use of additional amounts in prior 
Acts for administrative expenses.
    Language is included under Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, ``Indian Housing Loan Guarantee Fund Program 
Account'' which specifies the amount and availability of funds 
to subsidize total loan principal, specifies how to define the 
costs of modifying loans, sets a total loan principal, and 
allows the use of unobligated balances remaining from amounts 
made available under prior Acts for the cost of guaranteed 
    Language is included under Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, ``Native Hawaiian Housing Block Grant'' which 
provides funding, limits availability of funds, and prevents 
and authorizes certain activities.
    Language is included under Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, ``Native Hawaiian Housing Loan Guarantee Fund 
Program Account'' which sets a total loan principal and allows 
the Secretary to make commitments to refinance loans.
    Language is included under Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, ``Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS'' 
which limits availability of funds and requires grantee 
notification of formula allocations.
    Language is included under Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, ``Community Development Fund'' which limits the 
use and availability of certain funds; specifies the allocation 
of certain funds; prohibits grant recipients from selling, 
trading, or transferring funds; prohibits the provision of 
funds to for-profit entities for economic development projects 
unless certain conditions are met; specifies an amount for 
activities authorized under section 8071 of the SUPPORT Act; 
requires grantee notification of formula allocations; and 
provides funding for certain community projects specified in 
the report.
    Language is included under Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, ``Community Development Loan Guarantees Program 
Account'' which limits the principal amount of loan guarantees, 
directs the Secretary to collect fees from borrowers adequate 
to result in credit subsidy cost of zero, allows the Section 
108 loan guarantee program to guarantee notes or other 
obligations issued by any State on behalf of non-entitlement 
communities in the State, and provides funds for competitive 
economic development grants for certain projects.
    Language is included under Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, ``Home Investment Partnerships Program'' which 
limits the availability of funds; specifies the allocation of 
certain funds for certain purposes; requires grantee 
notification; and prohibits sections 218(g) and 231(b) of the 
Cranston-Gonzalez National Affordable Housing Act from applying 
with respect to the right of a jurisdiction to draw HOME funds 
that otherwise expired or would expire in 2016 through 2025, 
and to uninvested funds that otherwise were deducted or would 
be deducted in 2018 through 2025, respectively.
    Language is included under Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, ``Preservation and Reinvestment Initiative for 
Community Enhancement'' which authorizes and appropriates 
funding for competitive grants for the preservation and 
revitalization of manufactured housing; limits availability of 
funds; specifies eligible entities, activities, and 
communities; requires the Secretary to prioritize certain 
applications; establishes a pilot program to provide grants for 
the redevelopment of manufactured housing communities as 
replacement affordable housing, with specifications on the 
number of replacement units, eligible activities, and Federal 
cost-share; defines resiliency activities; and provides the 
Secretary with waiver authority for certain statutory or 
regulatory requirements.
    Language is included under Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, ``Self-help and Assisted Homeownership Opportunity 
Program'' which provides funding; limits availability of funds; 
specifies funding amounts for certain programs, rural 
activities, and organizations; and allows multiyear agreements 
for certain programs subject to the availability of annual 
    Language is included under Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, ``Homeless Assistance Grants'' which limits the 
availability of funds, specifies the allocation of certain 
funds for certain purposes, specifies matching requirements, 
requires the Secretary to establish minimum performance 
thresholds for projects, requires the Secretary to prioritize 
funding to grant applicants that demonstrate a capacity to 
reallocate funding to higher performing projects, requires 
grantees to integrate homeless programs with other social 
service providers, and requires notification of formula 
    Language is included under Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, ``Project-based Rental Assistance'' which provides 
funds and funding availability, specifies eligible activities, 
allows the cost associated with any foregone increases in 
tenant rent payments due to the implementation of rent 
incentives of the Job-Plus initiative to be included in housing 
assistance payments, specifies amounts for certain purposes, 
and allows the Secretary to recapture residual receipts from 
certain properties.
    Language is included under Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, ``Housing for the Elderly'' which limits the 
availability of funds; specifies the allocation of certain 
funds; designates certain funds to be used only for certain 
grants; allows the Secretary to give preference to capital 
advance projects under certain conditions; allows funds to be 
used for specified inspections or inspection-related 
activities; allows funds to be used to renew certain contracts; 
allows the Secretary to waive certain provisions governing 
contract terms and for intergenerational dwelling units; allows 
excess funds held in residual receipts accounts, after contract 
termination, to be deposited in this account; and limits the 
availability and use of these funds.
    Language is included under Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, ``Housing for Persons with Disabilities'' which 
limits the availability of funds, specifies the allocation of 
certain funds, allows the Secretary to give preference to 
capital advance projects under certain conditions, allows funds 
to be used for inspections or inspection-related activities, 
and allows funds to be used to renew certain contracts.
    Language is included under Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, ``Housing Counseling Assistance'' which provides 
funds for described purposes, limits the availability of funds, 
specifies amounts to be used for specified purposes, and allows 
multiyear agreements subject to the availability of annual 
    Language is included under Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, ``Payment to Manufactured Housing Fees Trust 
Fund'' which permits fees to be assessed, modified, and 
collected for dispute resolution and installation programs; 
permits temporary borrowing authority from the general fund of 
the Treasury; provides that general fund amounts from 
collections offset the appropriation so that the resulting 
appropriation is a specified amount; requires fees collected to 
be deposited into the Manufactured Housing Fees Trust Fund; 
allows fees to be used for necessary expenses and limits their 
availability; and allows the Secretary to use approved service 
    Language is included under Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, ``Mutual Mortgage Insurance Program Account'' 
which limits new commitments to issue guarantees, limits new 
obligations to make direct loans, specifies funds for 
administrative contract expenses, specifies that the Secretary 
may insure specific mortgages only under certain conditions, 
and limits the availability of funds.
    Language is included under Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, ``General and Special Risk Program Account'' which 
limits new commitments to issue guarantees, limits new 
obligations to make direct loans, and limits the availability 
of funds.
    Language is included under Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, ``Government National Mortgage Association'' which 
limits new commitments to issue guarantees, provides funds for 
salaries and expenses, allows specified receipts to be credited 
as offsetting collections, allows for additional contract 
expenses as guaranteed loan commitments exceed certain levels, 
and limits the availability of funds.
    Language is included under Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, ``Policy Development and Research'' which limits 
the availability of funds, specifies authorized uses, allows 
the Secretary to enter into cooperative agreements under 
specified circumstances, directs the submission of a spend 
plan, prohibits funding for a specified use, and provides funds 
for a legal assistance demonstration for eviction prevention 
under certain conditions.
    Language is included under Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, ``Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity'' which 
provides or prohibits funds for certain purposes, limits the 
availability of funds, authorizes the Secretary to assess and 
collect fees, and provides funds for programs that support the 
assistance of persons with limited English proficiency.
    Language is included under Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, ``Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy 
Homes'' which specifies the period of availability of funds, 
specifies the amount of funds for specific purposes, specifies 
the treatment of certain grants, specifies a matching 
requirement for grants, requires a certification of adequate 
capacity, and authorizes the transfer of funds for the purposes 
of conducting research and studies.
    Language is included under Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, ``Information Technology Fund'' which specifies 
the period of availability and purpose of funds, including 
funds transferred.
    Language is included under Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, ``Office of Inspector General'' which specifies 
the use of funds and directs that the Inspector General shall 
have independent authority over all personnel issues within the 
    Section 201 splits overpayments evenly between the Treasury 
and state HFAs.
    Section 202 prohibits funds from being used to investigate 
or prosecute lawful activities under the Fair Housing Act.
    Section 203 requires any grant or cooperative agreement to 
be made on a competitive basis, unless otherwise provided, in 
accordance with section 102 of the Department of Housing and 
Urban Development Reform Act of 1989.
    Section 204 relates to the availability of funds for 
services and facilities for GSEs and others subject to the 
Government Corporation Control Act and the Housing Act, and to 
the expenditure of funds for corporations and agencies subject 
to the Government Corporation Control Act.
    Section 205 prohibits the use of funds in excess of the 
budget estimates, unless provided otherwise.
    Section 206 requires the Secretary to provide quarterly 
reports on uncommitted, unobligated, recaptured, and excess 
funds in each departmental program and activity.
    Section 207 exempts GNMA from certain requirements of the 
Federal Credit Reform Act of 1990.
    Section 208 authorizes HUD to transfer debt and use 
agreements from an obsolete project to a viable project, 
provided that no additional costs are incurred and other 
conditions are met.
    Section 209 sets forth requirements for section 8 
eligibility and includes consideration for persons with 
    Section 210 distributes Native American housing block 
grants to the same Native Alaskan recipients as in fiscal year 
    Section 211 instructs HUD on managing and disposing of any 
multifamily property that is owned or held by HUD.
    Section 212 allows PHAs that own and operate 400 or fewer 
units of public housing to be exempt from asset management 
    Section 213 restricts the Secretary from imposing any 
requirements or guidelines relating to asset management that 
restrict or limit the use of capital funds for central office 
costs, up to the limits established in law.
    Section 214 requires that no employee of the Department be 
designated as an allotment holder unless the CFO determines 
that such employee has received certain training.
    Section 215 requires the Secretary to publish all notices 
of funding opportunities for competitively awarded funds, and 
establishes how such notification may occur.
    Section 216 requires attorney fees for programmatic 
litigation to be paid from the individual program office and 
Office of General Counsel salaries and expenses appropriations.
    Section 217 allows the Secretary to transfer up to 10 
percent of funds or $5,000,000, whichever is less, appropriated 
under the headings ``Administrative Support Offices'' or 
``Program Offices'' to any other office funded under such 
    Section 218 requires HUD to take certain actions against 
owners receiving rental subsidies that do not maintain safe 
    Section 219 places a salary and bonus limit on public 
housing agency officials and employees.
    Section 220 requires the Secretary to notify the House and 
Senate Committees on Appropriations at least 3 full business 
days before grant awards are announced, including information 
by state and congressional district.
    Section 221 prohibits funds for HUD financing of mortgages 
for properties that have been subject to eminent domain.
    Section 222 prohibits the use of funds to terminate the 
status of a unit of general local government as a metropolitan 
city with respect to grants under section 106 of the Housing 
and Community Development Act of 1974.
    Section 223 allows funding for research, evaluation, and 
statistical purposes that is unexpended at the time of 
completion of the contract, grant, or cooperative agreement to 
be reobligated for additional research.
    Section 224 prohibits funds for financial awards for 
employees subject to administrative discipline.
    Section 225 allows program income as an eligible match for 
2015 through 2023 continuum of care funds.
    Section 226 permits HUD to provide one year transition 
grants under the continuum of care program.
    Section 227 maintains current promise zone designations and 
    Section 228 addresses the establishment of reserves for 
public housing agencies designated as MTW agencies.
    Section 229 prohibits funds from being used to make certain 
eligibility limitations as part of a notice of fund opportunity 
for competitive grant awards under the public housing fund.
    Section 230 prohibits funds from being used to issue rules 
or guidance in contravention of section 1210 of Public Law 115-
254 (132 Stat. 3442) or section 312 of the Robert T. Stafford 
Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5155).
    Section 231 expends the time period for the liquidation of 
valid obligations for amounts made available for the choice 
neighborhoods initiative in fiscal years 2016, 2017, 2018, 
2019, 2020, and 2021.
    Section 232 addresses the manner in which HUD may make 
adjustments for formula allocation corrections.
    Section 233 allows HUD to make additional grants for the 
same purpose and under the same conditions as amounts 
appropriated by section 11003(a)(2) of the American Rescue Plan 
Act of 2021 (P.L. 117-2) with amounts from the Coronavirus Aid, 
Relief, and Economic Security Act (P.L. 116-136) that are not 
accepted as of the date of enactment of this Act, voluntarily 
returned, or otherwise recaptured.
    Section 234 allows the Secretary to make rent adjustments 
under certain conditions, and extends the mark to market 
program to October 1, 2027.
    Section 235 transfers certain unobligated balances for the 
liquidation of interest reduction payments.
    Section 236 changes the availability of certain funding in 
the Disaster Relief Appropriations Act, 2013 (P.L. 113-2, 
division A; 127 Stat. 36) and specified conditions for certain 
    Section 237 prohibits funds from being used to implement, 
administer, enforce, or in any way make effective the proposed 
rule entitled ``Housing and Community Development Act of 1980: 
Verification of Eligible Status'', issued by HUD on May 10, 
2019 (Docket No. FR-6124-P-01), or any final rule based 
substantially on such proposed rule.

                      TITLE III--RELATED AGENCIES

    Language is included under Access Board, ``Salaries and 
Expenses'' which limits funds for necessary expenses and allows 
for the credit to the appropriation of funds received for 
publications and training expenses.
    Language is included under Federal Maritime Commission, 
``Salaries and Expenses'' which provides funds for services 
authorized by 5 U.S.C. 3109, the hire of passenger motor 
vehicles, and uniforms or allowances therefore; and limits 
funds for official reception and representation expenses.
    Language is included under National Railroad Passenger 
Corporation Office of Inspector General, ``Salaries and 
Expenses'' which provides funds for an independent, objective 
unit responsible for detecting and preventing fraud, waste, 
abuse, and violations of law. Language allows the Inspector 
General (IG) to enter into contracts; allows the IG to select, 
appoint, or employ officers and employees to carry out its 
functions; and requires the IG to submit its budget request 
concurrently with the President's budget and in a similar 
    Language is included under National Transportation Safety 
Board, ``Salaries and Expenses'' which provides funds for hire 
of passenger motor vehicles and aircraft, services authorized 
by 5 U.S.C. 3109, uniforms or allowances therefore; limits 
funds for official reception and representation expenses; and 
allows funds to be used to pay for costs associated with a 
capital lease.
    Language is included under Neighborhood Reinvestment 
Corporation, ``Payment to the Neighborhood Reinvestment 
Corporation'' which specifies the allocation of funds.
    Language is included under Surface Transportation Board, 
``Salaries and Expenses'' which provides funds, specifies 
amounts for certain purposes, allows the collection of a 
specified level of fees established by the Surface 
Transportation Board, and provides that the sum appropriated 
from the general fund of the Treasury shall be reduced on a 
dollar-for-dollar basis as such fees are received.
    Language is included under United States Interagency 
Council on Homelessness, ``Operating Expenses'' which provides 
funds to carry out functions pursuant to title II of the 
McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, and places limitations 
on the use of funds.


    Section 401 prohibits the use of funds for the planning or 
execution of any program to pay the expenses of, or otherwise 
compensate, non-Federal parties intervening in regulatory or 
adjudicatory proceedings.
    Section 402 prohibits the obligation of funds beyond the 
current fiscal year and the transfer of funds to other 
appropriations, unless expressly provided.
    Section 403 limits consulting service expenditures through 
procurement contracts to those contracts contained in the 
public record, except where otherwise provided under existing 
    Section 404 prohibits funds from being used for certain 
types of employee training.
    Section 405 specifies requirements for the reprogramming of 
funds and requires agencies to submit a report in order to 
establish the baseline for the application of reprogramming and 
transfer authorities.
    Section 406 provides that not to exceed 50 percent of 
unobligated balances for salaries and expenses may remain 
available until September 30, 2024, for each account for the 
purposes authorized, subject to the approval of the House and 
Senate Committees on Appropriations.
    Section 407 prohibits the use of funds for any project that 
seeks to use the power of eminent domain, unless eminent domain 
is employed only for a public use.
    Section 408 prohibits funds from being transferred to any 
department, agency, or instrumentality of the U.S. Government, 
except where transfer authority is provided in this or any 
other appropriations act.
    Section 409 prohibits funds from being used by an entity 
unless the expenditure is in compliance with the Buy American 
    Section 410 prohibits funds from being made available to 
any person or entity that has been convicted of violating the 
Buy American Act.
    Section 411 prohibits funds from being used for first-class 
airline accommodations in contravention of sections 301-10.122 
and 301-10.123 of title 41, CFR.
    Section 412 restricts the number of employees that agencies 
may send to international conferences unless such attendance is 
important to the national interest.
    Section 413 caps the amount of fees the STB can charge or 
collect for rate or practice complaints filed at the amount 
authorized for district court civil suit filing fees.
    Section 414 prohibits funds from being used to maintain or 
establish computer networks unless such networks block the 
viewing, downloading, or exchange of pornography.
    Section 415 prohibits funds from being used to deny an 
Inspector General timely access to any records, documents, or 
other materials available to the department or agency over 
which that Inspector General has responsibilities, or to 
prevent or impede that Inspector General's access to such 
records, documents, or other materials.
    Section 416 prohibits funds to be used to pay award or 
incentive fees for contractors whose performance is below 
satisfactory, behind schedule, over budget, or failed to meet 
requirements of the contract, with exceptions.
    Section 417 references Congressionally requested projects 
contained in this report.
    Section 418 prohibits funds from being used to permanently 
replace an employee intent on returning to his or her past 
occupation following completion of military service.
    Section 419 prohibits funds from being used for the 
approval of a new foreign air carrier permit or exemption 
application if that approval would contravene United States law 
or Article 17 bis of the U.S.-E.U.-Iceland-Norway Air Transport 


    Pursuant to clause 3(f)(1)(B) of rule XIII of the Rules of 
the House of Representatives, the following table lists the 
appropriations in the accompanying bill which are not 
authorized by law for the period concerned:

                          PROGRAM DUPLICATION

    Pursuant to clause 3(c)(5) of rule XIII of the Rules of the 
House of Representatives, no provision of this bill establishes 
or reauthorizes a program of the Federal Government known to be 
duplicative of another Federal program, a program that was 
included in any report from the Government Accountability 
Office to Congress pursuant to section 21 of Public Law 111-
139, or a program related to a program identified in the most 
recent Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance.

                           COMMITTEE HEARINGS

    In compliance with clause 3(c)(6) of rule XXIII the 
following table lists the hearings that were used to develop 
the fiscal year 2023 Transportation, Housing and Urban 
Development, and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill:

              Date                Title of Hearing        Witnesses
May 10, 2022...................  Fiscal Year 2023   The Honorable Pete
                                  Budget Request     Buttigieg,
                                  for the            Secretary,
                                  Department of      Department of
                                  Transportation.    Transportation
May 11, 2022...................  Fiscal Year 2023   The Honorable Marcia
                                  Budget Request     L. Fudge,
                                  for the            Secretary,
                                  Department of      Department of
                                  Housing and        Housing and Urban
                                  Urban              Development
May 25, 2022...................  Fiscal Year 2023   The Honorable Elaine
                                  Member Day.        G. Luria (VA-02)
May 26, 2022...................  Manufactured       Mr. Lance George,
                                  Housing:           Director of
                                  Supporting         Research and
                                  America's          Information,
                                  Largest            Housing Assistance
                                  Unsubsidized       Council
                                  Affordable        Mr. Michael Liu,
                                  Housing Stock.     Director, Miami-
                                                     Dade County Public
                                                     Housing and
                                                    Dr. George McCarthy,
                                                     President and CEO,
                                                     Lincoln Institute
                                                     of Land Policy
                                                    Mr. Clemente Mojica,
                                                     President and CEO,
                                                     Partnership Housing
                                                     Services, Inc.
                                                    Ms. Mary O'Hara,
                                                     Executive Vice
                                                     President, ROC USA


                             MINORITY VIEWS

    We appreciate that Chair DeLauro and Chairman Price have 
presented a Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and 
Related Agencies, Fiscal Year 2023 bill that addresses many 
priorities of Members on both sides of the aisle and continues 
investments in our Nation's transportation and housing 
programs. In particular, we appreciate funding for ports 
infrastructure, air traffic control modernization, 
transportation safety programs, and housing programs for the 
elderly and disabled, homeless veterans, and victims of 
domestic violence.
    We are not able to support the bill as currently drafted 
because it includes $90,888,000,000 in discretionary budget 
authority, which is an irresponsible and excessive 12% increase 
above last year. This level is particularly concerning because 
the most significant increases in the bill are in housing 
programs, a 17% increase above fiscal year 2022. These housing 
increases, including an additional $1,100,000,000 to expand the 
tenant-based rental assistance program, would require growing 
renewals in future years. This would create a multi-billion 
liability in the bill for years to come and would crowd out 
other, more targeted transportation and housing investments in 
future years.
    We are disappointed the Majority rejected amendments 
offered by Republican members that would have improved this 
bill, including a prohibition on Federal funds for the failed 
California High Speed Rail project. We are pleased the 
Committee accepted an amendment by Congressman Womack to 
restore a common-sense Electronic Logging Device exemption for 
Livestock Haulers.
    Republicans are concerned the Majority eliminated long-
standing bipartisan provisions, while inserting partisan 
riders, in this year's appropriations bills. We are also 
troubled the Majority is proposing spending levels that will 
add to our national debt and exacerbate the record-high 
inflation caused by the reckless spending of the Majority and 
this Administration.
    We are optimistic that once a topline agreement on spending 
is in place and there is consensus to remove controversial 
policy positions, we will be able to work together to resolve 
our differences and make investments in housing and 
transportation infrastructure to create jobs and improve our 

                                   Kay Granger.
                                   Mario Diaz-Balart.
