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1950 Census of Housing: Volume 4. Residential Financing: Mortgaged Nonfarm Properties

This volume presents data relating to the characteristics of the financing of residential nonfarm properties for the United States, for each of the four regions, and for each of 25 large standard metropolitan areas. The data are based on tabulations from the Residential Financing Survey, which was part of the 1950 Census of Housing, taken as of April 1, 1950.

Volume IV comprises two parts. Part 1 contains data on interrelationships of various characteristics of the property, the owner, and the mortgage for the United States and the four regions. Part 2 contains less extensive data for each of the 25 largest standard metropolitan areas according to the 1940 population, and comparable data for the United States.

The PDF to the right contains the Title Page, Table of Contents and Introduction for Part 1.

Part 1: United States

Download United States

Part 2: Large Standard Metropolitan Areas and Comparable Data for the United States

Download Large Standard Metropolitan Areas and Comparable Data for the United States

A Note on Language

Census statistics date back to 1790 and reflect the growth and change of the United States. Past census reports contain some terms that today’s readers may consider obsolete and inappropriate. As part of our goal to be open and transparent with the public, we are improving access to all Census Bureau original publications and statistics, which serve as a guide to the nation's history.


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