Start Date: Oct 01, 2009
End Date: Sep 30, 2012
The main objective is to significantly speed the analytical detection process for hundreds of pesticide and veterinary drug residues in different types of foods.
The proposed research is designed to further develop supersonic molecular beam mass spectrometry (SMB-MS) technology with its related sample preparation and operation methods to provide ultra-fast analysis of pesticides, drugs, and environmental contaminants in foods with full analysis cycle time of < 1 min. We shall explore: a) unique high flow rate universal SMB-MS for gas chromatography; b) novel open probe SMB-MS/MS as an even faster alternative; c) liquid flow injection SMB-MS/MS to eliminate ion suppression effects; and d) fast SMB-MS for liquid chromatography. Appropriate sampling protocols and sample preparation methods will be devised for the ultra-fast detection approaches to ensure meaningful results. Emphasis will be given to address the needs of fast pesticide and veterinary drug analysis prior to food distribution and to meet the ultra-fast analytical demands of possible food terrorism scenarios.
We shall explore new and novel sample preparation approaches for the multiclass, multiresidue analysis of drug residues in foods. Prof. Amirav will further develop supersonic molecular beam mass spectrometry, particularly using liquid chromatography for the polar drug analytes rather than gas chromatography as was the case for pesticides.