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United States Department of Agriculture

Agricultural Research Service

Research Project: Response and Adaptation of Crops and Weeds to Elevated C02 and Global Warming

Location: Crop Systems & Global Change

Project Number: 1245-11210-008-00
Project Type: Appropriated

Start Date: Apr 04, 2010
End Date: Apr 03, 2015

The objectives of this project are to 1) Determine how rising temperature alters responses of crop and weed physiology, growth, and product quality to elevated carbon dioxide; 2) Assess genotype by environment interactions in crop responses to elevated carbon dioxide and temperature, 3) Determine whether responses to rising atmospheric carbon dioxide and temperature of weeds of the crop systems used in Objectives 1 & 2 will increase their range, competitiveness and resistance to control; and 4) Intercompare crop and economic models and foster improvements in these models to increase their capability to utilize data from climate scenarios as part of AgMIP.

Research will focus on determining how rising temperature alters responses of crop and weed physiology, growth, and product quality to elevated carbon dioxide. Differences among genotypes within several crop species in responses to elevated carbon dioxide and temperature will be assessed to identify traits which would help to adapt crops to these global change conditions. Responses of weeds in a locally and nationally important crop system will be evaluated to determine if rising atmospheric carbon dioxide and temperature will increase their impact on crop yields and their resistance to control by glyphosate, a popular herbicide. Work will be conducted in controlled environment chambers and in field plots with open top chambers and with a free air carbon dioxide enrichment system.

Last Modified: 9/2/2014
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