Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
Tracer Bullet 07-8

Currently several techniques exist for limiting damages caused
by agricultural pests. The application of pesticides alone is
the most common approach, but it can be harmful to the agroecosystem
in which it is used and can be less effective than other methods.
Another means of pest control is biological control, which seeks
to eliminate the use of pesticides. In biological control preservation
of the pest’s natural enemies is essential, as is the utilization
of biopesticides, naturally occurring substances that are harmful
to the pest. A third technique in agricultural pest control is
Integrated Pest Management, or IPM, which utilizes biological
control techniques, but also uses chemical pesticides as a last
resort. This guide updates TB 82-6, Biological Control of
and provides a representative sample of Library of Congress titles
on the control of agricultural pests. Not intended as a comprehensive
bibliography, this compilation is designed--as the name of the
series implies--to put the reader "on target."
Herren, Ray V. The science of agriculture: a biological
approach. 3rd ed. Clifton Park, NY, Thomson/Delmar Learning, c2007.
646 p.
See especially Chapter 15, “Agricultural Entomology.”
S495.H625 2007 <SciRR>
O’Neil, Robert J., and others. Biological control and integrated
pest management. In Integrated pest management in the global
arena. Edited by K. M. Maredia, D. Dakouo, and D. Mota-Sanchez. Wallingford,
Eng., Cambridge, MA, CABI Pub., c2003. p. 19-30.
Includes bibliographical references.
SB950.I4575 2003 <SciRR>
Van Driesche, R. G., and K. M. Heinz. Biological control as a
component of IPM systems. In Biocontrol in protected culture. Kevin
M. Heinz, Roy G. Van Driesche, and Michael P. Parella, editors.
Batavia, IL, Ball Pub., c2004. p. 25-37.
Includes bibliographical references.
SB936.B55 2004
Subject headings used by the Library of Congress,
under which works on Integrated Pest Management (IPM) can be located
in Library catalogs, include the following:
Highly Relevant
More General
Hajek, Ann E. Natural enemies: an introduction to biological
control. Cambridge, Eng., New York, Cambridge University Press,
2004. 378 p.
Bibliography: p. 347-365.
SB933.3.H37 2004 <SciRR>
Insect pest management: techniques for environmental protection. Edited by Jack E. Rechcigl and Nancy A. Rechcigl. Boca Raton, FL,
Lewis Publishers, c2000. 392 p.
Includes bibliographical references.
SB933.3.I53 2000
Integrated pest management: potential, constraints, and challenges.
Edited by Opender Koul, G. S. Dhaliwal, and G. W. Cuperus. Wallingford,
Eng., Cambridge, MA, CABI Pub., c2004. 329 p.
Includes bibliographical references.
SB950.I4577 2004 <SciRR>
Norris, Robert F., Edward P. Caswell-Chen, and Marcos Kogan.
Concepts in integrated pest management. Upper Saddle River, NJ,
Prentice Hall, c2003. 586 p.
Bibliography: p. 523-532.
SB950.N638 2003 <SciRR>
Pedigo, Larry P., and Marlin E. Rice. Entomology and pest
5th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2006. 749
Includes bibliographical references.
SB931.P39 2006 <SciRR>
Thacker, J. R. M. An introduction to arthropod pest control. Cambridge, Eng., New York, Cambridge University Press, 2002. 343 p.
Includes bibliographical references.
SB931.T52 2002
Altieri, Miguel A., and Clara I. Nicholls. Biodiversity and
pest management in agroecosystems. 2nd ed. New York, Food Products Press,
c2004. 236 p.
Bibliography: p. 203-224.
SB933.3.A38 2004 <SciRR>
Biological control in IPM systems in Africa. Edited by P. Neuenschwander,
C. Borgemeister, and J. Langewald. Wallingford, Eng., Cambridge,
MA, CABI Pub. in association with the ACP-EU Technical Centre for
Agricultural and Rural Co-operation and Swiss Agency for Development
and Cooperation, c2003. 414 p.
Includes bibliographical references.
SB975.5.A35B56 2003
Biological control: measures of success. Edited by Geoff Gurr
and SteveWratten. Dordrecht, Boston, Kluwer Academic Publishers,
c2000. 429 p.
Includes bibliographical references.
SB933.3.B53 2000
Biological control programmes in Canada, 1981-2000. Edited by P. G. Mason and
J. T. Huber. Wallingford, Eng., New York, CABI Pub., c2002. 583 p.
Includes bibliographical references.
SB933.32.C2B56 2002
Dent, David. Insect pest management. 2nd ed. Wallingford, Eng.,
New York, CABI Pub., c2000. 410 p.
Bibliography: p. 342-398.
SB931.D45 2000 <SciRR>
Ecological engineering for pest management: advances in habitat
manipulation for arthropods. Editors, Geoff M. Gurr, Steve D. Wratten,
Miguel A. Altieri. Ithaca, NY, Comstock Pub. Associates, 2004.
232 p.
Includes bibliographical references.
SB975.E26 2004 <SciRR>
Environmental impact of invertebrates for biological control
of arthropods: methods and risk assessment. Edited by Franz Bigler,
Dirk Babendreier, and Ulrich Kuhlmann. Wallingford, Eng., Cambridge,
MA, CABI Pub., c2006.
299 p.
Includes bibliographical references.
SB933.3.E58 2006
Hagstrum, David W., and Bhadriraju Subramanyam. Fundamentals
of stored-product entomology. St. Paul, MN, AACC International,
c2006. 323 p.
Bibliography: p. 259-305.
SB937.H34 2006
Hill, Dennis S. Pests of stored foodstuffs and their control. Dordrecht,
Boston, Kluwer Academic Publishers, c2002. 476 p.
Bibliography: p. 445-451.
Originally published as Pests of stored products and their control. Boca Raton, FL, Belhaven Press, 1990.
SB937.H55 2002
Insect management for food storage and processing. 2nd ed. Edited by Jerry
W. Heaps. St. Paul, MN, AACC International, c2006. 231 p.
Includes bibliographical references.
SB937.I57 2006 <SciRR>
Insect pest management: field and protected crops. A. Rami Horowitz, Isaac
Ishaaya, eds. Berlin, New York, Springer, c2004. 344 p.
Includes bibliographical references
SB931.I43 2004
Integrated pest management: current and future strategies. Ames, IA, Council
for Agricultural Science and Technology, 2003. 246 p. (Task force report, no.
Includes bibliographical references.
SB950.I4573 2003 <SciRR>
Invasive arthropods in agriculture: problems and solution. Editors Guy J. Hallman,
Charles P. Schwalbe. Enfield, NH, Science Publishers, c2002. 447 p.
Includes bibliographical references.
SB990.I564 2002
Theoretical approaches to biological control. Edited by Bradford A. Hawkins and
Howard V. Cornell. Cambridge, Eng., New York, Cambridge University Press, 1999.
412 p.
Includes bibliographical references.
SB933.3.T48 1999
Van Emden, Helmut Fritz, and M. W. Service. Pest and vector control. Cambridge,
Eng., New York, Cambridge University Press, 2004. 349 p.
Bibliography: p. 325-327.
SB950.V355 2004
Walter, G. H. Insect pest management and ecological research. Cambridge,
Eng., New York, Cambridge University Press, 2003. 387 p.
Bibliography: p. 295-347.
SB931.W25 2003 <SciRR>
Waterhouse, D. F., and D. P. A. Sands. Classical biological control of
arthropods in Australia. Canberra, CSIRO Entomology, Australian Centre for International
Agricultural Research, 2001. 559 p. (ACIAR monograph series,
no. 77)
Bibliography: p. 441-502.
SB933.3.W29 2001
Advances in insect rearing for research and pest management.
Edited by Thomas E. Anderson and Norman C. Leppla. Boulder, Westview
Press; New Dehli, Oxford & IBH Pub. Co., 1992. 519 p.
Includes bibliographical references.
SF518.A38 1989
Advances in microbial control of insect pests. Edited by Rajeev K. Upadhyay.
New York, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, c2003. 330 p.
Includes bibliographical references.
SB933.34.A38 2003
Alternatives to pesticides in stored-product IPM. Edited by Bhadriraju
Subramanyam, David W. Hagstrum. Boston, Kluwer Academic Publishers, c2000.
437 p.
Includes bibliographical references.
SB937.A48 2000
Biochemical sites of insecticide action and resistance. Isaac
Ishaaya, ed. Berlin, New York, Springer, c2001.
343 p.
Includes bibliographical references.
SB951.5.B56 2001
Biocontrol potential and its exploitation in sustainable agriculture. Edited by R. K. Upadhyay, K. G. Mukerji, and B. P. Chamola. New York, Kluwer
Academic/Plenum Publishers, c2000-c2001. 2 v.
Includes bibliographical references.
SB975.B5 2000
Biopesticides: use and delivery. Edited by Franklin R. Hall and Julius J. Menn.
Totowa, NJ, Humana Press, c1999. 626 p. (Methods in biotechnology, 5)
SB951.145.M37B56 1999
Environmental impacts of microbial insecticides: need and methods
for risk assessment. Edited by Heikki M. T. Hokkanen and Ann E. Hajek. Dordrecht,
Boston, Kluwer Academic, c2003. 269 p.
Includes bibliographical references.
SB933.34.E58 2003
Fungi as biocontrol agents: progress problems and potential. Edited by T. M. Butt, C. Jackson, and N. Magan. Wallingford, Eng.,
New York, CABI Pub., c2001. 390 p.
Includes bibliographical references.
SB976.F85F86 2001
Insecticides design using advanced technologies. Isaac Ishaaya,
Ralf Nauen, and A. Rami Horowitz, eds. Berlin, New York, Springer,
c2007. 314 p.
Includes bibliographical references.
SB951.5.I634 2007
Insecticides in agriculture and environment: retrospects
and prospects. A. S. Perry and others. Berlin, New York, Springer,
c1998. 261 p.
Bibliography: p. 221-249.
SB951.5.I638 1998
Integrated pest management for brassicas. Contributors, P. J.
Cameron and G. P. Walker. Christchurch, N. Z., New Zealand Institute
for Crop & Food Research Limited, c2000. 71 p. (Crop & food
research IPM manual, no. 11)
Bibliography: p. 70.
SB608.B68I57 2000
Koul, Opender. Insect antifeedants. Boca Raton, FL, CRC Press,
c2005. 1005 p.
Includes bibliographical references.
SB931.K786 2005 <SciRR>
Microbial biopesticides. Edited by Opender Koul and G. S. Dhaliwal.
London, New York, Taylor & Francis, 2002. 340 p. (Advances
in biopesticide research, v. 2)
Includes bibliographical references.
SB976.M55M53 2002
Microbials in insect pest management. Editors, S. Ignacimuthu,
A. Sen. Enfield, NH, Science Publishers, c2001. 174 p.
Includes bibliographical references.
SB931.M63 2001
Nematodes as biocontrol agents. Edited by Parwinder S. Grewal,
Ralf-Udo Ehlers, and David I. Shapiro-Ilan. Wallingford, Eng.,
Cambridge, MA, CABI Pub., c2005. 505 p.
Includes bibliographical references.
SB976.N46N46 2005
New strategies in locust control. Edited by S. Krall, R. Preveling,
and D. Ba Diallo. Basel, Boston, Birkhauser Verlag, c1997. 522
Includes bibliographical references.
Papers presented at a conference in Bamako, Mali, Apr. 3-8, 1995.
SB945.L7N475 1997
Singh, Dhan Pal, and Arti Singh. Disease and insect resistance
in plants. Enfield, NH, Science Publishers, c2005. 417 p.
Bibliography: p. 323-395.
Revised and enlarged edition of the book titled Breeding
for resistance to diseases and insect-pests by the first author which was published by Springer-Verlag,
Germany in 1986.
SB933.2.S56 2005
Smith, C. Michael. Plant resistance to arthropods: molecular
and conventional approaches. Dordrecht, Springer, c2005. 423 p.
Includes bibliographical references.
SB931.S62 2005
Stenersen, Jørgen. Chemical pesticides: mode of action
and toxicology. Boca Raton, FL, CRC Press, c2004.
276 p.
Bibliography: p. 249-264.
RA1270.P4S74 2004
Bennett, Gary W., John M. Owens, and Robert M. Corrigan. Truman’s
scientific guide to pest management operations. 6th ed. West Lafayette,
IN, Purdue University, c2003. 574 p.
Includes bibliographical references.
SB950.B36 2003 <SciRR>
The BioPesticide manual: a world compendium. 2nd ed. Editor,
L. G. Copping. Farnham, Eng., British Crop Protection Council,
c2001. 528 p.
SB975.B585 2001 <SciRR>
Bohmont, Bert L. The standard pesticide user’s guide. 7th
ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ, Pearson/Prentice Hall, c2007. 622 p.
Bibliography: p. 458-464.
SB951.B584 2007 <SciRR>
Encyclopedia of pest management. Edited by David Pimentel. New
York, Marcel Dekker, c2002. 929 p.
Includes bibliographical references.
SB950.7.E53 2002 <SciRR>
Flint, Mary Louise, and Steve H. Dreistadt. Natural enemies
handbook: the illustrated guide to biological pest control. Oakland, CA,
UC Division of Agriculture and Natural Sciences; Berkeley, University
of California Press, c1998. 154 p. (Publication, UC Division of
Agricultural and Natural Resources, 3386)
Bibliography: p. 129-140.
“University of California Statewide Integrated Pest Management Project.”
SB993.3.F59 1998 <SciRR>
Handbook of biological control: principles and applications
of biological control. Editors, Thomas S. Bellows, T. W. Fisher. San
Diego, Academic Press, c1999. 1046 p.
Includes bibliographical references.
SB975.H35 1999
Handbook of pest management. Edited by John R. Ruberson. New
York, M. Dekker, c1999. 842 p.
Includes bibliographical references.
SB950.H34 1999
Pest and disease management handbook. Edited by David V. Alford.
Oxford, Eng., Malden, MA, Published for the British Crop Protection
Council by Blackwell Science, 2000. 615 p.
Bibliography: p. 560-576.
Rev. ed. of Pest and disease control handbook. 3rd ed. 1989.
SB950.3.G7P47 2000
The Pesticide manual: a world compendium. 12th ed. Editor, C.
D. S. Tomlin. Farnham, Eng., British Crop Protection Council, 2000.
1250 p.
Bibliography: p. 1119-1126.
SB951.P434 2000 <SciRR>
Chemistry of crop protection: progress and prospects in science and
Edited by G. Voss and G. Ramos. Weinheim, Wiley-VCH, c2003. 395 p.
Includes bibliographical references.
Articles derived from invited lectures given at the 10th IUPAC International
Congress on the Chemistry of Crop Protection held in Basle, Switzerland, August
4 to 9, 2002.
SB950.A2C44 2003
Genetics, evolution, and biological control. Edited by L. E. Ehler, R.
Sforza, and T. Mateille. Wallingford, Eng., Cambridge, MA, CABI Pub., 2004.
260 p.
Includes bibliographical references.
Papers from an International Organization for Biological Control symposium
held in Montpellier, France, 2002.
SB975.G46 2004 <SciRR>
Integrated Pest Management Conference (2002, Kampala, Uganda). Integrated
pest management conference proceedings, 8-12 September, 2002, Kampala,
Uganda. Editors, J. S. Tenywa and others. Kampala, Makerere University, National
Agricultural Research Organizations, Integrated Pest Management Collaborative
Research Support Program, 2002. 433 p.
Includes bibliographical references.
SB950.3.A357I54 2002
National Symposium on “Biological Control of Insect Pests” (2002,
Entomology Research Institute). Biological control of insect pests. Edited
by S. Ignacimuthu and S. Jayaraj. New Delhi, Phoenix Pub. House, c2003.
363 p. (Entomology Research Institute series, no. 1)
Includes bibliographical references.
Contributed papers presented at the symposium held on 7-8 Feb., 2002.
SB933.32.I4N385 2002
Agricultural chemical usage. Restricted use pesticides summary. United
States Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Statistics Service,
Agricultural Statistics Board. Washington, The Board, 2001. 1 v.
SB950.2.A1A64 2001
Farming Systems Integrated Pest Management Project (Bvumbwe Agricultural
Research Station). Farming Systems Integrated Pest Management Project:
selected reports, 1996-2000. Compiled by J. Mark Ritchie and Felix Muyaso. Limbe,
Malawi, Dept. for Agricultural Research and Technical Services, Farming
Systems Integrated Pest Management Project, Bvumbwe Agricultural Research
Station, 2000. 3 v.
Includes bibliographical references.
SB950.3.M3F27 2000
Final environmental impact statement: integrated pest management program,
BLM Horning Seed Orchard, Colton, Clackamas County, Oregon. Colton, OR,
U. S. Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, Salem District,
2005. 1 v. (various pagings)
SB950.2.O7F56 2005
URL: (28.1
(The freely available Adobe
Acrobat Reader is required to view and print this
Pesticide regulation: evaluation report. St. Paul, MN, Office of the Legislative
Auditor, Program Evaluation Division, 2006. 99 p.
Includes bibliographical references.
SB950.2.M46P47 2006
Record of decision: integrated pest management program, BLM Provolt
Seed Orchard, Grants Pass, Josephine and Jackson Counties, Oregon and
BLM Sprague
Seed Orchard, Merlin, Josephine County, Oregon. Medford, OR, U. S. Dept.
of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, Medford District Office, 2006.
70 p. (BLM/OR/WA/PL-06/014-1792)
Bibliography: p. 70.
SB950.2.O7R44 2006
URL: (3.92
The freely available Adobe
Acrobat Reader is required to view and print this resource.)
Sumani, A. J., John Mukuka, and A. Chalabesa. Agricultural field insect
pests of Zambia and their management. Lusaka, Republic of Zambia, Ministry
of Agriculture and Co-operatives, 2002. 59 p.
Bibliography: p. 57.
SB935.Z33S86 2002
United States. General Accounting Office. Agricultural pesticides:
management improvements needed to further promote integrated pest management. United
States General Accounting Office report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on
Research, Nutrition, and General Legislation, Committee on Agriculture,
Nutrition, and Forestry, U. S. Senate. Washington, The Office, 2001. 31
p. (GAO-01-815)
SB950.2.A1U55 2001
URL: (2.10
(The freely available Adobe
Acrobat Reader is required to view and print this resource.)
Dissertations may be identified by using online
resources or the following indexes located in the Main Reading
Room. Consult any reference librarian about options. Some dissertations
may be available in full text through electronic resources on public
terminals at the Library of Congress.
Comprehensive Dissertation Index (1861-1972)
Z5053.X47 1973
Comprehensive Dissertation Index. Supplement (1973- annual)
Dissertation Abstracts International (1938- monthly)
Z5053.D57 and Electronic format
Arevalo-Rodriguez, Hector Alejandro. A study of the behavior,
ecology, and control of flower thrips in blueberries towards the
development of an integrated pest management (IPM) program in Florida
and southern Georgia. Ann Arbor, MI, University Microfilms, 2007.
UMI publication number AAT 3248955
Collation of the original: 167 p.
Thesis (doctoral)--University of Florida, 2006.
Daugherty, Matthew Patrick. Plant productivity, consumer
feeding preferences, and biological control in a terrestrial
food web. Ann Arbor, MI, University Microfilms, 2007.
UMI publication number AAT 3253823
Collation of the original: 152 p.
Thesis (doctoral)--University of California, Berkeley, 2006.
Hannon, Eugene Russell. Developing an IPM program to control
the carpenterworm moth and poplar-and-willow borer in irrigated
hybrid poplars. Ann Arbor, MI, University Microfilms, 2007.
UMI publication number AAT 3252291
Collation of the original: 191 p.
Thesis (doctoral)--Washington State University, 2006.
Heard, Edward. Establishment of blackberries and detection
and management of raspberry crown borer. Ann Arbor, MI, University
Microfilms, 2007.
UMI publication number AAT 1439517
Collation of the original: 63 p.
Thesis (Masters)--Mississippi State University, 2006.
Moning, Elias T. Reinventing indigenous knowledge: a crucial
factor for an IPM-based sustainable agricultural development. Ann
Arbor, MI, University Microfilms, 2007.
UMI publication number AAT 3212743
Collation of the original: 372 p.
Thesis (Doctoral)--University of Massachusetts Amherst, 2006.
Moreno, Carlo R. The role of relative abundance and identity
in the effectiveness of generalist predators as biocontrol agents
of Pieris rapae L. (Lepidoptera: Pieridae). Ann Arbor, MI, University
Microfilms, 2007.
UMI publication number AAT 1439172
Collation of the original: 95 p.
Thesis (Masters)--University of Maryland, College Park, 2006.
Neumann, Gabor. Dual-strategy biological control of the alfalfa
snout beetle, Otiorhynchus ligustici L. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae),
using persistent entomopathogenic nematodes in a single- vs. multispecies
natural enemy approach. Ann Arbor, MI, University Microfilms, 2007.
UMI publication number AAT 3246744
Collation of the original: 124 p.
Thesis (doctoral)--Cornell University, 2007.
Abstracting and Indexing Services that index relevant journal
articles and other literature are listed below. Some suggested
terms for searching are “biological control,” “pest
management,” “insect pests,” or other headings,
depending upon the topic of interest. Many of the titles may now
be available in electronic format. Please consult a reference librarian
for the location and format of abstracting and indexing services.
Applied Science & Technology Index (1913- )
Z7913.I7 <SciRR A&I> & Electronic
Bibliography of Agriculture (1942-2000)
Z5073.U572 <SciRR A&I> and AGRICOLA
(Electronic Format)
Biological Abstracts (1927- )
QH301.B37 <SciRR A&I> and Electronic format
Biological & Agricultural Index (1916- )
Z5073.A46 <SciRR A&I> and Electronic format
Garden, Landscape & Horticulture Index
Electronic format
Ecological Abstracts (1974- )
QH540.E27 and Electronic format
Environmental Sciences and Pollution Management (1967-
Electronic format
General Science Index (1978- )
Z7401.G46 & Electronic Format
Horticultural Abstracts (1981- )
SB1.H65 <SciRR A&I>
Readers’ Guide to Periodical Literature (1900- )
AI3.R48 <BusRR> and Electronic format
Science Citation Index (1961- )
Z7401.S365 <SciRR A&I> and Electronic format
Journals that often contain articles relevant to IPM and biological
Agricultural and Forest Entomology |
SB599.A4 |
Agricultural Research |
S1.A1815 |
Appropriate Technology |
T1.A66 |
The Florida Entomologist |
QL461.F6 |
HortScience |
SB317.5.H675 |
Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology |
QL495.I49 |
Insect Science |
QL483.C6I57 |
International Journal of Pest Management |
SB950.A1P18 |
Journal of Applied Entomology |
SB599.Z37 |
Journal of Economic Entomology |
SB599.J5 |
Journal of Invertebrate Pathology |
SB942.J6 |
Journal of Stored Products Research |
TX599.J6 |
Pest Management Science |
SB950.9.P46 |
Amevoin, K., and others. Biological control of bruchids infesting cowpea
by the introduction of Dinarmus basalis (Rondani) (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae)
adults into farmers’ stores in West Africa. Journal of stored
products research , v. 43, no. 3, 2007: 240-247.
Beres, B. L., H. A. Cárcamo, and J. R. Byers. Effect of wheat stem
sawfly damage on yield and quality of selected Canadian spring wheat. Journal
of economic entomology, v. 100, Feb. 2007: 79-87.
Bi, Han-Long, Shu-Jen Tuan, and Nick C. Toscano. Impact of greenhouse
whitefly management on strawberry fruit quality. Insect science, v. 14,
Apr. 2007: 151-156.
Booth, L. H., S. D. Wratten, and P. Kehrli. Effects of reduced rates of
two insecticides on enzyme activity and mortality of an aphid and its lacewing
predator. Journal of economic entomology, v. 100, Feb. 2007: 11-19.
Campbell, C., K. van Frankenhuyzen, and S. Smith. Incubation period, spore
egestion and horizontal transmission of Nosema fumiferanae (Microsporidia:
Nosematidae) in spruce budworm (Choristoneura sp., Lepidoptera: Tortricidae):
the role of temperature and dose. Journal of invertebrate pathology, v.
94, Mar. 2007: 204-210.
Daborn, P. J., and others. Evaluating the insecticide resistance potential
of eight Drosophila melanogaster cytochrome P450 genes by transgenic over-expression.
Insect biochemistry and molecular biology, v. 37, May 2007: 512-519.
Ericsson, Jerry D., and others. Spinosad interacts synergistically with
the insect pathogen Metarhizium anisopliae against the exotic wireworms
Agriotes lineatus and Agriotes obscurus (Coleoptera: Elateridae). Journal
of economic entomology, v. 100, Feb. 2007: 31-38.
Fokialakis, N., and others. Antifeedant and toxicity effects of thiophenes
from four Enchinops species against the Formosan subterranean termite, Coptotermes
formosanus. Pest management science, v. 62, Sept. 2006: 832-838.
Gariepy, T. D., and others. Parasitoids, predators and PCR: the use of diagnostic
molecular markers in biological control of Arthropods. Journal of applied
v. 131, May 2007: 225-240.
Keeping, M. G., R. S. Rutherford, and D. E. Conlong. Bt-maize as a potential
trap crop for management of Eldana saccharina Walker (Lep., Pyralidae) in
sugarcane. Journal of applied entomology, v. 131, May 2007: 241-250.
Kljajic, Petar, and Ilija Peric. Altered susceptibility of granary weevil
Sitophilus granarius (L.) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) populations to insecticides
after selection with pirimiphos-methyl and deltamethrin. Journal of
stored products research, v. 43, no. 2, 2007: 134-141.
Koppenhöfer, Albrecht M., Parwinder S. Grewal, and Eugene M. Fuzy.
Differences in penetration routes and establishment rates of four entomopathogenic
nematode species into four white grub species. Journal of invertebrate
pathology, v. 94, Mar. 2007: 184-195.
McKee, Gregory J., Frank G. Zalom, and Rachael E. Goodhue. Management
and yield impact of the greenhouse whitefly (Trialeurodes vaporariorum)
on California strawberries. HortScience, v. 42, Apr. 2007: 280-284.
Resilva, Sotero, and others. Development of quality control procedures
for mass produced and released Bactrocera philippinensis (Diptera: Tephritidae)
for sterile insect technique programs. The Florida entomologist, v. 90,
Mar. 2007: 58-63.
Selected materials available in the Science Reading Room pamphlet
boxes include the following:
Bauce, Éric, Nathalie Carisey, and Alain Dupont. Carry
over effects of the entomopathogen Bacillus thuringiensis ssp.
Kurstaki on Choristoneura fumiferana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae)
progeny under various stressful environmental conditions. Agricultural
and forest entomology, v. 8, Feb. 2006: 63-76.
Choi, Charles Q. Cotton-picking results. Scientific American,
v. 295, Oct. 2006: 34.
Ehler, Lester E. Integrated pest management (IPM): definition,
historical development and implementation, and the other IPM. Pest
management science, v. 62, Sept. 2006: 787-789.
Flores, Alfredo. Whiteflies may meet their match in the form
of new fungus. Agricultural research, v. 55, May/June 2007: 11.
Joshi, Sopan. No pesticides. Appropriate technology, v. 33, Dec.
2006: 22-24.
Kaplan, J. Kim. Less pesticide, fewer fruit flies. Agricultural research, v.
55, May/June 2007: 8-10.
Kuhar, T. P., K. Mori, and J. C. Dickens. Potential of a synthetic aggregation
pheromone for integrated pest management of Colorado potato beetle. Agricultural
and forest entomology, v. 8, Feb. 2006: 77-81.
Leppla, N. C., and others. Management of pest mole crickets in Florida and
Puerto Rico with a nematode and parasitic wasp. The Florida entomologist, v.
90, Mar. 2007: 229-233.
A Multi-pronged attack against the sunn pest. Appropriate technology, v.
33, Dec. 2006: 26-28.
Nikpay, Amin. Insecticidal efficacy of three vegetable oils as post-harvest
grain protectants of stored wheat against Rhyzopertha dominica (F.) (Coleoptera:
Bostrychidae). Insect science, v. 14, Apr. 2007: 145-150.
Peabody, Erin, and Alfredo Flores. New defenses against the daunting Asian
longhorned beetle. Agricultural research, v. 54, May 2006: 14-15.
Ritter, Stephen K. Fungi to the rescue. Chemical and engineering news, v.
84, Dec. 4, 2006: 82-83.
Association of Applied IPM Ecologists (AAIE)
P.O. Box 526
Oxnard, CA 93030
Phone: (805) 483-6246
E-Mail: [email protected]
Association of Natural Biocontrol Producers (ANBP)
c/o Maclay Burt, Exec.Dir.
2230 Martin Dr.
Tustin, CA 92782
Phone: (714) 544-8295
Fax: (714) 544-8295
E-Mail: [email protected]
Bio-Integral Resource Center (BIRC)
P.O. Box 7414
Berkeley, CA 94707
Phone: (510) 524-2567
Fax: (510) 524-1758
E-Mail: [email protected]
National Pest Management Association International (NPMA)
9300 Lee Hwy., Ste. 301
Fairfax, VA 22031
Phone: (703) 352-6762
Fax: (703) 352-3031
Toll-Free: (800) 678-6722
E-Mail: [email protected]
The Internet offers a number of sites useful for finding information on
integrated pest management. Several of the organizations listed above provide
links to related sites from their web sites. You might try the sites described
below, or use your favorite search engine (such as Google or Yahoo) and
appropriate key words to identify more specific resources.
Advanced Pheromone Technologies (APTIV)
Biocontrol for the Layman
Biocontrol Methods in Commercial Greenhouses
Biocontrol Network
Cornell University Biological Control
EPA - IPM Website
Global IPM Technology Network
International Association for the Plant Protection Services
International Organization for Biological Control - Arthropod
Mass Rearing and Quality Control
Iowa State - IPM
IPM Institute of North America
Pacific Biocontrol
Pesticides Action Network Pesticides Database
Plant Protection Sciences
Understanding Biological Control for the Layman
University of California IPM Home Page
USDA Regional IPM Centers Information System