Progress Reports and Tools / Community Hospitals

The NCCCP extends lessons learned through its network of community hospitals to all community cancer centers nationwide.
The cancer programs and resources developed through the NCCCP are shared with community hospitals that treat cancer patients nationwide through presentations, publications, and resources such as this web site.
Check this page from time to time to keep up with progress and to access resources and recommended best practices that result from the NCCCP. The documents below are available in PDF format.
Program Progress
- The 2007-2014 NCCCP Chronicle (PDF - 7MB)
- Tools and Resources (PDF - 1MB)
The following reports provide a summary of the program’s yearly accomplishments since its inception in 2007.
- The 2013 Progress Report (PDF - 311KB)
- The 2012 Progress Report (PDF - 2MB)
- The 2011 Progress Report (PDF - 307KB)
- The 2010 Progress Report (PDF - 335KB)
- The 2009 Progress Report (PDF - 192KB)
- The 2008 Progress Report (PDF - 82KB)
Evaluation of NCCCP Pilot
- NCCCP Evaluation Summary
- NCCCP Integrated Evaluation Report
- NCCCP Comparative Health Outcomes Analysis Report
- NCCCP Economic Evaluation Report
- NCCCP Clinical Trials Analysis Report
Research Collaborations
Program Resources and Tools
A document that includes copies of all NCCCP-developed tools and resources is available here. While the tools are not validated, the contents may be useful templates for other community cancer centers. The below listing contains links to copies of the individual, program pillar-specific tools.Cancer Healthcare Disparities
- The Disparities Vision, Overview, and Dashboard (PDF - 233KB) provides an overview of the program’s efforts to address healthcare disparities. The document specifies metrics used to ensure that disparities issues are considered in clinical trials, biospecimens, information technology, quality of care, and survivorship. The document also outlines focused efforts around screening, community outreach, navigation, and tracking race and ethnicity.
- The Breast Screening Tracking Tool (PDF - 248KB) is being tested as an effective mechanism for monitoring the lag time between initial screening, diagnosis and care, and recruitment for clinical trials, particularly for the underserved.
- The NCCCP Template for Community Outreach (PDF - 44KB) provides an overview on how to plan, implement, and evaluate focused community outreach efforts to target specific cancer healthcare disparities.
- Minority Rural Matrix Template
Quality of Care
- The Navigation Assessment Tool (PDF - 91KB) is used to help build or advance a navigation program based on criteria discussed in each category. Each category represents a component of navigation that should be present in any program. The levels of the tool provide a way to advance from the minimum to a benchmark status.
- The Multidisciplinary Care Assessment Tool (PDF - 71KB) defines an MDC model for cancer care in the community and describes case planning, physician engagement, coordination of care, infrastructure, and financial considerations.
- A uniform Chemotherapy Consent Form (PDF - 238KB) template was developed for modification for individual institution’s use.
- The Genetic Counseling Assessment Tool (PDF - 128KB) defines the minimal genetic counseling service requirements to guide improvements.
Survivorship and Palliative Care
- The NCCCP Cancer Psychosocial Assessment Tool (PDF - 113KB) is designed for community cancer programs to use as a self-assessment tool to evaluate and improve their psychosocial care services. The assessment tool provides guidance and ensures that the psychosocial needs of cancer patients are met. Psychosocial health services are those psychological and social services that enable cancer survivors, their families, and health care providers to optimize biomedical health care and to manage the psychological/behavioral and social aspects of cancer and its consequences so as to promote better health. Multidimensional, culturally informed psychosocial health screenings include: Emotional/Mental Health Needs (i.e., anxiety, depression, coping, sexuality); Practical Problems (i.e., concrete needs and illness-related concerns - financial, transportation, housing); Social Problems (i.e., lack of social support/resources, vocational impact, insurance); and Support Needs (i.e., personal, social, medical, spiritual).
- The NCCCP Cancer Palliative Care Assessment Tool (PDF - 105KB) is designed for community cancer programs to use as a self-assessment tool to evaluate and improve their palliative care services. Palliative care programs in some health care settings may utilize "supportive care" or "symptom management" in their titles.
- The Breast Treatment Summary Tool (PDF - 76KB) was built upon ASCO’s treatment summary forms and includes Institute of Medicine recommendations. It includes detailed information on treatments received and health care provider information.
- The Breast Cancer Survivorship Care Plan (PDF - 278KB) provides patients with a treatment summary and includes a detailed post-treatment follow-up plan. It includes guidelines for surveillance and a list of risk factors for potential long-term and late effects of therapy.
Clinical Trials
- The NCCCP Clinical Trials Screening and Accrual Log (PDF 313KB) was designed to track patients screened and enrolled in NCCCP clinical trials. It utilizes a web-based application to track patient demographic information and perform data analysis. The data is used to identify individual and site accrual barriers to help develop strategies to increase clinical trial participation among patients.
- Early Phase Trial Feasibility Checklist
- Provider Outreach Trial Fact Sheet (sample from St. Joe Orange)
- The NCCCP 2012 Factsheet (PDF - 148KB) provides key points on the NCCCP and contact information for participating hospitals.
- The NCCCP Physicians Conditions of Participation (PDF - 260KB) outlines the conditions of participation recommendations to support the goals of the NCCCP program. The tool addresses the core elements of the requirements, including participation in clinical trials and quality of care initiatives, board certification, and acceptance of uninsured patients.
- The NCCCP Physician Director Role (PDF – 251KB) provides an overview of the responsibilities for a community cancer center physician director and outlines the physician qualification requirements.