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Publicly Available Collections
DTIC Public Access Search
PubDefense publications have been integrated into our DTIC Public Access Search.
Please try Minsky or Dimensions to complete your research.
Peer-reviewed scholarly publications that are the result of DoD and ODNI/IARPA-funded research.

DoD Grant Awards have been integrated into our new search capabilities.
Please try Minsky or Dimensions to complete your research.
Descriptive abstracts of public, unclassified DoD-allocated grant awards and information.

Technical data and analysis resource for the identification and utilization of existing S&T information.

Connect industry and the DoD by providing a centralized resource for independent research and development activities.

Directory of organizations that have contributed information to any of DTIC's three major databases.

Multi-disciplinary subject terms organized and linked to broader terms for ease of information search and retrieval.
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