Products & Services

DTIC Search Icon DoD S&T Reports 
Search publicly available completed S&T reports.
PubDefense IconPubDefense
PubDefense publications have been integrated into our new search capabilities.
Please try Minsky or Dimensions to complete your research.

Peer-reviewed scholarly publications that are the result of DoD and ODNI/IARPA-funded research.

DoD Grant Awards IconDoD Grant Awards
DoD Grant Awards have been integrated into our new search capabilities.
Please try Minsky or Dimensions to complete your research.

Descriptive abstracts of public, unclassified DoD-allocated grant awards and information.

DoD IAC IconDoD Information Analysis Centers
Technical data and analysis resource for the identification and utilization of existing S&T information.
Defense Innovation Marketplace IconDefense Innovation Marketplace
Connect industry and the DoD by providing a centralized resource for independent research and development activities.
Corportate Source IconCorporate Source Authority System 
Directory of organizations that have contributed information to any of DTIC's three major databases.

DTIC ThesaurusDTIC Thesaurus
Multi-disciplinary subject terms organized and linked to broader terms for ease of information search and retrieval.
A DoD-issued CAC, PIV card, or ECA is required to access these sites.
DTIC Search IconSearch Controlled DTIC Collections

Discover DoD research projects, documents, budget narratives and other data.

Submit Documents IconSubmit Documents

Information needed to submit or learn how to submit documents to DTIC

JDRE IconJournal of DoD Research & Engineering (JDR&E)

Peer-reviewed journal for controlled-unclassified and classified papers by DoD researchers, scientists and engineers.

DoDTechipedia IconDoDTechipedia

DTIC's secure wiki tool for DoD, Federal Government and their contractors – Share and Analyze Information to move your organization forward through collaboration.

Horizons IconHorizons

Gain situational awareness of DoD S&T by accessing past, recent, current, and future/planned work (R2s and URED); filter on year, TRL, modernization priority, COI, performing organization, responsible organization, and more. * It is recommended that you use the Chrome browser for an optimal experience with this application.

smart tool icon

SMARTools SMARTools is currently unavailable.

SeMantic Analysis & Research Tools Analyze or enrich content using a suite of Semantic and Natural Language Processing (NLP) services.

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