Women in Science and Technology
Tracer Bullet 13-2 |
This is a guide to sources relating to the history and contributions of women in the fields of science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and medicine (STEMM). Also included are resources on present-day women scientists, as well as materials on the current status and concerns of women in the sciences. Related titles are Science Tracer Bullet Career Opportunities in Science and Technology (TB 05-4), Science Reference Guide Girls & Science Education: How to Engage Girls in Science, and the bibliographies and guides listed in Science Subject Guide Biography, History of Science. An update of Tracer Bullet 90-6, this compilation is not intended to be a comprehensive bibliography but is designed--as the name of the series implies--to put the reader "on target."
Adams, Jill U. Nurturing women scientists. Science, v. 319, Feb. 8, 2008: 831-836.
Q1.S35 and Pamphlet Box <SciRR>
Rosser, Sue V., and Mark Zachary Taylor. Why are we still worried about women in science? Academe: bulletin of the AAUP, v. 95, May/June 2009: 6-10.
LB2301.A3 and Pamphlet Box <SciRR>
Women's work: a special section of Nature finds that there is still much to do to achieve gender equality in science. Nature, v. 495, Mar. 7, 2013: 21-44.
Q1.N2 and Pamphlet Box <SciRR>
Subject headings used by the Library of Congress, under which
books on women in the sciences can be located in most card, book,
and online catalogs include the following.
Highly Relevant
More general
See also other occupational subject headings, e.g., ASTRONAUTS; BOTANISTS; DENTISTS; GEOLOGISTS; VETERINARIANS; ZOOLOGISTS
Alic, Margaret. Hypatia's heritage: a history of women in
science from antiquity to the late nineteenth century. London,
Women's Press, 1986. 230 p.
Bibliography: p. 210-224.
1986 <SciRR>
Creese, Mary R. S., and Thomas M. Creese. Ladies in the laboratory?: American and British women in science, 1800-1900: a survey of their contributions to research. Lanham, MD, Scarecrow Press, 1998. 452 p.
Includes bibliographical references.
Q141.C69 1998 <SciRR>
Creese, Mary R. S., and Thomas M. Creese. Ladies in the laboratory II: West European women in science, 1800-1900: a survey of their contributions to research. Lanham, MD, Scarecrow Press, 2004. 290 p.
Bibliography: p. 237-285.
Q141.C693 2004 <SciRR>
Creese, Mary R. S., and Thomas M. Creese. Ladies in the laboratory III: South African, Australian, New Zealand, and Canadian women in science: nineteenth and early twentieth centuries: a survey of their contributions. Lanham, MD, Scarecrow Press, 2010. 247 p.
Bibliography: p. 237-240.
Q141.C6933 2010 <SciRR>
Rossiter, Margaret W. Women scientists in America: before affirmative action, 1940-1972. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1995. 584 p.
Bibliography: p. 531-556.
Q130.R683 1995 <SciRR>
Rossiter, Margaret W. Women scientists in America: forging a new world since 1972. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press, c2012. 426 p.
Bibliography: p. 399-409.
Q130.R6835 2012 <SciRR>
Rossiter, Margaret W. Women scientists in America: struggles
and strategies to 1940. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University
Press, c1982. 439 p.
Bibliography: p. 399-416.
Q130.R68 1982 <SciRR>
Schiebinger, Londa L. The mind has no sex? women in the origins
of modern science. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press,
1989. 355 p. 1989
Bibliography: p. 329-345.
Q130.S32 <SciRR>
Uneasy careers and intimate lives: women in science, 1789-1979.
Edited by Pnina G. Abir-Am and Dorinda Outram. New Brunswick, Rutgers
University Press, c1987. 365 p.
Bibliography: p. 281-354.
Q130.U525 1987
Women of science: righting the record. Edited by G. Kass-Simon
and Patricia Farnes. Bloomington, Indiana University Press, c1990.
398 p.
Includes bibliographical references.
Q130.W67 1990 <SciRR>
McGrayne, Sharon Bertsch. Nobel Prize women in science: their lives, struggles, and momentous discoveries. Rev. ed. Secaucus, NJ, Carol Pub. Group, 1998. 451 p.
Bibliography: p. 411-431.
Q141.M358 1998 <SciRR>
The Science on women and science. Christina Hoff Sommers, editor. Washington, AEI Press; Summit, PA, Distributed to the trade by National Book Network, c2009. 330 p.
Includes bibliographical references.
Q130.S364 2009
Sheffield, Suzanne Le-May. Women and science: social impact and interaction. Santa Barbara, CA, ABC-CLIO, c2004. 409 p.
Bibliography: p. 361-386.
Q130.S44 2004
Tang, Joyce. Scientific pioneers: women succeeding in science. Lanham, MD, University Press of America, c2006. 175 p.
Bibliography: p. 153-163.
Q130.T36 2006
Warren, Wini. Black women scientists in the United States. Bloomington, Indiana University Press, c1999. 366 p.
Bibliography: p. 341-355.
Q141.W367 1999 <SciRR>
Watts, Ruth. Women in science: a social and cultural history. London, New York, Routledge, 2007. 300 p.
Bibliography: p. 253-286.
Q130.W385 2007
Whaley, Leigh Ann. Women's history as scientists: a guide to the debates. Santa Barbara, CA, ABC-CLIO, c2003. 252 p.
Bibliography: p. 215-232.
Q130.W46 2003 <SciRR>
Anthropology, Geography, and Exploration
Eppinga, Jane. They made their mark: an illustrated history of the Society of Woman Geographers. Guilford, CT, Globe Pequot Press, c2009. 270 p.
Bibliography: p. 249-257.
G67.E67 2009
Maddrell, Avril. Complex locations: women's geographical work in the UK, 1850-1970. Chichester, Eng., Malden, MA, Wiley-Blackwell, 2009. 411 p.
Bibliography: p. 357-391.
G65.M33 2009 <G&M>
Women anthropologists: a biographical dictionary. Edited by Ute Gacs and others. New York, Greenwood Press, 1988. 428 p.
Bibliography: p. 403-406.
GN20.W63 1988 <MRR Biog>
Astronautics and Aviation
Ackmann, Martha. The Mercury 13: the untold story of thirteen American women and the dream of space flight. New York, Random House, c2003. 239 p
Bibliography: p. 219-227.
TL789.85.A1A28 2003
Foster, Amy E. Integrating women into the astronaut corps: politics and logistics at NASA, 1972-2004. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press, c2011. 207 p.
Bibliography: p. 161-191.
TL789.8.U5F628 2011
Freni, Pamela. Space for women: a history of women with the right stuff. Santa Ana, CA, Seven Locks Press, c2002. 210 p.
Bibliography: p. 199-207.
TL539.F74 2002
Lebow, Eileen F. Before Amelia: women pilots in the early days of aviation. Washington, Brassey's, Inc., c2002. 315 p.
Bibliography: p. 295-302.
TL539.L42 2002
Merry, Lois K. Women military pilots of World War II: a history with biographies of American, British, Russian, and German aviators. Jefferson, NC, McFarland & Co., c2011. 212 p.
Bibliography: p. 205-208.
D785.M47 2011
Shayler, David, and Ian A. Moule. Women in space: following Valentina. Berlin, New York Springer; Chichester, Eng., published in association with Praxis Pub., c2005. 410 p.
Includes bibliographical references.
TL788.5.S53 2005
Weitekamp, Margaret A. Right stuff, wrong sex: America's first women in space program. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press, c2004. 232 p.
Bibliography: p. 191-217.
TL789.85.A1W45 2004
Welch, Rosanne. Encyclopedia of women in aviation and space. Santa Barbara, CA, ABC-CLIO, c1998. 286 p.
Bibliography: p. 259-263.
TL539.W395 1998 <SciRR>
Earth and Environmental Sciences
Bonta, Marcia. Women in the field: America's pioneering women naturalists. College Station, Texas A & M University Press, c1991. 299 p.
Bibliography: p. 273-287.
QH26.B66 1991 <SciRR>
Breton, Mary Joy. Women pioneers for the environment. Boston, Northeastern University Press, c1998. 322 p.
Bibliography: p. 305-309.
GE55.B74 1998 <SciRR>
The Role of women in the history of geology. Edited by C. V. Burek and B. Higgs. London, Geological Society, c2007. 342 p. (Geological Society special publication, no. 281)
Includes bibliographical references.
QE21.R64 2007
Engineering, Technology, and Invention
Abbate, Janet. Recoding gender: women's changing participation in computing. Cambridge, MA, MIT Press, c2012. 247 p.
Includes bibliographical references.
QA76.9.W65A33 2012
Crossing boundaries, building bridges: comparing the history of women engineers, 1870s-1990s. Edited by Annie Canel, Ruth Oldenziel, and Karin Zachmann. London, New York, Routledge, 2003. 290 p. (Studies in the history of science, technology and medicine, v. 12)
Includes bibliographical references.
Originally published in 2000 by Harwood Academic.
TA157.C76 2003
Gender codes: why women are leaving computing. Edited by Thomas J. Misa. Hoboken, NJ, Wiley; Piscataway, NJ, IEEE Computer Society, c2010. 306 p.
Includes bibliographical references.
QA76.9.W65G463 2010
Macdonald, Anne L. Feminine ingenuity: women and invention in America. New York, Ballantine Books, 1992. 514 p.
Bibliography: p. 445-491.
T36.M33 1992 <SciRR>
Pilato, Denise E. The retrieval of a legacy: nineteenth-century American women inventors. Westport, CT, Praeger, 2000. 200 p.
Includes bibliographical references.
T36.P55 2000 <SciRR>
Stanley, Autumn. Mothers and daughters of invention: notes for a revised history of technology. Metuchen, NJ, Scarecrow Press, 1993. 1116 p.
Bibliography: p. 917-1041.
1995 edition not in LC collection.
T36.S73 1993 <SciRR>
Vare, Ethlie Ann, and Greg Ptacek. Mothers of invention: from the bra to the bomb: forgotten women & their unforgettable ideas. New York, Quill, 1989. 256 p.
Continued by Patently female.
T36.V36 1989 <SciRR>
Vare, Ethlie Ann, and Greg Ptacek. Patently female: from AZT to TV dinners: stories of women inventors and their breakthrough ideas. New York, Wiley, c2002. 220 p.
Includes bibliographical references.
T36.V38 2002 <SciRR>
Women in engineering. Pioneers and trailblazers. Edited by Margaret E. Layne. Reston, VA, ASCE Press, c2009. 247 p.
Includes bibliographical references.
TA157.W674 2009
Health, Medicine, and Psychology
American nursing: a biographical dictionary. Edited by Vern L. Bullough, Olga Maranjian Church, Alice P. Stein. New York, Garland, 1988-2000. 3 v. (Garland reference library of social science, v. 368, 684)
Includes bibliographical references.
Vol. 2 edited by Vern L. Bullough, Lilli Sentz, and Alice P. Stein.
Vol. 3 edited by Vern L. Bullough, and Lilli Sentz, and published by Springer.
RT34.A44 1988 <SciRR>
Bellafaire, Judith, and Mercedes Graf. Women doctors in war. College Station, Texas A&M University Press, c2009. 255 p. (Williams-Ford Texas A&M University military history series, no. 128)
Bibliography: p. 233-243.
UB418.W65B45 2009
Boulis, Ann K., and Jerry A. Jacobs. The changing face of medicine: women doctors and the evolution of health care in America. Ithaca, NY, ILR Press/Cornell University Press, c2008. 266 p.
Bibliography: p. 235-259.
R692.B675 2008
Dictionary of American nursing biography. Martin Kaufman, editor-in-chief; Joellen Watson Hawkins, Loretta P. Higgins, and Alice Howell Friedman, contributing editors. New York, Greenwood Press, 1988. 462 p.
Includes bibliographical references.
Companion volume to Dictionary of American medical biography.
RT34.D53 1988 <SciRR>
Henderson, Metta Lou. American women pharmacists: contributions to the profession. New York, Pharmaceutical Products Press, c2002. 221 p.
Includes bibliographical references.
RS122.9.H46 2002
Hurd-Mead, Kate Campbell. A history of women in medicine from the earliest times to the beginning of the nineteenth century. New York, AMS Press, 1977, c1938. 569 p.
Includes bibliographical references.
R692.M38 1977
Kirschmann, Anne Taylor. A vital force: women in American homeopathy. New Brunswick, NJ, Rutgers University Press, c2004. 230 p.
Bibliography: p. 177-221.
RX51.K55 2004
Morantz-Sanchez, Regina Markell. Sympathy and science: women physicians in American medicine. New York, Oxford University Press, 1985. 464 p.
Bibliography: p. 369-378.
R692.M64 1985
More, Ellen Singer. Restoring the balance: women physicians and the profession of medicine, 1850-1995. Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press, 1999. 340 p.
Bibliography: p. 261-332.
R692.M645 1999
Quinn, Thomas A. The feminine touch: women in osteopathic medicine. Kirksville, MO, Truman State University Press, c2011. 194 p.
Includes bibliographical references.
RZ321.Q85 2011
Scrivener, Laurie, and J. Suzanne Barnes. A biographical dictionary of women healers: midwives, nurses, and physicians. Westport, CT, Oryx Press, 2002. 340 p.
Includes bibliographical references.
R692.S38 2002 <SciRR>
Windsor, Laura Lynn. Women in medicine: an encyclopedia. Santa Barbara, CA, ABC-CLIO, c2002. 259 p.
Bibliography: p. 227-238.
R692.W545 2002 <SciRR>
Life and Physical Sciences
Brown, Jeannette E. (Jeannette Elizabeth). African American women chemists. New York, Oxford University Press, c2012. 252 p.
Bibliography: p. 236-239.
QD21.B69 2012
Howes, Ruth (Ruth Hege), and Caroline L. Herzenberg. Their day in the sun: women of the Manhattan Project. Philadelphia, Temple University Press, 1999. 264 p.
Bibliography: p. 237-251.
QC773.3.U5H68 1999
Notable women in the life sciences: a biographical dictionary. Edited by Benjamin F. Shearer and Barbara S. Shearer. Westport, CT, Greenwood Press, 1996. 440 p.
Includes bibliographical references.
QH26.N68 1996 <SciRR>
Notable women in the physical sciences: a biographical dictionary. Edited by Benjamin F. Shearer and Barbara S. Shearer. Westport, CT, Greenwood Press, 1997. 479 p.
Includes bibliographical references.
Q141.N734 1997 <SciRR>
Out of the shadows: contributions of twentieth-century women to physics. Edited by Nina Byers and Gary Williams. Cambridge, Eng., New York, Cambridge University Press, 2006. 471 p.
Includes bibliographical references.
QC15.O94 2006 |

Miss Jeanne Dougherty, graduate in Bacteriology, working in the laboratory in the Dairy Industry Department. She is conducting experiments on the effects of acids on flavor of butter. Iowa State College. Ames, Iowa. 1942. Prints and Photographs Catalog, Library of Congress.
Pioneering women in plant pathology. Edited by Jean Beagle Ristaino. St. Paul, MN, APS Press, c2008. 339 p.
Includes bibliographical references
QK26.P546 2008 <SciRR>
Rayner-Canham, Marelene F., and Geoffrey W. Rayner-Canham. A devotion to their science: pioneer women of radioactivity. Philadelphia, Chemical Heritage Foundation; Montreal, McGill-Queen's University Press, c1997. 307 p.
Bibliography: p. 239-301.
QC15.R39 1997<
Rayner-Canham, Marelene F., and Geoffrey Rayner-Canham. Women in chemistry: their changing roles from alchemical times to the mid-twentieth century. Washington, American Chemical Society; Philadelphia, Chemical Heritage Foundation, 1998. 284 p.
Bibliography: p. 209-253.
QD20.R39 1998
Green, Judy, and Jeanne LaDuke. Pioneering women in American mathematics: the pre-1940 PhD's. Providence, RI, American Mathematical Society; London, London Mathematical Society, c2009. 349 p. (History of mathematics, v. 34)
Bibliography: p. 333-337.
See also: Supplementary Material at:
URL: http://www.ams.org/publications/authors/books/postpub/hmath-34-PioneeringWomen.pdf
QA28.G74 2009 <SciRR>
Kenschaft, Patricia C. Change is possible: stories of women and minorities in mathematics. Providence, RI, American Mathematical Society, c2005. 212 p.
Includes bibliographical references.
QA10.5.K46 2005 <SciRR>
Murray, Margaret Anne Marie. Women becoming mathematicians: creating a professional identity in post-World War II America. Cambridge, MA, MIT Press, c2000. 277 p.
Includes bibliographical references.
QA27.5.M88 2000 <SciRR>
Notable women in mathematics: a biographical dictionary. Edited by Charlene Morrow and Teri Perl. Westport, CT, Greenwood Press, 1998. 302 p.
Includes bibliographical references
QA28.N68 1998 <SciRR>
Correspondence, Reminiscences, and Biographical Material
American women afield: writings by pioneering women naturalists. Edited by Marcia Myers Bonta. College Station, Texas A&M University, c1995. 248 p. (Louise Lindsey Merrick natural environment series, no. 20)
Bibliography: p. 247-248.
QH45.2.B66 1995
Bergland, Reneé L. Maria Mitchell and the sexing of science: an astronomer among the American romantics. Boston, Beacon Press, c2008. 300 p.
Bibliography: p. 265-283
QB36.M7B47 2008
Chung, King-Thom. Women pioneers of medical research: biographies of 25 outstanding scientists. Jefferson, NC, McFarland, c2010. 212 p.
Includes bibliographical references.
R850.C485 2010
Complexities: women in mathematics. Edited by Bettye Anne Case, Anne M. Leggett. Princeton, NJ, Princeton University Press, c2005. 412 p.
Includes bibliographical references.
QA27.5.C66 2005
Creative couples in the sciences. Helena M. Pycior, Nancy G. Slack, and Pnina G. Abir-Am, editors. New Brunswick, NJ, Rutgers University Press, c1996. 369 p.
Bibliography: p. 289-347.
Q141.C68 1996 <SciRR>
Darraj, Susan Muaddi. Mary Eliza Mahoney and the legacy of African American nurses. Philadelphia, Chelsea House Publishers, c2005. 136 p.
Bibliography: p. 120-128.
RT83.5.D37 2005
Drum, Sue, and H. Ellen Whiteley. Women in veterinary medicine: profiles of success. Ames, Iowa State University Press, 1991. 270 p.
SF612.D78 1991
Flor y ciencia: Chicanas in science, mathematics, and engineering. Norma Cantú, editor. San Antonio, The Adelante Project, c2006. 180 p.
Bibliography: p.10.
Q130.F566 2006 <SciRR>
Gleason, Janis F. The life and letters of Kate Gleason. Rochester, NY, RIT Press, c2010. 143 p.
Bibliography: p. 131-134.
TA140.G54G54 2010
Goss, W. M. (William Miller), and Richard X. McGee. Under the radar: the first woman in radio astronomy, Ruby Payne-Scott. Heidelberg, New York, Springer, 2009, c2010. 354 p. (Astrophysics and space science library, v. 363)
Bibliography: p. 335-344.
QB36.P39G67 2009
In her own words: oral histories of women physicians. Edited by Regina Markell Morantz, Cynthia Stodola Pomerleau, and Carol Hansen Fenichel. Westport, CT, Greenwood Press, 1982. 284 p. (Contributions in medical history, no. 8)
Bibliography: p. 267-271.
R692.I5 1982
Journeys of women in science and engineering: no universal constants. Susan A. Ambrose and others. Philadelphia, Temple University Press, 1997. 461 p.
Bibliography: p. 451-456.
Q130.J68 1997 <SciRR>
Levin, Beatrice. Women and medicine. 3rd ed. Lanham, MD, Scarecrow Press, c2002. 205 p.
Includes bibliographical references.
R692.L49 2002
Lynn Margulis: the life and legacy of a scientific rebel. Edited by Dorion Sagan. White River Junction, VT, Chelsea Green Publishing, 2012. 205 p.
Bibliography: p. 185-194.
QH31.M23L96 2012
Mariano, Connie. The White House doctor: a memoir. New York, Thomas Dunne Books/St. Martin's Press, c2010. 300 p.
E886.2.M366 2010
Russo, Carolyn. Women and flight: portraits of contemporary women pilots. Washington, National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution; Boston, Bulfinch Press, c1997. 192 p.
TL539.R87 1997
Sisters in science: conversations with Black women scientists about race, gender, and their passion for science. Interviews by Diann Jordan. West Lafayette, IN, Purdue University Press, c2006. 240 p.
Bibliography: p. 237-240.
Q141.S556 2006
Tolbert, Margaret E. M. Margaret E. M. Tolbert: transcript of an interview. Conducted by Jeannette E. Brown at National Science Foundation, Arlington, Virginia on 13 August 2009 (with subsequent corrections and additions). Philadelphia, Chemical Heritage Foundation, Oral History Program, 2010. 72 l.
QD22.T75A3 2010
Tong, Benson. Susan La Flesche Picotte, M.D.: Omaha Indian leader and reformer. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press, c1999. 285 p.
Bibliography: p. 251-276.
E99.O4P537 1999
Biographical Material for Younger Readers
Anema, Durlynn. Ynes Mexia, botanist and adventurer. Greensboro, NC, Morgan Reynolds Pub., c2005. 144 p.
Bibliography: p. 132-141.
QK31.M438A54 2005
Braun, Sandra. Women inventors who changed the world. New York, Rosen Central, 2012. 116 p.
Bibliography: p. 107-113.
"First published by Second Story Press, Canada, 2007."
T39.B73 2012
Camp, Carole Ann. American women inventors. Berkeley Heights, NJ, Enslow Publishers, c2004. 104 p.
Includes bibliographical references.
T39.C36 2004
Di Domenico, Kelly. Women scientists who changed the world. New York, Rosen Pub., c2012. 106 p.
Bibliography: p. 101.
Q141.D475 2012
Gueldenpfennig, Sonia. Women in space who changed the world. New York, Rosen Central, c2012. 118 p.
Includes bibliographical references.
TL793.G84 2012
Hopping, Lorraine Jean. Bone detective: the story of forensic anthropologist Diane France. New York, Franklin Watts; Washington, J. Henry Press, c2005. 118 p.
Bibliography: p. 110-111.
GN50.6.F8H66 2005
Jemison, Mae. Find where the wind goes: moments from my life. New York, Scholastic, 2001. 196 p. TL789.85.J46J45 2001
Klobuchar, Lisa. Elizabeth Blackwell: with profiles of Elizabeth Garrett Anderson and Susan La Flesche Picotte. Chicago, World Book, c2007. 112 p.
Bibliography: p. 106-109.
R692.K58 2007
Langley, Wanda. Women of the wind: early women aviators. Greensboro, NC, Morgan Reynolds Pub., c2006. 160 p.
Includes bibliographical references.
TL539.L28 2006
Montgomery, Sy. Temple Grandin: how the girl who loved cows embraced autism and changed the world. Boston, Houghton Mifflin Books for Children/Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, c2012. 147 p.
Bibliography: p. 134-138.
SF33.G67M66 2012
Morrison, John. Mathilde Krim and the story of AIDS. Philadelphia, Chelsea House Publishers, c2005. 130 p.
Bibliography: p. 121-122.
R692.M664 2005
Mortensen, Lori. Doris Taylor: growing a beating heart. Detroit, KidHaven Press, c2009. 48 p.
Bibliography: p. 43-44.
R154.T39M67 2009
Reichard, Susan E. Who on earth is Sylvia Earle?: undersea explorer of the ocean. Berkeley Heights, NJ, Enslow Publishers, c2010. 112 p.
Includes bibliographical references.
QH91.3.E2R45 2009
Skelton, Renee. Forecast earth: the story of climate scientist Inez Fung. New York, Franklin Watts, c2005. 116 p.
Bibliography: p. 106-107.
QC858.F86S54 2005
Yount, Lisa. Rosalind Franklin: photographing biomolecules. New York, Chelsea House, c2011. 125 p.
Includes bibliographical references
QH506.Y68 2011
Education, Recruitment, and Career Opportunities
Beyond bias and barriers: fulfilling the potential of women in academic science and engineering. Committee on Maximizing the Potential of Women in Academic Science and Engineering; Committee on Science, Engineering, and Public Policy; National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, and Institute of Medicine of the National Academies. Washington, National Academies Press, c2007. 317 p.
Bibliography: p. 275-299.
Q130.B49 2007 <SciRR>
Bilimoria, Diana, and Xiangfen Liang. Gender equity in science and engineering: advancing change in higher education. New York, Routledge, 2012. 247 p. (Routledge studies in management, organizations, and society, 15)
Bibliography: p. 227-244.
Q130.B55 2012
Bonner, Thomas Neville. To the ends of the earth: women's search for education in medicine. Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press, 1992. 232 p.
Bibliography: p. 207-224.
R692.B66 1992
Dean, Donna J. Getting the most out of your mentoring relationships: a handbook for women in STEM. Dordrecht, New York, Springer, c2009. 168 p. (Mentoring in academia and industry, v. 3)
Bibliography: p. 149-161.
Q130.D43 2009
Fisher, Robert L. (Robert Leslie). Making science fair: how can we achieve equal opportunity for men and women in science? Lanham, MD, University Press of America, c2007. 114 p.
Bibliography: p. 99-107.
Q130.F563 2007
Gender differences at critical transitions in the careers of science, engineering, and mathematics faculty. Committee on Gender Differences in Careers of Science, Engineering, and Mathematics Faculty, Committee on Women in Science, Engineering, and Medicine of Policy and Global Affairs and Committee on National Statistics, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, National Research Council of the National Academies. Washington, National Academies Press, c2010. 365 p.
Includes bibliographical references.
Q148.G46 2010
Hill, Catherine, Christianne Corbett, and Andresse St. Rose. Why so few?: women in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Washington, AAUW, c2010. 109 p.
Bibliography: p. 97-107.
T36.H55 2010
Mentoring strategies to facilitate the advancement of women faculty. Kerry K. Karukstis and others; Sponsored by the ACS Division of Chemical Education. Washington, American Chemical Society, c2010. 196 p. (ACS symposium series, 1057)
Includes bibliographical references
QD39.5.M46 2010
Mills, Julie, Mary Ayre, and Judith Gill. Gender inclusive engineering education. New York, Routledge, 2010. 210 p.
Bibliography: p. 191-206.
T65.M5833 2010
Reconfiguring the firewall: recruiting women to information technology across cultures and continents. Edited by Carol J. Burger, Elizabeth G. Creamer, and Peggy S. Meszaros. Wellesley, MA, AK Peters, c2007. 279 p.
Includes bibliographical references.
QA76.9.W65R33 2007
Rosser, Sue Vilhauer. Breaking into the lab: engineering progress for women in science. New York, New York University Press, c2012. 251 p.
Bibliography: p. 225-238.
Q130.R674 2012
Rosser, Sue Vilhauer. The science glass ceiling: academic women scientists and the struggle to succeed. New York, Routledge, 2004. 165 p.
Bibliography: p. 149-153.
Q130.R675 2004<
Success strategies for women in science: a portable mentor. Edited by Peggy A. Pritchard. Burlington, MA, Elsevier Academic Press, c2006. 316 p.
Includes bibliographical references.
Q130.S83 2006
To recruit and advance: women students and faculty in science and engineering. Committee on the Guide to Recruiting and Advancing Women Scientists and Engineers in Academia, Committee on Women in Science and Engineering, Policy and Global Affairs, National Research Council of the National Academies. Washington, National Academies Press, c2006. 131 p.
Bibliography: p. 118-124.
Q130.T6 2006
Tolley, Kimberley. The science education of American girls: a historical perspective. New York, RoutledgeFalmer, 2003. 287 p.
Bibliography: p. 225-274.
Q183.3.A1T66 2003 <SciRR>
Transforming science and engineering: advancing academic women. Abigail J. Stewart, Janet E. Malley, and Danielle LaVaque-Manty, editors. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 2007. 362 p.
Includes bibliographical references.
Q130.T73 2007
Why aren't more women in science?: top researchers debate the evidence. Edited by Stephen J. Ceci and Wendy M. Williams. Washington, American Psychological Association, c2007. 254 p.
Includes bibliographical references.
Q130.C49 2007
Williams, F. Mary, and Carolyn J. Emerson. Becoming leaders: a practical handbook for women in engineering, science, and technology. Reston, VA, American Society of Civil Engineers, c2008. 199 p.
Includes bibliographical references
T36.W55 2008
Women and information technology: research on underrepresentation. Edited by J. McGrath Cohoon and William Aspray. Cambridge, MA, MIT Press, c2006. 500 p.
Includes bibliographical references.
QA76.9.W65W66 2006
Women in engineering. Professional life. Margaret E. Layne. Reston, VA, American Society of Civil Engineers, c2009. 257 p.
Includes bibliographical references.
TA157.W676 2009
Bailey, Martha J. American women in science: 1950 to the present: a biographical dictionary. Santa Barbara, CA, ABC-CLIO, c1998. 455 p.
Q141.B254 1998 <SciRR>
Bibliography: p. 429-431.
Bailey, Martha J. American women in science: a biographical dictionary. Santa Barbara, CA, ABC-CLIO, c1994. 463 p.
Bibliography: p. 437-439.
Q141.B25 1994 <SciRR>
The Biographical dictionary of women in science: pioneering lives from ancient times to the mid-20th century. Edited by Marilyn Ogilvie and Joy Harvey. New York, Routledge, 2000. 2 v. (1499 p.)
Includes bibliographical references.
Q141.B5285 2000 <SciRR Desk>
Haines, Catharine M. C., and Helen M. Stevens. International women in science: a biographical dictionary to 1950. Santa Barbara, CA, ABC-CLIO, c2001. 383 p.
Bibliography: p. 343-345.
Q141.H2167 2001 <SciRR>
Herzenberg, Caroline L. Women scientists from antiquity to the present: an index: an international reference listing and biographical directory of some notable women scientists from ancient to modern times. West Cornwall, CT, Locust Hill Press, 1986. 200 p.
Bibliography: p. xxix-xxxvii.
Q141.H475 1986 <SciRR>
Notable women scientists. Edited by Pamela Proffitt. Detroit, Gale Group, c1999. 668 p.
Includes bibliographical references.
Q141.N736 1999 <SciRR>
Oakes, Elizabeth H. International encyclopedia of women scientists. New York, Facts on File, c2002. 448 p.
Bibliography: p. 399-400.
Q141.O27 2002 <SciRR>
Ogilvie, Marilyn Bailey. Women in science: antiquity through the nineteenth century: a biographical dictionary with annotated bibliography. Cambridge, MA, MIT Press, c1986. 254 p.
Q141.O34 1986 <SciRR>
Wayne, Tiffany K. American women of science since 1900. Santa Barbara, CA, ABC-CLIO, c2011. 2 v.
Includes bibliographical references.
"This work is an update, revision, and expansion of Martha Bailey's ... American women in science, volume 1 (1994) and American women in science, 1950 to the present (1998)."
Q141.W42 2011 <SciRR>
Women in science. Detroit, Macmillan Reference USA, c2001. 421 p.
Bibliography: p. 381-403.
Q141.W6795 2001 <SciRR>
Yount, Lisa. A to Z of women in science and math. Rev. ed. New York, Facts On File, c2008. 368 p.
Bibliography: p. 331-336.
Q141.Y675 2008 <SciRR>
Zierdt-Warshaw, Linda, Alan Winkler, and Leonard Bernstein. American women in technology: an encyclopedia. Santa Barbara, CA, ABC-CLIO, c2000. 384 p.
Includes bibliographical references.
T36.Z54 2000 <SciRR>
Bindocci, Cynthia Gay. Women and technology: an annotated bibliography. New York, Garland Pub., 1993. 229 p. (Women's history and culture, v. 7) (Garland reference library of social science, v. 517)
Z7963.T43B55 1993 <SciRR>
Ogilvie, Marilyn Bailey, and Kerry Lynne Meek. Women and science: an annotated bibliography. New York, Garland Pub., 1996. 556 p. (Garland reference library of social science, v. 859)
Z7963.S3O35 1996 <SciRR>
Siegel, Patricia Joan, and Kay Thomas Finley. Women in the scientific search: an American bio-bibliography, 1724-1979. Metuchen, NJ, Scarecrow Press, 1985. 399 p.
Z7404.S57 1985 <SciRR>
Tinling, Marion. Women into the unknown: a sourcebook on women explorers and travelers. New York, Greenwood Press, 1989. 356 p.
G200.T55 1989 <MRR Biog>
Women in chemistry and physics: a biobibliographic sourcebook. Edited by Louise S. Grinstein, Rose K. Rose, and Miriam H. Rafailovich. Westport, CT, Greenwood Press, 1993. 721 p.
QD21.W62 1993 <SciRR>
Women in psychology: a bio-bibliographic sourcebook. Edited by Agnes N. O'Connell and Nancy Felipe Russo. New York, Greenwood Press, 1990. 441 p.
BF109.A1W65 1990 <SciRR>
Women in the biological sciences: a biobibliographic sourcebook. Edited by Louise S. Grinstein, Carol A. Biermann, and Rose K. Rose. Westport, CT, Greenwood Press, 1997. 609 p.
QH26.W66 1997 <SciRR>
Women in medicine: a bibliography of the literature on women physicians. Compiled and edited by Sandra L. Chaff and others. Metuchen, NJ, Scarecrow Press, 1977. 1124 p.
Z7963.M43W65 <MRR>
Women of mathematics: a biobibliographic sourcebook. Edited by Louise S. Grinstein and Paul J. Campbell. New York, Greenwood
Press, 1987. 292 p.
QA28.W66 1987 <SciRR>
Conference Papers Index (1973- )
Z7403.C84 <SciRR> and Electronic Format
Index to Scientific & Technical Proceedings (1978- )
Q158.5.I4 <SciRR A&I>
PapersFirst (1993- )
Electronic Format
ProceedingsFirst (1993- )
Electronic Format
Biological, social, and organizational components of success for women in academic science and engineering: report of a workshop. Committee on Maximizing the Potential of Women in Academic Science and Engineering, Committee on Science, Engineering, and Public Policy, National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, and Institute of Medicine of the National Academies. Washington, National Academies Press, c2006. 221 p.
Includes bibliographical references.
Q130.B56 2006
IUPAP International Conference on Women in Physics (3rd, 2008, Seoul, Korea). Women in physics: 3rd IUPAP International Conference on Women in Physics, Seoul, Korea, 8-10 October 2008. Editors, Beverly Karplus Hartline, K. Renee Horton, Catherine M. Kaicher. Melville, NY, American Institute of Physics, 2009. 272 p. (AIP conference proceedings, v. 1119)
Includes bibliographical references
Accompanying CD-ROM is searchable version of the printed text.
QC14.I88 2008 <MRC>
National Research Council (U.S.). Committee On Status and Participation of Women in STEM Disciplines and Careers. Blueprint for the future: framing the issues of women in science in a global context: summary of a workshop. Catherine Didion, Lisa M. Frehill, and Willie Pearson, Jr., rapporteurs; Committee On Status and Participation of Women in STEM Disciplines and Careers, Committee on Women in Science, Engineering, and Medicine, Policy and Global Affairs, National Research Council of the National Academies. Washington, National Academies Press, c2012. 115 p.
Includes bibliographical references.
Q148.N285 2012
Women physicians and the cultures of medicine. Edited by Ellen S. More, Elizabeth Fee, Manon Parry. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2009. 357 p.
Includes bibliographical references.
Original work presented at a symposium, Women Physicians, Women's Politics, Women's Health: Emerging Narratives, hosted by the National Library of Medicine in 2005. This symposium was organized in conjunction with the NLM exhibition, Changing the Face of Medicine: Celebrating America's Women Physicians
R692.W677 2009
Comprehensive Dissertation Index, 1861-1972
Z5053.X47 <MRR>
Comprehensive Dissertation Index. Supplement (1973-2011)
Z5053.X47a <MRR>
Dissertation Abstracts International (1938- )
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Full Text (1861- )
Electronic format
Corbett, Suzanne Marie. Women in dentistry during the Progressive Era: opportunities and challenges resulting from the True Womanhood ideology. Ann Arbor, MI, University Microfilms, 1997.
UMI Publication Number 9806970
Collation of the original: 211 p.
Thesis (doctoral)--University of Washington, 1997.
Dabney, Katherine Patricia Traudel. Differences within: a comparative analysis of women in the physical sciences: motivation and background factors. Ann Arbor, MI, University Microfilms, 2012.
UMI Publication Number 3507074
Collation of the original: 175 p.
Thesis (doctoral)--University of Virginia, 2012.
Hill, Roberta Jean. Dr. Lillie Rosa Minoka-Hill: Mohawk woman physician. Ann Arbor, MI, University Microfilms, 1998.
UMI Publication Number 9838637
Collation of the original: 552 p.
Thesis (doctoral)--University of Minnesota, 1998.
Lincoln, Anne E. A supply-side approach to occupational feminization: veterinary medicine in the United States, 1976--1995. Ann Arbor, MI, University Microfilms, 2004.
UMI Publication Number 3145790
Collation of the original: 103 p.
Thesis (doctoral)--Washington State University, 2004.
Pederson, Gail A. Factors that enable later career female nurses to complete their Ph.D. degrees in nursing. Ann Arbor, MI, University Microfilms, 2012.
UMI Publication Number 3503780
Collation of the original: 137 p.
Thesis (doctoral)--University of Cincinnati, 2012.
Robinson, Carrie. The characteristics and experiences of successful undergraduate Latina students who persist in engineering. Ann Arbor, MI, University Microfilms, 2012.
UMI Publication Number 3505530
Collation of the original: 162 p.
Thesis (doctoral)--Arizona State University, 2012.
Rosa, Katemari Diogo da. Gender, ethnicity, and physics education: understanding how Black women build their identities as scientists. Ann Arbor, MI, University Microfilms, 2013.
UMI Publication Number 3548906
Collation of the original: 191 p.
Thesis (doctoral)--Columbia University, 2013.
Zhu, Yuelin. Chien-Shiung Wu: an intellectual biography. Ann Arbor, MI, University Microfilms, 2001.
UMI Publication Number 9999759
Collation of the original: 552 p.
Thesis (doctoral)--Harvard University, 2001.
Monthly Catalog of United States Government Publications (1895- )
Z1223.A18 <SciRR A&I> and Electronic Format
URL: http://catalog.gpo.gov (1976- )
National Institutes of Health (U.S.) Women in science at the National Institutes of Health, 2007-2008. Bethesda, MD, Office of Research on Women's Health, National Institutes of Health, U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, 2009. 225 p.
Q141.N24 2009
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. Corporate Planning and Policy Directorate. Women in science and engineering in Canada. Ottawa, ON, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, 2010. 76 p.
Electronic Format
Includes bibliographical references.
URL: http://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2012/rsgc-serc/NS3-46-2010-eng.pdf
United States. Congress. House. Committee on Science and Technology (2007). Subcommittee on Research and Science Education. Encouraging the participation of female students in STEM fields: hearing before the Subcommittee on Research and Science Education, Committee on Science and Technology, House of Representatives, One Hundred Eleventh Congress, first session, July 21, 2009. Washington, U.S. G.P.O., 2010. 68 p.
Includes bibliographical references.
KF27.S3984 2009c <Law>
United States. Congress. House. Committee on Science and Technology (2007). Subcommittee on Research and Science Education. Fulfilling the Potential of Women in Academic Science and Engineering Act of 2008: hearing before the Subcommittee on Research and Science Education, Committee on Science and Technology, House of Representatives, One Hundred Tenth Congress, second session, May 8, 2008. Washington, U.S. G.P.O., 2008. 55 p.
Includes bibliographical references.
KF27.S3984 2008d <Law>
United States. Congress. House. Committee on Science and Technology (2007). Subcommittee on Research and Science Education. Women in academic science and engineering: hearing before the Subcommittee on Research and Science Education, Committee on Science and Technology, House of Representatives, One Hundred Tenth Congress, first session, October 17, 2007. Washington, U.S. G.P.O., 2008. 70 p.
KF27.S3984 2007f <Law>
American Statistics Index (1974- )
Z7554.U5A46 <BusRR>
Index to International Statistics: IIS (1983- )
Z7552.I53 <BusRR>
ProQuest Statistical Insight
Electronic Format
Statistical Reference Index: SRI (1980- )
Z7554.U5S73 <BusRR>
American Chemical Society
Salaries & Surveys
URL: http://assets.acs.org.s3.amazonaws.com/v2.0/asm/index.html?support_id=12891593876914757795
American Institute of Physics
Women in Physics
URL: http://www.aip.org/statistics/trends/gendertrends.html
Association of American Medical Colleges
Diversity and Inclusion - Initiatives: Facts & Figures Data Series
URL: https://www.aamc.org/initiatives/diversity/179816/facts_and_figures.html
FACTS: Applicants, Matriculants, Enrollment, Graduates, MD/PhD, and Residency Applicants Data
URL: https://www.aamc.org/data/facts/
Women in U.S. Academic Medicine and Science: Statistics and Benchmarking Report 2011-2012
URL: https://www.aamc.org/members/gwims/statistics/
European Commission
She Figures: Statistics and Indicators on Gender Equality in Science
URL: http://ec.europa.eu/research/science-society/index.cfm?fuseaction=public.topic&id=1503
The National Academies Committee on Women in Science, Engineering, and Medicine
Women in Science and Engineering Statistics
URL: http://sites.nationalacademies.org/pga/cwsem/PGA_049131
National Science Foundation
National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES): Publications and Data: Workforce
URL: http://www.nsf.gov/statistics/showpub.cfm?TopID=14
United States Department of Labor
Bureau of Labor Statistics: Labor Force Statistics from the Current Population Survey: Women
URL: http://www.bls.gov/cps/demographics.htm#women
Abstracting and indexing services that index relevant journal
articles and other literature are listed below. Please consult a reference librarian for the location and format of abstracting and indexing services in the Science Reading Room
Academic OneFile (1980- )
Electronic Format
Academic Search Complete (Various dates)
Electronic Format
Applied Science & Technology Index (1913- )
Z7913.I7 <SciRR A&I> and Electronic Format
CINAHL with Full Text (1981- )
Electronic Format
ERIC (Educational Resources Information Center) (1966- )
Electronic Format
GenderWatch (1988- )
Electronic Format
General Science Index (1978- )
Z7401.G46 and Electronic Format
Medline (1965- )
Electronic Format
ProQuest Psychology Journals (1987- )
Electronic Format
Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature (1900- )
AI3.R48 <BusRR> and Electronic Format
Women's Studies International (1964- )
Electronic Format
Journals that often contain relevant articles include the following:
Aviation for Women
TL553.A94 |
AWIS Magazine
Q149.U5A88a |
IEEE Women in Engineering Magazine |
Not in LC |
Journal of Chemical Education |
QD1.J93 |
Journal of the American Medical Women's
Association (Ceased in 2004) |
R15.A7413 |
Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering |
Q130.J678 |
The Minority Engineer: |
ME TA157.M52 |
Nature |
Q1.N2 |
SWE: Magazine of the Society of Women Engineers |
TA1.S18 |
Woman Engineer |
TA157.W64 |
Attrition of women in the biological sciences: workload, motherhood, and other explanations revisited. BioScience, v. 63, Jan. 2013: 43-48.
Gronim, Sara Stidstone. What Jane knew: a woman botanist in the eighteenth century. Journal of women's history, v. 19, fall 2007: 33-59.
Langenheim, Jean H. Early history and progress of women ecologists: emphasis upon research contributions. Annual review of ecology and systematics, v. 27, 1996: 1-53.
Lathers, Marie. "No official requirement": women, history, time, and the U. S. Space Program. Feminist studies, v. 35, spring 2009: 14-40.
Nentwich, Franz W. Women in the geosciences in Canada and the United States: a comparative study. Geoscience Canada, v. 37, Sept. 2010: 127-134.
Williams, Wendy M., and Stephen J. Ceci. When scientists choose motherhood. American scientist, v. 100, Mar./Apr. 2012: 138-145.
Wu, Lilian, and Wei Jing. Asian women in STEM careers: an invisible minority in a double bind. Issues in science and technology, v. 28, fall 2011: 82-87.
Selected Materials available in the Science Reading Room pamphlet boxes include:
Bonatti, Enrico, and Kathleen Crane. Oceanography and women: early challenges. Oceanography, v. 25, Dec. 2012: 32-39.
Ceci, Stephen J., and Wendy M. Williams. Understanding current causes of women's underrepresentation in science. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, v. 108, Feb. 22, 2011: 3157-3162.
Cesarsky, Catherine, and Helen Walker. Head count: statistics about women in astronomy. Astronomy & geophysics, v. 51, Apr. 2010: 2.33-2.36.
Chesler, Naomi C., and others. The pipeline still leaks and more than you think: a status report on gender diversity in biomedical engineering. Annals of biomedical engineering, v. 38, May 2010: 1928-1935.
Lincoln, Anne E., and others. The Matilda effect in science: awards and prizes in the US, 1990s and 2000s. Social studies of science, v. 42, Apr. 2012: 307-320.
Madsen-Brooks, Leslie. Challenging science as usual: women's participation in American natural history museum work, 1870-1950. Journal of women's history, v. 21, summer 2009: 11-38.
McIntosh, Marla S., and Steve R. Simmons. A century of women in agronomy: lessons from diverse life stories. Agronomy journal, v. 100, May 2008, suppl.: S-53-S-69.
4000 Years of Women in Science
URL: http://www.astr.ua.edu/4000WS/
Archives of Women in Science and Engineering
URL: www.lib.iastate.edu/spcl/wise/wise.html
Biographies of Women Mathematicians
URL: http://www.agnesscott.edu/lriddle/women/women.htm
Changing the Face of Medicine
URL: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/changingthefaceofmedicine/
Committee on Women in Science, Engineering, and Medicine (CWSEM)
URL: http://sites.nationalacademies.org/PGA/cwsem/index.htm
Female Nobel Prize Laureates
URL: http://www.almaz.com/nobel/women.html
The History of Women and Science, Health, and Technology: a Bibliographic Guide to the Professions and the Disciplines
URL: http://womenst.library.wisc.edu/bibliogs/hws/
Index of Women Scientists Profiled in "The Faces of Science: African Americans in the Sciences"
URL: https://webfiles.uci.edu/mcbrown/display/women.html
SACNAS Biography Project: Profiles of Women Scientists
URL: http://bio.sacnas.org/biography/listswomen.asp
The White House: The Administration: Office of Science Technology and Policy: Women in STEM
URL: http://www.whitehouse.gov/administration/eop/ostp/women
Women Chemists Committee (American Chemical Society)
URL: http://womenchemists.sites.acs.org/
Women in Engineering ProActive Network (WEPAN)
URL: http://www.wepan.org/
American Association of Women Dentists
216 W. Jackson Boulevard, Suite 625
Chicago, IL 60606
Telephone: (800) 920-2293
Fax: (312) 750-1203
Email: [email protected]
URL: http://www.aawd.org/
American Medical Women's Association
12100 Sunset Hills Road, Suite 130
Reston, VA 20190
Telephone: (703) 234-4069
URL: http://www.amwa-doc.org/
Association for Women Geoscientists
12000 N. Washington Street, Suite 285
Thornton, CO 80241
Telephone: (303) 412-6219
Fax (303) 253-9220
Email: [email protected]
URL: http://www.awg.org/
Association for Women in Mathematics
11240 Waples Mill Road, Suite 200
Fairfax, VA 22030
Telephone: (703) 934-0163
Fax: (703) 359-7562
Email: [email protected]
URL: https://sites.google.com/site/awmmath/
Association for Women in Science
1321 Duke Street, Suite 210
Alexandria, VA 22314
Telephone: (703) 894-4490
Email: [email protected]
URL: http://www.awis.org/
Society of Women Engineers
203 N. La Salle Street, Suite 1675
Chicago, IL 60601
Telephone: (877) 793-4636
Email: [email protected]
URL: http://societyofwomenengineers.swe.org
Society of Women Geographers
415 East Capitol Street, SE
Washington, DC 20003
Telephone: (202) 546-9228
Email: [email protected]
URL: http://www.iswg.org/
Women in Technology
10378 Democracy Lane, Suite A
Fairfax, VA 22030
Telephone: (703) 766-1153
Fax: (703) 691-0866
URL: http://www.womenintechnology.org/