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Title: Final Environmental Impact Statement
& Final Record of Decision
SuDoc Number: A 13.105/2:MB-R
Item Number:
0082-A-05 (online)
CGP system
Number: 000939579
This is the Final Record of Decision (ROD) of the
Coronado National Forest response to the mine plan of
operations (MPO) submitted for the Rosemont Copper Project. The
Final ROD documents the decision of the Forest Supervisor, along with the
rationale for the decision and alternatives considered in reaching the
decision. The Final ROD includes a discussion of preferences among alternatives
based on relevant factors and how those factors were considered in reaching the
decision, as well as mitigation
and monitoring measures that are required by this decision. The Final ROD also
documents changes and additions to the MPO deemed necessary by the Coronado.
The Final ROD also includes a decision to amend the 1986 “Coronado National
Forest Land and Resource Management Plan” (referred to as the “forest plan”),
which will create a new forest management area (MA) for which specific
standards and guidelines will be established relative to a large-scale mining
operation. Questions & answers about the Final ROD can be found here.
Download PDF
(2.7 MB, 142 pages)
This errata sheet documents corrections to the text of
the published FEIS. These corrections reflect minor errors and omissions
discovered after the release of the FEIS, as well as specific changes directed
by the Regional Forester during the objection process. This document should be
reviewed along with the FEIS.
Download PDF (3.3 MB, 42 pages)
Last updated April 26, 2017
Download PDF
(60 KB, 3 pages)
The Draft ROD was published in December 2013 at the same
time as the Final EIS
Download PDF (5.6 MB, 96 pages)
Includes Executive Summary, Chapter 1. Purpose of and
Need for Action, Chapter 2. Alternatives, Including the Proposed Action
Download PDF (10.8 MB, 212 pages)
Includes Chapter 3. Affected
Environment and Environmental Consequences
Download PDF (39.2 MB, 544 pages)
Includes Chapter 3. Affected Environment and
Environmental Consequences
Download PDF (28.9 MB, 530 pages)
Includes Chapter 4. Consulted Parties, Chapter 5. List of
Preparers, Glossary, Literature Cited, Index
Download PDF (2.9 MB, 316 pages)
Includes USACE Section 404(b)(1)
Alternatives Analysis, Mitigation and Monitoring Plan, Visual Simulations,
Memorandum of Agreement, Tribal Consultation
Download PDF (44 MB, 332
Appendix C - Viewshed Analysis Figures - (1.8 MB, 5 pages)
Appendix C - Visual
Simulations - (9.6 MB, 22 pages)
Includes U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Biological
Opinion, Summary of Response to Comments on the DEIS
Download PDF (10.5 MB, 496
* Appendix G - Commenter
Response Database - (222 MB, 318 files)
* The Appendix G Commenter Index pdf was updated on 12/12/13
due to a formatting error that affected 13 of the 25017 individual submissions
listed (only those with a large amount of comments). Once the problem was
identified, the Forest quickly responded and made all corrections. We apologize
for any inconvenience.
* Republication
of Appendix G - November 2015 - Following publication of the FEIS and the
draft record of decision (ROD), in January 2014 the Forest Service initiated a
formal objection process. The Forest Service received 101 eligible objections,
which were reviewed by the Regional Forester. On June 13, 2014, the Regional
Forester provided direction to the Coronado National Forest Supervisor in
response to the eligible objections. The Regional Forester’s direction included
the following instruction: “Republish Appendix G to include all Public Concern
Statements and responses (not a subset as is currently printed). Also, to meet
the requirements of Section 102(c) of NEPA, include scanned copies of actual
letters received by Federal, State, and local agencies and elected officials
[see NEPA and FSH 1909.15_25.1(3)].” As instructed,
appendix G has been republished to include all Public Concern Statements and
responses, as well as copies of all letters received by Federal, State, and
local agencies and elected officials. The republished appendix replaces the
appendix published in the FEIS in December 2013.
GIS data files for figures in the FEIS and Draft ROD
Download ZIP (104.1 MB, 89 files)
GIS files are not provided for FEIS or Draft ROD figures
that were provided only as images, pdf files, graphs, etc. Those figure numbers
are listed in this document:
Download PDF (29 KB, 1 page)