Scientific Investigations Report 2008–5145
ABSTRACT![]() The Coastal Plain aquifers of New Jersey provide an important source of water for more than 2 million people. Steadily increasing withdrawals from the late 1800s to the early 1990s resulted in declining water levels and the formation of regional cones of depression. In addition to decreasing water supplies, declining water levels in the confined aquifers have led to reversals in natural hydraulic gradients that have, in some areas, induced the flow of saline water from surface-water bodies and adjacent aquifers to freshwater aquifers. In 1978, the U.S. Geological Survey began mapping the potentiometric surfaces of the major confined aquifers of New Jersey every 5 years in order to provide a regional assessment of ground-water conditions in multiple Coastal Plain aquifers concurrently. In 1988, mapping of selected potentiometric surfaces was extended into Delaware. In the Atlantic City 800-foot sand, water-level changes were greatest in southern Cape May County; at the Cape May desalination wells, water levels were as much as 32 ft lower in 2003 than in 1998. In contrast, water levels at the center of a regional cone of depression near Atlantic City rose by as much as 10 ft. Within the Piney Point aquifer water levels rose by 46 ft near Seaside Park. Similarly, water levels increased by more than 30 ft in and around the major cone of depression underlying Dover, Delaware. In the Vincentown aquifer, water levels stabilized or recovered by 2 ft to 6 ft from 1998 to 2003 in most of the wells measured; the exception is near Adelphia in Monmouth County, where water levels rose by as much as 18 ft. |
First posted March 9, 2009
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dePaul, V.T., Rosman, Robert, and Lacombe, P.J., 2009, Water-level conditions in selected confined aquifers of the New Jersey and Delaware Coastal Plain, 2003: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2008-5145, 123 p., 9 pl.
Data Collection and Analysis
Cohansey Aquifer
Rio Grande Water-Bearing Zone
Atlantic City 800-Feet Sand
Piney Point Aquifer
Vincentown Aquifer
Wenonah-Mount Laurel Aquifer
Englishtown Aquifer System
Upper Potomac-Raritan-Magothy Aquifer
Middle and undifferentiated Potomac-Raritan-Magothy Aquifer
Lower Potomac-Raritan-Magothy Aquifer
References Cited
Rio Grande Water-Bearing Zone
Appendix 1. Water-level data for wells screened in the confined Cohansey aquifer and the Rio Grande water-bearing zone, New Jersey Coastal Plain, 1978-2003
Appendix 2. Water-level data for wells screened in the Atlantic City 800-foot sand, New Jersey Coastal Plain, 1978-2003
Appendix 3. Water-level data for wells screened in the Piney Point aquifer, New Jersey and Delaware Coastal Plain and vicinity, 1978-2003
Appendix 4. Water-level data for wells screened in the Vincentown aquifer, New Jersey Coastal Plain, 1978-2003
Appendix 5. Water-level data for wells screened in the Wenonah-Mount Laurel aquifer, New Jersey and Delaware Coastal Plain, 1978-2003
Appendix 6. Water-level data for wells screened in the Englishtown aquifer system, New Jersey Coastal Plain, 1978-2003
Appendix 7. Water-level data for wells screened in the Upper Potomac-Raritan-Magothy aquifer, New Jersey and Delaware Coastal Plain and vicinity, 1978-2003
Appendix 8. Water-level data for wells screened in the Middle and undifferentiated Potomac-Raritan-Magothy aquifer, New Jersey and Delaware Coastal Plain and vicinity, 1978-2003
Appendix 9. Water-level data for wells screened in the Lower Potomac-Raritan-Magothy aquifer, New Jersey and Delaware Coastal Plain and vicinity, 1978-2003