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Preliminary Tuft Testing of Metallic Bristles Versus PS212, PS300, and HVOF300Turbine engine brush seals are designed with sacrificial brushes and hard shaft coatings to minimize shaft wear and reduce the cost of engine overhauls. Replacing a worm seal is more cost and time effective than refinishing an engine shaft. However, this tribological design causes excessive brush wear and reduces long term seal efficiency. An alternative approach is to coat the shaft with a solid lubricant and allow the bristles to wear into the shaft coating similar to traditional abradable labyrinth seals. This approach can result in reduced seal leakage by forcing the leakage to flow through the seal bristle pack or through a more tortuous shaft wear track. Key to this approach is limiting the shaft wear to an acceptable level were surface refinishing would not be required during every engine overhaul. Included in this paper are brush seal tuft test results for four metallic bristles (nickel-chrome or cobalt-chrome based superalloys) tested against three solid lubricant coatings (NASA's PS212, PS300, and HVOF300). These test results are also compared to previous baseline tests conducted with plasma sprayed chrome carbide. Compared to the baseline results, no tribological benefit was achieved with the metallic bristle/solid lubricant tribopairs tested. To improve the performance of the solid lubricant coatings, issues regarding lubricant phase sizes (homogeneity), and composition need to be addressed.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Legacy CDMS
Document Type
Reprint (Version printed in journal)
Fellenstein, James A.
(Ohio Aerospace Inst. Cleveland, OH United States)
DellaCorte, Christopher
(NASA Lewis Research Center Cleveland, OH United States)
Date Acquired
September 6, 2013
Publication Date
June 1, 1998
Subject Category
Chemistry And Materials (General)
Report/Patent Number
NAS 1.15:107522
Report Number: NASA-TM-107522
Report Number: NAS 1.15:107522
Report Number: E-10835
Funding Number(s)
PROJECT: RTOP 523-22-13
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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