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Combating Nuclear Smuggling: Inadequate Communication and Oversight Hampered DHS Efforts to Develop an Advanced Radiography System to Detect Nuclear Materials

GAO-10-1041T Published: Sep 15, 2010. Publicly Released: Sep 15, 2010.
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The Department of Homeland Security's (DHS) Domestic Nuclear Detection Office (DNDO) is charged with developing and acquiring equipment to detect nuclear and radiological materials to support federal efforts to combat nuclear smuggling. Also within DHS, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has the lead for operating systems to detect nuclear and radiological materials entering the country at U.S. ports of entry. In 2005, DNDO began working on the cargo advanced automated radiography system (CAARS) intending that it be used by CBP to detect certain nuclear materials in vehicles and containers at U.S. ports of entry. However, in 2007 DNDO decided to cancel the acquisition phase of the program and convert it to a research and development program. GAO was asked to examine events that led to DNDO's decision to cancel the acquisition phase of the program and provide lessons learned from DNDO's experience. This statement is based on prior GAO reports from March 2006 through July 2010 and ongoing work reviewing DHS efforts to develop radiography technology. For ongoing work, GAO reviewed CAARS planning documents and interviewed DHS, DNDO, and CBP officials. GAO provided a draft of the information in this testimony to DHS and component agencies, which provided technical comments and which were incorporated as appropriate.

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Sarah Kaczmarek
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Office of Public Affairs

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Cargo screeningCommunicationContract oversightCost effectiveness analysisHomeland securityLessons learnedMaritime securityNuclear materialsNuclear radiation monitoringOperational testingRadiation monitoringResearch and developmentResearch programsRisk assessmentRisk managementSmugglingStrategic planningSystems evaluationSystems integrationTechnologyPolicies and proceduresProgram goals or objectives